Variety (Jul 1931)

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Tuesday, July 7, 1931 Gainlne fame as a ■vvriter for the Screen 'Is a weJUnlght Impoasible trick. Out ;-of ; :about POO . active Bconarlsts In Holiywood, less; than half a dozen known generally butr oido of. Hollywood -became names solely through picture work. Even. : iB New' York the crowd, attending shows couldn't n,am« enough film - ;wrlter3 to All 'the digits of one hahtj. . Scenarists with familiar, hatnes" are, those who became known as hovelists, short storiy writers or ■ playwrights./The rest of the cinema scribblers, with exceptlbh, of the haif dozen, don't-mean.a thing as .Bcreen credlf,.'. or when attcrnpting. to write in another, field. ^Outside oi -Hollywood, they bring ■ a blank, .'lookv .'I';';;.;" -i} ■■" \ ■'.■ : P.. A.. Thing Flops ' ' ■ ' . - Writers here who have: attempted, to,;, overconve the public's: ence through hiring, personal' ppcss agents, battling' for ;sc.reen credits/ or talking 'at banciucts.-.are ready;'to; reslgn'themselves to a fameless fu- ture. Outside of Hollywood Itscli th6y*rc all. Joe,i)oakes'. . Multiplicity;- of .names connected ,\vith.^very filni stoi-y has also made fans forget when, seeing them in. publicity, .advertising, or exploita- tion. Dniy. a .previously; known name (BticksL' ' ■ -■••-V' ' ;-'■ ■'■ .Scenarists whose names, have been built atritJtly on films and who are ■ fairly ■. well - known .arfe Frances- JVIa-- riari; Boss Mcrcdyth, :Howard Esta- vb'rook,-.Waldemar Yoiihg .aivd one or ; two pthers. "This Is an inslgnincant number. a;lon'gside the hundreds; of national- or internationally known names oiE playwrights; novelists .and ^hbrt story wrlter.s. it Is. also a scant handful ^heh compared to the host ,of film \dircctors>. players; and pro- Iflucers who are widely khoSvn. Esta- fcrook. sent a press, agent , to New , York to , plug him for "Glinarron" ■' joponiihg.'.' ;.,.- - .;. \v-- -. Some scenario writers have ^ said . 'this lack of opportunity to acquire ' fame is; compOnisated. for " by the larger ialhries thiey earn.: , . .. Seeing Pari* , How ,Abe Lastfogel: arid his wife; Frances Arms, sa\Sr, the French capital . while riding/ on - the- boule- vards.;.■. '.'^ ■ ;,■.. -.:; ■: Snipped by; A; Jv Balaban,; who camb■ over to Paris from tSwitzer- iarid to show the town to the.Laat- fogcls,• .■■■■:'■■■,■■'.■■] . .,. "When .not . sleepmg Lastfogel operates-; expertly .■for, the Morris agency, li,erb or .there. SCHNOZZOLA MISSES TUt Birr FINDS SEX ;■ ■ Hollywood,, July. 6. ' Jimmie Durante miisscd tVie "Call- . Jfornia"; bh the Havana stop-ofE en .toute to-the coast from New York, : describing; his; experiences In a -wire . to , tlio Metro lot vifhich .,reads In '•■ pAvx^y': ■ 's v;---^'-;';-.'v '■■.„ .■'When we lijisses ,the boat I have Jack Harvey ' my secretary ' (big timer?) ' wire the ''California" so jhey sends . back a -yacht .for us thinking . Harvoy a ■ big ; shot but . when they .sees who. it -is niutiny . brealts p.ut- but, I saves- the situa tion by thro'wirig Harvey overboird. and. Eddie Jackson, helps along by- . ■ two words to .wit .(some ' class?); ' '^yhat happened' .so .that; gives - me a.wcll.plot for :swcU »cory. incl.uding - love 'Hex action, and: so ^ forth so please have check; ready. for me when we ^j.ets .in the clcycnth." . Edith Rockefeller Can Watcb 2 Double BiBs In Pay--Clii's Best Fan : ■;. Chicago, July 8. Edith: Rockefeller McGo'irtilck; the lady with the millions,'daughter of John D.i Is Chl'cagb'a -leading film- fan.; She has .heen known to see as many as four pictures' a day,'"anid attends the theatre as many as five time V'week..