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50 VAUlEtY i I T E If ■';';/BroMrt;"OQCs.'.too.:'Far '■ AU- tiie ttixiiy- jraTim;H-}tics• iiv'rXdw. ^■■':^Vol;K■p;•''■■" .ii's^. i^^^ "tokotlyc'r v; 'royuiriiciii; the-., ;oti-.atUM^it|v.^:.;s^ anii, wyiioiit roaj: ni(?H(; -fi'iiiH^ stiU'f . .to- hnjMTi.: '<M)jisi(loi*ii. .Jis' a- '^-iiplc at .IhO; n(Ui.iJst<f|m -'tO)) oi.■:■$;{■ \yL-.t)io. 'Cp^ tllf^rltro:. . .A;)-';: .'■ } ■■'. .'■ 'V^'lViviljor tli;o>ie jibtk*.o« eanu' 'T^ •V'.tht!/v'iit'art-yuf iVy ■~ ..JIfrifWiv\'<.a'iHjv]cst' frtrtTi . t^i'i? .siajje-.lh.'it- '■..[.the- ^M;"jU.(>!;\i)U!fc;-lrfs,''sh or- . ■ biriAl, 'or wiu^tJVyr • tl)c-./Gr^^ ■ tt- Avas;,^ foninvsliijiyfo soiirV'a .xphiiiWiV , ist.-.uTC)))*?, ' tju? ■(■irtji'cf ,01;' .th(f : jJi'oXiii; . ••iiotii'os.- im\ ■-iJl'TOiuT^ i,s : an\)U>(?y .matter../i-^ ' '.'f.. , Tlio ;;XSrburr.;-'royup::; jS;\\a.V;siiW<y^ con rins . lU'opplsitl.ttrt.;. its- ■m.'^ti'rhif' iiUViiiiiicii and -its\pVini''li^!»l.i<j avo^ ; VfoWvirig' on it. Bamblt'iVjf'.hbj)jC('.^ari tlio-; net, - if r and ■ whim;-v-iiroun seems to /'.be the-.- cliitf byaenciary..'p[\..tli(\ . sho^v;': in'; i>>ib:lic"ityii pi-pniS of acfijifr .' - .cppo r tu 1)1 tics' 'W h i ch-; Br p u ri' •c.'ppear.s ■.ta chjoiv and plodty..;o.C-;;GhiinG^^ ':'E!PQ:ccTt, . Ttialdiigf> betvvpen -.i scciie.^.- ■.ThjVtijih. ait .ot ' tHa arid a •ipt'.of inodlperc;.1^^ expeptiiiK . tUo, ■ fe\v. regulars.iih. to ;ixpr.rpfrn.a'nqfc- ot ::this .^bad . 'attciap't.'-tf^^^^ ."receives what arc ltn6wri:as p:6pd .or ;vgr;fiftit.iiiotlcois: Wljli'e tlic legitI'.pi-o'-. .;,tluc6rf5, ogp^c'laily; M : In the. past spe.ht ^thous^nds "on pi-Or , <a,uctl(iii ..'and;-;pplijcipals.'tp-. rind--tJiHr. ;. sh.pw'b- r.az4;"C(l'- to. '.a; trazj^le- the , IqI-, ^ioSv-iWg.-rrt'pimi^ .set.;-,of ■■ .crif.ics ■w.ho'-^ baVo..-- taken.- a ■ ■ chance' : • wilhvthoir.'rea'din ;pUbllo.s tb fayoi' , an- amatiDUi'.'rftYujiV prbduciritJ• actor"'. ;-cbluhTtnip.t ln\their;rnld.st,;\' - . V: ■.. . Rsr.- fio siald,'. to provide wbr.l? .'C6r. / uncoiplpy.i'.d .^ictb'rs'.' jEQOS. \vr6nR' .■ even / t'o ftii'e-'. notices,, The';' B!'b|;n • sbb'jy ;niaUcs.;a- inphkey. of jprpd-ucihs; ;. ',iri.al{6s 'a v nioinkey. - Of 'nbtipes^ 'ana-. '•ifnikefl.'.'d- ■ 'moiiUey:-.- : pi .3- ilc^'Avopd^^ ;.''. Kewspa perdbrh^s iTrade ■ Sheet.' / :' .^i^irs^-.issiic of^^'^^^^ 'edited and •publlslied by; uneniploy.ed .ne.w^^^^^^ . i>aper'- Woriiers//.-, jmpstly.- 'frarh :thc (BfaliE -oE tlic ilcfunct .^;-Yv;.''^WotM ''made - itis . bpV^^ date, .pt /: July ^2:3v 'It-is .i pize', > *ligrhti -pages nicely' printed, /and; \vcll laid but y-It . Will, b eycry Thursdiay ;at; ^^2^^ ]^tlvirard. 7 .A.;.;Rpt:li; is nianagi'n'g '/edi'tpi'!./ .Hyktt, ~..ne\Vs : edltbr;.' - M/, .J^^^^ ■ ifien/ nigV.V .j^n^^^^^ ' 6' jJeilt, ■ buslnfeas Vnint'pager.-, - ". - "^ .-.) •• ■ vrv.'The' fi^^ .'. anteedv -eaclr by^ a!-''diff6rent ifi Y. ■ ..liu'blishei-/; Vvlt' is. .=li6ped '.-that -'bj^. the tlnie these gijarabtee& are: e^cbausted the: paper • will 'be .scifsuppbrtlng:.! ;':Np.4cis:;in''Nos-.ii.- . It is 'liuroly: aAtrj)4e^/^ . .jhett'silaper /wprker^^ y . - ■; ■ .'Fpllpwlng'^^^ t^^^^ flrst;- issue g'ueit; wi^iters \Yin be askci^ t'orcontrlbuW.. - ■: ■-A:..^^:.po^man'ent- .featurie'.'iylil' ;■ be: .;.Bt;brlcs pt fartipus .hewsp tbe'Initial yarrv, telling, how^.G . "Waiilfh. Ariipld landed tlie.' Nacki-, . Tihkor,he-(Uiitd<:ihsui>pem 'tberi. .Ke\y. ■Tdrfc. ."