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VAitlETY ■ ^;iMilv JilYxi!'.of ih" .l-i.'irr .Carr-iM.' r'^viio Iti iAl> .nH- rina 'nii.iut ''•'>. f~y'\\W^i '- V\<'\\<iy^-'\- l-,. ••Tlfl'-'AJiisV .HtViliiirul ,(i,irls li.i ■•.0>,r','.\V«i'l<C.: ri';ilu(i<'clV • i?i,irr>''lj>:ils.: -.WlllMa-'; ' ■iiiHivy-.. , l^rll(!iii .-JiiiUi'; )liJ+. X)i'ninrtfiit. :)IJ>1i"n. •• . riyiv.l;.~f)lli\>Vv'l!!i'Ji,- '.^Ml.■0^l■Ml^u.l>•l.>^^ .-.siiiii'' Jtri>(-'.. ■■ Al! N'<)Kii\!iu. .!-J'liUou. AVuii-ori.-. .. W.iii.ls .MiI'.it'.- I.roiu^ AlilIiot'K;:..": '' • .•: 'f,irl» ):!ii):.-|'iim> O.irirr;:•Mix'i-lo.n Ilnwko.'. VNvkl.i KJryiiijiI, fllaivMip- Hijwarira, ..Mi.M.vy ■ liii''vino,-.:fIfi;ii 6:ilti'.-i. •piilon-.H .(.Irimti . Uon'"" .']'\oi-wi;^ IiiiiiliM'. .rtlirn.-. Idjt', 5fli'li;i(il.s, "-Aurtn'j.' ■ Ai'lUiKirin, iiiiiiiiy; IvPS'r, ■ .InnV ■Slrfxoii; norjj^, ■ ^Vnih'.fMo, ■ 1^Mly ■.■•Srtilcinill. " T,in')llo^ Adafr, -]ti;/<n" .■Arj'nuV ■. I)i>ri)tlir 'KhowUiin, Vlvraii . K<M>for, ■ r.yUi'Hii','.. I'M* .Wilri; VI .-A fij'fVlil,;' . •■Alli iv ■ kiiiA^^n,. • ilJi>l ly, .'■ SuiuViii:iii-|r, K-V>-.lliv .]?ii1)f'p;- i.uis •M:»yj>,..JionPtf'.1iomiio,. Jiiis I Vmi'v-. -MiirnhS.-: Ti>rps:|- MpreHIMi., Trfiri'lpt;liaftihi»tl,'. ••■\l;>rVh:i: ^^HpJ;uy/'ilWU^I.'l>lfl).ln,■\l^^y. ()l'lov^^^ .A'.1 liiif, JiOvnA .Il(jillonV)(t.■ i^orivic'''Jit'-: •.. Atli.s((>r,'. .Mav,vJ<) ■ilriKfirs, .■ ISIlOPn" ..iVwiStol, •'>i«rlon .,riirp\v(';'C<^6lletbKrancis,•■■!T'ao'niih!lih> •. -Swift..' JuDrt Srounc-y, .I.ou'la'INiriii-li, iSlilpiPy' . Pnrshiill..: A'lira -MlUi.: .'Jnlpixupltfa ,ljy-Jlloh:^ •:.-.sfoui'' AlJ\ .■MtvUKMv'. a-TorV-. ' l?i;anii-" Sfiliefgar;. Si'hor Khri.iiiip; Jp Irri-■Hupliis;.• ,' ;.T">ix'nPPs •piastciil liy qp.j.i'BP. .I,taie.,.,r>1ntiiifr, b.y ; . nalph - s'ftJni'P'ripnviCilfJIif .\V<;1..>h; RliiqrPd l)}.- r .liilB.-i.r.-. ^ht;^l^rC•Rdr:..■V^lHsIc, 'nMjl -..lyrics' by' ■ MftroliV' 'Ailiuflsoix- 'ami - l^ilrton. '.■Iva-cVc,-. ttjly.l' . K.»viii)iiu(;Ti.:;iinu»i('aJ' dliVoloi'. . ' OlpPiiPii. -.ttie np.w .iCfirl- (."aTrall- l,horilre ~f)D :.'.sltp; nt. ilip ■ oUl '. oKP.jat', TiOth' slrtet:'' an\l 7.Ui. ...av'ptVuie .Aiip. ■-7.;.''$3' top../^ :;'i> A.tr$3,toi>.<l'!0 .typie .