Variety (Jul 1931)

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VARIETY It^iicsdajri: July 2i,' I931 ;•. ; ■: . IMto. .lo'lni .'TiPrtr ; •■Nii;i .X;iIjiii' i.unSVJ}vi,Hff. in. db'i\ntl'y. •.: .' ■. Nio 1> r{yy-.(irinH>^ Kb .liaelc. to iclafjiQ, .. •■■ \VUIIi>.i.i<.'-; KorsMyv feojii)?.'.BtJcioty'; ■■•i vtios.- ■ . . '■S: : 'tfli^U^-s aiid ys%y Ali.«ariV -piay, pla>:' V-^erc^.''V' V X-'/' . " v-.v ■ jrn,x,u;v;ll .iVbilPhhoirn '.diSiippo^ ■■■osiiiiv' -'^/'-'^-^ 'V';/^;;-'':'. ■' ciivii^i^c - Jean Natliaiito'^ leaden'. "..-Baiicii:.;.;■ v■ v■■ ..^V■ ;■; ■ .■ ■;■ ]>n;.mt'ill£>;. lir^gJs ' uiidti-poinB ini •.■•■6p-drji.tlon^ ',\ "■. ■ ■'■ . -NpiV-:. •JlaVtini; v'niakirij^'' life.;' 9/lQ ■■■;^. S<j(ricty 'ii«wV;V.' ■. ■ ;; eita.iO;cs'.l'NT.n ■• ■ Bti^iibinv'i'li'c.: - ■ • .'Mai-cla l;*rlck JJerthlcr r\ow s.oirlctyv ■/.^-ca; of ■VTriiiuiic/'-'.'■ :• ■ ^'nialiu licnVeVGidr. ba^.Ic to, IIo.H^,-. ;-'Wqba'.to' A'(is\Bp:\:- '■ . ■. ■ jlosaHp', S.te\yai:t off:.- to. T3a'yrouth ■ ■ ^ ■;'to -;h-oar.'\VaRnfcr;.. '\ ^ / .^salii"!- IPorcival; staying-..^ih ' Engr, ., . 'laoil a.ll .^u>hmti%. / .:■ -^^ v.. .■ ,3!?lisU.n'g.U!i>t'!;^ii^^^ ■ ■; Jrif!; 0TV.n.c.\y rcvXie/.: ■/ . ■ ; •>. '. V\lJaiirnidv; Gbdows^^^^^ Stilt roaMeirtel-i ' :'.te...Ba(l'.vKiiise^ ; ; i-,':;.'': V. v 'v. .iv V:.-." ;sTatgu.eVite ,'i>'Alvav^ y Ihp hiiVehepn.-dates/-; : ■..,' • rjiii;', .^for.nicir 'HonyW^^ p.. a/; st;ili 'iiV:yiEnna',^ ■ .. "a '. . . Etaiali. iXiving^^^ Ibbkins, t&r . ; -a/ri apai'tmeiit- agalh.;: ^ -"^'..v ' ; '.^ ■.: .'■ J-p6eph ■'■ ■Hei'geshb.imijr OK,.' -: to- ■ yionna/arid .woicUjngy.V. . ■ ■ v.. ■ ^- Corlhnev.*..;Gt"i;nitli; got- ..tiipugh- clb.thcs'Kcrfe^ tb;'1a ' i--.. ;..' A'rtliui^ .Mps3/.\\velcomiA^ '',Barney; Qallarit AVith^ a coclctall'.tiartjv ' " .■ /Itbclcy iTWiiis-:ana-"Mona'. t^^^ fin-;. : .;^..'4slilns..: fieasbn'- ih' ScaTi'dlnoLyia^;.:,'' ■. • DpA Lee .and Lbuise^ i^ to wo a,tter ■ ;a .^oiitle. ?ase,- put '-from'n,.. • .■: , iCiife de Paris>.has reany brbugHt ■ aovyii pribes f25.%v. Glrt'i .pnly fbpl- . ■ ; .Pai-is, i^e^y.spaReFit]lerif.d^iyeh.• craiy" •' by.f".in.dcclsiOn : oji Hoovfer . mbra- [ioti^mj'--^ yyr-i!:'. '\:-\'- 7 %;X;^v. '•. •;•■ ■.• .Ga.uili*'^P :&rtW.'r[:k: ''iieayir :; iBattj.ering.. of. the,; E£irls;s at her ' '..irecitai.' V">.;.-.^.0V ■ . ; / . Nelia iairsbnTs 'he^yv; K book ■■ Js ': about ;whit6 . wbitien;; . Galied. :;.\>'Mii'agG;'' ^--.r'' - ■ Tprtimiy/ Irfidd and ^Tatt Dtiffln ,' take^ limb.erihg ipxercises three tliries: a ..week.;::' V ' i. - .T :'. ■iV:; . phe.-ot Ludwi^ ' L^^ . ..ferite oja^times is .telilnguilatici sun.-r' .• )il'ry,,hb.\y .poor;he la. ' v -;, ' •.. ;Mary. Heatori/ ..Viviian ibAiTicin- . ' (Bnd . iB.etty :Baifpu'r'^^ Aurit at-UAK Qrant's.'.bar- in .Karbizbn. .. /■, .\ ■ Sylyla .Lbw6nthal' ;^tarting:: an .'■y.&e^nc^ over iiefe .for;,the plac^ . i- iVtiiiich 'p.lays"-in ;America, v-.. ,^ ;. ■ A dvice; tb' Amerlcah-,. ball robiti. • J teams.:.: Don't .cbnuS to Paris It .you- ^ jtrunt to earn morie than ■?4 a. night.. , .: ■Naldl - <used.. ' tb be OIW , ;V..-.lip-dd's;. paVt.rte.r) . hurt in .. a .-Eolies ■ 3er{!Tre: perfbriiiid.rice, Qii.t fbr: bvbi? ■'^-evr'eeki' ; iDrugs said to' be .the. qausb /bf . thp ,.' /deatVi. ;at th.e hbspilal of the , ■Mpnth5ai''.tre • diinse.ulsCj. ■ .Glxfistlaiic. .;;.^.;i&il•phcleK ;.vv; ' ■.. ■ ■Gi'' Lewis'..(Sinclair Ing- .'liere'' whjleV'iier v^^^^ .tiioaf'.' ■ -e^ts .,b.e;t\V"cew -Go.vqrs ; fbr .Jail ■;. puiji ibatibn." : • r;^ ■ v ' y . •..Howird -r;^ . Blgncd frbm ;lhe.' pr.pduc.tlon inarir agp.hletit of I^avarnoiinit. in Pa^ :. ■■Ijondbn, is. nbw. Ib.lib'S'i.riff his. lon^ " ■felt :heart's rdcsiFC, .by.. wri.tin^ i -.' .Moii.ll'itrriassb; v •.; .' : • ''.