Variety (Aug 1931)

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34 VAJtfETY Tuesday, Aiigii:^l^25, 1931 ;• FlELDSrSlVflTH aind KlEtlJS ; ..■'.Khockabo.ut ■ .' ^/iyiih,s.;\Pne-.'.; v^-^' ■ ' MoVcly . :ilft la^:.. hixalt>i i;Vl-. is^ • one •r .tlxtns. wind- "C^inn ■' ft.vss>H 'U rtriothor. Tlij^sQ IVoyjj': do' liath/ ; :vi6imwline .. ,thoy liUxy no.; favorito's/r .A t. Ji?;tKt. ui. ,., 'c!ji>ljpl%.- : Thoy'vo• cojipo^.,itvtf ,l»>s.t ■„'froiii; o.%C:l■^vaMrn;,. anii.^/cS>'er>;^ .■^li't^y^'"?:- C.op.pi'd. £ ifctVi 'aH cqiial ■.;,-;l)V9a1j;.\;; ■■■y'\li y- /.a' •; .At. ;tiio.'Oaintol/ . 'n> ;.. ^\v!u''rv.^ Oils' -trio .>v.6rf^^ of; ■ ■■•a twtvortn; In/thc .inuiaii" pf-ii>t>, s,l'a:'g'i\ sh6.\v, (tlibi'.d Avcrc^no a . At ^Iti-Wt .-.f^^^^ ' ti'icy nVlRht V.l)a)C.i.>' . awa.v ■^\'ith -^hoi .of^ U ciiiai"tt>t' >5 on .VaotVtum;,, A'h they, 'wpiV' .' ■.tiVc.'- Jja.siy to with . oho '.jViaii > .. .dilcVoi^'r'wiVilc at t).ift\.. ftiiwh ,• th'o ' ciuipli7f'lia)V;?c''i1 into tl)ft:,Tiit//ir Brofii.. ;tliQ^ oi)ly d.itTct'^jiicc .tieiiie:' the. sailoi- smits.V'.. ■-:: v'v -\.V:"': -;{ •>'"■■ J-' (I., ;-It • isiiM ;- ov^o.iT n.c.w ;: c/iiiribin.ation. ,..~ "can • ilo >su-, inany ■ :0;theV' .i)ed))lo'>i, .■ ■ acts■ soiAVtMI... ■ It's .topurii'■ chii'iiKli '■ 't6 ' lift 'rtriC'.guy',s-'.'«'fir.(i; ant,l^'iEt<;t. .'|-iy; ;, •.''.. i<M 1^1(1 .s • S m it h. ;aiijV el^il ut okay. .\. t lu\ ■ CVi Ixi t<>'l: ,fiui 1 tonce, ■ 'i'h oy,'• i;f <'hii)ii"'6fC. ploill.v bt'..'oiil' b!,bcJ{s:. •■ y' ■■■■■■ "'' '.•. :.■' ■^^f<?<^-'c'' '' :B|LLVV ROLLS a^^ .'■'.'Daric^ng' /• '■■y-/y~-'-' ■ . 9-.Mihs;; Fiull;:(Sjrt<?lal)- }.:■: . ■ Anhounctid" as' frdm'. abVo.iiV, pitbba-; V. bljv England, ; a^^^ ^ smbotlinoss ';fbiv. poi^^ bbojcinfi: ■ ;'on' thi4- ;Si:db. ' Teanv ii'Ain'esses ''as / -iacrobats' whb: .hdvei. att(?ni;i>tci^! ■vi'it'h . X sb.ino ^desrvo.p .bf success to ,sle:p: pat ': ,dt ; tlia t; rati nbr. in to. ] the . .dancing \ 'class. Vyith 'cpnsidcfablt'- of ib'e -acl^b '.. thing; -Svoave'd into- .the' Tcr.uLitre; ' :"N\'itb,bnt tb.a't: .th'e. dancing .featiu'es'. of...tiie act \y.o.u.ld ,b>> too .near nil; ; ;'Operift jn..;jieat s?:t. cdlling .ifbr j-adib • -aniong 0t|iorv-p .witlT: a. double ,:.-lhgit. giyes''the:firSt;hlht.'. .The daric- ; :''ifni? sbiff.ei:s.' m from Aa livc.k of : polish .pf ..jTicryobsness/bbt the rtOron biti'd \ alvs'^ay's-fijids .th^ team-it •■,,l»bntiev ', '■ '■■ •: v'X " . '■■'r. , '■ -i • . Girl does-: a ,snaUe>.hipW ; a silr ,-hbuettcd shadbW eft'ecjt aiul the.niah, ■ .:usually mb'i'e^' Sta^Qy. than' his part-' . .nieir; fpllbws :-\ -a- ftpeciaily th'at. Is' ■aboyt ;8{t%- iUinibliiig^ hatidsprings, . ■ '.fcart\vheels,/etd/-.. Hp\s.. v6i;.y-.a^^ V ., Pbr an .?^icbre, Rblis .dbes a: .chair . .tiuck. -. A. little >-staUintr :-f>uil.ds- .-tlii.*; ■ -.uhrttliprv\-ise mild. . dixeiled-s ■ . act;show ^hoVe^:;-.;.;;' /.0^a7^■ '.. '-■ ' KjAT'Rlir*AiR:b/aiKd'''(^^ ■•- ''Cptiiedy.;.'; .. ;.: ■' ■iJv.'.'r , ■:■'•■.■■■; .13' Mil)S!^j.;Qne 'i'nd' Twb--'.(Special) ■ ;■; ■.";H;ip'pb.dro'rhe ■.:' : yr ^-:': _ '.. • ': ' .;:Act .' pan '' sitand.-.sbri'ie' . rewn-iting: .Gbbd ' lilon, biu - tliei..'pa,tler. -dot^jsn't . .' l.i.vtf ' tuv;' . Stanas':,rio\y .a'j?., just • ;' c'orhedy- .t.brh,'. but ;pbsS(.\ss>.'s; 'jjotentiallties' thtvt; could easily: eU^t ... .v'ate it-t.b a. a;ct:>.■';.;:• '^ .;Ka;t-Kchard. is suivi)os'(.»a'- be. a. -: ti'aUsGbn;tin'en.ldl, runn'^v-...'.. .Mofrt; ■p.C ., .the. act iiii'i''-t'n-)?es I 'liiliV'^ "'ohpv V ..'•T.wicc. (Ui>-'in.'^' the act., thr '(''urtriii-ii . .TiiiSed to show ];^cna)•'l1. ruunln'g - a ti'eadnvi!!-. •^nle.rl:rig.^CMViyag^■),.'.a:Utl, V fi.nally-. arriy lnsr-. on . the .cbasf./ ' ; ■ ■; ■ - 'T\y6 • girls, '■arb.-'.'^ in !t]'i_p. • suppbrt-. . One 'is; 'jubstly afn'-ipsplibVe';. ,.Oll^ 'cutc> blob'tte,: d.o'ci!. ,a.-"sbn"g at, the'; fiii-- .... Isl'i, and .cbpjcd.i6s'a bit;.wlth. nciiaril/ ■ A'notlrer tiiab'. .fetrdights'- a ihttil'- ■ Jlblat'o.s ^ij,■, song^-■ displaying . loud baritaiye:;.:'/'' ■- - ,y-.'