Variety (Jun 1931)

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Tuesday^ Jiiiac 50^ ' .Arthur \w[iil^''^^^ '■ y^^:-:<>i^.'. 9k -a^jleKt ^arift'vior. a- ■: • fceadUner.ioir 'next .-^eek sl^ihds iuntil. ■ ■g^iiky^iiooiii- etaxted 'o^i^' .with 'ippth:- ^;"^g'"' ^Q^^■■the■^■ cui;j:eht .-■•wfefekv'^'^ ■ IFli«rsafiy>e-^tlli;Md^ ■- irday it the P^ace ho ' wp iip : ■ Wltii ili 'flP'^H--'*^^^ piano players and a •■';■'^^a^itoi^ei■'."^;■ -., '.-v^ ' ■'^■ "■:r■■'■■ ilic- barltorie iia( Peniils, Kine. . The • -tiiahiats, nvb of them plajiistes, are Sve. ih- nuinber.;. ^rlth -BDyd . SeiJter- .^^rvntriri^t; iSiaklhe It five unci ii,hAl£.. '• Bv Intermlsb the piano was. part .ot ■ «?e-^iccric : fey the,end.ojt the bHI ihp E^^^ ■■ for-pliano^ Pla5*?ers,. ■■ W ^ And .oriiy- t\v6 rumbas .curi>en.t1y, a iuee decTine; fn- .averagev/: But.:«'n i)'£iin Ameriean- styM" c<«>.ch .^aye.H ti>e grind .total,., • The. plan0 players., •-only cohfilGtidri 'wras .that all iil.ayesV ' • " the piaiib, "Slihi!' .TimVlih and Ann SeymourJboth. gagged ".abo.ut' Adam .and''JBv(J,. Otherwise it .Bfts. : a. ya-; ■ ^ riety ■ shch-.'. With •:'WajU probably cohisi<ierihig.ft f0rt,unatc eTiQugh that, . tljere- were;:^ .prt'senf; i Rui'K V^nd' Kijnita opened th.e show,. • contributing- the iOrgt-ru!n.lja:iiiuVthc first piano accoii;ipAnis.t;-^Ittr.i,e ■I'latri^ ■ /rfie:i;umb£is arc .-, bruhrts*Avho .pcrfdrihcd their ijhake, ;in 6xtromely^ tight .goWns; , Ituiz and ';Bon'ita apecialisei l.n tangds,. the ■ ;:.also • eirigliig;. tii . Spanish;,, .They;: ■ aahoe;hicely.ehoUg;h to .oyierconie the ' ■ Birigi ng;: M iss :.Pa-ti^.might helR out , . by just playing; . The; aict .i.s mouritfed ,'■ In' taste .and its dancing .slides it- Xty. ;>- Jack . RUSsel; was . pianist'. .NO... : ?.. also' soloing;.',.His'.: chanf.e: eam<> bc- . ■ tv^een.'twb: o£ :150yd' Sciiter's: .se'yerai - instruhientar ex)i^bi.ti6n.&^^^^^^^^ ~ valright oh' hls. p'layihe;. (Sapcc^ the .:clfii'lhot finlijiier, thcri rot'iu'hed fQi a / : novelty, "bit in whlt'h: Jt^isss^i: .pai'4.ic|- v.- pa'ted.'.,- Eattier .played . a. ■ .comb • .wrappcd :in :ti.?sue; i)api?r;-<\\Oiil.p .Seh'■ •.• tCT.'oniy^U3ed::a:k{iz6.c> and al dressed : ' iiH-i»k<-lelei. It: was a-fftUe ..compared; '■■ > tbi.Sontei'l's' prclNMojiS 'leiti.t :'wprk,- but "a il'uln^'e. and (lidn't htlrti. : ••..' ' ■. :. .' .•• Fi-Jtz ^rfnd^JoariXlluiievt',' in their ; , Wte.\v stuff ;aiid tiihibJihig'. And.' Tim- :. . blin, ibo'tii 6l.T.'iid"n.rd«,: rev)paitiif; ■ Wit;hout niuch ';cha'hf:.(S:;.a~f.tcr .a-year .; .-^Or ;so, :Tlicy potvihcir' .u.'siihl/v •'.'" '.■. ::.';:. . iving .<'hoppcd his:.f=ele>t^^^ V clxoriis'-each;: a' goGd'^soKi, .■it^m: : •■■ .iip':': :with''v in0rrf)al- 'bc-tw^cji^sbrig :\ ■■:4uimmeht, and: presciitoci- a. r;Vst;;ni.Ov;^,- : .ing.'singing ;tUrn ::i)iatj..h^.d' chiipgc ■-■'.; of .'paoe: besi(Vts ^basio^'m^rit.' ■ ;Km.i;! . letbbd lip- as^a .good ij<*adilnm '■■pai-t^vioser.'. "'.-^''' Vv'v-v.:-,. . : ••: fMissv Se.j niour might- lia.Yje, lipen; ■■■ ■ favored ;.'wifh -a '-first:part :posiu'bn -.tathctr - than cjie . aft pr '^ion ■ : spot.'. They ,were, wklluhg in on her -, opening.' s'Ongv strictty a; 1 ri.ii ni • V ..bcK :ahd; deppitp.vthe^'-^^l^^ -.'■dmpressing- :as- Jie'r: »iro,hgtfit,-'ma- .--terlal.' .-The •tari.|lenv:bil«i -bit .' with ;-'■' ^brother ijarry is- still iU^cd to: cldsp, • ■ though it" sHo.iTrdn'.t..'..-;Mijs;^...S6yniour .Ji's: the .so'r't' of'Isjrigle that .can;'^?!^!!*!' " :.u.p. .;ii~ hit-, act ■ tf.ut ".b£... ainy. hc.ap of ' '■■ scrambled ■niatPi.'iai< -i?'li,it.-'she could ,.-. - .make- it a. lot easier, for-;;hei'!iPK. . -At [■/■ .the rbUtset she--should/.^llo.i't^^n- .th'a^^ , ;drtinlv /scerte,; .or dif>p.osp . of ;it -altor 'gptlier,::; v--':-v-V'-y" ^.''.-.V■.■.•?;:.'■ '., ';J;>n^ and:\'\-halch' ppp.iicd'.as. ii.'^uni it io'pkpd ilUc'a' rchafi(hj,hijt;t.hey switphcd: fiuickly" to a,.nc\v;idea and ;i,t set..tUe.m just as fast,-..: A.^'bloniip '■.; ln widp'w'^.-irK-ick-.ihteriuip.lQ^^^^^ ■; ..he.r. h,U.sband had . -just died.; >f ,,.:cd»ii.ip(ly -;- was: derivcjd;; h-on.Ti;;.', .' : - cpochlni^v.while ' sadly! . sihgi Jimes.'lnflrjna'ry,".: After tlieir dniice ■and . uk;<i-;stuf£ the bbyS , and- ->Ii.'vs ': Scjimoii'r, piaj-o'd-' a' 1 jripC ki 1 lifzing ; '^•ithVa checker-hoard iheme-^just a ■'-.: ^irri-p luUeri-vV.