Variety (Jul 1931)

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VARIETY E $ ■ I.t' 'irpt; loo ' isoon^to. c,bmtnohcc! • tl\ iiijiiiif,'- .^.bou , ,.: .' ■ St Ixools-V ■ ppon;:'-.SW'^.oUnj.e :■ arqulid ■. I:.abor-;: .IJay. ■. That- incins;; school \; ' •>!iii>''<>.sVa :■ tohiact' jner-? . •, ■ '.riifiiits .'.f,Or ':a style shqw'. of .i^cliOol: • to. lie givcn ia .pouplc 6t 'wec.kS " .. tiliead -bt ijthe. '■px>sfliTie.:..:: it; '- yqu ^6 v iiQt:: .w.a'nt . to ■; Interrupt .yo.iir. ■ tiiKht Kbpw; -with avStUrit'Avhichi'majf^^ :. - iiHJ.t. thev.'meh/iiwbr.k -u. at d- .knatinee: ' , stuiiti . ihpagh you. can; .add.; a;.£!PW •■ . juveiiife: specialties iirid .build .into ,a' Veyue' that'tlie. nieri wJii- appro- < iate; . to.6;,;. ih' ahy:'.- casei, ect after the hiothicrSi' '.. ".■:-■ ''■}•:■.'■' ' In- cqlicg^ t6\vh3. it 1§ .ii- gobd plaii to \ '^01- a ■ list p£. th.o". nc%y stud oh tS and write .them a. little hole; of ,\vel.t . ■ -■, I'iymo. '■: ■ ■ i^omo ■' plaoesV./they..' gtag-ei-; .a :;spocii)l -cvieri t .the first,>Vj.dtty,; .'lvhcn all ^ pixpils are, the; guests ,o£ the- !.; hianagbhi'ent..'; .I^efreslimcrits: if ^th'C; ^. nieiichfints will. kfcK; iii/.,- Qll^ereU as. .. a get-together 7.': bp . . aciiUaihtaiiieife ;pavtj', . ..Stdhdard . lii many . lilaces. .In a.ny eventi uSeHhe.greeting card, ^ w rth or \Vithput^ .a, paiss-^pl-eieraWy ■■Witli. ■• ■ ^•.-■■':.,;.•>:,..^.:.■,^■. '■ In . grade schbols/. It .Is . a- gopd Rf,ar.t cr: ■ to . .dhno]Un<:e'.' scholarslrip . ri'-lzes/'^ithe.r a jp.asS a -vveelc to e'ach■ I'lasjs.. .or 'a mdhlh's pass .(4 .Bho"vvs)> :•. to.;, tKe beist'. studeiit: -before.; the an^a)Tk.sei,vine. ..hb.liday^- - I^^^ a ;' si)e<?ialJy .g6od;.shb\y ftikhd • invite: "all .. the iteaclietB,"just to. get:ihi>'ni.:iiitW--. .... ttitcd -Agaift;. ■ •'■ • ■ ,..) ' And'- ail.l^■.of.' this: ^sbotiltV. bo ') side ..lihips: to,-, the. grand <i.perting,.' either- -... befcire:- or . iifte.r - :sclioul- lopens,- ac- . cp'i'dhiig to', your - product., - i>oom up .a ..mjinth. of. the. ■pjrogri»m'".bn; .,thc -. liiiei fpllbwed.. by ..the go-tovtlie- ; niovlcs;; id.ea,- and -try .^ahd.'get- thc^ .■newspaper.'.ta. .printi'.a,. Vfairly '.long. '. ftory bri. whait .Is ooniirig through • ./t lie. season; jstressiiig the .early book-: ■;. jhfesv- : ■ . ■ .;. tiencvally ,v the 6,ff)c'ial ! pperiirig,. .• ..-tiohjr ;in the. middle:. of Augvist,. IS5 too. earlyV .'- !^h^ heat.' wave: which: al.\'vays happens, .at-o.und the firstVoi^ :i; .^Pcond .^ycek in Septembjer will jitil.i ;■ tilt .the .ehthosiasm and. you'll -have ' . it to db 'aJi .pvi?r againi "Make a fuss whcn'the. flrst b( the p :' ■ .inV/but.-Jvave a; ;little . '-iatfir>;>i£. the w^athei' wptild'seem .to . /indiprtte.-delay.. ■ .. Hi-lp: tKlS. aJbiig with soine palniT ■ Ing ; Up!:. and . general. reiurbishingi. : •; Make :the iPbjSy' unu.5ub.lly attrac- .' t ive,. and. if ::ybu .caih .'prpmbt* spme local clahcp band, give'a coi>cei't .pn ,. , your ^mar.auee,.:;^You riiay : even. ■ be: able, to'get a couple pf .page's of'co- operative 'advertising; olv tHl^ arigle -with, the stpres "annouificihg their . ov;ri fail lines;, : .Alake all' the rtolse: v \ ybu. ..can . .withbtii .getting blataht.f .lienty. bf. ipeopie^Tiave been staying hOnVe an svimijier. .Yqvv get these ■ back Ayitl} a gala; .apipeaU ' ybi^'can fiot ..the: merchants to .decprate;: if: . Yoiv.,use- the; argumeht thiat it ..wlJl help their tirdde. and you: can even' , got! therii to- go out to .their .country.: .. • Yial rons -with .special advertising:: for, : Avh.ich .. they-, Vill .pKys . : uslrig ; the jvrgunjerit: thtif-it Ihjj .cpuntry trade i.s ■ brought . in . they will. patrbriij'.fe. the ;stor.eis is; .ivell- ak the .thiE!a,tte, iiut that'the. theatre is the prime at- ■tra^'tion, '-. - ■ • ■■'. ■:': '-■ -.