-.: „■ 'iS: blcp dpesa't make . tlve-'<:on'\ojdy.--Jb'w-; enouffli,' be^'. -sides v\\'.iiich tlie \- lino^] .' drt'ii't. ,. jielp n\.uch; tlio act poss^es.sing-.ivot ;6iio . ,rearj5i)Cl?;gagiy'^ ■. I;':-.'-X ^'.".- ; . . MANGEAN'S .INTERNAT'LS (6V' p..', ;Teeter-Boards '■ ';. '-'■'• ■ '.■■'^■ 8;.MinS.;' FM!).'(Special) •: -: ■■ ' .;. Palace-(St. V.) ■;.'"'■'- :■■ ■ ■ / ■ ,Th'c .napie'bCiKanteenin dales-back. , vpvcr . 20.. years., in'vaufieviTle ' aoi'o- . V.;batic,s'.ahd Ji'ow is oinie of ;the "oldest . ^stnUin bse.^;.'Tivat-;the-tur^^ beybud^ the,..change, in .inenibeiy. Ihis pro- gressed witlr the tihies is.the Veaaorv ; ..: £br llieF .imnlpls lo.iifj.lifeV ' Thifi.'act -is .fhe- ioinial. of. any .^h.iiara-.lyouhdih'g' . tur.'ri- in. the ind.oor ■.slio\V. fiold; ' ■. \ }\'.. .Fptn\ nioiVd»iil.t\\u). \\HMivei' ^thc -trpupe'. -'tho. ••Jti'tef naU'in;vls'': in . the bilI it.ig- 'Kpparentiy.- .bbn>Ps.,fro.iii' ;. ...the ;Tnvipus national Gasluni'ej< \voi-n ■ by,thti.sos^tet: ■;. X:;;-;'., \ ,", .'Roiilinp . is :a.-.'XspVe(J>' --' Wpries .-'b^^^^ . teeter-bo.D^ir- thrp\vs- .,t(> ' fjii'V.iiiil.c'rs- ■ anil ).lb\^o^ty/.cat^i^l^b>iv,cI^aii'i';d.r'e^^^ v V/p '. ljl<o Jr()lTl;y. .^horses.. V. Spivvl \; ik .,; 1)t\okeli. 'just''001'le,r'tlie fn/isii.j'f<>i- ■.;\n. . ,<.i?iTio:i!nc'emetVt ;t>t. tllo.^'closing.'- i rii k. ■ .I't ..invb'lvc.s -.a. ;ia;nd<?i)i Vtwist;... a' inijjefl .c(j'up'le. ,1."'■' /.; ' '.' ': .'/-. One ,'m;uv.: does Vail . 'ihe ;;vn.d^pr-" . stMd/iVg ..7n(L. ybi'iw li|te '.'t;- ''J.'rbja.n-.? • 'S.i.Je'ciai'; di'oj); "giY.e.'j tlVc. act'.' di.sti'n.(;t' :;. .«dgo'-by<;r .t.l,».e' u'verase.-.' ' ; '■. ■/>./.'/*;,.■.■ v'-vFi VE -■ktGrNsv';-^i'';;';--V',..'^ . .''J";■'... ''.■ '- . .-,'.;■ ■/S-'M'ibs*.; ;FuI.I -..-^-^in'... :-'-y--. .'■Hippd.rofTi'e- ■■.■-..'-■ .'■••'.',-, ;.• '.■'••,' ''.-' ; . .:Cro;od !fbv ' eithe.iv. cn.l .'b.l';;. tht.v. bill.', •riire'e; boy's ■and. tvyb .girls' .dbihg li;i.t ■ .-.and' J.t)(l|;tn;'ciirli j'ng.glin^^^^ ' ,';.' ,.. ;;Ilit-'.\viirk .Oi)CitS. using tlii"' ixjrun.i."-. '•: .rarig'-v.c-h.vipeaux...;.: .S'lVpl.e .st.V'fi?-.-^vi^,^^■ ' th.b ■.iH^.lI.-i.n'-chi'bSi-. TiO.oki; .iiioe -Xvhbii 'the ';\ylibi('> -U;Vo..,4irii\dii.-< the. iSlub.-!;.:Ut- jtiia;ifajne''.UhVei,- ''V.. v''.:'.-- /' GORbOiN, RiEED >r»d kl>f& ..p.anc'ing •■'.'■'■."■.:'■•'..' "■.■'.'.■'-'■ '.■■'■' .■■-.■ ■,1.0'. ^Minisv;' •Twor '-'.'"-;. "^.^ " ■ ' 86th Sire'et. ' '•. . • \ ' :- ' ; '.l\ib'''min.utos;';pX.-;t.b kihil' of f.stepjrihg;.. iav:^ ^u^^v,'thriVe- .sb.uVe.'. :api) -uvidi'' ;up '-'i:iC V-th'^! ffu-niei;. teii (n^ ;.i)'£^'<jor(lb,iV.\ .and.,,King-, \vi'fl.i .,• .Itei>(iv.. -also -^a . ;est;xiil.i^hetl dan('!e;r.V,ad(ied. to- thp ■brni: :;-''v ./ • .■::l)bys-', wei'o.jyo,'. i;.' iier.c..;ai'id a,..verr Italjle :U-hhUvvinil' of ■appiiiu.sp^; •Si.b'c^bd c.bai'Ap.tori/.ps. tbe;':(iancing,- with, a! 1; three iiieniber-M .cQn;stantiy.-'. engtigedl jjns'tead pt ;thp t'bt.'.itipiv. idca.. '- -lOS- iii6rt:.' cbni 6<\ jV.'pan tbni'ini i sIs:--1 bp, /.al t- •tlTOugh.. tlioy'..Si:tiCk to.. tlii* stop.p'ijig iiVid.' ni.-TLli'o the cohicdy strictly 'ibcii <i«n.ta-h'.,' .■■^'■•;^::v■.x■' r.;-,..("!i-eat's-ai-l.ety'-b£ sni.b.bth. piiepis-ipn" wtitin.e.s'jiUradiiced/!^^^ biily.-.shbro '.bit.s ..b£ parii \v-iiIuij,.iiiaivOs- ;i;\)r .: fast .l'i7uinig. .'\yprl^ befpre^ ypIS'tyt di-pp. iri^t^^V)..^ .aiVii '£()r. a .iVivlsl.i ^io\v. - aV capital iiipa' : :ih''--.arm^'iirill'.tho liPxypi.fbs^^^ .ixltMiding it 'w-i'tivTa ..ivbi.riwJi.ul.';a,crob.^^ rpu-i^ tine... .Last wbVd in :ap].)laus.e' c6a.w'i\- 'Aiid\vay" '6C -thb! tui'ii t>^'b Pf-.vtlie- ijbS's. gb to-'.crariiVct. and - guitar 'w jtli.' the'. lhir.d.'■d^fi'Iif .uibus,ing:..''S abd • ''i.)(Usy'!' cpnieil.N'i 'di-spiayihg' a", 'fu-st i:ale brand' "of; ..q^^ pantpi'aime. '■\ .a. sppt. fo'r. a nV -biU; ■'■■■■■rv - -?s">''»'V RCOBINSdN ;andi O^V^ltt P.ance'-Flash-.:.;■•'...."-:■',-'' '■'"•'. -:'.'.,'.■; 12 Mins;; Fu|f (Special);, A.cad'eniy,.'