--■ '.Jrt.'c'losihg;with, the Ti'u.^t-cr'.Sliaver. ;-• midgets.^ the:.-Pala.ce-.di'-lfts; froii'v tlie •.c,U.s.t.oinary' .rotiiine ■ of : with)i:()ldin.g' ; ;;■ tlif name turn., t ill fhp^'ilhl^ili-'. There'r* v.: . no chahce anyoWp will .walk b^^>ia - -cpinpan'y. o'C-. lots .atitl.\'th.Plr.,'norhral- .. -.dii-eCloi-.; f!hn;vur'..\.' (Hlv.e .J'iU'asnb.' tlio. '.,• .feaf.iired:midge, i.s 'a 1 ividg ifrtll baby.- ;: ; Tiy?: itcpri'le. ar6;aH Vaiitlvf.ui .and ciit'i;,' .. ; with ,n6 ■ b-Id ■■ mpn: in - ramper.s ■ in - thid • ■ lenu-y:,,- . .:'e;..■^..:;■-■^•■ ,::;-■■■;. . ■:. .; ■ .■)iad. • tlio-. aftcrn'bfm.'s la.<i.t, , ;,e.ra(;l<-;at, tive piano.V' '' .. -.bench..:warrhpr,s .W^'i'e.-Jj^^ - M^'^.'5- ■.^iey!nOur^.•.a tli% .unliiUed. r .■, .yiirtin.!?. ^vo^i'an'w.itli KJng-.' . • . -, '.•.•■'■- ^-'. Wilii. himpelf.';' .-lis. ::;Vn -..nnnvt^iur • - - piariist::.of. jinu-sual ./i' ' It's .;a ;. :.- :go.od.,rKln}<. ji.e dhr»sn-.t piny the Ifr'aif: '■'i. ,.ji()^{:;.Angi^le!?, Junp'.,2C;, ■ . • :.: ;•.:.:• iji?n;pr.ou..Kly:;;'>^ .the- .;co)r>,edy- :-:'-,tlu>.'iigIi::tlie;:-V ■;';-';Uhiti -thatV:itW:{ccii(:rjil .:i:idt 'of :dis- ... tl7icth7'heii«; or -.iio-callcd cliis.-^ -i.-ih't ': i-siighiiy:;ini8s'»«tV. .-"a-- ph.i>Av of. ;■..wido'^ajjptjvi,^ r;inBi»i7,'''ih -the fun Ifin;: ,: ffm^ , liobijy -l.'incus!.-niits'y ynikc-H) -. ;.:M^sh;rj.(nnd's titled o.vuhrim^ ,- -• J<i,ek-:;i>idn'oV, ■ olpc'rt-fng, - ha,< ..s.iir- .■;-:i'<>Undca ■-.hiin.sPlf" -with --.the -■.'I'-our: ■ -;t^ Wo'tps., .<3cTfo: Sm-ith. aud-lMona ;.'XJPbson,; aM-..;diihc6rs,- fo.iv' a." in!Idi:y; V P'<?'>i.WTTt; fuU. Kl\'ig6 -lla^Wi^ 'lih^htify'-; :fii.m.<,'pjf. .a.s; -^flcdi-go-.'-;vSidncy;s- ; ^-brpth(:r-\l.-'rlday'aft:'t-riic)()h,: l,i(.'-c.Jv)i'-.d-, • •" ■-S;!^''^*'!«*y ■.Mli^:rti\^'fr'rj'm. the .ai'idir';nff. -.. : Thif, .writli ,hi.s..i.)vtrodiii'Ur)ii .ivf .:^-I(ln(l' ~ - • f''.-'?'^}* as-., a. ;hc\v.cpnic-i'^': \vht;rso':..fa tc^ '.;. J'|''^h' th.e,^dcp(>nd(id c/n livr t:<'c<\i\^ r,' "on.,, guamnfeed appla'usj' fro'ni thr. ■'• IS^^' ■fxnA y. COverwi ■ ii ■ .pAvn.- .■\vall<- ..;: • wirough .m. - c.'irig. ■ • Addip: Sen njimj iiid,ne'y'a 'regular, i)arthe^^ is but 6£: tiie :aot' through -iuhe'ss, ■ .. By. bPinfir: to XW., iloor hy'his. statuesque .bloiide .paiit- ' ner.- .Bohby - Plncus has' insured ah atid'ienpe for his hPkej b'ut^throui^h~ tUis f cl.m\yning' shines -a guy ,wlib; with'-'some reVtrairit, ebuld-; bfe. a darb. The wJgo.vtough .'.maigjr he IriiiiereohateS. could:-bp worked Up into a -pip .cbmedy-^haracicr.- I'sa- - bel' D\v'ari, the:.i)artiier. does the.tOssi' ihg -.emcic'htiy :- 'and,. --tm break:ihtbra-sniike-hips, never fluite .'lyiaierializes. - Slie llrially. go'p^'a klck. ro'utjhe.-.- .' . >•'•■ V-"'.:: - ■ .. Ve.iiita^ G^)uid, • siii Go; laist.'/sampiihg^ Spmo; ■CaUrornia . ;hDa-t'-.: li;a-s:':'vadat,''d M.arleri^.Dietric.h. to'her list^ bl-excci- Jcht _v Jmpprspnatipiisr... The ..:. only straight. inipi'essloh .uriknbN\-h to ah: average:.audience• is itha't' .of .Helen Morgan^; her .:.iiUlly •. HPlma,ij.- CVitr. ton' AVebb.''MPa'nihVXowV ■ full-stage flni^h -' ^ parried •, ah-..' ph.terCa'lijhieii t alpw^.---.: .'f hrbat - -'trpuUl'e. -ha M.iss.;C*o.uld-.sprnd.w)iat.::'-. .r. - .Brbs.:- 'a.hd' itli'Pif''two- dogs! as; a; .cjuartet of 'POmedy aoro- biSts closed - .Just-: as .' the .'audienciv would' 'haVev'it. Feautrp ."j-nst a . .Gigblo.'-?; ■a.hd;-;;trade- good';. ■.. •■ ■.: V'^- ' ■;^'<^hi<iasoy:Vlfunp.Vli'7;''':^ . ,.A^; - a-::'.headIin.& bn.'.i vaudbvilib -b'iii' a'. Pstul^'s't :Oh^ pi'p--' sertt4 SLOlue .q.u6»tibjis|-.tli~e^ans\v!^^^^ which: -are- pbssHjly . arty.oii.P-s •g'ticss.: J:'rob'abJy-:t-h;o'phief-'.advapntStge .t'6-^ Fa.lace-;\vill be.-,thatr theV-.Choir 'WiU briiig.'intp-• thpy: hpu hav6 :'-.nevbr. . been.' there '; . Jiefc}i-e. I5<jualiy it $h'Q,uid ; :faVoraWy;:. c.bni-': meiTid,,-tTip;',ralac€ : to ;mahy ;C!athp;-- iiq.S,; alt'lrough the que$tipn:.lias beeii'. asked; .iif -.sbme - Gatho.lios..:m;^y; ■'noi. I'esenl^ thb- theaCrJcalizatibri: of the Clibji-v / ^■'i-'-; ?:iV;'- v-. ::~--.- ''''-: -Iri/the. latter Ppnhection .it Is,likely- ;th'a'ii;the -iiopking was okayed -by.tije C'^athblib^lvierarclvyNdnly 'a^ turp .rcllcctibn a;hd' cbrisicXeratiDn, of all;, angle's;- ■..•And' it po.a^ ■ be.'fairly;• .argued that' the Cathblip el.erify -.i^' ■ av better -judge, of' Catholic', dignity .;than, putsidcfrs..'