Variety (Jul 1931)

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Tuesday,. July 7» PICT VARIKTY /;:: As ihe:^d? -declslbri :that; ^pirdductioa' .pC .70 fe.atures; ,in. ;;tt^^^^^ ^jQliywopd .7 studio.. Vdiild; , cramp -ijuarlers and niake for ineftlc.icivcy; jlTiarajiiovm^^^ is underst6bd, ^vilT. )^ot ohiy Iceep'opch the AstpH-V^^ t TB)ut' .will' iretaiil .it^^^^ scalovoC ^^'■jproductiori actiyl.ty therc.. . ■ ■.' . ~ V Tli.c esodua,of .Walter; W ■. ■■;^Ivin.qr " to inany; pc^pprts- 'ln;: the - jfeast ii's to his suc.rcssor. Ac-c<irdW'? . itio.., tho.- more; ;re.liibie ..•■'s • pbfit. w.Ill not b&. 'filled, 'feroater '.auttiority Ijeine^ I'epp.sed in^ jp/ Pi, Scliulbotg on this Wpst .Coast ftnd .rhpre 'attention., bel^ •Ijbf Josso''Lasky In^ i)!<;k •■Ro>yland at . the .'saitip .'time. ; ■ {was; ,unclerstbod to' at fi, tjeen, (liio -selcPtloh , .tbrt.he^ Wii.ngpr. Job ■ • 'ion ■ L'°nsr; .?sl.and. ■ ' 'i^eetings''wh Icl) ■ if6liowe;d,', accordingr to insiders, piit; ' .Rowland more in the Ueht bj:-a' pro- jducfer con tic t man than? ait,: actual )Ruih6rity :• ,oh• . production;''sUch as . ■ Vould. be • reqiilredV for the Piara- Imount's eastern studio; ^i,■■•^y■'■■•.■V'■■■'.' Title,■'Cpid;: ■ , '-■[■ With the. elimination ;6f .Wan&er i. Xho title, .''/general n^naffer oE pro-. !^UGtibn\'., toT: Paranipunt' becomes • :iD;bsioJete. This, it is, understood; ■ is ;j'i)ractically..sct;;V-' --- :'. '' ■■;;;;'.■'■ [ In '^-.X)XQ-/^^tqT^k featiif©;, ,line,-up ./paramount is reported cbiisidoritiij ' iaddirisr yto^iits list' th6; next rXalulah , .',Panlihcad,.picture. , ■ iViBht ; now ''Pferjsonal "ivfal^^ Is: ready .irpr the .eastern puttius room ' ,Wilh'-.''.My. s;in"-..r to'.repla.ce'^it ■ in. prbdiiotioh; JFoIlOAVirig.. th.cit; is orio' ;. titled "Wild iUcauty." v-;'-V;. Better aiid Bad . ..■ Better, iiusihcss. P.ureauv'di's-'. .cussed bet.ior;-.l)UHineSs. roconi- .Ty from .the staptVpoint of un.-. .f'mpioyment and Us.:effects on ■: indu.stryv:'.'..';,';'.:,:^ ,: ;/'■ { ■ —y. Then thc-:bur,eiiu; iald: o(^ „meu ot lis staff' for years and; ■asprlbed.lit to- bad t business.: Of i 600 .applicants, y ;S$4J , Turned;.; :,£)a>vn' z oti '■: First' I h t e r V i e w-^Disciplined Mental ity , whK,No: Apti- :{dr Shb.w 'Business ;': V'\.'/:V .'PittabijrBH^ , , Penivsylvrania censors jiHll - acting up plferity,; with press:, ind public aliico at :the motncht .hblibrl^ •„v'ftfp :for7MurCrer," sit Stanley , last week; chop pcd' bI'u tilly,: w A G..isolp,V..