Variety (Jun 1931)

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U tt E S VARIETY /.'iiotiywdpd; Junft 191;; y . fjio ■(1 laca^rt^^ by.-.'.thit! ■: aceu.-',; ■pj^ylatjon Of: ricwspap'er raps the in-. • dtistcy haia t)oen > ..sujjjccted.- '.to;. of: ■. late. Thesii'are' laid to the utter lack of ' syniiiathyv from TieSvsiiapiii^ .:.: jt'gOesr^cspecJally tor; the dailies and ■ tiie news ■, wh ich' liaye; goiie .Vut: Of ■tiveir, yfay' .;to ;b^^ ■'vaMie TO^odehouso.' paii . on Metro;; .:'' tl^eVlJO^:: AiiEpies.- .'^Times'';'scries .of. .■ajiii.-picture ^artitle"^^ an . lia- ; jiphai riewspa^^ of ■'recent- ■ 'wb<?k3 ■■ aKciinst.. ■tho ■.■ industry, finds-, . .tho';.;siluition • .laid.a|,t thb;. cVopr^tep - :pf .;tl>6; stiidlos.^^^ ■ v-" ■ ) : -^z. •';' :; ]iastefcn'';GiciC3, spriie Ty;cQltsr-, agro^ ^gfjested ; that • tlie^ pass', thinp .^b'e ■ ^ ihodlHed.-. .io^^ . franVciy. discriminate^ . .agriilist those ;i*.ho are ;un>velcom'ed/ - .but that :the, ptheris^ be iiiot .made the .'. yiiitiriis; .■Stuiilpa ■ii'avp 'been- iynnpathetlc' ivlth the. '■ hpnie offipc .instruction^ ;hxad not the h. 0; ;cpmo alonier Avitlf sslash ,: retrerichment prdcrs,; w.hith ecb r . liomic probieins quickly eclipseld th.e ■•iBtucUb pasa.prolJlerri.' ■, •. '[ i Thorp waia .also..a kickbixcfc' frpm . fjyaU ' Street,, .biiv the, greatest: lin- pi'pss.ibii^ was. 'made by • the gpnoral : attack on the . Industry:.:;\vith : the" news syndicates " and . newspaper ' (publishers "backing thpir studio re-; porters aiid ; Hollywppd ; commPn-- ■ :tdt0rs.':-'.■:'.:.:',;''.;■, ■^'/..,^.■■■V ■ ■■■. ', ■■;'■' L|,-',A. Papet'!J.-Attitude' ;■'■",,'v V, .The • "Tiniea" " Ipcal ..attitude"; 1^. .\ ■ frarikiy. •■that the.' stud ips. li scd.. .it at, tiicir. ( pleasure and .jfprgpt 'ali. else' 'in One sweepi ne embarepV asrallist. .-. 'iin\VclGpirie ■.yisitprs'to. th .V'.ibc'ca.uao'-they wpre -a^ .beln(j-,ovpr-V run.; \vith, -both ersw^ ag<!nts,:;; bpotlejfgei s; : h.ab'ordasjie ' 'jevvblry s.alesmen/ ■insurarice-.^^^^b ; ■•ers. 'jQte.-: '- -y-.;--.. '■ " ■^:,;-' .. .llut wliat. IfkOd thp daily; ..rtien • eut. here' the ."iiibst : was. thJit. the ... ./'pillU'.ial" ' studio ' bobil&pgprs ,• stiH itriiciy;,circulates;;wi -pad . and. pcri- ..' «il: despitb the'spccialiy- husmcnted' ' stiidlb police, fpf ee,.' while^ thp T.e,- .. .a:r&' npn/..pPt.spna\;^'c "\Vlth ; th© raps and . X)in^ c.omini? Iback in; the (mail clippitiffs, the atu-'. . dio ; publicity men are'rying l^lie • . Bad; spoils.vtb.ythelr. xhie ^".d. ; iarc • renewihg .pleasrthat the - rcpre-. J aentati.v*© sheets beva^ .;' sidwitlpn^: ; •';.'.■■ '.v -.''