Variety (Jun 1931)

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62 VARIETY '... laR-i'Vs' iirL> s tli.ii'iliiriK.': .t\vi(;V ' before ■' BVifjiaing a )>lu-k.' ■ TuiSsd.iy niKtitH ,iU-, 't;ivo'' KiielG«'jr>Q!3* IvavC-.jjcfni ^flrawini,'"' •. c.'iiiacit>S .riKlit tvlciriK u)UjUldH'l- we't-lc; ' The profcs.slonal jpm'lows stin-K^'. on;' '.Tih,st -ivook'ii iilni -.^I'mittciii-'. night; ■ ..• Only,, nin'o;. ■ ficts- ; .ol'iffiniil-ly listea' artd. it. looked- like ; pnly cikllt /Avhpjv •the; Throe.. Dlxlo. Fiyors WlU'il ,tt) .sJjO.VN" lii .the. «i>o;noiv: V. but i^iacte ; a, ,iai-t liiiiiuto. oatraTicc: ' after' all- tlio 'otjicrs; wer^-' oai;,-.' ■' V. i^ooney-. .an<i Qlyo^i ' ^^^^^^^ ;. meni .: . .Vsthrttedi . • One dcios' ..ItaliA'n.. tllalccf . -to .the. otl'iov's;. ^traiglit-.-.. ■ Tbb,'. Lfi* .. Glali;f>s, 'ii'ian 'and Aydnian,' t-urnefl- '■ .ont'd fail'' nov!?ttyibai;incinff;''turn. -.l<'*rnnk^ and: HitlT . -two''boys.-- with;. . '^jult'ai*/ we're, fi'rst .td throw A^ -moh- ■ -.-key Avrdri'ciiV-into -tlic show.. Ahia,:' •■. teurliih. :.'-..'r-. ;',■.- v.^^ . > ~ .]?rdhtatiori:.- Hammlcs;. '.follQwlng,' ' ■ .\\\'vs ■■'oven'' .wors:c,..- Startin'g- with- : :> ».'SWaTieiE>'Rivet*'' ■ :'t,he ..four '..women. •.. "i\m- throXigli- a coniplote . cycle'-, of .* -BiXid. .sdntjs- iicdo^pvpanied -;by a,- ■ Virokcn d'oWiii -f ktdle ami plH.rtd; L'Un- ; -jiey 'a.hd:.Lodi -t\v,o cpJloRiateVboys .on.? '. the. eccoritrlft .hoot Yai"lcty..;attempt to: do- al". ■iUt,z.:.Brbs. •;- Neiit: loblffers ; .aiid. not bEi,d'dancers.. .- ' ' '"<■ .■. • ■ •''Gardtin:, of .' You th'", a'..very. mild ' flash- -vVlth' .five igirls .i.and a.'.lj'igliL- • Icickingl- .; jiivci^il6..; ..wh^^^^^^^ bii't pne-.-fepecialtj!:; .appca;rrince. ^I'Jicmme . . quintet-' is. ..(lulte . o'r'diri^^^ ' •andei", and ..I'bggyr./'ini'xc.d blaok'faco. .- .comedy;dno, gathered:■a'fe^y laughs,'. ''. -.A.nY;tliihg'.and eve'ry^t!iing..\veri.t;.. Just - v that-kirid'o'f:iLUdierico.. — \\ - '-St.' Jdlin "rrlo,:liand,'biilahc1ng aot,' •; looked .well-; .arid ■ w.6rlc,ed ^ in; nico; ' styl&J- ■. V'-. ''.".'^ ..'!'■"'-v'.'-.;•.-v r:.:- :^;^'Mppt-the'^ViifeV (ColO ieat^i^^ ' LETTERS WUfin Renilliit; for .Mntl to. .. VAIflKTY AiMrooB !iU» Cleric. - rosi'cA tins,. AnvEittisiNO , or eiKCUI,AJt nKTTKRS. \yif.I; iiOT ,py.':-:.:._ .ItE-.AI) VEItTISED.- • .tEXI'URS' AbtEllTISKD IN .M ;':.-..,:,.- .^-onb; iss,tE.-o:!;LY--:-.;. v.- '(ContiiVued fr6m> page ; 4^)" NEW .yORK CITY • Ilii^iibn!' & 'nbsita-,. liinli. .Cot<; 'Orcb .- non.u.'C-A''t*> .--' - Mn'ii] -llanclan ' •M.iy.c.l • V-rosliy " .rniiuW:.-K>ti!hi -: ; - ■' Wilriia.CoS Grtce -Mitchell' : . sarvrttdr).' Oieii . Cent ml l>'.tli CnslDO" ntiVc: KlliiKl.t)i)ona .. Led. Relsmarv. Orch . • ciiii) CiiluU.' jnolc ■■\V[ilt-o- vrillllaii'; J.