Variety (Aug 1931)

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STUDIO .■ i^-s : K •• i^ioriywModi• .J^iiiv""-3.l~-; "' ' I'll is •■ it? -11 u>,'hi^s.-l''riii\lij i jV A- '■ Of -■ lh(^^ai'itiiin;iti''' type '>t' &t(ii'0 KluiAys, itv itx: B.t'-MOrur j)ro.scn'U.> t i^ O-nd !iiOt. '■.unU'ia>ly' 'li)". ci-e:ta\ ■ A -.yos .^xU.>lt*j .OAVit' •bii-tlif< i^itiUie. XV)!ist, -.K- .has. a, •Mi~Mi(liy .■noitfhboi-Jfiii'ss' iVliOHt: :it • wliif'li Is- (in ' a(uio.>fi>lioVe - jio' litrge.; llioiiViM'^ • . c'ViiiJil - • piirfS'lbly . filwfil.'i.l?.' ■ I'^'otf i-.y •: iVISo. • Ij? iiot':- J us t.; ive.wt5rt!( _ :n n<l Aliirt-tH: l/iit/ int-Uules, XuH-lwiisUv /Ct L'oc.•a'liil Shrti;•ajljiilsli;■•,in?i.t .! pyp ■■. l't».st)i'rU.V(;iy; j,t's ■ tlie' .sort • .of ' •■'floJl's hitus'e imiii;iati>- th(?,t;f): ' iilvoly. to A'ppcav tn.;.tiir.: fi;iiw •t,vi).o pC l)eOi»li>.wivo hrst oirinic to. tli(» .CaWocv aniV ■ iChilWftsy ~'wlifn> ,'tlip-HC;, Timps.. ' iiituar^^;lTiurtic« b]i6n>ii. b.oforo! .ffonis- .. SovUH.: ajul neWsr.ePl .'.rOBir^^^^^^ '■; ;. ;iiaVoi(} .■•■it: ■■ Fi^ariklin.- statf's .-iiia.t CYcr.yllVinfr .'cost'- S:;{-J,Oi)0. .to .ci>nvw-.t; . a', -li oily>vpoci 1 jb u CjjV.ard- V stor'o•., .at: .llu-(lWi)n .'(.(lireptry-' b'pp.ositP,. .tlic' Ii'i>V. '; lb., I6n}?^-.itajidirtp .Voiifp^^ \ itit6 the :c.o«.v little aullitorinin .t'U^it' it ls/; J'Vanlvl.liViV^^ £i).l'ii)ri;ii.\v .a fc'w • yirdH. <;r6in. '.a .Kat-apro. tiv- tivo - imcK and^■his .uiujpr^IiOO .scat: hifilit.orjum ^S;. i-e'^Ujy .la:;.^f ot-, bieiV.n ty.'; \v'.it;ii , ixvo>i.i>r 111 a t.1.c. • 'oivy x; a ivil - s 11 Voi'-;~.£r6 h t ' ■inri.^ioaidc..'.• -.SV.''-- - ■. :Ailv.QrHK<?d' -.3:Q3.-.^ca-pa<:U - i^ . :'iBertt.s''in ■■Ih.P'• fr.oTit. ro.vv" wero- .vippoil ■ but becUtise,-tih'c^y-'\v6ro .too .lar- fri.irit. , It'.is, .W^E/TWfv.ed- and • .coiMf6i:tii))ly reCrJ.Ketfitt-'* fi*pnv, 1)0 hi iiHl, the 101b - ro w:' .Ht* ^niiKlu- liaVo hud- a; ■Ju'ttc.r; i:t>^'irc •able. t:i> work on' the pi.t.t.plauorin. biTt^thi.i (lQ.VIob Is not hpln^f ,t(.s>.n.l, .fip ho-4ia.d to.'hi^inge 'the..brchQi^triJr-«^ as' .w'VH. ' AUb liiH ..vxirs,.-w.oVo iu)t C-asV t* aoi'Onvi3iti,sh .-on this- bift ivpi-oji.. ivjvfoii also ■ hurt; :. fhey HUtSd ovGrylhing the oyp could, dotall, but ~hls-talli. was 'lost- dusplto 'the .excel-. ■ Ipilt ri('gUsllos liei't'. ' i!t.;a'ny .f asp. it f('6i?ni>H ii' cihMV that .;;ustar • ii.s ..the. 'lloky- ts."conf eiino(l,' lie is niVtrhn- aW>laUHe ju't.: ;.' ' ^\ ■ ■ i :t)th6i',\vjse-.tlic .rptinu,<i -of .<!.yonts liriil intt 'JjbwMiiHiv. stiVtrhliViTi:. i)i."tc.-: lUrinv: ■• and |yiilCtii|fof ', the - IjaJlot o'ovps thrx»uf,-iv;n Tiilrro.i^ faetwtoriAoe^ too nluhiiier.: utiv. ah ■ oiH'n^'r...' .;15a|'<; •stawe. 'Boojucneo. included. Willlainyi" entrance ' aiitl ii ..n(cel>'.'. exebiited-'tap rout ixV^' -byX. tl iioxyet tes;. ..V: Ar^^ Iii'al''leui\.Cd"oliVK--a' :ihiotvVcii W- t.vvQ-. .pii the f 'iiv^h AncV velin-Tvihi?. t'oV a sti-ong^ Ja^v-1\v.irl;-:v;as liu-i;'other:;'iptjci;Uisl; ;• .l<^ih;U. "Sei -was' .a're\'fcri-'S,ed' view .pf .thevhViUHO w iVh'^tlii; bai-J.v.di-op. .a ■p;\cUy. ivudionco ami a ro\v oC foot- .ll/Aliis: .tii htlp- tiie 'rj.'.othiiiM 'much. ha|)pone.d.. heVe. ■.■pthew '.tha.h; liuorfe eJo\\"uin{j i)y Williams-.ivnil inV iliffereiu 'foi'uiaijon' fvig -by.. .t'V^ itoxyettes;-.'. clos.liJfi • .,P (t <. eold-; h> 1 nns ahyottii . :eTke; Dit .'staRe.: ■ .TluH ' fi^^^ nilniber. fadfe'A.'clesi)ito.- op.plaii«efit- 'teiii))ts Qf ■.••.vhat',.-. aPPf'-'Kl*-^*!- . t.rt ;.„te . -mehiber^ o^-the JvifukQ .i)i'i>>.n ' start: sit fhe • l-OKCVf-- 10vji>|»vt-he-- laity.; can-: sivot - thesb -paUu isiapphii?. plus* ■\yh6ri' jiiado. ijp.: bb.yious,: tVnA it doesn't sit .well. -■ ' .-• •.. ■.. 'I?i-c.siiht?:'tipn 'rUvtiilns;: around 40, Mbst.'.,iin't(iije;.dt?'put';ihe-^^''W iha.t iifjure, ■.'.its': ..'frank-- :.tb.-- gnh,tch^ :■ ni.c<ny ;iilckelB . -ag -:p6s,sil)le .-frp.nv. .thp..^ two, a.hd'.fpu.-r'-'blt .e'astoni.crg;"■ l'h?.re ire ..clgaret a^id catidy autijiiia yentlr.- ■.•.pi;S,.' .a welBhing. ^nialchirie; '-ahp :pah(j'y^ga»he- . :ri"iachine;aiUl itfice^s.r '•frDni: withlh?Ttp; a iioat' trult ■ iuico. .Btanci) at th.e :9'i'de 6£.