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VARIETY C^PlTXjliy NEW Y(^^ .' vau.tlpvillo bill ) wild Inisiiic'SH' for tlif(.Capitt/l. tliis :wi?.iM<. '.It '\vl.ll;,l>ftvi'! to as t.ho- 'f«^itiii'o' iiit't-ii.iT.; -.'il.'ii A WisiV (Miflii", OM,.-£t)', ^v()irtv<VoVWy-r' tlilnff, un ii.s.-ow.ii ■ <)lrt'iV tlVah.'Xvlicit ti-n(1 k{- ma'>• • 1 h\ d (-a.vviv inID ;!li.o ;IV()U«c. t>y t.h'iv. !i;'Siral e^iVofjs ;iljsi<lay .:'!u.is :t)'(»- siiU^s liuloliOlly fn ■:tlv9. )I(yiii^st .tln'otf .Noxv- V<>.i"!f '. d/nU'^s;^ -Tlwl;. I.ipnfe^^^^^^ piOiJu'ity, . aiV\v)ii?i:o... ■•■ liovveVcrV-'.- WnM. iii'vi-"!;. afrlC': ii):. riialco : trade'Xui: :.U-popr ;i)icl(:ir£>.:- '■■ ■■■ '[ • T.Ii.o; ' nariios.; aPe:r'.<^cOrfi'«>: 'Jossolv H'clit>i) MCanp ami Viiu.'ont I^oiVez;, . T.ho>; apiioar:.ill turns ■Avith iTosKeV , sol ^m.(^'infir. f<)r Mjss; K'aniti.. AV.ttir trio CMiostor 'HjUt- llivo '^riVls V^^^ for tVirc<> .or■ tlioir'onsohfiblc iVflriibovi?. titc; , slasro' wlibw rim& .56 inliiu.tc*s aiid.- t,lVe who.)*?. .norYftvnvnnbc,^ . Josscl. siecnWd'.Jibo"i;ai iviindcd rit. t lie f)t:.st 9lio\V' oppiiUiij da y: In. s,i>litr tinf? bis act .he eaVo .the. «euoiTd;soc.«.' tlo.n -thb'inost.i. Jle .tpid stories; Biigs,. ad libbeA' and' .siihff, / .Meiitliwi vljy.i JosfieJ of -Mayor, . walker, 'Kpt- api, iHuHise, and .rcf'OrJ'trce to Al ShviUi- ;witb6ul,o:Y(ih nairi|i<>f. hhnv f^ot. somo niare ... stes«<?l • fijavc' .St', ^ood shoW ...in' this bif? i)fcturfi ;l.V0H-s6' and ; it 'jvofe over, -He was oil'.a •piatloi.M.n ,abo.<^G the ,prc.heStra.i)li;; \ ' ■V' ' : V'-- r.ppez a:nA. his. orcliestrValad .nicely, , pledTjiii.c; .both, ihnos. .■Hi'j fiii:,v,le was: ''Kteerv .with d tM-pdu.otloii: a,r,aniid It^: JSceiie rfepresentc'd.a, sXiy,-y ■SGrijipei' ifhiiei* eq'ti.&tvuctipn .with; the scliera'e .eavried out ' tp its, cbnijpler tion. Tli« llrtale girjs in oii. this coS-. tunvcd- as;'steerA\;OrkeV^ . \-'> .. - ■ The Hale -sirts 4o..well. all. ! of . the timei ThVy ave ono. .b£- the iwvjnders bx the, Bi=oad:Wrty.' .ahow . busi«ef»«. .this; Krolip. pf . 32. or..- so: ' ^Thoy . po.' ' into a idlu«'reat-,r.6utlnc. weekly]. Ja]--: . ways; pei-f.ectly-. altiibuSh. .they; must rehearse -fbi: tlic / fbllpwhiff\ Wefek's. iiiiilibers, Avbile . cui-rei'itly ^a^<'>'foivnV-' ; Itifj four tiiiVcs daily,. Q»e pE theii'. ' othci^- nunvl)ers:'ho\V-,)'s a.nov^^ ■ Lit,; alpiij^ .ilio- w'boden spld'fer;. lines. Misss: Kane ..did 'het* ii.sUfCl ." .baby . cry stufl!..with j.b;ascl .having .his bblr~ laV and shirt: ruined, vah^jp a,s •usual.. ..,Quilfe^ -.T mdnilji* total.- repr.csent^ii "iJy thc/itli'pe? -..n^^ aet"- ■ I'Vrhaips not Ti^iirf^lr.'more;- ho.We.VTh tptb„ ■than , ibo'Ga'pttb.l ;'.niu.sf pajr; fof its; resviiar sl,i,gp .imit.: , .That unit vthis A^'eoU. bmittcid .by.:;tfio';:CapitbV, is. St, Iip.e«'i> Paradis^^^ Otl.wr ...pprlioiis .of. the;'.interlude^ ' weVe; the Gapitbl's, pvorturp,:; sound; neU'H inr ludihfr.' ihe- Heai^st. ^'Cilbbe Trotter, the: .dujt ..aiid out sidat-frpiti^ but Rrtately.' .ihforipVi.to.;-Univor>>ia;l's Tail.fing 'Keiibrter,-':and ,the UriiiKjr ■With anno.u'ncemcnts... ■ ';; AN'hbes'cr: arrari'flied. 'tho ■runninff order of the -three ha'tnes; is etntitled .to sQnie ruai;cre(lit. It' has been .\yell dbne. ftlie©-show-fan ll|te,a, vaudc bill vi'itlV' the, :three; acts cpatribut Ing- fiye turns w.ithin .60 niiriii^^ Cai)i;toi's,.scale is' 5J)c.;;tbi)"r maiihee, yf'iih at .ni^ht in ;th'e~ orchestra. Ii the' IIKO palace^ s tra.igl it: ■ vaudp; tried tp;,i).lay ;th?so. thrcb tiame/acts 6n one; bilI and- had;: to . adit- its :;c<is^ tOPiary fpiir 6t five pther. turns,, the Palace w.oiihV:BO ove;i%bai;(V b'n.-'srtl-- ary. The ,clirCerehCe-Js between UiC' Palaeo"^<;'f-op. prross at' $2.' of $"'n..P.O0 and the Caitit,(>t's.it0i) pt 'bVx^j;. $;i.Ob;-^ . .000 jin'a siniile-Aveek.. .:- ■ ;'.. ;^,^ ■' : lUit. of .Toin^sb. :tho :cap'i.toi:do.es^^^^ p1a.