Variety (May 1931)

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viimTv I II « :Ai M E e (V)c P H£R$0 fS. ,:Ancf.el!tis Teiiilito' ■ -KF-SG; '. Los Angfrles , • ■hoi . >'-;i /•:/:;.>.;: ;•' ■; •• > BOia RlF>LE:Y. Vbvk .■>■'.'.';'■ '!;i;iVi.Vliri;!>'y':f';i'< ;^.jiii;v>i-;it'li;('. jmV :'!.. v'-. ii,in(v ■^Tl)H- V»)iXii'»ji'V^- V;ictop/ Hijf bert. Mcrnci^ •,.; '' ■'. - ./ WJ7,- N;ew.,:y:ork ■ • / :■; j-sltjiuilizoii ivi n (ti ns -, Co I)»i iWsi'r'.K..' i iw'l! >iTi< vS. K c'.riiii.Uv'l AvaiC linili"'- /. tl'.ity ■ .airs|vri;'^s,'.'.oi; ilit' .^■Wvil.Uj'.:';rVuM: IVlUi.l.V-^^^ vjiilil; I'tilili.sIlCM'SvV .•■ iv -v ■■ -v-^i \ \K^\v-:;v.--.V '■'si^v-r' ■>; :•■ ■'.;V.iTi;\'\V V--ii?'^-■.''^ . ^ , ■{ti.nil':.o;;'>:i-.'. ' ■ ■ ■Si.-iti'b-.- iK-Viforsoii' ■ talks /-^sltovN ;l>ii:jii;osp;:> >iJV'. ■ 1nVt«s. /his; v.nstiri^s;; aiwi'iUn^.iiir tKt'' i)i!li)it..';iu!r lOj'it^iliit! .•ji;iuv ''i>5..-'.:rVwa>■tltK .,sa,; ^''.Yi"'. ilioii!<!iiuis V>f. p.oiiplo ;i>0;i.'f., .v.dU, ill. t lie, oi'clU's/tiviviVou 'i'V J''*^ isajooiyy.i- .'you iii '^; the .-^oconrt. .i>aK*'ony,-.. jitju croAvg^.. ytiOnllnt;' lii;:t!iO;:,iicu!iy'.;y('U . tlioujianiis* IfsSwnuvB -in .iiviu-..vue. " • yuo 'lll^^^^eti.-^*au(•nV Aisi^ ,f>c ni.pfl-: : btlifV'. t'ryiktie, .tf.o.!jit;iuttioij«' i.U.ii" sj)rifililoil'' in :J^^ieP^-'«t'-«i''>»:'1-', '^^Of ' t'i*". ' Bcrinoiv 'sliv ' aUVfiys-. • a . Ki'oiihiX -of^^^ovitfnitbliK-.orgUii invislc. Tiicu iiiC'r(!"s ii .uroUiK. to • t.Uc. sorf ri^ons liv. kecjiinpf with tlii" text,;. A; y!hbri^(lf ,300 (lo theVXableau^ . . .■ On li^^v oi)(>^iurtg sOrni.on,, SLClei'. J)<?,r i'bUha-tlTC-N»bivi?V-'U'ip..'AiiMb^^ 'scVLMviV poums she ..hivtrAvHtt'on '.cli^:' iji^; tiie. :t.buA' Atl .w^ also .ci-c(li't(<(l tb, X . l{otlv:l>Tibs and' nib«i( - wtr^: fij^IiUH^Vl^,..• All U(*i' BOiies' Koiiiliiiff a ,ii(!v- Tmtm;'.tilie'il .sudUt'iilS' .i>ii|'i:it ibli) 6iv> ■ oC'-jipi' b^wn .niiinbcii'fj- wilVvi'i^PV 0>':. eiahist-i)ic:luiie h<?r up .cvn.i.tliP. RC''bna^ oi- lliirtV Vv(Vtcl>; Gr^hestrii. ;lettacrfi . ishbuld^KCt . a.#;fta prsa-nisi ■ i)ic)<;lnif.i:(i)-cti(?s^^^ y'.rw . - Wlieivsiic^ liiiifff! a l^JDlc xiiJolbliofi; ■ islie ■Ayi\irils. iluU-'up > w'itlv, ••.i.nd sb' ;..ofv/i.:::: ■-■V-- y,y '-'- .-■ iAftcivy'tlic/^Servlt'C?*.- -- tlitv f.fitiJ^tiOh '■' etij.-t!. b)i'' jvittt, aiv. Ivour of. -iiViis<ic ■ fcoin ()i'kan.-,ojchCB'tra,.'C'lioirr;.'im ',a jfitalo. tVio ' tlKit^"gels ' Willi; 10- . 'l^e^b^1^5.'^'y^• pop; niMbdiOs-.' ■ Jt'.a ■ fill-air /klibvv that's a.' Klrawv.aiul'rin: a laiidi VlVtrc • the • riclio . pi'ogn^ vribus'y' badr-^a ciiibhr ( a//.: '■' (' - IN)-!:'■ iiih-. (Xh;M'V'J-'^' ■ '"'A- IVlVJ^tl '■.!uiri I'lM. 'lHo' iVrst- l)i^y>u-il(N'.ist/:iX:i>nV , .tiv.•■" riiaji■.■AA'1h>n.'tlio;'») 1 ip•. Vvai>; ; Aill^'Ti*'' Tiifl.iv- :a^:-.s(:?ivv ;.i;ipii\\::> •iiaiVi :<yi;..vMviHvUpvaMc, '^^ .u'iViUUi^^,Is. ;llsb jiki\l ttti •.tlu' iair.- T.vvo. ■),ii(:\'ii :;Vi'(- 'spbl,Vi»(i' ib aissi.-^t.. hiirt .>v-lth illio-(h'>llv<?i\\-'tinK'as iVrtl.s,. '.chbj; auc.-itibiv hlMV. -VPBi'Vf.liii^' l'i.«:. UixlKv- 7^'i.ltiiu.,()r *aVh. itojU..'- . / ', • . ^ (tu llvis; i)iM'-ibiV.>*niiay. .(i'i;)v,Hipr 1>>V' Vk^^mI /a'lmut^^fViUr 'i^ rplii.tbO. io. iXo.rili/A otk;!-..llib; pl'a^.'Os ■ \:is^jU'(l >'Ki;nb.. oiT Irit^ •tmb' - TfaT7^THrniv?nFTMt^^ oni.s'..: .it'. S^Vs/' abcrut, .thp'^V p '"(tfiriv'cK-(tf: Ah-ica;. .A:lia.\vaiiaii'hAvl;Vr' liiHa : bbbiiuvv: thoit' bbing . piaytVd^;« iaI iiin wiiKilt'L'so, pibse;': .cau'l iliK- ab vArv-i.f'!>i"i t'lin^xofr-'i^ P;.A' isiaiulai'rt- OiV subskV .lu.>s ■UoO. Kil'lc-y . up -foi- .a;.'.^eri?fi.^ an<l .is;niijv' 1. iiifi. a- i'l el j>} s;e..- i.i,- br ■; Ki) t'-' • c\ojiii'>t.; 1>^si«lf-s. ' ■Aui'ibin'itHHt^tViut.^iVihjiinia-:: aibiVV-.ifrifl-Wa.nU«■. can: b'o Sociir(*i.t at; thv>vK''\>>flUnp- sti* .' .