Variety (Jun 1931)

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VARIETY *• ■ CT E $ Tttesdajr, June 30,: J931 Jn All (tf its Stag^^ ■. Piirainounti- lUiiy ■ pliiy. Fa.nohort .a^ ' -iWai-co ';uiiytk: butsWc-: o£ 2^ow' "ydrk ■.rar;tii.ibunt and- tlie \Bro('-Pai:iv- /inount .;Avllf>n i'ai! ^Iviits .'down . its, t<) rig" Tiilu.r'i(V. st nil if 's ;ati d • to) d s. Its ..vStaKd slio'iv •jvronii'ot.ioii .0ivisiiin/ also "hbusecV; alu(iio. pi'arit.-- I'i M. ;stahiis . to '■ wt. hroOmV 14 - >veeks ■ .tbroiipih'-.UuS:. plnti... ..Triviis cxclu- . • sivc of tlirpc wcpks •vyith '.^^'arri'ers,: \v.hivh l»-.i'now Supplyingr, •;' ,■ 1: ■ ■. • TJiere' :'is' no - into on .]ioSv--fa.r. the ■.. plan has;'inxigVPSSxeG.' It' is" iinlicatcd ,\ .by. .tho; Aurrent sliittine To£'.-Publ^ •stag6'. 'Sho.w . ..priuVdcc^rSiVirit^ ■ ,. jobs'.; lonOlng. the . surmise; of' the - 'foiclup. for .Pa.r's stage .shosy PV.o> . • Uuction divisloii. .Ti.oris, Mprrbs',; rc'r : contly. .eloVjitcd;,to: head.;the . etaifO : production; diylsi6ri( . i.^ .I'O- ported: aa.;;<tesignated to; siipervliic' ; the .spCciiai-. shows/fbr.tlie Broiadway and JJropkiyn. param.bijints o / r ' '■ r. M. Halpo'rn,-fornifiivh^ of . thfc. ;. .stage.' shoV .flivisipii for' Pulillx, ; Vno'w its . bfty .manager for. .Detroit.. .iJo.ula. LipStone'. st sho.w!' head .for. B; .& ill .Chicago;' ..has" iils.6 b'een.;.shifted and . irewer.; duties: In ;• An operating. ca- '■;:paici.t^,.';^..>./' ■.y-:::':-:----' .' The T?;' '.& .M.. angle; is gleaned from the kndwh: negotiatjbiis ^-Ay.ith . Par .that, have .beeii- gping on. for. s.o.irie tliiie., relative .to.; cprtarni- play 'dates :,. :<)utside- of. N6%y. York... Folding. of • the :Lone Island studios makes, the .•■ F. .& M;~deal look .clo' Veiallza; '..tipn, as V-V s.tretohe's oiVt. ■ to ; get •stage show .prpduction fill, the .ncfeds ;-'of ■i^ .aeliiixersi-.:;;; 2- ' '':. ■' ■■'■■•^ '■Chicago^Tirnie , .^' The :deaV:inay. liiid..: four wepk.s . fpr-F.. & M. in, and around Ghicago ; and :-\vill.'')ike}.y. Intluder. Mlnpea'polis,. . besides Detroit, F. & .M.'s close ap- y- proach to s^ .tliese ^ji.ets is indf-. cated frbnV its - show; headquarters mainlajned .in ■ Milwaukee for. em-' ■..bellishhidnt and reyamping;:a,cts arid- ; units ■ that. i.iead'.- ;o.asi;wai-d • "and 'Osputfi: :lp ;liV;;^;:^^ Ideas; ^- i'.;:'; .■■ . • '.It Is riot, known b'lit ligui.'od.'l^rorii. ■^ih -ipaide angle'-that, when F. &; Ai, . 