Variety (Jun 1931)

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16i 1931" It T 0 a a tt $ VARIETY 61 ■ ^-r/-' --^ GhlUi|.gO,,'Juji:c:-li5i ^ '.■gi-eit'exViuii circus-;vt;V«,.u • .;■ 't)io diiict• tf^^^^^^^ •,i:i)ildc-r loir! ■ lria^riy^^^'s iiriyn!'i;li(:-«uj;Si.\ ■. qt the' 'hoco^sity , i'oV- ;;strjf lly . M."'''^' ■ • <<nlci'tki«i»\r'n.t, is^^ how ...Oc.'inK .i)lisiti;(|I ■ .'uVopiid by'uKioal'sV 6|,n<;o raMio rtfnpliUi'Vitipri ;hii!+■ ni;i.dp'''it i)0.s.siUiQ ■ o;t;o-..disti;i1)iU'6VMOU7iU Plfo^ ■ Jdii'^b •iii uUdi<incb^v^^ be 'pacitod -liito-ai^jnyriidstaridi^^.'^^ -y ■ •..Circus..^abts;hayfc repeated So; V liiaiii^,, .tini'ps... year l6i~./y^r,' ■.'at. : these'- faiiv daU'S,- fhat- vhc 'hq\>i'..iuur: aicdl hotC' is. beinji we.leb.nied;' £^s; a '■ .'■ gi'ieat cliajiec. iit■ hiunyVspots^ Oi^^ : ' Vupibffrs jv^^^^^^^^^ toi iSxy-, in\'l)QS'ilions, \'dnd-'liiost ;-ijeiVig ;-iBiopicjc.d viii^e.: sii-icijy. ;0r.^..tho; dATe-dcVil'..catoffbr^^^ f/---'- V ^^Ylth- .thoso iiiu,si(Naisv;,th<d; out'iVosts ' .V arc • ■■eett'intj:^''l^^^^^ de -; -.liJSe .'; p^ptavia/^';ll9d.!?e: •,;'l) ,- :iBt^ie,. tv'<3)ii-.th6: y^^^ '■■■Vi'^c n»Usic£|J's . ojaid WS.' -DQcn at- 'tem^t€!4|;ije[bre^ .li-hasjfoiily riiwjntiy , bcconvo sucicessftil' ci .tli'e, rfidiri.! ■' ^Iriud^^aiVodkcr system s; iand 'bcGau$c ■ the; audien.v.p.s •.tln'due.h :ithpir. «.o- - ^■jiiilainiranptr. AvU^^-:W^ .iiadl.o',\ii'nd tnljv.---. ; <?i!!5,' have • .Ij.eo.oine .■..a.pci^s.tpnicd. ■ he!,arfpfir-. voicej^- ■ and /musical--over a :■ /iaecl)':dj:i<[ic^e ..-: '. .- VTo'iiv. .inx^ iippcaraiicc- .liGrti. with: ■;" - Ji;! - liifj' Ixt'i.u^ '\ tvvro . s.ui'ts, • akvauhtiTis.:-to ' i'J.jMO,; .• ',"T*ii-'st'- rtc^^^ ;.is ' a -.$25.000:. sta"'^,ci* .- sfiiit •.Ui'oiislit. by j Cal ■■.J''rydond.a1>K ■ ■. foynier.- yaUit .. .io,^MiX^ ', Kirydcnabl^ . V ,a'ic'^es/vtl.).jv.t ^.Uc •: A\^as -..accused of ,;. ^ yteaiihe.,^ i 1 SUivdase.. . o.wjitid ..: by Mix. -.aind • cblritaiiiiiiRy ■more-.M^^ . ilOO.flOtfl.■ in iWbney .-. and, • spciiritios - i. --.whijn.-the circus: ijlaycd-i^br^ ■■■■■■ ■ '-Juno-If).-; '-^^ ;v'--.-' ■■ Hb;^alicges Itha; Mix:msili'cibils^ . -;i(;nd. -. ^y.ithoili- rpfopor' .'oa.use' /.('bm-; ;,. .plaiiTod tb police• tlVqi; h.C: C ttic ylilct)• .-. ''ielojiioiij.sjy slble,-.'-t.ook and;CiU'i:l.ed ■ ■a.iya.y the siiitcase Q6»vta;iniii^ inftlfTcy; .. . and "socuritiips iji; oices^^ of itOOvOftp; :, •'.An' e.mployr of -tlib .c.frcus, ratciv;ar ; risMc.fl.. inl' ■tlic-Vw'cst' ■svho - adiiiitted^i)^,^^^ .• ' ..Jrig- d ;.KentbnGC^:-'iii' tlib.-.jStatb. piill.^bii ^-.'riat ObncordV V..'-. v>' . -T^hb-'second. a'ctiorf.'^^^ ' Mix;- ■ ■; .lor .i2;000^ -. • Mbbv-e^ ;: . <3oivbpr.cI.'..Aibbfe ■' is i.seck'i rig . to- .qui - ■ ■ '-jbct.. l:h'e■ ■$r|6Q.0"'rc^^^^ .Avjiicij -J^I.ix ' . is ^alleged: to' hayb . bTf!6re(^: 'for tile : -a'iebbvc'ry. of ,.tiie. .stolcii. stn'tciVsc. and '.Us-, contents.-V^^.oe^^ ;-;cbyerbd,vtlicV.f>viitoaso'. and .bbthincd. ;• ■ -a: bon^ssiort'. '. frbnj-::thc-. manJ -. ■ ,v-i<^i!y(ibjidjVlil'H...: siiit.-^ ^ ;Mix ■ \vas bntcred -in.: t3in'.<?V»Qi^^ years oi'.o-. : liast. ivcelt'was' tlic Jir.stf time Mix iCT^^^ jur'''i .: dictioit of. -I^ ;iranii).sb1i-e cpvirt^ , .eliicc: .tbc- suit wa's' iristitiited^by. liis fprj'ncr Valet.