Variety (Jul 1931)

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-. iii vWhit. .1.^ tefitietl,, rock-Tlpottom eon 0 m y, PAraihouht-Publli has ^ahbarcd .thea'trb; 6 so jtlitCt -it ■^^11 shbW;.a saving c>i ap^ $3^000, 000 . by . . the. end of. this :, su m -' iner- This Is 25 % groater tivai^. the Bumfiitr of :^i930 arid is thib; lowest fip>ratlrt& budg^ft Gn . the :record.:b£: the theatre, .end or . the cprporaUbn', flrsi it ihad been hoped .that the BChedUle - adhered : to;' d uring. "Ju cpiild : hold out auring..the summpr-. Then the bcononiiy ihcArS .c^^ pit. 40% ot. what was'cdnslderecl ndrnial . overhead .•;flgure3.' -^ha .additional; 15% was considered unsafe' to, carry. on~ slpco,' if was adniltted, .yitals of the box office were •touched to,: t Ibe'^ri incurred- If contl.nued.- , ^ ■ Tlie iremalhder of rthfe suhimer will fitness;. . 25%L .less pre^entatlbn- bbuscs; thaii , ;the . -previous yeafi Stage shttws, are being ,bopked' into: .iniy 14:' houses; during; the - hot : ihontha, Whieireas a ' year ago there - were. iZl theatres on - the live; Publix ;cJrCUlt.-r;-/ 'r.-i: ■': V- ■ ' / '.Permahelit, : Of tli.e g;enoFal ^^5 % \ cut,. Aiftc.ctlhg all - tiieatro departnichts,..Vcef tain • phases ai-e terrnCd. permanent redUC- tioh, •There are four of-to " gorled ais:.";.;.^ ■- •;; ■ ■ ,(1); Bill posting is out ifi all tut. : a feW .spotsvthrpughout the country; •FeWct"i thr^e-siTeet:!? will .lie..Used..'.' '■ ('2.) Ovfer-staffed^ t;i\>aVcs. •Fewor- - abs.istant. managers, ushers and ev^sn '^clcin(rtg^'wbihen.- .•::..-■.■■ ■ . :■-;■■■■•'■■■.- . (3 Cooling. liiatits it 70 degrties are 'jjist as. .effective as" 05. Not" " only-d saying in the: th9Jttre bud&^^^^ ihrbugh less Ice, It Is pdiritcd pji't, . fiuf fewer-,fa.ris will have-tlie bppor-; ttjriity to confiplaih of sjlnus troiible,; • \: (4.)'.Lfess .display'in ■ tite ibbbiesl'. i;: Rentals : arci hot .included in the ■ 'i3,odb;00~0' .savihgv ■'Whifdi tricse.^^' . lerinacl. .nGn7;c6ntrpIl^^^^^ eyery .effort'. .Is bcirig made to get them down to a miriiri^^ par ■ in many needy' situations. .'. ■ ' ■ Birrningham, July - ■Daylight'"' saving tlm.e^ prpyed to be Mbbiie; : After ab^^^^ days.'^ttipil cvferybbdy got to hbwllhg ah d p e t i t i o h & -' ^ve^.e^ t h J c ker ( • t h an hills.. . City 'papas deciarcci. .daylight: .savings ; tltne a flbp and that .-it. wp.iild' bevall- right,fbi-..evCTybbdy go back to central :standard^ t •■ j Mpbllev .Alabama's, thlr^ Mobiie,, ■Atlanta'^ ds .An expferimentl Cl'ty. bfTlciais Said it could be' decid^A later :-wlicther. it AVp'iiid be 'cbnti.hued or nbt. It -was deciaed, A-':':-^''^.' ■ '• . Warners Gels Qiiiel; ■'■■■A ■■ ■ .Hollywb'od,- -July 6.'. - "The : 'cohtinued pt-oductibn aii iipunced by • j. ■!