Variety (Jun 1931)

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fiitillslied We«hlr' at 164; Weat ICth 6t., Now York/iMi T» b7 Varlelyj Inc.' Annual Bubacrlptlobr' SS. ISIneIc coiUea, 15 cents, ^atcred^as . sccphd-claas' matter 'December 22, 1906,. «t the Post -OflloB at. Ilitw York, N. Y;, iinder the act of .Mdrch S, 1B7>. iVOL. 103 No. 3 NEW YORK, TUESDAY, JUNE 30, 1931 56 PAGES /Broadway .hasv e^^^ completely cut fate. Business first stjarted by the late Joei 'LcBlang for selllne lepit ' thieAtre , . tickets .has bcenv adopted by practically every line of tusincss ia the Broadwiy thfeatri- cal zone. . ' ' V ; Bi-oadway ^ is. getting a cheaper -c.iass of walHers, b.Uyeis.and .enjoy- ment scekei-s. A tip off may iie In the practidai: demise. p£ expensive night clubs, .With speaks .. gettiTig 60nie of the trade and ~ cheap eat- .cries and cabarets getting the rest. ■ '|i2n,d street isn't 'th,(!!- only..street- to have gone Bowery.-. Whiie otiier tiicatre streets ; so far .arfe. retain- ing their rank, the ^m sti'cet i\ash'ti: CoiripilatiGn of Some o£ .the lines, teyeals. that existent prices are .i,t half their. former mrige. or a coniplete adoption of the two for oiie yoguo: tliat iijfested/ lee:it busi- .'■ness^last.season^ ■ ■ • ■ ■ . Two' lines seemingly rlvardestr.lut ■tie haberdasliefles and barber shoi?.s. .l^educ6d prices^^^^a^^ trick conijbi nations, ■bringing, tlie tota.! ^ -.(Gdritiniucd; oh pagp 33 Tenn. Showboat Doiibld . Id Booze^ Knives, Birmlrigham, June 29.'..- . The sivowbpat Blue Heiavch. has been : playing: up and down tiie Tchnessbe river for years; got into a pickle, with . the prohib- boys, at Decatur the other night. After the battle the showboat was in Federal harids-and locked tiight. :^oe Russell, owner of the tub; George Hardy and J. D. Erp.s, eni-: plpyees; liicke'd down th c hoo'scgow ■ ind got out of town. ^ They're being sought. paiiiei's fiilippcd on the boat at niidni.ijht .and gi'eeted ihe , folks. i>y surp^;; They, seized flye igallons: of Ayhiakify, 40 : gallons of . beer in bulk and 500 bottles of boor. An ^arrnfui br two of .Tircftrms. aiul. am - niuntipri .was; aisb; scotched! Freak IcniYos, one of themr measuring. 2C .Inciies. lp)ig, vyvay captured, fo'oiiic 61 the bays said tUej- kept it to; ciit Rizzai-d^:-piJt. 6f chickens .;.fpr- .tiic Sunday dinners.. ■; " . •,. >: The boutu.scd two.sp6odboats:and two outboard motors to transport cu.s-lomcrs to and Xrom the boat. All oC the pi-dpcrly, valued at $5,000, •was cr)nn.«o.-xted. ' ; f Renb's Slogan . Rcrio, June 29.. This lively burg can't decide upon a slogan: : ■ ' • Mostly favored is: , "Liberty ' bonds for sale cheap. ,/ ^ ■ \ ..; Big Fight Tickets Are Sellii^ Slowly; Maybe Reports from Cleveland wliero the StHbling-Schmeling . hcayy- weight fight will take place Fridlay night, (3) said the ticket sale is lagging .considerably Sunder , expec- tation. Hope for a half million dol- lar gate appears cold. Almost daUy the promoters of the event have been on the radio, .both principals being hooked In. from tUiiir respec- tive training carhps. Schmcliiig's remarks are in German. Looks like Stribling .will, be ■ made an 8 to 5 favorite, with Easterners inclined to. take .the short end be- cause of Strib's uniformly bad showing in all his New York ap- pearances. • Sunday night ■ Tomhiy Loughran on the air, unqualifiedly picked Schmeling to win..Loughran said that as he'had. mot Strib tliree times he knew • something of. the Georgian's ability. TomnVy explained that- Sch'melinp has a good right— which Strib ' fearsH-arid that- the German also Is much be tier:'with the left. Touching on the Siiarkey-Schme- lihg affair, Lougrhhn said that the foreigner took everything the firbb. haid . and.; thcrfe .is no, telling what might .have, happened had the foul .not. occurred 'that .made.' Schmellnp the champion.; ; . . Up to Monday it was estimated the fight . was $175,000 and doubt Svas expressed: the gatc.