■'l'- -y: ' ... Gloria- ' a\v.;in'sbn : played!...- tfirec ■ beauK-wbilCilvore; - fli'st wa^ .;. iFai-nior .''wlTO ....prit'cirtttiijeci, .lavlsliTy. .•.fpr hpr. a.P'cond \v;is. Capt. Jefferson • . ..Davis ..Colin,. ..\vbom^ fbund- not - As- wealthy, sts she fcxpcctedy.' and ;■ third :\\7is \\vcaitliy ;/L . ■itiay n'naiico picture .for; her.. ^ By Gordon- .Sirttlafp.-.- ^t.-glrJ. at ihb Jimhue .C<hy:ahs'. . JlnVmy •XTiypli);^^^^ plenty sick. Siida DC* . Vpo winnibg. ■ sin/^J^ hph'prs' i.n/LbndOri; ..ling, - ■ •. ■ ■ •-^--.ilapk''Guiost, .J )iaWohd .ScuUs- wlni:-. licr;. bu j-iiij?.f urnituI'e .in Katbiiisyi '■' ,]{ni..y. .. liurke,:; VU^^ S.V open.','frblf. bhan)p,, .var?;itipiii i\g here with frau; .:■ Urtentployriierft vbXiteaus .tb hcvyp: free iUms-to.Uphold;nibralb ot W lesi?:: ..,' :'y..'..\<:\':r:'/-^':: ■ .■;■ ->:. .■ -;",. '. ■•l'''rahces-..Sh oil by/, u p from •Town-; to ^atteiiifl .riv^r; sister's. wbdT' cling;;-, .^.^ ■•■•^-A-.-:;..■.■ .. HJiroM-. Rcihkb, ''Mail- aiid .Eibtpire" ijy-^;linbr,-. biiys, a ' hci.vis.o bHjt 'Cah't kcep .t'he gabg^but. • -- ^- . '■' -•" ' ' -■ . liilb'ie; Mb'Lauffhllh' 1 \yill )sv'ed . BOh; Brpyfogle...-.ih' iilondoiji.' next'- hibntli anil livc'Jn-Bavcclpna.'.: ■ •• -■ v -, Latest; p:olij;it>al graft, .tiics .;; hieip^:iTl.cp'me■. tax; rei:o;rds -for cbm^ pilatiph. pf'su'ckep lists.;:':. ■ :• .i'bm (.IJptp.vyit) paly has. a copk bp9.k;no\v; .. Gbt' it -as.'.a-librtus from'-the-.njbnth. pliibv /"'v - GifasO;n; SJia.w,^. :Tb|:p,Ht& ' .'-'Sfar'.s',' prbhiotioh-nigr.. :takps bbt ■GiviVa^l'art citiis'pnshtp pai)ers,." ''iC-An AniPribah.) ' Murd Q M;c]Jb.jiald, . globertrbtting.■ Sicribe; ;\viH ti^y '.to; crash llus,'< way! of .;. ia i-.^Vladivpstbk^bOiiiVd: freighter; Hawafd/ivneybls./'.Iinporiar.'r^^;. wlij -spehd;.the./next. two:Wefeits. at his ..parents'. ssUninier . liomb, In Michigan; .\f;V-;- --..'" ■ ■ :■ i Tohimy..\Armour-'.on ilississauga linifS ; . slipAviivg - ■AugnStbs ijridle,'' ilrama -prittc, -just ,how I'u'nney won tKat\iisJit.-.-V;-;:' ■:>■ >■;-■.-■: That-wlVpopee party at-thc-..\VaLlk.- . er HPtei was.^stagfe'd by the .jiarehts bf Bobbie: W'alkPr; who :marripd .Ray Dawe, Sii.ver SUpper-.ivbi-y tihkler. ■ - J.. J.' Flt^gibbbn, .Par-J?.jjb^s wft.tbh- dpg, oyer; Canadian JTa^nous. Blxiycrs}-. sick, and -; rebun^erating. - iii - St/, -Mi-; cha^l's .Hospital; CTuiftmy tro.iible';) ■ News., agcntS;. buyiiig cbacknuni bera; and - wlil start ; mig;. .lending/ libraries tb off.set Premier Bennett's 15c; ji pburid .tariff on U. S. p^rib'di- cai^.-."-^:' .- ' Art :(f'baily-. Star") Bossiln :back-: . stage at ;.the Imperial sayinif*: ■ hello to the .Ro<tion dancer.*?;: iorm'erjj" w-lth.Bossin's favbrit^ ^nlti Dr.bsdcn China;.;■ '-^ ■ ■ ■> ' : ■ ■ \:"■ . Yefripn..MbKenzIe,.;^.foriner editor . Of . ;^'M;acjieans',',' V.Dbrriirtlbn'.a: ace ma^;> hoW,: dean. :bl.;jburnalisni at University. 0/ Washingtbh, l>ome oh ■vacation.■ •■■ 0 .' .v;;'- ■ ;' iN^brmafi Relfiyr-Raine seiis screen: rightar of. "Tugboat :-Anrile/^ short; in last week's "SEPbst,"- to '-Metro for $10,0.0'a. ■ Sbld; two. .tales to the "Ppsf' :.and'• o.hp. to ."Collier's'' last- mohXh:;'.;■/■■;\. ; of the rbadiiouae .iilz;. Henry . Klhg .arid show. a:t tho irbirms; :■.:,■..-' .-. 11;■ R. H, Princel of .Walca-J.nvlted tb. -attend I>fatibnal Swe'bi)^takcs.- rc- giitta. >yhibh ia to be ';held ;oh; the ■Shrewsbtiry:'- River : Rod' Bank. Aiug,. i2-2S:: Tom Jt'lpfds,.r;jr:, in charge of; ;publfcity, cabled llic In- ■.vitatibn.: presi- craK.": ■ •''' .'• ■■, ■ ' ■ • ■ :yBy ;:iyiatt' Cffrbe^-.->-;;^^^^ • Jack Marsh, sonVbf-fambiis.- dia^^ tanoc,. ninner,. Jbjrri [.I); iftarsh,. ;is; lasting- o.ut, in ,thp- buri.lbri .