Variety (Jul 1931)

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VARimt -•Tiicsday, July; 7,i 1^ ; :Jdi)p:Jlt-l(li J[^i bljtW;*;? It^all on-a jhorst; ' «'opi<i: years;.; ago^. h ^as. hlijljcti .iij tlVo 'heacl by. ©Tie ^piE tho?<? : animnl!^. .That sock bp u hot a ■ Yiitti .Jiiito.:Sket<j.IiiriR>^-p an;a,.judf;-; . Intr' bVavUy ■■ CO ;W.c's >J?ot, -as: ■ Boro .a^^shc .ii^otl . lp' be ."at '.Uve 'hor.<?e:.' ■'i'ho . airt isi Is jtist: .lodbk 4^0Tn :\Gaiion ah(;V KiB laUi' pulchri tiidb ■ tourriajiient.- • l-Jje ■vv-as n6(: 'an - entry; ■-^a.ju()fi-fi^hfn (i -' his. a; r'cw thing« 16; Bay about gfriV::and air lists In, gcii- . it's; tlip Held .idea ll>at: -wornah getting bettor /lo'pkine. 3-11 tbp Wn'-ie. ' As. a - fnTiiifityM/^ alniost..any, beautycontest,; winner' iipw , iripets; ■ an / -artist-s cbncc oX what it- ' tnkc^s..^-. ii^s the figur^. he .say^s.; .Tlic, te.mrr\(S ' ;sj:llioiict.t.o: ■ • ha.s ; chipgevl- jnlghtly since BV C;; beforft^contcst^-. ^IThe' long Itorso and .shoft :;legs' arc; no ;ii;ibre. . Ahd artis''tS; are gliad bci- '<aasd'the ishorf ^tfeinsV^were tough: .oih'tiichi..';' '■'■^ ;. ■ "That's;: why,"'-'states;-Mr...:; IT^lil,; , " the Grce)c. sciaJptors did torsos : Bio consist en tiyi- They "couldn't; use.'. ■ the legg itf ;all..b.feca,use ^'hipst of . Ihieir. ■Vonie.h \ wc^^ : Bquat -iahd,, . sh.prt ,iceged. . But . now . all;. the. .yoii-ris wonieh .haVe Ipftg! legs.^ ThW .ha^yci. deveipped' a iflnisr And riipre beau- ilful fi^am halve a.lo.rig llirie at ' the. thigh -which-gives .them ia per^ ■ ;iiwit;-;prdpibr.tllo;i;'^;; ;. . '-.i-'. .1,' .':fieautifui'Biit^—;'. ;:;.:-■ ;;■ .-. .:;/Lyev maybfe the Grteksi had a:word; . for It. arid. trAh.^lated ;it .read.; /:'Np" ; gajhs;'* ; 'It. is:. M-r. - ,Held*s '..con'fen.r;; '■ tlon;': that; ;i:.h:^' changp has '. come . ibou.t ,thrpiigh thei.ferninincontiiiV - gent becoming. 'bonstahU more a,tli- ietlc; and; j^itive; dpwTi /tiirou^ ; ybaf s; and .that ;as. chUdreA .tli.ey. are :'liow raj'sed^sci ern girl, •is i growing talipr. and; is,;a . perfxjctly; physical. . spe^ipiclii.' of woiriahhopd, accprd.irig to tile artist. - And t^ia^t yi\as ;Mr;^;H it or .not for. the day on. .the ;physical ..phase/ But^i]|e3J'':rd ■ .^U v .-. Pr^tt/Healthier.; > They're : growing .'eni So /healthy; thinks Mr. Held) that the . girl's themselves give vpry little; thought , to..; anything e^^ ; ^nce; .sHcriPe/:.l^^ :.dt becoming . quite stupid.' There . will certainly be no ;artists amongst the present'crop of b,feauty,; say.s the famous artist.' ; / . • '.• ;',.