Variety (Jul 1931)

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\ •imiiH n,MTni)ii?'liin.c,of:.fO;irviiiulos iiv et.6ro :Vvl.ndo\Vs aiiii two'i- hpiirju; Ih .: Avainii^- '^rooiiii's,'. ipbbjos . and. Jiiib piaccs: . iiy biK^n- siia'c^^^^ 'tn'o,. bciiis ' iriadc ; aviiiihljlO; -to . mcivtvKa'vts'- and ■ r biisiiicss' people. wHb ■ riko..tlils. kiii-I ' . priiim/adveriisin^^ .tlirouijb the Autqi €mbinii;i^?orpv " ■ 'V\ ■ ' . J'-oi- flKla-.- wcok-.a .merciutrtt. /can ;;;lbas6;iv sii>?n^^p^ j''^ TOni/filni iibbv^t':his rptpduct '■y«riri(lOTy^ -<:''^^^^^ '■ ' . ';: ; F6r.'' $50-a; .week hali, . •.■stipamshijV.lin^ wlja/t-iioti 'fcan 'lgGt vaiv ;:aiiparatu^'^^;>^ ■ project" as ■ iyiaiiy.. iis ,ib,a^ -foot •pf- standard.' s with' 'tbc ^soun'd; :;,tvacki-. -.' i. ■ .^tVhiJ.e A utG- G sbapcs .ujp' as ii :'sub;-., ■• '"etdiary; biE VtUc biff--,.AmoF'iea^^ .elcc-. .tricsi' slnccvii usca'ItdA; Eiibtbphonc . 3buM' '£Ui.d aijd. ' the i nV brted ■ projbc tl bri. ni bthbd ah d '; scre^Ti,.'utiUze.d by 'i'raitis ;Lu>c,,:IJ,anp. KosgriSan>:t)ib 'lprbsldbn;t, .dein airiy- ■ ; tTiiili*: e-xccpt /a.^Uccnsirig- arrange-r. . ■. rticht;- ,TJi6 cbtP9i'£>'M.*^*V he admits, ;■■ ia;\ a clbsbdprppbsitibn,': .'privately- :'xiQhtrbiied.\:. '■ :'•;../V/-'^- . ''•' ;Evfcn 'thd^^ .""^ciStcjn'.an:d-'Genr . era! ^Elebtric' have, .an'' .{vbeiut; spjlttirt^ uij-.■ the.: 16 .nimo fl dmbng .fhcm, Kbsstpah .5ay3:vhe. has .3thing3 's() ari'anfebd tliat - her- .cin in- Va,de, any "'territbry,,'iricludiiig- ,the . honiev" This Is'pbssible.and ajgree.-; ■ablb id th;e. .cleet'iric^s;^ 'be-^. : .cause-:hij)': device is; of a dlftercrit .. typo -than, thb.; regular, iprojcplvon :;.ni?ichihe3 .being'planhed-by the^ ■>tfics.';:".,.;■'■■>;.;■•-.;'■•; .; :.Tlie. only^cohU'ib ■' :dc:yic.b A^'^q- C '.iscbh ti'Ibutihg ■ itself; v/js; a special'. kind bf- . b ibbp' :,.ba$e'd oh: a European' patent. . ... . . ; . ■'::■y^ ' Jn^.Lpbbieii. 'r^/ '' ■ / '"''■]■'.. Aiready -the: compariy■: Is: .planjiirig . tb work in - a theatre . sales angle; ; ^hifj will be the irtstalliUon oE either. . machine; in; lo^bbiija, \yih .trailfers: of" • ieatorcb ciurrerit bh;,the .sprceh'In-. ■ -Bliie.-- . V ;' In ■ Its dcAl .^ith, Radio Ph btbphbh.c ,. Aiito-6 IS pi-bhlbite.d. frpni enterl^^ . .the. theatre; .whe charged .'oV'it.ho standa.i-d :.]siitkc -size : .;BCalb .:. unless ..U . bbcP^ parf pf ,,. the electric;-^ ;^iv*-'. '' ■ ''■■' ■yk " ' r 1. Qe.n'cral market^^^ ■ ■ jcctbr-'^scr^sendbvitcsis nbts^ ■ un'dpr7W.ay. u'h^^^^^ 'September;- iwhich', • ' ciiribusly ertough, is .'t^ by thevelectricis. foi'rthe/debut bf" t^^^ - i.6.--mm-'prbjectorai' '■'/ V V ■ •./'■ ; ..Autb-iC is nbw:;Organizing:its sales for.ce; .It iwHl service'^ eqliilpnldnt'and :..i?upply . adyerUiscvs/-'witli ■ p 1st Runs oh 6rQa#^ (Subject; to' Chan<ie) '■/;■ Week July 10 ...'