<'u.rnca. -.: J,i\cI(.le' ..Mn');o . .l''rnii<:cs 'Kuy - Dorule .M!3ctt:e'U's Or' ' 'Connie** Inii-• ; •A.da .\Vard - ,; -. . - ■Jciyte n'oblrisoo -' Louise: Cook - Earl Tucker . .■.. .' ,;rJotty. ltl)0(jQ9'. So.iiny' Uoy -..Dudley' .Uvsile. .pudlfcy." Mecrs'S: Aieijrs'. AVIllife. Jac'kson .■ 4 . D.(in - Bon.. Uby's . - ' Collbn.' Club . - ■■ .Cora La.ilpdd- .;','•: Mllil.'d' WaslUngtr.n, ^jhcriTiart .'Ilobinson - .r,eiii)ii iiiii .. ilerry" nros - ' .AliiVa.' SinJtJi-". "".'. .■.. Eddl'c'.'Kector ■ - Cotton- Club Trio . CliSrcndc '.Hobinson SSvan X>c.e ' . Mnrlyo nf'o'wn ilehiii .\y(;ssels, 4 .'Step BrpS ■' : . . :'. nobby. ■■^-^ ITutitiy Payne ' Norman All\yoo'd-i' -'. 'Ahise-.iinyer -' ,Gab Calloivay-.Orfcli ,-EI . na<ib',..-. . ,><orma- Tetri?''.. . '' .-lioiiy>voQd' N- .T :o- -.llev. ICalz. Orpli '. '- dnhlniiii'H.'r Tcrrocc ■ .loc'.-.WiHiiii-e; -; .. . - --. My.rna. Wa'veriy' Molly-. 0'IJpuifhcr.ty-. Helen iynvls----..' Ijola'.'T3ci t-r.nin .' - ;l'rio, C'ir'oniiiirej's.-' - Will vti.nUlarid., : . - . 'T'l.oii:. Spi'l'i)5 Orrh -rnrhituiiint'<irlil. . "(faL-lt.. O.v.torninri* - ' Tj 61 s:. Jl(: ..'1 f---'> rt .-t^ t e r hn r ;.Tolniny ^Coiidey.- -Tfud.-&/ Sis: .'Roberts .FieUis Piriitli".. . npria -lyle.rly .. - -'■: Oa\'e -I.aAV.V-encft ' .-. - ilctt3^'.Hnj;--rio '. .RaclhR n.ourt<T»' Vi-cednxah -Pfcli ..; - ■.. Suloii Rojnilv'■ Elizabetl.1. ..Welsh ,'.. Kid 'S^hccsie : . ■ : Har.Vey: -.Wlvlte ^ Opnl Cbbper. V : . TJitby • Face • -. .' Inlcroationai. 'Orch .- Silver SllpiVcr; .-■ -K.ldle '.MAraii .'"HriVcst <;hai'le9 ■ ■' S: Iluby . Shaw.. .' Hiid' &--lilci)0f. Coll. ' ISdltli. .^JraiiiTnian,' . : Oils. .-nyltiTid ' Jo.e ;C<iw'!iti. '. " SaHiniy' -KaUn ■ Drch .. . Virinpfi llnriJ Art IT'all . • Rili'y:'& .Corrirort-- Allitfr, Phly. '".. Jiitinny Hui'iicl 'Tincte! .-J'-.'.Meadows -Chlclc-.Kojiiicdy • '.'W-inct'ar-.prcli i.. cHieAGo; ; 'Abjiot :Mclvla J'-' r . .. . All - .Slay maii'. .- . naWon''Clara':. .. 'T^clllnirn'r' Trche .&' •llucUl iJtbth , ■ .;' .' , -liurr'IlutU'-. . .CArltt>h -Mrs h .- " -: .' Colonian . iMuxlne. .' Cornell: Irene' .... ijixtoy- .-'.Tn'o. ■'■: '' ''-' Dprtuss'. MsCrje v - .--EmftlUrKv'- .'V^iilcry .'.' . ..:>:vans :il'ali)U .. . ■ - ' . .Gjitp' J.ean ; ■ Kerinflfld -Ja'ck - ■ IKnciilan.d- J.atlj'. iibrphi:-Taul' ' • :" 'Mark'NorVln .. MayJrOjW-'..Krahlt , -. l'Tct>anc'-':j(lab(Si ', ^urray: Ellii'Rbeth >: preepp nar-;i3py^. .Pullet JullJt -rpst. Sua liilllan 'ilichards-;Ted .. Uii Jills'-'-Joan.. . ■' , TVUd-y -'liiiierapn .' ' Stopl\6T(9,Hal..- ■^ai'dmftn. A.''&; 'A'. '■ .\V;pi:f£.'-ic> 'JcTohia; - \ - CH|CAG0;;0FFICE ; CarrpU . 