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New :>i^ 11 <> ■ • CoiTi«iy>nf!;'^ng. ■■■--■s'- ■ 20 Mios;r Thre.e,.(.§pcc.i9l), -. .. '■■Palac;a-(S.t. v-.)' - • .An> «ri-oi' ail. around. . It .w?ls-:flB■•■•■ • iii-ed Victor :.M66rc/. .iri.-the,- c6iVu><ly ■ itVscene ivovn': "licMu-; Ur,"- woultl ■ do 3VIsf as riiucli: l"or a Vaude .-.bill. ^ But U docsri"t>vork «!lit. : Moore ilR-. 'lircd •b.adjyMh taklnp. tWa f!oeno .r0i" IVls.ya;rttty :rot.u;rri; as. diil. thc/bool;- ■■ /ih^ililoc^n^agvuo^ - - I -■' - . If catt't be rccorddcl as. anytlvInB; but an 'Uhfbrtiinatc miffj loi,-; Jlogrq ;.^lVvfty9 Avais ail*, still -ia . a' .vaUfpble. Ccomlo 'for vaUdoXr^illo bivle(fit. lip • slio.iila -^r6p'. tills :\apt im.tnwiiiUiUy^ ■. ani.5'^vitc)l:t6 ;so!ni>cUii.lnp cl^^^^^^ .-.OMie : :. fala'ce can -us.d: lil.m ;.a.>iy ,tifiW. \ •.. ; ■ .Pegpy p ;Coh.n<!i';- tiocs s^^^^ tb ilbovji's coVncdj^ chof;a.htV at tli.o ;fin- '; Jslv s^nss.^l^song^;vU^^f^;^sto V?;i-y.:C(yoi'i:ui;: 'Thfl ;l3slvliiie^ • ■ better ■ tlian:. ft;,-cli.ii.n'ce.. to got; - fllT: Jarnes eitssldy-his; tH-ograiii. tiilllng ,: but'^o<^'''i't «ip'pea,r. <c*n: the stagp, iSv works tlic -iirofes from the fear; > -.. Dancing.- ^o.^n/^ins/•f^ul|v^^sp«cra^):i:;'. . - ^. «5tii )St^ ;:> ■:-.■'■''■■.:/:J:;:.. v- ■./T>di.)'m- hUR (ils.car(t(>tl-. tiigroolbrKV f ijigin.lT-.olVcirus and ih^- two..piiiiVl.sts .r;rat,n(y\v.prepi\s tune-hot pianis irirl Cuban .slnjrcr iitnd (Vanovrj male dfihco .•iVH:triPrv ah(\:.tjn-i['0. rtieh "■\v.l)&': Jiit. fhO' tiiifljfr- oiiiyV .OOioi'wi.soMhOr .liit.tor-: sita-- 4ii.~^t1if> vbhvlc /..sfialvm.*. ub-i.h .iryuv(l.a?.CiiiKin.atinosiili.cru ■.fo^.-t)i.c>..ruiflba;-. V. ■/■ -y- '-liUo'at;t;-^f|lVx;<5- '.T.oiiovft a; <i]TanVp ,to. shoAv Vir.toe .Vvitirk, V.-liii-li .-sbe dbos iu - bluo.; tights;.,' ' j-fpr .-■piu-fcnor'.- is- an: iS,iiT(> ,niib\\v-;ThG. giia 'j)ia^^^ .it; sojo'.a nd:;dld iii-;)t" sing; wtii!;!!..ivtig- ■\vi.Mcoin'ei:;/ -.v v:\;--V':^':,,; ;.r.U.r- [ LoA.cty.a liag .vtivrce. pretty ; sViti.nff,R.'' irIoVikiilig. tlVp .('uban;lct^^ vM tin.'' ^HENRYiB^R<SMAN:.:.(4)::^ ."^-r' ■ ■•.Comedjr;-,- .. i^,-.. ta 'Mios*;'.One arid - FwIJ •.(Special) \ ;. -.86th-.8ii-.. .V :' v;--;-.v,^v;,; ..'..-^ :.■ -.■ Bergman, for .years of vGlark and .. . Bergman, .has. In this- jicw' . turn, . ■ ■caiUea^v-V - ai)d. - jOgKS,V: a Itaiiiry V comMy act • ih;.cAvhK'h 3>e Woftas iiis, :. good -.■ sh6wmariMilp,. .and ' ,stage ~ .knowledge to flne;:adVan,tago. .. ^ . ^.Idea/of thQ act is-a. miin .airil wlfo- • and- their: kiadie/ all.v^smaU . time vavido actors just off a to'ugh. sleoptir ■ • jtimp and In.'front of a h'in.cli-iv'airon ' ort. Xmos: eye/ 'Th,6. man and w'iCo, •stage, a :t'yl>ical scrab' until temJniSGd by.' the %ild.vthat 'R's .the night bc:^ v-'fore -Xihiis; /.They makO: up an'd start- ..,. for tjie. liihchv i-&o.ni,^.with"^^^ blaplc-.out. .lighting. u,p .the -. rlntc'tioir; iof. the- eatery,- run ..by ', a; .f<j^■mci^■ acrobat '■ ■jVamed. SehuUa!; :-■'■ - ..■'':V ,■/.:-' '■ ■ ■-•.-"-'-.^ .';. . After a.n6tli'er ,&ivap trisj^lp.' dtu.lhg • • wliich-iScHuUz: rfec'ognizos. thom as, ;:■ actttps,: .thoy..; put.' dij -tht^ijr - ivci. -foi-' '. Bchultz, aV.}i6: pr6miso.'j,\them--a ff>ed .as hl.s.kiiLidtSv . Tiic'pli'iW'has all the' 'ear .'mark3- of .a • nn td get, :Wt . isvc r'y , V puncViy..in^hcr song.and dftric^ 'si'er , -cialtics. ..itev-ghi'a'n ^iirid .the ..womiiii .do' a. hum-ber in- ■ wiliich ^she' shovvs a' ..'gppd, sopritib.-^vbio'o and' he niirte' at /ialU. but. plenty vof .>.clHrig. abliity,. - "-Cast- iCdmposcd ■ of .: rjedi'i. -McCoy,. -? Hilrry Ward and Aii.na Koziah.'is aco . /support foiT -iicr^niah..' This' typfi of' ■:. :i'materlal .lii.tho hands ■df-"a cbmc('Uan-. Jess- -sch'bbJ'cfl^.'xvbu.ra-.'nbt 'bo.'. worth- . .. anytlvlng,, bwt-'in jV(M-gman'i5-.ft'u^^ ., ■ bpcomcs a 'dcliiirh'l ft)i vrtiide bfiTcrintf '■,:. as'sbmj'tlifhir nevv'.^viieii'nfew-. tilings -lire rieedcd.;..■ ^-■■>:■■ ■•'■•':■">:; 'y okaj'. 'Th'o' runiba, to. - 'IP.oatnOt"Vendor," .is. dope. by .'.T>Oovn.-.i"s ' i-od- libt;:' .