Variety (Jul 1931)

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VARIETY Pit:* '■:M^/--'^ . '.x?iii't;iKb,-;"Jul>';.c.;./. ■ pictui'o ' .7U)UsM-.,: ;r KiTc'ii' nVjiro. ■.■ lietltine' iMi.V'.with Virt.(UV-utio)i^.:.oi'; a fairly '.sut''<;<ss>!XLa .w^ i;('.n<*i;iiHi*..:- .■; ^Tvvo.jjictiirc'.srstViiul .out as' tho-.biff ,. .attraotloiip^ . '^.S^niilinfr • Lioufc-naoit," • ■ -WiiU-h. iH -oii• iIs- :viay"•trt. sv g'iiln; wpeK :■.at .'• tho.' X-Jniicd .'\;^aiid - /i'Fi'OO . ■ '•^oiij,';': .-TKU'iilf,' .fast. ■ 'in .'.ifa - secQhOI.'! :'.. WflcTy.. '.Lauer-.rilai. iwus. in '^ llir -!ilia(l9. .tho pVov:io-u«.' ■\voek. Ijy tlVe ' .'.terVirie-- heat,- ami', sli.oula rrtakt' thfr ■ ''f tlio 'hxorc! .lempci-atc vycixthdr '-current,- ■ -,■ V;' ■ ■ - • - --", Fi.glit tox thc/i5upvrmaoy;.'6r 'th<> .■ milin-stcriv iij..l)*'t\vcoh tlic.' C.hev.aliei: .'■ rticls .aniV-;tlie'^^ IVohcL-t.. Jion.tffOHit'ry ■ -/fieaturc^. ''.iluii-.j'n; l»osso}isron,'' at-' tMc-. Ghic^igOiV:' ;.l':enimes•' iiro. " runnihg :'ih'ehi'sGlv«!.s ia..arz?y oirclp .frying -> -.'Dick "lout; •Svhioh. - M . ,tiieVpash;es^' Mhey!re. going'.to Mh]ivA tliiiJ: Avcejc; --Clievaliot- -is-: getting • .!mahy oC; Uht . eivic'ago. pa.trons ■' . '.df, town ■■ wilt,- (?.pm ji'' t'hi'ou'ghV ais. ;thc - lead grosser.' 3iP onVy -.becoitise' of.'vits : 'far, greater nun>^ , . ; ' . Stfite-X,ak€! aria -itob^eycit-ai'ie: re- . taining theHvfilms'ior another >veek;-<. 'v/-iiiiaiTiIy:--becayse tliey .ha,Y6, nbthing i.'ljmrii.cdia-tely- liiyailabio Ibi' .replace.-.' -■':. .. rrtcht; arid secondarily, bccatise bp.Uv. , .'• .<-tiicatres'.;fcol- tiitir.-^abtl'on■s■^i^•e. better'-iiJian - the :fl^^i.t•;-■.wcok^s■ grosses • -V iindlcate. • ■• Polh. exp.ebt.'' the secprid' lialf • of.- me. ;:'fo'rtnlgjit;-.'fo.;vsh'6\v;'la',. ' :.. quickened boi-ofnt^.paic'e from, good: - notices,; - 'wor^.r of - hibvi.tU.- ■■ faaostl ng- .'. '.. arid, the .'copier', .almospher^ Ii.'s' :'a ■ - battle on grosses/, v^ bofih.'honsi^^^^^ due to■i^,nisll/the^.^y^ek &y*n. ■; in":cai;h .receipts;-.- ;'- ~.::'' ; '-. ■ ':' '•' ; '. .:.. [-.Sinilltt.i'i.ty. . of . box- ipfflce. '. flg'ures -■■i- -^ :t;M i'feS.uU at thfiiO'rien- -, ■ .tal: and Palace, \yltlj .. the • for.m'or .-. :dying \vrith /a . pfb'graiti ■^fijrn 'wiiiie -, the- .vaudfflih'- JPalace': wiM.i likcOy ....eitlsfy^witij.. a.Standard- v-au'dc lln'e-^^ ■-'■:--ot>:;:v ■ .■-^-^r■■^:^,^■:,-:^^y^■.; ; 7:'EstiniiaUs}'foh'TKii;Week ; • ■. .-'.Chicago'XPul)1ix^P/,^& Kk). .i4.:opo;;' 60^7.5-86)-^V^Ma'n-in P.b ..•'^':G), and stage'-^how..- Mbntgoriicry': ■ -ha.s'nia.dc.gbod-lbdally as pish' draxst.. :•' ;:/and>Iik■e]y.'t6^n^ean lafijaoo curnqntly, ; ..'rHpuse iecling: .tlie. cpiiipctitio.ri- tins - -week fF'om iCKovaltcr ■ at the. -United . 'Artists, .'."i: . Take,. Tfiis .'Woman" . ^XPiVcViifebt .$3^b:2p;0/'faii\\v- V. :■:,.-...' ' . , Ai.cViiikerS ;'(Publj?i>B, & .K.y (2,L. : -:2<ll6.) '^.0iT5f 85)TT^^:j>Yoe :gbul'•:.^X^-;iGij;^ . ..O.n'e of i.the, big. events , pf' ,the Loop:- . ■ .Only •-;the ■ -uiibeairable' heat' :ci t :last - week; 'prey.ented . it-, frbrri hitting. < higher . than $33,90$: i/Gbirig jirxto y • .cuVr.eiit. week, at excellent .'clip, aiid. ..will. slicftToMihiry !.diop practically V In .hiailf, with indications of' finiisli '. Ing .these; rtoxt' Seven days to. ftne. ■\;--^^6;Oop.—:^v,-.."'.:'^;v'-;..:..'■■. . ^:'Qrlenial. (PCiblix-B: &:: K.)^ • 60-'7.5r8'5)ir^':'B;a,fk Otimel" ..'