Variety (Jun 1931)

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141 VARIiSTY a ii Ts /Tuciidayv ^i"** 2> 1931 I JACK PEARL V .;■ .. "The MbaJ ticket"; V ., ;Gomedy; 20'.Min&. '■ " . > ;Wlnter Gardeni, N. Y, ■; : --vVitalilione Nosi 12^ ' - ■An; sirilkiu^ in .story ami :gaji^i. . " .abGt,to(l by jnck Pertrl's bi'pkVii Kvis- ■ lihh, hpin^ fjo hv()\\<:n a ■f.-in.AyUl) ^6bd\; htoii'infi: . ii.nrt . iimlcrstanOtn.K -. . K€its;j«;bbut.':56%; of wliisit He i^Ays. ■. TJi'at's plei^y. sinc-^ tTjlng-Js p.iW : Fur cofitSTi^wTviptTio.r ,11 is cTipa D^^V to: b'ly,- for tlic wifo; ok*' the tfiii fricnd4-.sceivis to be .tliie-:^^^ /■^piLA\;--BAL.i:^!-?-:'-'-^ ^■■•.•V■■^'^;v-.;■;^ Globe,::N;^yv^i^■^-; ■■.v^;V.. ■;;■•,>••■ 'Vr-.:,VRKO-PatlveV.'.v QiiitQ ■'eV.iil<'>it ■ tha^:/ii;,,it;.wf'iTH,'t for 'tliOS.4' ranzbero' blowcirst. many : . & siibi.t AvbuldTt't- lvnb^v' what tO. da; ■witJiV ItseJf. Tlus is sucn ouo • Makersi ■- (jf ' tlif>se cartoons will >v6ntufitiy real'iz?.- that. .continuOiia tiseV-6'£, the JJrltisjv - "bird" is iio lone^i-' fuiiny.. That the ligHt> should have daW'iied Six' ii)6uth's ago is pe- eid© th^ .,poiiVt, >for "they're .still, Jicinglng : the bcn-y- on air arid' stin^; :<ii^y ait. 'the: least; :pr6vocatibii. To lieif it'^flop the %ay' it- did at;the; Globe-niay be th6;.on)y ciirc!. • , ;.;'*^Pl£iy; JJall''. is .oriie of ,..th6 Van: ; jpeuren.i!V)esQp Fables. It^reviv^s, as . :the":tl);io:ipdicatcs, the.diia.mpnd A tiin^ in a ^ganie: Jj.e,t.vvfeen;,ni^ ; ■♦lejihaiifs and hippoes.- i No unusual tvrlhlclea as .<eveil the outfielder hpp^ pirij^ a bilce ■ tb rchase ;a. fly is re^ . ;Ti,v:ed plus;the windii j) parade • *r'o'und llVe bases; ■ ' ■ ■ . ; '. I^b'deh.ibh. jgpored the^reel and the - itrrangrenient cfiils -fOr 'Some dialog. letter 'is bad: and' does much ;to' disrupt; Diction pMt into the rtoyths;' :<>f these. , cartoon! ^cliaracteris; In^ ■ variably sounds, " out: of.: place, ^ TVheii' it db.esn't "jibe, .the. dainage is - ■: Irreparable..! .Gruhtfi/ criesi ■aridi' ei-. - ciariiatjbns hav.e^ often been, made; to: . register, \,but the: prpdiiccrs' gencrr ally overdo it by delyihjs into, the - SsbnversSLtipii. ■ .The ..vei^bat ailgle iiast irobbcd many a cartobn of-;lts • . e.ff«ctiYenesi5 :?i;rid'. rinriierpiis.- of. tliiDse . <).ne, reeljers. are. btiU jiist g.,etting by . ;for that sainc reasprt/-. when they' - ehould be solid hitSi -': •. ; - : • .Hcheie, V'Play : .Ba"n'* lis' just .ah ^ crdiriiry short. ; It's in; a •.Broadway ; house ;bh. a ;ba!5^; ph/balls froni ,tlie hoine ' bflicb and :will llnd lt<3 best chances 'in. the : cheaper .priced. CHARLEY CHASE = '; ■■.:'''R.ough.Sea^'VV ;>.^.: ;•■ ;.'. ; ■ ■ .Roach.;.C.p.rhcdy..'■ . 19'.-iyiihsi>'.'' ■• V Capitoli N. Y. :. ■■: ;'■ :"..:..-• ••.;.. ; Metro.^ ■ ' ■ 'Repiarliable thilt in., this era the. • lial R'pttch- studio couhV-.ttiriv. 01 . jsuclii;! ah' utterly useless / slapstick tbinedy ;ghb.rt or :tive:£ashibn.:of iOii, , >-ith;bt .withp For. America' a; total loss' unless . needed ior-.ia illlci".. If madie for the: Ibrefgh-,; trade; - where ■ G^^^ . hold$. .ppnie .popularity;' It should be; sent .. .tiicre-Jahii:, hot -shbwnJ Iicrc^v;tp proc toct Rbacli's : and, ehasc^s.;l^^^ a;t . JipnvG,':if'.ariy.''. ..;;.•.■•.''. '• . Silliest-sort, Justvpiain. .bpeh face ibctslapstiicltcrs.uise^^^^ so lons.'.agb; \VJth.'a !