^vhicli-ha!J^be^^^ at ' the>.' Penn Ifor^- ^fcverai. :-\y fiitally- relcascd.vbut'juiTips: all over liievscrccn...;; . •',:':'-■';; ". ^-. ' Latest to; s6t ^tli'e axe ^Is Warnfers' :"NIght lN,uriJ0," lo:-iia,v,o';; Gomo into the WiVner; horts 'ni?xt ^lo,naay;, but which ha^ been: held: iip, indcf.,, Kiii^l k r,u g; d raina e'd j t o r of, Ih e ■" Pre," had- a- wiiole • pifje .spread' last. Sufi-., •day ■detiouncing:,;tUe eeiVsi'n's^ .stale-for tlycir".,r<.\6Uless ^bu'.tciVci'i^h of films. ■ • , ■'■ .■.:..:" ■•'.■:.;■ ':■ •;/, .jToiiywobd;;;Juiy C.^: ■ '^Yo:u';can*t/miVico;: stars -oh ••a-bud- get,'vkiy jirpduxiers, .dbpiit i;eixdy to break down;and Wec.p at thb .Ijircit- .fniEid .extinction of Vnames.'.V ■'. Oniy'studips ; that' ,spread, mpniey iiko.LplcbmaVearin© and rrtlal^e. oi^ -jtfib slielyte>t- pretext a.i'O . currchLly BpbrtingO;stnl)ies: p^;.dl;aw ^tiidib.- men :opine; ; Metro leads Jiere; with Pirambuiit , atid -li'bx-ruiiiiing up; ■ Warners and Universal ifiave been. watchihff 'ex pphses, so - have, practically .no native ..namosV.: ■, W;irners , e,o.mi)en!>a.tds ; by St;Civ-Krabi)ing,: howeve'r. • - ;. ';' ■.': • .Sa'me situation'sbes: for th6 .^horts field,' -with Metrb's -litti© - ,brother, Itoacli,'' virtually - ilbne . yvith pult- : names aha, TGady to talfe the red On the .clnn rafl'iof tl.ian i-eit^ase CQptage; .dolrinvental to its b.v(ild.-ups. , '. .: ::rf: Uny: he'w .stars a;re-.« beCbre • eastPrii. mo'ncy again bbcpines Ren . eroiis .they'll: be an ..accident, : plitme<i.-..:..\,,.-:''\? - :.'■■:■■'■ ' ■ AO^Gotf Show :''■'■ ' '. Chicago. July. 6.,; ;: • Clatheririg the! ,fivc, releaaoil DO,b'by • Jones ■shbrX.s..'into, a :iyeap,,:,:'W'arnei".'i lpc;^lly ,::are. going to 'givo gblfers a full, dofie of putter .and niblfck edu ... talioi 1 in a fu 11 'Golfers' ,Hrt',url ; Ar- ranged,,by, AVSoblor, j)Ul)iic'ily head" • •',Vh|.' is;; ulilizins^:. the; two big WJJ • .hag,s(.^% • Avalor.;'. and CApitoli'.on'^ the :;, -.riiKhl'ii.oiC; 4 uly .IT ' foV .the- golC feed. ■ : '. lOvfrry :f-ountry^^ golf *as- ^V'^i libn; .loo/Uly - :haM.:I)ecn;:;';nblific.d ^ Of I he event, • with. the not !/•'>.-; \ .PtiSiV'.l nn 'Vhe ;('lUbs^>iMiMirl."ii ;'i';)'ir')HV ; I'rom eariy • inili<va; i!)»is, tlVc ., I'Kvi ' Ibiilc.s liljc fv Wiiin'M*. ;; . : .V^. : .: . ■ V \ , LOY^&OES RAHIO \ f ..': V -■:'■:.