Variety (Jul 1931)

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FOX THEATRES REVEAL Wm - .Tho .stock m -■ . :6ne/o| the. tJuUcst. and-tivQs.t feature . ;,. 'Icis's :5cisiii6ns ln^ trddcirs ^ '4cbt/n,epotiiitlb'ns, . J^ '• ' drift^di.-a^^^ in-; minor. vbiume ■ ■ and' just linger thcv'lQVtiscstatUsh ■p.n; tli:ts ..closihe day tetbre-thb holi- l:>6ayi:\-\'- : ^'- . l] 'i': X ■ C ::' Interest;, has, ■biegu:^ to. life iin- the-; •;:administratioh's world debt. pro ■grram .and; it - Is eeiicrally .ac ' /'•^hat-;tlVe.:bost tlia ■ ,f irpm - a \de'flnit(j favbi^ible' deelsioh. . -wouid be a brisk; ;tempor.aty i:un-uij; ■ piSpecuIatoi'sl;fo^ the liii-ii^then:woiild ; : make..;a conceVted . rush .to' cash ..iii :' ■ and a s.harp; feactiori probably wx>uld ' , ,' :-Thc' ihorator^ its paxt In, -pyilixig;:' tfi'e ■ niiarket". .put., pf -the . doldrums and .Its probable benefit . SQjditn.s.tb haye-beeh amply d ; - ^ed/ 'What ■ jpresses .Just ijto'w -.\V|tli. in- .: '. c.rcasing.vforce;: is th.e' prospect :.that ;;,: the;:next.ievir woeka of ^^^^ sure ■ to bring out a flock of vjji-etty' spur; : • flnant.iai': sta'tenicnta ,cbyeting;;.'W ■ operation of .biisiness.vthrouglv ; the .; eecond ■...qiiarter. -.: Until.. 4Hey ■:' haye ; be.en takeri^and' abs .they, stand .ias a bartler t,o .any: pernjaneht prog- •; ■^^;la..list prices. ^ . - ■■- [ . Qnte 'tliiey. - are bye^, thb finantial : tibhimuhity; c,a.n begin; to look; forW ■ ■'■ wiatrd.Ctb'' pbspibilitie's for; autumn.- . improvement with tlose atr . tehtiori Xo,: the: basic indicatioh^ .of ; ti-adc. ^The ,(t^ • be .put pf the way by the. fend of this .irionth; which encourages the Street to Iflolc fo;* tiie...ipas,£iihg bf this Dhase ■ .of the market by; July .25- pr. thercr. . . - .abpttts/. ; Chart readers :acqulesce ip ,'; fixing -..this' .apprpximite.-. date. and . Ippk tp see Uie graphs vm.Oyc 'lbtP, a. / ;^ll;ew;..stage;.■.■■;.•;.-.' ■-..;:;■:;;>:--i Meanwhile -.ihe, prbgregs.' of - the I*arls negptiatipns ' is likely. to In- spire dally di^is and bulgcsi-as it r^^^ 'fleets' isains or, losses Ih ' thfe diplo,- : .niatic engagement' abroad. ■..; Study- of .tiie 'butlppk over "the - ;hpliday appieared to; bilng no gii-eat cheer tp ti*aders.. Yesterday's (Mbn/); cpauirig . was ■; sharply off. - . Steel Etafted the day on aitradc' of more ■ :tliiin- .6,000: at;. 103%, off ..liearly. 1^ • points, with the picture issues com-; ; Ing out in fairly substantial .'blP'cks • considerably Ipweri Warner Brbs. opened cn,60.0 pff ai, fractipn; Fathe ; A fpllpwcd ;%;do'wn at 7,%; rox in'l-. :. llal transaction was 300 at" SO,, down. . a- full point.; .'iSastihan. KbciakVbad- ', Jy, starting ;witii a - small lot • at 149, ;,.-d.own 4-V(!. net over: night; Xbew was ,,als6; pff -a full, point; at' 45%/. and .KKO slipped a fraction. The selling V flurry was. over.' befpre Ithe. end; of ; '-the IVrst.half-hbun^- ; : .'^ ' r'.; , .Thereafter ..vbiume Svas,: abseijt ; , thrbughbut . the : day . and ; price . negiigible to a;^ fairly steady , • close to'tliti opening.,'s; titans-. ;. actibnS were under. Ij506,000- sHai-cs.- . '; .ip^bt Plan Impistus SIovvs ; : A^ last wieiek worp bn the market's ..