Variety (Jun 1931)

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r>6 VARIETY ^OLb WAGON. TONiaUE*' .' ' COMMERCIAL . . '::] ~^-Erri'pson. Co^.-C:--'■■ ■'^KO^Ar-DlBiWcp':. : ■ Oho or thp Uest a^^^^ hioKt aultiert- tii^ lii8tori(?al slijetehes' iiiv: ftiiy sta-; ,'tJoiV iiV tiie X^^S>. ..iliefils wllii • iiut.r 'fllixiidlns episodes thp. maluniy .and ..iJu'uiiTihj,' ojt .the Avest. in ijiany i)Ul>r lie so.iiools tlie - we.eWy. b.roadoi\st. is used .jis'the buSis'bf a .liisl(>ivv:iossb'iv : vthfe TuUoiVin'fj Avepk; a«.d>^ tlj'iH reav :.:sori;ilt6. facl:sr^c1utes,': ete-.j: mu^.d; ,bc cotrei;t. ADb.ut 50; Ivbui's, ara. stienv , on/vlie. bViildiiier up eac'|V.:oi»isode boi'oie reheariiat.'S; b(?ffin', . '.'Lusi' bv<>a^lca5it,;tlus: siiinhici' 'dealt witiv.:,tlvc.. CUutter ipaaiiaore froni. tfi'c ■. liullaiv- $taridp6lut,. .Having, befeii dbuo.'^cN'eV'ar times': ii-orti th'fe- Guster ■ane'Ie- .oii prpgfiiins of'natiOiiA'i'iilc ■brA'idcasl/. t-b ili^usbt-tp'-^b'c.- tbo^ best .bet.- .. 'ISxcciUld'nally w ■-'ilbne. ■• ■< ■ '■: ■' ^ ' .^^. . v.-----.: V -. Went o.tit', .t6 tjii;' statiP'tf'-to TtiVi.ew: . tliid..b'up.. .^^'■lule. tiii.s . lakfs away.1'"r"' ' ..viuuffli- ot . U!i9--iilusion^..-0 .'iwtUo!5;:i:t '■^''.t«> ::'kocin-#>y y-t^al; M .was,.;an yyc^opener: '.^.Kiye br . S'-'^ niike's ; Ate ...used, in ihiiJ . ...broadcast; u)id ;ti^ oacli '. arcr .ini}c.«;d ln\t,lie ip^bpoiv)«-6ppt;tidiiS; ■ by .fciiirehc.t! A. l'errew»u,n>/..cp.ntr^ . 'rooni' o'pevat di\' ;.'iMK*'Vp,ri"'liesti;d. . a^ ■jiriiif'i|)al ;i'-hara(?ivrs^- ikso ■ .one. '>.p^■ . • Uio wai'. daiijiei-s ,anbther;/and . I'he .;~"!^. ' i^iiiiuv.kijmeri and. Uv.uii^^ :';.a 'nvil:e.;^<:h; - .::'. V/.;^'•' ;. lt .is'ra. .i)rQUlem. to make some, ot th.e-'souiulq' hocfessai^y in-.i^ p.vbBvam ot tiiis .ki.nd,. and.;mueh exp'ei-im ' irip is{d.biif • K; .§tocl;toii, • .-gencrlU- diiicctbi,; b£.' tlie;sUb.w, oilone' ■\. Ihis.Vliiie/ Tlje. staee tpaclt; nbiie^ are made by'.ti .i^'ocuJiar cpntriyanGe. :. It .-iw A*^/ b.p-'ti -' 15 inches ;.sctuare; 4 licep, .fiIlcd witli ^gra-vel.- ' A . . Wbccl iis set .on . each .side; ip/tliat .. it-M^lr.npt. f.uh :ali^ By: riieaiis;' of .JV '.hanirlle;' is. turned ; ' ^roiind' in a bOJt.oj'.eravel. an'aS^ .chains. d»»Kgihi; it sOunjls- nvpre lilc« .-a ..slagecoaclv- than would' tlie i-eil •thijig-. '-'-A IP.tVof ■e.xperiinenting:' .was . jibne 'to ;-eet a .p|rop^^^ ibcbmotive .^ -'iriii.tafiP.h. '.'^ by-'running .cphiprcss'ecV-air^^ t^^^ a .^i^otarj:- .;la;wiv i!pvlnlflei:,v and-; th'e '.sioHnd' lOf . :ihfe,-\vlieers.6h.the^faiv.j^ . with'a small wheel'"6n..ii'lare{j. o,n<?,'; .with, a bhettk ;iifi ..tVe' bis one; . T^^ . aCULip.ii tried- fot^sevisrat days! Ip 'ii . tale . Ui<B-.;soun'd ■ 6f bcesl . Rubber ; band's, and!;Ptlitfr .things -wiere .tried, ■ but t.lie .results Avevc failUFes. Stocjc-; ■ tonj asjred ■ a- b.oe. itian. rvo<v:'t.o'''db: It .: knd ./was advised .to. tallb.-a;. box :b£- ■>• .bees',- • witli;.6cr.(fcri 'wlr^ 'over ■'theni'; - lip .to tlxie' mlKe.'- ; - . '■ : ■.; '■■ ; Aboxit .75 are' allbWed fh the. stti- ■ dlb : eacli "iv.eek to. .see', this, broad- cast,'and the. tickets aire in great di^mund;. . Nptwitlis^^ . ~ mike,s . for - the .N'ttTious.; .groups are .; .. scsLlloiied around theVroo iaii ./ dlen'tc^. roinairied so'.'q^^^^^ ■ ■ terTei;edi"npt at all.^' \ N.eWS FLASHES :. Ne.wispa'pep Anrrouncem«n > ' ■ '.Sustaini'ngi 7 ; .• .'■'.,' " . '-■' ;\VOKO,-^AjbaoLyV ' Albany's "i'Jvciui.n^ iJew*" aiVil; thw :"Knieli't>rbP.rt\ei--. i'ross,"... Ouivheit, paifers wlilch liave. a-Xio!-t)|) .wilh .VYOl-Cbi..dtiily brpadi^^iiit:-bits pC rie.vvs .appearing in editlon^i sPld ;;on. tlip streets '^shortly.. thdrc^l^ter, - (j)^^!?.;' sibhaUyv. tlioy;^p '^ br.Ofik;'p .WOiKO i>r^OKi')nt(ii.,t6 give. highliglUs of-iV-Spbt/story.- -'^ - .;.' ':: .Urba'dc'aSittrig., by • V'^Hte.^ ;Nt'rw'!i"..-,ia: doiie at noon ;,.by "^rh.e■Press- iii' the ea>ly -c^jiioning.^. :I{rpad.casiiiiir i.!i...£rbiii .a ■sjK.'c ijiliy - 'o'lMXs; ted bpuih■. in';bf iice/P.i- thtV. iiapwij!.: - . Xe.WS ./lashes- Uffiially. run frbrii; .W to" 1 a -iiUnu t'es '-oiV a' b'rou.d'c'ast.i.l'.hPy. fivi-iU' onp of. ..'tiVci. hvostr :ijitor.