Variety (Jun 1931)

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. ' ' ■ ;;\;Va3hlnfft6n>;;.Jiine^29. , - Jxtkt ninch the screen ■ im- prcssos children .Will, get in all- •incliisive. four-day: test', beiginning: , Jyly at ■Georgetown .University li i^i"^: .' It i s part ot a series of ;-e7t- pei'iincnis to bo made^ tu det^ thi -valivc. arid: exteiit 'of visual edu- ;;v,catiojn -aa; a .stippl<^mentary- aid16 : tiiri-eiit -/tfeaching' . : -ih^tKpds V.. In :,. 'schpolsi. ' '^ ;.' Altliougli cpming un.der ihe: hca>J .i>f:. edu'eationi. tiie eJcper|m6nt .^laa^• ;!^l!^;ye its: effect -on theatres gerioral-; ■ 'sjy: as concerns -trie:; reii^U of the '.'^uverilies'. ' W'|iat;.m!t^kes: the' plan' jiipro;'importinf is thatf It'ls-being lauriched under .the oinGialrguidarice '. iai 'Viie^ Wiillte::House^^ .. . ■ •. .Orie factor In ' the. iripv.e -^which. ■ ina>'- 0^^^ may not lead to yitimatc ■■ ,ifilinikii>g^ of;;>h6;.school^;;' is-- Hariey teiaricc, ' pircsidenf ;pfV:l<'ox.:;Film=i^ : ihis coiii party is; said■ to bp; iinah<>: '. /.ine' tlio . pxperiijient Wit'^- *ri® . ae-/ knOwlcdged interest, of pfTlciil, goy- .': ©i-jimcn t • c i'rcles;, . • ' ' ■. /■ 'Other Conipanies Refused iT?px ' is' ■ said "to. iiaye bepn| ,apv. jprdaeiied" after othcp Gpriipariies put thumbs , .down . on., the experimeht, .: Giarke, pergpiially, :ts knbwn .tO; hive, i)cen interested; in' spme ^,such \ Bcheme: for yeirs. Hf^-i^^ ficiit figure lii what' is iihbwn as .ihe...Society . for ■Visual: • Edu'cation .undeV' >yh63e direct-^upcrvi the ■ present experiments are>to be held, Cdncferned in the prepar^^ the tests is Glen .GrisWpid, v,pi aiid "■■ •director- 6f pulblic relitions; for Fox . jrilms.- Frbiti these 'ejxperinterits. a ■ trend towards, specific rftanufactur--: 'of eaucational' fllnis ;% Fox. and. .: jDtlier cbnipanles.^^^^f^^^ (Oonsuniptiori may ; develop.; - : ' .The, i-ieciuirentents pf- the 'tests,, as : iar 'as -krioWn :^ Which ; 'not yet been madie .piibilc, call for .9.6 boys aiid girls to- b assembleu lii. pairs from ea;cii of-1^^^^ 48 states. :-'♦Those are to. be givenvvariou^ .t<!Sts in visuii,! opportuibity for ie4rnirig, '; among whicii will be several, screen BUbJects, 'Each. s.tate. group, icdm.- ■ prising 'a; boy >hd girl,, rwill . be,: -guided.' /by •• /a - specially •■ ■^lectoa, ^teacher throughout. ' Short :o:ii^ly\vp6d; June 29.-\ . An oyeratuffed: m and . her . . buxom ■•■ .daughter ; ■ wci'e. PiroHucers* Announcementis ; ; Nbt Positiver-^Ahy . .May FplibW Eaafidst: Way SIS Siipyii by Earl^ H«ts-r- Gangsters Thinhingr Out V -^ThiB ...gerip/-: Kind Me^y bof(n\> t:li(?' n.6.\v spaSpii' !.tr.ot-s noiivol.S' u i.Vsloi" .yva.v ..soiiic cpi;iiv);.i:iiy ,\Vi 1.1 'huVi< f'i-ou;^IVt: in a. hiX jvliidV \y.:U'ssoi-yo- as a.]ia'Uc;t'o. toniievotJioi\s/^^ , ,■ y- ■ 'royy-AV^ ilici^hd of :i)>o sioawiln .just- c.rt>so,tl. tlu-i.'o .Sva.'i g OUTn'.'iit • bi'tiof -. Filindoiii'- .