- byil sponsors'fpund .it ibcreaslngly ' diiriciilt to steanv up: trader^ on the; .Hoover vdcbt ;holiday'., idea, '.which . seemed to have spent its; force as a ■; faetpr: in the. face, of eoDnictiijt; rc- ^ .ports that came; to the market I'^riT • day fi-oiri ;fhe rrjiris; Gonfcroivco, the' . list,>Svttvered; aii.'d -orily -in. the last • hour,, whciv the; succcss of tiic Aiher- . lean . i)\secnica ;:assured, did- • the. .ban .forces ' make. any. a;ggrCjss'i.V(> ■ effort ; run .■prlcps. tipi ■.;;; ,■•.'.•'. ' ■ . The industrial loaders'werc pushed' ; forward., with -grca^t;: determihatib'n. , and;, sevej'al miijoi- ufew tops \vero •'. esUiblis.licij,; ji..Jtabi;y'105%, for- Stjicl .. and (irbiind; 18.1 lor Anibrivan 'Tel;' . - Tel.i bii.t . tlje;market cbiild ;h6t'hold the,;bcs.fe;iey:els. to the; Cioao. X'eijtur- . ;■ day;:Tptraeed . iomci o'f "thb grJun'd- ■wiicri'i new., bbs-ta'cios-■ appeared . ■ in :;.PariSi-;;' Z",-' ■';■■.-;;., -;-.'; ': ; •: Altogether It-.w'as; ah'.;iiidiffcre^^^^^^^^ ;: '■ehQ>-.iii),'. and fbreca^>'t," yostcrdiiy's eitui.vocal response ■ lb ^the ' bllluial ....^I^al:ls tiewsi; ;;; .■■ .-'-v -.'- -'■ .IMiiipuKliqut the 0 • lo'risti-atioir-thb ■;: ■*bviisv;ibonl;s.piUy,t^l b\it .miiyor'.rpl^^^ .. adding .anoili.Or . bit. bc evidence- to thb dfLiti-already at i» lh:it. tilVoy ■; ajy .:jii)t yot- Wway .go'.' a'lui- a;ppii- : . rt'irtiy. i'K-ed.inOrc; constr.u.ctiv& ivbws'- tljaii:; iiiiiisvbcoii for^^ : ;:^';A;t,i;iKit,,'\vha;t iitnvK vaiiicv but^dur-; .''r;.".NVv'^k; ii.ii.i>l-yiiig Uie- lilrn. fit(K^U■s \V{is ;ahh.yst-AViU •; .f«j.vbrabl<<. ;. witj?' Uic .stui-c- .:; ment.;c-tirrl(.'d oh tlio \tii.'ko.r aiui al)'- .,■ .partMitlj'. - of '..a.utlVbrii;iit:\vc- oriKifl; . .;that: prosp'ccl'ji favbri-d th,o dticliu-fi- . ,Lbew of' the .li'sbal $1 o.xtra ; the .Jspyoml.ior 'hio.i'liiig. Xia.'jis of ; the -.o.vpoctai'hiiv' i.s; tiia,t. net for the ■ .: y'ear .{IS reported' herb:.jaKt -wook' is . tunning at a ratd.- weli;' above $7. Yesterday's Prices 300 . 1,100 .. 's/jyo. - 2 ,C<io ): 0.100, 3;r.0O 20,000. (1,100 - 4 , 2?K) rv)n..: p; pr,.1-1(4- iciist. K.iirio ' 700 1,000 '■"'COO' lOO .Pox 'A-.;-; .CJctv,- 'f. .Loow- .ran P.'.:. ir.iith'o';A';'. .nCA 'v.v. rnco WBv.;...i d'eii. T'.;-pf..-; 0. Fox ■ ; . .;■. .•. Tech.".;*... ;tw 20"< • 4% •4(i?S 21 10'/, m itrEh.lJow.C'fee.' ]4'.A .-J.;lV5 '+ .% j.S',4 l.W rr^Z^A;- 2.0.'4:— %■■ 4'/4- - %■: 4(t.-- 94- 27'4.^.14. ' 7'4—1-:. - .. . 2f>',5- 1054 ;4U. 4ny« ■7- 20>4 vA 8t4-r % ; ev4 e% . . D0.ND3* -125,000 Ceji. T. . . 30,000 l>«rri?.- -.. 3,0«D I'atlio r.v b;ooo.'Wb 40-T4 ' ;40V4 40-%: -';Vl ' ; 62r4 ,~s2,.. 8^;l4-+lv^■• •ItOl4 80% (tOV4 + 16 ■41% -41 ;^'-i41' -■ •:2:10 p;.' -m.',-; figures. Ijbfe'W:!s'- fiscar year ends Aug. Zi. ; - The y.earvbf deiiression haa been .particularly Idnd. .tp'. Lpew/.the .'ej^^^ pocted, $7.27 comparing; with its rec- ord of J9.eS lit 1;936, and J7;9.1' In 1929. :.; ,;:'; ;■---^V' -.biyidendv Ppiicj^: ;--.;.■;; The" big; cprppratipns "iire all appar: rehUy ,committed to the pblfcy of maklrig dlsburfecmentsi as Illustrated :in. the ^base .of J^.