- $600 irCirc^^ ■■ ; v;-..'Bridjj(yiortM;Jiin ':.;::': Tlie' G'redt;iSbrbpcmn. Hbyal- Olym- ■ ■;..:; pic. ciVbus .Kris. been foiled; t,P-\pKij; ; nin ;\;ic^'te7ided Jviaiidy;' -:in-: "Biinijury, ■.'■witlv i-l.s tents ai.ul.: btlre'r ocjufpnie-Ut ■■. fittsuilved- by l-iat Ciiy- iii>eh*abtf». for •Tv-iibirrpa^;\ii<^(i- .of 'biUk,-..i-'-^v ■-^j o '■ l ' ho 44^i;iiaii^ /ooi U. r Ai't'e d- 1 :ii jJs.';tntfil■ : ■ ^ing^ $C.0b^.ivbj1c ivxbiliiting: Xhptn . liist . .-•.Wbekl'u'mi^^ -j ■ .-.can j:^ps:lbtv iib^'tv,^ ■■-.•..sixv'horscs- Avbli a-s-.^-j.'.ni:ijrii:bor' o ; •/ -.lotliei?; aiiinhys .bVned -byVtbe '>hQw- . • :vv ,!jn()Wod io -pi-o.^Vbca - io vPopIj- ■:,;ifiit(ii)>^N;.5rv.b\ft't^ -^ina^isciit.s HTJRt-'IN TENT. COLlAPSi: jiidijuiai^oUsoJyiinp^;^^^^ ■. ■ "i^x^. Ja'nvvs" 11 ia:nii!,' .Avifb of tlu> .■:anvy.'i;)nt;c^niVpftt oi!;;vli.p ;(J.'^n^ • ers- li'j.w-Avas' scv^^^^ iji.juFPd Ifisit woC'li during- a::viitds^(,u'Viv;;^v)Iile'^Ib' y a;i tra V U(i n : \v a^s^ at;: feu lbni;:H b b: AV^a s ■ .Striii.-'U ^)iv tbP ' ja^t■■. bV 'u fallibp t^nt .pole;.. '■[■'/:'■'.. -;;;. .;Cin• li-j^' -x, i-vii ;^PpUli ] ist-d,; Syi t b.. sey r erhl .\<;Hmpiy! sTirr^c - itii.inbi' ;lniuri!es."''' V-:.-^. V-'" ■. ':■ "'-r /;}V^^;'/■••;^ ^^'hieii^crv,- -jirrfev-15i--^;\- ri in y iln« - ariui i ir J.i JsVi Ic''yt.:-s).i iT>v,.. - after' !-.ho|di nyiy. (tii tv'*i\o'i;. ] -y Pairs;'-. ')v.yy of -i-lip ■.'H^"<ii'.s-riV inv' liiie- yu'ipsf'foii'- of a'dvant'C .lalltntr.. -an,d.-Vls.;n«w yo.rt.itiiivff^b' iwp- .wbfikij: .ttkcacl ^:in -. ■■stpa^l.qt-'tli.i'e(>;^ •AdvatHaKPs'-hiV'tb^^ xitjiiily - ..ty -.bbutijib-. --tbG .-.rp.u.ib .' l.bat- n^u('lt-. - c.asiPi',' , .^iid ^ci^■lt!ng...vb.5c^u;,ii.■^'-, onc-,thj.rd.'■<).l'i-' '.the.. • ad.Vertis)n&. --cxr, trPl.iSe's, .' • o.^iitu'iaVIy'-':-. hfij -bjMbOiil:d^-.' witlr-fentids--.<ai.N:i«^ j:uniiine^i.p.;-i'',' bif?.--.nibnoy ;bvcr;^li.i'7.' $40 GVoss^ Brnn Bfe^ ■ And ■ Girctis.; - Attached; .: ..,.' ■ ---.Dii'ibMry, (joiin-, 15;''.^ ' .A f i^v : .pla'y-.i.n g' .ij, : i b'tV da fe. -.iiV-re- tlTi; ti^i.vp1i3■.'pf^ l1)p^.liiry;il .;0i-yi\v-. ^1ia. <.'iri\us. ectnVb; tO 'itji a'liruiH-, end.' ■V,it.b.-!Lhc .'spVying-or aii aVta<'lVn'ir'nt' b.y '.ti;j:he.rifr.. .i'All'.'.tivb: 1^ y-b 1 w ,~^vns'sclitbdj.->y^^^^^ y,fyvi-ij-o'.' an tmals,.' ii-s^' .^it;'.- \i'a?^ '' IW^tniL;-.- :t<trid('d';; fo.i-; .1^6 -' jun.i"lv^^o■; jl'bok'sUill; ^S-V- .Y.'y Abtaoiviho.hf ■. \yas'-*:t''o.-' cbyt^r lijlls ■ tor fbod .-fbiv -t.fvb^.aiiin^^ tiwl..":;por.<^o''nnplitatpr- a juiniUpvC bj^ Wyits;. .wert/atrSiA^ :for , <it'bPi\ .billH^ .ii'vvHidinW. nbwsvt;j[iipr.: a!av't:'j:t.i..sin^^ : -. . ' pV.ribrnianc\-|'^i tp^ka've..<V.:-!f>(fl|V:' 'l-i lo K'' b-w. h<i^] iioen on -the. 'xb.'id\* .\v.Geks. ''. Circus'-• '.: .,'rhe'. ^l.ingiing -.s.hbw ..tboic tb caii- vfis- last nibivtb' in'- IJrbokiyn and was gi?^eled the: jlit'st • -fob)* dayis', ,.S^ith stba;ay'ntlns..: The Ila^fc-nbeCk-.'vVal-. iacb ptit-fit' iiad ifs 'Met - debut *; iio tjha$e ■'Oypr-tli.C-riVpr ,.r^'slOn^ -..ljist.; wbi>k.,and virtually .tjie-.same :tv«ather' tjr<<vall ea77' TJi.ursday..(ii)\ it clcaredvjihd /the night- pbrfprfnahce -.' v;"f nt -' to capaoitjr,. . t>ivcn rca .New '.Ybiic -iift'ci'- .ilib' l>ig /^How. .Avjas tb iafrbfd .Ih'bbi<Ji;n .-a^ehance^ t^^ biydo i3oatty;! tb.e;- ffr:ca-tbstrpf' p'lie.'