■.:;; , He argues' that, "Ah artist Is \ mierieiy a case of .arreaipd ' develop- . ■ mcnt.; These ' yoiing: pebplp 'are;: s.o healthy ;-that . they have no/ inlxibi- ■. tions,. suppressldns;-;:; :Ari;d-/the.y .Pught; td/;have a.few teprossions. It ' Is. syppreiss.lpn; .causing ..;a. ^ fitrugg/le which ; makies,., ari-' .;artl!il .;: acek ' a .Phahnel; pf ■ esca'pPj .iand tlia't ''puts,, him -.vtp; ■;workj/ vrtiaKes .hih> ' cr<^iteV ./.TlVerc m^^ be'any.; tstl> ■ eiit ampngst these healthy ahd per ; feet young animal.s." ' -•;;/-■ /it's ; no . 'ojnch ju'dging. 'a beatity .•contest; In Mft. HeldJs rp^inion,.-; as ; girls arc. gchcraily all beautiful arid ; artists' are "always ;• Influenced / by pepuliar/ -or .personal ;prefcrenCB.«!, . because they're so silly anyNvay. ..•'r iiayc' never known .t\vo; artists' ; 'tp'.:agi'ce' on anythirig .but .their o'wri; work,'.', added Mr. Held.. : '/. .Mr.;: lipid .has bccri in^^^.C^^^ .60 much'that down ;thorc: th;oy;tliiWic _; he's rvirinirig. .for .'ottice.'., tri; fact any: ; • /iijiic .three pr four .-'T.exas'bDds cpmc ; sirollihp■ dowjj the st rtpt. tpgotl)er .. bth or-.: pedcsiviari's;; '.^t .t'r t ;■ .■ 1 rig ; ;.;tirotiiid4tor;xrr,;Hc>i(K Her hiis,'sat4ijl ; on/- tlVi-ee':.of; ..tlu'sc 'contest's ''in. that town. ; ;. •' ,/ ■. ':,■ • ; /;■'/• ..-.v ..'iTbi; those who-ilr^n^t ; mitiht/ i)p. said, tlidt'; -Mr. ■ 11.cld. ;j!^,■ ■ • [pcrhap.rt, hoftt'i.knp foiv lu.<^ inagic ; . 'in ca. r 'i c.a..t''u y iiv g iiridc'i-grudua ta: ; ~, 'ATijciMca-: ■ i.fc';?vlso'.onjoys .;dcp^^ wood, puts and poking fiiri at iiinv- . Boif. . v ■■.■.;,';■•; ./;' y- ■'■ ■ ■. But he,;o;in't (|Uitc make; up / his // mind- a^bArt^.that horse; ;'. ' ''^r^^' ...;; / JACK WARNER EAST . -'. ; • . ;/;.:/-'* ■ iloliywoiid; iJuly- C; . ./ ..jVtv^* ;:\Vj.vrM(-r .is;<:Nl)(''(;t('t>' to • Jt-ay o tliiyj w'riiU. rc>i;.:Kt;\y' voiik . •■ ; ■ ; ' ■ 'V;:^-;^-'.'^'■.Ho]ly.vt^pudV\July';;6.- . ;studi.6. v,^ rit'ei; y^ith, ;a -.iiniyer- ' ' flity /backgrburid; sp.Cfvljs ^pt his'. pptibri.*?, in; .th6; same .: iilloms \ ;.tha&^;i- ;fpur-]etter '-collet /iriifi;li'i;ilo.-.; • ./■, ;■. '/, ''i'knVtho oniy 10 - option, m'a'ii.. at :.~niy • ^tudib^-'j'- 'ivp;: .■ bosVs^^ ; ^'ailhpugli.'Joe pwikts '. isn■ t do-'. / ; ing /had ;citli<jr/ ;'rip's;-a:)Kik^'..; . 'bptibn' rtiiitii" ;/',;: ■),/; ,-•.. '.;-■;; [ ;7:;V'.Hoiiy>i;flbd^;'Jniy V Holly wppd'siriiljressibirixblcc whp;;a.r6 sbft-iitieat fbr the :icn^^ gazers, - /astrdipgets; ;..Jtnd/ te.a JeM reader^',;',are."' cUrrently; nuts ' oh;'riu rn.erplogyv ;0ult,'.jtrhich contiends ihat fate /depends-bri; the nuijaber of /lifet;^/ ters. .lri /bri.e"s.