't.akes ;oVer..".tlie.:'; stage' '".show-, .route for. iPrP'it may'TOoye: th'e:>IU\yau!;ec. . .hpadciuarters to.; Chicag:©;. The ■ pia^ ^yiU liUely extend for an indct^rmi-. iieyiod.;": ruhning.. .■•for7.-. .some >: mo-ritiiSi,: 'i.£ 'not. Ipngbr.- • ' - ^" ' • ^■...The; rav7^\^^^ ae'al. •. Ifi : abou t: expiring . and . looked.' uh- likeljv'for .■rene\vaL. ,^This..m have .'. i«u»i'V'f;ii. .the .■ prpspi^^ talk:"' AVith • .: those throe .\ve'ol<s.';'cut .and the. iwp . .^ liarhniouh'ts in•..:^?e^y: York teri-Uciry . • hayiii;?.. spcclar .prpduction.s of. their I. owii,; i'ar .:.was. left; \yith.; a .heavy ' -.;Ovei:ticad dcparti'hen.t ainio.d .to suId- ■: ply .only li or .SO weeks. q£ talent. : :-\vhich .the'- sbtMp ' evidoiitly. . didn:t .:■ w.arravit - for ..comiiruari.ct','^ ■; :-'./:''• ". ■'.Aiio'Hicr . Ih^licatyoii .-'ofVthe .-plan may .comp- frpirn thft. sU(JdGji. appeiiv.- .': jyicp (')f.,AT.-:D.-, •!i5.(jtc';-"n't)\y -U.■ . ..chi'cf.:'- li'ooking manager j.n '.^^ew' . 'i'orlc.JIowe I'ow fro'jn. tl'io coast to. he ..'on. ta p. and the -nevv i>lan'. is • liKt<ly. the.. re;is<i"ii. . . ->! '.' • GRANT COOK OUT OF^^^T .-S.aa.l.. in Gen'cfal .Cha.rgerr^Gari-.'Gpe -.:j;Also..^uf-;as. jSaleis-^^^^ '-•''.i^"'- S'""'v l.iii's passed out-as tlic- .g'-.iior.U iua'iy3K<.M--.'o'C .Tiffany, - .rie- is ; sur'ceedivl 1i.y: aV;ilii!im" >'^ial,-- i"i-onv .r.iranipunf.- .. S.aal. takes .charge. :6f t'lip, Tiffany...:oii)ripan'y, .\viiU. t.' ;,\.- Yo'iih',!*- j.t.s )'i.c|'miiial; I'lrcsidi-Ji t'.. • ■' ... Anpllier Tiff • o.ut' isi Carl' doe. fis saJ'(!.s .' ' ■ .. ;' - '- ..■ ' ' .' . • Char'liv!; 'str'i'l<^ - js ' noxy •..:'iMfi"any's' .C<>i)U)i.V<''.l)<'r: •■ ' " : ■ • '. i' ■;'.. '.-'. . ;(''(i';ik,>'.\viiiivTirra^^^^ •Y 01! ii ir. st ar i p d . to.'jlo, 1: m oTi ey. in I o U.. \ Yi'.un^; ■: ■st.(U>l"*d .' tlio. i'liiiirnii,'' a: ■ f<;\v .ii;u> 111lis; b;tv^l?,\\-iu'7i -iKai-r IJ \u{i. ■riii)ns -1j)i-ijp,;i,t. tb'o'.i-i'.jniiia-ny, c-o'nibln-' •i.n'.lr it. .\vi,iii.Vlv]ih'at ii'jji' 'n n.I .■\\:o.rld-: ■ Widp. ••,(-:<;a1v, -a ;M(.'U (iii. ;t-u'ornoy; bffii'rc rii;len>p:tlii^' lii-s .i.i\i).\v "bif.<ihcs^< advcii.tu'iV. ... ' - • .$ay$ Bob ■'.■■nobt)y: Jones, ■■v\"ho. "\yas'. ...still . liv.t'o.wn .last \yock; in .j.'ilkint;; . to .sc'.ii'io. oC-:t1io pivtnrc'. boys. about .the. bigger," and -lifrhtor.. .: Kolf >)alI.i ■ ..said' h 0 . ciiii 1 d tv't .u' n -; rtorstarid. all ..1;hc.. iTu'as.. ..beinK'- ■' ni.iide.. atioiif tlii.e' new sph.ero.. 