• A CVibuii: girl' just-.pi'tib'r^li rig" it,-- rsahgi '."St.. T;b>ii.s 'Xilti^QV' ij) C.uba.n and'did- •part ,bf: thcd.aricis' mostly ebboh^'.The' 'tlvreb.: £c6urd' filiiik-Prs' ih^ jthft: ftn'alo, Vopked; .\-.f'v:y.- :RtAgehandish,- but riiay t:'cnrpo .with.;the-^acf,/ ^ v/' .'{■ ■ ' Fast^nibViniF?.:.'cblbrfi^l. daribfi. 'oftc'l'T.- -mg that. sh.ai»cs lip. woii; igai^vsl. X^ii-: • A rhi ^OOE:iE.:■:^v/-'^'' • ■■ Cqrrifi.dy ';-.- ..v".''' • .'■ ' ■■• ^■25.'.M'ins.'| :.One."~....■'.■■■■ ;^ -'i -iv^v-/ ■;'■, ;Ch<^te^p,\New:yprk; ^ '.■ TJit^ir .siicee'ss-as makers'of talk- .'..sho.rts, :^th'e . most iprolififc pf all . vuodcviUe "twa-.tcts,:' -did : hb;t' lielp '.Ann ...Gbdo'e and- Fr.a;nk prtli'.' fts - a. .\^aiid(?villc teipi;/'TKey!;^^ bcien-, ■ ar.o.uivti ■ Vwit.ii - tlUs'- .a-ct". tor ' several- wrecks - ftp\v',.- yjjt tb'c. crp'Ss-fii-c f5e.!i- .tipri .rjpm.ainS . Avca.k- ahd "-{sliows ; no (Signs- of .cxperlmenl-al-wprif for' im' prb\^om(!nt. ■The: act: .finaily - man.' . age>5 to. click.'upon -en.triinee of a' .i*i)Tg.ing<'stdose, ."- ilLVs-.-very' -Jiiioly - that: hU. pr:-'mpst' 'Of this stooge's, eltectiy^hess. is ^^d^^ to. coaching from tbe-ifetevan .iiii.xicd teaiu-i ariil more •apparehit- that heis: bMt«rr whejri .foil.iiig:; for:'Oj.!th than when -left- .aione. . J3ut' still th? st<)bg<s'v.makes-t-l^ .act;',;- -. ..>Iis.s::<j;bdee Tcmairts. the "profii^ient f^rehelj-y' ■kl-'r.rtlgl.vt-.Xvpmrfn. '. Her.'.'ai?-^' .pe.atanco;-.' dialectV.ari'd. mb'tlip :a,re lie-i'fgctV ;'VVhilie -Qrtli 'still is aiiipng;. thc.;:.tdp: .Siip .pOJiijes,/^ a. slianrc HU.eii -talent -, must :bd ..xviisted on. thd fi;ali • mh.lfri'iiil. t,h? toain. IS burdened -\yilh-..-auring;''the.act^s ftrst-'half: /. D ftUfiSTO RE CO W BOYS (6) ■';■■; :.Pflmedy:Fia'sh k:- '-" ,, ;17 Miris.r. .Full. (SjDeipial).. ".-^ ^' .-.■;.J.effepson:.'.- ■.''■ '■<}''■■ /-.';-:.'v;;'' ,' V. Attempting n.;tie-vv-;"lile.a .in. pi"<>.<;on- - -'.. -tatipn. of .-:thc .-Old t'imb; flash" act,'-:{hb' -'./.: Ijrpdudor.- (jf -t.hisC b't<d ha's - only .(i- .-. .liltnsy .th-ought-'of . pldding. tho idea .-:'ln 'a ..di;ugistorc/ -'{^ing6i\s ^ahd ..dan- . ..cers -.ab ..th'elf- ...^fuiT ■-Ijctwcpii sod.is ; served by-'yteve Ravage, rt' comic •.- "Who turns but tt) .bd -tjie^ adt; - 'JJli'd cast -Is ddm.pos<>n ot- .-thre.d'boys .and .; three, girls, xvnjy-iJled 'bnt.^ido of SiiV- ;:,:-.age," ■ v..'/ -:■:'■■-.. -.';: ,■■ :' . .'. After -.Rbttlng ' ih(? ldoa'.-.. lhd--prb-' .• :'-.-du'ccr. then Jills It Aviti'v'frld-g.'igs'ancj .. .situatrdirs -.such as.-iho Oin alid blil . ;\i^.T.v6>; tr. Jady-biti :tlu3 .staiup^gfVg,:. - haurit a Iipns'e oh-il, all .tb.o;',b;is'ihp.s,K,' .:. - Savage dobs .ttr.0uiid' th.e Icasli I'ogis- ■ tc.r,.. whild spebialiioij are ^^olng on.. . ..The- latter: bits burlcsqu r nviil'denrd -•years ago;' ■ \:^. ■<<..■■-\ -■■"^ - SrtyoL.gc,; 'Svlicn . licv -1)1 is •villa ' ; ..r for.to.:.<l,ihoing; tbro.''em: ■;iln.'. 1 Te•'is. -....forced, as -a ' ron-ilc -arid' e.spo'rriallv ■-.Witl.v- did sthrt •to -.d.eul 'vi'il)i>'' 'tfhc •: *!pro,LaIti(<s.ar!J:Ji.<).th(it •with 'a- si4gcv , . -. .- And .another,; girl djh'-iig. a:v<liti«?e-ltir^* -.l)igi-'.f('it:'Kiipiicr.<';..; A.-'. b'(<y... -tj'i.i)-i}or .• tapped- lightly:. fXitsjdc; of i=>aviijiL'\-i. - ".np.d.uni'd,-tlie a(:t-:Ke('inis-a'-n <>-.\r:U.sb' to- prfo.r; the .riwy fur t-lVrOc mi'nutv.s? of w-pvv. hoofing ANi^•tE/iubV:-a^d■'^fek£■-■•;i'^•''■ •Hi)IrB-illies'/i:''■■.■'.;■■.;.. 12,-Min's.'j.-.0he.'/-. ./'■- ■ ■■":. ■';■ Chesteri'Ncyy-York. / ■{] •.' Aniild -dd'cs a b'ack-rt;bpd.s.:;nVa[ideii; Jtidjf play'S: a; iidt piano and, iiiilie, mdstly';Sj.ngs ^yitli: Qie'twd girLs, ^'ivc '.a:ct: is nQt uitk^b.'of .'a novelty by• this' time, .siiioc it 'must'fdi'id\v::otlV(*i'-hl!l.- .billy.' 'dctS-Dvev-. tl)is: circuit Ti:nd. ■tlie inmior.dirs -«ifnilar ;.GdTnbiri.atio'n.S- ''bri :,tlid Viidib-. lixxt ft/has'its. dS\Ti;. ^prt oE po\ve'r liV. pwrso.n'ai- ability. ., -'.>. < .;i"hey.,effect: tlid; dusffimiiry':- hill'^ b'n!y-'v.-mrtri'n<iriViins,;'.' indudirig .