.;':-• ; ■ ...iJitiiir .'scrtbesj ;'wlth' .their studlp. • .ihontacts' totally cut . off,-, have takph .•io dlgglrtff back intb' nicrital filed, ; ■ for shbi'tGoniihES," 'inaiiitios,'' studio. delicicncles. aind; discrepancies,' a.hd . . arc. u.sing this. as annnVu ... The prcss-'boys, •even for. lay. .btr-; : iculation, jiave picked .bbQking3;,.dis-. :triljutibn/ jirbductipns and the like; ; \ and .ire biting titles of pictures, •the. . : names of executives and companies , cbpiously. to drive honie their - evi-^ '■ :dence.'■:;••■'-■■•■';■' "■,;'.■;■■':.■■■'' Pow^Lombard illf€»il(iiii^ Has News Meii Ifissing ■ ;■ ■■', ■ ,'- .; ■ IlOUy.wood; 'iju.«e 29, .. . ■William.Carole Liom- ■bahl wecbniarr led .hero l-'ridajy (26) •■after giving reporters; a runarbund until the; end. Ppweli, Miss Lom- Ibard . and: 'the latter's:Imolher £ihd maid' 9,11 rtpok 'turns^ at hari'dirij? .out tnigloaaing;. ihforniatio.n:; regaVding •tlrno, place and.;date. , • , ' ;■•: Tlio. iniarh started -off: wrong as';fai; as tlip;daii,lcs;were 'boiiiccntcd. When aixpeaving- fOr. thoit" 'nifvrriak'e .license',: the, coupje wore, repognizeil. ; they denicid; thei.r^^ ■;,reporter3';arid-, tiicn Ibr'; picture's. ;;Atter tliat■; they: .d;id eyerytiiing they cOuTd t'd keep out. .pt-iii^iit..;^:: v;;/..;^ .--' '^ ■;■ -.' Prejis ..bpyB:-werb. -f urliief ■ (rt-ngered, .Prldaly iyhen lhe maid at Mi«» iiom-: ■b.a'rd-s. .ho'rhb; sai^ "Mlo'ii't .Want' the 'papers to .kno,\v aYVy thing: ^IjQvjt •](;;" ;:.,!rhen .she- i5(ti(r thp;.wedT; 'ding; \>-bi)ld, hot ' be f'o'i-, two. ,"\vi;'Ok.s, ;■ altl'vough ;:l>a\yell- and-;lJ,onvl)a.rfl; . had .vosorv:atiphs; bn:.v^^ tog; the. foliowiii^ day..for J foublalV. 's Newsreel V. A rpropo.sitloni' is r'Gp.o.vted; liJi-vihg' Wpiv. lUadbySvaltcr: Svinclu^ -Xo. lip- .eoinp. a scjrc'bh newsrccl. ■; Kclf.cnie- is .WtJchcil/tb- becii.i).y;'thb.'cnUrc with .-his thhraPtorl.Mllb. gbfi.sip,',.' . If. going;-: throuirh, ', A\*iiU-ljell \yi]i: ftsk: for ;a guarantee; hiui' '4 split .of the not,.if any; .'■■■■■■':' ';.' ' ■■'■■ ;.;■■ SIX.CQiT Oil HOOKS .. . -■ •-^.I-lpllywobd,; June" ^a. • . '.<3uit'e.;a; f^w. ot the plbture: \coiohy- are; .eaiight sjhbrt- -dn .^the., pilv.thin'g out here.;. .Drop In the bli;:market to six ;'cen ta.'a. bHrrel .fbr; ,:tho; crudb. product-T-althbug'h' it .-vve b.C'nts., list .;.week—nicked., plenty of .th.e :;prbfessibnal' coiohy... •:. ■ ■•' '■■ ■"■.'- A's one cbinplalnant bxpreiiisbd It; *'l*a.per,s .;wpuld bb doing, a; .favOr - in nbt^-printing bccasionai ^ipkuni. that ;sb;,and-■so'.