.:''- Z-^^''' ' ■ irigbt and'..\cpJ,orful '..bit' 'bi^ 'eiiti?v^ ttiiijnient.'c-avaljlc-.'b.C open in'g>;mPSt .• ■yabde'. ;'islvrf'\vSi..'-^^^ 1 lobins-pn ^ and ibe'VVitt are a ;nvab abd woman teahi, '-surrbuuded bj' : a, pibt-si^eij priniit dpttba aiid two.; bPys, bne; of. .whom .plays; piano; . Xlie bt.l\«ir plays a. viol i n a nd dan cjj's;'. A c 11 ?} mb li iit W ed nicely 'and i Carries plenty.'of- sfpe;pd^ i\ '. '■■.V ';",V.-;-': '..'•y'' -'.'■ : iy'V; •, T<?ani ard eo'rldnp ..dQ'rtpjeivg';.:,;,:^^ e:rr: In. nat biIIirig." the .cbni pji nj:,' The littW. .'pt'ibiado.nna; ,:bas tlio -biggest vpi.C,fe.;heard around^orrie. tlrri* Hor, high''e .pips, -.and: trub'- :Boy- viplihjst does ,.a- fast; Aerb-that sta.nds.iip.- T.iabist i.s.:veiH-.;'gobd.'and slupvi-eft' enough: to':sbi,o:'.but: didn't. . Okay, from ^end to :end;- . '../ .£?ar^ Frank' t)Ot!l 1A and Stella McN.EAL Gomedy/ S'ih'^i'ng,-'D.a'ncinig':. /. 12.-'Mibs;;'Ofie. 'V\.. ■■;■';.'■'•;■. ■- aeth'st; ';■■ ::', ;-^--..'";. '.v'.';.,:-.--:'.' :.':^. ■ '. A .f.air act., ribw. sbnib .'idiied tria-! tei-ial forjTiprC: ptnVoii wiji;'put'it in .line aS-'agbbd, iili-arouh(1^^ iS'b. 2 turn for best houses:. .l?rarik.. Donia. .do- in.g, Itaiiari . dbbiedy ;apd -sbinc- d'.' fo.rni'erly.'..M'df>' liai£ p£ .thc'.actJj pf-. J.Ionia a)id JVlack, and' Doiiia and Clarlc.- in: Sfblia - -MpXeal hb has. a paitner ;vvho shortld.;,bq 'bvci.'j: bit: as, good:' as-' tlibsb:'ih.'.tl(fi i)ast;- {i- hbii bett,ei-i ' •• ■■..^:'.v- '.;; -■ v'. .v ": ' •: - '..,-.Tiirb '.pp.enis ■witli. ..sonfib ."punchy tali'c: arp.i'Ujd -a fgo'yern'nient jbb girl, ds gpiu.g to get Dph'ia,. . iMiss.-McNe'ai. '\\:i til ■ ii .,gopd.. .^ipprnitio,- f (iljbw's.. in - a.' ba'l.Uld..;l.)i)iyia tor)i)ing::Witb h. pop .lb 'pvi'inif.: his:- :p.arlner ;:tb . niivke-" -.a': ■phuiv.gc; -'. 'AdditiiMvcaf-.l'tlk ciisueij. but iu's niusLiy .weak, ^ni<l'i.ihuf .kissing-: ni.ukp ■ .bit • anylliing but liits;, the - liiarlc ., .■■ . ■ .. '■: . :.'.■■ . '^ ■■\ .:SPng' dbiibie: with'.br.ieC;danVo k^si-: e.ial ty. i/y■ Dbji'iiv fcu-, il.i'(> • tfvk'ooff; - '■ ' -JjecPiid . ,'oft '. ;fpiir-'act '.ssi.inu- ' ami dbw'n Vwtukiy;.;-.: .■ : : '.'('/»Wv^''' 'DARO aniJ COSTA (5) ;'.-'; Panc:iTi.g.''-Flash. ;■; ; ' ;:"';-'^.■.■■■.^ 13 . Mink'.;; ;FgM; ;(SpeciaO ' .' - . • Jefferson '.■^■,'^-',. ■■■ i'lii.s- pno> i-atps. :b"tvi';ec>.ii: ;c,i>. a.nd.' .7.3,%; br 'sUghlJy' abov e tlib av-prage for .fl.'isries. ■■ Act is. heightebed In vfi)ue hnd: appeal to .'ibnVP/extent ,by .:.special... musii-al ■ ■'arrangement,.', bf.-' '.tull...' stagb. s.ct .'aiid !a; gbod lighting'plot...,' i;.■':':;.:'-:■■.;,..'■':,'' ■ / - . ,JJiro . 'atid -.C'P.-ita Tigii.rc > in' ti!rbb jroutl^vbs;, ■.Avitli' ;a..?'si'.sCc'r • tdUin .awi: !siiigl.e. si)e,cia'lty ;dahobr saiulwiphing;' 5)it5.;tea u\, ,,iPP-king:-llije- tvyins and ah ej'vi^ul.i . briC'pr. tvvbi nuiribers, ef- fortti.v('Iy; r.rojiitiiyed'; .-a'bd ' e.xebuted/ . Xh i'rd ■ g-ii-r 'is. alsp .. pn' t-wiije, 'p'n c'e.- i n a'',..tlte.' pl-licr for-'a,- biu'k. iip.iiv■ top the.'.p;i:.dIn'a(-y .a- littlpV' iiarb atid .'C-'pstals. first nuniljpr.'is' a lia,Ur.. rponi .walt*4. .second a 'taivgb .-aiid foi:- tlio: blpwoff.'.aV-.fbmbinalion adagib.-: ;ai)>..^;.' --.v'■•.;.■: .: :' ■' '.-: :•. '^•: A .-rii hbb;ie.res|)ect<liie, nVan.>^te.s■ n e'^flM'lat.. tlir^. -^hest-' statie ••pre'se^^^^ ..!:'P;,(r\.h tbi Ibis-^'hbvv'.auU ;over.friirl'y wpil;- ..';; •:':;';-;.'^VV^' 'v-C!//"'^7;-- -■ FOSTER ;and V AN/ epbued.y,, banc'^s. -.'.■.■■■;■'.';•■■ ■ '•'"■ . ;\-:'.- -. '17^ M:i■ns^;"'One;;,^^■ ; ■.::';■,..,■ ■■ .-^ i'lf -, V\;-- .H>pp.oJiboiT>fr:; ■'■■"■'■':■'') .'- ■ •: '■':■■ /■'. ■:■ ;.)'li'.nsiin"g'.;cbn-il'nViM 'bli'd :' iitiixf'i's, yifWtvy- lixe.:.jeg..'Work Slandibg ;'oli t, ■■' -\';\ii'.. ■ '.rib', 'bhiivgaf nii cplorccl yoji'jilr,;.; 'places, 'the : tn'rii. .,t'o. ,al.ioS-'e p'a.r ..\vith '• sbibb bbi-lcibg.j'io ii'-X .irig, 'S^^i(.'■bnd.-h.i'lC.:i,s d'b\;>'-bininl^v: (b ~V;i:n''s.'sdaiVces','.'