- name; Is 'the\';curr6rtt' fair-haire'd/ appst;listic.;g;r,<iup: •. •-.' ; Spmc ,p'f.- the/ l!ig;!shpts; really ta.kc it;; serip.uSly. y'Prpduqers^ kicks; recently ;frqrii/;soriie..p femriie. bij? ti mer's; pyor'.thp solcctibri Of. leadirig ;rii.en;. .A. ceVtairii /'Choibc, ■wojild .DVicbld pbtatoes for the pic-I ttife" he;i5 ■ a riurn bpr.:tw.b i an<3..the- 6tar ,ls; a-:seven. •; ■;■,.; ■.; Picking .• ca]sts .; no.w/■ 'is'-': the' .■ pniy- gain'e. wherc^snake;.ey.o's or. a 'dpuliie .deuce' are,, cpnsiiiored hb.t-, rblls. , ,:.;; .;.. ; VibPating/'V/ro-rva;;.;;; "//..^ .;■/;■ E.veh; some ■ of .'the V studlp. .^headK ha've/.gbri.e.' for ..the .fetiiff, and th^'^^ recent Jia.mfe changes, ;ipt'.: profes.r Sipriat; feasbhs,; : Indicate • trick ;.n'u'-. meroibgists at the . bptiorii ,o.f if. / . One of the .stii^libs; currently ; i!f^ ab^ut to' name, a: horse to_ go .into .; niinVcrolp'gy..' .AVhol't' series,; bnpObf. - thb;:'/scers ;'-,h9.«!^^ fbrriied.; the. sludip," will be'-a. /mess ■unlessf they- give /the. gee;;a> p^^^^^ niijhbcred nariie;. iS'p ihis par- ticular studio.' is • laijghing,: 'iriiless /it'e:the;horsei ..■;> . ■■■■■;':■.;',.'-■•■• ■ ■. /;';.. WILL MAHONEY .. 'i'ho : M;bndori / '^Kvth'ihg News" said :■: VMr. :^Will: jjahorioy*; 'ia;i' ;tli 6. most enpirmously / enevget 1(1; piean-.', sltaveri,..>'beariting, \bi.U ■i>right-eycd comedian ;rA;'lia's' ever .sent to .London;; Grfeat.;stuirif, this Mahouey." / - ^1-..;. .;/ .-'.■; /;■".' ■'brrecti'6''ri/.• RALPH G. F^RNUM .•;•■ /.:' v■■■i5*0^■Brpac^way '"■'.;•; ■ ;,; . For "Office Overhead" ;; In; j^i^i l^er f llnl '^S:;: '<:•'■' Ghicagd, Jil.iy 6. ■ .-AUhPiigh: hs .fu.ndB: .are iri; heaj^.iov; deinand ^^haij: ever, f ior relief by the needy, yriitpd .Cha.r.Uies 'here is go-: ing ftihead^ TyAth its. annburice'd -plins' of /prpducirig, a talker as'a publicity 'stunt.'; i^urpbaie! • Is to ."demonstrate ihtit- V tl^p .:.;overhead of'. oi^anfzed charity ' .i's-in' rpality-'a ./prb.ductiv^^ overhead '.' ..Figuired cost of prbdiac^, :tio;ri^; wi|i;: averi&e .$1,25Q,- ■■ a' '.reel'. Number of; i-^els riot;yet decided. • .. ' Organizatlpn ; says ;'project .. h b'eeii; ..underwritten;' ;by prie ;pl, ;i ts dbnbrs;;. .•Besides; chuirch; aricl \spcih:l Rei\vice;grbui).s;; expects talkie. ,exhlbi.led .before,, mbtib.n pic- tiire'house ■audlericos,- .. ,;.. : / ■>;.. . Better class pf industrial pro-i^; ducers .quote'arbund $4,500 a' r.ocU, MRS^RENAlMSUiNfi- JiOSBAKDFO^ ■Gpif/is^hrttlria''l/i'ttli 'ball$.