<... Wplrner is; not fbrtiicbm.lhR' and~ the studio is. rap-' 'Wly going into .a tcinpbrary fold. ;Vii0Q£il iijoy Maiies dood,'' return- . .Ihg fr'om location. .stuff in Ncbi-ask.i, .this^ weck. w'iil be last .in t.hc can. ;'■ .Hiin.d'red •and., fifty of the' rank arid . jile. .were- disnii^scd ^Friday :' nlglvt. - Depki-tihent heads), a.hd . a few cutters- arid' iiJuWicity .writiii's ' :jhol.d the ;dobs^watch to August 15. , Writers.returning frp^^ yrccic's-'laypff .the: end p£ .this month ; thake wiib do ''cpme.; back, . get ad.^ Ju&ted contracts with saja.'ry,_Vclip9. • Dno, nbt coming- baeic: la BlUy ;;l!3 ...tVclis, whose .coming. year at Vf 1,750 .; >vas settled for cash.-'•.. v •.''; :!' . All .Warnbr coritract.peopip are on , 'the auctlcin. for the summer. Dejiwesl's^^^fi .•.: .•;.: ■■, ■ ■ .v.'.Los' Ang'cles,'July 6.. Suit filed four yca;rs ago by De. ..Forest, • Phbhbfiim, • Inc.,. to obtain pbsses'sion. of: an' "apparatus attctciiT: : ^1^1?^: to a' projection; rriaichirio to prb- ijucc talking, pictures," P£ which the MP. Operators'.; Uriibh was . alleged 'to; be. In stvrbn \.ln;the cburts.;,. ;'. A:- : '. ■' Ijatest stifp is ah .order: .to : take ;the deposition-In >.'ew^y^^ ' iaeph '^tark .as. a, material witness; '; ..asserted.:. to. krio'W^- wlibse • ■ p rbperty ':**'<^ *>ribU3 articled, of early ^sbund ■ -pqUlpmentvreally. w^e..': $.ti,ff.efihg, ah .intc.risG .shof.'it in: Ih. ' .siKldi'n "(loath, -of. iiiys '.Nvifo a; wxick 'vaijo; .\Th(;p(lbre Youriiri'.. Publix-^TC'a'l for. a:--rrioaUVs i'Tost. ■ He . .sailWd Thursday. i CiS.) bn - the' ^ "li©;' dc VlCrnncp^v :■..;•.;.' ■ YiJiini^ ' i« ■•n-C(>nmnr,>.ni('.h ' ivy ■• h i;?- '■drVut;ht*M\-'::i:nith." I'^i^tiiNsv ■ aiii;^ •cous.lh; :Doio(liy -Vouiig. .■ : , ; DAYUgHT TIME A BUST Mobile Tries and Tir-ies .Within 10 ••'.'.,.'; Qays;of Test;:.;'".,- ;:... '■■ EowerB.0 loxMcl 78,()iW Patrofe iti 6 yalup of the Ibwer . b.p; tarifts' Is haying .its prb^.and'/Cbns.' ih fiimdom' :vs a^tati^tical survey ofro^ theatifes which. cbniprlse- -the Fox :Metrb,- pblitan .'grbupi for, slic ■rhon.ths' from .N'oy;i;.ip3(!i; ':to May, i931,' shews .ah .average?Weekly i.hci'ea'se .iTiy .'ati tenciaribe. .pf iat'ound . •7S',d00. .pPrsbhS^ oyer, a , siipllar .pe'ribci, in- i9'29-i930. V 'Tivis increase:. .. is sriiainly^.^ a^^^ utable;.tp/the.. lower 'tariffs pfeyall-. the'.Fp* hpuseji; d?iie".sa.nic thcatr-es are given as.showing'a <leA crease • :an ,'|idri;iisslen's.': ^' Insidie; . .ex- planation .bf'^his. Is:., that .the, F.ox. i)bliey :l'n .lowering : tariffs -r wa a.chie'Ve this liirger ■attejidaince.. and. then ' begin .rai.sing. .as.'time^ gen- erally, and CG'phbmic qbriditions; howi prcviviiing. ' 'hiproved;. -. :',■'-;. ;, '..