'i.Tfiat/Atl^n.ta'sVhreliii^h't'.-sijioi't. 'nvbdel aisp lias a -memorV;;. and , .fbllij'lVs picfiircs .'prpity. clp.sely . • . wa'i.?. gleaned .i.ii' a comparison. ■he drew, between the film busi-. . and., the hall" wH.ieh". the. ■duffers" .are rtow^^Tisnig las . an;. aliliii.y".'-^;''; \:'-".'.' \ -\y:: :'' .:.Tyr ".VT'liere's. ■ njith in cf:,.' the'.'niiat t'er \y ft h -t 1 vis ■ )now-."!bail.^-".'.'^^ l.retnenvber' '■ pictures.Hitst •ca;m(;. in, , didn.'t .'.•^ome of i ybiir .; fiim : leaders/iJUblicly state, tha taikT. ihg . pictures wpuid,' get .■)anywh-crc?";.■■/ ■'.■'■■■.: \^'■■;.' Ekissie Maclt sf^^ I P; A; Grelv Turned Loose ; Bieis'sie Mack: a;rid;th'c-,:Capitbl t atrie,/ New...ydrki. pr^ssi staff have been.dismissp.d by the ioew' opera tr ing 'departme^nt. Capitol press; ^■rew humljered' eight Re,pprte(Vthia."t Miss ;Maok'- will, be .xetained, by, " "^lajbr Bowes/.. ,'.'•■;■;■.■.''• •.: • '! >■, /^'y -,' ' Seyei'.al, ushers, were ,also let. ou,l i)f the. .tTdpitol;' according .to; report Move may carry into . other h ou.sci'. ; Roxy's New P.A;*s .■ ,■ Albert',.Marjcrolies .and. Kdgar• A. AVaite .arc., in. charge of ,.adverti.slns" and - publicity ;at. the: Roxy, JJroaid- way, ,follo"\ving the resignation.,,0f Martha AVilchiritski a.s' advertising ■director'- /■;.'/■. 'y,'^ : ':■[ ' :■.■■.- ,Latter :;resiKned Thursday.>(25) with her . veslgnatibn acct/pted . by. .Cliarles. Kurzman^ Fox tield.' dlroc- toi\jin;.chargc of'the deluxe,theatre.. YORK arid KING ■ '.'''you ..people,, ror.taInly. have ■.niadc ine' laugh.': Put Ipud," ;'said. Trader llprn.Ayhen -\v':the. Originator's' of -fOld Family .'.Tintv'ne" In Afriba. May- his .soul-;i-est in. pe.ace, - :^ENI^-."\jACiPBS;;\-Amei?ica,-.\^-'^,^': 'R EEVES & LAiVi P<>RT, Ktirope. ,Now in ■I'Dngland-', . „'.' ; igroAvjiig oiiinion with:several?jjllow.busmcss^ tUe.currenjt. <lr0])^in.theat^^^ filnVTentals;.njay;<i*eVuiv^^^ ally: become tlic. cure io't "whatever ;il.Is .tlie pictiire'imlustry is sufrcring^;fi:ohii. ;T;h^t reasoiiiTig is^ba^eciiipon the sunple theory;' that theyshpw business n.ced^ ;<5^lj" the inefficient'and'the- deficiencies..-: , v . • Shpw^iichnyhQ arc.Vs trick, to play.^ theatre 9r..pictt;jre'niaking .\v.hc yh'en-'it's ncces>- aary-to get the/thcair^ .full,'io pull 'em aiid dira^.'