. ■ - ■. .;' -; -.';-. ': ;.; . lliooking. at. the '. booking : frohr .a .shbwmanly.'/.stahidpolnt,,' .it must - be; ■concPded tliht:; the ^ -I'aiilist;.; .(^hbir. miirht' CpViceivably. .;'rdi'pcpur-age..- at^r., ipndance.. by.; thpsp who ahliplpate heavy: religious 'brat'oripi.V. -litit j.n a: hb:t Ifxte .J".u'rie-webk''if' fhe'J^aWre- by. virtue of-the I'aUlist'.Ch'bir/.att'i'aPts- new patr.pnajie andl wins hew friohdi! • dll d.c'rbgaior'y aspects- tire; .balariped; ^ ■.Theve' are-frdm,;7ij;-tb..Sij ;meh'i')err-:' .of the.-ei.igir \yith\'7.3'.ljrcseht- at- Sdi- • ur^lay;!}: ■dporiing; .; rnatince.-'- .}■ Older. .mei\ibPr.s' have j'o,b.s- a-hd .imist -mak'::- n.pcei^sa'ry-' ■adjustments ' in. persons J. .affairs to i>l'ay the :l\aiacc .datpi^.Tiiiii is .''onje .r'ea<3oh \vi)y:;thpre-is ho p'os.-*)-. bility bf tburins thp Choir..-' yVhblh.eV b6oiv»n,g.. '>iyculd bb those ;'rai:I'- '■ :r'bad "iarcs/:'':.''' ;u •; :•■;;'; ; -.v .■•;:■■ ^?lgurif^g;■'t^■^'mVV-ximum bei g^ fl-oni .Pight. .year- bid . boys to aduit nve'n.:"old\vh<;'Ugh; to ha^p;lU.:ui-; ;iies; bP-'their - own,' wLpuld ■•^ive ; tlic' .l,>aiace' 'a; miliiinVu'.ilv of'.ti«6 ■ pa-id ad -'^ ;'ii)3s}tioiis:' bii I'ani'ily .-.T.h.d-- .per^piittl f r i i^,n d s .-n 1 oil P ;■ . ;e ti:t i m A t i ng' ."I'O rel a:- '■ tiv'eij: '.and PhufiliiK'-'per-lmPrti'bPr, -' ■ ..iPalac.e- liji'ti.dled;;tliis;.l}boklh:?;:.'v< r.v "tictrully -and .smaiHiy.... .It. was, .'a; t'ou^l.'i -joh-in .that ani:thini^.pra: tick.-^ ~l-}s)i-. ,hatui'e-:;h'ad; • to ; be.; ■;stiYdioii>;l;\'. avoided'. :. i-'ortuhateiy; ....-wlieh.. HI", lOiso.n-'; ordeVpd ..a . vnudpyil.le biU;.: in- Ice.epihg:',-ivith : ;the ■; liendline:r,. -.tb*-' l)^)b.ker.s gr.asiuvd. the .situa.ti.ijn.i.:,,"Al -r! :ways'-\Odpdbye''-;.;(-I>"'pxJ- answered .the- (ipmahtl; for ' ah. - innpoubu'S:;.feature-' Hiji.v that aHp hcVd-'nK'.rife-:',.; ' ;v ''.■'■';- r^bt .b'v-erlbuking .ilvb possible tlt^'-; ,Vii')S; witli. chpi'.al sp.c.icties,; Cat'ltblijjr; ariiT nbnrOalhp'l.lP. :and;.the .hfinicrou's. clubs, 'j<ni.irhis .of Columbus.^btc.'i L'':ilacp. anticipates-/a, sizeable;- re-y. ^spobkei ■•■:^-■'■;.':■;';. ■ ;'. ''■■-' ' •-:''■• ' ■ ' On tlie.i^'ucstron o£.merit'-.t1iei:e:eiirt. lie; ■ h'b•.-'dissen i:'<: •.l-'at.hpr■;p'Mj'ijlcy^s" b!)y« ai'.e s'lipe-r.bL .Tlicii' ■i).i--.ograni- r'.-^^P-• ri:Sc.rt,t.e.d. -a rtlc.e ''con'ip.rbihi .A<;t,s);\.bcA.wcen . 'the ; Sacei'dq.ta tiip-spcvUnr.- '.'■ : ■ •, :.■ . ; ' lliripsH gf..X''lsbn. Cli.ffpjd,.b£.;Cllf- -.^■)rd'^ and;. MarI(jh,,!Vplimihated^^^ a-fter ,:the' first jici'roi-'rnan.cb,- .(Jham-; bcrlin. -.f(nct liincs,;' bpubd- fpr:. tlic. and:' loali:np'-,. for' .a./fe-w ' d'a.v.s' hej^e,"' wprp 'cbri.scrlp.tcd- by. RKO- f.fc-- •fiir;... That: 'cvHXl ' .11 ps'ct.; the'-- bakpic-c- t-'nfoi'lHnni'c.i-y aijotlior; act"oTT;-tlip. biUV -Iine', -T^eb^; :T;eo: and •.T.^cp'. -fjlpj.lf-twl-. iiU(v- -Cheihlj.t:iFlin. ....and.'.. JH'ncs;; .Upon; lvn/'>clta'libirt;:iibk'p.c<>iiiPdy, .'';' - ::.■ --. ' ,- .\\':ifh •:€n'ifruriV:-,ahd Mariiin rtah ^ ■ 'iiist -al.i.out i-iglit, -althmifsh -J<.)C.•l;f(•^:- .'^li-^•t.sV^'crs(>n'^^li■tlr'^s:•.w'^l*f^n:t':sP^^^ -If. vvfif'king Utnlt-'iv:pliyKi'c-'il. hardKl.iips. -''-iv'asn'f ■tai^i.pai'p.n t: tb:; thi'.''a;'ud.'io.ii.i-r-;. .tiiat- •iCiirr>)i;d;v.aniX-v.i^i;ii'A'>'h' ■ w-f-i"c: :(tth,cr\Vi.«>> tiVah:.rfi'r)tiV|ifh':i.s:-nhiT;-;fiil!; .'of .i)f'p;.';'.:-.l?'rM'.v;.lj;ilt(:-(l .tlj'b; pt-o.('w.'.illi)ir>' i'l't -tlii' '.V/o\v. iiffv; ;'!;\^l^!c■l'i..:rr^;ly' 1'^; K.ii.l'.-, t'n'itted ?i.^'a feoi^d sh'riii/Ir f.)f .>'Ui;.i;t;.^H7. f ill .trD;iTt^iiv* .'i!ri.d.'.-'r.:(li(l|rvi^ f :- jjcc f.i»;iirKf''ni;'';. h.t: rio ;-griis.^.;trt)i.v rov.i't,Ti h d <T .t iT'.'i i'. f.''?-t--..'; T'l '.'■:.'i', i:' :'• v' ..s'pp'fd■' 'and;- tiu'^'.;;iii<:''(i>--i'ii.., tioj,i<';ii- h' h iiK-i\'jii. ."•:. Xii 7<:ii:i iig; tin-y ■;i'ii.ii pfy-''.tl.^^* ii\rM->',;';■'■-:■;;-;.■"' ' \ •.::■'.;■■:' . : '.>V*wi|i('f'.nr> ■'n.]ni,.-;t-.;-r;i;rif y tl;''-;;'.- !4bjf(jr:-,fi-h:d- ■da.ii<.-i':yn<.:l;i r 'j'S'; ;•• 'i'.rtrk )v'Pt.'I»*' f^'-iirfj"'-^ < 'li.p .,i,"i>".v-i.-j-'(;.:' 4'«liK'p; '.. J bp 11 < ■ ri >!fr':" \:. 1^* i!'-•'»- ■. 1:' 'tii''^ is'abnijit' ^iiill'W' fy\hyy\::\rl'y: ni«.'<ii<'i'''ro' ^p^i'-in lt if-s- ii.iid p'/i f 'vii:'.'''! ' .-;fji^iidur^t:i(ih.;;i.s; i-iiii,"> ir..''-);.