.•\ .'sbini^' short int.ei;Uii:ies of.-/pattpr'AvitJi hl?i partV: fipr; -..Tlko 'rolbred;-....',"' .- .■' \- :' ]'>pii''vijry too.' fast i'/roscirt:.- .i'''i)'s'- tfM\ 'shbnts .and Xtxri \ui'rhi'A Uiir \-.bic'cv-- ji'nvV.. ffb.' nin'.ny; -bf' A'iiU'.s jL-ag Iln'f>',<< sfip .' Ijj'-'.iriviibtliViI; ' ... . ! I'Vslbi''^.' ll'iboi'.s ;a: bit, luit bi-iiniy.' cL'bs.s!irhs 'Wi()\- . . >-i)r111i>,r...wings' One;i.Si)ng..;v':';: .:;■.■ •• : ••,'-v ';■ ■, ' '■ .-. •■/(i.obd ■ aci ' and';' lllibd • li'et:«..-.'. M ar vi n a nd .-Waftfer CASE.' > . Wire,: ■■:':i.:':-...-'-. -./v:;-.,'/■ ;.;■■.■'•./".":■; 8 Minsv^ Full (Special) / ~ -: '" ,8etK .-S^; .. :v V'-'-v :; .•V.^ .:;',^y V ' :Gpp.d. wirp a"t;t; pC':t.wb: ineb wlip' .carry a, ■gii-l; Mai-;ie,' :as.' an assijstaiit.; .-N'oat . lip execuli'on', . 'di'^^Cbril'y.' .of Alilli.i'Ult vrii'i^'s 'ab'd . the ori{{inaiJiy tbat gc'ics.Uiito ; the -pi'C.erlbg •'sots' .(inite"bpjijrt: f.rbjii'ol-hbrs;.. bC it's brand.' ■HlKmkl- dti' weil' 'everywhere.- Thb .t.Ut.'ib" ;,s: perforbi: w itii: arid .w)I)iuut'.'iunbiielias, ipoiudib jskillUlly.. done • Kbbior.saults.' . standin'g.i.'.^bp.i.Vu>lvtb. ..soJi.ier.^ablt bacinVai'd ■ wiIlibiit tIve.aiid 'pt'a ftubv-' :bbrsh()bt.- ;. .y . - ■' -. Jrpr -iin pr.o.veiu.en fc'a« .a. S'aiiik^ -aH t .iset.'s6iive bf -'tho"' t'ririi:sV u'li i-hi^ :pnrtanco. i'tncl vbciaririg'' isiniliarity ' tp .cut.; As-.'now. sibnds Ing, ih.rt'c'.s:. too .m"uch -act, iJy: all. nipan.s' tli.o li'brdle .bvpr.' rbuf pUairs .,s'lv(j(iii-diire.vpr erps'e. the fbaturp iipiu-' ersiiuit beJobging-^ -th'eroA'; T.iiat -iiu'r^. dUug fe:it'<'oui( 'b.ut .altogether. ■ - .;;OpiMied':bere.''..;';.■• ■ '..Cfiar.,.; -. 4.'FAS]HlQN">tAtES '.':■.'■■:;;: Hpke !nstrurnentaij S.ongs ' .15 Miris.; Two -(Special).; '.:.^ . .. '■ • :ACaderiiy;-/' .,:Zi '/■■ \ f.;"-' '• i;e£ ^.-ifdrop of a coublrj' slpre tlVis''.(tiulr'tbt dbps -; alleged :: cobied'y . wiiii .biipfveb; instrunibntsi It's' A. lie a r .h:tli-.billy,^cbnijjp, -with tiio. hi)kc ;i)b: a .T'it. top. Chick to^ .-keep it in. th;it- clh.s.s. .'''C)^ily;t\vrb;.so.iig3- and.'nPt in, the. hill'.billy .manner.-.;: : ': ' -.:.>t(i.ether-pr: n-pt:tlie -boys.cah-.plaV' tbbr instruTnebts .tiiey- bse^^ bp- Ibid, ;as: tbb; pit i.s gbing. douiile forte' .aU :,tlve.--tlU'te; ■ Maybe- aiw at' the; Academy,.'but the;only . tim6'.th«> pit was; ton>d 'dflwri,,'-for 'a . doublb' -saw- bbn-iber;, it migbt;: bfetter -ivave be^ij. privfvili blast;.-; : :.'' ,• - - ,■■.■ '■■. .. \-'ftati.sfactPi\y '.- a-et -.:fbr^ early-/s'pbt.« in' nabe..lvbi'ise's; pnly;?;- -..: '■ ' lyguf:^ -':'edy'.'-.O'anc'es '-i .: ■'•■.-.■■,■'':-' ^ .■fi3i;.:M'ibs.-';;';Orie-.' ■■ : '.c<- ^/'y- ' : .Hipppdrome' ;;'.:'■"...■ :,•. ■•':'-':- V/';:? ■ ■; :-:: Intent'%b£'Frap-jt Melino scernbd'to pi^ilie'this a;ct li '50^59.cPnVbb p£cbjii- .bjdy a;rid::dancih&, but: the- hoofibg- angle Viins; away" \vith the cbnicdy. Mellnp is'a fair comic bii't'a .better aerbb.a't-ic. danc .r; ,' :, : ;. . £?bnx(5'.- i.\ipid-;fire patter. between .. NIellri.p .aiid his; male assib^^^^ A tap dance;.bei'\Ve6iv'tile boy and .girl loUows, but . dPOsn't- niean^ br ■bold ; anyflxiiig.; • -Melinp, arid : the .pchb.i-. ch;4p.-.-strl\'e for sonio -riiPrc .bpbVedy.: thrbagiv :.answeririg iinflri-; i.shcd <iu5istipns oC the, Pthcr, au idbti as; old;as' tlip HipV"...::. ' '-:"■ ■ '.''■ -Poirit'of the tui-h'is .Melibo'-sracrbi batic liopnng, ;atr whic'ii he is Huite adept and;has.-u,rttisual: rpulinps^ BOB MURPHY (3V ; Songs :and Comedy • .. ;20 ;'iyi;ins:; .pne ^:..'■ v-..'r:-' ■ ;v.:^';,-:'- : Albeei. Brbokiyri;. ■;^.:^:';;':".'::'..-;.-:; :: t'jp.'sli. -from -. tiib . -iwp.sit,' ; i-p:ii J= brings a; biovv act; a.rid A . riew.; juve'. teani;;. .The aisVe; itooge. is-stilV: re- taj.iipd ;for one; gag. Wurph'y. does .spmo/.ijagging; but l(?a.ns-iri' th'is bno: 'inpstly to'njii.slc,. and song.s:, ■ .