Variety (Jun 1931)

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58 VARmtt II I CP tiicsdiiy, June 16, 1031 RKO HjLLStREET 'Variety:..; .COMMEHGIAL ; RMTRVHollyvyobd.' \ ■ ,C(Vid- local. ■jij'.Ofrrarh hcart- ■•. IjireiiIfiiiff; ■ S])<) t;. ^'3V. p-.nv/;' ^iSiinday ■ •■ -afternoojis.vwUon 'p^^^ ; fronV-thc ellais,: ^^art^^^^p baclf w ' of aVtw pinyiiiw the linititrout, if is .. . a' .Mlnla,tur(>- JtK.O Thf-ntVP ^ ■' Air;.' :tvi}oiiiivff -anti. clcjiiltVe^ ^\'i.^ts . tliat CGhiiJariy^s thcnio sojiR, ' • T)ila ..Jialf-liour Avaa ^feMiircd Joy ;• Ai- ^yii'lte's; brfelvt. ihuVotl'u(;''tipns ami; Joci Termini's KvHaiv jfalvcsi ,a pice . ■ • pliis £ot' the .cu>"i-ent .slic\V,..l)Ut, goes' . o.Yfii:b.oiir4 on /credits;/ iviJI^r ■ XjTiitpd Arlisls' sidtlbn^hiiA in rt^l^dlr. .'tlori to itlyO vaude' ami the KaiW.O picliirfeat'' \'the: Orpljeunlj, . .btiier, liKQ itousos, Goih.e. in fpr^ nlcritiori - ai V\veH a'a . the.. Columbia- jilidture . (••Lover Como Ij'ifclt'') -at: :tho ;H1.!1-; ■ ;6ti;cet/;::v .■■•^ " 'v-V Al .ErieUsbn'an'd his. pUTjand froth thC; theatre is the ;backbpnc of these )>i:oadeasl.s'., ai)d;, nic.ely 'with ' special .arrahgeiTieriXS; ;,P6p '. music pred.01ni4at.cs, except for ohe classic suhe. by ■XeahivMt^rrocl QC Al . .■White's 'act., ftjiss Morrdoi .suffers ; from, 'the , same trouble',as all.. coU .oratiiras- oii.- the alr-^blastins-rrljut. her Abcdl acrobatics \'t'et'e well done. WaUy :. lyicG.girhilck • . with . a; B'ih.g' ■ Ciro^ delivery clicked with , ohe numbipir. but.. Dtincan .young. •with sonie bid-pop stuff of lasliyear, . didn't ab.. so Avell. and :lil3...voi.ci6 Is .not so hot for the mike.,: Both were arinpiliiced as. pa:r.t bt.:W turni" Termini .' cleSaned . up wi.tlv . t\vb . . spots, .. a .mfefliey.' and. '.■.'.'St., tbuis Blue.!?" on last. The accordidh aid- conipaniment effect that he gel3 is ., ■BOmethirig dinbreht. ':- : . "Vi-hltc seemed to realize the ipauV.' ciljy :<i)f listientirs. and kcfit refiErring the. p^pgrum.•^.IJinte be iiliatter ;' easy'/foi'- laugh' kt^ .Jnter.esting.- Fepii.ed up.-the half-iiPiir qbhsid- :',erably; -. • ■ '."What, should.-be ,a ^great plug-for th^.^aude. bill.: at: .the lliilstreet' is iiiinlmized by; the'iippr hoiir .seleet.r- ed to .s. h ag'.an .'audieiice.. /Saif ne pe b BARREN ADAMS' SAf^DV Sustaining-. ■ WOKO, Albany "..,-.' ■,^d;inj.s', prt^iu''.'itra'ha.«f' bw^h pn 'the: air :f.(ir. .inttirthittont. porludit ■Ibh^'or. than any -uhit in '.tlio '(^u'liitol -.(lis-^ Uvlc t.' ■'.',Ad.!i'nis ■:lia-s' aJ-w-iij-ij had.' .a' that -was': superior it^ sptivb ;of .the ilk • ■ • . . ■ - or pie; Who spoflicf this i>rograrti .bn $Unday:■ afternobnia;. 'wbuid never think of giving a ^siibw-'between six and elglit, ini' the .riibrhirtg, or ad- . yertlsing in'- Ithei Gtain" Gro-wer's Guide. -■ . . ..;.■..>'.■- FREIOFdC MARCH ; ■^}-:\ ■I'ltteiView': ■ COMMERCIAL-- WOR, Now Vork ; . Ahhpunced that, this was Marchi's -third .time as guest, artist, b.n .ihls prbgram,. OhrbachV.. Misg- Harris^- flim columnist,. apparently kriows. :h«r radio: and subjects, for it .would be tbugh to- get another .flltn name which ! would be as persbhable- as ■.anarch'on.-'jthe air.- " ■■'"'■■"■) ! .March gaj^ged alt pver th^' mlice. here; . Prbbabiy prbv6.d> a pleasant' surprise to' an l audlfchce . that, ex- pected ,.tb; hear a ijerib.usfmiiid%d young, 'niari go. into one, bf tlVpsc lDrig--iyinded dissertations; Not' much Intek'viewirig.. Most of it was c.oni- ,€c^y..crbss'flre, andiwelcbme^ filni. jjltfyier,. ari^weri.hg .everything ^iitJlieiiiiiestibn-aaked. Screen - play.ier also; used plenty "of .