\"^ to' il00i00"0p«ery.brtoh^\i()i: dot^.s t1\o Valaoc to $ j3."d00;. .AVUh another f1ifli-ii'i>iu'r> .in. tlvft nyorhonH Wf ' eacli.' sohit? B'lffiflesi; TliW Iead.y iieally ihtp a son); frbiii iioi(?prj(»v au:eOt.ed-tlifi' ■ijlrl,' and': a - waltji bit to .\\>Ui ;-\y,il)v I^si'b.lyn Iloby ■sin<>othinB:.; it ivll oti. bffeetivoly ;by ^coin i .pV) iiti f he iior -; .vous type -liie.otipy-.■ nib'^-fl h;Ubfi kIi t fot-^ ih'e .llrat-.tJihb,.; Tlit-y^als-o s:p.inlO tt. brief dahbo .'lus .a; breakaway, ; .• ■••Ati^r- an,- lii;tro.'. b'y.'"b»*:i-V ilpi^ors liiccpts l.s -.f Out-in.o With a. .si)ei',iaV \sp'iif,';i V'UdiHfr . Aly" >*turc-:;:iti . l>orftpnV^ lliti .sinftiiVs.- irfn't so hi'Jt; bl.it! l.he jvbf,-. sp)jalii;\vplus lhe:;in.!;;lo this is a' l)io;>. tiirip stari-a .friy ■:with'..l.h<--. ladiif's; Rblfj U('l':(>SS..bl\b;- "tr. '•' ''■ :^ lit-biib •Ki)ot ;yonnff.- ili.(.i;ei'-S: vnw'l re.:*i.St; y:::.pruiL;' for hiins,i>lt-;!Uid -'hl-s 'next' -Jjie.tui-e, : ':Iji'tW..y.er'«'..-.: fieci'o.l,'-'; cpiiiplpied. put iini;eieii*!ed.: ■'Thoy let; n'lo bb nu'k'*UV''hb'say.(<'j;as; ho';..slips ■lii .tlie:'i)'i.uji^-'-' ''.:■ -V.".';•' '; :■ ■;aUib; 'i3iil>!.).'i'' "j>anrov'd'- 'Kn,se'niblo- (nilxed )\ openK.;hc£p'<"b 'a- .ibiitrt^falb w Mi-.op in a : Very elTociiv,p .MpivK-'an(l; '\1.'iii.cbiuitfibeii',.W'itU. so.in»^' b.C ilit* .hoj'.s. d(iVibI iiig/f bi; ■ Sui't^(u'C-s'lioc; i.alhcH Xhe.h '..stay ' avvay ■ :iiitlil ■ the .■finale ■•:Wlii.ohi>vind.<?- iti^i;;thb':liope.r.V:actv.^'.-: .1 i)a.y is asain'. ha;s biW -boys in .fa- li nb' .down ;ffojit: fof niusioal^ ;vocal a.nd cpinedy.; mix ture!^: ■ That,lit Lib bopi- ■ edy it tried hiiys't.-'1Va:\\* c-bivio. piu';(if burlesque: niariy'yeai-s'aso'- biit; it^s' 'clean,-anylvi>^vi:. -. i.-t : ^. '■['. Bptb: jjf^niier- . cifvd- -Mis.*) ' ..HbeJ• >'cb^bd. Inxiiyiduai'rbt'u.rns itV]^^^^ '.standl'lrg.-Avay.; I'bh^^^ gcs-.' ture.s; : manixbi'lsih's;-.,aivd . <\'alk . »'e-: :ihin,ds ' pr .l^aViry.: -LangdbiK;: xiobs .a: ;c'pii^(ed■j^.^ibi>ftvf.pr.•l^ Kyca ■fhougli. it;.ti' long;; it's: good: - . .,.:" :. ■ pleasiing . yblcc: 'a^^^ pbr.sbhal.i.t.j; blii'kins: -'fbV;- he.r iinnVtvdiiJ.te.l.v; -Mi.-ss Hbey lauhehes. iiitb \'Xt'a vou; AgaiiV.'V .fblio\\-iiig wfth an--imprb'ssipn:^b£;C'al); Galloway .doing; biie pi: his rav's... - A nd tli&t :iniiHvesi?ion..ibv- npUxM^ cycetlbnt, ■' :'.;•:■';• ' ■-:;;: ■'■ . ,,.Iiiiiin;iiig:.-' 'time;;..53 -'liiiiiiUes and hardly .a s^lp'W nionieht.an.y.xvhe.re- ■ :'' t>a.'^'Q iiubiiibrf-■■..still arouiid . a'lVd 6tiir ■.fje-ttihg^ V V'iK li^ivd: -J'l-lc^Vne: iSi'ai'id'opera -'oift.sAiind.ors..;f(),r;:a .Ibctive' .- ' special -. arraii^e.jiieiit;'^-. .hei; baii^s; out- the 'did ^v.tbliiv .currently foiva ...s~()lb..'.' TlVos(v sbhis always- :put :ipiubilipfC ovei*. sti:ohg,; if nbIhitig-:elsa dobs.-';: ■:-.." ■'■:■:"■; \ •- •,:■■": ■■.••'■.' -.; Je.s.se-.Ci'a'ivforVl'daes five- ti.tinibefs bri< the .b.rgan, with siVetMa;! ;,slfdei5 fbr tacb. :AUdiencb f-stn:}-!!!!?. js "aiiprtr- entiy. oirt forevbr bei:e.: ilMayb'c? it's gfbwin.^:tbb cbuTinbii for tlib higiffci* 'deiwxe^its. - '■■••-.' ■'': : ^-.vhar:: tQE W^S STMT^,!^.; , .'-. . •; •' .,■. • . I^ps -Angeles, 'M^ty-^^^.l^^^^^^ :. ''TIHtc '.Big:'F.ig.iife.^<" ;;rdea, .tvfl.ni props ■ b.rvlirinall.y-:;:pro:duced ;at "the itox^'; INewJYoi-kt and' latei^ sliipped kb, the Chinese: hbfe. for the .''^^^ i'bl^." rv-n, fibvr: makes .the.; r6uto as' a regular: Fahbhbri ..& :Maiicb;. unit, jr-i'vc ■■.Tan;sIey3,..risT0j' \vd'i-kers; - Har.^ 'bid -Stanton, ■: t,c'nO'^ ','vb.<;n1isf,; -and Xbree, abrbbati,c daVrrer,;of the orig- inal 'Chjh^'.se-.c.ast'are. ;!5.^^^^^^^ :tlie lliie\i.p;':'thoug:iV Nbreb-. i.s. .bci.h'g placed '.for :f6ur ' wb.ijks^-Ijy Miinel (^ai-dncr..\vhire rpcuperating.; fronv a hose pperatioii. illalinp .Francos :is m istrbss :of 'c,bfcrripfifbs.':. • ;.; ■;■ .' ':. Opening,- ■w:hi.(';l'i; Wis tli-b. .big.' flash' at. ■the: ■ tMi{n<;«e,. .-is. -dulled.' a -hit:' throiigh .. 'lytfin-g .bVvilt.. .bn ' .the; ..ribw sepllb-V.^'PctH^ut- "Ven^a^^ KviniHeV bt'is ' been'. fcndered '.'in.f eyery .