(t'osK ,' ;:;,aLrid ;Stage:'shb\V-. . -With feature just . V.C anothej: .oho,, and .with' no, names .on ■- . the boards, will rcriiaih 'isl'xYfee't uiiv .. der, to", the' t^jne of ■ la's^b'OO. very . :,St»:ibVlh^; ;;;Goad JDust" Gertie" (WB) and' -..Kicolaj ; magician,- last ' week ^ ;. ..■wei?©- irt'.tthout ' partioillar h'o'pbr at ^ :flniffhfiig J2i;70o;. : ■ ■:: Palace - (tl KO): (-2\ 300; ' SO - t'n- S-T )— |F : ••Three ""Who ...Lbv.od" . (Radio) tirid yiaude; vBlariche SW.oet iii. persbri !'..:.irtiPari9' Ultle, A.vei-nteb'$22;000 aiitjcl<- :. j)ated,. . '■"Always .' I'rbod.ijye";- '(yox)- and.I'aulist.^^ - hopes last .-.■\A-eek. by .rc.iurriing" wob^ ; biy- ?l:8,;20.0i-: -' -V-' :■. ■ ^ ■ : ■ ■ ,: : Roosevelt ' aMrblix-'h./. '^i: . .K (1, T 600; . S0,^75rSa) '^Pniart- ^rolu'y'!'." :• -(WB),. v'..:N.()thiiig .-to.-: riMila.o.c'. 'and . ;.hopcs ■oE-^bottoi'^''»ir^.ak^:ii~oldinR bypi': .''film. . O.pcnjiVp wppk , paid . cxpph.^<''k' ,. -.Mith ,something, .over • at' 5il-'i4Qfi: ;;. ■s.p.cond 'wcpk.VshoT^i'ld.- reth.'iih. sohiif-' ' ;:.wht,.t 'flvmoi- to. pJoye- Willi. $0,0''OQ- : ' . .. -State'.vL'ake - n.VJv.C)).. :('2y700; ■uO-T.f- ..'Sn^-^VSww-p.xt.-iUr.sV ' ^cl^itlW^ At»<^' . .otli(;r-,.h(iitse;. /wk-lr'-A' prvtiiro.': .tliai ■ .dtsappointod •.:i t,'..t1u>^.. .^sta'rt;' - imt .'is: . V.b*<liig.piv6n'ad(lilf(>^^ si-v^ •owl . ..TO.T.^ohi?.AftjlOj^ib,.' foi-: ;.'©.p'one'i:,... locif^f^' i;ik(r..-jN,'r,(i(i .'foi-.. si-L't'ind' •.';':;stanz,iiv--.,iiKC) playhifi'.'slibrisi..diiyi and-^-da.te'- \vitl> .I'-aliive -■■''rt'iliiOvl-ntt-' .. :..pi!iti'ons...-;-:;■; ■ ■.■... ■■'•. ,?.■'-•■' ■'■; ■. ;':. ; .Uhitcd ^Artists'.-''(Pull■iix4^-V'V■ (i,-- r . 7PP ;'■ -'-B0 - " 'J -'ii*r,) 'Stnji i hp;':] a 0 u teii'- ■ ; -a.nt'^-.:(X\-ir),. :.. '.for, coiifi;.. (ippning -hndweivk- c>vi>h'-:. i.hg. -to- staiidmVtr'a'Tia'''at • fa,«t-'p . .. .Bincp- -tp ;in.di,<-;U('ti-/$;V>,oon for .'iH si Ayoi'te ".N.iKhf.:Ahpcl;' -(Hiar) vc^Tosrtl .. . Jast pfii-xioli oX :.\v.oc.k to -UiitiviiMitiii'ij.^ ,-::,-ji;ble;j7:;,9oo,^:' .-y::': ■■■ \ir ■ B*^ie Mack There ^ - .' :.r •:^?V>^>'!iC:>la'':i>.''iii iaVt cxrHU'd iibi.iu ; - ■•••9 ''!'^:>V;fl'""^^*'>"^'-ly~'' W«'*f.'»«Jw>-'a-iui■ V ,; al 1 h.or .(#1J iff. li! H !'■: ;f,i.-1 ive.. < i.irt (iiS-- 'lirpss' d<>j)ari-vu('iit- •; v .- '• ,.;• ^ibme - of -:) \i:v .-i^u fr';<iM'',:;,y :. ';'iAr.: a^.-j^lpss'v : lCiui\\s-'slVi-' ;wor.kinp;'{Ii(;i;c;^. - v:/ .Mfew-AIhlAk 'lli^-5; W;(:fi \\ liii.'ibv .(iV V ''litre'Siiicy;:it-(iptjii^d-ln:.-^^ ■''• :■" .-. .■-■'. . ■S<rattlo,'--JUly:.-fi; /.'buia :.bc---;t.; big ■ .^-v\r-ct''k'. fbi.- plipA.vs h.t-'i'b. v'CvOlebratiort bVi')(,ig'ht, i'li .^rhany ■ fplkS);:-,.but,; tho JOIk*s conven'T- :tl()n.',i'.s do' cyi'.h. htoror I'm-amoiiht "(.l'"<)x): is'closed,, and .Wfll.i tHls 3ilOp-- ;s.oatoiv-.'dark.:''t.!ic P^^ hou-so.-s.'are benefiting..' -.-Bu i ■ it's'-.«!till .■ .M'arii'i,; .\\vhicH:' win ' likely. ;iw^^^ ■ FanGhOn.and-M.arco.shows oponc(t thisi-WieeJt.- in -Afahcouver, B.'-C, it .tlW .Strand,-. . This,' is'" .Ue-VV'ceii' .libUSC;-; .^^-.-'.^ -■;'■ ." . : ,"■.'. EstTmates for This- Week' ■ • Fifth^Ave.- tl'W (2UWr.^5-;i5'-nO) .''.Fr'co; Spui'"-.(>I'-G). Held.bycV-ex '{Cnsr- . dayg fOr'c $6»000,;.-.'firpt .'vi-pt-k. 11; 500,-:. fine..; .'.VMan- In. X'bs.s(,^s.<-ibii-'' (AI-^G)' Opened .tboiay. (Monday).. -":-MusiO -Pbx - (l;famri(jk) (UCO.-; ' 2fi-. :3G.-.50), .^'Gold . l5^;^st • Gertie"'. .(WB.)..' .Ooirig. bke . aha. indications are'M'br $!)-,jOOO'..-:' East • 'vveek;''- ji'ix^ -day.9 ■ oC "Kyonftaji"...(W-B), in - second.':Weok, iu)5't- ih^diu'm' faiOPO; ■■: , :, r liifcerty..' .