Variety (Jul 1931)

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■ ruTjllshed • WooUIy Qt: 15t; West "ISth St.,; New /Tork, N. VT^. 'by .Varietyi^ ino, "Annual iiiUsrvijitlQn. $6. ■ Slnffle- cbples,: 15 o.ointi . BntereU. aa eecona-clttBs inatler' pcc6(iil>er, 2,?., 190Sv at /the. Post Ofrice at New; York, N, V:. unJer tu* act o£ ilarcU- J,; 1871;, ' ^OtifRifillT, 1931/»*: VAttiETY, INC, At^ KIOHXiS RKSltttVKO ^ / VOL. 103 No. 4 NEW YORK; TUESDAI^^^^^^^ 1931 G4 PAGES By GEORGE MOOSER [/■ ■ . GlcndaVe, Cal., July 6. '. Breakfast' In New:; York' Friday ' mibTning-rrdinnef ia tbs .AnBclos next evening! . Tlie luvc ;b£ speed--^ ithe fetish .p£ the present, century. .. . E,sCa;pe tlie stuffy, smelly heat-.,.of/th.e traiii—surpas^ thci comf6r.ts-^iC-.:SUCh , a ' tjlu'hg q.s comfort be.- possible . iri . a ...berth, or ;:even .■ in- a." drawing roorn : on . the ;"Cent:ury"' 6r.;"eKieC"; wiihvthe, ther- niomcter in the. OO's. ■In strikinffi contrast Ihc business- like dispatch of.; sect ions 6t the .Transcohtinontal; and'. West - :'ern airplanes- at thi? Nowark (N. .J.) Airport. C-"'^ ■■■ ■' V- . . A platiri-um-haired' Hollywooden l^iiniiie! .askinK'the cloanVcii.t, hand- jjpnie. .pilot if' she Will be;, airsick— •baBgage' weighed, and''checked..;- Wc receive a :sinall package containing .cottOri for ■ the c.ars and two pieces of ■^'rigleys. \ : Last-moment • faTew.ells^contactl Taxi-ing to the end of the field, the big. three-motored pl.ane makes a beautiful take-off, without the Slightest jar, with the towers of IManliattan and J'.vooklyn receding .in 'tlvc niiirky- distance. .' ■ Short stops in Philaaclphia, Ilar- Tlsburp . and .. Pititsburgh, vising to great height.s to clear the moun- tains, your lungs driniying .in • tlie .cool, fresh air and hiakiti-you. fe61 ; fiorry: for the mortals sweltering .In . .th0 irains craw 1 ing; f,ar bcneatii- The co-pilot with phone, to' iiis ,lips talks to St. Loyis' ami . Clyicago.^foiii- ■ 6f . our pa.ssengci-s . leaving 'us for Chicago and 10 others . fighting for the four seats. The young Adonis in' the' co-piiot's scat descend."? from his throne .to •dis- tribute dailily Savarin l.unchos■ to the luingry i)a.ssenger.s. ;.. Indiaiiapbiii And. St.;'Loui (Continued on p.Tge- 17) []'■■■ No Limit Rides ^lilwaukoe, July C. ; Interburban trolley lines • here ; are ■ .offering unlimiled rides af ter isiix; li,. -in. at the usual 5c scale. \ ■ ■ : 'i'" : .;Idea is to■ give 'au toi ng some: cortipctitioh. But they- don't gna,rahtec .1 ight.s^outrand parkr. . ing. ■ ; ':'■ .•- ■ -:.;. ' . IIoHywood, July C. - ^<'avy ofnf'pr..s: are ' f roini now on taboo as sulijocts of film slap-slii k. H the .studios want any comcMly re- ' ?i"-'f. in Uif'ir n.aval pirtiiros.lhey iii.u.-it pick (in coinmon gobs. . . : , IJilirt . ^yas- .issued 'ly^;V Ivavv Deikirlmont .after piuv of the stuvlio.s ni.ade a sc-ene showing a couple of Btt.ilprs- slio.vlng an ailniir.'Vl over the rail.ifpr a 'Kiis^.'