(if'bPijiiCy^^iiivh-^ . xKa cl.. rvol 1. ■ has.fbft ■ sfilcis slioirlfl nij^i a. re.aijy niai-ket... Ho.'liak- fi tha^\ ': aU'c''to' p;0'(l(lle;.hlt)iig.witVi'k- Xbi'Trt. Ojf .:>.htertain:mGTiti (W.hlclv is;.firt'.ridvan'^. tdg^o; ;;'.w\Tui..tJii.s itr so'mxi; tK ;;. \:Aa.; fQr Jt?V*^^s thf: s[aK;e, rVjc'. .. siilos. .th^.- sl\6w ..tliat'Ve.ocs- oa'-.'eise'r.: ^ wh6l•e^:iD tlie'ljuilfllns, 'it.'a^pp'e.aPsVto •-:l3e;tlic'jbiiit-work otthecY.ea^ of'iflicsh' . 'act pi'6axic.<*rs,.;ii' mbdeitailstH.Cr'iuttir--' .. iStio rurfil'tUTe (lesifSfnieP; -C!,^ iscapctl ' ' runallfc wj.tli his.. o\Vvn .tdea' of vfaa^^ ; tasjf-. ihd' DTi. Cal,lffdry' wjlh 'a fov ■ ,'6f svtlie. <16c's) ■ cal).hiets 'thj:b.vs-.Ji. vlit". :' liikq'. tlio. '.iiuliviaija.l. 'cfEarts' ..o.C' • the , .r'ash .rfqjt; .p.rbdM<Sc'rsSvhb^.. TrtiKh.t^ , co'rivbitioil to' sti»,ge . .tlvts ''siv.bw'-; ^ tht;. :'latest:'';V':a'hilF.P5'' p'oi'.sQSfleS)'. ij.ve' samii baaid . fbtich ifor '■I'lasli.. .And ■ nothing: ;:•^el.st?.•!■^';. ■.:;• ■• ,•' ''. ■.'■- ■:!,•'.\,'\''--\ . it'■. that". f?ounds . iilv^.-.: .t1|e:.n\i'ts;.. it lsri.'t;-a'ny: m()ce .'nuts-, than. ■ the. .'chro-, ... milllii Tplated, -srOrco-i-ts •• fi'Oin "whteh :.£i*eo'- si.n.tjc'r .iiVe.' is djshc'd •out ;yi;urnik "iri'tornijsli .in Rlcisscs, 'iyilh. tho bfewr^' ' er'a.'.hamc .sta/mp.ed on. the. bbttonis;. \; Those-. .cii.i"ts,. 'In the':list'. p£ in?i'Q.ya- '.■: tions ill -.tl'ic- prbprra'niai'c'" ".theVsple ...G.t',Gation>of ■ Mr;-..Cari'oH.. Tliey.:wdro, " especially: d^slKncd' and. hullt. aftef '\plans,sug6:(<st'e'd'.:by hinv". .". ■ . .' Ainothoi' itiasterpicco-:tU.ait i^n'];. on. .'the Stasis, iiJ the full • papie tos ti ■ .:.'h3on:ial ;in the pVb^rani vXrohV ■the :.' producerto■ Wrlllia^in 'iR,■ JSdr.iiiffton* liis. isoutherri :bahkjL'olIet.. Hlg Xrlcndv. ship. fipr • .Edrlngtorii-.writds 'Carroll, ; -ja .his ;\'^&rotJdest' .and . nibsti: pvccJouis ;. :Poss,6ssloh/' - Tile y p^ fCarrbir .anhftuhces. ■'. cost'■'i|f4;500v0.ff0;,. -whlchV ^ m'igrh^,;,bo..a. bit .lon&: 6v str^ but . • lone.' oi'. slioi"t i? Aybr.tti :a. pagti :in thp. ■ ;lj.i:ORram^. .'': ■'. ■ V/., ■..■:,•, .■■;■■'■■■■■.-•'..■' -■■• .As-:.'f<.)r ;(narr61i's .'shoii^' ' lt''«is'.Io'p-.: .aided with'.looks'..and .shj^' bC g.utsv .. The' 36' show .. jgirla . ;ar6 generaHly ,. VcauliCul.