Variety (Jun 1931)

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, Tuesday, 23, 1931 VARIETY 63 -V. '' ] '■: ■■■ (Cprit i lui d(1; fi'o'm ragd OS);" ■.. : -con't sland. tl»e comijetitiori i-n 'their ■ ■resiyocrl\-c. iic - y;tLS ' tvv-o-th|rOs thjit ;5if; : iiOiiS,. l^oi' tlle . cpi*i".ejipo»i«Vin;a: po^: ; Tio(I in.il931i:th(i I'Cbliic'i:" ainaiprp Aviris' '. foiii^ iinSi's ■ tliat pf;''0 , ■,!'T.iinc,' ypstart^in. 192$v.o4i'i'iO(t. ■\ al)oii:t:."1ialf 'th(i..V'Ijito^i-i':;::fti/c(:i^ . liuoKf! In ■ 1 y.liS. 'irdi: "the' c6ri;ptsi)0n(l-:- . ;lne ;.r'ci ii><\' 'itt; lOJ'lr..^ out- titrti>lieil its. tbriipetltoiv two; . Nivc 'Aains by tljo. "IS'.cSy,. Y6rko^ v no>VV sP^o^^^ - to tiVo-. ''Sat d(vC-:; post'^:^n.^ina^6^^ V a) s<V-id(?ctin inK rhiMd 1 jV; Wn "■faU;iriluiati:e. since-1^^^ ;• ' McGpaw• H id and Books; : / :. . Pdimrt,. >vllicii 'eanVt.- b.S :.coriJii;niccI, ■. Is^ ilifit- wjicri-. McC!i\a\v-il,ill: rhovips ■ ,:iri:ta -,tis ;..iiiigc ;^riow :b:uikli^i^-- in-.- tho ./■irirnes /uavq ' ci istrict,;. it' ■ \\\\ 1, ali^ci . tdkc idn ecnciV^l •iiii.bliij!VihK/; ma , . ziiie and bopUsv - Said':^ . stop .pi;oppse(.l '.\vbpp' i;i: psjta.biishcd . i^viiiOti(?K?,y •jio tochDipai . bfipiv ■ ■..:'y\ci\vtcfi-^^^ tlie; bigtefist ■ pulitebcr' of.•.; Irado i and ■ ■tcc'lvpioni' ; jiiatis and ; bbplis in.' tiV&.i.wprld; ■ I.ts. ■ licw buii.dinp irtcauiiig^^ ■. 4ind. streei ,fs 'Ihp jstrucfu'i-p : .6t its. kin(V d<?y.ptcd' to Ixpusin"^" sUQlv. !hn prcani^atior).,' DcK))i_t6- ■.SieOrfi.w'-i ..i lilj's nifiny. pvojifcls; the new bullfl'-: ;. inpr ■ is.'jsaid to bie aniiplq v f pi^ iii.ucli. ■. 'expansion.' : ';. ..■:■/ .■ .. ■ ^; •iiccoi'd'iiVjj.- to tHovi'reppi't;,.' A^'lu't-. ; tl.oHpyV; .iW|^ bo Pxpundcci. to; ■ take jti ; tiioO general run . of -'bboks, ' iholuclihe. .ILptipxi;. : T.lioi'e; AVUi' , alfio be. a;- niimberi pi:/ fl'cd^ .. othpv ;. new.ftstarid.-'mafes; . but \vUetlici\ new,'. . pi" .acQxiii;ed ;bi^ pOr^siiase; not:knbwhV . DfnicultyV;pf .getting; a •conil'i'rha.-. .tlon ;pi; ■.the:fiRppj^t tj:pi^^ an ioi-.- ganiziitiPri :p£ thc.~ size. ■p£;.MGC;ra.w-: /,.IJiU./'.?;p-^clciiiali either.'.■; ■ .; 'A.utliors in; National Convehtip.h: '■ . ■■ . ;Chn'stPph(?i'V..Mo'vl<?y, i-W^ •. ^apii ■Lpuisc ':;.■Killcox^ I'ai-rivc •: Toro'ntp; .J iuip 2i (:l.pday)..-.a:s ropi-.e-. k(M^t'alivesv pt ■ tlio- Autjiora JjeaKub ;; oC 'Aineluca. along; witli - bpok' .p.uli- lishci'Si music' cpmp'osers,. gi-iiphiC: ■ .art'iists'iniV.Can.-u .■ tehd'.'thp halipnal- ppnyeiitipn o£ the - 'Taiiddiah ; AuthpVs,V'..A^^ . a!t : '■ tlle., Itpyal'^ Ypi'k Itptel/itlici-c ^23,-20■ •■. ijii/lusiS-e^y ! ■■.:■/ ~' ■ ^, ■ .. WltsIUUy - ^ wq:u1 'wi-iteVs ■ be.'aVjlci' tP^fpast'';^tVielr-envious . eye's- .'oh' sucii' ■.Svclirknpwn . iia/jies, . of .ley st ■• tp . Gan'fid ia n-; ii lPi:ary'' ci ifcles, as .llaJplv-.C.onnpi';,;' Is'ellio. MeCUitig, . Bcrnaird K:.yftpdw^f 1. jf()i-le.y' Caila-.