.;. :. P.iapahi:oUrii .-r-i'.'.'The .: Scorot,'. ; :Cairv (i«ai;)v': :\'- ':::'" -^.^^'- ■ ;-R oxy—".'H vish'. Mo.n oy;( I'-ox);, ■'Capitbl-r."I''ive v «nd' - ;Tch" .■■(iiUbtro),'-'.^ : ' \-' ; Rivoli^''New]y JUch''. (Par). ^ .(2d-'\voe!c)..^, :.... ■ Stri n d 4t .'■ 1?neni ios. ■,.;b C . thc;. '■Laiwv. (k('gal),;;'.:^ ;; -.; ';./ . . '■ . : May fa i r-^;\A.'. ■\Vbinari'' or. 'Ex- ; .pcrienctf/- (Prttho). ■CS).';V'' ■■■ ' Winter/ Gairjien -^ VSmart :Mpncy•^: (Wli).' (4ih. week);.'.: ■ Carriieb.— "Tlve .'Mj'.itory' of .- Life*' (tj); (2d weck)i . W,arner's^"Thb Fatal Hour".. ..:(WiJ-BIlV'i ■--S." ... Pisjram by" .ihe Clock" (Par).' ■ ' :■' .: Capilbl-^''The .Man, in Pps-... ^sessloiV'''-(Metro); . : .:' . .. Rivbli—'^^•evvly Rich'' . CP^^ : (3d Avcek.). ':.■■■;■;■ . . .S t.r a iv d r-fNight NurseV . v(\yB).'..^;.y : Winter • Garden ;— - ''Smart .Money.'V~(Wi3>.;(6th.w:eek).' .~. t.'U^Z.Picturieis;'- ,;■ '. '■/ ■/ ' ■^f^miiin^ :Ueijten9ni'\ (pKr): (Criterion). (7th lycblO.: . . : :\ . ''A 'Firee Soul" .(MctrP) (As- - tor) (6tlv.weok). : ; •■'•■ :'■;' ■- Foreign; .Filrrta': .■■'■.:'. f C ''2wei: Hcrzen vim. ^Xtakt*- '(Superifllm) . (trcrmah(T5U- ■ropa).';(5Qth. 'wecU)./ ■ .• ■ ■■ '. ' .."Die Pi'i.yatsiecretaerih". (Tb-.- bis); (G^rmah) (.Bplmbht) .(Sth ',week).''•' '^•.■■;:■■■■',: .-i':. •■'; ■ .''Prie von dep. Tahkslelle" :, (Ufa) (Giermah) :CCasmopoli- :.tan)■ <'.' ;,'•,.,''■. ; '^LUfitigfe Weiber .von Wien!'- ifgupcrninri) ; (German). V(lllttlb . ':C!arhegie);'(9). : ; FOX'S FREE SCHOOL Sta rts . t n . Phi l a.:; H ou se; B'lit .M ay ;.\..:.' .'vSpreiad.:,Nati.6naily . DRiSErS LETTER »^ .: > "W.hbt Shiabks: b^ •: tfpcriihg but Is claimed tp liaiyc been .uninspired • by Pfirarribuht and ■ re - ■ ; garCled thciril as 'li>c, fbrpriihhor .to; '.ppcn;iitifeatipri >r a pre-dc to / newspaper . reviewer id thb pi-iiued cojjy of a. lettc,r/ ^vldcly.:Pir- ,. culatccl;addi-essfed. ■ to, Parahiovint! by. Theodore.: Dreiser's, attoihcys/^-^ ;; The / ehipf ^sciuiyfk ;,is that./tho .screen' version^ bt "A'mcricfin .."Triig- cdy." is. .ah- indictment. bf -an iiri- dividiial ratliox- . than/ .sbciet5^i ,..., / ;'. /Thc.,1.6ttcr.i.s' d.atcd^^ , I5rcjsc,r. athd;a'gro\ip 'poi;nriittcd/ to ..yiew Pne . pf;' tlib'first. .;pi'irit3.>lrt thb e.ast, ■vv.hfch ; ppihlphg. . are al.sp .clI'Sa'p in ;the; letter,' Paramplint ' has rpi .yised; ''Traigedy"; to; the pblnt ' of .adding.-.;two days bf,'TCt.^k.cs.:^ '.' • Had. the coinpany. . attohipted'.ib Iricludc a fractipn; of' thov i>rpiscr details, it- jwas- said ybstcrcVay thlat ■'Tragedy'* pri th'6 'screen .wpn^ 30,050 Instead, of arbirnd Us prc.s;- .'ent; 8,600 foot. . '.; .I?a riihipoiht.