(i.stitrg iooa'I. ft;a.Viri;es-S'ftrit-.t>ut' bver^ . \riglVt- V)e'iniprQVed. iC le'ss.;^^^^ takoo, iiV the 're.ciVatipn. PC .creclits r-pr stbrieii. to. ith'oVAl* pr.'.■UP-■ tPa^r- ,t'.iH. ' uKu i lJ .'t' r.Ht?: • v.'ZANORA'.;.. ,,;:.^"Spul..Reade»!''.. ' ',KTM.. Los 'Angeles ' ' . ZaiVdi'a^s. .-ciher fortune. ^ lell.uiir: '. racUpt i)at-io<< at little jj/ 'a.rr-h call.s . lilmseU • a.. *'SPul . .reader.'.' . •That's . .. Slai;ig-: ■for-'-.nijtlri:cidiii'g/-hproscppe ■ casiiiig or. ahyihliif!| better , op jyorsc; . .'.Zdhdra teHs-all; tjxccptiniJ. wlip he's , - sp'lii.tlnR ,'\vlt|i. .■ ^: Z^^ 'ToadinR. , . by-:;pin>g,iu.)stic<atinf? cthe^ milie . iii ;' .;tpvcti>11 i) 1 g, • wt^velln'V' ' ■ alie" 11 ■ get i lilo 'the; liVms,; Ixe will ,^gct that ., nibuey ,: batrk ^ .-wrieihet she : will., be married ^ .AmV .\vlu-n;' it sli'C: is. true ,tb: him; K ... and wiry;. .e,tC;. - Tliat's -the .ki'na'. o ■ .stuff Zaiidra; spiels. ' . ■-... . ' ■ F '■- : \Vi tJi,a.'^pthe «'hat hrog iicd accon I :' .■ Ziiridra. giA'os'. ■ out ■ His.-proph.esy iji.E; ' . with th'e reading of. I^t.'bcle Xv. Y. Z - CU'Pndaip.,- t.'iar'if'.'' tqupting the: iu.i . . tials- pf tiie. c6rrespphHorit), -and pro 'cedfis hi.s . reading .by statini?'-"it . , «.Pnies. ^p .jiui; tlirit," etc..': .(iio ..age:d • fakiiig Jprjuula oC...the routine fakirs, ;. Ziiiid.a, in h.ct\Veen;.' urgecV ,sf rt>hu ous(y :uid- quite mp.nbtonou.'ily that ,;:.yovt' ..sjiou.ld:; dp - your' .soul-reading iihppping.;.early:: thaf is, tfe tVrst .BO. to kitik'. lii ..a'..bu<'k: .ei.H.'-h' ■\vill .Hisiv '■- ■'p:HV:i. .friv.(>.i''copy, of -hi.<i, '|iixi'<>li: :'()u' ; .J'fOSi"C'sVibn.'.' .whateyt'r- that, i!>-;;jiut ; ' the' J)Pok .Vis; ..'sipn'ioljiing ;.e-v..lni;';/11ii' buck oiily :brbuglvt...yb-u'.!tl>e.-.^ sb'ul. _ .-/roailhfgr:' ■AU"-:t'h.a.i:s'.n'('.c'c.sSary is'.t'o ., sejid yPiir namej .ijirth iiiid tlie Iviiek J .-poh't ifp.r'get .the 'h.tiok; ■ .Zivhdr.^,..h.'is , fli 'pris^'ai^*-. '0. > h;o..'C ih\ .I.i.' . A.!,-i tqi bucka'' " ■ " '■' ■' '■ Idontityr.t>'£- tlio .:ne\V3 .sory.-.: ice f.urivi.sii.iiig tlxe .'tale jn'c'aiH-- Jittle.. t<) tii.e-^.ay'erage !islencr,.altjipugii pa-' per s.'.i jv'^in o h f i b h u) g-"sp.u r.t^^^ 'pr(np(:tlnji'.il>cn>.s<'lye,'i..^.'p blanket' ■spiitcnee. PC^ cM-,edlt wbnl.d appear, to, be KutlicioHl lor the- ordihary ruii px 'tu'ff.'U''. ■•'■;;■;■;• 'V' ".■ ' :-v'-- >a1.;. l-:..',Jier\yii¥, .i^Hii'lay. editor pf 'Bid I'r.oss,'.'-iUi-s,. 'hahdl(r.d. flic- .Jicws' l>,rb;tdca His- f I'pin; . tii.',^' ilins .■ W9ivO. bcffun' operatiiUiV* .in; AVbaj^^^ licis inilVrbve(t K)ivsideraU^y in his '.rtn.r nbuncing; and- is .said to. iniyc UiilU- .vip :a f()lli>\viii<f. toc^liinise^ ^yOi^Q's '.liSi'tonOi-s,- tlcrVv.ig. lias' -,a clear ■vroire.'.and a cheer.ful'.nAaiincr;^ also ..the-fa<'uli.\i^.or"riiiiil!iM .s(ouiid-' plTi'p'r' .than a .- <rej^'.hatii»'i'.:re-: Gital bt lliife'.' ..pairigrapli^.; in ."a S-tpryi ■:^'r :''^-i>y . '-.- -• ■•' ^'v,^ ■ His annpilncinff; hoivc'ver,. would SOpiid .bettor "if .:h.c'-did .iVbf: ciit -lip. his's.eivttnci's into..grb'ups. bf 'two'.-pr . tliree words;; ^\'itlr; an unnece.ssalry .and ariitpyiiiVU'ising inHcolipi^ voice' aCtei' cicli •divjjjibn..' .-IIer\v'i&. is li.s.g- on i5()6t;,Virpade-ast Ing,.judg-, jug froni a;recent attehipt.a't'i.t; ' ' ' "Knickerbbcker i?ress'! ha^* giveii: the broadcasting assitrnme.nt i.b sov-. oral oC.its staff. . A.'..I. I-itUet6^i.han-; d led . it inH th€f '."beginijingf and agiiiri more .'•rcri.'<fntl.\','.; •While; Bjob.. Reoyes tpplc- Qaro ■ of sa . tor :a,.tir|ie '. ■ A tnird cnap.^tnaiTnTTiipt: uiuiourt heard, ph', se\ eral bccasions of v late Llttjetbrt'lV;*^., a. .decided ty..-m lin6 voice. .One ribt uripleai^aht to the. ciii:.. bt^ (I . li.s^teiVe.i-.. r .Alsb seenis tip bo; the' pbssessbr' pE. a dvy livthor,' aiid ai" liai.-d-boiled skepticisin, .if .hot" cynicism,; -.ttiiwird .-inen-; . ev.ents., (noticeable in c.pi-i-imeiUs on the sit- uation 'ifi Washingtbii.).; K» has a styie winch' might 1)<! f urtl'ior ■ de^ vel(>i>cd; lor radio, brbudcasting.- - :. liedves is a fairly;good aniJouncer, althpugh it is .evident-that: lie is. d; new s'paiior; 'ralliCr thh.ii, wan; ■ • .."The 'iN'*WS,'' a lid "Tlie Press" " are pi uggc^d; d tiriii.i?: vt h.o brPadoasts, .Xp t to an ppfeiiisif e.jdegree. jibwe^ :.', A u (11 i)J(>;.