■'.'.tlid .awkw'ard-; postures' and- ilashos of tia.'i.lvrgl.rie'ss". .Tlic lattc.i^ Isr'rTegl.'i- t.ered .ehi;^My, by '■ Ann^c,. • She. .stngs thrpngb ■Ivoi-:-'ridsc; .with . her': htind' Jrestirig ' oij. - Jtidy'S; .'5hovild.t|.r,;.'a the.. Jinisii. ease's through, -a, bit .of ■h().olldg'that- belies hbr a;ppbarahce; '-: J-udy's-■j'/inyin-g -'.pf,' ■•.'.St.;' .libijiiS Tilu'oV'- on . tlio' .'jaby uprlglit- stops iU i-p . ai't In tiiG ;mlddlb arid ndthing ..tlrat fglliws;is superior.-.. ■ . Xfr-voIe'i-ail .vaUdoVi11 b.• pcopl v{\\ h a nOw. ide?),',.tli.c.ii'i.b: deserves, ail iive ')).io.rb; Vrf'(lit;-:i:£-nc.iv;cbmeV.s, it^.s jtist- 'fiin- oke/ .f<ir::-bithbiv way ■ thc-';a<-t is '■ ALV.NO.RD and- J^ANIE^ "•. .;Petrte..-.Reviie'^FIash. ' ^ ;'^ :■;:/■'■-■ '-.l-l 35JVIiris.,. O.ti^-.and F'u|) • (Sped?a:f) ...•■■-.•Jefferso'n- :'.'-.'- '. .■ .■.■''.■■ '- ■ .4' ^-''dr.d jh'hd .Tciriio ■:<lb. a: riimf^'iiy -. nct.-rin. bno^ and •wVn'^k.: iii .•the. i''-ilt'> -iky^iia fn.^l^.'e^^i^a^'Oy -f'tjlhiwlhf.'. Nord,' -Tr Mg tat fell'ow'; -In -bulle;,'(.> '.fr('sli-- - J».a!>;cU)thes-'a)nl -JojiiiifN jrtdy.-'nrirti;i'i •.'. •.di'osiscd' .tis.: :.a. :olTrild,'^ 'do a -snrh fiW* ■; --..t-omcdy. jiet - in . mve, :durln.g' "wh'li-li >AGK. NdRTH r Sorigs.and Talt< 8 \Mifls.;'....-.Ohe.---. ^b.eiste.r, .Nevy' Yo'rtc': ■.-■.--■.•;. .> ■:>■::...-■ ■ ■ . Jabk; Kdril)-was farine:riy a .stand ar.'vl'.-jslngle' in. the .;rpi'eri.t''-dOt>"s' of ni.any'; • p.reseritatlons. aiid.. known, chic'n^'^-.in . tlV6 -nilddrp -w-'est .fpr,.. Ivis p.M.rtiojj)ritib'h. in 'Puh.lix ■ liriits ~!>ut tiierb^: :His..Style :S.tji.ts' vandc^-.illc..as'; welli -.- ;: ■ -i^ - V ' ■'.:' The.; ei^ht-' ;mini.LteS'.' '-Sbrt'li ■.cdri:^! .;$ii.mos.;>are:- :slibf.t. :an.d ^$napi'>y;..: lib. .affePts.--a' lilbasaTit 'iidticliainiit 'mart'- - .her -Ih' dellyerli':-.!ind--. sidii.gi.- wltli • .th'e. oqfy: fault iri. ..this tlie fr?;(iue'nt ijiuf.- ■flfng of..lyr'lci=i. ,-.In tlie'Ohesie.v^loge l^ls\s^hglrig^•^va5 .not.al\vay$'.^ . • iip'utij'icvis.'aboua; a -mini^^^^^^ J-iaif>ptich:.-fnr thrcb '.s'ongs,.'pp.bWrig. ihid'dle: ah.d' cld.se,'- with '6;aprs'.in'.:bei.. tvyji^eii. .-:Ti-ie'.thrcf?; sliced df..sbng re- IJbvd:,! st-raiij lri,:±he:.£;.i'ggi wmil.d .;:'be.. more ■ apparpnt.:,':-\vith'put ■ tii'e'jnu'&icalbreolvs; 'f6r-th'c>.gags;;art? ribt,.al.V:ays;iri, thp. juvenile.cla.s>?. '-" -Kprth-: sticks.! to'.a\''s.tddl ;in'Ul'ie-' centbr-bf :'the:"aproii all the :w<ty; gbt- -Vjrig : up; only, to: ^yai-k; /off;/ carrying^; thift.; stoolj' he. also' ckrjfie^ It: dh. -.. '.-v ■'■'V^';;:.--..' -'■;:•:■-■.'::.;■ v^'-.;. ;(I%C.X)- Fi V"e-'''hqt 'syiiyt^r'-:,py'i. ■■ d.'a'ncl.njj-- ...•■•■:;,-■■-■-,'."' .•.-.■'•.'• ■■,■.' .■ '.■ WMinsii ^0'rie;^^\-:'r-VA. -i.,;:^,.;.::,^:v../•: .Hippodrome'-.;-. ■'"- ''"l^ . "'''. / >... One- of tlje best Jhowstartliig -aG.ts ©rth'b...season- . i'Xve c doiible^i-trip Md :five'^Av?ly with -a kfieed: that is •da'?5z;li>ig.. -■ :-I.uminbiis p'alht' gafe .'is - Vorkcd hdre;--\v3th tlid jive bP'ys stepping tP- gfitlTor'ih tlic dark;: Used-sd'Pi:teii.i It dQxj.sH't lielpi /and' their : style de-'. mari'ds -.llthti?' ;up -.and;. tprrltl m'uslb anyway. A.Bill .jRdbinsdn iinitfitibri ,^v^th. live .'Se.ts. of staiit's-Was effective. Xrbrida.y - night they: veive . A-bry- -iilg^ d^ijiite.the;'early^spb.ts,;!iifd..;2 •'■ -- BERT artd^KAZEL'^ijfAtEL 'R(iMer''Sfcati-ng..... B 'Mlhs..'; Three. .(SpciciaD'.v RKP, i-M ■ >-:;■ ':- ;■-■■ ■■-;>:.■.--. ;. -^Nflxed' terirti dh: •rpllers. tri -iPplite attire, - woridrig .ijeally 'saii^: fbr the; manlS -mhgging, : 'which igot ,• sbihe lha's.: ; •Tbat: ;irtclude.d:. a:. :baby ;bit ;\vh{ch--ls li,it pi'''niissi.:dbpdhdlhjf^,:^ •:. They, also-dd; s...'-a.rid:;:"di on.: tiieir rplIci'Si • >v ith .Vtha; .-inan;; th ©• • biiIwaCrly .pi'.'th'b. tu'i'ii."-; •One. of. h^ '-.best • bits Is ithe :lmprcs.sib.nist-^iseCi-Qence-;:'\^^^^ dbmed-y 'lia'tsr- ■■.': •.:,;;.•.• :'■..;-:..';' '■■'■- V'-'- '■'-• ;; Dpuced -paRsabl^^;hcrei■;' .■ lARc/.:; :jg'LLYBEAN: JOh'NS GblQre,d--..Entertairi'er.:. ;. ■'.'