^fprn irtgJpurnal.". - JVlth'..plenty p'f /per.?6hAi iitcins/ "a • ' TO 11- ^ail': xtf:;.tliie^:(:ild' -/^o^^ t,nd'. 'a.; g.ood f>tory pn . tljc now dry> .ilaily;'. ./'Ke>v.*xdPni'.'\" ori'erS'. , o'viliJCv ■ '■■ . ^'^ ■/.;v-.-■'••:,■'..'• ' ; • One gobci l>pi^t..pf; tbc . A^^ issiiP .Is-. .tbJXt.' the.rfr vdri;.': no ■whine's ' 'ai.id ■. no. dpppals for sy.m'j>atl'vyV. ■. '■ . :. ,. • ■. 'lieW Rajd.id^. A . : ■ ; ' .Judiyci ■ <:;'ciyc1()n ■■ .o,ii' /:tlie-'.rai'llo' 'the . ;oihoy HiiKli t.;fippixo; .only 'of ' poUchos .- and, tlic?'.; A-&.1-'- '.food . ^store's.;'; x'u'o. ^ rsitlvbr-. . WhiOilxiri'-'■■A&p". :iiovlrtd' 'on'oc' 1.: ."Vy'lOAK : eavrieti no -btlier ;'ad .. pUip tor A.<^P -iarid its' m<»rchandise. bUicr' ;.lhan;;rre<iu<?.itt/A&iP mehtioh; .; ;;: :'■ • ": I't^iuMs?^ ^aye" - riot .iiriipdmmrth-'^liV ;.'6e!ispni.. ■ - Ahi* §tP^.Pis.'. arc: not-;'"'ib,o :;.GjUy.' -sl(u-es ..-aj'splayTn'g'.- .niid. -fi'dli-n!; •• • -PoadICS.. tul Be' c?t>rd dk^A i U not'.V" \ into ..trils, phase, ofy 'It;;, aUl.imigh;, ko ; ', did inc<i]ilibn tjie-.'.p'eaclie))" lie 'Avas 'pliigging;iiail nciV yi?t.arriyod -in Ncyif . i'prlc, . He ■ ipoeltleally. nii|ntlpn6d tiie ; Clepi'filii • ilplie: ':ai|d;v..-A ppnei)(>.s; - ^b'ut/; .dKK .1 eilhor Is nn'.-.exoj.usly . ; -,,: it sobridcd.'lik.c . iicw.ir-r.iuViO ./tidver- tisi'n'g.. (iopyi tlvis.; Ki'i,i.i.'ra i .i ty' 1 li, s ii "o -. ;K;rtv:V.T.hQ.-•Jud,^'^v■:^^^^^^ n()t ;^flVi.te■,'^vol; ,sl^'^gest...'-that.. inVyphfS .-.-ciiii ';a.t.. t-hp; A;&1' .stViivs;. .said' n'.ivl.iiinj?:a'i').oiVt. ; t.he:..n.e\vor. ^'in ; anxi -'(lut.siiloij'' oi '.tlija. i.)ld A.^fel^■' .e\'er;^' ,'y^ pyosony. bo'i'; -did .tiie..Judig«.gp-in.'vi>ry^^h 'piv:'':lli'6 ..p'(^a'.c;hi'«.'. >y;l)ielv.: are.-.-, to'- 'be, (fx lyi'b.' td: lyV A &1 '-' .\v hi>li lli ey. Jiryi v 6] /-./if;';tho'^sciir'pWe- ;\v;ifi 'U'6^ i'dc>a- ■Of - pt'ac'li.cK .SyJlli tlvp ..liRt^iior.-i, ;:iSV'aiKl, tii-on'Tp.t'A^^ take'-its'/p.wi'i' 'i-liancPs '-pf-.;\4t;llfiVg-' nnst '.lh.at ■ may ■;Ji'p an, lO'pay j.ieiy:;'.p'r,._oi(l., ;..pr-.ir':t'hero Is'■ a : good .. will .■ boljeC -in. '.sji.o'iik-'i.Hi- iI1,11;spni p.tiring ybu(jii.iv't ■ li u i' ■ jiivit ho.\y. at:'.-thp;; :A-&'.I^i.'-;^ :.s6nie.f.ij.ing lri.tliiitV'inVt/\yb'y' peacli^ yrurnip.s,-: 'turkeys,.-; pl.urn vPutLdii-is; oi. ,' t ii'a t.; golden ba n lei hi.;- robrii' i'p u.' li o;ir. sp,.niucii alioiU'.bitt,;^ AvpuldVhavc'/.bpoiv.. ^ •poaches^--' V-. .■■ .■-[■■■^ :• .-.V.-; •' ^'RtvorgaiUy-n.tiifn' Of -tlie Tiction .dcr^; ■.pjar.tnie'nt' ot 'the McCluro .Siyndfcal.e 'as; _th& l^^i . A/ ...y.l'^ofmcr . pracliK : pC .'.the'- syndicatp •'wa-j'-'-tb • buy '-.up ' siio.rt'. tales '.of;, tiii.btiiid- I'.OOOi, w.o'rds,'. ■ paying, $5 .eae.h.-: *r)i'e^e \ybre..p.ut.ph.'' .-plate :by,^- the .Ay-<^.$.ti?'riy. ;^t'W .I'pnlo.ri,. .toy us'p.-a>!' illUn's by , snvall: i'lpapeys.'■'■■>^;'- - ; :y.v''-'''' ■., \ .- jdn db r. tb.c' -n e w ■ ■ ifl aji,; • byr. wh i ch . thi^: \ ''ficti'bn'.^di^jVartriiGnt'. ol'. - ,M'c^ - .GUirc's .''Sj^i'iiilii'ht.p^.:.^^ i.nir proved . -and b'nlai'iied;" scribbiers pa.y $5 ..with • eacl;;. yjini - isiibni.Hlod. Foi*■■ this ;tlie'..«!crIbbl'ers get. tf -'x^otiU- p.lct'e'' ana.lysiS.yaird ::.critiGli*ni', of tlio,; piodc. ■;■ If aiteved /aecoi-jing tb iin-.^ ;''str.ui;ti6n,'.' the. 