<iua.r.tet.;rung. in bisi'sidos and e^e.inirigly- Clm diiipy 'abput;h1,? volcej lie., is . singing- on the level horCj:.£ie.causc If not] lie ■.never. >vo.uld itiipd fo.l' 'tho^ duping.':• .'5hfirt§;bf this sort, call for no de tail ih; notice,;. That' would be as ,bad a; waste ias they ai'e and tliis is. Thb kind of ft sliort ^liat when the mjfr.-. squawks, saying, . V'Fpr hoaven",s saHc did - you sen.l thiss-ibnc' in fbr.?^^.,ilp is. told/ ''\y<ill, you .-know, - slipi'is ■ arp shbrt.'!, ."xrid , 'we've got to play it.'' ' .■ Vi'iwe.'- , ■ .DE-WOLF HQPP.C; R: • ■ ■■• "Fop Two Cents'!; ; Cortiedy; ' ■ ■■ ■ ■ . ■!!-/ -0 '-''f ■ ^O M\ns', '-I:. ■:.-: ' Sli^ahd, N. Y. ■ ■■ -; Vitaphbhe Nb. 1078., . .Stahloy a^iilgoS ai.ul. AVilliahi^^^G pan liclp. hero,;;b<>si(ies;-blbnd; h'ui'sc ■ ^ aVtd;: 'ah:/.eccentric!. clv.aracto.r. :>yUo ;: play.? .a: ..dQCtbi'j'.All .arc okay/'with . the , bibiidfe J; ''.oug.i:'' bn :Ibbk-s,;. JJiit. ■ / themending lcaA;os!.tlij.s sh.o'i't .\y!lthput: .KC/ii.iic; a!7.i'.!L! ki.yos ij's- pps.sibilitk . do; iOx!c';?la;Ssi.lioatiQn;. • '■ .'!- .: ." .' •■ ~ ■. Happier plays a': niah' about to /dip !xvlio' bcG.pnips: the'Objoct;.ot..ico')hp.e-' ! titiph/bctwech t\v;b. dailies;' Chic p:ff.('r!i ! JjJim;,dbi'i«:ii !tb.' put. cirly so' .tiwit ' -it ' can : ri'iako:'.oan: .ifcditlbri - and; th othcivVfiaiiy :<:bh-ioT^ in tpb Intii! /to of -! . ier -/artythhigi-; .Uarga'n, .jAvliIlp .;no.t' ■ liiitodv/. stands put. ■■:•;. ;-.;;;: !^- :-':'lIupiVo.y '.bp^^in.■?^•'and':■ ohd.s/'i.ih^^^ . rvijnpbrlant-,; .Ijut a. crio !''ro»'ic<'r ' iov. thP?;sjif)!;th; '{ip^)tk.!;; - :-" v ^^^i^"^' . ■ rHfGw'':$T£'PPE'R$.Vv /^^ / ;Rice':Spqrt!ight..;'U'-'^-/'-.;'' ■■■-';:■ :!/ '/'■-!■;" ;7 '.Mihsi /;'.'■'.■•';■-.'..'./"';!'.:■ r' ' Jrans-;L:Ux,v-N. .Y^!"; ':!• ■ ' ^■,;■■.■''■■Rath.e:•'^;■;'■:■■■.•■::.■■ .!:^; \. / Jhtcrpveling;.the: titlb: a.lhlftticaliy,. til is .reel . cov,c'rs :lra>Oi.-r!i! M jii)i;g;. .. :.S() c<)ntiinmu.sty;: dp 'n;bw.sri>.(!':ls . llhh ;ra,ce .;hico!t's'- that:/llicrc is., litt'lp hiorc- t'o'^^ ,.! tb'i!.< than !thc-: collcct^bJ^.,;^.aIi(V• .t . lecnu'p., lJut!all riib'h.t. as a prograni; ■'//(BidoUSlitr ■ ^' /.-:: -/ -.' ■■' ■'■';..-"■. V; !;:'■ . !-v'! ' !ir).n;iiidpil: .'Vre;--yai-l.pii.'i- «(>1i<jol- 'i-on.-:■ tests .sbo-Wihg (''i-bsfi (foiintry rariugi ■ /tlic• rta«li'e..s,. r(i)ay.s', .Av.'/! lid '.hrbail Juniping, hurdling aiiifl' pi>li'./.vaultr ■ ins^:'-'^ •!;:-., :.- ■■!'. ""'. -'^ B.OBBY ~JONES' . :- : '-v;.v . VHOW j PLAY GOLF'^ : : ; ' ''THE NIBLICK" ; . V: ■10 Mins., ;--:'.:'. v.,- v.-:;': ■■:.' :Winte'r:Gaircleh, NC-Y'-'; ' vV^ '/ • : ^ '■;"WB>No.!3 ;.■ :-■'-'. . Ahbther/'bx^^ Iji this irobby -jbhbii serif."^.-ti^^ balls./ iCrohV: a. sand trap- to w:i tlu'n: a!f cw i ric 11 cs bf. t jip cup /d ra\v :aud.ii)l^'.e>wo)amatlons pi adnilrktiph. .tlMU)«shout!l*lieJi oiose.^-;Ji^^^ in," siiob a. w.iy . the./ gamp. he piays !i,s >a.s ItiterPSting : tp non.-gblferS■ sis thie nvbst'ahibiiipUS^^'duifcrs,; .\ - liow/.to/ hold .tlib'.club,;'ahd!a oh oust. iib\v- mVioli; sanii /for! tiipso sii!bfs tti-b.;ihe lea<li«^ pipinters! :/ i?ai'kgrp.iuid this time i.s ..a .golfirig' iiubby : and. ah' irata Syifei ;'J,ust ahbnt tlie a.iian,tity:,use.d bf tlvi.s :side,- • light; eh/phgh. • '.'.:■ • ■ ;'; y-:'.JVajv*; -/-^ ApVEI^iTtlREsi:iN : AFiRICA'C "INTO THE; UNKNOWN" TKavelon • ■; ■ : ■" : ',•• ■;/ :^-:--;-! ;-. .;'" 14 Mins./; —.