- : Ge-t. qit pn::the tight foot, .even if you, have fb .I'.mp a little because bf .• business conditions.: . :.\ reed the Editor .'Don't get. thb- idea: tliat the' cdl- - 1'oviul,' desk, is. ine.v:cry.. a repbsitbry Icr cdpS' boOinihg ybur theatre. (Jive iivp editor.: a break, how and then; Offbr hlni . something, that will hot Jvolp: yov directly, . bat .which" will .fortainly. nbt hurt:' ■. :. . i - • -.:'"■■] :A:fr an exanipVe;. fjyPPbsc .you diff > ivp :-(he. ;rcceht Issueis of ''Variety'' jihd :shbw :hlm the ltadio. advertis- ing. Sii.v\i^est lhat .if ifKO - can,take a coviiiJc: of Paige's tbvprpnioto the ,, pro-spcrity :|d(?a, if might "bfe a good lilan .to'soll hiorchants the ..f;Oisa,:of- «tpbcial bargain advier^ :i'<)y,orod ;b.y' a. .siniiliir^^-H^^ .Soino- •ol: theycity' papbrb'.avo carrvirig- ads li local .storoK ^up miich .tli.b; .P(unt''..ld«?a. luit: iir^ the . srn^tllcr' ,t)l,!<?,.th.6 adv.crtjslrvk -staff ban -go. tiuc ji.nd gath.(?]P ul> a burti-h b small: f r..a.(ls..Ayith.;the sanVe,:thoiigh.t.. :: • r^i)t ;the .Jdeahas bthor atiglefi, : -rire .e-d.Itbr i.s ,^lad- to' get iahyt.hihii' LliJif . M:in. make.. (JbOd copy;. . :i)o'n't" , Iiliii; AVhy. he -doesn't-.lisoMt,'biif :ii><\i' itr h e .Svbuld. *a l;e '.to.' • Ti-y and; liij.d :<jut what partiftOJHiriy -..a'ppeaiK : t<. iiinv^ • Crive\lTim sttiff AlDrtg '-thpsf- liiH*. • ; :.l.Ic. . .AViU-- appreciate. ' your : 11 wuiiiH fulness-,V':!f jf ... is:, -not-' too, -.i>:vl>-iU;riiM|s; ahd/itr-ivin .b(v-basibr. ^)i...);ii<a in..-the\iT£' you ■ wjuVt hiiiV 1l(:> 'I:■ ■'; . '• . :.V■ Tlsihjj the Boards - :^I'lJiy;tiio;itrw'lt:iyo,oiiiL dpwii^t-Vtt^ • Ti?=c. fii" .i>ostt'd.-,rKip.^r. Tor. thK i^Hrnn"'''' ., oii. aivimmt; of ■oo.itV..bu^^^ ~ti! V(>ld..:t.h,eii,": pb«ti?)M'.<^o'ntr;|<-t. . Cine iiiHiiaKm: i.^ - u.siiVg uijjh^v. .fi'iv a'- .^'eri^'V (tl" .'i.^nlH■.^- ari0.'.fs'('.ltlngv nioro -out 'or -tl, i>. ..s!;tnds: t.h.u.h, he. did! in. :tho T6g:u.-' l^V-.^;<■;■i!5(^ri...;' ;• ■ '.. ■' \..'J': .-'.y' ■ .•.:ilc ciivfihod lip. With a. p,uz2io^-stunt. :0)r(v. :lMt.(;r 'Of; a I L'-li-.t.U-r- title -wiis I r.'iifirI<■:'.(I j (n. ('f 1 j ■ Iv I m jji.i-<l, ;i ii.d x]u ';<vo 11 - . .1 ci^i lanlk h ii.d, lb. jrukli' a.i'oij.nd uh d.-,uii- sOTrt bl.0-.'til C:, io11cr.i; ah d . th eh , idem ;th6hv.into ih'o :titl<^.p'rthb.n plc'vure^; wliich'-had not yet bocji. ?ih-' ■ riounc.odv ■^V),^if e. .pJiper '^'or;: the .'old- sheets::'^va&. pb,talh,.g.d • ;at.'. ih.c hew.<ipa;pcr otncb;:-froih:fhb tag. b.nd,s of: the ■ roHbrs:":whlo.\v .'at-p •t.akon. off :th,e' press . h:bfOre thp piiper^ls -en- tirely .run off. :..-' ' • .■'-Follbwlhg .weck-ci'r.wj^ of-^oy.s and giVl.s;v.\v6re- ■.■as.slgried-:vthe. dllferent .boards and- provided' with: .C0)'>ir'. for the . corning picture,' . They^ - Were giyori fi'eb rclh' tp:.iel.tor iii, the .bi-loC copy..- as they: pi-efcrrctl, . the .only stimiia'tibn- beiiig. 'tlutt the wpi'k. be done! oil .biycrayorj. and' hot. iii^ water •bolQri-'.'^"'-'...'!.v\':^ .