Variety (Jun 1931)

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Fit VARIETY 21 ■ ■ w ■■■'■■l4'it<-TeinnS'Y<>w''» ■■■■ ■ flfr .Mins.;.:C4medy v -llivaliF N»w York . - . , r-Par^rnount: if a. prize Werb, offercid •: for .'the; I fcijgt sirori subject drvth4. i^eaeohV^thfi •' Howard, boys might pet it with, -.thia '■ ohe.' It's- a, pevfcGt-10 mtnuteg. v • ■' .yirhiJ'n; art: entire Bro£td\vay a.udl- fence itppl£^«d9'.,iri; \inl^^ drie riumr •. Ser.'as thbush'tl;c:1ierforyn'or. were on Ithe Stagb' ixrid'. riot .t)ie screen,' it's: : cpmivIini'eM seldoni^^^^ a : picture house these,, ditya..' -Th.atls ^what they; doV;W^ . :•: ^^oward.-^ fliilshe^.;^'^^ ■ Imifatibn -of: •' .'Chevalier. ' ■".': ■ Crlapi fast mpyihg:,-,.different: wise.:- . fcraicldne cpmplet^a :the short. -Tlic thliVgr; Is .sciiejried/along neWjSiiiaper. ^. ••'Interview -lihes.. v.^'-'v.-.?.;-: -.'v. :, "Are you niarrled?" . . • ■■. j 'Wb, w^ .^ust .w*6rlc .toecther.'" •■ . ' ■ •j ■ •"ViTete your paret»ts' Iiii(§slan?".;. : -I'. "N6,- they: tobl< their'time." ■ . dne : of . ..ihe.; blggeis't•,laugh's ' ' • jptovbi'cfed. by: .:.a'. ^ues'tign; • as ^. to :. Whether; they Ulced niittlrtg: tolltlhg. . .'•■pljctu'res. ■-, ■ S..'!, .■■■'/•;^''^v^' !'Wc madc So ■many.WB ha^'e.-fito pur-.teeth;''- :.r '■■■<:■ y^<ilVr •*HOW I pi.AY GOLF*' ; i^^:^: V ■■■ BOBBY.-JONES-; > . "THE lillASH IE • NI BL4CK•^ . ^ iHoMywobd, N/Y,. / Y--r'iy^B-fj^ii, 4/- f: ::: .' . Ast •proficient , iind i^ ■ lia ,predecess6r^.. . In.attuction \por:^ tloriVia agiiln do'wri to:, a. mihimuiii ; . jtvith lidon Errol. ;the fco.medy .fc>1?.. ' ' .M]t.abid gblfef s- wfli prbbibly; object .. io Hie' lessen, biit : ihost ■ of the' .links:,hounds-: wjll be ( safisfled.: .whfle reanzlne- .that - they : Bo lipt conform the cduntry'splcture ...audiences;,:' Main idbii here Ig ErrpI .. : istyrtifed on ..his .'drive,', by, a; tree ind ,trylhg to .reach the green ^rpm. the . ' rough- Av.ith ft .spoon. :; Ail . to- thb ac cpmpini.ment br ills caddie cPntinu busly ''i)ori't ypu • -NVant an ;.; .-Iron?" .and. Krppi-fit\tp be .tied after :„ hii3:.:bair- hois-:, bounced back off the : tree, a .fepuplc pf ; times; • • . . Jp.iies, seeing iris- partner .Ini disr .. .%res?',. walka; over to contribute a , '!fevf soothing wPi'ds and hpiats a-,:No : Irbn" oyer the tree for, Errolls,edi- • ■flcatloti.'- After' \vhlch ,,the :Atlrtn'tan ; slaps xi, few up'there tb,the pIn ;f"roin : . ground: ipo, yards alw^iy..,-, . •.: eiamcira ha»; caught^ pne. great ; '^ngle. on , Jonesv ;whij.e,, -h^ ;,5W'lngs> ,, -Shbt ■''13,; ■ f r,Pni ahb%''e '\ and'. 'explai rig .; jhore-thiin a clvap,^or as'io the "Head ,being the; axis' Tpr" the body '^Ivot. ;'; ■ This gllmtJse'Aylii., be a 'rpveiatipn: to" ,splfers and, cah:'5taha repetitipn as pifteri:9'3 ,possible,, though tliis.:,ent^^^ Berie9 13, hbw In the cani. /• Jbne.^.doiesri'tVdb much taiklrig but ■ ttisiiructs , Ihrpughly ^ syhilo Errpl ' Jha.kes his, end , funriy. -despite, ihe. ■ couldn't teslst letting.the kriee give ,ih.-a;gairi;:,'. -r '--: ■;.isid. ' "LAOGKING GRAVY" l.rAUREL and HARDY r .. ..Cbrnedy:; ,;■ • ■.^ ,. . 21.-M:ihs..' ■•: ■ ' ■Capiitoj, ■N. Y. ■.: :, :Roach-Metrb ,.