•(^bnseri-von^ H : (:2i OOP; ■ .25 -3pOi.:."' 'Air / i?bl ieO^'; iTi-ff); TiJ.sihg...Ipis of!:p,rihfer's- ink Xb bh,e.j.headed.. :fp.r''.big^w Jja'st week "Oprnhiaiid! P.erformah'ce--'- did $6,200. ;-'-•' -..-v-- j'-.-;''^;:-': '. Orpheum.. .(RKd)..' (2.700; . 25 - GO)': ;':Kyerythtng:a :.i{bsie''.- (JRad^ :^'a^Ji;de..; Strong : bh".'-$t2;5p0i ".- -..Cnly; stage fare nbw'ih town, ' J.a9t.\vce1< ".Good Bad'G:|rl" 'slUTn.PWl^ tb ?rrO',OOt)'.. . .. Cpliseuiti (Fox) (tiSOO;. 25-35) ".f Take: . This Wonriah'' .('Par)' -.and. "]Hijsh.„MbheyV (Par), .split, ^Around- $4;50.0; .•...ta.'st. •..w.-e:ek';^-'^Gcntienieri'>5 Fate" (M:-G) -a?nd;.. "Six 'qylitid^r. Xx)ye'V <.Fo.S:>,.rai.i:.:rbiv'.?3;00.0;./)n isix- (ttyys. : ■■.<:■.[ '.';' , 5 Houses are Cloising in Birntihgham^ .'.-. ..-' ■- 'f--iBir.mih^tiam.. Jiily.:6^'' .{Dray^In.g Ppiiutatipn,'325,000) I i'h -^Oi ■•bl.iie Birjmihghf^hi'.-.'- KutIcosi ■ at fiveVdo.wntb'wn.rhbiises- have: Viec-fi . handed 'but- -effective:July. IS,-. Thc--^ .itLres. will Veinaih- (■Ibsed. indefi.rtiteiy> prpbablyitintil cool.iweath^r .sets in. They are' the Ciaiiix, Erniiiire, Striihd''i -( run?), ahd-.the 'and; G:i pi-' tblv. seCo.rid runs. Owned- bN?-Birmiriii"^- ham-" Theatpioal.' Go.;. ' and ' two 'or. tJi'i-cp ..mprtths ::ag'o/ purchased'' frpm PubliJc.'. -'. It. .leaves' thre'e.. :th'eiitres' rop.en. inv th.p .theatrical' section. .. ''jThe.' Alabatha and Ritz will be the '.oiily first i:uhs, with RiaUo. play ing .sebr- 'onda.■:.. -'.:■/:/.■.^0'- \ HJghUefht. .pt :^fhla-''week'. wil,l.-4)p'- '.!Youn'g .fjlhne.i's" - at; the -AiabaVha. " .First of Bobby. Johe's' shorts'i'htrev. too.--; '- ;-'.'.-'•:;/.:;■;,. • ■':•-.. .';.,-.■. ^- ;• ■ Estimates for TJiifs .W.eek ^ .' 'fPubiix) .f-2,OO0;' 25.35-' :60)-:^"''i':oijing .-i^inhor.s;' '. (Ko'X) ahd .Vaude,; Good for. $-t4,P0.0.. I^st'wceW "Free. Soul'-.' (.M,Oy okay.oh..$1,35.0.': . :-: Ritf (-nXO) (.lv60.o;v 25--<0)---^''Flve ■ and-- 'I'ori," .Xif^.^yciok 1 ikely a;tr$4,POo;- -\vcek V'Sniai^t ■ Mbtiey",- (\VB) ~ san-ie. -'.:'.. : . .y^■■ :■:.: -:'•-'. Sti^and, -(BTAC) - '(«O0V; ,25-40^^ "Forbidden Adv^iitiirc!''. <Par;)..'Mit-/.i Green .played up|v will draw pretty ;gpod.$3,300. I:,ast-W(!ek "Qiiici: ^til-.- J|()n.s"::(Fbx) .'V poor $2,!)'00.. ' ■ . 'Empire. - CBTAG) . (j.lOP;. 25.-40)-^. ".Yico Squad"-.-(rar). . Qno f.f .tl'io ■best bets :ln .town, 13;5.00v. 1^ .st vv'^ek •.•A..hv.'i:y.s 'Gbodbye" - (.Fox) .jA;2.p0. - ' . :. Ga!a.x. (HTAC) COO; -la-InJ-^-isir} Ttabii;',' (liar).-":. j[6dcMi:.iMy. ■: pboa; - .$.1 ifllip.;. T:::i;.^-.!;- w^i<l>-••'flirotv (;-ii'.-l.;-VTX)S(.". (Fu.v; 'sjitue-li^ui^^^ ... .: ■ - .' - ! .■.: . - . ;/<:Sight. ^lAngel,''' :>:,$i;i,50().--;'?|Vlan - /.V -.Posse.^sio-ri,". $10,600 .. BUFFALO TAKES IT HARD ^l'5,00q: MflidiPCrei for "Sm^r't ,Vloney" :' —^"Laughing . Sinriei-s'.' iTotJs at . ....;V. $20,000, Great: Lakes, '■. ;■•' ,; ■ ;::^i^ri^ijv i'^uly .6..■ -r•'^^o^^'(-■ i$ ' again ■wijhori.hg. bp.^ iiu's:.-:.. vS'f'it •oV'f-h 'the - rofrigerati'd . iioii.s.Vli ar'«'.'shoVvihg'hi'U(':h': •:'- •^'-. - ■' ■ '. '.■'. ..E6tiriiatBs:,f6r:'This Week'-:,; - '- - '-B'uffa)p .(Piiiviix) -.('a.CttO; -: 3CT'^40? (t^,^ -.:^J5marf .;:-Jrf)Mby;'-: - (WiV): - -{^(•itU-s: to -aboiit .mPcli<KM-'C!; $i.T;d0O.- Last work: "I Take This AS'.oma'n'.'.. CPai-) -• ?i:l..S00, b.'id.- -::.' :.'"''.-. .'-.' - :. -' . :-^'-: H i'pp::(lnibl'Jx) ■•(-2?^'ff0 ; .'55- .'"•i)onay;an.'.s. Kid"-; Hadi-o)^, jC-:bptl - piciuvo.-.- :prob:a')jiy-; -wph't- ffc-t,' orc-.v- ordiiiary -.?8;0.00."