- ■ghan, Wa;ll?ic^e IliCivelbc^^^^ y,..Ii. ■ .i{lx'c)deihi'/,ci'; UhiVvlos -C^-■.1)/.'Kpbei-l .. Ai-thuj,'. Ij'eacoitl: a^ncl .■ tlip ' Ca."*'' '1V""r ^ , . born -Xiipnel fetpyen'spn .p '•Koutr d.fvy ipPhCereiicq \v,ill -bP taJ'<<jri , -tip ..>; the usival irispiraiipiml ad'- ; <V)-essesT''.on .1itei-ai-y' '.mgrjt; . 'riews-. Ddrdthea Antiel 226 W. 72d St. .; New York City ; the $hxippe •-"TW E COMEDIAM" ' 1^ ;Puy)ilBU(;|V ; liy, ^a^nics Madison; .•;a( 465 Sbuili -. nctroit '.St., ,,r;os:--AnKe'ea, and .. cohld.iri.a • new. . laiiplis-..of.,. nil .kinds,- for- vnudoyillc hrii.«rs. hi.iste^ra.': .-.'•■P'.'oniflny,■ riidlo .■'coTriUifupB:;-. etc. ■.J>o.. .7 . now. rendy. -price -'. $1-.'' Plrst T-.js.-Jups. fnr -$4.50. or. will s6nd. nny ^-..-f'lr. tz.zo. ,: ■'Altto mato'j'lal. written order-.-. • : ■ - ; ..■ ■ ■ ' The Leading > ahd Lorgest'. A ; ACCOhDION -. FACTOnV -. .'.in., th»::Uni(ed States Tlic - only Knrlnry ilim irtnkcf- any sH of Haeds —inndq-, Uy ..h;iiiH;' ■ Guerrihr & Co. 277-279 Columbus^.Ave. . , Sari Francisco. ' CbI,. i' .- Prtd- vOal-^lbKurs •. BOQkLET ON ttbVN/ TO AAAKE UP : ' v/.y - FO/i ttALf= A CeNTORY : ■ pape^ivJnOuorico^'criftpr an^ Gpi-i(ac;ts .arid -cppyriglvt law maivii)tii. la'ti'fjns/ ■. Pi^inc^'miiilstcr, "maypV of. Tprpritp, .etc. ^>VilJ .address the - 'co,n4 elaveis aiul -NVyly Gi:ipv,.'p't-eside.nt dc • tiie/^Ubyal Ganadian; Acadeni'y* will. 6 pen tliP: show ,pf. riiag". illuHt ratip n s;' ,eaver-s,. 'tj'jiograpiiy. arid-■ make-;up. . Xff 'fprpcry : grp\vlpg frbhi. alfcged st;iidjo payrbll padding,,; ',;Christie. Pictures -Cbrp.^ --t^.d.i: -wfjs granted a 'perihlt--by the State. Coi"-: poi-atioh.;fippartmPht'vtp • issue' 62,5.0,1) sharp's flri!.''pp;r^.-'^ 'i'onirnp.n'; stPPk.J'v. ■■ ■■• ■.' '"■■■■■ ■ ■'".■•:''^' :' '-■ .;■ ,$w!eeney-is Leoal. Miiicup .''C!,0(')rge. ;.ir, ■ i^?"\veeno.y, \ ptibl islI'cir Of. thp\ 'l^iveblp;' C<^lP:^ .VChieftaui^'V i^' stini taiigiecl up ■js-ith XXy^ !av^^'-'J[^o-' f.uVtii.g' ti) .b.ers\\yb'rri^^^ xivil .ca'sO Whori^ ■ a/.prtivty ^;\yas st^^^^ f20,-<)iiQ-, aiipged' tp. :IV;i.'>v ioAt ; ifl .ail. investp'i.Pnt 'iX'Ppm^^^ by, SwePiipy, .•Swojt^iiey.'.was^a^ P^pn.t.P.iri'pt of- <H),urt. anti. sPritoncod; tl) uhtil. lip.-wpiiiiV t.e ,-': Sitprenic .Court ruled •^Xv.ppri.ey .. in : the.. Wr.hh'g,- -so ■ lief NW<;nt....irit<)- p(tiirl: afrd', was - fiWJirn Jh. Wiiil refhiied 'ip ans-.wpr'; Ihp IVrs.t ■(iiiosiiOn . on ; t)i(>. Ki^ptind- . that .-niigiit • inPriniina.te -IVlni'; • 'i''h^^^^ ;fi\veplley^s ■ i)r.e.oa.iitU>iv'a^^ flii.ilo tedorii.l iirose.c'\Uion.:t)n .a; chai-gp. b^'.pprjury; . /^^e•:signed' a f(>r a..f!P^t<"ral ■ iii'isoi'riPr - in'. wh ic.lvi-he^ad.-. mitt.C'.d ..pWnrngi prpp.o'rt-y^. V $XO,doO;- ..' ■iJu:t: ■ " ,thc• Tawy.erif spught.'tp-' coU'pct' tlip- merit .the. 