■. ■■ •: ■ H.;i;,v-.v....,i.' .j-iiv ■o. . : -^I ■•^I'lti I,->iy;, i^'i'^^it, I'';.)x'''li -););v:'''. . i>i,-n^ i:jrk:'Mi:ufy by ^K'^i^ • .;V ■ ■,.'T;!ifv|i":ii:i.^.\:;i;.U.;,;.ii ^■■|;■;;).;^,,.!il.:r;l^■l, ' st irLiny in t';itl, • \ .; ';' ' SIX REASONS '.; v'/ . .Philad'-iphia,' July 6. T,wb .local- nesyspapernVe Ipst out when C; byc.r.npr .'l>inehot - aiinoiiliccd tilo appolntment- of Saniuel 1), Sclvwart?:' of. Ihrs' :.cify;:yand' Mrs. .1 l''rencli Kerr. of. Connellsville,. Pa., lb lUo. atalo. iipii-d of ;ecfispr^ reiilace .3 lain'y■'t. Kn'app. for siivcVal yojii's 'ci!iaifman' ;pE. the .boai'd, ■and ni.'irfy:'Starr-.lliciVai-tti^ ,;' / ; SchAvai-.lz.;:is .a lu'oal .real . <«:Calc man;; 3^, r»nd ;.<i;: ijivitUcr; jof - J tiubb Schwartz, \vliP J.s a :Pe.r-spnal; fr^ of the' Gi)vornpr.. ■ Kiuipp hVis i;oon drainalic. odilor of'.the '"Jnijii ii-.'et.'' .hero;for. years. Al - . l;liough. ■ hcyor cb:<'erIng i. ijlibjA;s; oi;.; clvCn attendingVtlurih.ea the dean; of ■loi:al,;dr:tnw n)t^n; . ^Rjcli- ard-son ■■. i.s pwner and edlLor o,C the IMiiladolphia: ''Suir.'' . Ji's been more or lrt:s a fbvo.gone conCliKSlon, ever :.Kinc,e 1 *incboV tpoK" bllVco: that .Knajip ■ an'd; ■ilioliardsbn would be.TC'.nio.ved. During the past tht e.o mAhths', censcorsUip.; i.n ; this, statb;;ha.s; been; u'nu-sjjaily severe cind- fiipt men ; ai'o . w;atcfiing , the;,: new board's activities with:.much: inter- est. '. ■. ;.,■•■:■..■:■■:;;..■'': ^ ^ .- Third me.mber. is' .\lrs;. .Blanche; Ladd ' pav«n]()o'rt of . •^Vilkes-.Parre;' jippbinted ibnVc, tinTt,\;agb.. '..Schwartz; will; bp. cKairniati,:' a tid , sirs; Da-ven -: port vicbi , . .;,.' ;;■' ':-:■>• ■;; , : ■ :'■;'; Rest Room Econcnny ;; .■ :■:■■;'•. ' Syracuse. N. .Y.; July 6.':. ; : Wilh':rigid ecPnom7..'ocders,.;p .aipngi.;Lbew's ;State h-ere .ha.<i.'cjip,.sr,d ;the' ,rbbm ., on.' UiOv mczizahino floor, ■■:;:■. ' ■; ■ '-f:'' • : ■ ' ,:-'•' • Fcnih'\e;'pptrbns on; the logo and balcony, must;' step;; down to-, the basehiprit 'iounCve:.;:;;:>: :,'r;; I Kornman;Grows Up ; ; ; ,;,•'•'• ■ Hollywi;vd. .Tflly C. ;'■, Mary TcAi-hfivin^i lfal Ki'ii-M'l.s" e'irl. ik Lrr;idVi:itiiig into' a job • iit.' IViaio; .^in^ :VAro .Tliesef o.iir ;i'Muli1rr.hV" -.>'ThA .trli l,'" wlW St.-U lr'l ri't. iln.icb l,h ."OMr ; f inite" pi' tMr/.^s is bfing- bora-o-.v'l-d for the .brio, pi;;- :.'>!i:"... .' . .'■ ' ['i'- . '^ .,An,btti/r. Jofi n - Iris .;k^^^ \{ 'f.ri y. • <■■ I i:i L' pI-1 y • • r,,':;; jr^;: 11.