- ■ Navy• hinled to. llio . Ktuilios if Ihfv .want to use. hal tlc- •ships and • otlao-;^e(|\^ipnu■h^.;■ Lh('>• ;nVu>;t'" uiih()ld..;Lho;'di^hity .of . lilt' ■ or ean. ' ■;. ■ ~-\'; ; '-. : .' ^"avy iJoparttni-nf in.siijt'id on .oli-a.yiiii,'; -tho .plrturc if .sludios'. a'l'e lo/;tis(;' 'fis slMjirf and siihii; but ;thij Mp\ conipanios .have ho'.-n rilibins the ■go;id braid .tpo inVifMil «.-y<i;e o^.:na\^U: ilhns :m;i(ic:;riyi-6iitly It's ■Why ■'i ,ibt-or K:o|ys ;ial:e^ 1^ navy picture yvUHc on ;.shari;:iea:v.o. , ;:. P,000 Prize for Best Film tale on Pacifism By League of Nations ' Zurich, July.,G. : I-eagye of Nat'idhs, at Geneva, a.h- a i).rize.,-,of-$30,o66 fbr the. best film story glorifying Interna- tional pacifism^';, : . . /.^ ;Dctails will : be announced later, but story must be o£. such a nature as to. fit' it'^for ihiernationai. pi-es- entation in dialog. .. Offer apparently prompted by ef- fect of war dramas in exciLing dis- .eussiori and offered in the hope that a • supply; of effective . prppagaiid.a; may be developed. ;, , ■ 8 CTS. PER DEADHEAD IN PARIS, OFFERED WRltER ' I'aris, June 26i ' rublicily over here has bcciinic f renzied. A til ericans ve n turing int o theatrical production ar,e ,sb. dcs- pcratc once in, that their desire to be mentioned in any or all of the American newspapers . anywhere makes them shameless. i\Vitliin a: W'f^k ' a spbliie rcr.cived. not' otily .hOggitig; but. bribe letters- to .n>en- lion in .any. f;i.«hi/;n that- prodaoer'.s I'-ay. v. ■■ >■'.' .:■.,./■ Olic offer.c'd':froni .?2 to $4 . .for a 'ifn.';iiLipn; the plln-r ofl'eroil, '.Sc. ' a head £6r e.very 'jn'divrdual whoMi ilie sobbic could inviic tii llib s'liow free to liU. up till,' house, as well as aii n'hled .-pi'i/-e for'.any 'i.inblieUy. ^ 'LUioso ol'f(;i\s t;an)e:-fi om- tho c urrent Ainci igan - pijodui lions re- (M:ntly (ijjoiu^d in l';iri.s-, ; 'V ' ; No Religion Depression ■ ■ - .: •. (;al\ e.-(t.on, July G. ' Ili.s . show .br'oki'n .iip" by an auto, a' l'iden.t .in wliicli..'.cveral pl.-iyelS'^ :tiiil lU'.Mnhc.-is of orch'-stra \vei <' se- l iuusly injur' d, J l.-irlcy- ."-^adl'-r has .t'Mnpoi^irify. di,si;oiU' sto' k; ' ::; ' S.i|ih'r. lia.-j Ti/aiicii, Tiiii ;(vtit-iiii'l (.•f|V|1|iin"l)t to '0 _l<;)W;U-d- ■S.^ .Wiil,i.:Hns.; fornu'r Ji'-wspapr-j hia;.!' now ' ati'igciisi-;, MM)') is d.oing a JJilly• ..S'unil.'iy. h'-fb .'liid t.iUiiiL; in ;ih.>iil. as niiK-jjv oti. trivli.Uion ,a.s, .'^.'vXlvi; . iJiii i on ijbow.i, . • Air Advertisers G>pwi. n^^^ Wise to, the .Chiselers—r- .Underpaiid Talent—rRadip Figuring Entertainment Which Is Radio's Heart, •'}■■ as Least CHARGING $75 FOR $40 v;,;-.By';;,BbV: La*^4fy;-'/S-'. . Chicago, July 6. Show business laughs- at this .sal- airies Vad 10. pays its actors, ' Rad io groans at the prospect of having to meet the. salary standards of show business. ■ / .' To show business and to some of the ad vert isin g a g e ncy me h now (Continued on pago G2]i . ■ . ' Syracuse, N. Y., July C. lickel',^ i'-oxTOpe'raicd, is,- the only iiiajor house here without a-refrig- erating plant. During the heat of last week the ,lickel apitrpximatvd .