'syndieate / ac£s... as; seUing ageiit • to. ouuid'e';.mai'kotS; . with -. K^ ii: : deduoieii.,; i tt' -^ase. of i sdje,.' Or ,fhe^.si:ndiG'ate. ni^^^ buy itV :'iC ■it'. ls..:.'one-. .of ..,th.e''-.':'p'i'ize ;stpl^ied": recei ved - d ui^log ■ the, nibnth^.^iiay iiig ?7p tb./'$J2'5.;. ir 'rijpt.'a 'story; and .yet: go.pd.enpufrli tb;rolte .■VV^estT em Kew^pappr^^^. U the. syndicate^ .will . buy' it. .'at ; rates :."li'igiier . thixn /herctbrbre ".■ .-.'^Thati. sa;y, {sptne . of 'ili.^ ; 3bribblei"s,.. is aroun.d: $10., AVhicih\lis Htte .sa'hie ..ol4 f5- .yate.'^^ the fcbtum of ' the, anaiytibal fee! . A'iid j:lic ;.syndloafei debiands.; '.'all riebts";/foK every. :'taie' bouglTt..'.-■■':■■•...'., ;•■;:.';..; • V^'; ■ This new .;flc,tion 'iiiei .'gf the vMc- 'Clure. Syndicdt)e is a ti.e4iip."y,f iih i.b ovgan.izailpn';'c^ PhiUijis^arid .Assbclates, Jience, tlie; It;.:iP; Av'Pldn;;; ;The. pbland rphillips. .nam.c. hithej;tb uriknpilY.n -ihv the fiC':. tfonf'fleld.^irV.;;;.-; : - .The'McGiure- -knQwn as' abo\-€board;, ib -It^ .r<^ia- tio.ris. wi th.. cbntrihutprs,: .a'cbbvdibg. to' pYcischt.'and. former.-now.spaperr. :m6ri '-.Svbp . have- bee.n.'- cbntrbuting -iCGr .yoays./ ' a^^^ ' pieces, : ;.\yhil.e: .. si'na^^ , ba's' .:. bt.bn. prompt,;, anil It'.has .eomp,- -In iu'indy. ,.Vb .. ex-nbwspa.perm6.n.: .' ' liii.t ' they don't: want ;aiiy, part b£' the-it: !>.. A^ >lah;;''-:"-^.-;'' .; -^'.-y ■ (Rcportcci' ;fot .'W'e'ek E July 25 By'. Anhepican '. :;• ; ■ '■ Fi'ctiprt) ' 'Simiile -i?pt.ct CraadH by . >'.V .K. I'hiliipifi pp^ o.riheini:; . iSixtlv'.jbuyhpy, 'by Alico"- • (h'ant pber^oim -.. . i (1; rXfoba ^-JOaMli,' by Pej^rl -^S, nnc;i5-:vv-..i-..v>,i;.;.:.> .^'Kcd - pbpppr; illctui'ns', by.- vG:ra:ce; 3. .Ri€hm6n:d,,.; 3 l;littcr'»:-0as,tlb, by.'A, 'J.v;: '■ ;tJi-biiin-'^.';';■;v..!.^»v.V;,■ lliivt y, N(iw3, -by ■. 'Eiiillio'^- '. ;.-'C}avreus' -vv'yvrW ■'>■• vr-i^'■■' ,•>/■■. '^: ''■'v:No^■^^•<^Vbny Svashi ngto'n Merty. G b-'/ -y-. . .:;';:.lJb\nird; ., ' A moVica.ti Biablt OiTajnbeii, .; by ".it ;<?://Ya,rdley!. vli» /Giulbprsbn's. Summary, by . .. loiy Culb'ertson^.. iyiirrPi:s; ot ,M32> . ■ ]^6nera- >:;;;-.i^. V^'^;! 3SJ;ew llu-ssiah Primer, -by /; .M. :^llin/..;;;.'.:..;.vvV .'.;:.;v:.:^: hfl.rng ?2.,00'. 2;.t;o 2.00' ;.a;ot)i ■ 3;;6d:: 3.50; a-oo. 2.56' '■■'' ■'■■■. ■ ;Mac.fadd.en*s-.-.CIa(m'3'.- ■/■'■■•-'^ iicrnarr .'ftinpfi^ddon-s: expliiiititipii bb\v..h'.e;ii.asy put■.'!!Llbc.^ty'.^ lh.lo;\the; .blacic,- .^vJiile its,..;,foViner ■;p\\f-iii.ei's .-arc' s:,iid to ha;VP gono^ into .the red .fol; Koniethiiig. 'bypj.;/?10,000,^0^^^ 'tjiC' AV.eipkiy- ■ :)jc'fore. 'v'dl's-poslng'; .'Of..'. ii, isb.unds. the- gre arguiiiebt. .foir. (Shaiii.mag opbratiGri;i.. Aliso .b . flie.. .rpafions, .wliy ;/MacfaxTde)i . b'^-' li.evps. lie; Cftn ■op.crate ^onv a-, payi.nii .basis', .the-^sfive v.mags witii- \vliieli. Ilddip. Solentre^^^Publica^ gbt ;int.o' nione.5r.tt''bubte ■rebpntiy--' , ''/.T.he:.'i)ubIi.sliJ9r'.;;p.bint^ ;bu.t..Aiiat. liy •aU ding.: '■ Iiiilierty'' .'4s.'.:a^'- iilt ■' to ■ ,-h Is organiJ!a.tjon.. li^' can.. save i nca'tly' '$.7aO'00;(i' a y.yc'ar'i.;^omotiiing ;.w!'iid^^^ tlie/-; mag's fpymei?.';' oyvneris' .'ncycf cpuid-' dO' .wiiile operatiJi^. 'bbt/tbie' y^inglo ' pubjica-tlbri. And that;;' he; .claims,'^witiiout.a;. single; redbctlPii i'n -staff or tiie i^ phys.ibai. makcry .up. • 'What .departu.i''e<5 ■'there ;;Wei."p Iri..maiir'pq'(y«r.,were; replaced' 'llVSitftinCe; ■;'■'■•:•■; , v^/v.;' > :. '. -:-..'