- so lAeautiful'Car.l'bJl's' p6r- •,. sonal • esil.njate' riebdn't.''b.e .h'tbdiflecl •', .nibSc tl'ian:" i07o^' ' Qostuj'ivinE: iind; ■.. scouic -iyackprouiidiriff . are >ej>cQUi3.ile)- ..' A pbup)6..ut.prodUG.C'ibp.iio.vuitl'es; a.Ve linackouisr ,Th'e- .tom-tom:.':fl^st■^aLCt . -ftnalft :''to Ijlaycl's • • ''iJolcrb".:: ml>il\t ". have! i>(?,(>n '. tll<i. Oiilslsintliilfv. huiTi.bc^r .o'£' i,hV?. ;nuidc>.rri -' rev.iic/stase' Viad. '.it : .^bf'on. .haii'dlcd Avith a kpb.ivcr ..jjcjisc. -:■^C'■piico;■^^■ . ;:'.'.v. ■ .... rrihriTKil.s ar.'e of: hlfirh. calibrc';'''lhc' ■ .tt'onieii. i aiiipjip • t1ieih:- :'Ret:.-by-'. .^b^^ . when ;Hlh?;i.ng.^ thb. comedians a^ tlic! nieii' doihff bestj when doing: ' .,.,somotlii()it-of tli^ir. DW'Ti -r&tljQc t^^ w.h'e.n ■.fJticliih.er'io the se.i'ip.t. ..Thff • . comedy isn't cbriiedy..: . jt!is. mostly .. ;.abiy-camo.iinafifcd rewritinp. of ....• .giiffs; all.■ dirty; '^ind'-those/ that'are , : -..not dirty 'arft^•JUthy.cvAs . |a comedy '.;' -.sitif .pfck.cr' CVil-roU .-'a. sbod '.watifr ;• .- eart :, dcsis'nor;, ;. .but too . .. much . .. .oughtn't, to. bp cx'peljled . from'-, one; to ^orrbw One - .;■ i.Snv'^i'ifv'iii'ir^^Sn.rtiteri ■ .rllncKp—.' orash;.,. in. l. stiibks'^--^'.closing ■ iff . 1 u livks.-.bfri,•. th i-bVI': yIV Id ^1 (gl11 'on, tho'yalfic .ctC Oiishi- ;''3::- ■;''' ^ .'Let'Usi.shp.w ybu hbwitp .sayer-^ vho.w. to •'prpvide/'an. irtcprhi? 'tirat :!\v.(ll. take: c.ai"o .of. iiny 9Jiiet6:(;hQy,-. ::,- 'I>o. TuiMlnoss.'^vith^y'ft-'lfnn ;will) dv..op .20'. years' 'cxpcjrlc'uov,. .. •. ■'■.■ liian.: •.iiis.'thbnpida niri''".'i'()nnnf>d ..ta h<>a.uvy: .',t)nU .appeals .toV'lluv. 'jp.xo: ■ i''.at.l-icr.'.' ■.tiian..;:■ romff-al : '.,■ t'iiMiiii Iulf's>^ "liliU.m.iKli't 'aP'PC.-ii'to .'lh111iivtj,' jAn.d; •:.iill.ip\iA li. ■ tlie :sai.n.e- K.or'l'^b'i";. ilium'inii. .()u'iiMV,dr<nv' '.llc.ct bC. paildy wakonS'^ ;lh/ sirju n')jyiit.,prcvoi.it.'i>^viirrLMr.Oi^^ iSc'u).i6''0r !t!<e,.5C-'kh-is^i's- cvPr.''wlihT b?it:-.a ^braSsior'e'.. ThoyU'b iihout ..as ivbivren 1 iii'ft a's•:cpll(H>hn-jiC-li ridoi'^ S.l i il .'.Iii o.y' r(.>brass!o'rt!«», ■ so... w 1 vo'.Wiii'. :acc\is6 tho Ca f rblt pirI« .Qli aj)p.esvr.ini; :ih-:thb ihiudc'?v.'