? pnt'day.' ttnirtial trainer's; . . Ilb'wjvyPr.., the IL.^'VV'. shbW '•vvKs n ' 6t.''fai':.a\yay. trpOpinfTv-t-hroiish.'Jersey. noV; .' -j^oatty . • v.'a.s . di-nfted " fVoni : i-th.e. 11.-"VV. .".putat .tb. ' bols [i\v ..Hin'^^^lilip's Ma.d':isbrt:.''S(|:iiare ;.tkir(,ica-.-.:datov-.and - lie j'lrby'Pfl' .lis-.'s.chsalibhhl-as'.'l.tbutp'^^ iCirider. .ca.nyas,. his - .pe.i'forhi.nncb.. is . pv.cinjbe.tlb.-i'.; .-'.-The;tbrill- is. there.; No. inivn' canV'iviit-' jin sbbw'i.he. -d?).(?-i.' AVfth rrt'.ifalcTctj^^^^^ l3oaj..l'y -j.s --on.' 'j-athbr. <!arly". because, of the. {ime . reaviired tp . disniihntl,'? the.:;a.r.eria.';'I-;a't'(pr. is us?.d:>.f;pr" P/ir.t of .";thc siK'Pi' Nvbic-h -by .the' wrty-i!?.. nibrc .. ilrtshy.; !thAn' ;-ltiriKlinjj.s,. and 'ftuit.b'.su'lted :t0- tJre' yokels.'',.. : -; -. ■; lipatty . ;'ne'd ' to . ;.the '/^.-^y^ sli<)\v-\vhcn- it oiSehed-ln Gln.biiinbti, \y-Vvere . it. •■.w%s.Vc6in.i/inp.d 'with .'^.be' :fi.obin.sbn. shnvyi -.iViaking .it^a!;, 3i.-car. 0. utiit-.-..: IIp\y. nuich? of the.'Jlbbinspii '• shbw-join»?d .vih was not patent,' but .tljie ,'bjepliaiit''s; arb - in'ipbrt.sCnt. '.• -I'lie herd is 16!;Stibng,:wbVlfihg.ih.-prbiip.s.. of-live- in -thre.e yinks< .Girls .«'prk .the-big- fb]l.o.\ys|'.which ina^ shpwihipr;.-'gpi'nfr oTitb the ^ track'..for tlie ' flhalb.'stunis;: - ' ''. . ■ /' :. Show is grblatly 'gfren'pth'ened ...Ipy i?o.bdlps. :Jfantipfprd :and.; the'faihily,' th<5' CWrks,': wbo are, \lping .ail. their st-.iifC. '^-Pdpdlos was. ■■easily; the .itKlivrdual -Jiit/bf-.the - perfornT- ancb; .Irfb )s: e.Io\^^ :inoire, thirtn he used. tb'.,i'n t^vc'Jlin.qlihg show it made- quite-.a: hit yirifh' thb; hie.ksj Fiirlbcrinpr.e/ hb-a'nd -Qtta ci' builcsfjue boxing J-hit,- poiiifj on' 3s- a ■ sppcl.nj'. displ.iy.. ..sevei'^air ri'unihct.s. ;iiftev:'thb,Iam]ly tu,rnr' -■ ;•■ -'-. '■. '.. ' ■'^;i • • ;Thb Cih.rk.s^pai» in- an.;.e;ciuc.s- trian turn undpr ihb. Q.rt-uscd -n.a-nie.! bf' i3rnpt;'to.s..'.':. /i-li.pji-. '4's ; ■ Clark.-^- .sOiii;lns; .they• c^oi),.--a''nti(in: i'li • 't'hc [\ yi-ng .-disi)lay;■" Clftrk. -is .^a .^'I.assy.. flier,- iaiid.i^l)'"ei;haps' -rifine^ iih- ''dpr • canysis Li.s-- a,s ':pbod: bxcept'. 'Jhe PCeVle.s's Alfrc'da. .Codbna. , ■ ■ ' .■■ ' ,. A .high, wire .■OLCt;:.lhe •>Jb>'.ss .Troupe- fKilt in d.rbs.s),-. ar.c. bh. .sblo/. The v$tVints arc. pii.ay,: .but thp ..t'lirji (^aniirtt . pbn)i)ai;p." With-..- the .. 'SV'al.- dbhas. . .Tliree " iiljcrty -.-l^or-se -bets took .the ring.s \yitlvati-exc:elle;nt dis'-, Dlaty hah;dlcd. by ^Roda lipybl, pewey. . Bu tibr a^d- :l<y<l'' JJay is..' - The;- 'menag.p diisfiiay.'wn.s. well, .peopi . The bai^-" nbn-'aGt':lbok.pd,-\sbcond-rate-. -^.', : Formerly thdi- Jt.-,W^ 1. zed.. .in w i Id. a n i nVal ac ts,. ,bu t: tiibrn dvc; only. tWo- .at: .ur.esenli. -Pj^'ior, to' Bputty;.. A 'niixfJd/-Anlnial.,. act' -was h.nn<ili<'d.:by^lionardL'vpral.. tigers are 'on- pede.'=tarst .libaKs. an ;tli<5:.nriain i^t'p^ft. ■ y':.. :■ • ■ ..■■ .; ■' ■- .-. The;.wild .wPHf .A'cftncffi'-i'v-'i.^ b'allyiVbppdx'' A patent ^ rCfrigbratbrr- ..[ j.s. ' ged I'kbyy:!s.e al-so- a hi'fitny:"ciir . w'ftli. tTie, prlbt 'li^inted. phi . The' cai; ys.-.u>.pd ;.t'b.^i■u n .-.acrpss. a :c.h*'St: •■ 'Kpx' .'do - R'.osi?(rUi.-''^y.notb- -:iij.o •..^pec:''.rt.('ilden'\Onbnt.'' .cils.o' l'iahlliliVK thie 'slirt tue.