-T'br all accbuiits hayirig :from.:de,- : ljuxe - ^pperatioris .dPWn'.y ' And •, no.; Worry., .Heavy layjfhs.desplt that the . short is, dpne :practicaliy In ehe sfct.. . Qpes. pyer a. few,^ old ^Ituatlbna' .but ;;it dbesh?t;burt.', c;':V:-,-■ Team has^ pan eippeal to begin "with andVhere . they smuggle a mutt JiitP a no-dpgr rpbmlrig hpuse;, Pali; are found. In bed', one'with a bid ;ca?e of hiccoughs. . .Tlie dog think- ' ing , lt'i: another lif ...his breed, .hb .returns the . bark, .and; that starts "things. . < From there it's a. case of hide-' and-iseck with the' toxigh landlbrd. - • .jamea' W. Home, d,irecting.again; Icnows .Wis comedy.' .. What little dia- 'log :-.:tiiiere ' canie ■■ fr.pni - H.. .AIv . Walker.: riecbrding and photpg- taphy,, gppd.. • . Char. •<COBB -GOES iFljSHiNG": ; :^ ■ RICE SPOTLIGHT v; - ; " • "'■'Trains''.Luk;;N.'Yi.~"' > RKO-Pathe - ..Grahtland RJee. and .IrVin .Cpbb, ,' the I p,rincip.als of a;riiildljr inlere-st- ^^Jng';....r,ce.l.- .. Con.siderj ng^^th^^ J^n^^yj .its' a huriVoM'st, .'the •shortri's a' dud . outsiiae.of ..the.jphptpgrkphy; and Inf ,tej:.e.sting':ialfe' so,i^5^iG. shfiwjj,■ = -.Cbbb; ariii. Rlc'-o. hiiye a- prcfixrchat ;and th'^h; jfb .boating vilh rod^ a^d .. .JeeL .. rAt.lPm'pt.. at. iiliilosophy ..arid. .■'Cpmody is.,rio.t t'ii'c'ivei. ': ', •■ ■ .'■. :.-; -Clip, .-f.a(l5( jnto ;tiic:.'.e'lass- of; - th.f .daily '.'th.aiiKO. 1 ikt• ji.ivl.css Oobl). rp.ay •;be>eprisidiM-od a .(lrii;\v \y'ifh Ki.cb 'for- ••• the.rll'^y ,m'i'i,Oibs;v As eh 'it's, a'diis'apptiintmcnt,/ Scene'i.s. .at ....■Smlthtown; 'j,; ,];• • ■ - ' - • ,: '.(S'/rtn..-v.'. .■*^isH•EF^MAi^J.•s:^LUC,^<*^>,^'■••^^ .■•Cartboh'-'X'^ -.x/ ■•''■•■ Mayf3ir;'Ni'-.Y^:' - .' /v'.V '-.^v' .■ :•■ • • f( K 0> Pat he .■' :■;,• • :;. ':, : ..' ^ Aii. ..Vt..^<a'*si.:i<'a),'l£; ami, .-piie-ibi-'t'lid ■pest.., It .j,vlll go; artywh^r'o. .,.'Khf)Ul(l. ;. no:t.,a>o ,-,c-(,)rf\i?o(l >-iih- ^''I'Ushei'^^^^ , 5itjjayllsc«/' a Jtotror jsh'ort,- ..'..•: .0.'v.; :' .-. .;T.lvf.s,,-(jnf' piip'.' and Talliiijr ,.o.v(a'.l)'d ..tti; he .entettaihod •'^..'Jy a mpnria;i(l. . Sin.iring voices used .arP.gDpa iiiid thi'onghout .'thc/a'rt.laii. :9WBWaU.t;v-. i« .shown." : ' Mtifjioal aji-- ■W.mpanihvoHt :pkai''.' ■■ =;•.•.. ■ ■&han,-: ^'T H E GI GO.Lb. R AG K ET" ' HELEN; MORGAN' vi: •playlet'with Songs . :: ; . ;. . • 20"Mtns^.'' ';■ . ■ ■■.■■'.■. Holiyw-obd, N;; Y;''- . v:: . . ..Vitaphpije'. Nbe,. li255-56? . : '•, Wi?ll krnown. sorigatfi.'s.s 'surrburjaed hy!;a,.: sniall\pa'st.- la-^a• 'reverse \twis tlicritripalyaldtv-It^vni do- for'.whe'r.-, oybr.^ play .. sh'0rt3:.h(teause . of ■AtiSs Mprgrtn;'-:.■:■'•. ■ : ■■■'•■.' ;. She of :tl\€ ShPrt'. cropped ahd ,aV-' .ways-.musse'd'hair hero,, delves' intb -two nunibcra,,,befbreirthe two reels;. end;, 'iiibth.songs have, pleasant .nielv odies and are.deiiyered in thi'it half awake.':.Mbr^ah. 'style4-'atahdlhg .up: this.-tim'evj::' ■.••"■..■■'■'■.■:^'-,: \ : ■ ':. ;MeanAv Hiie, • there'.'j a si^ory -and it, ^urripvinds; a,"pregs stunt Xot,the ;atar tp' bc.eonie. engaged, tp. i gigblP;: Only thi supppsed: gig turrts Pitt ,tp bo a .iyeaUhy; spn- :whp dpesn't- have' to' dance .fbr his . dinner. . Finish .has: .MIs's .Morgan.: walking:'-put on- the.' shpw .:to' ciaitch hia nilia before he; sails...;:i-..-^^;'^:^.;:; ■■■:';■'.■:■:;;■:.■•■,.•';■■•■."■ ■ ■ Sidielight .cbmedy is in the.fQi.m^^ the .^IvoyirVs ; 4>ros3.;/ agen^, .'jianie missed; .Svhosie -vvise. comment . dots the dialog.' . ' In' .tlie smallei" aect'ers jtheyil probably iiiot be 'as 4'mpress,ed hy-. the quips da by the». perhaps,, /'f.-x.rtiiliar. ;. gigolo'' itahijeht .. ahd... th^ pooontric Ippkirig IWisa.Mbrean, ' ■ .„Cla^ ,a'"\vel'i.and.ec6homicall'y; n-idde; tw.b .rbeler, arid:'as'. a^^ ffo •iiiss Albirgah'sliiiitry is hP •hardshipi ■V v:-;"-".;.