-.ti;ie. •boxplliefe., Bespite' all t'lvfesp. ..cbw.mereial trim';;. • 'jiiiTi&s;: the ' irtacKiii^s-: 'arc ' sniai't-ly cainpujlagpd .'^intb-- .the>-''onyx".-waU^ dcIiPatfily. .bbStruqlve .and' yet' ptafei" ■:-iiciI;V \-.C: ■ :. .< •: ■:.~ .T-.hcvc'';-.a,i'e. .few ; !?.hpwi.riaiily: | : •. eleiiiciii tS.; In^.^f rpn . house... .'..Thb"- turnstllp-: adiiiission; ■gafec.'-axitpniaUc^ily-e^ .sucit .'. .th^t. the .'theatre; door •, GjTena,-fiuiitb- ftiatlcally- as/.th gia^. Is <a- fi'ce water foutitain -wl'ilchi: . .ftlone. should! become a(pfede of• .cpiV- .^vergatiPn'tp'..anybQdy. - It., is auto-: ■ tniatjcaliy .stattfed' by a' light ^ay: ; 'w.-Hfch,.';''£i3 ., ihe -thirsty one -.lieTids:. o v,e r'; the ■ s po u t, ■ i a :;i n ter r up ted; ah.d. -... thus:^tarts the .fpuri tain. •- -., ,; .Seats iire all in bne ;ceht)*.a;l blbok, \vith^ thfe ..two '.ai$le;s ■.flfffilting^-'b . . Bides; tlitig malking t"very seat it ceiri:- tral' JbcaitioTi,. All iseiita are. dp'\Vn.- 'stair?*'-..^v-.v -;.' .Dowfer . cbnipri.sefe-. a; liibyse; ~ jnanagcr, bbxbfflce girl whd-mlake.s cJiitinBe,. etc. (of course, there, la rip £ind, ; on • Thur3t:liiy. r.\v?..s'. mycVi Uelbw ■the:Stiindai;il,bC. t)v6 l.ibusf'.;-. ■ -t^'b'■•car£bbn'. sIior't..;th»ii^: vvp*?lt.i: .-iJust. tlle.'-new^reob. and ;,:the •'■ cUstbniary •6\;&r'ture;. ■ '.'Tl'ansatlaiUic" ., . (ivbx). PARAMOUNT, Y V V.;-NeVv-:Ybrk*. Aifi^--:;!.-.; ' ' ijoitdio l);p,wllrifl:'s.tara. oii^ ;thls ; w'tpk.; lit Jil3-lWlkpr,v;/^ j.llled-.^'arand: fc<ti'?(^C .Tliajt . i fs: a ^ ifair he^ • pith(>r;:way ' wHb;:iVei?--| jjoAViihiff CJivi-ijiV. strppt:-Jdi)etin:L^aefi^iiAt \^^^ tjie" £act .' Wat -the 'idtiot ''P'^ iairt't-oi' fed- vvajr ^tb;ll!it'sV^ht■'~^)o)^:ilh hiy. tlic.-'Ji'tagc; ^ J.t. glv^s .idiu; aiiop^ :portuh.ity.'.taj; talk ;p'f (iliotto ^ aiid jiien t iO'ri • Al. >Sihl ih .a hd .1 iniiny -\\\ilkei'' ni)wViipd; then. }Wr .^jil'cs.. the- .m.o.h.tit)b;...:Sirtitli-. ).•;!,;given addltioria\: treittinent-In of : a' .man :\vlu> loblt-s'o e.xit.rpyorhor aaVd ..walks bii tb%rp,(>t l.>o:\vli'rif*. sjiyr' liig- he . Ava's . jiKst .-piisisihij by..' ..i^alcr, Ite-.swve.s' as straight fb.r''Uit.^"' 1 )bb 'i<>y;.V-NP; bnUitg,: -;; X ;'-f^ ^-v'.'' V' ' Thiv-ojicuing "scfin-p,: whlc'li h-d.1}'cro.s lb; t-l'kv-titlp;. is,-.Oa'clj\^'r.w ila t pilvbps/;^iip r'e.p.i'Os^^^^^^^ - p f; a. -tv.n t•' aiVd, .the. o't.lj'p r. tb e. e n - i'nqii.oe' 10. a'-.'.phur-ch,;.' ACttn- .a^^ so:hg ■f-f.oI'll the \\'iiido \y py:Hit £1P rry; -;i iVudgcrt .:w-i'tii' ''a! sbi)ralib;:;ytyic sii'j)j)i).s'cd to- rc.tri;e:sv\nt/lipw'ling- a.s a. ,,-. '■ tlver,^■.w' a' kid • "b.a 11 le.•>l uri ng; .one 'giiVpp'fs.imCvrclV.-t^^ be. .cb.iVH.i'ineii/V J^a'y-.Db.p tii'li.Vot..'the;'-li.nnjv'and,. :.doeii. <i .\Vra's~slp. w.ith 'one' of;, the bbys..^' fcJcrap stoiVs; Vi'hion . tli'<> .pi'iiPst.'wallis.'-OHt. '. It'.'^n:-. lWli^tf.>V.ith;:a'',£airiy:go0il'lau'sli., :. ■', 'Sic opnit•.■:.s.e^.tifli>•:'la. ''a •'.garilc'n- .'set,. \Vh'erc thp:aiie6iaUies are perfprnicd:' :Iit' betvyb^n-. J>o.\v-linjj,; .iTii'p> --i;or.:- KiTd' ;CJopt>s/':;thie!->ai).ng'-:Vv^ .wiho; :"l.)lay§-. .ahcl .singa s.Pm^^ bt" hls^ ivuiii'-: ,bOi-s.;.at the'piaijo, •; it::robl<s •like; iuir- bby.s iire.malcipg' n>pre' .hb'w Ijy '.siu;?'-- .png PJd^lii.ts In vaiiilevilie. ahd -presT;' r?-nt(iti6hs;.thUn .th^^ .n/ltips from;writing-^W^ '■ '■ArvcciigQm^.n^^^ .the- iilrp'w.. stilit .Cpi)i[iS.'frbn.v-Iris'new*--.YairflOvil^,.' -ft.vly'ia; Fi'.Oijsi'. .Sho. :^ .p.pps,' shQwitii? 0. jilcc. ypite atid. sty)e.'. riai: d;;FOX>;3R0Q8^ \" ' j^rbpi<iyVv-A-vi^^ -lipw'freight .puliing;.; eni >in tiere, 'Capacity ,.bvisine^si. .Saturday.' after? Tibbii,. • Pbrisidbi4iig.^\iiice;- ^&u^^^ . vveatlier',' vab.atiohs:\ahd. jean;;.b;\nltT rplii?, ca^n't ■ be-Zcheckeft -to "Anything lelse,! -Stafec .ghpw.'is m'e.rely':a;H: enJ^ t^rtaifilng orchestva-. with.' .•:p.'':.P|jngle specialty .daj^)cpi\'iCndi>i.ct.ttte.;^^^^ ly. .,Rloh'-v'. (Par)- ';uriUkc.ry ,. as... big screeii-atti-a-cterii...' . .'...:'.--'.''.-. ■ - ' ^'Wewly.liibli'^ (rari;-\ kad ap=-. iieal/comes'.to tVus Fox- hbus.e-.SrPih 1 to... njak^ the. ^ si ;avr.uri. eng.aji.eni'^ht at .thb. lVypli,:lfl.ioi"fc hitu'i-a'l.v. .v. Pair's:Broadway- i^lin^KPysP,:. -;.