-^^^ reach $300,000. ' Branch ticket ofllces. are operating in th6 .]ai-ger cities witiiin iOO miles of C\lcveland arid ticket sellers are rcpbrtod tburiiig th.e :Rrrtrtljor' towns to sieam up in- terest In the match. . GIBBONS AS TALK TEACHER ■ Si)okanei June 20. .. Something ncwin the way of'pubr ;. "City is SL't :by the ditj^'council of :j Centralia passing an ordinance or- .• the entire male population to grow . whiskers between July 8 ■ and August 12. ;:,v , ' Those creating the idea state Its purposo,'is to provide roalism; for the 20th annual' Soutl)west Vv'ash- .*JiK.t.on.:Pj()n('er fair' and picnic, t6: ^e held tlio latter d.-xte. , Startihg..Brp.adcasting. SaK^ of In- struct i^pn in Washington - .'■ Wa.shlimlon, .June 29. ' Floyd Cfbboti.s, .is'lib's^^ fast 'elhoi'" chatieror, is. .going • inCd..: tho- radio InHtructipn b.u.sinc^ss, here as a sidt;- litie. The radio .talker lias started the Floyd Gibbons. School of liadi.p'ing inVthis ;city. It offers to teach vair phasi-s of broadf ostinxf. frd-ni acting to station' managerticnu by correspondence.. . ' y Gii;b6ns is. ttie in.'ijor radio name to become attached to the radio instruction field. Chicago's Six-Fobt Citizen Tells "Variety" M u g» Abbut His Fan MaUi; Filifn Offeys anii Annoyances^ ^ ; 1^ k.s and A ct s Le Business /Exfec —^ Called "Snorky" by Intimates— ;..;:;Closely;C»tiard^^ By liou ;X>^eenspan .Chicago, June 29. Al Ca'pone doesn't like and doesn't know the literary racketeers who have-elected ttiemselves his biog- raphers, pretending to be . his best pals. ■ ■. .. •'■'■■■■^ ■■■■■■ Mostly'they make him laugh, but sometimes they make him sore. Referring to one of the phoney iri- (Contiriued on page 19) : B'WAY HOUSE In ti>e Shubert olfice .astonish- mcnt' is rampant over the rental of Shuberts Central theatre on Broadway . to , Sam ■ Cummins , at $1,000. a week. ' ■; :.Tha iowcst known weekly rental for any Broadway house to .date; a.iid that for. the >Ccntra,i has been $3,000 a wceic ; ' ■ ' - ■ ■' Cummins i.s reported to hay.e paid three r weeks'" rent ■ in advance- \vith an : bptipn-.. lie ; is: showing Tat the Central "lioad' toUdll," an aged Gerniah .se.K • film, reviaed for the Now .York dIsplay ,witil■ the ..curre.nt vot-siori.. pas.sihg. th.e ■ ceiisprs with.-., out cuts. The - usual ."Sex stuff" goes •with the 'film, ■ including; a- st;j,go- • girl display \\yith .admissioii RdckefeDer in Screen —Arliss for (Je')rgC; .j\ rliss may impersonat';; .John L). llockefeUer on the sc-reen itv.a p.if'turc: baftf'd oh .{he oil,, king's .1 ii'e. ; Nc'tjoliatioivs . betvyebn.. Wtic- twi's and the l>o''keff!.irer. f.amilj' .'ire now on withf such a, film in vir-.w. - On the liockt-fCillor side :it mny ■ (mme undnr the. head of pu.blii.-ity and. -Kp'.p.iHS,: the oil famll^y; having their..o.ivn exploitation ideas whicli, to. d.-iVe; have bepri riiostly rV.'Stricteil ■.t().;;c'>n.sist('ht";Lnnfjuricem(*nt3 by th'V n;ilion's pte.'^s, . . [ Another Starver ., ; Dallas, June 29. . . In th is . day of ooinnierciali,. ism,; seldom seen' is the: artist' .. who starves for art; ■ ■ A femme. painter is .tourih^r' . tlib.Rio, Grande valley, sketch- ing desert .scenes in .exchange for gas for the car anil grub for the kids! ' Reformers Pan Fihnsj Jver How Boy Had 2 Guns for Month Newark,. Jiino .29. The reformers "in Jersey are dgog oy-er: the shooting . of , 12-year-old Winslow Eliipt .of Montclair: by. 1.6- year-old Harold Gamble, .wlio stated lie ,wa.s .dehiohstratihg a scene from. ''The Secret Six.*' Elliot died -later. A vigprpu.s-campaign against .gang- ster' pictures has been going on arourid here arid all the leaders .are put ■.