■ - •. . The -bigger. fittericlaniBC' gaihed: b Fox, accprding' to analysis,' -can :be pointed: iis. :cbmlhg-frr>ni ^a/iargcr kid: attcrid.a,rico •; plus ^. gceate'r- ^matineo L)i2.-\" ■.'--.■;..■.'■'...... '[i- . ■ tt;^is:said that a!t this'^ate .of in^ crdfi'scd •• attchd'tnce; Wcfe . tiiP F6x prices.' iibp'stcd /two. cents pet" persoTt the.. h'oua,es...:.wpuld' show; a satisfac- .t6ry..-i)rofit.., : :'.' ■■/: .'..'.•: ' *^$6y\ahar Ui? Again ■'..-. : ^.-i; ""ijioliyyvPod;' :juiy: (»; . "J3ab03 in. Toyland'' • is. in a;ga:iri as, a mu'slcal pbssibility.. ;Kadlo;: wiiieh. has been; ioying .wi.'th' .:tiie . story .for--, some-, .time, - Is now . thinking .bf . making in the •fail.\ It will prpbably i)^ a- , tblbr, talker.-..V --: v :':.'■..^■V■■:■ •:':,' ;TbugK:Pn;Sibcs^ ■. :Whero,Parambuht-Publlr In previpu^ yeat"s . haa hifeii 60 .secfeta,riea to substitute: for,, regulars .: on . vacation, V'exe.cs wlio: let their dictatipii .takers, . go 'tliis suihmer 'are flndingvit; .necessary to l^pld bbthi Jobs..' . AsVthe.' resuit,' sp^ of, tiio ; secretartes, like^ thie eiecs, .ire. hot? getting : yacatlpris. .. Ohe, with .the company .for; a .liuin^, . ber ,of,ycat;3,. lipid .to cahcei her .reseryatlohs aitv:the. laist mihutb - • because li'er .particular • bpiss. . balkedyait: ihe i^eia of -plk^ : tiie . du^l'. role ,«vieh ; itd'r . t.-wb. 'Weeks;.;.,'^ ?, '■:;■.'>' '' • ■ ,.;■'■■'?'?.■■ iHbllywpod,; July ]3espite talk of depr.esiisioni "t^ ArVists: la Btaniling pat. Irii Itai. flght- tb-the-flrilsli ' attitude: agalhst^ Fox- West: Cbist. by iplari'nlng/ltp. itart construction'. .immediateiy.' on.-' 14 thcatf-es.' iSoUseaj air;ln Galifbrnla, are. part of .the projefctcd 'UA chain. : - Joseph : Schehcki In: ' drderlrig a .start bii tlie extensive conistructlbn, is.couritirig on the curircnt rbbk b-Ot- tbm : prices 'of/.bu.iiding: iitiaterial. Piariket, cbntracts have been signed already' for ;"recprding and : prbjec- tiQn ;equlp7nent In :all , the. .houses, also.v carpeting/ seating, and iriarA iauees -of [Standard :pattetri,' ; .. : FulWling Threat . While j other; circults.vare clpslrig,?.Sch^nck; is .eyideritiy .barry^ ing: put'ihis threat ;to ero^^l^ g.rpund;"wlth. tents, ■. If ?necessary,'* . - Houses . ;will V be standardized wherie ppssible, even , to ;-seats, ex-- ccpt for: those at Long iseacli, .EL Gentrp : and Sati l Joaei which will seat .1,200. • Planned iibw- tb . open nearly...^aii houses: around Nov. ;i; Ayerage. cost :wili be\>'?5-000i cheap- est /wiil, ;;be:57,00j() and the jiiost ;luxuripus '?125,60O.:..: : - H ■;:.■ -, Lpu , Ainge.rr; iSchenck's assistariti 'wlli .h ^details?''? ■.. : '■ .:;.■' . •■ '■:■- ■ ■ ■ / ■ Theatres not mentioned above are OOprseatcrs ihd -wIU. b«^ in; vPasadenay: V^enturaii- Vai Ihgle- wopd,: Berkeley,' Palp Alto and Ix)S Angeles. . One each haa Just been comijieted: In Sah, Francisco ..and .