-...'; , • Mhsslbbbley ■do( ■ 'I^'ailchpn^ Marpb ' ;cali . current I thV.'unifs heststbi owe splb-- b.)i,atvc'eV.;a.rtd- th;en .viiturns iOr U -'do^iblfr w.i th; Dbwling!'' ' Xfieiy; take •■the stage:'-lilbne at ;the.:.|lTtiislv. vviklUihg'.' tb:..-the :r.b'ar; a.s-. th e.' '.pi(■ turt>. sbi^ceil^Jis^-vdtp^i)^ in_tb^ talker,..• 'At ' thi>:''Para.iuoiiiu lihe ;.title; 'sh^e.t'' arii,V''credit>^ '.tvcl'-p. .cut tO/. njalvi? the. ^ staLfie-.s'.c.r.bijh., .blo'ivd \V(.Sii-i)aiah'crrt pro'gtain. and b«ily 'thi'ft; }'V>rblgh'-clips .:ire one-:: iKilH; -of tivpyhiithbet .during. 0^^^ tWo.'wt'ielcs'-aTul Live jtrognj-ni- hero l.s hiM^lnhittj. tpi..;ipoU'. AtucrivajJ :onco tripiy;-. ;:-■•'., -..: ...j-.-- '-'•'.-'^ -'';-■ - A:'iJoy.'i^bif»nt talU'i- *UittV G'arheiva 1111(1 a;new kiiul ()f wcreeclilng .coii.- loi<tr.;i)ii'!.!S -AJ Sihitlr ':nia^.lcrfi.)g; the (>fM-on».()hies ut; a grairiJehUdro^ hi'ivn fetcS'-aith^ivb lAUghs.- ' ■ ■ y. ■ ;■': ^-^ ., Tlia.t contest is. one .df. th.e. .biggest: :T uiisti^ii'clips -C'V'XJ.i"vinoo.rpariited In a 'niAYSi-,ee1.' blvjo;. ihothers... .bohipcl<? with ".eaolv .Vxtljcv. in; -soilhdIhg; thq. ■baolc,dbor. call to" |iftU>, Willie or AJV.i Tlioy're; all .•^opi'aiios, • acoiu-dlng. fO . the; i-livordiligi 'Not- ii'-. h(tii)<o ■ in tlio- .. v:i 11 iige. •< 'S(i 'f uhny ■ f hat b-pfore Jt.l.s* haiL\ ovcn^ airdiot-i<>e- la litevally. howl.-- .Ibtf ,wjlh : thpni^-.. In th.o;>t-icks It's :(!aliea- Iwjgj'ca.Ulng,'' ' - ■ "\ - - : -'UV:-^play 'tip the l.i'eat Fbx tllvcs^; Into, its Atiii-Iti^ . ahd -liUvn.ds -togs^tlntM:- .'Sonj^:-'^'fjIiots;^:ti\at .. ha-vo '-W)e.en -sebh. -'*!<yvA.''rai u^im>>». bp'r-oi;tv- -;;.i<p.w...i'p'i-k fit .^iiiiilit^is. bne: -...Tl\i>s-.tit'h.'.f {h"c >iveltii).g; inipr'es:u-i.)n- -. Is-;.'al''i-.C(,'tPil; "■- ■ 'Coiicy* Is.--::, lun j : ('Vi)'\vd •.l)-iil1soye ''and .^slo.w ■'pui''. 1 ji ).iv ;i.)t ■; >ti'!%'t.' c'ilj)'W\< ;■ ;.Th'.v.,4dngs\invohild..-.(irgy iS-,->vpH- r))vPi-0(l-.: SpVi^n'- slip^ liolPS .ih.rciuirh.'a biii)^;'.. ■c;'ii^i;i;lk^>! V'tiip;'':r!( ■ft]-, bO liloV ■ wbiiiii.V' by,. llio-.girl'.'WlVb. .\vi\s- \vli'oe.iinS -it,; the ss'trc'a.iiUn '-f-o.t'..ybUng-' ;jit(!»Jvs--ih.tb"-th'o' dpjit^-.boy's ';tei»em,enl.' and Jlast. a. d i,spiii>sii>n .of .thP-pa-so .by- two 'pbli.cehi-pnt. on; tho.; |07111 street .i)eii-t:;.-.^. 7'- ;' '■;■•;'•■-■-. ^ ■-■'•-' , .A'n; ii.iip.rtS-^siyo-. oliiy-is- that; oE. -.a .■i)\:\n!(>s,sodPs.lji'oypr. ';Kitided. i)y l,•iullp':.^ily ■j?aiv.:J>itVgp Jrai•b^1l^.'^^^ phig fi'n" .'-llVoiso; wbiik.rph'd pi!u.isei! tlie" iyu'iMyoyt- ar.;a'nbiiier' c'liiV.'. . Old; aiUo (Torby ..:iii ;'tl<i?;mi'ldre-i^^ -'an? .iither ;.cpWJ^oy"rbdpp .. ih.'; Wyoii'iing .•l>roA\file.;)'si^ ■:'..•,' ■ ;;'•:■ i-''- •-;'V^vTraflRliix ,■■■:>'.:.'■ ■;. .PatI'ie;.;capr(ailRbs^^ ' f;) '. kTl I f tVif i ri. .f t.s ga niist-e'r- CT u sa'd it. 'AV'hilo -it;;-;.d6.osV.-.ribt.; go'-:.iiv;...;fi)i-.',;-l'he (.^efiiil'which sonifl of 4he bthcr rV'Vjj.^••<.,■ foatiire: I't covera ithc. ^#^l;uatlc>ti (t'uj,'"- ;! foilp\v..s- it^^p; wlth'ttlks from a I'ep* ■ >-oVe'hVJLliyb' -bt -.i-lip ; N.atlon.Vi- -' Cpipm Issjo'ij /and. 'Schator . tJop.6liiiij;.;' -' ; both .;oCr;whoni■'.ui'gb^ p q'( \ flroai'ms 'sa-lea;. ' AivptliPr^ "sifuupnctt ; ' '"■ takes- lit c'lv'ptur'trd • tpda 'in t;Jiipjj';jjj ■ '; "... Tho lloiist^.r i;elil. is 'ffoinK'. m i'pr ' ' as pmuyL'irppartiti^ts as .soiim..tradi - ■ papei^;'..- :W,lflt. th'e.' <lo\v-.rv-wUh-tli.b.'.-- ■ !.' :ingster' division nb>v. a.><'suroiT. ;a<i. : C'ih'i,Hirn(^ to ithe.'siipivt •titlps,.' fb re,-. ■ diiain-' on thfc; Trarislux'. scropit^ u^^ . • g'umi).e.ii ;tu^^ 'i\p'nibrft; 'anotlipr sliint '' tltif'd'. 'iW.hat. Ave .Modern A.Vbmeri ' ;liblhg. N()\ydphulpd; this^^^.;^^^ .' 'l^attoi^ .tak.t'.s in' wbmeii '.iillilpfpH-and .l.ied:..:dei)i)rtpps--a;s W'p-M.V -. .Third.-d'ei ; .till rtin cu t,. ru n'inng;;for ' 'so'ino - Wpplta jib\\' vi.!A'''.',\N'i'ii>'i Who o.n :]'h*uad\\\iV.^v:-■.-;' • Tl-ils .liiihc;it;,lh'.lp.ry^p\\^•^.:f{(<■h^|;^vh .■ '■' ^ iit; tlxpl■^•;.5^usppnrv»>jjs'^bu'.th^ ■.. putUu*.lc fii'i"' .shpwj bii'sliips . •. . •; •tini.vprsai.'-f'.iMiliivue':^.-; to -._«.