-;'- •.;.; :^y:::-'- 'ai^. ' •E Cj'b IE-- IVli t L E R.'. ■: : ^'fTalr and .Sciuare VyaysV •, .:, , •, 1.0,'M!.n's,.;>Mu'siba'l .;5 •;■■•■■",: '■■,•■■■ ."'■•.'' .Rivbli','-New",York '■,,' ■■■■ .•„■.;;■■■.'•■■'■''.■■,■■' .'■'-;^': ■■" Paramb.u'nt-^ ■'■■•■"':.■.■ '. ,-. A gplfer'a.', paradise; .,yitH 'Eddie . Mill<!r '; as . the'^jVdge ..qualifying . th.e applldahts, themca .: this ':, muigicai. shprt. There are^ some' .exce'Upnt voices :&nd • a,: large: eh orus^ '• '.'Sing, l^oU the^then<ie•sb.ri'g;- .. .Sfh.oi"t,: /Is fairly, entc'rtaihing - ahd pari; be.:booked: by : ahy' using iiiier,; Waly, "GHOST PARADE" • :■ w i th >A ndy. .Clyde ;' Gbmedy'.-' '. •.■.':, , '. '■,:- ;'' '■' ■ 22 .M'ins. •■ ' ''■''.. '-• .' LoeW's,.: New : Yori<c . ■ : EducatiPrial , , 'Cpmedy 'is built along the fa-mlliar 'hauhted.hP'use lines. Tliat Ided has been (llaypd to .<lea;th,In shorts, Vut evidchtly " the: producers get;, action briv:those Shorts;'-for :the; film,', audi-; once doesn't'ap'pcar to tire bf ,them. Doesn'.t .faike ,iiiucli', ihgBn:Ulty. tb contrive, th© plot for bn.e ;of. these :''sub3ec;ts.: All the ihi?enuity.;it.itakes is. tb •. figure -^but: a - ne'\y.. style of spooks;'.;;';.- '''-";■:':;';:'..:■'.■":■.;''■■; '-: Andy.-Clyde'gets the. la.ughs. herp .and 'deiscrveS; th.em. ^jA. 'g,obd''e-: dian- ■:;and" . . ahv^ay's' ''gets' . Laughs are fa^irly; pleJ.itlfi.''I. . ,'. .Clyde is a Weallthy man,. who Is, trying tb; sell^his family hbine. ,'Re- puted that , hia :Uncle'3 spbbk-. Still Jiaunta . the..jplnt.. Is. trying.;to'Sell it tp;;a coupie;wheh the-usuiii ghbsi; sounds, and-action takeVplace. ■ Eihish .;isn't quite .cliar,.: .but it doesn't; make Jriuch; difference. Ap-; parently.Vthe. cpiiple. whoi .were itryr irig ; to buy.: the - house ..were; the spooks/ tp get: the hoilsb eheaiper.: ij.ut that's only appalrehtly. . -. Harrir; ;Grlbbba • 'and ; Maraprie, ■B^pbei'supiSprt.;;.-;;:■... ;.; .-■'.-;. .;-■ : " AM E RI CAN M AG AZl N E" • ^ ^ ,: ' Color bOMMERGlAL X ,8'MinSi;'. ■••:,'■..'■■'; ■ " ' " '■ ' 5th .Avenue:.;.; ' Visugraphic Cplbr ■ shot: plugging Magazihe''.^ as Sponsor closes this'.badly,'.miade: cpinmercial that :giyes; for Its first real sequende a plug for some femme cpdturierp and winds up! with a : little-talk 'by Booth Tarkington. ' ' ;• . ;, An:;bffscreen>-Vbice; in for; explahairr tlbnS now - arid- then,' w-ith'..another clip,-; shbwirig '.'VV.; ;0.;::-MPGcehan's cli;()ice pf: a-.gplfer who-.riiay Sbme day fln,Bibbby.Johca' -shpes. .' . Photography .hbthin^:tP; ori''. and : chbipe,', of sUbjecta. : p^l-Us treatirierit'. and • cuttlrig : p'rccludo; sho.wing^vbr.this; slior.t ;unl9s« d' thc- Ure haa-to do; sp'.'.fbr no,'piossiblp. rcasbn.>y:'-•; ; ?;.. ;^ :' ■;;• ■;-. '.•.: -' •/".-■ ' ^Ml on l y C.'^'t^'h 'l ^1 "fiiKfrinriftT- rhtir>-. tion. ■■' ■.-.:' . '■.'.'. ' ■,..• " ' • :.'.''"' :,■ • •■' ^han:' . "American oiiena ; irid "HAPPYvbXVijylN THE TYROL" MAGIC carpet; SERIES , Travelog''■-::'. .'■"-■'''• .■-:■ '.;■ ' • ;' .^''; " „M,rns,"... ;•'.'. ■;.'" .'" .' ■'■:-;'.■;.-:'■;■ Em bWssyi ' Yv'.';,;'' ■ .";" ■;; -''- ■ ^''S;."■■'•'•'.■ ■.'■F:0'<' :'■•'"':'■'}'■ ■ Bavarian p.t.'.is;'yiiI'.s jslioivrt; in ^na,-: ilvc -.drcs-'i J>iitgii.i;!^':V)r-..(.lAriPing^ tip;-' aiiid ■- ypiCCS ; hyakp/'-rb'C : rcyt'rso l/tugfilpri-''; ; ;'7-": ■■' ;::.^ .-: ■■■ '■■..