4c' Ciprma'n . ij'^-ans' Alvin. ~A - Mandel jramlljr •Jiloliamcd IJc.o : .'.P-LAYHO.USE' . - ' Mats, ■'We'd'..Stit; ■-...aEDRCiE'E; .\V.IJ?,T-Z-rrre8Cli.te JefF^rson DeAngelis 1 XiiiU Alulfuni.. .hniy .SIyM-3. .' '; '.-' Al:'fAVapnf!r - : ^ niilp Dypr ' - lilnier .,Srlvo<;bpl .• ■ Marian .Boyco '' l.tuby. Abbbtt : '. . . Slatisr' Brocltinan ' > OaH'fe :Un'eil OrVh. Cliib - AmUiissnOeUr Mn'rfe'ib' Tate. Ullln -UUVtori- v., Hv<>iyn : C'aine'T-ph . - Vlrla -VaiiKkii. -• Ruth'-' Button- ... '.. Helen JJurUc ;'. . Claron6e Mo'oro :Or• C^ub..'I.e. Chilre;-.. - •Tohhnie. ..-Ry.aii ': - Obt! iM.eycraA ' 4. ■paccji-iakpra ' : ' ' !l;hcrdti- . Cooper .. ., Margie liyan. ■•. — ' SuKat.JCeniiftily - ..Martlii-" . -. .,' Rgsa-tino' - -' Maklnp Orch - .' ' .rolIOKO. .Inn-.,; ' .,' VhMim' VTiinl's. Sairimy MltchoU- . . 'Hobby ■.Mueker-.Or.-.. " / C'oloslnvSs . " Hehrf'nilif. S:-..l*C^y jiiac'-'-Baxtcr '- .larvla 'Jiidl --■ ■ 'Jliiuny.ifr'p <jrch' - (iolirlen I'linrpkln -Al Jlcynohls- - KthX : l-' • .; Ai-..'i. Aiino'.; .-: - ■ Si\lly..,Osiripn Au.sii.J\'.Ma<Mc- Orch ".'-.';/ :. 'fiinihh4lft-::;',- Alirt I.iynian' Orbh. . '. '■ ti'rhiiil ■-'I'emipo-.'- Jlalpll C-'Po.per.''- nutt'cvb'ns-;N.'-S;Usle ■ Vlvlan-'-HrpWn' ■■■ Earl H|n(i,s"Or.Clv ..- I'lnrdlh' Iiivern .v Dai-HnR ' a:...- ..- -',' -. ■Tro'ire OeoVgo '. ;Tii)Ola'-Ctal-cl* '.' TtMl-m'ore; -K '' -'. J -,. ISij'rl nurnctt Orcjr : Jllrnlnjro - . ' Rohio Vincent' T.I'si'h eron " .fe -. A d nini'ii Al- ITaridlcv <.trx;li. .• ,' , -. New ' Dellii :. R'.&-.M.Carariara;.■: . 'f'arolyri Nolle riypslp: .Iliiauma,l6 : .Georso.: Olseri 'Orch: .:.. . >. yunll y ; KiVr ■?ncTi"ny . stfonjf ~; -Dorothy lycUl) ■ ■ -WolC'-Orcli - \yai3; ;fe:6tton; togt'ther; by .•tbo. saniv (; c'orgq . r.lax'if, '\vlileh.' .muy- ■ ha\'c;; .t'aiifiC'd.Mr.; lil'uclv-to T-ie.coiiyo,.fio"..u dlily- iinppiltant ;aa his: cable to 'iVT I'rnlia-n .iiidtcatdd.'..- 'MeaiiwiiilvN. ilr.; liJliick;MHs.\Oi;norar Thoati-es;;Hi:t^^^^^^ arid-all oHld'f I^ngllsh- 'ii-arle.ty niajia--.' KPj'S :..>vi.ll' -play. Ariiericah--. a(.;ts—i.C: they. - . caii^bf .the-' acts, .•'clwdpl^ . orioughy. ■'■<■■/■ .' ■ ■ ■ ^--'.^ .:-"', - ': ' '^variety'* in. I^eiW:" York.;.for\\;;5hly ■ qai/led ; to .its London., plll'cc- aij to \Vli';at>;itii.crp% nilpht be.srn 'tliO'-iilack' i\<iitf6 'hb.6ut-.'i'?ngli3.h rVs.6ritin('nt' .to tiic /Palace.; satlrp'.;.:An's\vcr. returnd^ . was " 'Daily Mail';: capped- d'ur^s^ And . si^.pt . qti'ory : over. . -.OUvOWise. tovsi(iC ii.:^'■■-.'■'; ■-.::■.■,-.■..■-..■..;;;.■•■;.■.-: ; ; \Vliiclt ;tr'artslatca^^ hoiind ^-xvlio' did; the.; cabling niea'iis tli6 Kirig-.Aria :Quo'on are stlli;^^ ;':>■■..-■ • ■' ■...;.''.; Trcim.^pase'47y--; ',>'''■':;.'-.• X ■'■::' : iiig; ;\\v>s'olf 70ori}<ciou9.