$; t'i): 6ut-<' ^" (it .llYp^^''^\vay.'i)hicbi5'i^^^ i:ng«'iiuity '; ln;gathi('ri'j-tg;.nuU'^rial.Vljiitt;^ flj;>cb;\'^i.n'(.^(,1: .l>'y . tliQ- ' bliunv ropVs.; ■■X ' , '..sli()('»-;w.pai:rii.^'-. (lujiilvi: ;K.:ii)'s:(,s ;i'ir(,ji^ia-\ . ;vrvllihg ^a ^-Kli'§ilii\r.(D£ ''Wlu^at'i^fi.;jiiii^ riii• ;.riH>,'»M a.syiiclxiis(UIs lio.iiij^ riUNjllHiv' 'jviiulje, i^^nttrPly'(Vf .old n(>Wii- • , pivp^M. .1.1 ylViT 11 .s . I)p i|i g^^^^^ Ur(V>kl.v..n.. •' hbs'(')i;tat'. .:• Ihruu^-H' '' th'i :•''— b.i'n.)'vdl.i'rg-'sj^sU'''!W.r-ai%»^ . .', J'\-ilI's.'.-'j.ail. aifd. .thegatii; .. - cUi-ngin,g--''Avas.;; ai'vi)^ whfpli'.'triil.v<i;i^iia-l-, ifc^ata ;-. ;, ;TJ)p;' '\Vb-riii.l''.S- riifgest aiiiy -.s.p.bM.l,^ IfVii;.dowii' i-h-.;Ai.hiii'-is';an ihtpresi-;- - ; Ing -.0.11 .thiv :'.-: -•. ".[; '^IMi(>.:r'l.t.tsiJiIi-feii..' .hr(>. -i ri .'.i lh'».■ '• IVohi© ''.-'.;' Cor!;-,ag(->(li .ap|)rt'riyn'i.iy';. 'pbt ,nn(iewvaiy' • ■arid. .Wh;!S:-'-ffi\lslK>(V^^ ■.•';. of ;.'1Jii\- 'r-(>(*lH;-.''tt)'.. .vIpw' th'iv --;.ii;unP.s^:.-' '•', ^i.iVns;vpf the Hvstito^ti)>h;;i.>pfb^^^^ afti^r]: ;W.ltti' .ip.ngthy.--tiHPS.: ;. -/.;,''. ^ij.;'''-': ■;■ ■'AnJ.' -tinjo jhe ■.Wl^^l^rJ;i:s. hot- Pilf-i ^.;- t(i:rs:; . p'!anv: (li'Jf. .■tiU(V - 'tl.uv •>'riiOls -:for-^^.':/ Jb'tj'o ;.:(n'- :r>j^':«!>'>.^*'-.of :Tl:(M'(';;.;;si>;'\riiis..;i'>.;biy- >;U:Vs-^;(Vi;:;;thi3i..^ 1;; br-iTiW''tvwii :ni)t>u-i.; e\<^-4'S< at lhb-t.,ii^cpr^^^-;.;:.--- ,:^■•;.■^:-U■^^l]/^ -n.;' Broadway :hpn &\ MarcP ■ ;cali . ptirrent .epritributipn: "Pei>'.' ideai. .The--Hair' lyWopd --Colleigians,' i6;. y()iiths-!.-'V'''hp:J .(Jp.ub-l^ fbr .vi'tibu's bits.'rarig-ing from .instrumental .-:rioVeltle»;'to ;c arid \-a • • .bbmely?^.; dancer/. KPrbthy- •Crpbker, 'makp .Up . the .wbi'ks. .. C)n the- w'hble it's.'aljo'ut the sanje as ah.y ehtertaihin'g:' PrcheStra ■.tb.\be. IfpUhd: ■ o.h; vau.cie bills 'excppt' that -the .roii- ,tlckot-sdl.c)i two pperatpiis and/.two. I tlhp is; JangerC -:At' the...aamc^^^ InVspml-formal. attire.. .No 'there's rivbre: &Ija?ck 'thaih tiie average.| . actual-..ushering 'is;,jfi.ecessa^^ <i .vaii'da-.sho,woAi:;puld -permit ; cbl'brfUlly attractive .jhdirfi^t light;- .J . '• Practically ho .production. lAvPlvcd.; ing..-fiystorti,.,l.eaves .the. 'auditbirlnm | except in. the lieav-y :aasieriiinent bn' ' visible afid. yet; dbes ;not' ; -wit.Vi ;th'e .p.r'Pjbc.iipn..;.^"^ .' ■; . ,; . i.-the. scquence,..'of .-cbmedy--bits.-' only Miss', Dool.ey .'does Iibr; .h'a'.lij' t. for, the .'unit's,best .sj)bciarty.\' o;L in- a'liallrb.phi.;wait:z; lexc.eptlej'nal- .^bj- fionibz. and. wiiipiia;.;. tP^ -Jfolbii;Deiiriisbrir.'.ahd p.hpvcliprua.'by ;a; -rpdh'ea(,l,r.-:i)prbthy ..'J,J>ar(.>!. '..Birvi'.s' .biillet of gtris docs U'i;e;.'pivsuiitbip; work.'.ivnd . ah .unbilled; .niiale. ■'-fi.uart'v't ,.<?p.n trilj.u tps. a • v-bcii.i ■baPkgi;(J'ti.nd.;. . ^:.. - • bnpe i'h. the. g£vi'dyh" tlife -pr'e.santa'r tipri. is routliie. b.y nature an'd Cal<'?-n.t. ' Cra.wforia.^at,, tKp.^o,rgan :'.-'an(i:;Ki'i'- binpff .i;n ■ tlie;/pit.; '.lattrr iifa n/lui.'tiI'l.g diV.arrangc'nient-^.bf Ifii'iiril'.s. .«i pI.oiI i(;s Ppllcy' of - th'tf .-;hoXiSe. 'will'' bp': first; . r&ns, -»gOltihg';indie;. j)i:D.d.UGt • wliPT- : . ever possible.. Vai-rlck '^l^'r^sj5ell's ; ArciliQ :ai-ama,--^';The ..V;ilyiiig":r (;.T:' i?;\ .. Wiiii'a.'m'.^), la.: tlve---liia;ugur"al -at'trac-.. . tibiV(:.\vi;th..ft."j5li.m-.S^^ •. bdy -.; aiid',;-'.^he,'*fJre'ei ;--'£is'/ '.fehort^. .i'-^i^isscll alonff- w,ith' 25 othe.f^- ■died.- lri ■ the.; making. p£ this filin.' ' -lience ;■ H-uxVie^-FrankJih. tor wbe.kis. ■ bfiliyhbbed vbri-•'. tKe • .billbbnrd.s .thivt • V5ft -Njron ii)icd to Open'the-'-Sttidio" ., .Theatre.-".'.-;-; ''. ■ '■■ ;'; ■'■"^''. \ -- " - iFrbnt-; ■ b.£, tlie 'house. .la', .'.ais': - '.t:ih);iiis.hod ..' by . . an ;.. bp.chr\yihdpw; ■ca^hlfrr\s - bboth iTid--;^ cagPil-irtr.aff.aip.; • Ah .o.hliaiied= mai'- ; iqUce-', pcrniita flashy. , thiig-sten illuslPn...; bh r_ -the -.'':uji-d.erside^-.wftii.^^ ■ '.plenty.'-n'l'irrbrs '.anii>lifyih'^(^;. whit' la-' .'.tictuafjiy ihpxp{'rifiive. -; ';,' . ;' Ah;b'thPr: SSvcll ..frpntTof-tl-iiJi-hbuse • bail^-hop is tlV(?.'