^at i ri to rvg.l s' ari cl ot a I k I n-g' a bo u t;' i V :ali; :t.he ;r'est" of ■Piir;l.iv.ies. ." Mii.: ASir .MKs. .im'k MyKwjviiTii • .l30:<.«pKt. .4IH> ■. ■.; ■..'»■. l<«\v. York'- -;■;■>.■■. Duncan ■Beriald P, the; ..0.1 hi ' pl'ayer.; who was /last seen- in/: ''T^^^^ Hoi;n,^' and . who; . M-iis--: f'ecdrjtiy; iplea:red; of'.the I'alieri ./charge made byi his diyprcpd;Avife, fa/.ces. a bour.t action -newly/ started by heiy .lili-.s,' .RchJildo, -/ who- wa;s' iprofossiortaiiy 1< no w'n' ;a!3;; Be til' Var deii arid; Su y;e t te /Gprdori,. alleges 'nonrsuppbrt.;, / ;.; ; /:t^ast week • in '.Philadoiphia* ,Mrf::; .'Renhldo./told .reporters that she M:ap destitutt.v' I''' .;.''a.n-; /madp at. thc tinic ,pf, tiu'ir divbriib.'iu •LPs' .A.npbles' 1a.*<t y.oitri 'si'ip. w.'iS tp,- receive./;$15;0 ..tribiniVl.v'. plu-s . the' ; latter itcin 'being tbi-; the sUpjiort' oX •thcjr ;,clilid'. : Tlip a.Ui>W(i'iico:. to :h'.d^iiMjVft. llic :li)n<j hor/husha;iid .i.-s..: wbi:kiri'g, .■t)ie .- .r;h 'alip^Varic:' (:;brit'inuinjr'rCgAi^dloss;^^ . '■■;;■ ' ^ • ' . Kenali,iQ ;;st.'at!pfi; tliiit; Ijccau.'^c; .o'[ hpr'charges, and, Uve aUoridant piibl. 1 Icily; Mi^ti'P. failed t'o/ liikc /iip ^ari' Pinion; ;for ,"" his ' servioiis.''; H(.\;..cairio oast .alirtii.t :t-\y() months' prove hi.-i-c,iti/.onslvip! in wliich'' )ip: \vd.s.\'5yic.^ <*fi^tiil.;, /'Thx'. a'itiie pir^ ;V.enjf;<l ]ij,ii-.j-V(ini '■•ic(\ti;i-;'iip: /tiirilicr 'X>|cfiiVc-: SviVrk;.' ■ . ■ " ' V ' , ... .; ; SmifH^s Suecesi$6r ;;^ ; .; '.•■;;.'■■:.;" ■ ^ ; :;e'ulA-cav^:Uy,/July C,:^ ' •Pvtc- -^n)\\h'-ii. ?ut\o<'s.^(>r, ajs;lir^i;td of ^U'tl■^lTf.;oisHvy'ri-^iay(g: puliiicjly' dO' par.tniNit; l)V-l'i?,;; will / prcitiiilfly bo' I<m'iir(i;,St!-«A'l<l'in^ .ai /Jj/ •lii Maycn-.;'^--;'; :. ■'■'^.\ ':''■ .\ ..'l>oppnd>^, (iif,i?nUUi'^ .V'Vtckiri'B as a.: /\vritcri_w)Ch' iiidlcatioi'i.s*^ 'iiiiJittV;. ;(:)tlipr\U>io^ Siiiitlv ,slivl{s 'as ;h'r'art.- "of :i.ho, r>r('ss iViirv-au.: - ■; . ;' ; . ;-.Stj';i*;l*li'i>.!i' hav W;r,ri ;SnviUV.s'. .aiile z-urifir iioyr.. - ': ■•'■.- .; Hays chiiixh' .■cpuricil ■ batttlc does ri,ot;,mea:n/thc scrapping: of .the. inV! dustiT/S'code;.'sys.tom.. . Inslpad',- It; isi' dpc'laredjjy fi'lrti sppitesnien, the a;ir;^- irig. 'h'a,s ■bniy;te.nded: tb./stirerifelhpn' the cbdcs; ;byz- pliirifyink;' pertain issues, .befprp ;n;ot qyite undci:stiiri<l- .able,;;/ ; .;■:• . /: O;;; ' ':',■ ' ■,:.■/ '■ ■':,' ;.';For thp/ nrst. :time.,Jt' Is./reycal^ that religion had.; iiitlp to do/ with trip formulatiPri 6f^ ,the; jjrbductibiv and p advertising; ■ cicariing ..