^tr- liari'-y J..-McFai^lffri. ;|s- u e ."s'tr i£tii; d i rbet oy-^ ,.iinxi ■ "Wi i I i ani .3-.'! •.\Vilkeii j.s .i lVPUd'. of ' tke. ifidv.ani.-pV p p.brgb.' .A d;k i n«;: . . gf; npi'a'J ■ n.i •'.! nni;c r.." '■• T-iiP---plibw:.' is ■ ?v; ^a.«tXmv":; - ..■■It' -if:' •amnns^ -■• t-hp--' iniijor. ::.c|i'j;i:i';''s^ '.'''.•■ Vihf\r.p.,;^:,biii.y. -oiip. v( Ui '-hiiSy. f-linw; '.Ring}i'n^;^lfnVn'niii '& ^'taijoV.-V-'; Lhcr.- ■-'- r: / ■-' f' ' "!' X*b;icajD^ri;>.^,Kiuif.^rV^. y . ''LpwIs.y^'jrirU^S '.h gva'l >rM.;.ii. ■;\l.;;.>>(i.tii'; ■ ctn.-.vjj^iTCtf. .«li(i\v..^-and ..y.-il-i- (ifibn: ,rtt;^i'"'o.ri.'i,-: 111., ...jiiry' ■■j';; I'pr' a JVjili* diiy-.strfiid;. - - - [■''.,, ■ ■■-•.■^'hbw; ■i;i;ill lif :*'n.larji' to.''<;C rinks- fpi" Ih"p. ■oprh'siph "Sy ii-l.v ^ i.v;' 'jJ" roycfi ''biff->li""its';l)hpori<; -Uoitis;.--' ; .'.-;:-^'^-''.-''.•■-'■•'.-..../■ .-■ er .,-> . ";■; ;';■ :-^WbCbci5tci^,:-'Junc.:-)^G^ .:A'a'ude. - arid-'';b.tfi:br'■. typOs-^'-'o'f 'a'ctw; hjivb . c^as.bdv to. .'draw las .added. • at.;. tr4ol;l6.ns.\.fbr;fairsi.:a^^ .to 'tlip, .Massabku^etts.'V .As^bcXation'. '.T'CN'O years ajcfb .thc;..3.ST- sbciatipli ,-dftck that-i t;; waS- bbccs;-^' sir-y- tp'..fiiirtilshi pat'rpns-. wiy>y''.thib nb.W/ and ;tlib di.ffbiAn.t'' -in ni^nti ; -Th.b New-/l0ngland,.Fi^^ ybivr,^-. presbnted : vntu'^ica^^^^ Avfth-'a ' bast^vbf.;i.n,c.ipaig .{irrd;-: a -;(ii'()rKp'il- in .l-(*s. AiV/J('Vps... 0 UUP 'S..; 'v.l-lc'':.SY,as -ukp--. Vif . U;i> :~rUar ivi'i'iiu''t-hp--' i>iptiirp industr.V rt.nd- it '\vaK\-his- -nvcd i:\trons. ■ wlii^'h; Uh} ' i-ij ibb.vahiiiridv.nn^pn r.!lb{?ra-iih^'patvn.t :'.siiits. ;an'd. .'lliv^.'.'ps^,- -^Vi kl iV*rnb.i-i1;.' < jf - i h e '* I'd ■-Ni i> ti i.->ti.v l ' hi^. - tiiivs i>a(i^ktsj^jf'C<;; ..ikp-'i:ih l-\i;(ln.ii\- a',4 -.ill.((>■.• :v.i;iVnt, foi'-. t;i'airn:HViu: ai>d-. i^•f .b:■|^i.:.■i K.rpn'CTy-^; .VVi\5 Kit'l;n...:lii-ovr.Qh:t-- to;-:^ 'pininti'j'-; :'.lj.up.,'-:>:adi.<'- .ili:p.:-.-tli>i - '.Tilin J- vti'n.i.r .khbx'kV/ ;•.-, yC-- 'C':-- ''■"■■.'::•;••■•-, .'■•.Jvt. • ilv'iV->'^*''"Vi<ti;i»'n-- bf-.-u-hc .-I.'iU'pnt :ii^<y'ft.-;^y;vs iiitbjViti^d/ tbat:-;hP-;''slVi«n.kf ■.bo; ■Qii'P- ' cd' ",ilu> '.■'.ni'cn /-iii --tkp^:.-np\v^^^^ .^tuuiicd Iv a lb;'i; y'o. iijW^^ ■UTa.f, - tivi.dc'vnahvc; Vvfl-^:- sbiUikbd 'by jiini; 'Sarn ::l;Qbw: ai>d •i'''"Jin% Kuppl-yh'vff tlvb <ythe.r ..cxin.'^ot^iv-ils -Wit-li. 't ii.p aitapiV.' voMyls./.''.lI,p';lbf.! ,tb, ret.'ii!) ..tke'- .-r,'piuy.sp.ntki-ioH bt -tkiC,..-ifrb^iicb- i(.lrtn^!.':".^i .~' ■"■ ■ ''>'•-"■.■■ .,-A-rtpr:.llH5 disSvilbiio^i of•ih'c.-.Ti'.'us.t; ■iifiid- -llTe ^CipiVpi-ki -i'ViltnV-kb.-'.'rpinaiiu'il- ry.-tivb-.' ••■-.Il^v .alHp - ■ha^d- Uirgb-^ opUc.a inlssrest^:'-;'- 7^-.' ' chprus..: .Adtuially: it/ -inbi'e of'.b- .fdij-;!^^^^.;-'-^.;-:^.' i-\,y'-'y',■[':■■ ■•■'^y ' I'bis year;. howd-verV ■ tli.e; asisbbiq.r tipn - his/switched to, thb/' idea tlva.t; ii'v'ip.stQek;-b>ckJi4t^'-should s J ■/. ed H P.. a tt r ac t. pat'r.b n^gbi:... 01'li n i on .1 'C ,tke ^ ni'emtrbrs -is ■ iho' typev bf fi-pt'bV:i©^ttslyt^t>re.sbntet :.sGbn - at theoi^res or circuses. ;■ If. a' so-. f:\vas^ pbintbd.'; buf;Ntha.t 't-kb riiriai. .ffiiri - ily, -.■■vi:hose m;embers-''rely:niaihj.y •t-ke: (tnpusil.