- Hast ..Avcek ".'Six •Gy-iiride.r'i.<0Ve". (Fbx). ai-o.und $C,i:Pp;. 'poor. - V: --- .■■.:.-■■ '■/■.■:'..:. - Century (Publix) ' (2;400;. ,25-35-^ '50.)—' 'JJig '. HVisi hes.'i .- g Ir 1'; .- (If'N ):,. Fo' '.--the . woathbr • and.: -pf.bbiibiy ■ -not..pver :.a ■ w'cak..i$7.,'50P;. .■'■La>jt'. -week.. •'Ahyays Gbodbyb" (Fox) ' down to ?6;2oo:-:'--.-: -.;■'.■-■•■'■ "■-' -'■'- ■;■■..-';■ ■.; '. Great •l.ikes . (Pbx>-..(23:.-35-50}-^. ^'La'tighinj,' :.^?inriors" - (M--G):. . .May.', ,g'b.-to jf.20,00.0,..pretty --'good.- - ."T,ij.sf Svecli- '.'-Fcee SbUl" (M^G) 'shbrt- bf- ^;2iT;ei00„'okay.;'v .r.' -r: - ;c LajFjaye'tte: .(InS)' (3,40P;. 25 - 35 - 5p-) -^'•f j'io.n'i'and' Ldm.b.'' '-liooks down Ho; .'irbiind . $6,50P, - i.Lasr weeli:.".l-ovof .Cbme:\l^:ick"-(Ra;d'io) b'ver-.$7;,00d, - in- .|v.i-i( .'as jf< -''.sijir ■; ■. ,'„: .. '■■/;';Kbw:i;r:v\^(?n. ...Tuly '(j;V: , • .tP.ra.wing :Ro.pul«tio'n,'300,000) 'l-hings..gcwi:;illy Jirc hiiiding-ifi. I'lAv- leyei-.'.:- ,Kvoh'- ipxploit.'i.tiiiin. - iiii." l(>;OTi rMt,-;to ix.:.iniiiinivi^^^^ -■- 'l'liiv,i.<i.V<'ii's. ' t()i')'mo. en'i'n. ;i'\vay ^ i>M-)\ .1:1.10. .p.iftuJ:o';.honKcs'- ia^tft week,' ■' '-. Estirn^tes for This Week ■; ;'Paramp.;urit ■i VW-iix). ' (;.',;!.'jrij' ii.V-S --' ■'.Niiiht-... -Ang.ol":-,-'a'iir)'.^:.^'iTd -.>.nivi't;. •Ainu'd , .fill-.. -:in.iiiit. - $ll.r<00.-: ."T.a-R! wroU --' (:Jid: ifjiiiir;., a?ar) '.aid.'?t),iPo,: Mljiv.r..--■ -.'.- ' ■ '., .- ■■■pQX: ' P oi 1; f Fo s 1 -.-r'n; tf-i Oi^fi-x f r^>•■^^u t\ ,111:vlMsses>~inn".V.M:;( t);.<(nc^ .-Vaiidr-! \^n.v^nlld;;.V^. ii.riJd':$!(>,'(Jii;::Vf,;iAit.\\'o'(^Jv ■ 1-'i:vi,\>aTid..'rcii:'..'.i.i|:(;:i;'rt;ki(l.l«Ml ■'^.Md: ,;.-•;-.::.•■ ■ -; ■•',.,• -'v.Rp'ge'r Slierma'h-'v-\\'Ti'v 1 i .",1 !rM;Ult)'i.ij''.<r.- 'i -M lul V-rx'" ; ■■ ( \Vl.l'). ^ -: Will- Oivi>r- /' ^''fO p. ,:1 ,;iSt;W-I'^'J;V■.Kiii-X" • rtij;-1 ^^lMrKl.^^s• (.Jiri^-..-(-i^u s;,-.jn.O- ..vBijou:.,l l^irx.iv .V!'v;^;lf t ;5ii'i- :f( ;ia(.,^.■ .!AI.-(!Vv.:'^;:l-n^^ ^•:l'l.•^•t^hd■.' \'l<.-iiM-v-' I I'iiHie)..,.. l,pc-,l(,«.' ;;ilr,>irt .:r;,-f,-- - i:'. f,t,\\ -l.;ivt'.;\vi-rlf ;iai-H.--. .-(F(<x p''-;ihiV '';Xn'. ■ rMiVlIr's/.An'inrSs'V .t l.-cVx) ..-;:.iit :c!f. towh'ij buijiucijs ^V'iili'ivico't't.'HdOV l^ewly Rich' k penVe^ Standout on |4^SiO, ttialto >'■--.- ' ■ . • Denver, July 6. . ■;^*}Sre\yly ;R'ich'| .-is 'comjiarativciy- nVak-i ng.' tiie -lipst. showIhg. -this? \vco-k at. the Rialtoj ' Cither.heuses a^e be- low average.- ;t ■'-■:■' -'.'". V • ■^:-'-^'''■■,'■ '■ Estimates for Tills WeeH:.- Hufftr*ari*s '^laddln (LSfttf;; 35-50-. 7!i):-;^:'nen Bound": (Tilt). , On way to a fail' $6,000. -Las.t weoli ^''Black Crt-m'el'-' (Fbxj;$9;000, bkajir., • .■ '.-- '■ :' Deriver (Ptiblix) (2;300; . 25 - 35 - d ^)^ -^"Mfia ; ■■ in '' Possession"'- . (MsG)'. Seem s .fin,iv ■■ for $ ti ;'000; ■. Last week "I Take This^Womah'.' (Par) around $13,000.'- -.-.^-^ :- ' Pa ra mbu ht (Publ i .-t): (2f, 000;; i5- . 3'5-50)--VChahces''. .(FS'-)...:. Also ' do-:' ing..-.fau-n.v> $7,0P0. -'I^ast Svbek :"Vi(;e' Squad".:.'(Par): :ahowcd little. .': ■ . ' Rlajto.-. (Publix) -(1,040; .-25-35-50.) . T^''Xewl.v..Rich'" HP.ary..:.'WiMl.'show a gbbd' $4,250.', T^^tiiit week ''Big 'Busi.-- ne!5s 'Girl"'-.(FX) $2',-25b; . . ;'-s Tabor •.(i;9PO;' 25-55-50)- -^'Vlrbh >Ia:h-!.. (0). . Seems headed for .-hioderate .: $^■, OP01-. v La st,.'-'w'e'ek ''AnhatielV.s.:..Affairs^V' (Fbk), ; $7,p new. lo\v for house rind.ijr. Hiiff hiaii.' Cihcy'i Hapjy Diia^ '..' 