-■/.;;,■.,: '.'.>:..- :9-';'Mlrisv;-:0ne''-.--■':' .-..■.■.-■■-'■''.■":•: •R.KP;^:L.^A,:-:: ■-;-■;•:;'-;-':'"--•-'.;■-■■■; ... JeilybbaH; Johrisbhj cblbrci:!/ is qbT' vibusiy.a cafe Pi? picture hbn.s'c s.i)f;- :fialist..-. A.s. -a vaiidb: act-, it misses :and ls:;jast :str\i'hg..-'alP.rig..;r.-.- .-. '-'. .'■ 'V jcllyh^ah -does .song.'and dance too much pf the former. -Alsd'.sqnic' stepping .;-of-. .hpHdcscrip't.; effb^c-tivc- ness; -.-■.:'•/ ,[■■,■:'■ ' ■^■"'..-..'; : ■ Nlhe:'ri'lihute^ tbb;-lpng:'a'rid ^fpurth.: .e'rppvS; ■■here.,;tdb- iatd'. }..- ■' \;'.^ch:'. f .f ■ ;(Cpiitii>Hbd :froiri patie-HSX : > ; iast. turn-.Ssiith a':flock. df.igoQt^ -~.' Don; .-Santb. and'. .E\MC.;i?utle.r,r-.h In.ir been a-'rpunti--t'own-;fpr.m<;riy Jo.ri the;yaudb- stages;; deprpn'strate' that t licy are-: able.; .to ; grftb - a -. niche v -fb.r thbriiiselve.s.;i'h- pr.esentatipn..-,. .Santo .is-'.develdping; :as; a..co;h-iie:-,;..Ha.hd ■hi-s lines .Avell-. '-'.V/.ith.'.tlie ciibriis. de- liverlns- nui.'fibaVvei'fc.cts p«u' ha.>i -;c,ut ddwh,..on -tliHir d,an'<t|n'g;,ah'd playalild f</i^;{frty-il-icft'trc.^; Hp Iiy vybq<i. B6 u 1 .eya^;d i.e.rs .(7) ;.Sonjg. and Dance ' : .:-.-' .■5';-Mi'bW;. Fiill Stage' : : ■,.:■-'.- BKOi t-'-Av-V;-.: ■'■ S'm-'l-h>Tieu.plt>-'ht^t-.w-,lxicl;»-ni<.O..p $?^X) fbv- -aii.out- :halt; 'it.'5 . hndiffa tor "the --.-bxt'iTi -four ' .arts-rtai'koa ;.:.nri iii.i';il.ly-^w.h.ri.-.li giv.i.'!i -' afn..;. iUiia.:-on ■»;^ialliy;; ■ .-^ ' ■'■: '' - li'sj - brie - p'f-Hhti>!iv--obnO)lnA't.ii»'l.s; of ■a.:girl-' ivft h >lx )nrys.■•'feJii'l' is..iCchna" ; \Va-^•nb J ilhi)il-l(;di, ; nifty- loiikor.. -f<b.(.---s. a p.<'iUb bl-p-iidCi yUp ng.aif Ivl^til"' .-ni''.-p(Vt--u riVi iYl-y,; ■ .\N:1'ip:; 0 ^ l4Ug .'anil .)'vfriL.->V'.Hie: .;..'. <a?cy(^ .Hcvub. f(^it;uCes '.C^iljy-.an<l : ■.■■^n'n-ay,:ooupIi>.^^iflx^asji'driiV';^s.:in fH.V l<vtt^-iv .Hy ov<.-r|xl>mid.vi-c of..;. r'H;.:also 'rd-or^lfKw -J,;!iy^^^^ j.iio.V .'■.; - :. '-•;■;;:: •■. : .: .-'V'-Mri' .. -^Per.- rnvd: R^l^vr(,^^l.s6n,-■^^-^■^;)H.^•i^^/:i■^-- -^ ^'V^t^^^^^ ri-K'--^|- ; '--^V:,;/ ;- .rbb;i1ii; Ijrfrrfiiii'^' -fj'iijf. vJ-f^VtiVi" l« . cVKilV a :.^'i>y'ti:o;: ;\\;illv :; all :si)<Vri:,lt.i.--;^ 7;; :..-- ^. v ' ^ .■•- ■•;.< ,^iHii ;..M'.iim-, iui." ,vi.i' = - M hr-.. . Three • ■■■ ■ '■ ' -.fV^'-K'Iff? to d-iiiinrjrtp: tliivj^KoAv .i-•t<.i.■r^-•^^!':.^^■f^^;^^ y I'.yy ■ IM'-y ■.IM^ll^uUi-f|■lr;iu. tru;i'rv-r)svn -'<;ri:»oS;|v, ,.(;.n.";.i.f ypy^^'^riA: '■' '}■'■'<'■ - '^«.'-:''rtrtiH.'-)4:i;-:;i/-'i--hir-v\iirvii -ii-'iVv?^-^'''''" :^-v i '-'--'-"- -':-''^'''^i'' ..^fi'^v ^■al).,/.t^'-J..;:rl:i;u^lllV;^^.^^r^!■.'r• iiiv--;■U.f;^^^^ .' l"t":;-.s'ini).--:;.:-. .- - .■ ■ '.. ; ■;■;-'. ' ;. :•."'.' ■ .i'j-i'V^;<'-!;Y -tiironi^h : V.!-' \- -;-^Virlr''ni^bi:.-'i^ .•tiiv>-'.'-jlaA->: .-ViJiri r.i;;, ••n..:-:; .?v''UU.;i!-0':;^-.'; • -: . l'''!"t ii.n^l sr.p.-innir.n- -p'r'th^'- ''vv.(i•■;di\--h-'n^f^^ i-nri-.j: '-'M i'^rifi^s^^-.jit, ,iil^]fY'^iwin:'':lAV(:i. ■■J-i'-i:}^ - ^'^^:^} ^' •: .V?i.ii,].. .jyi,,-j. r,,,. .■.:-..:a>:: i--':|l>; -.i'ifov.t l!i-;;.iy.::I-.'-'-^:' :i-<ji.UoT[-ah^,-;f!ow: pri'sOla*;d; '^'-'^ .-.^i-w.lj -.ju^ :v'v • ;.;.-m':'--'^i^:''-i" '-.'-^ ■.' -.i.'v;-.- :i;-'';j.i-^- ■./|-);'';rj- ■sliDSi/ifit •.Llji).u;Ah •■K.iid liuUbr /I'.ciuic thKuigh; With -a. Vb.cai splo tl'utt. »7i!>iie tiid: •gr.i?.do .wltlV'^ the -'.a-udrcii.re ' fi-oni tj.ie .start--; KlVe. .tbPk'-:i--.re'/('pi.:i't^ii pil :li'eiv-appeav\^nc.c.. .';^lakei3 .'a-.n;y.sh.;-bn cTo'thos . eVPTy mihiifb .:s.hs'!j '.pn ' tlVc :stffge;.•-':-'V•:■;..•■:■'V^ ■■'' ■'■' , i Jarrington •fvis-ti'r?. ;.-a. •pa.ir'-o)'- spft-- c^a^.•.lH.^f+•.rlal '.wvarblbrjj lljat liavp .k -Hrtylp.. -An : appeal"!noe..;V)r - .n'aivb:(e; th.-it '. 'put's 'enV ;-4.'iv-ay.! tiH .- Iw'tirb'-'f.ji'd ..witli ..an .andil'ribo; -.; 'Rahf<n'd -gir|s were . dariciiig ;: bacl<;grou.;^n,;: -p)jt I lirpui?h. .a' series ..pf r.a-Uier';-in'(>r.'->,; ili- ti-'iivito fornirvt-i'an.s ..lh.ari /.u'>fu!il.-'... :' ..i;J.