• read i rtg,s ■ .;'ivcre ■.3.\\ •,' -"xu fi\ 'flre.s.''i<"n<\h- ai? recbjiiin^^^^^^^ to ..' to 11 b\v '.t 1 i'o a d^'i^J c'e ■ o t' yau r. .].;>;w y e ro r ' dpctbr,. or■ mPther,-'br:.hrpther;.' with ; the. ire'.'iss'n'iiance,. t.liat "ir:y.oh.;.'idhoi;(: . Tai.tti riilly tp .tho'ir.:;ad vir^ .'lit will be -iVell,, Kor,". pbsi>ryt\s';2iuiOf'!i:lri anr: • rt.Clier •r...)U;\ ;>''tls^ji niiuv •ihii he'-is.:^':^...''' '''■■■■■A ■'■:.•,■'. ;.'^ •■■;.•• ' : .J.i'(ii -forget thip' Imi lf-' -.-, .. ; .St'i 11^ -p ciVil i'.a ■ d besn' ( ;fol I .,w! ro. I'l r split!;inti-.\vll li;-; ■'■-. :-' :y. , . ;• ■ . ^- • ■' ; :- ;A )i<l:'.l It'i'.v 4\yifr.j-.y-.ab'iii(• fi.hi.i '•.f'V-*"'*: slnp; -;'^ ..;•.'. ' •■■,■ :.; ;V ' '. ■ ' .tibi'l, '; DRAMA OF OLQ. NEW YORK Skiptch .;■ ^ ■..•;.-.■.;> .■,.■• .•'.•^;, GOMMERqiAL'.. ■■^■'■•^■■'■•■ ■.,■" WABC, NiBW York \ .M6t<^ -historiOAl: .tlinn . ariyOiinfr else was a dramaXic: sketch; of "Old; 'I<[oW York;" ■ it -retold, tlie. capture- and ;.ht)ingijig.: of N;atha.i);'/lale . .a spy;- . Accbrdl'ng^ to - aiimvuivcclnont tlie' scenes - used; ;w^r6' taken f.rpni {icUiul;recprds. Tiii.s should iiiake it ()k:eli.-\vith' the;,!5iOh'ool.^-.-and. c'dtH-'a-; tibiiAl.ceiftersi -' V, -^.:;; ;, ■ , ..;'-.-■■;■. - Appeal tP... boyS ltihg(?.9 - on tne; paipabio intent'^ of ;tii(i ..dialog be- tween Capiiiin:Hale- and: lii-s..'ai-iny. assbcTale .th,at> liis ypluilLeering to .gro fiisido: !Cicneral .llbwe's JJritish arniy - lines to; .obraiiv ..iiifprmatioit dfesirc'd. by' CT0iicr»ll; W;asi) lug tip p'uirely pillriotic. a.iid; that-/i(uclv .sliiy-;; iiig. was. neithe'r .diesi>i,cabl<5; rtoi^ im-' wbii-tiiy;' As f oi;- •the j4ii'is\ there^ was nbtiiln^v t« '.excile tlVe.ra br - hayft tliChi- ■iyastfe \lic tini.o. li.slpnihg",. /liii.- .' -"fiioycd- by-jS-iirel'v-'.-Pali Ho-l ic- iiV'i"- MME. .NllMERA ■} :''v'--V-' Sdothsayec ■ '■" COMMERCIAL:; ;W.e:p'C,-Chipago..v; ■..-.■:'■ <>f all the professional friciidK or siifferirtjj. .'^ ■ liaic . i'9j. sio'rers tp bust deveiopersj; noiie are so -thlniy lac.qu6Vc>d-a ^grpib^ers; rW'hp, itifest, th'(^-bn.eriungcd Stat.fons, ; Aiid-' these ^racketeering ladies^ 'and . gents, .wlip i»ay...vlic .bills i(idu-y niar '>"Pmc5 ;;'day: QPSt. the .one^' i Lf Hfecr.s their licoriaes; : ' A rid:. slibiild; happen,v ,•,'-,:■.';' ' ^.:; ...' ~ ^ ^ , ;; 3>'or. tlic,.l''oderal Radib Coiiinvl.'?- sibxi • so.biier 'or - later :\yiir- hav'c ' lo ,'guard 1 iVe .stiiiVld p:brt'ipri oif-"ijic,pub-, 'lib; ilbrii ;tiic. 'ePnscq.u.e^ice& pf tliioir b.\yi,v doUish 'irttellcc.ts. ;'\yivile; .the stiitioii' ■w;hich;'.;p'e.rniitS:.'a,- fu.kir to hiakc. idtbt'e ,puf ■ bf; fqol - M^tviv('ra-in .becomes; part of"^-tho;faking: ■ :", ,; ■ Iloiyover sympathetic wifii the -Irt-. die iyroad;castot.'s . figjif to 'hold its ARTISTS' BUREAU ; Jack Clark ^ V-.-.-' •'"•'■ - :;■,''-. Joe-Carey,. •' :-.':■.■.'•'■' ;:,. .;.'.- --, Larry's Orchestra '■: . • ;'S'' --:k- -'- '■ Slistain.i'ng' ■'T---, ' .'^ •' ■ •'■. WRCH, New. Ybrk_; • ' , ; C|;trk's;.a..trVi> dancer;. 'rai^t'y'«--at,oiipr,;'- a say^; il^S ^a'ck; '('lark's prchcstra, .but it's;jdi- rocied; -liy ilpb iT>i:i:rry. .;The three round ;'but ''a-' bi:bad;c.a's.t. li.- ih- ■chid;cK''a • tjipping sbio 'l/y ClaV-k.-, ,; .Ca>e,y. has' a good voice bbt seems- tb have hoe.iv cPaclif'd t.p..ape Morlo.n' Ijbwiioy or: is „lrying'to. he'a_c0.pyi as hc-affccts vllvo - stirtie.'^'i^^^^^^ eycn' ■ uses.;' Iwi-). ■ (vhorii's'^s' 'oC '.-"VVa^iasli 'Mppii;''' lii'/ nifvUe • tlvi,t':;.n\pVo ;pro-' nbuiicod.,- ' . : '; , :, Arl i.siK'- T.iirc^aii' .-of WPC'It'.'iiia.v .iliink it Avfll h('_l|) sV>|j- .C fjiiii-ljcr .f(tr;>'i .rUi,1> d.nte pr-'a ■cii'riii'i'iorci.'it. liut it\s.' ;.d.t)irl).triil. ' Jfi.'^-. -N'oir'e. .'is. .g^jod 'enoughi sCilihM'tvn'tl-y iViglVri-ingod and ,])ieVisai)r <b' lisie.n' Tbj ;t>u .'a-liai-dsltrp. ici' thp .long i'tiiv'.bni-b.-,tlve Dbw-ncy • diiiViiv.t;.'stk-k.s. tiT;!)iin. -'Pej-' ■haps. i(.:a'r(\v' junt' ■ nivliiral ■.and.J^usin'if tVic ."ipugs . hf>Hl " suitc'd lo. his;. Voice .wi.'l':.;y.'>.. P^rlTicr .ap(l. •(iiiicUei; ■ •,lh;Ht \vilh^t^his;haii-(Ji»:ai).^' ;^;;, ■ ■ ■. Ji.