-'rnethodS.. .They werc i.rispire.d Within the :filhi: industry ;i.i:self.;- ..Ol all tfi'e religibii's brdiei's; •-which;;did; the ;riib's,t tpiiv-ard draftirig them, and siid. the least, iTaysites ;■ give...' credit'; not;' to,/;the I-rotestantS' but .thb-.Gatliiblics.: M ..'./;■.: Ijb^:;Angeleiiv:'j^ :4 Tlie • li'unchon • .and • ■; Marep. . . dirineiy.was; .held -after briP pit , CalUpriiiJi-^;..hottest diys this: ''seaspri,.. ;;■'■'•':;:;■..;.:.■ •;';.';' .'■'■::.:^V ::.v; /; ''Sunny'/jirii-'Vi^'oiph'^^ g or alncl, .gubs.t of honor, made . hiisydntrah'^d' wearing; ah pyerr'-; •cpat.•/■,';.''■ ,^^ ■.'; ■■.;',:/";;■■::;- .. ;"■ ■ . Pbx;, 'has; •;;ri9 foii-cign . p;rpdtic'tio.n'; pliiriii... ;,'Wha:tevor the/ cbmpdny m.ay' have. ;fig.urc(l -trbm tipip :t'o time/iwa.i only - /irisid'd-. ■ cbn.'^ideraUpii. ; ; Pox; i'Mirnii;'*n'tcnc|s to cpriceritr.a^'ciu.ctibri . in'-Hpi.IyNvppd,. ;; ■■ ./: u. ./ i^ox .dobs not tpriteniplatd 'PrbdijcH ■ tiort • wi.tti'. T.o.bis or anybp'dy else' In.; Gprrinany,, -and :;thiit ;ariythirig, ;iiltc. production in .'Atistrq.lia, is-; juat'.:sb riiu'eh/. talit-,' it. is rdhably -stated;' ,.','; K.eithel" coridltibns ;iior. ■'s -Iri'- the; present • foWign. 'fil^ are'.giypn .as 'warranting ;Fo,x: tb nn-j 'dertake any . such. prodiiptibri;plOT away 'f rdni'.iH.pllyw'obd.. , .■.:' One "Lenox" Headache ;• ' ■ ■.;;;■ .,■•; ;Hpiiywdod,; jiiiy;'?.^; /.. Plpnty of tiirmoii at; Metro/ diir-, irigjthe 'procluctidri pf;''Susan Lcnoij," .which- is.' s'lilViri .'thd .thrpe.i?;'pt; pro.- ■dViclipn,;Robe.rt.jljeo.ii'a '/ Twenty-two ■ yifri'Hers 'worked.; ^rit d iffcrerit. times dri ihe;, stpfyi. bft.fore it went; in,; w^lth some' 'atill.:workirig wliilc productidnVwa-S/'pri,/ ;' ";;;- < ; 0;retij \dar.bQi '.topping,: .; .has. ddric ;six; w^-^^ks;;or£;;thd..'fict,. at difforont times ;;findine,f'a'iiit'wi^^ Seyr'rai: halts;/were m;adc;-;3,s.- a"rc- .Kuft to re>;airip,; wit'li: t ciwuigcil' .scye'rai tStrie'. ■ /'-'•• , .. '.■■ '• NO MSAGREEMENt WlTit ' No 1 y: ard rib^ Pa.rah^l ou nt star's ta:kiiig a; cut, but-the';'cdriipany;/ac- cord infr, :tp. >yord iri th'e ;home ..prtlce; had. notiiiiig:;tb/ do. with Chevaliei-'s s6vci-lng his. radib/eonneptipn.-:; ■;. ; -. ; Rex)ort;s' ;;df a.;, disagreemprit;/,be- twepri the Frprich ;Star and .Pa;r idi'sriii'sspd •; with' •the ./.statement; :that- 'vyhcn;'.he/'sailed last; ■week: iti^/was, 'spccifica.liy, .tp ;'m.akd /extci^PrsV'- 'Paris fbiv histnext t*ai:. feature. This lip: ivilj dp befo,re;-hp .pbmriiericcs;a.; vaca'tidri;. in France, ;whi;ch -will ■end In' .September, ■.when he ,will .returri: to .