■cort;' cciyablo' niapnerfand- .is';t'oo...fariiiH,ir :cvbn to •tliese:lbc:iV;audii>'tibes to give tlic.ni.ra .Kick, ^I^i.np- f^iul.>^ 'do; 'a $paii- •isb roufino .t.cv.^tlic runil.i';i..;.T>abk^.d^^^^ rei)re'sei).ti< tlie large.' rigUre.'piE' a'.l>c.a> PA^AMOV '■■ ■ ■ .: .> \ itps Auifi'^eSi'May; r^^^^ ' ,{SCag.inp : jin'd • bolnty ' featuVbd-. iii what ■■is -Uillbd {lis-his .iilba.fbC a priJr Jog '•: f<(r' ho'naft'(;*'i.ar- .rbasoinV: ;l ln> -. niy :ft.aA'p; ts niofb a w;orfle:d .<»u.pe,r.-: vl.sof:;than'.'ri;.: bbh'l-ic ' ifi :',t-ho;. l-'iir-a-- i.h.ot)rit.:ioc!al pfcsbiitalibii thfij.'XvbeIci .sbi^e .:shb'\v' aij;: i i'e.su.lt^^4^^ ly: U'lgiitw eigh f ■■'■y^)-^----::^::.;-/'^'/''-, . .:Fullsia'ge set: .«£ a. de.HiM^t-; ■riincl). is.^. ihscfi; .savo.'|)riit'app~iHio^. rt.s;^'a.-.c.it>;- cliiihiiV *<vhb= has^ :pitrt^li.a.sed^^^ wiiic'h 'is; boVered; AVfth.. ciii-ti -and 1 - ffl.ris. In ..^'uibnrier-lfobks.' .Uo is.;ni> n.iore^ fiavo ithan fl.s-.CJcprge; Afllss. ■ .V Trtiii ; J^iid- ;,;Harik,',. rppe-.'^pfniiiiig .1 u \'jE'« wiiO: ti d;e bn: a n d■ pit an po ii i bs• woiild havo;bceri a light :'n<>.velt.y but reriiaincd too lo;ng;'<la:tet., also ap-^ pearcd' again. toj:fliidlethb Ish'owvAviliv trl('k ni.difig, back .and. :^i^ of in: .a; ,f.liifi*; 'Dblays,.. silo.ii: as th.e ina-tvet.fvered - pjoulc.s :in; tiro -.wrna.s, n\fi;do.;it,a^dbrky;vindup;- ■ ; ■ .;. - .JX'tye^and^-Kuth .Tribb;.hfj?ii^ c.i'''s.and tappers, .were;.used in-: front; p.f . Tthb.- la girls- -INvi.be , aiid .-'o^cltbd'. miidly:-;; Ittcohgrubii^i^'bit-..thereafter^ was- by.; J^nofes Xj.-; Millei-,. .cbloved-- wbo;;;t.s ■ iyejll -equipped.-vpcally but ban 'nbybr-'-seehi-;;sthcbi-c; s}'n,!;fn?? bt liis.;'.'0.1^.Man;!lUyev-': iii a;«tagcfU:l of bacti; -cVcn" :tho^]gh ..fchpr& ''was• .i rrioitptain lake-high on the. backdi!oj>. . Kayo fbllpvvbd;. with, nibst of : his rog.ii !a r; ^'a;.lideV1 lie ate t hu t:.cbuld:. .get: ri'o\vhbit"e;-prt slow pantoniirtie .with; a .d.ullexl apdibiicb^ In thb-.iric-k ■ iMd.r. Ing: finale By: the hpy. rbne.rs,:.the bali iet .i'n 'a .erand.stafid was backbd by several iwVs of , duniiriies-. Nb . ga.g ,wa.< .n\ade of it .hbv: attention bailbci to it,;;■ Thiriji'. ■Ipbkbd : 1 ike .a, Pbvbvfy How .:;0rize-light' Audience,. sbq ue ii cci ■- Oscar. Kaum .'aiid the' pit 6i'chcst-i-a niedlbybd. three pops to j^ood -i't'suli. pi'bbbedtrtg the' stage: shbw,^ Kup-' pprtliig: *|Dude ORanch.''.:-(l'>ar)vb-n> tlie' screbh-.wefb. P£]Li'anioui;u Sound-Mbw^; aiTd.,,a Glve^terileld -fifj short of blips fronn bid . pictiires- wlvlch.' drew the show's bbst hand., P.usinbss falf;:. ■r.^--^^-^:-':i^i^(^ ; ■ •::;^;Nbw'''5?pi;k;^^ifay'.l'(».--.;' . Biit),ding -the .p'vGpturb ■ iii to '.a ryi 1V nodged.., stage ; pfe.sehtatibn ;;fbr a ;two-;i).art: stage, show,-. Vitlv bitlVcr' .secti()ri;-; cbritalhlng^ :aImost. as; nni(>h 'Orbd:£ic;!tibn:.as tiie ayevagb iegit ini.'.-: sic.a],. -.-fjives .'t-h6 ;..-Ko.xy; .aii e'.^cep.- tibiially ; sWohg :•; sitixpe affaii^- this ^>veeiv; ' Pibfufe Is^;.".Six! ;C!ylijider ;tjbve" CFo:;) . arid the. Boxy lyajanCe. .a-gaih, i.s-.on-\the stage'.^slde-." " Th(^y .cbiitlniib to foUbw the bcis:; ;ln!i.l Itpxy pattef.n :• &£ fla.slVes'ianiV .inassies under thb: new producing rbsirhe here, tlibiigli hfi-vlng 'addbd^ a snap in.'the way;,pf "Standard ■vatidc-:,. . vfUc ^spc.pialists. ■ The' bpmbinjitipri .f'!5 'an irriprpycnibnt :.;6vei:: sohibtliing that rhafdly needed inTprpy.fhgj ■ in bpiiig .>s.p.'.-far ^hea:d bf. ariyfhing ;olse ■.p£ :-itS' kind/ this' now ;;Seiidi.rtg. the .Boxy' cv^tj -farther : ahead - of ; t,he n.ut.vpndQr v rest of the presfehtatibn ifltfld.. •; .• The overt'ufe,; 'lAida:," ; •H-i'th.. the :f3tiri-^o part In tbrce: s^titiojis,' ■vvas a spcctaolo :both- Iti: the.pit and bn the ibsttuih. :\ For. the:-.finish; it ;went Ihroc-iiiiife with a trio ;pr trumpeters on ..either, side' of . the :pVo'sbpTi.fvvni wjiil.; : Scene ilsed from .the bptira, ,:was the return ;.b£.. Itada'hicis,; yCfi- 'lbst•^;;'^Aida■'; tor- 'i; ;So,l'b - hy~ IJa.i'pld Van ,.I.