'VS'i'it '^Vas. rctur.iietl y.wiih the' nptati.o'ir tliat' bniy a veiry.'siiian amoiiht .'couicV .bP found; s.bfricthi''ftg ■n!se.-$-5Q..-.- - ■' ];'. :-.' . -;': "• l^.^,'.;'-. -.. -^ • .'Th>V.<lupstion; ,p£ wliptlieiv ianswPi-- iri,g the ,fiupstipir would have Ijeen iTicviin.iria tihg'was. taljen under .'ad-. visemp.nt'.by ' J udge ^'orhecst 'w.hP-'is. hearihg -argiiiVicnls.;.pn tlic. iasue !.t.P.- ■day ' (-22) and •.'\viil;.-r'ulc'.on 'it' -Satur-. daj'y'-;-./ V,':.:.-.; '^ '--. -v.- : r';..'/.'•: -. - ' ^': Billy iPeBeck^s 'Trip ..\ Bil ly,<, erpatot of • B.arney .'G.oogle' cavtbori, .Is i hf bed -airiiing for' a'ri, around Hhc- Avbrld. tpu'r . Svhen liis' -presiint:' ipTyOiii".; co;itr^ King ICpaturps-.riins. but- iri ;i),'.. cpuplo- of«! Pi', spv.^''.'; •- ■' .,' ' • : . ' ■DPi?eek..wlil.ijvkP^^ before, beginnii'ig ibn -ahol.hpr cpnti'aist. .''• ~V^v'-'''. >;*'ap^-i''ritiers ■'.-'.■,;■ i Shinleiiirb KudpV :ariilPukulpTii lik ii.mb.tb, u rc \ wri tcrs fPr t lu' Osiika ■■'■'AOiijlichi;' ::;aha^ tiie :Tbkii>^ ''NlclipniPlvi','. • respectively'.arc ; .in. ll^(Vlly'\vopd doings a" bt stprivV, pn'^ vprbduetion' .and' .picture; ..pci'sPh.-. uUties. for"; thpir p;i,porp,/:: '. ■'. . -': • V^liotli .p;vi)ers,-.AindPr-'th(; s;lmc Pwii;-. (;rshi'p. liil-^-C' a'- comiiiiiip.di circulatipn (if v2;^0t)j0U<| ;diU)y;.. '^ - . ' Nelys Fi'biii the D^«^^ ' (Cbntin.ul'dV' ^^G) . next day'; .Tul,.y.:l4. hp- is scheduled.' to a'ppea.r'in Ij. -A, courts- for reti-i'al; o.n charges\in'ff Kuriic.e: Pripgle.- .dancer;;/'vv,hp'\vasa•^vai:dpd^$l,0.00,000 daijinges; in - the ■ .Hrst ;triaV sPycral 'riipriths '.figb.' ; -.1 'aiitit'ges -was . cpn r- victpd : on. thc;se -x'harges arid- sen- ■f-enced; to-; serve one ;to - 50 years iii -prisorii 'but .'Bairietl a rpti'^ial.' .' ' 'TirrS.'; Riza -Marks von Ptcj-hhprg has bPch .awarded' h er' fi ha 1: d ivo.ixe ■ pa ■ f rbrfi Joscf ' von y ternborg.; wlvQ . must pay.y his ■ Px^^S•.ife . $20,00.0, ivoW and $1,206 ;iriotithly' for' five ;years;..■;;'.;.■ ■.:'.•■'.-'- ■ . ''. ' ■ ' ■ ■ ■ • in .nriswer tP a ^stbry. pi'ihtPd -ii.i .a NV\v yoru; p.'il.)er, ;^Iary pickfp.r^d nips ' that she -aiid lioiig Fji)r))anks; are .planning -- .a' -divorc.ov' .Stoi\v .stated : thiit a;fter. the- .di'yorce/.pach would. '\ved' ahother, .'Miss" Pickford' l'o: .i.)e<>ome the bfide. of B.uddy. Kog.-. prk^' /-.iipd ' FairWvhks , to mfairry • 'an' .TOngii|?h:'-bp'auiyi. .- ..; '..-. '.: .E-iidblph; ;;irrinil; .. cpmposer; was ordered, arrested.-folio Wing a'-xiorn-- cha rgirig. :lvipi,'• failure to jirp-vjde ;'for. liis^ 39- year-old <laugl.i- ter,' . ; . - ■ •,•':■./■ ■.;.','„ ■ : '-':.•'• '■':■: ^.TphP .S.. rctprs,. if'rjtri directPr, '; his suif, ,agai7ifftr::Tiffariy,;. 