-)ri-y')*'; brc.hp.s(ra-. 'w;i.'i.n'.t -, so 1101.i "d'ue■ peiih.'ips. i,o.on'f* pi- ■■.(■\v<),;.r'h i\ i vid r- ■.un:l.s''tr'yhig ..ia-,-pi|(-pI.-»y .;t-l.>(''' '(itliers,- ■,Kf( ty^ ;.! 1 't 10HI'i(»1,1 ■ 10 i-'cli'eiii -iKX Is, 'miglVl aiHp.;i'i'v,cu''nKidoiVd, .'. , :■ ' :MHtk.: ; pulse ... . , ., ■ No wbm;eji .In -the; skete Th.TLt, removed all Chances, of iai-roiiiiXintic liUe., dl ale 'was,, a;si|y,, :bu t ;he welit, to hi.s death. :;.bravely,;.-;i)er6i('aliy.. This and . nipre:'; untblded ili the brbadc;a3t-.. '' .-'.'-': .'-., /. ' ■ ■./ ■.'.; T'lie .iicto.f ■ appearing -a.-^ '^Iiile ■\yi\f:. efTeo'tivei "i'R'enl'iu.nder'-uf;', ciiiit -;i;u'.st jipT.ftb.'-.. The man whiv i,niptrisor)a'i('d liaic's,, brpthiH"''oflicbr'-si iiM'Sd his, lines;. Apparently. Ybiyiflgv|i\oro on-,iTa;ding' than- riveiiibr'izih'g-.r-.- '' ■ '•■' . ;'Tlic'pe>upd'i,s,'-paid fpr',by-:;tlie Ocnr tr:t,i: yayiijg.s iJaiik; ■ J uSiL whfcre Kclatcd' tl'euji cb^p'es^;isn't neccssfai-y peVh'Sps. • J.t'§';":bett;oi7 thah, ■a.'li'rass ba;ii'd, ■a;.lo.w'--iiiP;ii)i'i\g,.:'broli.i?slva'': a-.-Set ; of 'night^i•!ul>^llbw hb'w,- eyev.:-',.;-:;■'"■-'/''.■■ T, ' 'Mai'ty,. '- ■ F'ARMERRU-jSK'- .'■-■^':^,'':i-C- ■■''">''" Farm'/S'ieryi.ce; .Prp'g'ri 'SiistiaJ.ning " ■ ' ■■; •.'■;.■ •>■"- ■ ■ "■.•','.•'■;.■■'■';: VyiyiAQ, Chicago : ,., Wheii .^JBC topk; OY.'j.r tlie Siiiiiuel Tnsull oii(;lc't..\Vi3,NR .last Martih, Und decided' . to ciil . b.u;.t .-. tlie-" staliioh"-'^.' i)reyiou3 heavy play for fai';niyli!i>: ;te'her. iiit'eivest, ■, i,he,,; t>aVly , News' ither mpijtnp.icbev ; WAilAQ.. stepped in viiftd erabbed -loff iseyerah'bf the ;Wl3NIV.iiiob--wlip. iiad -becii iiandling. tlic;.rurai air. sliowa. ; .- Xuci'iidcd-- ill.' the i)br.'jbniieK. lake-' e- '.'l''ai niei". (■i'ir^'A^ and the sorig arid 'p'iatter. -team,. Woir riari;and. Jiiifi- Jordan.; .Arouiid tlvjs. trior ,tlie ::PiUly - News .. .i'ramed'.. its lOarm;;iSo.ryice prperam,--w^^^^^^ vioUs purpose of. biiildipts' I'lpi a rural aiidiencE-for i;ts cpmmerciul depUrt^ merit, so .tha,t this latfdt. coilld gp .after .sprite oC^tlic.adverti.^irig' grivy mPnbpolized by'the Prairie i'drriV- er's'oijtlot,- WLS; ';.,.■-'; -v. -'■ ■'-" : ..AVAIACi's i-'arm . Service' prbgfi'am hits •tiie.e.theiv.thrce tinics daily/.. Oh- tlie initial shot, riinniiig about 1.").: minutes.;. ''ii'drpibr.''; Vviisls; reads'.brf' the early piorniiig livestock n^arlvbt Jla.«hc3>-' .Midnopn,, il'ti'ds '. the ijer'Yice' mike ,a;t. tiie. Chicago 'Bbard- of-.-Trade,, .- with ^'a .mfchiber ' of'--tlie .Xcws. ilri'anc.ial start q.tiPtljig^^l^ est. grain and-,. lavd : prices. ;''lJatibi-, liists -abbiit nv;C','-riiInir.tcs,' : ■'.' ,' ■:', .'• ' .:•. ■. ,' . 'liitt -the',-big. treat fbi- .tlic fLlrint- wife, .buay'at.her atlc.r' iurieli cl^ Cotr»cs:- at: 1-.30--wlicri - I''''^rmer,;'.Pviisk takies to .the' ai.r with:: his, .liiusicai. patter and instruc'tibhdl' sivb^<■^. With liimsi'eljE b:h thp m."C end,, T-'armer l^usk; trots;p"tit;th'e, ^Yliithey String Trip- ;fprVa 'bVace.- p 'ivuriiljprs; 'Mairlpn ,and Jihi in.-song and c*Pinejiy.■bits to tickle'tlie i'ur-al^ itels. fancy -bind somcr guc'sf speaker for. tlvC: pccasibh. ;.iri■ most'instahces ihcj I'attei' , Is' iitho '.setretai^ of .ii Chrt m'bet'bC .cpriirp erce •'or.PC vi%spa in- oiie pt'. the r.iiraV/Cpm'mii -.. nities ■. included iri. ..t'h»'. Ggtl.e;t's■ hrpa'dca^^t^aroa.-Soinc•times a ri'iiiii-s- ;ter, put , on ' to regale ,','t h.e pi^b^ jj-rUiii^s f ollpwcr.s. wiHi: a ;s!iirnibiv;' , W,h'(^ii' 'cii^ght (C), .ihc- Klvpvi-; foa tu red J oh ri ■ ^"1, - Cb.X, se'er'e ta i-y ,b C the St. JoCr Miiih., Ch.am1)er .of Corii- merce, who tpid what a great' fvutc- 'gvowitig- pciitcr arid inarliet h}s"n,o.c k at: the wppds' was. arid unlimborcl tlift ,u.s{^ial; Ulkh-blali;expef''lcd 'frpriv that' .braric^ii, pf -the- feenu's hoiiio--sa- piens,;,-':;'"i.;^-. "•'.,.-- '-■',,> • ' ;-':;-,..''."•• "^"I'-^a-rme'i-. -Piisk hiiii.selt; i^ -.i \i<'iMO-, cracker; ;pt fiprts; droiiplng on. -Of-oit- sipri a'-, riiTty, oi- ',:t \vb -^thitt'. rii'iist -i.^o clo'se lo the, risibilities;,:pf .-his pai'- lipular,;bi-ari(J of.;dii(l-tHruer,s. '■ Jiiri: -J.prd'an|,s-, cpmlc .giintikrk-s, •' in.; - th.e ■/■'hii.ral.'t6r. of/.