^ > ' . lUit .why Gaif-rbll, .wiio thinks jibtli-.- i^vK" br.iislnfr joke&'at: .whie.h^-^ sliys . ."AvonId ■'take . . affiant-, ' puis' ■tiiothtjs. on, his.h'oantiCifl 'pi'ri!4,.is .sliU. iii .question!-that' niay .br .inay; 'not;• lya^■e.bob^ .d!flS\yx;red^.-"/.^. '- . ^ , - .'' £(atu'r,day: imtttine rcr; 'viip'jj .jthird; per£orma-.hci\. giypit to a tlliPd', hbub'Ci' ,thp i>iVpp6t ■ i'Pcita.tion opeipi^n's had' iibcn 'dropped/This- c^^^^ ;.i\lai\or.':-.AViillter '.'o'!:it...'.bf ■' tliib. s.bript.- The. .'shojy- si'a^^^^^^ 'tho. Kirltf. strevvn: ohbu.t.^a. st^pue^i,^p JCoriii. liibnot^hiig thp'. '.theatrP|H.''i:ie\v.- iviXplps'. t"o;;.'dialo.ot., ip'teriui-iVtiphiJ.' .1<V. .tlu'P.P .auiitiMiicp;- plaivts;::? .-.Tjilfs" conv^ .•.pi)'slto.''l)pLf?lv.''of -thC' iCarroii, lirah'd. bC. .si'ipSv-: ffirl' beauty liindss• -aii. appcivi-. iiiK slu'iyc-firf, .It leads to a ^diipt -or. .•'■i.tra'.'.(.;rpat^ tb'.Ire . in 'i.G.vc/;'.'ju.s't- ci .'sb'ns ■:-by. ':lIoicn '-Lj'iid ' .dii'd'.'.IVlili-vn': :V\:'at,sbiii-'.'■. iaipctrtpal .ciil-.trtiii- -.didn't Avor'k .Saturd.ai%;iP.u't ;o.n .ri\«.dl^nical , mishaps in/'a; perfovni- 'artcp. ~tha tVs. :'rcpl.cti> .\vith.:^ ;v-icos. ".. :] '.^;]■ ; ■ •'; •,' ■^'•';' :-•.': .''Itblmes- Swco'b Hoh^bs"-Vis a- bl'iiP thL'cP.-p'art: blixckbut lil.ayed.-by. Wii) MaYi'it.uit'i'i Bili:;lJeiivar'e5tJ. and I'-'raiilt •;^UtciiCilv\T,hi;if-i-c .slpw bii:t .by rt^yo'of :th'c >VJvesi',;'iioa.lVy,. KPt- tfnff'a, .welf"(:),mP'iri at)''aiVvi't'tU."^ ■'bi]hi;ni^rid'od'- by. ■a;.'.bar'lP'ndcr. •. -.''Cfrad'-^ wutioii r-.-ljiiy•''. is .; a'ivuiiior',. hliii^kbu't' \YiWi.. Jiick I\i^urah't.'as./tlie processor diid' the ijIrJs^RiA'ijig^^h bc.rry ■;'a3-.Vthe' iijEht dbuadr. .. As; .old CIS jthe Va?7<.hai) .'{jotteh to be in- 4.11. Rih'd'S pt shoM'S,-; it's 'aimbs.t .he.w hero iji c.ompari^on, ■ '.-vijive Hc?xi?t'.' • is siing/ by' .lilliiaii- it'olh'. ia'nd Woods. :jIili.o'c • iii ..fr.o'ht. b.'t'.a.;pi'Ptty' 'flower.: .ppfset.-' .iLbb'se ..leg da-hep; .by .Al^'fJor- m'an Is the jslttgG.-.'settcr,'- under ah-, other ':;dirty \.skrt,: "Benp.^vatcd.'!''.. It. Pbncorns- t.\v.b.'c'ouji^)ibi<''s\yltching^ hu6- .bands'- and"., wivps^ and -< the writer njuf£<ad:nb'thine..;.- v'^.''- ;:■':'':.^' ■ l'''^C!6ihg to. ...Town-.'