-; vtvinp> i ,I)uric:;in ^iiultilSo.g J'n ..abii^.ird' miVnn^o^^^^ ■ isjiis.- to projoct. h.or . coiineetlori. >vith-. tlio ;wild' upl-^Oi' set^ Is'or ..'j l-iyariis, ,tlio re'maning :>yif.e.'who ; barely. c<wl03,- tli^ ■. ;i.vold.: tl'iic .irislncbrUy. .of Vsinaii'tV; dii'cd i^^'otUVy,\(^yi0tiy:.:: "d)'6.vsca.j'n.;t'hq-:si'lky-f^^^^^ illnis;'- -Tlife' intricate: ;.cut.i'6f ;>a;.'yelyet'^'Svt^ J.lioraeccdv fwith' jjnake?' it ;^vp^•tl'ly of .clQSi'c'/|nsp'cc.Upn.:and.-'<^ "gpltlnp .t;'^^^^ sni:ts her. so'' : well that .autri^Mioe. l.adii'' ico -. .cdncci'niiig/SN'liat.t^ :'v ; ';. /: .;:;•:- ; • '; '-''' '.;:..^;.'■;;:';••• '''/-' /.'/London; ::JXtrio.';?i2;:'i'': • |Gpiiey'i'c .upset over -here- ;a;bd.iit A-l Tjrahari's apjpiea.rahce /.at-"thV ■■.i^'ew 5^prk. 'Palace'" in a. travesty ''-Dh' the. r«5Cent.xiori-iTriand- pertbrn^^^^ figuripg it aft exariiple 0^ cxtrdm^^ bad:^^ taste....--;■-,; \.- ^■ . . ..'."i3.\^e.'n|ng Ne^^ goc3' -s6 • far as ,t6-'a§ltr'''WilVAiti.e;rlc.ari 'yar.iety • pferr fprnVpi-s. -bc vinvitpd .-in'- to' aiip.ctir. in ., the .'pvdsertce . "Of the. .kirie arid/Cjueon?";-. ; '. ;'X:-.;'- '.■■'; .'•: ; ' ':'. ' .(Cpn.tin.uoa..'-frbni- 'p;age -t!SX • - '-.' man . 1^3 .sniarter::- Iri. 'c.haTiiotnK. tlio change. / M-li?;:this-gets Jiiiii biU'k- .o>'c'ivth.e :Oi:p.he-um Easily./., "r.hoi-o are : stronger,'riio'ineht'sr than ■ woak: 'OripSi r\vltil the la.tter.:hlriioRt al\r;iys'. co^";.-:: ered: by /Bcrgmari'-s. 't.hpr.DUijli. siiuw>. liiansliil-R.: -;- "-'V//'.■•',-.■■.: ■.:':.^''f- -^ liergmah. isjone; of Uvd ya'ivd.oviUe f>',n. .'this.', bilh 6'tJvqr.';,.'ts Le'ort :tJa-yatTai.. -ij.d.tii ;(iii it ..,ti-o u'pi n ^. to. try. .other lines; liergniah ->^'ppin.-: iriff- '-a-rt.l- agent and. -Navarra\'l')itt,l.nK the-jniairket,. .Be.rgm.4n, as 'a n' asoivt i w'as.';.liko;'' an dpubliiig; .-for IJaifiott'HdetQr;:.'-: v:-v. ■k'-'-^-' ■■: ..;Qri the..robo'urid: Ni'Va-rra.. seOiris .as. much., -at,- home;-as vLpVgman.-;^^^ :he .■ warnied;jth'ein' u .With .tii? Piiinpiog and:::at the '.finlsU;;;\vas;' di;.a\vn ... back for : an- encoro. .i .l'-ho' ^IVirtTsleeve.' ''bpys • had ; .. ali-eady, with .tlie piano, -so Is'a'y.'Vrra told;.a,; gag; -..;Mu'c-h bettor: :tliari' dn.o .Of-;tb.bgfc- speeches;*. ''].. '■■ . :\; '.-' -. ..f'Soulhevri.. ;.G'aiMles';'.': ' - liVac flash; df .'seven ppptjli,- piidiia -^the iinif.. ' ha'.s .putlast*d the avieragc flash sUiTl.oichtly td bec.oriie; a. staridtM by-now. •'IVs. itn -exceptio Looks like ' a new. girl ;danccfr is i ri,. (iivd ih.'Vthe .flriale ,.she. -sec.mi5':to - bo .Sycdririg ■ :Tess ; .Gardeliit's . coSitumc. Tucking' ih :the. - pleats; is.' -.tKo: . only change vapparcntly ^-iiceded tp" class the turii. AVitiv the.'