■ ■ . \- ■ItipU'.v" is^: to. l»p//'s'-t iiiic>< ..w.obU- • I'/i^jf i Vij^- li.vatPr'iul, is liibC'l.v' ,pi'es6ulb(T arid siV!M-(ii'ni(JoiV ilnxlyVvis V oki Ui's' hbUl vinu-siiai■■ iiitcVest;'■'• •,', ■' Jl. is rui ■iLiViiual-•t' abjl. .ftiiiiav: ib.i:oiilii»iT itas.ratPit i\niObK. tlir-Hiuv U>ib^^^,i|.w^^^^ ;ra(li(v lias ^bs (fttov -lirtrin^i- auy. >'oar: Xo; .('xt'oivt'.iori. t h|W 'tibio;. ib Tal't; 1 Kb. pi'<>n'i",a'i>i. 's,bx>riib'<i: bvinivvnV^iro- i)1basin|;. I jV iit»f tv. vcsirtir'a b t -V^bicb 1 jf*. .< J on.« .HiVo.r?;...piVik.i(l(>.n.t-o.!: il>o'. sm iVty,,.his ■'<'<'11.' ib ti'brt b (• l;l (Ui)^ i'ji(Vb>,-. to. his tiibbii. .th^ <l<'bai^l,c(l }> h i u s -of. M usiV, ■■.i'a niliI) bbf cy t«);,'OviiIous't. . tl.iai.., mUdV wi=; lvrt<i('b.(\ If..' 'l'hb ''i,>rbpivabvV,wfi«' fiwV: ivfiin tlip • Cryijlui vrb.oni of fbb Rif/. C'.aclii.«i «l. 7 -o ii^ioblt/ AssoniWecJ \y6.i-(> .30.0 f i lobds aiiU one ^.ti Hv.b assb: (•ia'tcsi bC.\'i<jtbr!i-bci-t. '■ ;•. A n .0 ri'1V (>st t-a: . i bblb s.l v.bc - b f. iti.u «I -; UiiTTR whb' ~JiuU-!-.pi3yx;A. w.itir Imri; I'lifpUffh the'. yi'.b.r.s. Ruy^^' "^I'ljb; ated Miir.CsrOrc. ni-st; •■ Hcrb^ whb - hbifl' becii^in' a- b\inib.e|tv bC^ft^ c*»niposer's ' . op.cnis*, .Wahj? -. '-(lypsy b \'b'soil," ■ 1 vity bvo 1 ui: ir) ub I lel 1' c;oji r (Jtict.ih.ii-,' ■ MAJFty €;H:aS-L:E&'':.--: ,0>.sm.tfiM;t|lQd($tv' /• ■■ •; Sbstai'ning' ■ ' :. cSatiirilay i EDt)|E DOWLlNG .:- • ''Victor -Herbert. Memones";' '■■.Sonflsi.'.6i*chestra : • :.ftadioVDiscS-.'; -.Comrfierclal won, New York ; Sec'ohxl; .'<ie. .the ■ .""Victor • ^rei'iiVrt ' Meri\6i iesif' sci-ies, -on; discs.; tloaiiTiff "with ' J.Oddle-. DbwUng's' .rebiibis- cencCK of. Victor.:Jlcirhei'.t;-' -It's' . a Bmart -aVidio : topic,; iferlJoi-Vs. hjelb-: dies tjcirii;; ab xij)pealinK .and' ever populai\. 'Radio audience, has heaixU theijfr i'iielbdl? bften ithere is no .'doubt- ))Ut' that tivey .ai'e i.nte^rcs^fCd In healing some bt.the life history - bt Iho: fu.nioMS .bb.Tiibbser.' and ^)er- . 66nal;'tbuehcs .regarding' Tiini. ".. ■■ ■ , ■ . '■..■Dowlixig tolls ' wheri;:he; ■lii-st«>t: : ISilr. I rer!»«rl:= ■ li^w hfe? \van.ted : Xl\f:, coniposb.i; tb Vwritb ■ the- niUsip.;vtc>r .a Jilay ' ut; his;- hut. instead vHcrberi ..gave' liini ,a role ::iii-'lierberi'.3- new., bpevelta. l.'arls ,b£-:ii : ar'o . <lram,aT ti'/.cd, .Willi .]icLb.C> t ai)pi<arinK in th.t»^ • voice; ..tinKod^.Wit1i :;.a .- slight Irish bi!bBU.b!. ..VYl.Vethcr or iibf the yoiCc, and at cmt are a blosc r^opy ,bf Hev-. , V)oi"t's. dbesn't inp-tteV; .a^lhoiiglv. , Jri e.tbei-l ....h.eyer •; *poke<..,with.' any. touch-br-.ri'brogue,''.'v ■ ■!.:'■■—.■'•'■' . 'This . diKt-'- (li-aU -''Wi lli • ncrbCv.i'ir ^;>'C^lr^:i^^ !.iie-.Sp()t;iisht.''.': ..- V;;,:..';.; ; ■. .Dowiink-• does... aV;. bit at siuRini;' , .livnSsrtC -. Also. : Vij la -' nti.ile ..clirti iis, •M'fvij.'-at rnos-i)lie.i-e>' applvuis<>, .• sho.uts ot xj.udJoi\re. etc.- .' • ■ '. . v .'.'/ .; ; Sma'^rt.iittl)?-dis.c p'rpgi-ah'i. frbru :all nuKl'o.^.; •li.K'l.iiding: ib'c J)o\V:liiv!j liani'c .^aiuc;---. . ' .cveiiiiiiBS 'fiver •'W'A ItC, .(.'bliW.ibia notV :'.'\yorlc, -ia:-',a'. .•s;>ric?.s;.v/^b.L'.. ..sketches, tiuloi-i'd- ' lit lie,f talents as % <i\'-\^' i-riaiic :'.'act.rbiis'vabir...stiigei'. 'arijfS' (iU)'arli\s 'is^.it'ii'[tle\'-.din'<ir,bnX',in..h<!i'- "Sty.k* ":'M J ;V'brli:' ■ 'frbiii r^ thf?; .jU'era^'e- wi)hiaii>hcard. on the air. . 'jhb .skits; likewise,'.-. ate. .al.'ib- .;avvay;'.' frorij; th.^ lisiiaI.-i-tin;., 'J-he conibinatibn i)ii>>es; tor . art . ifiterostiiie',:. and ehjbyabic ((u' an hour,.-.V. ••''■■ 'y^-- ■ \- .r Tu..:'clibcli': the. , jmpreij-' s^.^bb;^~C,lolU^bl>ia kebp.s. tile ■ period;^ en.- th-el.y free: >trbni. .ndyertisiiig., .~-l.t's. tlie v~tj;|Ve. .'b£ ifUstainin'R' pro^ra.>'r> which shbiiid not bnl.y Kbjid Uijteii'^rs ibUt Avhich sijojiid. iniiid jErbb.d^WiH.