-.f^^^ nieiit''.,knd' .recreq;tibn', is ' becgih iTi.ff . i; rarci" 'with-; aivtp.s. Jaod,' S.rtod-.--j|^p.ajI^^^^ bi;i-jty.,-to. thb- .thbatccs.:'-'■. . ■ ■ ■ ■ •'•/..s-:"'.;:..■'• jAI-'0.'; Barnbij, . ■-.fuhn-.17, ■ JRtin.itello.'ltln..r ■"18,-^ SliOHh.hoo;. Ul,-^v>fa;ii.i)q; -2p,.-]Jolsi?; '21', - Mountain Uortic; •.-■■."■'.... 1; ;, ."?ros.-.': -)0,'-if ntJidrtm...N., Yi^; ■1.7. :'Miia;ij>:i..\i ■ .]». ..Wi^ClViVfi; .10,' ■Snr'anac' '-L,iike-; .20,,. TIcbn-.; jU'roKa'. •'■ ■.-.■■ --• - ' - ■ .... .• ' ■ - '.-■. -Uentpy ;Brosi;^:':''- .■•June -Ifl. ■'.itoo^inslon,' lll.-^ . l7.' ■Wa'tpdca; IS: . .ktmlartd,- .Ind.;--19, ■ Retuwe'liie'r; 'HO, .M.oijvt!ifce,..--.-m.^-; .■'-.■ . ■-- -.-■'•■-,■ .■■-'■:."■- -M'iflkty .:-Ha-a'g'-.'..- ■ -■-.-:■.■■.- June •:iC;,. ShioDLl.s, ind..| 1.7, .Mttcho^ •. : j\ -Trtage'ribeck-Wajlace,;;.:'.- . .j.ii'iic.'lC- -Xx)rifr''iirancli, -Sr.-. J.; -It. "N<!w. ■■.l-trUnswrrtf^; 18, Tr'enloh; 10, .Britlg'-lp.n; ■ Atlantic .GIty; 22;'-CiHn(lcn. . i -' • ■'. - - . '-ilbwis.. Bros/. . ■.'•V./ y; •':-. •vTunei'l&rZO.; Tcrrc ITauie. l.nii. , V .., "■ . • .iviillb ■ -iTuno. id, Vdyloni' O..; ■17. :iVn(lcrEyn,.-ln.i1.:; -IKi. Mnrlofi; 10; ihdljanapulia,; "20, VConiicrhT ..yi)|ls!;.'il, ■einclpnatlj ..O;; -,'"■.;■. - . -. '- •; - '\.; Rln'giingVBarnum / . ." ,junp. jr.-lO,' Plttsburgl); 17; VroOnieslown; O.;. IS,..Akron;' 16-20, <;lcvblnn<li •■ - .-; ■ .-'Selb-Flotb "•• .. Juiif IC. Anvstcrtlam, N. y. :.17,-KinBSl"";. ■1M;' Nc\vf>ur4;li; .lO..-Jersey .City. -N. J.; 'M: l*ni(>rsoh;-. 22, ^ BlnpriamlQn; . .N/ .T.; ;■-ist. .Iviiac.T;. 2J. Klrtilr.1;. 23, ..<)lciifl;. . /-.- -"^.--.,---' .■-.':■.;■ ■ Sells',-Stjerl-i'hg-:-'-. •:. June' iS. -eorneil.. WIs-^;'.■;i7, -Bllodniie'r.-. . '■■■ ■-."■-■'.-/ -S'riy'dep"-Bros'..--. ■■.-■,■■■.■: jurf''-iC, 'j3o-ivn'8vl.|ie, N.: .y.; 17,^■Cpb^^fi^^^- . io>vii,,^ ■■:■•■;. ;-:.^-,„.^;^-;:.; -'y' ■( Fp.r . current. ./We^k--^Juno . ;15-:2CM^^ •- -When' nbt: cthepyviiie- ■Indicated.) • ■-Arnorit-aiv-lixiiijt-'l>.J.ii«burKhi.-. ■ ■ . ;. - Urtiwn ' Ineiillil--(Juuv^erncur; -J^-, T;-r A/l!itT)3,-22-27.. - ^; !■ ■ : ■ ■:■■;■-,; ^-^ . -Uruce—St.. C!a).r,.-.Pa.-; BrKJBtJ.own^ .N,'. J., 2''*27.- - -'- L ' ■ . '. - ■ - - -'^ - -O(uok-|i Ernprre-'-Motitlftf'Uo, NJ- T.. :' ; ■ :'. - aipitalr-.'VVafipclc.n, ..N.-; D.'. 10.-22, ■•■,. ■j'ollln Vt--."iV^llivj.a—Shlnn'sfpn,' • W. Va.; ftlarUsbiirK-,'22-27. -.' ,...- . - .flirlKt Unltcd.^Stfnttpn, •.0<'- •: -■ . ■ ■■ -;. Cue Brbs.-'l'lUcsvlili!, - .ley. } .McJloberlp, -22-27. " -'■ '■ ' '" ■ ' '. -. . ; ■(7*)rcy-^:Hoyfr!'t'i\»n,--. Pa..-■. ,. 'V . . .■^■|Viri;rt-(:irlluriVliU«,'f .i.-. , ■ - ' ■ ' ; IJV,..|s6hri^VV;ate.rliiv,-rt, Sr--D, . , --:-':■ ' ■ J)icV«'--Ilans''"'. -Mo.-- '- .' . - -■• J'Jmiilrp -fJt/ito-TraJififilP; -N..-J. -. -;. ' ■ ■ '--:t';nfly.^Moutii-.*:hunl<., ..r.a-. • .-• -' , ;. ..rairly-Ullnloii, ...jlj.-. - i : . - ■ l.'Inn<l'-rH -2(11 Iv-t'<M/tUry:-^-Hr-)ljinKliAU), N.. p. :.;-KliriniMSv-cTw\vJ«Jl. ,S.>rlhK!!i. 1<V.- . ; ■. .V '>r;iliJi.'-.-^Hortoi7,-^-Kt'n;. - ..•',-• ■-.-- ^■j4fri-h'—filia-i^rtn^-Bav'—-^ i' ' -. -^ — -—^^-^^ ■:, -■'.s^^-l't;-'.-\VOrHi;-, T»^x,.. • • ■ . .■4hj;.iiiii^tt«i'y. i.<ia;:-. ..-.-v . . .. .■:'- .- .-. ■ K:uis^l'';n:'lo.rV.-.M'l---. - -.■ -...s. '.-■' '-' -. -Kt-inr-if' -:AV;i.i->i.nj.;t<)r!/ J?-, .P, ' •: - ■ -i;<w;-jj'i).'/..i|)' iiituri,-' 'r.t'nn, -■. • ■.. ;„■ .