-'J-'-' ■'■':■■'; ; this time thb. loQatipn of tHe-yarl- ous libard.'s waa. statbd and; tlic Ij'ub-/ .'lie ^vas ihyltred/tp b'rill.Pt foivthe best board, .a ybtb .vgoihg with-;: .each, ticket.:v". The .Vatlous -.: crews- - AV-erb': prbvidbd -w^ith 'blocks of .and; .p ermi 1,tted .-to s tand by:. .their , own - bbardk and^ sell the radm.issibhs,:;?€-; taihihg '^hc .votes Ibr: their..own ef-- ;fort, -". li. ran:: up; admlSsiPps' apprb-i, clahly;on dii'ect/gale .and a^parchtly hierped : .the.: general. : sale. as. . w.ell. Thii'd: week was a ipprtrait, bontebt; with the ^ame. creXvs.. ..Managei* is; acl-iitiihln'g his' head tpr^. fuVthei'-. ih^ .SpiratlOh,■. ;-'":'v' ;'. ~'';; ' -■'■'V Everyone a 'P.; A. ^ ':■:? Some of, the: western .theatre^, of -tijb; i'\ix-AVC- are using the entire staff Ub.-press :agcjTt picture's :the 'avoriige... ..; liveryori.e .from, the manager -dowh ...llst.s .r'pcrsonal - ac- qualhtances ~.a.nd . -tp those : special retVcrSj •sigrtcd;'by:.the .^porsbii, are. sent to- all whose .hahies'- appeal'., bh'. the iist^ It Is dbViC only on the pic- tures \YhiehV-.arc' -pretty, certain to, click, ;as. the Idea is- rop gbP.dstp -bb flopped '.'through, a . badly ;: ady-lijed prbmotibn. .--Thb-ib.ttcrs-'aire-mimcb.- graphod and - avo ;iv;ih.kly :for.ri-i;.: but. thcy;are.sigii.ed by Whbey.ei' Vii'»''-'S -Ih:' the. .names.,'.; \ v : ' .. . There ;ls hp ;reasc-n why the .saih.e idea' shPuld .not be 'e.xtehded to th-e ihdop'ehdent; theatres,, .which; .can- Jubt;as..eiwily.capita^^ '; iphree.or four;year's -ag a.south'.- erh .house persuaded. :.a:il its. Usl\er..s; tp:. wear .liack sighs .. to';.and ' from; wpand this hoipc'd : o t• • pccla 1 sale,', though- It is; nb.t'.gb.Pd. £br a.h immediate repeat' • .ittghf no\v; with jpu'ta. still ;.p^hfling; ;npne. of 't.hc;Staff wil'l bp. liawilllng to -do a little.-^ sonal ad vertising, - If. £i1p\y n ho vy. ' : Perspjial Contacts .Help ■ ' ^; ■V^rith';fhe -.^tir-e':niah.'igerial pci^f.. sonhel.'.of- the RICO ^hhstlirtg . after, that iliu-ppean .trip .pinze; tht; .man- agers . \vlio. have been at sonie. pains• to. cultivate contact .with ;the•-:the.- atr•e.'s pSLtrons. are going.: to -have. 'aiV edge on-the' few upstage .'men %yho haver preferred a pedestal to, .nopu- la;rity.:. ;Thes.fe'are gbing tb-leai-h: a; lesson.. in. .. the- ■"...value'; o'f. rrialyng friends but of the patroh-s;..:; r -; ; ;It.h,iay. .s.oU:hd'.absurd, to.''suggest' ;that. the -winner probably: will be, one who has . cashed: in bn lii-^ por^ sPhal appeal; but -that''probably ;wiU bo;i:.tho: .ciase- ..' \Busihess'; -is what counts and a .lot . o£ people are Koi Ihg to go to the: theatre'mbrc pfteri than Usu.{)l .just to help' along -; ii' :i^riendly,'manager.:... ';-..;' . -:.. ' It: looks as thoiigh ilKb.,would cash , in even hiore from driv-injcj home.-thj.s .les.sbn.! than throngli' the b..P:..'gains. d.urlhg/ 'tl)e '> contact is .hvbrb ' lastirig than any one-time stunt; . \ ; ■. : - But '^pei-iioTial.'- pop'uiaritdpes.. hpt' mean., 'makirig'. 'the-: press, riotiCes, :scmeliihes at. (he expense p£ 'the th.e.a:trc mentl.b'nV- It. ;nicaiis'. i)e)rig knpwii' ji.nd :iifeed by.;a rri,ajo'ij»y;'o'f the':cuslairi(^vsi:-,\-- . No Poke Bonnets . - ; -"^^Mth- -.,tw() a\ihM .Vusing V .Sal'vallon' A.rmy- gjrls: a.a lit-i-oiries,' lirbh^: .li.biy. wIHvbe a -lbt ;P£' cx1ribiU)rs .■\v.ho- wlll. conceive the idea of putting, but a .S.;. A.; lassie a's .a-pbrani'lnilator to-carry- a'.;b:ack;sign:..:ov -h.