- . ■ Some-bl. tlie\slv6tc.lies hayi^'a ii.fglit ;.clbl>.: ,..or. . thcatyical" ■' baci<grbtiiid bhar'actji^rs-' are.. hio'.re': -br,; less.':- the .sam,o. A Jevt ish Di'.bdu.cer speaking: ivt dlaiect; was .well: 'played .'an actor: whosif fi.ariie,- was .;n.o.t 'jgi'veii. • ' skit Miss^Cliavlc.s' {favo. a Ane; portrayfil. VbE '■■ .a ...former' pViiiia dbrrria.,'. 'becbme.: - 'a . scriib' ..woiVi'an landed with, drariialib. rciyditibn ■ of tiW'.Sbng.' '"^i^oor kid'.'* '. ' ^^ - • . .' ' -Miss. Cl'iarles .shiTip'S: in • e' .chaiiatterizutfO.nR/.. bb t .^or ■ft'' c o£ .pjr.i'-e iiif'i'e.- i><- oijToe'd'y.,.'VS^t.if! does .r;''v- ^Wfill- •a!l.-lVii:-i,;'.t,bb, ' Vriiarrcfi tiasvveli 'auOibrs .tb'r? -skeli b<*s.''.. •.■ '•■■.:.■•■■":"■■•■" .'■■;■': ■■,'•'■•• vC C'ftiwi^'^ Majoiv .iSclwiird: IJoivi's wil.h. sonic b£i-his • C'a'pilbl ■ Vfainily" eaa-.ricd;. ob the^>l(M•bert.■prciHtab■i.■■ibVcgo USbitl th:(?ati-e-. broatlCast,': .• tr'ordfwi .^..^sa^iiiyi • ■•.'■Xbop'cVlii^in- - Lov;c; .Sb'i.ig" Irbiii ^•'I,'rinc6.s's."l>ah,;',. .."When You-re. Away":'was,^lte^^ a biia(V<>. bif. B<>wes\spnir.biiHiSi. ..y i'juno.iVnU'uiaycn. ' '• V>\sic-i-iliu;ug'hv^'"; (in.' t li e Cel lb,, w.)i icli - was t h.c...' conV- pt^sex-s favbifite in'stiniViH^nt.. j'towes: 'i-e(-ltc(i::- it." '\.<^):i<i,:: '■ ''i leiH." - . 'rW^ajs': ii-: l"ri*^nd/^ as lie ..has;. i.n past .Ho.rbert.^ railio-.tiUh>ite.s. ^-^'Ive. OM pi,it)l'jiortlb^^ cbneibdtd ^vitli .T.»uise • liiiyft fiin'ging tii'er "irut'terfiy■• AValtz-V ;fi-6.iri ' yBii'-.. i:it't.i:b;^:^:V:'^ : ■'■■ \' '^^■-••: '■ ^ l!uc; U- .'c.Oninie iitedf th.b %.-. n'b'. T^fbrberf.' progvain 'would. IVC. 'cb'i'bpic^t^^ iiis 'fabiovis, "K-i,<<s.'JMe - .iVj^aiiiv*^' av iih l''rit?i: 'y'chcXC -feivinj;. • air-fexcelloiit rebdttion. • .Tustv befbre that .AValiiei'' AvbolfV'- baj4to.iied- ;;J)r.canv . i'lfirl.''. Signiiind. bh)iicr'fir ;Cb;idbCledi tlje ortib'est ra ■ tbr. thfr »liin''|tig: '-'Hose; of Aigei'la;.". - oiive I'aliiiei' lilted- . the high'-nbtcd' ''Itialian, . >SirccVt . yohg:'" fron^:.v^•auglUy-•^ia^•ibtla.•':.>; . , Kbdjr Vailce 'was 'an addt^d cop'- trMnitor,.- at' hisr requi^st.;.. lie. was: libolte.d ' :in-. .;f i-opi " the . :l»aram BropKlyn, and sahg ''S.\Vep.'l.'.?lrysteiy of:Life,after lii? babd wbnt .tlirp^ffh; 't;h6.rnelbdy;:-.'v-■ -■ ' introduiped ' as'', one bX the :,cQrb r: poser's, ' detii/e.s.t.' ■.'friends,: • August .T.lio.mas -spoke', a, s'ch'olii',.. j-e.t.aff cc--- t.10ria'te: .eulogy, • " An_b th er comra db, Henry ^HadleJ', :Gbnduc.vod .tlie : 6rr cheWlra in .the^fijial seVi'.C'.Ubn,. '.'N'aT toma.H.'.''^ '■ ■': :•' '-y -':. Tlift. prbgranv> van '.piligit.tly ..ovef- .tim'ei ''tvJth. the, last. n.u'biber ..s»n>'e■- ■what.::|m^i•ied."•', •'.'; i •.'. 'i'lf'C^' '- . KMTR>\Lo.s-Abgel^, ■ ; . . '■ . > - ' luaugural prj>t;rj.(uv. ..tit-- .l.liP, ll'ii'bire's ' hiniv.s'cii.pluitiu}; ..vil'^* t-lr.dii being"''ituiit .i>b-- (lie. ctVasl a is< f jn .s 11 i U'li oro' 111 .v/ 1 )1 tigg fug f\ll;il-ed- Iv A.- tthiv' .and tbcii'ti-i; ne\v '■ aii'l O li'"<'.- nainc^s. K prbvi'd (in interesting i>cri>Mr.-over k'^rri;. -.-j )um btb i.'ivi.u 'av I';-.a.i.-fi> .in!ibtib'fjridV.t.haI; '.siatiibi. as- ..tlio :l" A '■>• DWi'i ■' briKidciist: '..Voiitl^ai wilh.: t.he. u'\-irisn>itte'i''aeiualIy,,;cd on; Llit; Vnitcd .Artists studlb liit. ; . s • •Ifrobiibiy. Al N.b.winan; tbivm-irsit-al--, bobdiictor, dug' bp.Uie kinipl.e ide.a f>i; an- (ipbi eUd .vs. ('O'nicdy .sorig; f bniesf.^ Keni'li-ed:Tib lirtulty: abd worked 4ri .the .hest; o:r: lierbcrt, Frin>i;,,Jibiivbcrg and IjftbaV: in the bporetta dtvislbnis Versus Her-; iin. .(le.rKhwl'it.' 'i^obni-.rt^ ,.Dc. SyIva-li:rb.\vh.-lI,endersonr ; .7; / .' . \ 'b'p.bning - fjubst .■ stai-;, -ivas yKdUio .Cantor,: a \\Mse niovb,; ratli.c'-' ^tlia.b aiiy of 'the I', A'))lbtiire nariies, C';i n - ifiv. rC'glslbred uilftliy oiv the afr, U.b-; ing a ilnjel>- ''l-'rom'Niagara; Kails :lo, liebb-'•.