^y'lh- '.^Ic" is .a dance lyric viyith ithc girls- dancirig to- Qli.yp iOlsch's singinjf lead. . ■ T,hv .fifirls:. are lookers rathbr.- 'than dancers,. . MBcdlam..'-:. a bed sketch, follbwe'd and ■ gavb'.-the- Mlaiice: of the .'Sliibw'' va-'.'-strliggl'e .-.fo'r!- tive..dtrt. iipri'pr-s. . "Thp, authors cOtildh-see; twp Jiieii In .a' bpd ,as a "strong enough .climax';, -so "i'uhbpr •.'balloons''' w.ii.s: tosSod! in; Yt's - a;n ■ adtxptatibii fronV a; Xwt: eluljV (.yiliotgeiv; PrPatibi^^^^ ' • A niirtibolr about., midw.ay . in the- first' p'4rt.'and.KimpI>Neallp'd ''GhToiii-: iunv",is life lii st of the Jjpa-vy -scenic; XitLshp^.,- :and stunning. Tlib mounts, ings". arc. plafPd' wi'tlv ..shiny-■.'silvei- niblah:. Costumes ' ih^bi'v'ed.. ih'^- i,liis stiN^4c: .the sdn.ic'.cj?c6ll6'nt,,cblor tasto that prevails tl'it'o'iiifh /all t-h'o .(i:jri:.->' thant^ps...'- ■ '■.'.;•';■ .'.. trndcr Ih.cvViHHt -^'(ijvti 16 the' .stat^or spotted r;\Viu ...Mahon^y:,s-' xyiophon'r danpe,' which, was 'logit'uV.' as was 'Hi-e i)lavlns. ' bf ; ithfJ ■': pr'in.(.-Ui'at ;.c.pidi(;">! .pritit'^fall dain-e. uud.br- tlio scto.hd act' 'blb^v-bff,.-: ..In, ...thp^'. la.tteiv'. tinio jshOl-tiagp .'appPa-rf d -.tb. liave ..n.pcesai tated .Mahbney gutting ri'glvt intq'- U 'dftpr 'd fast oi>«hIng' song ■ittsteail of UUildihg tip ih' tlVc' usual way',- It top'k. thi-:eo-..o<-fout: falls.-to -'got thcn'i: excited, 'whereas' the. -flrst fldii igeri-- eraUy gets. 'em. . But-there' vvas-npth-: ing.;-o]>>p' in ' thp show to '.lay a' -base for.'.the .Unish/'dnd -Pvon tiialiy- h6,hc-y flbored..themv '■:.• :'/ .' .-. '.. . '^^ ■ .Jiist'aliead of hi's .xy.ioi)iia'no ddnqp :-.ca ni e u ,sVudib sjcit' i li; \vhip h' MItclwi 1 dud 'DurdnC st.bpppd. t-hc' shb:\y .with', thpir.- HfLbc^fdbbu t ^roiitinp..\.JL'rbxini-' iti!'.of.'the two .b'its.:toiids../to giib.iH?' the.! .-slibAV's- .'tw-o-. ..havd c,«l .■ hits'.: too el'ospIy;...Ldcilie.:pagej.A'T^N and the ' throe. yia'to' • :Hrok.,.-;an ddiiprM-!.'. rw'gistcrpd. .bthfrr--ihdividiidl.. lio'c.ks. Aliijig thp. way.-r.".' \ -V ,•' ..: Th'O fi rs t aef s. ni^.'iic. is p'erform ed •Uy ■tup: .girls. dud ,.a'-.-:jiinglP-' dr-iini: corps- ■ 0_t: - p.e'rh aps - li.O. .Polbi'pd' n^o^^ .- Obvious' iHit-Pntion'..