^llnisli wpric- pn':;th'e prpductipri.;.' /The ti.tid; of :the . iiidxt'; Chevalier, picture; n.o.w-f;iipye Me Tbnight".will be' ciiian'gcd: ;j.ts; TcVcase..' RADiaiOf S PMIE TURN IN CONTRACTS ".>■;■,.;":.;• ;.;''';iiouyvvpoidV,j uli' c;..;,"-y After .a/^dpupie'of;.Sunday' .fetdiirie^' :' Tailpipe: . tlid; ;iridijstry,y .trip ; .'.'Timds,!.' 'suspdct'ed. .pf■■/sta ■tilIatovy;.'parni)^^ ; rioihine;^/^ .n.dffaCiyd: fdivthe.-pns^^^ '., than\t.o; cbni.|ricrit...bri exijilirig; inUu^^i'' try;.slibrtcprii?rig- in: A puivel y-;tihwa,^ ;' ' tbry;riia:ririeri ; ;■ . ;; .:•;'■.,;;"■ ■:'.■ ; ■//:'; ./,■ ;' .;S^hallcrt; whbi is';vepardT'd; a?- th^ ^; Ipcai;tpphfjt;chcr ;ipr sprimlncsV and .• v stability, fldsplte;tiie: r)lur Pthei\ .chatteroi'S, -esiVeci^^^^^ .;.IrcarSt-B rags, ; is. resikctd<l ,i!irotiKli iii^^ experience; V.pri; '.tbb .;hP.rno ' grouri^^^^^ '\v watdhirig ■/;tlicV/;iridii;stry.; ~;inpvi\:ite^^ thrbpgli.: ;its.-;.surtdryy;-chori>ios-^ hiidtam.orphx)ses. .■/ /;. ;.;" .; ■'';■'.. - Studios On Spot •'.'•' y.;Th0';'''TimcSt'';as.ip^^ '■/■ ci'nJly .bitter a£.-the' .studios' /iniitud^-; '.:■: on the ■ h'QVtling li p.. :oC rnp w.s ■• tlii:()ugh ' •. the bpthprspind pjfiss^; .^iy.s'tdrii. 1 i'ar.i'y.;;- / eiVandlor,' tlve .publlsjiCr; - h^S : little■ s'ynipa:tli.'y \vlth,.thd:stti.di(')ij. e.cbi;i()ifiie.^'.;^^ Vv.liyfpi^cs- for; thd. pass 'rule'.;an(V hJs '.-. /staff lijis ca.t-'td;;i>laricliC'^Prt an'ytjv ;' they ;;c.a.rc/^t(>.' dig' uii'at;.thG.; studlps': • ■ expc?n;se., v';-.;' ''■ ;■..";/ :' '•; ■/■,;• .;'• '.Sequdl to,/■ this. . u.i lrn -cijritfn.>jid.- ''■ .rd.riebus ;''pindc;'. In' a -ijifctiriid,';: ait: :; arising, frpm the: pass -tlitrig,;is riirilc^'. ;, irig extroL fPdddr fpr tiVe';rip'\vs^ 'dicatds; which,.;/ have. ;:ivo'pi?ed' bni;--: United •,;Ai-tists': ; barring . pt'.J-Iiii'bld.'/ 'L-lpyd ^arid. Vi.ct6r.:;F].oriiir^ /the;. 'lot. .:I*lby'd"s; exp;erienpd.;i&'.-.extreriidly;./^ cnibdi^cassiivg; he;.i3clrig .;p]Fpsdnt v bni;''^ the- Tj. a; 1pt}as'a ;DbiipIas';.': Fa.irbariit.s,;■ .'arid', ;yi'as ; ■ sliooed • away| '■ ^ by ,'sPriip, badged; :iri'(iiyitluiyr ^>^^it^ ; :,.s'tatcnic:.'rit .-that; .riob'ody can ^ ■' rjci d ie'-Can'tb r" s-^p i c'ttrro;;'at; w ribt a; rule 'bf .thd star;s,; a:s;he iiiyites ; yisitpi-'s: v. tpi V; watch . ;sh'pdt,.. 'ripr; .\y'a;s i t . a riy; special'/ dl.<i<,.';; cririiihatibri .by the. head df'^ihc U. Ai^ ^' ipt^. ';■;■.;-;■;: ."^''/■■ ''■"-■■:■■>:;;:';;■'. ■ -'y- ,.;.••■:-/; Hays',- ■/;■';';'^ ;;';• ''•it's .Jtkin to' thd .exp;eriericos':of 'S^^ ... Kent at/.yarainpunt ari'd;AViiliH.