^^^^ the. bQXQffiee;;hustlii% on the"tlV^atfcVend that it■ bccomc^^ showiivanly-trick. .With the:n6vielty'bf::.t:alkef&^ Hway, that- .trick^o.f ea.sily turn thfi r day when- t^e .p.iclure- itse^^ ^iPt ;its :ijov^elty, 'hiust 'be pfinve-'attl^action-;'---. r^^^ '■■.'■•v-' ■^'■■.■^-^ -■.'-■•■. :;.■.: ■ ■.: ;■■' ■ • If.;:both the.'the.atr6;. aiid prpducing;^^^^^^ lailen clown Somewhat; this will, b6 attributed by tho.^e: hibstiy r.e.sp(jii- sibld for the: slide, to" thd now'iW4:>fc tii^^ depression .thi;ng..'niay..sta^^^ the the- atres are^'Stahdiiig. ;ali^; t^^^ ..tinVe. . Anidiig ;tli6se :"cx,pcrt,s :. wh^ believe 'things ; are .depre«siqnrhvis.' c5^iste4\to,6;i^ what once.ani.ountcd to nearljf^ living .'in these IJ./S< TlTcse -wiser shownieii: Wp^^ a-bettec. hrgtjnient/ They prefer .tlije truth. ;Theii:^;idea: 6r't^ the 'showy.b or^w:ithout •deprcssio.n^v-'That's; '.the,'.trouble,-^theySayj''good^ sliOAvV''^:/.':' ■ ,-.■:;':■>: -■:-•;''" '■■;.^ O'-^'.-:.-/.^v:'-^- >-'■:;;..',:' •:^ ' ;■, ..• - ; ■\ 1 lollywbaa, . June 29. /^yiih . the in', the. riding- saddl.e,.;,an eirly Teaction\l .".Why. b\iy a.. n,e\y story 'When an 'oUi one i^. just .as good-?" Current' rer' 'make- fever.:.v:-.-.:;: .;'.■!:;; y--'-.^: AImost..evei-y.;■ studio .vhas.:- one; or more remakes, 'ipnouhced ihis .sea- son., and ■: t^iefe. .are plbnty cit 'old stores'-.being .camouflagid by ■ title changes ..aiid new'; wr-iti-ng . credits before .Iristall.atioh. on'. the; program lists.^; V' -;,;-,C;..,'"'-V.:.::^v.v'-,.: ''■, .' pnc'.cx,ec who usually, cpmes back from .the .east .with , a trtmk.ful.. of new manuscript? reached hom? last; •ft-cCk' empty-ha.nded, and his inten- tions for stpry material are' obvious.. :J,oe- Marcus' Goasti;ng;,., .;, '; . .jb'c M.nrr US,. i.-i charge :.'of I^Vaf-; nws' r oaftern.'. ca-stihT-, .for . years; .-.pjans tb; I'cturn .tb .the' Coast; ■' .' ; ■. 'flc: r.ccchrly severed relatio'h.s,' with ^WB--v-':■;:"■■;•:■>.■■ :' :■■■ ■i.-^ ■■>v'-^V.v"^-' . . .. ■ .' - .■ .Chicago; .juno...29...; /; . .Chicago's ...t'cnsorship 'c'mbr.ogiipi. \yhich..' has ■ been giving', exhibitors' .a ;pain:-.for a.-long time', '.has rinaHy. roaclied . the .City liall. And some of thc/city .father.? -are iriclihb.d to .fli'f;-'; for. in bpih.ibn- - -Wtth.'. the " ci-iisor >)bavd; ..'^ .;;-^; -, -' ■ ■ , ' ''. ';:,.• ; . -'./V.. ;.' ;;.S<l'uaw]{3. li.U'C .been sii- jumierbus that the,,mattcr'has.iiecn' the ,Ma'yoi-'s, "attention \yitli. a. ph'tu- fur ■".