}h}!ebi;stafiC. teiiof.:.. Tlib hbu'f=e crbw.V .in,cluding;:thb-' two 5;if 1 . lines, ballet, and '.pbhy, t^nd^. the;: niLvcd singlhg.''';:c.harus,..;v;^iv,as'-;; ijiypived,: pb.'ubling. of / the' two' ltrtes .-int'eV. the sc'cpud stage: p.umber,. i'pptled- under t l ;b ^pictiu'c, cnt i vilb' poine^e.'i.Ci'a.lpHibt* currbiitlyj .and -'-at fi.:yeva-:day;-. it's fiultb .'ai; assisnnjpnt.-; ' .. ' ; --:• : .,XeWi^reel .'(FP.v-Sl-ov-iet'one) 'dnd. -a iiicke.\r'^Mbii.seVcai-toon,.^ \'Tiie- Cast- away," : split ..Othb'-iwo' .stagp; ..prod lib tip lis; .;. 1! labj hg;" of, the' vcuf lb o ii in .a regular ^spbt at: till -shp'ivs -is aji ii ii- u.sual,vprbee(Ju;!;b■ fol-' llie 'Ubxy,' Xbt b.;i(i :proKra;iri; ax^'rajigbnion-t,; :iii ;ad'd- iiig-. tp the biU-'s. variety;: •; . ■ .': : : . - ''I'^rollc'"of: Youth-:>yaji :-aLsp. three , -parts,' each repr-esciuiiiff ,a- nursery : rhyiiie' ■ and ; ' in trbdocpd tlvrbugh.'dtief.s.-;by .,i)oV0tby.:;i\Iii;le.t- .4nd Aiiiy !CJoldS"':ii.tii, .seated: on; the brg;an in the front bi?'the. pitr. "Old .Woinakb-in the Shoe," With: a .cutout set i-bprcijentipfj the .w'/ ki -,bbot and livbrti.sbd: tb; pbrmit-pnt-rajVc-e. b? .thb: girls ■ ■'through' the - tpn'guc,' wa.s ;d<?.- vbt.bd niainiy .ta the ■.iloxyet'tes, with jiiUbh .:soenici - fla:.*5h::.. for '. 's.uptiort; 'Xittic ' M^ss- .Miiffbt''' h.ad' 'Pati'icia lib.wDiah'on hbr-tpes'and at.her :best with irnfbld, iAWa.s ;}vabkKt'bVindlng: as. the spider, b'or 4 hujjb: .weV :, ■■..'•:Mary,- lilapy-;''.Qii:l,to Gb.iit.ixiry":' in chi'de.d;", the ;'>\V.liol6: ;st,ock . boiiipivhy :'i!he .ih-iniits ih,:a:h'abl)re\^ialit'd .versi()n of ^thbiivjiahto aud'sloW nvor tibn t'nnibfiiiB 'turn' tro.rii ■ViI.UdovilU\ ;:' ■•'■•' •^■v'.-'^... .-. , . ' ':^..;;..-.;;; TRANsV,tu;x. :-.r^y^-,.-:: .' j><;o't .'a;,iibt-,iip\vs-. item , .in -/thb . prb.- 'graiir».:for- iltb last hi.il£;'Of last .week. Ao^iop .:co.medy, -';'Cln:dei'elT!^," is: fth; old.vbiic .■aVid.''this'':AI;uUsbn .avbi>ue ;bi^an»?h is eviilbntl'S' making a, .pjay foV., tln>: -. nelghboi-liood: k(ds* .V llervty bf thbni LU:p.<J.olit:/Ut. an barly c si.ip>v,:- r^'..■'..;v;:':';'- -v - '''';■'-,';; ,.- 'irl}:-'-■■ No pa r.ti<nirrti'-:,a.u(honco .-reacts 1 o any thi'h g- bii ■ ;ih p. .bill:'- ;biv'.b.p t .:'th e .tlih%s- :^vith. kid-'app^eah; -..These -Jh.T.' bliidbd ;avii.ye-:yeafipid;.'Btfl; .at.; thb piaribj Mi:is,s^o.iiril - ' trainihg-.'; .-bpy- FaKbists;'. ^ Bbrlin yo»in"?^tofs IhT/a m'lniafcure..-'- .■ni'ivtbreyeie;; •: i'a.ce■. .-.ah.d Khgli.sVi. ■iads:;:in a .cr'o.ss :'country hiarathbjVf'-. • ':-■;■ •''- -:.',':'■.. ■' -'■■■:• '. .; ■ iCadio',; ihrb.uigh'' 'tlie- v.PiUIi'b, ,v'c-; leiise-!';.\yeekiy worii-s. in sohip ' kind' of PHbiicity,'; :This;tiiiib it Ihas ;tc) do NvlLI'i;. the -^thyratoiib, :ihfahfc^^^ whi(,'h sourids^viikb ; an . .organ , with.. tho-.-.fiibe, ■treatmfcnt ' ';Cohvict .ship aUso-:gpt iyard.s; of. piibliblty.:; in. ?i' Ibngtliy' CliiV Avith- the;: lecture - that ■ac.c.bnipaniei" ■ 'the, regular, -50 • eerit ■loUrv''-';■;';.■ :; ;';--- -; : ■;■'' ■: ■ . l^livybr^^'aikbr .."w-aissi p'ooriy.■■ coy-' bi'bd rby. loathe in the: poiibt parade.- None, '.of the . bracks bxiH^c.tb.d .by the' ,q.yerag<i fail aVI^^^^^ «Vor.dinig'. '■: In: anothbr:,cllp .bbhcerh- iiig his addrbs^. bh;:.''Mother's Diii/"- ■\Valkeiv :v;as . sbmi.-clbsb ^.jpiVbd.:, fpr ■feb^nb-ieiigtii-;- top m.ubh, in ;i:act;.- ' - ;,:■: "The new prbsiiept.s bf: Spain- arid- FraiiC'b' wbre: forinai';£iTbb Ci^b>\'jds 'iiiajbfing; 5:1^^ th©- caiTier^L work; . Ail ii^tbrvie^v. with^ a ifchiiiiC taxi, di^vbr alohg ■stei'cotyped. linba The'.regular NVr.etjCl.iiJg^blip.fbJlbwcd.. : Other;.; itehis ':ih(:liided; ..sbmft old -bu't' wbrthwhile' .view's b£ l.tiissiah JfarnVinp .witlr, thb ''I'Hvb ■■iis the .cJipi'ioii. ;.thi:s' "was. .Used ■ a's ^tlie:,.ieader;:- 'A: ribW' ;-Eriglish' ■v\;u;y pf LauiibhUVg . small boats, -:;si.do\v.ay>s, but iibt ribw tb; newiU"eelg,;:a. Sla'ry- land .horije j'acp, 'French b.xpbiiitiprii tlio: oirtbPard/motor boat rKbe down; :tlifr'';niid&'briv Frapcip's fastest' lopb^ motive,, andGardinil JVfuiidclejn ■oircoi:' the^ .dbiiicatlori of ' ;the J np-\y Vattca'n (,;'i;ty 'Cbilegc 't.ouiidcd' bujt.