«laims it' liaR 1 iv.ed^ up •.tbj:'-ali\' of, 'its ;cpjimabt:- ptprii 1 ses to ;• the'nutlvbiV-;. '■■./':, . ' : ■.. •l'':''''.ly'vp-. <>RC'hs.\.Katc- 1;his;'month. in. . Ihc. .C-ri U-i-ion,; Nf(ny ^'.oi-k,. fallowfhij' .. VKnUJii).iff::lJxauciiant/'.. >;■: V. '.■ ':;■>. .:V:yoiglit;SaVeg:'.Axe^ -"■^/ ,; ■ ■..,■ ■■ '■ r~ J tfijI'y \v.iii i<l; .il ii-li'- ' ^ .Keiv' Ayiu(;i.fu)r(^, 'iyani</>•«;-K.SI ■ ;d|');;illM-s>i .;!i::v.:Mlt,.i)rf.^ : .by'b'j'JN •'tnV(i{js. Hl-rH-tiii;.; Uiu; .wo ;tllp ;)unv:- Ji(i>Jt. V ■ ' ..' -.^ ' :/ ■ : • \yiiiiih'ii;ii's-: li-n'viiij^ i.-lii-vi-s eh'iKti i'lin,'; .(It ' AS;!i.riiiii::^-.lOj<; ./;■■w :.ll■l1 l.iryt-■\'u i:; IM ^h;l'i^ if.t'(-n /m ■ btit.; lii«;/pril'illi .jly :>!(iiri''. (lin'ujir ^Bliidlo'>,])ili|;il(y\vn; :' ■• .:' '. - • fitU- Iv at .■■'til IV hvii; :< 'l (11 :;tyi.>' :v ^ ■ ■ / Phlla^ iFbx Philadelphia is .ciipuiarizing the town bf .a free scfibpVfor stage arts ;i,vhic.h will be bperated In'' cphjuhcfipn with.; tho Jccail .- h under;. JFahT: c'iion ■& 3Viarcb siVperVisibn.. .No 'tui-: tibn,:...dues■ pr' exppnses.. ■ 'AnVhody■ bver^;5.' y'Pars -bf age 'Is; eligible, '. ' r.; & ;M, ..ii .ttf '.sjipply the- instructors.' ■. May Ibbk. like, the heginning of na- 'pattipnil;ihinf¥;;':by. ' lii■ .air ■'thbugly /b.''- -gtVpn'- just';■ ipcal.' with' ;tbisi-'iiovise/■■ ■■. / •,'/ '''. : ';\.". It's an 'PutgrPwth: of: thb d.^hcipg l^sehbpl ide^a \yhiGh has. proved s.uc- cpissful. fPr;"Pox ;aiid -P..: M.;-in: othoi: bltieiS, nptably .Detroit; v -/ Briefly rewritten e?<tracts.from;/'Variety's'^ Hollywood Bulletin, ppinf^ each Saturiday' in. HblJy vvobd, and: placed, as ia: wrapper iipbri the reguia* weekly "Variety," ' • *" .The Bulletit*., does hot circulate other'thtin bh. the P'O.cifjiB/Sjbpe; .Ncvvi from the Dailies in/Los Angeles .\viM[ be found in t^ department. ■ ■ . \': ■ ^ .^wV.;;.,,,.|^icK;-'LyGAS;:-^ ;VTlve Crppnlhg^^.T Bapfc With RKO ::by popular rc- (lUP^t./V .-. V/ ? ■ /^ •.'' . Just . cbpipletcd-,'^ ahb'thcr , schsa tibnal. .week- .for:. UI?0 at. I?iitersbn', J/: '...'.■>■■■.■' .'■■. ':.■:}:: - .This wreck. (July 4),,RiaUoV LbuiK■ yille,;Ky.>V:■;,; /■.;■.•'■'.:/'■' :,.. 'iDlrcctipri; Leo. Frtie^erald . ■Z26;'W;'-'47tli" Sf.,-^Nbw./Ybrk.- '.''^ : toes Hard fl^ ■ : : HplJy;urbPd,^;J:Uly (5. :• ./nonyTyood hag. ivGver said tut,' ttit when: an outsider,remarked hbW hard the. picttn-e. ■colony ..ViTOrlt.'s, ljut a :^arhi day. strips.'si:.udibs .of' hiilf/ :th6ir top cxcos. . Imiiprtah^ ..bu.'s.i'-. nbss ■; \ya,its. till ' the. thermbmetpr 'siiika> :■.'/. .'./.