.rest .of' tiie'.^hdw;'. .'.'Gd,od: :Baa\ Gi.ri','. .(Col) . hair .teatiirc;. v;: v'.•..„:-' ..■ . ^V ':'^ : ■ Bigi}. M a ry Law I or.'s, p r?S8 Ib.y.ds." iii^.i:irtl^l;o'd.;pn.aVfl_u.ffy.-.i^^ .■'■'^ idf.' coy;giriii:6o'dv:,''-; .X.;- . ^-" - .'■.'-;■. ■ ■'^-'.•- . ■■.■''.';-.-:.!:' -!■'■■.^■'^•'': -;;^X.--'-''r Ipr's Qwii wai.'j.tline, jVhlle, Udrizon^al barid.q of skirt fluUri^;'sturit heir figiirdv tlie to'iiiiiost, barid .tocbiirrfng\Y en.ditgh,-tci. cpnnn.e- this ifrcorfcini: ■ of -;hig.ii;'kicks.' ITer' a in - a^glate oiiisomble . thaV cd.ntrasts .a:, s'.carl.ct-: ^^■ltlll bil.idwy trptiaeijs^^ '5>-int(e.; flannct, ;bitt re'turiis tp -tiid- unliattGrlng. ou^ AvViiie'.-;. lafib: skii'ted, brice"nidifd/-;witli;.t^ rsp-'-inanyirpfi'^sdilri pcisitolics: ^ td .chbPsc; .ltrohi;'^t iai;a niisfta.kb.-tb i:cp,eat, white'in^^ gown.■-. V .iroriry- ;J.' Kelly's;, a.ssi^^taivt; wlvo. recelvesj'.'g rating for- tho ■ Cpldrfil.lVMexjca.ri''cditu .\v:i;)lc]i . .slid makes ;h .effebt. 'by.;following, it. wUlv 'a"tawdryxacrpiratic suitj' than' wHich anytiilrij?.. w'piiid'.l)e.;ipOre'-:'attrabt'i'V:pi \ v'V'■:V:;\'';^'-''■■-'>..■: ■';.'.■•.■''■'.'.:;■'■.'■-.-'/-^ ;: a; K;Vna.i i:.s; a'ssii^sta ntS; hityb: the ■ tbapjcless. task: bf <tryi,ng .to look -'woil -,- ■in :uriinst>lred. isqioiHs.. en.senibles .'of ,;t'^yd'-.tdi>ed biilv'.' tj-ic.: smaller;..gir '•'■■"^'''"^ '•'"'"•iv'.by :a^i>;•^sk.;]Utlc: Vig 'pf/Ayiell'lVttoa re ;.4riid i '. ig ^6wi.i^,d'f",.biu.c .tafi;etai. .s'aiior.;cdiliU' arid-; heni boi'dored- .iii.' ;dftoiiied later .by iAvbct'; eypnin rii.dloli log liille. ■ /:/.■ ;''/,XCph'tlnubd.ftorn^pige^T);^ ^v'";;.':'.:^-; .'/ :■:■ -;"-':'v'- ;.fpi^Ay.arintiii; \y^^ .'inri;dr i^bid-puiird, ci.o;vk,th^ siio.rt-tiuqfc:.'.: i<lvirts;, '[ho'avy .'■■yv . aricl. 'i^iotft.- .boots ' ! c'idUib. the .\vdlVdrcij'a.od • worii.a iii . k.bwX(>undiandi.;b.ut -she ;do;esii"t''niiiid. - 99 ^pmedy Hit; ADELPHI • '\Vlth -'■;■;: K<1nu : IJTibbard jRlefiard TnWr Clilcai;o'» TtigROHt Como'dy Success: .■:.-'."..- mill .WEKK...;..' ....' ' "STEPPING SISTERS" .tVUli Bi|incli<>' RIni;, Ut*loii- 'Itiiyiitoiiii RKO STATE tAKE <itTO ill!^/«n1PCDiAtl^^: :;X(Cdi5i^ntled;■froln'.p^le'e 3SiX ''■ {it- the RK.0 bo;o.lting'-~^fnce's siigerc^^ tipn. >. .-'■':.-: .'... '' •-''. ' -;■■...'■.'' The. bit Avas: pure -satire with ;rip ;rcfcr'etice'. made-tP the Brill.'jh :p;r,ariy .ofchor. mdnart'hs an.a;.the^w.lldle. niat- .tcr handlpd. so a." npf tQ offbrid'iydyer. hei-e: or over tliei-e^;--It >vas all ton-. ;sidcre;d-ta bo in' godd. ta^ cnces and dthbrs - oydu byytiiose ^yh;b are.fitniiliar;'With Ulie^.KngliSilv fttti-' tu do a tul': d i P^brerit; 'sense . of ..hniiior,': --'..;■_..;;.'''/Side-Stiiff;• -: "London's 'an hii'i^I^^^ .''