- ; -IJoy r.ana. girl, . balled - liibk and 'no.rpflly,^a^e"^ibds. i-They sibg'/-pl.'ry instrum'ent.s 'and .lnbbf at a niffrrv ■.p.T.ce. .".whilb Mm-pli Ibbkis' on"' a;. T' I>p.aifis.:"--lV's a .pipJfrlpk-laytnit'uUlf izing; a gravy . angle tliat'i».'. fioi).-'.. lb-oof:.,: . -;■ .:■' •■.--.-• - ■■■■■ ; VMiiriihy:tops the kids at tive senii- clIhiax .Avith ■■ a b'ailiad. " ;h'o 'pets: fatr. ter .bcrfli .year, ^but '■■ X\\6 pipes. ':got- svveeter':; . Is' oit c.-o.lor.' 'in: this iiirb; Tlvwb. arc pianS-; bid Mi-rieps, hut' ^h^rph.v• .nvakps : tbem-likf! lein drul 'th;its y.ilxat 'co"unt<i.,; I',arh . - :tyr ell ,^a ?td.--F-AWG ett: : EcCentri.c Tiimb.lfrtg ' . .10 -Mi.ns.r pne.'A-.^■ J^ffoi»s6n ■■;'.,■.' 'v■. "' . •■Maip, duo, ^In 'c'i'vies'. Ami . pacing through; and' tricly l)ody: ji«rlirig ajid balanbiug,. jituffv lOpo.riin^ bas pnp trpt ,piT for a. supposed .rccita* tipn: ..licls. taeklbd by th,e b.thpr, wivb pi.-ty.ij ri-iutc; -and- :.£rp.m - that; mbriien t lt;.s' a. qae.<!tlon wliicli • dbe^ the tougher facing;'; ....' ;;;; . .. ■ - ■; - SpPtted secbbd- iierp. on .>in :<)'ight-. .act laypu.t ■. ' nn;d. bver..: iind. gbod eriotigliVih. tlibt spbt. foi-. the pelgbl)' roiLvte.-i. Xikply :unit niatcriil.' • '.;■"::■■ " ■ :;~.'..'- fiiian.:.::. y' ■ ;-;(;Coiitiuifcd- filori^ prt^e ■!< '; ^ "' tl.i.eair'es; when' they-,ai;e '.froe . or'.jio Iviu;ii - w(iilsr^TOther\v.iise;-; ':' "'• ;'-": .-. Xhe p;ie;6tr'ips:'.\\viii '''.'ha.'vo'. .'.^ ''wait, bivlll'. thjtky :>iinpli .ui|iw.i:atuK.-,in;.cpyt*'dnd:(j ii-y, but. jbiinipuiailpiV-a^^^ ^ , • ; '.Tl-(iv av('^ pplirb:.;ii<^adiiuiiii(\i>!. il (t haiV its; (jwiV ri'^^iip^^ i iJ nV-^wb b! (V .'V i pi ;i.te At ii;b :i;lie: rtVeraL;/? "Slatt?^:. :;; ■ .' -•; '. • :; . ,.:;:.•■ •'; Ne.vv-.; -■i'()'r.k-'; .VVity,; -n'? .van" ■ osutiijyiVA .pps.< more niiri':■ tlian;all/of .the -e-S'i>liaiigi\'j; .ih'tltc .birivjcpm'bi'ivedi itwis 'ciajnied;■.'..- A .■':' -.' /■':.-' A Tli'ore/:iVp jsb I'ni^ s()\ind ciib't-'g^^wjtjv the,pbi)iy^ iabiV' ;(li('(r' \voi-i;^-; tjiaf '/tlie. .ploctrics-'iiave iina!Iy,;w^bi-ie.I.' bf ■ ab;, ai t^vri-iptV t;/ .augitief)t ■ regii'l:ir bPX.o(Ilop'~ bvi'sii\c'ss fVoiiv ilivat. ariglb. , A,.'; ':-;' - (■3d.:REyi.EW)'\''''--;-A^V ; Scpping.\ -iip,'-a bill, liltb 'this phb;; '!.!< not as .■n\(ic.h of a>t.-..a.£;c'i(U a's v;ii n afng'.-J Cv.'t b ^oonTtTitipiis//ca pacit y t'Pr ■■':s(>\' '..i'wPi>)iK,. . vijevt'Tal- ''eb'ln.- cid;tMice.s.. Aar,a'^ ,at ^incb' to risak'e'--..s'u^i) ;.an'' arponi.'i)li,slin-i'ei)t .-po's- sible.. ..-Just h()W-ofteuvtliat happeriis lllu.slraied-.b.j;- . ibe ;iilMt(''t'ipui; fac(- .ihat; 'tiii.s:-,is .tir'p/'ilir.<<t bpidPV'pr bill .'at:;ifie-yl.'aiaee in': i.S -iy-ears; -' And the: . I'ala'rb -is:; only' J:S y*>ars-Aid. ' '' ■.', "Th'.i.s i'it'n'pt- tii.e hpst 'biU' the FaljiCe,- -liirs.--^pypr.;'' .ho'ii'spd.:;-.' j.t'.V 'nepd. - .-nbt ':a pbloft'ize -fpt: v'any... sb^irtPbri-iinft'.'^r -Jpr -.'it; i'S';'Xrt..:ji:bpd:\aiv;'pri -iis; ca ij' .:i» i) \v. bp; v£p n n d o^'i , -Jtrb'.'td-\v)iy-': ■ y 111-.: the,. -lVa;iiTLc.e;:';ha.^.v' Ivacjl.; *cni ^u.s t as. gbpiV.n-iaby t-inip's. arid .i>ctter■soY,- ^«r■al;^„tlnSpy:; 'A.ii'lib.ij'f;!!., b'j"': a xpm-;. binalibn' bf - 'pi.i.rbumsta<ices'--this bill- iis. a .iuin.'iier; ani.f:an- advance', girpssVr •Ijas .-.nia.d.e. air prcdP-ccssiiinj'Jt.rok-.Uijp the b:rst: apt lirtal.p ;btUt .tjiiK 'yuh t!.ii> ;ja.l:Cer' ridihg.a:,nigl\t.' juiup iii a .day ■coacii...;:,:-i'.;.v- : ::,.;■'::';■;,. : ■ "} ■'..' I t. if'ii'A- pui'ej?^--and- sti-ic^tly an. .a'cciv' deri.r: •• Aby booktn- .tryibg to i-t-pcot iiytebtibnoUy- will", 'p.rbb'iirbly .. be- ;as; suCcVijsf lit' as- often, a.s. a -iiiibg-et can haul 'd■^')bcobi()itve'. •. . :'.■-,,.- .:•-■;. ■, ■■'•Tho: niiisC; inipprta'rit contributiP.n to the. ibiv.g i'un bin's :iorig ;r\ui fba.t. 'i.s;,. of cPurfjp^ the .'qbalii'y bt t1ie ;eu- tpri.'uiini.eiit> • Witl!but.":\that ::,'in- .grPdicnt thp- ;cake.. icPul.d' .iiave. -been. ;OaiiCd:. '.-',■ NbxtOhnioitant w'.a^ th b's tat0. of .t.hb. b p pbsi ti on', t and pic-lbrbs.. '>«'-p.