^^^ at Kadlp,. wlVdn ;nu:nkics barred,tlveiP pntiis, .Kerit hall; to; g ;pkay;.to; got lpntp tiip.'Marx jirbs;-'sot/^. Ijays, /; whO;/;liady'ari;:.''a.iij5biri:U^^ .'-the'- R.adi9- l^ot:'->ya.s; .,thd.;.victirii of a^rrile ; ;' which •'drigiriatc.d ;i'ri the: lia^^ ddsrlite ;yehemerit;;deni^^^ .trary, :•; •.■.;• ■;.'';■■;:;;;.'•./'/. '-^-r^- ./•'What;strikes^the.; n.e\v.s' .jsyndicatai .■' and daily; reporters/ the- jriost is .the- great; pains-tp;. Which aU. iBtudlp.<5 gi;v; ';in.-eriforcing',;a ru;i'e; .which ;seemirigiyi;/ is an : .expensive .dppra:i:iori,... d'allins- ;/ fdr .laborious 'stortograpliic,a o.nicp;telepljpnlc cbmriiunicatidnr'ex^ trA dbPririeriV cx.tra, .cop.s,' and extra, tol-de-rol.- ••;. ''' ''. \ ; • , •■• '■'■ '■'■'■, ' '.. • .•; ;;.' ; tibiVywopdv; ,Juiy; !6>^ ^.■Wrilcrs and director^ dn the Badip lot are/ turning; in their, dbntracts arid going'"^n .a; ncAv- 30-.dAy: basis.- Mpye. is /.a result; of' JPe .Schriitsier'ij statdriipri.t/that- the stud'ip con ti hup'.;; to-its .best. '.ad vantage if tied, ddwn by Iprig; terni-papers.' i; v. / . .Before ' leavlrig ;;for v -l^dwv.'i'o.r.k ;Suriday. /(5r) , ■Sclinitzer/ i$:;aisp. said to have ..prom is.e.d the men that, tiiey , wbtrld n't regret cb -r p'pc rfttio n at th is' tiriie. :;•/':•■:.; ■;■:■•'. ■■';>.; .. . '. :, ' 'x:.-' ■ .: ■.,;U.ridcrstodd, that, seyeral - .taidnt ;:w'iil .t)C.. aririp.iiriceci ;a.s quick ;a„s t'hclr/.pptibn's. ai-e up. '..; ';:' ' Mayer Flatly VACATIONS NOW ;F:ox;;'Studro's Request. Tirne A'dtjcd '.;'.. -■ '■'■;: P;ri/.:To;-Cbritract;. ^'':'--■'•: '"•. ; ■ ;/ /, .; ■ ■• /■;iTollywdd'd, - My ;i3 ' .,.;;Fo i .. ■■ Is..;, relicv i rig;. i t^e). t; pt;'pla y.ei- ■HaJfiries ■wherevdr • pi>s.»5ii;)lev\;'Actor.«' '•vvi'th; iaypit- ;ci{ius.e!5 /are .'taking ' therii now and pthoi^' with frili; yo'jiir tertii.'; jire being, nisi<.cd.t<i accept :six. ^-ociis' yadati.bns, ;for •rt'hich, si^/add'itidnai 'weeks';Avork .:.will ,hd; t,ac.k.e(i,,Pri-/;i^t .ii,c 'erid ' of tliri; cdntrftcts,; •. . ' ;, /; ..' All /pr'dductipn;l.< be:irig:.rdduce;d. in jiccordunce vvith tiile moVe. ■ ' .vv'pbd, ..Jiily ;/C; .. .;: Report;, that^ ijdiii.s / li. 'Maye'i;' hatl yallcd; in., ;s(>mc' Metro. 'vt-rROi-s .arid told. tl>c.riA\a n-y.-activity .in :thd'/Aca'd'-| emy.'s /wiriter'^prbd'iiddr . d.d;n/C;a; h S .WovUd; . j^bpard'iad ' th'cir^' jdb'^ ;. has bceri ' bfTicifiily. denied by Mayer ,to I?,; ■/ i'.' S (0 vy,lhoV;j,,; clial rmari , ^ dt; - th o. ^^pAdd^1.v■s T^rpdu.cer. domrriiltce.v • ■';PrdliniIriary.