- asides .in/;a Lowered. ton'Oi and tliey -proved a pleasant' hovclty^^^^ ; •. R wbundi up , with some kidding about Marches; latest jjicturti; "Night .Angel," the title of. which March; ;Baid, had! been changed so often be thought .he ;was VorKIni?. .in " four, ■pictures. Managed to' sffUceze -in quite a plug fbt the iilmj as well -a.<5 aiinb.unce some of lils 'futiire; fllmSi Pbssibility. Is.that March was trying flUt in case Paramount calls on him; fpr a appearance tbyr f01^ Publlx,... jcrbm . this- ; ses.sipri - his charipes iieeni.exccilentv.- lie's from, .stpdk,'ahywi'yl;V-'..^^ ' ■ - SVLVIA WINTERS V Hpiisehoid Chalis r . :• COMMERCIAL ' WGY, Scheneptady Sylvia,- Wint.brs,. announced -'as ••W,aY's.;5IpUsehpld ExpcK'' is- bh" the air fP.r ^15 .rnihutes" every week-, day afferhoon -.from the station's ., : Supp,bisedly to the. general subject bf household ecbhph-iic.s, herv: programs' actually are 'el.ftrin(<d :plug.8 for v.aribus comv mercial products. • - vv^ -: tT,sua1ty threia. of the- litter' -are^ ballyhoped until it Is a.^sumed that , the average listener, in self-defense/ ; njust:;.<ti4-rie-.'but. .-■ :\ ■ ~: .'■ Hard to . believe thjit a ijusy lU'tispwife would ■ pei-mit, the waves Pf advertlslrig.' on. this, program tP beat on her ear.g ever y liny <n-r<?- turn for the. , three ;or'' four hiih,' utes of .Information on hom^ up- keep. .:■■■■',.'.'->■.-'."■■, ;■■'■,,..- . liU.^. ^Vinters :spcaks.'in i . high pHeb'ed, though. clo'ai?, .voice. ' '• ' Ocensiohalljv- Miss.'^AVihtgrs' ^lis^^ -ter sulvstttutos for her. - ■ ■ • :. > DR. SCHOLL'S -RAM3LERS COMMERCIAL ' - ' . • : ■ WEN'R/-Ghic^gb.''":;V;>. -'i^. --'S/^^^ , Out; and but conunercial splu'rgc^ ^^u.;-'^';- c'onvfort-.'shoes, . With -the .Dog; uuliHcized as an : auihority ■ 'oh-. (>ar6.' ,pf the: -lower llni-bsi ■ ■l/.n.lertainment vailuc to-this ..progcam.-irf ijn.i'lt/jd to a.'sittaft nuisi.^ V Y.>;^°!'1'^^' '"-^'^ muiox^nuiirtct, wh .civ chimes in' spasniodieallv.: ; .-l'prhjii)s l)r; .Hcholl ;;(itrui-es'uvpi-c .on tho. '.advanta'/^os .of his eonsulia- t.iOn and - pvtuluet. tlia lOon the 'filial - .: Ity-.of ;hl.s. ..selliiifir: ppinis.. to ^attfact ether:-aUenlion. ' - • ' ^paH. ':' nore jylileiyraUvertl.'^ed binid.s- iveaird on AVCji: prpKram.H beforip Doc Pl'j;- Ip'h can-i6. al(>i)g to-set a.standard'foi local .■■■units;.-.; ■ Tiiqugh .;A.dams-;db03' not get-the brfe.aks," in^ the; m.a^ pther\ .-biT.iiestras' receiv.e-;, frbm 'V\''QK6,--his 'gVoiip ,corni)area favor-' ably; With a nuT^bei^ bf; theni.r A- rc.- epni. half.: hour's: entertainihehf 'of- fered by thiis unit .,wa.^; perliaiis 4he. best jiVatihee ;;PFOg-ram ■b since WOrco began bpeivutinp.. hew;' groupiing: .of llie. Instruritbhts apjiarenlly; .'b:a:d •; been. elTeotPdi var- l-a rigcnvcn ts ■ sP (i n.d ed;;,ne.Sv'j: a rj.d th e wlVole ■;style, of i>laS;ing 'sebriiGd 'dif'- ;fercnt;.:^: ■■ ■ .'.':.■:; ■:':■' ;- ^v.;;■•■.. -. I''bturner ■ . bVereniphtisis : on the banjo had .bc'eii pori'.ected!, i;iine slower- and, more 'jiveh. .and the vol- ume spftpr.