^vo.!i't >;«V tO - i-(jn'ri>s;i'ion ' liiUii it lias; ;;i\..ll;iisbi); : Krii;ituz;* ti()i»; i'i.M)Kv.son t;a li.\\o ■i>.f ,(.vvo vro'(*ii; f com i:)v.o tl\v.(lics. tp. ihp. •jii.v)V;iiniu' Us ;cx]>orii'no? . . wifh■ t)}p.. ivcilo.ral ('.■iiiivi'i l oi: :ni(v r><iiViVi]|f>>; - »r V-^hr^f- casting - omce iixiures. ., ite~- peatedly ,th.6y heard the;drone;. ■' of "nothine: right' now." a^ .'castr ■ • ei-s -iet a.; disapproving -pye ri>yi> ■,' .over - the udaughter's generous - expanse. ; B.ut '^is .-the.' m ' thp',. djjugl^itev'is viigure rneltcd: - ■ ii)to■ giraeefill' .iiries :;and,, her mh n n cr. d e v elopedgrace.-;' .The . motlyer; -too; ..shed pbundage.; 'Finally-'avl^^ "^otiivg - ■Improye'meiiit - . in - /thP' -: gi.rl, ■deGided - to. -givp. :her^^^ \ .break,. He'Cailcd the. pair, into ■■■the ofnce, saying.;': / •. . ■ . : ■"You :1q6.1c mai-vplpuSi .■'What have you. bo:en doing foi": ybiir^ .■ • .. koivcs?" :■:'■/,■■;.••;■..■.■':':' . "Starylner Cto death,^ : said;- : the-nxother.''7.'V ■ '; '• -■; "Step'In eOMEpy AND ROMANCE FOX AND MO SH'ON 3T0WNS1N Chicago, June 29.; . . Fox and RK'6 . have set their thp- . aire deals for Milwaukee; Madison and: Riicine, Wis. - ' -. .;: In - Milwaukee,: !the 1XKO\ Paiapc .^oes to Fox,; .with IIKO m.oving its vaude from tliat vhousc to, tlip. KKO Riverside.' ; '.■ ■■/.■ ^~'.In. thp' ptiic ;eaoh; PC ;the Circuits 'will ;bc-. joi opqratpd 'each btliciv; lil^O.. wiil . operate in .JIadison aivd' Fox in Ra- ; «ine^.-- ■.;'.'"■ 'i-'} ' ' ■-- \; -Deal;-goes iritp;^ cfroct 1;iy: Juiy lO, Lowered oyerh.ead .: of • Publlx, br6ught.,about by an .economy pro- gram, to reduce costs. duringJunCj wiii; b©;. Increased ;■ in '.approximate 15 %,. liridpr ■ ex'pectatfp'ns,. 'bt^Jfflrtriirijg In iJuly; This is due . to rcdaqtions obtained- in yariouis dircc.tipris ■ only for the; current : mojnith, i'ncludirig cutia In.; advertising .rates with n.cwg- .papers in ■ many citici3, layoffs of union help, etc. ' tinder •the> ,agreement • In M.'iy wh;eri,these' were effected,, eitiier'.frbriv' 'the home blTlce .-br lo- cally, they, would not. extend beyond J u ne. ■ ■ Moari whiio p ther sayings, \yere secured, through..: Pitrairiount. salary'^slash: for tlie. entire, P-P. or-.- ganizatipn, , ;;■ • .■-;/.-..;::■ : .Jt'id. estimated t the retren'chT nien't.".-.on, • opera \ within Publi.x: 'alorie.-aside frbm ;the -salary cuts, . has,:been around . 40%, • witli salary, reductions bi-ingihg .it arOuhd: :36.%:. ': v. ,: •:;•■-, ■- ... ' y ; . ^. ; : ■ - In :, some situations,- Piiblix the- atres locally, reduced ope:rati,hg exr penses -ias much; as. 50%,. taking:a^ vantage of every" possibility: . on; CCQnOmJ'::: ■-.■.;■-.