Variety (Jul 1931)

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4.; VARmTY P ■ C T T^iiwilay* July JMi ' ■/;i.rj)i|iulWio-y;'.iuiv.l>i<1s- to-, 1,11;-tlU' jrii I liri.-' tliwiii>V- bVvi<'Ust\: :rroyiV '|ires-; ' Vi)nv.'i t ro'iinT .C(''htoi\s;^it-shn luis: ■ li j) ■ fj's ' .'t.>:<-'iiluiU,\:. lii;it -Uit^ l:ittic )•('(! ;■'<■• 1)001.' ;■ l.fnijse/ in-iiiliirc vX'r:K':ifi'a11>:;"'vVf-r ;';r : TlV->-tN'<'!i iriiiV- Vi^ iiiiMVIj-n li'il - O'miii i".''-.t4'v .\V.h l.i'' ljA illK^ ifJi^^jty;it ioijs iUUl ii:(uiV^,'<V)zi'ii;'.'--s iriJiUini:- .ror. (iiy'f'i'- l7>woi).><'ny ;:iii<-!A"<-li^^;: .'A'net it. atr: jviVl- v..O!(>;i- (iii*:,; ■)a>^t; ■•vvi^j;tl''^Jn; ■ ifisviranO -jif-MJii);.!, ■■tJ:iKini;y,. ■ V : ■ "i:^V(^|iO!: .i itlil! j-i|)i ;>:;:t I'inii • ;it. ivvpi :■ •ii;is''l.M'Or^-'f()i:'tluv -(Kj?;Vt;ix^ aitcV «^ , pet !; ffiiK.-Uu-Xv , ."i'liio ^.,js:yt'iQ)Ui1 .<:iriny(?ula nVns.r V piii'o' lo'. iV;is.W. v' The; , .lliivitjV',s'.ini\>.iJti(iri'')iit,S liooiV- vlpiVklris/;:.(!>>ii'iS^ toiV^fi 'i;(^!is|li>lc ■-iiUVn 11; U t; ^xv'oitil ^l^ ■ (;< I nis i s 11 viu ■ : ;i>L-<iv.i <li h .£,'.' t i 1 a L t; 1 i?' i n I> i np i-1; i sJ< - .'. " in : tlifjxvtrys' boronio . un.'i.niMVoiis t U i-in IK li I ii i,t ■ ■ t h o ;.c < I i I, It t I'y./,. H ,-.1 )io. Hiwivo ■ ■,tii)'ic,; -.wj'uItV n'ivYoi'.■ ji,e;ain ■ .t^oi'ifiyi' i lu>ij?4it;.-lo <lVtii''r'-r'''lf>n. V J f. all ■ Ovt'■;sf^ aiid- jiiiris a't-^ .tcjittoci. theatre.:c'!« livo iiicJiiiilnKs ■ .^u \y<J(;h it \'v,ouI(l njcah ctiaotly. $32,7,- .'••inl<o!' ■ .' ■■ .:. ■ ■ v \ :-.FiveVGents;:^acji--.•'■ ■ ■ .Tliis-.- niililt-y. j■ ro.'ilizbrt ■ fin. sui t ■ . •rtiiSi5io;i' of' oni5;v5«\ p,or'/lit^ail,: sih thi-rc;. '.iiriti -^vnoxyV '::5,5:T9(00p; ;:y<)uiii^;- ; .i)l\air(,s. ,ali.«o'i-1'l!n/K:..:i-^:.i(UTij> •'iiiav.te^i- vin.- ■/■.bif:'s.o:r.'of - .tlT^ /iheatiVli ■.wi.tiV .;thpii"'farjio ■poiitaw \v<itil(r:o;Vfti;1>v:;lt:' .;■ Tias '.'airoacly l>r.(,Mv ■ fijrttrqil.- ai^^s^ii; ... , ■ K(:vn<lavd ft li (1 i t ouiVI hi ^ , f^tate^^ woiild oost- a- .' ■■ronpoi^yath-cOm'ti'a.V ?.7.71>U0^ ■■ - to :;<-onsiVi;oiv; ttrc'' tj.ittlay o'f cwnjily-'^ / Jijs^;v^^it^v.^ri)^o^.^^^•K^l^aH -lilring-; projectionisifi/. bti^ " ■rrirtoyrttitijv Toy ■ s('t>><>ns^ . '.-.V • . ■ ' / ^■ - This KUW AsifJcd; 9Ut.;-.\v'itii ■; witti- tlic^^^^ . ■■oiencyv-v it ■.uipVas.j A ■ 'saiesy'uojnt, |ih hia.Dy,. 'cities Van^O -:to\vrt..s. ill ;il.)e. c.ouh|r>v boards' . 6E "ptlv'catroh .re'f^^^ . imiuls .. jo pay! Out b^ tlieir own.jiooUets ; ■. tli'iiiK ironv penalis. to -bipokis: .. TJip; "tax (if. 25■■cents.' pvV weelc pe^ /stmreiitv .C(0.isid<^riiiij ivnrnlieV .ot vlTi)^);!!