- Style is -better adapted tb -radio renU.U'em,ehts; altlib.ugh; the danceTincHried . buhch niiay; • prefer- tlie .fprmjcir.' and. ■.hotter; stuff. : -The brchestra.playsjat a.svi.burban intii> - : A number'pf capabie instrumeh-- ta,ilsts;:in: t.hls unit who: are :givon: a ■ cbance 'tp l'dp tijeir stuff : in . ihci-: dental, sbip&;.oi" in spe'Giuity;m)^ piNche.stra alsb lfds severaV^v the chief one p^, Whbni is Leon, Nel- sbri;-: Qkaiy - ;fot'. band' 'brbadcastSi . Another: chapT^'ham& hot -cWufeht^ has sHaTP Jand fast style, of di?li'i):.-. ery- effective.Vtbr -certain types of! i^bij'gS. ■ • .Harnioii'y ' singing ^by a' pallr '. Prpgraiiv in questipji oorii^lde.rably enhanced -by the annpunfeing. bf Pat Riley, a iiew membet .of WOKO's :staff»,.. ■^'^ ■ '\j ■^[^ '\. '', ■ \:. Jac6. ,: MRS. BIGSBY'S BOARDING . -■'HousE-■^^. ■:-.•;,■:-:.:.;■.■■;:■::--.;--':.:v .Sgstaih.i;nB-.^-'---■ -■:i, ■:.:.■■---—, ..:i^--.: WLS, Chicago".-■.'■■:"'■■■•-; ■': ' .ilere's tin ether' sferipii with cracls pbssibiUties . if. i)rppcrly : handled. Gurrent irfaih handieap is the brev^^ ity; cif its epiisbdes. Just about the time tih© 'skit. :iBtiart8;.ta tickle it: ts jefl^ed arid- some ..:wheezy t.brcii singer', .jip! tfpm the sticks als a; "gubst' artist;", is- put on .to^^fill out, the :remalhder oit- tb" i5.-iA,tni(te pe- riod.' "Mrai -Blgsby's .: Boarding Hpuse" funs, seven br eight mixiutes :on .a ,tri^weekly mixed :affair of en- tertainment. billed as ' the "Radio Bazaar" witbi, Marthai . Crane idoirig an;: m.'--c.': .•■..:':-• ;\'.'■ ,■ , It retails: fhei .a<Jventure's oi a fejilr. otslStersrln-laWi :Elvlna and Susaii, i.ri, trying ;to ,make; a go bf a sniall- town grab-^the-grubery. Elyina.has a- ne'er-do-well derby pusher for a ;ivu'sband: supiposed: ;to: be holding' dbwTi; a _^pb . in sbm©; distant .city, Muchi; of the dialog reybives ^airpi^nd : the frequent.', tbuches ifor -einergency coin, he makes upon hi^ ^p.buse by 'mail,, and-! the ;pbmmehts of heigh- bprs oii: the ; philarider's . prolonged .absence.'..;,7 -. :■. ,•- •.:■ - - ■-: .':; :;•:...:. .[ ■ T'SJl^a'^'^i^tlro^unded/ realistic piece. MOODY; B!BLE ,INSTltut^ Scriptural:' ■■. -.■.'■;.:,•- ■.: ;. ,WMBI, Chicago .; ■ . .; :• , ; ] iere'; is ^another aa'pcet-'Of radio. A,'station: -wholly doVotcd tb' hyinh singing, and - text quoting. It is owned: by the militant Moody -IJible Irrsiltute, :.which - believes;In SIN";irt . !V big .way,:: and JS: much; iperturbed the .-rest: bt- the.'^world. Is- headt'd .fbr the sulphur plts: of: in- fer np,-:: .;.■.■• 'r •■ ;■■-. - r T- •: '-■ ■;.■" , Tl,Vps.c\npt familljii" With saimo can hardly: appreciate the deadly ' earn- e.stness of. -subh : groujiifl' as" tiie Moody ,Elblo;i!j^tltute, which main- -titihs- in enbtihouk' taBerriai:lo- iji Ghlfagb, beisideai/. a. bbliege where voting men ariU .Women are trained to;- become .high pressure salesmen for Sa:lya:tloh*. T^ey call the- s'chbol "the l>.pint of -Jesus;'* ' '' With .such bible-saturated folks .religrori :i3 not for Sunday thibrnlrig- and golf in-the aftcrhtion.- It IS on their .ininds .like it- mortgage; :^ Atid so: through the .Week; arid fevefy ai-tprhobn, they havef sacred music; followed by.ia, :talk"by the piastocr A nd.. again/ i,ri the 'earty evfening; there :are , heart-.tOTheai:t chats bn'' questions, of scrlpttire : that -are of; 'ntorest:: to: themselves-. ■•,- ' ' ' - ■- There; are over. 60- stations In America owned. p'r ;C9ntroiled by- re- liglobs bodies. .Most bf them.- preach it ,bcand:; of sftlvatibit riot: tihlike the M.Pody prpduct. • S.otn'e sell pirt of their :tlrhe ^pminerCIaliy. to. meet ex- penses. ; ■VVMBI. does not barter Its radio facilities fbr luci-e. ' It all gpek for, spreading; thd word.: ;That it has: Ei.QOQ . watts ..iespeaks.:.a. ctalrly Wide, coverage and -presumed iJolitl- cal- ihnue;n(;6: ih-. getting..'such a de- sirable Dermifc .