■■:;;■■■--. ■: ■ : ^ ■ ■ , Cyerything- fromtea ; jisaves i.p gypsy chaririers have: been resorted to; in ,an effort toVget .a line ori next ;seasbn.s: -trend of prodiictiQn/ but without very satisfactory restiltsr Thp, pi^ry thing whip sepms . at all positive ,is fhat .tftere vvill, be a.cbm■ parktiye: absence'.' of the gaingster*. film. This is not because, the gahg- land istorres have not been irponey- triake'r's.. • They st.ii| . .are," in . ma.hy sectipps, but. they have .been; barred ih sp;;many: placeif..t pro,-, ductibri is no Iphger profitable. ; . .The,be regarded'aV the- best bet, if :the . mfiterial Will hold.,; up, yviih ■ the western story, produced on a large ::ispale as , roin? ner., up. Comedy drama, the' vyeep feature and comedy, wpuld see^^ to follow Tn order/with an effort beihg made to' deyelop the heart ,intp,restv story .since the suc- cess; of ''Daddy Long. : Liegs,;?. The files are :being scanned'for, oild issues of this kind., . It ';may be that these reisi^ues, :ptuS',s.imilar .originals, will be made:;the..-backbone-:of;.;early re- lease vyith •: one or - tywo : stories: of each; of the other^types: put; but for test: i^urposes.. • Productiori: pplicy '. wUr : hb .. be (Tnally set uhtirone: or. two solid hi,t3 demonstrate:.the value of :a, certaixi type, and then all rnaiy to produce that kind.': Repent studio siowdowns may be di^e aa'muph' tp indeci;Sion as tp; the TiSed IJbr ecpnr 6my. ycsrricn hive been .tiirned Into; guessmph and all aiiiioiiiicemisnts have tlio fairiiliar ring . of the, thCr ajre pamphlets that "Program Is subject to: change without no.tlce." • The annual announcements of the various production companles^do not mean anything at all. Com- para.tively little of t.he product has been announced by title. Even these are subject to change under a clause in tlie contract which permits omis- slprts, ^ubstltutlpna. and a:d(Ji- tion of entirely ne\^ material With- out the usual comeback; substitutional. AM of the studios are. Inching along, making a few pic- tures of varied type arid .hopirig ,that .^)\at, 'tlVo I'/izarr'o ; stdi-y ,\v()ViKl liavo- thc iiisUli' I laelr.; "Drau-uliiv y-vvhi; !) •.o,nly,,':,a;.: ■fi>\v.-: j-c" :hko Uaii booii turned (b)\yn :by nVOf^t of Uu> inaj.n; COoii>nivips yyiili sl\u'lldi'rV; li.a s\ made considerable. .iiiorioy for . I'nivorsal. >"Fra'hkon'S;lei(i,''-; vl^Sypiigair ;v-;ui(i. similar'gv-bteso^ •and '"Svcngaii"; was made p.iii'ilic-.not long ajjof : ^'rirC' sinlstpr: ■i>'re:Art^ the liyphptis.t-did riot fippnV.ib;.clirk, antfrativpr'distui-.b.ed".Ihc gu ni'ldonco of ■ ,pi'bdiicfion mhnacrcrs:' wl^b-. lVa<l- been searcliirig itiip ;flips for blood chillers. One or two of tliis type, are In the Ayorks.: Jf;;g:btting d^^^^ tiiere .may . be. more .cneburagenient to ;try others, but there Is. an iirt.