■'.-. .■• .■ Mrs., McCorm.icic rarely come down into the loop; fearing to be spotted becaUs^s of her bodyguard and. her footmen'. .;;She .'usually runs around the corner,from.her lakoiTront castle, to either or both pf. Harry: Bala- ban's two ',-houses^, the .'p.e.irborn and ;Windi3or, ort the near north- side, known as the Gold Coast.. She arrives :In 'state with the .big- gest town-car 'she;-'owns', with two: footmen up;- on the box. .No matter how hot or cold/ the . two lobtmcn hbld the ppfee .till, shfe returns.. Mia McCiormiGk.last w<!ek asldundod the staffs of the two theatres by sitting througiv a dou'blb' feature at one house, tlfjen -scootihg around to an other double program. ; Noonan Sisters Set - , ■ ;'/.. : Hb.Ii-ywoqd'; :JuIy .6 . Off the:scroen 6xc'opt!fpr.orie ihdic part .slnro': si I on is, Molly ,0'l^a'y ^ iy, : :J)r,-ic|ic;viry . set..ior. a -coniebank :.,al . :; I'^px. in.; a mo'li role : iri. 'Sob: Hi.slcr..' : iMta'u'rb-won't st,'irt T()r t\vb .wepk!j.' ' ".: • .;Bally. O^'Xoi'll, Mjfis/Ji'Day.'.s si-slor --was also -given; a comobark chance by F()x,-. .nfLeV' iiclng off .'iho- .s.c-ro.oa ; for a iorigihy period. She did'a-lead .. ;iri '-'.The JJrat," ' . 0.:Day.:l6.><f oUt as'an ar-trea.'f ' when, slip palnbd: weitfht and. wdH .... droppWii .by First Naliohal ;thr'ee years,ago. ••;■.■-■'.•..■ Hei&'d MaaV Fraja Queen :B^;': >v4ti> -'"LeaWir '.:Fry Wasm jScheming for Hub^ liyV Futiir*—'Film Colony Knee Deep m : Soft Soap BUT TOUGH kiGKBACk With 23 Lyricd Fealiff^^^^ Smart Pickford ' Hollywood,.: July 6.:'. .: Mary Pickford . was telUng picture; friends that . she is., writing an aut.oblpgraphy. ."Aro • 'ypii going to publish'It .sbor\?'V she was. askodi . .v'^No," ; said- .Miss;. Pickford,. ''I'm gbing.ito. wait to see how. sonie of my .relatives turn out." Smith, Inc., Is Plain Smith to t A. Court . ;, Lo's.;Ahgclcs,- J'uly: ,6.., A wage-earner can't sign away any' part .'of- his; future .earnings without his'wife's consent according to California- lavir.^ Therefore Paul Gerard; smith gets the :10% of his ei.ght . weeks gagging for jlarpld .Lloyd, . while , Paul .Gerard; Smith,'- Inc., is out of luciv. : .;.■. Lloyd .corporat ion parked the $614 under conlrcivcVsy: Avith, the - cpui*t.. last. February, and told S3mi't.hi ;inc., oi New'y.ork, ;.and -Mr.■ iymith,. Indl;'. yi'dual,: of ;Bev.,erly..Hills; tb tight, it .■put:--.-,'' .:■ ■;,'■ ■■,■;''■„ ■■■; ;■■-:■,; .. Smith': hid ''given. Smith,._ Inc.,; a .10%-, .'a.'^sigrimc'-Tit.of future, e'arriintrs. licfoVe col'-.iing .-to' -.the -,'Coast,: .but ..Sii>illi, Ir,u':, had neglected tb- liav.c :-Mary Alii.-e '. ymiih countersign, if,-; By Abel Gi^ii Bollyirood. July ; The Hollywood^ Pitl. racket ntbti- vates the industry.. Exec's wifia Is the^ key-woman In this sycophsntlo «irele which has studio .assistant's .wives /a|l doing straight .for the fraa of the Head Man,'-.'.-';'^. -v :"•■:■:■' :-„;: ■'' .-'■;-:'■ The Hollywood Friendship racket is cspecIally.inanUeist these dog days at . the ■ beaches, . the solit clubs, around card tables, etib ■ ■'■ As Mrs. Producer's; Wife or Mrs. Studio Executives .an the other spbuges give each other that to, get along with the Queen. For, It must never be forgotten; her; hubby .Is King of the Celluloid. ,: ; And: 00 It behopyes: the Court to do .proper obsequies to its reigning, pair.';:':/;::-:V^.;:■'.-'.■;■.