-was - to ■b-uild. .f.>:i M\ y .('»n i j i.e .dee p rj.iy thnVlj:^' f(;u i)da•^' tiwi of •^^a^•.6J:'s .c6mp.o^jitibl\;ii^id cjms.idnt' .timi-tovn! It -ipli, .short of I hP; rpdi' objcptiveOiccd.Usi't)u'. .stasrier ;in -.lii.s:^-d^ps'h-C-:.'to -biiild :o'asii'y-,'. .u^ieO U^ri .J1 i.vi('• 1 v i.i i 11 r>; ■.■ .Tl.i(,<- .f*l i.iVlvt .\v ig(?l i rig j.o.C t-he:. jill»iVbs' Ji*pj.ie'. Ahl.lie.rgi- i><'0''I. AV\-ill;u^p.'...an.d''..'.ldd, Mibhacl;; 'tbri'i^' !\yli.ri.o ,iiKUi"p> - in''Sc-an(ios aniiilst a- ;Siy-mi'.tj''wiy. bf.'':l)iai-1c ,--a'n<l''-i\v(f;- - pi'.iV- iu^i.'i-i,'is-a; iltlte: iutVrcyt;.. li'fit-fiJn rhonic,-ririti-i'-r-. tlwin'. hot' u-n'd . tTi»^ i'l^-. il.im-'ivl .'C'ffvfVt 'i-H-i'»i<lv .-' '.'- ''-■.':'-.,:- '' ■ ;;'rti:it 'Smli;!! Maiv,v:a sciro'nd I'iai-l- - Vi.l.-ic'ki nv.e is. -rvi p ti. nn (1 i rt; aiixl' tini'o' ^JiiK.V-JikeVdrtb.lfM-r;'in:pa:^tcbiu\ o a.iul .x-lc)sr'!S.yiiirdOi;; -the -tii'ii'dtsi; '" ■ll;in:v- .•ll.i/dsh.ih:)(!V hmsjh • to ..'5iaig.>slH"t'.a"s.' '-llro '('N:)i.M<'S.t-, yin: .I'lifi ;;fin')iii(-><t''giit-, '-■|;ii'- ■.the -.slK.mv'. li'.sr'j'n' a .ro:.'it;iui-.viir sv-.i-'.n'i'' ■in-.,'\Y.J-V^<.-)i ':-thf-. ,0'";-')itral ! r'';i-i-k; -'•(.''iisiiio'/(s'f'f.Sr ..- thv- VbliHiiu'.. ■-'■,S<jmi'.- -\\JU-r^.:in- ]..^'n^^•^•'•'- .•l>t- (lii;'6.fd jili'o.l'j'i^t.-: .i;;'i j)h*;r ■r)!yLi-)v'v''ii;t ,- ihy l.-'.ii wnr'n ' -.fujii ■'i-i'Vjir-i-'('i.r)isiuiu' lisi.' J'h - bu)'.lis-,<f'u('-^^^^ '.H^.l-!^\-l-|IM•(•. ' . r . .V!/■ '•.; ;.' ■; . . -■■•■'■.■■' ! ;--..-TJi'/j'/-''-V.'lii.i! ii''\'^.-;vi.VMiC<iy/-rMfi:^.-\ on • and uii'.Uiat w.dj:. - .IC-t'-.u-i^oM-pai't piv in '-. •?'Tvvisting. :tlve .Ldw" ..('(Ia-igo-) ;:iiooih:; ; -;;.;'■-;■';'■:- V-;- ■■:;'■.•:.-■''■ .,'\Everybody's v'^W o l .c b tyi --'S^hubprtH) -a^th'^St; - '.. - •;; > Wi kKi *'. (lid i:r)ji;>i) ->[{?ii lIh O;) .\.IiOivg!i-(;re-..'' ■ ,; ."^V-'.. •'''. ■'■Sing-.-, ■rncj)' ..Low" ■ ilar-.'^- ■''sSlOg->;-:Hicjhi:: (■^^'dlkin•-TbWl^p, •■risj,;.- •:-,\;';.';; -;'-'" v-;-.. .\...... ' ■ ."'r Love; an .;Ac-b'c3t!" Cl'Ons'kl.n,-) '.l3pct{v. ' l,^--'::.:'' y- : :;''1>i;o,Second?.''/ cLaiid'oVz-jidl- ■ sbrifajotoh.^-.-- I':''' -. ■•TcfTipest.in T,ea-^ (JIo-sps) "■tjaiipty:^■;■;; ■,'■;■.-. .'■.;."'