- S.trand, N. Y, : '■;':' . '" -i.- Vita phone No. 4618-19 / v V .Tbis/is ,the.<.first of a serlis of 12 chapters pi-bduc'edmider the super- • vision of ^Wynant D. Hubbard, cx-! plorer a.nd authority on wild life in Africa. .';it! Is!'. synclirVinizcd with sotthd .ih!, is''a and carries an off. screen vbic.e. Short Js /a distinctive n(V>:!elty'.which,'if :fbUbwcd .by Pthe^^^^ enually, or: even neaiiy :as jBob.d,;can go on {iny Uihd Of prbgram. Offers a chance to market in the educatlbnai" fioid as well.. ! .•■' . ' '^ubjebt. rha's; beish judiclpusly cut a) uj.,;lts good' b. ■o,' possibilitijjs arb; slVawn'in i;h6 1 unch finish that has a^/tliViljing :fight '.betWeer., .a' hyena and ;:a; lioness!- in/ blpseup !ias they baltlfi oyer: a :^:;il. The now famili(ir-. ly :^pli!ptog;raphcd: •!W.ater ! buffalo and W:drt' .hoff are/j^ shown; The off - s<a'ee:n: giiide! fexplaln^: the hardships of !• inakihg!:. the. picture '!a,hd.! i.lSo sbmb::;:-hatlve': ?bru(litlea.. But that hyena-liohcsE/flgiit Is chough tb rec- b)'nmb;id';-tlye ■svi'bject.-! Photography ijy;. "W. -Earle:/ P>-ank Is uniformly g.Ood. / ,' . ■ Sliah: ('HAtS OFF'': Patriotic. 14 !M:ihs., ,'; Roxy, N. Yi Fox . . Patriotic !iiuarter Of an/ hour which cah: be lifiultid off the Shelf for any of the national holidays. It'll j^robV ably go through--the echopls, too. and /foiv theatHs l,s-.'"aipiprbpriat6 oh these /pbservahcbV;pccjlsipns. wit being outstanding.:'' .•"' ;, The thought isj'a pictorial .expla- nation why men tincpyer- .when-, the ;flag, :i)asi3ies -in' a line Of march. It 'taiteij a child with a double exposed tlnclp Sam tracing the /history of thCjcbiintry f rbm.Betfjy RbSs through -XVashingtbrii Lincoln,! • .KobSevelt, Weist; ppiiit;' andAhn.apblig;- Tlic aca<je!nires. a:re 'thi^ wind up, the cll-- .max. being! the' ipild<lles' cblbr! guard .walking' directly into the-len;s, - , .A hPliday addition Avhicli will catch, respectful attehtioji Vwifh stock .'shp.ts . of / '.'pVer .Vthere.". ':To sobih.,fhe pdcirists here Is also some dialog' pn the . states_b.eihg a peage,; /levinj^' na\lpii!I''>".^fie'.'-^^ (fbhglomcratlon of pews footage, llbnTLry stuff and . bits frorii. past /features. . A,! cbuple of . -.tlte - scenes Nvere also; probably made. Siine. / BILLY HOUSE \":: With Lea Penman and-'Thea T^ardwlg '.-'■'; ''The Headache" ' ' -' 19 Mins.; Comedy .. '.' Rialto. " '■'■ -/.:':, Paramount For the little real laughter pro- /pollbd iin this piece It is much too: long;' Billy House is most of the .film and most,Of the laughter, what.; ever there is of that. Aside from one or two old.lines tispd-the laughs arc dependent on the hot top sure .■systohi of ■.h.aving.- one of . the two >yomen in ,the ; subject faint aiid the bthor \yoniah pi)l! .a guri.. !; ! ; .: it'.«}! a Qucsti!o.n wheiher sjiclv ap- parc; h t,. desii"^ oh,; the part; «5C the nV'tkfji'.s to;;;i.hject ;s. a^ ;by ;'ing one of the \v6mcn In licr undrapei;y .is gcbd screen matter, ih sorts any -;■ !iva\> ; ^ Maybc that spoils th hgui'.od rthc. short woak withbut the Ic.t,' : show, .!' 'Jfore ■ it's! .prud'ev! and shows the .gai about to .Step'-in a Stcaniing tub../,; Tammany Yoting ■ plays a:jie\vsic aiul iie's good."- ' -'r-\ ;" ;"..:-;:..;:.'-:; ! • Slian. "CHASI.NG TROUBLE"' Comedy; // ■ / 21;.Mins. :■■• ■/: ■. "'' ■'■'!:•.;■.