•;■"■' ':-:'v None .pf thG^S:iirroun<li;ng: coiintry-^ sidC' ;is .,sh'f)wn -.and' .;>\':liile itlic ,shdrft' i]itiy -hiiva so'mo. Priiiputib'ri'al. ;int-^reivt;: i;t\^, Phly^A ■pa'ddod.' .;Orie';6i: UxV CSS: lntore,<Urig.,bf tjie; .s(;rio;s. '' ■ ' ;.. ■:■ > V."-..:-':'■• :■'-;' . "■ I. :/i>lia7i': ~ ;..:/'CHaiiTceis*' CFN)' Kicjjly'niade war . picture: Starring' ybung^ - Viiirlia.nkf!.Enough cb'ntrlbtit- .' triff. sidellphta to: keep' the em- . ..rpliasis ■ away; irenx" the .combat ; ;' PerfoiTnanees pf'Fairl^^ and : ;•; .Anthony Bd^hcll the;nial'ri-fcw^^ . ■ .tpijs. Ejiioiii^ be p^^^^ p;. •;. '"'Tra;nkgressipri'V . (Ra di o); ■ ; •lio'ithtfui db/ljixb'isubjcct ,priri-y■ : : ,qipally - because- its Stbry • lacks. ',' "conylctibn.; . Featured '■ riaiifies, libwcver^; -;sepm;; ■ induceih'crits. . .Best for;;riiirio'r''bilis'v.. :, -K >: ■ ;;<^Tho.;^Nfght;' Anger - iPir);; vinfpribr. piece, bt .wjfitlrig makpa..; this mild,'. arid .frequeritiy. bpr.-; -;;.ing..^n.tertain^^^^^ ' that can last ;a..wepfc.;iri; riibst: .'-of ..the jiib Ivixers; In actuil ratr I ihg.-little- riipre;'tharfe:the avpr- . iage program .feature.-. ; -,;:.'■ V;.', .'Must; ;'-ia;:;Gig<iI6"'- 'V(>let'rp^ '. Talkative; ;a;n,dttilnry-^^^^^ ...atpry ^adding. nbthing .;tb ''Wil-' :l ;\Iiam;.; H a i h e-s';; \P9a3lbililies;;- T' .ipGh:^}lcaUy .'uride^staridiird; . ^^1 Take This WttWian'' :tE'a^ :;>T7Gary; Cbbper „•^:an■(I . garble ' .;Lipmba.rd V.feature.d;- "Cpmbiria-: --.tiori; Weaterh' ani}: society dramij, ..'■; with ribthipg' new. ■;lii ;theine. ' -:. \V,on't' .Trican; - much;' :withb'ut , stagb:'support.',' . :■ ' ' ;-: • ' -• "'-: ;:;;.r^aig;.;.Bu'siniess CJrIVV <FNOi^ I^TBeds pienjEy ^bf- work. tp. niakb •. it stand- up- alone -In .the de- . rT||:er3/ -. Bhoiiild:' 1 ookvhetitbr' iri;- : .ine; weekly ccmbinaW .. Prpbatjiy il.ked in .thie ; smaller" :;appta,';aa. tliere'3>^ ^ijig;; city "• the atorir on cpllu- ; . -aiyie. diyprce'evideri'ce^': ; thati- . , V ■while; it 1^3 ;'Kear4i; 'abput fin.; a ;8hxajl .tP'wh, .■neVer. happena^^..^ :;;bn^.. ;.;: ■ ';: ''' -;;■: . ''CherieV^ (Par)y• % -ver- ' :;siph of ' Ameribari '.'drprieyv'' V ' ;Fuil; ;Fren.cli; cast arid, . made, at Parimbunt's' J.biriyilie plant,; ' ;.bUt ih ,to0-; late • tor American' ■ '. theJltre.' ;iritefeSt.; -, Treatniprit - .:;arid , general : behayiPr. ;'ruln it • pyerv h.ere . for;. 'Anypn.ei ' no.t . '.Frericlv ' .:;Bp.d- , .spunding .arid;; ;. phptography- ;pWr. ;.''.' -■- .'-.. :, •:.'■ D '} fr .'-. -: Priyat'sek'i^etaerIn " -.(Gir'eenbauritr Epiblka)'. - . Nice -;;Gei'nian Vfllm' with .;ian_ inter-; - riiin-glliig.;'of.• music and sprigs ■. pill's; bbrii;edy. Serves .-to ovbi'.-, ■ ;come bad teehnicil fauitSi. Gopd • for shiall. liousea '. catcrfrig • to, QOrman; audiences. Cas't. is.:un;i-';. -fprriily.. gtxocJV V'-'.,' ■ - ; ;'^TWo.-:;Gu.n'. Man?;; X'Tiitarijr), ^ ' Fast ;xvestcrn. ' oice- fbr. double - fc'atuf.e'.- use.; ' '';;F.eature3-. 'itCerj.-.- '^Maynafcd.;-.';;:;;;.-'-;...;:'..;'-';''-'- ,■'';,.;''■: a few ■ riatlye; throu^rh pai'ts';; -pf - ■ Sariiba -' and :< :Hpnbluiu. Titled ;pri the latter ariglei; Honolulu referred to aS: the cross roads ;of the •Pacific.'.;; .;■'■ ..,'■■■■■;;-. ;■■•• ,:'..•;; .. ■■■ ,Gse. pf, :,iiatiiral , .coIpP' Ts .what ma;kes this, -worthwhile. Tt'i highly 6i¥ectlve; arid; beautifles -what, would bthef wise;' /be;. Jiist.. an' ■ ordinary scenic.;film..■, .' :;.