'CJihcirinat'i. ■ JulV 'B^. • . (Pr'awTng:p&pulatloh;; 7^,000) . -'.Respite .balriiy week-end -weather and improved film .far6, the- drop 'o.ver the Foyi-th-.will- dent -first- yun-. : takes V this . week. The.. Strand s' Schmellhg-^StrlbUhg': fight, -.pjctures, rate 'As- a Ktrf)'ng-.'draw' iinti' will', lift, that. ei-imsbn h.ead,ach.'e to' a.suhinier- high;-...;..- ■■.'^":.; "':• Kt.imc: 3.3 local."? . .irei. a-ppc-aring-.iti . the Albbe's.-'revue :thi.s .wetki. which- ought to mean, something-. ' ; . ..... Estfmates for This'NVeek '. V Atbee^. (UKO): :t3',30C-:':SOFTS')I- ;"TTp: PopR::t)evil)) (Par)' ahd 'vaude. Filh'i -arid Harry Lahgdoh .jil'ris . local , act ;. $22,00.0 is s.weet. ijingle., La'st -Avtiek ihedip'cre .vaude .-.ahd. '"Iron ■ Man" ■ (I*)- vreaohed $1<?.0ii0r fair.:.- :. .Pala.c.e.. >RKOt (2,700;' , :3'6-5'0). .'.•Chahces" (FN), Ploddiiig: -at'■ inod-" ,ei'.'fte $9;500 pace..Last week;" ".i>addy -'.' (Fox),' $8•,000^~. fiho.^ : Lyric rJtKQ) (t,40P;. 30-50);-Free. PbiilT (MG). Held' oyer on stTongtIi.<it week's $1C.'500: should re'U-h. fsiir. $10;P00 this week. - . :.'V ' --.Caj)i,tol-. . (RKO) ; (L^■.p00;. .. m,-.0):' ,l'I''Orbjdden - .-..■A'dA'if nitiiro" ;' (i'' ;i' i-v-.. t^''ihanies.' mtjstly-to.'^po^ .ft.Sir.. .llr.Ospective, ,.$'8;50P; .n'ot too good^ Last.woelt"-$r);5-7'0-on ''Tran-cgrcs'sjciiV"'- .(Kadib):'-;■:-'-^"- -:;-..'..' ■-- ■'-kelth'is ' .(Llsb6i\), - d .ftoO ; ':30-50)-.' .'•■Lon.cly-.' Wives'.' :'■(.l';i.i-lv(?)."'. OriiM;!^-' pi-:i,fs'ftd. :.but.:/locsn''t :l'>ok- -lik.e bvoi-'' ' X-"^VVisii^inglonV'Ju^ . j • (Drawihg: Pcpulaitipii,^ A56fiOp);:y ■y^Aiqka. (XB if'v'-J'Free'SbVii"-' -will -got (he. hbh.fu-.s > th is \vcpU. .Ti.vcuy.tliihB ■star'vPd--fever tiyc.jivw^ ; i':^.': EsUmiates; fbrTK's' W^e'k ".■■^ CpIUnf>bia.;(tvbo.w')/'(i.232;'-,:3;5V^ VFrce So.ur',..(i\r-'G.)... .-vt.iii do alhouti ■$S,0.p0.;, Me't'rb:--s)ijeridihg extra dbtigh •foi-'.ru:h, of . the., paper: adVet-tising; ria,st weelc.S'L^iw'ycr^s Secvetv' CPar); about $4,800 oh second week';- v .: . E.a t'le ...(Wai-ner> . ''(.2,244; • .25 - 35'-; 40- eo.-7P)-^"Bi-oadrhiiidcd'' ■ : tlCX)' and vaude^. ..Will :be.:.nea'r jie-.COO/ 'Last. . Wook •'CliiVpoos'' (FN) a slihi $-15,000. . Fox, :(Fbjf,) , (:2;-434.;: 1C.-25-35-CP)— "irply; Te.ri:.or"C(l-.QX).. Will . dp. weJl' if getting- f.-iir -$1^^5(10.. -.La-st 'weeij ,'JBli.ielc Camel"'-'.(Fo?t>. pos.iibly ■ v Metropolitan—^•'Meri 'of. .the ' 'Rliy;'' ■Pp.s.sibly;- $4,000.' • Last wcek'.\"Steiiv ping DutV liordered on :$3,800. - .- .,: ■ Palace^"! ../Take; This Wpman". -.(Par),' arid.-tmit.-..': Indic'a'te.'s h'oat- enough,$.I8,:o.OP.'Aveek.''t:hu(>ii^ 5nig' Sih.ncris;! , (HtrG> ■ apd..'Waring's .•Peririsy.l.vahian.s.'Over .:$20,000. ' - ' Keith's... (ftKOJ '•(L-g75;' 35-5a)\7-- ::S.weep.stakes;*. (Pathe). Somewhere around.JTvOpO thig^;week, Last wee'k •'..Up for .jyiurdor" (U) iirouh'd .i$6,'50P, 5ta^e Act (jiving Lead; ; : For Balto :.;:iiii::(V(il--' ;:;\Iif:!iim:;::' • jin;idi'r';vtV'. i^l'^'-A V .a'jKr.' $>'l.,O0ff, ..Last;; .W(*.ok'; ahogt' same . for "Aloo.'t ■the.Wifo.".-.(C'()l). '-'".":'■.'..-:.- - .-Stra.rid' (UK'O,).: i,r.:'.r>(i; LTi-io), '^Hot iloir.(>ss;'.' -.'(.t^-N'.y.. .:,'ah(l -Sclvrrie'lirtg^.. >^tribllng•n.oiit.views iiole-. ly.,iii'Vdilca-v,:;i^i: e.\trabi-dinar',\-'-..:leai). I.O'. .v'pi;y . goiul . $:4,0no,..'. I Aki ' week.' VL.rUigh liiid W ct .Tltcl'i" (-Iv.'Cdii) 1, $ 1, SfiO;::;:;':.';.;.:'.;;: V:-'-;:- ■ .:•'-...;-- '.- ' •' -Family .-:;; (ii'Tchv-:'; (1:140.^^ ;;S'ori: c)C,; ■l.'ii.uh?;"''' -. '.iiiO >'.'