.viiiU)lp; rpfrige.ratioiv .. .plant .uhdP^ 't'.hb- sidewalk to .the -I'rift ' • .of. the- libxortl'ce. arid;u-Ight= in. line, ;.w;ltT\.,: the .v'cfreHiniieht'.s,tii.nft, which; ; i.'sn't a'. b.a(i stunt- eitlibr-.TOaui'pmp'nt .. 'ihay be. s6b;i .Vthrb.ugh a .platfr clas.s '•;- window^ -bh -the sldewalic..; ■ 'AbCl.- - , e;efc"tlieli* :.usub,l.'-Avhiv:h; i-'s --nio.r»r tlu'uv ihterferc l;dbMWin^bet\vc^ii^'bajid^^ ''^^'^ ;l .H-ia sequence., pf.-"""-'''''''^''' ''^'^'' -' oiiiv'l'..tb:is. -wep.k.. RdXY -';'-:• ..-.';--^---.-> 30.;;' Awjfwird stage shbwivthisr; Week hciideiS l)jr -ller-b .\yilliaiiii?,. *Itlv ^lib ; ; ; .6,,2()0 .^ta'ts t o6 'm u pli for th ia ;ya; villo.icb'niPdfaiVv .< li:i?jblntc'd .iiitini^ng .-'. at thc-ppcnihg; slVoW n-iciy-.have'iippii; '" ":.a!u'0' ■ to - 'Ihc ; .Tdvihceil.'. pr.c.'-micre", ■ ■ (T toi V s d o V . )'d Ai:&U^''^ttnny .-srclc- -.Ti:p". ,. :-.beliig; puilptt .LM hours ahead; ot tlve. - ;;.;.iv.QrinaJ' ;sph;b;iiufp'.'-- Cwrrotit';- jiresenV . ■ .t'atio'jv iiiay' '.h.-xv^o* sr)ip;()ni.pd ,av!.t: :l)v. .1 • .Ifriday;- but'von 'iMuiiVday ;-t.h'iM;i''; wa.s .. . . lip- ViubatioJi. tii.nt.-'lt WaV i-ii ;.jtvb<ii?. ■■ .'■ ■sliApft.'v '.■ ■".<' ■■■ . -■- - - - '; '' Titled -.-"I'Tehlnd th-<!:^f5■cpn^'>^-.:a.t..1J)P '■: ■;*5'vP\-yi*-; it..''perhaii'.«'.; gavcv' tli.e a.lullr': ; :■ ,ir!.».(ic'- i ts\'-iir.s t-. loo.k ;at tli is ■ n-fd.n.vhVfl! (h. ■ I'pvcrsp'iV .\";.,«l,Tge . wh-(.*-..h;,U-e.;-rIiv-7. '\-;,' .^ViM'l -the;ira<.'l{;sf^^^ ■; o'ectioiV'rboiri'p.roiiii'h.cin.t.''. .SvyiliiO) 'ip-: ^t\Veeh • Bcene'.s;- -ih.'ty- yh'av.e • %'O.ri- pii-r'r .: .j')bspiv dcla-K'il-.'tb.■\v()'i-li:- U|y- tliP,.at- , • ..iftosiJlicfc'tlc-slrcil;-. ..•lt,5A)r,.ltvi>to'v«'«l ^. '.' .j|tiisUikeh-^-i(lpa.-' ^l^•dlse's;■ wero.- too ■ ■ -long;.. therr:i)y . Ic.'ivicig, 'U .'Hp .; t-p ^/'particlpanls''.t'b'''t:ril(;at(^dly,.t.:Ofo .0 ':■ .:^frbi'n{;a;>^hh<lii!g.-st^>rt;. '• ' ■'i- ' '- -•- .'VViTlianis,- -.fs-pllUliiS in^ , .spftions - •tJ'ie' same dcfc he; .has ,done -foi^-yiiai-s, -'boriniittcd; thi.ise -who couM' •;': 'hp-fli-' ailil sec Mm. : ■ .Tliix .eOiwii? .<!<'- . ' jierfd-s .as hVu<r1i Upijn.,t1i(;.'c'ye as t-h.C. pijir. ''aiid' 11 is S.Olh' street imLsfiji-.tru-riP-. - >-.''is th.'it .litimfiit^.ViHliin is;.'iYKi;tpjM'l''' b ' '■' • ijviiiutbiy'detalUViii; -ah aivtis.t'a- face punch in .tiie'eptlre.ruhnin^.tiin'e p.f 35:-mihuteSv N'"i- - '•■-■ .'~ ..^ ;;; '- -■ -■;'•'. ■ ;',^S.e,tting-ls;m-erely.-'a' baGk;;.drb'p;.Pf 'bla'ek: :.'\:elour,'^Avith' l.ig.htcr. :is.hade'(l s.tripg; ' . pcrpondi-pulari glve.'thb effect., of. ^colutnh.% . .Only dcbarture.'fr^pitj; tliis set -i lirief baii .jb. -sblp. -blt.. in ."brip'' to-'ailo\V'. bf£ -from.- pl^rvipu? -In-', gel; In to the Ip : c h.i ii's 'iagaip.''''. .-7-" ; '/■'.' ';:• • ' '- ..■ -.■■'.■ .; .Cjom^dy- ArWyes- r.atlier;:-ip;te;; wlveri .•baaiy;:needbd, .with iiand anhbujitHhg- ,bne:;of .thos5.b world toilrs. doing;'"i3t;- JJ'puls- 'Blues."- jS-taiiziia -dealing: \Vith - Alaska,' r!>:'a-hce;and I.h'obkiyii a;.iot. br iauglis. <?inly; b.ther attpnvi)t. .t'b'di^t. ia .when'^'phe. pf /gcpup .oZ'i^, tppping; s.pnvo -.yb'cai: \Vprk.',\\'i;tlv'.'i: tap"| . i-B u ti n e,-." clq w li's.. 'avoim d 'a-.:' lltUe Mi.ssPd :>Wy V niark'; aihicd .'.foV, ; but dancing, of btii'prg- oiib..- .- .Opc.niTiR? a -.straight.-nuinhcr', - that iiliding into iin ;a]nios.t.:iutej[.-.rhInabl.P jipvpTty....prciie.stra : stanza.. whbi'Ol.n iin;us.ual;crCect^ are .sbuglit -by liight-: in'g.'; ' ^Viiil.p!,.:sU.c.oee(li.rig ph. the plev^ ernbss. of thb-;''Thtlng; and^, it'ifj, .ovPr(!lone.; .'i'atbr /bri 'slthbuett'e ..effjjcts,'of; inp.siciaii's. singly ;-;gV?zl.hg thirig.s iip^ %\fit.h;-lVab'y-iapats pxa-ggbr aitlri;^..;ipiagbs- o.ri jscrco.ji to."-l>riiig -about; :modernTs.tic .-.gazzicaj;-.-.effpct, very -good.--.- And,W(5t p.-tddbd'as. with 'bliiPc'iightihg :Spl?iHh.7' - .^--7 .'-A: eanip.l^ro -scciici '£01*.'xi gfee. club t p-y; i)rj i'rgs>-olT -iiiss '•C^rG0.ker, ;wh o ap r jVeairs ;at.- tli<7 r'ear^ ^as .an o.-iu)avs ti.bii STANLEY '';;.''•v^prttsburghi'-J.iUy^ 'W'lEh. -'.brtfy .thi'-po' -:mbr'»y .P.uhiis; shows to;plA;y!-t.'^i.*" sltPi.--Si't!-i;ey..i.s aji-cady. -;prepai-''in.g ■ to.: - pfb<iucp; itri. own-, /prpspntatrqndi'^..'