•Sa'crahierito. . ■,:..":.■.•' KIDS AS SPIELERS Berg's Exploitation for ;,Gangster Filrii Goirig tb ;Strand • :. '■..'Harbld':. ?Be^g,.':" fprmeriy ' With :Lioe'W'3. press Vdeparthibht, : is, ' ha^ diing /thei. puUlioiiy -'fp '^Enenxic^ /ofHiiie- Law.'* :'y ;.■?..?■; ;' ; ■;. It o'pons at live Straii.<l, New. York, Jiily .10.^ •,'I'.he..picturc Vas hvaao by.- Regal Fiiritis, indiei and released by ■VVarners; .■' ■ ■ ?':;' -?-!'!' Berfr' has!, h irod '■■ pvct. ..a ■' liimdrbd kids to siVcak on; street, corners In Mariljatiah?'Vuth^ ^^p i'hey will talk :on, gangstersi^^'b^^^ and . >yind ,up. -With - a i>l,u6: for. tl>e talker at the Strand. ' Farther Remoyed from as 7 to do to : All 'details liave. bben worked .but bet ween Harry Arthilr bf. Fox ah,d Jbe. Pluiikett pf, RKO : for; seven,' of the Fox ;thcatres in the . metrpppli.^ tan-: 'district: to pass .to ItKO-' uhder ,lpng leases.',' BKO will start bijer^^ tion imihedlat'ely theidcai.. is closed'. FromvrepprW oniy. iflnal apprbyal is requlr.ed. .' ,' ..^ ''; • . Fox. .houses ' involved are .-.Aca:d- emy . of Music; - .Audut)On, Crpt.on.a and Park , Plaza In Manhattan and Bronx; Sayoy and ' Ridgovpod in Brbbklyn, arid .Gapitpli Portc ■ \ Each of t.he.'Fox. hpuises ilsted is in bijpbsitibnytb some RK9' house: bf ' Its rsectipri.' --.-'JFhe,<ieri?y ph l!4tii.' street,': Manhattan;-:d^^^^^ .ampiei-; RKO'.s Jefforsoh,. also.- pia.y- ing vau'dfilm as does the Academy ..With 113 P&M'.?tage sh0w,. is on.the block beip^y. the Acad.emy. r Both houses have' .sirpngly ,opposed one another. ;■''■;^ ■. ." '.-•, Mb Participation Of the; s.even Fox hp', -the pniy tWO; -sccurod 'by Kpx in its' mcli'O-' pbHtan; thcalrcsi b.Uy i'Un.drfr..Wiliiam I'"p.x. are .'the; ;XXi^-k --l'laz.a -and ••.•Pprt-.' I i.d.."=r t:ov. h b u .sp.. •:. b 111,0 r.,s. h a:V e: 1') c e n b h the ..Hri;e circuit -slhr-C the, I-;OX ■ va.uflo -clrV;uit <irgaii 1 /.cd,, Soiiio coming in .on it latr-r, :.''. - ■',.;;: . .J<<^n.tal.s riot , roppi'toii, but oa.oh: is -.''did " ti) ?f?il;ir,iiri tr-e. Vaii an .annual piyifit; -If 's an fiirt-riKht.lp.a'sing. deii^ \<'Lth-ou t. F;'X,: p'l rli'-; 1 r>?> t,in ;'- i li' .'ariy rii'iiiirii';- -iHlH'i; t ));'ui in -tl;'? rontal.-i. ;'■' •,''l'h(! (li'a.i: ii.'is;'bcc;ri;- pondiJij,'." f.'»t: stjiiic lime. "..:• :-/-.'^".::'- , '.-- ,. M-G DROPS 30 SCRIBES IHiONTHOFECdNOHK . Hpllywbod, July 6. , . Over ; 30 writers have been the Metro payroll'dur- ing, the past riftbnth of the atudlo's current economy policy. : A ,'few have ..been added, making Metrp's .i)reson,t writii»g;staft- Wtw 50 arid. (jOi . It reached Its peak recently at around- 85. .'.. :.