-'. jii ■ '.!'' ' 1fivt';ftf.'.V'(.-r;ri. .ni'ohi !i>..' :• AriiJ • t-liui' :-•; Vj' ■fhg:;;.prpt:i:y -K^V»•|•'•:•f<'^■: ■'ng<'i(',haA:i'; .!>'v':n. ''^ ■;'Aj;j-1!'- fn .ho"rpd-''^l^*''rl'^'^' tliii-oij.iOi'biif :- ' ;.' :-;;V'^v;';.;:::sTAT^ ' .'".-Uarncs. and;.dames; this...we!cJ?.. ;.,A' goO'di .billV.of; .s.ii -acts ruhnlng. /ciosc. tb.: two., St'at.e has.;:"pr61jaiily .not .had no nlany^'good lopki'iik .qn.Qije card Jn|•mbnths;;...;^::'-l ^ -i.' . .- Al.so_.the-.hbuse. never .had ,so hxany c'cinicdy kicks;;, bh''';.'. thc.- sainc' ; bill. Three ^girls :'gct -it''inTaifs; many' dlfr' :fereht' .i>:cts:- a.hd/ .pnly :'ojie^ lass .r:e- taUatt^!,. Aft6r.;the;biie'ni,iiB';pprfbrhi- ',ahpe,.' fairly;welt .a'tteiidod fi-iva pi'V--, '■.fe.,c.t: Saturday, aiteriiopii^'aii; lj.ut. t')iu> -of : the 'ppdal - evfcntK'-' Avere.- brdp'i-i«il ;out','.Bobk.e)\|5<:appear. 'to/hhA* fur• 'gptttdirl ohe-';-or; tSv.b: of 'iliv.m; • wliilo. -turn '.inserted 'ihb- exe')\ri>e siiici- 'la*!'ught -by tliem'.'..',;■,' -.-'.•:-., -•- rrbm',;t)ve-start the. fph>ih|ni'ty.'pni'-^ .;c.essipix- .was^.bn. .: >4.rst ':\va■^^■'::■^^•u'i -Horh- and - Irtei!;-^ '^nejccellpiVt'" roifor : .s1iatih.g -eichibltlbn,vU.pori.:a..^i^ ;:;7p('' I'h'iilip.s ;ahd .liis lookPrs;:-c1o\v)v -tTeKtltb-'clbeing/did lWhat is P-irpiH^^^^^ of.''a;turn..- sb spofftjcl.; '.Iri':6"jrp -'of.'his .;OGn.iedy tight, ;bit.<!.._w'iti,i one ;Birl; hb i)n.);iPd',;ah: buVbf'pr.dPi-'..)'io!ip .:b'K.i'\yiug utea.'.: .iinoiigh lauKli-s -vvtihoVlt nhc ■•fllVt)iAt^f-iil-.-' 'fc-a'di-tibn: t': ■ A... ijiPKfpld ifiak.pi.':. TLp.vTlse -.Espe."!, .;l« hb\^"'.\vivh l'lii.iniys;^-:,Grac,el^ul'd'ai'vc.ei:. ;a 'j>,u'ri,i.un.^r .jhiit'b'rbxSThelpVa'-Tvinplp,: 'aLi^p;. bibhd.e',)' ■;;-/- -''..'';.;'■■■■.•.■-•' .'•:. ;Ht-adliiiiiig ,.%cre' Lpuistj cii'bi'i.d.y: and.'-K'pyilJe :Plpi-,<5on, . .i.;bod-„. cbih- bina-^iPa-.; ajTid .;a-: clas$''-bri.p. Missi :Gi';od:dy'^-. attraetl-j^ehbss-.'iot.,^ off -, thb. 'I^leoson. iyriPS,which : he;"-.ali"UilPS ^to: .aii;-. stbry'ettes,-. .The' -'-^Aiiha. .nrha-is.t-ip'-- huhi-beir; seemedJa-.-feit. lob-,ivg. 'a^ the - diaiCGts,''/tatl^'er:.unb.^riai.ii; bu.t the Harle'iin.' finlsli-.,sent ih-erii / off; to ■■spjfd- favQi-; ':'; '•'.;■•/;! '. ■■■■.■-.-; '" ,rirst dt'th'e kicking iricident^'^^^ in the.. Leavitt and-.tOGkiybbd Iib.dge'- POdgCi. Ait impi^cssed 'as ob\'ei-ilnie Tdr this'hbu^e, 25,. niriri'utbs.- .; Plenty bf.';.rpu'gh ituff, An'd;-iikPd'.itiV'.'.. • "Maple Fountain,' -Rby.ue'':' -, closed. iSistc'r-.tieam, and, the little" pla,tinuhv', haiVed. adagio,"danpcr; the eye,' A .tiirn 'with, six,pebiiic, ahd ail- deliverinif, .made .i.t. n>br4 .thftn ..-a .ita-sli; The ;ria,lls the^bpy, and :glri tea'm-:Rtpod' out, ,;; '■:■ .,- '-'.■' ,'■-. :(: On No.' 2,.;a"nd; .a.Tii'gh s'c:<>rer,' >va§ the :hap,dsoine cpjdred baritone, -JO,-, seplj l-'bpe;Jbhes; , $plerid id;.vbiciS i li- a-ii -effecttvev-routlne.' . •■.lj■pr":a•;:fInale- .lle ,is;'dQing; ari.imp'ressipp bf Riohf .ard- 5. •'HarrisQti, • 'the "e.e^-yeai'-bld- Volored.;y!la.ycr-iTi' ^'GrPph pa.stu'rc.s.V as the latter -w'ould'si riff -Xifead My' Jl'ejtipie Out .o^ Efeyp.t,", Kot- ah imi- tation, merely dressed^ like Ilarri^yii.: ,','P,.'istiji;es" was : ialso: ,m^ntibned in ili.e.Gr'bbdyr.vand -Fleesbii. lurnj. ^ '.■, ' ..■'Picture ^'was; ''.Daybreak'' .'. VM,-G) ' |vieiVtv played -tip^^ (Iresij/:,.;,: ;■ .;, :•',..'^"'' :-/6cc,;'v AeADEMY J :V-iipri. :a,- Fanchon' .& Jfarco:: tini't. bc-x?cini,9s: p,n'e-;of ,fiye acts db.\yh: here' ■■(in;.'J.iiist, -/haives, ;,.lt',S: ''vl.rt'u'ally .".aii; .cighl-;ap-t ;;bili, or' n>oi;e.< . Curi'emlJ:-: v\Viih\brli,.e;of :thbse--i',^.& ^r.-;vai^.dp- .typc i/ie'ag;:in;\hu'yt^ .dif,-; ;fer.e.nt, .act.s,-: nine; .differ.ent .atti^c^.^ " lidri's-a'r.e on the -staije thbufe'h -work- -ing . in ;,more',;brief Routine's in . the ;^uh.i;t../'■/ ; ■'':'■-•■ '■ v'^''- ^• ■ -■ liiisi» 'appears ■ hold ing;;u p; w il-h ,AVpanb.",day., highV''.9: -tdije,: til tipw^bf ::fi top-. .\Vba-t her' outside,* enpo ur'a ^i'ng.. In; (addition .tb heavy:.stage, dutlny;, "thprP'.*i-'; ''Wo'inen .-. of - All' /": t.fpx) pn..,screbn to • keep:'Phi .a\vay fr6nT..t1ie.-pppb.«dtibn:, / - v-' :■' .. .. Jblius lk>nzbei*g. fdr .years ;^-'ith l^iivO,'and bf late:at'the;b'js't t?(rPoi,; is' d(i\vn ■ here" now; doing.-an qvcr- tbive , a.nd.' -fbr.- io.. ;& .