. Vnd ; •;L}UIKlli-l>^ - Sldh.Mtjf" -i^Mc;'!; ':i^fi;(Vll-ii:;; -T'.u.n',- pro-lKil'ili-? siH-ond-.pi-ti nd sp-fi t' nii .i \Ot;>ok:-; pD.or. lyi'i't-- iiycViiiii-', 'Amii'/il.'i.^i .WW:lf.; • ■^ICV<>ryiiiib:i's' -.'i.t-Wiv;'.-. i ;l:U;iilinV :.ti.iii ..-.•^^|liJi)^^ - ~i. -'Qei-'co-.n -jMoye's .■A>'bo~ridV ■'. -.• i' . ': yi'< I I \-\vi"> Vil.. .1 tl I y- . '. J ; ;;A^^atet• .J.|'^l;Lr;•.^n,; wi-it.^i;:'j^i^; ijjvii^.^ ri''-:H-llwi; l)y-:-\y.uVn(.;i:.< . >.'>'.' '.wt riljiM ;Mi-A (; 11 rivMit 1 y. .-Vv.ii-kinp - uiJ liai'''-ih ''■ ■|-livi.t Kt;Vi-t .(lirain; July' l?' '■. i ;.■'^'.:l i.; (J J.^T:.V'<)'n ■..■t:bo:k' 'rt;-.''p%')>t.h' - or. /n-iot'o .[MhyivIT-. so' lhn-t Xh'>' v-fvidlir (•O'ii-lri; fiAiiViv.; jjliliii ^O ;;:i;niv(:'i>s;ll--.for -Siilri-t.^ j .-ijf -Xc'klre . -l iamr-" ■ ■ :'\v'li'ii'ii' Un'ssV>11 J-Xliti'k is dirtciiiigi''•:. ;■ :'.■ c.. - ' ■'. .- . ' - .', ' -./-Balt/mbrp- July 6; - ^;; • :(;Ppayv Pop.,':850;WIO):! ':-; ■. 'Brtltiiiiore is . a; ; bn'e-sKb.\v /town. .That;'b. b. Eho\v.''ailV Vh e - heavy, dyos-s - docs -, *; pend u 1 um :bet\yceh.. the -Cehtui-y and Stanley acbord.ins to. th''e attrat!t'iort- . -Sprt'e- 'times it is diverted; to.aiib' for - ahythlng-cxlruprdinary;. .-Thi.s, does ;nbt; rnonnVtlitft-; .biz 'i-s. bad 'at tho. hoias'os lacklhgr the weok's: big •.attra.(;U(>h, but it:f!:;sbld()rit' tij;it- ;t<\V) os..ring.tive;b<;li:-fbr.'bigvmohey iii .the .-s.-lme -week;.. "■'..-,'-' ■ I'-';.-.;.-:' ,,' T.ast. week' was the- Stanley's tiu-n -i^nd' '■A,Fi-.c.ev..«-'p%avv.itlvc re'asbii: -'rhjs \yeek;.'tlyihgii mbri?. eyo-nly'dIvidod betwcpn,' Loovy'.s.. .t \\-a :.'l'rieiidiv .ctf- .c'rnios;..Stanley:'ahd.-X:bnt'ui'y; .'^\',Trr ing's l'eitii.<v4vahra'hs. on . the latter : sl*.ige;-are exoellepf -b;- p,-'J>ait,- .^vhilc ybuhg:Bub Mori^!^broer^^-jtist' h'«w- a: local, fav.,;., is • tlVe-.' lurb -;at- the ;staiv- :l.CJ%..- it'.-"i hai'Uly."ev'(?ti. mb"u:ey,' liow - ev<<r.-. . :U'h&.-.Century . should, 'ffurgrv ahead- by at.lH(?'ast a.-b6uple ..grand, . ' iN'b. c.h.;i.tij?e--jh.'th6:,^^ up. and-. thLs is, ■ a idihg ' open . ories. Whetel^r. and .\\'';opl.5eyi -.alw^ o;t-;lvt'itli-;s- b:.;().. :,ai7j, Jthr^uVing • yyell there - tlii.s' .\yoj-ki..liT "f:v.ei-ything;.•^ itosy." ."Juss:/:A Ciigolb," big/hibhev M ,?.lie < ^e'n tiiry,. -is . da y^ and ^<l':'tti n g at the -\\Uencia, ah<l Parkw.-i'v, and- doing..■vyell, .partibtilariy.-at tiie lat'>- ter "Maltese Falcon" at : the Met. and. "T.h<>i.r.'- at the :.N,<'W,- sa-lisfiTic.tory.- .'.' - . ■ . Auditbriuin,.; dark for summf-r, i.s sclieduied to. reopeh'-in fall,'.but this tini^^iit a.:pop s<!ale^ '.The-road'shbw- ^lioUfty Avhli^li was. ofl;;: aiid ;bh .hist .sessoh;' is votit. -. Ke'.w: ai rangienioivl Nvhcr<'.by..Sy:han.bergbi's get ;first' i-iiVi .VVarhers,- Plus - Oolunfi'bi.a.s :and fjii-. v'crsai, .make: ^liis .unnecessary;.. : - ■ Est imates for This -Week' •... Century ..(.Lbew) "Chartces-' CS.'- ;200;;:.25;-60): ../'Pittuire stcps.-asidc iir -/a-i-.or .of ::stpff.e. shb\^ boi^t.' di'n\y. .\yarin.CF'a I'epn'sylvanians . \f^^ day-lime-i' and ".usual nipht intake. Lboks. like- th'e tpwnrs' t'op- pbr .'jit; ^aboiit '■>2'J,flO0i, ' .'.'.Tiie. /(MiO; lliiblt:', .'NVveek,; bvorshadow.ed by• :SJioar:i.'r.:- Ci.i: -Ktaiilt>S-';. i' Chis.-jdc.Upa.i', .W<'.Floy...l'>d'cly ■ hohdVhfj: .-s'tngc!. siraw-;- .J5dd.v.; lik.e'ci. hprb . and.', -jiiid ■ J^ebretl. pei-sr-onal. !?ucp.e«.