- /Studio IS also cha^^ to Ward: writers, In : that > they, .are being : watched . more ^clpse^^ time spent on sCripta, Now and tiieri; eyen ..the . big name' scribblers get a gentle prod tp steP ph lt. . ? /Tacts'"Lbtol Suit • ',-; Hi5llywbPd^^ C. '. Looked but 'of iW own olTlcc by Ihi;-lari.dlord .for .n.f/t. pi back Vy'^t; .'.'InsidcVi'^abtsi", local thoatribal pu 11i).c;i,tiOn, -i3 -,1 uing for $50,000.'; 'Charge ' '{igaiTj'.'st :' .I^av'yj owner '-. of.;' tlie:.'Eqtiitabio Building whr-ro the bfrire was; .localC'd-.- ls in- , to'rfc'<Trir.e -with •tlie buslnefii? bf' ■p.iip.or. ' I^/ckKoUt,; wh'l'^h to'^ik pl.fic'- ..iline.. .n) X'''-.'■'liwf'.'i •-tb: i^ hari'd-. .;<..'il;l"-d: P-il' the paper-'.islritf- Iih<?n. ,'; : \ -.'-■;' ' . ':<.-':.. '.- - ■ - :;■':;' ;■ '■ Newark,;-N. J., July S; . ;; The. dally MoHtclalr tragedy ; fairly In their edltorialf but theONewark->^ CitU" bitterly, attacked the giingster films as at .faiult,. The an'3we)r sent by the ;Hays bfllce in reply to pro- tests, evidently filed the 'reforniers.; ''The?NeWs'' .resppndcd with- an ap- fld editpridl on Hays and the film^. ; So far the reformers liave rtiade a: Ipt of fuss, but havo . accompllshedi little.; Ix)cal theatrical .'m.eri;did yeb- - man Wbrk fn swbeplne back the tide and could,have gbl^tbn nibre -su pport, had It not been for the Hays office? Harry .Kalnilne had: a good letter In the Montclalr '"Times." -.?.:,-.. : Mbntclalr has not acted as -yet, but possibly will have' to take sonic sort of .to aatisfy the clamor. . :?. ^'?'.:?.'; • .■•> ';■' , Meanwhile, it has transpired the faiial gun was shipped to the ^ain-' lile boy by exiiress and hpt. man; So far; - tlie: firriii. selling the .gun - has .not been meritioried. -■ '': ; /fhb Ganible boy's father: turned bver' to the prosecutor two revolv- ers and a- rifle the, boy pwned. A i7-ycar old friend of Gamble's Qwris; tvio revolvers, shbtgun and three rifles,' but:his mother has refused to turn these pve.rl itle . didn't cbllect them because he saw gjangster plc- tufbs, but the' prosecutor's: office states that"tii;is wholesale, display of. wcai^bns has,caused: b boys In thc?ncl^hbbrhpbd to pufcliase.jg^ The Whole casevaigalnst the films disajipcars, -to;: say hothing, pf the strong pp.s.slbiilty - that , ,the .-Gari>l^le boy Was,not.telling the truth,.when .he/gave his- version of the killing and mentioned "The, Secret Six." GALLUP LEAVING U.A., WITH HORNE IN CHARGE : Bruce Gallup.Has rc.slgncd the ad-, .vcrtising- ■ post ■ of United Artists, He 4s succcedicd by Hal liprhe, .w liolds the ■gencrai title of, ,a:dvertis- ing; publicity and :'exploitatlo;n;m ager. -?.v ?-.-■/, ; A ". ; ^Change ih the routine, bringing all departments under oho icti;ye; head;, is given as. one- of .the reasons fbf Galluii's -wUhdrawal, but ',.another piaccs It; to the arrival of a culm'l-; natlng: ' pD.ih.t . .between;, Gallup tirid Sarin Ooldwyn. . ' ?';? ?;.'; ??' ?'; By Harry E« Goldflam; ?.;':'..'