^-licv .Avould .be -'iii.- tlics^.tiiy^iiti-e, ..• sfjvernl tijiii^s 'the pei-ivid .takch pp :'■ 'by. a-do|iaiv ,sht).\\s' is :lpe1icyetV^^.^^ • ' Within ' the, ranpe ■pf . all, V [ ISyerything ca'n ^bfe taiigVu 'a .. ^cveson, Ayltli, the. .prossiblo. ex'cepti.pri . .of • niathehVatlos, 'Alroady- thcrp is • irtii ■abiindaVico. of 'filin -subjects .oh ; ■;^''>'^.vf"ll^-»win't<V.- ' .O.eos^^ • • . KCpKrapliy, chojiiiistry, pUy,sics-,.'phys ,. .lolopy, .cebrtpniies; A'uu-rent ari clv.i'o' . . .cv.en(s}, , histDi-y li^et'ature, . drama, . ■ .roriiiiiice, .I.ang'iiagcs;'' ,'.-.'!'-' ■.^ 'iilYr&atPar to ■ .AV;iybn.Tic':jiT)dbis;)>and';st,c^ out. 'of "liic! . ItrrtolOyii iPara.'pioimt: Jast.. \\'(?cl{, TtiiiTy yValloo ;vvent,:6u.-vp^^^^^^ iid; the/loriges.t; pi?'rftp.hai ■^ipp.ea'ranec : ,oC .tlie;ar,ttsi,-ni,c.;^ >vjth' ciVe, iii;'gaiii/,ati,on; -. i.iv-' -0^ stase'- 'yifipW . lustpryr - ■.;■ . ._■■ / ;■; ;Stavtins-l'\vo ap(l'<i .hii.lf S-.tjars ag^o ;it ;'$3,.o66 : pet-'^;.\v('if'k, ;-,A'alle'o :.cI.o.<^v<i xvith VJtisos .NVhic.h brought hjs UiUV I'r.oin: ■]?(iraiii o u n t -i' ubl Ix iVp .1 q .f /5 00 every, seveplh day. •<. '■.'■ . " . Tljtrrc is ,a .pos.siliilil y ■ jj'ii'biix; may tiike .\)p-.'dii6ther:'6ption,' repor-t'oil rxi.'jtiiiR,. folio wing ' "N'alieif.'S; ;'^.'\\'(irU Syttir' the iogit ^''rtcan.ilal.s"- ■.phis . a ■ tiip.pV'^''' Vacatipn.^,. ■ ' O.C a.11 the partR p^(lie .Publix eir;- ctt-it •.wjiero ..lie ■iippeMued. ' Valle.o^ pfPyed. loPgt?st'-.! iV;c<l. i ii. tlip VliVst. fe.w .'xvoe'ks,. it^ stated; ..iiis popi'OarJ'ty; bjvgjth : to fflidc' . tlie Dpihit ■. where' :S6iiiie ; riiblis-it'es -'Jcel 'ailee' ^yasrr't ■■.(^iirnihg, his noar-livo raird. _'Tlvc •.int'e.rim/ Uh.c'y, ■belioye. niay give Vatrpe' a 'rip'w: ihip*'Uis fo'i; (leluxo-'re'vivat 'y;,■; ;:: '^.; - ■ - In; Chicago 76^^^^ . 5 ; ■ . . C'hicafjp/-Jii'iyu^C .:Parpchi;il:- suhools i operated... by . yafioM/S .Calhoiic. pvdefW.are nnk'li ' biettei- bets for the sale of nidtipii , pi,et«.i'e eciuiimKuit. than: ^ jnl.blic Kchpols. There.: are. hearly' 250 pari ocliial /sehpolfi. in t^hicagp. All 'have corniileto. .ic him/ equi v.siiigle./ projector'. ONviiod by : the . ptililio. Kvhopl .iiystcrri,' ■ ;•'. \yith ■'the. city of .CIvieago/an, '.e^c \ plaiiatip.Ti. is np fiirlda; 'and tii.Vt .ea<-li , 5)f the.-. 40q.;Hch.oojs. in tjip (.■oui'se -of .iAvp '.-ycWifs' iavciii.ii'.e.d -. .St e'rcopti <■■<) ri .. nia el 1 i.n(> .a nil . ..o(i ui j ir . >pen:t; <^/>^tii)g J900 -eiieli. ^-TMs' piir chase \\;as:-. w .