-i'.ei'v'h/is.iii-e I'alatce bad .su ch:ab: opiJpi:tv'b ity't b. avbid s'^ -ing by. ppwpa,risb:i or: p'uT)' tipn'.vb.C i>vt(>i"Ps't pl.sbvviipre.... ■ ; liUt .t-be biH .itself-a :a;: Xaptb'r, from•:ai}bthe4:''a'nij.lp'. ' I^pii; .^p;l tz: a nd-niliy: G iV^ t on^-^ive^^^^^ i*;i ta,i.-e..; tpgjtHber; .'(yprorev^ )>ut: tiib ..p'p\v'(;r .bf;"t.h;a.iscPrii:V)inatioi'i\'is a .ilc-. , e&' <revcli)i)u;ibntv..^-. .l'jV.v\ry th.ibg.--' oiV '(l'»'e ';;s l>b.\y -i) ts;: an d'. s u i is' e\:e r'y lb lug, ClS.e; 2Sbtbibg_ PPivnicts.'a^^^ : t-lving. .laivTsV V^:'lvile' bpbody is pei-S sbball-y. :rpSp6bsible; as . lubch a.s.'thb nibi-.iil.::orfpct .bt.,;tUe ■'sPnnel's co-, pr.dibaiip;n:,..-::'■ ■.•'■■.- ..,■■.':;' ^. --■. ?'■ ;. .■; ., Jbst-'sp : the. gra^dplVildi-eri^V^ ireopJo pu.:tivis;I'aiacp; iiVil..\¥.bn"6,:'be' .steered .\vrPbg ..vWlth.';:£als"e ;'ii>vpresr sip'tysObf .'tlipir a.nceitPr.''V.'3.P tiiis .'bo .apiKMidcii .'in...i:hc1r vscirap. b.opk •.. tliut 'lipliz. pr. any bthei-niein^. .))|i?r■.;.bf^ .tlie . cast; cpuUliv't. do it by: bimsc^ll:.; .tlsaf-they 'be.ed. .:cach bther; ■like: ti'P; ';l'VlUi.ii;-\ rtcpds; s6od;'.gariv3;' ;.thtirt.'.none' is s^o imi.xbrtaiit': a oPg, in- the machinery ::that."ive - pa-n.vt ; ,dP" ;withbut:the;:rest, like ihLV itV tiye:;\vPrid -yi'ould.^bc helple lpcuinotion;\vlliiDjLit' .a-.cha' ;.-;'■.. r Oix; the;third ;catbhing:t i'alace, bin iLajdsnot; Pl^jnged ;.in. bontept.. .A- bpuivie of . niiitpr.past ciiangps aiur sbbie ad libbing here; arid tijere, ;,but riPtliliig- e.lsc. ■fcHiPw- 'porinltted to ruu Vv'i.thP:ut;'chnjige.on theVthoPry tha t '/t o ., ric.w. ab d i bncba t h e>. ma ter iai ;is.alsp--;i(|\v:.;';.-^;/ ::-'. .': ■.'■ ■;'■■■, ^;. ,- : A ; new.-;ppenih'^.. act, ::irangeaii''s. vfiitornal-i.oitals'.'.f-Neii'; Apts);!.'w.pbt. ib i>at;urday. £pr 'ti)b"iirial .lAvp .Wepii.s 111 placcV of ,:Arthiyr-;pctlpy,;: wlib had sbnie.^: lU.idway: dales;.-; Aird: tiler'e'.s a'-.; pp\y ';:;t;jri- . Iii,;/tl.ic' . rjoVy-" -i'>olibe.K-' spppi.a'rt,v . tbrri.'f.-.Siie. . does a coobh fVlvst and::iat.c>r;.a bb.ofe, bu't:.thb. obo<''ir is .'lier .'tbp.; ■;■ A low' cut pa jariia biit'- :(it niake'>?. it eUsier on ■ llip' iriiagiiia:;^:; tipii. -. Another 'gir.l ;ii.i;'the' saibp:ap^t;i: i.':yelyiv-1 > ;.dbps :a 'G()UJ)1p bf' .«!iji,n.s: ill. . a.' - tTainPii 'pbstume that 'npvor- mis.-^e's ; slip;pini? \f ronii lier .slibuldei's: . .. ir.pltz a^id -Gaxtpri'^^ -rjit-^v.-is: .aiigine'iited- ' .i).y . a-nbtliei-''' between: ilpltz And. ;Haroid;- Arieiyi : the colli- pp'ser , :whp\># ■'.■■piaiioirii*: for '.j^vda ,ltpi)eL-:tiv':bbt ;:the audicricc 'was .aii ubder.Sta.ndiriiDr ;bnp;'" : .' ;;.' ..':'; ■ KverybPdy. but the opening- and dcucei*. Mapgea;ns' abd-.iibrg'a.iv arid:, .ytpng';. b.ah jbis.t.Si dbui)U.'S .into' sbbi.c- . thing...of tec. iiis.: .■br;libr -Pwri. t'urh. i ,l,V.a'tb,;fc!milii <lid. son.i.c.;:ijiano pusiifbg f^)r.;hoa vy laughs: after ..they'I'e'fu.sPd ,lb let. her- gb. ■;.SH)ilii.'s radio i-ep. ■■ asserted itself'in. llic' hai\d,-bo- ,fbro;: shb..appear.ed' in ;t1ie afitfr-'ibr^' :tprniissipn sppt a'ii.d .shb prbbeeded tb. •.dr4w-,a' -larger 'appla'uVe hit' th.tb ( dld'liJthel 'Mbrinan: whom she siir- c^ebded ; oh ,'-tbis ;'>)llh ^ :'VVlfh; i-J-tate .Sibltb- to; l)b also figiired ia Itbe b.' "b. "gross.. ■-;,--,..; .■. :-;■.' ■.:.' ';.'■..;':.. .';.'., '.;■ • .,ThiH- blir "is ,:a •whoip .bpttib .. of a^jpirin tor;-t.hc f)P0)cing: pf)V(;<> lyKad-i^ ac,h(^... It-s . in:. .£()t: • clpsp: tp:. two; ■incibths,"AVhibli .(vmounts to ai-bund :pn,P.-siji:th of a ypjvr,' Wha't a' brcali .-for,_ li-i-epbiaii-.;-ahd'."V/alli.:', Only". 10 iiiPre :n\pnth'.V: tp. AVPri-.v- ailbut bbfore. 'nc.\t;;S.U,tuinpt' 'a.ri.'iin. ' -■■..', ; ,v.'7ii!7('...-... ■ ;^' ■-: '""O . ':'.• '■ GiVica;!;b,;.Au(?;,:!!2; • ■ • .Tills- bin liad a. tough tinie 'dcf/iiji-'■ in'y: .wlii>t|.i-c;r .tb'.bc':vaua:eviire br. ini'i^ .sii'ai. t:om'f d,y. arid fi;nis!jiTii-by- siSiit- ' tbVg tlu^ibt(n:e.s.t^.givlnk; i'pvitp fiav^ji-;' 10,^the. ;'ccnti'r, br ..the: v.a'rr'ang'e'inpnt^^ aiid .'