■ a. ' Operia ■With two 'kMa' :bririglng: a machete they fcund to . their uriPle' and asking him; to: explain where he got it., . Scene theii: vishitta to i^aritioa ;,~wlth" .u^cle telling' how the nativea iiae those .kriivea In their 4a;nces,,: A- few other clips of danc- ing, Sbmbana and scene shifts ::tb Hbriolulu.,. A few bird's ;eye "views of: some: of the; beautiful trbplciil scenery, of -the, ,surrbundlnigs .is rpped In through ;;the urteie'S air- plane ride, Clayde, Fleming plays the-,.-uricle.He fakes part; of-.most the camera'Shots shown and his .is the;voice bf the iecturerfs. ■; Evfdbnt that ;,all,. the,; outdoor shots ;weire taken Silently, with- spund later added. : ' '.-; , Plr.<!t' 'Nal-vinil proiliiftloq' /.ariil tpIm.ip: Si.lrs Kaii;liiyi)ks.,-jV.-l: an.) :ro:iii-iaro,,s, IJosh.. JJoliiSrf..; -; ■Aiuli<ihj'.^]l.iisli;i'-J;l.' ,iriilii>>>.s :H<>fli'ort -aiT-.l. Slary i'\)'rt)Cs,'.uriiVorliii-o.t; TH- TficliA .l>y, Alan rVwan •fi-i)iiv;nii .jt...ll;iji;'i.''liiir .HHilisi- .•;<iivy. ': .Afl:i|)laH.'iiV liy;-', ■i'oiinij ;-.>y.ulv:i.l^'rii.^t . .lliiUor ■ llJl'll"'^|:>I'l>•!^.'- 'At',,tll{^',:.ll^Jll,v.w.•li•K■ -Nr; Y., f;,-r Kl'iii.I ..ruii. siat-iinp. -Jmiw 'II'.-''liiiiinltii;, lliiiiv^ '.Ti. nvlns. r.._,„,« . I'iinjghis .I■^;il^■^'.^;^Us,■.'.Ir. ...;'.. .-) .liu--i)o:-l ■. ; ..>n'iis\'. 1 li)li;»'rl; ..... .'■,. .Mary J'\>r4)oji .'.■.;;,'. .il.'Iui.os .1 lc'rl)Ol-t .-... .4 ; ..'.■:/i\\<i:ro't ivivis .; . ; iKloruiiv;* . J<r;ii - ii. if riclc Iti!;io!<iiii'. ^. 'Tnn\ lriKr<"j*l.iiM..; Afolly l^'n sfott ... MrS):.I«,crli.-.-<Me;.;.' Mftjor. ItraiJfoi'il/: /\r. l>!o.;-w-..'.;;..-.; ■jfiywitu. ;,.„;. fl >Ja. ■ ' rad-l' i*ciiio&s- ■ R OAOS!''; .'-A^j. i'L ;;:;.:.;:■:•'.., Travelog,, :.. ■ ' 10.:,Mrns.-'.'.-; ' -.-. '''•..;;:. ' j: ■-" - Loew's' .Nevv York'.'-: New .york- :; ■ . ■•;;;. ■•:;;..■, .-V' .'v. .v;,:-;.;-," Educatio'nal . ['"■■■/-.■ ^■ '■' ■■ ii 'A''W}\rl\i}f. short ;'frorii;vtli;f^-'pif;,torI.'jl- .;,rii,;;i<!; Vilono. . Orib. 'bf'. thf; . I.tofn.-intif.;. ;.'ri)tii!iu'y.$ .:f-'r'rl'''.'i, .;■ (ifiniv. ;Jti:; .nfi.Uiivit color.'I,t.s; a pictorial'io'Urtiby, ' plus "SPO RTIN g; JSL A NTS" TED. HUSiNG ; A.thletio Medley-; - 1& Mlnsi ■. Hollywood, Nv Y::: ; : WB -ttlgi- ri'g. ' Cbliit •hain!s :.chief .sport, annpuncpr;'.tak-- irig, .the,,:,audicn'ce 'through ■-.v?Li-ijjvi-9; )li.u.s(3j!.: pf : athl(''tiv..s.' .ariq,';tt^^^^^ frpni ;brf;-.;acropn .as-thri .rorylJige Uiv- Wirids. . GpPd short of particuiilr fri- tci'list 'lo^nifiri;: .-■ ■.''.-,.'; :.^-'-'■ ,: ;i lus.irig. : 11 vcra ■ Wt-o-s111 rig-i' lioo.ko-y, gy).riii.'tst,io.s, a,ivd ■biuskAt.-bJiil. Of -Uio fb.tir.sUljjpol.s thp'.' :1s; ;prol).n;Ury ; th.e;; stpnflout. .'l)C'.bau'sc.- ;qC tlic '.ripvoHy 'as-^^von'-as .sj<ili; Bfiy i.s a.'b'C'.wyrul . p'Prfoi'inc.F ;pri' ;tlic ;)>.ar.s :;i rid- hf'i ir <; ii n^l jti a ri ririu need a.s a' vo t; O i ynvrJJr'.s.-r'^.j >i-.o.sen ta ti.vp^^Trn o uric.o.J'' ./-xpli^iria' tl>fv . v.-VribiKs ' hv^^ appHii'd-: byvfl.ic-;.\vrf',stlo.r's a.s'\als(\: the 'ni;in-; jf'iivAi'.f!-'fif • ope;'of tile: 'jS<:yf''Yorii jirrf ;ii'(.i'cl<ey; trains. ■.Tfj- (he. .<i'((ii.'i(3:- prao-- iiUcfi. ■.'.;'',T^fK-fi'V4:i.sp ■-.•; tlvirr': ■,« -' Jls; T'itkicfj'd'.-by ■-':thGJ:'::$l;V-' Johnis',. y t''.'>in ■ Of. Brbfilflyri;,one of th'b •bcs.t. ;:n;thc' o.'i.K't:.last .wlritf-h' .- ■:'::•; ;;- lii^r'l-.isoi-riiH; a': (:iri/;h .rfoir? high- .,.st-liools,,.'f>sijeoi;ji,ly;;ff:ir::th,(i i),nys'; ,arf''r- :i.v lien^ ii I).si n,g;ti^-.tV; ;uro unrl; t b ahn g;iri 111 ii'si.n'a.jHf'.'?; tli'c. r/'yci^sn';.-Wlll..; be -truf*'.' •Xn .w.-jsli- f.ii'il.'Cfo o^!^r;;:S.tH'-•t- -l.v; ))ii;sln>;>:K;-.'i:lI -thf." .