- :>Prbbai)ly ;-th'e'.^ •vyc . he'w:3r.ecl prpgi-'ani: ye;t gbiten.. tdjjbth er.usher'.^ ;in;'the'.hcuv.Tritnsl.iis. lU-p'a pprium-: '.dealing:^ in news?. .matter: 'This; ahd''ti)e::Sistbr'■hpus.e,;.^pec'i izing ■ ■■ in,: short: ^iiihjbct«, .opened Sat\ir(iay/Cl6:).v."T:h.e; 'spot;;d.baling it'i shorts-hapri't ai single of. double reelT pf btv-;;thp.; bill <vhic.lv ■ could- ha^ beeri: caUod htw 'a cPiipib .of, month-*? ago,.. 3rbt late' Saturday: liight: there ■vvbrc; lirtps^^rbund. the- bo>c ofnc.0S;;bf .both piaces'.v. - -.' ■-': : -■,':- -'-,:,://■;.,. ■ , . ;K,6t: an' :'actio'n- blip ; iri .the.'current newsi; wrlth thb;-,excop.tibn;;o£ a Jhay- inbund buihuiig iri iitanlla/^ but the Saturday eye, payce.S: hiarilfcstea;:an iijCoi-esit riot "fbund Ih' soriie . pt; the .prtlaqes' oh the stbiri .vfherb At legist attempts: wer.e ■ riVdde to . rivake the vnterlalnmerit bo.riaiide. .' .' ; V iilagazirib stuff, the .riiost plcriUful and . conspicuous. ; That: guy. going up the : AVbplwprth' stbbple. a^ doj,' with IC piipjyici^'r. AiiriapQlis ,middies on parade;'' Gal if brri ia's raisin; f es 11 - val; .dailcirig.iiV:Qalifpfjiia and Pai-i.s -T-all inbUtdbd'^ in .this sehodu.le.. - . . The .:fivcryiear^rd...piano, prodigy, wliich *-Very nbtt'«recl-liad'>: was 'iiscd :as'. a Ic^ait. :-,; Siinplo .views bf . Sir. ..Hubert's; ;.poiflir v; bound .:subnfa;ririe Ica'.virig^Nbw Vpr^ .'iybrb as li.uiob.ii- pusly. :re.f-utcd by ;i l"btired^•admira^ in an ■i i .iU't'y li i w. Z.ulu -wai.i ioi s.-wc ' i i res u r rec^tpd. an al so ..u lib liuvn' .f«(i ti taiii - -iritbpypvcp' froui a -i;at.hb Kc vieiy::.^; :■'■■■ / \ After ;tlie.:Ctfat, landed: in.'Cairo. nuth"isrbhols:tbbk-:a- ;f'ew .seconds to tbli- hbw .she .bxpocted 'tb .ily . tlie At lari.tlc; ' and . thb ■ remaihdor; ^f. the -roei \vas taken up with scvefal sub jb'(-ls gener.ally'tiriintbrejjfcing.-Apibng these wa.s.it slipt oC a^irelaHy.e of the ;fniMner Kai-sef; -an ICniu" .bird~;iri tlie >?e.w ydrk zoo, anil; sbnie itiiore foot age blii'this 'ilk;'^:- : -;• . >;>V:a?yy the. old bonds - ihfp'':h.oiiiiri.gs ','ii.i; Hip.: ..je\vV i5r:ybar. 'loaji..\ ' iul<,'i;es.tiiig 'io;. - ' bpndhplder,s^,. if there.are a.iVy. ; . iSIx 'btlicf clip.S: Jii: lijb;.-:.Gaiin>ii;iu ■ . issuci' .thi'bb-.f.ire;-]:-:ng1:|^ A-ni'orib'an.>' lyeading- iri. liritish :j';rhr-. ■ pifp'. intei-eiit Vthe...departure •di-".. . JL,ord .:\yniingil6ris;fbr: Iridia:; td' tiiK-iV'' ' .ypi- vthe du;tie>^ -aa-: 'virof byV • -:SiioWii:.:' AVilbngdoh tialung\the balli oC.arieiiv l ahbe tb 'riooijgb 'V' arid; driving in'aiV ' : ' ppeii; barrlagc :th!-pugh .the;. libtidbji- ' ;.;5t-x'e'ei;s tb.-;.W:ateriipp :.sth-l;ibiii:.-. .I'Hual. . . ■fJiiards■ escort '>vitiv IndiuLU tTlijopti' .' ; ia-rikipft tiie ;.c'.ar:i';iage; (i'lip js iri-^ sei-tbd :s.how'irig'.ik>r.d ;K'Wini i'ct^^^^ "viceroy,,.' takipg .:: le!ivb.' ,pf: .':lri,dia'n^ .:- prijices.1:.';; .XytiUiiigdoh-:; ■was : fbrriibr r. gpvcf:nP'i'^/renern,i-;;,-o:t'^^^C^^ "b'tj'i 'aiij)la'u.sb'-,h"erbi,- ''--.-.•■^, '.-':-'- ; •::.■ : - -: .Itoy'al . famib'-'StiU '■.gp.ad -fov:..scat-^' ::' tcred: ftpplHu.sjt* and. .pVurif-vS lIerii^^^^ presence at the :l5ritish :y5bccbr Gli'p '; final ;at;\Vbnil>U«y ratbs; ; Shows him > . shaklpg :hands wllli -thevteanits,- then-:," -.;:pam;..of tli'e ;50,po.o. sp,tct!dtors 'arid ■ .• fe.w. .bits.', of; sobcer piay; ' iOtlier .: Inglfeli Iclip slvbw.s the itabiilation .of •eccri.t-; cerisiis. irifpnhatibii. .by . mav. c'hlri.bis;: . It'-.ia: pointed • out; thall'-tbo;; ; •■nachinb'a ■are~ of^'Jnuti.siV' niamifaG-:-- turp',';. a::: -nationixlistib:- -'i)iug -■.■:ra.tlior: . than.cbin-irieypial...',;:;.';-^ ".;•;.--■.-;• Leading; the; Arii'ei'icap blip i.s'^ the. Crb.wley... capture,.