- tho : 'Princliial x)d, indiyliiuivl >;chppls\liav -ing rici (:'ii()ic<>;- ■Tiiis- Htei-eoptireon . "bfiViipi''f^ of. ii, only three,, or : ici\ir: yeai's' -(fui. - lies, itlici 'although , Irilended fur '■ yis'uul; /ediica.tioh -. in . y()h.ii.ei:;tjt>iii. witii. liiktoi-^y,.. .!ii'ogi'a,phy^^ e(cr.. ''j'ea.f h'or^s \yi 11 -11 p t-1 iritJVCr' to. 'p'se - it/.fis ;";K(-tting-v ft up . ref[ii|i^tis^' tli;t;t > eyl-yy. elceti-ii' light >)ii.jb-i>v the aiidl'' ■'><<':!'\!v. r.iv('Vi)neli.jiplying thi' : ■";jrhiVe yh.ill Ik' neeted',' ■■': Aiifii,li('y; .i; rx>iisoh .;.\yl!y'^ . plcturtv ';' o< I'l 1 i 11 ni.<: 1 vt; (• en ii.i ia 11 Irs iSiVlc.s11-ii. ■ 1 i:u.l) . Sr!i<V!l«:;V'^'-'1'^^. i*^ tbe^ l^Pil .iMl :.h<y.(]i.ig itn .l:.l&ly.^fo^^ sajixi' in'-t'li.*;' \; .tii-«t ;ijta<;-(- :Mi(l- .ttii'ii'-^liii-;: (•vliaosliiijii; . -j(;ii i<f .H',^;ii.ig-'i<' <-tiiiei i:- ■■(■;iiihnM.i, ■ S| J l'i'OlV l VVi;.S (■•(illllvijjy; vo. si ■■(ti;'- . litiihllil l>.:i.l'ilf; c.C '-f.;l\-i.n>; \yj:jr 'nrvoVi ^ ■■ Vv ■■ 'Chloago, ifuly; oi :; ClVieagp, •■\y)!i'<:h-. in<?, last •yCii.r'; lias. osta1)iished a.s .H' fc'rtilfc lield fpi- foreign talkers, is :ih line.'fpr iniif*-. roncentWited'piow'rhg. by ioreiKn. ftini dlstvil'Mtors arid o.pei-«^tpi:s: T\vp Ci^riha.n;;; - .pie'ttirc .■' represental iVcs .were: in :;.tp\ynV'last \Av.<^ekV ■Svin'Kiijg oyei'^: di.4tributypn •pfobreihs' and 'the chance.^; of .gr'ab.l)ing tl^'eir <).Wn the- atve herCi 'I)avid- IJ,ianiorid was cin. liliti i-pw - for iviiuii;. whllp V\' AVy ri.)i.e Jories %va!j^ opV'nly in .tire, iParket'-for a, loop, house.: fp/ XTfav -■ ■ : Puhcl'vlaTid Tiuly, snialf se^^ter <)f( the main road, 11355. be<'n. rcjleasing ■ tJie' Oernian . prPd u ct h ore t bis .sea- son,. AVitlv :wiiich it has been jra.iriy successiful. (.Jernian- pictuVos . hsiv.K^ ihd:i(jate.d-"poVslities. 0f streii'g.t h 111 niaiiy >spo.t^';.I.(>(.r;> .thvo.ngh.alie midwesf; wriiyi "''Ziyvtrilersch in' %. Ta'kt\yiiitiIng .v.long' r\)yi~ gros.s'cr! I'f;\; ■:liiplieves that they, \ydii 1 d •'sta-nO hi^ttjer oddf? for grosses ip'oa:tre larg'pT. aiid better ;located.'.than the fprmei'-'n:rty\lUir:ch.;,and ^ihevpossibility/i«.-itlie 'MHj^ Tornicr.; vahdc" 'spot, / "but' .t lie ':h' /u><e 'ha.s'-liiiappiftV.'h.iii^^ I'lfch' asking : pl'ice. b^^^^^ tlve . Whnirtnn tfite: ami; th.e'ppu'ht! if Wo.iVld ' iake to;. r«'habnititt<! thc; iil^K-e/. : (:!art;i.f;k/ 'under. ..Sliiibcrt.; roiitri.i.l, .is;-.-a. Ix-ttiM- likel;ih(>pyt, syith .tlie price easiciv-.apcl. -With . th.e.: Kpotlin'g. on . I lie . big .s'tJ'eet iiiakirig.-."the rie/i;! ■ni(n'^^^ / .<.