-ind: '/but■ heralds.;. In' most Iristancbs-.-thR v6.- a,ql.iori.-.;w:ill be;^'u'hfav,o.rablo:-' iC -ii.of downright .hurl.Cul; : Since, the Svai- the'S..,.A; ]i.aR:com.e into-a. nb\v plni-b and.-ahy;"off <h- t. to \\sd ; the ar'jiijl? .-.yni form, fo) ve,vti.sing 'will-lib the -re-- ycrse of .selling.: it- is' one ./of- those .bright;.ideas tfc.vt left-unfi-icd. . '.'•: .- .v.- yEigniing, the ;Weathferv. :.-TtWb're- 'liijiy hp .'a; hint; in - a.'S'tunt hp\y- :bblnB M'.prkecl-by..a jNbW^ /Yorlt. ddilly.which :ib^pffbring pri5Jo^-'fo;rtiie best.,-weather -forccastSi ; the tem.r peratiu^b, arid general conditiohfi:'to be >\yor,i£C.d ptit-.trbrii - the w.ea.ther chart's. . .Thi'iS probably /SVill' bver- fcpme tfjeilcgal bbjecliGn.'5 'tb ;gl^ess- 'Jng • at vthe we'fiiher,-iahd ishbuld be' good f PT; a. flurry ;.of; a-week or two, .; tVhei'e tlibre .i.^ JTo local, fbrb'caster, sP.hie establishment, ha-ying % thei^T; ■nibihctbi: ph .display; should be s'S- ie'cted. :.i?rcf.erabiy it should be -bf the" self-rejpflsterihg; tj^pereapable- of recbr^lriiff . thb high: and low ibr the day by.-fnearts of .a dbiible^tubb.' The store'v-wiH- be gladi.fb cb-op.eratb :iii; ireturii for- the' atteritibh.; brbuglit- to' tho eistabhshment..--.-: -.'■;■ ' . '';..-,■-..-'.: ^;;^-v;-^i.ocw?S';Pla7''f^^ V ; v.tioew. 'i;heai;l:cs IH i>f:e.w Vorkv Playing, up :th''e -.vacation: sho\v>3- ide^i tp:.;capture 'th'e :juve trade . wi^^^^ youngsters;..but of school; ' VTraaor Horn,'' v'J^ewiy^^Kich" .ahd;; slmiiaV featu'res:;';p!ayed ; lip . aiid'.'. are •babked .'by serials, cartoon. cbmcdi,es and .Eaurei,. and . Hardy shbi-i.s - as Iweii -as specktlly Selectcd:acts''.\yhei'0 vSiudp: is played in .conri,cctibn witl^ the:, rilm.' The -.idea: Is ;.inpt riicroly to .call th6m:Vacation shows, btit.; to: live; lip- to that. ,billing'^as cWsely as' 'possible.'; •■,;■'.■.:•■.;',;;.■' ■ -v - ■;,-'■ ;; In connection.;-^ith' this, the the-; atrps are. woritirig::a keopythe-chil- dreh-ott-thbrstreets ;ca:rhpaign, -lbot\\ thj'bugh ■ ti-ailei^a .and wlvci'e-.p:assii)le'' through. ' cP'ntiaetS' with pa'rfiht- tcaclierjj :ari'd simiiair orgahi^safions; ; Bathtiib Draw; :'.'';'- '' '0- '.' ■■.'■ . ■ ■•: -• BrPiix/N^'y. C. :• Playing..; '"Ahnaben.c-s ;.:■: Affairs/' Managbr .Moryis .^ Suss:rnah, 'of .the limp'ive;' eVQcted in.- tlib lobby of - h'i'.s thpatre. a ;reprbdiictiP"n-Dt-the': .baVli- robin'gceijie' fi'oini the pl)ptpplay; .'ih- cludi.hg- a real batlitiib'.'i.nd; all.. :Cut bti.t and arrahgbnierit ofJthfivCihrtaln: gave-tlre. illusion.'that: joahclteiMac iJon.ald ."vyi.vs taking • a shower;;' At■ trabtcd.- bliowds - every . d.ay- of - tii.e display' ahd . eb.s't .;buf'-. j2:60i; iasldfe ■from ci'.ed.i tS; to; local - trrtdesih^n.-;. • :':■-' 'MA-I€' -A Wii:^''-^^ ; - ' ' ...' "'jiihhettp.bli'g.' •' Jlirinpspta ;:th<>ati''c <.i.s getting' ;thc ^enviit .of a, Iecal;!he.\y.spaper's: di'iy.e to; prorrtote; rnCn's ■'pct'sphal. aippea;r-- anco as' a rosijlt of a sbUfcin:© ;ci;i?.^ ranged 'by Gli.ft. G'iJl, its press' agent; The :papcr is putting pri: What i^ calls, a:' P. A, campaign, fp.i"' th^.'pyr- pose. of encouraging iheii'i interest in . gb'pdv .elotheS:' ;ana ■ gaihihg. ."'the good .yyill''pC'clothier advc.rtls.ei-s.;;^:'^ ; '.Glli' aiTanged. to .have the thbatrfe bris:aTiist?piay;a.. novelty, eallcd "P.AvV. This:; gives; pubUbily to .the; iicvvs-: pajyqr's ; campaign, but there is.