^ elvoT'us< and/e'vpn; ni^ yvlth;; cul're'nt;-;tirtits , to-.'-^jc^' •som.e '■idbis; .^^ilpirse, '-hbAV.^vei^; ;hjisiv''!;:- dnwii;anjr .\vith; .flie ■';<>I li;;e ;.l'.ub.-.:' I'lx. tijilts,: ^Itli (ii'os.siivg .aricl.lj(ij.l.!.ili)-.r them with spot.{ijpold^ ' '.■'^ ' \'.- Thls;-.- Ayp,ek. it:s - --.Tbli-nn'y .-■Pijrk'.i:ii.s,' the *v,o;tUHd, cP,iiivertian, ..wlio 'h^s.Vl)o'pn held b'vbr:';£(U';- 4 .s.e.Pon{l..\vocKi- ; 'J'h;) i-'s uhustJai-4s1n',g>ip;')^pin>j:. .rb'tiintSl;" U\ iC local; i)i:bsbn.--\:' ipn'.. houses but P't -. kfh,s.-j I)st i-tie.s^ .it. by'' tl tc,' man.Jjoin which;.he'.gel;5i-ac;i^os,s.:. H-; -i t!(e .lii'.^t cphvediih '-"ever. - .t.P-.;stick- it . out -a. fbrinigh't; at'- thP Stiinl.ey.'.; .\\'P.vt<5i gaga • wliir. Dick l»ijw(?l.l„ .'the.- :jj.p,; d'Qc.s.'pkoii;t.s, ■has', :IuH;:..bW:iv .".i"g- iri^iH talldiy? ■ si)p>iiVl'i y.' a .dtb-;up eVCi'ything..; Johnny; for.hVerly got il np.^Vsliapor-. jianhliig here .bi;- ca.use; of 'hi>. act^ f>!it.:j'ib'H .rC- fornicd.; pV('a [ .bloai\: rviuy -iIw. bbys"-arc;.; fpt;.hlhi. ii'ow;-i'.'-; . -^ ■ '- -Chorus bpeiving led liy tli.n VvIuV'It ■pr I'svinS,--utvannbiiptbi*. ;f(jllbwc.d -by' ■ ■ ■ " ' -iUviV .iiU\K:. !ahil.;;m'i>b . ,al>; ^;evoryiiiing' ■tlii^^ftffvi'hoi.uj. v\- -; - '■-7- ; '7 7. - -. ■\vri'pp.l(,'r.-.'J,'NVj.rr:V.- 2tO eaky t;.) -Ibbk - iViio.n,; ..d nti''it. bri.Vn.gliC. -.tlii^ chbriw bjv In --.a'. 'sNVPlt' ■nnv('lty. tliat 'got, .a^lia-nd^; Il.iis; li'np gii-ls;- .a:^'7c-b:.!-);;i;'halE' :of -tlieihf front jp.g.s.-- riinl/' lialf ■ •tvin(i:- leg.-i..;-and-.;al-.• t Imii4;li.. th.o.sp :fiyiiiig. pigPona' .infty lia.vp-:;bc;tMi£.:o:ii6.: o| place, .still and - a;ii 7ho.bp'(lv''- '' sePnY(>(l; . .t . mi nd;. l-j.M-kins; fijiliVwpd Avfth' Jiis';'o.\ ciMlly;;.l.i;iving...b,e.e'n pn: three or - four tiiit'i>:.s p't.p-vipusly.-- with-lini'' on .again for.trnaliv 7;.;--. ;■ ■■■{■■ 77'- 7...--- 7;--7 :• ■ :.-- ;l!i;rii-io .---A'r'fhstrb'nK;,s- - nb'vel .'.i('le!x;^-lntr.pdUV('-irig -..wit.h 7sl^ ...r-uirj). -.Htui-.s ' aiid;- .tlK'.ir ?;.sigiiat,i;r( ■^.^i'l.i;;^^.-.'>,;tih to '.;e.\pPCt ■■(::-iph. - of- •th-i'>m .-'^oiv , the .:air.' ■ 'J;)(ive 1 ;i;'.>i,i.ily • 1i;i<l:'-.oivly :;i - -slibi't .bv'prturc .-l>:'o;iu<ii-';.- to:" -t-lib;: n(uys;i-bcl. -■lilvw.n-t'ni; .'.■i\:0'rp'- pr7 '"V'nUiiiig :;i',,ii,'.!.i.t(;'n;in't,v'! ;(ru'.p -at"- the' TWarnr'i'- isb.on.-. -wilii .i.upturp ' l'i.Jblii> l)efo:vl(:>i:;"-.'''(!]tlvO) 0.i\(^' b£7 the- bandsmen. - p'rolVably ^tlVe. J';oUlib7 5ragi'j.l7 wviib' gcls^--^^ ■ihiul>lps..'fbr-'''a l,iaj.l.'rii4im:n(-ii.u-lii'i'-with ..M!iss'-.:.'Civi)ok'.p'ir'';.''iat<.n^^^'s iiibsrfly -h('V gr^^Cl>i:l.l^np.^'.s^.4 l;l,int-7pbi>nXs.";i-aih'ev''- ■than7'-a,iVy -un<M;irki-d iu daiVtvijag---.w.iiy' '•■ ' A'i • -'JCay-;'a'iini'>'iinvi''d.fiy '-a ^-^'ii.jl iW .'i^oliV ' ci, :;\tla?4siwil'. rfav-. ';th!».l.: «tVir';:k lYnHiV; .itift'tyi ;l^;H'iiir';i;;iy :(fivrii'i.)i<n: ' liii':;}iiiV"i)>!t ■'r';Unjiiv-.K;'Mn./ .TiVck .Ka.iiJlViian''i7'h!'n.i;.u''!;.;'.-.j^ 'ii.iid..i)).7c'i 'hiPi-i.'l.y- Kti'>ii].yi'(|7bOfi)rt' thb;- i:^yrt:ililr ;nt>\'A.n' Vv-;ftvt_).v'dr?wg.i_''-7 ,-7 ■ ■--'.TpiisffVg:- fbr '...^ivsti.Vi^^^ .-iho-'- l-'tjx 'ho\vc.l'iii-S i)i'i'V'i(toil7't■ i< ■ •sin''Vipe.,; '\v.ith7an' ■.lit.O'-nilan.t;- a.t. 'lh'>. (1:(jPr - to.'.'tiikp. ^a'nd ,-<^'ltvtlr; .(^;^>^s;•f•n•- :ll,•^,troiis.' ■- The' fp-S -Is' ;-3vc,.:- •:fo'r7'-l,S; .l)bijr.s,-.--fi'p'ni .>.C,.,.a,; ;tn7nh.ti!. niianiitl'it., :i£;.w(int-i'i.. tivrcfiigh7s'p>'.>>iiil'av..r;ln^^^ hi'''iit.nia'de;. ;:' ■:■ '■■'■r /. -., il\s':A.n.!'oIit.::rj,-',A'.. bw.stotri:-- • - -Fbx-iilovi^>towhs'S^Vw's u.s u.■^uarv.• ;-.^-,>■•■-. -- "/7' V •,:':' ■:-: -i- ^^■.C■li>ir^ .; -■adv.ari.t.n.cic><7;l*bwpn. tliJi^n. -.t;;il<i»s*_::.a:n bi)iVoi;)'hHit'y ^tfi .';plir4- ' '2ab ■;C'-ll1o.W 'C'liri'cnt ;£tt'-\vi}:s -.'?iiln;).rliy)'o.d 'ih'luX'n', Llv'^ -■ -.I'inrigHt,'-'■■ '\\liUiir.. ■ "-S'iliv.iiTb -. t!iV 'SV'i'H hni'," .-^.h'l'lrigjlig- ;i.iv 'X'Jif'.ll'riV.'i y'.--: iV-uii.-i''-iil)<.V 1;i."? Mf' oii .!<P,vri;a 1 '.'ciV:--u-' j^'UinW.. (i.n(,i-.-'fi-i'W"A'^7s.-lhls' hy i'lM'-^.i;I'n'r-^ .•';S|r.iiV<>;"i(:).n',,' :I l.'ii'V'.'^it .'^rD.on,-' .'.vlii^'h ;'KiVtii:.iiHlhi? h^vs;.t>i''-'l'':-f^■^^i.!