•.-•.•■.v^.;('^•.^.lIl■•.'^i^;l!■•blll-.v.; .. ■ ■•,.-.M.)ir.!i-*''•;a-.i;<-'-.--:Wi'iitri,'-,vMlJjr,. - .'• - ..-■tili\(-r^-\Y,i,«tilii^n'in,'la.^ ■. . ir''.n'i^.cin^-A-ll:rnl.!r. .'Ill, -.;■ .-.y ,-• - ■; '.-■. . ... ,<^vi'ii)\'.- i.\''wii)-k,'.vlj.».|.>.- - ■-.■-. -- •- ■- - ■ -. • /. -,.-'i'(.ir"-- ).V,1 hit--:!"', •J-'lii.l./Oi'r'Oijip.- ".2i ' - - .Vi.-ltll JCikfiKtr- f.'.'iCmrL'Thii■.!<. ...y- -!>-: :-".--v.i)iiji>n--Ti''r./.t'.Jitiyijh ■fiV.^ -Y.- -■ , . ..-I.<-.>;i.:.>. i'Uf^Kl.urnll. ■( ■ ; . .:- ..--■ '•-, .. „y-^ •..•••> rjii.(-K..]-'T'(..r-i tf. J Ik. ■ .'--■:■■'•■: .-:-.\\-,..t)-.Ii:.^i!-«-,K; -1,1/1;.-I.ij ■' '.-<■': :■ AV'-y<',i:,.-:;y)^.-'i;i.^ -Nil.-.: -;-■■■.;,-■..':■; -' lVr..-'f'r:i-^l.;i-f!Sl.'■<ii^U-'-lr;" k.^';.-.'.. ■ . ' .■.-.-i<l.M••!^^^;~/-.■(irsiWp,..-Ill,- . . -•;,,■: -"• . Sydney ■..KbsphfPld,: Anicricari :div'tnfktist,'..:(iled. in .iu 1-3 :iit kis kpiko- in Nevz -york;., ■.' -:■ ■■, ; . 'J'.Ii^s;. first 'play- '\ybs '-i)n>.()iu.ce-d .'.ds -ii: ^bvirlesqiip- on; ."iki^e -Michbr :at. 'the bid iiagle. "thba tre.- l^aitLdv; He, •keckni.e ■editor .:bt.P'ucl\^..itb,-.mai-r^ CJeriie .Jphpsptt, of Lbn.dp^,. whb.s ;h.itn.;.". '■'^!^V -., ..^.■./../■";;';.-: •-:• ■:-; '■■ ' ?. Ani'pnp.:Si))'nfe of tlie'piays kb':Wr6tc or cb-outhbrpd lYu'lkdc/l'/V'Hbuse of i;jirds> l-'Tlic- IC»ni?^S',CVirnj.viO;V^ *"l?hb -ijady or thb:'Tig.eiV..' ''-'^hb Vanderbilt' • .T.HQM AS..W. P.pWN^^^^ ., ;::7'iv(ilkas;\V^{.i)ii\ynji;./lJ^;i^ iiKPr -'a t.';;-K(4^h■$f,.^ Y., ■. ; -ilk p the bonsb I'i'Pnpd. and a .th.p-,' iU'^rc -'inau. ;l.(k'/a'-finos-(- a- -ititlp ■Cpn.tur.v; ■.:•. ittirti;'y.'<lti'iTp'. .,,l:;k/-.; I'lrvyni!. ' ^'pnyproiiy" ih^'w ;li(tsL-np.^.y,.as■'■(I'.^i'.f.-viip ilvaiiid. aV.^ -•- \iiv;.^ild;-:^!.al;^;spp^^^:^r^ila^i •iiv^.sjyva^;■■-'; ■o.HS(\../jik.ii.s<.'^((ii<^rtii\y lur t'(,)tUii'-.'--:,, v;(K-^>;■■^vlibrp ■-'):■t\- ,^Yas. s^rag^<'--^pi.aViiK'i^or'.. , .^it t)i)p-';rt:lrk s't;.l\(viisp;' ./iCpiili'j^/thbiv /•. V>;akstpyrt>iy.ktnr iix ;V^-ip;i/and^-,;i;i;^Pi;- ;: ih.a t-.-; .l;b:''old. (.('(-ajii liliu!<f-.:-:-' . tiv\SyV<*iui'^Pif..Kbr;a. 'tiinb,'. i(iyr'rb-:U\'Hy ! ^-^ .Ink .bis'.l'Uyt/ .tb.r'iki.. Iipy \\'a;s- .sHfig'--.; ■ ■ i,uk'naii:c-r. ■ Hi .\Uii'~- .-I-o-j;nicr '■■-■k'lc'a'l.-' r-kfikiblp, ■.:.;:;;..;-';'-y-;-..t.c;';. Mr. ■- l)ii\mS:-.' .is. .:su'rviYed; .'iVy '■'■ii':/ vv-i'.^lo\\\ twp,..daulBh-tGi;s^ :'in'd-^.rifp- 's^stp.r:^'.;--•'■'.-'--; -.-. , !■ v".;.-'~y~' ■>:■ EdA' c, 'VINTON :> - ■/jciif£\ - CUay'tok yint'oh,.'-77',; .dli'd - Ik .'i.' ^>^Pv^^ Yb'rk- J vine -fi.S .of i.nfi'rmi.t'ib'a.'^oi. fviy!\aif;e/ .;■■;' \y.-. ' ".' !'/■;//.'■ .:/- -Miss ,\''iritori. -niadb - lypk-fifst'fst.ifti^^ irppear a.Oj\'• i a. C^hl had ■-•'licp'n -/niarrit:''il'-.twico, -'. hp.?'' firi:- kusband- ■beitig;J'''ra;nk IJvnrjs,:-;;^^^ : \\'^tk■.;^«'m .;-sUe;:-'pla■y^>^^. --in .--li.^^^^ ' S:^injivbv'lfs - "'Tker t'Tallpy '-Siaytf!. ak<v-. :• 'TP'filrfax;'; ■:^.;artd> h^br/second/■J;ibint -: ^■itprace ■.Vlnicin., .■aiso; an -laotbr/'liiC;' •' whPsc'suti'ljbr't she .appefU"bdciTi/''.T)ib f: jiukawa'y 'AVlfc'-^ and. '!liy:irkbst -ftu^r'.-• -sia'.'.'..'.- A d'akgAvtpr'' surylves...V •'..'. :.'. . ' >v'Iritbrnient\ iri . Actprs^;. il'".und/. idot, :' '.ICbrisI'co' bbhie-ter.V;- - . - -- ;■..■..- -. - Ohp." ..'