>A'<V:'V.on. M,u:higa^ ;^tu<Jc:brtkei'v::;Xhsiiil;: .pi-oi7crtJV -iK., :iii ■() li-t sid e:' c h it nee,:': 111 pii gli.. pio.,' ^ i ciur<<' .has .r^st^lbliphe'd ' ''0 the m'air>:.:..foiTigh' -.inhgiia^.e'" hoiisCs: ■ii.i jtpvvjv,' ■■.'7.'. ',/.''\- ■;;■■ ' .. ■■■■: ■• ■ tQRK aild KING ■ '',t.<i>rs.. pf .^Tifltype. Cpme'dy"'." ••you. eaii: fciol all oE.-thc rh'stnagovs: soiliQ::pC the!- t'i.ipp, and s6nic:;.'pf the nia n;(K'(\):-s :'a-lt th.e- tiine. but yon (VahH fo.til ..'ilJ;-0C' iho. niaiiagej's . all' .tit the tinii^:;'.': '.. ■; ;;'.:.',.\^-; I ;'.-v>^(i\y;:;iyi .Knigtttnd; ■■ ' '^i-::-':' .vjeImi'e. Jacobs; Apit-i'tca:'- • /• ■■ . 'REEVES: &;,LAM:P0RT^^ Ku.rppo;; in 'Grading Speaks: / -: / ■/' ■' j^^l^y>^<'Od^^ ■ ; /Thj^i'i-v^-.^ay:^ of •^'!<''p.liS(jf|at'i6n MaTOai|.t;"'' in.'' ,a .. .si^eak'.is,. :jii'*!t. Svasfe' -at .Ktuiip..■ .. l5,\eCs yci'ided . Icciie. D.iihne |)at.r(>ril7Jhg too'in\v .:i : joint ■y , ' .■:':,• '■■':' ::!^6attle,,' ^uly ■ ■■C.'\:v '.^:Siiv^e'. 6^j;r'■; stage'!-. ■J«:..a ■''d', ,i>ia:c,cd oti'ta^xlcabs .by tiit ;itapc haiicls uiiipn, wi.lh \1ie. further, wordr' i ng, ■■■'■'J;?iiu-ohizci theatres ;wi tli )<lago RhiiSys.''■ ■';■■ ■ '/'■ ■[. ■./:'■'■:■:■■■■■::[■: '. : .p-r|)he'iiiTi Btat'c CJblin-.i>any,): are laboiit the.j^nly 5.l.age.: shows- Left; tinlflk^s.-iram.Oipyi j& M9,rco^ l<). the Vif.tlv Ayc.i':ifi,o\y-thXt is-clOsCd,: :.,."'. .■' '.:■'■ ';.■'■] .■■ '■■ ;Ciitcli .:this .is that li.n.ion:' bufe, l.o:ii,g; iljaM.^:-'^'ti-,ing-, ■of :h6iii5e:,s;- ":as: they .are. non-\ii_iiprt,. A.n'l P<>'*y it is''pctiy tor the Jjtat'e; .h.aving;.rnegTecled to. fuKisc/ .public .;ta pat1*0hize union. ■t;liicati'es''8j^ , ' ' tuiiied Hbiise Over ta ^ After Fiii^J SliM :' .->>: : : ' . .Ryracpsc, ;Jiji)y;.C; ■ IHiarry :.:f. :Sha\y,^:; t chai*ge:':-oE tpew'S/ helped' busih.css on' '."VVednp.sday'.Svlien h<i'opened I'lie theatre' to lipat - !5;ufr.Q:rers:, alftor: 'tlie last:afiig!it .shp:\y>: \ •. ■' '' ': 7 .■• .'-^ ■ V.Thc , offeif was :Tna|de ,B,6llapd B.. Mafviii; and ^)^•as'huickly; .accepted. . The ::city:'d(itailed police and' fircnienyto th.o.g$- wiib remained in thb .cool : theatre:, iill "night.: ■::•;■,:'•'•■■:. , ■.:,' :,'■:. - ii'iinli il I, b'fi.v.jii.u-v.:' /■'.IMiWi'v^M i'l|.!ii'^^,.v.r' :■::>;* <-.!:uify;'j-'; ii:;i(V 11 i.if. 1 r/; ,\ ili Jl-: oa."-"ji'. .\\ lii•11: N;i-.\y ■ yi.v.k'-i'li'y -ri'v:.': i:-i:*>j'.'>'jiii^ii ■' pl.d .iirtt >;: ,iij dill' 1.1 (!i |-, .Vy('^i'\ .<-.v < r, ' •;^:. ;; :Ost:ro'; . ■■T>iiji{.;i |. ■,-i-.1 ri'.\, trljiij,- n/iiii.. 1 .,i'>.i / I t.(> will i'(;i'ii;.,ii.|: fljv ;'-i>.iiirj>i:.i:.. ,^:.■ Studi'o: ■.I'lxi' Iv /! ■ I'la; > tJ;li l(i;,t'■> <'V J?ack^ at:$:756,p(}0 V liiluiL'h ifor Prpjafraiti j (A'm\:i>\irui ■t:i:ty,.:., j!;/ >).'