■«itty.and also ''.Yes:!,^t-.s^!";:a-_ liu'tential i Htr^fr bhi l ii. s-irf-*'ftiie^>j •'.•i'aibisrv pays.." w.Vilch hivs jussf .gone in'tb^WTrt^t'itt'tr^A;':--./^'. :■••:• • -:^'''^ ..: >fe\xi»ianr>s 'liiuiiical' f^^^^^^ , wei;e in fine. :fe:!tUe, ^'further aided '.^.Mir- t'io.iis'imnihors. :, ■ o ' Idi'.a bbvibii'siy cbn-' be ic^'r.rJed on iridei, ■ jiliis. ari'y -S9'nj^s;\ but., .pt Xhv::. Ir,A. plbtures, such as:."Ilettchiitfj f(j);. tli6 ivrpbn," wiilch . wa^.^ bne^' :plus iilP:ni^\thc)sc\iiibbs...:;^^ -. ■;. P^ii.. FISH^ft'S: ORpHE^StRA •Sustaining.:. • :"■■''. -.■• •. • ., •. ',.. •WOKb," Albany ..'v'..':':-...;.: '- ' ..v •' : 'j'his iiriitj which" succeeded: ITvis^. ton Rby'a/ band 'at'-illie .a'.oh .Ky.cU hotel,. is 'bii': tlib ;alr..,scycral,; tii)i'ieS- nrglitl.V'.-- Station has slii'diosj in sahie es'tabJiilinVoivt,' there bein^ a .tie-ub -helvvccn tiic hotel' .ni.abagc.m.cnt. aild \\'OKo: ■■ N<iin&. pt -, iVolel. ahdv its ; eapieoj^' Itbbui .jVlbggedv ^ W h i.lo a n .- Hbnncenieilt'- sta.les'/tbat. th';-1>''0- g:r.^i)f^ •' al:e''^bffei'ed'/. ;t)irbusrh -^Ik?: vbih'lesy.=..o£'."iii6.. •n\a:iiagerv.(ni^mc igiveJi)....;^ .••..■• :-y- - -: .'•^v'-:"'v^. -•-•';•:■'• "I'Mslier s:' brchestra seoni.'j' to .be built around the sa'xppiib.b6 player., riiifilifo '.^Vatspiir He is. ah ;ucc,om- . ixlislied;.'anxi. tivbse who' iiUe sax tooting :ar*>''ihcUnca. to Wivci aboiit -h irri-... Pot■ \ lifs,.ordinary; • raOiO, listericiV. however,-, tht; sax -tiling;.is a- bit o'vcrdbii.o.-'^ ■ :'. : " ■. ■•. .: •■ • iiand' Ha.«i gpod •riiy.thm and hai- ntbnv. while .the .iiUfnUqrs are .Weill selected .so far as change of paoc is 'bbnccpbed- . Marly/ Brlttv- .singer..; is featured:' Jte is,i>eard ;■ to ., vaatago witli:blues, . Conn: JUDITHViANDERSdN... : C H AS. CO B g B N' C0> . , - ; ; ' subtciv:;-;': .'v.-- .■. ':'.-■:- - .■■ • '■:.'; • "•.■ Coftimt^rcial'-;: :■■ .■•'• ■ -•.;:''; .■; / y^GY, Schepectady ^ '■: jud ilii. A'naor.soi'i iitrd- ,Cb.ii-i;.^^ ;cjbi. biiriV l>a'.ti.irC.ii ;.ih, .S'^l^ Ajbroil-.js.itryis ■ ri'M^. ;':'^i''>>Xi'W'V';/^N!^iU ; 'j^ IMar'i'S'! ;.;'pi'i>s.('iiterl ..- oil., ■.t:l^(^ '."v.lcipt- iioiir; p\:iM' llic-NliO. t^halii;'; ■' ■■' ,.S'HSiS. Ande'rspn: ■i»iayin'g- 'a;.cboi'tis :girl.-.. -A:^lpug ;"s.c:ene between' her.l^nd: . tlie; .law.yer; CCbbumt, ::'*was-^; ^ abhb-;v.. Cbhurn;:diri't'tb:d.Vbc per-' I'bnnanoe, .Cliarles .\ .;- i'l»ui-io'jv. was ..- iinprcssiye ^^losiiitc; iibvjlod (jpitbr--;; tivn 1 lies>; Vina ' SIicllii" lia:j'ea iiad . ^ ' side' pr^-'t\v.b a!^ ■a.'maid. ; - .; •_•'.:. '- • ..^'' •'" >]"bese '. Victor." 'skeirhps ..rirt'.'." tii^;:' tiVibg tb.b'lg- tlmbi iroiivi bp '.the :;air/;ix>day:;; .' ; ,■:(((/«»,:■' JIGGS and .COHEN ''^\-\ ..Plalebt. C.o;mic.s';. V .'' •: i- •. •• Sustaining •'' . ;NyGES,-..Cb.i<ag(>..-:;'.• ;:'V•': ^V • V'^ .. ~. A ; V.o'-M!H' ■ ,oX:'-s .f roil I - V:i uiliiy liie^ -; —f Kf ri I^a very ".and • Art.11 u r .('bheiiT- • .spid .'this :^iintill--«(iutlisid.c-istaH '. the, icbnvib strSiVi- cojtlieiiy.'idea; .abbttt •' i<i,V" moiith.^ agp.: ..Sirtce then.; tlrey'va-; Mo\y '.jil'uggirilg':; aWay-'.:.a.t' .it i\ ikbtly '.' with varied ^\)oc(tkii. - 'l''br a; while .i •. n'dighbbrbobd .'furiiitui'e ,. Kt-bri;..; had, ' .'the : act on: its. pa^": ■ ivill.- :. Team is.: ■ bow • back • ■sustaininff " it. •wiiil;i>. •the';. c:t;tlet's i•rpv\^sln;;oltnd.. ^br anpihj-'' ('>r-,co'n'>metc-ial.,'- : ..' ■ •'..'; . ,',. .'' ■:• :• '•"■ -' ' - Tl'iis.-is ,thc. hokiest of.- bbjie; a;.t\vpo " ,(Vf ;^^^Valej;lat .ihat 'b<?camb:4)!i^ lowest;- rbfljgS' vabdeyiiib. year.s ■ tiS'OV. ;It"s; the, bid '..i^tyle..,'o;t -.dialect'; s.lab.' ni.bldod.vtb- the,:'^bn(''ies ■ of :md tp'... Laii'irhs, if, any^'t-;itx .■: be;' dbrive'd 'frbiiv "ithfe-.iiiiifs - in .Oieiiv •rpi.s'terbu.s ;;-pa,lt:er;;-" hut:'. from ••.-::the . coiii'lo . sitiiallbbs •llVe.v';.'-ai'e. -;fi.b.;i>^l^^ ,tb graphically..coil note... ;Abp\it yie'.. inost. .'