-UepiHiiJirit*: ;on - vai-'ii,ity . for-'- tlie lup-.euils-; ■.:...;•-;;;'-:..-■:.;' ^ ': " ^i'^>r:; ;tiiie. -/riuil^iija^ tlu'.re \\-pr.c;:T.'p,6i?;p.-(j.^bo<i'y;.arid '.Nev'-" it!'.: ;l'.'li',p-s(>iy..' for. Tiib ;iii'aiiMino 'not, ;a-.nd;;.; i:tli.ur.:-aiid-..Mpif-t(.)n HaVbl.. '■ wIto liayp- .cbaHgu'd the; !<bU irig, ibit.:^ ,nbt thp^ bb-at bf^tUo^r tui-'b;-'' ::' ' i ;■■ l-'li-espn' arid. 51'lss ;Gr:(io(i;v- iia-v-p.- ,x. .themeless-. sort; bt. ..act; '.ilivided . ihti).. tlmvy ; (UsOpnbi>i'Livl. 'bits. . tlTougiv'^ I<'lpvspn-:at tju> ' fwa iii) ''e'nipts.; to. .giv(>; ■ <;oiitiniiii j^^^ ;to: -'o--; j)i-p- :vi:cdini;'s; ; t\>r IhC'. biien'iii'g birinher,: .l.he're/is a .sen\inieritat.;sob4 ;lo ' Jri.n'dy;- pbi^i-hiMl. ;iiri -bb'thp^ (.lipi-d.-.. - Aiid- they... iUtnvediatpry :go i;iii;0...;tUp .^Ipbvit'ablP,.;' but -wercinva' ' .c'!VrijjRJV'.'*o/i .fbv,:.T«-o-' -fbr-c-irsbr;,^.S: ;eri(M)re IntPdudp. ' -.:.:.;...; , .. . . Xlieir.'big ribniber ibavpa.:th .encb ubdcpldbd.^ It's an impi'p.s.sip-n of .: Oarbb'.s .''Anna ' Ohrl.stie," .•xbtl Wiss. XlvoPdy is .aispiaying;A ;irerrj>,>L ■ • 'voPi'il J'eiri'bdupiipn-at Greia Gurbp '•' accent;nnd;.'all::; jSTuiab.ep :\\'avbrV> be- ' (irluiiatlc.s Ahti.- holjiitn ■co:ni--' edy; the ..hiiler by' lOlee.son .;jit. iho ■- ^)lanp, :wr\e'rP/;be. dbes.aiiat-ch'angin''' • - rpiaii»o;:j.r> ..pla'ying. tAV'^p inale pa:^^^^^^^^ yhould uuikb'up their nvibdii wiieth-' er' tlie: '!Am\a ..Clii-istii?".. thing is goW . '. tng to. lib di'atnalics .b.r'.libki'. .They '. dbp^.t .sev:i'u tp; bb sia:e;at i)respni „ Vpr .thb plp.sing bit,: act .pi.cUed-bp""^.'' with .AHs.s'. GvoPdy doing; a - iliivhnu ■ ■ gal so'ng': :a "^itaUelujah.":. tube, iirut ill HalvujLirtii Arrixy .;.tpmipt)^ 'aitit'theii - .in ■ IvotivVlia rl.iytlbn.; • Tiii.s; called fOr ' ' a;prtrtbp-.«i'tage Pos.t:u'mo'bli.arigc'i:rbni' dress to iapantle.s;;.. Adds- tb'.a tp:il puij.cb; for the ;gpt'raway.v .'.,; .'.' ':: .J: .Art h ur. - and .Rlortpn 11 a.vel jia vo '' changed' their, spciic.M)f - ihb; str.bpt: t.o:''a,bba/(l-;ship;' but ttio' gonpva.! Ide.a is the" .same.- as - in; the ' • preylbiis acf^-Vi-n A<OiiiMi;: thp :rbri'i;eby i.»<^^'pxtrabtb.d.'from their .aUPinj)t.s.t^9^^^ .;rash: a n. acii fi,-!!*! t.ari cc" sk\ t li':.a'';Co« plo.- •' .: .b■f Xenune^i.'' ('"opj)pr:in>the :nbw;-.sho\vs. ;iii) :a:S; tivb -p.aiI'taini- • ■ •' V'-.." -A,ct Is; :iii>oasP(l oxtr.buieiy. Wplli.-W . girls .are lobke.i-s, tbc Hivvpi boys f^.et ... thet v/l.^vigli.s' iind .t he .capiain is . l^t. •" (Vop'd ^ivPUgJi an'yvvhiHv:';.' ;:■. ;■:: ■ .... ; ;,-' '■:^IiV :d/>ucb:. '\vias;'Bud ;;ifniTi*i; -.^wilK■ .rbiUibov:tlyat; :jiaA' ■ 'abbiU- :Ji^(;bni(»-> standard .'\\utTv..c.aipro'it- .nialp Pianb. a.cbuple'Pt sorigs;■ ineiuioh'-bi! ';j51a<!kliil:d;S."; , :.'^woli.''', yburitb';: 'bb';' '^ can-ary ypar.splf.''; h;.: bi-isV' -:'; pronbnoiai f'<u\s '. of •• long, -wbrdfi; ;.abd .. • .cl.b.siiig' vVyritlX a'iv:;inipresslbii; pfrvBiU;.. -' Il6b|:nspn.;',■ Ail'; th,ei'e.-.. i;t» -oi;der..r,;' OpbiiiriiLr r.s'. JTAdiibip;' ^^liib^lba arid ..' he r.; I*ri zv -.\yi n ne;rs;: -a, ;go'bd .-'I opki jig - ,. dog- act,: -^vhicl'r'esvhigh juriVp-. iiig-' .Mni"e.;'.i)1.Ynir)!a lias' the. jiol.:ar- . .i'anged' ib. a' se.iacs; of, anii-'cUriiaxe's.; ■that;'ai'p; 11urtin^,.'r.-Xth.PV :tliian ""\ iel \^r-': iiVg': . Uip'.rturu'.', ,:-'Aftcr;:a-. sbrie's-'.oC;-. juniiVs ■by-itiie; ■liound!j,'.:'khfi:. takP.s .a '.: b'pw,; tlui :'c.ui-taii)': di.ppiir' . a'nd; ',^iv ' ilbb . a tidie'nve; 'h'.'i's de'cided: it's ^.th.iB ' '\ t!'n(l",,.,.sbe;; bt-in'gs oh'' aiibtheri'^jUiniVeiv;..; ^the .prize :db:g; of .dogs': Then tip wi'tu';.' the .. ciirlairt' .apaiii'. ■-. Jl. v.-^iilUMt.s: ■tli^,: '. ■; t\H'b. ;bad.l>% .witlv^tbe dVbpPtiig'.a.n'd ■. Vaisfbg. of the :c.ubtiiiri:'brpakljvg: tli.o; pii.'turts.; •■v'.';../': . ^•.