^pifUy,-.. Sti^athcro. .Bbyii ? '?'horiiaon, ipub-- ■lishei: ;pf. ;.sbabdal V shfeet; i"Hush,!': razzes.; ibcai iawyera; and - 4jcarl««.t.' w'pmcri;-'.. / -.; ■ ^v^V-:;. • ■; Police, fpirce bbrlesk. at .Domini tp.^ J);u^<: clptiieS. .prij.^'■^PrihciH^^^^ ftiiitjShPw. becdysc the pblicb won't lct;>'ip. ' ■.■ ;;' --'>.0 , -Irf.a C.nrricjxe;; wpnbari d.bir-^^^ f i'p in... The ;-.Pafi,.is: p9 i n s ,-• s t rpb P' .'•' b tlie.-Amiihitkc.atrb-"^ ..'S hp- eat.^ ;a'-v d.jl(^t/ ■-■plivb -oiV;'- pggii ■ iv^ri'd:, ini'lk.'.-;.^;. ' ';-:'.'-;;''.-^'';-■%■■ •■^■■: .; '^Mifesorbnd war,;atlibn', ,ni ;■;: tli'' ' J'layhousp--; moves .;.oyer v.:tlio; W'alkoi', -;h(>>»ittg to ;go.t ■ riYoi'.b .ivusfi;^. xiO-SSi':. DiPk ;yjiicklpy. r an.(t 'iSarb- C'ior.v^ a r e, en tbr ta in; ifcplab 1 ps -1^^^^^ l)'^dclc>s- and Gvay.-^.-.^.^v-':-',;C;.: K.:.- -'; Rpports bn,- Cpmmi..ssi.bri tiyuii O tawa"inyosti|;i'ting;'l*"a I'rufit 'RliOw-.that; thp- i^fi'rjiihaiin.t or-; Sanlza tion . controls.' 95 %:' (if the ; iri-' duntiry ;in\'C.a.nac"Vi;.-^-l'jb riiain.i.trcrjs: .'5!\y..1)ublic is' not •klcklriirV !>o-. Wlia'l.i abmit,.if>v . ■;-:, ;^;'■?:^• ; ■;• w'-X/-!::^ ' If. Najilt-r irobrc;.. editbiv .of. .•5ta6- T-oanls,'.* .Canada's largc.stv.riia'.;i);zliti.\ ; srtys'Ganiida: is ! beC:bmin-;i-"; '"fi.ui.liorf miridedi" ancl "tHat. tlVfoiigh:.tbiSi?- iVr'poun'd; ;duty -Caiiadians ;wili ■ ha.vo: m -depPud,: bn-^, 8,5% local mags ; for thpIr'.rbading:■.■'■.;-;'.;■-,■';;;;":";,;'^.'; ' ■.jl.en'ry ■..■P.olk;'- Pbnip.dlan. arid;, -an - - riQiiricer- ^ ■..- hoj|d .- the/ Un'oWd watching .the-•-wa.ljR;Prs at: th.p.'.Airip'lv... JOlgh t:;. th ou sail (i "; av pi-e . pcic kb;d;. .1 ii ;thcre;;\v.heri...thb Bbectacl^-pf waiiihr;. thp criiiiteslarits; frprri ■.■tiicir ;;iU^ii.(i!v-:. utb rslebp ..(in "every ;• hour);; .w.'x.'i' an t- liouhted,-: ■ ''■ :-:;:'i'-- --; '^jr.^ - v' / .;V;;-. •■.■■■.By■C^^y';'-;Larie• ;^ -'Z::: ■.- -■ .;P-vb -Iacrtjs.<?e Koing/byor - big. ■.. :' , -,- M.- Cf. . C-^0(;klcs,-' .map.i'gPr:-.{3y.stPm .- ;jJhP;Urci-;,-.dipd\, -...'i^'S-' .<-.-'vl^>(ciS Aylpn ;.pft:;'tb itpnblulu ;icjn •;. w.h;.ndi>.''; . v. .v,l.>illy/:i;^i.s..s(>.ri ririinihg'Jack. Doiiriy /■; ciostv.oypi' railip;..: ,.V > . : ^ .v ..... ;;^Sli.'Xiyirb..r;I}i-inV.4 li.^s-in^ii^c ^.9p.j)o'-.b;n;:driVirig; from IIakoiV. ;L.pq';]Oandurarid;iii\s f ;;'fi;(jli[Kriiirip; in i'tidbbr; laf roxso.^r;u;kl'i;, . r.'Ho\val'fi still :to.p. the 111toi'^^^ :•. -i^uttiiilf- Mib-ritrp.-il- von..bivsc'li.-iU. ri'ia]), * JJbrpriiVvior ' •. ■trapk,' ■...ohU'st -r^toc .cb.virs.b/hVi'c;. 'sold-fpT; buil^lihg ib.l;ij.: " ,;:;,tl"(jiiri.'<ts;.appcar; -liut ;•: rodrijirig ; houses' beating''ho.tels'-tb .'•■:.bii5v ;---::\^:-;-;>./^;- . ■ J LMiry '■Sli.e.a, ;asraJri.^l 'bppn : .air.' coiij: icertH i Whic.H -'hp' ,;bi'arids- a.s; -'ijan.i r;.K!Vri(iri'ri^{."' ■.■•■"■■:-:;:■• ■ '■}"■■.'!'':. -.-''WliCiU at new ;ib\v' ;i(;Vol; ,biit- 5Q0 ^;"goJfPrs -got .vc\V. :io\y .haricTIcap .here,' , ■'■:so cvor.yljbUi;''s-^haiijjy,.'■ •■• y:[(.U)]tvi'ii' "iiandii'ap liftbd: frpmi:aix' ;■ tp>; .pigh t'.; £()r.;' Cttnail jan. .■ ariiateuir; chainpibri.shijj here Av g';. joi; . Tlib.-Ltrc.ianiuscriicnt ta5c dpSvn by. ''"■ $5.0,000 - for. .jV.ast: ycary'. fepvescriting ; «irop in gi^oss. or over. half-:millfb.n. ' ■ . 60,000:,attendance at. BlhgUrig arid- . .';3^iitU>y.r: C^irc-us agaihi^t: -ec.poo -iMt: ■ time hi-ro, |wo . years aigb<. ;Iri 1925 It was 102,000.. . ;■, j;... By Wes Noite Boxing Put at KoanslVilrf*. • Wrestling fair' at ;i)ibrig;-lTr.'inch./;-.. -Gpldgri AVeddlng rye:at Iflghlarid^' £o^..$l;.49 .a' pint.'. ■.:?■ ;-;■■."'i^-.'V - '.