•'•' :.:,■', / First sign pf real; summer wea:t.h-, cr . has tl\e mpb : rushing to the beach, golf course or; backyavd.. swinohi'livgpppl.,Every the mercuryrniakes ■biggci' lial:3 but bt .secfetaries.whb mu^t-tell callers the .boss ia in bphference. ■ Heat away/ the jhusy. attitudb.'pbsp and any exec - big :enbugh ,.tb get : i4way. with;it lea^Ves for a .spbt; / /: ;. trhe. ^di?zy high jump/of the fricr- cjiry ■recently : ■was .: tough :, on ; thcl crowd of agents, jbh. hunters, . etc,,; ;wHb .make the • studio rbiinds / dai.lyi ■There . ■wi^sri'.t. :apyb.cdy arpund ImT: pp.rtaht bnbugh to' talk, to the bbpt^ leggc:r;';..'^/.--.''.'-,'v^:' / '■/; .■''•■\. i '- ■ ,/."^. ■ '' :-. ' ..- ' •■i)amita-:'aiils:-i;U^^^ iily j)amita is expeb^d to-arrive: ih, .Ne^v /irbr.k -ifr^ sorhb time$ this '*y;Cek proparatpry to sail- ing-fbr /Frahce.. on a two mbnths- yacatlbn;/ ./-"./..V; ■ ■■'/':.-; '■ ' /■•'..^.• ■ ■ :.She ■Ib.aVc's-on .;the vJlo de .Fra,nce- Saturday (11).//- ; ;..'. '.. , HEAT HOiI)S/LAiMMi^ / UnivprsalVcity; July /C> : Cairl-liieminle, Sr;, is yoralJle ':\yeather':r0ppi"ts/ i rom 'Kc iy 'Yoi'lc bbfbi'b. .t'relrkh-icr. /east, .boing k'cpt .by: ;the rbpiitbd ■-.hunildity, in JNTCiw;. York.'■" : ■•;.// ..■^;.///-" Morei. ..than, likely . he - ^^^^^^^ Jack .Ross .ntncl David B rctary....dhd pcrsp;na:i:.rb:p./ .f-:/'^.li;^:A;;to:.N^'Y. yl Hi^ B^Fi-anklln. : ' '.■ /''.. ■ ■■'.G,rogoi"y' Gaye. / ■/ - / ■ •/' John: lfo>Vard:.Lawson. ,/ Eilgar iMacQi-piSpr;. ^ v. ': Jancf .falling. . Dii-v'.o IXVpi'-nc'ri " ' • . ;/; ■ /Lil'y;. Daniita:.' ■ ' ■ ' /..'; /Jack \V\^arhcr.v,/ .• /•:':.■ ''/ . -; liK Ofa'mi I y.. fight for , the /1 i tl 0 ",'i'ick.Up" is being wa^ed by lladii) aiul Pathe.-: liaOio's-. iis. ah:; 0(;iginal liy liQiiis ;.'Vy?'eitzertkorh, 'ahd Putliei's is ,a novel, • '[ ' ^ . -^ , / ' ' :■.■:■..■;■ ;/.■;; ^yjviia'is:'Slaps/'V';/ /•• Sylvi'aJ tlio iwisscuso, .\ is re- vealing',.hudo staivi'.sedrets .{yi: '^lA])^ ,b,'":J;y,',' hil.s IlGHy\vb6d go^i/hiiienliiVg:: •'Backsiapplhg at'ittj worst;'^ ' :.Bru(;e.-,.'-Cha,n.c' ,|t,;' 7 Rbbert Kruco ,isi on/ hl^ ■yvay tb NcnV:', Ejiglahd tb' hialc'c a/ iabric.'j, of :>iceh.ib shbrti' thpre; ^/Hc'll .stay /till ,iSoyr/ :U/ Hais/ lio rpleaije ics...yeti': .Irt A- fliiestiprih'airb a.n.siW^i?ed : by 491.' trailUfi'tiiTg'. 'sehipr.s at./ 'Ilbliy- AV'bbd 'high schbol^ ybiingeiv pPnp'ra'tloh snubfaeij acting and ;wi"itinj^/as'careers.; , -■■..■.'-/:.■, ; ■■;.■. Par' Recbns.rdbrs ■ ■ .Rbb{>rt; Hiirris ,,w^s takeii. baclt I rit 6:, th Q; Pa ra m 0 lin f,, fp 1 d. and "giyprt ii/ he w- . .con tract, whcri / ''M urder ,'by the :Clock,"; a picture lie. sui)ervised, b)lGKed^„iBit, prcyievVi .', = . - :N'eIlan Busts ■ Fl ipper' .Mai'Shfili Ncii-lah:^V :conlGie^jxcbs: at .pbach :'w;ith:,iii in' siJllnts;: : lirpkb/it * liBhih'g ■.for; tuna, '■ ; -.; ;.-\ ;■■.