■, 'M':iVi!i;-1 i>;i'iiii l-((Vii-'.s ''Xb!' foi;lit •I ';ii!.lvV h ;''rin\y:.J,.i:iOjJ>Mfyi'. ni-t^^ n \iiiV(,( ^I>j i;a;n>it' Iff. . 'itK :lii}^ii.':t;.p;i.vith' [•■>ilii.l)it* .j-iilfl a- 10.-iiini;ii:ii<.: slii.ry. in. adiaiii ;tjioy AViJLgot vKjiuV" ^i,,;' y ef;iikiiV I'^niVciysal': pi;(»Ki;vni/::-' 't^l/bf :;v;iM::s;' ini;ii' w<iviv fITt.1 y/.. /' / r; • •- ' ■ ■■t'oii;!. i^JlVluiii-fi!,: AVy, '. \\i<:u'k :<li>il ".'I'v'i.d hai'l;'-iU\ Im/ piil.V itiiii; vv j..rji ii).: Ii \ e. iiioii i ly.>< .vJli. a." '»i;|><\i-.ial.' ir la /'•VVt^iuj'n P^•l^ilt/^:. ■ ->:>:: ; : \:- -r: WILLIAMS XANDS ;V . ' ■ ; ;v f/Hpllywp6i?l,-:July: 6,: ■/ . :Robfrt. :'Wil.liam$,: fpi-hjer . icgit; at riKO-r*athe for. oncj^^w^ dor itV tQjni :ppti6nal. cpntract. V . 'First 'under, lyis/ne.w.. ticket is. on loan to. Radio ifpt'. top :maic - s'pb.t in /\Gb,n'splaUon' '>?arrl.age:''' ; ; ■ ■ - y- tetteif #6ah|P ^^^^^^ : Oh l^^ ';■ ' .. ■-,":' :«yi-acu5e;; N;'.y;,. 'July ;C;,^.; ■' "Ac:t::i0.ii''o£ .>Iaybi'/ftoil^hd;^ : VI n,.-, J n ,11 o.t 1 f y i n g' the. fi v is -.hmj 0 i'.. c i'r-.^(, :;.-. hoi'e,-: ^^IlpwiPt;: 6t gahgstet\ Iflnis wpiild. :p6 1 pn.g<^f be 'permitted, iri^^ Syracuse' - was .fono.wird ...todrty. .by.;a.X^ilemaniV;.to^ fioyernor lioo.'icyelt; ;bV ' the :fc>tatc • itepubiican ';C -Wept, Inc., :tVVat/tlie att^ snijiersede, the: district /' ;Q( (ynopdaga.-. . Goyiity . ia'. w^tr upon fjjingstetfs and : iawlcssne^rt. in •tliis 'CitjN :•■' ■ ■■ '':■ ••' ■ : .• l^ifiv to th^' &oVernpr,' i>:|gricd; by •Hcpvy,' Caf^ipt' Ipy. ::th'e iClub,."charged ^ .Ui:at..,sonvo' pf •{jrari'gster resort.'?. here ■/at'e/ in biuldii^g.s; in w'lyich .cTt'jr'' of r iLcIals ■finapciaV.'hite.i-^gt"«'^^ .aiid thnt ;''thla\v1 ess oioiiicrit is-fI'ipxidiy to" .pvibli.c- o.irtcijil^; in. C<)htrpl-: of .■.the ■VUy^ ffpVW'phient.".-: '^f^ ■ .;■ •,:: . ..Mnryin.'S fClter Wo-'.tliC .ex.hi'bitors. w<T,s .ah, ;.atterh»ath. .'of" .t,' r.ocont' j;uri battle of nieket.eei^«. wl.yiciv:rc.«i.ijUc,d ^■the 'dealh of a:. '^INist. f5t•and^«•a"^ iicwsbby and' of .'iii epidemic, of lypld-■ ;upi5 and'safiii jobii. ;.-.;■ ' • ''■■ ■.. ■/■: ■ .■■,•• .::■..'■ ■.; - -.Safe'. .Breakers "■■., ■.. ':^''- ' ■.• r.lhyiiig.a' spcphd .-'vrtiit to. tliq :Re- gcii.t pieaii'C,: ye.ggs Cra^^^ pariy i'on.ay .and';><^e^ j<;W...iiarall<?!e<'l tliat.'of; Mertiorial Day \ylii:('iT;.iyotted'thc crai'jisime'it $700/;. .'L'.wo. Qlher; .'safes .were.:',looied last %nigiit.;./'";.:.; '/ '■ ■•.•■': •'/,■:;■ :■ Wis'SMALL CHANGI •;-liyillyvvbGd; .July .6.'/ iiispii-cd - by . c.iirre.nt 'chaTices . .to: ci-ayih/ the il'e: Jiixe, iiouseis :\yitli .plc- "tiir'es:,that..