-;,Tjbppold ,S'p(t?»tri'y b.a«;k. -f ■.'Kc-iv■y'ori.t ■ to -■■i'i'jvyc'-;';: tbe'.;'')(a.f>')n Ivr-ipfiid:, the-. . filiiVped ' p.r<'ih('.'»i-i-'ti. ■ t(/;-:H- ofi'.:.^:^''^-^)!!!!!'^;!!)^ present;, djiy- tyiii^s;. l-';;iirrt:; li.'iL.s..l)ef'rl ^la.^ljert: to- tlife...l'i(-iiif;,. .b.ut: .oiit --fro)U -..thc.^t)ien.tr(j ... l)>j;istij',. iii.:'J'ea!.'ilCon tubing,; th'fit, it.'s.. lliO. ,:'' J t'( if) if <>. - df (■■ 111 c'agb' - .''Kl-ri.f t O iV-l) . mi."': -A'lid. - ror' its;'.slzii'. m.'r:yi)'j- li '-is- .- X-^^ws'''f;fJna'^Slf•.d•^'of-'foiir■'if^^^^ ■■Md '?liiple:;'i^V)x :bit.: :;t;''-v- '''■-;::,■' "-:;'.'■ ' !l''irbritpi 'V -:'-,'-CVvrx''ri;t '>ver-k'-.riltirk.'i/ tl^ .in-t"' -i)r.'j;-:i''-k. l;oui)'c-r''by'-JW^ 'ftv: in.' -ri -'h^i 'er ■wll.h'....T.vrr.| 'l)r.dvl.<lli^^^^ ;f:erir-.):iil ^af'fK-al .tmd -■l;iyiri;g;-;i)irr. ilif;- -StVihY -;\vh-ti.-li -/In;-t.li(\ p;i^it-fcvvV:. v/V.-f I:.'-. I iji d v-Vi'-'l i!t;-n i 1.-Ji-^nrib'^^ /tilr-.!'';!;');)*;?^, \- , ;., • :■"> : I'i.-:--'''U.->|>i; .If .t:i ;iil.;d ..•^'■•:~n .--'-..'i.i'. .'■-'i-ini-; fd'X ••'ivnil. litirlii'ir; T''!i]\:np\oi.t^y'M\: .^^ i-i:i;-)<S-tliji t .yn"iy:.'(j.r ;'ti-i;i.y ';riv': • i lii't V.i;'- /•xiiiiM.-^ll-'l' i'l.iA- 'yxnvi?^ ' .-..'IIc;if .-1 iKi-v-iv;'n- \v'i'ir';c. Iii'l.rd- Uv'fjii*; -h^.'-r ' .i;;!'- ..-i: t iiiW' : ■Tii;<'s'^n'Vii.(Vi;ii^ it ■ 'r'riiio-j-niiiiiitj^^ir 4 - •-•■< I ."-I) i'":- ■ ' ~ ' h i ■ f'-j 'l:'. iff i '.'nit 11< , ! ■ !>:') -«i^i4r't':;i'tK,^--.0f .W'ii',--: -.':lfr(.l^ .t-.li>Kt': ■-• -ih.-''*;.; ;tl 'V '.i,;i; n'Mk'i-; IVtM. i-^:.!'1': -'-^'U'- .I'iii* vi-' bv?' n::l)^■<:;rl.fi'.;. lii;rlVi^iv y. '■'u'X.ii.uly ' .i.bur,-: tjri> .'w(-i.-ii. vlrcy--i.'ik'- ■.np.-ii" .'iilv: '!; lihif - Ore>liilh';iivd::<;?iru t>i". ll/^^!.^ ^^■^•!i ■i fi:M)ifl' !'■'.■■ ;inii'lv'''<.i:i.<l,un ' I'ti. -n^f^ri.'l.i;.-",.' .i liafijl- Viri'-n-i-Vva"" ':J':(11: ;>V'ii'!' -fdrjvliiri!?, . whiyli- plAyeiV; • h'c:re. .las.t W'bclCv IiOcal .lipy? dO-',iuke oft;:neidl'.s ^'Peuiiut-'. -^-ondor'-'-'; >uunbei\';:; wltb; ci)bl«;iil-sliakei's. a'^d luvi'Ul'rdrilJs .Olts; Tbhl- jligi^les.' lialls-. a'rid; -cljrji.s,. doi}fi\ sleight-'-<)f-:J)a'nd;- arid.;.\viiuls. - up .,by. "d(.>lng-.lleidt\'^' sta.co-ufirlii.lg.. dlroO- tldri.-- IVut .iliii-i^''.bJiig with a.liath ,ypom. pluji'ii'er. in.<t.eaa, 'of ll'eidt'.s driinv rn'ajor ^'.starlV • :0'(Tf'Ving •'se.ortrd'.hL^av-i: ii'y- Witlv. linv... -takinL- h.'plf it' -';d»i'/,i'>n bows: "teal -.tii'UoSvs witlvimttutibnis of vlMidy - .Vail'i-e..: Ted' J.^.w-{s--.-arid MainHce (;h<'N-ullerv;;-iill- tVod. -fi-iim. :i'n;Tiii:'p..-.d'i;' - .ridiVul.e ^'• but.' .lipjicfitly. fuhnv:;' '''. v-: .\/' ■ ■■y: -.-f^:. >Uuh. "Taylor.: oh: • next • with, .xylo-: 'phone-- nnd^ otos!s-i;a^ Itfek.-dopp del iveivy •'.';.. .(ioips;:-'■:^ <-Un(>livil' -.l«'y. ■ aiv ha.rnioii|(.'ri- 'nnnrhoV.. T(ln.u'n'y''.Wonder.-' tralls.'.fbr .xi .- .Mbw.; to.m:pd' -; so'ake.-hl'p.s ..%'ihufl'lo - - a.ii'd l.>;aek :■; f or'., <a: ta rigp;:' .Tiiiiri bb.i*. -•'.;«• i tli d'um'my.-.ii:irl;.\.. 'l^piiiddy ; touches . liir' jectbd-.'.bere-.'irid ..t.hd-.'.b'oy- talurs. six; Palis.:. Cha.i'li'e lli.U mext:'in'.-..'v-..pliind: 'rii'nril.ver';:\shp.wijvg .'tho-lsirivilarity:'ol pPp .iiuVlpdtiC'S tp 'oldrtiine -tiinea ,^tu1 oiicva.<f;j'':-.l'ie'ts,,lal't's-; girl ..co.lninj?-. bn- foir ah: bft-k<>y--sdh,g.. .\vlvl.eh balls 'i>p the a!(.'i.'aihp;in"h'iieiil; .^.cbVed., v-D.ub. Tay.l.tir'l)a'<<l?.;f.prmvisl1 ^vjth harhjoUr, ic.-a .aijd stage 'b.-iu'd - odiiifpg^ ih :oj». :"WiVl.klhg..-Xty". liatiyiV : ■'. lia'ljeri; orij-Jo'i-'-: s'trbhg^' and- bbldi-f yd ensohvblcf;- Unalb;. ;.. :.("i'iris. ip .red, •.a.i'id :ytvo'r:..i-(».st'uhic.s'- witJi;.tall:>fGalh Ivead. d ro-s'sipj^.. 'eh ter.;. as ' drun-ii ■■ .corps and;.dp 'p,edb,'^ta; ~r,Pv^ti'ni^ .grouping up-^Jt(^ge.'.f.or ; Bernice'.: aiid; -I^n^ily,: girl duo ; d.oi.rig - Vacrbliatic.s.-.rvoh;- a sta i rcase. ■.and. -. i-eglstpi-l h g", olV.-- .; a p;-- pb.-iriiric.e ■ '.'and-' -'pK»S'<.'r>u.'ss. ' Bfiilbf trails;.-witU - hleh.rkTcks bhd^SQiner- sa^llts.