-ij. intei:iu.db -jhounting; the -s,tagC: tO- direct. band iliere. •^^^etting.. up on t^iatU'o.slrum i.s ■so'ihtrthihg new. for I.,enzberg;; but.' ■d;pc'l>e'd,''bu't-.iiv flannels: find: a Ti'p::jt ha-ircbmb, .w.haf,'\s :left td'.cp'm lip -,nmkPi5.;-a.;nice- .4.pp'C';ifv'itu-e,;^. :'';;'J'hc . .'l..en'5{beVg. .;:l)\-»n'd',<jni('rt drnvn Ifcrp' Varpn't~;;sp"forte, -b.ut ..->.4tV ■ isn't 'So- i)Mrticular,. pilhe'i-.' --" '; Arci :Klee .is; tlje. m-:^|: \v^ith'' the. . ir.:-',&'.;M. --Id^aj ■ :ca.r;r-j:ing^ hb; nnriic-: ;d.<)w.n' iiere.prmbr'ly:- wi th;tiic llS'is.t -.of tire -V.aude^typo.,'u,niis.jlhPKP. pi'd- :(,iuccrfi; tripd.;, Mpl ;:)KliE;ft '.'g,u'i(l.p.s : his lino ojt'- talk".aibng. sirnih^r roUte.<!; an r nV>Un'<'.ihiL?- him'geli ::as' the J^uic^lil!^rl^ fdrithp-slibyvv;;- - v' v: • .',;-■'.?; '.iK' ■ Ivirjit. act''-,p'h': a .'.pflii-- bf'. :a ' sp'al^-.nfer. :.fra(:-tiP'n,.::A'\-ii|tPr'/Jpnier, Jibd Uuiidy-. ; Ahinla4;s,,tr-icks,built;up-by,:.r,^',fu.J^il)g ,ft>'d■p■.■^h.vtJ)irig .uhtir-iTtd.'.' ■ : -/:,:.^-v'' '~ ' ';■•/■ i?i))l(Av>hg: ;thb/-tia,v:- '..'<i.«,t,''r.«,'" 'h'?t.i,>, ■ ri'i(;iny,;'.(rji'6, .will); Very 'Tdeusin;? lit'Uf,'- ;v('h;t')?-- .as .-•<veli-.-a:s', ap;pear;iri.i:<',- -tiic' -1: ir I .^,-.g i\-iTig-..w.ay to' .■VVell-W. AN; in,t h ir<M i :i),nil:'?''ianlcy| • 'whp; use ■.i'Jl,c'p-:a.'i- tli.f-ir< fdil ; for.: .s'ome' .surc;fir.P''K!i'ii:-matjii:'iii!-: ,.llVf<ti;^^■'.K■p),ng,;intb a 'CKjuple ■..cfbci'f-iiy 'iii-rnf^py:-:;/-.'.'';"^:;. •-•:,';■■ '■;■': ;-■.-,'.{--^; '';-;'; •' .■■'A'i':'tl);|s.' .fiolnt-.K.rpi?''taliess-thp,. r^ua. ^ .'fi'ir^ iW-x;':ni.i.nU;lP>i -wTDi: t.'il.k- -ar.ikixifL .j -iii'fi'ri-lirgpv^. WpmPn'v y^^tc,;, .ilvit' bliO'lir'! J.'b-fv'-ly \vlif-jnK.'cau,ght.;;,-.''.^.n -.vv'it-l'i .[;.'i-:''i)r.fivp'-.-iT^y ■■.song' iliat:iris':t'-.,«'!;.li.'!t ' ;r-I.Tnrir; .irct. :iH: ;.Ma-i)iif^'i'tv'.s' T[ri;tf:rri;i -. .b ii-,h-;.rlC,' ;.«/;V'pii-'pf>o'jflp ■',;.tf;'-,lf-i---'1.:'>;i',i;il -li,''fl'' :' '>}'\yr..'. w'h.oVb'-fi'x.-'-fi, jiri^vi'l/ ;|V,iio,-,nin<.-li?;r,r jifii,)tibn. id 'i>f?-'-n»',i.'-t.',i,-fw ;,'-:;.:-::iivur:. ''^''■■/ ':. ■'-"■':.' •" I. ■ ■.1..'i.<ii,;i?id -3.'i;'niriiint*-.<.<,- ;.nyf-i.-jij:.'f'. .fii.'". -''!':. ■ fc:v:|\i-;i»,'- ;;;arii'arl:nl /c-;it^ i^:/ ;d!i\vn.'h';ro; : ■':■. '''..■)•..•,''.ir,'.-."^rV''•;iio/il'y-d' 'aVt-H.' -pr';''f-'J<'; ■-'\. vi.'i ili-;i:ja-.i .\^w A' ! -V\.:i,i'''-'r.-iii('''I'l.i, i-JV'. .;• ^ThP-~ fiVPr-Xibn'pIp'-..' fif-r;b'i:(lli>/l 'r.' 1; •'■ti.i-l,(!'■•.: c/irrythg ;a',^'i!'r t-p.-i'in, ,iill!'. - fl ri'^ tli*;; y y 'Hni>>M k b -/ ''M' ^). ■.'.'ii(''"; in 'rtio III ing.;'. .iK-rp,; "at,' ' ih.''- ,:. V'r diifr-'dfiv ■nifrbt >iiow.;^ ;v- V-'• [■■■■■;]i\\i<"',' Vtrr-^^y .\v-hi'ci»;Avo.'iH;d ,!<:i'drP: biittp'r :fo,r''lviin''ir.-, bei'tpr' sPUvtpii.'.: •jllljl'. ret'umsj.: ■ lii.; :v!r'OM'<MilldiS:»^v t ^>pw' ;Ai-ts;v. t^^ imd its' 'f-iustcst' ii" ;n'uf .its- '.striinw'iiM;'. iu't. ;' -'iSo. - -tsOilli'ng-, -;NvI);it<:vvi:V; b.vit ■ ■pn/)vigli. --ont<'>"H!ii.n.iue''it:y:»l.u<:' v-'to- jiViikp-: i;lu\':'irr;'uVp ...vvlt.hiiul, ■ tr(.iiii-lt'-r'ia nabbs -bf■; thls''('yivi>. .. '"^'' V ' . Cble;-anfl::siiy<iiM', :.>v old: rv'c'l '-'t'ti '.jjup -.of -;',i'!".>: .was. .iv ;dir;pi'iri,r, ■■li,'ivo, - .I'b'n.^jdiM'.itldo- \YpW \i. talk,'dpP,n'itig.; '1 \\\i :g<;.t.;,Vrfr:'.»'i11) a'sho\yiiVg:thr.(iugh ' 't.h!it iilin.:-. ■■ ■']5^ox-^Il),vlbid'nP•OS\'Avs■■.on1i^^.:l^l|■^■^r.'■ .-. ^■■:. -i-^ '/(.-/{'fl-r..: " ^^■';;''7;5;86i^ ; - -TiVo rd'r-(i.iOr;j,ifciur.i:*|it:»'<'<-\rs:"y1i';tlH^^ snine; show <>T.-;ft.i't,n-:;':v.i;l.-s .: j Jolly' -i'.t-O-' -rictt .^ahd :!;.S;'illy'-'i-lUiiul.;' ; Tli'i/Kp. ,->v';ls ub.r.;,- doubt. .'■VUiaii^ i'ss': ■ .'iU-u'n.<\t-Cs jvopiiiiarWy ■•i-s^iitlvi siiii'v ;iia.iiiV",s',f:.t!it;iis '-^ei iiio'd;'dt'Hii'.t.v f\ il.;'.'-lii It'h' rire^-tildiidyw cif, th'0'..i'i)i;itot<t: platinlin\'.i'yi><'' a>i^^ Avd-i-lci''■;• ; :.:■-.;■' ••.■-..■'■■;■■•:: '/.v.'';'. :..;'^!i.-is-^_Vv:i'i\d, ^.wiVlv : 'tlio'; ■,;M,;vng-''lii'd; -i-il'iH:;-' oji>-Ki;d. iliiiv. s!':i'i.w .;:<\-i.lh 'prop ■■■aj1t\ni'n..U- ,;l).v- -tlii'iviv '.lib.y.^- ff)U.vV^ b.v .SoI'm; ; ^'tivut ,:?=)lV;i-s'^;.^^f!,-■■ i|i^y^-^'lrl'.•i -lu.- 'wjiicll slu; ..;,':.ii;jc;-< ;viippii;ii-P(l: '\ -.'IJlVc, K<M,HW'i.v;;ywvri''.;fi)i.i^ .al'fiut- i^'i'j.'