•?i'"ri-c.|(j.. lyi(k,(^ DOG'-.TALk - . ; --.' '• ■-.-Dd'ri'Ga-riiey-"-. -'•■...■.-■'■'•,. <■./■ '■" ,-; '; COMMERCI AL - .- . ' ' - ;:;-'; .- WABC,' Nevk^; Yprk ; ■ '-'V/i'v .- V ,:-])i;iji':'.(i('.-t'rf,»!i'-y 'pKi'y.<' iM'Pn .- -. sp''Vri>il\si^-(Vh(:ird.-i.i>. huin'iiuiry 'l)otd,')gs.- , ;•' -.NtUliijfa';di-.'i n'jatiral 1 y fi'lnoy .1 ii .-1 lie '' way- .(>r,'.speech;. jvioroly - a.: sir.iighl - -fpi-ft'-'fird .t:Ulc. .as ; to tli'bir training; i; lid-pdling' . lind' ■ f codi,-n,g~.' '\vitii, xvIkU .:.'sma'r(ii-cHs'-. aiiij- siig.-jLcUy, the caii'iiVe jiels. l-i';i,m -,' ', •,- -'.,: ' ■ cai-riey. pavos the 'way;- f<Jt a sell-, -iihg {trpriirivftrit for tipg fbodsi .; Tliere . 'i.'?; alisb i< ke.v' in' the tibg: .^s.say con- ;',- wlVirh Curriey c.Vpldln.s beforii .■,.sh;riln^ O.T.-. .. ' . . '',' --^' Mark. PRU DENeE PEN N Y- : . , . . C O M M E 'FTC IA U. ; :.- KVW, Chicago '. " ' : c;:. ; ]'"lbv)d/- or- i:o/'!p(vs .1.-' t-fi ic;d- by oi". --.ih'i^ .oilIi',r-.'dui!>::'.shbulfl ■ 111 »ik'l";-ILr.sI'.r'ulv cbo'k.s tvf '.the 'u'bnien'- -i-u i'l'liis .scj-tor: :l;'.uii|j>,!-iriig;,\ViVii^;ihii-',(li.-it ;.iO,s-t.;i>('M't>ri.v i'hiS: ■■ ii'r(,!,;iili-!; - i^o't' ':!<.c,(,; lii-i>;uiiliVv j-iV ff'cipb' ri-'i'-.iCiil.s- -ti-imi,' .(!trci.v-.^..ot'lii.'r' i.^>''..''i;t-. 'sirtrir);j>s.'.■• :.'-•;■, ',: ,; -.■, '■. :'t^^J;li'.l^^r.;l>u>lt;ll.-•J:>u^Vl•y^^^v doiu:<", PciriViy ' i;'irl«Vi:ovi)r\ i--;. ;ri)r-.'.'l'hi'". ,ino'.-;(.'.i»':.i-rl ''..-'li'i'Miiiir l.lii\-'iV'r(ir<''>'(iliV ;,fos--. (oriii;; i>i";;i:!ii'-,i;oijiinry ^^l;^^.:.^.^i-llll^^ ,1 'ciiiiy fe;a c.pp'y-i'fcl.U hyU'u'c.'i'ii. t,liv l<y(!>l! ~(l^(>;^^->^l'S^ :;-J lor/liil ^irifi ,l:;^tli.!^' iw'i'.", ;i.';!-iis l*j li:iii> lii^ \\'oiv(o'ii- ; ri'',ili|tM's ■*;h'iv>,'. ■'•rliiily; ;ilV\isiMl ■ iViiMl; ,'(),\:ci-.-i 1,1).! 11 ■;' ijiM-f;.-ii 11 iji'.^ .I'm . Iiiniii' I't-ir- ) 1 p 11 l i i: N i A' (11,0; ,s'l 1^111 !''• ^ l:'',si'en'r;Jis:v;i;-lu»li)|iy.-. ■';'; •;; ,' .'-'^ ■' S.:^iwly.-il■.^^^^•^l .in\l.)Oi vyoi-ji ..mi",-h;' ttd-'; .p'V.' infi) :a';re' dr^fi'ly'^ivtr;(>(lm-(>d ..pTuB'.s- f'.u'--tJu-'^id ,';i(lfi i:'afino(l.;in.' t-l'i;!': p.-iLpor -that niorni'iig, Ati adii-'itipoiU' ,'sc.r)iri}»-.:;;])iyiii't, tl.iat aiii>le;,. j'bi',-. ;tlie ;diiily's: ad'ycrl-.tKing dit^'pitiHrneiji'. ' - ". ;A.,,l>r«'My; Kpod; .sot; of .radio ,,v6ioos in' tlial iNiiidciiro. I'ciiiiy iriol), .with each; of the ;g;(rl .spii-lcrs ;u> .iiU^pl in- ;ii-:tntilin^;h)>r/iLiies.';'. ■',.;,'■'; 'V'-'-', '■: own • between;: tjie >fBC-steajinrollor arid. :tlie. bJiS ibniriihu.Sj no;;cbriie^ caJi regret the inevitable: dbPni «t lO.O- watlers. that can-'find;-.rib.: rtt'h ;'ari.;,xiIv cheai); crai)ti'ap.Jirid;;sap-baiters ftiadame, >?u 1 rierii^ -anda 11. ;t.11 e Pli>crs: ;wil li ■:., but a ' single exaepitioii. -/'Jfh'e' :best; 'knP.wri';a.rb 'mbreryi thc'ish.iart^j.s'!;. > '-: Af.aybe'.the-, U'edcral-CpitrinissiPii is, couritirit^ iiijpii.^tii'e iribxprahle; rires- stn'o of-e.cpnbriiic.s to: bankrupt'tiic.sp pp:sk'y .statibris..; .Ho.urs rpll by:'*v|iii;: ''ivothing:: liu,t.,phbnbS;i;aph 'rijcPrds;: lu; Tjetweeri; .ail \bciiaslpna.l' si)pt an-. noUhbemient .'that:'s^', .;worlh $5 : top. Aiid wlibiVthere i,i3 Voirie abUi'al^ .arid iblpbd-b?f<*«^b thi?.iplir A. Syiisj'. 'witli .;an, JSriglisli; acil-cn.l pjbdAlliri.g yap, fpdder'vdt one sliri liier-^riripGiilailoit.'an.d special ^cr^'i.i'c p;iu)misc:d ;tt>. spbciai cases,^ jiiQaning 'lh'e\mbi-;e','b'bpby',b.ob|js;-',:: '-'"".'':.,.;,, WJCDG. is' a" i)artTtirivcr ::sl!ai-jng with:..WSBC and /WRWli^ .^AfOad lap .dg.Cj.icy; JEiriil .IJene'iiv.'^rk, prbbiV- biy dPesii;t: ivijpw, wiiaf to do.fwiUi t he s'tati'bri.;' Certai rily' >rto ;<pv ido 11 ce of hpVv tP operate ijj. audible io. the unaided .ear;:' Tlie anitpuriber- might alfso .b([> thb oni;c.q b,6y,'-.b,r the 'oariV.-' tor,; ;lle, mtitteir.s. arid -inumbleii but riever speaks buU'iig:ht; ';ite;a^^ bpupie of ;ch.urilp ,reasbn.s. £()i' clieW- ing Kdiv Tan' tJ^ alludes.Tjlb auluin bl^ite'ijaTgat ns, ■ A j^^^s-iij'Tnrri: liri ni iislca ]-,.': linbban'i'l e,:; Uniri to 1 lig 1 -; ble liiiisli.-linbu.thbil tnoriotorie iriseiH-; liny . )jiu>ye(>n ;phPripgraplv records. .. . .-.