^Cpm rivia n.d. Ppi".-, iidrniariPc" isn't as otninoiis as it. ^Oiiinds;' - Oyer;, licrc;.. it.: wovild ' .be called a ga^. ' -..' ' - - ' • . ■ iCaph :.s>.immpr^ :aripcj,is .giyprt.:^.at a- LtJoUpn th.catrc for tive -v-ai U'ly '.'artists' ij.eripyQient .rissdciatlan. ': It bas iipe.n'custpm'ary ;rijr •UuV4viiy(^''?ttvd Q i/o -thp-' lipnot'if : i>.v' t'boir anli.«p;it<'d (Htp.n-iiaiicip^^ sji()w? ■lVa.*;v«;rpw.ri; :-tb .iViV 1 liV. (,'oiHt'rihnd.^- l\erforniiVii(-o.. with. . 'i.-L -"V - ..Ti • i ■- ■ •■! • ti >li<^-■'i'tfo'''pri<:'p t'lv. iho mtti-i Kay .Francis, ...KicardoJ, •p,Mf.jVnK..r-s iiii- ir i'lriv baiip.d.^by'. i^byai. Cortez,. Paul'. Cavanagh I '•ohiTuawi. ..■' v ' ' " ',,11. , , yhis f iinuwr;$ •:sl'iow- lit :LaUdgiV: - ■,--;..-'yoi'K: ir();»iE''iN'".:cti-ic,V(;<y'^-;^ \ ;. ■'•;''-- -:-".':,-.■-.: '"-:'". 'I'/Ji-ST-A'^wttsVER.-I^^ .Wil.Op. a' IVoeU; SlrisrJp ; ;X'.''' /X -; - -;' ■ - ^.ioiw li, Wpli, T\\I« Il^u' ■ '■'-. '-'/'y ''■;Ohiftt'io^ H^'rc't/iii--Mieltiiirn ..'. ■ ; JEFFERSON Cpoiirig. systerii at .the'Jofn Is giv ing^ tlie 'liouse a break.;. ^Vh'bre. heal., -iS'iipait, and it's unbbatablp on' any 'partybf 14th street hils and H >yag ..lifttl,n'g Satiirday,. the 'Joffer'-- son .did a far better -biz-'tlian' M'iis -expeet-ed,^—rlio\yristairg:rr-AS'ais^:-j^ than-tworthirds -full. - :.- - \ '.' - : I'icturP, "White: Shbri.ldeVs'': CRa- ■dlo),,tbdk 81 minutes; arid with the custo'mary ;elght ..acta ^^arid -rati'je. .riew.s,. It some'fast .figuitiig 'tb; Vangp the entire show for a three til at-'day,':, '- ■ -". -' . Vaude was of the familiar, brand' ■and .while- nb .kriPclvoiit; . it .ran'fairly well -and rouridbd-'out ploaslng-' dn- tert'aipmprit.: Some, of tlic:tyn^ .Soon along; the street. bprore .in'd .l^, but those 'rpcogniisc'd jjpt iiinmpdiato' recogrtitioii that wtiii layorable. • . ' ^V 'v : Three ;£?wcetiiearfs. .dC Rhytlnn (>rew Acts) opened. Fcinme trio of tap dancers. . Nothing 'now or novel, but pa.ssable.- , Mack;"and :;Starit'dri. didn't dp so well iiPrc .witii -,thpir gags:liind wh;ilo' they ;ha(l spv- eral :which.'.sounded=pretty :new tIiov didn't ftpt.:a: ripple. .;: Bbbbib- iirooks and: Kdna ilush . werit. along .quietly with their wise cracks aijbiit vaude artists ai) they, viewcdi theiri as stage scrirl;' wompn, .biit got thoir^iie.s't i-c-' suits-'- Wl.ien .'.tlifiy- ■ woiit . iritb '.'^Plpsc harnidny. :. Bi-ppk!4 and llusii ma'do a transition, 'from tlie .tb.iiKh .at^ite -of;the scrubbers td that of-forinally' dres.-*pd ladies. ' Tlicir .comedy .at this liousb ra;'cdnd'tP IhPlr A'-'ocui efforts. 'V- - ■ ■ .'