-" /;./... -:';.! Mayfair^ New York ' / RKO- Pathe . .-'- ' ■' .\Cprkll5g^^hoi^t .that ^ra'niis a^^ frihi all angles. .; \''/; ; ; ■' -.'-"! !;' '/■liu.'jbahd- :reCiu'jis .homo the' day h'bfore expoc,'; .a't'toi-•:«,': year's ab- schce, to find' wifp' has-pieparcd to ('ntorttiin thfe' igirls Avitli a'.birld.gc go in e, /; After hi Is taki tig tii^b t \y iii s! .(>t;.hi'S.-.AVl£o'S. fi'lpnd.-.for' b the; 'surpwsb .' hi.g:: ;:.'vv;-ii;c^^. told/! him ab'b'ut,.-.'x.'. fo-■pVcpare snnd'tvJHios !fbr; !wiCf;'.s girl' fi'ionds. mind tliD ■!b.abIf s'. 'and otlicr hard Avbi'k. ' / ■ ;;• .- . .;■ ■}■ ;;.';,! ■' !; 11 ow.lbP attchipts. lo do- <VU this but hT:.!ik.os'?t:u)bs.s'!'()f! tlip. entire affair./i,^/, ,t)ib: )ibk.!R c>^n'l^'(l.y,■;.;\\"l.ien,.cii.ligl)t. at/ tliiS. J'rtxist' ;it d.n^v- lau}j|i.s;fr(ihi. the' .w'-in'iftn.-issiic'/M.'iliy. . • .- v~.- ; rs'ainrw: of'..tiVb .!l.<ya(liii:g'..clVat'acttr.s' ).)i;t:. (i.n rixi.!jt,i I)Ut ^l)Otlr;i'i.'itudle theh: Iiariis <'Xpi'riiy. .Jiihipr (:oi!i,'hlih. i>» in iis/.Mlip. .pbsUffir'oil.s .ybvihfisitbr. :'! "JUST A GIGOLO" / .Organ Nbvelty;: S MJhi. V ■ Winter Garden, N. Y. VJtaphone No. 4817. ! ^ :Out''.foi::-a, big: theatre. a- .'substitute for the usual erganist;ir^: per.son". In the organ pit. .;This One has .a sblpisti and e1th!^!i' thb voice or the recording waa'out at the time he; did hl.s singing. Wajy, : ('WAY-OF ALL FLESH" ■;;:.:■ Comedy - - ..'';.-"•■■•■••■■.•■. 20 Mins. ' !./ " Globe. N; Y. - !■''./ V - :' . ' • ■ Radio • ■- Laugh entry based On tli.e fishing cohti'oviei'sy.! of files or: ■wp;rins: -Ibr trbut. : Features Netf jSparks and rates mlnbr prOjExani Cohsideratibii. . • Rjark Sandrich direcfted and'might- have made ! it mean • something if cramitiirig what littlfe . Jf holds -Into one reel. 'Spread- to around ZMO feet- the cbatlnig Is inhiich .too thin to stand the dliStance. ; .'! ■ .,/' jjoi-tpt—sjiotja—Spark,s^s a hen peeked husband, who' .^iv.ifihtually winds up in the mbp'htalris for a jotist with the flsh. He catches an overgrbwn barefoDt lad entlclhg with wbrrhs, ' sqcks' him and lands Ih the . t-ural court. A! stirring 'ap-! peal, \vhich. Sparks has . by.ierheard in his boss' club on the fly vs. wornv cbntrbverSy,/ sways the verdict ih his i favor. But the. complainant then hiehtions ' that, he didn't fry biit broiled the trout—ahd.SparHs socks him again for ..-.•';J ;DIalog!. lacks s.tamlna .and mixed into the running Is a talking! bird, fOr which a . lead title: claims ho dubbing'. They possibly figured that the : feathered . chatterer; would justify .-the/'extra fObtagb;; dbesh't work .- put. ' Meantime. Sparks and his firbzen pan! style" of delivery .indicate further Orie! ireel possibilities. ; . .''/ - ■ Givl jplayirig the --wife. docs //well for her / brief Stay ,ln front .of the camera.: • / ,-' ■■/ aid. "STRANGE AS ft SEEMS"; - Color Novelty - ' -■ 10 MinS. " '"' ■' ■/■!:■. ;■ ■;:■■ . Central, N. Y. ; -■.',;../ ': ',■ '■•-/ /' Universal ..; '!. Both photDgraphy '.and subject hVslitei!' Ibpk Iihpruved over pipYiotis hvimbers pf 'this; Same. ; series: by Johh: ilix, 'evidently anUi-ate^d!! witlv tub rse\ys'i)aper. syndicated/ pibco ;bf the sanie title;. /it:W;lll. make a good -and- interesting iiller ' foi':'!ahy.!PVP- granii . The .shbts^ arc: iaccojni)ahlcd by. an offrscrecn/-l.e!cture '^'.oic!.e; ■ . Arbu;nd;-five/.clips beginning.with "th© ./shbi't 'oC-;'an .'