-■•••'-■: :■'' ■■'■ ^ ■: ' Feat.in-p Is:"Iron ifan'v :(iti,-;w.ith: nesvsi'ebl V and''• cb.ri-iedyr.eartbph ;; tp; (ill.. •' pit' baiid ' uhdSr■ Hbi"in:cd. Lapp offer "Bplieiiiian : (Jlrl": cxccjriHS' as bvertui*e.v';:.■;v;'. ■;;:•■/:; .v .■;.■;,-;: ■'■ ....,:-■. ';' :-.;•'..' - .K<iw -Ybrk,./.>Iay-'-lp. ■ ,T.du cQivld. iiav.b .shot -pff a In tlle.;l\aradlse Saturday .{ifternppn.. .The Vwe.ithpr.' 'fhust- " havd ;.-;da\Vfic'd tliat;' yyith; - the..; lo'w'dr ■.■.llop'r' -at ■;t:h^ 2 o'cldelc; KhoW. only abbut bnei^tIVl^■d hbpulated,;: .;dc:si)ito' - a;:show. .tiiat .should -be,:,dra>Viiig, 'with.T^^ peii -:.a,rid-' Ir-vliig.-'>4ar(iosb-iv''s ;;Cdm-^^ hiariders oh stage, and iVoh.aid'; Gol? 'jnaii ..in: ;','t)dvii: ^to -l^^y•'. -:ct'A);'.Ipn sci-bi'n.-' FUppm.buglitrta.l^e knd'wh^ ..pibrity.: ;.ehougli;, '.arpiind V.-here -.frPiiii' •■.IJlayihg -\7Ludb".sO niany'.iybarpi -.|)lus iti.s :;ljt>git':worlc,; to .'dp 'fiOrii)*thing^ for thie';V;Pa'i:•.adise^. bbfprd. .the-.^-.V^ bvcr;;.'.-' ..-,-..;;'-:;\':.;', ■.;;/; :V.'l ''- ;;. t?^ ; in '.'-tiiis.'isbctioh - .of thb B.r'o-iix; very, ihic'kly^ p.bp'ula-t,ed,.' pbbple doh-t go. ..td jtbe.fttre.s. at intitS; so .hiiicii Partlchlarly -\'w'hcn^ -ihp'v - weathbr't beautiful::a:na;;;ii;s':Satu^i^^^^^^ ;(af.te'.r- ,ribdn;';/.-.i!at-, .high't'; .iirid' .ifunday-. all day '-'ai'd-;. bi'dinai-ily /ipufiHdyer's; ;fdl^ IirPnx-.tl^e^ltl•es,::■;;■, ■;;,-:■■.■ ■ I ■■■■'J- i.<oew-;ii.ns i'ii; the.I'Sradise; tlic■■priiy; dc-' 1 vXe.r , iri.-.tlic-- dntl-rey Brdhxv;.';It's a-,-.b(-'autir.iil ■i^pl^>^d,:>■n'lpdbrn:■-i'lv'bybry te<(pc(!t.-a'nd scalbd d.bwrt tp nOe' dr^ dli>'.sti'a\ for pibl^-gf .'llri^t i-hn .prod--: li 0 f.;...ti n d .-■ r, tape '■ ^sh &w fJ-.'-iv J rig i rig. th is -;n;{vv''^dIfdct ■ f roin. .tile. '.; 'i'lic'./lii.ve bf;'gtrls,.t.lia;t ;Ai,sed'.tb- be up hero' t.d. -ivpiMc .'witlw.the inobi.riing. .ij-ivit't*,: ai-p; .rt'dt'arpund..,..- Titey' itHr- v|deds- .i.nii<''lv--=rieede'd-'|l!rsli;,, but .-with f^u.iTe.n't" .'slimy: '.ftjTd -[-yjli/niy. ■ of'.'i-spe- fiivllty, ;.blai.>kout; ':roniody. .and d.i'he.r bits '.'enfci.nbf'rod, they.' arbn't surely 'mif-:srfj;-'; :.::' , f.'^ '. ':V;; -. - "Ijag. of . Ti'ick.s-'.'pi:6du('t-d-^ :b'y Ai:t|cifr;' -lsn();i;)';,- -..r;pinf-fi ..fro'rn'-, a...txvp -vyee'ks' .:'stay'.{xt:-'-tilq .Capitol:' J.').ow.ri:. there.; nil' tliii- '.shii.w I i .'id. ..'bf'\sl'dyv;i STANLEY JVf.irpn.xfjn :an.d ;Tii's;'.'-:pe<'ia'li y-. po^pplb w.as: tha' ("l^'■^«ter .;aj!ild (lai'ls.. ..I^.-re, .vvith -•ib. lih''.. it'.4> :stj|l'^a.- 50'',;> b.<'ller 'enterCfiinnVfVit':.. wiJ-h.-:' •Vliiitx-n,;; i'ny ih-ad.y,- hi.'*, -st oow, -ttdjV.-V., S^dg^yleli. A'ip'd'^'Srarfrfe. '.'^.lr.<'i['-Y!i--yid(lf'(i,- ■-•• • . '■ .■A'!i;j-dr.i;.'--rih-..-iKis--<-ii;t -sojnr.'W frrmi his'.:'(rapit'o.l-; ^lpp;'^'lmni:b'■ .b.irk ■.llttl'' 'int)i'<fH'l'ah wf/iild-1*.^ hpti'-'eiible,. unit ru-^v)uii,g- 4i;-':inlpu.te.s. ■; • ••■ ■.,.';. '.-. ;' ■ KHpx'x-.n. ;^^}'*irears ifi.'ff|uent ty;:..h(-t-t liViif -.^i.;u'-iJ'y-:-;<!.s-.-'an-:-m .0.'.; alul,'gi/yiij} -Hp.<-f;;.;vli.y •.'[.•'■''tplo. ti Ijfi'-v'ilc tbf''y-,:''sb.hi.b^ i in I (.;)j. - f-db rt' t--. ..-X'it.by.. - iut r<f'<\ uc 1 pg; :.|^lV:"ni. - .Opij-'nlrig- ,\vi:th\a- t;>lk -ijjft .and ;i :'\S-ail;>iti"bfit iH'Mr.ilirei.tlc. p.''Lr.f)dy./d;h:; 'f' .•'i'''>P , h.'l'iii-i.Vii)r,'-:-l'"-iiii.p?:h'. re-fipi)ppr,s; '.If.i.!.'-.r-.;'fJ'l:' bit-with ■a;'",.C!6Ut)lb; .-;of' 'Ari;p<>ri..'-.'-ift'.'j';..Jid.y'H .-.dolhg. -pa':p'Hy -...stiirC' '.fi.Ti'(i;b)l tli'b'.'hiTjlltb fprilf;^^ '''yi'dv^' .'df'ln'g- 'd. yp'iU)^: ■ ; '■;.;/ . ..':r \..■ '.,, .Tlio. (:(iih-f'.di:j.h-..singer' .alsp- .'iyork.'f. ,;V.'itJl.^. A/j.-rohson -j. bahxls^^ fiv ■ i 4 -conic d^. . l)lar-ii'rju-ti. - lii t., - .ri.ot:v liJf.rl'ie^.-i ;iil.'rt:ly .orl.trin.'ili- and l;it'.-.p ,j:'.fi/:.s?:i,nj.b. r'th'-!.;.l)'i-;st'-uar.t ;(if. iiis ■■;j'.-t-- v.:-ld.i- \\p(j_ .f.-l''\?V-■.gji-l...'-s-i:oV)'.v».-'^.->^ -• . - ^..-f.'■■ ;, ■ ,C\lj-i;i'g.i'V ;r.;i'e.'.i(.';i -..- I'-'i;!)' ' •->.'K:'.k--- -a.Ti'd^ I.TT;r-:);..\lTr> ■ f-^!-'t ••af'i://'rr.'n-i^ :'f;'?;'(],«ji'.'r ''>v(ir. .