.^iveriliig-: bC - Uie'ir.' iect".nt;:. h.rbadca.^t.'f.- Was .l;.b;e.;' burlb'SuUe ■on: (the- ••^^ bwh'i ^tibileb .]iiti\Vde,'.and..looi;t.•)U;kt^..'.v .Mt'S abb sonlj.-; thirtg'.'bf', iis.:>-.kirid; carried '!bt(. tlio "etiibr .ivjxves/ bf're- ; iabottjts. •• .T t,hc;.abt;wi.ll:Solti.e.;il;ijr ■ bibS'O' bu.i.- bf; its beigh'iybriiQort ..«piiei'6 > into biirgeiv libie .radio doubtrbl; :' ■'• . • .'circle's . is PICKARD FAMILY : Folk Songs ': ■ V- vyjz,:New yprk ; . ';..-:••;■ .- *;.,: visit •■f.b a -Sout.hei'n .fa li illy •.si rig- ^avig..liill-bill|(;s^ Ubd;- siiirHua^^^^^ ; • And'' 11 vel \':■ 1 i tLl'e; 'vocal - ?),i\(V>inbl.v, -;. .Instrubiciiial.. •.'pcrib^-: .l''b'i^' -^VW^". :,iire.^ nicely ..I'liosieii-. :i>'\Y(}!i"vi.bt7 .ii.'.>'b: ..; : 'iiUVt: ' t<ib)ipcd -'hin -1).ill.i'es v':,-t(>' ' .-U ..' •. slpwei:':.and; - 'nvore .'lethargi^^ •"■':'uais.:.:''.;'..;:: •^■' V..'.;;;-.'.'..'.• ■., ;■.." . ..;.V. • ; -^ • " ;. At' tlie bejjinnihg the: annoimcer -,: gay«^ tliat.iii'b, Avill. iigai.u, -taikc. - ibe : 'audiciicb to tlie hbiiie bt the-tMcl;- V- :ar.d.' fanvily in vTcnnes'see.,' :liar'- . monl^c.a- ' im.perSPnatM. the nioyiiVg. train. ■ well done;, .A i',;;.bbcblib, dance .l|jb(? . brings,' in -: the -dance .^nibnitbr Avhib,. asVln^.Virglnia. Keels guides • I ho - dancers. : .Male vbico,« prfedbtn^iii^ate, ' ciiovu'f>ing ;-thc;. inale ' ' sjbio si iigor; A. you ne.fgjrl is hi*ougit t : inV :i'Mtb'r(^U ..tb'as. :t.ii ..bah..v' -of . the ..:' ifivnvily, Xor: Ci Ifiddie spng.: l)e1i,yercd in real •.childish ibabnvr .and 'lpne, ; . lins'irii'ibcntation -seoanilary.; jis .io :-:; 'aiiid:. vaibo. ; .'6i.v ',tho---;,fas.t -hill-'.- . -Ifinies;^ :tbe Vibl;in' '^biiriils.;tpo-..-iiigii ■:.":.o;iid-':raspy.''v'>•'■■':'''•... :■•■•:••■--V f* MAN - WHO D I D N O .T U:NOEB:sfAND'* ;':^ .''' '-.;'' Playlet .■.-•.•'. .^'•■ ■ ■■. • ''.■•-; ■VVC.F.L.Xhic^g'o ;■ ■;:;. •■.; ;; •;.:'KvaTisi()b'; :.iM!lS:cb\s^^^ Sent, -.a . ti'-ib (if:- thi.;iiv^ pcrfivrjiicrs - down 'intp .wjld« bf tli.e iqblv; {.Ind. dcmbnstratJid ilVat; ..tiiby ..s'Mbuld :sti<-ts i^lo.-^jc.v tb- the' nbrtb .sh:oi-c..(.ii'%a\ving , ''. ..' .-l'orr'^rnia'n;('CS' • .•.■<vbre.''.. g.ericrallS' :wbak' vvi'ilj the pvccpiidb,, bf the niale leadv-/.'I[u^rh..• 11 ippcl; .who-, ' sbiifi'-' ;;'thi.lijl;v- t.i-i. lin.ndle' lines,- .■;iJi!t';. c.yoii .'1.1;' '1.110 ••. i)Cj-rbrn.iors wove--' tiiU. eiil.ii'nKf- ilio'y .■ bouldii't have .•..sbld'MTiis hb|.)o'lbs(^}\'\, . ai-i.u'i.tei.ii'Mt'' . ' Avrf.liiiir.. l.'.oisiic'ii -.-rbi -■. thi* ibbpcont: lislenor wei-e "'3 0 7"Jo-.10. :"iib'os. > • •'; -.:.:■ •. ;,- ■ -WC!Krj;''bas;;a-f^habit ,bf inviting tb.'i^S(v anv.atbiii- 'illioairjcal. ffr c..v.V()rf bcfon^ ;a..-ir.bit'sniil.ioi-. i'Tliey bo. .l-fgure. tii)tt, -tb;o.v:il g,r.T,b entbigb 1 iWl'e.n'crs 'froiii;:'.ibe ;,-v'hble>! 'iVbit i'.bii-.sbis and. oji.ror .'iuVfer.ln'i^ 'iV-; l.'»ti(his ••Cvho;\^ii-.o fiu-beir t.o'jli.-^tci^i 1-'.li''. i'sb.b.ib, •dby eye b''thp; fibVi I y. .1 iib.y. ':reiipU;■ •.-:."- ,-■■ ;••■' :,;•,■>:. ::.:• i ■-',■-'' . :.TIii.-< ■iii'liiul<-b;st-'l,s ; con.dnHe(l.; •in-: .trodut'cd ':i.fid .,:rbVVovbi'ced.;;iyy/.',ii)'.'^et>li .1 'Ibi\U<• 11, ■ k bbAV.'n V cj I iy ■ ■"'i'. Ilo; Man ;■- .Al)b.>it Tb.^V-iV-'' •-.-•. •l''rbtb-;. tlVo li'jiiisnii[i(..(i;':.?.sainj»lo (>.£•'..;'bis..:.- w.prk r;iVrti.iu>i.t libs^ -biijMi i(.v.i'oarn: in .ibc nia't'tbi/ or.;.dii'-tio.iv;.and proniiflcla-i- tibn:, ''■'.' ' ■y •;■'' •■•:;■■•'>•'.■ ■ •■"■ y fMAce a ■; sub^bripiipn; iummeifi ; Frpm; now ;un? '.iji::.LdbQr'-p^ty,; . . '!lVl.aiii': .'rebiiMjanite-. wrtK^ "^T"® -•■aftd::,surtimer ■'addreis^*.'^. •;.'• IVjARGARET:^ILE.Y., -;'.'' ^'.^ ' '.Songs ;:.'•.:. / .'. ::•■■■': ."' .:: '-..■■ WPCH. New York 'r\7:\ , -^l,i.';;.b':XU|c.v;:isV'fiirtlie.r-'liVQ^ 'S()iK'an'ifs'should, stay avvay-.-frbirt-Mie- .i-'adib. lunlil' '(hoy'vibastCr' .the :.tecb- ni"(jii4> vbf.; the iviii'ce.