- dercurreiit.of ;feeling;;tha:t^^t^ of' ;t.Uesp. '\yili se to cloy the ap- petite for the suppi^natiurai and UTir real.. .' ''I:--^'-':---.. ','■ :Success bf :''lSast ;Tjynne" suggests to'tjie prbduccrs;the adyisixbility pf tlie good ;t:i'y :.story, and,-"Oyer ;the Hill-'.';Wiir;bc,:.ljr;bb(ibly -with' ^bpd results; but her'c> ;apain, thpre arises the fear that too niueh. of tli'e will. pro.vp a, ,s.urfoit. •jhere is - always the demand for .; (Cpntin.ued -."on pagb .S3)', JOHN ZANFT PARTNER IN STOCK EXCH. FIRM Tpriiorrpw. Ci) Ibiiri Zanft .Will en-. ter as a partner the stock br^ firm of, Eric Drever.s at 115 Brpad- way, New Yo'^ki ' It. is . asspciatpd with ::tlie ■principal eJfchanires; of thc; coiintry, , includirig.' the Xew . Yorlc. Stock Exchange; ; . ;. :: ; ,.: .;. . Zanft, who is said to be tlic .first partner accepted by the' established firm in 12' j'pirs,;^ rcGentlyv-reftlg'ried frp'rii thc general management of the Traris^LUx v"! Zanft ,wa.3:the general theatre bpe-'. rator for the exterisly.e Fpx cliain. ; Qorinc'cted- with the show business ifpT. many years, mostly in important posts in the .Fox. company, Zanft was. roppi'tcd ;spme 'mbri.tlia ago tir- ing of : the grind pf the .show •trade. ;. Zanft is rei)orted ■Indepomlcntiy wealthy.' That is bclipycd lb; have .had .^brhetliirt'g ,to, db With his' de- parture from thpatro .dii-ertipi).V ■ 25 Big 6&K NOT WIID OVER HIGH COST WIRING Sheshaii East ^ain ■■:,■' I folly wood, June,- 29. '-' Wiiirtie. .Rliooliari- 'jii.oppe'l ciisL Again, ihis;: tinVb to :attend a '.'FoX bp.'ird. of (1 ii-ecloi's .nicolin.g...;; llo loft'hero Saturd/iy (27), Is due , In K'.e.w- i'pi'k ,tpmpi'rp\y-; (Tuesday) : ana:i's .soiioriiticd". tp;siaf,£ west again, Jioxt. Satiu^ilay (4).; -])ut: Slici'lirtiv's .Itrn^-.i-.-ii-y',- is. al'wa.vs /s'ul-j.ect.:: Xo ' chant;.'. • . ." ". ■ ' ; Herbert Grau Marrying; Bride Due from Chile - irorbevt. :(;;(i^iu/Ufa's Artiffricah •a..,; U to liiai-ry IvllOii' li'.'i.uinaiin ■ of . VliUp; l-'riilay (3).;- J^^ I)')!.- in tlio show biisiuess,' is obm- ■ -if';-' lo. T(>rk .fi-iiin. :t'hll,- for: i\}<: 'W'<'d.iil:r.i:j;;^tlYprCO.UpicV P haVin£{ SpCTl ?ach: pihcT for ^n'c-ariiy two, yeiu-.s: v. •^VhtVlin^r'-will-lakn i)la(ie:at';d totnc on I.i.n'g Lsland. ■ / - '• •; ' .' ^ - ; Unlilc'c ■: tlic-,'-the electrics ■-adiiUt'vtiiicy are finding but • the stai-t'that iibiolk aiid'-.s -will ni)t .go for high priced talker c;|uip- nicnt. . As a csu 11; botli.- pslpi:ri a I Hi .General .h.avetiiicid'o'd tp - lay low on outside .sales pressure until tlie;ir ;16 ■Ulill^)^riplc^. prnjoction ap- p.'ti'alU.s ' i.s" ready for vi.he. nrarket. ;■ \\-iioi'o '\\ blols Nycui" -^it.OuO; for staniiai'd'. si'/e ;Ofiu-ij)mont.-; it; is - irv- •licatoil ■ froni; ci.)iir<.'i i-nfes licM 'Vvitli Hiisiiius.s' groups that' tho samp will WulCoui". il|o. ta!kor :c.\lJ,<^rjin(''nt;:whi;ri only $n;o0, whirit is Vla U^d 10 bo'' 1:1 je staiiiiaiTl.' pi'irc,.pC • the : 10 .aols frb^nv:^ bpliV .;fcl,ci"trii;":il|(- is-.