.i'if. iiUiVr ■ /U^^:4<',^,^V^)iiV■;-^,liss'- .Kanil;, ,«!lLii'Vti;.nfrKldf a)i,d;..v.'rf»Hl - iW:' v,u,iiit'dy '; by-, giitw. ■'■' U: %iirf'; Slc>\v;'.-„-:--'-;-V: '^■ ■ '. -i;' ;the iMuniriVii'dfi- hop the .in'i(;U:.'i(.i' i.l'hythini';:.vitally. stPpiVi'd <»iit; XViih .a' . l.pc. h:iibTl>pj%.;oka .vv- ^r-ding.-,iiiv;i ll.v. fiV'fd. fL:C(i'slu,i"nb tha.t "Ipavp's;- )}p,-id-;' -,ii'rjaiinatio,h,'.^ ^duHng,;'. j^^^^^ KliPfik^ plp.n'.i.v.--.^ ^Vh,«^tii'pr:.-.V>Uivinf!:,-'.\_ii) :thc' di.^tftilt ', ■'.is:-, 'dkfly froii,! b'bx' dinbeV ang'le.:pr;'hofj' it;- yomaih.s- iliat. Jiiiss,' Ra'hd -is' Jiow. in -'.'v a vide .arid' her 'act..}.«; riot -entii-ply .sulfate.; .',I3c-,side^/:19 .-ininutea '-,1^ - top. .loliig tor ■'an-DpOnpr; '■'/ ': ■'■■"■.-■>■.•■■:' :' ";:,. ;.;:', .;y^"' " Harry, and • I)g.n ' Dowhing : .disl,i, ,iilchty''.tlici'r '^O'lu iladam:' .skli- The, Voice .offstage In-faipet'to. by the: co'niic i>?:Stiggestl;v'e-of-others.. as':hr'e''rpoiric' of the ,-ga'gs, . : Cli,nk:ers-^ in ^ tl'i,e, -.a!^lies;.ga'g.' i,s .-gelling, a; ;klck. arbu'rid' this .season by acts, rand; iiiliy McJ)ermbtt ami Other ,.tram,iy •comics .u.spd' the ■.-").a(Ty; ..:wlth:. .:thp '.liibky. number'' "/thing '•. .overtime. A!?ldP""froin . sdniip ; easily veniedie.d-: spOTt'ft.: t hp-' bdy-s -ge t /lirf ty; l^ifgh."? a ii,d sing. AvPli tdgcthpr. - The damp- bit is? ftmrisr. driglnrtl, iiva't'er.lal- should give- the!;e^lhdR a:';pufih.'.', ■•"'- ; •;..: ;: : ';•■ '.hos.'<v'\'VVse; 'Jr;,: wri:h^ his^^ ii-nd' jatjvpri-rlpp.pd livings . 'uvr .fdlv-a' bi'c-arid'■exit t,p sdild ani)l!iusp.;-Thpy . encored with- :a'cal- :!^ohg abc-ut'-:(hc :.haj)py .-:fanilly-, . during whi.<'-h .. they- soffked - plug. :hats -brc. p^bh :'otii,pr.s -.hea<l.^i Th'^ .lot thliigs. doAvii: to - a, wf>lk- .Thc:y...returiied. \vi:th;oiit' much '.ii.r'pddihg. -td' hi)ve tlve .bb'v:-db.: ft: pip ..rohtoi-tiop' :bit,-that. agaiii-'^iied-.up.; tlVe \V-orks; Tl^eVc is , 'no tblli ri.g. wiia t Wftviid bappert; if- thpy ■ f'liminatcd .the sohnr.. an.d; fol-: lowbd. a #^m,R,ftli;:w^ '.cftrp.''. • ■^^.' -~'■' ■;■.- ■ ■. .' 'Picture - -wa-s- "■;'Transgv•Ps.'!ipri....■ '(':l■ia(>^'d). -■ l?'cxidp.s' tills al«o:. an', A.'e,sbp.'R''Fivblp,":.-"'.Thp\ :01d,.^ -Thick'ct,!';'- U.nfuhny.'. .'A Ttadlb; 'sliort .fpii'tiirrhg ;Arlh'lVr..'AVanz'cri; fdrm'priy.' bf ■^Vanzei- -amV ' r!almf>iS^ i-n yaud'p. •-\\T-s;:fi;ll o,(: in'iigit^.■ .IUt.slnC'fi,S',«K i::.svifv-1: on fh^«t' slibw. about hulf Uj)' and ;db\vh.:'■ - ■ • \ ^ ■ ■■■' :■ ■ ■.■Earl.:.:/:: ;J;'RKiq!/;UNl^^^^ ■';^;:;'.(Clicsteri.- Ncy/.S-Qr:i^)"''!/, '.., -y ' - ; ■-' In ; .puiiiiig; .a;; ;fdvM'-;ict:':-:t!Hit; ;'■ t^-': i;'cl-lip:>' ,',,tllb,' fra-i»i,\M*>i,- niiist';,'s;v'V'V'i!U (>'■■ '■■■-. yt;>t,iv: t I'div'ji,-'.^ A ' pujiiirpl' -to: ';Sl.'i:i:i;.Hv^ ";• V t;»-tJu-;r '-' ftijiir ' -UiiMts: ;t,liut.-yviivpvii^i* v'ili'o'tit.. c-v'i I'vlhi'iiiJ in: jh'p/va'u'dp-.i'.viar log-, for,.igt ■ vvi ivi.y;;;-ivai<iuniAd';-;si'i'tV>v.' ■;..; ??ti-■a-:;s.a'v,ri'.ivi'' rv'vvi'st. Ik?- nv.'v.ii'> .:siivivi>w .. ,; Avlvprp:'. In .:ti>:i-';i..ri si'iii' in(it:,;vlv^>;.lii^<t::' :.. lval£'.:,t,ii<\ ■ i-Ui'i'.x";. ,Upppiv w ■T''Vi!'.;.'- ■' biiiivipdy:-/ T\riU>ni>v.pv':-iiurt;? ';if.-:,'-lis,:^,:'v-' gboii. '■■ lian(,''i'U.g. -r.'i'rt ■ ;.«u<-iiud,'; :-\.v.''vtij''-: ,.ii.1y •riii'ivsp -ijf; ihMi:-iVviicivt'i;vI ;.:iiiii.''.ip-'or;:. :ui>v'p.i(y.. «l.Hff/anv'oii/i.; i1;ip ■■inr.s;rin';r>; •'. .,.-:. .'IiV.:thrK- upi'i-'Wn -lUh-ii'iJ; ■.-«;otHTvvi;'.fhP. ■ .'^ '- VMVivsL-r.-,.Vy>.vi!, .,ti:'>:iiif;-'for; l.\i'z i'l hot 'nvighi..,- ;>Vh,i;l,o'.-'t hi.i^^^^ i;i''tii'riis' " " ' wcvtv: .dff;.'llip, .slii.'):\v-';si''i''mi,^ii .^vir -Ki:'"' ,"'.'■: V ;v'miO'p.''t'titPi'lUlbrupnl;;.;: '■ ■,;:• ' .••": ' . ■/: ; "■■.'■-l;'o|lo>vl;iig lli^.ilt'Wii^'.p'pl l\ob Stjii)-.;-". ;.■ -;tpy-;wa.s;iiu-roduced^, ('iu-sicr' ■:-;■ ;i itvi-'jfiudvists. ;■ A.'.bulKUvrp fbr.-.a- 'ii'ov,-;-,'.'. plty'.'linn'p- Vviih;!,t-hP --vislpg or'c;ho.--ira • :. ' lilt, rpjilvsdntiingr: . a;, '; imrslO^^^ .Sta'viip'y,- wa;?. ■ thP' :■,'.. \\ tlie.'., ■'.'; .1 'jv 1^(tsVs'i'-*'' ili'bl>ijii,ig! ,l(i' ii a cMi's;tp'iili'i-s- / '- vur .\iuu!sri<i;(-iif!i: :\A '^-try: 'f:br;".vo|\i.^''jyt •:. 'Aviit-wi,ih L-hpjPnti-aiiP'p.^tf:ihr,cp-.vVi'pii-i' ;. i|<;i.>viv Ihe-.'iiisi't' ;iilayiixg -ii'ii't-rU'v'rtvMi.tK',:;.;;. liit'' rhis-;viiilKvjiV"i.<; i^iit^/^Iy.;.;,>;;' ;■ ■' 'Kirst-act: of: tlvp-,^!!