■\vay','an'i. Jfvijtlrii''. ,i<'>jef/.4 It itiu-i'fiStirig; .; : ^■,;'' 1 - vSTa;',; : 1*116 .\v'ht^.,dg.'iin' b.tit riic'^iy' pci^J^f^nt I'd with .'suHiPic'.nt-. pace;', tp sji^p.; it.; siifeiy; tiri-rt'iigh the- big ^hp.ifsi'-s. '- It; will' bo. sorii'oi.Hing riiiore thii'n irioi-ply; .Satisf{id.t;ory ...for,: ;th'c.,; SMiall^ aires.':-:,.;.,'.';";-::-'• ■; -;.■■-■;-'; ■..:.; ''■"I'his t'iriie'it's .froiii.the-fiv'ui .iriil- hn'y .angle.ill.which brahch ahdSuriit bf"' tlip, sory:icc.; are'-, the ;lnf5jcsi'il»''- bi'btlTOrs; i'l-i Ibvft.wifj.iitlro'same girl-. Stbry ,iis ■.ha?ically: one''-.tlv arid ;i,rge ; Ipgends . but '13w;i,.ri, . :'wlTo. '.directed', ,-';.liaS; • i.S'prlrikl'od ■ -'j't -;'.-.with" 'eiib.Hgh f5i'(l(?li,Erh.ts> ,;-;'irichi(,Ujifi; ■ -^o'hi.b. '<^yp,(" .\v;ir i;.llriii[S,ses;.;to^ riiakc: it IVblU:.: I'ririiMiv'illy,. tivpugh; t di-- i-o;ctpi: lias;;.i.v^ivt.'th6;rilm'e-riibYo; .■jrid. .it.:-it.:ri':L: 'prti'tictfliirly ;;l'ong;. - :At- -le:ist--'''it.;-.doc.'5r!-t-; "aebin .'s'o—^just .oii- .■gapd^".-'. ■,.-■;.;> ;^/';':-';::';■: '/i^-'i^ ■; ; <'a;st: porfoVmaricpS ^vlso-^lvplp ri-iKin.-,^; ..tain the-nvoirit'ri'turii. ,On-.''i'|iis..|ihase ■Can '.be cltpil. Anthpriy-'Bushcii;as 'the yptingei'. b.rothcr .\vhi)ni.'tlie a\ulionc'p knows .liaa^gpt •t;p; go.:'as sbori 'ias; the. .girl en''t(>iNs-..tlv6;',rnh.niiVi^; 'and that's eaiiiy:-■;Allpwing,.tiiat:;the'.script l i'ps its ; riiitt /iso 'v .soon, -it's:' addifiorial credit fbi- Vlv'o dil'octpr,and; Cajgt that tliey'Ve;; been;able tb riiakc it stand -up dGspilo'tlie, ad^'iribe,.signals. :; ,, :, But Busiiell- give's;--Fairbanks; '.Ti*.', a' wcP from' the gbng. 'irp's ,;put ;;sb'mfi -..spirit ;iritp. .this rierfbrh,iciri.oe besides.;- mairi.taining ;a'n'-':;ad''rit ■,chai.hi <er.-;\yhiGh'' .the unifPrni is- a h'c.i.d . start. -. Tp.' corilply. .With: .the, script he 'stays behind during .in prdfcred .j'ctrcat tp .die' li'eci^'use^ iid Ogures;l)btIr tire iirl arid; In"^ li.aye; thr.()\vn;;l|irii 'b^cr, " Additiorial valuable: .s'u.ppbrt IS,, fi-oin '-•'Tyrrell i^ayls as; the usual thoalrJcar-yourig ■ ]?n?flisliijin;ri'; .'v;oli,nrap'tcr',whiclv,sel- dprii; fails to. tickle Anicj'lcan'"tiudi- eiiccs; '>:bt stretclipd itb th'c',''bV,eak inp point; ,li,e;rb.";r)(tt; ,,-oxaggerat-ed enough, to;.fit -il.s, ;inrrpp,s'o.-', • .'; -:- 'Fair.biarili^i, Vas ' j-lfie.; pklor ■;bu;t •i,o.'!.s spriotis lirptliei-i ' ooi''s'.;'an the \vay and ne.-itly h'andlos' a couple bf iigbt/'cprire'dy n"!bp'ieiUs;^ a tii^c - o^- pbrtrzLjrai .'he -niigHt^ try; lcs<i ;)ri.fre7 quori^tly. .. .ilbb'rivt altmiatcs iri h or.,, ch'aractP,ri,zatfon, t'pMlie. extent' t Irat ■ ijh 0- ripvcr ' seeI'ri s 'cj.iiite "ab 1 e • t o blond- ■;}.ntp - thp-.' -pal-fi'-...'Alw.ays the at;tre.'=rs ;.ra.ther.; t hari:'.the :- fjirlwiip -becoines engaged tp: Bushejl. in.:a fit bf;.piq.ue -.Ht, 1^'a ir.bariles, ,;'.,''-.-■''•■ .'■ .Il>wan's h.attIc vibwis ri're .being en- 'hanc,ed ,,r(t tiiis; ;hPUsC' tli.c,; riiari;- agbiriont' deeming :tlieiri .'vverth.y;-of the bif* .screen. .He.rice,.the i)bi-'ders^^ retreat,;' simultarieously ; ;.-with- the s.uppnscd. Gerrt-ian. ai-tack. CaTnoVn-; .b,]tight spme firie 61i.et4i .pf Hying caissons as th.ey.iolattor pasit .;but; As a mattor; pf ;fact, the'.principal ciiar- iac;tcz:ShaVe a railribr cPnricctLon - witii the,battle-actiori. ;Which might Irt^ T)ly that- much; of thl.s footage epuld- be";over .matter, from a previoiis.pic.- ' tui-e;.'- • Not' tha;t. it riiattej-s.