-'-. ■ :•■"/ /,■■'■:Da.rVo'w's' Cb'oice' " ', Jphn'\ Darrow', a . part in Radio's/ "ilbme/ Town . i.'iughtp.r" and a terhier .iiv,, .prcfbrcricb to a part, in /the logit : ''Grbeks' IIad .A- Word; for it." ':■ .:, :,/,;• • . 'L'andi. S^tbys- .O.ver// ' .•■ Fox Tvarttsi ■JOUssa iiahdl to put off hbr .Europo.'xh pa'uht ,t»V0V mbnth.s ■so':,she'; qan: db;,''Ax.oilp.'' ^.^^ /:,/■/• . /: Plug Idea ;.■:/:.■: '; To: fahiiliai'ize .: names of,-V'three RKQ:^'P^thb colitr.act; gjv-Ts; -atudio is' using - tlvoir real handles in ■ tlib' ".Gpiy Giii." shbc£ ,;.scric.s.',:' Actreisse.s,, "are June McCloy,. Gfertrudb /Short ahd M.ariph Shilling, who .get th'S':hbMol- ing -up for .future, fpaturb'.,-wpi'k< ■ -;,."^;.:/vN;^Y,::to-L;;A: Radio/Harris./ / v ' ■ ; Jessb/Lasky, • Jii:./: /:, ' -, ■ '^^/Z: .'-,■ :y ■,C!jiicagp,;,/Jii1y;C; ; .. v\.;(;1 ;'ihe ..dbubie jcaturc/prpjiiich},: tiA ■(■ i 1; i IJ l:i c ■/c'vbi? ..'i,n^^ ,bu y i nj/ -sea sbiv //c r /tii c: ■(;« uvi hi?-: pi c - ' 'tHi''p', 'year, is;.' bping:-;a,hhotM')ib11y'Vr^ ■tardUd.'. E'.xhili.M gn^ Ing-'/ait -ilinwiilihpriicKs/lo-i/si}^ 'tiff. prpdnc^t/iinijl'/tht^y- arb-'alllb^ as-/ tj('i\ta'in:/j'usi- lvJ\<\,iri\i!"h/il^^^ gD^iiifrrti) 11 otyi:'■ '. // '■,. '.;■;;, ,'. .:/,■ :;■;■;/ ' 'Exlvihitprti: .slata- that /{iV(jy^, ai:o. ,•■<'•'!<Ty/la l),viy 'lyii Ujvos'/oiv /uvihtUtipn. (;li;it.-ll,i't-,y. iuy; g!;uiiU':(l,aii;Glriiiination t.tayrHC!- ,:Jn,;/"(ji(> (.••,iit)lht>;fs'i. '. 'i'iio.*:^ .i'Tiinii'KHViiVfV' ^hrthils. ri^ firmii/ lii/.^.' •,tiV. \fi\\^. AIT;^^^'^rl^.r(\'inc:'ftl^ .liriyV- liroiv II; cl ly I! M-\.i;-.11. li'i'\\-h . 1 )yIli r. v x v 1 la 11 gi■ :^ Vifivyi'vt'rj• til" :ilt}:lrilMiIlir/rt/'aVo jiVoi-<>, ;a'j'c(Miy,iv'o'(hilX)i)r,; nVlji'wi'ii'j;./ :r-ritn.iiui,--' .1:1i'lil :;iil, {.TOiwI 'ai.fioiiivbi. • :';-'i;'lntj :iirui:-^ ', ti;-iv:. vh rV.L;iirilH ' to /."ShoiMs-. ;,\vaf5//lh general iisb- ph film /.i'bw/hereV'Ja^ iy&ar,.// ;;,v/• :'^iiii.\ ',- :.' /'./•"• , ProteCtiph,; and-: izoning,.; the -■.bi& ;prpblbm: ^ojnc; lii -niaiiths ilij.o; has: .dwindled ■ to .inslghJiricahcp ' /wi.vbn ttpmiVared. to tho dbuhlb' featOro/ ahd iopbratorVdischssion.'i. / iSoh'ing is mi 11 pdl y - a ■ dbii d.. i ssub '/i o'caj I y,,.; ■\y it 11 tjic hbliof al m'ostvtfnahi apiong cxhibUors/tuid;'C» ,(hc /C.'i,ii('a'go, ri'loasing' .>y..s(o,rn is .i's! ,fair.; :a^nd Ofiuii.ahie 'as .,'ahy , yot :;d,(;- ;yisf'd,: .-v^,'.. ■ ' ■ ■■, ' I ' ; ■. Pi;('it'o'.'ti.t'di schodiilp: p'n IK<\ /whol(>: .\vi(i' bo .■■iin'iJ-)ia'ii.^':od-;f't)r'/ti^^ ;yoar,'_ wiI h '.'ui)y /.s\y:it.clio t ,,boin/g ro.r ''Kf'.'.'y.ed :,f:<>r l-ljp : vxooj)li6Ti;il-; 'sittifi- •itipnK. ;-1 iigjipst, sivviawlc: in./il)iii 'tuu^n <iVOp'.pi'bt.i>v.ti!?n-;Ss frjnn t'hri l';(;i-!i;. ■ 1 y, k6u 11.1 .sul (>' • t4cii w\\<i\ aij t, h m l«c« ,\\'hl(-li.;; , -liivrn .:'y("UViilR' .lirc-'i'i'i^so of .