•■J^radame Nuriibrd's .bebk-:, is'daHod ''C'reative^ besii-Q,. or How' tb Miike Brcafti-s.-Cbmb'Trjie;!' ;;Tliat Include.s eve'rj-thlng.- Jii'st, wl.sli by iiCr i'mcth- bd; pt' solfentiflc ;selt-rod1ii:ation 'aiid pros to, .they; it^'ako .,y oil Iby ft h :assjBt- ,a,nl. ,tO., th.0 .'yice-pcfis and .put your, ndip'e:. On the frosted ' glas».,'\ Al,i9o very liaiidty when oil thb niiake, . ' It;really isn'^t a' bpok.' tliey lia.sieri lb explain.;:.;just^a facsiiiAilb .cbpy.'o.f f he jM'ecirius. iriariiiscript iri^the form i t .lert;,. tlie lyiiidaime's ; type;vi'rilc"r. .>\niicii.; is/'thelr .;way-;bf: .dis-s'ui^^ . tfie ri'iinioograiMi. j,'br tliolrJbuc 'saj).s jiiPn't.even. ge 11 j;pb.' Pr -a p'diVcf - •'haclt-.biridiiiir. '::./<''■■/■ ■■ } : ': L'-ricthi'cai' ifi the SyPrd ii^ed:-by ;(ho M;Udairie.' tb ;'expldih' .ivlVy shb; .can't answer,-' queries a bout tost person.s-: iirid :ibst .articles. •' A, bctl^er word wpi'ild , bc tht liiw. ~maybe.'.V .:i**i'.spriality ;3903 js .adyised to (i ii)ar.ij:iii-relying arid p 11 rcl 1 a .SOS.' l^br-sprial iiy 39 0 8 (s" rl gl i;L in. .thnikirig:.Jiirimy- has iier soi"tjrriA- pin but bo: (Jidn't .«itcal.- it;,;jlist -tpcic it;fbr a l,ark;a;iid-^she;.s.hbiild-'he ca fill ;hot t-p/accuse hini Pf- .t.ikiiig it. 'I'h^ Mi;iidame:giVes .iiPthink hut;good old-fashioned^ ultraT,dis,c?y.>ot'a'dv)co,, :.Sh.o's like'a ;g()d,dCss;to. her ;foilpvi^':- cr.s.-said ,tl)'e;,.';.pieler.,- - ' ,; .,,,';. -, "/ '''-■,Spe(->il .del"i.'vei\V':;stnriip.s'. a riiCriV tiprio^a ,biy Madame a-lpiig with' lieu addi-ess, ,67.:18:iiai;owPbd aveiiue, .-ind, :hor phbne nunilittr. nbnycbitrt''ri70rr; The.*io: aVo driiri-iinc'd;ifii'<)r the, llsicn-- ef.s. :Kvory 'thi.-s>(Fv,;niiriutos;, iJic ridr ,dro.s-:Si. phbiio riuniber or., th.-it' .4p'ft-ii'ii dclivbry stamp is mentioned; It is inade., bcnutiliillyr childi.slilyclear a^d .-siinplci 'It :is' no iri()r(>^^ Lrpiible ;fliaij ...ius't-"..i:c;icb..thnv ii iu vovir 'pocketiand C;X.t'i-actiiis'- :i gi-oeiii- .i>ack.';, '-'v.;'■,--,-' .;: --.,•' '...'■',: . ^^Orio' of tlie ;ifiidaWie's- r'i-'.plie.<! ''|p-'a": r( II('St i<)ri ;\vris . vj;*; i^v n (> : a 1,( 0),i 11 b ii' (<, ,s:iip,!i-ri'ilibi'sli;;''-'■ ■•: .'. ': .. ;' • ■:.; .: ' ,.' J-;There'.(i!;'a'.slbffanl-\ '['Ijin'ir-- ,iri(» ..same eacej?()i^y.:. : ,; I'ro,(;'i'\alTi'' .a's;^d' -■ w)> pl e' "rif .s '^^^b.t.i'.\ ' tb;. the'.'.- fbrm'l-Sct I'vy. t'lio; siin.i.v type, ,.;pf shpw.', niit'-.''Pii -' by' ■■Wf'.Hi .l:-Vtfiho,r;. .IViis.k's ; ■ poi-spiuiliiy gi'v-es 'VV.vrACJ -a'sTi'glit .bdub b'.vor. tin' 1 'ir.dirlrt. -l''{ii'riio'i',"s :oii Ih^l.,' 'liu '::'. ivn; 'slfbwin(i.iii,iili') Yi'ptp,!) 'rff ilii^'Vlw.ii I'Vrii'-; ■s:rain9."'V :v.'.' ■^■: v p66le RARAOE ,;' ,'•'"';■ -'^;-''-v'' ■Ortfhestri'..,•;. \ '. COMMEReiAt >:; : : .-v ■ .'■ WF.AA,:t)ailas ;.'.,-:.,. ::-;-;;;• ■ ,.■,:;,'..::■, ;:- KcgViJa r wbj^i^l'r^p'Vi-ibil:'- iiii .i l-- r-v^;!,-' ;ih''.ijiiM .-id.vb'ii/' liiho •pop'i'yitiiivv'iiriiiu- ^'ip'rit... '^s■o^^\•,'i^,' riii(.rc .tl.i;i:ii-,-;^^ -i:0,diO:':"b,aii>l.., si.iidip,.;()i.'.i:h'c^;ir;( :tuvr rii.slio'y'.-m.iisic.■ iis it-.-(lp.'>.-^ - roi-. soyci-.-il .('I'l liiM- ;iH'ii:iili.:a.sI.'s 'p,iM: djlv., ;'iui LoVrtH-V- iniikiiigiit :siaio..;;.. s : ;'' . ■. -; ■;: . :, ;;' A ivil ariiri,)'t!i,ii''t*i-^ (liio;sii;t ,,-hKl,p,; .wi !;I;.. ,:t'n; 'o\-oi-di'awn' sp,it'rl,'"'il)piit jvji.-el'ij.--'^' b;C-■ ;'-i,'o'c)l(y' sliirts;';'ai)d- i.'.oj)l<^., sox-;'; '.(VViHif iijiliy .ii)ak,iriiJ';-..t.hb - ;i-i.:po:ilt;ipH ci\iui(v';': -j; , '';:','.:^ ••.,•;■:';: •;'' '■;-, /:o' ■ .V.('):(-;ii:.a.»ViV'yy|o - solos rii.'ik.*^- p!t>-a>,-, ant 'lireak■ .for bilverwide ojpijbloi.vv litis; 30. iiiiriii;tbS.'^'.0. /■ '!-''' ' ' ,'..;: '■ ^ -';• ;; : iSeerii.s that ,a now. band rtr nb'yel T ■ty act woiild puH'ihis:.'>iiivPii('o'P'ttH< ■rut. ■■ " ■-■-■■'{ ■ ■ : .-/fiK/i^V:-, John: r.'saunpe'rs. WNYC, .New York ; ..... ; : ' ' ■ Jf-. tlrb. spake. slbrie.«: ,w>it i'l;!')' .Tiilm .,T;..:Savindo;rs "loM's llirPvj'gii ihb nurivH' ■c i I tal l y- p-wijbd • \V ^« V C- SI a ti 01 j'-. d oii' (. ,;.ari,vtlvii)jj, o;lse ' they, .wrli go. a- ■ -Iprig'way-; :tp\v(ird's,- iriiiVc ing" 1. iv,().vi-ii; t'li-' ilif^. h(.)j:'.s, whf) ■ li's.(Oil :'i n- 'th.