• .t. i I lr( yfO-,d 'H;'.i,';;h'''S 'Tor':f>-fiime;|5i-rvl ;i:''; :'■ >':." ■ .^li^:. -ipp^ij.>'.■!. o;');;;; i|<-. i'uu'i.MiinL ', ';'":;■■; ;■ 'v ;■. ;;'' College fabys aro not getting, a chance to flp'p ,in,tho administration end ,of the picture bu.sinees. Reason, is that they -pan't.. oven cjuaiify as apprentices.^. ' ' '■ ' ; Of 600. boys v/iXh diplomas tnier- viewed by one major film cornpany: all, except 16 were turned.down' after the first preriminary.'l ,Of the 16 only nine still hold their-jobs. The high'- est paid is .getting around: $12Q; a >»ee.k.,-.. - : •.;'; :■"':•':. • ";: •. '" ? Following are the leading reasons for the rejections: Flat'personality,- ■: ■' v .. Lack of -aggression. . Just want a job. ,- V;'-.'.;. Lackl of' interest' 'm- everything"in general. ■ .y.-] ;; v^.., " ';. ■ .'No perspecti've.". ^' ■■ <' ; rnability to think o,iJt6id;^, 'o,f a. text ■bpok. -:■ -;:■■ ■'.. '■ :' ■.;■ ' , .; This picture firtri finds that the avei*agc,.cbilp(^ has "pomV pi c'led ■ ■; h is CO li rso lias; -' litl io . .more: tlian-.a. discipliijed •.brain.'; '-iAnd-- for' 'shpw^ :-f>us.iriess-4tiiat's not. enbligli. The; ;a-spir;h.nt3 -were .'aeleeied ::by.;tiie dirccto' ;;th<!i,r' own .colleges and ii li i'\- br s i tie si,; as -fitted;' for ; t h.e -: par -; liv.ulaf , field,-. tP .which they, applied; . I t h'as taken - three, yetti^s; for tiiis liic'l.ure. co.n'Cerh;to p.i$s judg.m-ent on these G6p lads.,,:,. Many,of thbm: wrote ioltcrs , iik.e, a "grammar- sc'iibpV.'bpy ■and . otiiers, ,-com;pl.etery,-lacked any tliinliing - .pro,wbs3 ■ ,£rQm .; a .com' innrcihl; slflndpoint'.- : ■ ' . . ' ' .. , ,-'> ■ ; 30 From: Hajvard-^; N. y;^ LI. ; Sori-ie: 30- 'rnen , have, cbme,': d,bwn ■n;()pri .■fT.nryard;to. .this, dpmpa.ny ,-yvil.lji iiirh exce;;ahd.. iilgh,, f!ala'ry.v.;aspira l ionS. , ' Qniy one: qualified. ,;rHe; ,was :fi-om the biisiniess schooi .but'qiiit : before,. th'e year .-was .'out with;.the: hp.irly- . oicay-'- of ^ the, pf.cture- ^coi^ ■'panyV'/--; '•';':^;''; 'y ': ;;'-.,;;■' • NoW Ypbli.. 'University has': ,for wai'dcd'; A 0 ",d egrbe,, holders of W lii ch; fiypVciualinbd. Only.;thi:q.c :of,. the;se ,still • hold; tlicir ;,pp.s'ls; and; one lj>, a Cliinese boy now aji the riphg I&ng; br'anob:; :- .Cbiuh-fljia suppiicd .50 -sTieepskin ivoldcrij: ci',! of . whom ;-w,ere rejccte:d exv;cpt one, :anti;he. remains aetiviS; Yaje has '-donated;. about; ,15 .;cap ajid-gp\Viiers: bflwiilch.number aboiit' three'have made gbbd. .; ■ ; ,Pennsyiyanla' sub initted 20 :Of;'whPm .tw,P f|Uft'i(i(-d and who s.itap.e;as aih.otijg. the best; of. th.c nine appointees-: '. .