-no. direbt advpjrti.sing .f()r;tiTb: rie.wsp^^^ Pn .thi?' sci^beij. . In Jretjirh for . the- brgn.ii-. n.pyelty, ho\vbv.dr,-;'thp'. n-ews<- papc.r.iglyes the the.rvtte free, display- ad vbrtIslng siirice; b(i uiyalent in.. Ri?,o; Jo . a-.vfull page: and: -worth . ai'btind ?^300J- :Si)ace- iS' devoted .to 'the; entire thieafre"pi;bgraoii; ^-r ^ -.'>■ ',' ' ,-' ;:;. i^-Ptihdh^'iie'-'^osters'^^^ ■' - .Wai.'iior. llrpthers 1^ \yb -a hb.w line , to'-make Us p'bstei.V p.'xpcr morc-useftil tbVth.catre.' s.ales ahd-.i!)-: stoad of : the; usijai; f.ornjat a n.nb tihcei- nient. bbsciircd. ;jii.oro ;; or . less by highly; ^^piorcd^'' art .' wrbrk,"' the; pps.^ toiTs r^trb 'jarg.61y..' ' b^!er' .t6.".'tlic CJiVloitaitlbri ofva imnch .line, the first,: £br. -a": bbihirtg Is.'jue.; carryin.i;; the text. ''lihrbard St(iiiwyk - exposes ,1,00,0 . '..and', i- nights of . a, . Night ^^urse,.''. About fO ;shccii5-b.f .the-2-1- sljcet' paster, iirb given " to this dii-'! platy; -vvith the credits rumtfcd tb' twp .0^ th.c.rem.'i,ininy ':^shi:£tJ4 ■ . - >' ,-.. ; ' It,, is ibbtter seVling'Uha'n'pui'bly art- .^v jrrJc; .- thbiigh Utfa ' last-.-is nbi- no^leoMa.--.~ '■ - ',;• -..^. -- Pine 'Dluff--:Arlc;:-:■ ■\^ptcrs bi; this cbuHty .declared lor Sunday, baseball, and pictiirei? in a ."Special;'electi;bn. ■;■ 'Vote- was;'3 .itb-'i; .Picture house's . pf)cncd:. fbi'- 'Sunday fri ' the'^ o:£ternoon''-and after. !); p. in. a; sti'bng: ll'glvt against the project- \vas;,hiad6 by -the; Miiiisterlal ;A11i- arice. - - ': ;'-\ ■ :''■' : '.-.-^--.;:-.^'.feaUers; -May -PaS's '/..'■-'..•. 7 -*rhe:r6iso;e'n>s, to;i^c a: tpitderic-y'^io- dyi.osfio'h' .. the; --value ' bf,' trailei's.;as' -a ■><iile';';;n5:ediu'ni. - iaoirtc mahagbrs 'ob- ject b.?-ca;use:fhoy take up too'- much tirtie,: :'Ot..h(.>r,<T.v'boc.lvisc'. thc'^ ^tb'll-';-tiKf inuch ..about,.-the ..story :.while :still oHiOrfe'Cbntt^iid -that.:the' si'bncf?' sc'-*'. ..such' tWa.t t;he^'. i-fon: ■.S'VtK;a .:wriVng. slnnt. . ^viia'levb.r . the <i;iiglb,.- there-.;.,is;v a, prowiin-g- kick aijiiltjst thc;.iraiit*(:.s.'nK'«-e spbcijiGal-: ly t.l"("-'.trallvj'is; f?oi-ho liuiiSe's are' r-epl;icii:i(^- ti\ese;'with i)»-iiit Ir.^il-. ors ..wl^i('lr.t'Ost.uhdpr.?l-:.-and db'.not hayo; to; be; rbtiii'ned. ■ Others arp >itU;k|n;g-; -to the; pioturo . stiiff, -blit cutting, piit tlie. so'i'ind .track, '- .^,-J-Krrc .still iJi-a'Ifii't-- vote ,f'6r the 'lraiU;rrf .us Ml\(\v .ai"<>; J'nit t.lio oirpusi-' Uoi'i .sjeiani-s;'ibg j"i-i<i(Hy.: ^ :;■'-■'<■.: '-.:--.:'W:ooster,'0/' WiJ,h ahriburicemept by Schine. it Will lease Lyrie, ' it. .was indicated nbgpt'iations, relatl-ve.- to building a rtcw-^.hedtre; herie liadbeen ' aban - dphed;-- - ■ '■ ...'■■: ■:-Rbchcster,'■■'-■N^■,Y. .-.':' 'Herbert Kaufman, ihanas^er P£ t)ie Regeriti ;gbes to;:the Kivoli, ;New Xprk,! .. '.Marsh - . Gbllher . ' su'ccecds, coining irp'm the'Paramoun't -••' - ■ v.^;;-':' :■; -; :L.ondoh;-.-'Gah';: ■ .'BriEihtf.Grd ' city cbuncil a;ppy6v:e(l the: pui^chasp- of. tho Grand- oi)era hbiise.. propeifty-: on .behalf : of the parks ; board:;;,, Theatre' wa^ ; pur- Chased'from, the-A. J. Wilkes, estate. .The^price, hot .disclpscd, .'was. cbn.^ sidcred by.-the' aldermixn a.s "'alri'ibst .a gift".. Proiierty . will ' be/ tui-hbd;--;a--i>ark.''- -.:'•: ;■ ,;■'.•--j."';:'-:.'''' ■'• - .; :"'■ ';:.-:'•'■:'iynbhbUrgj :.Va;.