•I balcor's oyon inside. Yet, with "J>addy Long I^ogs" the attraction on a holdV>v^^r, 2d ->yeek, - U was the only - one .where , husine^ held up. :,. ■'- \ ..'■';-' -, ■ Opposition; hi^iJse.s, Incliiding. those with stage .shp^y•.s, 'wl'iile. 20 - to. '30^ (ri'g,i:ees cooler, suffered; at the ijo.x ofiiec. .. Of tlie; lattei:,- J.^^^^^^^ with "A liec ,Suui" on tho ■scVeen .'UV'l l;orrah 'linnoyjlch on the siag.e, held up the best. -The P.ara- jnoinit, A'itli '"J'he flirl Habit," Av-as 1)it bnitally.! and Keith'.4 .Himtl.irly io/)|v it-on';i^li'e eliiti.. ■ /.;:; -- ■.''■,' . Shooting Backwards . Hollywjod. .Tilly n; ; .■('bnip'l.iint of no WoVk iii pie; t'it;vrt:(loosii^t g-o at. I'. j.'lio, : 1 ;!i-li,'ir.!l . j,;'-jli'HlHV.-Jky',.s ' .unit w<'iit: to - ;wo.i;-k. piio- ■ (lay , .ili-i-H' .week aj; 9. a. tn., to li)ii.-:li at 4 the fiiHowi-n;< iinn'nirig, tli'-n .s(''■.•d ,.siX.;iioiu\s; ;l.' 'ti;uie Utiiil - t'l" fotlowini,' 'i-iy.. ;Third session. wVis . i'iiorn \\ A: .tn.- ' to hii'liiii;;bt. / ' 'J. ■ A t' II10 en l ^of i t Jiil : pi/-t ^x.v'.-i v.'p'otM.i-d !.|ji-i';i- "l.iy.S. b'^lilr.l'l .-I ii.''liir>'. — ■ . All on the CufF '■ Los Angeles, July ■ C. . v . The Cuffagraph .Film Com -' pany is the vivid title-of Bryan ]-'oy's all co-operative produc- ing works...; ICVeryone; is in on "proTiiise ot a split-of. the net If and when. ; ;]C.verything : else' 'gocs-.oh the cuff as well. ., Koy said he-is going tp' form a '. lipid ing com pany to hold th e bag. ' - • ■ . . y" 5-and40 Stand 'Em Up BurKes At Coney, an : Sclling burlesque-at-Cc with thre^^ .stand up 'shpws. are ■ operating at Coney Island. .They ji.iay; to 5r aft- erhopn adriiish.'apd 10c at nightS; - ■ . .All .the. trio i.slarid outfits arb run- ning'on ;tlie grind plan. ■;.■. .. lloyal, S.amoans, -: whicli'. st.aTte.d /Hit 'a,g. a Hawaiian affair, has be- come a stand-up burlesque- on Surf avenue. There arc 11 people in the troupe. . ..'--.■-'■ '■'■-:' Another Surf ayehuo (?how is .c.-illr>d "Broadway Itamblers." The third "5 ahd 10'.' .cohtin'gent ;is the Blue Beard's Pa|ace oh..Still-' well avenue. This is slricUy an Orietit.-il.. ■ : - PALACE'S RECORD LOW UNDER BILL'S SALARY Art $.<!.000 gross last week with llie. heat,, was the. rec.prd low RKO"3 straight vaudeville, P.ilnw, Xevv York.- U' wa'-s ah (lor the thf'atr.c's previously lowest in 18 year.s. ■ . ' I'he headlinor, 'at 000, last week wa.M..; J Jen n is King. ■ 'J'he bill cost urii uri() $S,.'jOO in ^sal a ri es, Ii r.r; - Kill ted i n a 1 o.s.s o,f around $9,000 on tlie week. ' ■■;-'■■--'-'■ , ."; ■-;■' -• ,; Palace has h:id ^orrie; liigiily prof- i (.il jJ e', w e f! k s r (1 th e r r" g n 1 a i • 1 y : th r- p.'i.Ht' ye.a'r.- .' Its . ayera.^^o i.s. .aroiind 4:;'i,ooo to $^s,ooo. .V :N.'Y. Troupe',s 1-Niters In the Yiddish Rockies ; OiK; . nijiit stands- , 'in .' .(';i(.s]v/!]; 1 noon lain towns for thr; .sutrimer wilI 1/e 'iil!ived: durin.'r July .anil■ Au- i^>VH..,'!)y ■ a «iii:l tioiip': •i.ti'l-'i- til': ''llrer:;Ion Of .I-iiek J-iriil'-r. ,■; l.ii.ib i '.s -[iiii''»i!,ioxi is to jii fjili;. '• I'p'W 'iif iys eoriden.>.