'Psoduc- ti,oris'-.Ayhpn.: Su,pei-ioi-/ ■ Coi'irt;.; denip<l hlrn,.i!:'li20O da?riag('s Pit .charg<;. l|)iV .Tirr^any;rpfnsed'/tp.riieet'.th^:.'^ his ' .<'b;vtrai:t'. in ;i"iVal<i-n^ ''Cavalry.,,',' pn',-\vliicli he%as' technical, cliTpetpr.; ,;, M;vry ,>Cfiliinjv.ricLr.ess, is spu'),'lit liy tippiity-,- sh'erirrs' (in ■ (v wurrari,t . frbih SaTi t'Pi'riar'ctln - af'ciisjri'g' her ■ ■()/; .I);assing rnliljer .clieCkr;, .'.\Iiss i.NNl.lan is .'bi'-lir.'V(.'(,} tO: fie^ lri -Xp.\v.' .Yoi'k;. - '" . '■' .■■ ■'.; .;'.:" K ■ f - -^ ;-'■ .,. ';';':'v--- '■■'.; "i JanU'S . j'T.'- -^kiae.Til()Halfl,-'vforni^^^ asst;'. ;supcrjnt prident :at 1 'afhe ;Slu - .ilioR,, was givciV y(;urs 'probat i'l^n, ,aftci- plPfidihE', guilty ;l'p- two coUpi'^- . ,l.^/.''M:M]p;JLEW I.'.N,,.S:.T J:VT,^,lr;''T'.i; O ff , ^^.;*.l.if-T,E.R":N;A t,i.^q;.»».'.ii L;'*;- :.'-> Ayilliam,;fllni..'<>XtTa» brpfhcv p£..'A'gnp> ,Ayres, .was. sUgtitJ.y when the- autprtiobiie ' in , whic'h he wa;a -ri'dirig craahed^into a;ppst. .\Vil-'. liani- J..''ParrP}l, unlniure.di ^yas driv.-; ,irig,vt'fie. cJar- and:':swe^^ strildng;<:hil,di'(?n in -the strei^t;; ' ■ Michael ;Roptriarioff ga.ined $10', b.Op Veduetipri. In his ■bali.'/aiid-! is, at liUpi'ty ppTiding, trial Pri ch.arge's: 'of SMviridliiigva, '.nimibei: of thC) li,us.^ian f 11 I'll,.cplpn j'. arid, others -iri'ijvvestpioiit. 'schemes.'.■'-'•■■=. ;■;.', ■■, -■.:■ '.;" '- ■': :' •'^Cartpr.- De ■ ■ 'ilavpri,.' actor,: was -awarded- ,. ,daiti.'tgoR' ; Pi '$3'v8,5r).(il£; ,'j'jj|a in'st; ;NaC iq •"Upr.b' ' Krpwh, Ic.oni - pitser. i)e .lla'von'; charged lie. au,- -ihpred .the - lyrics ; for ".The' ~i)oill. l.)£incp,'.''-and that, lie .>ya.s .pi-btivseii. ■.orip-half cent; royalty on. x^a.t-lv,-pi!-ll.ii! .t.C0,6S:i.'cbpies'-anpged Spl.d. ;'.,„.:.:: . ..' ;" • .'iDenying. cutfre'n;!; irumor's ■ that;-sli',' ariii William \V.cilman,; I'thi^ ,,dii''Pvibi". ,.Wt"re' ---'iri'axr-iedv.; M iiviatvi.N:, said tlu.'V'; woiild- be.;rtva?"l'h'd its --sooii'. -as '..h'er' d'iypix'c ; front ■'• (^a:!;! (•'i-'ai-wrprd' -becaitie linril nest; J i'eCciii'- I)er.,AVellniari'.s: decrpo bcObnips liriaj jn.^Ai^gtistr ■•■''• .'v ^''-'-• '• '' 'o •;:-';'■ CHICAGO ■ Rail id programs,, denied prispher.? in . .Jplie.t';. 'penitcptiary/..;.siricc; >ti^ vjots -Pf two. mbrtths. agPr ha'yd>,bcpn I'estored. >Jbw they:'will, lioar cbn^ certs on; W^driesday , aiia f5unday evenirigs .aria baseball: gameig". ,. V' ■;; ' jiis;tice.- .Ptark- Gairdbris in .Justice Park .and the'CapitPl: caf6 .at; 54'Z(> N.-' eib.rk :st., iWpr'e ral.ded 'by,.', dry agents,''er anti.'W'iv.I^^ at both places; Thpsd jarrpsle.d ^ycre .Peter, Pauls arid . James-- I^ppa- of .the ';jrusticQ;'- Pat'k .spPt -aTid "irai:ry: Pimocei ktjd - Japiias Paley of the ;Cax)itblv '.' - ■';■;' -,';;■'' -'■ ., •. ^Trsv'SpTiia'Varcpva.Garcia a. .tPchriiCc'il.! K.. .0;:. o.ycr. -h^r; - pugilistic li-U'sbfirid,'-Ifrahkie ..Garcia; '-/vvhciv, awarded', a divorce on . thc .'grburid; fiarciit- '\'va3 - blgamp,u.