^; ,t'iip'',St{i'n'lpy' :.•■■•'•' :'F-W'iTv,«;. as-isistbii. ';h'>v. .. U'oys.,-;-l:Vi'"-,' ■. hiir(lt';i<!i-dj<:', >'i:v,i3lpy-.-irh"ls:a,i-P,di>)ii>r".:' biprii ...of :'-1 ri.plr,- '-.'ap't,''.'w'tirc-h' liHd''' a •: :d 1 fr»^i:i''i-i t;. hi.-ilc" h.(in ling.' d'ii.ii'; • v:'.- /IVti rjt '.'sli d \Vs: 1 vfRpi-'o-viSvii Pn t.';.' \\i t-H ■ tJ i p': .: .si.s'' dviiiig t';dv'-k;4ifvg.:'.sip.i)'ji|j:i^ ii-ncj. : llashiilg, s<li^'ll(^,-.,ylifty ,ap.i''dl)a.(,lc.'<<- '1'^ ': ■■,": :liJi'rdts :p.'i-ei.hardV-\v<ir,k~pi-'s ,.an,d :^ •li.l,-:-i. ,tfb. bp'tip'r, in; their -■ j^bvitiht*,!;, .^'.tlian''.','. ,-,niost;'sin'iilar- ctun'hds.' ^ . w.-.'':/-.; 'J - ■•Eddie-.A\Mii'tb-'is iNd. 2.-;-,-A ;.i?lendei',': ':.,' cha;B .-who'-pings and ..,talks;: ;.Hay a; ;; pliiin : brnnd\bf. gtig^; .but the .qiie^^^ tioh for- hi^V;\v•il^be. tJip;;:big. ho.usps;./'.; V l:Ils„si)iging'. vo',lce-„is: riot tho' f bVivist-.'.. : kind. ^ We :got 'alon'g^ Iji/.flno- shivjie ' hprol .hd\veVeh. as -the.ipnly vbic,<>; iiT: ;-^^ :- :the\unii^- '■ ;-.;,■ V-':^-''-,' ■.• ;>'■ ■,.':;';'•:i: ■., -ribss :and' B^'"nbxt.''"; Act': hii-M -— ■..: been :dre.,ss.pd -'.up:- a' bit ■ sliiCe ■ placed" -' • >'<-ith ;,thp/ and 'theVo*s'"a s;pc(:i;li; • drop.- w-hlcli ; nlsp, ,'enhances^; .'iJlKV' .; Hetinctf -giji'i'. l.ddi>s' inditevpert-'phd ' ,,',■. 'attr,ac_tiye,, ahiri. they, mix; up a '-glib; :■:; exbhange, ■ with,: ■. So'mb j.- ■ec'cbn t'l^ip ■' b'lo'wn)ng';-hy.;:'Miss •Eennptt;'.' -:. '' --- " /T'dr lhp rvnlf!H.:Piina\vA'y ,V :,. tiVelr.- .rpuB.h . ;icrbbatlQs. invariiVbly-.,, .; siirelire:;,;'-. •: •■:;^-^;^':..,■:•; ]'■'. -'■-'■, Xot'/.h, ;.\]h^e'aT.V: • -,f!hpS\T. '; lart- ::/fair;-. • pno.vigh 'as a' iinit. ,' Oh. tliiis:; .hHi.-'V'TI • - ■ Party:ijusba;nd';;..rt^N)-;,.^/crrfc; ; ■' ■'.< ■■Begulatron- va'Udr.-'' Ep.:-; :ati-' .e'^ .:ae),>iHb\v''il rail -along fiUjplly.'m.'ij^je;; . too m-iich-'sd. ..:l?ut it- \ya«s'-.S\'itii.r,da:y' :;aftprn'oo'n-::-nnd -'hot:' -' ,At,:'-tliat,-- tlip- ..Ibwrji'.ircgi'.iH w'rs c-piiifbrtaId.v filled. -I'lct-u'ro was ^"r.ran.^grp.ssidh.'', .-flia- ; dio).; An.d {the" jt'rf -i>-"e.<^bl ..sp .k -hdt'ihbrdughf.'l'rf?. " ' :! •.- " '■.-, ';- ' -•;0,7iPnlng- a<:t ,'Wa>! .aV bike, turn, '-'Al: Lib.j(y ■;ha.s .bPPn ddiiig - irlfk .fyc-lp-' .«lufr- for years;.''In hl>i.prp.4c)tt turn •he ;-rPvipyv',.s.' tlie - (ild. sturils; w-iUi .tlip,' triplfc turn-''ailrdiind •:thp: Ivandlb bars, ^ .sti'v.nddut. ' a yvom'an'- wlu)Vr()und.s out thb' l-iA.hd Cd," : Libr ■h'y .w(irks; ^withoiit -trainliV pr- clown' ;'rnak<; vi p ,ji'u;t;.:trip!i:. ;ror; a- ■ fp\y laiisti-f. ; Jerdirie -^and Jty.ail- .t>Iay:;th(':ir'\.'d'\yn: ', acbdmpanimbhi.s on .guitar a-hd: ba:n jb.. ■. .T)v.e.y,';vp ;c.Han'KPd; .th'plr': 'rdiitinf •".:i^f>'r^ho bettei;-::W:lth .the; par-- 'ody;;nVMllp>^;ihf/i,r-'b'^Kt- bpt,^ '::•' -■; :';v '"' .Air'Mnd and'}; . :N':o.' 3, '(i(.-(>vri\' •en.s'ily,-';.^i'l(■ill:o.f ■.: 1 o \y .<•'wi<fp(lj'; ■ Ivpi'-tV ,T,r;,anr:.Mpp.'5 on i,t all^ XliV' ,'way, (•bm-; <'.d'y'';-f)itlId r ilp 'lj»:'i'irg'';ea.sily.- uh\u ine.iT .•'a.s Aljs.t r»<-p,'''p.s ;)if;r.'indtvi;<lnal: • Work. ,;.'~; ',r',jhnti.v ■ Ufirr'y' ,';h,a.rt. Tough, •■.sfi-iling 'fojlowi'n'g,'•':Srf'lino/biit ;did fA'jfiy. -TAvi^.i'i .,'bii(-*/;',i'if' -got,'-,I'llo:v-'irig.' ■iniifi j« ;tiip i'-;f^i<r-(('it:,;iU);ly ;]Cv;' 'U'plls ■'w.rot(\,ffi'r■;u''!/ii-'i\v;,..";pv<''ii .,y!r'a.r-,s'.'d.r-:;sp^ iai'b.' -I^ I'tt'-'i-fv't,■■.•■':'ii ..rv-tr.tii',^li»rd,bi< a'n-l': ';\vli 11 (■'.-.;• -U <> vyp vV -r; 1 rii rri' '^if■.(,• i n'bd -J o'st •■fiir;-:!!;;fiii'ish;>.;:' ^' ', .^'.- . ■ - ■ ^:■■■-';c " ,.;1 lji'l;i-'i f;'A-'U'in;-','SiMl,cri'iR:'-, rill 1,0: a,,^:)»,!i/lf:;.,a«s^;t;:;i.'- riii.ii,irjjt.'i> in . ■i;>rir!i(:-;i'J;ii-: -.'',is''':Vl.ifJ^^^^ it-(':ii''" .piVip, ' H.'" ■>.'.ol'd'i(i;igg;p.r- iti'iir.;.'of t'l/'bK'p'. IOnl.. [ lynf-aj. '.iffairs~ ii,.iit..i)ka'y,/ . Tii.p K/.-lU-.r j,,'i;ri(i;- ■.V\jl:;|/-v'';oi!i'.rriii.iri''iii: I's -{Uor iluii ;'S,<-J;lM;,_fi'ri',d :Kr^iii':;jv^T'':ii'''H'',Y/,-.t.,-. ^^b■^.n^^ :iy 'd:i'ry<-i-ng.-.ivItJi ~('iii;p.. of;. lhTv '\virir.ii',<.-.t» (lii;ijg;:;-:frm'i>;-'rr;i;-i':i'rrL;:,;';il:t'o' .y.if-isiyl\\V. ;\■V,^i^'■l•^•';|4vf./^;:)lr;,|•f^;;'^■':V ■ ■^^; .;.;■ . ; ,r;.I:r''-ii.fv'.JjM/-a:r(ld;'.fiii'-rHYH: ii'-.r 'VU'lb/r.'j; ; r.Yvi;.lia(-.:i.K ;-,-\V!4'.4 •- nc.V'fv; 'i.'tt ..".