?; JUieiibs:Aires;.Jvme 4 . ■■'Show. ,b.u.'<i)Tt\<s.:i:lown,here.:l Wpndoriii^ iVo'w- 'Ipiig tli.e hew' tax. ;ai:i-aingoihcrii.. \vill--stand.;; Wlien .the. govorunieiU'.will change .the prcsept? systohi;: which nicans 'rii.vich ::i)pblC:.;;.; keeping/ .ariiii'little' i>rorits ?Ior. the/' Sljcto','- \\Vhne::'putttrig; an; b-\tfa bur- ' ■ ; don on .prodiicbrs without any xom- pens.atip.nv V iurihbrs^. a 'very.? sKbrtl.y..the;:Clpybrrinierit• will .reyiso; tiie?t.ariff ■ .'arid': by siappin's'■ on - aa increase meet, the -ideas of all 'par- :. ties....' At .the.'/pres,C,nt' ratC: of prog- ' ross—of:riither,liick-of, It^th '\yill; find the end Of the year hero and nothing to draw out - of the 20'% ■. iricrease. •'::?';:'/.' ■;''' -'- . ,?i>usiiicss -is about; as; bad'-, as" It . has. ever been. here, iiankruptcles during May ga\\e liabilities of',?38,i-?. 000,000,V7vlinbs:t treble; what they were in? May last year? The rate ' ;of' oxch.arigb; gives, the' Ai-gbntine; , peso a depreciation of some 35%", uiakirig remittariees from this cpun-.. try ■ ipok smaller . still when.- they rCttch., hpritiB. Incidentally; , tlie, jArgeri tine- G overriment ..;■- la - [ doing • cvofything po^5Siblc to'lift,'the. load ' of ,d,epresslbn by?Jri brriies ^ whblcsale.; ? : ? ?--■ ''■ ::■ Top maiiy-ijlc.turea, too.little nov- elty, the nilstakcn idbfli up North that, his public -wanta costly Span- : ish flrsitT.runs, arid the glbpm of dull ., trade over : all, , riiakje. uripleasant^ . reading for th.ei theatre. - - Spanish 3d Raters .. Currently,: it would , be hard to . nam© any-, jjlctiire; making: mbhejr? outside ' bf: "City . Lights" .and that is hpklirig up fairly well. "Call of the Fleih;" .soon Here as /'Seylll'at - de Mis Ariibrps"'ahd-Nbyarrp'.s .first ;, SpanlJ^h taikcr;; flopped;?; and ■ If Nbyarro :doesri*t lilt In his. native , , ton gue-what "can ;be expected 'of tlie- ] ordinary run of Spanish third- ;. raters-? .Metro .ran this :brie. at Pal- : ace and Grand Splendid, and after , 10 ?days '^switciied: to the: English/ ., but the harm was?dbhe and it: died. : if-:the'yM;^ Spanish iiii the can? and, used the English yPr^on sblp. pictiire wpujd haye held ' up, Npvarro being a, favorite bet here. , Howeyer, It was only! natural to want to use tlie Spanish. . ! .Honie Officbs Sevbral film men?here say tlieli'- home pifii.ces .warit knpw the. kind bf picture required for tills market,,. arid . theylye always replied .Spariiijh;r' ;Po<iitlbri.;hct-e: Is its the , hardest ;thing in the world, to get : ,a firstyrun to. .take a; SPfiriish pi ..tiire;. :Tiiey-haye-;tp start ■ in se'ebrid.. pr third ;Or'. .outside, 'where they grind Out a certain aria oUiit of