^' :oii ;\^^ at. Sihta Mbnica -cahV.e .in'; becja.usb that's the very thing tliat .ml'sTtcids" everybody. : ; VThcy'ye ■' no idea, - • iabbii t,' ■ the rhaln;t!P.ncncean.d ' other , phatiges. i'''or ;exan•iplei';I.^m ■nickod almps flye grand and' :my wife and. 1 'decided not to bpther- with any iriore ;royalty, iintercst- -ih -•. this- 'cbrnnvu'nity> welt prbppsition, ■: but ;■;just ;the same -they're; still sending u^-bills for-. $10 riipiithly,. maiiitenarice. 'chn,rges plus ptherV depre.eiditlb.ns^- wW we',; as pairUcip.ants therein,'-are hooked.^f . . There's talk of ;ian eicpose inybly.T'; ins scVbral ;irtteiiiatibn5ilifigures';re la'ted to.the: pictiire' biz.;'. ■' . ; ". . -'. ;. ::,;lIqllywo6di Juti^^ . ■ •; .earmaTrt . Bariios, the byTand^With giri; will soon bb;a;n put girl. Parii^ ihount ;dbes not intend to reneyir. her option when it ^omes tip \ in a- mbnth,; ■■;■'■.'•'■ :•:''•'/■'.'^'.'■• Miss; .Barnes .has,. been ;at the ^tudiP a yeair aiid. has yet to be Us'ed in .any bu^; still-pi'cturp^^ :■ She iias bceii taken oiit of a lead;;In ■ Tibai tb. :RenpV:.ahd ^teggy ; Shan- non ■su.bstitiitedv. -• ,- -y-.'.;..; ; -At the time . Pf Kcr signing Miss -.Barnes'■vyis tb tiay in a story writ- ten by .'iier.self '.c.iiiled ."Dbbutante.'? Plcturo... was.;to bo;'bined .'.'by'.and with.'Ca,rnian:-'Barnes.';.' It.wa^ heybr mad.e,;,fb'r ladk .of;a stbry;' ■ ; • . ; ALthOughV •\yithbu't. acti'ng cxperi- ehbe,: Miss ■G^ar'nbs: was ;,pniy nienTV tioned for ibadiiig roies, neyen brbaiiing. in oh a. minor pa.rt.. ;Thls ■is believed .tp- htive .hurt;hor GlianQes. B)v© was : Ih ,college : bbCor:e .bbihg: signed for pictures. ASSTiMEfi(aR*S JOIlff ASSURES FILM JOBS .; lipllywood, :Jjune j?^' ;, Fbrclgh talcTJt coming here - for ihultis have faiight-tiic locals sev- bl-ai ■ rabket .-wlicezes, . that: h.adn't been thought or here. - ;Newbs^ tixe ;chap; an assi.siant d' the daytih-ie: and at night; runs' onb bt "tlibsb- forbigii,. clubs;';spceia.lizirig' in wet fepbds. and;la:dies. ^ ; ;. '; ■- ':. ■: ; ■•'rhis.>bby;;,ma;iies it wpH< t Brings.'lUs pvo.s|Vpctive '-dirbct^ castihg- director 'bbsses. to his night joint, seeing', thdt . tiicy' Kre royally bhtertairied..witii^. a;:de'adhead oh the. bill, at the. finish; -;. ' .;; ;; .." ;'.; ;■-;; ; Tlitis Svayv hc^is assured,of .further iit'udio joi>$ :frpnv .g^^^ tivp ;b6s30's,; and ' .as sp.rne; ^of.'. those entet' get job.s, U'cr bom'fh'ish cb,h;vlng. L:attpr takes barb of ihc;sign-;c)ffs ph thcehe'cka. ;,' . Stuiiio Snubs Send Mpr Valley—' ■ ' ;'■■ ': ! ..'irniiiywbbdc jujie'i^c.'' ;;-ri'ugenp, BbrchihV.f.orn-i'orly. of -si.:!K.o ;anii pK'turc'S,;; was Ijaclc',.in tcivi^ii. iitiit. week.; for: -a;'little'^ii^ I fo. didv-ct' hvH;n; iit ehooky f|.uij-^ iarn.if li(j!n;iri<'S a . pru'i-iiUt • ;'s' ago ;iii!l'wbht.P\ii-itiaj.