- S. Stee', - Westing,- hpuise and Seveflral bf thb railrpadsV 'which vmalntalbed - thbir . dividend ;rat'es.: in theV face .of . failure tp earn: them, going.tb. surplus for funds fpr the .purppsc. That' the lioew bbard wPuld. depart frpni the general :pr tice;' .lihder.; the ■ rircumstances '.Is scarcely Icg.icai :ahd :aL tavc.rable vpte bn the .extra- is JacCepted ;as a ma;tter |Qf'..coUrsev';'•'^v; \ ■ Loew miade only slight r.esppn^b tp ythe discussion of .the \subjecti- mpying .quietly between 45 and 47- a>id/failhg;tp touch.its', {pp: of .48%' established ;oh the. riih up of Saturt diy, June 57. Sppnsprs; bf Lbew .ap4 pear ;to be,;.content tp^stand, pat at the: 47 level. It is nptbd, bbwever, .that: hp stbck id fpr sale'at. cpncfiSr'. sipn's. .:;..It .' was' demeh^trated .; fre- quently during the. weeklhat urgent buyers had ib reacb "m.arket'''.orders beijig executed at % or;% above the prcylpus. transactlpn.:;. ' The Stpbk blioWs a disppsltipn tp cMrhb,,.but Is apparently being held in check.. It ;iias! develpped. a habit pf making surprise' inbyes. Sub'h. a maneu.yer; appeared Friday, when ; the ppenlng . price wis AT ag'a;irist the; previpus clbse;. of 45%,' an overnight jiiimp of; liji, further evidence of a dlininishihg, isiipiwy.^'^ PaTambunt; was largely neglected except: fpr a birlsk shpw Of activity ;durlng Friday's, flurry over the debt .'news,..this stock being particularly sensitive; tor favorable foreign ne"ws,' due probably., to its -heavy interest In Contihentai. prodiiction and the- atrb.; bp^ra'tiori. Nb bther .news, came (0 hand affbcting it one way or. the bther. It' lias now touched a .doviblc top Just above 28, back- ing away bpth times.: Apiiarentjy waiting for fresh, development? to work: on, ot ;perhaps deliberately -holding back lest a .premature; start take thc: edge off the rbal move based bh ;autumn-revival of theatre trade. ,. Firtanel.alv . writers . made rriAich bf a new . cross bobkihg' bctw-pert. .Parafbount.- and Warner Brbs , btit the itern had the appear- ance .of .warmed. bvcr.;material. ■.:;';:,-;■ Flurry-.;.!n.-'.Pathb;.- Pathe cairnc lii for a prcrholiday flurry; •ruhning;.up: aboVc 8 Frlda;y, .prpbiiibly .. : i-cprescntiiig . a .clique operation Iri a -lp'w ; priced Issiib in: an efjCorl ytb . attract :'a followjiVg. .Most of the; actipn-' carnc'In thp '.'A" stbck;:; -whic.h. ..has ■prcfc'rcTiodA's ■ and. ■.CQuld: ca.^lly be- mado -f 6 lopk'attractive irt view bf-tho sti-Orip abpcaran.ce of the company's- bonds "lately. -.cbihTinTiy ' put. but a, new statoinbnt-.-.shoWing lirb/its of $36i9.41' i.n .the- brjcf -portion, of the vpar bp to the .sale Jan. 29. to; niCO, but a net .logs;- after certain-write' offs. pf $:74;0Q0. on the remaining 'prbperties the'.middle ;pf. May. : -.. .'' On thp.Siu-f.ace-the rctii^^^^ lobk .ycry chcpuraglng, but as usual, It. wasn't the. facts that carried-ebn- vlclipn, bvit.- ratliet-. "the i'fitcrpreta-. tibn -put upon them - by the' ticker pcrforniance. ; .;jt's onb of'the- od- ditfe.s .0f. tile streetthat ti-iiilcrs: bx- .ariii.hb . thcr; facts •. and then' look to the.'. tJt'kor ..t.o.' find : but '. whether they're;. favor,M'hVe' ,or:Mb(avoV,ihlb. ': .