. - ■;-' ■ •'. (3hris..t!ansOn; Brds'; '.K^^^^^^^ an ' of- fcbliyb ::'da!icing?tiirn ..'in .wiilch; the men.' feature whirls - and pivoiieWos in-rapid sv),c;cps>!lPti.:;; Wi th' t;Up .l)()ys ilTTd; r'piider(,rip:;grac('.f.ul- supiiort is. a d;iio. tif. fPrri'iiib danct'rs,''\ ti'lul'ov .'ali.d;-AI iKri'on ;J.e'cr. T-lio:'.gii'lS:''are: ar- tistlti ?ind.:\ybrk harii}dnrpti>),y'aH the w.ay... lM(l ;\-oi\\ ;liord.- ■ • -; ;:;. : - " . - '.ilpu-so -was - soft -pickins, for. thV low- conibdy hbkestprs, Bayo-s.' and ; Kp'i'ck;;;. -^<iHlVliis rnutJli .to the. act : In .genoral, 'luit- a routlnp of' loW; - biif- ;fiion(vi\\'-a.hd,:gags\lhat KbPni(<d./|(i'h tjvo aiKllcm o right.- ;A I' iind'-st'piu- .~ii.iKly-o.nsy .for the .p.alr, ''l-hpy .w'i'i-o . folloAVod ■.i.i.y.\A' ITali ^ ((n d-' h ci twplc'plijrpd .piatii.Jits.. .M IT';lirhi'is ■ to;.lieli) her .soil.' ai.'l Siui.;'wiis' qiiitd . gcrie^-diia,' \v|tiv ^ Ijfor (.>n<>()rps.;. ■',. . -Vv ■ ;'•.''',;v /.-''' - ' - "N'pxt (0 (lo.slng: Ayas tiilly CM!Vs(in.' ..whp: ;had.'•:playcd. tlie house before i.vt . tvi I *.i I i I, - . vv,l^ II .iiiiiv-^ i.yA^(- .|.| 1.11 -..4 - y uw^,. ly.viv WIV . V-vV*.^;-:; lOIHn L : Hlvirts;, '[ho'ayy .'■■yvodlp^^^ - .;tri(l. ;;<iio"[i.t.- .l L'id.thp. tlip .\ybi. .she iddpsii't'i .-'._■;;'. \ ; ' . ■'<.. . . • ''-•;- ';- 'Spendirig Money .:. -.- .;':'..' ;•; '■ ■ ' :'CrtpttoL,stA.ti:pVKb.dw^^^ 'we'^pk', Syltlv;pxcel- .Ip.nt'; ;rcs nits;- .i-^vor.y h d"dy liaS. braiid,: iip^V. c.os.tOinps,.'crisP) . ^h\hr LIy .'co.n-v Pdi'yeti,; eiXcpti yeiy^ ^yQrkbd;■■^ i'ng.- jri- Cjiuaint JritPrprblive Ijallct:';.tiie. siory.^.pf;;.i>i"x- old. fasliiono'd:.' baHet jilaricprs who da'ncp--' fl'rd: wpppd'.ygot;' in^w'riG.d' 'aiid , lVii;vp.;,-l>yiiis.... is''o' moral;' ;;:;ddf5t\iirips ' ptv58C0/^ .tWc-' Wldpsinairts. ;' par'ticularry ;;ioyeiy ;'lii.;ypUdW ..organdy, .m with' tiicks ; iivcrPa:sing ift width' as tl.i'oy npar-tlie 'iip^^^^ ;\yidb briinmod-.j^oi.l.o\v/p pf'sp.ting iloyvorji/div: theic/Ai^riVs,.':^ vphvot ri.bboris; dutilniVij? tlrpii*' drb .slTonldor .;dpcpllbta'gcs. .Siriiple;' delinitb .iiv.'llnb;: s^ lidn, :- '• ■ '''; ';;; :> h'-'y- -'- ;•' ' .' .. ..'''- ,'. .'•',- NcxtK in-an diit'lrely^^ of- tlip LProlclx. Gr0.iipe'd on-a 3^ drap.prips..ihd 'rnotal, w^^^ rrtah';pnthydl30d.:;oii;^^ ; More .girls, sli:iij"t.'rd sidb; of/the;, slagp,-aiU'^^^^^^ they- exprp^ with .thOiiv;biingry; >viV^^^ ; :' i. '--^' . -Kate .Snvith; on 'bpfpre:';thp'^^^^^^^^^ lets.'iier.. voice pou.r o.u^^^ .fparl'es's e4''^e;. ' If shc thipnght'-a)^ ;s.iVc*.'d.'l.;no\y- b.ottc.r, tlia'n- Id vVt'ear .'.a- di-Pss. y^^^^ exaggerate her si/.e. ; Hut shb dppsn'.t care.;-.'; ;:-;; .1 ''. •■''.'-.'.' ■■ ■ \ ;.'..'.. '; -;■;:: :'■ Same' rri Germany - . -- .'-!T;".-.. ' v;' ' .'