•_ Ci.aimcd/by.Macfaddbh tjiat u.ndc'i- his bpeVatlpn ^^'Iiibe^fyV;t^rn.ca in; a. pfoht. of--ipycf $200/0.00/ in ;its..first' three inbhths. which .rtay-OT not. be ./advahce publicity for ;a' new Macfddien .stock •ies'iie, . if.; n'pt; the 'ijibcyty'V tu'rnrabbij^^ 'mii-acles ,br/\m'^r ;ing:.v'-/ / •:/>/."','.'./; :'.'^- ,;"./.'/'/.-^:'•?.■';.■./ •// . The' five inagsl db^iujr^ Mac- fa<Jdeh/..frbln .y.Radlo ; Sciehee- Publi.-. /cations.' are- -.-tp ..be bperale.d. liiy; .(i. . su bsid iary/ 1 ike. the Hisiroid. Hersey String/,,; Tiie gulnlet .are ;''Arnaz .Stories;.': VD'etecflve ;^Iove'l/.'V;''Ila(lib' News;*- . VCpniplbte-; ■ ywllid :>!\Vest Stories vQuart$riy,V .■';': .;. - j:' ;.- .iwaofadtien ha.s yet;'; to pxplal n; .'away-the, rriag-. sub.siditvrles. -• .'. '.; tljo ab'seht/ Wbdtrft-Miin^^^^ ;thc djirij ^of ■•'ein';;all./; ' ■■ '/.'.'' '■'■■^ ']:' ■•, ■ Jjatbr .Ma-'Kphnedy. isont a /npte to the/npwsjbpys • cpmplainlng .tha.t tlVey .' iiiid ruined . lipr;- and / staying shpywafl through \vitfi tliein; tpre.Yer; Som'b :of the photograph? taken wcrb ui^p'rlutablo, biit have been privately: circulated./;,.;^.-..' ';'-■ ■.'■;;.(■ /:■ \y\'/ 0q Y'iouyJ^npw Theise 'iHpofets?. • l^ni;i.. y(>u ro(^Of(nl>i('; ■ yi\i\y ','ot . .i\\(i:. ;<iliar-; ■ a<;l,«T.s;' in Oic■yni'.wv .;'; .iiovM or life .in ;huv.. ■ . -iWArfic'ai ;■/ lio.ni'Hi-' I n fi-■. (f(1 Ti .•.'('.<)-,. (I ti- fl.- : . .l.Iip ;.Jf r b 'n- (i >v~a y ■' /■. nifiriu'. .ciirj)!?.?. ;■■ By S;dm .l;iie ro.mance ,o.f ;"Mij]llgah; and/ .ivbM>^V:-;.hcie"^hlgli.; -d^ \v!.i6. ;!;iruggle,d; tlvrovigh/ii'dve'r- sity to triiihiiJli.;■ y ;• > ' ■ $2;0d; D/: APPliitoN indA COMR\NY 35; West Jiihcl Street ■ .; :';.- iSIeW;Yprk . fylags fpp;AII Chaliis : .;. .' Wiierr thjV.se 'np\y .chaiiistpiie. magif.' nitikp- .tlioir. ai.ipearatlcps ;in- .(>.Gt6iiel•.,-. it ;wl:ll ■int>aii/tlip'/cbve^^ cili'aihstprq;.; pu.iiet'. in- 'tire -c.oTiintV.V.:- The :mng.s,.-o.iip;;:Jv :nihi...rah ;;ajvd ■ ti^c otjjpr rieiioii, Avjir.prpbabTy..bc;ca-HPd: ''M-fyvie.;^liri'pr;v and/''T:,bv bTytaibiiijle .'cinly lu ' UibV Mp.Orbry, Orand,; SiJyVir' iihd .Mui-pli'y store.«<i. .'Pli'ei. ToWey niag.s / iii;iy./ gii .Throjil;ll, :i;lVO'\ypblw.p'i,-th;plia'£n;'.aiyd th'e'. If rt-'<M an,ci;. Kre.'ig'e/ 'sr(H'e.<i ' .ri:\v6 tb'c.- .'l )'(;tl m.!iKs;■'.-;.. .v // r'.-:i{''' :\.'- ''r-i'' '.. "' :-/l-rulii)l.sjhpf;■ cvC".t hky'Ji/ttiyio' Al-frrtili:"''; .;a.bd../,.*:iv>.ve. Miri'))rV''.i Aipiii,. :\viio. ilMPttvl.n;-.1)5:^ /.iiU^iii'Ho^^ \yith ;a' ,.coin)r6';bf .>bVti'.l ir;ulo ■ i)!iiVi'r's.. ;l\tcAip,rn.. ha*i; Ui.re.l,' K'ljlh. - 'vyatuy-- iiui-y./^rorn; ."jiilyer. Krreei)" /to.-etlit. •life; iilni; inn/iuaft,.-a^^ Avill -/art vin .the - isanve • Gapaci'ty ■ fivr .'?ri0iyG;1yiiiTQt-;;^./'-;;;; i; :-: ; ■;/. ';:'/; ;:.. Iiei>brtP(ly-,thii.t-;/befofe tylliigi.:. ;i:i)y ■5>^c.(•hl^;iyc>ly.■:■ for ■ /tiib..^ ■MeAlpin':. n^Tji.«!,-r lli.c^ (|raTi;ii.-an.d//$iiyW^ ■:u;p :.;undby ,a .;Kinrily;;<.>perittoi:y': hiXil: .(;mi.4iiVer-e(l;bn.irdliiig .a gpnci-.Til 'ii.bf^ Vif:'inag.4. rbniing-'.v-iith) n. tivp -pyl.eo' bf ,.iIs ::mp.rcli;'i.11.(1 l.-<p.. .A guixvitfttbc .Uy ■■Abo. ■Wty.A 11'lin, /g^rpinV ■.'pro.v.ed ./.hiore 'attn^.(JlivcV:^bo^ve^^cl^ .; .'/. ';/■■.• .ChapI:n's,.:■LiBtter^^■.^n'•/B'6p.^<'■^ ■ '/ ;A.