-; but ;:-Fbx: didn't . make; imibh : of :..a job of, ibis jteriri - • .Cro\\llby: is ripveiv;sberi riof. do ' 'gun-firfe .'or. -ordwd-■sbundis :f ISfb s.'pebch'cs.:arid; tiib rbst. bf the ':, •eel Js intvd6:,ui); of. a: i;cw shots .,oC :'.. the PJiril.tcb .;;• iabb . meet:-, and':;tho .:: fttaurptaii Ja iA'ee,k-end- eriiises to and ' ffb.rii: ;Nevv. .York; ;'i,ri(i .is'ovii.; Scotia.- ' ■ liattpr ■ ev'idiejitly. a jsifaigb t; trade ;. • ballyhoo^arid■; n(.>t ;G.C. .riuibli .-tn tbrcst; ; .uP'vhc.r-c.:;.-^i^■o■■attenlpt ,tb. rila Guii- - ■ ard angle hut. dQ.ubtfiil if .thiEj 'ship-.; 'p.iifig,pbpi)le: will ■gain ariytii.lrig. ffiVn^-. th;e •■Caiiadiaii ^slidwiiig.::- I^inclunii ,'o A. riil'l .iio.iu' .oX" bilps^^^^^ ilie •Krii'r : ■, bassy thiij;:.w.eek,..ebrisis.tirig:bf^^ all.;- .:'Fgx'' .'M6'vibl'i)nb • .gets .17 ■: .arid- .': ..j:b'arst,.^:Meti;b,tprie;i.5.-.•■■,■. - - y : Of'all tlie dipsv.shoVv.ri tlief e is byt - one. tha:t biiri.: ..vruthlully-'hd ' labeled. : hot rie.wsi-obl stu.ir. "This Is tlie: Ken ,-■; tucky'..l:)ed)y':(l.'Vxy, given;:»spicn pariierii.actibri:'and -d thfiller; •-G.arivr ' : era ■ fbildSVs^ the;... hbrs.bs tVorii' start ;. to .iini'^Ii, getting "sbriVo real -bitectivp .- close.-:iips; ■ ..■: Shb'uts Vand - excilemerit ■ dt . hystanders. .picked'tip nicely --and.' •- tfbated' brt'.pciivbli'. • Tbis ■ bl ip came ■, in ^Ipnda;y ; afterrioori: ■: ;with : three; other . .' cliii.s ] ;o;u6tcd, jbd :ntake:' roprt»:-fo:r':it; •:;■;'- ^i" ■r''.^ . A;Fox-: .shot; of':ap. -.aged: .ia(t>',: '92,:. stepping:; ;i).fi's'k'iy with 'd. ..ciip.rus: o'f ; cutibs Jjrid; thpi); :Shbwiyig;. li'oyy;:;: iiiv ; Irish ..-jig Was . .'dprie:. in: . her ■ primp,: was. the drily clip ;of thb; bvirich. to; : a,ro.usc:applausei.: This, bid laciy wis. : a good subject/.w'i.sn't.'a, .bit abaslied dt ithe:caji[ie.rai: .aipd acted-aii th'oug;)! . acrd.sa - trip . f.o.ptlight.'iv"' - thrpwirig kisscg at tlie 'camefa .'whbn thrbiig.h.' Evidently Fpx didri't thiuic iii.uch of. .(Iiij5 sjliot; for hbv. riairie. isi uribillbd, : :publlbity mattef-aim.ply referring to' her .as ."Biirlcs.qub: (jucen.'.', i'et, slip . 4rcwr ...the -.fnpst .Idaphs." . -.- ■ .' .-■.::•;..:'"'■ ■ ..; :T>vd ciips ; dealing! ' .witlv ..horse;''- showr.s. • . O'rie,; 4n 'Roriie, ' a: ..iitraight.: sUbJeot .-aixd hibrcly;;' filler. :- •.Othbr:; .-(Foji):. is.. In, Apstr.alia' and. coritairis-. -a^..fbw .-thir'llls -arid:;iaiighs. -. ■ Plenty ' : gpiii,u nf%>i v<^i^i-i;i>ir;vivw; l^ ni-sp . iiiiitn.«i and jso on. :.jS-f^rt,C.: - T-uddy Rbt!:<>rs on live.;stage knd-a likt^ly. dfa\v, fttted-intd ■a--speciai'unit Willi soivie g.i)d:d.: titreiit arduri.d liirii, maiui.y VciiavTib .-.Pavis?V and ::.'(:!>arig. Gbarlie. nf. .,c,i)ig:; Ijvblyri 'nboy, .of ■ Broadw.a'j' niiisieais,'aivd'..T.o.p:P.ctiriei;, comediii.n;' ' "iVhothpfHo'gcfs'; draws any b^otter,;titan-Aiub.s 'rif .-Aridy, here previdu.i>..-\vcek:, ov' nob.aS gpbd, staire jili r)\v is, tiip c.oiighl-y-; pl.casirig; bii.ter•: t;uiinicn:t ;tl)iat .sells. - •; y-' y. '•l'p;;'.l'bl»s^' the; DPvii:' .(I'ar)., on sriTeHv d'bi.rig iliii. bit-in'.a niodb'.^t i>.vjt appealing way'..- yy'b i'nauies. iri Ibifi; ■One ,ti^- indip.a.te..tha.t 'pibtu'rb .-vyill; bP a" draw, bu|.it liws.'thb qualifies'that ::satisfy. ;'-■-.' .". "S \" ;■;:;. . : Tlie. ■ltoge.r.s;-iiriTt; : '^^^pr^ dies,.',was riidilb/rifr.spbc^ Brobin.V'ri' Pa.ranipiuit; ias t-'^^^^ tiie ;Xbw Y(»rV (ibtuxer Pui'reritly::by. . 1-Iarfy (loiirfivfn:.'" -Foilb.\\?i.ng.' this dale, n-ocrr.s; rbtitrris.: to', thp" coast ;an;'l .-I .pnh.;-pr'tb'b :rbsl of. il.ie bun.ch ;ioi:n.s ;.T!i,ioYlibi^:iHil)U'x^ }<tag;o.. kTiP-.n*. '; Tlii'i'o's: bub -.thtiiir.' Jipgbi-S: d'oc.s , ,-tenf.s scliiVoni;; jp..;:i.H;eit bx:p:e.b:it'Ml 'fi-.om .pifihre -.stars, on ;'p('i'Sptiit.i - a,ppbai"'r;; 'aiu-e.- .;].re. i)i'b.\i:(\s..'' tp.';i>Vost. ..'iiiybrif' : .notbing If nbtVA-ei-satlVp^, b'iidrng ■ Davis (irrribsC'ra; ;iiid .doubll'np fb'r tialf-:(.Vd!',(vii'-. .'insiru^^ : I'jiii-liulin;^, pi((no, ,'tron.ibbno,'. acb'oi-dio.lii. );''r.eiv('h ' ho.fn, .I't-Uhviibt 4tnd rtr.'ii.iii.Sv. I,U«\\\s;atr . . OM'tiirliy /iis; w<^.lU . :;J.lb" .did, 'tlie:-."yaiiie. ',■ thing:rr)-;a musij'al'l.filicpi'..;->. - r'oi' tiiai moii.