*;ai;iv\^ dig gr)l<i;:; ■.,•'' ■' '••; : ■. ■' ■;■ ": ■■ '.'^ : '■;;'■'■ v' T^ast iveok; -hb; wn^; :Slv<^wMn;g iohl' pixW? a ('iHrril: .;:bf; '0[;b: "ivit,)): tfjf! ;j:(;i'lbw;s;tiifC b*iziiri;,;-()Ut> ni lt,;'-.,;;>lu^:t ii ..«.'irhplc ;.()f; wh.'H'ij ■:;vn\der; hia 3GO .■if rb's iiii iiv, >.^;.va(la, .iife s.aya;;-And hp's hoi- ait or invc^il-ihc'htSi'; CAN'T GET CLARA Turns;; Poyyh ^10,000 .Stage Offer arid. $1,000 ',for BelM tried " Los Angeles, June 2?;; '; ;,; Ralpt rarhuriv,;.N;e;w. ifprii left, for.: thb;.e(ist by; plape;: Saturday; (27): .-after failing to; secure ."Olani .lipw and Rex'. Ei^ll:. :fpr stage :;wprk, .- ;:,lt ;-w,asn';t ■ so ; mueli -a. m.'V.ttor o£ terins as it was-Clara's .nori-desire ;for ;stage.;.work ^ ;a.t. this, time,' ■ Far'-j 'ivirhii ;pfofCbrpd $ib,OpQ 'a%cbk :-witlr: ■ah.ot.iier .grand for Bell. ;. '•;-: Cell..gobs .;.tjniv.t'E^'ai;t^^^ '.tb;,. play:' in- the £?ufta.lo Bill seriiil' there'in wK.lcii ^pm 'Tyler. Will play the title part - :•.; ; ; '.';■;'•< -.;'; Miss Bow cbhfbi;rc.d withiheir law*-- .yer, doctor and agbnt todayv Scirriy- : Ing here Vk-ith' BelVfrorh-. the' l^c^^^^^^ ranch-. :-■•-.'...-:.. '. ;■.■ •■ ; ' ''• : :>-v.V .;Farni>'m'3;i)r.Ppb.!i.ition;io MiM- B;P^V ;for''\Yah|tiP^,''.;;\va;^ week's'. rehbai\sal 'tb .pe|i;mit ..hbr^ full;' reciip eratlo.n. ; - ;'•■''.-,;; ['■',■/■■"' • .;■ ',•', ^7 ■■;;" Berlin, June 20. Oyer ;the Berlin brbadcasting. sta; tibn , the' premiere .' of -R. ;Bebher!s play, ; r'Tiie . Tragedy .of; William Fox," was ^given. This :-lhterestihg. subject >vi«. well .'receiye'd, ;as .the trembndouis' fall of the: great. 'Wil- liam Fo:t . was ; most. draihatic.- R;; Eechei''s;:adaptati6nv pt';;thi3 is very Intell igi ial e - .Jind in teres ti ng. • .Naturally this irhpairbd the hisr tprlcal truth.. For example, '.. tlip ciVangb to; spuhd' pibtures wa far more important than it most ;iii<ely -Was in.;'.i-cality., .;;Ai?p ;Wi,l',li8^m Fox was. in .hb way the only pibiieer; ih; vtalkei:Si but, like the pthbrs, he joined, the.' mbv.cmeht-. pf; Wgirherf; bh sound. ■ It la cbrrebt. that Wil- liani Fox was a v.iptlm of the Black Friday. ; ; • . ■ "; -'•- - ■ Mr.:.Sheehah, who :1s given an- bther. naih© in.; this . play, .la not painted in ;very.,flatterihi5 cOlOrs. ;■ The; abousatibhs.;; against Wail Streetvaire •pppi'ular,; bht,; after all, William Fox himself was a sup- porter of the capitalistic system and; it, 1&.probable that he did ,nbt,; treat people ..-vvTib ; were .dbpendcnt' upbri him Sv:iih ^kid ^gloves: . ;'-■',-•..'