- bbbkvHb-' be brought//but/./by .'irJ ib'bn- nxi d • Schii s.t'or- i rt" the; f ti 11 i s i. o.cO!e'cti.pri' - of . /letters //'Writtci^ -'/ i>y. ■.C^ljiiriois/ Giiapin;- fanibbs -.Gity. editoi"; -of ,the .'bid .Ne;\y /YpHc; .''Wpcld,';' 1^ '^the last -few. :.y.cars before his'^dC'ii tli, ■jij' 'King :'iSiiig;.-V : :-T;" •;;.;•■ ;;.■:;■•;■ -■-■y ...Chapin; ;wlib.. •'went - tp-.. pylibn for killliijj'~'lil3/. wife;.-, .and;/./wlv'p. ■died,/ fi. na.tlira! deafh there in adv.n/ncod :a.i;e :\\;as-.'pcrlTap3 tlie 'lieist knc)wi);...city. .ed'ilijr ■ / ArnGrican. ;;;j6viynairf!fn ; l!,fv>! .i've):.; had.:-;. . li'Vin .'C;oi>by-and niany; ' oidi-tihve';'''WprId:^ mm ^lid.;fill'ilvey; ■(•pjil.d :.t0'. ...;vielp,.;;Cih'.'ii)In,- during.'.lu.'< , i-iu-(irv'praiip;r^ "■an»l ■ 'I'iiadp .■ hi's ;;.l(yt' (.•a fii I'l--,;- ■ i n Sing' ,S i.n g,;.' -C/bii^) i n. s pe o t A\iA ;tihic ;. cul tivj[Uin>i.- ^fjpWer>;. p.nil ;\\;ril-ing joltei\s,; many .of the.fip 'b.vly ter.s.. gcH'hjj.- info. tiio; 'bpoit ' ;/'.: ;./.; ; .;A; iroypbt ■Cj'oo.ygq'lia'ncrb^ y-^-);!.i. tp.ti/. by'' a,' ■ 'Cou pie' v'jvf . /.■fbr>iier. .';'\ypi-ld"'' fiie-n," wdii' ba.s.prf.-iii .payt .oii ;jC:.h.M'.)>in^s/.iir.o;'..ihGiudi.i^^^ ;tii<3. vw'irp'// Uiniiig ;ppisbd'G! ;pihVr/..In.cfdei>tH )n • 1 li.s ;Ji'/^iii: f urftinhpd; the, ^-'Ihenio.s- fpy .i)u;iiier6bs/ fiplipu ' jind .-tiuip' .accpvijil ■Ifilofi,' .-,;..'.'' ;■;■:■■•:-■;.■ '/•':' ;■'.".■' . ■ ;.. 'TlVe ;Ch,'xplin lif';ito^ •Vlmok... \y'('.i;p:,; piil/lo^^^ ;iiye, -^yhc)..-brbu^!,l,it'^fhcitl■; tb . llic'.l ■ Jj,';iyim6iitj;;.;■; ; -:///.■■: .'"/■/■.:•■;■;/ ::k- ,. W :' Pb.rflan<i.:^:,. .'■"Sund^ ;:.Tclegrn;m,''. hoftherii /NbW i3ngla.nd's pnly .Su.n-r day •; aijcet,.! jias bstabli.shed Va. hoirp .award,' ?'2.5 ;br $50 . to 'b^ bdch.. inontii. : -to; the' .Itoine./.man,; Aypmdn^ bir'. child yvixd .pprfbi'inEf- tlie tnpst ;lierble;J'd<!bid,//-,./// / . A .cpminlltb^ aiid. .civic. leaders Jrt -rprtlarid; has been. prganlii.ed 'Wltlv Charles Wcitv.-:. er; ..^^TeIpgra.m.''";^f bdt i^etAry;.W^aVey/.^i-liry keei) ^ '■ tab/' ojn the' yarlptisi;;heroic dopds happen dh'd at/a. aebsion. p£: the cpnimittao' wlU;rcpPrt,/\»ritb;.c . .■..•.■■';Fii.|r Timb 'Wxitin^'-:'-' .. ;■ .. Ebri Clarke^ .n known' as Konaid irendbrson Cla.rke,- succe.ss- fui ...novelist,. ;may • not/ /return ./ to^ iwetrp/ys/'.publiicity /dppL to acybte-liis tline tp/wrl ls;iibw.OiV what at its li.PKinnlng a; ^s tpym.pa.; a rtbrce .'inonth3!'.-lcdv6.-'';; ..''^ J^t.'>'s Sv^-itiiig^a.ivow/bw and.llealthyi"-a. study: pf ,jpjj> sppts in: a-cpll?!ge tp'jyn. fw publibatipn- tiy .Vdnguard -ln'Sc^^ ■ ../; iVet 'Publisher;'.pre8 ^ ;;.Ib'b'n.- Jay ;Cu.Kls; .7.4,' provsid.ent' of liiibbs.- >lerijiiii//bPbk/-'piib.li.sbp'r^^^ .dead'' frphi ':.prte'uriip;iia>'-!;^ li i-.lias been. 'IdchtHicd. with. .the;. cPhVpahy and.; its- predecesspiss' ifor CQ years. / ; • 1 le;. .;disGbyered .'• dliat-le^ gdyb .tlie .title;t^ ■VV'ds,; in :-Flo.\ver''. :Vati(i; pypmpted; d cahip'aign- >vjrtich; /was /the; fi'^rst; atr. tcinpt . tp; spll .rfictibn pn a' ndllpn^; w.;isle. scale,-:; .lie ;,al.'50.-w-a.$ ;.'fir^^ tP ■;use 'bplbyed .li'pok./jaekets; /' /'. /■•. ■.'/ ■ ;.'lVprtha;Lbe:pcf ■e,uftfs,..widp .Vives.,.'.''; ; ■../"■.■.-. ■■ ■■■ ■■i^-'.' ''■ :.'■■''}■.''■. '..., • ;..f?ea|:' Nam.es pf. 