-'s Net ..cji.'tDgpa ■ f br; th'e."wepit': were about a .s,t;indroff.-. :aSvo)vp.;issue.s in th.e aiitu.senipnt •gi'bi.ib 'lo.stvhn ag:' .grpgate-.oC: W'i i-ljaiht.^,, .while .eight i.sSiucs .gnincd att- afc^rogalp; of 10 IVi.lnl.S; -: l\r;o.!it' pr the lossPs Were frrrct,i(inji,l,:- but 'aiiDiiod . to 'tl-^b rini- -P^i.rtant ■.s-h(ire.s,A while :tlie pain.s' oo- .enirf>a ■; anions ;tlie inactive list, l^a.vlm.ah Kodak,'.for: iristhnoe.- nVprp than 3 . f»;n(i'-Par. ab"d f-oew .Wei-b fr-.'ictioivtlly-.'n.p.w,n,- wliilb I.bew; preriM-rwl -..aiid; '()ri)iie,.iihi ..'pivf^^rfe^^^ abcDiintpd fbr t)»«' prinplpal 'gjvinls .on: ijmalV transa('.tio.n3,. ■ ; (jbncrat , ih'cr.e^sb lii; film bqgts aniprtizatlbn and bpcrating ^;. over iiead is given, as the. ireaseri fbr'the $2i48.4,8i4.<j7Ips^, w:hiGh-- Fbx TJic atres Obrp; shows, fpp .1930, as .«bfn- •pa^ed;witll:a net prpntbt.',$2,'GC0,2Gi fpr.1929; -The ios.'^'cpvers 52 -iveek.s .ending; pcf. - Sis, 1930., . It^. b :arcUnd six' months of. operatjiig; by ]lhe -new bnanageinent and was nbf iriclu'dcdvln; thovannuai flh rb port-^bf Fbx-^FliinsV.Cbr !:••■--,;■;■. ;..'Ait^hbu^^^ incpTiio increased Jri 1930 .around .56%, i.thp .q|)ora^^^^ bycriTei]t.d: jumped" 87 %.vaboye-:; 192^9; Tbtat, incpinb fpr ;1M0' 1 fHa47,j859 asf ^ippriip'ared Witii • 121,- 7.41i783: for 1929. .Gi)eratlng. ;for . 1930 wbre .$31,349,640 as; against $16,728,098 for 1929. ; '\ Included .in -the. general, expense for 1930 .arev^klar^^^ ipf -bveriaiiplng "William .Fbx" execs :w ambuntg tp;;fiQm.ewher© •.arpuild. $50b',0p,0;i; ^be sidtiis. bttibrbverhangfng ■ expense frpni; thb; old T^eime^^^^ lip by} manageinent when ccm- ing ih about April 15, 1930. ' ; . - ' ./ /Increased; dep^^^^ clal, charges which -ju^t' kbout. dou- bled in 1930. as com^ai-ed::in. 195^ aVe ambng ;other .causes attributea ;tp the'Ipsa, shpwn --4- :. The flhancing charge^ i!s cbRcrted amounted; to; $5>5;4,928 a.s.! cbiriparcd to ;$3,597,632 In'1929. This includes certain artiortiza.tlbjn :charg,es\ arid property -written off. -..i .-■- ';.''--.-. •■.-.;■ FOX THEATRES CORPORATION And Its Subsidiary, Gpntrplled and Afflliated Companies . Gpn^cnsbd ; Cbnsblidated- Stateinent of Ihcbmc ■> and; Prpflt and Loss for the 52 . w«eks .ending October i26, 1930; . • :iricome':. ■'...■)■■ : .: ■■. -";.,.;-' : '. RscSlp.ts, from i.Qdmlasloiis,. ■- - rehts'an'iiresult 'of ,op- - ... etaUons ■ .'of. Jointly - op--;' ' -A?v'^-*f P'°^*'''" • •>;^ <^^^ Other Income...; i:/....-; -.,, ; ,; .-.;430,.7S0.71 ..-Total Income;-J., ■ Operating ■ expenses..... '■■$,i4',r47,.v>!):24: : 3l,.1.40,Crl0.7« Groaa profit, -frttm opera- .' tlbna, ..before .guarantee.'. ' .Guaranteiei -' . rcceIvaible,; - In. bondd frdin. owner .of; for- ' Jner -theatre.circuit.. Tital 'Income' -as.-above,- - fore:, financial and' ottier ,- oharsM .;....,.,....;... Financial and obhec charges; :': Id tere^t . Pepreciatlon ........... ... . . 'Amortlzatlpii -.-;'. . .'. .. . .... v Ijoea - ..oh isala of .Inveot- ' -.'mcnts. and: property, writ- ; ten off., i.,... i-.,.-., .-.^ Total ; flnanclal . .and -other diafgea;,.-.;. Balance ..,-..;.„.,.,,'-,.-,.''