-: ':'-'^': Live :mpus.e race bh; the pier:. Long Branch, draws mbn, Vcyf . woriien.. .; .Pritz..' ■with- apoar--awnitigs on his■'Atlantic nigh'larids.' cottaiSre. TWo. flPatihg )>ars' In the Slirewfe- bury JRiybr Off I-^air ilaypn aiid Bed Biiirik.;-' -' .v.'': Ord'inartce;vpasspd ;iri-. Rumsbn-; to forbid .dohnirik batiilrig suita " ip aiUos.: --.."r■;-; ■ ■ • Arehpry; bis! f.n ir at- AKhtiry:' Park and Lbtig B.ran.chV Mi.nfiip golf nbt sp.good; -'';.. ■ . AVben; Ernie Qttb isn't , insbr.ince adjii-sting. hp's . bodtirig'. off;. Fair iiavbri.-; ■. .Gbypr charge;'bff :;at thc^Sriibkc Top .Tavern, •Shrciyis.bu.ry,; and^ floor shpW'.-buti ■. ^ / ■ ' '.!l..)ips"'Wo'rk.jng;the Ktoaroer "Man- (lnlay'V:'from';Kew .York: to: .'Atlantic ilighlanda.^ ; . ■-::•■•■:;. / : ■S.w.anlvy WestiErid .jCa.<iiiib runhlhg noWspappr ads .for merinb'Pr.s.' Mem '.bPrshlpifce: ^t5- with: fbw •,t,akrrH;- .J : -Asbury Parlt; Ilbtpl Assbcratibn: .l>TPte,st;;-. to -. --city ' cximi-n L'^sipncrs against" wgmen .■wPitring pajtitn'as;: . . • ■■.Spol-t ■- wrilors:. fttiil : .call.. Miok \>^iiIicPr': ;the:. • .".R;bni.^pn...'Blilldog.'; Tjivcd.'-in SlireW.sbur-y ..for 'the. past, year:-r,..,.^; .:. ...,: v- ' V''■■ ■■ ■■ f i...lorry. ,r!a.<iaip, ;'wh6. prVimbttva -Frl day ;.nrK)i;t ;riW-Vtis'' at- Lbn{,^.-'lh\TLri .brnUior.: .of -Mike',. .''-The .. Graphic,' •Sr.;Y;:-- .;/.,..: '•.:-'■■;■. ':;'.;-•• .■;.•;;::■ ■-' .-: - .Khpi-ni.'iri; Dorini.<5;;mana of .-.tliti r< iii t orby. -li ().ip 1, Asb ii r:y -. li'r(>■■ ?ria iti.os ■jC.Vt'lTc'tt: -Al.b.scs' np\y. infft'cJi..- '.'Albn- ;.t.Pr('.'y: .on "ihp'; Shore.;;' !,:- ., ' ■ ■ V' . -■ -I'lane: ..sprvlpc;■ m>w;-bp:t-Wx>pn' 'lVpd: Bftrik .'Hid .Coripy .Inland..;' : Tw.onty'r .inimrto ...trip;:.- • < ru«lOi)VP-i^if':.. rhostly; -.ybu'ng '.sbpi'cty'biit'; for\a..thi-.ili;' ':.: . . :^ M;rs^ 'IJbh; Bprnic.lbkt. .!|i5.,0<)'0. brac^c,-: lot whilc> ;a. gripjjt 'bf . .Mrs.i Sbi'hlp ICdeVSbJi, West, End.. vPplice- Urid ; it in-•;a .'hat:bpx' in. Mva, ^jerhic's .-rb.cim . :The' cpps . ordered.- to' arrest , ariy- :.orie wlib-istrlps foi\s.uh' bath xi.t LpniB Branch. Only oa the beaches iAVhich are owned ;by thP city .and-are ;free, ;PrIvate-bei.ehea-.0; K;.'. • ;: 'Vi'ylan ' Jphrispn's, • Mprimouth Beaclii- arid, R,Qss'-Feritori:;FarmSj >As(- bur^y Parl^ stlU continn'e to.£;et most :Aiike.:Wilkes'here: again; this titrip: with ■-5;Ki•k^::^'■■; -; -vV•::./■■:.:- - ';■ -:.- . : .■ ■Middle'- of. summer.' arid.-- no,.-real- Cirbus'in ■Otta\va;ypt.;/:.,.s■.;■ -. -; .:;;-Jbp. Frariitllri,: manager. ,pf jC.pith'iijj.^. ia stiil under- trip (ibctov's .care:; -. ■ AValkirigvmarathoh':failb.d:::tb get; started: Wheri; prpniotcr. was rcCvvsPd riowspaper- suppbrt.-i;-- - .- : .'.:,.. - ■Jimmie McGuire, vPtcrari -Oftawn thpati^e man, attains the^:a}r;bfh5rp^ perity ;,by getting flhei-big'car; ; , Several-lot;owners plow -uiv-m tu'rc ■ golf■ - coursPs -■when rent :falls*^ bebind-.and-..spbrt iQbks .d.bne Ipcally. Oscar , -p'Shba: .use's sev.e.ri '*;7Hule acts at - tjie 'iCmbas.«iy- a.rid ;sii.y3;.;ii '-is the. .only -Pxclu.slvely; ya;ude house, in; Canada.;" : '7^ ■ ■ jCla.r.enco- 'Robson, .^.eas'fccr'ri' .general- manage'r -Qf Faiitious; IMaycr.'i, ■ Iri- Ot.r, .tawa - ihspec.tirig thrpe -local--thali: hoiistts. :-:;.:'::■■ -' - r^-''■' 'i ■ ;-I'''rpd 'Rbbcrts.bri;: forri>br' own Pr. -o.f- thc Eprh; thetitre; clearbd: a-.''slte:fbr.. a.: new; subbrban theatre -arid thon , stopped.-,::v" '. '• -.■ ■ ; --. .•^■■:- ; N-. -': L,; ; Nathanssbn, - p.reard^^ -d.t Rpgai ;,Fiims,-;pron'»is,P3 ;:a civniri of: in. .Canada playing /Bi-ifisli ,pict,urcs/-. v.■',,'^ ;:.;::'.':, .-. Ail ciufct. bn the filrit. probe, frbrit. but exhlbitprs .