--. ' in'on -haN''*'::'iil^vays ■.••cbiuend |ifajt '\ so- p,i!;vij<i's; ■^vcr.<^■ :..Uie... «\b.i!t d.-itigeroUs :vbi'(:iVs^ to-viyc,'-for:''t .-.iiavi; io!rm.i>d.'ijb\Vv to yt'ork jyii\v< ;llibir. 'v.b.i.t'0,'^..-<;bine. bVOr 'in'; iwliis.ll'os .(iiT.lvs(.'i.-o('.i'-h('is;.-.I'r6bribi,v. \ li& rc'asbn .Hiiv'rt''.''aro .so.. f'j,w sbpi';i.n 1 )'s-;:/yri. ^tlLe ;ii y: ii n 11 -t,! kj siVAvvipli 1 bg;arc'^.iwbne oN:-i .■lWM■i■(in^•■od'.^ ;'.. ■' ' "'J.■■• \ . : A.i) rfi'ui.iirrr; s;.iId:' 11'l.ti.t.. ^1 is.s :ni1.;ej' ;is^ i<,(M',t.i'''r..-.kii>)\vb...b.s;.i"'ok.' lra.y:.'il)l'Ki;i r;iH.T''iir: nii)ii.(''iW'S' b*iiIt nni ;si< .;'^l^i':. .^ShvV is -(ibv^oii-Sly .a liov-i't'Ka-to t; r; m:I i' v.-. ; 1 for '.tbi 1 cij .'-at ;i:i 1.; ivere (bb .'1^1.0(1. biid'-^at- blh'f'i'.s .-too ■bn\'- .,\y,lrCb.'. 1 ill 111lij:-rt ' 11ig)I.: i'og'.i.slor, 1 i'ei-' vbjbo' 'w:!'.';.' irbfiue.--,t-lS' ;a sr;i'cc>ch. •- ', (■>f 1; 111 iv: a I r; M iss "I Ci Io.\^ -in'bbiil 'i y.- is ■ ii |):h'i'>.;<aiir! .. I'Liit^sl'Muc a'lld radlo;e.<r liei'b'bt'o: iii.y. T 'iy0: d i ff0bo nl Ih j ngs. "■ ■U0U'rSE;;FAZENOA.:-:: T^ik<;:Songs.-;'v ;••.;'•.•;--.;.•: •. ;•;.' /' Co'mbi'erqial-• :;v -;; :-'-.:''-,' - ■' . '.•-' 'Rad.ia >b'i'5c:^: ;','•'; yirpR.i^New York-; /.? ;-;.. •; .:./.,•• ::;:■.'.■: ,A's -a .i'ddip.perifional i 1 y; ;thj.s •screen player; JLibu.iise pazeiulu', ■ is gbpil'.for pnft cracfc.'.'np niprC- Miss;I'azenda is. tliajt; kind; of: in..artist .wrho.,mnsl; be seen ,tb be. best a-pprcciated.. I.';)"i- .' e. has. notiiiVi.g .i',a(3 lb .u.s<?. ■ ex I • e i) r:; J) or 1 la p.s^. • hb r ^>i lorislic..giggle:' ; ■ /. , ;, Ali.ssr.l'"'.a>;e'n'da.:i.s app.arontly ;.ay>-ir\;:'".:talent, is iibt 'fbr ilii'e air.":,Ob, this . disc she : kids i-rt'iVib. 'ah.d.;'iTadib .speaker.s..-. .Neithpr db(^;s :^he spa'ro li.ersel.t and. ■cast's pli',.bl...y a>u'n.s as a idlb 'artist-, in hef . (lirbbtion.. ::,'She Avaw b IT ;foi> abbvi t tbu r ,in i b u t,es: J'J'ur- iiig. that 'tiine she ^pblib. about- no.tli.r- Ing , init b()\\v 'sliiv .\va's': V-ba'jic^ bi.ako . tiii45- ;.tallv,..- tol'd;' hot..;' norvous . audi ju st -':g'enorali-.v'-:; jbitf'<1 almiit :,tli.i.s; radio ap.Pcara-.nce, 'i''-hiit Ii'ullod Ivor ..t-hrougji.; • l-Ier- vbii*^^ ;of • .t'hi''- same -high -iVili-l) - bs .^bn...;tli.C; sijrccn.-^ ;, .: :•; ;■■': • ; ■ y-'-:-r ■ , 'riuit:iind,~ bbri|ilie:, .funny. giggle- rbus't : liave 'given. a- .«lit;U't'.^ 'kick - ..t.b' ti((i'se fbniiliarC -wftb Ijer r'-soi-ce'b :w,()rki :..;Th1ii ' ad.v-ertisei', I'^CvdeiidorC, 'nsos ;;a, vd il't'ei^ent • S('''i:o.>n^:-:p^ayc'i': -on. 'oVob week's 'disc.; jn'Ogram':.-. c'HARiies'FREDE Dramatic Re'ciiatiobs :. .'- .: -:: ■:WJK,Sr:Gs^ry,;.l,rid^ :;''^-V" ^y:'.-'^'.;- ,v ' l:higra,vcd :bn,- ;'d-i;sc; .l/ihsley- i.s. t o. be' beard on indi.e ,'stat:i()'iis •spouiiiiic; :ilr.ain.i l.i;b''.inierp'i'eta.tip,ns • o,£'.'';i^pbl^^'. .rind:' Icitidbod .su1ij<;jt'ls. I t's ./an-.-ex- jaiMHlo; of -llTe;'radio .•i(.ul'C,'ih;'(t snia'il ^tbvv',h •■■a u d ie nc<>S:..e i 1110 iy y; ant; or •• .-ay;<> 'rprood tp lis'tpu- lb/-; -I t'!:: -;ji,he: .mca.L'bf l,bn ti shbft'.' di^'Ub;.iVi,(• -r'Obdiijgti.. ;iin.- f'rnortaliTSod -in, wax.-';-' -',-'- •;;' -, •;•;, ii'.'; • ^t'huta'ufi.u.a; .'."jmbi i.i^iiTce.'j/y'e'v'er ■rbJ'.lly.' rolisho'd^o' -tlibso.--- ;:(lra-ii,ia-t:i«v, -tbo.v tjliobld apijt'b('.Ui.te--iho.^-v^ 'bf .'-I'i'ijblib in ;..byiirg!-ng- ';ii',;' iblp''' liu',^ 'bai'lbr, '-.ib;.'l)e-: as!ji,ioi;;'ii;'c'ii.■ W-ltlr■;;,lli,o ruii.\i,l.\; .albui'ii; a:iul. Iiji'l -bbW'. '^'b this: .r'lltriiisiii', ,-:-'nc) d,oi<Ut;.' ,n:)ijs^ ib'. p'raCoil ■; l.Jie' .'bla.inTf: fo.r'.. the ' P'r'(*!i0h;i ;4.oatlr-r.'ri 11 i'.s vb.ll' the'ci 1 ,iila in;! 1 ui.: .-. 'j.iusrej: '6.vCr"-di-:.ibii() ids ■ .di-b': ..inaiib ,vca>>5. ;^in. ail.d.ilib'n;-M ■pt-'i:s()i'!viii<jf.y{iJLcbning.