'A^-thors ; Vrsula 'Bloprn/ .au thor.' .of V'Tiie! sypi-et:- .''Layer,** /■ is ' ' Mrs: /. CUdrles' •Clowpr . .l.lol)inst>n; • O.woii; -■A.i'ehe.r, ';Creeii; ,'VYihe>-'. is .Ajuguijtus Geprge, GrGcnWpod; Mdi'.eus ' Magili/.-t^iMurr- iici- ;0;ut of'.;Tuhe/".. iij. .liriaii;' ilili; Krancis i36cdiiig;;''''T,ric -Tbi-^ Pish- C.i's,"; isi'.a/cbniblniatipn; .of..;lIiidry .A; '<4V'. SaUhdprs • and; Johii .Xiesltc: Pai- tnciv..;..;v.^;■." ;;■:■:;;./;.'::'.■. ' ,:■;;;;■:.• /:■.; ■■^Rbrts.'-^Maig.'1n'''Pav..-'^^v-V.'y' .. ;;l*ew ;:jnagazlne,; .callcii / Lehigh;- Valley ■ Ileebra*/ .ddvbted to.; Kpiirrtg ' madb its aijijedrance ih JEastpn, 'pxC Will.;be; published twice mpntlily ,t!hdrlP3 Ktjtingcr,. boxing. Tirijindtor! ■l3: edlfor. . '..;..•■■"<■." '• ■.'■'■' ; . Sd|iyvKus'el},;.tn.^d<lltiph: lo':\^c>rit< ivg tot. her;p>Yb^^,:P\iblI»lilri^g boiisa,' .(.LogOji) ■■ ;i3; //dolhg /..fc.a'ing , auPtiio'r r bbbjc,-....;!■. - -, '•:; • v -v '■■^ /; Ri ■ R,;'Flag'!Wernain*s; jNoveP .■;'/'■ '' ; Fi-Pneh' nbvel-,. titictl' -''Mil:. dos !parpts.'>'C'*Wild;. Sf^ is^the /nyst Xiy-l Mys,'- Ro^'iEs';;<3p,inbe/'; 'iVcciuaij^t.-- Anec.s:. kno'w her ./bett*;;.y; as ; Irplding ;iK&.' job of waylng ;a- fiag ;dt' a prp-; vin.einr railrpad 'crossing.;. / /; , ../ '■ :.Redsb;n for writing., the "noyel,;/.<ih'e sdy^,;.:i4[ ttiat ..the. flrftt '.train 'sive Ivas ■to.'•Hag Is/ s.ched,uied;^br .'i;/d, :nTi, and the./he'xt ..at- jJ :'a;.. hi. ;i>uribg 'ithat ftyb hours. .;Biiie; d;6esh't'; b.bn^i.dei:/it ;\Vp;rth. gcilii.g ,'ba;6kv/tp ;,UeU,: ;$o,. 'Sbe' ..wrUes;--;/ .; ''.. ■;:' " /■.:■■...;■'■.''•.■ ■;.: /■/'".'/ ;■ ;/■....■/''■-;;':^''Hpjt''- "Fabioid'r-. v..vr ;r;;;/ '/' An .'18.--p?ige . tabloid., rim^^^ /fii.-by.S Ih.'i/bas.madc rts.'appcardboo: bn Cba.Sf staiidisl/' hppliig to- get a play ft'.ohi: it&. tltie,/.''iio.t F>pni.vHbl- lywopdi", Mateirjal: i^ ..mostly .short ahecdpito^,.,lijEtea/.but'/adii,pted: liictiirc/■.b.uslries's.-,^ .r./. ;;. Fred ii;. Pe' Lia?/ lis: pn''.'the; coyer; as' bditor.'. Magazine Is.'supiiosed tb seU'';ftt; 10-;ccntis» ■ •"■/'' ■ / ^; ;;Scorching-. Mai ■ Kbnneidy. ./v ;;.Thc.^-Rcv/^^^yii.atra-Maii;;;-J •and:. :Ma 14^0nnedy"sV li'i Oaoy 'yte.s.t liad ';tbq n'o\vs-.seryicc's; sizzling the w'ifc.'^ fj[;pni.; Lb^ ■iA.'inigeJc.g',. W.hilc' i t i^litsied, i;bcpra;;minib.or of wbycl.^ bii; any pii p. :stbry..this.. y.eari'. ■; v' : ;• /,.; /; ;• .G.ther;.;:pap>r5('. -c /^siioci'i.il. platics,.for.pl^tuteg, .et^^^^ ■McPhersphlS'' gt.k;. ihaind - ahd her Rev. ■What'^^d-Mdh/./'w^^ in d -jdm fpf bigdniy',: ppsirig' frcciyv . '- , Ma.iCenhe.ay, ."esp6olaliy,.'4i'a aiiy- thihg'the' leh's bpyfl /Syantcd.-.',. Hey ^p^'e .clutcUlns; a plUowV/ Ucu of ■ .■^■;■ For ^'Be^t':;ispvei/:':;-y ;■;■;-/ --;-;Biijg'est/prize 'npv('i;'(reiivtest -ever. ^u.l^(lcrtakep is^'tbat: l.ri wlii<'li;-Kred'- erif'k A^:f;.toi\e'.s, 'Ariieyii^ah ivublishoi-:, niid/f.lTbdtibr ^ &/.-/fit(iiisl.itxvii^ ;Ri-i.lish 1 ).u 1)fisjiing hrtus.e,';■\v^i-11: j-ij litly-;offc'r :?2o;oop,, fpi^'itiip ■ ;te!j,t ,1 pya-writ^^ J'Jifg.lit?ll.-i;; ; Gdn'to'st ■. i?: b-p'oii/ tp. ali- .■C(nnH;s;,;.an.d'\Yiir ;i;ii n' ;a .'- ./ .. "In. itddlflbb.'' tp-''.tlie'''i)i.g -pi/izei/wih-^ ner'.w.il.l" get .^ full ;royalty add peis- o(Mit;igp;6f .iiH: rights;-';; ;.; .-. v';' . j.'~/..:■:;..:'; /Pans'/'Gang Stu'ff^/'/. , /Twp ;lM/u_.^i;rat,(>(l. .'vy&eli'ly/y-'iabs /'caf ;t;ei;iriff/:|.o.. i}p<icnvi.)i-lil.;f^}>^^.{ bhjlpr .V.o'vci; P f e'x.]i'p.«? 1 n'!* tli pi i-: met.h pil.