■,■ ;•••• ■ Heinrich: <3ebrge. in the lead; was very gobd, -'.;' :.''.;'.;' '■;;'.-.; ■'. 1- Hbliywpod, JuneVM. , • . Ne'w California law allowing seven year pontracts Is not looked Ph favorably by talent, ho see it only as an advzihtage to the pro- ducer.; It gives the film ;'Comp.any a chance to shake the player at option 'time,' .but. .binds . the ; artist for the full length ot time, accord- ing to the players* side. .-; Prbsent; five year 'contracts arc called only that In name because of the semi-yearly optlpna to be taken up at. the producbr's prcfer- ance. Adding two years to these would pnly Jengthen': the. agony, thP' contra.ctees contend.' / ^; $175,000 Asked by Edna Ferber to Film Rights For Unwritten Book its- iir THREE MORE PEAYERS :'-■-•-' :■ iioilywOPd; -June,' 29.' - ■ Noel /.Francis/ .■^Valtpr ;ii.. .Gallett' find. I3prt Roaph ^arb, recruits - to , thb IJoilywbod-v'Baiik.rup Club. NpPl. 'Fritticls;;.lists : jr>,7S7 owliig. the big li-'v'iv being brainVed.'by-T>eo -Filzfibrhrd in^ .jp'endlng ./lillgatlph, •-■ . -$90.0' ■a3sc,ts, include'$400't^ ■ studio in that suit. ■ ; - ;-'•-. ;[ ';; -•;.. ■;' .W?citer ; Catlbtt iia^ $14,021 iin- ob- iigatioiiS' here, a.nd .New.vYbric...- In- bbmo iax-- oi:. $3,T)00;/lis'; tlie.; lar'gpst ilem, $1,200 owed Leo Morrison;-the ;iife3{t iargest. ' Incurred"-are". ,a 'huhi< ber of ;o.iiei'.:tw'p-- and. four ^ touches di.vidbd betWeen irollywood, and the .liaitibSV; Club. Ilis assets are $.400 b£ .exempt hpusieiiold igopds,; .'.• Bprt .RPach figures his;, debt, .at . $17,529 ; and- his; assets at $14,'62 Jjaitter - ihcludes., his Beyejly Hills .hbme;,flgu'red iri at.'$l.i'.500;. ■', a 3> .',- ;,'-; - .^V Hollywood, Juno 29. •; HP^vard/ .Htighes li flrtdirig. U tough; to cast, :his. "Queer People'" aa Other., producers are; thumbs- downing his requests for loans. Jack;Gakle', sought, for the "Whlte^!' part,; la back at Paramount and that stuidlp^ wbn.M: let ;;;;hlm^ play the Hughes ; assignment.';-;''- ■ - .' Even, the free lance players and their ageiits; arb;tim'ld; ai)put; taklnjg. profCcred parts, fearing a; future boycott. ]\ \ "-' -;. , Hughes will' have tb fill his cast from:, those under contract to him, .stage pcoplo or recruit frbra the brave free lances. . "JUST ZIEGGY'S ALIBI," McGUIRE'S FaM PEEVE ;- Fdna Ferber Is reported to have fiot ■$'175,'^)~00;'for -tiio ,.talker her jis.yet Un'vv'ril.teri bPpk with tcn- )^atiVb. title;of ;'':jVmcriban ;B '■■ Over ■ one - pit'ture ipr.brtuoipg cornr p.-iny is ; tiald .to. have-, ijiabed a bid- with;the auIhprcss,.,- - -;'.--■ ~'■ ■;i;- ^ -The ..'abhoVhuiV, price' .isked ■ for VJ!;<:;iul'y''.:iMght3-:i3.