-■.,•.■,.'..-: , Jt may ;faitly be stated :'that the rellfiipjisiJiroadcaatciia:; willube^safe- f rom time bt leh'gth-grabbihg. Too many votes and too rhuch pbs^ sible -trouble. Would b^ invPIVed. At least -three Chicago stations .are solely: reliBlPu.<! and do not sell time.. Besides. WMBI there is WQRI)." also 5;000 wattSi. bw.n'ed by: the People's: Pulpit: Assoclatiohv ■ and --- iypCC. Dnly^ao^yatt3,-^oW-ned-by thb-Nb Shore Church. All are part-timers.: •• Of : an ; ;afte.mbbhi : Rbljert .:Tles opened : the; program Vwith "Nearer My.;^God to Thee,?: played bp art iac-: cordlon (shades of vaudovlUe)>. and encoring; with ''ShaSows, No iNe^d of •ShAdows.V : Mls3-;Richiird3i ^ ^^^^^^^ inevitable; radio soprano, rendered '.Bbautlful Isle of Sbn\ewliiere,v but with: a special: set of lyrics.; It was anniJunced. that f'abme of ua's don^t care so much for the original words bepause they wer*^ ;tob sectilar and unsanctlfled.- Hence-the revised edi- tion tp cohforrn. :, These: : i)rQgTa|ni|.; 'are - molasses- Slaw. That presumably Is no' fkiiU i?rw'i''® '■ '■eBTilar . listeners.".' And WMBI must always have the same Usteners, Songs' long on? word^ and ^hort on: meipdy call for much pa^ tlence; . Probably .they, never go tb a theatre froni one: end or the 'vear- to 'anolhen ■. . Lafid. of characterization that bf the gbs- sipy, ;' iribit^ing :--6hatterbp'x;^ "Hepsle'" #l6dgett takes the . bonnet/^' .Shiart, erfe'otiv.e- dialbg- is.- cbhfe'ctih)?^ this';- Scripts are .wtitterii and. fiil 'Gliarac-^ ter.s.l>iayed-:byMy,rtle,,McIrit Ma,i-ilyn Fink, a couple bt girls out :bl.dramatic.stock.. ':,-: :. :- ■; „. This >$,a type: of mat'eTlal -whtch- eah be -built: ihta a niitiiral for feri-imo appeal.; It: .^should be pullpd putiof the "Radio, Baza.'xr".:and given a. 15-minute spot bf jts .own.:.: ISHOWBALi: antjlW^ 'Susfamrng^■"'.::'-"r-".v' ,.;--..r^- K'~.'.'-T.' WrpO,: Chicago .- Seems ■that NBC or':this statiPii; is 'trying-to dcvelpp'.ahoth,er colorod .(lialect .act bti 'the order ,of Ambs and: Ahdy~. and . \Ipran -, and Mack.': Ho iiir the .Sha-vvball and 'VVillie fea- tures-is strictly, locals' .at's a cross. between A., & A. and the Two Black. CrbWSi.-.lcian'inK . tb- :.the .latter ' on ;?.tylc Stnd delivery ian'd tP Ambs arid Andy, pri: m.'itepia'l and cbhtlnuity... ;, Two : bpys 1: are . prbh^^iv former v.aiideVlllfahs.i They;.sound':Hke 'it;- awyway. Their stUfMs the A. & AV type, carried out in::serlar foi-nv 'and relating the. advehturpSi'. wp'rrres, etc,, of the.chaTacte.irs. •:. , : ;. ■ :~ -..TTpless th^ir .material- is s^vb-^tari'-^^^^^ ;tially.:.lncr.ease'd-. in: h.oVelty it rtbcsn't ipplt like they're, gbing. -vei'.v f:ir.: • ; ■;".:'■ /■;;.;:':: .■^./..,;'-v:^':;'';: -.^: 'Spa^ ;OL-SE>J-artd JOI+Wsbw-^—-- - - ■Comedy ;;. .-,■;- ;: '-■..:■ ;;.::;:■■ ■Rad»o':Dlsk'. .;:';■-■•-■;. ■' ■ COMMERCIAL WpR, New York' • ■ -; ; ;'^lils. , Gp'ni'edy duo scarry- everything- along -with them. .Their high-lUtehcd iiice.'i.s'aht laugli.ler Is bpund. to :make ahSHiodi' that -iiears' U Idufih;: wltb'; th-chi'; . Tfijj chatter cToesn't havb ,tp bfe sb: good;. It's just fminy enough "to" listen ; to the way they handle it and to get a load' of that .hy.sterical laugh bl; thblr's.'' it^s ?ill on diWlc, -': : : ; -\ ■ [ ,: -;, ;' •. -' 'Bpys.