Variety (Jun 1931)

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VARIETY iP I C T sits Tii^dayv; June 23; 1:931 in "J. '.•,?tVave-. fop;^"'t, -Mb.ili'.v'" fit. iibth ■:ov)^r;\;;; .v,;.:'. towrt.t'^-.qHlet, Biz'lii.>paFi- v. niocVio;: Htt ijfio.' >veek^ .anbtl)(>i'/.. 6ivo/niuiT:o'f-/" ii.i. ■tKe: dathay.'t^ Xi'r.vM J^.ttOO .prp^^ ihier.e. at -fu and - ^2,500 on. wcekonil- doesn't ;prv*iiisc nauclj; •■ Hpt.'.wefc^^^ end-Avas felt.'aill o'vtT V .i^ast w.eelviis .|*r6sfics y>:cyp as gpoi ■ an .eiaiiipfe'Of .tlVc :pvxl'li.c%s sllo'pijlne as-any.': JOiin Crawfortl's VLau.srJv- infj 'Sinners'* .star'Une ■■irit n ;^$3S,W).0 ;'pa<;^' .wound .op under. $2i,.i3QP' ' Tan- .t4ges'. excociledvexpcctati.o.ns by . lift . tine• over ilC,.O.OQ "i3hjpm£ltes.'.< It wili 'di-bp; to. over .'j.lQ,OjOb, currently wiUK ''K6cret..:Six.l.'.. .Tht ftatc'^ . •hoids- a\\ve£ik sLslcr .with '-'Nevicr tije- Twain!'^it-$19,000. • ' ■ ■ ,. •fTi-a,devvIlora''.gbes but after t^vb V'eali. wec.I{s,/;day : anft idatirie .l3pth the .• Chinese- .and ,. Criteribn; with; ^2j.8lao and..'$7,.Q.0.0 rcsiicctivMy.' "l<',ree .SDiir.-.start.? J»n'cS;.25 at.ljoth staticLs' ^bii- trintl 'and. do<^s. nptyeinstdtO; tlip- . Chinese as a i^oa'dsho.w as .^ya expected; 'fblloWihg. the. poiir stains to .hiakc: .the: ^bliy.\yood\ .deluxerv^^.d ; errind istahd/- / iiBbth:,AVarrters ■ ^yith: , $30,00.0 be^ .tween them -for. "Smart iIohey'.|.- ' Bubstahtiafes.. the w.isdoni'; oE the. .fTKursd'aky ojirentng' 'ih;auau'i;ated la'sl;. wjeek;-. I'ic.ture stays- a .second week- iii houses. The. .Iqhebr .weekend ' Jdea - is- in .-eeh^ral favor .'n.ow- Switjj^ .■ih'e .State -setting: it .farthest, .baeKvto . Wed niesday, • and' satisfied -with : the ". fflv6iday/iybckend;;''^^. • '' ■. : Parartiowht is Aveak. ae&ln c^nrV. • irehtly , witlV .'.'I Take 'This Vfomdn:'': ' At. over . $1^,0.06. That's' poor , al- . thouprh- $4,000 betffer thiah the brutal $ll,000;.fQr ..'"Forbidderi Adventure" .last. \veek.-;"EVei-ythi'n6's Rbsie" is .not. for: the.RKO either with, $10,500. ...Estimates..for This Week MDathay Circlp (Fox-y .(1,500;; 60- $t50); '.'RebouridV .(RKO-Pathe),-;is^^ Wieek, -. Us.uai . $4,000 at $;5.- bperiih^■ .; - (Continued on pa^;e; iO) ' : . ; '.. -. Indianapolis^ iTuhe 22^ ':V(pravviog, population, 450*000!) . , ;. Terrific heat and .la^k of'{fob tures, are.' driving: .Hopsiers- oulstate, The Indiana is putting oh its fourth' anniversary. ahdw. ■ ^ Business;' picked uj) last ' week/ ■. Visit -Of th6 President, brought tlibu- . sands.: tp town.'; lOl Ranch Circus puHed.- cxtrerribly well "(IS). '. ■ '. .. .. .Estlmaieis-.for. This Week Ihdiariia ^t- (P'uhlix) (3,300';'25-40- , .60-65) ;.. Wibe . iSquad'V (.Pdr); and ■ PUblix unit.-. '-.JJbt expcp.tcd to .reach 118,000; alfli.bugh, suninVe't prlces-.are .lor. thb .women; ■ •. ; ■ . ' -. . "i ' v : .Ciirc!eT77(Publix') (2;600';: '25-'40iG0T "tady ,Who Dared"- (WB),. Weak - .iand: hit ne\v. - ibw.; .;alsb $7,000 pos- ..Bible.-r:";: ■ ■i :- -' - Palaces-(:lio6\v) -(2;'8:0b;' 25-35^50) "J^i.s t A,. Cllpolo': ^ (MG ). '' H a in OS oh rocks;, will ;do well to hit $6,0b0i V Apolj6:^(Fbui;th. Avchue) ■ (1,100; :?5-50) VCaddv -Loh& -T^dgs") .(Fox) (3rd. Week). Dropping- to: $6;O0b; ". : Lyric.(Fourth AvcnUc)'-,(2;C00.( 25-3r)-50) .'.a:iack CUimCl," -( Kpx), ami , yaud<»'.. Critics:.favor tliiti -shbw^ to outpnll all; good at.:'$in.0'00:. . .Ohio. — ■ (J'uVillx) "(1:400; .,15-25) "Front.; Page'!..; (-l'a.) .. .. Secoiid- iuh BPOd for - $2,0.00. . ■Montreal, Jiihfe ■2:2i-; ■. ., (drawi.hg ' population, 60a,000).; .. '.. iClngstor -films .ai^d' ■denriltciy". out in' this tbwh folIbwlhg- tiVe-^-liascb i-ftt. Prjjicess; .- .'Vftlter©;: : censors . passed' -•'JCasy -.Money'- .ahd^.it.iran' Satiird'ay- aiid .;Suhday' bhly' -to be ■■thrown, btit on cbni.plai(vis Mo ndi-y.:.' F.i-c>ni- Tlies^" day'for. balance of'week h<)use had. to, fl IV 1 n;"w 1 th'.'Meet'.the,.■'Vy^lfe''. .and. io'st; plenty. Nd Ubuse.-here will. npW ciort.sidpr' .ahything:: Ipqklnfr. like -a' gahgstl'r'^ilickeir. '. ..-''.';.:.'-■:. V .. . . ;Week looks- pi'omii$in(^ -with' -tVp- blg biz filhiB- ih- ''liaddyiljbrig .Logs''• ;an.d-.-'•Skippy;'' ' -'jusf - .nbiy. .-$1:^,00.0 <Ibok.s top for- anything...A coupic pf- tengl.iivh .iin'.d . French ■ -at thb' . ind His -.Majesty',, are n ot liable to rnftke aiay- great , d en tin: the other hpus.eSj despite, a. bis bal- lyhoo.-on^ljpth.'KabPs^ a :.the.'b.est' of:--a!/.bad time. ' '. : -.- - :. . v Estitirijite.s-for -ThisiWeek: -.' .- H is. M ajesty.'s ( CT) (-1 ,G OO ;, 5 6.- $1:50)'. '%e..Millibn" • (Freheh). f*lertt-y Of .ad^ <5pace--used and-. Rala oponln.g Sfltturday: .• (20); - probaiyOity is fbr. fair Wwk, at arbimd .$JO.O0O'. V ' . - Pal'sce,. (FP)(2,700; 7§> . '(Daddy: Xbng ^Jlicss" .'(Fbx)i '•'One: \ot'- the-best' b^ yeai•. and may reach $1-1,000.-. I>ast week ''Daybreak''. (M-G) ; -.$1.0;500. at bbst\:;-:, '--v '-.r'-v -; : -:.:o:.' -: v :. C:apitbl-(FP) (2,700: '^CO). ."tlp Pops-, Devil'' .(Par) and: ,<.'Sklppy;' (Par), tatter/vvillv give; paVabd; a: i^^^ and . sHPUld. meaaure/.up fairly on name, thpugh minors ridt allowed, ih the^ atrfes 'here; .flOjOOOv -Is- fair. giiess. Xast week '.'.Yduhg .SlhriArs" - (Fox) and "Six (iyiirider Love" (Fox) irduhd .J9,000i,' .;: Loieyv's (FP) ( 3;200; 3^ - 60);."tigjii ^ .nihg." (Col). a-ndVvaudP.. Vaudo.- Is. tibove average and picture, just ordinary.;- may be $10.000.'Listweek. ;"". (Par):v.abpuf. same figure.: V- Prihc6ss-.(GT)v:.(i:,^00; 35-60). ''Tell England" ;:(Brltish).. Getting ..big ballyhoo, but not .likely to reich Thorc-'than- $7,50.0V ; Last wei-k"V13asy Mojiey" ((?ol) .piillod. abruptly ah<i ;<Meet, tl\c. WiiTp" (Col) substituted; under $6.QQ0i-.ljad. ;.-- . - ;: .' v , Imperial (FP) (1,900^23-46) .'mn gerous IJotirs-' (Par) ^and' ''Air Po- :lic6" :,;(\VW). -Kot much .'hope, With, .possibly..$3,500.. last...\v'eck '-Single Sin!; (W;B)' .Ind ."Dawit 'Trail"-(WB). about $3,000. . ■ :, . -'. ■ • . .Cinema .do . Pariis (Iria)' (COO; 25-- 50)..; "Dou.cevir • a^Aime'r".' (Frehchy. Best is $1,500, ' ..-V. ". - ^ V Holds Gbod PiiC^ ,000 DENVER PLACID ^ .Tabor: Can "(^^^ SOiOOO .. On . "iix Cylinder Lpve*':^''(jiig'^ •po:br,;$4,400 ■ [ ■:■ . 'DCnVcr,.: Jiinc! '22.' .: ■".' -As tlio, ht'^at -l om'ams ' tor.-: - rrid, thcfUros ■ :y; ill; iulw .)iard tim'c- V .n».ak1ng,-fiii()tasj. ' 'of. tlie.-li'ousps ::;.ard,kicking;:;'' ^. ' '.'rAtier:: dcmXij 'JO :fO'aml''loRt; weeii ,';i?iHWy.. Ldng- 'Legs'', l.s Xin . wil l be . 'pulled ' "' ■bIx '.;tnd. , ;Weok;. •■ . Estimates .for .This-.NVeek- '. , Huff,man's;(-Alajldin', (:i',500: 'ys-.'iO-' 75') '■i)a(ldy Lvmg-Lc.i,'-?'-! .(.jo.-jx) (I'h'T. woiok); ^ AVMll - ilo- aborut :$ii,'000= aii^.l- out; S.'vnic 'iifu'luro $ia,0()0 last 'waeK-. :. .Dehver (PuhUx): (L'.aO'O ;• 2i;-.35-C.j)- '■Frei',Kinii".-(M^u).iiiuV vando.' Mar. fiec ■$17,.<t,t)0,' okoi-'Ivast ■v-eck' "-DojiV -■UtatTi^-O r'aitg. ii'p- $14,. ■800.-^.."-;;.. .7- '^l ' ., .Paraf»i6iint-'ri-?iilili\-:) .'■.Tii.Mt-A'fJfe- '.Olp":;.^^!^^!.: ■!'.ior:-bn./i4.400.. JJast' -w y^^^y- I^u^ihand": '(i''^:) .:oniy- ■ . .-.Rialtb ; .-(iMflVtl^c). ■/••y;cv:vv '-- ^ri-- XH\^i:ih'':-:,(At-.f;),.: Looks 1ikf '"!^lVli:^ $2^'20()'^^^''-'' :.H M's -, Tg bo r^T-:.• !^ Ix .':(■ 'v -'l in f'l -I^vf" ,..( l,ndi*Nii(>s .fiiir'$!),0f)(i'. ■ I^i^t^weelt, ''Voung:-^-;^^^^^^ vhad .tU/GOO. . . : , : /'Miiineappli?: :;J^ ..; (Ppawipg. Population, :•■: Aripthpr gdpid ^yeeit;:.the ,^third in: '^UbGessiph,--.apparon'tiy . in - 'ist'ore; for Ibca'l .«rho.wh';• Rev^rsa:! Itrend- is-. :i^ttributed: :tp ■: -acombjhatlpn •;df strong;I'victiirps .aTid ^extra!: hard :ex^ pl.oit.'tti.ort. : HPW. long the upswing ■ will JaSt, is anybody's:; '. ;^ > . , THfe rialto is piraying fbr:plertty/.of rain: this - we.ek 'wlth Mlhnenpblis mtoHainihg' the l)iggegt' co)iventi()rv ;m its,.hiRtpry,; Knight's Teimi'vlpr con-.' el;iye.. (istimates'bf thr tran-'T .viont .lnfinx' iilhc.oa it'at .300,00(1. That, lafev Syas -ri'vvs'od -to' r,o,nn.o„- -Now it is .admitted .tliaf.if 2i".,ooo -edmb to ,i(i\vn, ii>'l.i he: A hig .-.llurr-v lIirH(:Iv-'l)a:s.v\'en..i\iv.Hv>nv d^ llir''...(:!,iy'-, .O.ty..-w-l tlT ;st.bck .lnrrlc:s(nio Tinv' tlio bn.e- W.ook'i'und'!#! (giving-,1 dail'y iiVidnight show iri addition to tire ri'giilar'.'rhat- f neo a nd e.vpTiing .per forrhaii<;os. ■; : :"J3a.d.ily Long" is; off. td:a fine start ■at i.Cho Min'iipfciota ■;aTrtd.--ea looks tlte,.,cu'i'r.i'iit ^\'o'c-'k's:'>)Cst -bet. For thc, l1r.«t Ui!VQi' a Clara lid'w-pib- 111ro,.i','ivio.k-.In/'.l.s■. hjvvin loop fihdwihg at'ai) "hut, YnajoL- liouso, .tiie.; Lyric, and: -' hot clicldhg .ahy :,tof4 -Wf^ll.- .iyi.ih>i'e^.ptaf^ Cl'ublix) ,(4-,2'00'.;. ''y)-^- ."IJnddy I-oiyc Lb.u\V.'., (Fo^^^^^ llx:.' 'i.initL •■.-.PicUiro jit-N-rit-ing! ravek; -w.h-r».l.;-. ,sri'o.W. igOdd-. a hd' e-xjiootcd 'to build • H' expcclod tran.slpht .hiz m'a-'.i's': n\a,y ■.lonHi.-$27,000,-- great.' ■.. woolv--' .'.ll'Voiiii' -Pa.gc" '' XVA) .start.od mildly- Inn built rem.ark'it'hl.v;,strong io .a:rbuhd-.'$23,- ■ ■.bOp, line,-:: ■ ^/:,-;'-: ..■■':; ■ ::..state^.- f-r'jiidixv'? ■ (■?,2oo';-. - aA)-^-' ,■^Wbml■n■ idf i\ii-:^:;vi-i<nis'':;( Kiix).: y.\ lirf-hdet-hn asset. hfi-c,: (>von :il.i:oul''.)i. .-pioHire:,' is -.'rci.^ai-OiWl, .ns'' 'Vci-y. light.- ■ :wpi.giit; 'nui>v'seb--3fS.:70j3,- fair'I'iTinigh,, l-ast.-Svpe'k: •.'l.'uiiH*'-. Jr^nomy" • ■i\yu) .' started buf grcJiO' luit cased - a hit-;': .Ihiii;]Kvd .aro'und. .s.s,CAiO,. okaiV':.';^ ••: ■ ' rRi\()i 2-.vnoV,- So)-^, "liolj; J1o>md':. (Tiry.ohd vaiifle..' ;7jvst ahol her' - -gang-, pir-tni-.';-:;; ))i<>;isla)i^. anir.'ifVivks, But Hot; Bran $14,000 ' . . :; - ..iSre,\vark,. juhe.£2... ; ,(Prawing~ Population, 860,000) : ..■V'Vil,'h:..tho lemjV olllclaIly.-,o.vcr- b;! ihe .week.cnd .jneant nothing, • Tlib^b -Wild', h.-id enough : money, to go to liicturcis-. wbn'.t..out' bf. tbwn;, if r.^a:- :>i(tn.ahld. we:athcr. e«siics Uocw.Jai'.wlUi Uepr^e',.7 bA;^^h ■ shf)UId do.'w fill.! - ■' .. ;' f Estimates .fbp ll",his~Week - ■ ■ Bfanford : (\VB) •.(2,350 ; • 25-40-CO C5):^".Chances"-..:- (FJ^);. . arid:-: stage show;.. Nit'C, at- $14v000;. . La^t'-.wock- "Indlscreiet" ,.<UA> jsw.eet at over $i5;-ooo.--":.;. v -v- • .iiittle . (l?Ihe' -Arta Theatre); (209; 30^00)-^,"Die • Forsterchri;stl" ('Trans- 'Pcea.n-),: :\. Second .week'*..Qf.:"th"is.- hif sho'iild better,$1,100. ;Last' . week "a flno^$2,000.' ' \- - \' .. ;. 'L.Qew's. .Stable ;'(;2,r80r 3-0-50)-^ .VDaj brea;k'' (Mf:G). - and \ v.-tudb.- Oebrge Jesspl In'-persoh ,\yill a:ccou'nt' for. nice. $15,0.00. ■ Last weelc- 'ftfhip- matea". (M-G), $14,000.:' ' : proctor's (RKQ) (2,65.0; :25-40-*:50- GO)~-^,VBverything;s. itdsie':' (Radio.) ftnd: jVaude. . .May. reach Indifferent $1.2,000. ..La'st;week,:-''GdPd Bad. Glirl'' tCbl) gddd at. $14,OO0;.- . - , Terniinai. '(Fax.) ■■(i:,!)'00';;'.25;-.=)0)-^ ''Daddy.'LQnjg Ljpgs'^-. ci^^^^^^^^ ovcl^ should :ni'akc -.57i000 .and' strpng chance of a third week. Last week find aodVe. $11/000;- .- ■■■■i < ■ V- v-Pittsbiirgh^ J.ime':22. .^^ ■(Prawihfl .PpjJUlatlbn, i.OOOjOOO) <,: .Thb: heat iis . knockihg , e'vcry thlni': this - week.. Fairly' recjent prod uot, .to.b...-:-■ . :''Smaft';Mbney'''. got' sw.elT nbticeK at the Stanley; bUit :maximum: iseem.^; $18,500, pretty, poor. At tlie. Pdnii': "Five; and' Ten" .■ expected jtb.. meet similar fate, as bavles filih-T'eecived arily: lukewarm paragra;phs .from the :crleks^.■ ■ : ■. -,:';;-' - •. After:picklng-'iip. strdhgly in .last fc\Vdays at the btariley week, wB.. decided to ti-ah.sfbr ''Daddy Long .Legs", "antb :'tho Ija.vis for a' week, .'perkirtg "Everything'is Rbsie'- fora later date.- -- ■'< r;::'':■'■"-.. ' - Esiimates for'This. :Wcik ' ~ ■ ...Davis'.. (WB)' \ (1,701)^ :.25-35-50-)-^ •.■'pacldy Xong Less"': .(Fox). , Plc-tur'o "shbyed -.ip- h^re' for .■sbcdnd. -ruri- at: l.aJit. in'ihtite; should 'niidge. $-1^000 if it ca.h 'beat>the weather. - Jiast week: ''Lady -^ Who - Dared'*. . (FN) • bad at ■$2(30.0;:; ■:. : -'.:.; ■ ■ /fviijtbn- (Sh6a-i3eTihiam) (l',750-'; 10/ 15-25-35-50) —VVlce .SQ''r (I'ar)'.. Received fairly good..notice's;' opened d;ay:.-a.liead bf. schedule';,: should- Ijc- around $3,900. . Last wc(*k VT''p i?op.« J>evlr'.. (Par)-yankCd-.after .live dayb- to bad. $1,900. .--' ■ ■ ..V . ; . Harris ■ f;WB) .'(.1 ;Sb0; - 'lO-^15-25)—• "Hel 1 Btiund'^ '(Tiif).:Slidvc-a. in al ter, -pcnciled jritd Warhcr fdr weeiRs but .held :uii .by ,cehsors; d^iny 'washed Up ..its .chances; , ma.rhe :$1,850, ll- luckyj -r Last we^k douljle'f<»ci£ure oC' ''Meet thp Wife.^'. (Cdl) ••:a.nd';'Lighf- .ntng.Flye^N"■no bettor.--'. . Penn ..(Ldcw^XJA)' (:3;3O0; - 25-35-60-. 75.)_^'iriyc..iahd:.Tc'n"; (M-O). Ait the .free .^ Hearst'^plugging; .uhlikclv ' to help; looks like $10,500; .pobr. ■ LasV week - '.'Laughing • Sinners''.. iU-Gl just.short of $24,000.. ; Shoridan Squiire ,;*(RkGi ;'(ll55(t; 10 -..15---25 T .3.5.- ^p)— "A-ice. .Sqtiad" (Par); .A. li t lie.., s trchgth . and 1 ike 1 y' to - whid up . With -around :$2,-500, also in, a ■ d.i-y- ahead of ::.sclicdUlo.. Lrisl vv.eoIC'Up Pops .Devil" (Par). lh;:fi-Vc days, about;$li500. Stianley (WB)-; (3,'CO.O; ,25-.'55-CO)'-^ "Smart :Money'* . ( WJt) ..nnd. stage Shp-W;. Swell", combination dcsLVrves > .than $18,500;..a'rut .lihlikely to get it because df hea.t and .fact that. -Pu'hlic no . dpubt..-s,u.ispActs • g.'i eV' pipturiS-'diie- to 'cast;; .ads as-- sUre':p\ibirc it's npt'ai gahg. fl 1 m,J.:..'!.st ^veck ','l>addy..T^ong::Legi3''..;(Fox)-ex;- vccllent at $2R;ooO; ■ . - - •'•; ■'• '. Warner,^(•VV'l5)y.V2,Obbi'{25-'35--C0)--i ,';BU|ck Cam<,'.r''-.-(Fbx); Mystery pic:- ^f..ui'e .not ii.o ^:forfo..:--.^•.s .-Il()tv\vc,'^■t^vc^• rare; iXTSsib'jy; -.?(i,onn;--: .L.i.s-t': week "AV:pmcn' :bf All ■ N'ations-.'-.. (Fox) ao\s*h-to-$-3;oob; •: ''■ • ■'■^ .... le: .$13;000, ,''-.;( ' : ^.^Kansas- ipify,,.'. Jyne. 22;.-.'-. Ne'wnvfin. -?s' .:.c<jl.pljra; -its • isitif ahriivbt'iliry .this' we^lc^ iand- -"Law-., yei-'s Secret'!., is .th'ptea'turb. .-;Scvv- erai.. u.niVs . added chief :6f ^yhiGh" is: the' l5-:pleG0...drch!estra, :undcr Sciihiidt, Imported from vDenyor for t!ifc;'obcasidh;- v:,: '-' ::.:^ ,^.'':: :v;.^ Ktidland,. 'ftfter-: ai .week ..'df - pure', hdkun.Vi- ifind not ■ sd; good: ifit that biimb. back-stl-^ng \vUli;''i>addy. Legs'* :,ah.d. ha.S;»ers iined up in^.fi'pnt; : .Outfook; -Is,. brligh:ter.- than,: iaisl'-'week -.vylicn'' things'werp badly Off. I .Merdiants::. -eelcbratip thi.s.' week oyer: th> pafssage .iiit. a, prbpd-:; 'sltidh ..fpr cVvic imprp.veriient.Sj ..". ■ 'E^lim^tes, For ' This: Week': LoeWi M id I a n d (,4 ,ObO:;' ■::25 t'5 O)-^ "Dftddy Long Leg^" (Fox).' :St-ni'tdd. strbhg rand. ■ indicaVib.n , .of .-.Hnlding close, iib.. $^2 .Obb.-'' .Lixst week "Wb .men ;of ,All Nations" .(Fox): not sd good, 'oh: $16,406; ■ . ^ -' :' ■■ : : M a i rist re.ct ■ '(3v2O0;'., 2p t So - 50 - 6 6) ^ T.rah'.s.gfc>s.sidhy- cRjulirt); aKd va.ude; With advertising-prpcjaiming. rimly- .st.-igc.. Jihtoy in'.; tovvh;'-'/ ':busiiif jis should, hold- for $17,0.00.';:La:st- Weak: ■Bad. Sister"-(U) : fair- .with $16,1)00: :;.Newmah ... (J;K9Q.'; ' 25-35-50-00)--^ 'i:a:wyer's , 'Socr^f;' J^di). .^Anrii-- vei-sary- ,bill , looks ;.good - 'to .fans; :sh:bw.- ''a'ijgmbhtcd. ■by'.'add.ed; orcli(r,s^ trii .• .and. short .Xeittures; will ii'it' .around : $13^00 0,.> linb.- : .Laiit' week ".>^lc.o Stiua'd".. .(l^ar) pfetty - slim- it' $8,500; ■-■:.:■'-;::;■'.■..-■: ;:;.•.; .-■ :Royal (840;: 25-'50)W"i6old buist n^-tio;' ::(AS:B)i; ■ yrril - get- about $3;-^ ,000,.. .PD-sb.. j.ast week; .".1.,'p I'doii Ipbyil": .(Par) '^3,200. . ^ .,':•-.:'>-->;.. ll-'ox). y.iudri fthoviid gC't j'i^virns :i ;■ ;iikp; .$i5,oqb.; - L;jst; .y-wk : Ithhig's'.a^pRib/^ '(Radio); aru>und 'i^ 000,..pretty good: •' . --• .:•■: '.- - :Lyric^ (I'ulilix)' -(1,3.00;-- .'i5)-^rKick,; In", (Par);, ..nara- Bow. -off. to a. ttloW jtart.r:,, will do • wel I. ■ to ^ t op . •:$3.500; I^ast week "T.arnishod:-Lady"' (i'af) arnivrid . $3,600.. anemic; - -.: , - . ". Aster- (PuljHx) tO'OO;. .2-n),-.^",Dud'a .■Ranch!' :tPar). -...Oaklb" uiid-this pic- fure ..fitrpng-.iofCin'ih.g.fdr. this hftuse; .lai-k" o.f .-.cdoling si\stpm hiirtsV. hilt :m»\' -jump. tiik:ing,s, to ■;i.roiiivtl $-2;r.hfl, . Iwast wcek ''Party-xiitsl.iiTid''" (-J'\N) Weak' and tradb:. tb.aiibiit. $1,-' .out),-: nrrt-gboxl';-. -: ..' -• .'Vr : . . ' . ':-..-■ ., Grand . fPubllx)-. :(i,iflb; 2.')— "Twdcr FM-n'"; (M-^(i.). thinl.lbdp. ril-h -ahd. held., .critire AVeek; aliuut. $3,000 ilpdicnl.od, line;: -rLaafc wfek ;;:,Str;n)gera' - May,. iCiss'.''-' -.(M-'(^;)->: .■«.er;()nd Tvin,- arid held entire: week:■ .•livery-1 $2.000,-faiiv^^ •',• .;■ .V ■~^Wa§I.ufigtbii-. Jvijie^^ '• (Drawihg: Pbpuiation,^^:4:5^ ■ : ' :.'>Vhcn" 'Washihi?tt>n'S ^ hot It-^ ^hbt! .a-nd'/.tliat-Wrecked, thb; wcb cvBi:yb(Kly^ . ^ '■■: {:} ': ■ .. -. :;'■/•:■ '- ■ .Estim4tW-:for"This'^e^ / ' Columbia ,.(I^,oe\v) ' (l ,2aC; -SJ-uO)-- ' '.7jaWyer',sv - Ke.<.'i:otv,.-;(::L\^^^^^^^^ $6,000,. .: Last week,- second', of-"iii- aiscreet": (I'A)', .-iibbuf-'s'ame figure. ' , Ear;le. (\Varnei-) (2.,24'''1; .-'2;-)-,S35-10-:: 0(l-.70)-r^.'-l.'jJ/,Pf).|)s aJevii'' .'(-P.-vr) inid y.a.udp; .. May got Jl-LOOi*. La:$t.w.eoU- '.J^niarf::-. -: Money" (.\V-B),. <■ $15.,0U0; okay;,. - -'■.:■■: -;■- ■ . vFpx' (Fax)',.:(2,:431) ..(15-25^35-CQ)-r "'of -.. All, >'a ti',>ns-":. (Fox). I'sn't "going .fb^st<ip flio •Wo. ld, nia'ybe $20,000;--; . Last .Week ; T>r,,'tily ' Long. Legs'.'- ■ (.Fpx),^ ■'•$.22,0.00 on^ '. secdild. weelv fine.- - :■: ■ -'• ..-'.-^■.'.•:.; •' ■■...■■.'• ■ , :Mefropolitan— ''Mi b e h a v ing Ladles." •; atajgorihg :, aJbng^ 'ind. won■ t ; do dyer: ;$-i,000,' '. Ldst..woci: . "The A'.iking" cbuld hot: draw at all. • Keith's - (RK'O)., , (i.M.^:;^- 3.5-Sb)i^ '-'Three -Who Lbvcd'' .Cliadib).;.;\V:on't'- do hiuch shoutin.g .but-iobka to scheduled sto get' In .the' black.,witl'i: ■about $'6;0.0D. .Ijasf Aveek •. "Ty-flns- gressiGh';: :(iVadio): .did. hie.e $9,0.00;; , Ba m ^ • Sh outd St ic k Aroh n d $ 12,000 ; - , This .-WeekrY-Ritr, :?3,500 ; ■ ';'■, .;> ;■. i5h7^j]P»h'^niV.Jhnc,:22.^^ (Dra-wing Pbpuiatiori, ,326,000) - '. " • i'"Vn.rn ;:th.b-.public-- fn.tercst :':stiind.^- ■polnt;-.iak.c; .■the -::UtIc '.df, .evccjO- pic-. itire • iii' lowh;-ahii.,, a h«iti: ■ Vtir. Ayeli: And thcfb'ybu-.vhnve:.'itiv a:- mrmber: ■ i>,C iatI'r'o.s.tii),g fliOk(^^s hmi; "\vcc'k ;irb. ■ s u p j) rant«:th j s,.. Wb.<•^c•■^^ :\^^^^^ f^tr.a.nil hack ;.t.o; Monday, f(i}<'n'ih.^r.",; ■ Iji'; lSrv'lv.iixl..!y-'(u-(:Mrui\r(;«;:i)r(A't!d n:g^ \ ■/,••;■.;:. ::y':^.:.- '■\'-'..:' 'y-'-"-' -Cstimates for.This Week' . ■ : . .: Alabama- (-Puhlix); (2'i;-;00-; 2.'i-35- .00)'—"Lawyer's-.: Se-frct'! ..(PiVr): 'and Vauao,: :'wil 1 Opii11. 512,.-" .0:(»0, bkay." I.aRt,vvcek;:"l",)'addv Lbiig" 'Leg.s" (FiA-):". swell ' NvitV). : Viig.ijtesf' iwotfk- :in "months: for ■.'inybodyv $14,- 'O'lVn:;-:-.: ■.^..■■■ ' -.;■ ^--W. ■;■-.; ^ .r.'.;:;!' : ::Flitz:;::(T?TvO)-.'':/:();60b-;-:-.:25-4(1)4-^ "Troii.'Sgresslbrt'.' .(Radio);;, Billed .as, super.. Ihit .'may. npt^ better' $3,C0:0i f.-ilr.:; Lfi,st Week ".White' Siiovildvr.s". .(Maillo): and "Up for' Mlird,er"„,(Ur, din fairly oh .split- week .-it $3,40n.-; Strand ; (r.TA.0) (.snO;:- 2r)-'4i)).T.^ :::'(k)ld DVi«t •Ciprtic''. -( Wij).. .'Wiiiilif': LI.ghtn^VM-.iU havevto do. hcfivy dl-j^-^- frihg, to," iL'p'tc$3;000, light;. -Lust week "Svenpjali''. (\\y3) $-3,'50"0- • " i . - Empire (BTA(;.) (1,1,00; ';2S-4'0)-^.. :"Dpn'.t-l?ct\Vbm.c.n!' ';(Fox).: Not bye,r :- nifkicrat'c ; ,-$3.3bb,:; ■.last week- "■yffUng.Slnriefs" ;(Fox) also $^,300." ■• ; Galaxv (BTAC). ,■ (500; • ,25)-^"The ;!5py'', (Fp.\) jiJsV fair, '$9504:,'. - , agh^«i»©-i2r-^^ , There -wlil -be:,:blijes^ .^sime': in^iaJV: .keys; :thi9: wiebfc-unlei^^ ■fpld, suddenly; golf ,cpur'ses: pciish,-., and all- autdmoblles break dowil at ' ■dhceT;•:;:::: ;:..'■ -;■:...:-.:.■ -': -v'-..-'-'-^.; : . .,.■- „'-.:■:;-... ;•: , :Mc;^i:n^vlvil6: Friday,- Saturday and ■ Sirndn^;:- bannei'^ days for the . the- , litres, .liavc: bavhed such; :dpep'hi)lcs l,n the lidx oincba: that ev<'h'a;n:as-'' bcstbs^ blanket 'bf thc/W-celc w.dn,'t ;help. ';-^ ' ' ■ - •--; ' • . "jiisf a,<3:igolo" ■ and Molly: .Pfcdh , at the Qh IpdgoAyill probiably see "rbd; :With, .rppdrts . bri. :the .picture .any-: thiti'e. hut oncouriag.ip:g. "Pai;ty:]-lus< . band" is ■ ah expectaint dwindler at ,^ thd. Oriental;: with thifi Pop .P.&K ■ hbiisc h.anieidfes b;n;.thc sliige .f or the ..;..t,lrno,in::^wbeks.' .: : . ■'. . :' -■•:'.:,.■•. - RKb'a -Vo^nlloiilv: no better wi'tli^,- "Ijovcr ' Cdnie: Back"' pJnlced at . 'the,-.; Palace". . ..".'■rransgressibh''.:" -at thei. :Sta,'tc:rLak'c bit.thc .'riglil oft:the : g:o and wiir dpubtlcisa. gd iipwn.. for the; bpun.t, ^.riiaking- ■ it-.thi'cc straigiit: .faji^; hi a row'for_thc:hbiisb;:- - : . ' ; . ; I^rdpi cat-ly returns .best hot looka: : like ^^Ni'ght " Angel," •..thb . lihitecl,-; Ai'tl-stS■ p'iillihg.;:ih::;a.-nic,e; $ll',abo..fb'i--: ithb.^. flrst tlircO; d.ays.-; ./"iia'ddy L(>iij;;'. Legs";;gbing.. into third. .Week .a t i^lcT .'- Vicker'3:v took ' a •ftlll- ,aj»d:. will ; b^ .: ■y;irtkcd aftcr,"'six - d.ays, for- ylip.'ircr's- \ •'Free -Jjoui;" l^ac.k,of:"pro(lnPt-:fprc-'ed.. .; ;thb -l^oO.s^oyelt to -bpri'.pNV f roTii'., Uvo' Chicago - for' .tbe;;i!evbnd limo ,iiv iya , ;inany .-Avc6ks,':",Fivc'..;»nd, t:(mV,'' .goin;ir ih-.ailer a"Loop.;lcaUlhg wbblcdvross. ' '.the-siVc.ct.-'-.-'.v\i.;:. :;v .■;-vv ' ; ':'.-:;■ .'E3t;im)a.te's 'for: This ''Week . . • ■ -: ' ■ - Ghfcago.;(Publi.<:-l 'iliiK) (1,0(iO 50-:.',-. ".I'u'.st-- a Igo-lo";- VMt'C;-) ,-tinrt,'., .Stfift'e-show/ Vl.'nfu^v.oralile. repbrt tl i is.; dnc • ■ wiin't-■' hel p.--, W' iXh; ■ t he •.heat'■ ■ (l(:iing ■ tho-'.rcst .(.h.'spite.' j^tolJy.- l'i,i-('>iiv:; dn the; stage...-';;.A"i\cokrcnd 'irpp:' indir .. ■i'.fit.i-rli liI'l; ;-ni(>rV) tlia h - ,a:r:() ti i.k i.':'..-;', im 6 iih d w i t h xc.ii c f.i'cl op-, [ Lri -st. .wee k;; •. .as'-. <i,\lK'i(''v;o'd; Ala'rioh. Dtivies' -"'•r'i.v,© :\nh :'l-!;'ii"--.('M.VCJ i-;tng-, ufv sligli.ll.v;i'ii.\-.;-, - dci'-'t he-' t>ri.''di(.-lcd $-16;.Obo; "and ^gpcs .' OVtlib'lioof'evclt; for a v'ecbhd wi'ok';:; - Oriental -(';i^i;&K)^(-3,2^(j0; 50- ,' '^i)-S51.: "l^a;i-ly lljisbahd" (AVB). arid-;' staAle .f^hp-W.;: I.o.Ok.s 1 ike aiirdllipr ,dn b„- nl-iini.s .' any: iA(-lp . .frani: ihc .. .^' • ^^'m-■ si-n'lc; .ii,n.k-r :'$20,0^)0 f(ir •ft,J(^ss. .P'rcyiohs ."v. ei-.k .little;: libtteiv .with. ' "Vice i<('ju'a(l". I l\ir) • acbou'ii.tiiig' l«i*'' • a :t'iit ovvr: $a2,oob'..;,. - :- y .;;•: •O'rpheunr; (WJi) - •.