.A^tec • artist in Mexico who .;i)aints- pprtrajt.s by holding thb ■ /"paiivf . bi'.usii in ' hia mouth;: hi .Kb'htucky mechanic ;\yho liqlfs- j cd: hot. met^i \yith;Iiis'.tohgue and. even ■stiGk!s :an; ac<;t:ylehc tprcli i n '. 'h i s. m on t h; . a.; h p to I f or.. lia ts i n Sai} AhtbniP./ahd Kanitf modern gold prO.spocting . outside Ix>s: "iAnyeies, The/ lijiaie .clip! is. Of-China, showing hb\v. ilie Chincso-keep :tlie!Iiv.o:a!rrie pte-pong, nv Xt-hnfAVPi- .thoy mnv he "THE FlREMAIN" ;;' Cartoon .--^ : ^ ■ :: . /6 Mins./. .' ''^'z 'y.\:":- -. ■ ,-■ ■ L.oew's New York; . :!- ,;• '/ • -.Universal:'!' ■;-.' ;:' Fiill/.of!:rep.etitibn,' lacking in orlgi- i\allty and hot iip to stahdard:-Jn exectitiPh, this' ih the "Oswald: IXsKpr bit" series; is one: of/ the. pobrest,, it starts out without ideas :a.nd ends that way;-, :./. - •.'!..■;....!'.'' ! ' Oswald and his wife ar©- oh-'the Avay to a firemen's.picnic when they are dumped, their ba\vlihg baby catching up!-with theni.. "When they finally, reach'' the picnic, nothing very much happens that cbme.s un- der the head of cartoon entertain- ment. . •/'!... . .'/ ."'! ' / /' Drawings not Up to standard. / " - ■ • ■ .CJiar. : MAGIC CARPET OF MOVIETONE "WANDERING THRUXHINA", Travelog ' . . ./.;.: '■ 8 Mins. - '':.-;;■ ' '-■:'.- Embassy, !N.' Y* ' :■■:,//■■:■/. ■'■ / ■•'...Fox--..; . :.' ' /'■'■' . :Educatibhal - travelog series, by .;p''Px."v/hich: has/Zstarted jtalk -jf ah ieiluca!tional! production prbgram by that company." This'link holds mild ■ iht>;re~sC. ""Ritbst", /ai,I vits/yftws' have previou.'=ly:~/bcen /screehcd.:-^^^^^' ' Photography is . good .and, high- lights of an inland sector are briefly showh with, a- kicliv finish .provided slidwing Chinese , .fan /tan players getting excited pver a play. Other .shots include street sights -and, Kids at sellooi and at play.' .The kids are. the best. ■ ' "-y ., Shan,/ Europa's Letzte. Pelikane • (Europe's Last Pelicans) / Educational .;'! ";■ 10 Mins. '-■.'.''..-■-"-'.,''-; '■:,■■.■•' ■.':. Cosmopolitah, N. Y^ - /./ Ufa V '/ / ..'!'; ■ Interesting and beautiful shbrt A study bn. the Hfb :of pelicans, highly h\ tbresting^ with' 'lectur?.; ;!t€ictu'ro Is shbwn at :thls German film in Che native language, but with a switched; English lecture, ought to hie booking. ' . . !- /• '■. - '-'•■; Photography ^^bw' the-pelican5 In/ flight is exceptional and /will brihg comment.' !■- .TJt.a !«se<,l tb make a lot of. these cdiicatibnals;. .in the -; Silent /; days. TiilS;bno lis right in line,' ; .!■ / tin. isiGMUND SPAETH ; "THE TUNE DETECTIVE" ;/; / \. Skit with Music ■ / ,'.••;■ 9 -Mins., ;•■'■;.:.'.J -/•- "'-.: Rialto, N. Y- '/■■• ■ ':.!; :V-! . '■'■ ! Paraiirio'unt :,r)r. 'jSpae th repeating. his / formula Tpr-tracliVg m.'^lodies-tb %cir' spu^ IJacJtgrou.iidi/ hero:; is ..a /futuristic I'Oiirti'pbm: Sy'here' .two vinintclligibc faroljRfher.s are. suln^ caclV:~Othep It's on.iy;a.!sb7:S0''shb,w-.-..s isihtro.-. 11 ftc pd/f r p m b c^h irid' a /dbbr ;aij d pi ay .s tlie. :p.iahp tp prove ivh ere gonio , of tl»e/ pb' ^isbnga; Jrtay.' hJivp been tak'en .fi'orfjv !■ ' !•! . /'■': ! • Shan. "I'D CLIMB TH E hiGHEST MOUN ■ JAiN" : ,'•'■'':-"/;' Song Cartoon •!", ,,!' ■■;;.,':;•/.i:.- 8 M:lns!.,!;^:-'' -v-■.:• !/ './;!.' ''i'- '-'! Rralto, N. Y. / ;'!. '.: :' .'