-ii-' siiuk.cs ' .s'hiiuhi: m>l ,!><.' l;ijff'il: jil-'oibiViCjiivrisly .and :tii;iV (Ui-y ;i'i;r\-i> ■'.I .- ;p.l.-i.c'c :'in.'; tup; ■\v'()i-Id.'':..''tfi"cc '.'aif. ;H:nii>(V'ri»vdi'r'i::HVd,^tii:| t -tIm^ ^/ji'f^-fi;^;' (v ^Mii'-jri\-.'al''-sij;i;kc's..i^ ii'i;iu...- -J ll^'siiiiui' Ui l-k- i.s - }^.i'i';.i'ra'.nh>i'd. ..ib': ':ki-cij.; -.ii)' \\''»"i<-;i 'and gii:lK' ;(i|'i: iiiv; 'M';v;i^ni. \v:Jiih'.' .I'iiikliigv':' ' ...L ... .'-.'-.. ■ ■ ',, ; -.4. Sjjiiiiid(.M's.;-.J!,'i id y:i<;ii,j'-s'-Ml',rv-i''.,-i' .V.T\ 11 ,\ 111, .)'i.i; j-i'ii)!;-^;, ti 1 • .I'i.i i I r« ;.-i t\-' c,.ri.i i-,'- "y .of inifivy i»'iist)rio-ii;s in-.;M'-'i,-;' :if'i.l 'riwli.'nts..'-.-;.: ,:':/. -^-V '/'V ;. '.;: ■;.;: ' ;;:Siri'),ndOi's vr.'i.i\s;,''ju>''jaui-y•'■i5ii.:)li'hii -I'll' (oili<.i>r ,,i,)T':tl!0 difO'"'''."!'- Uiiiiis 01 -sn;iKi>s' .iiriil.- iMjw'ts.'a; liiifh :vyii,\ -, -of ..S-lv^vi-ng . iWw riiniv: ijiidf" ri:!i;hio.ii'iv1.„a- l>la;(''k .-.'<.n.Tke A\sis: ,li'iui. >L:.,b;<)y'wljp Iviid eriiijoim'loived .hini' oiY - the high-way::; '-,■:.":: ■^' V ,;■..:-<: -'. I'Jd;ri,c'{it.ioriril' to,;.thA: wild, wood •w.-OkiJiV :fipp,ris,trieri and the :iJ Sc.piit.s,; •'.;'i'illlc ;ti.rrdnge,(l by ;iI,iisoMii'i;. of ■. 'Na'liiral. il i'slorv..:; ■;:■:,. :;:-::■. -;••:'. ..;.:-:^;-^. ., v,-^'; *r<irS; the- MORTON DOWNEY . Anth<>ny:;'WpnB" ..-:;;. -.. ■■;■.';;••,;■■; Jacques 'l^eriard'ft OrcheBtf^a : . COMMERCIAL :.■ ■:^ rWABC,-N*w Yprk^^^^^^^^^: ; Artor buiidIng:;up 4 f Pri)iiiddbi» poi)ulariiy:. U.S a sustainirtfj. fea,tiiiv9 ■ Ihrbugh .nigjitly. perliids on' ^AVABb iat'T, vNlbribh. jibWnfiy is 'aow; getting / fat": riiot'0 rivoricy aiid doing his ,da,ily \ tcnoripg, !5turit oii thc^ sdihe rstitibnf: but ■;at -a Intcir. period; ^7; 4p;; ' -; --.; ^; ■ '' With l)ow,fiey:lS-Tori gbes; in for d special ;t.allj; bn cigar- Oitt Oii ; ; ; Wp j»« , dp we tii j I I'li 1^ -ift. sbiuc; 0,1' iris. :p9<>ti<'jil cftu'sibits;.. .■ . : Piayi!Jg:/;,:DiXwriey's '':ttcco<riiji;iriii- meril-s .'arid-;, dpiritr. :s^ver;t:l' siraigli't •' riiusii^al - riuri>bev,s' is Jacques '9,tb-, ivir d: s;: or ciio.s t i-'i.i. an rip u n eed - ;u&. i lye -iiew ■C'aiXi'c'i';.dw'.h.'^3;ira;';:,-.-.-i. ;. , ; .'-J .',• .■■ iteiii'ird . i.s"^',the: .,muslcar djri'o'clo'r;; iuipprCed from B6stoii.;for lh'isvsi)t^-,- c. i al i P C r i od w i tii RcriaVdi' s ior ri-i.oi- or- Htii ^l L ai py-isPiiue t^e f.t b ji uli. ; A' 'HMNT .orgraiiizatip.n ha^s :ij,iL'ert;. - a.sscni.blod. In 'N'ew,. Yoi'lc;' "-'• "; ^.^^ ...Frid.ay iilglit, .cacii .ti'^ «{d r t{"d tb Hi ng 1 vb. was al ways,ith cad ■ pr.-t'he :i)rt;hesti-a/ Why;tiiis.d'ptiai-crit delay.;! ri.';tije;;i>ii"kPl>-not^^^^i^ a'rid pci-iui'p.s,;ii(>t; ncccssaiiy ariy way . it:.;was: nbtTcbivble'; ,■'■';;, \;:' t^^ -. ■ .-;'.', i'5(iw-;nb;v, ori -the'; new. pcrip'ii,.s sl.i;p!T\- jM his Uvbnie sPn^.''■('arojina Mobn/': rbplaciiig.; llfl' fairilllar' "isiratns at - l!)b<vncy\'<.- ';;\\'-abdsli;.;ilopn;''',^ time.'for ;iiirec splos;. :.',", - /:; ,■ .;":;. ijaiiitd's;, -lire' .Downey's ' best:' al^;.- 1 hougli. 1y6 ,.';• yaf lbs :; Jvls, - pr.pgrain. • ].'>owriey i.s- - al'\v:i>ys:-.'.vy'o'rili; ^ i'Jd- lvd:s •t.-priie.' along' like" a. siv*f • : : ■;■/■;■. . ■■;:-;''-^.-v...-Jifiii-fc..;■■:•',' K'ATE;:;SMiTJHl ";,:'■ .;' ;:.;:;;;'':v;->,:•; -:■■::/■,[■■ Sorii^s,^";' :'.;- ':;■-',■;-',.-;;-:',r ,' ■;--'-'' ■Sustaining :,.•/;' ■, •- ■; •,■ ■:■■•.■.■■■,.;'■■ ■', ■• ■/ ■-,.■'■■ WABC; New York ,:• ;-:,;:; C'liS tried Mbi toii nownpy put- ort v , a.Sin.ii'ib .)>er;ipd of spiigs' as a -riigh tly ,;-.' fe'atiir\v'Pii'-.\VA I5,('."'- .11«' .success vvitlv tliQ- tcnp,r ,Vri'naily-;:lantlc.(l liiin. the,.•"af-(:piint with-- ;t-;i,riie|.'..;.: i)OriPd. ;^■ow..(Mi(^ j.s..fihib.wiri^^^ ariPflier .liatur.a'l': iri, :KaU' . Sriiiiii; :: -, Thsiit she -ivill -be . jxlaced; cpiniper;- v."': cial'ly gobs- witljprit:: sii>?iiig: ;ATeatt-;'- j- Avhile' sho.'.'i .bvi.i'idirig ivrS .^. .strprift'iiit- tionai f.oUp.wiii.g a.v'AVcH .lis- a. repuUr :. :^|^io|iiA'idv+<4i-:4v^l4--<^^M ■ 'Ta'dio,'fltnglG , ;'is'iPii^j,'a,s h ■; hplds'out;; -.:-.'■,•;. ^-' ■;'.■;■•:•';.."■-"-■'.■ ■" ■.'■;: iiiss iljini.tli ;had the'^low cpiiicdy. .