-,pb\y'-T^^^^^ .i»Chl Iftst; -yv^Oik-'iiy; b ;!tyri;ter :p;nrl-;pro- ducer ■; /fdadyiri'g" for ;tiie. joirit , confal): exjidoted/, to. be -hpld withUi; a;^ye6kr T;lvi,<^'^,C^^^ ;P r0 i)a b 1 y be/pros id.od ;bvor hy /sv; n on.: tija V: ■:phii 'inn (ui- : re pr esdn tali vo / > ,o f nci.thei!';b.i-arich/ :'; ■ '• ;./•; ' .. ';' . ' ... Airiririg-ot'h.o'r reqiio'sts w.ant sVMV.C'Vyi,ii;(),rs/.tp piit "ail their ot:-, dcrsr in': >vrVting,; ■;to-;;'dnminatp the ■supd>5| l);a'cUinf:;-,out. Iiah'it ^vheri.'; a-n UleaVturiis Put n.,:6, gi • ;■'■ ' .,;■• .'.:/ ; . /: Rollins al: Roiabh ' ;■ ':■ '■■'. '■■ Hbiiywpodi juiy. K;/ ; /.i)'avid;Rdllin^,-'j;i«vc;^ idling';mostli^;'^ since Fbx ;drdpped hiin; off th'f; cdri-/,; .tract -list, ;goe's:"iio;PPach f.or;.a spot:.; in- the revived *'Boy Frioivd'T series.;.; ;; He'll be'a.';4egu]ar. mcri'ibPr. iC J;)i» ; .first; ip.a'rt 'suits, the , fi-on.t ;d;ince.< ■ ^\-'/:.:.;;;.$AiLiNa /Aug. ; 21 (London, to' 'AustraTJa.).,;. Ppri; r<ee•and I;oui'sc,: K.lri Page'(•Naritnnda)^ ■;: : ; :• - Julv 27 (f'arl.s .;to ..New Tork) ;,;iie Stovyart ;(Bi-eirien),; .■ : - ■ ' • July 22 /(l^Ondriri tb' :>sow^'Tbrk) : .P.cnb.,,d itoclveild' (iie d . / July 14 (T.iondon to IsTcvv /"Sfork) Tom '(Leviathan). : July 11/ (N'dw; 'X'prlc to Paris),'. . l..ii y Da hi it a, J cahn c llclbling (He do France). / • • // . ; '•..'■■'.;■.;.•• • ; •'.• • / July 10 (London; .to./ N.civ Tbrk)'.,; Irving.' Tl)'all)erg,;; .iN''arni;t- ;:,Sl'u'arof •': (IJrerncn). . . ;■ ■■•;.■ • .'..•.:". '-" •' -.'; . July ; ib;:(Sa'n. ,Fr:tiri iscf»: tp; ■Calr;^ cutta') ' Afn/arid; Mj:sV; Krii<>>;t 'Slurd-^-: «'ripac;k,.r: /!'''•;■;■ G- 'Kdh^idpiwacii, •; Jtf-x; ' \\'ijni)y (i'res.;A<l;ini.«), '"/:'. ;./'-;V ;• . July o; :-fPar(^i -; td ,;:Kt'w;;. ToriO . 'Jpri/Jiriiv.iVubtiVt ci^iri -ri-l'- ;/.july; S (Xcw; I'drk tp /London) . ArtiVur ;K<;lly. (-Aqultania); : ■ ; - ' 'Jujly ;(i; (i»;o\<:: Yoi^k to WVmKril i^-a- '.: than''Burklln, '■ jNIax;- < !o)'('l(.>n'; VV.' JU.;;. Bdrniari:,' jNlVix ;-fc>f-hrii;i-liiifr;'.'.iCyciyU'''. ;Horberti ■;,ltol)Oi't,. 'ih)lidayi' iJiriiHi-r' 'rioriikiri,- Irene ; jlorduiM, /Hob. Jh'UJ, norh<!rt..l'(ili'i:ior: (l':\mi;i.O.;' . ;jui'y. ^-.cxow YiM-k. to. a.rjiiiii>)iV-Bert/;- ■Whdeicr,. Robert' ;\V6oli-oy; ..(:L'eyl5i.i 7 than).; ' .. •"••.:....•...; ; ' .;.'•;' ; July ;3^(t;pn'0(iiv;tp i^ruf^-Vurlv) JoSr' Greenwald,' f/ljprifviv ;-i\'a.(,-:i';.;'''.H<- 'lb Franco);. } :.; .■ ,;■'; • ■; /•'.;;.■ ■.•'■•■;•''•■; ; Jtily 1 (Kcw .V(ii:\v-I'l ;l.':i) is >- ;m.mi- riri-',('lir-vaiior, T./ik ro;',i!i V.oi i vIOlmor ; Rice cruris). • ;-, '7 ....*;.'.•'; ; ;;..