/.//'.•.,,Para n1 bunt;-:-'. .; :," .! -F]cisc1i.6r cj'palion that i.sjj'.t up .tvi! grjide.. It will' db;; howcv.ef, to/ itll. I'r in ci pie weakn es.s Is com e.d y< ■ A hi - hval.s, arc' .shown. M' , lain i;'linil)r'r.s,; /Various groups llh- a 11 y,.winding up in the bouncIng ball .Ts. .a. hidden tenor.'.slng.s tli't;"sonf;' i'i<ji») .whi<-h: ihp ftartoph getfj its;title! ■- ."■:-/' ;■ •■ : Shah. ■ frbm b'ejiig/mbie.sted by hawks ' by tying .,/bamboo Svlilstlcs;:; to ?! tlje feathery tailsv of tiie' pigeons. The! whistlps ai'b.: l)lown by!.tlie wind a.s ■ tli^ pigebns! fly tb' scare tlie hawks. ■',;.•'■■•:;.• ■ •' ■ ■". Kb idehtiryi!hg.;rnai'l<;.for eaoh Of, t-hesp. ;chaptcrs;- !i?one. hev^. !-or on previous editions. ! jS/MiWi; "JUST A PAL"> . ; . '. - '!'!!;'' Comedy -./ .-./ yj .!./.';•:■■.. • ''."••::■,'■:'.V^' 11 Mins. - ■ -' '; Stanley, N. Y. ; : > Paramount /'' '[■-'■. ! Fair; niar.ital wrangle of: thje. type the family audicnbcs en joy. ', '!rhi;ce chai jioters 'and.' aJl capably played. -Piaiog: is !brigh t. and. is applied tp- sin old idea. : ■■/•■/.! !:'! /./.Hubbie: nieets ;ah^bld and ih- ViteS! hlhi~ in .for dinner,. Btit wlibn :he-tells, the w'ifo the! latti^r. spui'n's the ' thoufeht, .Pal then. .ijifblrhis'; tlig' : father / 'that; he con t'chi plates /■ mar- riage.". ' While!/ POp ', warns . bin) against./ it,!/his ;!/\v:ifo' is^ iistehihg. After the ..!p£iil .lcav<>."*,'/^Vife;.Says she'sj going!,:tD;itibt!heiv.tal!^^ rlrtge-and; Wailcs" pff^ ijusbahd picks tip thb baby hb;hits secreted and re-;- -mai-ks.':that s)i,Cjl.l.'.b'e. back. ;'./;'\.; "TOM THUMBS bbWN" ' BOBBY. JARVIS AND HARRY ! ;. ; McNAUGHTON . •Comedy : ' .-r ' •-;.;•.■■•■■' 8 Mins. .'■■'■ .^•;/:-." '. Warner's, N. Y., ;..:■• ■•'./'. . : .;/■ ' '/■.';■'- -Vitapbohe No.. 110.5 .! Fun. bri a; mihjiic gblf.' with .not:rii'ubh ■ tun, ■ One, oiv twb!.minbr gagS ;o.hd/'a;;cb.hU stream of dialbg lacking a shibjter. .A poor yeel. .! Jarv'is r is.', the-/ pansy„. pcrsph; who decides;;to learh;!!£pl£ /'and/ thrcp wetkV lator ' tbeS but; fbr. the club chaihpiphship ttfvwin; McNaughtbri 'InstruclS;!!.Both .men are ~pfcay,! bnt have beep given ;no.:/nVa'tpriai. iv'<'M^^^ "THE WATCH DOG" • Jack HAZZARD Comedy./ ■ . 'r r ■;, - - 8 Mins. .:;''/■';';-''-..-;-■;■''' /'-.- Warner's, N. Y.! /--"": ^' V.itaphorte.Noi 1145. .■'. .:; Has;Ja.!i;bSv„ good'UBhs^ .a fai.i\p'.er.oonfag.c for a;short.. ■/ Uaii- zai'd, .as tlxb bald-lioaded^ who' lo!ve.s dogs,. dpesn't ■ Sell- tlie part too .\vcll,' but .an' unbillbd fcmih liiS ■\vife,! !is. 'vcipr,! i;levrt^/^^^ given' opljovtii.nity-; /ehbugh. ' 0 ' -:/ .Af tier iiiidaclng'/liis;tyife: to let. him keep.^'a'.: dbg'othe. anlm.^J is d:r<ig.gC!d: ih 'off tlijo .sti'cct on; the theory lie's a! watchdog./ Couple. go; put ahd'5 , aVrivp.; !; : ieads the thieves to the:^ safe.and. then ^;bcs tb sleep.;ih^ ah easy 'ch.iir. • ■ ■KOuf, "DIAMOND EXPERTS" .; Grahtland Rico Sportllght ! 4 Mins., ■; ';. "*/" ...;■ '.; Mayfair, New' York / '.: -'; RKO-Pathe !; ."V; :■■■:/, :; S'c, .sport -..short alpiig. the' usiial lUce .Sportllght,,lines, but only about half the length of the .others. ;. Short' deals ;w:jith ,baseb.all, aa the title implies. Uiizzy Yancci Brook- lyn . pitcher Is given ;' ef the foptago, /bicplalnihg .h he .pitches a few; o|; his curves; / .... - ' /CIoSgs /with . clips'; ef 'a baseball gariie, tcartxsnpj ih.cntibncd altlibvigh .!V:ahks fire, evident through'the sight Of: Babe i.luth; High spots Of the g.Mnb, plus: the pick-/up ehoiits of :'thb':crpwd/''OTC..ijsci^ :.;;;. *'AN IMA LS OF TH E AMA20N"! -.Travelog;'-' '.' \-. • ;' '; '.; •■ :' 10 lyiins. ^■:;''/ /';.:'^-;' /-.';.'