-have ,,any .visibl'e'-nieriti .rhdepciident •.'jiroduccrs-. a;rc -.buyihg .tiie' earlier/ effbrts /.of;/hbw..:,\yell- iinpw'h authpi's arid using piiiy .the; titie and hyiT.l.ine./ Mp's the/ cbni&s ■'■:cbmparaiyY,ely :.:-c^^^ -find proyidbs deijir.abiq-. flash. •. ■/,,',.''■'..■'}/ '■:■ \,:. Stpry .a'g;(>nts - report ;(i[uite 'a'.,dCT niahd.fbr .thi.s. sort .pf niatpr an,d little /loluetance: among .authors Iiayc 'tlioir pames on is'trdnge scripts .as long as-.the pifi mb.nby; cbmew iri. Headliiie .M^kes . ■.Hbliywbbd, July .6. /:M; ^n; ;«l,kayritt,';hpad pt Pictuies,:. Cprp., slai;ts : cast. ., Incxt .we.cit .with .the,iicgati.vp of '.'A,Prt- vUic Scatidaii" .secoiid Heaclline pro/' duction. . liiad.e.: ihere : by. / Charles 1 fuU^liifiph, : ;•■ //:> ■ . . .JPicluVic^ w.iis :: rbmpieted . in; 1,3 wbrkin'g :days' at ^'i'ecTATt. .:/:'. '■ .Mjhhcap()IiHi Jiily'f./. • /T^iibilx, hJif! discai^cletl itK. adVci-tiK-'^ .iiig. .reyrenchnicnt ippliCy.:- jn■■.vb(^A^e■• 'C.(lr:•^!ixV'^yeek.•^ ■as't .bf ■-.i.tS- ec.oxi*: ■( I 111 y. c li rfi'pa I g n.: ■ ■ :;t3 0 h t r sTgiit-d \y'\ t)v \'£wm.. City nt^ii^«^^)uylers oa 1 fi riW ; 'U'V, ;t ji e| yx i^e^ b f; ] 0p '. ii\cir.(} ' 'i,irspIa>V:n:'l vertisirig in-'ALiiViix?-' a'plfiis • ;tn<T':'!2iy h\6yQ ili;/Ht; i'a.tjl;. .s^tartiivg ;jnimc\dial<Oy/', .■:i')tii'^.:'jia six-;Vve:ei<s: now.siiapVi' -.aci.s■ 1 iii\-e b.oi-iv ;lif;.ld diiXvii .'ali.ivost 'yb • J.i;-r(>(lu(;it).h' iiilh 1 ni;iiiiT.,-'Tliey're: t'l! be' ;i:s'.l;ivg'vyvs ^oi'nierlyJag-ri^jh.-/: ■■ ; ■'"; .;:■. /■ ■ :-,A r (it 1 li ■ i .<<;. t a 1< cn ■ ■ i n 1 i I ni. .1 • ii:-< e.s^ (< i riWl'if ate'-l'liat .'I'tiblix- lii-lie'V'.e.s: ■vv:or.*l .i)f; (li lirrN'iyi()ij Js comlitTphj* lalW/rtdy/ ai'.e; o'n-.yiie : iriniid.; ;i'ixecii;- *.'V.'>';'■'■'*'''H»rl^.•^^li^pi^g■ in'b'd 'coiDiiwr up. <v.a'rr';iiits: lyeaVy \; bt-'a^vertis Jiig'lliiieage/.//. ■■. /■:/•■•■•'.•■■/.■■■ KKO. .followed' tiihllx li>id in .sja>ihinp advertising'biitiay^ exipccte<l :it:win also b(^^ again. ^.-.Z ; :/ /.;■ ■;•■■■ i'^': ./. /■ ': :'/-' ' .[■. The- t.ij^htoning ■.pf/yhc.'ad^^^^ pyi;rse :.^\(i\iyigs. is;.s.iU^^^ pi-pyod ecbit'o.niy' ^f.ot^ b l<lvO>,-;ri<i.tVJia'vihg; .;i;(;sii,iie.d' i.ri,:; Jiny -i;f'al':.s.a'ving: io)[^ 1^10 re.a>;on ei;;i].. jiittiHvmi'gp ^.thM-ipiio/t:: ;Vs.,n.dv.e^^^ tisi-iig:]jght«Mi't'(]/ :':■ :.;:/. ;.•:/ .v:-'-^/: '■ "it ):«. rXpciitod^':thiit/-th<i■ cibnii(ienee lii'hig: ihii.iiiC.i.'iSittyi ill th<^^^^ i. Ir.'s: :Nvi.ll-;si>rcatl : tp'. (yti:ve^ Yiivfl ' niaybe;.li(;,)i> , iviy.Mness':.gen<>ral:)y. liy; cri'iii jiig. a :ij(;ttpr./sotit.i.inent! ' jf i;-:: i;hi>.' l'iy\«t .' (•bhfM'ei(•'..