-in V .,' . • Fr6rn;,;.prpnpTrt: ::;indl':.''i.tio)i.s W.H. arid. .l<CA.-i-'.li'/toi)i'>o,no ^w ^dobiit- thoir .Mrtaii pfiuipriients. in ;.SC'ptojiir iicr; T.-'^.i.ulcr tiltypatent. .iri^ariKeiiii-tit IMioloj)honp, will lia.v'.e pxivlusiyr; 'righ:t •.-to . the flreside with tlio rest of t.ho- fifld,';lnolt)ding h(.iffIs .and Institotion.'?. open to both electrics. • . .; ■ ■-.;;/■: :Ghicago. June 29.' ,;' With iridie-exhibs making a-, des-. :|)nratc stand to extricate therii.sclvcs from. tiip doiiblo: feature octopus that is fbrciiiR; them to the wall, .It iook,s like .curtains for some of; thcni bo^jVc the ', ijuniimcr is. .oycr'.. .Princi.- !))ai\iionc;:ot ',<"6ri.te'ntiprt "to thb'^ lit;!) t'. now is thp;'l»ublix-lj&K:^etpp; io(:ally with Llie major circuit rcfus- ing tb..A'i;U(vU,sb twin UiiiS fbllowing a rO S'liuii0n ,adop'tod weeks. ago ■ by 190. (;xijiiVs''jointly .represfntpd -in both .thl^'xh.ibilors'' And tAi 1 ipd • asspcia-• tlons .to do away. wLth thc poUcy. . ;AkIibu,gh;bolli^^.xiiib:orgrinlj!.ali^ .^•oi.i'.:urr>;<r in llic rescjlullon almo'st a in on I ii 'ag o, riot' a singlo one of -the :i - ijif) • thfrrTO '-s ..has as yoi- aon<i awa.y I \\- ith- d h u bl irig.'' O e ri e ral' a t tj t u.d k of j.f.he indi'vH nppears to - b.o a-. wat;ciif u 1 1. :• Continued oh. page 48 ; - CHI'S INDIE HOUSE TO PLAYAII^C^^ -. . ;. •,. ' ., ;; , Chi';agp, .June 29. . Aaron; .Tories,,' opf'i allrig: the Io>:al \ybod-j;iljc-,'iirc as}a db:W:n,lo\y)v itide-. pC'rid-f'-Mt . house, )ia^ made .-a, df;alv to pl.i.v*;: (-.'pl.uiribia: pi(;'i.ur('';.s'.'noxt •s/';i.son;: AN'oods will :US(i ai 1.;tif,f1 ntjiliia'.s ^X(-hi«IV(:ji^/as-. Ilrst Vup^^:-^ ;.' Schnjtzer East : '-, ; ^ HolTy\V(jp(V; Jii.iifc;-^ . Jit.i"ph ■ Kt I)nif/.'-r, • ■'l.-i 11.', ol ill .•Aniorioa:;,'lias ; tati;glit :flve- tiidus-. try. <);'dii-.g ; .- biUoiaf .'admi.s-. .<ioti ycMonlay. that title which ; siniivdo.a - sii iii.«:ii .;ilvo- .years •.ago- is: not ovi n reprosvM'ilativi-': of • Aineri- ciin 'riiolV'staiitisni; ■ lib to ::c()npider ili;p'i'.oil.u'j--.nviiltt-siHns .in ■riii's 'opun^' try-. .' - -." ;;. ■', ;.;; . ; ■ ■■■•; ,;• I'lVi'se:. livp. y^\irs., s.uinmpd iip. a^V banning; ,-raih(>t' rhaii;;-.'tlit)UnisliingV biek.eriiiKS, co?;t ,tlio Viayit brganiza-^: .tion; U>.><s ' thiini $10,000; ' not pvcr 'a-: 'inUlion.' jis .has boon inlitiiated.;Thci lO .grand is" liglirey^.iri: stifBtlgivtrail-: AViiy faros and;'ineal;- tickets baplv..;hpjne'; tb the: cpiii^ererice ; and: lipr'ne :;.asain. Xbt • one pr.bacher: is a pen.sionpr today br^'cver-Avas. Ndt pile rej)ve,son.tati.\-e ever submitted a ; series; pC s'w.Iridie sheets tfxat tbtala anywhere a singlp ;gr.and, it'is ■ a\-<>r.rrd. •■ ,;■:■-.,; ■ '■ ' \. ■ -'-. ■-'-.;'.. . ; .• '.:, Fiimdom is' conceded, to • liavb profited by this admitted flop in its lengthy oyprtui-e's to sV.ste'mize'.' rc.- lati()ns .