^nib count to the ,Pxftremtly .,f>ucbo!^sfui, ;"'<;Imarron". .t?iiKo:r;,:;rniido; by 'Uadi'. > I'lfHur'f's frbrh--the i-'orlx^r; valii,me ,of liV't'i'p'n'bf-'t)ie:;-.^i^^ nitme; . In the iijm Inidb-riyi.dit has-b'.'.eh: given for tliat ;iail<or's->ucceH3 to its making by RaVlio and;'it.s.; oxriloitation by' ;i|!ifilb>s.cli.s'if ibutictn d^i lor: of .-ij'Ppit; rpboi-d *'(• im^rroh'! d id hpt' eve n ' rite ..i.i; ajn'o ri g ; thb,; bc.s,i Villers. '.V -'-. - -• -'■-'■ .'-'.■-; ...■-'; • ', . IlbHywood, June 29. ■ With- one. story cpmpictpd and an- other sold . to . the stiidib,;. Anthdny . MpGu.lre - says; ho thinks his contract with Fox- "la going to work but ail right." J' ; ; The .writer, .whose New York friends . bpt hp; would - never- gct^^^t lloliywpbd,-.- will probably do two more .stories ;befarb 'returning east in; Sbple.mber. Originally his -con- tract Was; fbr:. tivp, ■ ;^-;■ : .; ;Mc.Guife. • resents . thb>att.ltud6' of; e'xeq.s .at; the; Btudib -who x,rcn't iiure that. iio ;Isn't •-.ahothc.i*,. ,If'e did n' t ..-rii ihd - Fib. :Zle;gf eid''.'s -uisii iv.i; him aa ;an - -Alibi ■ *'wh '"^iiegfbi.d' .noUldn't-: get. hl.s', prpd'uctlbna rea,dy on tirnPi','; but ' here - Iri llbllyWopd McG u irc:; wah ta to shod th is;; '• rep; >Spyeral; Fox bxbc.<i,.' who ;;heard : of McGuire's reputation ,for-- getting lost, never showing, UP with a firt- i.shcd .storyivc'tc., cpi^ii.dn't. b.elp; lopk- ipg; syrpr'i.sbd .when;^the^'W^ .an apppintiiiCnt. :'-.;-■ ...';' ;: -McCuire;' -ropo^^^^^ :Sf:;ript vof, ;vf?hp ;Waritbd: a- M.ilJioH- ai r c'' -^tb' Sol. \V.u r t ze I .^^ rig li t on itl m b.- l^e:, fibld- art o;ri;giri^ -'Jdissolution;'' tb the studio and Wiil;. Woj^k; pn.'tho. ;iddptaf ion,-''x'clxp on - the';;.^^^ liowc-..''J^isorde^iy CbndutL" ,■ .: >; --■ .; llP:;r3.. ai.sp..'pOH,inff:'^.b^^^^ I'f-rirVyV. ;,.ivn(l,:;; ''Q(iward..'^r;hris;ti!ln- ,Sf)|ii;ier*> dt thn .p,n'ttrtoi;f - thr-;ure, ;v--;.lUPE GOES HOME '['-^-^ ■■■ i.u pe' \'elf!/.; end'-d her ■ UKO to-J ." .•tL.,th<! I'al/ice. , '; • '- -. ,- - '.; ;--■ ;(>);istvti)\;iiiay :.i!i '{i:.;Atbi;vovxii/;- ■;- ;'■■ -■■ .■-''-' --.'- --•', '■: --. '- ■ -' The ■,'recprds.'fbr ;(l,vp -.years - of .the ;.sHi.;obf?.'5es;, ahd^' ;ilo.i)3- pt,-;. le.gitin>at* , ProduoIioIIs, revoal apprbxinUitely <• . slinila.i* fsprtspn.T 1 i.proprtr.tiiu'js, ; Abbiit; - . t^s;p.-thirds Of,' the jsho'vys -'prosbn'ted each year wore farlu'ro's;;;;-..-;. -Figures ; shp>y: /;one;.^^rbal,; hit la - .sc.orbd out, Of ., every se.vcn legit , >l;,bws;,;-; Jy.ivo'-.wi w.ay.-,. TH-i^t: ' 'S lacks': vip; fai rly clo ^b-. tp the pro - .; ■ -pbrtibrt; of, -diusiajivci.ihg suc.GeWs;e3.'