- - feriiinirii}:' ^rble . iji- ''i'iying ' liigl^^^^^^^^ stage riiiisical,:' In that show she'.d'd. -- cbnsjde.rable singing alprtg witli- lier' : cbnicdy- ciawning. .. jV lirie,:as to bep :- ybcdl appeai::fpr;the air canic. witli; ■ scv.eral '■' "jiU est:'; s ta r'' appeara nepsj, ariibn^ ,.; Uicni;; the, - ftridy : Vallcii: -:.; t'ldi'sciimarin l,iprir -on ;is'jic:,;:: And .; .■\vitli all 'that. eAglb-eyed,- keenrJicar- ; -. ing; stflff oCexpcrt.S for .tliij NatloriaJ, ; AYir.y- .'Kal'e-Smi.t'li yvivs' ilidss.ed- -up.:)!» . !in':- - urispU-cd-';'riiysfery.-^ Anj-'way,' -; '; 'tUiS.'piiV oiip .pvbr on ;-I><;n(X^ whi'ch. . ^showed,. il«' slipiip'- by'/Pliitiiig C!,end'- A'u.stiri.: as a , <.-prtibatlve, jrinuenca ■ '['• against;5-)oiv)ic'y,' iiicii doing a sus- ;. (aiiiiijg:-tj-Mc; for>Cl'iSi'.: -.' ; V ', ;■ ' : .Soyoiiiil:. tl.iiiigs .-make'- Mi^s Smitli: ; , c6rl;iili'ifor thb:.Tin -She 1135: brie'Pt'; : tliosc'. niu.'j.ST.'ippealiriiT 'Tbic^^ : iric.-li.tdbB;:, dictiori;' ■ wliilc; her sPriga' pi'-bVc she isri.',t tied iri- vJ itfi dny one' set; of.; ispngs:; or. .hiiisic ;i)ublishepi -, iler* %prpsent ,'sclioiric -Dt; cliariff • sbiigs for , lifrr- 1 S-niihrite, period ,; "slip.uld-gb. a'iioiipf way;:iri: a.ddlng. 10!.'^.., l'ib:r; ditii-:p;opu,kT.rity. ',- ' .' -.,.: .;' ' j- i, ■Khjj\liii.i a: tlieine or: l-iVtrpdiiclbry - Ji,p'ng'i ."VVhclV lile:-;^Ibo,■|;^''(.;o.)^^bs^t>v^^ ■■ Ihp.^.rouiitai'ir,'' arid' Ior oacli' jjer'i'bol: \ sirig.s ,a t ica.sV- Uireb. 'numbbr.ij;, Afdr/c.': FRANK dV^^EN-ORCHESTRA Oance ;M-psic---;;/- . .;"";• _; ;.--: ;- .Iv": Merry' Garden. Ballroci'm' - ''•■-'■ '-' '■' .WCFLi Chicago:.-';;.''.--..::•-;■- -':■ ...v '"; .-^ l')arire",'iis '\^wlh few- 'expc-p;- : Iloris liave iriivin't compat-;vtivoiy lit-;, tic-oii-,tl.i-<>■ aU-i "' At; loii,st';,iri; tlie' ni,a-; ,. Jbrfly of: ;instiiric;o.s','lii"o'y: have -farrbd ,, '; ;t.iy': d'l 1 i:;i0:1^ ; y(,n\ nicrriaIs. .;:;And - i;tt; •^ i'adio: that's Iho:'.s'uccb.H.''.. / . .; -. ;'i>chiall'y ;icw, of- ihV xtaiico..Prclics;:--- 1 ras hiij'-o njivu-h lo';recbiriniend-;tiietVi' . fiir radio.-.; .TliiVy, iVlay. ;flnricc. .nitisic- ■' ^iiist ;th;j:l; ;.;'^V:hich'^riiba^ '>^'^'.bn :;3'0 iri/ll.K;' 'ev;ci)iiitj iThd ,'on;e iii;- I ii 0 ;;iri,ot-ri! 1 Tg' 1 hoy-,'(11V ill I'■ ^t^^^^^ wil'l.i- KiMpb. diizcn pri-so-oilier ;l)ari.ds.. ■..: ;K|)('^i1r.iilg"'fblV(;Myio;tKO>.;:;- ■-. ; ■ '■ ■ '. - ;. ;. 'Witii .'liltie :ti)';'cb('jG.'-0 ^ariil':ha.r;11y:,' '' iiui H^ l. h;H !'v';;f)'';?, fl 4uj4ialit>ii'''.iii- (itial.7 > ■ l);i,s.s.ahl-<.i it ■.■(:i).ii'ibs; dpwii. lb;.i'l: jua:V- I'or pi' -vvhi;n ' ty-po. p'c iuiiribcV:'.-i'-'-. . - liiiAc^l by.- a: ■i)ai-'t Ictriav'' ^haiid.; :ar.:v poi-liaiii.; . wli.-il,- ^At.'iliiVri ^.H nit'»,«,M - sucr. .-; X'i»s>:ri:ii'fYni'i^),-i;fj.,i',f:-i^^^^ by^^the :ipiiiyid-r'-',.; '•.H'--il: .m-'(»'iy.iii,g i-pi; ' liii't ,:.t;hiM-.e.-'ari' 'a -,:- (li);Abii ;(iii|».!iv saiiip.h'js- riyailaiilb;/ ■ '- ;'j,::t Lli-j)()i'r'i' .-ii'iy.i)--; t-|lbn-ik('vl,ycs;-/iiji'V*:' ■ ; hf'lMi;-.i>(lii 1; -iri;(,'i'rii.«fd('vi-'fng;'ilu-' p/is-■' -. ^.ili(,(;-;-ji.iqur-.riji'r'.s !-Vs,iill;i, ■,(>^;^t l,■lii;■;v^n.l•l.l " ' hniil'ilr:;/! !.})*;: ^riiifV. jf, :'^|U(-c;^-<>i'- 'tJi:C;-,, f.ii t; Hi^ri iiVr- of I'iii' iiiii ill, loi-:)l:-;),r:it! - ' •"- l:oi,ji;.ir;, 'liOii r-; jiniikrtii).;'A\"iiliOAl ' Ivai^ : iiiij^ ;f : :iyii(V-V; • I;a vljvVf. it.s. 'iiwfv V.'•';' " ■ :i:i;j)i;:::\V( j;ijS:'- ^'A\:fi-;i ( 'ifnb - iMivk : ':: I)ii:i:(\r;;-^i;i.M?j':(1 !iM::.-iii;i'i.-if/ . I iuI \jii'-i i^if. ;;, M. ->l ;-bt^^.::siisjiii'-ii»w;-: t'li>l l ' )Mrl;v>- ;-; ■isi'i't :l,i-;i !i;;i;i:liui^:'ii<bl^',iij,lVi-lV.i : ,;lli'i,-',-,iiii;H'in ;i jil'.iirilh'iii-Uli. \ . -'":: - 'l Urli^il'l;-;-ni;ii Irir^ (^ix tlVivV-fi Vi-ra^*^ r / dVui'j i' l);iiKt',\\-iii.|lj('i-;-|l'u'vi;(''s' a; ni;ic;rn- , ;• ;lih:(.uil-':,-iri'.i'l'imt '-of;thi.-'i, shell; or,-.riot;';: iViX'-.e'iii- tii'iit i jt' 'dbe.s- to'iiii" to';rii,ak»'«',-- tlvcyii-.-ri.-ime/'lii'Uf'r kpowri; ',' linV 'nb.;, - dii:ec.t ■.Ti:n;'iri(-iiil Vbsiilts .except-wh'Vtt --. the ■ /iiiibiisirbiKs'-■;iivay-; bb,; '.'i^pbi'^^ eriouuh t;i>'; give-; thbin . gifts ;dn'^' . dpnatiPM.s :tpr ,spp,<Mal prclxestraljpri^' , - (;c;britin'ued'';.bVi-'p'age W ' ;■'■;