«.. -Feij-ture-of stage si)pw.;-vi-a's,a' juY'en.lle. sonaiid daho.e Jn,is|S;-.;f rpm .':iut(lip. :, \Vm. ':,: Saitoh. ■ 'Lbew'.s \ cvity.. iniinago.r; ' (Tiii<-.o:v.o:iT(l her'at lival Sjaiion-,\V.l'l^li;" find shfi: .wa's bllKul'., as .."^ilss-. PI'ai'f 'MMift.^v :Stp)).tiing; ,'«ho\y.'. ../(rrbss^. was- gOpfl..but'.-Ti/.it reiharl<rt-i)lo. :$i'.t.'OO.O^ '..-':Stanley .'(.-tioow). 'vNlaiv: Til'-P(iss'c>.<- sip n:' (;t,i; op; ' 25 - tjjp);,..^' :^A1 f) rv (goni (■ vy. ■ :who ;bnee....pi;vyI'll/^setM'iild- -iia-rts .'ih -dra'n.V;i tic-.-si iu<K\i n?'.t-l'i-ii! t.Owi.f,; i.s how. ^•|.-;^'| r.;;i.i'.f!i v.;i:>>;(f<>lJ.xiiiit.1 ruf' w-jji'iUc^rV ;lu-.-;i.iUi'n<: '<.^'ii>..6fPsv't.VlU^. (.'i'ri'iiirv iiiVi'.-. ..■mil-'. \\'r('k -'/IcM-iK-..*: ,iijj(>-,-''a .,-Aiiii<I. -'liiu: tU't rivrrrarkablo'./ f iii:(».()■«;-• i-vi"'.: oli^i.''.:.:l;^s^.■.;'\\•-^.(.k',. -Syot-k's. liiir - t^ra w ' V ::^ s ;^;:?";;W-ti;jihd,:-6re..>v^ (Drawing'"pOpuia :Tii^ .rtill^sh(^^^ ..aroii'iuV ■;' 'y^c^^ ^tiirfg. -^-'M'.l>^;h': ovidehce- about rm tViio ;Off';ga;gy;iyuViii;ity^^^gu.rin:«^ 'fni:i-, "s- ^ j ;X;ateh- tp/;^Jt;v.'S\ivc .pheuhy;iiv• --.sfiiinir/ ';.-^-;^odj^.; iv jiii/^.-; t iioughl; d u0 - to: ni o, Vxt bniv.tu i-fi I>' 1 io■ s;'pK-f.ure^';diffid'c'nebl /I';<'j t';iIb■ l^lie.^ :i)alwH- 'g;ei.y. :^hi^ :c,]^;' illmV'.: ;^t.'ior'.. to ..Ib'c'al;'' exph.i't'.^it.'rbn.V '^IL.bcai.; limiSe-;m Uii^ -its\wares,.'>jut. tlicvqij j^:. 'ailread.y.;ciRtablisljed; -C^ '' 'V'o'-';'^- One!: ■ example; :''pf' ~,thrs^ :>;i)!i' ' ii^ojt;' Brbadway'ia o;.k^;i'csuUs;^^ '''iftiildji; ' Lpng .'Legs:'; <Fo?i),- .;lt';.oli(:k(::d:.;r,;r : tlivee. vcvks ./{it .-a; -lijri^ :w^en-/iiii'iriy . liicturiEs:;going'iloppo,.'-. B XbllOAVihg.',' -thii9;-,-wcok ' ; w;iflv'.' '■■:VVo.^:: Soul,': (M;g)c an<l. holding the p.'uV-. ■ Big,:; : 3,:$ 00 ^sea t.; j 'a ra *n On n t i i a a - daiVGing. .§Ohopl,..f i-'ce fpt -'itli: pairi)n.s; - ais,' ..okay .. cpme^on. ' 'stunt. ' llouso .on Fi-M' .shows,.. .Vvjih -- .prPturosAaking .\ilhc up.^.- an.d 'dVwhs; ' ' ,IIamraclv\s;, Music: -Bb^x 'Trihcing. tho liell :at..25r!^ -AVitlv :M'B\«!.. .'.'.GpVd Du.-^f Ck'rlie.?'■ \Vill:;./dbVJV iiiii' Voek' at^ ^'SiOpO. ' "..;■.:■::' -.- /;'.":" , .. "-^...; /:- - v- - "Es*i''m'ate's.-for Th'ts-.'Wci'et:..- '■' -' Paramount .(FU\G> rj.SpO^:.'.. cr/;-- CO), '.''.Man .- ik I'b.s.TCs.sibri'.': • (M-U.) ' \yith: F&A^ is'tagc show; ..rtoing t-obft ' enough , foi'., .'ibbut $l3:(i00; f;.nst - .\ycck I'.Tufit.. ^a. yjigblp''-: (:'M-'G)- 'l|< I'd ' up-:fiVir]y:for:;$1.2;5PO; '■ ■.^ ■ ■ \\ Broadway (Fox-Portiiind) < 2,000 f. : 25-6P):, ;:<;Frce- flbuUV (M^c;). :; :oii^k- ihfl;,, with, big .cariipaign : oh', "iilU-Iy .' .5?.3)500 :ah.d -wi-ll - liokl .m-er-.. " La'^i't ,: woclt "Baddy .Long'-Leg.q"^ V Foa )V:dia $0,500 -in: t.hii-d^ Wooki-- $■9^000 '.^ooond. - $12,000 : fir^t;-: Ucfit: b; o* /results -in''' :this house for- morith,s.',' .- : - .\ ■■■ ' :.' : ;Opphcum ;: (RkG) (3:PP0; V 25-.i;o>i- ■ '!yp fpr.. Miii-der" .(liadib)'.. still ..-plugging' vaxVdc in -Itig. way^- - Likely >t his - ai fai r we'e-t'k". it:' $ 10,000^-' .La.'st , -week - had ."Tra'nsgrf.^>^sioll••-'. (Kadip); and vi)\^tt]'iig: $,s,T(io; MiJsi(C: .Box. (-.iE-Ianfirick-) <2iO(iii.: ■J^(t . all,: tl!ly.),','-GbUt iJUst Gertie.'^ ..May; .- get faii\4.5.000'. -T^a-ist wVck.'fbr tc-jb:.Falcon":'(WB). good ehough ut $6i00P. : - ';- . - ---':-; |!AJ;'S;2fttMS STILL ■ T'i-byld^^ce. .jtilv. ^C. (Orawm'g Pppulatibh, 315,000) - Appear.^: a.< -though ..nothiivg. (•.•iji lieat theVj\ra.i.estic's double- fc-fi'iVirvis-' put-.of lila^p; iloHday..m'd.liot:' .