«(V^^^ •..fpr\v}yrd, :viiw:<v ;:.the ■.. :]^i\ef:iOi i:ij;«i .; ri'pitral jotts aijn<ilipi'.<.'lil+-iit./ /; ; '; :/ v : . ': ;..;3T;e(*a,Hy(•. .'W'i-fi I{iriv. FoX ' >\;f \ srif^.: oiiough to liavo Saiiuu)!' t^ivforn'i^i.j^et''. as .his 'iawypr/'thcVj[yji;nio^^^ prjesideiit- \ylil/ cohtmue /!((^:-;yira^ ■■ $500,0.0~D . aiiiUiai ■ ::^;aTai-y ■,'fri^^ 'I^ilms: \---^. ;-■:•://■ V'-/■,''/:':'.' ;• .-peH'pitp T.e'ce.n't-^-hi.n.rietiy('r.s . aiift(.ij 10:yyi^ tii.:U;S0 jal^'^n1110 (loiii,' ' paliy: piiyrtiilv it haii3hi';ir>ii- di^teriniiicja; ;Ii;pm.-tho liVsilfip^that^it/wj'ii.-iint-1)©^ dope . tec.u.usc ■ it' ..can't.^. lie- 'iei'iiily/ done; :As' explained, il':,s a' .sinypy^. .: .Icgai:.:';oyiufttibii';.^ny:b ilio vprie. ' -principlp /p it' ■ iV-gal cbhsitl era;£i(>n . of tfinder^^ In- ;tiic ; Wiiyiahi F()x;i-li^oy iOilhi, cohtnvct';'thierb is !i- vyiitiltv: par-' ^ .ibad^ot c.b'n.sidei'atloii .iiiyoiv.ed. ; • '.:■ 'it's :Vcve:aiy>4 tlM'?*' '^'^ I'Sirt .'cVMYsidi^' ' ev.ation': fo.r ..tji.c, .:i5'.60,(5a0,^\'iniiu'aV^'>^^^^^ yiry,, ■WilliaiVi/jy'px-a^ ' cphi;^ tii e; ■ sho\y 'b'iz/a^ ' igjjiipst-Ii'px:-Kyiiiysi: ^Tlic^y>rily .pa:pt ■ ;of '. the; :iUni - fi^i^l.. in yrhlvh^ AVS.liiam/ Fox i$ . priTiiegid ;tb -prot-eietl :pn .lits^.: pwii tinder eprt.iih'iconditions iV6hiP..;tajj<cr 'di'visliip/^ '.■./ ' / ■ - ':. .'•■Asy, add'itipiial: iqohRide.ruti'ph '..W^^ ,• ■ liany, iVbi turhed pyeti'to.- J-^ox .Films hipviSro int'erpst ;in/yic Kpx-i;lpar'st' Corp;.' Th is SVa$ y ill) ed!. jit . th in . ti tiie it a.rd;upd..$yi20pi00ft^^ ; :V .'" . . ■ , ■: ; /'■■ V Otheiv/cbnsiide.ranpn, in v.pi vifil: .Wa j : granting iTPx'./ii'ilB.i.s a:'lliL;(>i^ oilt paynWnt of rbyalty.. to iriiinlifac-'• y,ui;fe.: hphiie. tdiker^ the >, .Tri-Ei'^fpri:palehta 'cbnti-biled in the .(J-v^Vby \Villiam'arbx.-.' ("\ .' ;-ffot. rthc . l.piist ■ft^^^^^ cv/ei-^yt'hing;... C6hside.t\l?diTftGCordin.g ;tb..eoi-taih v'o-..'- ipibiding./.lt'.gai rn'indK,, :is' tlie:.ii'ngi'e' ■ of •.'st'ii-yifjos. no. he. i-endoro.(l 'hy. yvii-i. JTany .KVix ■ a.^ ' c1iaiiyiiaiV;Ot .. tl.i.e : l'V>x. , T''ilms' AdvisoryVo.v-. l-Nlnis, aC4,\pr.ding to .report, .int:oii<'l,s Ui oOn-. ': t'ini) .r-rtain'.hi.s^ !s'ei:y:iii:es ■fh' soii^e. sii'cli-ivvay.- V ;''v'. ■' ■''• .':■' : ■::.■/.::' ,. ;.. Tlin t:.' yy i j 1 ia irt• ■I'^O^. '•A\yifi'■ :<i:i:i> |i ped.' .'frpiii:.. (lie' ; (V)ini)any. : 'dn-ef.-ii'rate. ia .r, tKkeh: as otil.side. the.,obiUraVy ^has^nioy^o ih'riyi/thrcb ko; V,;/' irleantitti^,/; 'Willinim '.: !Kbx;Ms*^.; pcjtted:: ;deyb.t^1lg^ .spitifi Jtirho;- siii)ei\-;".' vising the-,developmeut/p J'alkeiv' patent.Sr I,'rbs-' icy play ~<V:vpi'<inti)Ven.C'ph! and.i.f .t'lib.ti'me/c^ , .. / ■ •'// .'