■f■rl•«)Ji';.^ ■;;-.jl V,.-e'y^^^ -.'.IS,' 11 f-(.':il re-; ■. a . t '.iii"..-jaV./,';'tlWit ■ I M-n :l ■ ^iji'idt'Si'l-'l:;'.p'irfr'rinV^. ,. ;^': ;::; / ;' ■...'/if:':■ .dh'i' 'yiitTtiV.^. :;iF!j:f;rj|t'ii+ifV;illy:-p'c: riot-i'i'lir; -fV-I/'Ui. V'.'^-'''1-'^•' -p'/'iv.;.;?''.fiU'i'^Vir;'!,']')':^ .a - ^in.:, ■ .- J t'- not; .'i-'.'r. '■. 1 il.-:iji!.', ;,it;. .)r'i''ilf^'d:. id.fi.ii y..' itkMl ;,, -;^djii'." -.-tb.; .'b -nii'.-iT'-, I'.'lipp.'-'h -'.firiO- 'f.Virilv.'ij): - 't.i'if; -'|rfe? <^.; T.|^ll^r^ .:.■t^'1l'^ or'-'hef-^- I j.'i.':j':. ;.^.'.''-:i;i;;' r'-'ivlilb' -. i;>i.-s;'..ot(ilK'.- ''rj;iy'r 'ri-TJ^iiri !;:b-''iy. :v;M'j';;v;;^ i<ri.t; .1- \\X'Jt ■ii.'''..fMi;.-/:5 ■;ii,':-;; Hi'iVJl^;^ h--'^ fr:- 'Ji,'()'io \'t';i}'. ire:>\' i'U's/:,y' :jn> : -r-| .;1.1.<'-' -- fi,-;'.'yri!-'pViiyt.'//ii-i, 'i'iiii.l".r.u;iH^ :j (j.V' r. 'Vi;i>ri.iuf;,-'iitlji;-t;r'^l -f;iv..----, -i-n. -i'W'.ip. ''i ».(•'-'•-'j'';r.i.i;-r^' .'-.'cs'.j't.o'iri.-.- i.'SX-i,-\.ii/.}: .. iii.'d r^■l^■:.l^;;^^,r..2^;^:■ t.ri-,iV,);r.; 'xv v\-«;,;; r. ';.' : •:';. - ■ .I.f'i;.-.'i.. Vjro.v'i":'tV:fi' .■(!,'..<-i'v< -.'.::)>: ;'i:..,'. ' J i>:iUb.iuv;<:drv '.:■.:;. -''v:- :. :<-'//';/';;■; ;V--'V:--': - ''^'-pitfsbuVgli,. -Jiiiiy -; ^Tt-;V;f*i'<)- .libniP-;%V;i!ek': all-: ay'ci thie - / :S;ta.pl.ey^ ^i\u:i-rbn'vl>v ;; ;Splir\slv.:: l)iltinjS^;:;', rpr.'all ;(.if ilib hciitiye. siihi.<! an'd dayigl:- ,,; ;ti^r s,- i-vt i|li .'ipivii- iixriiie iget I ii-ig. j>lb:h(y. • .iiii<;;,\w>s.t,^f it%;■■;;■/■. ";• ] C . li^pii^^;- frbni Uip 1;^^ ' liloi'i :^vh(<';!'».:re*^«M1tiy'j»h :A-i).i:^'!!;mi- -suii^v'-^^ :. . - •ti.ii>;d'.- iVtiiyi.>r'';' nwyTlvb'iu;,V?^. -\i.rf};iit'tn.,..-.:'; ',a-,-':lg'v^.al, ^b;ay thh't'- -^mado'Vgood,.' a^id-.-.- . Ifai^diiJ-: 'jVliiriglit,' i!v.vy(v.tilj^':,frPin ■ .rtiH'glvliprlng- '-'\illa-^^^ jvivd:.;'-tvaS-,.;!!!©'-';; .b>st''llaini:bt-vOv<V ti.h-ricd '.'rut-at t'hor;- ;.. 'CaiMibgit<.'\T,.o'\'h lfr;^riVa:.^^*^lVb^ here.:: y ■ irijbn' - d.ri- thp: 'stiig'o'i.-..-as .- ,;t.h-.: <'3y'V*'ai- "' .' -added (itt-i-actlon to ,t he'.ru.blj^t unit.,:. ■.-; ■■i>d\yjl.AN:;eht-M!i^(^iiUy^ Ibi-ro'!:! I.dr;.- li .-i h;-Ub 111,-.-the. St age' Vind'.^.0 r ;Sv.hb' i3-.-ii)bre^ br/li'ss :A'>f-:-:.i-h :i'u^<>l>tCd--'-. •dfUiglicter^in-la^y;- as a .^r<'suU of-'her.--, teeept -'nta'rrlagd ',td ; a •;Pittsbi^^^ ■vbutiv; which has ^b^^eh.■ spla-'jlibd -all.;... ■■aver .:the • A-dnt-;Pa;ges:.P<...-h |^l»^rb .a!?';. ■; • wvli-as^ elifewhdrp;^;: ;•'"'; ';';"; .;;,"''- ■;'v ■■'' . .•ThVt'ihakes.It-^^^ on .^Ot;: " r.-ide all: arbhnd,'.aiid if' liu^al pride.-. ; '-mo.yns.- .'inylh.ihgyrit .s)i<;iuld:.b'e a pi,t> .'. ■ Sveek;' vi'tdvwveri: Ideal "pi'ide' mean.«i,' l-ittle- ip this biirg," so wd,*it bets .ai'e ;- - - ;off.;:\;v .-:. ■;>;..;■ :i;::'.::■■''';', 1 .Ml^s ■ -^Rd.th . • wbrlis".:..i'i'alf- ::'pn..' full'-:. ' 'slag.e.''-whie'h-, tan:t' ,s.d-' .hot- for- 'her,; -f. and halt lit orib;: Barid biv-stage at ; ppbnin'g for' a'('ibv-eiv routine-by' ihd •Meui:iel ..Ab.bpt-,girls- -;r'hil'Arnold's - ' iiboling,. and a flasli; Jjand-: nun.iber. V Ted: I'jy ;i:)l.ek:-I-*d)v'elt,' nivc.-.'-ritid eiuUhg • 'up i>i;a.pin^lh'g-.cJi.'orirn.: .Piiwell':• . ihtfodubos Xiss : Rp<h, ''W)\o. sl.rtgs a cdupib: iiun\Vier:s .In jr.ont of .tilb: bfihd,,''.' :Wt.^"5eemS. lbst.'bn'the: (ul.); hJlrn-lJfcp . i'sfago at this iiipot;;:.';she does better; . ' ;hp\vever, .whdn- ^curtains VclPse; .in,; . .I)erm|tti'ng;: Vba.nd .to ftw|l!.chV. frpm. stagb tp plti'; i)pes-a-fbw Vags-vyithi : ;Pd>V'bll -wliile hi.ii.sirkprs- are swi'tcli,- ing '.spats,: {iind'':thci| gdes into aTi-j' ^ other- .fib»)g .Jniiniboi'• In .-wIiIq^^^ ^\\^ ,»ii;iuls -'find' nvu'sscs- the ; m;c.:plepty.-".-. -Sllss Ildtiils. rbbeptidh .blgy: wltlv/hcr - ■ bOst; humhbr. ."s^ing, ,yoii:; .Sltihers'^; .' fi^crhi .her-:flickcv/^'JIpnei\".i\'- --^^^ : ;:.PbAvbil brings on: \Vi 1 fori. :C'rayfley, ;; Aviih ; cplorod.' dlarii.Vet :SfilPist' i'apd. ;' icVphatViyin'^g" up tlie; shoSv ris .tl'glit - :nis . .-iio' ' tios :.'up', thpse; - loosd.'^j.olnb.d'.;'.'