«?ly-, married, :Mi>s. Ga'rcla,;:dancer,.^said':sh'e' fpiind' a nptice in :GJarcia|s .ppcket; d,eniia;n.dr, iTiir his;appparancp,'iri'Lbs ATigolps,, ,\yhere -hi.^ .wife, Niriai:Ayas. sui'ng hirii -for divorce. :■ ' ' ■ (Gbntin'ucd frprici,'.^p'agc."jo)„ pharitabjp. pha,s:o •(witli ;,w;hich there; Ss general • syn)iiathy>. :espcci;illy, pii I'hp, «;u*a-riac end); is,the;'N-V'A^ 'tirc-tp^ pr'btcct; material ;and. ,a,ls!b thP demi.sq ; of 'th,e '$1,000 death. , insut:-' ;£i;nce. - ' ' ' -'.'■IJ- ■ \ ,,'li',s;the actprs wjio.a'rc awa.y .frbni i t 'aji, -ou t; here, who ,;have' a. bettct';: - pprspcctiye' voh . thQs.o,;. two; things.' The.y 'sec ,r'cgula.riy ,hpw' npbbd-y's 'niat.prial is • .prbtect'ed. ■ ' j^^^ cop's'frpjxi .ey.erybpd.y else. ': '"f- The death insurance, thlrig, tvliiph tlV©, p'rb§p,crpus ;pr working actor' out, herb .wcrries. abpVit^^ only as rpgai-ds. his less 'fprt'uri^tt; cbnfrere, .\f=, jiirni- Tarly seen through analytical eyes;' '.' ;•- . With; a. Desk . Tiie Vftciran vaudevilli.^^^ •wprldly wise;;- also points ;but: to - the- pp'^ver- ful .V. a; f; (Variety- Artists': I'Vl- eratib'n) .,ln..Lpndpn,.' .which has. nrj ';; clubhousPi '.' no \' ti.*(el,ess IiranchPs. in . the .prpvirices and'rio' rlolirige' rooms ,pf; any; sprt'. :- i'VPriv a sim ple . .desk • in : a m'ldcst yliondon Orricp ' (h'<S 'V. A;; P.^irifitiericc.s- the i)r()fe;ssibn:. ■ at largp, vn'ot-, ^ only: Ihrbughotit the prbyijicos, but into the colbiiles .in South Africa, ..A^i'i'.s-' t raVia ".and:->few Zpalaud.'. . . !'. ■'■ i'crfprmers out -here 'cxpfeJif? ,■s^^- lll^ise, • that; -.-thPy. ;.ha'ye . bpen ap.--, ■prpach.e,d"''fit ' 'all ,;by , '^'hostcri'i.eid: or ;f'Crt'g.iish7.' liitherto the^jr 'hfi.Ve, .beti'ri liXM'triri- ^:iie,-<]ark,;throughoi,)t.;;'_ '.-:,' ,liJo' one ,- sp,enis /"^P ■'"epbllPct ItPrc that.-a ,bal''tncie; siieet, lias eVer bpcVi is I red; b y the N -y A d U V i ri g, t h 0 ,'.w h < j1 P; of- its' eiistcnco;; ijitjrnti.^' a ' mo'rp'-i, bpf ; been , iiPTiorpd -by;: b'einft' ap-. .p'roaphC:d>'b t: cpnsuMed rf-g;trd'in;g the '■Ifctipn of, ji'.s, Pin'cCr.s'. ,■;',' '- '-■ ' "--';', ■ . The recti 1 let:t.ion of• thn N'VA, flnIV- ,hi,>ii.^c 'that■■ is iipij'.'rrtifist. -in iIk' miTKlft- of the ''poi'ir .'U't ists''- w (K-i:a.si0nal 1 y ;uSc the' 4r,th - .'••.tr(''f;i xir-. I iTa-n 1 e nt ' is. ■ th,b .', nii t t (age-rJ a 1 ''u 1 ri i f is - i rilipr.e witifh lisualiy .obtain/;'! ■tlilw':' .Tiie '(lining..rof)iri. \A^^.K uslialiy ;(v'-'-ii..-.. rii»''!l--;by K.pith:'b'Pplviirg tiyfyj-v ■p''Pn)it'ient;. K.'f'ii;ii. a^'etil's n'(l ■ llic iiiiii^ledjatf! n:l.'itivc<- ;itiii ff.' ii'D: : . '.'I'lip PoDitnarM.I<:f ritt;: <•(■ a'l t .. (:>' ut .stirgiV/''clpWyr.riigriti^-^ fr/r. piiiriyl-r; •;tt -a coMvqrt ch.'irgi-; >t)ii- .vi-iVr--: uV. •h.iiih- pre's.s'ijr/? opders; '•t'.'