- appii.iii,; :wba.t ,'.ti1ri pears i,w.'g(i|n,:ff.;t)-) b.tv C:.i :-l>lie- .feiu'o-: <luctit)ri :Pr ri scbiie. o.ji:-ii;in(>tixiii. pic.- ture i^ibf. w-Uri-lighLs,. cai.U(M■il',-.:»^ire(•--■• to^• :a■nd^ iiir 'di•a.a■.^^d;(<.nlp_ .t^Ti^^^^^ ' aciiialLy- .tu.rn:s.. piit;..to .bo. .-ti..: fairly ' :; good-.ca?; pi'^biU^rjng-livp'g'bSf A ijlnivi;: ' froiri- tlio .,aiidi:eri'(;b,-^v^iio. do.bsri't act lik/f Ii plo'rit is ■f ailed.l'o .^l,)c> Ki;ivge;:i'.<v do (i'. b'A-r ■ .sfbne,^ wllh .I^bgbr.s, ■:aiid. WdHxs. the bashCui;sHi'fr ;lip .nlc.e.ly/.fpf; .'• 'Missj Fi'a.ricb.s .at.VtV Sta^^^ follow: ■in P'rie-'with: .a libkb gilg rdut'irib' that gets plbjiVy blue. ■ Kb..:ex<-it^e'.fp'i: the. •:oi;f; Gplpf n)aipi;laTi... .Miss,,].<"rari'bes,.- a- -'s'^c) od; -1'I) U) d i e ri i 1 e \ivnd .'."vvpi-k i 11 g i litr.:. to; -Arin , So.vriTou f,- 'Sh0iii d' 'stick to,lndffc)isiy.e,'gvTgs> Sl;iiilon-;is oka ' uft . hbr .straight riian and .Av-l.tids :up: strong'Avarbliri.fir. : . '•'- . : '"The Orchid. Iiady'': 'nb.xt; with :th.'c' line, gifls dbirig a- tpe 'd.'jric*' irt frbnt of the liSi'ge. fit; urc :bf: a,' giii jiahi ted pri; t!»? hlaok back:;drdp, liruribl <)ardii:cr: brt :fbr an oKay.;aci:dbatlc' d(i.noe:.'wPrkinR iii; frpiit bt;tlib ;iii>e>-, iiisS; Gardnbr- is; art' :bxcoi)tiona'lly large girl fpr thi:s .:t.vpe of d.aiicing; \vh.ic.h'. lidrt.s.-; td-';hbf, .sypi'lci.: -^ii^.s: Ffa rioe..s~:bS^ck in one Tor .u driink bit wh'ibh;ianded .riea'tf-.v; ■ ; ' .' :;. ' ■.' . . ". ;;• 'loia. -- FaVbipriea. - -rii-idy;''■"■cipsbd; 'T4ivp:.dpcs: a- Waltx x..C!iXtiiio-;..wiih.;li'iLlf ■;the:'girls, hi' ctinolihbs .and. [Iva'pfhpr- Jia.lf as.Jiialb.s-..j'intortaiiunpiit^'cltntlis ;hofp, with.the'J'Mye Ju-n>>lb>is iii :tbblr s.ensa.l-lonaT.ri.sle.v .,abt a.s tlie. bipr Firi^: isU.;; ■ Hi.ili. spptVbC ^ilvoir -ivbrk' jS; a sinigrb ..■fopt'-'tbrfoo't bai-('l'i;"wi'nv ;tii.p ijdy; dpiiig-a' ooi.i.vivfo'tc.:-s.oriior.sau 'the;jump;^: '. ■;; ,■. ;.-'-•■'.: -; ■;■:''::;-; : :-.V2i/liw: j)i,'o'sbii..(.;;j tio.'(i; .is'pbaks' lo.iujl.y- of ttla s.'*'. :: ll-.ar.k .;pr ;/,',oi(ibd.v ',-will- bb- lioliced:iii .tlie,ffiiriljy :'h.o;.u6.es<.'.'■-'- . ..:;..;i.d,U;.;:iv(),sh')rf ;ori-.l'ri.s s Wrc^'as; tlu; ni,. .p: liiiii' iio(hin'K-.tp'„.dp. ■but' lead '11 lb: band;, ;Av.h.ir;Vi '-.staysiiiv ibp.^pH, ;.-pyo'.rillfc is'■ a Wijivba rial m- y>x'i\:'\\ luvii^gU'bs ' hitii 'a . (>l.i:iijr'e ,';.l.o' lir.splay ■ \\U■■ hiiisi(.'i.Mivship;; 'wh.ibh;-; lib ;ilbb;.<i;iiv'a' f<vir,-rribasurev.-.'\' -■ --:.'■;'. .'.--■ '-'*l'li'(>;iIrb li.a.^'oi'ijiiiriV.oti' ;i' 'T.oii. ko.'s-' l<Vfi::'i'lub: :foj^. thb tV>■l>^^i•': rt'bnrsdaS'i: -tii*. iiriiV' da.V;r.or bnrolii'nc'iii^^ :00. fcliin.iejfi 'to';the.l^o>^F ..lo'.'riibpt the ill. 0.. ■(■in'd gb'i,(iii.:a{il.b/?i.vii>iVbd .p o. -15 ti i Ii I i I j) i .s; iu; 1 ii i; i n b' rb^: \ i Vi s: a-i.; Kb s ipff • got./a .f^i-ir--ii,ari(i "wiibn iip'-iria.de ,bi.s..'(ii'rt(;.(ipp(\^r;trii'\(V ,- V- ■- '■■'Vu'hing.; siru^'c'uvs'': (:l''o.vV.. fi^.'iiuro :\<Mlh , HbaV'>i;t 'n;o.Vv.s--;.rlips.' ll'liiiij. ' hft. ittil;- :tlusii\pss .riiii'. "i( the •ii,i'.st;;<':y;o- i'riiig; i)er.l'(ifhi:.iitt'« Thursday; .('(jI{.; ... FOX'S CANADIAN EDiTION -■';■ .-.w-.- [ ■ (Ti.'i'olirTbrp'pto).;.','.:';^- :/-\- . ■-v ;■; . ■ .;:': ^;;.';. •"Tor6rito,-:;May -19. Pj^bniiier'i^': appeal .' td-VhdUlbrs'.- bt, ina.iyu'irig',- ,war . l)Oiids' :.is ^ dnly . '(Sari-; .adi.an blip .in .tbia''\vb^k's .GanaUlan edition . pE iFPx .»INidYibtdnc;;\-iibws'. Hun."i -fo.iir~ ri'iituite.'j- ajicl- sebins,-; but iin.d dut.-pi-oiiagarida' i^oivtlic -1^ aiiriiriisljc^itioiii; v:^;'-; ;■ - \;:-';. ;;;'';- ;' r- - .;PeHrieitt<b}:tbl.s,^oovi-n.try'><i-rijsp.ui'c :o;nd: 'aiiyiibiites Ihe":-a.rifidiidtioiv pf :iiiatuf My da;tb"s by; tlip ■boriversipri.-of , ^.■Appbars :a,S:; though ..