<5,' ai^o (Ipliiir.' w-pij /.iiy- l^u-isi xKivbicij'.dre "j;)etef'.tiy(>"';;uid..''J?p]i(.'e;^ ; •l?n)ilic/\s;,iic' 1.^ iVcVJii-Utod ipi-iiviO.Pd rdi.SPbiy., .bn :''hq\v.sstaiid^ .Isn't oh- ripxibus.;... '■<•■:'/■}.-\ - ■, ■ ^. .'v- -.' ■./.'■'::.'■■" ■. ■/■■': ■ ^ ;-Fra:nk''. y'v- .// "- IV'J^ ;iliO>li'shor, of 'yf'.oll'ecting;/'for': ;Prl3lii,;•';'a;:^hc^y;■lii.tie li/;ia6v'^^^^ .:iimc(l',fpr ;e.pll'er.t'pr;j;';-ab.iV ffpHerii. pt, /iN-iiru.'bppks/: Js .frdnkv.. i')Pp.i.-irx>.s. tliat'; ,iVi!S'';;.svl)H(;rtpti.i)ii//jist '• i^^^^^^^ hilM'iy'./'biit -;t 1 iJtt fvil'verliisei-.s'^afe ''iip'i. ..(lOii))A:KiKbt^.by MJA'ir'^j.U.yUv'X^^ :;tiii(>ravint;?.\;.' '■.;■■'/7'■ ' .■;:')■:' ■ 'News'-Wrlt.ef 'W-ihs' Prize/ /: :;.'ri:;iHl<li.h, Tr'V/dJtibfl.n .1-rv .pC tlie :V!:iK;'ii,ni,)rP-■.■pun, . \vjL>> -iiwiU'rled "the ,?.I,,,0.00;/IMigsX-y /t'riz'G.. "for ./JtaSO -for" ni.(\ ;"ln'(i.st: upt.ewo^-Oiy/..\y'.irii" ';by:-.n\ \V:a}ihihg)<)h';ppri'^'jppi0(.n'^^ / "/:^'.. .\\1iU'nian;'.lai'ule'd.. ili'e; r)rizp'''ih^ hiK i.'i;P.CTrt'3; .£fbirr; l-Iaiyi. .'on''the. iUAiPsli- tfat.'bn by tii:c' libbyer': o'pib iivissipji;;.';' :' .Ptoi>h/cn ;G. ..'C has/resighcd tlie .bd i'Tor^hll» piE. '.:i)r6udway• Br.evitieVr*' ;l«-;con.t.e.mi)ial:.ipn -;o/C .pdb.llslvirig; and .p.ditinij. ;hl3 b.wri: 'i\/pekl,y-. mdg to ^ bo : called.. Vj:5i-(?vitfi's^' ;' covering both lUrbadwdy dh^: 'Mayfair.'' :-\ v-/-■'•■'v '^ '.Ghatter-■;'// /:■•■.''.-'':' ...; Lidw.r.ence ^y.. Lain hi,'; the Rppij: Leagub'is: head, goes ph the- air , to-:" hight;X28>.. tp. :give 'the lowdbwn. on, tlic. prbsent bppk' biz, .. ■ . . ■The/'.'.ne?;v-';''-Max'weii - ■ IJp'tVe'hli'cim'. book, -"Duifek Heri'ingi'* suTiposod to- be ,a ;tak67plTE o;n .IJ;bn .ijecht. ■ .; . ; '': .0a,pt;.'/Fawcett'.ho.iy:'lidB.' f'str'een •Bppk.'"-'.;;.- ■'-.; ■ ■■-'7;~/;;:',.-;:;/••■ •. Ncwsiidpcv3 V In. '■ rfejpprting - liay Long's . /l-o.s'ighati6ii: yds ; editor- - of. "Cosmpppjitfaii,''^: falledo; to ;abehtioii' that. .Jolin, B: /.Wdlker,/;.wlip. sold the mdg;..to yJlcarst, .d.ied at about. isame;ytimbv ',■;. ■■■r^. .-/'That;.. noV ^: B.ialt /l-Nlics'': bbdk, :' '.'Strange ByOtlipr;-'- \yhlGhvebniei5 oliit- next, niohth>; deals' with ;-tfie-- •'bale :s.Si: aB';'?:\Vell of,Lpn'fcllnes's'V'dealt :\vith' tbb'.feibale,': ;-Tlve -NileS .pei-soiv, liibi. ' dehtaiiy>?'is;£),/wbma:i;v-.'/■/ -' ', ■'> / ^Vlien ;;*ydvcrybbdy'a;-Mdi?^ revived BOpb;-It will cari'y' tlie .cbii- .i fosstbi'KVl-type/bi;..ta^ '■':;; /: ^"l)i:o tilers/in 'tlte /West/' .by Itcibicirt/- Raynbldii,;is tlib .'Harp'er j'»i-iz;e.ni.)V(iL :fbr/ - .l!)31^ ;Krion '- .(ilasgbw.;'; ;B.l'i;ss PerVy and' CJai 1 Van' -UPreh - sbloPtod;.. it, /;/'■••./■':.• , :■ ./'.r/;- ;...' ;;:;.:■:';.- ■ The: G.reeli's-i'w-ill;-/'h:ave..-t'o .;^et in^.,.- ptlier .w/i«:d; -fpr: it, ito.w -tbat' Tlieb- . tiorb., l),rpisv;i;'ii. a.« tPibipgwiliby-is -. bP-; i'ng tydii'sil^tt'ed; .inip .Orocian;-.'-.; ;'•;..' Th'e ;'*'d'bldo.ii;.. liboli''.. ha$r -a '-/gopd pi^eas. a.goril;..-;';;; ...'•'..•;■■•/;•■,-v.-' y.' ;-/ -' ;SolV l''iuum-: haV,'Sjpc.ilred ./Cpljcdto, ; the .. :F.rohyb-::-wbixian'.;. er.tibblori-;. f<)y . CpsmoiioiUdh.';." It-s- getiibg'- ,tb: be;-: d; 'babU, With. Fld:um;'. . -v It^s/^been /sttggbsteA; th'a;t: t(iey'-.scll ■ thpsc, oinhlbusistoi-'y books / by the - ppiind,--^'.';/;.•■' ■ ■'■;''.■;-'.-■•-■'.--.''/'•./ - The .bbro in every bne/p^'Behtley- / lirdydrdi's';./ ^torlc.3;^.