. ■Proiiortloh of ;pr6flt of - cori- . trolled and : nfflllated ■ ... companies applicable to outside Interests.;. .; - Net low for the - fifty-two :-weoks; ending ;Oct. 29, '42;7!)8,.218-46 . 730.2'41.i8 ||3.587;430.;(H . ».1,3!53.0.W.37 .l,4l».->, 078.77 . l,28p,03C.S0 $5,064,028.00 :|a,417,408.0C .67,3!56;w .♦2,4M,824;07 Postpdniiig Shojrls ' - ■-'■;,-•■■ ■■ .V'^s.^Angeles,;-'juiy'is. '.-.' Radio Is poistponing tho produc- tion of the remainder;, of the Chic Sale; and Ned Sparks shorts until- the fail. ;-.•.::■- ^■;.;■-;■ ,-"- . , -;First.. Sale "short: lately: shown. Sparks is'now in the east with an RKO vaude rpute pending: \ 1 tarry L. Itelchcnbach, the mpst cpiorfbl pro^s; agent khbwn tp shew business,' dicdv.-of ,' cancer : of thb lungs at .tiije .Ubc.tprs Hpspital, New Yorki. July 3. It; .;-\ya.s.';knpwn-.fb h-ichd.^: for Vs.onvc :tirnb.-.that--^^ :Vei'.-haii'ed • -.dapp'cr:'^ not etjryiVe,-■:'yi.'5itbrs-" were, denied; him for more .than two '.. months. Tiiey sought ■ to;-cliepr ■ hirn by rt unique :€vont,' "il banquet bn the. air',''.staged'in thc stiudiP-of ,W Columnists' aird humorist^ b.rbad-. caet -wbrds .pi .pineo.Uragement while Harry .listened; in ;f^ . ayr.adjbvncar :iyis: hospitai~:;cpt.. . . ,-- \y His remarkable .success as -a 'pub- llci.qt may have;, arpus'ed;' the envy' pf others of tiic crafti but, they all respected Keichonbach's ability and rbadily cbriceded he was' far better, able to sell. hlinself .tiVan any other export in . the field; I Je was libiv .a writer, '. -iie -;cori;ceivcd.:5tubt,s which - of moving, piclureb■ on -Brpailu^y and his reputed salary .was a.k jiiRh' .as-; $2,000. .w.eokly.'- •VVhilb he .. no.Ycr carbd to .write stories,; hb Aviis ;a ;i(peciallst iri; ebnceivlng. .eyc-.irrlst. ing ads.; Tlie'.,Stp;rics'-of his. ctdycn-' •turps ,a.s .he fold tliem '.seemed mbr<i - IhteresUrig than most ficHibri yarn!? but' ,it is true 'h.e .vi.sited ; manv- strange.,';' i?.)a'c:e3.-.'AVhllp .; in ■-. SoutK^^^ Americavl^jeforpihc' :bqcame a figure in -New::Y.prk/--■ R^^ tractcd.:; a:'-'fb;vbr .whjcii. ttirhod hia' hair: white, Because, of ' that ha Ibpked oldbr thari -iio- wa.Sr^48, A bet• dive^aipn, was • p it 13 curibus; 'tjiiit 'he'., should so -quickly -fbljpw ^'tlip^ i;Pa^sii™g--6f- bther wi).ite-haired regular at':Mad<^ ison .Square. Gbrderi--rUayid Bei.'isco.;. It".seems,tb:bc" that ^oe? the Jiierhise bf ' tpp many greats of show ' .bu.siness.^.with Joe Ijeblpng .rinothec ' /bf tlib ;recoiitis.; -;. ';■ --,: '■'■■y ■.-'.;■; newispapcrs' almost; i . : Hftrry started .as--a. newsbpy.'^^^ ;H^^ - ■ ' - ' '■ ■ ' - -- - - ' ran; aSyay.; from -homo :a^^^^ Md.,-when i'3-arid .JbiHcd :a;:db ppny; siipw; He drifted t.b .inedicina ! shbws:-and' b.ebam'o a ■ spl sipller .-ind wiv.T.t;-n'bt.^ His prbba.ijia.'' ifiirst; 'a.d.v'a'ii,<:f :agent; .JpT>'. was with tho • v.Grep.t- '"iiayiribnd,. a. maKiel.'ui ;' wUh -who'iri lie. ;traveled bblo.w the Equator..; -'' -; ' ;y For a firije hb was In th^^^^ publicity . departments; of thp Ringling ' and.; -Fbrei)augii-Sells - circuses; :; Reach- fbr. Rcichenbach ; set -. a new - and mucli..higher: siilary .stand.-fb'' shPw business -puTjilcity.:-.,:'; ; -- ■/-;-.'