- ': Getting leave, of--abiJenee for - a week to Visit-friehda, Haf ley iDavid- son; manager, bf the Publix -isis lifere,. .;wr;btevback;;ii'© ;wouldn.'t ;:rb-, tiirn;; - At the: saints - tiriie he sent .'in his";; resignation to - .'the;, ' division bincp:' at- Chariotte. /';::^'\ ; / ; . Said he had gbii'c. into-.pavtnAr- .'ihi'p- vvith'endent ''thbuti:-o- oijcrator at .Mari6'h,..'ya.:.'; A.^.'-■'-■":"•" ■ /■'-:' •■■ '; ;. 'j'tiijany,''N; t: '-r ;-.-For .the firisl time in. It 's-.c;vi-s, -the fvtrand., fW.ii.). .Will. sluit.Jdbw'h lilj.- i.7-;;;.Another. Warner :hbu.<?e;:itlif>:'A|-.- hti ny,-. second.' rinj," is also' .to -close soon, ■ ;' - '•■-; ;. - ■ - .' ; ';' :. .-■ .'..'.'. .Qklahbhia' Gityi-' ■ - 'Tri ; D. vKelley / ci'dctlrig - rie''iv i».&b-' :.seJLter.-.'at lola, Kansas/'•-':' '- .'- ': :.. Fb:^., theatre,;-. Pittsburgh, Kans^;' reopens. abbiit Aug.M-;- --. ■ . - ./:'.l<"ran.k' M, l3a;xlcr' replaces':'£),■ .M. ':Red"..Majpr. as 'salesihan 'for liKO -in.'-northern- Missouri;':.-; .' .■■,'' .- • - ■ J'. ':c;.; .;irart)h'a'n ■ hfis.-^ -lori'scd/ .thb tloAvard at; Arkansas Gity, Kah's. ■ Will',remodel and . rebpci?;. ,.r '.'' -.Vv--/ -''^''tv''- •■'-'-■''^v^j^^ G/- , ITarry- Feirdpn has- I'lit'cha'sicd • hi.>i .tprmcr. bp.po,sition-.hou,sej i^en'ensoi) thcah;e, -and - will, manage it. - :;-: /- . Jiilbs-.Plpld.'S ' rtbiv. -jn-tinnglng the i?arkway: and lilcnholnv theatres-for Kpx;.--. -v '- ■'.'■ ■--■■:"■- •-■;';■: •; ;-' ,''V: ■.•-.-' ■ .;:h •■ ■-T -■' «''^'-/' / ■■'-' '■:■-■:;'Bf^llag;- ;: . T.ead,!ng Texa.'? indie for more tlian: 20 .v.e<trf!j M; .I.t-/ Gwynn- recbhtly .isold J^VM'J.o, .Tci''r011, .drb]')i)ing -out' of -Hhj;?Ay;bi!s;r--';' "'■.;' :-;;■■' ":■';..- ..:' ■ . :'....''■ -...:.;-V-■:.••';.-■:■.;/•;.//'■,■ 'Biallas,'../ ' -A.,;y;' .WadpK ,Vet '.ihdi.c,./Releasing; ■Majbstlp: siiid . .iLiyric',: ;ciain5ville(:' 1;o liis''.soh,. 5tiilton,: a.rid Befly -Upweh. la secPhdi.'proniiheiit .Texas pxhib to dr.bp' put:of Show-.bii in -pas.t niOnth.- New. .manag'crricrit- par af-: fair>; Fomme p.ard is/ex-hcw.spaijer wortan.- ' Has another' stand :. in' iiehiphlll,. sititill ' • :-:."":■•:•,■- ;:■•■:;-"■ .',>;;,^. ;;.' ';;.,;/'Ghicago.;.- Balabah .&i K.atz deluxcr. n.6\y ;un- der: coiiStructlbn on .the:. soutliSide ,<yili not be. harhed tiie. iParamo.uht as briglrially -.jilahnod.;; ll^ame" is- ;tb. be the- SfjuthtPWn, figured- as in oi-dbr, with : th<j other ;'o.ut^lying -Bn.: & - It;;: spots,' ftptown .and: Mbrtown..,'-''. / ■ , ;;Pai'arripuhl t.afj Ayas xVeblarcd but because bf - the n$igh bbi"hobd lobU- ;tlb.n, ;-\vith./the:-;iabelv preferably -re- scrybd , the,, acb; spot in the i.'ublix towns. ;:■/['■ . >:.. ■:{':■ /^/.Mii:vi"{tukec/. ' RI<0.'s;Palace 'Orphcum:clbscd.' ■'- ' '■'-' ''; . ■ .Albany;-.rr.;"!;::-'; ;- F. G: :G.ardephe has left, the llKQ. ProcfPr a.s treasurer;. 1 iarold-.Ueaii, fcirn-ior ihaifager.--'of : tlip: Gri.sW.olU, Tfpy, i:eplabe's. ;• ;/ -.'^;/; ^:...i ..'':.-.. - .:.:. V : :— BIrriungham"/'. - .; .'riib; Joffersbn;: Lafa'ybt.tei lia., has. opened for busiiiejis."■■;- . .; : ■; :•" ' : ':: ~; ■. ':.- '; Reading, Pa..'. >: Park',., :oyer .-.the..suh.i'uuMv; has. bt'eh'. take-ii hy.Vtlie \j nitcd .chain. Thoatre.s; opera tiiig-1 uaises iiv o th'crV toVv-hs. - iUvtalhfii'g, j\rii.ri'aj^or; I-Jdw-.tird. ]{. J-xvwi.s, lioiisii r'cop.cii.s Jjalior ■iJ!ay■ •\s•.i^l viurUeyillb :ah,d .picluVps; ■'/: :■;. "'..-..',.-':-, .' : '. T"0S-Angclbs.- ' - Clyarlo.s af.;nipp, th(V--.AIO.