«<)cpPct ;a ..llbcfc of lilni:; ./(lilbta -bills at: the . ripxt- session of. Partiamerit;---;;': ■ ■ ■ Japk .'Adams,-.'ya-ude.- vctpraii, r'P--. Pci-vdd :a wa'prn; w.clcome. on.-; Ijie oq-; ca.siori of; ;hi3 .firs/t', bprii^^^ sonie..years; ■..'■;:■'. ■.-,-:■■-■;■■ ./ Charlie Bariifbrd; local-projcctibri- ist, - njadc .-Bobd; as,,a pro 'wrostlirig refiM-ee for several. ,bbu:ts;,,lat , the? Abd-itoi;ium, ■:" - - -; .- ' M / -': :•.. •.jAmDrbuc .'NPlan, :'mariaper. of .the:; Av.alori, prepares, fbt. an attabk. pn the .Cana'dJan ■ biitbPard , mbtor.bpat rccbrds Jand^ gcta rplprity :o.f;. adyaiice jibtiPca.' - '.Zr'''-- -y- -'- /More f.iiita; 97: f-or/'j-uly rpcb.riV;..'; ..Ti-pT McKay irp-cpvprihg -at Cal'ri.cvfi f-rbtri -'jab hdicCi - ■ ~:-.,— -.;.;' '; : .. Water cooleirs :iri e^mbiing joints ^vp^l:^patrpriizca;;■ ■- Dclriite;.of;rubbpr"check? thirinibg p'lit. since., the';-4th.' ■ ; ■ :-' :- Beer ^selling - for; Tfic,- a ;bpt,tle Vas; :iv\)t' :wpathcr' relief. : ' -- ' v;- - ■■. . Miiybr Jtb:l)crt.^: lias jj,ic'tur.c-, tdken wi t h,..',Bpl.i 0 • jjii vrn.f^^ ■: •. ' •-.Tjidge.s-.still tryirig.,16 ball" a. ■g'r'fiiid -- ju'ry-, sOssibj^.-. : ■ Nbaiy, V,T.nderbilt' .-wcrtcs "ariothcr Rbno; stoi-y; ."RdUickbig Renb," . ;< . •Forty •i .prid -, , bootlegging, places aba:te(l during ypar flays :tJ'. S. ,p0!i41- report -^- , / '^ -;,/'■':-■ -' Lbrna": .Mapkay Halnesi - daugh'tpr of :phllad,blphia mayor,- gets; divorce and :;gbe3,h6mfe.-:- V ■■.■; -^- ,- Harry, Mitr^ualrd' (ryirigf, .' find Guatbriiera fcr ; - lila; Oclassy ;''cdtihg jolrit,at 4he race trackk ' :.,:--.'■ By ■ Eric ■ H.». -Gorrib,.k ;.;-.-' r /ftilririy- g;oIf:.'defl:d. ^:;- ■;■• ;Racinisr jiof ^&(>;,hot.:;;; .",;C/. ,:. :; ■ Advertising^ falpopy; ; - :\ ' ■ , Thprisi?ife - ort^iblp;.;,;^ ; • Cpld,;;\yeitl)cr/h-urtirig;; '^V /- v;i\lkcr..-^hb.rts- not. pppultir,: , .., Coniriiiahity slriglng; piisslrig.^Kput ; {--':Gi:ty;Llfehts'>;;blicj<s.'iiii-;s^ ' P"lba:r Of a, cold, ,■ like wise rilgjU t iif p.; . Cbyhtess ;£jonia ..playirig for Mui-; Ibr.:.: Z;.;_:::-\- Sr f.y;.:-: ; ■ ;■ :.,:; ;Gbypvnmbrit/;bavirigs .J3iihU\ sliil ,sh,u-t;v .. ■ ;:■':■■:;••-•-;;-.■-'.:-:'■■;'/..;■:.■";. -;: "My . 'Lady's /D:rcs5'-^''Sydii:by,;re^ ^yival. - '■■ [ ..;■• . .■.;;; .;• ;,;. ;, '•.Ciniarrgi'i'.' a bijlr;llopi-Nb't.uridPr- 'stppxlv'. .-;^; r..••/;.;;': ■ y/- ., ■-■ ;■ lipuble; ,fPiiturp.sV and," s.tage sliows rtige iibw. ., ..>\> ■■ > - .^; -: :■:•: v - ;. ; jv,usiriiiiaris :iii,gQnora^ ; a.-A-;i!ai-r;ii)/;;,-:.-: :■-,::-^'r;.-:'-., ■.;•.'■ ■:'■;. - ...y: ■■. : ::V\}ivi^ ;J;jfavV^so!ii;; - b.ud -.' Mark-^ vHiini^;' '-b.ui;ar:::sool:,in..i;, yrith: c'o:iicbrtSi.- - :-:'": V; l.>vUiv« ;haiJs bpllprt;this ;:.Wihtci'\- Hm-ii - tirins .f.6r-.L\y.o-:;.HPai>.ons;'':-" - Lbjig. -.Tuci.Cv .fcianj- 'playirig." ti'irik.':; hia.;cri^^^ '.; -l Uirry :'LaAv"-'i'onsOii tuniing biji \y>!VUly.-' I'^uX Iib\y.srypv..'; O w it iittidl'(>.;; ■;.\y... '-l^.,\viil-j-byiyp,for road - ■'iJuc'n:- p./^s,;iff ::lJai>ziu''-and :■''.^^orry :W ■ •. Goybfiihipiit VprbposPs 'no'' ;i)pr.'5ori- muist e}i:i.-n oWr .5!;.',G00 .yearly, salary'. ■ ■■/.J'Q^m : ,bi-- ■ U^fl U;t-biiibir- Tai U■ rp'Cur,ifp(l-'i;r.',iri. a ■■'t-rli'v.^,fo;,-iVar--KaHt; ,-:--''lJiri;a.l>.:p'-* :bv.oii'.;'iii-o; ,t!.;-l.'. ;circuiL ' ;,;Ui'i^ mpriClu....i;bokc'iT a.s'rtiii atlrac'-' Ibny. ■ .. :.'.v.;- v-.:-.-„,..;'V .; ^;;; ;:-■ •■.;'■ ;^ ■;.-;i:.iiphiti't! yirH;ritv:t?r():w^^^ 'vV.-vi'<)rsp;. AplWo: \*^!Obrs- ^-lMi -.traifViig' aroiuuV ;l.oM- it;;;. -.,;-:•. . \-y. \ ... :'.'' ,.;:i;:i}illi: }j;):riu>;'.iiV:vl-;ijg; . I'^rblriJMPl-:.- -v\ Pvp;, .'iit:,L. au; - of".; importiiig -roar' ,:ir^hU'rs; ,:■;- ■;■/■, ;,, ;,-■ .