- lio'rmat'LPn.'. iif - a .rboard' .'of appeal- "-.'to'.-...:\vMti-at6 ; l>et\^'>'i-,n 'the' Oe'nspr. boardiand 'tlYentreir, .','- , - : -''I'ndnr.' the law''tho ..onj.y -o'niv-who 'i.-an rpverso; decisions -of ,-tli<*. (^''-nsor board .i.s. Acting ' . i'pUVio.- ,U6mni:ls» sioji'er ;-Alifp(,'l« In : past few ,w(?ek.s'. four: "pinked" i">iCturV.s "vycre. whttewashed - by. 'the Chief :.drsi)il<^ :pv.ote>it^i .-f ryni - the. cen.sdrs," :'-(.^ity'^ 'S.(roets^^' a!aiO; "JudUe •.•Ji;oll i--!.oiin.rV\' ('Tiff.) hn'rt :.".^t>erct' .i^ix".'.: (At(.;), we're b.-ihnod by the rbri.-.: -sor^.s, -biit'. vf-1'eased"''bTi..' g^,noi\a^l^ .iVvU.s -hy. A:l<-.0(;k,-..A.t tiie 'sanvp.! tiimv ■Tubiji;- :Ki.ieiny;' ;,ovii):.".;ii{{x!s.-":;v\ii<.a-' o\it .by.;th!,> oen^sor hoard aird , iupheld;' by- tlvrt...iioinnTis.sIoijorj.-tli/;' mattei-, .ir.«;n.i< ■l'<.v...the -^ooviKt,s for' a^h yU^j^\^|■r:^■• .t,ion,,; '-■'' ■ ; ;; ,;■,'• ' J}-^ CM^iilter'. (fi tiiek; . froni J)r,; '; i!,"r,ed I,-;a:Stiini'ii,.!oi''. tlvo .Cliic^ag'o Tbi'Mbiy-ii-ii'l. .Si'iuijuvry, '. -h^acK^r;; -..of a ■; '(■b!i,r<-b .ru'iAip :in.t,er6H, 'I'n .rnotitn) ~ iviot u'ro reform; CDntiSnded tliat' "tlihatres :irc -.(.'jttPrlV):!':.:; tho : "pink"'' '.".'r.ulintfs, /:\yii'h l.';.i!;ib;(ii ^tSnl - KaVi! spcOilii'-ally' in't iv- ;t^/vn.ed'■■.as.;orfehi^•i-^s.^^^^ .-!l".!f;e.-: mQ-nt:.:-- Ivortv: .B'&K, .s.'ild; -. tViat- • tive. •^HduUs,:' ohly'V,; .rlile "df " tlic' .i'oni^tir ■boiiYd ,\\:a,s. be'in:^''l.^i)ored "li- nilyice' ,of:.:.'Iib'nry,. 'Sbh.hpn.sehei'n, Kecretary. to Mayor 1 Ccrrhak. :'t1Us was^ia.ter denied by> ,Sbnnehs'Ghe}n; who said. he:ii'a.d nothiiig. to do;:with reversing; d-cci.sioMs of the .censor' board.-;.' But' -v.,%j4.T>jj;.'.t.>j;>V"-TS*>K»t ••ir.''>*;.'^ ;has. heeti comiiifif thrbugh-■ the city hail i.s s^ill-maintained... Principal ■ ball'- bt ft're. ih the ben-:. .soi\ship-: situatIph ' is . Effle- "Pi'ii.l.dc" Sie'gler, 'cK.aris.tlc r.uler~bf the: board/ which is .b.omprised of ci^ht jud.£;cs,- ^eycn ;0,C thcm/ciVii appointees. Tlic on'l.'v' ,■ non-ciyil'i'seryicc '.-jTiember": iS; l<'ran'kib... .'^uames,'-vfbr'meir nri'usieai ■.comedy.', performer.i: recently, ap- ■).ioi'nte'(V^)yy^ .tll9^.^rayo,r.' -]2n,tr'an^^ the.'bo'ard;iv.i.s.:oyc(1 "vvilh. suspicion by. 3V.Ii.<is .Kiejjler and .a"'-jverbal"vbi9:tUij-..bc'twcsen the :"t\vp. -.liaa';.biVj"i .reliortcd;':;; '" ■••-: ..'