■iyiieii: Fox or ■llb.'iVst dcai :>vitli. an; old time,'fiUri .ibpib whl'i-li -tlicy,;fda^^^^^ .ga;liiblb \on, thej'^;:ii)jobt iyfe>v. bariicra tricl:s' for. . ripvcliy: ,• It: hcl])ed:'- in -the , Ilburb't:; plip: of (Viving. girls; •■--.In tl.ie ■iiiidst v-' ;o'f :.th'.p^ fari;cy diybs'-'tlie ..shots.; were, i turned,'ijitP still.s; :catiiiing.thb sub- - .jort'-;iji 'an-;.- uiitisual- 'po.sitJpu ■' aiid:,; ;holdlrig it thore fbi'. a f'pw iuoiiierit!^;; ■ Othbr Clip was -^imply.a .sp.bodcd:-inr ; 'dctidn bf ,Nbw<.Yprk;iutpinpblle and.,; ,:pedcstrja'M',>tranic,' a ;fairiil'iar-'-tw-ist:'',.: that has beLen idbnp. -ula-riy ' tune.-.'be;-; ■ tdrp.': ■■■.-. ■;-; '-■•■., :; •■ --. ^ .v . ' '"' '- ' ■ ' :'.; Sjiiiiiiy 'a fi.iloV.ii.s'thb Fox. shbt of .- 'Kin nVe tt I jal tori. - b n'e : ti pie; .l.->aridi:t' rtrid . meiriiib.r"; b,f .tiie'. l.)alcon:. gang, v' ■bbin.g; hvtei'vie.wod. by; pi .re.jio.f Irr:;re-;,. g,.irdiiig,:hl.s': yie.wiKpiiil.s .uu criine 'as. .it;ii* today.-';-' '--;. -;V-■■: :' W,;-;; -.:;.-■'--,--■': -;G.aniefa.■liifci.'pjj.t: nihiii^i:the aid pf ;sdfu:id; ' tiiougli •.vised> was t'owt-.-iinC'd iriV an U:ndei'.sca tjip :'t,iu'dugh; Uve. tidxv ;iri ..tlit'-: bdttpm.' of ■ tlib- boat of ;. Prai:. .'VVrlllam.sbri.: deep sea. exijiorer. Our Jinvmy agaii'i riitldV (hb.npwsr, ;■ '.'-A % • '■:■ ; ■ '':ChieagPs■ M;^y'-^';5^':, ; vXvith; ^avrathpr-^Xyai'jn/'ftlri^^^ isiiiuvei's:'.:;(Kbx)' bri tap-!ts:;t;hb -foa' liii-(-;- lliQ..: att(iu'tla;pbe-:.at ',tlib: .:blAii'e (if. .ilf,e„-Hi*s.t show a.t this\itb:wn's'..:i.(''e :s'i>bt.- >v,a!5' suffioibnt ~':td: >va:i-ni .th^- hbiipts; bf :■ thc'-P:-'&;;]f.;;'pllibiiii^.^'w >ome; hbiibs; VP.usinPSH iti-isn't. luvPj) so'liot x'tt;i hij; .tlTp;4rb',' 'VilU lie ::'fesi)<>niijutjr-Vcod.ily "td-:.t hi.' ' ti'pl.d. 'tjinvs':iicing,.farced pnto tliii^ .st-i-ocu' ij^blyii.;': - ,;; ■ :.\ r J:-j^ ',-■":: . ,,Hlago : sli;iiwi; ht>ue.; 'pri'' ,vi*-;Mally •s'ub'inprged fiiivbb.lhby .a i'o'LlHt.^ i'Uii ■ <?f linfts'cbi.rii'»i? but oL" tlVo l>i,fb lix in'pdxiblidh factory; iii .tlif /bast.; f?l!ig.p' riinips, ,tii:e'';iivfrt^^^^^ libiV; ;.,llte; aroiiJuUClie-coi^ribr:\ (Dri Cviiial-; gb.Ui iig, ;.ili C g-i^e^^^ stasp- ailfii.<'Hori',.s,';' . -■-': :' , :: ;Thiii;,;mift,~: '.'(^U^ild's-Carnivai^- 1 ;ablo:': .'io.'- .sa.^jv^^.y ' ^hrougii'o.Ut -..-it;s: .i;icia'lbg.,;; ;Fdur acts v tii'ali' .pail ;'jn-aT< hood::bri':ii:ny\<<1.!i'ge^ Nvitli/.p^ ,il0iib,bi.\-^. stilllblrntly elabpVaie, 'arid l-blbrrul';tO; pib,a-i>e tli'b;;:ij;Ua"ib,!i-ctC -tiie. S<'''pyoiii''ii .vi.'ii^ .fo 'do.-liricb.,Picture' -huvi^-y^S..-:'■.-'; ■:. .'--;■-:,:-■'..•; ",.■■.' ' ■■•-■;; ■:'•,.''. .Slijj\v.::ls,-'bu-fit: .'irdund ; T>;,t,nii)br.i:i.: -(■'.o'mpdj' ■ hokp: • x'jfloi)li()iii.st, ;-'l'ieniy (if; latigh;.-bits.} hokeyi '-buV .prfcciiVPi .^t lli intprbsting. tb^'spe - hdw . 'riiuch cap' i).b.-j,'pil.pri;.()U:t of a:\^ii<1; bi;-.(;i:ibw-. ing-'-:giMii,, a 1^(1--flaiHiiel .;sl.iirt.find fl ..shoe ..iha C ca » - be kir.'kc'.cV- bfi".: '/rl ii-by ,l).vuarii(r,.s. (b'llVi'f. sonvo ibf.. llip i)bst; AVjibia.ri sT.'i'lb-tiiriiblu.ig'-.aniVwh^^ :;.se.bn ..around ;t.his.' teiTitf)r-.y;- Slio.rt, . :.XGbritiniiea'. Pii :'i)age.;]iO,) . -;' in a. la 1 It cm: tb e- so l a i ■p.': t hb; ii n rii'-'lii; •mirid' .rpb,b'i.v::os by: bbli<*v)UB''.iri: t.hp spiritual,■:SVbrid.. ; Ayia'tion;:-ji:p:is;.itis ,. ;:sharc - in ■-a- .'sliot - of -air •.ri^iaTi.piivbi^s : :nvei; ■■■ Keliy -Fiplil,:i>xas. Iiedg : ;a 2:a in- - 'nj;i k o MIie: iiowsroel s: ,1 h'n >."?h; : tl1Pir.';^t;i^•;;1')'ay. cehlbral ioiV, iu-;i.!oi^^ li,n.: .I/or.(^-,.'\i.V■i^lirigl"^liV..".slll)^v^.l■^■^^s^^^ iri;;i«. 'tlio.'.jipyi:-;.yii-eiM.^).>^ '-.the '-op3'jiiii>?:';clip.-- '■; -;:; ;■ , .-'v•..-,': ; •^'vt'losii^Vg-j;b^H.Avti?^a' .><li.0iv^ 'ra'tlvoiv.' tii'aii: .^.a.' ne^vs-:'.su'h.ii'(,''t.'- .a'V':' rnh ■.TO iniiiu.t-i'j!-. . It .\yas ■.■fi;ii!>nt. a. ■ ;SpuUi:.An-lcatt.'diririiVuid ui;'"'^-^'^'^*}^^ Svith ; the .. ;di,ain(xrid -froifV ll^i. of its :()wi)'':klniT.:'of-. coivipel:!!vori.'^■V', .^ibse. 'puarter's-^^. •' ',.:Traii.s-.lil-ix-^ i>W'.ne,;i its Ih'p.'idway. hOMscs.;]'''rid;iy . -