- -,; ■:•'■■'..:v.; ;;- ':^V;: : ; '''C;\U(;'ivd:;,iK''' .siii;iid:V ■'a;.:.oha;n Ifoi:' ,\>'--:'l'-. ■■ ..lOd'^-^ir; VV.i.vll-vec a!'i a-ir- oi)pivb';i iilrOngly;-. ;.. ; ■' ■ \ -v''.;::; ; vBi'.iiio" -'tiikPS HiVwarii trond. X.'b'ii. - fbrpo.s ; folk ; -stay ; indoors.. ' .Weak proKVariis:; ■' .,■-', -.. ■ I.Kis i3.c,r-byshir.eV- ICi^iilisli. /hx.'rfc rXo.r draiba fyi:..,vv;.. .T. •. i|"ii-sc .iinpovta'tipu; for -spine -tiri^p. -' y'l-. :?--- -;;.'-.■ ;-'• :;.; ' J''ulIvrs: .pl'ayiiiif> 'v'.auap:-. drid■■i^cvub agai n' in; <vw Zdii lariU.;' el ii lib" j)'o 1 r- ley.,not; so- hot;.' -; ..■ ^i,^ ■'' : ■' /-; ■ .; ■ y ibpnorfc i.rtbis'; ,::groKSirig ..'Jjiit- g.e'st. -in'. .iSy.dncl-ivo ' wbelis' .now; and. ;s!.ill sirbng. '.';.. ■ .-; 'Jbs.eplnitb' TrjJ:,. ,KPil .--MbKay, -^irid Two .l.iaseals boolced hero bj\ Mulier .tur'T'ivOli irlrtult:-;. - ,', ;•; ].■■'. • t^yuripy '^tiriday niji^ij:-,iiiduor .spbiM: ;is'.viewing-, iri-bvr'plbases;' v Free- tick--, ets:,the.:b:ftractibri.'.-; >.';^. •'' . Arciipi-y parks fall'ing.'dpw.ri^.- Three .vvxMka aiul' nnls'l^ - for U., Ti, expcii- . merit.' ; -Dropped ;plPhty. :■-.,";:, „■ -Big - ;bnsliiess in ',':Wplbourrie' With' ,G.. 'iV: ;S., rp-vlvala. E.iicH ;i-:uns arburid four -wockS' to ■ capacity. -': "'... ;- ';.'..' : v'W,.- "r.:;- Will.--again ;rcvive.',v'A N,i;Vht. :,0u,t.'.'. Tljn.6 :A:ustralia. had ncw at.-^^^^ .iriictipna>. iri.stpad' "of - reviva 1«.. .'.'" - : '^Os.sie Peri:y.',will h'fltve chai-gp ot. i)rpsp,ril'.'Ltibns-for T^;' ;1';...: F.ii'st' will •he. tp'vbrihg; ■eapltbl, Sydripy,-- rhib: .Wrip.'.'- ::' .■■;■.;■;; •: .-..'. ;;:;■ -■■•■■.■;•.■.,;- : '-;• .; .i.'rgpb.<;pd;.. iricrea^bd :':taxritibri .' .))y Fpdbral' Clcjy'prriiiTci'i-t- has - inari.'igpr.'?- Wurripd.. Industry, cari^t stiind niubli: :moi-b; :.'r'-..:;;: <.■.•■;:;■..-■'.: ■:.> ;-') Divldpnds/.'thirtg - of v I'hb /past- i^; Xbi.s--;part of . ihp .World; 'j;iana'.gors ari.ii' • sh.arphpukrs. ■ . i.ri lippes: Lhougli;';;'::-■;': ''■-.:.,i:;.'' ;':-';.-.-';--.'■' ;- ]5riipsi Bolls ribt ,so::''iubky ..\vitiV Ipgi t .veritiirP, >. ■ 'IFunriy - Fiice" -■ but inpdluin ;in:. Sydney.'-Ernie shobld ;stlpk t'oJ.rcvucv;-: • ; ^:y. :. - Ai'gbst '.^ccs roturri;-to vrijide : In .Sydripy.: : iiarry iluller fakps over Uoyat-, from . --T.-; Kerie Kiario^ first biii;- - : -■ ■ -■ ' ; :a'\iUers -aro^ wbi-ricd-. at the' -poor .gros.s.p.<5 of tiu!lr sti-ai-ght talker pbl- icy;. ; Eycryfjody. goiiVig: prescrifation'. exc-ppt:;the: li'pllpr. bby.s.. - - ■-. "'- -, . ■ :Mp1b;6urnc - .^miriisier; ' Intrbd'yc-cig'' l.T-lkprs . Ills .;phiiH-p.h . and with- 1)1,a te- .cpll PC ti on; gross - j u nip iri g.. fiky ■;^ .ward;.. ^ Prp.'i.chps • sprmon . ■bPtwp-bn TCplSi:-.: '"■ • ' ^-.l -^' ''-^ l■■ ReviXG ■/hack:' -strbngly . ,, in ,'':Mbl-; hpunic an(i'SirTlhcy.; Bop- ta:b-,slioWs goftirig nice, tradp,; surpVislpg. the 'Wise,.pri'ps ■ who /figured :this -kind Pf :e,i.-itert!TLinriiPnt cold.-.'.: - - ; ;Bba;d/iib\r,sPs,V,.s}iirinRihg' ;up 'tVip in()lorivfohwa-y^;,.: No,; .although;/ patrons iriay' -dance; Booze- rari ;hc :brdPi'Pd' irp -:to _6 p. m.. . After, that h i'pp-s perts-,ppcr'atpr ■. - ?...••,;; ,,: S,t.ato, „' Pydriey,: hriPk/. to.::Av^cckly . bh a n gp . p ()1 icy:; f n I low i rig, • "C im ar^' run;,!' ;,/ •IIoiisp,., ,t):iggcS,e- ;iri ^ BriU^sh ICiriplrp,',- ;P'.'i:,ri-ips trpiricndpus -: o,yPr- Ivpad .arid; droppiiig/iplerity: lateiy ■; '■,, DpspUc -. .l>.Vd :. busfriess ' Stuart Dpylb;of t,T...'r.. is •givihg-'jiublic :biff^ ,gPr and ilrptlPr-,programs at phoap'cr pr.ig'>ps.. .Su;*it gritting- Ills .fcpt'li-and llghtirig - haj-k.' -Other .nmnage'rs try b,thcr'-and...prt.'5ip.r way.