-i-.' fribn ■ IsipiiiiL;, 1ii?..;li;i.s:' 'a.i»bl.Ii(''r;-:ret-'oi il •■,do'h(.'i,-'i,i'jiiyii : 1111 ■,, 1110,1 ii;i r.: ^\'r i ti u;ligs .of;. ..■l;, gVoxbii.. .I>i''sid(>.-.<';..,i -so-balled'-.c;,y :':o.pi)/ig- 'uJyii.i'^.-.:- the.''itiner; •woriObg?) .■,; .;i itiibbyi.hbbn.-tri'cko •.;' •-. ■' ';•,•-,-; .: :-. J-'or iimall tibio' au'rtioh<'.''''s.' if'i.Iic.i'c i.i;' s'.tii'h, -.a.Vlhing '.ib. i-b(i'»b,' n^ow ;yili'ut •:ilVorc-'.;ti'.i.v o'^'aiu. i>ri>!iVaiu.s .'^ r-.i-v- 'tiiije; 'Sct-s; r '.■l-'^y''^--' ELKS 11 O'CLOCK OBSERVANCE Ra(jio--Disc-r"'.' ■■■■^.:;'-.-'y'.-/ ■WIVJC.A,' ivieiw; York'-.:- • :'.":.:•"' -''- ,•, ' The li i); 111. observance by all Klks thr-oughbiut ■ the land 'is: given bulijfc signiflcance througli a spc-- cial 'disi? : -brbadcast.^ Ironi -. AYM.CA with ."Auid Ling. Syrto^'r the- Drin> clpal musical.' emboli i^hiiierit, :.Thcre; is -also' ^rieclai -bfietttlbn: '.that , tlie l^lkf? .inagia2ine:.his;;8pO,dOO.^ -(?rs. ■ •■■/•■■• ■■ ■-- ^.- : •■':■ ■■■ : Xb efi'bi.-t in ilie-brier .period ib, bse, liiny Elks->bf natioba:!' „invi)fir- .t.-vnbfe!. :Kffe.ctiye .in; the rhain .and as ..a pul)Hcity,-m.e.thod' for fbrthe.r-. ing the membership; ^bpuld not ilp; an.yjharrti,.■ ■;•'.'"':■''' ,: -i-'; - . .:'\ 'Only bemmerclal, aspect, comes trbni the mention b.f. -tlie'iSlks'. inag-; azibe.- .^^bthinsf^ tio .worrs: liere eitlier as ;ev.^i;.y .paid .tip-;-Klk '..becbmes . a'- subJscribcr-' uiidcr the original pla.ii whereby' ;-thc:::Dilks -,: v'cd,: ' the bi.aga-/iuie and. ,prbyidod, V<;ii>- tibnS. to lV(?lb: iieciJ it; ini;bxl.slehc:e.;;: ■'. •--'.•:-• ■..-..;•-•■•.■ ...': ;..:■■-..-•-,;.•:.iif-'n-^.:^ GIANT;;F!NXS€:r: OF^ THE AIR:^ ; 'MiiSJ'cal'' •■ •.•:';^ -.•'.- ^^--r ■' Cbnritn6rcia.I •■ .■•.■■:".,., ^-i :yr\' 7' - • .W:iBO;'Chicagi,o'.;••-■.'.:;;;;;.-.- ■.-::'-!;•.;'-; .- Afllliat'ed w^^^ thi.s 'station'is the:. X;iri^1agb-.'.'Abie.ricah,^.^eycn daily;- - S^ieot .lakb^ pUig^ itseie : apd . ii.s ;-fe!ifiir'ps ipt.ori Wpbr'sing. a lew band,:and;:vbcal'-num- '- ber^!.'-;-V..:,•- ■'-' :.'■:•, ':/-. :' " : l'-^-':' •': :-l'rbfe^^ran^i •■is^aS,nicd; dit'ecriy •at-1^^^ liontb;r.'ibd-f>ro's.l(Vo .<ii?oup,: tli'c. -oiitir* • range bf mbsical nbm bei's ijVa;ted for' tli^ older iVbftibn", of the tibn.-' Tliisvis exonvi^ilfied by tUe,-cboi.('e. of ' snob tunes a.«J -"All Thosb TOiide.'i.rinif; : :YotibR :.CvhaiMns'': as executed by a 1)ias!5;-t;i-i<),'; S^oloist is ^Vitiiam/P'qon-; : nor. a; tenor.,'.whp'.' takes; sijnti.nichial'.- Ui\ lla'ds. ; nnd .'.gct,•*; ti\ elo-di'amatic abbbt:t.hcm.■:;: ■ i!'.' ' If all adds ju.s'l a;£dir inter-, .iiide;. ■• ■■:.-■- ---V.' ^ : -'•; ■ .• ■ ■■■ ■ ■■ .•: •;'•-■ VELOPVVN PROGRAM . ; ; ;l-labd'wrjting. Extiiert ; , .• . '. . •'••. ■;Co'm'nie'rciar.^'VV- ■ ■-'- ■•' ■,:'• •-•"':.' ;•: WPCH, New.Ybrk' ■;...'.;,.\.:;.■;■.-.'^-• , •'llf.lding cH.'itracliM: -■Vii.t; i)oni"ii;ijr: siiip is;;the;-'inain', .:p.uri)orL pf ytlio bi'oadcast by. tii? .Hussiaii handwi";it- inj?.';>Xlierti: Nadia OUvaiiya. - .A: .reading is. a.S.s-\irb'd: for: any persbn sending iii.-a. top-frbnj Yeldbwii -willi 'a; spCclbien -of ■ tiiolr l)an.;;l\V:i^ii.T)i.ff.;.\ ;:-■. Principal.' •aimouivCCS:::Hliat "-^sIh- dpesli't- pi'edict.. t1ve./futbre,;:;ITe it'-'s {f. matter; .'of ■ .'iner.ely.- ..e'Ki)lai'n,i,n';g' th'e...cliaractei'istics-.Of'd •'-'M:i,^K;:iv.;,' ,;'Abn:ie:. jV.," :;etc... Pre in torest to ~tliem';'.tPP.';. ,.'. "•'-. ', ' •,.'•' rAn -easS' 'pr;()gran-i- ^tp: fak'C,-if: ;de'.^ 'sired■•bnd ;,p.lent.y bt :cl'i;>;n'co-.for ;(.'bni.-:' edy. if they care tb .t.'ike; Ibat angio, •:;'':-; -^S ■ -r.:'- ':.. ^- '.iliirix ■■ .•R-.B:-ARrSTOCBATS;'''; ■;M'a-!e: Ch'bru's..", • •-' ■.;; •- , ..'• iGcmmercial'; '^j': \ r' ;V/BBIVli.:-Chicaga.-. ■-::;; ■'• ; .v^ 'ry: ii'S •'."^Vith-.a rcgblalioni; l:Uehie;.sb^n!t;an(l' .i.")'; nirbutcs'- .wtirtli. .bf "bvebifig, .'radiu. , tJlnie, .'