^;''■■'■■■'^^ ;;ig-;fiii>/;.l*it;s.( ti;mi7-l,'i?ivN;'IJ7'i''': 'I-Ii'li!g no.\v' -jn; .si:m>'. .1 ij ur^ i'I''•.• 'i}-i) • 1 r;: ^il r-<'t '.'1 ii'-'i;' t-^}^ t'f^l rii '.-lil.7., loi'. 11; .->iV'i7'." - :l.Mi'.rty.:' sliDiilil ./v''*'.- it. (iflpi.i'i.i'; 'ihat-S:(il7<;v!i>f4iis:s mnilK';<'o- \ 'iiU- li'vii: hu('!?.-i-:.c)>i'.hiii;? .''!-ir':i;i'Ai'.. ;^-'!i.> :M ;olvosp .sitidjiv^ll i^VJ'''''^'.;-':'.. !- '>; ■ "-:;7;.Tli-i7])r[gh.tons;;\yUh. lhPii''-i-i'''^?>' '-if ' :ii):-iki.n.g-. -p'orlraiis...ifrtnii i-^.K'-^,.. :,by.!-'r' hi'Tly fpr .a liTPVbUy''act; .with-\!i'illi"; >S'o,iai''-pt')jiiihg.'p'ii tb- la.nd '.solid \v1lh tiis .sot'ig 'cycle:' :MolaiV .sl.iH; h;i;.V t|i.(t. sOinPthing 7tl>at -; keeps: h int". -g.iilng : I'j'oiiii: .yp'av-'i r' wh 1) e .(i 11 i'r; rs, - p C iijs day. are dryppfiig Vb-y- the- w:iy-. ■' l.>iz'joppniiig-'alio'w p.;ip!\;(>it.v -d.o'.yh- t<i;iirif.. ;;: ''V ;^; [.:•.. I .: ■'.' Ciyhen. '- '.''7' ■'-77--7- -;i^bs;^'Aiig<;l'i>s.''^ ■. ■,:F:iH.V-iiifH .-' - M.'n'j'p.b's .'; ''s'l-iU:'s '■• of: ;.^':-^^•^r imMj) y'-'' - '.idV.-t.. iS; ■InilU.;,.!;)T'oii.ntf ;"I *i)'i;i h ivtys'- "...'■^I'I'.^i-; - - ()f' 'y^v s'tp.ri |i i y; vy: li I (-'iii'; rjiH'i• iU! y 'V',iti) v i't,(■' .'ioi ■ 1 iK:<). ;r(hiLe-7iiv-thi« i'!\.si; ;i.-n(V.a;s''^^ i 11 plcfiWe.../J.'').m^jl>^>M.v',;iri.s^^^^^ Ciaririe;'! Ia'rriHb.i)'.-:tai)--.ii;UH;-^^^^^^ A!''X ./'. .'kiid. ijlO.vjilyn.-. li.-ill'-. Iroiinl'ci'.w;.- ;l'"r'i:\d;ti(\- J■"(>r;i^^.-.ylldpl)v^■:' •'^^i^^^^ .;((I'l'd';'pp, '■,. fi.'pi I iie I-; tp: / loa i iv- . bf y;(.)utigsj.'(MVs;; w-Pi;''^ 'rriiiipd-. ioyO .- ti.>: iiiiiJil-'j.i,p;.the .unit:. AN'il-)>.- px;<:'c'p.ri(>n (iT..;thi,\ .lattpi- ..i('ai'i);7 flit;, .ovi^r :■ llt'l.•; .i'l^iY.P---sp()l•p7•vhd-ti'-ji .\'j'lli)'t mbnt;' -.;. -.;, TliiMC''.l>i'(.(ii'glit . fri»-))>; :-tlib ;.PAKt_.f(rt> '<-'oi-iniH>,..; .Muril{7 )lrimM.i7.-.moholi,)gKst. .'ind ' .nv.f'>;,- lti'.'..Tt).rti' .VVai-ij., .si'iiUf-'x:;' I ri;.i;;^^•JH^lt:,• clpi;!:d:incM^Y.7 P iTiin,^ .-;;P(:(';vn(ri('..'' .dii'iun't*, ''alid- -;-■.VIil;v7 .Tll>|\v^' :^lif4'(ri% ■VSl.'iuOiiiil.s .'.iriviT^^ ■ui.c'ing .ii'.jid:' ^lay';-! '.b.i\v''s .'.sin'gi-iXg.-. ija;Mpl' ■K' oiH'''vl7 t'.'c;..sli()w,; .; ' ■. ' '-... .Agp .''u.i,n'>-riiv:vin''n,) s; ''if .(.iVpr. 70 fii.r ;L'-iV'ji ui;'-i-.i)>; .^t.l'■l^^r^l:il^l^)'>^ ■a's.surpsrj -a^li.- Iil.'iMs.V', - :.S.iiiti'-^';. pi:i.y-i'i:.>- .'idjni^f; Ui.,.ii- Mil. \v:- Ip's.-h: .11 i'ii.n-. •T'vJ.-.'Ijm IV fo r' ;fii 6; 'i'i'i7(-'. :tiiai!s-tiipji: agt';... ■;; ■; v.''- -7 - ;■ 7-: ■\ All nPb.-i-viii.ini'sr.'iMVt/<)f -^.-lituS' husi--. hcti.s- fit' t.\v().'-'..(U>ci.iOp'.<7|i!>-'^'---'- £h:bwi> 7ti'Mil 'Nl fri.-j ;i l.'jcy- -l);.»'>-*v -llVi"'■.'ihu.<.t • lUt.'d'- f.rn -:(K;li-vxu'-y..-;...^l lu'ti .'ti- .si.i.i'.-rll •.(iKi,i. Lt'';r: >'yh.('it- (l.,ib -.iu-d i,vhi.;i. is ioiilun.u; u;i; 7 i;..;i 1; i/: 1;. .'of ■ ^ j-jI y; hivh''s.; 7. -- ;. 7 ' -7S\vivi.:;i7-..'in.'1:'.7T'iyi;i''^.:'i'^^ ;i^)'lJj''■';.Jv^Viiy'■s .'C^;aiiriir.'i.!i.'?iilVr.'<! 'isVar'f ■ M;ir Ii i.^'I.i -j'ii,' Ui;ri; (aij.s.VrH-'sti.i.k-iO liij'is'^ Ivid.s.. -.u-jSS •jO'>'M.'7i.:.i-:^ fVit|-i'v':#-.-<-.;:iIVlf. (-ilVi''!;', •pliMn:^, iii" .(MJjUi'i.iK.r, . .-.;i''Hlt-;- AVnH.;'--;^ 'by 71'\i.n<:lii>n, VV^fh i7viV'l!!'i'''h (if^lifv'.-l.hVr.iU'.-.'whpn- ri II-i hil'-^vhl i:[j) ivr7-..;1b a,' (■•';i iV^'^^^^^ of - lb'..' i.sijrjjiiig :v/>ili<i.^('.s-(>f•'-(vjrt.ranct's: j\v.']:;<y>iiy.j'.- - - .:'■ .-7'.77.^;',.77' i,l,vttr'lv":i<y>f!:.,;i:n?I l)is; UfiriilViU-'V/M) t! iV'. VI !;-'•>.' ;7!^ '-'-t •■. j t ' f li-r-i 1 i ^ii ■ .a I r',; ji)'i-^i'»'-;;: ';- '-.-V7 :'. :.' ■ '-■■.-' 7;..!\i:i Mvih^':..; Mull Ay" 7 -::/Mi.>l:V'>)7; ;fihji !Kvii:!5t^'ii.^'iv..^'-;t:il<>^ of--vtlVb-.'P!'-'- iHi.-v7(-hif: -.',l-!u,siii,(''.-i.-;i.aSv.iy off ;f!)V,tlip. 'tlVst 'p'vW'n/n'g pp'rforimi'iice ,\Vednes- •d.-iy. 'i I •>at ..s^ ill '.\i.\H-'i-\.' iin;»iHii:i \\-t\H. '.IC .niay'^lje.'-.-. ,-7 '.. 7 ' ■ ^'■■;pyy- 7 ^.Now,-S'bi-k7 Juiy;3i7- ■ 7 -r'. Tliip'rc's 'talph t' tiV; be 'hxjliiv'j py.or-' lit -7- lliiy. c'.ti'iT.Piit. .'VV.:iiM>;ty-'-J l^vv-b'.^-'Nviilblv'.V -; i.-<n".t71i.>-.tPd' : in - tVve: 'iUeH: • ■•'Cioi-dpn,.:;!;;- lt(jb(V-fiitd .King,'-.t■i■^^J!