■-.■■ ■ Warner's, N. Y. :!..• ^ ■ 'i-.; Vitaphone No. 1228 ' ... ;Gb0)^! .tl'ay(;U.>g 1 javing. surh'c. excep -.. tiPha'I niatoriaj. ../■\.'' .'- .',: .• •: St'r.'iififlit';;]b.ctui;d ^slipuld/ find.' spotting; ;. • , ; ; ■/ -;:■./;. .. ' •Starts -ppoi'ly' on ■ aljb'ut .two. hjin- titcs !et;vivp.r sliifr,;but!fthally;se^^^^^ d,p\vn,to ah uhiipual series-of animal .sliots,: !!Odrt 'SDcqip.s of aniniaLs, all' an'd '.woll phiitbgraphed,/ ■' .•• ;/!';•!;,- ..c;;;:■. ,;EQut.; .'; "FLY GUY" ■':!;■■ :' ./■;//■•'■'■ !-^-.-^!?:; !;>^^" Cartoon',/ . ' '-'■ /'-'; ''/,:■■ ;• lO.Mirts. :■ /■■!--■■- ;.'.-.'-- '/.".: Cameo, N; 'V/./'-'/; /•;•':■ ;! -Pathe!;,.'. :': ! Although '.fahtlliar^ 'ahil siiowi-ug hbthih.t,' nciv, thi.s in.scft orchc.'^tra gonci aily titnuscs and'; Ai'sn;illy clev;er; / /This reel/- rvihs through a- iMnitino.t«b.intan.gifelo.-tb follow. •■ ilruldy, lon'glogt? :ar.b' doubled Into hO;rp.<?.,,e!fc. 'It •w-il) pass.i . HV(JI^. - '.'THREE Wise clucks'? With Glenn .Trypn . : Comedy !■ ; ..::■•.■..'!■ .■:■-.. 18 Mins. / '■; -' . ^':;''. Lbeviv's New York ■/' - "':/ ;.''-!.!'^'V:.^";.'-;' RKO Pathe -> ":.'.■-;:-/." Theatres will ivot incrtaso (V iiiivnd"^ ror two-reel .coxnodics - by- phiyinij - ''Thre©: >,Wi.s0.' Cluek.'s.:'! rt!f.--. a\vay - bplp\V';.tlic rtveragp,'^yiliv^ avor.'ig© ■ hbt: l!>igh.'as'It iij of tlie' best, recent ex.'.iihlilea Aviit're '£i: !;ptioy stbiy- leaves littlo hope, no .ihattep. wild's In the: c.T.s't, :: ': .-// ' ' - : .Glbnh Trybn, fb'nne.r /t.^nivors.'tl/ feature slar^!heads this It in-! olude.s Maribh!:l?ouglasi as h 'girl, Jtn.d \Villi.a"h-i/.IlQbefts as!!a. (poxnio.iti- hlck -. hot<;ikpepcr-cbnstabIe. :.-The 'fryoh n.aine; niay- be {i./sdios! arig/te, but that's -all. V He 'ha.? next tb hoth- / ihg' In tlv!b /\va.v. ©t aii!!bppo.i'tunity,.- • ;■/ Shprt: is! built. liibstly arbiind a - pi-acticai jpKb . oh .- Tryoir^ : hy thre4. pai,s !.\yh©' are' stopping. , at the samfe- cbuhh-y/hotol AV.hprc Tryoiv andhia - fi>ii-l tinvft tb niif llh /fnr iTip Any' V..^- cause Pf,an: autp breakdown. :; "rhe three .miig^gs, hot kiibwihg! th© girl;/is ''rry^n;*s fiahc!ee.,/ «o bh tho; make for her,. getting ice thrown in their face :ahd' subs!c(iiiehtl.v nuike'a. bet . with :T!ryon ■ he. .eah't. .date her jip ,fbr dihriof;.- ][ ■' /^•". '.: ■■ ; . .; ''^ .V.Lattei*. ^Vihhing, the trio dccidfe to stage- their joke, one dressing; up ■ .t-s a ;<Iarii;c/arid;!rbunding lip .several kl d s, wit h t h e re tin u c bracirig^ T r y o h as -1119 .had; h'U.Shahdrpapa/: w;ho/ de- ; serlcd thorn. - .-.;/ .:'--;.-'.' ■' /■'/■'■ ' Clumsily Worked ont and ijbarly; .as ciuh^.sily acted cxc^^^ by 'ri'.yoh and- Miss: p.b.ugjas'; '' ;-..;;!' : ^: '■' J?rbba!blv Jess oi"iginal|ty.:bf sit-ua.i tipri. lh :vThrbe;'\yise:. CIU0W6" than :epuld bb JCbuhd jh/ silc?jt.s Of lO .y.paro agb. /.!■''!//;" '-/"'!'!../:' "!•'-- /Tcchpiieally' short \f>: pkp. .':. ■!■;:..-...-,!:-;./ ;!:!.'>V ":,.:/;;:- vYr';,a/-:/-!./ "SHADOW OF THE DRAGON ' . Travelog./ .-. -.■• '';-'-■' . io;Mins'. V . •.;■; -■'. ' •,/'-./. -'.