\yeather..having" the expectb'd. cft'ocu - ■. -.; Estimaies for" This:.Week. ^ :;-;:■ Wajfi.i5tip:.- (Fay.) :- t^20^;'::^-]5.5flf).^V .;'5yehgaii":. cvei3i.) and '"Party .^-iu^^ir^. hand" (WB).; , Joh.h Barrymore pn 11- ihg;. slow start liut isplohdid. irhaiiee of -.plck;"uiv;- .m:iti' he .$1.3.()00. .''.'l>.-ist' week..- "You ng.. Sinner.t."- (F(W) ; ,-rhd' ^ "^Wom.en Men- Marry" (Headline). arpund-:$l-J'.-800.-...... ':... l-pew's State rSv.iPt*'; 20;50-7r.)-^ 'IMan, in Poage.ssibn'.'. (M^<ii).. :Hoiis© ;has been off for weeks;, notliinc- to' lndi''it this .\yill change .rtm- Un.e;.. ppssihly $10,000. • ..Lrtst - " "Indiscreet". t T'A)- .just. class. .dr.uw -.' and-low at {9,..';oo; ■- 'PararT!ount-'( 2,-200; i5^i><«)-""V\'<jmw ' en :L;ov(? ;On-('e" Uar^v ■ Kor naiiifijj. .With -; drawltig jWAyer:.. but'. fci'iTi'ne? 'angle :may- si>i-iicc for l.-'ist hal f; i-a n'-t hope. for., muriv^ <iv"or.- $5';5(i0. ' l.^t'■ rtvejek'.''Gii^l-.liaiiit'';(l\ar)^orViy $..|;<pO(V very .-dee)). - ; - - RKQ A I bee .'- (l.^'OO;,.- -1-5 - M 1-^'"Kx --' Bad .lioy.'V ' .f l'!).:' UnVks . vert', (luif-t a t. $4,500-. ' Last • wveli-.'\Sw(-'(.iis(aVi-s'-'--. (I'U'tho.),.>!,'imo-figure;.'- : ,': ' , ■ - .-• . ■- - .fl K:0.- 'v'.V lit pry - (1.;:-:.'. - '.O)-^ . '• ' 'll^irec A\Muvr;()yod'' (>Kudi(>)-,-' i'll.iiiAt'^ ful:-. of .$3.oo:d;. :; i-Ast .-'-vvef k. - •TviAr-irr Com.e: Back" :(Cbl);"\preti V 5ve:0< at—. $2,500,'. . ''::' ■-.■;■ - ,:.::- - - -':. Pay's ..fl,t;'P<i.-.:.jn-50)^VAni;iil>i'H'>5.' . .Affairs"-■( Kux'r-,. ainl Vaudc.' :l'ii( iu}<. ■ nicely .beca'usb'; (■lirthr*' for .:: $«;Opa. L.-!j,-t. .week""The 'M il 1 i"n'a ii'e'.^.■■' .,(WB.).,-;. brought ", rbiick for•• .<ie<-«.irtl -' .week, ,$C;ioP;'•:.- -'. ' - 70.0.-./->I'''iye': !»'nd .'fen;*.'"' "last ''v.-.eek, i;:i;.n. 'r.flai i \v-i'uiiu-f. thin, wlnin' at •Slu.(i'i(>y-.-,:-.5f4,-2UO'. - ■ ■. "--'' ', i' :- '•. - ". .: '. Keitlv^S:.vPSi;lKU;ht>rgers)' ;^'Evbi-y-> . tl:i-iri>i-s : - "JJ^s V "•:'.- ■:C2,5pjO:r. - i5-5(i>, .U'ljilfk'.r - ivnfl : \V^oo'ls^■y-,(.100 -ii.«irfilly' dViiSv. >ivi;,itV iftni.ii.s.^';i'i.ul-'.thi.'3;- slit)U..ld • pro.vv Yio exception:. :'..Mriy- roa,t-h/ y'ori^ : kooil, ;$li,000;' .:'''Nighti\ A-;':g<.-l." ..last - WM^k,- .vyent: ' -*velt/:0\'(>t' •U . (:i:.irir;l?,|i .,,t^.^hotii>-r i; •;u-i ...w. l,i.rnMii,:i,:,d; nuiWr- (^.iiTOll^vnd .Miircir . ,!>. i h...-;: r.n,i- Vu> I t ilulrt l- Dl.'i- ' j,..ri-rV-in.:<'j'.<.piM;ii-i(v b.v .$1 o'.500' - JV-f^ '"'v yA«'l ;..w'i-<:k :yiA^:;m.,i(<,:\: .^New -'M, ..^i<•<■i^^lJ,-i'^f>^ "Th(Mr'-■^;Vt.l ■•/.'O'fl'"''*!'"' • H>.'V. ?r'!<:!^"v , ; ; ;l AlOiiu-iil': t-MIIO'; J5-^0)-.":-yiirfU-iim-, vr-?l"^^^^-^'-;-'v'''^>^''^^ tl'Hv v<:t..iiih..<'t. :uid. -."iliiruld- 'tiii-tf- u ^go'jtVif nrir hiij^iyet/k ar 'ii)is,.''lv\-;'it(.;' na.f'Kl.r'^^;^l.5;i>li. :^ VAJeh: ^ -w.i'j'K.vru'st '..rirn;.'-fair" ?;);iit>o,-'' : ;P^t!kw:ay;r( r;('.i-\v) •.'.■lust-A: (Ji-gour : ■;-.2-:;'r^,:f;:rH^l^^^ :aruw YW^^ ,\yi<-U ;;it . ;fliis:. d.oy.-.'ihdrdate.d stiUK). ..ii:!l',<le>>i)i.!;e ■:0.i'i.M'!.skibn,.ge.t'.gp.od $4^- like fail'. .\<-f';v:k at: ^~;0{i(i: .::'iin>:}i: ^r^IU^\^V ^^;^t: Avo(^k,'-.fclt 'tbx^.;(•<:.^M-■ polit'i'^t>;.f<vr ,'f;vli- :$fii-5'00,;,'' ;-:: r- :.. ■':<',■■ . M'etrbpbUtan (\Vai-hr-r.s) /•^^altes«^ Falooh'' ;-. ti.3(iO; '• 2'S>50);;- ? MaVlre :l)re(ly' ^b;.(V $-),fs(iO':-• vss^fMjgali.'Vla!; t; w.'eek, jir,. pup. iii:l.. o,«i. .f.n.lhKwiri'g roii'iV showing .;it;-Aiiaitiiriun'i'. -. 1 mOiri V'ot:' "aityUVihg-handsnnie.. "'-Faii J-l-r.t.fir - '