■:.:-^'- ;:-^,, • All too; weri ;d6 the, Hollywood wives realize the economic equation of the boudoir eonfabt^ ;aa Mr/and Mrs. Eifecutlyei talk things: oybr after their party guests depart, and litraJ .Exec opines that Mrs. ■Writer or Mrs. Director is, "swell company." Make belleVo Mr, Exec, doesn't re- miember that ;on the mbrrow during business'hour*. . Too Conspicuous ; jBut there's: a kick-back to this, also. The saw about "absence makes the heart,. etc.," , Is all too well known. Qhe minor exec was mildly regarded ad a nlcb egg until he came around to the- swimming 'pool and the ntanslpn and: didn't shiaiie .up: so weU In tights or the drawing-room;; Pr,; maybe, he 'couldn't play babk- gahimon well, or. didn't tango; on had b.o., but' somehow or other he was out for no explainable reason. iRigh't how the feiid between the wives of two .prominent execa In the same studio is almost common gossip. Mutual frieinds of both, are watching their, poclal - deportment and endeavoring to maintain Judi- cious ; neutrality, , but wait until there's a 'slip-up. ono; of the wives is bound ; to squawk about -the ''treachery" of her friend and they're making book, already that the hus- band will, know about It during stiidlo; hours Just because .hls wife happened tb champion . one or . the other, •'' . ■: . -■;;;pal3t- ..■, •'.;:■;: -;'■ ':v>;'^ ■ .■ Business: of index linger across the Adam's, apple. vLily Dami.ta's. Trip. ';. AnK"lvf<.;'.J"iy ;.G.'; -Lilly' i)aiail;v K.'iils on ili(i-;" (\o France'.';; -.Juiy-. 1.0 for - ..six .Wt-clt.s abroad before, .startirvg on her next tiilkfr for lJnitcr'''A'rti.isl.s. .',; . ' , It wiir b« the last. of .her three- picture .U. A. contract,'- ADOPTED CHILD MUST COME IN WITH QUOTA Hollywood, July;6. Before leaving for Europe for .<<h.ort vacation, Constance • Benneil wfil take, steps to ensure' tiie. I'Jng- lish twovyear Vchlld she . lately .adopted . of : American .citizenship. To do. that;Miss Bennptt .mu.i.t, .see ihe- bahy is entered irito.thl.s coOn.' try. iinder.'ithe prppei; im.migralip.ii .(tuijtii:: . :^ '■ .:V;'';;,;; ■'^', ";'|^- '- When; that, has been done, lh'<'. fliil'd. will" rcmalri with tho:M.orlori loiVwn/iy-fi in New York until Barbara ,; !i;niT0ti-,'i:)6wncy'8, sLstcr, ,G6nslanc(^, romrri.s. from. the other side.. , - ;" TIie, .baby,-ls the child ..of i couplfi of;'Constance's Knglish friends/; re fontly . kiried ■ In -an accident oyer there.- ': '::: .■- i ■ ., '■ ASPROtEGTlON For practically every female star in Its roister, 'Paramount has- a double or one in the groomingi ready te be klipped In when occasion de- mands.':;;- ■;;..- ■.-:.'! -;.;■'-;..;,: i>- ;-'.". ■-:; ■; ■ Nanty;Carroll's burst of tempera- ment has resulted only In Herself .getting wet, - the compariy ;re.rusing. to repeat old- promises to be kind and, itself; resorting to > the tear abt;.-■-■'..■•-■■'.' ':.:/.:,. .-■ Para'iinou'ntites talking about ne.w studio blbod Instead of sujiplioation mention Sylyia Sidney, Carol Lbm- bard, . Mirlami :HopkIns.. and: Peggy .Shannbh.-- :''' ' ■':'■ .one of these 'is , Nancy's like Isn't being mentioned , as yet. There is conflidcnce .bh the part of the compaihy that Miss CarrollvvirlH finish her - contract,' which , Is rb-. ported to expire in Sep.tember.; , ; ■Troubie airose Iri Astoria recently when Miss Carroll wanted- pa,rts of the "Personal Aid" story changed-: AVhen. she -didn't get . them; ,shc walked. Where, no one t)f the hbme ofnce doesn't s'ecrn to know, . , , - \ ' ■Holiywood,'. July.. 6."' '■ Musicals are; quietly sheaklnf back toy<:arid3. the studio stagesi 2t of .therii being- In preparation. ■ .Last year's Tin Pan headache ig hot; entirely forgotten, and all re» ^^lionsible how are .extrerhely cau» tlous.. Much less dancing will aip- pear in, the revival crop, and logir cal ; excuses for ' the .insertion of songS- are-demanded.