-,;' ..':,Tlie.:it.reH.:;SMiaintain that the cen-: ,«oVs' "cmjld '.;rcnie;dy. ;6i)jcotioh;».1v]j>' material. .in. ■ fllnis. by-.maikihg cuts' iriStp'a(1 0f'*!pittk"Jlig'; them-and...lit'Us ''nH-; b\isiiyea.s-; a-Cva-y. 'Iti; .sonic iii- 's'la'Mces;. thvough Miss :yi'cf;lcu's..en-.' |L.e"i;r>; ..:piot\ hav.c.::.:becn; .'both: ■ e,llp|ii,cd'a'nd: .''pinUeid." ,. ,..';: ' .:Aia,s .^i^alai.Kiil. iiv^, beiialf .:ot " the .-.n&.K . Che.iUr,es,', :s"aid ; tlic; -'•'A'luf'-''' Only':'-"4*i>;-ns -,ii,<>t.,onl'y 'drov'o 'women' :and i-h'i.l 1II'en. away ■:frorri-..the' • b(ix- oill.i;e; • 1 iii t er .^a lc-; 11,1 & imprt'..';.sibii of a- stvlaciou.s'. viciure.. Bal.aban;.-aiso stated.' It was hii.Teprpsentatio'rt- idnd .pv:t: the,; ihea;-vfe .ojiprator in.'the :-rple, of earnlv-.'U. 'i'arkor at.a sid.e.- slvo^\' .as:.l;!ir',as. the.Dublio .was concpviied. . ClVief A Icobk. ad'hiittcd' tiiat.'wlieji thcati-eg \ycrc .rfhssatlsfied .With: the' rulin.trs of .the cciisor board lie v'as bound' to' ^ so.c -tlie', ptctufc.s/himself iirtd' glvf^ lire:: benent. of his - own judsiiient/:.-> '■ ..; ,iA' good, .shp\Vi • or eVe.h. '■ a' baid shbwy may be, cbiivp.osetl -of two" partST-^scre.en .aiKl stage;: Erohi that point ^cjn the: e^^ sbihe.of jthem^are their; s.hbAy prgartizjitiohs, rt; thiiiking lo^^^^ ; they ■are ■ wiiitiiig^ :The^:/:expect ■ the.; decline vin.'gtbsses -1"6. work ..t\y6,v^ tiine;- and'■ the sbo.iier.; the bettei^T7-fo.r..."the screeii'and for the- sta.gfe,.. .. ■./ . .!. ,'; • .' :'.. 'ii .For a' bad •ispell .i.ii-frbnt .qf .the theajti-c iriay wcfr.k^ out 4 better" 'spQlI.behind the theitrefr^in'tjve.offices: aiid in-H'he stlidips.''riiht is;, "vyhat the wisei' olxes.- anficip.aite; Ch'aini^es: "in ,iad.nijirii^trii.tioii» .;.reQrgan,izationy:;W.i^ the.^eyils^ if. anyy. tp^lk; c^^^^ ireGtcd through tJiis: ciirrent'sitiaatibn..;' ■'-y-2- '^-^--y : . .;-^:; :.;Ih- -'.;yariety''^.^^ story' fi-oni'.the .financial pages of the-:Nev^ 'Yoi^^^^^^^^^^^^ 'niat-: story read as tHot'gh-giving the bankers'. iTiipressibn, .of th0 .<h6w; business, as it stands^ •;.- ; - ;"; .. . ■■ : :. . .;.