-The Acr.P ;Glub;r ,VThe~ Sen- ^itor/';;/iMllo!.isbiiie;,'' ^"riib^':Mb<'k-- Ing JUirdfyi'A .Mak .-df/tdbas,'*'">rkc 30iii. C;pmun- :CUH;'^./^^ 'ahd ;^•Tl^e'6ptim■^st.:i^'-//.■•'.■;^'.-:-•■.■/v.■r •/ •-/iic-. SPrvpd :;, is. ;i)rb, pf the -Vri^ lii/amai ist a/ Sop ib(y. .bnb' time and-'bf-'thb N^IU bf-Thii>4trb nukS;:;./. - ;,-.^^./'''■ ::•. .; intcrmbnt in .Mt.'Klscp cenlfefei-y-.. /'.■'/..;;.-/;■■ HENftY ;>VINFREP. . . ; ■)|IonVy ■\Vinfrodi CO, ;o.f: the colored- -yandc ;.tbaki/ df, .tViiiCred'. and '^^li.ll.s, ■^i^A ■.aii ddPn 1 y' .of 'h &art f aii ik- ID.^wiurb at tke •-■at. Ucdrgti.thbatrp/' ^latcrL-.f^icthd;;.;^..''^,;/ :>;/:.;.//:. / ^: -:. A-^keV^-:..stt}ry-..'p^ his/dertilsc/ajpr..' p^ai-s. fii the., yauijo .'.sectk).k.^;o^^^^ issubl'^ ■ '-.■-- '• .--';.■ .'/ .-. •■; ..■■\. /■ r ; M QR IS p. F R A N k E L / ;:^Mc)rris'/.jD:v. jy'iianlibl.v -1^^ ^.l>ietu.i:!i--^ ;theatrii:. .pperiitbr.' of .Cirvciknati'/;dled. : ' (Gpn:tinkbd on Tiige^ 63)// ' ^■{■■■' /. in; .back . of. tin?. splJ t. -lit' ihc 'firni. pC yyirlth and >Tainird,. we'.l known, in .■■^hc.pntdpor booking .field,'.is-.tke .Qaeenbdro tlvektrc,.' ivli ich, tl'ieiy .biiil t>s.'ajjo, - -Thb-hpusc/reprb-. sehts •a/. lpss- b.f; ^ .$.225;00.6 and u.ndet/-: the. -ierms- /of ..../the/-.RalQ .of- Wirth's . IriX^rb-stK , .'Gborgb ; HJim takbs^;p'o,sse.ssibn of 'ihe^.-k^^ will .bondkct • tlib agency ..lyhibh.. .re'r {aihs-.Ulb. .- :.' ^,.; ■ -Frank. W ftc- tiviti.<!s aiv/prbsen^ ,:t.o^^ 'ijebn Brothers circus, of aV^ bwriPr, / .-lip.' also rbtaikq. Kuropean c on Ti fb t i on,f5 .a n d • w 111/ -irb pre sent; • -acts for foreign -bb'akj-nijs/'• ,•.--.. .";.■■-..'-'.■: . '.; ■ ' ■...All.htaVik'ePj • J uric''15.;-," - -An -'■:.85:-'!e.-/stea^^^^ . iracp/ bb^-^ 'i.>veeh■ ;-iM.flwau,kbe. ^a;lki'^Cb.ibagp' Is/ proitii.'jod 'f.fir .7uij'. fr-.M-liCTT:Ih.c^.Thbbi dbre- Itoo/iev(.Ot - .-mdi/. fiib-'Se.t^a^^ ; \v111 .slba ni. -1 h b■■ 0 js(;in r-p. fcir a .j'kiisb' ^(f •$ifl,00t),yo bp iKivpk.^tp-cbairHy../ ; '. Itabb cbni'/.s ';i.i.s a- resklt df /'lpng'- ri-valry. b^titween-- tji'b' iw.ov'b^ lio.b.'jeyclt.-.lias .n'l.w.a'j-^' IjCert-, knowk .-IS: Ibrrb yr' the... f(i.s; biiaf.H .on. tkp. (iJ,reat.;l>aicbs/.:': / ■■■ ■ . . ■ ■ .- -;: TCo^ pa.Sseh^<ys - will;,hp--r^ pitkbi''^ • -thy^ ■ only //persons -on ■ board,' out.<iidb,.thp ro.''i)ectlyb.cybws-.. b'oikg/.:ncWspapy.yi.obn-< -. '■.-.'./. '- ■■■■ ThuVfitQii Maj^ip ■ Flopi • ■ ':';.// ' /;, :;- . /••('kicaKtV Jun.P'15•.■:^ -'. -.Attpn'.uit; d'f!''.ifkrr>/ -.lIMtbrls'trin '•.-lo in.'ikS jkjQfi- 'wUit a. 'iii'.'fyio .(■■hb.v//-un^.-' dcr :-'canydy--W \<V^tryi/-^ri'd;/. .:l.'"niflp.rHtobd.: .iiiart ;t.d-. Milwaukee Makes Pfe^^^^ y.^ r S^^ /. . - /.' / Mihyakkpe,-Junip. 15. / . iVitk' Cbrheiiii.*5 /Cdrcbran,:. abtfng nipyo.r,;at/the.hb.i;in,.-M^^ a'lid Its, |But)krbs havb.'unltbd in .a.retiuest. dovernov Ua. FdOptfc- to iisc.lila.' cxeciitlvc pbwbr's .'for .a/1931 ; state fair stb. be;. hbid • iierc. aa : in former, .years.//--..-;■■ ■'■V-'■--;;■.--.:;;.-■..-';; ■' .At■ .tke [ ppo^sqnt.■^f.l-rtib tkp'-'',s''eni£itc-. .and /-assembly lia:yb :bben ki(:W the (iue.stibn bf '.kaVihg .a/.Hta fak- ;all. oyer tke plabe..:'. . Matter/ iip'w rests with a-icbrhmittPo i^ madp : up.,bf; hlPiii^pfs -.6/. "e'aO.k . libusb.: /it' .is ifCi^biy/a.:pr;i'Ct6r--of/f^^ .:^ ,-./i.l';ls - thb.