-ih'"> 'iivoifciinn' 'hr.^id, o,vo)v •jt 'by 'tlib.-'lMVoli/ Avalbh. and Towci'i / ;; Wahipas'; Old Gaig V ,// Wani'pas. -will not"' dis-band,, AY- though- fiiie'stiohnaives ask'ing;,ior ii nb'-or .yb.<j, werp; sent , rncnibcrs. \yas ' a,- gag to' get ,nibmbcrs ihto 'a SuppbrtihtJ; spirit,,^ ■ v'/ ;;''.'■ Shiith -.keep's - Ace .■;.."-/."■• Pete .Smith f-tegards his: Job ./as Metro press head as his .acc-irirthe- hole' and; Avill/:T)ot. T^lyp it up cbm- piel'ely ; for :a- \v.rlC,ihg /job,, despite his .detour . Jnlp ..short. dialoguing: ilepor.tod^ iietrb hai?. an eiager -cah- didate;;foiv'thp'"spbt;'' /./:' -: ,;: ; , ' .-^ ....State's "Name" Bids'/;'•'/••'/ ;TyOc,w-6 ■ Statb offered tiib; -Fou r /\Iai-x ^brothers, '$l,ri,dO0 and Eddie dahtor •$7,!)00.' fbr ^ a ■s'vec.k), but neitlic'r;b;(;cci)tcd- ■ Gahtor's .offer i'n-:- cl.tided a percchtage:,split. ■, .,■, /Marxcs -'go, ■'■cast- in,, t'wp,/-weeks,' af ter ; preview : of': "Mohke.y 'Busir ,!icss,.''; tb 'V/,piiv ,bn;/.nc.'w-. :Brbad\yay, ; . Prefer having their-, fu-' tui'C, .; Parahiount,-)' pictures.' hiadc from ,thoir:%tagb\sho\ys'. after:: this. ■/ /ih: 'badVStcp'i:;.•',' . iPatchlhg-,()t !•! /Tiikb Your/'Norve".' at , wii-FM .. i^ / .being batotied : hy l>ii!ryl,:.ZaivuCk,; V'it.h -AW/f^ anh /jnoiiVfipg;?:,.I'U1 m,'.' has' ■ Doiig '[•"airbahkR, / Jr.,: :as .-A,m<?'r)'cah ' in bau.'in.a, , repiildic.- ' 'Ktbry ,/sii^^^ i.)bug,' iSi'.'Si/ '-The,, Americano."/ : ./ .■..' :;.-- Hays' Dogtowh " ' /■,'/,■',:■-,/' Riit-h bpylb, 'sccrotafy iri-the Hays PQrtl(ind :Iplllco.; will'.-.bc: ;Shif tod by .Rharle,^ Pettijohn.. Hay's' laiyyer, to: .New ybrk/; I'ortland tb be/a'break-. In spbt for Hiiysites./; : '^' .-.:;■- ■' ' .'v, Odds . ai;e./: being, \vagtd whether Ttafry "Taluff, iassistapf .to Joseph 1. Schnit,zor, R.ndib' :h'o|i(l, r'bliirns ■after .a trip'ebst. sT.aUiff caused the,Iti<'h-' :ai"d 15 ii{'• liuVn f lip :.:.w.l'veji ■' h.c ■'■ subbed Tor■ SChTiH?cr. ; •■ ,,: :,/;; ■.;'•-;' v ;■/// Lahr Won't Stall Metro wahts Ijpr.t Laihr to wait lintil, .Sopf.- 1 ,tb strtrt in/v "Flying lUghi" bi'i't T>alVr denian4s his salary; ahyiy.ay ff /hp .liang.>; .around, ' T^fetro al.HO . wan ted /-GUy' .I^omh'ardo'.i ,;or-, chp.stra';fPiv this '; ,lnit 'can'.t; got, .'Vs Vl he ./•l.'-!vyilh^>n ,^'^^ ;/rbadhousc '\va,nl-.')- a bp'h'a.s. for'.- his, rPleasb,,' ^:/' '-,/0,T,vl.v:. fine i-nnicra,,/ArF-T,I(,)y(l,' :i«:uMilor. '^,i')'i,>.lriK;':t 'tir lUwu'li.-'ninv'uiir : 11 e r'; -n 0 w f<,y s t f; m. Pf /in ak i 11 g • 6 - .one -short at'.aaimo.'"•;/'■ ' .;' R'ac)io'g'-:"T3th: 'Chaip'r^ ' .. ^t;; .. Ro.dl.o Ita'K . " I i{,'i l'i. < M.ra i,r'.': ^or. -fS^p- lyhilV»v ■. jyrorllu'Upii, ■'' wtth./;.'JfiK'^i'V (';)';\vlh(),rn a .ml I,,bu. ■i«m.'>'o'n.(-.