^>.' Globe, N. Y. '..'■."' -,'" ; :-'^' .;;>'^"'-" ■.■...' ■ . . Pathe . \ y. .' Cpntinu.atiP'n. of the' Tom .Torriss.; '.;Vag.ahphd''> sbrlcs^ and .a niild: link. : !.Cbhsi.sts!,bf:!r!Pti!|;mo"matt:ei\-.e ally gcttiivi?;avb!ui)d .tb: the -Clilhese Wall; A. ■oo!uplo .Of .,gbb!d.;"slibts bl' the; world's.. biggest fence' !Cor th© , .finish. ! :- ■■/'-•" .:.: '...' ]■/■ .;/../.■; •■ ; •;•/ Tei-rlss' ■>^.e"rhal /descriptive; u'virttep :, is piirtieiilarly ilrvi \yith;ohc ! pr. t\vo • stab.9. aii: pbmedy: ih .'..the- vvoinf-h's iclubs" nia nripr- and;/ very". apt to rbfl... bvcr: In frpn"t':of !tiiat!/type of. audi,- crice,: t<<0;.: - -.:■ -; •:.;:.■;,,/..:- • .-In .view flf the travolo!, -, satires being ;slTo\y/h/arbuiid.;.^.T oiighj; to" bolgln . paylril^ • clbser:. aiten.t;ipn(.! to his ^e'xpl.a-ha.t.pry. rcj-iiJiLrii,^.''- otiier.^ , .wise he's ih,^danger?, of ■b<^cpming .al'!'- ;.'chaRb,r"''; ./pf.''.. thp::/ .■.*3.hlrerii*'e ./.Idhdi/;, Travelogs heed 'piehty to'make/llicm stand up. ' Tills.rci«'ase has little t« o.fCer. .': • - ":■ : '■ ■ : . l^i.'I, \ "SCHOOL DAYS" ..;,,./.;■■■;'.;•; ■'./;;■../!; C.'irto'oh ' ■ .' .','. / !.'. ; ;;..- 8' Mins. . .;.'. .-.:.;■/ ■!!- Trans Lux, N. Y. >.' ■ ■- ■■r ^ Pathe ;;- '■. . " !//." Getting: sO .with . these p.rri; .ahi- ■m.ils iahd-^Ihseets/^^that- t^^ all Of the old tricks and still.enttr. tain,..;providing. !the ' locale .is';-difr fcreni;. I'This time;the' 'mpt|f is .schbp . AUVth.e;;bld tl ih'e: .!^ sblb .ajo.d: quartet fpi:ma.-:-' tionv 7 A:-' class ;;orcliost'ra, with; ihi -■ siru.hiont.s denoted by leg's ahd .irins eoinprise; the !tV'itticiKms ! whlph are in'crSperscd,/'/ ! :;; /'! ' AVnt^. ; FRANZ :Ljjszf/;'V..' :.-'-;''■..'■- MUSIC MASTER SERIES !? IO Mins., ■ ;.. /■■! ..! ".. ' ■ ■ "■; 5th Aye., Playhoiise,: N.; Y* .: :,■' ■.,■ '■ ■■.■Ra.ra.mpiint"- .y- ' .!Not a? good/as ptliers.ln tho -sei-ies . because of not jsufflcient-actlpni/but of iht.erc!st. It's all in! retrospect by Liszt after.hp! has beconib an Abb© ahd thijnks .back ■ bh his / younger; days^;^,.; ■ ,'-/:;;'•.-/':"''-;. !.^ ''■!' .-.;A!^^gypsy.;cahip s.behe/: "ilungarlan Rhgpsbdy'-';is w.ell done and.- musia thr.Qi!ghout i.s:nicely, played. -.Kaut. 1 pi- Ratndk ift; jFiliii^ .Snub-.Ppllayd !.-ihd Raymbhd tew-r I9, with;' a 'souhd I-efcording ci'ew,; leave shortly; to jpih tl>e MiUciV BrbiS, / 1 Ql! /Rgincli.. shpwv .T^ will ;sbPOt scenes; for a'featui'e/ Itfhgth pictur?/,. Thfe: Pollard -LjE^wls party .w ill'stay. TV.ith the - show for six tveeka. Ppl- ; lard'.:.Is; tp dlrec't/ aii3 .Jacjc! ifpjflC ;i&<ifeatu■^"ea;.;■:!^'■'.■--."/ . ■■'/'::!■;.'■'.'.•- ':/■ ! Pep €ltil> Outing !^ annual e{Uihg!bh June .i3;.«i Ai-;h"ijry / Parliv; .■;.- -!■':■-■;■:' ■ .;/> /!. :■'■:/:■•:" ' ■ v'^ ■• ■ A speciy 'iriTtln; w!lll cbnyey. inem-■ bci;.s . eacjt.: %yai^. :t.Hb!- partir!^^' 1^ reiinsyiyahia;>jt!at'iPn vat' liyX^ tn. aftd retiii:hjng!;io;;30 !p^^^^ .;!/; ^!.-;':.; ;/ .':/ ' ;-■■..:••■'■■ GOr^ V iST; j0R /■■: ':;/ :/-V-.:'-!libi!lirwobdv-..JUhft, '- :Vilarry. -p. .-ltdwards' p "Pagan Lad^;"!; fcatiiriiig' livyli n. ftrent ..(!Rtri=.. isdwardsy ;Nag(y /will!' he-.t1ix>- first ■pii'^thre re-' • l^asod. .by:'.<j3iumbl«a Ph .th:oii; i.M?.' prpgrahi;• ;;.-'■ - ' '.;!!; / '//. .- Picture/..-.h'b!\v' hi -'pr.()d im'-'t 11ih \.i v> lj9;.ph;an iS;rdj!vy!Vvh<'^dii!ir.>! ■!^; :;