-■■' .,''■'' : ■'-:■:■' • The potent angle, of the'''f imes," story is-that, big. btisirVess thinks .it can riin the ,picture' busirtc:ss along big businesis 11 ncsi': The-;J'Tiines'' s?ty^ tha tionally kiiown bahkerfj wiil be the sp^ expenin:cntv; - The .stbty in, the ':'Tinre's'Vwas. th^ picture trade/.It-s.Iikely^^^^ [jrcssibn,; One .could :Xii"dg€ frbni the:si^^^ ,the bankers likd:th)e,- picture biisiiiess,; a biisin'css -or as 'an.ih-i „■ vesting outlet. -;.Tliat!;is quite. .do.ijbttuU Of that, ^tlie picture; busiiiess is-particularly jQiid'iOf';^^ bankers;;" Just, as tloubt:fuL . The VTiiiies" states vthat .big; ;bivsii.i.ess. woivld. like^^^^^^ tb.:\soe.'pr.o»." cUtGtio.n;. .cbsts.' of- pictures..'c '\-Everyb'n'6 iiVterWtcU.v^i pictures, nbw aiid for: yciars past, have VvUnt^ the "tianie-' th ihg; ■ . Accorditig to the. present outpoufing.of {nil ■■ Icngtji''tal'k'N chanee/.Avith c.ittting;.dowh costs that may hieaii: tcnTpprary, AK'^ prganizatio.ii: of pcrspnnel in a, box office :dTa\v;ing;point, ;,-'..■';;" .": :'.;•' ■ ■ - •;"':% ^ The:pi:csent.n,ecd^ Appears to' bc^ cut dpwn qtvaiuity; ;rhat;'. .shptird cbhie.fifs.t:,. ahd-t^ \vhcn (Iic;re-; duce.d ..c|uantii;y : holds sufficieVrt q^^^^ .'nvake pic'luros Voiice. agaih..di-awiii)g; x^rtrds.;.';:-:::'■•■;■.;.; ■:• ■ ■■ 'C:-y- '•,■:'. :■■ ■;•■■ ■■'■:^''-^;"^■:^^■:■■;^■";':■■■^^ , It's, the ■c()nim'ofi.^lnderistanding iii thc -shPu' InVsiivc?.'^ ihal?a,hy-- stiidip.lJcHcving it can-turn, but', an-- ab,iion,n'al nunllVct o'f. ..lull length ;feat,,trr,c's itv,()Tic; season go^ .flbl)po-.;this' :sca?ibn as , they dpnc '^in \ othef taJkcr' .sOasbiis.-. y. A- ■lesser j-iunrljcpvaf "^"pittiir^e•^i!;d'oe'iih''t-''gtiaviaiUVf-'iVet*• t(>r.- .i)iclMrc5;' ::: ,And."Jt. :tiiay;::be....J^aid^the' ra-Lib tif-:-^)ii-clr;iw^ i ^cttuxs-'xlbe s n.'.t;:chan gc; ;i^^^ ihp - .mpre "o:ppbrUiirity~:f V. :. ,: .■::•; .; . ■ ^ ; An .altc.r.n?itivvi,pE .cburive,'. is';fc:divide tip the;-piottiXc -n");^^ J ^,^^'Cturc, miking in .hii^h : is ^op^mtidi ^for one't)f tiwo'nicii^^^ mpre jlian. pi)e-Pr t\vb nnciv^ ithc.prescirt".fiySt-ew;-o.f.fs.tiid'fb-b:p-{*riatibjiij".-•■••";• ;: '•'•;■ V :.: ' .^ '/ ,' '. ■"{■^ : ..: Piatikers: are npt t^^ eillien in; tlife^prpdircing. ctf.:;exhibiling.:x wc^nily -by}.ktaicnionts;. Tlieyj^are safe"■chbu^^^ up,OH;.:^lat^in:eiUs; ,::Sta^^ piilv'Mor bankciiv^, ,l3iit,'for. tilt :tiead's; carry.:figurcs:, iibt. alibis.^^ ■ ; ' '-,. '■' ;■.'":• .'■■.■,."-. ; '-' " :'■.,'::'.\' , : Perhaps banker.s:,'\voufd like to"find ;put a/^^ nioro.abbtit,-the inner: workiiigs pf the spectacular, trade, kiiown as the Mluow business.The glaniprbf :thc slibw jiiisiriess is: nipst.attrjlctiye'. ' :.-, ■ ■■ ■■■':.;,^■''■.^, , :■ (Cbntiniicd on page .6) C'^/:: "': =