(v'^' o^ - iiv .Varp'oli'y .au.thbri.'d: i,( '' J^ihrf /Pi;r)il's',Tipx't• mo;* -^pb fox'' ij Js'.^VBacjj , }itrbi>t." ^ ;;■: .: ;,';, V /;,;■' '/ -i V BrpWh;■iat':U.:/ ' ■.- ■ ' '' T'-i;i,iver.«fil;: liio.k f,vv .a' slcii'y ''for .ituvv-Iahd U'i'Own, a. ii'ox. moggci'; un- til Ja.<3ti.wee]r, to direct. ^. i3,Vpccte, Brown - will one of his- firlgiHai \yhi,ch:h(e ^vrotb.before: the Pox epl!^ , ;.-■■'■ /.■■^ U■■Play Buys" '■■ ■' :: ,UhlverSval' bought t.vyp :;i5layi! i.isfi ■W<feRrr;'-0h. - PrWniIsp. Mo,'; - basoa pi?- breach. ...ofv pt;owis<' , ra;bkot; ■ :ani' ■JMari^iiieci^Ipli'rhule.'' .,■•' ;• ~ ■; . v . - Tall.T.; BirplI hove to'fuimr,Univer^^ aal bohtract.. ma.db whoh ^ijipearih^^^ in Gorman-version bf: •^'lloudior:a)1p^ loniat;", .:'Shc been--Wbrking foe'- British lpt,ernitibhal; i>ictiires,' . •;; :;.-^;D^m^ta•s:■■P,la^is."■.•/'■ ■ After :.a holiday in J>''rahbe, T..lijf' Damita .returns: in,fall' fbnbno.flior* pixituro at;R!Ldio.. Aftei::'that/sh^ \va;nta .\a. ^Par; of /Ipgit. ■:; Z: . - /^"/';/> ■ ;■/ "Boulder Dam'' Holds '■'''i'-- .•.•^Bpulder nani" /ivonrt bb' st.lrtcflt by Radio until fall ;so stiuKb/ieah," takp li<lyahta.t;e of biastihg sccncrf? at;that")Lnhe.''/:'■ '-/..'-';;-.'" ;.■;'-■, „/;/^ .: ■'■■-Ga'hgiter-Toss-In' :''•'.' . .-"The , Tiast ,/Ridb,'V -g.anr nielltiif ' m'.' .'ii.x .mpnthfe .ago, will be tP.'s.sea In; as^-.first of, .series- p'f .six RIohmbh'fl' ' Pictures has contracted to;prb,duce' fbr.-;tlmyersal., ■-;-.; .;..",■;'•;■■,■'■.■■■:.'. '■■; ■' v., '//■;-■ / Placing Irtdie /■'././■,;;; '- ''■ •,:'.Edgar - J. jMacGrcgOir/ dub:-lh"NeT!i'''' ■yprk to set , difitribuilbh , bn ''Pa*' jarnds;" f.i bm , Charles Bcli's ''Dia-i-; located ■Kbheymobri;'-' ; Indie ig tflj be, made, at^TMLctvopoIitah studio. , -; .//./,''!:i,hcls^--,L;bt..^^/.,'. ; /•/■/'■ Oh '•-,.*ii:ncc-:o()niIng, h'cre bn -j^:; Radio ticket,-William-, Post,- •frpm /■- legit:two'mohth.s agbV ist.arts ph h'ia own lot in ''Socrot.Sei-vIcfe."/:/;/,/ . piyniplc . Ga.'jiies/ cpmmlttjee '. will :rPpo;';bff a ...•ipociai s'ccrioh-J fpr.,tho' gelal;lno,,;mpt) ^at thb'.bbntests next; / yearv Sea.soti ..ti'bkbts, :go-6d: .biliy at ; Stadiuhfi; boht.csts, c6st/$2;j.- ', Werner. Heads Eiast: 'Dayc,Wcrhei-, :wh!'it'3/ieft of tJ'sr ea.sforn sibry dehartmcnt. is on his, .way .■ to,;is'e.w York arter sfory • coh^ fiibs lifevb- \ViUr Carl' Eacm :; •'■.■'■'■;';.' 'J.-Ji .Learns , ■■■':■',/ By changing liia hfii»d about buyi« the Lazarus chain, of seven;, houses, -J. J, Franklin ib.<5es .$,i0,,0bW' ho ppt .Option: moh6y; Ji;\i()l(i Bi ■,Fi-ankHh; his', brother/' adVisbd hiijii :hot^ to; •■;. : ■.;;;■ '.. . .:■■.;/•. .:'■- ■ -■.: ■ . . Carroll's Trto/Bid. // - :■ Pari Carrbli: is dickcri»g' -w i tli. tha Rythni Boys for.ij'i3 ricwV.''Vaiii'ti(>s.