- for'' it's' good, btkef th9,ri the, illni might riot, be. as cicpjcrislve a,;propbsitioh: aS it iPPks,; .Tjip dialbg is"apt arid cbriclsp throughput.' ;, .-::.■ -;;; ','; -.v, . -:; Wpriieri -patr^bn.age will find 'Pair-; banks; arid Bushel! pleias?lrit .screen .fconipany ,lri: th'cirvuriifbfms: pliis the atnibspherp;;b£ British . wealth erii- bpssed; upon ■ a 1^^^ the war., '.'Chances" .Would;;class as^ 'ac- cbptable; program riiat.erlai;. in jiorr .riial tljnes, . In thc'SP pt-bduot; ahort- a'gp xliiys : it;; shpjild he; espcolany ;weicpri:icd l)y. the thbatres.: .-;' i'ttf. ' TRANSORESSlbN - tile- ilovol .liy -Kftlrt. Jordun. - .Scp.tiarl*) .ntia- . a<l;irii:iUrtn - )>■>• . i';U7.alioth- .NrooH.a^^^^^ -Waiiifi;' - -liv-.'.Ui-tirt W.■ -'T'.ovv'-.:- J'lVi'(rt>iriilihP.i-.: :,;'.; Ttivor:--.-<mirt.i,-J.'l'in. -iViliUy; -At: the. Ma>-r.. . fill!-. ; >',--. Y.,. -sv.i'olc ;<>( .'-Jai!<>. i2t. .:Kunii'inK .-. iTijlo;''''!).-!!!!!!;!;-' - )' . -' .' .:.:•.; -;'■, 'VAA^ M.aijr.v \- • ;;...;./. .'.;; ;■; - ■ivoy lfYnnclft;, ,C-i\rWs ... ;.'.;.^ .Vv.-. i.. ; • • • r;.AUS">Hl_n'^ ■;l»o>'ff^^ • ' Majibe ■ 'liii's'Viarid.s . .are ; different- •tibw'ada'v's.''' V >r.h'e'',;fehiriie's-'.:.shpuld,--; - kno'w." lC.''the.y-\vUi:Aos'C'P-t-.-t'.i^ ^-S^ . ';' poplif'inai fiTkirvsrii'.i^t'the h ush.atld. :i'n . ; ■, .fhlB 'ivicUirb,, ;a\s: lie ; UvH\oiycoriie.dly , fi)rglvos,''^lVis.-'p-ife a:3ori in'iVisQre-- - tibft -with :anoth'er.n'r;>i,'V;'. the filri;V ■riia;y..' .; .dp. '^ ri'ibderatpiy.'. .>.: Tlwit:s • -.'unlikely,,,,; . tivbu.^ii., -a,s .lii.aVo.s thonVsclveS .,Nvllt .t';Vlv'e"i.t"lriVutter .sKopi;ici's»i. . ..':''' :."; - :■■ ;'\Vhen-the -wife Is shown-ba;vaca,-'-. 'tfiiri;;io':'r;vi-^ls;- fAlliri{j; ft*; a ;Spanish;;::.... "ajlcivi: il-s' 6kay; '.Alsp; j)l'a.visibl.iv.wl}on .;, - ihe;' ia 'shown :;:'avgiilrig >Vitli''iieraelC ... -arid, the; Spaniixrd- .rut)riirigr-.£i\yay;: : ■L.-lt'er.: it's even Ifai.r.. eriough, ::that:. t'li'ts^saiVi'e^-foJlbw.-hiight hayi;.Wrohefed ■ •■■; '^.nb.lhoiv'ijiiFl,' arid:: when' the laitrer's; .. ' fa-lhor' 'turns'-' up . tb.- sitve:'a second;.'. .; ■..Woriian; '. that's-., pormlssiblc. '. But, -.■ , ;.\v'h'o'ri: - tlie 'story ',:siiiTts '- tp "'ordinary. -:.. ■ blackri^ail .plpt'l-age-; it goes, .'-astriiy. .; ..This ,li'.\pp'6n;s\as\tlic '.Spariiardi's .re;^'^•;. tairier;' tp force,''the Iridls-. ;': cfoetSv.iCe tb^triih her oAvn -h.usbarid.-..,;-: Pipttij'b. imiriediatcly' began, to wphr.,';- -Ijle- and ^a; -llna^Vhappy■ ending, ,th.e:. .\v.irfe~ s;t'aridin.g -up... to'.,,conlosS,' etc.,.',.-;-: -lppks;ii-kC:;a,.hasliTy ;ptepa^^^^ fot"V ', 'a-' cprii^llrat'ed. aituali bp.-' . -;; . ; -';'; '"■■Qn the- whole tiio dialog-;is aLpt al-' - .;;■ :tli'.p;ugh rf>'cprdirtg;isri't:.,T:Ubgel:hbif as ; .I<een. ; Jjr.enpn'a; :directipn hellik ..;tp' ^iet in some: , iriterestirig:- teariiera -; . slibta,- rnpstly'scenic.'.-;;''..'.-.-.; '.- ; .,' ;;Cast'.''--is,; average .:a;3- -a; ^rrptip ■ ex*...-;; cept-for.a ,tendency to .un^^ aiit ■■■ :UriijSuai fault; ;Asi,:;tl>e r huisbarid,^ Paul ' Cav'ariagh;; iiickod ! dra;matip;':. warmth. ,. Kay. Friricis,: a3id;,p froni Ptiler; things,''.-was '.also'.'givcri";bppbr-;.; ■: turiity. :ip, situa-tions ;and.:,dialb'g; ;But;,.. '. .evc'ji-sTfic, .''eem'cd; held 'de'.wri; Picard,<j ,;: ' CGl:ti>z;- R.hbwa the''iprie teji'de.ncy to-.pverclp.arid . .doesn't' fi t' .the , role^^; .anywjiy;'^ NariPe O'Neil. Is Spleridid;":-, in;a;smail ,pa;rt. .::;;■:- -... ,.'.