■ '■' •IIbrry.;..rCahn.e'is- 'libliliivg '.dP'vri :tllb: ~ ■' clbsing spot pi; .th(?.,-Ayd-;.a'c.t bill hi.s's\\'Pll-men:trai;n>ar,vcl .sturit;;;;'rbis» ;■' is. oho .'.(>.(!;;t1ib-l>Vst c'libib'po'd acl-s.vo.i!. .■' its kind' in ;^ho.w ; V)U.sii>e:ss; arid . ;i::: si'n.'i.cking. ijnptoyeriiont; p'y.ei- siiiiiiap .:. style .aPts, wbo; .w<>rk iii- one \t'"illiL v'..arid ciiaik.lKbsidesi hia' array ' 'Of:', lyahne. 'a ■ •.■ sure-fire • l,i.«jt,. .bf,:, rit'ebtal.. 'inarvPl-; ' ..>^tu.nt.s:.•'::,..^^<»i'ubry,'u'psi^1o-4p .^yrit-■'. '■. iiig,;^tribit'fliritb'iV.ictic,. ctb,:;'ii.a;vP:bepn..':.: doripi'.l)bfore,":V)ut I\-!.'ihbe.\.ib.akp.s' tli.b: .;; ait'diprice .-fprget' abbn t iJt, -.wh'pu; h'b'.; tops'--abylluivif^ pr.eyibu.s^^^^^ 'fshoVtu'. •.■ .Acts like . this;; lia.vb;: a.)'Vot. 'pr :a'iHl crico . ibertia-;-. .tp ,;;-ov,ercb'm.o;,.; bbt'. :' TCriJuve ■:niariages'it, ■ ■■ '■' '■ ■- . .:. Many. Cobl;s'!.- Crtadi'ol* 'fe>' '. t.b'''(*:. ' ;I^o\yii'.st,'s '.'capa,ri.ty'- nt .t'.i9'.:; '.cto'se vpf . tlie :i>ii:l.i;>;lUl>error ■ •'; ;, . . Ab urieyeiv. laj'b . t"? .•; .cb.h'prb':-l)y..tiie;ri.t. :b., jvresiding-;pr Mil -. •. ton -perlp; Aylip .ha^, bCLbV jribbologini? ^: ids, VYaj'.;n:l:pbnd-;.tiie-;pir'puit.s; f^^^ .. ^ last fl.vo'. ybai's ..but /i.s.-irtaitirig iHt.i first- starfc ;:p)V- tup'.' p,e,r.s"onali3/.; con-;. d,itctbd':a's.sigbbibri.f^Yp.uivg. iiia^^^^ mrtdb,.a ;p.a!nst,al<jn:ij:.: study pi;- tiib j stifles of thb, bthpr. in. 'ciV-aiul. '.V'd-h-;'- .:o.u;t opp.ving ' themi :has.' caught tliP •:' spirit.;.of"- the, va.udeVilIp toastniUstet " ni<;biy;' ;■. .'■':.■■;■-; ■ '[r'': \ :\'.\Z':::,-. ■ .;.l'{ u 1.1 IT in g' i .s i n. a ri d P u t. f Pr the: li nc .•'. .bp. Gt *)pebi'aiLib.s.,.,t)Ut: i .all .shUppji 'v up ^ saii:sfi'i!'lo'i4ly ,. ■ prib'iigh,—^rivucli.: ■mpi:,e effebtive' biVv.a ..w-iible; tlian . its .. iiidiyidual: nlitnh'': wpuld sbbni.' t^;; - .'nTea.sure—-bcpaiisb ■ ' the-' ,• liill' '.iiO^s. ' ■: ptenty;of, energetic-cbbicdy' c;uisr';':mpre thari abythiiig else, it: rejichp.s^a coniedy^cliib^ix in'the spor ;, cialty..of the^hi\iP-!^aiii)rs; .a'^lavigii-,: ing .:pauip:. :0ne bthbr 'dc't'all • :£pr Tibtiivg; .thb' iibtfs.P. brc^ . its ;.. spii'jied\ music from ■ pyerturP .(j.a>,z.ibedlev bf (Jbt. Uhythm::'^an(l. - "i t li ap;<5pd y'' ; to . t h b hVu si rat.- s.coi b. foli: the ./iicws .rceis,: gave; tiit wi>olP •. 'RVbceedings a.liyciy tPae.. . ;:•;'. ': IGpencr, jTrrcey."aiui^ Wa.^^^^-n^^^^ ■ daricis ;,teanv "whb; .dp .'ti clean-cut; ■ Stepping; siic.diaiU' with'- .sriPPd,.; vd rlely ; hriil; -;a' nh;(r:':t-b(ic.h of: tlas'lr -; thrpugh. sig(i.lIj'.;. set tin'g;s and c6.i<: fui .di''es.>jing.-' :.Thp:;.,ffirl • js ;. a:: petitp.' . .:'r(gti,i.e^w-lth'n;ir):rs,t-',rntb;r ; ..steps frpni .th,i^: pi),'.tap's,to a; too;,.'; 'iida.gib.- 'and ' .a sPrt. o£:-4nPdili:ed. ja-/» ,' Apa(ihP:,£or tii'e.ilni.'ihi. .wi a .clbtn;?© ?; bf bri.gbt.t-bstii.nte.fbr. liitr.' Ma'n '.:. is '. esc'ellerit. support : an^ piabp* ; lilayi'ng. tliiril party, - a young ipan, ' rigui;-e:s in. aiVoib tp jili .a .gaj)..;,W)ib''h-.'-. rpb.s«n-ib:rea's<>ii;:tiip S^itiir(iby -aft:e,r - .•--; n,pon■. crbuvd' a,t tlie'-.S'tatp -fbipni-' vV'brfbit' of.;'spt-'(;hil ;6>ijt.tnpbd;,ii ibii.-" ';... f :■'J;ulia ,'(-;,u^(,i^^s.. ^'o^:5, c'uriue'd ppitl'b .' ;|jai-p, ib,col.\^\-'jsa-j-i'ilps .'l.\er .u.-^.iia! ;\ai.''l\.. f,rpni;:the; usher .si:ttI.-. iilUv bid .H>-'ri<^'•;' tf);'siobge, ;:whi<Oi:-'-'gav»>;- -.the;- turn ''•■,'-; t (u;':'li -fi;t;.c(>:ineiry: in':vaiidiCipn -IP I ii,t> , : ■n;r': "; ;-;v;.- twist' ;p'f liv'r '^ -Vt;>ii)'i .siii;'v...isp. : -^Tlic;-idea;:^ bf': it ..ybbi rdo- ;; .bniat -i'ixl()'i'ai lirii.-i.^ .Ktiil';gbiid Va iiiic.<;.,.- .villv.'.':.At't..\Vti.s- I\andlpif.vbribllV-b''''''t-''. as it--^'hpuid"-ijiS'. a"ud - lik'ed:';-'-',.-•'.; '■ - ' -' Maker'' :and::" libdfPi-d. - fblib\yinJr;.' slbx\-t'd .;Up,. iVeing 111e-.;jirst.;'.'^'' (•'i .fiiiv'aad'.; .1^ ' *fr(bn. sv'i'"k l.iju'. ;-f-,'an:!^i'ryg' evcii;i'i)4'' . • bptv('0;eu.;- iivait-.'.'Jtiid ; ■ w Jmuil,;; ■V'-''.'V..