caah- but., 'nptiling iri cp.m-iiarlspn .to'prinio 'costs, ::exploltation,; V overhead,; • etc. .iQn thc.bthc'r hand tiic major hpusea are always willing tb talk businesa ;. When?th'e. American stars are fea- . .turcd, .and these click aa they al-. - ways have - done- and always will,. ; ; Of■:cburse>-;lio,me offic.c executivea, \ ivhb?werit rcd-iicadcd . for /Sparilsli: - .pictures oh tlie' understanding that : this public .wa.s fpariiing for tlienri^' want to see the money back, but they ncycr' .will, '.drhe- Spani"sh.";^ex-. . pp.rinrient. Was a cpatlyj rnlstaker and while by careful :bu lid ing over, a period .of year.V?i.iay give us; Span- isii stars, they will' not bo found' .frbm -..ariftpng '. the;.-.-iiaridful 'wKosa -.. riames.: are;."aircady sb.;-w.ell known'- herb? that they, turn away, the ? patron, who might otherwise be in- .. duccd to enter. , .' ---'- .-??.;; LEWIS ON CRUTCHES Refereed. Wrestling Match on Ship- board—Middle of Huddle Aurora, 111., July 6. .: . E'(iwin :B, Le:wiai rdsldcht manager of the PiVram.b.un.trPublix. theatres; :h<3.rp, rclu rn ed last - week from - his yjiwitibn ;wth?.a Ijrbko which \^ll'a:te?thb use ,bf; crutches for .scjy.feral ::week.s^ Lew I.h. arid Mor- timer' lji^,?.j6iret P-,'P..manage^^^ were'.ari' .y;!if;atipn' in': Orit-ario, . Cap'T,; aida. -: Jlf.'turnl'ri'g^^^-b^^^ hibat, j>';wi,s,vol;, untpored to'refc-rcc a wr-estllrig, hop't, ■>i,r!t\ve«r) a cp'u:i)io':bf :sailor.^. • iic got tbo":,cl/>.S(ij; ;gQt . 't^ •wa-vinij.;;/arrrv3; :a^ and \vent ■down. '.; ? :, ;;' ■..:,; ? ■'. : '-'-.,; ■ ..■. ;J'w.lfI;.y<-d:,to havf? arvrairii-tl 'ii.Ls a^^^ l<lr;',^'fjTiO?i<a-ln';g<)t:,:Hii'- liail iiri >r-r/Lv Wa.-i- t!Aki;-n,; re v6al i i iI h 0 ,f ra( --t u re;'. Recover ? .-' - .:'. .'-.-•.', Hollywpbd, July 6. ..■ / Thft nibb ;averagcd- 6'77 fpprcscrili^.-?. .tiye.s •in the ilitjld; last 'wcOk; a par- . .tl.aV..-rccoycry?from the .'558 ?durlng ' the prc-v^ious week,. Nuriibcr' of ex-- tra jobs wa's around -700 the- first three wecl<3 of juhe. '; -- : . Tuesday was la.'it week'.'; peak. day;^, wiif n ' &89 c'piIected. paycih(■cks.- fro'ni Cf;n tral .^iasl ingtljiireaii., Qu tstandi^:' ing.' crowd Was.'195 . iri-- a. thoatrii ;s6'iic' for.?'Atl(lrilrflit c;riiisc'?;il Fbi? l>"bx.lot■ held twb of the other big :riiol)3. of-: tlie?week, Frank. Bbrzage:;' .uiilrig . 300 ;:bn ;<t '; ii'gh'^^ .set fQr :'.''Ba'd;■ fiir^,'^-:the■ ■proyifVus! ..Saturd-iy, ;:ari'd .S'/i'm- ;Ta^0.or«'o;m;f)lpying- ]»3',, actpr- iab.f))w;rs'.:on H iviiildlng cbristril.etion for' ';.S)<y)iri'i": Thu'r.ulay. V ?, . . WiVlrif-.-sda-y'.'? - .big; set wiis- Xor the '.rinirny "'.Jlouf'o.n »Fu)r.l at I'atiie, ISf' 0,11 a- iiri/.t'f)i<)it sc-ti . -;-''"' .'-;'' - j-N-ayfirf's /'jt .,'\y^^^^ .hum-'. bored. 33. " / ■' ■^. ?-:'-"