<» tb: dip, ;:;,-A,UR:,iist'^should vee - the re'ttirri. of - Arii'ejt^ican. ■ pei;formcr3. -: - I^pSyadftys .pne, wanders piPrwarda and'Waltchics emiity bbat.s warp alorigsld.e."natry P./, Mulleft importing ; mitriy Ameri- can dcts to ■pl{iy- TiVoli; tim©. v.Will- be: (julte like: old tlhiea to heaf. thp • perfqrmcra tPIl what . they •; did' at the Palacel,,JIew York, • .■ : //>; -.Fash.lbii$ to;'ri6v^rt;tp issft.-.-' ( '' ':;, -'' ,V-'T9R-hat-,spaa6n'-h(ui ^istarte(3t;:-vN.''" ' , ,Fiprenee ITorman oft to PaHaL < ;. Latent yelojir-for tiio giga la bnAi, pie;/;-:-' -'-./■- ■■■ v.--. • "•■ :-'.. ■;:;.■. ^ ;•. Ewart; llbdgson igcttliig- 'somi ■ breitka.-. :• ■:' - -'•.'-;:,.• '-'.'-;-■..:. -- -T^ '. ;^/; Ilugh - PerGeyal. -may;^ reside -ta ^ Elstreei-- :. ■; ,-:•"/;,- "• •'- -, . Pat/ O'Cpnnbr , Wgtfbst apficft niaa • in town, :, \ '-.:,..■':.'.■ .;.'■ ■: '.'.. ... ^ rW.altbr.MbrbacQ arburid tbWn witii' .blg^''^dcaa,'":■ ";:.■'-,;-■ ■-■:' ;-:~irarry iRovvson. beating 'em atl at'~ ..chpckera;:-;..'-..-'■',-'.'- ■.':■ .^r- '.-.' ; / .:Spain; now ■ afjnictfed-i wi :: golt/qraze. ■:-.";V::'----;/■.:■ '.^> ;------™ ■ ■; .C.hevaiicr bbught, some ;sulte ind;- disa-ppparbd;;; -■:''•-■';•.,'■'"■-':■':; i; /Mts/.i/MbiVty, Banks 'around- witlii hubby.again.',.-.-,-,..'■ . '—..■■.-'-/■.-';.-■',•-'-:.. .■ :' ,, • MlPhiiel PoVvell gbt, a-big 'break on' '■ his';^l'i:s:t--)(ilm.'./ ;;-.;;/;:H '-,,,-^.^i/ " -;;-• .-'■ / ppupy, M4;rmpri^, 'with. 'a; Wb^'t End ' i>ho\y' ■X'iew,-:-',- ;,-.;^";, .--■;:/-, -,:'•■-,.--'"-, . % , ,F,iim :;':a:ctpr3' at ,JLbrd'a' for the- ,cri,('kbt:'gariies.. - -/ '• -'/ : , --, - ,- .; "iOriiio '.Lo.lingsc; tlireat'c'ns to 'tura ' :ta1kpK director. -. .■. ;;':-;.'.- .: , ■,.-' -' .•■ ; UiphV'l 'Tau-bpr, '.-sang- to 'th»-; •DubhPss'Of^Ybrk.;--- -;/' '/■ -;'-;/ ;' ;;;,-■, / 5ipt ty SfoPl'vf eld.. has:- .n' ;.si.sler - who' • ..t-akPS;Kjnalip.arls^ -- .-' : -.'.Is'b do'g i/ii,piii.g '..on S'uiVday.^,,'..'ab-.,. cbrdirig to .divtrini/ -.'','/ ■ . 'ik;i,i,pli;apl :,] ^^tpbil-KluhViiig- uiV- pro-: - iiriPtfiVii jKivivpduiosv ^ ' ■•■■•' :,:-^.;;; '- ■ ..ii.- r: Ot:tPf:scMi;' oi;:AV:- la^'lierV-: wiflv'-1 pifuiis- f,(ri'/psp;t,ii'.sioii; ,-,- :-: ■: ' ;/- ■ ./^rbri'ty/,B;HiUsf;tb ;''(lo rinbllipr,-^ -;1 iiriti'sh 'liU in-|)at-ibri,!i-i,-,- : - --,; .-''■/--''.', ; ■--■'-■; ; , ^1^l--y-yri/ ^^,:lc•llh:p!:^:^,i■ri,:l;K t')lh(\r 'jirpiss ;i,\P<'-pji;tl(vii-; ■,",.'//'-'" ;';■ -' - --■ - -,-';- ■Il;ai;i'y'--. :-fa(;'lvnifwiC- «lillv- ;\y!ii!lirig;.-; 'J,«'rbric:U -p.o;siaHP':sta:nipS; '' ' -/. -V---.. --.; ■'' .'• ]'i(-<.i-pjK;e;-:.: llc'sjnbn'd.-,' npvl'.> '.ta.iki.'C-' -llhiy^ir-,'^ I,*iin '(;;i),);u:pl,"-.;-- -'-', • /.V('lr;i,'rlio ,: Jia.ndV •-VyV)'^''.!bi'' -tt|;tap-e( ' hyuiid..'••111fh'f>rr,ii.ii./s(H'r.|:):l--'.-; ,:/:::.; - - "A'.i'i.hv.M':'l*<>l>Pi"t.'*;: :oiVP, ihiip.. fav 'iri' -. C I i a'iu n.y:' 'i- r(j,s.< \ t,rai';i:i'( >k i (i.x;o(l ..^ •.: -...".; ,-. . ■<:Vrt./pi'P,'-'l''-(p!.rl.S >rl.!iJJ-i>il.:lv'p'r; p.:l'i- (Viit- 'Jiido;- thi>i.,l'iii'iiii.iv. it Vi.\\y - .a pl-ow-ii.- - -t'oiViulV ,Aiui'|iiiy,. (i:opsji,,t.,iiiU';i<riv- '■: ;i.:-:b-', .:-fia'^:^^f^c;=-^^^Mv(M/b^,-/ •/ W-VMPfl/,',''';•; 'i'' ■'. '-.•; .'' "-: --■ Soi)hlo Tl1okPl^p'■''*"pnt.. '. '•-.-/ ,' v .-: • /- .' W<ilt, bapk • f i-oriV:..lbP,i>,tion,: iii' ; ,;■ thP-;,yalTar^t,/;,--V,'-" ..;,..' \ /.'(I'll idb.::-Tl\ Iplr.p.hpr; .si-^iu'd ^ hy.: A'i'-. -.'/ ijiivr ()j^'r;'for.:a-yyra:rf-.''; ...:' .;.. .rrig'Pj; f\p'rori'd..-,daughtpr of thb lata 'N' jplo'r -faPli.W';! n'rip'ckp'.':^tb - MiibJ.Pli ' to - ,- ai)ljpar-;--in . -''AlJiniciiPjipr • ^ - ' ;spip|p.'- '■ ■•-■;;.':'-:•', :^,-, -'-'S. ' ; ] ),irpctor, Felix:- lia'j, r.psig-nv'd: frbm :., Tbmi.,/-'-:-'■-;;.:/:; ■/./ -'- ■ --■: '; ^;,;' ' "■/ "r /Z- ;.