.' ilihb.s.:.,df lii.s. ..Alsd -works in.;one, as .-^ ; do 11 nc: gi rls ■ i n, a)j b Ih.o v ' ^ ^ y i"bu ti hO;.v\ Syhiie; Stage ;i$ 'beihg. set for -SVilli«, -, 'We.'i't - ; and -Mc' vihfy '.ivpf,. ■.j-IIbu.sb.'- '-" yvre.bkprs^ ■ivitli.; th-eir;-:.slApstick;. st'uff-^. ^ '^iye;thc: unit '-a 9uro'r7rc-ri^^^ . J3c'rnlo ■ ■ Armstrpnft'.'Prganlpg and' ^ -hb>vsi^cc'iv;-' iz: :-last; shpw ' Mat-..; nite- \capacily-vi'itli .ioWyMin^.H.;. 'Cqhen.:; -;: -!;-v;'.':'^';, :.'::C.-'-;.;:ClUca:^p,'^'i^iay! -19,' .; Af torvslpc ;m.pnti bf; oi>eji;atioh- this.-- -' hptis.c. bh ilie ..bdgb :;bf ; the- Loop -,1.3 \ slo\yihg;- .dbwh:..'b'n;thc -bbhfl.s,' :^'p.s:ily :. jbc^-aXtse' of' .,p^•prt•rowde(l' .-.cpmpetU ...' aioni^ '^Vh'en.'.jilax, 4nd,->:;ate- .-Aschcr.'- .-Jlrsf^. t.b(ifc;bvy^" ;thb:bld-^.<^^^^ ;ijbuis-S'lachai:.<^^^ CftO'-; ■s.<.>((tea; to- a' cl.'is.s. Jil»n. spo.t.;<)f ti'iQ.ctx':^y :mic'ily; ';t)i''- I^'uhch -:ari'd.^';:j-U(Iy . sitppd;-; :ajbhc'> ih;,thrjV -H<.'ld ;o^--;ffir<'igri Jfllhi.. • •J-'ifbilittioTi':\;since.■jtheh--no- ies<5;;thJth;■ ;liy<ri. ..foreign;" sli.a^^^^^ offei*;. :f dri'pbt i U'ph , :;;:i\:ii^n';P.ihi(;lv;arid:.riidy...m-ii;)h^ : Ar.'in .'i-,.nif;x'i-'d-|)6ti(\y-r)f fi/ri;ipti--.; .. ' ■ine'st ic pi(;tu:res it i.s' npvv .slit^ki'^^g■■ to ; - '■ str.iiifii.L.j fbiMikri; .t('i»:inr'->!,- -ring jiij^ '' LiY only Ain''i.'ie;tif.'.-iir.o(!Mt.'r.d' -SIi.O.rr-.. -.' ."^-nlije't-ls.- . jMy-;ij),\viiil(Y- - tlK- ;'Ci'n'>tn':i, ■':j| ■ >\'(>.(;d.-<,. .S'ti^(l(•l)al^l;^ -a'hcV'tiib: L'tiKtlb . • :.ai:(!; 'Oni liiig; li) bn .tl)''^ A-S''l":J"s, 'b'-t- .siil.e a;; i'i.;\y -hclg-l.lb'niio0(lv Ixj.uses. " , '■ \y b.':rf.> 'o'nt'v or .p<;t:liai)s. Wy-o tl-ibat.rCl^: ':\ hiight.rn.'iko' a living oa-.tiio foreign ::; iijiiiiTa-ls.lis; practlcaDy-ian iinpossl-r,' ... bility -£pt''^liye..tyiir . v-'i;.■: . - J)is';Ot.in'lihg btljf'V fbrV'igrs;, pro-' - .di.i"ed: ;ii.bh's, -."f^9^'n-lariy'■.s' piilpii.t'; i's abyuit .tlnv::only.;:C;i:op :l\i:'»iin" t^^^ sido-.stci-nding a <-h:l..ric<^-ih'.tlii^ :- Svi .i b-'' a'^ T.i-(i 1 o.n ip.-po.p I) ia.t) b ^ ■(^.roniid ' C(j'),Oi)fiv :; i-U'j-ii. 'a ;-riiiMfn'ji'y-' ' .'pe.i'f't'p.iag.''-:.of - tl).rii--;i)g-Uiv....ci)\i;id sn'l)^~'.; Mr)r.t.-.;rjpft-: liVju.sr'i-piayij*;' t\\.f>i; bVit hp.t-' - il; "'llb'(;-i<:.'; '■'An'ollier. -h<-(id;if'riY'. -is ."tlib .. .itl.^(.■ri.br .^'gl•^i(lc-;:o^ ; i^lrJ>'« brpiigb't-ioyi^r^-; .\'\i<-.vi>:■ :X)nb'j in.-aywbffe- a pli'iiilre'like" ; - ';'.Mi\-vl ;J ffH.en'.'- 'vvill «v7.irre' albn'g -.arid;; J ;;i:r:rb 'y:m'ii('\-:'-ri-i|n;-hMt 'Vr-'hat .abbut thb"..: M'-'jit'.' -' And It'-s'.a; JdUfc.H tbslt -pif-ltini? ';- 't'-hr; --i.Kb'nrt.^ii; ';nrvld;.l.s .si;£-lltm5Qd that '■ ; . ((x li jlri i'li'ivi.; ;'t:.(-> 'ri-^l: .-a; V'V.'blnng.; bv.-'. :' ...i'r'iiM j;,Q'.'-^i hif: :tll/^.-|h'•P j ;.t'r) ;'gr-'t'.-t'h 0..jn n 11) oii tlid ..n;s.;?i t'. rt.iib'W'.■ .;- -; \Sri.,.,'it 'lifst- il^s ■■njiV'ji'n.d Oiyk >vi .Ji^ ^ .■f7)ii'iiJ-iii.i;:Xhtl;'i.ii<jnV.-1.<Y jiU<%i v; Kt.'! n11 j)0jnt- .tU':'-;:i 'Vni<■ h' ■ ah'd'-.- •f'j:'ii:-.'-i'>; «: f.'.''.v;;- !;'/)<iil ..-l^ ii:-;. ii'V;'ii'ltr'.ad.:-... 'i^rtK.'''phi.pi-i|t(u'--\ .-ir<.f i...''- -I'l.-i.-::;b.'-^v ;)-';h'ii>d,^-ir-d '- iilorig-;- j.-ji^^ >'; (.-•.viUV ;'irs;.'iiii.iviiji.Hiu. ''-v:(.vii,i«'.;^^^^^^ ^■^i.niO.■^^^i.l•::y: ■ s|iro:'i\'<t':.-o:;;- "a'-'t.- -v.'v'il-■.; '■v(•;)l^;l>'l;;'(:il^:; 1 ^irjiif-:■;. -: i:-'l -i;i'.>;'' I'*--- ■') : - ;- 111' r.i n j a ri< 1'; •'^*;~.:<<. • -:] • ■■ .' i ■- V' -y^, : .j;-;;iK'i;.,i J^iiiupji' ii\;?\;.i;;.v\v';!i:^v-;ii'0;; ■.- )i'iri;.<'!. i.-i: :l■.•'^^l^•:5 i"-'Vj^'v'-i- ','.••>.^>. :..~--:— 1 - - i:'ii';'!>'i;iit;~ pVfi'r.'imi'.^i^: -. '-'.:!;'f."' {■■, i.-'j':' ;.^I.':^■^^^^! I \-y>y> i;-.,'';;..i': f ^ i-.' j'baKiu-i.-!;;')!/ ii%;<i. ;pi:'?'i .i.i 'i rii.• »-.(|'ir'."r..; |.(..r . ri:i.. :■'■!- i'J>;:-;;t :..ri: V '•.-. J i' i;.;-iMz;'i;i;^i^fv'!^ri'';. W'.i ,■;•• .IJif>«•,':V'' ■•'i.'<<-' •I'.-.-ii. 'i'-t-n/' iUr-ii'^ •''hi'.! '■I'':'!'-; i^';';i. s'''i i-e'-<.. l.:ri.-;'IVIix.^, )>■•. '.'i'.-'a I'.-li; (jt.