-Oon.'f :Avast6;hhy time. They throw- their. : ;.from- ■fVli ahglps. aiVd. '.'^witc'b:; their pa:ttin- top- tes at will., Inclutie- a ooiivedy ditty. Which.. bne,;.vfl(i'als ,;hnd ' the. other joins .in at .odd moiiieii t.'?. ,. Ad'inilted tli.Tt; the .ivitter is'Inimorbus.- liiit 'that. :laugl.i'ii?r -.wiieiv' they ' b're.ik' t' up; . ...: ■ - v it THE LOVABLE ;LIARS Susfainj-ng -' ■■-..-"-:■ ■■ : -' WBBM. Chicago ;--.Baii!Oii;^:iyU.mchuiisbns.;-J:ietein^ ferred to are.a, couple. Of ex—vau'do; boys, :>Icd {Nestor.; -apd ,' Jim Sars- Hcld* recently• brp'ugl'it' in. to .perk Up: arid add some aplco and giggles :tP ., Goium,bla's .■,l'>,vm'^ Comriivinlty network.prigfjiifitiag .oyt-- of. Chica'.gol: li;'S,a -twice .:\ve:ekiy aftorripoh- show, tjhe duo cbritr-ibut-ing-'-' a lirie'v b^ b'prso'play:^ e hatte.r^de ftiy-f r(rnied^(^ the. rural: level intended. . Npthlrig..hbkey about .their hick ri'r>a'nt ■' ■ f « Ir Wei'- "' ' "•' - mu'Af.A is' "SEX AND EDOeAtiON" Sustaining - - . WOR, New York -Ihr—ins i-i ,V "=*. JLut - .jjiutlr Baldwin, author, and Dr. Walter B: vPltkin of Columbia' University tb ra<lio .th«|ir views on; "Sex sirid Rdu'-. cation,^ -. the. r^egular;' ;"Poptlight Kchocs, period was postponed by ■thi.s station. .'■;; -:■.--; -- - - T)r. Pitkin diiln't mince : matter and what he had tb pay about high- school students .was-plenty. In fact; Its almost, a eertairity :that: subsei quent letters of protest are bound to pour into WOR. He declared that" surveys had brought out. the ^tat-t- ling fact- that the majbrity of boys and girls in hIgh;s6hobl3 can't spell. a-d*,-or-do:rmnt;h Of anything;'^H then suggested a - reriicdy and, ' of course, , that .;riaturaily. was -all sunimed up,ln his book. It took the edge off his preamble, though as an attention- gainer his opening was showTnanship.. ■;• ■,: -- ■ .... . ; : Miss Baldwin :fblibwe'd with tiio^' ■se?:: subject,, but.'never bordered on the scnsatipnal; She Weighed every- thing. Impression ,bcing that she did not care t6 trap herself. But the doctor had beaten'her to' tiie piinch .i.n the.ciuise bf hi.'? book; ■' :•''.■■ "■ -;- Mark.: IDOLITA NIGHT CLUB Songs, Band , ■■ Radio Disk . ;■■ •■■ ■■'. -■ . '.;-■- COMMERCIAL ^ ' WOR,: New - York ' . Too much . prohest ono^EB^slnging. , Disk ftrinbunced as taking plape in a night :^iuh :nhriied a.rtcr>onsbr: : I,atter Is' a'd :eompa'ny:-bff.crln^r.;asb .tray's -in ^-b^ change'-.for so ma-riy',.:pigar ,.,bands,.- ', • - Both boy pind girl sihger 'bri this pi-ogrmn are.good. Girl's name; as announced, listened a.*i Heieri. B:pw- .'*^')<'r -^f .so/ shells, fairly w.ell knpW In^rAd.ip circles,Used a tprdb bal-- lad and put it over nicoiy. Gpod ;vpice and delivers. Male sirigcr. an- nounced as Masked Teribr, or sbriie- tliihg 1 lice that, which means nbth- mgi: Kspeclally when on a : diglc. Anyway, a pleasing Vocalist. •,' Chap: who :m;b;'s igets a chance to g.\g brieny bGti;v;cen: numbers, but :dO(5sri't , nmko the most of It. '. 6r- •.ehpstra,.':led by: Jack Riley, spotted freniient'ly and ;,Bu.nice3; - - ■■ ,- Both ;Rowiand nri.d the. tpi;m- uscMl for but one number each. -Tlic former is. an stttractlvd inclusion. - DAN RUSSO ORIOLES Dance. Music ; Canton-Tea Garden' KYW, Chicago ', Is a Chicagoan dating back to the good old d.iys when this wAs a thriving centrp bf ;theatrical activ- ity.' TogetJier with Ted t'lprito he jiitd the bahd at. the ;12dgewater ijoach ' in that 'lake.r.z^'phyi'ed, iibs? telry^s ;. earlier heyday., ; So rRiisso. pught to be known to his radio lis- teuers by reputation if riot by millarity. ;-.