^pplnion y^f .-ipading. Mii-; lhat:''th(!.. pUy;;\vill lose-' $1,000,000 /if . t-he: .falr is 'n(it';h(';ld -:a.y :usual;'" ;:y-\i^ .' ■'.,/- --y- - ;/-'/.^ / /■: One piy :Of: '■:.. : V ■'/.•'ICahtdri,' Pay Jiiii'-;. iw.. • ] ■ -Jvx'i'lp, >Aik-nt!own,- ]ia;s^"t-t;i.iy:'d - iv :..-ri.l;ci'i;'(!.' i'.i.ii-. .suiiniM^''^ j!!'k-''i'' ■ .of- • ♦'.')'' May fi •■\yopk/V7iudc i; ■ ■Rnrvtitbro^brc.■'blkiry;a^ I one -day,-) -.''./ /■.:• -/■ : ' •weird's.- tke/las,t.' ..Tkurfilori,..w.'i.y pliry.- i_iig ' a.'s'.-' an/' :"a'dfk;d.^ v.ftVl,r;iXvti.fin-'..wj yWkiV,'vl6..£U'.'rtit-Tn/t<v..Tii.'iP.f.%s.::.''./' ,'. ■;■'^-U vyi'f^k's '.'iko- y t-; llarypy, -; 111";, ■.-'^yh^)^r>; -a ' ^Til-nsl brn'v ''f:.d.- ;.his' tu-st /nikk-t'«' --! i.'/o't.-'V'M.'iu.s-vof /.•LM'ini'/'b \hnH.' it -i.lvai^ 'IMniiyt.;'HV-.:l-jf!>i., j,y(i.d J<h'.'t,'. Jriit: .vv ru'is''ai(.';.i'rlii^J - ^vb/in -■ .-hb l.trlPd . >■.!/ ri'-iiikt-'-.j-f !:b>>';i.(ii.«--f.(-ii''^pii.;- ■: .-•.■-/■'• ■,-. ■■.■•:■ .■'//4VW|eeJ<-.-E«.t^^^ ■■...;.'\- • ■■■..y • ■ r;.'-ryijl!.!.-i,.;i.ii'j, .irij->-\'i 'f';. ■ CUr}l:'>p-'' ::\> iii^ '}^^ •Alif-iiany:- -•iviliMil -'-tv^.ii..fbkr y('".•li.'-' f-.KV-ti'iij'i.iya ft r. I j l |] /.m ; h ^?i':.-ill' Ik I • I);(,• ■ SI y, i i; <> .>?! ;:;i i j^lni:ir' :lV ..J-.•!rk\y 1 n}^.';.l •{■<■:&. I iiA /-(vl■" .■ii'./ilt I ■r. i|V;,jrW-.)S;' .".'■■' .;/:"•■.'•_ ..-/.-irbf.' bill i»l'^^^.■ tfrii.;r'vi b.y/lV'.jfiriyi-ii.- .i a:';! v«', •"M'-Vi''ii :.- <■'!'/:^ SU'rih:i-'nis:yy, ] yra.w yi;;i.Ml' tly/'^V^.l:■.V.'-T^.^ -iU :Ui.-' Wfbk.; ^ ■\' ./ ;./ - Ohio Pet State ' -.; ,':.';,.; ■..; y-(;hiy:aRp,;^Jurip 15, //; H.tat'p Of p,hlo:.l's'....![kp ppt tprr'ltb'r.y ■ of-:tlio,'<;utdob.rk..AvorId . this.'a!E:a's()n. Atyprcse.nt - practibaliy' '.pvpi-'y. liir'ge biit-iht is -.teritin«: jn./fke/iitat(«.. ',T»i:i,<5-:.. takfts 'In-;thb -fice yirCiisps.'.'.Kjngljkfirr. ■ V^oid, '-1-tfi.ytanch;./^',/'■;':.: /vy . . state- J3 rty bgn l>sc.d; 9 k pnb. of .the • canbcs.«ions' (brriira'i'vs .'-i)i-. ■ ihe-^;, inidwcs't,. -wfl/lh: thb'.;Oliioaris/'going ■ irtron(?-r*jr/thb:^!Mbiy..'s^ V- ' ■/Kifigkri'grlshbW Mil ■ pl.ay. /KpringV' ppld : ■on; j.ury...-.'l, - wluib ■ Rulls-j'Mqtb- ., siiFprk;<;s../:ky. ;/pkkink'//tlib'! /.sikail • .tbwTi:'pfL-^^ijo;v'(.'i%;/0.; for ikb ' kolid.iy-. daty 'lio'v-cir-pkijiriis- ofiU"' «>6.0.0 'popu'-f. ki^iion.; .; !r ;aS:t /ypajH/ thb; 'SPlls-rkloto/ iriPk -wa.s .«p in ■..\yo'ppltsJn^-.^<Jl: ■.ti1b ■ liblidays;-.--. '- :1- '■.- ■•:-.'; ;y ■■':.. . ; .■■ ,':/'v:'/V /AlbiiTjy,; .J.iiko. ■li;l,v ;-■ .. .1JiiiK /t.hp ■. i-i;i-U, -into/vii(■• ■ li(dy• .'.br:: :i}ilio; .pay'kik ■ kibiibprSi" is' a- gwihfr yt.;: vJ-ianf-i-;. hb.l >:k.Hi; '•j^l.u .iyfi-i!< ;;riilr;fl/j'fi«t; 'wpfl^ ln-yipi|oi.d- ;lkk''vhfyp'rt.iyi';!ion/fpr'..I}i^ jkulf-y;.- '"",'<iipj'. A^ila'i.'il- ■.k'mppl;:\i'r/ii;iirP,v'^^^^^ ;'t - t-k,4 r-^^i.;'.yf';.;l/i; irlt^ - a' ' P-"Hinii-.'ii; ■Viji'pi //■.-/: ///; ■ y/^:/';;'"..v---'--'/- .- .'■ A ';'H!'boJ:rj h r • i''l.>.. - firi"'r ■ ,«pt.lf'ijIi^-i ;t li;in(^/(.(j.:' \vik' ky- jifi/y k;i.ij:ip,- a;r';pW.(.(l; likii,^■li;-'w;(>j. cWnriictp^l^and ' ■llMf-rl:, jlOO Min;/y. .ft%ibi|ns/-cli;![rj;t;; .'ny .- Shy wniii n's- .y<ij n.*?!'-! £i-ppf-a11:0 •s'vftb' t1.i.p;li'ii;li:<;r f.■<.'>url^^ulin.^^ hiijst- bb-paid,;'/'./'/.''; - ' :