^V^^eai•s ■-. spats/;! tltougli ;-Ui;e.^-'sc'yiljblcy/ ■neyer ■'. uses. . tbem;;//;..' /'"v''■■. -■;:•:-;;;■/■ -'/■■;'. /. A.:.~^Sci:ibnpiv' sailed-, last; \ve^^^^^ covriil .'spme.:.?'bV|P>}^^.n miitcrial dn:d:;.t.p' ■ look, up;. a ..rcbi,iplo'.- oi ' scribblers.;--. lOliiott--Bi:-^AI^o'rae>- aisa, ' t'b^' DiCltton,.' ■-..'-■■ ■ " ■ ces ■■. ';';(.cpiiiii)'u'ed..frb^ ;i)agc. 44).'.;,' ; ;ballcf,-;.;:bi:ingbv ojy /tlip; C scc-^ / ;oh,d ;<ihptiGe bf ,9'qstUiue coib.rs, saijiioii: dhd rbiue.''-;,j u$,t/as lovely as' the :i,ii'st,.. ds/vbe'eorhii|g' 'to ' tiVeir, ywo'df crs ■ and / .as; -.Simple and; smiai'tl-y dciinit'e' id'.- :ouithnbv;;' T|ic'. j'Ail; tiirl Reyuiii'i/;ia . tihd'ed,; and bhec'agaiiv' wb.ineh" have/. pryycd tlieiy ihacpchclehpc. ;^ Picking Apart Fruit Pi^^^ ycaijfbrn'iav, fruit- .jjiciicr's,.a're.. go- ;^ihig .tb"; be-: inigiity, .siirprisGU' wlieh. ii^: ' e<''c'r,; ■ tbby, .; scb.'.- •'tJhiiarbh; '■ of- .JJi-eUnis.'' ,- il's.uU about .tlicnv ,and-; what;; jp'ybus, tunef ui / livea •//iiiey;, li.'dd-v' ;-.Tii.c; oVcharU ;owii;ci;s'-lidd bet- .' /.Lor', taiie' eal-c ,that; their f'r'uit picki;i;a. .ilon/t" catGli/.this/.'p/ictuve or,'liyu^^'U;: ■trud tiieuisflv.'cs.'. \V.iih - a' biiivcii oC.- .jiic.kp 1-;^ /\vhp'i 1 .b.b piiikii)g-:banjb.if: in- :■ f-jt'eaU, b£ :i>cauilo:s,. wlip;!! .b.e..si»eii.dinff... their ;.i;iir.b ..t^Uboyfng 'in bainioby .:iHji-ni.dti(iiiri'-\\4iilp;the'.£r ;^flixi:.. Li;buii</ •;'.;' ■;■. ..;.'..'/■• :/ / ■ ;- ' :■ ./ '<J h U'dre h p f. rca»ns'''./£ydi t 1 itek>i. - ..ers -.piqk,; ti;'ui't i>ivly' ds a ' ■siilii: : iirtaj-- • ''rheir;. lijaiiv; i.^usiiiG.siS - .is» .lU-.v'i'liip.uig' .'s pivyj): ^ tiihe -.oiit - fbr bi'uV.;'•i-.id; ' .Slylc^-nji'iiuiic'esi'They're - d-'.>'ii)ii->i.b; .-ipt,'' siiigibg; 'dancltig',; artd-'anwikln.g Urp'.(ui .i'li.e'Hj)Musi)eVtb pviiu,a;.(Ii'niia ;BP;,,sho.-.c*ii. be bdsh.fuily' ;HUrpi'..S!.^d.; ; abJ ul- tliG ijaiiiu tlnye;;x)rt>:via^^^^^^^^ -.V-'i-b a; ro'using sb(.-ij('n.d. .cDoriis ; );bv;:',h.cr , ;'ij.ung//''/''; /;//;■/ • ■> :••'.;''/y/^-/ ;;- ;;AIitVgar9t .Sc'b.illiifg■ i.s/ tliv!/:li('l.'<'.ih.e''. -pf'.lhp^-'tdle.;- ■•Sliu--biV/i-'dn ■■iM:>ib>,;Vb tK)p.i'ibo;- 'yp.i'cpi/ -'.•'■■btit-/ ihai-'is;■;. "Ot/ bnpugii.'-';'A;fruit ;piyki'iy'da . fi-i'iit ..piykey.^',..' whcvb/ 'did'.-WlU;'/t^ii.t,' thosb.;.c;h'ii'foii;Viii'osHp^ v!i.ba.-. ili;lii;.;i'ip - Idee t rib 1 in od'/ /li igli t';gb.\yiis,/ -lbr ;' bet:. diliptii:? ,^^'h^Vug^^ 0ie/ j)iciiiyp. ib^^isia;; :,h.^.r'..'iiriH'C..s;v U,'j'';i; ^l-;>,ti^U star'.oliangJMi iKij/;''ityiffd/niiniib'f:-f'ir; :-1hr<'-'dr!i;i; way istiiR coi'rfe.d; ;h<!r;:.Ji;.u.t''' ;nbri; -t.lio '... dt:v!iry;':;;v()v.t:V-!ly!'M^ ■/di-o.s.'ie.s' slvci- cbiiUb.iiod./tb woii-K^. ,-;/;. -. '.>';.;.. A.l i ,si ill''' Wi\i^)W;v»;t..h; .V; <^ :t'ii.uii,('Jdlpd.:'.«iiv;'b.c.'h .an;d'.;yl''j;i-'^■IK'/'l;'^.' ii.i.g;-V(ji,r:(',is f;u;/top' diViw,hift'/'.-i-''i.'b'V.'-'^. .aid:; ('bt.i'vi(>'.li.on.- ■lieye, . Slio;.;'sii."Uld ■ hdye;. ;ch;yhi;'ed 'plj.rri'fi^^ .'prpgi'dmined'-.^obie'ty heavily.; indde. 'Hp .eyes'dhii. brii.ii.V'.>'i"y : ■i.enun'ciatloh v'bre./hiore '/hU:ii'i?, "i-l^b chai'.actcivabcobtreme;nt75''^b ■fyilii ; piclte'r;'. /Mavibh; ^iV-ton;' iil;».v.3, t; - sr-^biid led(^ aWd is alwayt^ pfps-. •'ent .for cbmedy in'/musicdls-.^^^^^^^ .tb.p . routine \vayi; - ;''/ Z:- ':^, - ' /■' ";-'