. ad \ (:Cli; (: iir b(>n('ht ■pi^Pgra'tti.'-': 'eVifi/ri-f-d'''ad•>•<•)"•■.-. \X' '\\\y': Jin' the V\viud(;vi|lr:.- :>v^ :•?''' y\ l.I>*e;s ^'perlJoIU^ i ?bpj^ 'Variety's" Office, 6282 Hollywoocl Blvd.', at. Vine St, (Taft Bidg.) ' •' .'..-' - ■■ ,'■ .-' :;--:-,'-' Phone; HoUywood 6141 . . ;Charlc^!•^.A'er -'.iliaU'ivv^i>tiii-ris' >IP. Car tl-i'ity '■' Ci r.i.''0 'in ,c 1 la rgo'-: of •■, p iV.><s,-' vaiji liit.ign'is ..'after- titung - \iuI',-fot^ t-iiiV' picture. •"- ',,, .:.:'''".'' -:-,-'•, -; ;'.-- - He places' T?. •: A. ■ T'attofson.' wUi> lettvvs iOpx;-AV'e'st.'■,t''o;Vu'.; to,, 'h -Sttidio ; puliliCiiy f-cnV; l''i>x, ,' G^'prge- ' CaUlai-e.s;;:- • ;T'i£f ctiiy ' - change- ti^aitagei'.: has- Vesign.odi au-l Svill': take- a yapatipli' bcfwi} ;.s'cpkiiig new"<-i).'nneP'tionp.,-; ^-.',--' '.- '■; ^ y'^ ' ICl.iUff' - rVi'.n.iannn.,',' SiiiiopArt,' aiiiV "\\\ir|d- ,\\'iile' 'braiHij' iilatiager'- fbr 'thp i(ast,';i\y'u, yeai-sj. adds 'I'.J'fany..:- ; ; Jyn)iliy,r ;:(Vivi';'j:ti.s,seiii'Oitf-■': -being of- fewid.-ai .lilji^'Vi)x; .\Vi1sjilre, jji'^ycrry' 11 ili>;; ••\v')i,i-iTe: ',JC- ;ui'iina t:i|ve : -<M-;r;iri-, \^ ';ipl ;ti'iV, i.Mii iii-iiiiat'.iiili* m,i4sii,-a,l,i-i»'.liy ,a"'tri(i .(;oii;i,l)<>se(l,-ijf. iVi>y;'\,\I'<-ilP^ tin; ' innliuaI; .la. l-i M.ji.iiiiuii, v tpliii, and.;.lUjtlV; llaviii;;;,,viii/aiist..- •';';:•;; ; lyi'-li jaiiil'! Ira,\vr,ei,>cc, -- (■p.rii.ip'' o'tny,-' bi^y,-:.;-.'i(,',li'. ';l'\U'>.l,iTWi' '-- Kaiirlton .' i<-'; '.%la.t'<'0'.'x, .'';Y.,ni%liOTV '.Il.-'i'ys V- ' ido,;i at l)e'nyei; l.-t'st.S<'eek. T;(Wt .1 Al Wald- itian ' jpili the ' Topical Tunes" -Jdoa ritV Atl.-tril-ri' -fttr t'lTP:, tin:;t;h n'Mu'r, Aybclvs of the. Unit. . • - ' ■; , '■ '■,-:-'.- ^ A'^'Ug.h ->et^ i.vti'ij aiic*' fur ,1 hp r'-i 1. ifl'l'y litnavv'(l;;,Svini: / l eaiii. 't]ii>; -iii :(,\'ii»i''t''ti,'.' (•"ox- " •W'cst t'^dast' is-^f;l'U-iilg a,-'-li>f<s. iil" ;?.Sii,- • ' ii.ia'. i;t has sold the hotiso tivLu-^iig: , l-!t^'i:;n'st,ei:i\,, iinir, i.s; : tvep'^vrtcd-^'^^^^^ , .'ti'iiig 'to'b;uild. a :iveighV>'iipl.iixetv(ibw'n - ;.'., the stiM,'V-t."-" , ' ■ '.' ; -'" ' , :' '."(^'re'f'UVt' TT-aa. ,\v;V.;Jd,^ fiO^ >•;>'.; g!.W;<!: ; .iivto' -'tlie', V'.Plasci-i .Itily. 1 I'l.llo.wiii.g' . ' '■yiri<\ivai;,'ri:i^yr'';! )''i7 ■! 'all i-i%iiics- . licro -foi" .lu-i' \ prigmal' jiart. } well; 'jis :the'^ Pbli,gatipn', to , buy , and- .di-sppso. pr the, a ■\ iPkets,; has left • pe,i-foi'ine,i;s p'lit -here -CPld ,tp^;Oheister:field. ^ ' -' ^ .;'; Tal Id ri g;-a'.J^'oiiX ,fbrgets, the dbtailctl i-eyi.vai'/bf the iKVniclry.;j)etty ann.\'a;nCe.s;.whieh'must. have ; rarik-led in .'the . tP.p'n^'-i'-^.'