£tiiij,'n'iale, fifrbbp\is..ti-y b ; Lb-, sol} men's-sbits- at ' txpyr ■ bit'rgaVli :i)ri;bes.'of'.?i5i:ijOi ';' ..'■ : ..•,-■ v' ^':--' ::' •:" ■^falb; .Svai'bling. is, ..all: rig.Ii'l, '.;\\vl.t;ir. lib :special -; efr(b'i;.. -i))ad(v.:.-rbr''- b<v'\'o;i :,h.'rbb^>bivy..-br.,'trit.'.l;.v 'Vocalizing. .';P"»nr's; nW- ;<(il pbi;;' -ici.i'iiib--.iv'^r'w.^ and'ibif' ..01 i'lt: f)bV -onbugli '/\'{f jtb .oli:i-iMiilbg',..; 1 hif; •:jn>l iritd. cnpnirh io; Vo: s.t)ile;,; • ;'-'--•: On br'tc.o; •jx-eeivH--^ .rijvd, .is Jiibi:"; ini-- |)ros.-^iVe'^cnoiigl.i..'l;r). bO ; iM^.iii:o'iVi:!.ior'''i:K ^©^•;stfani;Ey! '■ :\;':^;---y^ -:--'; Songs ^^.^'.. -i.'.^ ' ' /■''- ■■•' ■ " :'•'• -•:'; $b.sta:ini:rtg-.. • ■;"V'';,::-'-'/'■'•; '^'i' WPiSH. :New.';York •; ';. ;:.^:-;,;:;-/ '.••'-A. g()o(l -..^'olot^• lii;;:\:.i;r.i!.NV- soioi^ i\W .ibd-. np., ationi|»t i.o graij/l.stabd '■iv i ;.li niiiol).p;i\s' nOi'-.shi-l-i'\d. t():'\H;bu:i>^^ ■,'':>^,ta.n'lb:y's .<()itt)(\s':l.i,or((vr i-ba-vi si.iin^'- Of t he ■ tcii6rs, ,l( bn, coijin.ion'Lir ■bi:<'t?.f'i'-'ni,<;,,.'] I'e.' nvM'oly.' um-'s' ;i .p'biWo ■ao'-bnVtfa'lvistr-■ ;■'? ;'•: ' -Sfilj-k; ■ t:ESt.kA...;;•_-/:-'-:;■,; ,;',;; Astrologist:'-:■' ;-: •- ■">'.•■ -■'-; ;' ':'-. ■ vyRRi, Dallas.-,;.';;-^.;■■.;■-;;•' ■ V:: v : •;-Tli:is-mWd; roJtdbr .i^s^l : to try it -bycr. .tiie. mike., .here; ./and .seems to get results-: irsiial hpbey:. alori.g .the llhos' of fi psyoliic, Jislcb-; Ors' :fu»riVisbiiig .their ...jquCStipbS bjf- . niail and- ii'earin'tr their name's over tho '.air- ..;pfi;at,is.:- ..; WhicJi Ii(rHiiil>e?J.' jjlenty wril-ers;^;;.::; . ;;.;■ - .;. . "":-: ■'. X^ii^ie. the,bVp;^,bp'(^bs,;^^^^ by sb;niejinbciiln6':'Rii.n./cliat k ceps ''em; gT,tc."jsing-.wh eh ;iiesk-a will riin-but:.i>f.'hf:e'!rt)>, thbb 'a- fcAv;.."incs- s,'ige.s.".,aiid that's-all... .Th.oinC:,song,.. ''CiriCbtale,'' -fiirnishes atmosiihero.' : .. v:,'Ar>i>eals^ tb limited. Claiis.:; ,t|hlcssp;.; f'bnsidcra.riT-y;.- reva'nii)ed; '1;.' -. fi- • for- ObmnieCoiak '■■ ^''VO';/' EVERETT HOAGLANp . . Orchestra,'- ■■ .1-;; \-\ :--; ■';-' .-•;.'■'-; KFi|.;Los'Angeles.-.:,-'; "-■' ; •■-.':■ ■'■ jCvoi'CU/ Jiojigiarid's :,tir(nVi)iiiOn'f*-^^ are ;with':.T'oe Ij.ewis,at t-be reopoiie.d (.Jebrige <)lspU'if' rbadhbu.s:e In t'ul- . .ve'r Oit.v>. Wiilh .bls:^^^^'l**".-: libiiglaud are .biiorating'auydei-^ ioii^ie.,; ylsV I is', the;'local. UiiO■,n\»>kc . a.'id '. 'tlift'3j5eSt ipcal'.iirta-tibn: so fal- ;is cbain-;.. stuff is. cbn(;p'rii!>d. v -Slattoh. is; Of:-ai.iliglier sftabdard'.cSVhich n^'vke-T ■the!ie vi>iu'gg;ing '.ti.. bit sui'",'- prisliiR.';'. V-'i■-;.:--'-^;■■:,- -•■ '-:'■ ^r -: .■; 'll,oa,glabd;s ;i,s-. a-. g.()bd; cribibo/ d.o.v , 'i'ri.i;. tlie : ti-yxM-age ; 'c.v.cio ii'v. .Jjivcrauo bia hiioV .A^^'nh" vocal' dn'tei'lii(l(^.. oto:,.. pniw'Uj:i.ling--'fl)L" iti'iiigli.t. i'li.N'M^"bC^^^ siiifr;:;--i':,^..'./.;.:-;:-'.<--^;•;;.;:■: '/;'-i-'!f:^-;.;'.' A..-..G:;.<>.'.b-RCI-i:ESTB-A: ';'- -.Ndb'-Cbm.merefi.a-r.•'•' '-■,--;- ■ .'.-. .-'-•■ ::'.-'.-■..■- yRGH;;;PJewi:Ybrk-;.:■ .-■.;■;-;.;;-,r '■:,/[,: ':/.A' Ni^iJai- (b-kaiiis*b'li(bi- .a:b"'"""'^'v' ii.s'-.lw'inK •b.v'iiiiablo'-I' d.''. : (liv'-ViVsv l.-«^" i,lic.i'o: iJvO. : Oi'f.l;!.o.;'-; (.fa,: ibit 'i.i'it'vb' e,n:i'iiba.<ii.-r .;bii.ylo^^^ -. iViii:ulin'y;''.b}'n''il'<'rS':aiul «;<.';oi)vi;<i'b!"*.^': i'.v|)t;(;i;v.iit or.;'pJ,a'; :Ulan,v .ilii'i-n' ati.vibiu.u' .<'i's(,v'.-."A.t"''ii,i.'-'\; '.■■r-'\. ■bi)y> 'si'bjui.Ml io' .1)0., t-|i:|i.i.i{';'.bi)J' ^•^'•|- -baso', sbiM ib;'-i,-;'dld: yobuvaii'-ci;*My"';b'''. . ■ -ki.^i -bivto'.'siiuiidbii.v' . ■ '• ;■■ ' - •', M-liisV .'I'Ji.grofjali'o'lV bvay pai-k-nV':;'.*' (•.•i1; .-1;iiiviir liiii.-ii .V'u.-tm'I- «i.\'or . aii-,. Utr -uijin''v-:bi<nds;..'1)0tl.i;.'^^l;'>*^V ■iil)t\ -Ci,.lor0(i; niiat -ilbb sni>t1t(ri'■ or: . -i-ht'Sl ra s-i'n I'i i<< I'• disp la;^^^ ;ri.i:iii;;onK':.i)is 'io', ''tibijui'ei.e.• :7 ■M'}',/'-' ; '