■; ;.. V .. ; ;This p.artiei'j iar . film - rtrgan-izatibh ni;il<es, it a■ ;p:ractice o'C: gi;V,ing t'hc •ijOys': Who wbric their; way tiiroii.Rh oollf-go the; break; .This is, o.nis' rtfk .sort, vyh;^ ■ the '^5, Princeton: men -vvhb f.ailed^'tp .;qu'a'lify.\ ire ,cx , ;, .'VS''' .colir;;?;© -; boy's;, are ,-Phi :lieta Ivappa^/n'rcsident of their;class, or; won the big,.:i;arn?i -w! tli ya long- fun.- tliey - get;; ?30-.a.- wpck the: fit-st year -wi't-h:', thIs'.-butii;t,- :■,i)ui-ing that Umo. the; ti-casury;; pays • Klm'-.fiP as- not to: liurdCn' tli a' dopa;rtrncpt:head .Vinder ■ whom; ho la a istud'.'nt. ;■: Al tiic eiid 'p£:the, year ,If Ihe/head' ,i)«>ii(;vc's hlrri -effcient cbntintics and hiS :Ray is 'cha;rged !up ,:to. hl'«.s>peP di'part merit., ; --,'. ;'/:.;:;.'.,; -The ■ pp'mpa;ny ;i3; nbt: enf.puraging iiny vo'f the ai>plicu'ntff ;t,P pnt;cr:.saics, liri-Kliiction ;o;r.'.:di.sti'l,b,U,tioii; -Tl'h/;,rf ;i,rci:; .sUil pien.ty ;pt se'-i'soned'- .catiii- li;rit(n/:rs.''tb-. rilt thc ^J^•hf•■s . 0,,\V'iiii'<'!" ;iv:{lie-.(*:i)'er-it ing: dr-partn-^f-nfii ;wl!"i:('' ;.iiio,.-nri:n;' lik'^s- to ;j;l;i5r-f>- tile;;f"'>,fl'';cf'- !; >y.s: i.'i -.|n--,.i:f-i;''<ii.n't)Hg,: )).ool<^ - VI i i '1 live • ro 11U ri «■ Vi;" i la i: l r i i.i \i i • f jf',1 l i Ko'rnv .oijii-yj,., ■ ;-ii.i'.; :.>tf<t :t'o i.*.! -(jiJi'.c s ^Karely-^Eveir;' .:' ;:,::-.,Tri)Il:y\voiULi|iiiy>Ci...,v ■:; ; Q11 o t-;i t i i\n ; see n.: p n tli e ; p u b'- , ,-lic'liy".,(i»riiiii;l!ne,iit;'\y:il jiit; .su:id-iQ;wiip'KiC:atoclc-:is:-jioso,:'", ,;vd:i;\-i'ng,.:-;.;,.■,';;,..-■'■:; :■;;■;;■; :;".'l".jiore-, is .i-a-i'Oly e\'er-at. re.i'--: ; K;on ,g6pd;'otuvu,crli fjir. tuiybo.dy/- ^;to tatlvY ISiiop-rb^'S/iho s : , ,i)f. .■:Ai.^',^■•C•t'^=.'^ - ■ , ;' ' ~ ■•. ". -:. - . • ■ - :.:Prim■! oin looks to,' siv;e. m iiiions;in^ thf-atri^Vrehtals ovei::;lJie\iit^ or tlvi'.e'^:.ycai\%-:Witli; tlie-^ s tarti'ng- >ia, , ,cpncerted - -inPye ]■ ;tb' .:ciit i\vay:-f rpm .tiie';high: rental fi?cs :be-: inij- palii :fOr-.;r);i:op^rtics; .Tt';c,urrent rate/ ,v^Tiv6 ,:;cii:pUit:^, are, . swingeing" aVpng)/i;i)lan for. this ,g,etieral T^^^^ tion pi: tiieati-e rentals that sizes;- UV: tb': a ;;iar,gp''yi\;nanciat; .nvpra.'tprium Iliat. .slvould.. aid:. thci,; ihdiistry on..;a largo,'iscale.