-■- Cb,iisplcubusijf: vpcal- ;the Orlbles njakc- a' gftbjt radio burid:. .By this iieiho'd ■ they -aehicve.:. .eihcV; perSb'n,- litjv at lejtst ^ to; ftV. dcgree'.^ VAnd tliat is the; rare: ilpweV- Of ;;the- radio laiiCs; ::thbse: '■ dayS. -: .;ftetween- . ;one. >arid ,;Pt teiivitation; .arid aribth*'r t^ic riargin of ,: ijiibiciij ; .bttllriarily . is jlfght; - iWhtcK; thrbwii .the"' r.equire- hients of progress Upon . ,. 0f. ieasbned - experlbnbe the Gi ir oies are ;weU-"lbadcd" on vocal-haV.- re.ohy nicely bipnded with brchesfral melbfly. ;. :it'.s: a band that lia-ving been, .broughtV;ln Is'iijit to gbt' a. full hearing in' the fanilly-vfiarlor.'."; .:: . Meanwhile, the Canton Tea Gar- den remains one of K:VW's,!stand-^ bys. -.-All; tbi'bu'gh. the winter Louis P.trilce;: iM-oadbast: frbni-.^ thl^ 'spot, Russb ai'i'ived 'but :reep,rillyMellows ■rip-'a-,m()i»th::,at,.;tlre;Cbngreas' Hotel.' wo blopks, away.: -Geograi)hy irieans .llti;?> :iri ;Cliie,.'igo ih.aiulland; iWii IVhitem^in-pl'ayed: OViyon.'.s: IVairi-i^ 'T-75 ,cents one'.-ive.eif-arid . t-b.f '.'next, c-elc, .ppenefl 'at the EfceWater: Hotel.,, ; ■■--■-'." Jiandi ' character- takeoffs,. , These are COMMERCIAL ILLINOIS PURNrTORE Phonograph Discs ' COMMERCIAL WKBI> Chicago ' / ;Cr,edlt furrilturb Btprcs have not ■ failed,: to Include radio" albng, with' their other: devices for', attroictin^' trade. Biit ,niost dealers have mijch top delicate, sensitivities to quarrel with .actur!^,or mUsieiaris:abPut sal- ary. So they don't use abtbra br ' musicians. .:^Whcnphprip^rai)h'TCc^-'-^ ords;arei.-so cheiip:;; ; ■• . :< Vu^Y^^^ ^^^^^^^ P^^f^'^seVbrifc-lunger^ . that sUuttPr o.ut.'their few' ho it rs of brpadcastirig - time each dJty w 1th no more variation trbm. one aliejied \'V program, tp: the next 'there isJ- • dissimilarity botweeri ;two sticks of • ffuni; . .-■ ■.... ;.'-:^'v.:;.---'.::;:-;-;-; :;^; ■'• . A rielrthbb,rhbbd'store;6h t^^^^^ west ' side had a. message about that rihtty. two-piece mohair Set -ithu-t - was $85 ' but -which today :they!il, give Vawiiy . '-: for^;a:: paltry - And V Ju.uo" brides. :bend : -an ear—three . ^bpmvr ; Jj>J^l>leteiy )Curnl.<shed for less than Nbtbirig but the bfggcst iiaihes on. . ■ the :lll:noi3 Furhituro pr.rtgiam Sure..; Ai'thtir. J'rypr,'Ted:i.iewis, Ben. ' BcnUe, George Olsen. They've cOt '• 'cm, ail. In the nies, And the.' stiU '■ tioh,. rplneitibers. once :in "^.a: whilt^ '■ ' not very pften-T^to mention tlifit lit-' '• ' tie -.matter , about - the selections lie- - . I'h on Qgmph records.: Just- be- ' ' i; the thir,d record the a-nnoUncer |9^|^the^Tac,t, be known. in;.this broad--/ ., - .there is. nothing remotely ■ r:psetnbhng showmanship .or pcombi' tioiial ingenuity in this ': station . - unreriitable v Avhcn ' more • than-; . One . -program : .iii " eritiured: - .-/IjpJJiclayers-ilJa^ devoted to .a. subdivision,, was an- . .btber bunch "pf .records iritoi spcr.sed ' .With frequent,arid, long-winded'sains copy, ;,And ng;uri-,;wifh everythirie ' direct as to pricelv ■"-- - : •.; ■ - ■ r. ,sta;tiori is "libt listed by the Standaivd ' Rate '.ind : IJata ^ bt radio : and is prbbabiy urisuspected by the -riiajor-i ty: bC-.-ra^lo-pwners;^^ "PAT BARNES IN PERSON'' ;'; played true to. type. Their material i.s, a cracker.