- Willi the .- 'pulpit..', 'It haa- learried i.t. .ban b.c rib more sectai-ian' than it can- Ije p.irtisan, pbliilcally, ' It has learried-accprding to a frank on. the iiiside frPm the stai t, that a group, not cybn. repte-. .se'iUatlyc of rrbtestftntism; - can^^ I'VoI.d the; e:.avei over C.athblic, Jew! arid Bra,ilnihn pi(;ture;a.udlence3, ■ Real Reason for Break. . The rcal:re.ason for the breai: with! ihe Fcdbrai Council was revealed :(Gontintied on paigo 35) ' ' B'way Hqter Is Turning 550-Seat Church Ihfa Reported findirig, the! driw' con- siderably oft at'tlie church operated '■■ as a part of. Its building, the Man- hattan 'Towers, midtown hotel; ia '. going to turn its 550-scat temple of ? ' >vorshii) into .a picture house. ^^•roposdI::i3.• to plajr pictures^KlTc' '- days at admission . for general pub- lic .arid one day free foi- the residbnt,s -of the hb.stelry, wIth cJiurph .services • .splitting.tliat'seventh , day up. . •■ ■■J'he church fronts on Broadway vvltir a. seiiarale cntraT|t:e.. .'It has been '.miuhtainWd by ' Ma' .■ '■ Tow^'rs^as-oriq. pi? its-'perstiadrrs. - ~ ; •:: I'u rn i hg the. rli urch in to :ii; plot u re ' :■ ■ hbusii,; the hotel will take; last- riin in the neighborlibod, with . Its; fllni rental casting.;.ar'purid an average of S250 - a. wbelc 'on- throp,;ch.anges of t>vp' day,s- each, plus seventh day free. .That seventh day, not yet de'sigln.'ited, .iwon't be aiLiiday, it is ' said. - ; ' ■■; '---' •,..;; •:, As a pirture iibusp, the.-'theatre : - will if?'rif).iX ivoiii 1 ;ta' ]:l-at a-Slacmd •; miKsion.. ; ■ '-'': -'■ ^-;. ■;■-'^■ .■ ; ^:/ -;;•-.- ' ■-' Shopping - arbUrid for film now, .thp .Tpwcr.s .- will .; .'start ; bpC'raiioti '■ '; earliy in. July Ayitlr ii/A't;i;l4e ;t!ilker ' proj.('bti;pjt ..n)aphines. inVl;tlhvl:. V . T7—1"M.. I 111 I'S, OJl Ihi' I. 'MM.l ovj-r- s'-f-ing ~ proiJuction for .S'>iiii.- :.(imVv li'Tivfs for-; th'j. e.a.s.t. ■.^iV.xiv'lV .'t^i-..iai' for a vacation ;alii'oa,il. ; ' '■.■ .;. : •Par in Cedar Rapids .;.;■;. ri,'dar- -lirtiiidit.;: Jiiiin U9'. A n' itK(;- I'iiran'ioutil arraiig"niriit li'-re;- d.ii'' 'to' iior o'irio ■r'iirof li v-fi .l.uIy .O, Wl1i:-:i'i,h'V' ;KK';t oi>'"r;(t.lph;;f)r th(! I'arV :; .ariio,ijnt ; liK'.alri'i ,b''siiie:i .tiio.- UfvO }. Jovv.n, ,'.; . - , -. ^ :;;- : ''■ ' --' ., ^-'^/:-; : ;T';r: ll.'f- (."i-nis- fh>>; .yaU'h'vill.e,.: — IMs ') '- lit"-il:'<i,i..' nr-)!.v 'pl>ry !/,(•;-(ill;' loi,v;L, . will . lir 11-1 y.:-f>&\ i-.l to t.lii- I'an- ■ jtio.iiti'. ,'I'V!i"^hl^'<•a i;i>i^;<'sirijiv^-' :P'•^-,• t 'ii;'■^"v■■^ .'-'- - .■; ' - ' ■ ; ; . ; MARENO .LEADS MASQUERS •| - v^:: ''^'.- - ll..iy\vvoil. ;Iinii>- L':". ... | - Al '. '>•:'■[>). M-i 1 no iva.;; br-i-.h <'l(,.fU-d I .1)1' til.' - ■ ;i i ii. " .i;'- -^Ia.^|^u■l'L ' !^.. 1 •liiii: v;;;'.; '• - .,'^- ', :j|f;. -"s'V,/!; >i;.ls ^|-it i. ilV.|_i:. ;T,P-^^^ tp