- ■;;.' a'\ AKvays. in the- baekgrbund . wHpn some'';: unusual; ibcciirrericc;:' ■ which; later.lurried but to 'have.a ^publicity iiigle, lie nbt Johly .provided, many' a quiet . laugh, ;but .cpmmahded -big mphby/?^ev^ .Ybrk editprs,. \vavy of sfurifs,.admitted .th;ey;;had b.eeri but-' smartcQ by Rei<Jlienbach. One was, sb: exasperated: 0^ cr a, Rcichbnba:ch story that he^ thought Harry should .jng Broadway, ho was sent in ad- bp bamshed froin ;New ..Yprk.^ •.... . V ■ . Alei't, vpsourccfui; aii,d • cbnfidbht, Rbichcnbacii's;. Inilf.ence; . e:^te,hded quite- beyond pregs-agcritry. He waSi^ a-racpnteur and ;aftcr dinner srieakcr of high; rating; ariiong theatrical- ari newspaper -people.; ■ His quick, '-wit 'made. ,hlrii one of the mfc.^t 'jippu tbastmasters;;.- He / reversed, ^hbck^' lers"' :a.rid si-pws - at-;. such itfairs sb: . cff.ect'ively ; that Levc'n . the latter ;jpiried\the\iaughter;-His abil- ity - to: out-think the ..otiicr : fbllb.w made -liiihi a Broadway ;ribt;aijle. • ; Expipited "September Morn" .• ilpichenbjiciv agerited any iiuriiber of ■ BrPad,way -.attractions'i,;hcrei' and bri,' tPiir,: but his . talents - were: lipt' confined to:show business; In-.ijSiQ' he..njade:a .deal with a plctu.rb dcalc^ to exploit a nude khpwnr- as ;"Se'p- tbmbe'r. Morn.*' He headquartered at Atlantic . City", fbr that purpose and before ' the sun-iriier - was over the print;was nationally khpwn, ■;..: Relchenbaph was. one of the ear- liest of; motibn /islcturc press agents, starting ;with Jtsaie La.^iiy.;'He: su- perylscd flash inserts fbr the trade publications. :;HG h'andie for Parampdnt (then .known ais Fa- mb.Os . .f layers);. - One stunt .at- tracting; p.arficuldi'; -attentipn .-^In-; eluded .skefphes ihowirig/tlie 'Wbbl- wbrth building being torn asunder. That sb ' frightened - sfen.pgraphers.' they s^er.e: afrajiJ tp enter: the build- ing. A.n .attornby ■ protested; to. F.a- nibus, AViiich ordered all the-, plates ;d.csfroycd;.' and-; advised ' Hiirry, tp .siibstitiite^ - sbm> less -violent' 'aid ri opagaiida for the 'ijaVjincb. of. the .carnpaign. .Tlic .stdrit 'boncerncd a film called "Mistress of tlib "VVprld," a foreign made pictiirc. . -V - . ^ He was retained for explbltjLtlbns: ' ^"tOS?^"^^ ;'br week ondihg Friday, July 3: ; High; ;■ Low.. -.Baleir;. ' ■ Is-suc .intl taip. - ' ' ;" ' ■ V STOCK. EXCHA^GE - -J.'- Amcriciih; fieixi. ..,. ;,. j.. „';.,. .2,700 Cpn-tol. •- l-'llm.:...',:. . .-. ....;.. / .: 300'Cbn-sol.'.Film iifd: (2). it. ........ 13,000, - tinstmrtn .koOjVk -ffi) . i...... .-^.T. 43.700 rpx, :01aas; A- ;(2;50),.;;...';,... ,1 l.O.flOO > G'cn.; Klpe..-.: :...;......... , .12,000 -Ocn-...- Tli'p.; K-ci.,; h. i. ......... - Keiih prot,.--(7)..............,-.,v . 43,400-;-ix)cw (ri)-.:. ,.■.,;.,...-.;,.;;,..' ■ , ■ .000.. , .i-)o-'ij^f.-.'.i6',i) -...~,..... J.-...:. ■ -lOO; M.tfdlj/oii R(luare (Innlcjri (00).;. , i>.'...i.. Mct-(J-..\1. pri-f. . .(1..S0).. . - - ■ 10. .Orph.- prcf-,'(ST.»;* .,.-. .;-;'. ;.;;.. 64,!500 - Par'ampurit (2.,"iO)..... ':,2<f.800 I'allic- JCxchanftc. i...'. .v.;...,. -;27,40p -PiKLhe, .CU^n A;'..-.-.i .'.-.•. ,, 2nq,ooo.-itnrtio. cprp.;.....;.,.....:...; .