-ed. iS'oMi'; ot tlV- f:l;i Iiil. v.-ill.' riut liuvc ' .slag"- ■ big i^li to pei^init ,(;■<;jrlil^h^t(^ st;ii^ • A r.otit': f.f siv (owns will be. hu'.i 'ip-- with the' coiijp.ariy I'eju'aiin:; JiUerent phiyrf. ' ■ ' ; ■ I,os Angeles, July C. ,.' ■ !p.ubllc 'markets, the drlve-in kiiid .. . •developed locally,'.ire. breaking i .siiovir; business.'. About a ■dpzch ' her^ are . now .booking acta for ail-day . .;' ballyhoo Saturdays. ' ■ , ■ . .Smaller' ■ vaude agencie.s are : y spur'cea for the inarket circuit; Acts play for peanuts and put-in a full day's work, nopn~ ,tb. 10 or 11 at night. -A six-po6pl.6 ■ act rcpprta: an offer of $25 from a market Spot. .' Handing oiit music with tho grp ce rie 3 ias ■ a reg u lar p ract Lcc has grown Up' only - in. tho Jaat' t.w.p or ■ .three, months, .For a cpuple of years Jiew mirkefa have staged flash openings with lights and entertain- ■. ment. ■.'■/■::■-■'''I ■ ■ ' :■: ■■-■'■■ ■.;;■' ■•.: ■'■ ■ . One oif these .openings -in: the yi.- . , cinity of two or 'thr.e.e c.stablished markets.; caused . the; oldtimers -to-; - meet tho ballyhoo competish. with rival attractions; ^ / :- ':' -.■' i'i(iture3' and markets are /also-' 1 inked" irt 6wnoi-jih ip. GPro Bro.thers,. -., second-i'iin theatre operator.s, are building up a string of markets. Cecil . .B. ' lieMillo ProductIpha'^h .cnc" at'Verrnont. and'.A^^ street, 'it.a ym oil d P r i in t li, Jp ss '^Vi 11afd an d, ,. othe.r.s around -Ilollywood are in tho provi.slpn busihcss, as .market own- ers, or-operators.' CHERRY SISTERS NOW SOBBING ON THE ETHER Davenport, la., July C. . . Clierry ; ; .S'i.stfrs—Cedar Bapid.s' famous singe flops--'took to ' thp' ether ' Jvrid.ay night over NVOC-„ WHO, doing the'lr yersiGns of twistlng ballads. ' •. '. -; . . The gals made a fif Id day of it on their visit to Dr. B, ;j. (Cbiro) l*jilmer*s udio, lunching witli the. jolly Is'iwaniiin.s at noon, wlier.o • I'-IIio - read ; ,a paper, in . '.Kiwan'ian 'spirit on "'s U'l'ong with .tho! World" .or- sQrnething. '.. Arnong, .]-;.|lie's- fiiv'^gesi ifiii.s-;; for a' kiw.arij.s progi-.'im irjf "(iorilri' w.;i.s' thrit la'w .be .'idoptod. f.orlii.iifling aViy pe-. Irol-buggy .exr er-ding .'30 . liilles a;ii hour, 'exeept i)()lif.-e . ,'i inl '-'lire wa- ' gohs; .;i.h,d..'. a "rigid c;cn;-iO!;r;liip on .■"'.' rn.'ig'a'/'' Th" .i'le.a; <>f-. t ti 0 ',',') • i.'iil 0 ' 1 itiii I ■ on .'I lit OS Is t.) m.'jkq l.t 'fV.nsy . for -poli'-e l.o ' t-.-tjiliirtv .bunk r<;libei s, Iwjo'xi; riiinier-s ,'and or d,(',"<pf'3-;ifiof->r.. Tin; '.'irninfjrril'': 'Tiiag? ;j'/.in''.s;. JOlIiC infornirjil lie.r .Viantjiiig - (J li. ■'<■ vf! y w ' li s 10 ri (;rs,. '/in,-' bo . foMinl. in ''vV\ry-.b.ooA.<;i.'>lvf>. and di uif. :-io! e. ■' ':■'.■;,, ■'.''■■. ■ V ,' . . TVM .\iigerer;. .I'lly C.' ',.^^^l:•l!l-,■ai.'■o^.•i pl'iyln- of '^Man in-, .1V/.' .-lin'' as - both - play^ and. plc- i.iji e h.i.-; lui i cci .Sid. /iraiiman to :s;e.'cl(t ' j.iIs .legit, prices ' do wn . to 25 1' ( eir^ ■I i:ow ;<-li u'ges frinn • two- : ;.-iiii-^-! o. lor. til'I t.s .■(imI --j eonts . to, , Jl.oO niy'l'ils. N V.