-; -'IJirpctpr Lphmarin,',.'l''-,f.'ij .on- vacaH: >. twin-in: fi).p'T-yi'bl;' ;;'/,:''-; ;.- Vblksb.b(>h)ie/:(inrt.' SLaa^ :'(,Tpr', :Lindpn wilV;--giye ,'poDpproi;r. ' ii.yp. su]')^(;r.iption^ pei'r.(ij-biaricps 'jiext :s(?asori;;-"': v. -';.■.-' '-'^'^ ' : 'ifci lipi't .■'JijttK'p, ■ author', .:w'iir dirr^. rppt/^ his .,o:Vvi/i: niiintisdji'ipt eiiUUcd, "Kt.tCy sdhwiiidclt sicli ;in.'5 ■ (^'IupoIv." i. ; ;,'Gbpta. .ij.^rrigl'icrs,. 'flr'arii.a.Uo sot. .' ., pr'ano . of;. '';8t;a;,Usbppr;''- .,s,ign('(1 ■for ■ •ljy,p';,yPar,H; by ;lhp '^\>\v .Yo'i'k .Mf'^ii,;''-:,': ■, 'pOli-i/l.n./.' ;v ,-.-;.>■■---..''..■:':.:-;'•- ',:/- ;; laWka: :,Al.anri;- .daiiglUer'. 'of ; the ., ,(:i:brriiii;n, .rintlvbr; nMioni.-i.s.;Man"v f^>\- / gagpd i'ly ;■ ('ari,, l''r<)Clilicit,;-,(lirpt',tor,- V - aK^iirarivii.LiSi...-;^;.;■.,■; /.. ;,;;..; ^-'--■;■'.:/'; -' ,Gpr.l.riid ;io'rcurid,,; \vitp pf V,abio'i'a- .Z; n,v.'vn,-:,C;ir;r.-ii'r.p)ind,/yj.siilbij;:'- ;-';' •• : - ;;-!r,Aipi;(}: ' Dora Ifiv.; : it)',-;V-i,i:i,i,ti.'i-\ "i.b'i'-' BiMlappst;'. V'^'/-'. -: :■ :i-':';"^ '/;.'-^. -■ -'■ ;: Jvar'l .(.Ji-ri'nP Ijaclv froiri i'ii-riV, x - .;, Bi'inh'o/kl' i^'chtiprizol-;,b;ff. to- lisphU : : C?.pcl«b..£^ii)va|u,il, (p \yuj-lv- f)'i,i--a .now,, , ,(iriprp.lfa ,. Willi ;,KalinAn;;.- i>r'\\:d ,und' :WbJisoli.''\':-,''-'/• -.,; • ' ; P.'uil Alir.'ihain: has /^JOhilJ'^tpil Ivis^f, b-poWtla; '';FloWbr' pf: il;i.\\'ali," ,:i!Vd- • i.s- noW vt'orking. on. '.a. npw..'ohp-,-''''I'4 l)is;t, nibht, nipiri.--''rypc;'' You, Are- .. Not'My'Typp:';.)...' y.:-'' John Ilpar.sV, 'sbn - oC W.:.,- R„ iVcre;- " Will go-to' .Bad .SiUiheiin.,/ , ,. .RiVdblf .'Fiiml /.p-xtiPctod.,; ':- - -;- :,--. .\ Jp.-iin.- Mifrat ■ vacatlpnliig iiv, Jj!').ri: -: ■Ics'^BjiTs,^;'-/'.-' ''- • :<':.- ;= -'..:.'^ :'.: .Spyinbrir !;-NpbPri'i'al.i^ Irom: ; GpKsprilurPhpri'- a.nd; .io.s.spri frpiri;; ">'.-:? ..c.atiori'-ori lila ,ricw piclbiT, '"LG.C'pu^r ,.-■ r^prc.■'..;.-;:';■.. '•'; ■ .•^;.':'•■•-'; "'■ ':---'<^'' ;■, ,,; .;ji']in,mpriph, Kaimari' cbi'rip,i"iKinn/,aa- -.~ :Gppretta fb'r-:-,tifa. • . ' .- - ;':. •-; •-"ieiirt ;.;.-Wciir,-' bom poser':, pf.-'' •'■HfP!'. : gar's :,Opcra,': .iind wife, Xbttb :7.ianla : (actr.pss),; b.ack -from ■-Sspaih.,' ' :^;,. ■.' : Maiibiv :' Claire -/is a - guest, >ot :,the ■ . ■State..C)ppra/' .■:;-'.; ,:;'-: ■. •■:-:'-;'-;..; .' ■"'- ' •Marleric.,DibtTi<;it'8 rpcord, ^'Johri-., , ;hip,':'- irt.-,de'niand. hprP. - "■ ' ' -:,-,-.'- ■;,; ,; -Kacthe,^;Dbr.sch',' , 'Max Pallbiibcrgi Rydblf F.or'.steir., ^u'id- 'J-ln.n.<^^ ,An>pr3 ^ :, wili glyb :gupsip,layB.: .at- thc ;,Y''>!H'?' ' /' ■huPh'tib,'.nbxt':soi;\so7i,'- - - ',,■ ■ '•, "• ■ Luia- Trprikcr';s ; -lilm,--/ !'M,tiii,ritaln3: :- iri; FUtm,P.s,""dircetca' by.-;4sa;rl Bart,:,- l«.-.pbmpltdtPd. , :. - -•- - '^ • -. - : ^' - ; i:fa ,-Uicatrcs-.,'tJnivpriurii :t^^^^^ K^*^' ■ p.-ii-a-St- iCbPriiiyiHtadt, -O-ro;: closed.: . ■ if i,,I^u-irt';'Conranf,-,: ;xi,^riiprrt -';W.'H; -. wbrk-:wj th I'dr.-iri-i biin t- iri ' Paris,'-: . ^- ■ /. ' Cora.T;ridatbire.:i'bdraz5tini,- -g.i'no.rai, man.'igpv: -of v. Pltfaluga-. Film ', C o...... Itbvile,, 'riegotiatlhg- :;-tol' .'-ieb/jporativp .:,■ productfo'ri wilh'-'Ufa.,-;•-■'.., ■' ,-"'v.,-'-:,- --- -^, Tjis.'5l-;.,A-rpa-;;-gQlrig ; ,tb' .Pa;»;'>>.;"'!"^-,:. Par'ariib'unt,, .-'.:•.- -;-' V' ...'-.'.;V; '"■ ■''. .-,: -.- ..■So6nd::;apparatus.-- bf -thP- 'MuniC^ Erivclka: atuflibs,- in. OefsplgasteJB«. -will- bc transferred: to t:^c;Jbfa-,5itu,^ -dlb3:herp:!,- ^ '-'^ ■"' .'-.'--./^ ; .Willy. Fbi»st: Intbriais;;'esto;birsbing:;, his own'production cbmbany.;".,, ■. / . .' : , Pbter Krcridbr .at;EibsPb -.llavaj-ia.: : ",Mi,<-'vacation.-; ' ■.'■t,:^'-:''