- ' Shahi ;;;, '; tHE NIQHX^^ A^'uTit 'prbffufllbn .ixnd .r('Ionae."'f>torj* -. aVi;l..<'Ilrc'<Mi')n;Kilniun/l -Gouldlng. .Star-, rin;; Nancy-.CarrolJ :nrY(l Frcdrlp :Mfirch. - At - .IlivoU. 'N('\v -Y.orlt, :3une;i0, on'prrlnd, 'irid.iif. -: ItiiiinlnR Uine.-'n'bnut-73 -m}nul(;s'. "'' y'iil.T...; .-i Ofridi'iii^'..-'.'..-;-:.... .- Tlicrn.s.T,..., CouritcS3.,-. <.-. .;».. Hipv-t,.:'.-;;,;;;..-'.'..-.:... ,yiiicp:ht...':,'..'.; Mrs;- iJerk'ejn... ;'.; .-Nan'cy Cnrrall. .... . r;i:cdMc. SiAt-ch,: ;-- <,'.•-.; .Vhoot)!?; Fosltr- ,;.;,;AI1^6rt ;Sklpworth . .:.-...,-...-, .'. ;.Alnn ITitlo i.;,-.' {. Iluljcrt Dr.iiftd- >'.;.,.-Kiitherln'e'Einfnct ''The,; J^lght. Angol'';^pi:b-(f,eS'.^ b'Pri^ : ' clusivPty.'' that /Edriitind: . .GPuldlrig: ; . 9ho;uld-;;.cbn.ccritrate;: on ' th'e.:^ hiega- phone,',va:ther, than: the . typewplter arid ; th'at - Nancy Carfcoll , sivould ^b^.; .hei-self, refraining from Garboesque- '" m.ikc,-u'p,- lashes, :stnd,v. to' a icertaln,; ; ;:: 'dxterit, manrierlsms. ; "Throughput;it: -■■ la vni:ild ;an;d.;insipid, ptttertainriieri.t With •-.only : '6.pcaSlbnal.; "worthwhile nashcs. :,"Arigei" Id gpo'd.: for' ;Iust about brie: webkMn' the .better'- firal. - .ruri;3, - .rating - riipre: coricis;eiy with •■; average:; prpgrarii features ' ^accUs;; ; ., tomed to; .quicker chinges; .its two n.arries/': Carroll " a.pd MaVfih, ' ca.rry..the; biBg'cst b.- p;.: burden.'. ;■ .' . ; ■ • l!he. stPry.; la : verj^lobBbly: jknltv' .- ; librig gaps: Iri the action.. .'^Vhe^e': it; ;attcriap.ts; to he; uriiqOc..lri.^m and;, , .situatibri, tinic it reyeris; to the' \ mp;st bon'veptiorial piot.Sti-ucture. :. ; . ;',• In, Prague.a district;a;ttorrieyiriiust.' . :-iCCpntlriued; pri page 34) ., : > i;;;;-;;J,?^ ,-,; "The Layvless',-, Wpmari . backstage! r'V*>''l'^.if^P."^'^^^^)"-'Vf^i?&^ •w*ith^,;S,U,c'h;slbw;,a6lemriity- esty.-tb;'wbriieri...::';:'^' \y'-''-v ■'■'']■■ r -f- ■'■ . .. "Daddy;.Long-:; Legs;' .{FoJc);, ; Kerit^ imi - p:ortan,t:e ^^:^t^i grade. ;jV: . prbilsroMfxiiV Istriisiirvcily- 'chospri . cast,.'- and'- lets o'f'^ ^^iarl,ing,:ilitrp..chil(fr,i;n rpr kiridIy^laugh.s, ;Ex:ic.-.Uy-'r for-Jaribt qaynpr.; ^^Jak';^•a^ L >y';^^);tri l rpni^ - .^.v '^:.: ' '" ' ■ ;;; ;;."lhligM:-:A.rig»'r :CI'ar)--;:l'=aiI}i; to;:aPfPm^ ;itW-iriterit brinib^le^signl/iU-' Mnf:;n;:Vinf:dfwv p';>^ artili'-iiil clKtrai^lprizationtji-:', ..'•:; ':':•' '. ;■ ■■'y.::. . .^ ■ -';. '- .v.;- -• :.,.- ;.' ■>' :- ;'"JuSt' a -;Giig;6l6*^ J?if>». ;^I-ight:/'fiirceUhatr;.riVa ;Woiidbrrrkg;'wli^cJH'i;:-tho/h.''i^^ WilllHrii' i;i;iinns--::i;cccp;t-'--.:..^■ ^!;''?^!v''^VV V''^'^Mf'?'\;';'t^^^ ,';-:•;.; ;- :;"Trar1;sgre^iori"v,;-fIV,idi0,:''T^ is ' JiJwrtys.-inf^ ,'-'' /\Vorn'.'t!..■';j")i,is;,(>ni2; hiis^o!iry;r,i:Aiiitxfil^ fkul;. :' Oivariaivl): , tp^;i>jri>Y.t -.Tv;^ ■- 'r':-;-.: -'^Big-; &u^rn>iss;;Giri?^- :i/lir;,.nt liyiil.- f;,fjrii,rwly ,il!;tt ';lNUi.s; t(-in-'iiii'nr;.;:''Vltf>iiUort-',witri ' ;J'jvo;thf-rri(.^:aM(lV(lisij}iy.7,^ ;-. ,\v..- :-.;;.;;. •:;.-.;' •.;:,■ .^u,- ■: -^v-.. ; ''• "i Teike,.,Th'r?-;W'pm,'ah'' yj'fii-p., V^;ihr^'"rr>P''v l^^^^ " :row.l.iiy,.; IrififiritS: f'>n!YiiM^;'iii;t.'.i:.nit;,i')i X-sliiV by;Uht;.-/'ai-t;rui,(J(a;iii^(/f.'e,iri>l(;'j;,^^ -;.;;.,: v v. .^. . :. ■ ■:f'Ch^rit<i6'':tFS;)^:Vyi.^^ 'i^iVtlKh dii;i1pg- Vobn-:,.n'pt;''tb;i'mprcss';lhah-^ imi/yf..; til(•• .;! vi.rai^, :^vVm-'iM."Oi :>^yn. :iW<^' !r\'\>J'''.yo- jtiViCriilfi} py-iv^'U\<-yi:\-U'rf':\ii-i^^ ~ tjirl; ■:. ^i, :.'':. -'. ' y]- '-':;- ■ "-"'';' ■.