-.'•■.'■';-■. .'; :'tiVr ::ibdiictioiis,,:sbUfiht v krc.:. only iciViiypriry,' and:: for; jiniitod periods, ■ pending,;bei;i'er,hicnt of - f;ener,al; cbn;- ditions. ; The . greatest -l,s •tlivec years, and,.;spriii,6-'arp a.s. ■.lp\\^ ;as:, siJt; hio'i'itlis.'-' Tlip ,moVeiivent' is^^^ tr'y-wide^.with tlie' pibpcrty pw'nerfe.;'^ cirdularized:'to ,Ket •„tji.6 Ci'r-; eui-lt;V'^:ii^ws;on tiic tiiin^^ Ali-eady' an.; iiibstlmaijle.V.anibunt l-^aij. boc.rv:-;saved thc.'the-atves re-'- dii.c;iip3;is..'air'eh,ay grahled- ;, In- ho case ;are •;tlib <Mrcliils: .'usin^ :p.eIliiig--'meiho(ls.':; -Tlie ■move-^is/ in: the in-an.n:er .:q £ a;;.businbss.: rpaupst, fb r: hot}i' fi ideti,- t'he liro iwvty ,'ow n ei:s and;: lhe;;:'thc;Vtrft : foiu>r,.: tp.; h;^^ at conditions ;co-bp.c.ratlv,(,'.iy. , ' .■ '- • - , -(M'rf uvts,' ;Nylviclr, alVe^^ have: aCv, (';j;nipii.siipd a, switf,li.;rn-,ti)cir.rentaV^^ ili phe :\yay; br a,nothei-; incliide .Par* amwunt, .Warners, Pox ,'arid J..Oew's. Tlie latter siinpiy kaye up-;a If^a^^ ;;■ Pap.arnount was ;thc;nrsi' tb;und^ laks tiio; ;;ripve.;'.Gtlipr circ-ui ts ■Xo}'-. lowcd. ■ ■ . • . .•:.■:■:'': '■ ■ V■:';.':: - ;;itpiis':\Vi>f'd-,; jiiiy ^x':,- ;; A lot. ,b f, vplV res- h.aVel -bee h . rb.^: ■[ Ica-sod ■ lately Av'hii-h; bvit ^ tpr.- Giirrent'. keen- -.ihtei'ost: iri:',the Iviisines.s, by, ,. the. bjiivkers . Vv].)irld- never. bivye - got- ■ Umv -be'yoiid the .;stiidio , shelT., -. '. ;; :.: ■ -. lDirring;.t;hp liist few 'yOvars,: <i.u,tt©-';;.- a --.fow; ,i?c<Vre,, heavy ; .coat ';feat.ur^^ .' wo;;o slif'l.yed' ,by 'J)\e -ni,^j.or.s ,;not • up; >.<p ',-■ stahda ; ni'any .; • .)\vindi-p,d.{: gr.anfl'^ th'oy '.; rei)resenl.ea r. iharkod; prt ;iri-rt>d.:■;I?iit :th.e nVPney-';; ;ii';l,g:L;iirs .ht)\y bat-.k of the . industry .: ('Cvn't sVe -the■ total, Wss- '1^,0110^. Their,; i-lpse,clieck bh; the lod.tfcrii i.s, fo,rc- irig the .proilvH'iii-g, campinie^^ out, ,corlaih.. ■piv'titrps: with;; crossed .- ; .livi^fors.■':;•:■ ;• :■::;■.- ■;■:; \..'y ^: ^v:ail,j=!tr(>6it, idea' is ;to put them- ■ iiiit .iiny;w.ay' -jp - salyag'e :iSPnietiilng." J'ast idc.a-:.,was Ab •,sliel,v,e-.thc cUiekB •to'. ni.nintain;, tlie• cp'mpany's;. st^ - .•t.ri.i;; ; ::t,"'.u'rrent- shprtage of product.; ■. .•xlso,.:has .something :tO'. db, ;wlth;';it, , ;■ 'l)hi.