.■"..■■<• Oth^r ExiBCs Still Off; ■ . ;.Fpx ;iriIny.i-;iiiot, : pny. ,clvcclc <Vtyc,:'Ayill^^ Vpx on .Itily ;V;': It ".>vas; for ah-: fijn.oiint.;■ or(>i»>-$;H> ■ ■ OPp. aiid; 'fi& JFar ..;i.'5 knb^yil., \v;is aci»' V ■ceptb(Va.s.:pr.offei-ed.: . .- ' ■ . •;' ' '■ , Qti>c); ■:exccjS., of - the :-yy illiai.ti. : Fbi - r.egi'mc ih' Foi^c , liavb- been/biity off'' 'from,, the pa'yi-pll;:, ' fj.iiil ."j: in ay, f ol(o.w'': oii".the.s'e/:biit' report i.f^ t.lVe y^piyipapy - Avili/.clefe.nd .oh llie . isfiue.s; .Aiiiohig'.. the :latter is -pne,^at?t,jbn by "Joe :;iu;b, .formei: opei^atpy:. of\.the : Fox. Metro^" \ pblt.ian;:LMrcuit.' Fox ■IMicatre.'s has, .not ;,yet; Yljed %ti answer. / The-; Lsa . spit', aiccordin.g tp:,aiith.bri'i£i.iiyc.say-, .so, ■ vv il l': be • f o.ui?h.t: by-y h p. coiiipa nyi: / The 'action, was flle.d In :tbC; N. Y. '-. C.'ity ;C;oiirt... -I.eol/i^k.s.firir/$2.25(). or three vveeks- back pay that h.n.s- bedn ai)par<>htly ,;:\vibvlield by '-l'^)x. .:n:'lic^ V atrc.s under: tlic/:fjieb .rontrac.t;- Tliis.. cpritract has■.around , 1S ;mQpth,s y.o; go-at $:7!)P per. V;eel>v.: ./• ;:•.::; '/.: /.:'. ■, .Lop's in'tentlops.' in V>vihgjiig: the : actibhy. ■fib.;'f<yr -,«ys- known,:- is :to' de-, tcririi.hc.. hia . syal6s::.,'with ■l-'^r-ii;.; Tive- .. atres/v/;-■•/:■.: ■':,': •.:,,./-:^ ':^:; //; Mfliij-iii Moves West ^ . :Ned .J^Marfn-,, assoeiiit'C p.rodi'icer, ■' ahd :'Jessc" irfisk'y; Jr;,-.his; asi^i.'jtaht,,: loft'JPai^ampuhrs A^itpi'ia:sti.i(yip; for' ■JlP.ilyXv.po'd . liiist"A\-'eek, tb' joiii;: f he/ 'westferh/sta(T..'/ v:'.■■/' .//^^^^ . .: No:• Lbfi^j, Tsi'ahd , d.e.parl,.; ace- knb^^)y".,-to be -.set. ' .<'Josiiig Of-te " :fbr;yhc-;pi^tnt;reina:iivs :Oct.-y.': %i^fithVN. V. Ti^Ikep J ;C.iiar.lpttc ■^Viri't'CJ•*,■/^e^^if./:.<ai'g,igod^'rt iiifirth yor/■Tli('.>?trufj;jJr'->: Orlilltiy.-wtll^-prbdutSe ;tli« ■ ■fiIni at"iho- AiiflyoTOth'epya stucllo/ 'in rtlTc:'.l:irphxA' .^^p■w/y.o^■|^;.■ ■.,:':' ■ ' v.-'"'".:■':.■ ': yciig.nged il.vilp'ii'gh'^^WlVxw'olif: Ai;:ii.!'>i'':; (if: (lib -T>p-3iib)y-isoh.risy)irx./: ''.v^ I'V.JttAYERySETTLES,' MApIC>. ''. >.; /'■: :.:^/.■'. ^Hfii>yw()<iti/:.jt!iy:-yi: ': ■ ^ytl,laiMT .:ivrai-k :'y«<. :Mi:i^iii v^<'iih ■ >.ti\ir6. '/'•> -/ l :- / / •■. :' :. ■/.', :./^^ '■ ■/' : \\'i'i((.l'/ had , it' /y< aU^A' ■: yi,i}iiv:i'' l- wl)i\'li/ iv A) !i'> ri-. pi yy(Vi.ahy ■ M't.'-: tfNt/.-f()lli).\virrg. :<liff,< iy'.ri<''':s •'(■v<\i' . de^: ■ii<i)i'ii'ii:';n':/ ■' /' .■• • .. .■ /: ■ ,■ ■