•^^f. p.ial-Q .danccr.s, . Wh(J::'lntPiM>.otat(;' w'li \\ p.liv'rlriel: .and ;' guitar.'.<'bvbi,-'.;a .:niullitiid'c .Ibffistp.'ps In apcptl' -and .style 'an(T'..(>'vc!'; ; diSspii'p'liV>L.;w.ea(lvpii;,,anjl. a^^ Ii-rg.iU'Sfi... by7 cuslbuipr.s: to ajtpMuU.V 77 .bvpr.-'blg.-..' Ai.ilj>'s\!tn'(i.' Kovpr7 adagio.; pair,: tit-. 11.1 (v .prtVdiLPlioti witli'the only;;. apstliplib- gr;tpi?': iji, :tlio:.-..'ih.ow; tiiai'* ;;..;' liiiii.t ^i'it.iiH»ly :a.r(vund:.a -i.tarlfihahiT .,: acal- -'(l'cv(vli)ii.niPiitj. '-.the ;\!"l)ur)n>'.'. . pr nibbc'Tiiu-'- daiip.p.'.'. In 'addiUoii . JacK;.; -: i{pi('V.;7toh()i:;' .. aii'l.--' i.iidy V>!itsbn, ,a \v'i.ggh\'i-; '. TluVt': sliOvV ■ 1>* .;'.<iiani,l!'u'd r' ■'ii>.l.;v .;i.n.d; tiiiitl-'fbr 'fpnvhiP iiUi>ri>Kt'.'-..-;': 77-7- -'' 7 '7- -~-'- " '■ -. '.■Tli'p''x''V(yin.(>.n-' 'i lii;ii^.-ki(-'l>-: bu.t .of ' ,;:■ ■jpi-r\r :(7oV>=s; -\y:j.<^lfng;-an(l. tlie.'femi- ■•-; .lunc'- :.ti tLi>i's. -bi)iil(i .'hiv' au'rtlbiy liPfir.d 'as;;.-'tivi's : ;.slf.ii.h,t; -staturoil;', banjo.i.^t.;; wit.Udi-.PVV" Ills ln.stiH.u"n>Mit. .■>;n'(i -'slo . . -inftt;i(inp:d7i hi(-iiv('li;-.vvliK.a-yarlpty.-of.: ■ Iv'ip ' Iniini):^:.. \yMl.i '-'all,.. there's: the..; , C'apttiil -p(tlbr; Vvltich. iHina. tp:a. -; g.Tui'b-'- Ini.t- Pvji|(.MUIy'.alvvil.vs;: ' ■tijp.7l«re;'.liP<V that way;' W)iioh o£-. 7/ fp'rs flip-ciuprv' iW tii;t:..-w,llM.t.A)r -.niay*. vt)p.'*7'-..-- --.--77.' ■■■ ,.'.;- ■-■ -■/ '- ■.''.' • ■:'■•' ■ ;;, The'show'-;;?: i'ight; (iii; Hiiiii'iiv btit y - this (mdViy- Iliad.'! up. Ii.y.'thx> .fpaturo,;:.. '.■J.,'i)liti.>s''..' (.M.,(! V/i.:-'.-])res.s.lxn'-..MOi'ati.-.' r.y:i'(i.ii,s;il. 8cltings':::a.ltPm'p(ed7 aV.o.^ 7, ;ii.i().sl].S; . (?iu-l.arn'-!vtuiT,-> .ltP br;.l*?"77~ t-Piisiii;('(f tiy; iigli.ti.rijg;th'at; niiikp;? thp-. '. piili.>i-j|iij'h("'i'ivry biiii'Tiiill .ri-l.nv>si'>.l>-9V'^j Ifs l;l:ri'liMii .tlj'lo- \v■h(^lh:^ir :i,ille'ivacd:. ; ii.r:'h'o. '■: j laivVanirs-arb itll -pIoUv 'ey^'tt, , iiirt-o: •tiie -wood|aiVil7.sPPhe ' £ou.7lho. iiu.ltlP; vv^h<M''''''lhP •(.'irp.~!liM-:T-I.ah;7gl'^'.s; f-li:'Hp'.' 1M ■ (.1 ;nP', SIr'ji.nAc-<.!.<>'Vv'" '-'^^'. i' '■■ Ihiiii's '-in 7n'7 d.-in<^iV-'i'i<iiivb''i'.7'^t^^^ li.a.i-lt to ng.'.ii-e..fAV any- -.t.v|M> pn.ter-'..^. tO ihihpiit..;-- '■••' -.'■■■;'.-. -"^'-'v.^: ^'7> • •.' -'- 1-ili oi-- ih'fit-.\v-t«)(ll.i m 1 HPOiip' ■ cb.mpS' ■; ^1 ITps- -7i:i(ul - IxovUj-. :il')ijvii-. .groPCFul 7. ..Ti'lM u'h). vVii h'Ul\e,-inhl.p .ir.i.:Ar .^,rii;i.t iiiaivpH: it ,('|;a hodgp ipf.'dee'v:/ b.i:- (?()si 111)1-0.=! atVr(^ n'iiil ;i!Pltiiig for^a : f.l(.>spr; J1ah7«:li'-lM ;ii-p ;wp:)lc ihrP!'-^ ■"■ • '- -iniK; (?X.p'(''L)t it), the ■h)00(.^!)7 tiunll^PFf-7 ;vvlipi'p-'tii.p:y'.'p of II.iusp- "l.lailo-^; lfij;iii'';.^hbv(,M))i^))is.. ih -sPiiy ('osliMnPs: ;; >iyi»W'i.nfj ' piii-j Iv ' isti^lpppli ll'f'<'*??;. 'f^^;;' .-lapk i.iprd ipnw.s tl.)p.;m'oopI« •!'''V':' 7- • ..'i^tio'i) hiM-p Is: o;v .v'l'ta.ry.-i^.T''^^' ■fl:iii).''|.)igi<. li'-itti'-xjni^in^'.^.' .•i.nd;-..-^l?i"'Jl^' :..ATn«i)hr'-r!i(>)iiJ" ^iaVt)u)>' F<iy ;db!ii)^j.A diii'l .'.tn» '■•Il .i-iij -Hi ■ iiirpV'i'- ..iil;flT'.''"'"'. ' pir-J):^^ii^V'4^l-:|lillv;7•iu^7-V- 'i!!''■^ "^'l--.' TK'H-I/is' - j-iV;' 'iifl-li;MjiM'l':p' - li'tiVLi-r^l.V^^^^^^ fi-i'i-fM-niivi-i!;-;()i^rCv.; wi)!;|t i^^^ffoi'lJ^M^'?;7 \t'l--(u'p-.i;^V'j'l7 ':u»d ■'SVi^vi J*V^?-.^i^'.'"':- ' tlif'^\vj■.:<!"..1 i^^'^^l i"> 'I'ri ■-la "-- lii. iij.ilii-'at''.- '7l-.;il'f' w.lvt'l^.': ;i);p .l o p .).i o'l ( 1.1) fli'V, liiV!';/ ;i'i-!;''i-'lJ!i-.' 'Xi-\ i'lvl/ .4''iH"li.-t^.tj))iiiii.''r:j7.>y'h:o'..;.UV '\'U:.\t ;iiiiiijl)i'tv7"^i;ii^ii7)))-:''y^ . 1iol»'iTt M- :t-:jl»''nl -in/t lio Hri';^ ..s.f-li'l.s V)s'.: ;t -^g'riiiip-'JiI.'il.i;!,'-'; j')l-.')V" ■i:r,^)^^•j^iiil1^'-.^^l;1^l^ir.■^^ioli(lil^•;^7^^'^ ' tj .nv-..I'lVl ll - 1) 1 .-.I's'l l'..<^ AV.i (' llj t,-i'- .("■ivpl-, -Jh: -tJ)^> -iiioiM-^il'. .>iuj).i-'ip-j-,, . . . -th'pi^- tA-fcv wi- ri;;In-ii:'>i:t .«ff!;''!'•' ^ : > ■T.)..-r(iu.nd\)iut7tlJi^.py'>o''>h-'.0'^v^ -i>;vtiWh; .xr.;:!^)^^'^^^^!.! l!-ly • w^'.U' &: .'iVtid :m ; dilps liis: rcii^jfiI'li: g"J I'i". «'V'f;\v;'i;'V-a. smip>;V:^j-<.?'».' W.W/i .J^'" (CCpiitiiviiy;d: oh •;l'^'^: ''.''*•*;_: ;•: