Variety (Jun 1931)

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^ 11T ii a a ii s VARiETY 61 ■ TA'did: ior . ''ryiii'f)ospB to. • ^li ■ cver-iWoi-casn \ ■ tixtOnt.'.T^^lnJio Rlnellne : Brotliots, ..Sells^Fl^o'.' iin;il other ' big;.' top . .putfi.ta liayo ; b.r^ '. ■ tas^ .all.. oiv; liarts, 'pt; ^ /Jor^sevori'il.yea lAFS?- ■ oitiep;' . th?3-^^se.a^i6 luxfi: \<5e?T»:. 'tcntX''^ ^' makJiii^r'. tie-vjris, -•with;. ■ ~ ■ ■ 's^ • .Fl.qto ' 'I5 ■• pfeseptlne. .CiaiVc'; ;'pr. iS^TOlhute tai^ : over local star ..' iipT)s,'. Jitobbios iiyotliei's', one -of ■ the '-;thvk-aiV .i^luss tbi'o tli?, medium. ' of; (>ttQ .Gray's pk.lalibma. .CdSyboys, .1 WeH-knpwti:T£vdlo.-act/;.v^ ■'■ - ■ ^ .XU'ay's musiciiin^^ ■• four app'eai'ujricies bf f^ the mike, ot 'WGY-jn Schenectady di^^^^^^ <!ir'- ■ .ciis'S ' recent ;oT>j^ai^^ ,in- that ■ c'ity-;:" ■ Gn .ytlielr '.■: Suhd4y .' ^^ . b'l-ofidc^s't they. ballyhobe.d tlie show, : hiukine - it: a 'specia.r- point to -.^H-,iirtc<! /thc.clties <in. tlip .X* )<r '-^nsi .land, territory epvored -by' .\yQY) ■ to ' played tiia,t.-wj3eki '3.'^'.-W: ".. y''^^ When ;■.' the; CdwbPys:;'brioa.df i :'itwlbe;'the ^fpllbwing'.day, vdurlii^ hal£-lio.ui\ evening-prog^ the iist . if ; sta.,ndsVf6r ."tiie-.nest • se^yten. dayis Tv'ere.. . again.' '^.a.nn.p'unce '.; ^in. fnWtailcin; to ■ radAQ 1 is.*,e/>crii5. -: to; attend ■•ifho >Gi.rcu3. perfbriiiancc irid . to -stbj) tpl ihalte^^-hiandsj. with'; iSrn-y'?. 7.-^Vv ; Cowboy^.. -brpadca!|t -.oyiec , WGY ■/tw ice^ ^ail>^•. £^ •..■.;y. Free.'i pa^i-ade. .ifftitrb;.' of 'RP.bbin's BrQlhcr.s, ^shoSv also ehipbasjzed .'I.ri. ' ■ l-idioVsipipl/^ ■ ■" OHIO REFUNDS Retiiriis License! - ^^Platie .bo'whie Circus .East-Livcrpppi;..;o;V'iJvipe ;22.. ■ • • Bcfuiid. b£;. ff22.. .dpmaiuled • f . .Ohib . lipoiijs.e .platijs, when. :;iIiC: aiVow . exhibited- here. irt'. sIViayV ^vill viie. rvi- ■: turned to the Down le ;.lji\o.s;".inotftv- .. •feed -Clrdus, - a^^ . b<jrt, de^ltity auto^^ c .VBicmer i&t ColUmbiaiia-.cbunii'v ••' , ■■-Ari.. arinlbtlCc .lia-s' been -dociarod in. the aMfompbile ta;K; wai:. jbetwe«?n ■ .■dliiiahd-Gebrg Cpluhibiana .cp.un- ty offlcfals. hO'V.e'::.; h9en advi.sei.t ■'■ the . State . '■ lyibtor, iCbiiinrissIpiii'er .. .GeoVeia has • to- refuiid;. all . license .fees collected ,from \ owners .. - of mbtoi'- -.ccir.s- carrying - Ohio' ta.?::f - and ^^e^Buckeyc-;st■^^.to .'with.Vefund ; $322•collPcicd from the- 13ownie;.cIr' :'- CMHt S»hcn''hevc. in;->Iay^ . ■: .. ■ .Gai, -was compeUe:d: to; tike out phip ; ■ license . nJates: ipr: .s6^)ei;Sp,;;.t;r,uc^^ -. ... and, .traile'rjSi .■ its^^^lisit 6hio' s'titnd- ber' fore proceeding inlp."West . Circus ;»itives- ' pitotestcii • • but t-hen cpyrity pfliciaLls llireatened' to . .■■halt-- ithc caVavan!-.-. ■"■■■.■:.■;•-■:■ ^..■■.■•■. Meidiatite amd Cam ■ '-- ■^.^■.■ - -Pallas, ;Juhe ;;22.-, ; / ■ CfiTnies. and: cPnii6ssi6nrtire.<5, g<?t ' tjiig in; on : the' traUp ;;bbost gag ■;througH.out; Toxagl - [t '/-A V ! " ■ "' Tiis-ops \vith 'subin:bari scctipi-ls^in .; the iargei-. towri^ aiKl..,ci of ■(^.'.s .in thg ..■ sticks . .attiiacV iiiore -heai .dodj^^^ v -than ■>pgti'Tar' atan'tis,-,.- -vy tth'^ .nlpftt/. ..Pf '\ '\\ thd inerc-hah'ts glad to cb-bneiVttc..i.)y ;. /buying lithifi. ambiints of duc,ats.,ta .. •sCAttcr 4mong. •custPinM^^^^^ pur ..chases,;■■. JI3^p.ciiially-.-gbod .. iii Vixt} v -;svibut)is -iv.horp- ■tiie.-.caliiwes/atti'a*! ;...' ;nio;t-prifj-t.>J...'- ■■ ■ ,■: ■' ' -'^l iy\. -V' : ; ;.-Ov(l,'y -T.cjyas.} inovc.han.ts • Vor<> - ~ ^tho.. ca^hlpsV tMXbhii'^'K-i:-'' fj'guririji'- : t)ip y[ »iid'\vay5v- :feHtite)retl".'. -'aii' theJ'Jpbse . ,>cl\ahfi-f.,. Mfuiy' towns::stilVhav'e finti : ca.vny .brdinaihc'fcsr.-/- ^ -; ..'•. ... - Cehsorihg Carniy^ . v:;:^StjMiiifbl-d/VN4lTi;;'Jun^^ ..J . : ■■./3^Vi:i.;<. i;ity; -: ..ih;p'., t'a'i'niy'jvl:--'spots.- inl-^;outii ' ..-^\\>;^ (?piVnr>i'tiy'Art, ;^will Jrb- h)ngri' ;. -,b'^ ^>/it"^^; .tuwnsi;, iNjv "J^)^lid;1<ii• V.te\V:\, :v-'i:!"f>Iio:ruiul'ii -hii:Tbre--a^^^^ ,^:.-:bfr:1ssuod lA.ojOiii>it-'-i;n^'"'ifh'^ , ; tt'i>jnity.;tr)i;-.Khb\\\.Tj-iust :p(:'ks- i^riRid ■;;-.:iH::!ir.;(.;M.;1; ' '■''■r: V'\ v'••.;,'•.-' ,': ■ -^''.'jJ:'.i)<.<!li<'y: : wiis. -pVt :':rif«J 'V :Uh^ <: .-^vliyt.): I],f.::-;^i ^r^ .^if . .iiw-s; .:;i'; (■; i nij' -..^"'1.. '.'^iMiK'iit. p..; :li^o>V.'f.>>/■^.T^f^.. ,K,Iro\v. -- .:~W;if. iri-vcsii>ii!i-f;d ii'i .l>i)K.'.:(Mv(-s.tyV .. v., .v>lVfre it . !\v:is.ii^..-fm'i.nifl'. ,.. • .cl.C-fiu. a.s- it.. ih it'll t in?'/ ■ Th.f^ r*'~!^'l l t ■;r.;*f^R;i"iefusnl:. a' licon^e .iit :(::r;c<'M ■.: V wich -and -.Stahiford.; - ■\,,y':''' r(WiTH''-TpM,:iyi-ix')y-^v^^::;' '-.„ >!;;-rat<TKbri,. N; x;:Jnn<'■2{>;.'i . '■ This big top, ci'at^d h<'.xt ::tb.' tho .RintfliiigvBaji'nmn -. show, is billted ■ 'Tom .Mi,x,..-.'It 4s; thni way^^ oh' ;ihe -Broxi'am;:-aud. ai:i'N • ijidr-yade-i tlir mitfit^ dospite Vhis real, .coriti'ibution. is thc.'^'Wild^ we?-t and'fpUowing-: Ih't. mnlivtehtl'pe^ternjaivcp;'.^^ ; '."V•T^ • • iMi^re'.are prbypn/reasons aind ^n^it- thp . least, is „,tha.t!: IWiaL-is::/lite: ma&t^ roma nti.c;. cbw bixy , Ijgure'. bpf ore - ^thp pulUio. .' lie ■AVas: •vVitli INVill ItO'gors iii.jjip: jOl;:;Ban'<;li;,a.i:.oi^^^ cri. :deyoiope:d: inlo^ a .'craok hjlnvor-'. ist;.:whil'e. !«lix..i}ex' the-Vi^fy hi if-'! gcist. -Shot ill- piety re' wpsteriis. - T.WP hands- ■vvlio. Ruro mido '.gbbd, •. ' ■:. ..-Of .p()ui\*iP.,; .thorp'rtJiV'"'^^^^ •.2.-jl sheets .'■vvith ;the: same' pi.7.e bi)V-^ irig. as T.orii,..; But' the;horse 5?!: ithe iiide'^sho^w, the; cirbiis; ;\vay. of. dping^ ItV 'The kids \\farit tb- seP .3^.ix.:and -Wbiald, squa-ivk .i£i hot being allpw<>:d to ,p6pk at ''-Tony," whloli rnakes the eqlrinc '.a 'special att'rt.tctibnV-T.he puU. for .the . cphc^ert' and -Mix\ makes it the be^st.of wild .■west ark\ys.';: •.'.. :>; Mix is in the condition pf' an.athV Icte. -A - picture;-iri.. .the;, prbgraih 'shows hihi posed" With Jack ppmp- sey :"aftor they. liad.; boxed .togother.,, Doubtful' it;Jack is in better: sliai)e than ;Tbrii;.; Therc.arc no'anhbiiuce- rnehts -ot anyphe's !5peclalt;ies ;iri-: tlife Mix portiprt of .the; .shbW.' Hfe wSntis perfol-ihances to Jipeak for thehi- 'selves.; :'t4ie shp"W-Carries; aiii.ampli-^ flea:tipn; systenV ■w-bich..mak(as It easy ior; the .ahribuircer. . The thing went hayivire: Satui-'day sifterhpbn at. Pat-^ e"i-soh/ Nvi J. Perhaps the .heat-got i^.-'.^::.:- -•-.- ■•■;•'- :■■,:-■. In the-.terit the. thcrnibmeter' .s'tcred- aih .'easy 100; . .Thp. s\yeHering biiijdreii :,\paid hp :a.ttentlpn .to -the heat, but.'the; eiders .surferpd.. It was riathev an' ^chdf raiice.. test to sit -thvbvitrh;..tht; .sh.o w...:: } Juh fnpss fail' at the ■ "matinbe..- but. 'r.egaMed ■ xplcfty" a:rb.und Athe.Mot, ■ Attenaaiiee ;^hM b'e.en; pro rita>Je .-^i t --.was. .clai.i i\ed; ''•ivi t h.: tide, mpney. end . it Vunning; lipx-t.' to.;the .E.arnum' show.. ■ -:••■ -.V-' .'^ -' -The': Pirfcug: fjectlpn' .has .hbtliltig cnsatioh'al,".although.itiipre a.i;e.::isblb; perfpr'manbes. •: The;: Sliow i-oniaini; almost ex'actlj* .th.e same-'as.last'.seaf- 6n. •'A-n exeeptibri is the .6reat Pot-., rs', '"the: man' with the IrQii :neck.". flUi STICK IT 001 ,.-: '■ '■: \ • : ■■■ -Nety'ark ■v.'O..,- Juno- :22.' :'■- ; ; Willf>i\sV.ibi;:Ra;n4lV. "Vy^^^ <?us. '■>vill ■rem.aln.-,:;piit' an .seasiin ■.ev'en if; :i t\:-1 s . -ne'e^'sraary...10 • 1141• to.' 1 d <?ai:i?;i Charl.e nVKi', (s.aid h<^r"^ i.lShpw. is -repoi-t^i'^.rtC .ha.'Siiitg .:haa a ./tough tlilip'b^^^ .so jfaV. "tlYf$i'';s^^isbn^';:;;-:- -■: ■;;•"■:.■ ■/ 7/;/--'; ;.^'i" ;.>.;- ;Qrt ;tour ;mbT'e':'t:han a' .ino'atb -tlie; Pancli>hpW:-';is'.p u.sutji' te.rritpl^JV':^npy^nlfr: pri ."iij ^airs,; .rivb--iia[.v;in'g.-b.eenV.cut.''bft • •. a) sp.ctibn 1.20 • long-, p f ■ g-raii'd -kuhiil': eha-irs; isv .:i)U.t - of; the- .arena ■/'■ctt; tlie:- sniallt;:r. toAVTis, but fipbs upAviieii tlie.: ;slia>y.- ijiays ■■tl,! cities and.. hiakea a 'bpttei:', .siiowing... •;'^VJrcii.- )»bt' hee,^i<.'^<^ the Juniber' iihd cliairs ar'P .retHiriied; .tbv.tho. rlj-iis with • t.Iie-.,cbpkho:iiKi^ iliv, .tl.ip^ .eveninfr/.'sp'. tffwrtc won't .rci. :wi^i.> t'iia't . whole- show "ish-t :.-.bciri{'.' lhit;.U:j>; !}y:,^r 'i' v:\ .vV: ': -Cut ti-ng .put. ,'this ■ gra>id;; stand sec^'--. • tion 'reduces- :.'exp.en.sea-' and".. eluiii-: :.nateSi//p,ay of ■ 50 / .vybrkcrs.- . in.. .citi'es iiabbrfers .'4in<I skid's "^tX-e. .rbjjr'ui t';-. ed • ifbtv th> day to; pUt . thp? s?:!;tib:n back in,-;;:'•■;■ ■, .y'): [: -- .'■y-^ - Persohnel of (the show is probtibly. iOp' less Ihan .la^t sumWer'^-^^ i>rp.- graim slmiiaT' ip. those-ipre.stMitjJd by. i h 4'- Ranch shpw. .for ihiiany ypiirs.;." ;> y .Business lias been ispptty/. After 'Ohio and:^est.yirginia, .tiie 'ioJ. wiil- ■.mbyeeast/r.;.^;. :" .■■.-■;".••;;• ;:. ,-v''.:-.-••:---Dyvi'SVv;B:U;D'b-. ^;.. .!C>rtisV 'B uiid,. f0 rnv>ri y .trf- tlTp: "f'iil.. U^i^iol.Vllf^a OCa;aiH'«^ lierVhsiVvie. in "N\-'\y' V-.vir-ki'j.uhb -1 .;; ..£^ho 'a■i)pe,i^.re^^• ■i^l• :-tho ioliO :ifViiliaiT.'bt;; tlie iiij^wfW^.; rcyiu^.^iiid.the i-blUnyihg; sea.^pn Vvent.: -Vin I lie- iji'iad. ■-"I'll*-"*} ''^■blil .'P i<;'k'iM-s;."'-.: .-.Vl Ik's'. Budd xsiU rod; ■ f br - va,- .ti mo'i^.;Ii.ut. Aviv.s : in: -'peVeirivL- 'prbductibr\s ..,'UuerL-. ;?lve. yisiVcjn- - the.'; .eo;v VieiTlg bp(n\a('((tl"'oir^c;G.l6iVdrt^ ; Il'0i.i';.;a;jrA'iy3iiB- i;isC<'.r;, -.iCr;vli:jt- -M.r. ;"V'ai.k" brpiiprlit..' liev ..b'ack .t0 ;>>'V>y,- V6rk^:ab■0ut.-■thr.t^^^ ajjvii' .- -.' ."/' ;i''-:r:i\M<;:v\f<^i-0, i,'yiQN V \ :/^C^li'a:rles \''j/ \]ion,'; 0^4 duHl; at - . hlv.' ;s\ini)iri<;:r: hoinc.. -at;'.M'un'ri)o,';.N,.: y.-, j:une'l9''gf'iieii('.e^;h li.y'.mitj/riugev 'hi'-'- Wnii as^s'opiat'ed \vif.;' 'Gpoi'gc, At, ; Cbha-n's. ehterpris<^a - fo.r; i2a;;yp;ivs; ■-.;'•''-■■;--:;■;..^-^..-V-'V'-.-^ .;.,"^. .■/ - .-J-yoeeased-.-iS; t^^^^^^ Uoseila ; CpsUgan; Ai'jii.n, - - arid, tiveiv. Woji'vc-hadeis. j-/-."V'lpn', '-J'rvl-. Jutenn^ at,^t, liayniond's',x:«Jtu.etcryi^^^^^ ivesterday.'^Xii^:):. •' .'■; '.^^J'. . .. ';'■. - "/^ Cr?,.. -. , . . . ...... ITe, dobflV sortiP ...iipsideTdpwn. aoria!. .'by ;thc :lbct - arid sbmc fair trapeze stilff. Maiti stiint is diropping with- a "hangntaii's.'noose'' arbund;.hls. nc'-'fe All right .for .th".; ypkos".but -'nblhing •;to.' gilt.,'. :e:\c.ile.'l. overi -.The tope..- is ; vubber ; aiid ja-jvgles' h Ihi .. half wayback to t h e; .uuiiiii', Peters er.abbiilg. the- hpbse with one. .hand.. .'Nbi use, to teet-kilh The' act Showed at thf 'fJardb'n . during' the/ Ri.ngling ;dat;t> this season, find the ppinibn was it "was: - okay;. to,:-senid;'.it to i.the.; Sf F ij-ow:.-- -.:/'■ ■ '■ ■;■;• -/• -': ■-■•' ■';':-'■-;•■•.:•: V -ilorberla. Becsbn^still Avprkirig a.s a ;damb ho .'.iiiirwMgging). >Vi'rP act not' /exicbplip.ha.l- and th<i: <Usp|a^^ helped .but ijy. two; perch tui-ns, . Onc> of the' wive: tiUrns-.'ls Man"ucl -Macias,'. duskiest -skiihicd' of all .-such; per- formers; one girl Wire artist: comr pletcis/thc display, ..It iii.Aliita. Tl,ic.; perches , are . live . in'; numb(n-,^-\vith the : thrpp; brnatos standing : opt,' cla-inied' tp' be the ehly./ act, thiit has t\yo - men- • aloft en a perch •'; balance'd on. ■ the i/shoulderw . vAlsb ; are • tlKf^ "VWhltbv. ThPihmths, •.Ffephands and; Ai'l^^Vsi-■'■ .*' ■' -'■ '; - ■.. . Mabe)!' "vy-ord is the .sola'a.erla1i>it,: with- u rbuiihe akii-v' :t6 the-late. IjiU iiaii l^^ltzej's. -'Misa ward: Is' PPtite .i)ut . "lacks. the. fiho-\y,m<anshir(;. /H'er .rfng;wbrk' iii uiider-. par,- but' .she is; eorhpavablo /ih:- the ./p'-aiigesl;.. She threw, her' body "aboutllOO: : : - ^\crabatic :\\ isplays" -haye ,thb ..perr. formers . dbuhlirlg as' tisua!!, I'aiV tiPulai'iy' .applies: . thP:; Danwills and 'Mohges. /' Latter .in their spe-, cialtiies - fiiiitb iip. to . standai-d.^; . Th(; .Danwiil.s havc;an .pjtcefcitipnai youth, ,Svho batk ,sf>niei-.'!;iult.s.:tb:a shouldei" .stand 't'wo. high. That' stiliit;. nvide. the act ibbk. good' Xor ian.v .!<h'oV. ' I-r.p'sai'»,;-.a-: JJip, ^yh^ liead .going 'n,s.'a ttractod ;i.ttI'v-r tion. . Al- G61dsbe.r.ry-:d«es\ -b.anl-: ward/fbattrMUc dow-n; a rope. . - . .y.; :• -Ktrtucslriah 'ttu'iis:^ in nutnVieiTA.with ;tiie: Jljobsons,': foator.^' ing l'ionier,;jr,,; 'ln...tiye ■eeiVte4--bf Ih^ rinS.-• rLbbljpd good. / Hbhwartx/ ..^Ms"-: ters with^ '^liti.dy- Dlulyh.bfC ;.and';- ,t iv: Albert-. Jaodgijii^- fh.ini.lyy-at' -t^^^ teutteriflie.s.' hdve, three ■vgrfiVips. ;..OT- Ihrcii - iand - t\v'.b si h.i^livs;: m.aliing 'it ii ■ bc>tte^\:j1a«)v );h;^'iv-iisnn:i; • ;'; :■ ^luibcrty. Tu'irse>3 :>ijr to '.s^ vvprkedMiy, j^.id.vnoff.'.'iiiii; c;brd'6n ;pi.'(.oni';.-T/iiddT-r:.display.: v- ^tend-** all .over' the .tw.U.'\yk!i .soVeraT. ■h^ghr-head-;'bal;uu:iiig turns 'inn Uirt;:. 'it! iii'%rc.; "vivrieil.. - 10lep'h.'>ni,s';>yo'r-'J5.<;'tl, '.•liy/ili'ree girlij ;a:s;ii\ ;thc- I'lafrohb.i.i lvy ' WiillaWp/'- /shiVw;. ■r.Mlss'es-:.- Bii'rH.l^iij- I>cdg'el't '..;,'l',hd ":-T-.vk'H.!-r).' - ; I-Uyo- '.'^.c.i .1 ion; t-ri'b.s w h h, :fhe ani ?nal s, iy -:n.'i h.«' tb,.;l)b .-ypiihgi'.'fm.d jMst- Ot'iV'-ljuui-uji;. iT.vyb, -e/'fnU'd'y;;;.!i.t)N');:i,Lr' "'"I'l'-v !,iy .l-'^.'^niHi t tiiiv.:-.ciji'rj;r<.inL: i');''(;au.'--e.- ah' ..t'yi)'.'■•!i.'^'fi jljxtxes,' \y.:)t.h;. his' vfeet: frfipv a 'ji/tiivj-' 'HiJi h.'i,■ f'pinerly- ii'i I»; Vyiiih t-he .'\,v.)\■''• ll-];i-.l^lv<'l)c(l:- ^;ti:li' -.i-ii;:-.-.A'ii.'i"(! ■; . 'I'l-'.'- '.X'Mii v/-. . f! 1 ^.-^h ion^: ■ti shIf)-;.1 ijt. ;in.d n"i ?i;'• Ii:. 1 .i.k'''(' l.y tl!e': y(.l;l^^g^:i.!■V■.-•. - j\l-.v.;i,.•:,''i.-'t .Iii.>i ii'liij: lyi.i i'hs'- 'i;ii)-.i!:li-'r,";: \r jri.), i^o Wblrhieh^ Gtaiitiinp^; y > Cimis MaiiV; E^te V ■ -y ■ -y^tlca, .-Jiirie:.' 22v;y Two w^nieij each -.claiming . to be tlTcy.' widpiy . bX ;'Edwatd; -Lieander'- Crook,, yiprmer .circus - man , with. Rlnglings;'; are - cbnt^stinjjy hia' esr tate; ;iny.Oheid£(,, .Cbtinty yBUfrogatb;tere;-^:/'v;.- -s/.'.- .■• ;6ni;bfehaif-.of Eth^l.-.I^ 32- - pf -.New'Yprki .-iapplic.aliP:n was' lp'<|l f»,y. ;wiadp V tb ./ tlie: / sii rrpgat'e. to hipve trial of .t^'e; case-from . Onc'lda to; S*eW'.-yprkyCbunty. i-This ■ah£. his retained MisS-ilelcfl^^^I^^^ Mp-/ Coi'hiiGki' fprmei'' 'assistant district a ttbrn.ejr of- JCine.s; Pounlyi as:.-Cbunk-;. «o;l.V ;ciaLims; estat^ is yalued-at ph(y fcW'; thbusand; dpllar.q arid wants to_ save: tray;eling .expenisea. ;;.-f5)i.o.:'ha,s t.wp., .cjjiidren by ;l:Cropkj . acebrdinii' to .the pihcial. papers;"- y;. - ; y :Ma:ry; iiuth Crook,: 30iy of ;^^(27 Qbium'bii'Street,.-U.tica,^ wo'ma'h'-eiaiihihgyt'' C o.\\\..-:..yNTeithVir.; of - ■. tHe-- t^ l<riew' '.aboutythc. other yuntil 'effort^ '\vere ;started. to settle'; .vhc '•: cst.a-tev Hkrpy '.;Cl.a.rk',. '451, ;bf.. ^r.ow- ^Y.brk- Stagcha'nds .I'hiv^n.-: >Joj :' !>;, ill';pf. tuberciiiosiS'. .for .'eight yPai*, .diiV J an«i:- H : in'; -Siarana c yLake;;, -N; "• "i'"j, where he'liad/been oaj-c'ct for ,by; the ■-^j.'"V;A'^ 'ihtei-meht in- 'Ne\y \Ybrk.'. EtKel R^piB^Ei;; niijisici.a.h.-'a;nd eothp.osp'i\ V(lied . in -"Pitntit;- B;iT.;l"arAV t"a-l.,'-; 'June; 14,-: fbllii.\\ i-ii;j -. aii' bpo'ra- : Hi<]\i^ '.-^<lie; \yas - f:l)e-..'^v:ii(:oy^ l\U.iMuM^jn,;:'T;iirt'ihv^;:-\:'.rV' 'wvh'o :-' ."s'lh^viVt .•■•; ■' a ;:;divu.glycr,.: 'hb'w- Jh' :i!fkinH.; Ohiiia.., .; ' ■'- -.■ ;."^!y '.. •■',-:'-T- '-l; " --'-y :. J.u.n;a-". .kuba's,- ..'3^ -Iv.»ihfT.s, y..ivfe.i;in;o.:oijeriu.pi:, . dipil /at; i^arsUjiac. ^I'ii.i^ t.Ul/ei-.cvih^sit!;. yB.e>-iilj?s;'-.thb. -hiisi.lmhil. ' her. rii'pfli'et' ,a.iid-,-si'safer..'s'fii-.vfve^ y rn>. • tf'rnienf'-tn^N't'.w .Yi'n'ii.- ..■ ' ; :- -.'.'Th;© wiTe.^o;r,.Thbn'iTtj?' ^'iiujTgy"-lVe;i;V.. of ' th'p-:''.l;£o;iKi;2st(i.tty^l)o'p;^^^ l^ii'cuiiouiit 'l.'.vblix-,-::Uled .Jiine' 1" .'in :: .'; .-pVy^Leiiis' ■:(«;'■ Khp^v^'oij^: fpiv nvahy; yi^ir§ ph-ysiciun . wlth'^^^^^ -lyb ro pa ug-il ;,,C.i r b uif*. -died' -ih; 'Da'n.'lj.ur.y,. '■ Conn.,; Jg-npyii;. :''':y ■;•/.' //:/';''.^y;:;■-•;•;' ' -■ -Jack': iGriaff/;"3(>; :fbrm^ -kctbr, d.ea'd of aevitc .alcoholism - in '.Ha<i'kensack, ■N^ J.-l: -y:-r;y \- y-:-: -y.-'';;:i-^y.; - .;;The;; tWo-weekT. old ysp'h 'pt ^C'e.drgi-;', C:i.tzh'iaivi,Mee,' ; 'i-ilhi,-ydh^ectpr,; ,.'ditVl- ' Junc,;;ia. y(^tbtllei; •;-jL3^ /fui:moV\';y Uiina'Kane, 'actress;;-:'.., .-'-; •: /./ . .yvife;-;of v;BiUy;;Yfan^ \ .former)y/ of ■:' Ivilkenny.'-i<:buri.^al'cd: at; ti hospitiil/ LK)3.;AhgelVs, June l^j'- . ■ ! ,y. :E$pe Killed ■ . . '.:. ;;'• .-'; '■ ; .CpluiiibuS,' Jurtc.'a?.'' :■ - John yi.^wrencc; Cfonih, .63; oW of: the ;cif»nin'Shows," play ing this"; city ;for week; .wis. ';fp\iud ■dead - iii his ,.bcd at .hi!5./hotel here' last \veck, jjcathywaf? dub-to heart ■attack..:. : erpniii:; liad ■ ret'iii-nxid V-frpm ; the shpyv: fiTpUnids^^^^ bpfore be .died. The h<?iit was be-^^ lieye.d:.tb :have£ -bech' a .'cdhtribiiting fj^etbr .tP big death; :Hfi had ■been a rosldent. of Columbus ■, for .. the. past 'S;ix-years: -y-y /-■■ :;■;."/.- ■■.. ■ '.■ -^y'; ; FEEE: G^ATE SPEEADDSTG 'jy';; - ;...y:- ;Manbhes^^ ■ Ifpr the .fir.'St time in the history "of : chaut.auqxia presentations ;-here;! thei'e .will be .aijyopen gMp /f 'event-stairting /July 15. . ' - . itadc .possible" :by' '''In'VfiheK^-'.iftnd .prof<^.s.<!jph'al.' irien,' wh^. ifi.teiirl> ffi,ot- irig ail:-:bills .flurinft.'the time /that ihb show';is bciny-'!?tatied..;;y- ' t 'i^-/PAiiafj;.ihne, 22; /■. /Kir/pingf ;.tby offsei yia>it/ yf-ap>.vT)a!i g;ilcF, mm a. !bt the, srpo 11 ;.f aw n;/f ;i' i I'-s- in , Tex.'is 'arc aiiinA.Yn'cing- frtrby ad: •)'ni.s,sibi>. for 'thiij .fail.;.'-, y ;. : ;..-; ''}■',)»vhnnin; -;b.n.- ,atniLf^i' iff /, anl. /ni id ways'.' helped -spmc. .la?^t .<f;avoi( -:biIt'.; not ' eripughiyy,!=;<> ' tiiv-y,y,ilgui:i; rna'ybe., tliny'ii enhie; irVf^*; ni^'futiiie. yUiat' the ..<;biV<'eKsi.()ri.frir<''s";:;'iiv:iVl; .h^ i^;; >yori'ythc. dift- ;tJVi:ouf<ii; / high''j rfnt.'d;?. .'•.■■■./-■/'-■"•--':-•-■ ■'".-'' [/;'■■' '; yAiirbj-a,.. 111., .;june 22. 'y .biiiit.'" ■\yilli.ani -Espci '3C,-yea.r-bld. prdnioter .of a: mbtbreycle vacp n>efet; and autPniobile '^stxnit :prQgt:anV. at; Fyilibsitipn park, .;ayX\'efek ago, s.tic^:. :'cumbe^"June': 18 ih fhis^^^ ihg ;ah. ;ppei;.'iitibh: fbr-. ga.jn'grfe'ne, yfol-,; iPwibfj ^idc.cide.rit; 'at the'.'meet..• .;■ y. B3«P.e- was.ri<ii,ng pn.;bPard of":.-a. catapuiting.'auto;, t..e'sting..;'tlie cai-btii;p'ipr;;',-Svheii -a^^^^^ and ;'Uve; lhae)i'jnp . pyerlM db5igric.d. -toy '.lirbtC.ct ;'the .; cru^he<3uEspe..': :.-.'• • ^;-^y;'':- .; Clarence Kb.^bn; 26-yeiVr.-old 'Clih- t.bny Iowa/; driyoiv vi\i's 'seiriouisly .Inr-; jured ; Ijvfer 'ywht-n .:hi3 .maehine e'ranhed into a; ferice. ' K.ispe hp'ifne. • .C'rpokto.n>,,: iS^ ^.u'r- vivcd;. by. ills Ayidpw- .'iii.d l^;;.3 'parents: FAlis In CRAZY: HOUSE, SUES . ;-;y ./■ y;:-':;:l;ifl-gb.Vii-gh/'.j;uhe-22.-.'' A-, f.-ijl in. tiie yCraxy House at Kennywopd. Park/.lWsyjfeRiiltfed irt'ii: iiuit for■$?5jOO(l:.damnB;e's-agalnfl the (sehnywobd l',arl.i Corp. by. ■William. .f\: Sullivan, lpeal;fan.. - . Y '.; -■ ;l V Tiie action PlVai;ges .'plnihtiit •'5uf fdred .dislocatipu bf- yhlS. shbuldcr, nervous.'Kho<ilc and/-pthcr injuries' in a fall last J'tily>. ;; " ■ ' ; :-'<-'i'"(if .■i<Vrt:din;;r;y'.7tiriih:.;t:<::(*y' y'i<U<. Vb In'• 111 ii iji i i)<'e -ni;tiU:yi;;:}'yA ii}"^;^ i V jK :i^^•/;>:^ Vai•iiif^)t;c >nit;.iinay-- nnt.b'-' m);;-'<;!: ;i'i'i'i7'i.i ;h<-..\"t'.->-"n>'or).;;.' It .wi'ii iu''ii.'/),i'.i.;-' fjr .d('ile'd.,np. wflli- j-'OHie /•'^"li'i".; .yV.^': --.-'i \ a« : I' ::ti'v.i>iT. kji'ik.'i • ■sli.'i'l'lvy ■ ''■:•,.'.': . . I <))rKi(i nk'nf-xt :tr> ;tiie;j.{-rni.O;'ni. y ii'/i -v.;: Kiy.n..'-iri''*:;.f .''l.^i■: p'•ie 'If•rlv;'^ '-'J' \ CARNlVALiS ;.-:(Fbr current week—June 22-29— when 'not pfKervyise .indicated.). Al.-)ild.ln--.;.T*um)i.i3l(lt'.;; Jb;: Algona, 29-4. :-.:H/;'j-iAueu!ii-f(, ^v^,.; ; 7!<>rn.iril| T';x[iO-.-M?inV'iK). -M'nn. riist;ni.v--"wiilt. h.-ill. .V. V. '.ijluc!. f<lbboii7:-.S«,c' .-l-leiirf. jnivn/:...'. -'-Iti.'C«lbf-gl< KrVf':—(IiLrilfii Cify, Knil.-' : ■.-lirmvii ^: Jiiffii-lli'-. AiiiiMi-". 'N. Y. .- ■ - . . -, Hru<'e--Tiri>/K<'l(in. I'a.; .MI'ncrsvlIW,' 29^^. CipUnl—'-Afl.-i. ..Mlilii.,: :'.V-7; -...--' ' .Ci'ilfn' .-'A- WlTJo.! - <'t;i.i-U;liu'rii:, ;.yi'-:. V.-i.-.;.- :'llk-b\VfifMl; l*!»-4.^;; :,- . ;. > ' " .: . '' . ' V)P I'il-.oc.—.>!:.-r^dlli-rt F, ; Ky\ ;; j'-iiRln.'), 20-.4. (■illcmoa -nri.s; Ii.-irl.fot'l...-Oonfl<': - ■- -; ..(*i-aXl»'T^-Jlr'>nlw'p<i(K. <,'al. ., ; ; .'\ ; .i.'rtihiil-.;.r'i!um'bii«/;;o.i-/ - . ; /Drtw-: A'Ukuei-'*'. .^If-V-. , • - '. ■ - :.K]i-:m\nK^Vtii\-\-rr.uc.o, Ttv.; fiivT.K^f., 2p.-'l...- .Kolpy. & idirk -lUf.-i;t-i;.CaJ. ; Xapii,-SO-Ji- : . FoIk-;-'f;rnh.l.y.lll/'.- Mi<-b;; J'.,; ': -. - ; ■ - -(•Ibbs-. M;iJ7<yU<',: K;(ir.-- - >. ■'..: •. .:-/ .(;H,s(,;i--li.cknc.ll.' T,ml.;, >l', -JflV-*;. ' ■f/JrubT-rK-./Tirirliv..]'.-)-: i (Ttifloii JlclRbts.L'O-J. ,a'tt-th'--ij.iy'; o.-i .<;[>r)nkri"ii>,- i!!)-4. ' y . HoV;u'ir, Hr'i.".-.MaMi\ill'!; Ky;;: Sjp'':,ticcr; W;:-'Va.;;.;irt-i.■ -,-:/ .■;-'■/ '; ■ Itiiri't:-i:'.r?il!«,.T»'T.. •-.--. :-;:: *■ ' ' :-./ . r-: w;pVlii--c:i..M-(i:.y.:^ .-• ; ;-'■'■:-:■/-.. .'. ' jv:iu,'i'-.|:/irnv')iiii,-ra'. ;- -/ •- .--...- ■ •■- -■ j;,inh»-l^•li)'^^^;M^■■w:'CM^^v Kist-g.ij iO;-!. -/•...• I..'iu'r,il.lii-.->1rM'i: . . :/'-.' -' ■-. UrCU )'l:Ih.;.^■ii^•^:t^'•.. if;'..: .';''ilnnilius,- ?9;.;l'. •.Sl<il I'is '\"t -;i.":im.1vt- ';'(! li<-TtiT,'- .Mllin. ; ..,'t'irf;n' 'N6r'Hin'i'-;'--Vi<.-. -.i- t'.'-'. .:-"-. -. ■ ' -i :-)>riif-i'rr(.-7:r'mi,<'-;,:iii^,..Wri. ..;. ■/:■;■, '; Si'.ou'-.-C'.ijOim,'';. Iruli: ; .. ' ;. . ' / . '-,.../'; -' .'^'ix '^ vvc'.->iVa1i'iiv,>^.-.'( i.-- ;-:-- ; -;. /■ ■':.... . N''itv i.U i ) \y !v;gi.)i. n.!i'v.ATi, -Mi« >»;, . •-;.. /■VV.''ir.: ..\f.i*'"ro.•■ '( .; - |li<-''i<r.V.ino,- iO-4.:.\ ... ; '.V>'!(>;i..;':nhn<> - . Ki"V|i.rik:.; t^.;:. . '- f - -: .: '' . Ayi^j-V-:!/;-.,iia ■rii;biii,> N'-y;.y ';:; .y:.; -: • CIRCySE? . ■-:';Ai;.G.' Barries -. -y'•-':- '■; yy : 7jt..-;in'.-; 'j:».-kb': .;2'1.: f)'pr.l<--n;. .. (;•!. r::'i(.f.'^^'',::!v..'- 2'<, ijifiv'-.-..^/ '.i Mighty- Ha:agy -, H y;y.-•'>;;': •^ip'-'-itiviilM, I'f.a.:;;.:/l,-.;lyriril.'i':K Ekhilutfoh l^ntf .Uxhibliioh Tent Co., •^\vhich pp-- " .erated, ;-fo'r.-;^.t-hr;ee;.y^ gawi;-. N j-j;,./-ha,s ;.f ru .ties'-bf;;i;U3,oOQy--/;../^;;-yy':.> .'■-'•-;.:."/• ;- y Prbjebt-:was ybrm^^^ jjupply. car r■; .hiyaiy«h'.o>ws; wJthyri^Jea ineri t. :: It bi'.a'nchcd offin tb. promp - ; tipna of its' own,, and b.ecanio, iii-." volved;:. ■'• -. './-■-''-; y 'y./y.--" .; ..- •' •yyEquiprt'ient; asidcr .ii-pTh.'th'e;groun^^ ,aha ■' bu{Idihgs, . ia; -; i livenibricd : at ' JtriiiiO^OiO ajiid Will^ •mer--jirVy.'?, Pr'pperty*^ m'a;ted .'yalue;'.iis;.'$4!i'i060^ Svitli' mbrt- .ghges for tliat. anipunty.riiaking a ' '. /snip a;t;;thi3.-timc;-uh;ilkely;-- ; "y:\- ", ■ :,ilcni^'•...-Meycrhbff.';-.and;:' Fred'''. p. Al'ur'ray .. oivvii.pd; - th:c.;;'()v'tfi:t.y. Under- ' -sfpod;'.;-the. lat'ibr; did. (he . wfirryindr-. ' .bvi^.V\:/fnnd.'i;yand- .Hhrobfg^^^^ help wasyaiways "jjaid off. - ;; v • y y Jack Greenberg Pe^^ ; :.;.-;;-vyv; ..iD-eh-vcr;. Jurie /22;'.; ;y :Augn;st;-;'';G.jnienberg,, ■ 46,' ' better _Llin,pvv.n..ili- the; circu.s-world^as:. jar'h-- Grccnberg,ydiedyyesteW I) Part attack;- .1 Icvy/'as .rnana h i y;'. own- .carnival,/ .playing here, ...wh*-* . he died. , y. ■'-'v ■■ , - ;'.'--.-// / Cnicnbcrg -was ;■ with ' .<^ell!^>idot>■.;■; ind■.Y,a^k^:•d lUjjbin.qon/beffir'p (Vrgiln-;- izlng - hl(4.'fnvh-.-earniv,a:T.; - i'fe. ;w,ais a - .•■ .ni,ir(m.ber . p fth e J \'.i<>'f)a<i t' .Show-. . ma n's A'sH'n. and tbc Klks.-: -; i|ey'is.;.'s<irvjye.d; by';-his; -wife; two...;.. siatprs '.antT ;a brother; ,'Burial: WJI) .. be in'PctroityWedrtef;dayy(2-l>;> y-';...'. TatketsVRisk •-;.K'-i--'-;4 i-Kils'.itn'd..-tT,V'>^.s:r';<ir'0-^;'-. - ..:. ' ; ';-..'I'hf1 iw- .i'tinir'lf'^^ ':f'•' '-'j.-' ;V".-. -X -.'-t^ 11 n(l>i"y: 'firill li'-ri'l.'.-d..-\\'■■•:f.-'■ H. I'iiv'- tl.K».' ( U\\i ,(i;V;i |/'' ii/i. i-r'al ';;: ';i'!;>. ;Xo-,f!| ii'iii'Vii: .ii.(.-t:; aii jt - n'i't. .i-f .•:i.i. i.i. y ;:;>.' :hrou-Kl'it:..\li'x'.s.-V^n"d--Hf i-i'ivv; sj'n;,"u 'o'li ..... ... . . .. by -4 W^)'. ; Atf-naW'^ "i-^'viy,.;.'.^'"- ;/ /:y .-'- i :i\ ill'./■;'!'- lu i/a/:; f i!;r;ti..iLii]-> -/iihr^'-r, ; .' The:. S«'l'l.vr Vh'cAv; i-;' ;v..^.'rHr;i*';-i jir'i-i;i'K^ '"'^^^^^ -L-liHtV ij-i rii'/rry autri't',';i;b.oiu.;f<jini'rar,s.;ii(-iii'!.pp(-il^ .Circii,'i,> .wji.i but the' jBanVe/eiinipiiiein'-used .- . ;-';' , :- '-.'■: • B^ofenbecU.-Wallace :• : .::/'-.;:--.'-'.\':i-/. i";i'.; -!;;i: .V'-'f'': \':y.''>- ■• '• :a '.if-ii';rr-A:-i :-iy;;''i!.-i:io/v. 'ili:, 'Vii• i.vii: *o!.-|,i!j;'.,.;:>. .,;i"., -, '-'.'■-..:'' .. . --. Mlilc'r -^B^-o^;yiO't' -Rsnch ..'^-:i'-.--/ '.'.;)■•,.^■-:: r - :i v..;:. ^2^■...■^■.l■\l•^v'•■v^ 'i -. ':• J • • ■'!'-, ■--.:.•; - •/.►In'it-w/.k:.-;'»';, ^\.'\ ■'oi.v.:'^).,' SellG-Btcrilng/ •(•,. \y-- ,-i„ i.'/'ce. y ■'■: \- ;. s.ens- p(6'tb;;" '■ IV - 1 • a:' -'V ' S''' '-I/ ■ C'-iyinf ,.'-> ?i'-a'ii.: i'.'j;;.' >-1 ''., ,'i.'J'' ,. * I x'um oJi.' ' -' ;.--('C'bntiriued:flipw :3): ,..'■ ■.-'. -:. afVtorg y.KhtiVrld. ge't 'ity hec!jius.,f»'. of thi-- - rii5k,;they"take;'■;'y-'.: y;.:---. y '; .- -^ Gn' tlicywh(de.:Mpi:i^^^ n'rs aff theiTreate.'it rnena'('e :th'; i^iadr r :' .:h/is; i|i:;'e'(lu.sp' -:6t • the- -w:ay',ijrcf-:;y. (akp .'^heyiy'fM'vi-onu'.r.s-iitfj•.tlic ;tiy.e;.iti'-'•; ;.ind;- cfr.rL<)iieh'iiy.- ruin-- ihenii/- - N''•,«/;-.;; f^()'hS.f'rs.\vh9'-'isiyfn fiv(ni)\yi(,- rrf ;iaf<'.i; /. - nny the., .stape '•»;aii't ydtyV.-lijp. i.n ; |i,i.i-..; :: tivi-e.^;::hc' ' (jhi-bbs./;. ''lyiiey ' don.H- .l<'a'n'. -'gy :-and-. ■h.'iy<'>v .no' .i-.i^.ar((.'<.v- </.y. -ii'irrhing, y ■ ;.;-.;'' ;. ■■' •--''\yhi(:h''«ido> fij/f'l.s.yn^^ : •: ;iii'rnr'.d /-tD ^ tl"';:: v'a'nera :b'a>; Hltivi -'• iif'Sirihg';({ti.;,':'(.^Kf; 't'-i=l'i:ri't'iii,<.ri-at i-ordr-'> : '!rig .Iii :^Ifustian;y .lU -;af't;iia---, jiist ;-wV)et'e ;ii .&\tx^''\i\:-. Jin<yA.'. ^^ijii't taiayjiiin .Vinvv^h^ ■,■ ' ';•■; .• ■' yyMad'i/'iv'^ipit, h:.i.y;;j^Hiyi-o fl'l'ii- .i'f;iVi-"7 ^l^■;'^^lviI^r!^Kr•^^^:a'^^^l .;-^,.:i;l:^ ii.ife f'U ;ih'^'.i^'t.;j.'^''?-iKyr'f*.r'ny Vii.^-yiiVKt /; /thitii:' !'<it'y(Ui :;j'Vi''>i': fi'l' bV^'K''! bij.. in'!iy,' -ii'fijy.* lii<ik';j--Ji,' 111 f'^Ji:;?: / wTii-ii; ;lV(;"-t-vt:H ■ ;i hri-r? K"pi*;ni:e(:tV! ;'>=ii'-c'f;¥:vy. \i: \ h*^*;;-;: -/ a'mvy ir>', h;^.y'I^^■!.l:riert -.iihtV " ;i-/. rf-;i'fy^ iijV.;-v4:i rt ;>::^; ~i:y t'(;j-:.^-JVl''>ri;itM- . . Dave' Gardi-rier '.j'njti(-d tlii>'.-yiilVit,''i.'.. irv'-v'>%"-igiit. -rMuij.-. lipoid.'sI(bw yUj:\; V i, :.vf't'k;y-'yy..:,'.;. -.-;'' ■■':-;;:. v'-y-