\iLhdei:,' ,f i|e.n--(lrtle, ; b.(H--on.ib.s/ hiahag'er fhe; .\\' WestwQpd, 7\vi^ert.that Fbx-^^ West; ;.(.;bas't". chouse- ononis . A-tig.: 3.5;^ Ro^lph.. KibGbwari/; f^rm^ itpsa, Lbs; Angples,. .rcidaebs -Joiics (Utv.thb Alexaiidpr.-. ;.;' '-. \-".': '- :\ ";-'/'" ■';'/::■'"■■i)ehvef/>;-, .;. Riyolii..:->l,:800-seatbr, .: has... 'been- 'traded .by.'KIrs,; -.^lary C. . Steele' to . /bur -penyer n-ibhy IQ.;- S/ ;Gbalstbhb/ l*ot(>r-Tb()nipsori, ^lilto.n.J.ijVoh^ artd I'h'nrsl ^;i^iorri^i,; for;., two-.. Gglor'aab' a'nncilbs. .; - -■ ;■/;--■■:.:-■ :. /" '^ •■'.'■.r": -■ • --.ihnts.e hits; -bbeh .--ibased.:■lb -Fl^aiik■ • '*Ru:be!':■■,-Miltoh .for' lb yews' at-^a. ■t.otai. .-rental;,. of--.-flx.o:;0'oo! '. I'lc 'M.t (.M)H\>itf'dvthe/-Sii>oc;: for-.sbvbrai^ ' U'ndeii a ,:pictiir'o-.t'al) ' p't>lley, ;and rb'- eo:ivtly:Svii-ed.-f()r''sbirhd;.-':.-- ■-•-:' ••-.'■:' ■ ■ ■ :: -'De.'n-yer. --•The ; Mission, -'i<3dwln; Tiluck; haft Ijo-en'd,. - ' r -,. :Thp;. -Mbbn,at',.' l?or-thbtvd,t ' has .(•ha.iiged hand.^agai-h,. th i.s tima from :\.\U(o <^.7iriiy.lor. - to- I,Tv l'J;.;lSofehVnd/ ■^Il;iti-({r(»..<'. h'avV';hpuiied '^thc; !;jjSy - Il(-x;ii:t e!lg.yisi .' .. Ttade.-Suit Parade : '-;' Some: o.iUcct.)mv-;i» vbiced; lo-Tlirt'/- usual,, bath.inig:- bcjfvuty: corite.s't .'^M•- c.a..uso. many ipcrsptis-:tlUhk'it hfis a bad effect on-the g.irlg..,/ orits siW-ii spot; the man.ft.ger; dodged by. makiiis. it; a pui'ely professional sh6\y. ' lt^: spld :.tho /idea- to: .thb top; dealer ]ti to.wn,.. who ^.arranged fbt tjie -joh-; ' ,bera to' the swim svixSi and :it..,wa,a: anhQuhbe.d.-as a 'Swlm '- suit fashipn shb-Wi '.'.Dealer .did ail ,th&. ' advertising .ind'.^tboii all' the/ credit' .All. .tlie house got; was the. box ;pfni'©^ return, :biit that/was j>lentyi> / .- About a 'dozen .Wpdela eniploybd ■ but not.cxiJloited by hariie.' -Ihsteaii' t;liey 'nxorely.-;:nibdcled;,'' 'Kven- thbise w.hb; bbjepted to: the 'e^-plbitatibn pf: the .local:"girlfS/could, offer: no/con-i-i' . plaint in ,;a '4ejtiQhsti?atib'rt. of s\s'iiii ' ■ .fashjons./desplte. tha,t'rthe sahic ghla-- :were.,.used,.-:/; /. / ;^.'---;,;.- ■ ■:-;■-..' ',:' ■ :;-\;- ','Sigttfituires'/■/:;; ; '■■; ':■ ■ .':/Grarid; -island, .;i^ely. • '': ' ■li'br' "Bohpvan'-s. Kid'V-the :Gapltbl dispiaybd; ai, i)pstttl, card ■ eicS V^, foot . with -the. niessago,. "IjoarMiichhrd Di-K and 'Sklppy^ ■Copper. :.W<j- are special ■ fans . pC yours. .; We lialvo.-- hcai'd that ybiir .hew-',picture; 'Don-- : - pvan's .'Kid,'. is a knbbkout .an'd 'w'o' . a:re-;.in going to/feep-it'- --^i'.- - After five, days 'in- the- ibbby,;- Iho-■ ,C£ird. Svas- carried th'rbugh :thc doAyni." : tpwij..sti-c.ets/.b'y h.busbNittacheiS lirgbd. pa.<iser,s: ■ by : tb , sigh ; it/. -i{y . nightfall, it ;>vas - completely :cbver(:)(l ';. \vit.h; signaiturbs..:', purpose';-wa.'j ^to/.:/ Strpsfl the' bpehing^.i of ih<j pi>:t!iri>;' /' iiidp/ angle ;wfia. th.-it- most aigncrs . /: cajiie .dpyvii.^P see the; ca;r.d.-after It- - had;/boon, retuniod-: to the- lobby/ai'.d - v dropped-in. :--/';/■■ ;/■";.'//■:. '.. ''-;:; /,■:-■ . ■ A. Radio. . Pretty :Sopn/.the .hew . radio ...Sets.:'/ are: d'Hp: to apjiear ii) antlcipa.tiori .of / fall ■ trad;ei and: :n6\y 'is the ..tirno. to • arrange - wi th thc' dealcrs'-to.'got; the .; ' iirstV.shbwijiig of tlie-.riew piodbls :at'; .■: the/theatre on the'■argument' that.-a theatrb^show. .