■; ambng - ploturos'.: In; .both- . fields there;.arb;.intbrnibdiato < or .m suPcbssc.S;-> : ■ -:,;' '; - -. -. '-•',-;,. ;' Including.smashes .and mp'deratea, " aboxit one to.^vpry 3 1-3 shows pre-' -• sente;d appear.;tO;'turh a;i)rpric^.^^t^ 5!eai?oh there were 30;;unquestlontd ^ hits and -29 ■ mbderat-*. succbsses; put;.; b'f 1.54. Broadw.ay .''a'ttraptipns 'iibtbd.': the hops m|m;bcring'vl6.5;;t\yp-thi.r,d3,;.; of the whple. ' ^'-:;-./'-'- -^ ;-'. • .% Intermediates ,f..; - 'v' ; Matter,.-'of inl^rnvodlivrp, shows la.- an Ihiportant /abtbr;; .fb- legit as It appears.; •;^.^\■^lh..4>^ct^Ir^^ Xast ;seaso,n- thorp; -werp;-3'0C fcat*ure pic -; .- ; tures .px!vibitedVpn;-'Brba;d\yay;.;-.--llbdil ; successes; totaled 5C :filnis, which -is;' not a wide diyerfranee froniithe pro- ■ pbrtlbh of .standpu'ta In- the' Ibg^^it .field; .•Moderate mpnby "jin.'ikcrs ;'iit . Plctiires ,ntihibered'13.7^ IbaVpa' ■• ; a fiop crop Of 111 pictufcs, ■- ThV'ih- ' :termedlates In pictures have a bet- .; ter chance; to earn - .mbhey, bccauso • of 'the/.Vastiy; greater bu'tiet ' With ■. the ; legits spnre;; pf the -,mPd-eraie ; ■succbsscs: may have, played; the;,re- aulrbd tlinp for such ratinEroivithi-'. but .actually' climbing'' ;6 the - . red, but; picture rights and perhaps stock;, are figured; to . have made them winner? .tp sohib: dPtfree. ;' - : 07110 proportions of hits and flbps dp not yaTy;much: with le'git pro--: ' An exception ■ was the. ' season; of '29-'30 when . but one smash was ; recorded ^ In c.yeiy 11 trlc6, Tha;t;'se.a'sOn bah be regarded. ' aS the . wp^rst ;in ;i6...yeard or miorb; - Same ; season had about the same : number ef modera'tc.3, ;.at ; ^l^?/ the ' flops number 130 ;ln the field of 176V; new shows,.' . '; ; . , ' ' . ;;- IJast seasbn-: 'SO^'?!,; saw an Im- . provement, .thp figures ; Indicating: ■ Trtbrp. success ln;.;a prbduction :siear ,^ son of fewer shows,;: In. 'aS-'2'9 out •; of nc>y .;-'siiow total . of. 176, there were 25 hits, 28 m.bdbrates arid 122 fllv'es. For the '27t'28' season when 200 legits; reached iB.r-oa;dwa;y,. ;28^; . SGprbd ; hits/ 34 ; were ; Intermediate .', arid 13.8'%Y-erb;fipp3V in .'26-'27 out of ai total of 18 2. shb\ys, 28'shows, stood . ■ out aa;;reaivWiri;ners, 18- wbre mod- erate-;a;rid 130 did a brodie: . . Dix-Radio Split .;...-.-.;: 'L.0S Angeles, Jiirij? 29. Richard Pi.x arid Radio did not get together on;, a ;npW; .contract through last, niln'ute iVltches. Xt •*vaB'. praclicany;„set; for .Dl,\- to riValie flvo" iiiplures at;$50,000 c.lch. • ~ ; . ■ Rcpbrted ;rip.w ljl;c is'tip make In- dependent pictures In Selpomber.