<?;a .spot for the. •w' -turks on .,', double feature bills.; -'.;. :;,: , , Salvaged Click ■; Salvage 'meihp-d3,- \hovyever^^^^^^ i),rou;ght-. a few; real clfoicers -to the-.' libx bfllce. :;C)iic- is .ivietrb's. .''X iPreo .. .Soul," which.'alirted Its;.carcfer ii, :; :ihe / vst'rlUijg' pr'ep'dration :s:tatb; inoro,;, fbhr .:, years;; agb.r; to -.' have -;;sbvcr^^^ youhg ■;' .of -writb.'rs;: at; dif--:'. fererit ,periods" woric.-on; it;. '-'Witii ;; ;pleint,;y' spent on it,; the-. Adeia,,Kogf^ .'•. er.<-!ait-.-; Jplrn,, story; -■w'aLs;;.3helved; ' ■ :r,aicr_-lt;;was; again' ha;uled;;b'ut; re-r ■vamped-- ind'. sent;; ih -with •;Nbi*ina '■Shea,rer;-10pp;i n g; ',•_Prom ise. is .that it; .\viii bb: i nybhey getter .on : tj»i>- ' Shbarer :na.ine;;:;; ; ^•■;' V ;- ..: ;.;Same studio '.has i million'and-a-- hilf 'tied up ih■ t wp Otlier ;TnaTa;tFjpn- ers, 'which. ,:iih,der-,;the,--;present 'no- . tlvrbwaway-methods 'will be finally-, bru.slied .Up -'to , brlii'g - bacic; part: of , tiio :'sums . >ili;ea-dy: :■ expended .; op- - them;';'.;■;';;'; -; '- -'.,-,,- ,: ■;;-',;; O '■ ' v boy ,lo\..f;t:c-p-; oiit , nnd ;g'i In- -al-i'-ri.: i:i->ii;;ori:/tl;iV;:F(i^lilbii'?')rA: ;pr,>p,r'»^);i.' i'f^; ;-V:d v.;.; - ■ ';; ■;':.:.• tlollywbod;;-July ,C/ ;;,; . -jrhiroi'iolflaii .So'und ,j.f'asing Stu- dio has i);i'sseil: oxit-oC:,thc ,cph,trp,lvof . the f."hri,sti,e iJro;s;,' ,%yiili a corhblhb headeii by 'K. "V^r; Ifannrhons of P?d'u;- catioTial iu)\v;ih;the-. say.:,.:lT.- H. Allen, bi; Kd ucatiotial; rnanuKes il.h'(» plant, - Civristies' rasiv .sliorlage led "them: 'liuf,; tlipiigir- tlicy; still retaih":an in - tere;st,, and ;th;cir;.ind^ 7.atioh;.cbh.ttnue.<> ;a'.s a renting 'tihit, ,>v'or . is • •.Chrisilp's;; p.rbdu(;l; for J'C,d,ucrU-ibn;'il .rpl'-.-ise-,.arfeoloii, ■■■ - ;is'ew.; rpinpaTiyls Tj;,('--1-;i;1'« - >i-r<';, be.-,' :li'!ve,d:"i,o ' be; :])^]l(m-P(M^d -a/id^ U'C IfU'lHoii's; J^ay cohrriany; -',- '. -;;-.; ; ■"., Reveals Firm as When ;B(;i)Ut'y Charles ,f>r.linaiiiil, of . 'lh(v County .Slieriff^s ol!icc;;;starte.d , o.ut; la;st;.week to 'collcct a. ■)i<"dgment- ; -l-tVr ..JL'S.OOO• ogaiiist ,ithP -Tiipatre ;]J!e-;- - v:i;l,bpmcnt Co; in/ 'faybr pt',, ]!>'raiik C;,pr,stcn, lie. fp.iin'd ■ iliat ;.t lie forrnbr -; fi j'ih .. was- jj;,. f.^lj^^^ Locw. - ;/ .; ;-rjidgnicht-,-.-resulted -from; a com-r.;; irii'Msion :. clfuin mad© - hyl Gursten; .;- rjAtlxir Yniiirit'ainc'd tha;i;-he had been ;: a utlipriz'ed : to. romnninicatC; Vith thp '• t.'nifm'I-Totel Corp;, wlilcli. o\vn<jd;th© - , thfalre', ?t;brih;' Jiergen,;; n; J., to arrangC!;;for .a; f.;cr-:, ,si en'-.averred' lie -yvibnt.; through: with hi.s end of the bari^,'nri„.b;ut that .the develppment; cpmp.any ■ -refu-fiftd.C 'to pay;: iny.: part ;o,f ",.t iie; iiron^ised ■ comV, rhish; ;ilc, tticn .