*'. Boys arc,H.ririT: l^arris, ■Bing:.Crosby; ^ and AI ilihkor.: Carroll ''u:i«o.:-w:aht.ali their, brchcstiva:'for.^baseihcnt" of.■the- nfew Civrrbll theatre; ■ •■■;;;..■ ■'; •■■ ;-■:; ' / ■: ....'.;■// 'Hoffhi'an's.'.Uist'.,. .- ,...M. IT.: Hoffman is. t.'ildh.g titlo :bil' .i.upervisihg... director of Allied JMcii :iures, . letting, his- son, : M. - -It. Jri*, Gljeratfe the . cbmi)any. fLoffhiahai: h.'iyp for -"States/ ■righls"Filu'' liay!"-. "Madame.;, P,gVary,'r: 'fVahity .Pair,"- A'.Pa,j-i.s-i;(:n I'.omar.eb," f'Ahni: Kitre*! .■ .nina'" ahd"lrbn Master.": . ;. ' ' -.y^ /-^ "■■'; ■ :.--^.'.-.:-V-..^'.\,^;'; ;; ■■ ■ • Straus: Reconsiders - ;. ' . .Oscar■■yti;;,. 'who never .■\yantba: tb ■scpi.a'n'blhc'r plotviro,; stvidib, -is :(rue this - week. , lo. "conip'o'sb' foi? rar;i.T in'ouht'fi -ncji.t'::^Chovalioi','; "iX)Ve" •Mai'. Tb,fiighU".■■■;■■-■,;■ : :■'■,;;;. ,■,;'.•^'.;;,;-;„; - : Edwin ,Jjij.slis ,i\l;L.ver is , tixkihg a Metro pa,.Vi\ii:i, v;V.('rition after iidaiitr . ing.\''F^.M-iokc.'.' llq. gbcvs - to Ayoi-U .on a, slagG .play,. '•ij.'tHt ■•Mask;.". ■..ctVnung - -back.<:tb..;Gul,vpr. City • this- fiiil to ' direct. , / • : ; ,: ; Ca'grte,y's, Fip's^t. ■Starrer.'. - '/ -■' ■Vy^avhprii lui.s bo'ukht^'-iilind. .Spot,'? ' un.prbduecd /play by Kctiyon Kichol- • son. Firh't '.sUrri'or .fbiv" J.^mcs' Cag-:. -. n<'.Y,:; Willi 'p;ociuctibn: .slarlihg Ini - faii..../::;' •-•' ■•.-. ..;■•■. .■■;, •■ ■-,■-.■ "<:;; ■ ■",'./. / Meti-p ;G6e's. ihdia .■:■:'•. Ihdic.atiiis- a iiew -iiitorhtttiohal cii*; titudc,;.'MelilP will ,.<)ond, a,, unit, ac ri)s.s 11»e / Vp i-l d , tp . m! Hi & n'iw % India stfu-y; in ;i.dditif.yh-.t,6/its' ,.Soviet,: ti 1 m : -,. ■■■ ■ 110 hVy i': i I a ti) .a w .'i^ y,, .astUfit-' I !■! t / (iirootnt-,. soid /tho .rn(ll.*i;."i)Ioa and ' drafted the ,s('oi:y with AV. Lr, 'HivV-r.: :; TMeW "Wailingford" ■ / ' , .:■ ;Metro's' • r,i'hia1i.o \;y'f ; ''(,!ct-Kldj- , Qiiick ■.\Vani'ngrot>T;V/. as,/Voaib- ■ ,c;;vslilig,;; stjU,;hiis^ .(ho, -OiOilra.V'l^wr-^ aotor l>> nVdi'o; of- thc;v;iTlirl4i;vl. ■ i^^tory >\'a.s , ti.v<:)r(M)g:i.>ly ' h\a;-:-.-i:agoir li'y ■; riUay.s 'bt.-w,ri.l iii.g -ft'.-tnisr.:: ; ■ ■ , ,,;;, : /:.' IVI;ulticblpr'Pii.ff*'; ■ ■ :■ :;;^^ru'irii,:'()i(ii:: <_\)r|).- i.-zis ■.■(i^i,'.',iii<'('i; ■(i) ihi\\v ;i;.j,\Vii,-'j (,'y-|-;w'i'sl i',rn,^." ,' ''./'■n.. ;i'c;nil('VTi!iit,!,' iiili^ :;'i ■;j'(-;.i;! ui'i../ .-\!i,''t't ' (.,!r;iKS(i \v'il!--•;(l;iri'-i':u^ ; jack /l'iTrin; i';ailv ;;:,;'; /■:-'^ / / /^ ';'- ■ /,•. .■ WaliliWiL Gurns- ^ •* lloui'y - 0. lb'J Mi ;t-ii-''^ri''-v ba iiil'U-rr/jtn'-ilJi.l /, !:■'(■: N-it ;,^.,. ,• • H^-sfs. •r;t'\,',h:i>l/ bV'ii oCr li' i . i-ii:,- I il l' ill', ./ht ,llic.''hia.h; :'. i.Ovi^•v.s to. .r'l'v) •-."•r. -■. •