-i7,noD-- :nK<j .;..-....vv.:,;;. ; ; ;800 ;Shubort ';■..:;,.-...-.-..-.';....i..ii- . -'-lO Unlvcraul pfef. (.S) . .,; .';~. v.,. -03,200 ■Wn^nor .nr,os.,..^.■;.......,..',.;'.. ; 500 .; D.b pfef. (.I.S,''.).-. ,;'. . , ; ,,.,. 22l;noo ■'Wcsl-Inej>6iis(^.- .('Jl,-.-.. .;.-,. i.... ,. .- ■ -200 ^^etilih Radio,.. .v:,v',:...:. ..;... 'v--: ■„; CURB - --..- 800- Cpluriilila rict?.;' v,t.-c,';:'(;7ri).,'.. . 2,500' ne- Forest liatllb... I .-.v. .; . , .■.. ; -2,8Q0 .l^ox: . Thcuih'k;-.,;, ;-..-,'.::.,.. ..i,-.. ..«;flf)0 (!<'n; Then. liq. pf: (3',-:). ....... --■.-COO - -\i'oh.i)lc()lor; .;.;;........ ...1,500 -TrnhE -I;ux..:..'...-.I- ;.../...;.. ' ^.. BONDS $-16,000 cieii,- Tix-n.: ici|. '40....; .-... - t.noo -Kcrtiv-U-.v '•lO-.-i-^:..;;;,;.... 28.000 :l.o(-.w Cm, '1:1 .-':-:v'. I;,-....;.;;,.-;. ..•3.1,000 l'anio 7fj»,. «ar. . , ..,.- , 12,000 •r'ar-Kaiii.-I,.;\<,-1<y (;■.,!!' '47... V..... .70.(100, riir-i>iii..,rT'-.'i{,, ','ij;,J - ;.:(>,o(»o .;>!iiui)tr; <Vs.; ..:;-..,.. / . IIU.OOO'i' .IVi-iii:; ' li's, : -:tli-':' - ', -; ■ . ISSUES I N .OT HER. M AR K ETS' - ; AM Quoted for Friday -; - ; ,. ' •■O.yer .t.he Cbijnt^;r/ N Y.: . Produce Exchange, N. -Y High;-; -Low. . .Net cliR. - Last.' ■Xor\wljv ". -9; .' -l.". 18% • 1SB,?1 -.38% - ■^M.%.-> 15V4 ' o.-).: . 03% 08 714 27 : 75 ' ,5014 . 2% - 27%--; 24Vi' 0%-- 42 -■20% . -40% ' 1.07^4,-. ■.'23-'-' -.. ■8V4 ■ .i.ivi- .m ■ ■ ■; ■ '.M • ■■■'?4 ■'.- . 7HV4 -'-0!)%,- ', 111 ■■ 07 :. «n% - 25 - ■•T4 V4- : .414 . ... 3%; 10.%' Its . '11% ■ so . 70.; 3014 • 83 ' -.;. ti. ■ 22- -.. .•.3!V'~ ' 10% .. 1 •■ ■s-': .12 ■ ■'. : J V4-. ■ 2% : 24 ; . ;494 ,10% : -B4J4 •; 2% ., H ;■ 2% - - .6 .'^ ; ■ 3% . BKi. 25 ■■ 02. :'04- 61 . ■ 74 • 67 ■- ,7 ■■■ ■ '23 -- : . . .8,..;: . t4l4 ■ ■i.y - 21!%- '---41i.%- • 0 ;•- • 4K14'; - on -, ;: 0 -:2H'.'«,: -.• 2'?, : 21?<, ;. - ,](!•%>:■ . 3V4 ■: 30- .::«%--. -. 20 -.. 74 ■- 2%/ 1314 ■>■ .' 4% ; •. .lyr . 9:(, . .714 . «14. . 41. ■■■ 01'4 .. Oil .' Itl. - oori : -:S2i4': '• H:' - 11. ■- . 7 .-. 14 .145% ■ 10% 42%.; 4% ';■ 4vaX ; 8,7%: - ■ c . ■.,■ 40% 25% . - .4'!? ■ ; - l'>^» . JO : '«7»4 ' ,2% . .3% ■■ 3 - ' 8% -: -..«%• 0 ;• 37 . :«•!% . . 07 ;.fi«w ■ : RSVi; Ri: - vif^:, 3.0 U - ■ (8 8 14 ir.:ii4 ; • m ■ - 44% : --4%--. . 80 : 4G% . 00 .. .til- ■■■■ 24.% ■• , 4!l% .27% : a R% ■21 , ,'lfl-)6.' ' m. ;30 - 8% - . V.I-X ■ :73%': v; 2% 12% - ' 3% 3 . 0 ■■ -■ 7 , , <i\i ' ;~4i^.:-;- :«4%;,.' •:oo.-. . 00%; 80 -:.Kl>t -14 ■ - 41 ■■--'; -■ % — .'(. ■ .-iii' -■.—-'U: ■■-,'%, - % ■:;+2 rr % ,+ % ■ :- ; -'% ;-—3, •■ .■-'%■ ■.m ^ %- .Hi - •—-1 i,i; ■•+2.-: ;'-+ vi. -^1.-'- 'r- .% + y -3 -. }»• -Asked; - ■ ..:■<■■■ •'■ 14 ■ mi ■ .2% ';Jonl< Ti'li'v ..:..; .'; lloxy- Cliis.s A (3.50):...;;,. iiiiit- tin.....-..;,.,:;. . .Ttill.l (lo:..'..,;;.-... ■- Color . Plctij. i;.. . ..,-:., 4H.M<V iyahce bf .:touring attr'actioris; by .ai riumlier of. managbrs; His fiirst acV:;. tufil -press..agent job .in-. the .show; '' bus! ri ess .was: with the .Poli : circuit; > > Spectacular Stunt ;: :'';':' ..:;' ';vlrt-;:exchange for an.ln flirii';;':Tarzari,^.of t'ho:_.Apcs" .Rcich^;' ■ i'ehbacli \ Wm-kctcl brio , of hi.s • nibst^..; spectacular ;. 