-•,'■ ;; .. ■ In " Gormariy, tdb the. nicest thirig, tlyat - can;'Itairperi.' to, a.: s la mari^ra^e to Ircr boss. . ;Afna, -I d:! iC ^rriianyi' -tp b, ^the, wayto: nianagb. it Is.. Tp~'ltr5tT'Pl>:iarsb. I'il.s . loss lionqra.blc axlvances. .^TUe .Avoild oyel- ':the good, girl .trinini>hs:r-in-. pic '\igh.'.'tl.ic . lari-." guage. Is. iCle'rmari^^ -lyonien. as' to ti'auleins ...lacbaiisb ; \it; .eipreSsc^ fbmlniiid';'iPrigirtgs.Xand':. convlctiori.S. '. . ';., ■;'. ".-'',: ' ;-,'•'-'•.■--■'■''-■.'. '--. ■ ':-■' ' ; .; ;Ronate.O\Iupllor, ..thp ;llhle girl fi-orii :tiie ';,.. cpTnos -tb ' Berlin a, trice tlie president pf: the bank, -.' Slid does it With; !>br;.,light-iiea,;rtpd cliarAii a^ good German maidens, . blit unlike -the most of thorn; - her IPgs are' splendid.. :Her ' clpjlips arp.;;g'.ly6iv t !ilbe\^s, ,cluU, arid ahi riy sat'in ;;a.l^^^ in,:a land:-thjtt'.snil •initS:;knep Ipri.gth sidrt^ byen kpes, to slepp -vylth;-hor- pearls,around her ne is tlie in-bdtVctiori 'to -triirimii'ig.s,' Gas' inPi^V. 'tlib'inusie wdrlc- in. miracnldiisb- to: speed' up.^ t^ that's ndt duly ii.appy but arriu'slng too. ':•:;. ■ ; '. '■ ,';:' -:;";. I iihd •w-ith tiio .saine. act. -That didn't appear td'.iriai'tpr as .-he- had thc'rii. nibbliiig, Parly.-- .OUiso'ii '.has added I-Fpr-sh field's.' sto.'r.v .-abdiit.' tlfc party;', df.; llpljps.: ,cll.inbing; .the 1)0' .stbries.- Jlc' carrics. plenty .bt sbif'-' assurance ■.arid^.iisbdtiie''yvdrd''hbll" vv'itli; a' -pra.Sh. of the drums, ' whleh soflenpd vi'e.''fiomewl\iif.. ' ,'..- : - .plpsing., %Vprp the. Lester Irvi-ri'g' •■rr.lp:;' hand balixncorsi' with ^ ilio double lift df. tlie :ihan arid ^wbman .by. the biggpi-: of .th.p vtwd men - t-hp standout. Keat ■tUrri .and not over-■ done. .';-; ,' ..' .;..:"■ z;.- : Marlt. . " ; . Von Strdheim's .Book . ;• ; ','" .;:^jEi'Ic ybri., Stroheifii;.''.\viio has. had nldrd' "lip^ And' downs . than . almost '..atiy man In . Holly wootl, -wants to tcll.abpiit theni in. .a-.bpok. .The di: i rpc.ipi^-actpr-writpr .7plari.s -. to w^ • Wliat;-hb tliink's 'abotit-:pipturip .ftiak- ,;| infr. .althdugli" wlip undpi'stand ' thb. CiCimrtri.':bpncvb;1i;p is; tpp:.;w|^ to be spltdf 11.1.. .;' :. ' Voiv StrPholrii ' lias .' a.skod Don • Ryari,: author:- of "Boritiaii; IIolidAy" and;"Angel's Flight.:' .td:.iu'lp hijni:.;':: MAIN El.OOn '..'-; s ■ ;■'.'': '..•.':• ■ :-■■ "■ OPEN-AI.L^->-I<i'"'l'' ' .ERENCII •R06w^2Nn -ELOOie '"■--' nine antl Dunce. DuriftR l.ant'.lieon..Dinner and Ar(«;r-Thcntre . rv^^^^^^ -"■-■;■'.■; ■■. .; '- ^ ■ CH and ?3, Ay. Rnnd«l'^i>h V KO COVER CIIAJCGE: . : no MINIMljlM fllARGE ! ; C HI C A G O - $1.00 ROOM witHOUt Bath r .-^ • $1.50 ROOM WITH SHOWER BATH . ; " , $2.00 ROOM WITH TUB BATH . $1.4.00 PER WEEK WITH TUB BATH (DOUBLE)