^ P£ 'yatidevillia'ns ;'ai-e; irevivotV ttoo-viviti re.oblJoclipn. ■ ■'i '';•-.,'' ' ' '■ •,•;'' '■ ■ \ .':': A--Lettei' ■ '-J -'" :• ■Clypstpt'fipid'jj .Icttet^ ;:tp:. the^lec^^ .VatidpyiHians:': ■ , V^;-'.;:- y^'-"-."', We' Avish- ;tp';" ,m.ake •piiblic-' Si.' few,- 'fd.cts--l'p'r'-those'vvlip:ai"c iri-tefested/in U-ip welfafc pf tlic Natiiinal 'Vatide- !vill<> ' .prganjiza'jion. :' ,Tp begin-. M-ith, ;wlVeii 'wo (''anie into this cltib Wp- were saddled ;willi a debt pf $700,000, an (I Intve paid off niore, t!.ian -.J.lOO.ffOO - pf sairiy;,. ' It; 'cpsiV tifj' $708 . a . nifiJilji. fpr 'r.e'nt,;, pitis-. laxc^s, •and' this reivt .and t.axes iriii.sf. bc paid Avbqtiter thp >htbh()iise'; i.s' clbsed' Pf' not. r AVq' received word tp; dpsc ithp clu'b.arid turn the^ tictor.s' out;.a,s Mr. .Ca.sX'.y -.saiitl -that lip' ditl not-wanr to; htive'.'a -plac-e fbr-.tiptbrs tp sit arburitl-, ;iii 'th;it -.we ct.mld taCUt arf op'm'- Iri- the \raudevi.ll.d^.^Ma.n'ag(;rs .•.aritl - clpridti'i.Vt' %u;'1iusitU'Sij frpm there; - ■ •. l .db Jibt- b.elie that - it- is nPce.s- - 'sary- f()i- any ./liai'ia.i^i'r, or. group of' triaria-gpr's, fpn ; 'rniittei-, -to give; charity ;tp;, (urtfyi;s.- /-The ?iclws'are; entitltd . to 'hiinia'jio . crmsi'dcra'tioii and rtrp also etuitlcd, ;iri vi,i':w bf..the■ fact that. his:'','i:ctivities :ar'c- s^G shoi't lived.. ;■ ■ • :~ '■ ''v' --''•„•. .;.'/■ '' ,::'/-, ' ' 'Aye', -Wish: .tp 'e'xpl'alri--t'o; all actoi-!«. Who cli-p.; np\y-.viii tlte.:pif;t urP 'gainr-, ;tti'id; -wl 10 'we.i-c fojrriie'rly. • -cori'fieotf.'<i with" tfip V> .A,.i what tliey m-w an,ticij)£t,tc if tliP' corilrtll of the N; A'. ■A. ■ liasses' intp the hatitls- of t,iM m.'inagcr.s.' ; : ' '.,' .,'.' ; '.-'■. ;• .•i'h'is. inpyc-on;tpy'pfirt'.\va's.'rit4 ff.;'. mJ,^se^f;, l.ujt ■ in :<')i-(ler :tp',.rii:c)(i>;(-f .tin. at'tists' futiu'c; 'J*iiP idc.-i of (•crt.-ii: , grouj^s of;;ni;Uiag'(;!.-s lliiii- iJie .'it-iji.- j-Cf t.<i tcjp rriiJch '.«alrii',;v ;vvas '(iiip 'of tli<'-' I'lri'tiic- rf'a's'ins , w.hy ' f liis niove ' bi' iyiiiip. \«is ^siaric d;,-' The actoi- iti notr .gr-tiing. tpo inucb mon dtje. to th'' fu'(.'t that ho ;Vfprics ■ so> little . wheir wWrif -ifi;pI:(;s(•r);tf^d.^ ;-' ■;'„ . : ■ :; '.-■•-■ : '■■ X ;aiti'.iia pj>y ,t<>;say : that the N, ■ \; •A.'.Ayill overitually be bigger than if has c;.vp,i': Vieen ;,'iiri,(l it^^ nPfd'and scppe;, .vs;;ni >f;ti('ompass more' .:ppoplo who need its prpKrciiag arms.,- , : ; V; '.--.. 7/ en ry (J it en t c.r field. i>tiun'ti!'ivivj^at ; 1'^ ,l,»iUi,\y', t(v„,c.'iir ii,ri-' M'lvnVlay; ivinchi'o'ti'■ iiY<'etlngs' of, i••\)x-,^^y,.st .;Co :'a:ii''rs arid exec.-< ;lii''lil' (It; liy,S: -stinXip;: 't;.iin:falis:' wpiv- *J' Hud 'put AVitii t' .wa'i?' wrWiig .wit'lt .show^'biz;- ; V'.'.' :• ' : .■.' ;-■ ;i;^ri;,i--'i; i-"<.)