(000:;^:40-OOv5.),,•.V. "aul)W;i.v- 10.x]'ii;'e,<.s" '(Cbl)..-an.d '•:JI.f,in- stta.-s of tliC iJp.?.!/-' (Spitzr-rV; ;.''J li.rnso .:: •'fbrCcd .into-.double fcafurin.gVbn,,1^;'-. ihg cl()sed <>ut dn prbdT.iet.;; l.ooks; ■ cntMigh,;-- iri '. .p'rcdict . -imder;- . $2,(100. , ■ 'Cidkk^^jorl^pf rCity Lisla!i",('irA) :prii : . db\vn,i;dvv.n 'repeat >:o'iOjrhV|i'. dpini'cni , ihiit liitK'/nulUcd"; tlie; OiViipUn. film'. ;' dry;- . X'd ptliCial: estlm-ito . Invt .I'.C.- llcVod. : fo. havb du'ck.od td.- iindor. ;' $'3,-o*or v ' ■ :'•; : -;■■■:...>•':- .-;■■:;:. - ■- 'McVicker^s (rubllx'-lW-K) -(2,000.; - . .70-7.575)5):, •/J.)addy •lA>ng:Lbg.s'' (V.oX). l-i.arely . hording.;.on for -last dia.vs. iii"' third we'ok, .will be ;jucky . ici. get out, Witlr $1 !.<)0b to iniiUiVrocinV•foi'-''J'"ri'p ;: Sd,i"il,"'.- .SljarpVdrbp. for ;ih.e, (.Ta,vii()r " him, v,:l)ii-li; Iniilt ih' i ta 'Mrst we'^'k .'to . , grab $.3,i;00b,-thcn.,-sluhip'ed;to .under- i;20;OXiO bn.'SCcoiid-.vv(\ek.. ; ".-^ . Paiacs : (Klt())., .(2,;30:u; 50-7r)-.,S.5), .-'-liover 't.'oihc liack'.'.- CCpi),;'a)ul-:iior, .softa l>uhcan ::t6i)p,ing ' the vaiuie.:; (Tot tlie,:pin!c, t;ig and ;\vith ciiiiibijia- ;: tion, .of ■;.stfi'gb ■ aiid, ..'<crcou ..iniiy./get: ' afoiind '$J!l;OOD.Vwliich:.i.S: . ".l'I>. foi-Miirder" (i;) •co'uldn:t d'ci .a -tliihg;. ;■ last Wcek .ahd; bowe^V oiit to:$21,000. . Ropsev/o11 (1'ublix-B.S.'.1<) : .< 1,5OQ,;;: : ■.50-75V:S5);;-'-Flyc•;a-nd Ten",: - (MVCi:). . .titiai'.st dyilamiting.s'iill on:;in.ay aitl-: ..Mai'io'n IJavie.s somcWh.iit,- -bui .n.i>t' • Chongb to--hold' on - a.'-second: \vi:o)v., • Maybe ,,."Sl.|,O,00v., ."Ahn/nic-llc's- ..Af- ;; fairs^^ VFox) dived at tt'rrijii- ..pai i>. : and ncvciv stobd a cham'c. ;., liitlii't ': ■ better f!),oOO;. :: • -■■. ' ■.. ■ v . .•. ;:-■. ; "State-liaUo'. (RIC6> •.('2,700;. .•nO-Tui; , -.: ^i5)/- .':''J'r;.tni;ressibn'.*-. :.(Uadlo) ;:::-\ btiie'r-'duikihbr^c and hot I'V tli'b.r'nrii;;; .' hihg^ fiiid -.Willi.-.ll^.c.^ -\v■cathrt^^ ; hialfc huic;'h;hipi-o.'than: $ia.Oli.O; '. ,^lc "\V:|.)'ii(.V;'J^h<i,iiUU>r,s" '•(,Ki!<lio>; 1 iVLM.l,up .i;<> jv i:)(idi\predletion,-:fUd,ihg td-arouhd $j3iOoo: '-; ■: -.:•' "•.;;.; ..United -: Artists.- ■" (Piil.lix-1 K) -(l.'t'pO;;::\6Qi76rS:5),/-:?Xiglrt.^ Ai^el'',..-: 'iPar).' •'.'•Shov.e.d- ill,: ,aK.-:;.a'-. tilU'i,-,; ■■U)^ ';; coin 1)0, of; Nancy l\ain'oIi:and-;:i:"r(>tr!'i6-;;? MaiHrlv. siirprisbd..with'':a fiilt^ ■'_ ■Q 0 0 JI r s't; .t 11 r ee « a y !j;' M' I u G n w u i pr oi Jr- ; ably;, turn i iri abbut■ <23,000 on . the.-"'. wdck; ::..';■.■;!:; -;- ; ^ -. .r. as '- :'■;!•;: :^«?^inetpn.'Kyi.,: jane '22;', ,, : • Klmeiuiprf,,-.To.'i'pph- lil'i.." W^i'dbn'Pr'a.-!- ihoi;N.:ughbrcd -.hbrse-.farrh. here, ."\yill ;. rui-hlshva- part .pif■ tile IPciti.ori-'.fpp .;. • ''ii:,oh;o(l(';,sli^'' ;Metrd- in;,: -• 'tl■l■u■;■Jn■'}kin{^.■ .■/::-;/;:' ;... .;:v '.; ;• ■:A C.iist-headed by-Ernost.'Torr6rice'j >.~. -li;--. A; .•". Cjpldcn,/ '.asst.:^^^'^d tvnd'.- nia.n ager of the tr'b:tip:6 ah d a t ixff . PiJ';.; fechnicl.ari.s',: ari ^now.-'on; the.: .dtjtate : • talcing. sc.e^Vcis.-:, :;•;/.•■:^-■;■■'...■^:, •'. : J?iIm. will dose'.- tvith scenes: fi;bm,.., .thc,rbc:erit-B7tliruh;niiig/df:t^ :' :tticky Derby.,; ',: -•'•;■ ; ■■':