■(•lo'vii.V. ';,J,i,-r,'.f!f- ii,','..fojii.ij'.';'.i 'nK-.i;■ i.o;" a,s' .'I'rr ' iH.-ai 'iV: ',;•-^'lii u 'I li. .'• ><>.;. :r..ifl)''•!■ i-f - a>'i ii-iii;fj;v;;Hii^;Hvi '';f(.,r rn '■,<v^^•.^^:^■}■;■• ■fl.*'-^/i;tj'i'i':'-'r'-ab>'.:'• ■.'.^')/-■''.-[^ ;■.''^^'■ 'v ;;:r;;ii\f-[iti!>;;;\i ;i-^;^^l-'f-r):y; :-i •.■,■ ^)\r ;iri'>is;i.'-;ii;'; <-\ii\\ rC-'. ,-,'i:it-; .-^-z ti;-:' '! ;,'•••.? old y':l:nf-\. t')j'ii:l!'!i' '.'-''-jil- r', Ur'^i'-i-i'-iMf-. :r;,ci>^;-; •:;X;--:'. :-.,:-v;:,;::;: ■;;;::;;.;■ .i/^i/i,-;•';.;: : ',■'.,',,■; ('C.dntinucd':from'pago :-'^., ;•; nick for- a;;numi)e'r:,d"f-haii'; joint: jsbr-'; •-, iyipes .i,j<,'i,ng :a'dv'c'rl;f}jed';,by 'i)i\yc-.;' ■' ' ticaHy;all;the;,shavb Woiiiii'<).hP of ;■ ,tl;^e.'iatter ifjijied, aiid- had lb .:gd.' *'o;.i'-', - W.ti,Vi:ylvioh' 'an old ■ gag. in tih.P, ■Kh;dw ' _ bufithessi ;•;;■/' -/.;''•'■^• ' 'S'-V-■■;-■*■.'■' ,''.■•■••"■ ■Me.n'.'j; .wear ;;? :ha,'y.'e. . Sla'sJuid v '- '' m.tir.db'rdu'sly .' ',a;'tid •; stiU.' .apiiipar■ .'fb', ':-:, "present-., plenty''.of ; -ernflt'y-;.STia-'f''o;'.bii - ' '- 'the.;w:rd"B>'t"i'' ,of >thb 1 r• cdun;le,v.s.-;;;;.;. Oric ^bf the ;bpiipV k tli'at line Pbncrdpa,'' to- have ;V;xf'-cl7 - .'/..; lent lobatibn^ . -ha? Lsinnouhfed , its . . •; .:fcd(Ung'^.- .Shortly .-ahrl -'i is-. •)jeli-ing;;;<it ,y. ■iO'Tc.l' ''A.ri.d Avii;at '-;dh^sn'-t. gb-- isooni;- '■;' :v[;lll be-,.i;pducp<v;f:Urt.hfcr,.W,P^^^ : a,ccQrdin,'g-; I'd .; rp;pbrt,'-f ArjoOK-'): -iH -selling: '.tii^is. for: 25ck': ;';'■■ ;'/^^ •.■;■•'::': •''■-''• : ■'-■',. ■F'*?C.;Taxj5:'.;-y-. ■.' ;- '.V:'-'.' : A.. Brpadwa-y .. rc-staut-fiiit-, - ^"..« ■;; liranc'-h;' road ,'. iipiis6> .is',','g. '..Tb '.-;:-' 'x'urry fuydi" .' wilh.;'.;thc-. ■iJVi!?,i(iw;iy : ' ■dinpi;s'Vh,lc,h' 'faA'br- it -didn't , land' ;.. liifit ■■'fie,a,sdn;-.. ''Th'py^re,.-'.d61b.'g .ii'^i'>y.,: giving: fr<;e ta'xi .^ibrvicc rto'' tli.p rgad ■>hd.visei'. '^^i ■'■:.' . '■■■ '•:'/: ' :.' .}'■:"■■■■. '.'/■ - :Bu'lby, Bfigdad i.s.'ltnbwn aiff oi'iiiig.b -.';; Juice; ;guich ,',and, ;,tho thirst', ea^^iiig .;',-,.; ■ pTiice.s,' hp.l- ^alpne'.fewcr, ■'tlia'n -hist . '" i'ear,' i>.ut 'vhayc pieniy' ,aih orijj, i ir?;111 ' -:-, .feplliiig; 'fpr-. a ,:il(c-kf'l,' lt«'i.'^.t' yf'-'''"^«'-;.■ ':'; ;i6e;-.5igns;''-ar'p', painte(i;'.diit.-'^'.''; .':■ - '. : 'One'bf-'.thn; -hritt'cr- tatrd'H'bri'iKn^s.'.. ;. '.shop-, .store's: 'is .s'iE''ll,ing..-ii;i6V',s.t'ij^ , ,;les.S; iK'an.'$y,iwhi^»iir;.is ;(-J)b'y...; Y-ut" -ratp. ti(d<Vit ;l-.(,,'da :' . ', door-. .;b dw 1 i 1 i.g:: al.ley. ■ 1$ . '^i v 1 .r.ig '{.i^Vf > V- '■' ': .'. .l\vp' ydi' 'jtrh'f^s;.' '-An-ihihibi'; g.(')l'r|p,-;,rp'-. ' '.Penily ■'d,id:';lhp_;.san)'p; wiili.p;-an bMt- K .'■ ddpr, rnidj^f:'-;j)Utt ;plavp, ife.Vtdvpi-rNi^.r:■:•.--■ ing:: mi in a ni i-p;, .golf, ■■^a-t'' pi'i fi.Iii i !ii:b ''.;:-':' ^prTifMv;: .'-^:..; ■ V'/:'::''!'^':i^ ":.'■: ':'■:]■■■ ■'■ ■' ■.■;.f ■iii'r.(-nt-l.v\', -b ."itopp, iait'Ofi iby ''a'Oi.b.. s}r^t-t-'.i.»;../hvH^ .' :,i:p!i:l'7ft^lal(v; ■iot;s,'''at.;jpsiit^ pri' tiip 'ijiP(tillni(Vi)t^;i'ilfin;'' ^';:-l<'i» : <.'-'a.ii' '■:':':]' ho;.• had : 'fV'.r"ji-i'i!.ob,v' d<y\Viii>;^|:r:^Oi;;' •'. ■mofiibiy;; - :-;v:'^ ;^:-'."..-:;^;;\. '"7'": ''^^ ■;■'!,■X '.-vii'i-''iiiMy: i.ipMi'f-.i].; f-Iti'liUng;- s-iv>i'i''"." ,\; ' i s' gi.w I It;. ':ti Wi'l-.v. ■ ;,a. -. t ra V.( "Ij i i; y'' ),ia g ,- .:' ,;: \X\ irii-'f;Vf-ry.; .?.:|iJ-,;li;i':i>."J'<i. :.A-.-.Ji i^.'u.ii'i''^ ,, ; si(.Vi^,.'!i;jv^:l.'iM»/-l;' d.'■dff;:T.'t''i.'.iV-'t;<:t .-';'/ . ;t,ii(viTi.;"-' ;!.'-i;i!rt'i, j'-iiiri'-.': ii-rf. r.<>]iiin';-.oji ■ ■:' , liw- -:,'^,;'i'' -f;',, •':)'.[ I'.lJ1; .'•'■<;•-u; ■ tw-r; Xy:i-<,' '.on ■■ ■ - ■ lixytr-h, ^'r !i .;i ijd -nii-k^-I. Vi;ii/i si; Av'iiiv::-^;;' ilc' f iv..f''-'v -V'-'- ''-^'bt i:hr'<bv:ri:-in^ ■;;.' \ : 'Io; i y,;-tfl• li \hhr f l;,■ 11 r<; :.\• :x:i'y ;'; ■jil'^:'':il-'i;!.l:i :'-.>,\:-;f-iii; ■fiva;fiy. sl„i'')\s-'.-wi-n':' '-. '•(liiju -^; ■ .-:i.s -;:::.|;!'th-ialiiy. ■;-,ni!i-iii>ii:-'i!''fe\-^-: \fr|'l.^;!^-;;Vfv , ir;s; thV-''.] 4, rPf^l, ,1>!:iht. '^i ' ;|ii'-; ':|ii;'i^iirOotiChas. IJu'^^lJ' fX^'('»-iri;;>1. ■;''• :; -i!- I t., r,:r-^''ti '[ y,•;:• p.'V'p i'>;',t)iing .''ori ; ' :r{rt)a'(i.\v;'fy,, 'l.s ,.Ti.o.M; ■'i.bdlng-two,; i<ix;--. ' • -: I wi'^d. ':;;,,:•'■;.'-,-.-';- ^- f'-'V...,.;' ;:-^::;' -'-.;■"■• / ■■ '■■ '■[