-barrel' type of,, h'umbr that should get thciri' a fpllbwlng put in the hintevlaind.. . .s - . Major part Of the script is given ovier 'tb regallrig each other With tall Stories. ; The whoppers these boys cpntect arid pour out .through the niiik.e are filled with' a wealth of iriiaglnative detail arid keen : Sense of the rldiculbus. Stuff that carries a heavy liaiigh - sopk : for the, wide open ;,spacer gentry, and by virtue of this strictly: an aOt for the men.' When liist caught (12) the cbmics went/ in -for a flock bt . sltuatibri clpjvnihg,; gags.-biiiit around :their; dlmculty In gettipig into, hardboiled shirts' and-.j,s'wallowtails -.far : tbe Widow Widgett's birthday ijarty. ' Voices ' Of 'the; i>.,'ilr, -vvell. .adapted for ;the ' medium -..and'; delivery' ■ is- nic.ely. paced. - "They're In for: a lirohiiisirig. future, it they stick ;io th eir; .p rc^'en t forth right ,ch arac ter- h^aXion ..and rout ine and keep the row. lioke bu£ - -■.-''- ■ .. - T - . ; •...: THE GONDOLIERS Songs :^ '. .;; ,.': ] .}''-■ -; ■. / ;: Sustaining '•.,-:'--• WGY* Scherieclady . : Trio br riiale. .singers,,'ni prp'grarii. of popiilai- rirnnbers, on a .iS-hvinu.lo "evening liroadcast,' oneb we'ci<iy over: y/GYi Names of!^. "(hvern- bers oi: the .annbuncirig..»5tudip staff.) not given, :but .that pC the piano ac- coinryahist-arrariger, 'Johnny -lOirik,- jV. meritlbried several. tiin:es.; Warren Mi(rison talks, before thf!'mike; '' . . -Th'e-Gohdpliers-doi-V.-loso h.-rmVnriTT- mariy of; their songs of soft niusic; filrig,.;wi-th ifkin;, .snipothries.s; ,.c.orifi- dertce,- and' verve. '. Ono of the- best siVstaining prpgrams- bi'padcast by -WGY. : -.:-...'- .. . . , .;: In- iiis announcirig for thq Gondo-^ liters, Muri.<«.o'ri.; e,ssfiys- a- fly, r ohpitty' style,. ;an(l: docs rather: weir with-, it. TTiese programs hayp'a light, though Sure,, professi.orial^-^rie- mi'tiht ai-' most;, say .ra;. yaudeville^tbuch to. theni, ■ which is . not common on VVO Y\s: ;local. hriVadoa'sts.' Fink, the Gbiidolicrs'. "pilot," '; ijas traveled witli. pro. Putnts. ■'.' : ObridplierS' rperlod .ls ;fcce Of ad- A'crttsiiig.. ■ .,;:-■■ ..■^-: ■-, .. -■-;,.-.' CHEVROLET, -. \-;' '.'■':: -'--V With:Trailer .Hiinh, Jact; Parkfep - ; Tal.k,..Songs, .Orchestra'; COMMERr iAi - , WMCA, New York : '- .'Frazier.Hunt,..arinburiced as^a'^tor-- rner .war:..correspondent iirid' ud-vi.'ijU- , extraordinary.. Is the feature ,-pf these brb.-idea.stvs;:. Kacii week' he t.el Is. soriip.;cjfperiehreregiirdi rig: iVi«' da^ys.a.s a war .Vepor'ter. . . : ; -' ■ ^IJunt; -,dc»es u))out. 10'-; mhnites,' .speaking sl.owl-y; ::arid :- dljitirietlyv .M.akej? -.easy Ustthlng;Jurio.-.i3 he .dwelt-.ori some of his experience in Ru.ssia, a contlriuatlbri :ot a yarn lie related the .preceding :woe'k. Rinjf.s'- in.heart interest,' through', telling 6f a.; captured girl; ..'ind eVen reciting ppem.;he.says-;she'.Hvi-otb, -.•-' . ' -. _;;.K.est . of tiic period: i.s. .rhii.slcal' arid- hpld.s:up-Well. lO^'ank Black's orches- tra ii-sed; arid pbsscssCs 'sonie.-plo.asi: ing; .ah-angiSmerits; :' A male! . vocal .trio -is,freqiiently uneovcr<ic|::and get Oyer nicely. Jn'ck rjirkor,. tonbr,' u'sod tor. solo singing.; In(luTge.*i' In Weefiy ballads whefp his Irish tonor shows to good effccL -■-• ;■ ..