\v'|,('i: .an'ii; i-^.tril :,I,:;'(,illti:t'; i'e-:; <jii j'i,-iyr'l,y, ; (n' rsVi'i)la.'i, aii'il: 'i.tx:. hf-ai'V' pi. IPii^'r \yi -^.l n'/'asV, ;.t(;ri': utt':; aii.;-it\> : -spi'-ei l(in- -t-!i>i'i.-jv (rV '(li'i-a t i;''*: ill' \^';;fs^lr'. tiigtdii and ■()rc.i,'itii. - ^' . ' is titnht-r.s- rf.or . tiie' "Xj no .-:o't.,'lp<^k' ■ K<•^^tj'c.'' ;.st:'t.iM-nifij .,iiti t Itc ."^1 u;Ki>; ^ ;I '>\)ii. '.Tilly' 1C;:' are;' l>i-'iii.(j; stHg<';d 'by - VytldiP' ,I'iitix.:.aiid.JO(l(li,iv.l)i.invp'iid.-:Will'tj.^-. .■^oiv' -aiul' Vivi ; IVurl ori .'. -are. sc'tvriug, .'with, .b'polc.; .ilarvy. Saiibeii aiiil. sp.yci'al .-fi-'Pc lances. ' - - - -' , -CpmplPte ctVst is:, Kddie Tvam'her.f,, .Tilliari UOUing'e, ' Al:,'-l l|u^man, ICddio - ,''Ti()i-den,' 'Erriest.: ]'''. YbtijTg,'•.Mil tort riiii lpp.i:n, .1 uliiiiv'- J.<a i''a>'.(V,; Gmulbtv ' .t>triiMi..; 10(3(lie ..T.-i'riiTily'n., j 00 -■:\t(yrri- so'ji,; (.;!ilh(<i-t. Wilsori, . Mark ■ Adains, •''i'.e'^l'^; .''^l•fl(l-;;:• S.-iH-y;:- 'JuivCt- iiunirrie.r,:-. l''i'aVikic, ilcath,. l)e<i ■Tjprett<v,' .litibp-. M()i-'ri's,! .Wi'iie'^s,; Tu t l^Ill^cP arid; - ■Ma.x: -I'Mfili'i't'-s - tit'chpsti-it. .\'A11'- -rti-o.;' paying .j)n p'-i-cpntage;. ; ■/' ■ ■;'^- ';; :•'' ;^;iri ,iV)rti!ind lu.'?.t;<)r J Theila.',l'!Jii;it.-.;-w-jll,-''g(y' inV'ttiur , 'vi-'itli - ;"Fii ta Jrloi-^^aria'' ,tlit;o',iigh'-,thP n;orth;^ . . west, ^pia'-yiiig'-f().tjr;'Hy(M,';li.^ ' b£ Vsplris and o 11 p• nig 111 ;sfatids.; (3(il)d ■fpir' St two \y<K'ks, :rii iy,,at; the -K^^ -Oakland,''decide'cl tlic stock- proi'iuc'r - cits',,;JO(l.\Vai-(l-l,U)g,nV-ty ari('l AVV li- Alti- Cvii'dy, 'ori- niaUitig thP -.t.bui\ .: -'-,'■ ,;; -^Vith "\v: iriVhiK Capi--. tan,- iJeiiry'Diiffy ha.s; aiHiiivPr mir.'-, sical,. "piy.Bpy,;' -sc-t, t'p foUmv., Joe. Saul ley,; 'ivy : Sa\V.vPi', a riH..; !>?(!liiiak'. 0,'Xeil h.-i'v^ iycf:ri;:er(g'agcil' for :l*'a,ds, -stJirtiiig' J'lily: ,"Ire,iic"^ gof'.s':'into' •ihe...' -A-Ic;Izjir; ; !5a •I't'jimM.'iw); : the; ;- saine date. -',-;l;'. ';','y, - '- -^r ■■ ■ ]ie:pbi:iit-of -^l'P,pp'i^;!piit -iij ijy.-Ji-. J,-; Kr.'inlyliii .to -tiiki-' tiv<-r .tliiv yijitii(;oiC : iYvli-ri'st..-in • tiuV..Xl.i 1,1 iiiir 'i;)i)H;tr'; ti.K'V , fi't'i-e -Ik'I'P; tli.e - .Si riipd; I^prig ' Heat h, : and- live. Other ,'jn;ighIiuri!(1011s 1 n ' ill jt-ji A-- \ya.s ,r(Hiirii'iri( by A'irjtiicof, ' Who :Chang('(:t bis:, hiiiid., ' l»eal- hiVw C('>hT.: ' "'; z'-'^''. V- '■-■■;' '■ ■;-' -:; .' -A f l H E NEW £ N G L A N D H O T E L EX T E N D S I T.S WEL C 6 M£ /iftc«r\f ioor'5 :- ; ,;'■-.. of Modtrn'Hdltl Comlorii, - -': , .' Tr»mon,l S<. «,» HollijVr Thcilre pltlrlel ■ Evtr/'ro,om .wilH tub or ihbwcV. Rciijuriiit «od. ca'ettrla. Rooril tariff. — Sinsic,,, J3.:$4:, 'Dcuiilt, .$4 £6;t7. Special wttaklv rate* t» the Pfofiiilen: . ' L. C PHIOR MAN AG t M E NT . ; • - Th« L«;noK;-^.Tha Briinitiick ■ JHKTANOARD ^ \%W\%^^\' ..■.;;>2>S,Z,i:7,[;;-i^;,Kt't-,;.jPS,', ,