^v:ith -statemcrits showing, how this tr.agedy-iijstifies their; action. It tran.spireSf the Gamble boy was arrested last month for shooting ;.ivrearriis,- bu instead of having; his gun taken away from him he was given .ai iepriinand.' He haii; had two giins, the one witli which he killed Kliiott having been .jjurcha.'jed from . a . ina-ir order ' libusp.' ; When asked today why he iiougiit .ilie .n;un lie said nothing about s;.in;,'-sl,cr uic- tures .but stated, he jiiid a* frijciijl. wlvo Avii.s a (j'un .pxpe^^ ■ ; ■ . . . ■ In aU. their ho.wiing agaisist tiie. pictures lipnc of the reformers Is iat al 1 ;jni.'chsed by the' sellingr .of a gun lb a boy by a mail order house or at tlvo .court fpc "allowing a -^boy tp keep a g.un, after- arrested. ■ They' nieniipn. no'thing biit .piclurc.s. ' A committee of managers has gone to the iiapers to see if .the inc\ italjle.editbrial.s cannot Ije toned d0\vn, tb. reason,''but - how. (*ucco.ssf^il; thcy^ Will be remains to be. Seen. - " REFORMED EXHIB Cassidy of N, B, Goes Political With Personally Conducted .Jobs .' St: J(;hn, X. rs:, .Tune 29. . I,e.nridre (MV^.si'jy, ^;.r iif>vei'ar;y6^^^^ o'-.vuf i; of ■tht^lOr;lip^-;o, Sl.i.(.-din,c, H.;, •< 11.0Vy iiig fi 1 rn s 'ex c 1 ii stye li'," hus gI y'J^n up i)l':Lu rc'.'cxh Ibiiing to br; a vinclal coriHtal^Je, jiisti'io of 'the r)<\T:>;e '.'ind insiiool'or of ^adyVTt.l.'iing, oV-f!rnighl ciarnps and gasr/liiie. 1)1 imps. ■ -\.-,:.V;. .- -As an , ln,4j)<''ctpr, it; .'will -be . part of- lii.s duty'^to - pafi-'i iln .:p'^stl^ verfi.sing attrnr.tlons at the thf^fir trci hv; on'.'C owned, biit wlii'-h Is now ppi.-rat<''d by Ben ■Wa'^jner,. fbr- ni'irly ot- MotiIre.-jil. ^ ■ Ciif.-sitly will tour New. lirunswir k .in the o'C. his exairiihatiori. of, Ihr liillbpUrd.s. ■ It. is wiiliin ■ hi.'-- jurisdi'-tion .to.' hiake f^h -arrest .and ar t a,s judge against- the ai'.-cusfd. Chorus . girl.^, unable ; to . G nd. • a job In show business, arc storing their practice clothes -.and donning waitre8se.s' caps and aprons. Prac- tically every -restaurant bri Broad- way ' has . its .contingent' of tonipo- rarily retired chorines. -. ■ ."The .girls,: •accustomed • to - seiliii'g that personality, throW the flont- line sparkle Into high while work- ing for tips.; The job, they declare/ is no more ifdCipUs than rex)etitipns of. strenuous r'oii tihes.., . Stage traih'- ing teaches them to wear their uni- fornis nnd >valk -.smartly,., facts, which impress potential employers eager to improve the general aspect of their restaurants and sandwich . bars. , ■■■'■■•..";;'■..■■" . Prp'prietors know, that the-, girls; having the promise of three meals { a day,: will .work for.a sum as .smuli as $5 weekly. The additional $35 that they may collect in tips js' con- '. .^idercd adequate ■ co'mpensatipn- for ., stalled theatrical careers. . Comforting , ' "Waiting table may not be elamorpu.s,"■.explained one serving': novice who, until a few mbnth.s. ago had worked steadily in musical copiedy, '.''but it's a-cornfort to know wiiere' the 'nextmeai" is .■ coming ■. from. ; •;■■.'.;•■■':■'; ;•■ "The . work doesn't. seem hard (Continued on page 54> Lawyers Cutting Rates For a Reno Freedom ■; . ■ V - Reno. June-!';>. Price cutting lavvyers are gum- ' ming up the racket and .$2.50 di- vorces. being 'purcija-sed po.w! ^or C0 or, 100. b.Uclta. Kmart shoppers from the ' east are breaking . down the ethical morale of the cupid an- ; nihilatora. . ' v '. " . : 'With 112 clients going through the -mIII in one day there should be plenty :bf bu.siness without resort- ing tp bargain saies, ' say ^ the high priced lawyers, .who cut- fees for. friends only.' But it's unethical to tell a fellow' lawyer what fee to aHSe„ss a suuu t client. It's ethical to t(jll',-him to.spck tiie' dijinb: Qnes;.'$"<ioO or more. . -^V.'';:.; ^ ■ .'' ''■■S-'' The bar association, by resolulion, 'fi'xed-ra nvfnihvthrt":^!!'^ .fi-e of $'250:- for .tincpiuesled'.cases;. but it no power to. (;ii.''orc.e (ho- oi'der aiid divorce seolicrs are .wise, to -tlio situatiori- ■ ■ "JIert;'.«?. $lt)0. It's all I got. Get ,me; it. d iy oroe f or i t o r I'.1 i - go. in, xt dooi-.'V .yay .the fair. .vI.Hltfjrs how as , they rip tlie .(■'•iitury off a big *.oU find jjfus.s :it ant' ■lie takes tha ; hundteil. ■'■ .•■ TEXAS AF-TER SEX MAGS' ; ;■ V .;, v;! \ Uall is, June -SO. ''' 8l;iU' oII)-1:ils .'ire .stiirtlng a w.dr /■ri I'l'it iiiag.M, liiulnij; the artist und .-('xv hr-.'uiil.' .■ . - ' ':V'.irst.oin(;.l.'il .'action take.n!a^^^ Avis-' ,U",.. ^-;-'i)'lt:il|. wluM.f! ctntnty ^barred .-lil .luiio Issues off- stands.