\yiu *ecm-rnorp. irtipbr-: ' tan.t thah: 'firba.kin'g/ the .'new slylcs.;; i.h':t,he.;shpw/wind.bNv'.. • ..' ;•.' V ' • '-■■ ; Got one;radio for- a'.gift gag and make h.ousc iropirt for /all of- the ne\v: '-■ hip tlM s.,. li Old in g,. tP ' on e /deal cr it y ou' -. m\ist;" -b.iitr j)referitbly; ;-getting' th'ein > all.. •.'y\''p'rked npv.ihc radio tHihg;c:an ' bo..;m.adjij' linport.^^^^ fashibri/show,.- and .is less trouble; - ;.,' -,. /'/Show«rs,:'f pr; Hot'itids '.•'/.;; .. ' -- , -..;.'-■;--: -"'-.. .-Milwaukee- ' Following tlib idea of tltb tire;db- ' partmbrits," Bbi'ils. OrlpVe,..of tlib VJp-- . tovVn, is-cooling: :of£ /the kids/Wfrna/, atternbons;■ -.'lio;'lvas rigged' a', spray in /the alley back- of - the theatrfc aivfl;. arraiiged witlxv .tlie.. police to ropo ' the 'space . betweeK'- three and live - ■p.ym.:,::^; /:;- '■-,;::-'' .-■-■•. ■';. / ' . Rpbm; is prb vidod in- the theati'e fpi" a -;Ghan.gc; ,tb bathijvg- suits', and,/.'. bn.'ahbt aftci'ripo:n thc.alley is pack-" ed plus ah.;lntercsted/galler'yi .. ;■ ..-, : : V-..;.■•■':/'''CPftisse;d/U^^ [ '■ .'V/ ■/ ■'. '■ '-'■ '-»;: -;': ' ■ - Urisb'ane, Ans. .'• ; Explbltation was c'asy; pn "Hell'S: "Angels'"-..-at';:the,.i local : showing. . A-;; buildihg; AVais, ..being', demblishcd ;ir»': - tl)p busihijss .section .and' desTruc'^.: ' tion . was . pretty AVell adyancbd; .A -; huge .bahn<;i\.''Not- Caused, by llell's ' Angels"; gbt.-plbhty of attention- jind' - cost., only the banribr apd ii.'- ibW'. ..passes. -■-.;:,■;. ;/./, /' '/ '.; ; ■' -Proliably ;-\viil; Vbrk; as/ well ori - .any■.sii'nilar'.:j)ict'ure.:' •': '\ '-.-^:- .v - /: ';.;■/.■/•/Dverwdrk^, ^St^n^^ . . -,/' .-^':'/':-v ;•. '/'"- '-;'' v^;'r)aii(is.v:^-/: .::On; .rJroh.Jtfan,''^;.}^^^^ MajosriC- ; rehashed. .the. a:ii<:;ien;t - blonde 'gag. ^ Tie. up .Avlfh P./lii ;Mahoney, phoipg .. ;irtd bathing boatit .prbrt»pter,:gpf xiiib blondes, but'lo.^^sbhed'appeal: bbx' ,./', .ilip - prbrtibter :h'6gged contest with his,o^'i'n'.gals,- oho .of. t.hcni wiii.ner.;/ . . _Nat-urally,:.s;tunt wa;s c.biipled ■ ■ ■y.'-ith -.g.;ig .'being/.oyoi'Cvprkbd- Jh' t-l.'is-. : ■ tuwn. .-;-'■.'/:. .-■.'"•'-;'.- ■':' '"/'".--:-• ■"-'■ ;;■',-:,. .' 3 play for/Coiiies$i6ris;,/^, . .;; .Onb: 6t thb' hri.UiralS'; for- '"'.C<<nf^s'.-;..- sibn.s;. of-.av.Co.-lOd" -. .seems : to' liiv.-.a ' obhtest 'for ;:tiic cohfessi())ts' from local, girii), <if it. can luiul with . a Ibbal-.papci-/■ -:;;v; ■/ ' /;- .'- s ■' :, Care-'must bb; taken to:. koe;i); tho: sti>f£/ from .. beiiig;. t'oo';;pcpp<'ry - or ; .tlvere :Ayi|l;bb;.a':ijooniio.ra,hjr..- \ ebnf.os.sioh,.. .thihg can./. deal :\vlth/ rnari;y^ snb]bc:!fe/-.■■■.;■;// ■■ '/;;;; ;:' - -: ;/',-:-";;-'';-;;;:'.;^dintyp(e . .-/. :-/- ,/Jahbsyilio,. -; ' ;.' Jbtfi'is : tlieatrj^ has;, b.e'b-h/vsho^yi.ngi- a.dlsplay o£ old - tiritypes iji-.cO.iurcc-'..^ ti(>n -:^yith;'-•'I^■'.s- K-.^Visb (3fuW.': .■ /< , ■;,. Most - of the. 'v-l.(.v\vs.-. daltJ: ha^'k- 'SO .;^■.cars : or !<n aiid . tickets' ar?-. oiTt^rvd for -cbinpiojte , :i(l(.>'iy^^ mahyi p,riw>s/\\M)U,^'iity of / lo--.: fai'.'iritbi'csi;.;>.',---^ : •■-/',!/;-•-'■ ■;■':.' -.;';'"-;/' • ■ . . Works, for Biz '•/ .; ■ -/-'•■-/-,.'-'■■:." ■";-'-■. '.' ■■'-''-.;^-:^^tacu^'v'.'-- Gus fjfinipe, of 'tlib iCckl'i'/.i.^i.srio'v.tT^ iiTg:.thc~Aynrk.s.-/f.()iv-:hialihV.-e ti;acii\-./■ . ;; iri'S; .Andi"(>.s,: head 'of iriiiuf Mvl'i>'h .oinic..<; ; ;i;:(irn.olli i-s/ •' Hu.'piii.V""'''S' / ■ /:'(Co»'pii liagb -i^y /_ •.;