-. - ' ■' ■;.. - Metro: has- the.. Lawrence. Tibbejtt- opera, "The .dubah,'' and Bert Ijalir in "Flying High" on the way. •. ; ; /;■•■.-•'■■ ■ Radio's Tlist ruidio schedules "Girl Qrazy'i" ''Marcheta," -"Other People's Busi- ness,'' ''Bird bf-Paradise.'''and ''The Dovq"' ballliig for. numbers; also .strong musical, background aa well for ''Co'nsplation Marriage,'^ VAre Theso Our!.:^ciilldren'', and ."Secret 'Service;":; ' ' -;;-': Parariiouht plans'' ;thrte: '"Love ■Me Tonight;' for Chevalier; "Itose of thei. Ranchp,''-'and a song-story that Ralph' Bainger is working oni :"Palniy iDays"^; Is nearly, flnished at. ..United Artists. Gloria Swanson- .will do '^Tonight or. .Never," grand opera story, and Dove's; "Age for LoveV ha.s- a number. - • Unive.rsal has musical sequences. In "Strictly; Dishonorable," V.and- ^''Waterloo ^^Bridge." -' ■ .;';■-; iiddie Dowling'a , "Honeymoon Lane" for Sonoart is from liis musi-- :■- ^/C- . Another Gershwin . . -,;; ; Fox has another Gershwin bomliig up' wl'tlW-^'Pcliiuioui.'' ' : .V .; ' . 'Wiarner's "Sidbshbw'*' ready, and clther '.'Children. of' Dreams" or "Men of :tiib Sky" -(previous flnger scbrchbr3)-. to be released now.; - ■ ,'Plenty of p.ther pictures are y/orhf- irig -tunes in ..background or inoii; ' dental. - ' ' -'■; ■ BUDDY ROGERS M.C. AND LEADER AT $3,500 WK. Charles "Buddy!" Itogers Is tenta- tively set by NBC tp halt his plCr t'lire,- career-; and .become :a band leader and m. c; at $3,500 per thl.s fail.. .With , thb contract still .un- signed: but: reported In the bag, ]5trddy Is being pointed by." the radio network to follow Tal TOnry .at the NP.w Yorker 'Hotel,; New. York, oct. -i,-;;;.;: '[r ■, ■ Ilogcr.s' : Paramount, .contracts ex^ piros around that date, . The $3,500 quoted for I\ogers for the . hotel -and radio ' -work is fe-, pp'rted as just the. starting price, with the lilm juve .to share- In any- thing over that if iandiii'g bn the'air and - with, d'.band, and if sold;, for ;mpre^■'■..'■ ■. ■^'■: - ■ .■ Another Par film juvc. sought, by NJ-IC. for similar playing on a .re- ported • $.2,000, Htarting --wa.s Jack. Ofjikie.- Th'i.s is a'liparenU'y cold for the tline . boihg through' Oakie 'fii'tJiying-'with'i'ar; . ' ' , . ' ■ A. ,;rppprt ... i.s,. that. 'NI5C;^- ]io(<f;i;.<f to foTlbw liu.dy ;Valleo in the :hoarts .of radio flii-p tr-'ide. -'rhe net- wf>rk .will . change , Vallco'.s!ri,er ;(.'nvirontn<:'rit .whf>'ri Val.lco'.s. l''lels'ch- rn'inii -yoast comfn^irfial cohtr.'ict.ex- ;il 1 roH.' A fXi: r.that,N i{.C ■ wi 11 -a.ttemPt .to r.o-.sf'll VaUi.-e to^ a new lype. of (iu(li.';ii(;'.;' fiir .hi-rn, ,th''; .so-'called '.'$0,- • UOO autornobilc class."; ; . . aORIA SWANSON BACK* AND UNEXPECTEDLY ■'.:--.;-;;-. Paris, July-S.'-.- Gloi'Ia Swansoh is said to be on the "He de Fraince'.' or another of the big bbats due In'New York be- tween nb-w and Wednesday.. ,. .-Miss Swahson's ..departure was hurrihdiy made and unexpected, It. Is. said. - No- cause Is' .assigned ..for the actress cutting short her EurOr pcixn vacation.- ; . , One ;r6port Bay."} she la returning homa for medical .treatment tliough . in pcrfeclly good health wliile oyer here.■;■ - ... ■ . '.'.■■■ Filittis' Best-Paid Boy Cartoonist at $90 Wk; - Los; Ang(--lr\<)|-;July .6.,.-. One hoy..,r.,(i.rt-o'')tiiKt drivviiig.jrrorjfi than $.^0 it:yir'.'.'k is'Jiiu-'ol'l I.'if'l'Ii<''f). worli iiig . on Kyn.-/^y:: Kat ■ for ' C,'. Hi ■Min'ty,... j..i("blk:h : p^ts. $9fl a ,.vofk vvhiU; ' doing Iha cuVrf-Ht- sorif'S, ;uid. op'i.ionw run': to $150 .aiwirrck. . '■' As Li.f'bli'oh j.s'. onl.y 50i/.thft .con- .iraffs ijp for C(^urt appruyal... .: ...