- ■.: WENR, Chicago • . --rr, y - :•'•;. , . Listening in bn ,Barnes the other : riiprning brought the, iriiprcss^on^■ that he, >ya3- not. up to: standardv • . e'vcri tlibugh the ;prbgranv *"*y- -bd the pet exhibit of the StapkrGoble agency,;,; A guy that'^ around' ' ■show business .all -these., years, -ari^ -: fbr the past nine stanzas- held all : tbe impbrtaht Job? Pat:hasVat;ni;di6 '.: stations^ must khow -bettcri..' --V^ - ; A3 .an examplc' of"'/Script ..w^ radio i^rbductipri, voice rtilriiicry-ahd, general orttertrtinriient, value this serial' skit . belpiigs ; b,abk in' the . broadcasting days" of v2:5, wlien'.any- : thing .arid every thing went ipng; as it cpuld be brbught in brt a hohie- ■ made set. .■,.-, : ■■ ;.;. . "■-,- To begin .O wlthI. /wh^ ' the ""Pat Barnes in Person" ? ; It'. sourids- big . cind at : the iame.'time^ th.e^pbrts, y and.' 'al.sp . oi;. questionable.' biiling' : yilue. . But riFiaybp the agene,y~,fbrc:oA ^; the bH11nK-^<*(tr1>1rhr"a:nd he's .trying: ~ to-: bear - up:, fi.s. bcs i h b. 'can:-u rid pr - the ..', load. , ... ': : ' ■' : :■-- • ■ .■_ .-. The; .skit '-buiU :arou,nd' JlnWy^ riarppon Sani and the tale 'bf the"- ' Nancy ;-Bell;.arid the ariiber Whala - ; sourid ■.as: .<jiiIy;,as it".re'rtdsj If,.'if's ' .■: frained for housowiTpv ap'-iicai, 'as' it is,J'iarn'es is^shbbtirig■. wid,e. of'.live' ■: ;nTa'rk.; - It's .H'id stuff..'.-ihd- kids -d^ ". 1niy; .soap, flakes; 'Unless: sp. dircdted on an; erraridJ; ^s.fPr vbice imper- ' sP'natibn.'j, : they all . sbtind, like' .Pat .i.-iarne.s..-; - Wouldn't be a-ba.d. ide.o; tp' ehuPk- thp'se protontied ■;^s : of . -££!l!i?]liBR_a.?-jdl^te^^jnld .">bither. 0,Z :.- : 'Bafnes; h'.'ts gp,t" the stnff-, , if tlib '' adyerti.ser. .will let.him drop ihis pno .C .- into .-V ;Chie.i'»go creek and' frariie -an', act that will.' - really represent "r^.t. Bfirnes in Person." -; CENTURY BLUE:JACKETS COMMERCIAL WBBM, Chicago:.,:," - - y . ;.• ■ - ,:i''a.irly w-cll icriltted.; cpntlnviity;, ; .- holds -;; th.ts .. p' ;'.-■ toigeth:er.!- Biibiced by the Ccntury'' Co.;-; Of .", .Manistee,-.; -. Mlchi,.; - the'; :-.':'.blubrV: jacket" tag coriies from, the vriiarihe.;, irtbtpr- ■ijii t; put by . the^,-.cbri<^e(-h.: "- ' '.rh.amctbrs. in^: the sketch Include . "Skipper":: Jack,:, «*hb. pattor.sciti , riaiitiPal ■'; :terrns -tp^''a :. sijppoi?pdly■ .; - in-cspectlye young , lad,y. elistbri-ier:; .a. yit-cht owner ;whp i.*?'agreeable, to ' ..: d.emiin..^tV:aie--.liis-' bb.'it '.{ind-; an .:i:,n-'- ;'. ,,;orche;<;tra jiboard. .''' .. ' ': T^-Hrtrfr^vhi cb^dpv<i tnfiS-^eaHH*:, tp—^-;- IviMn')^ oii.f t.hb.:ans\ve.r wl'V tht 'iVi b-: :■ :iI.c,?iho"uid -go In for-'yachtirig::' -.A-nd-,;, - iri;:'h::;:Oentury, boat.. ;; ';,, ■, ....... - - A ■: '. "-Mban-while. .•thc.';Centiiry 'is ' Ippki- ing frtr.'a .slrt.g.ari apd: is VWii I frig :to ■:-:•. - ,glve away three'hoat.s for-the best • :; a r),<\v.erSi. ;W:li'iich,. is rtn irid'iieeme.nt ■'. td wh.O:: ;H.Tvb; the .jrriean3"-:t.o-. ; r.irtinlaln the ci'.aCt; '■;;..- ^pari. < ■' "SO THIS IS LOVE'' Talk, Songs ■ .-■ ■/. .- WOR, New York • : r-/-■..-■":[.. :A:'',nightly■ -gcffaiir .pn', this' station;',; -, i:f!.s:!'a^ sort of-;Sp.riii-sld.t'^'tO;ailow;the .. t.\vb boys f.eiUured tP:drag iri.'a .i.ii-.tio ■., '' : crnss.fii'p; Oliattbr, Ifsri't ..ver.'/' stiuih;?---■ •and . thGrc is need-Pf ;sbrive-good.-M^^ tciiai. -.-■ '- ■ .-:." .;/■;■-'; ■' ■-'■ . ■ ■■ : . Lads do j)lerity; of warblin.g. All ■ ■: - solb work.- : Cues'.into :tlie;s.:ar.o ^- unnbcp.'^siiry.:.^ Girl included lis .lli<\ T ; frivolous -t.vpe, ■\vith. -the-; .ox'pecied- sllly ;gigffl.o'.; ■:Tlie 'sipgliig iij. fair ';to..;;;'' piano a'ccpmpanimcnt; bnly.V,