-filed suit.; ■ ; i; ; • Anoiiier B. R; , ,. . :.-■ ' / . ■ -I|()liywo()d; July ,C.^ - : ':. Ari'itbi'.r . .spni wii h,. his : dadls.' b, r; is; 1)1 '.r.'v tp 'go: i ri to./ fot'f-!i?n- ;.prod ur: :t.iNti; : 7./U>»Rl.: is SiilfTdp; .of 'vi ■•.y.'-.-Oiliy -'p!-i-ntalip,n:. '(XwrjfT; an'.J. ■l)';iiu!;:i;'.r.-ill lV.rti;, - ■;-..'--.' , - -'- ■ }ii':nrihi iriU'TidS ; niirlviifg- Ki);).ni..ti'- •la :i(';.'i)i,;--f.!,: talkfTH - in ' ilv.e- ilti'go . of ■\ /\ I ;ii .\)i.C;,,rl'-a. - ;\Vit)i .1:1 in riri' \-'< v-:_ ;ri:itrlo Uoii-biii .'InO; ^li•.•.li>•l (!■• '/.:ir- , l-:r'(V; :v.\ll<) ;y,;'!ll yplit t hA \ylKt,i;it!;.;;iiiii;|:^; MAYFAIR'S barker: OUT .R kO ; Execs Dec!de Street Spjeler, ',;;,-;Cost,s Theatre Pignity.;,-.';;/ '• ■.li' .I N ;ir.-';;,-^ ;.'-J.';.;! yyi'n .Ml'" -;\: i-.'- ,. ''.;-- - ,At a fill 1 ni(<<-('j-ng ih N'nv York of. Uie ;;J:lK-0: a-dihinisli-'atipn exef;^^^^ t:i;u(i ing-; il.'i. pit;lure s,a);).sii-l.s,' ,a., yot© ; •was ; tiik-o;n; \Vl)f'ther; ;fp; i'otairi tii©;- bavk'T in; fr()nt'.(jC ;the:ilK(j>Iayfai;;:; in: TimV-s ;!^l^iiare.} .-The ,baili>tlng.^• ;(:V)i-!L ilic> s)iirl';r his; job,; ■ . ; ; ', ';; -v..,;;; :; ,^^{?:a•-;on rvi/orled r!;t;ai;ii>it. tbe 'side- ' ;W\ill< bii Uyljj/iv Ay;JS;;,t^ Vh^'- .\l;7yf;jir .;fts- : digiiily';'as '/a. -pit-turo ■ 'l;!'ii->;4;ti-e.- i%KO,V-dii'.sfi-,-<jLr ■ ■ ■ M.'iylii ir i;; >i,n;.w 111': oiil.v (ilrn' the- ; If r,;; -1 .Ml)pan; :pr,o.ifer; ,wi,lillJ!Ql-,■ 7(;;■ b'irl:-"!;..,. ■ . y ' '■/"; :;-.>ijiy.i'!ir-:^.',.c;iiA'i;;;'- ^viifj. ;a;;i)iir^'in-V: !d'-'-, ia'l .wlio ;'i...l:o \vi^-;i ai,)! ji^ii' llie ; ^ 'v-ifs 1)-y -f. -- 'vy --4!r",, ali'iU; rp ;;i;ya»-,' to :b'> -'.- a.' T''-' ;', atiy ^aiivily.^ ',<*- , ; • /"i ^ '.'„-1! :r':\''--:ii;; i::-y;:ivi.- r(,i-:i:i,'>i/':;. :'->! I,:;!; |'- ii li i r era-i,Ly;, ni'u a •'to have entered ttie I voihpl-'Ji.u; th'-ii, .-o-ii--.-!- ' •'iliii .'i-''.1- -I 'r;: o^.'-rh, '^r.- ;'/.i. 1 u c ''- ' •Vw-y i'.' ba:ynv'':'uii-"; oii'i-.i}■ -;;,i 1 ^-tn-'y ' .'5'■':( ■ ;'!-'i<M\;, a'i-'i' .••i'i:':t»,v.';--wi.l): ••'i;.''- ;n'-l ;(■■ ];',i.V' ; . i;--l 1/, i m-i; ..;;<-; I.i-; /;; ■ Rpxy SaiUng ■ •!•,; ;\;;;ii:ii.; -;i;iily -fyl lb" oU.icr ■V. I >•;•-!1.1 i^i,; Ipv- ti ip