'sturitsi; r'egistbring, ;a. guest ii) a.Brbadway hotel as; "T. R. Zanh" and plan ting, a ; livo lipri in' the- suite;;, bxijiainin& i talned a piano. The guest in pr>. ^flering . . .breakfast -. .a^^ 25 pourids; of steal? in Phe htink. It: made i fi'eak' ;newgpapcr. sfpry,.iin narhe of. :the ;guest was quickly, .conne.cted. with the.; pic- ; turp. . Another • of .'his jdieas v Waa; ; spotting a bunch . bf " "Turlcs • iri ari^i pther hotel ;ari:d. having them .offer a reward pf $2Q,0Q0: to anyone who .; would locate the. daughter of a sheiki : described- a.q-''The V . bouii '.v:Plcturp , of that title wa»; ' annPu^ncecl siicrtiy' th.ei-eafteri .'. ',■ ;: . Abroad During the world -war. RelchcinW bach . was. In - tiie ;;intellig^^ Dei.;. - partmcnt and. was sent byerseas.- lii. .. was cred.ited.'with the. idea bf show* 'erihg tlie; German. ii'ries:!with prpiia-: :. garidd dropped from airplanes. For .; a time lib:was.shifted;to Italy, where,' ; his riiain -purppso w.ias to -pbptilarize Ani(:rica -. biyexplpitirig;- Prcsidorili '. Tyiispn,;',- F,or;his -woi-k he, was giveii. the rank of ftiajpr; but never; used -; it-for personal, grati^c.atiph^^ ^^^^ rar(?ly ;incritiohed'; It. His'ts abrpad . during .tho-.;' .war' included. ■ •ix)rd. l^Ibrthciirfo,-'ci' itrtgllsh pub.- :.: lishcr, arid. Gabrtci d'Annunzm; thcj'^;;'. Italian;ppet.v•■' ;/'.■■ '. :"■'' ';';" -'C''..;.i' . , Mr, -IVoicltcnbaeh -wasi'tw and i.s survived by his widow,:. Liucihda- -Bapoh llelchenbi^^^ ho; bfiarricd in 1923', . Slie aided h 1 Hi ;:. in cppy-writing,- and. :d^^^ :''; conducfirig:a gown shop, bn Madi.son ' -. avcnue.; iri-. p;irtner.ship with -.:r.eggir .- •Feirs (Mrs.' A. G-.- iSlumen'th.-tl ). ; • ; ■ Fun.pral:- service.*) were - co.nd iicted; ; at Temple Kmnt'nu-liJl Monday-' afr' t.ernpbn.v.- Ilonofary. ';p.ali,| wpro-,Mayor -,'^'^:ai^{cr, il.'iirry: ilei'.sh- :.;. feld, Groyer A. Wh.'iloni "VVili 11..: na;ys,': A. ;C. ,111umcnthai','; 'Jessei! ■" i;.a.s,ky;Siiiio ;'Sii.verman;.. Ttpbert'■.; Ijehman, ; Sidney,'. . Jo.^iopll- Kiddt-r, lack ;Alicbte, M'abri.ce Karini: R.;-'H.; .Cochrane, .T, ' Ilobe'r.t itn'biii, ' '. A^: J. - Kbbler.^Wal't^jr ; liara Walsh, ; baVid Fi-ecdriiany T.ea A.-:-..Qc:h s,' Al -Lich'tm'in ' ari d;''J o.'i'opii : Brandt, ,■;■.■" \ .-. -; ;.. 'r'^:. ;.-. Dr. ■ K'ra.-3g, arid ijarry; ;TJev.'?h'fioi(i ■.-'; .^vero -the;'.sole speakers-' at, tho-zsprf---,'; yicei InvTcriipic! .Emah.u-.E1,-Hershr ; fipid spoJ<p feelingly' of the dbO(>a.sed as. a' friend; ' ■ ■/ -. ■'i■;.- -.■ ■■'/;, y A book of his 'adv.bniurbs by Tleibh.cnbach is to be .'; ■ - published.. ■ ■''/..''■ -. ;:':'--' - ;;■. '■; on as. Pathe Fixer . ■ ' V . iv '-';-' . Hollywpbd, .J tily C. Ghai;.l.c'\s.-■- Kenyoni;. . anicirii; ': y ' Vyarri'er; - -iwri t'eris- .' -pn ','. pijrii;it i I.'^Ory • vacation.,- Ih; .Vt''3>.''b-fpr sijc.'w.evk.s. ': ■ 'ri.i:. plpt: doct.or arid g(>ricral.- .s'tory critic. ; -■' ;■'.. .' './'.■- - '-'.\ : Gharie.s Rbget*s;,brougiit/hiriii; over . tp; -ruri-. an- ■pj)tic ■.by.e.rv;ali si'i.'i.plt?,.' nial<<i >l.iKKost ibn.<?, ivvritp ;'ad;(iiti.(-(iial;' (ViatofT -a.Tvl'" .•snap , vi.p; dr.'tggy .'sltvia»V