■'■- '; .': ■■':'/ :'^Lau.gK;,Pdrade'!'jVv:;ynnV^ "■15'e1(;idl;' -.. -' 'V''-. -^V; '-': - ■•. - --^"Cat^y'and^f^iydie':'' '.•Liberty.'.-. .■ .',- ' '■-^/^'Tell -^■a .' y'isibn'':: yandprbjilti ■ ■ .-.J'!,i3'pead.wj n'he r!,'.'' Ht ; Capkol VTIiipaj :i^i^g/• ;■ :V%bttfi'';CSax.j'.---.0 XfJprdon)- eivAiA;!;!-);: 35hows : that;-niatcrrui-;.i'ie,.n\igh'^^^ 'd hif IfcV -lii.: (hp', slot'/thv':; .noxf . tl'mP '. he- fakes a.t)r.patli.-;o'£ fi>eslv,dir.-'- '-'.''.-. .':.. ...hi- '.thg-^ l^l^^clv p'i!hlicr//e(l - di)TQaadr ci'oalibh'..Ali.>i3; Va^ii: Ilrst appeai's be.-;- twoeir. thp-/ja-\ys; -bi thc-.--ivrc.lVikt'bricr- :'niodpi' and, 'chan'gp.s,. ti). ,t,he;''i|Oor".-.tb. .go iiitb. liiir .cbnlbrtiojj r'ohtino/ -li)b^ . inf? this is a'bhP rAvdy. iravelei; . to. .'■vvhich-; the girls' .ar.ft..attdc>.h^!d; --..Tlvey; .■\v't).l.k; w.ith.it.-ds:ifc hio-V.os dci'.Oss tUb fQ.strum; . -A..siinilaV-Hiiding^-eurlilin,: .wltlv'tha living..fi.4-u.'(v ido^ :-i(V.'ld!?t-ypdr'-a .';A'di.i'i'tio.i^'''^...^ :.'-:..- l?ih;ilo--set-ii? an :.oxaf^g.w:atPd lirtr.. .that sirftgbsls- aii idwv. '.bn.i'c M^t.agpd aC tho .-libis-y,: It';,'! .fi- i-osijnve':: of. t|io -,shoSy .-^vi.th Pyei-'yJjotJ.y Svalk.fri.pr. .-on . rpi:';ia'ppl-ati.<^.' - diyd- pye.ryhotly. -hian-j iigtiS'.tb.get^on;..' \' -...^i/A■'.'.■ ;l; .THc. .'tlii'cc-. priheipai . '.wti'mbn arc throe,- diri'c^re'nt-. - -tytio-S ; 'AUlioug).\. -Ihbrb ;i's'. ■soinc.-.tocAi'uri-' p;irl.y in: t'hi', r.tthni'hg' before ,Mis.s .Ivy'mi a-iVd .-fittst;'-. -Ol-SPTi. hdve-'...-bii>pt*ri-iinit ies?..tb" diii.-. titiguish' ...tlio'mseiycsiV. . 'Miss ; .li-yhd. does .most.of Ih'b' soivh'rp.tihg-.diid . rj) this: show 'exhibits mu.clv. ip.ro'gi^ss. Mis.S I'tb.tli' has - t-heV: olVieC .'sin'giiig- -Qhances,-. bpiibsite Jililtbiii.- VitatiipiT ■ ;'\/ -(Cpntiniicdybn fipcs!^ M\ y 'lMirpb: shows' .arV . s'la.lwt -'Co liidvo ilro;'virw.ny.:Vh)3.^\ve(<lc; 'fiiy.;^ .tiro/ijDad;^/ ^'-■;:/■ ;'".■■ ■■ ''■.';':-.■. ■ .'.^ 'y/.^ ;. .'".dnfe-.-.I'ri-a 'T;ir»^t,ltnf-s.l^eiid.s'ja s^ of "- SO;. w.pplcS;;. [) t, .■w-'li-s' ■ Idfit. .aPasbn'.s (•i)mf>dy :-.ieai1.pr. vidiiii .10.(1 the.:-no.nrf i} iu'slit'dIs \ttsi'- man ihs, At:- il.s hpiglit. ..ilib.-']S'>'<.'c was;-. ?^ .■wiMv.'Hij.o .aypis' ago ;o.V 0 r $ i ,0 0 (i., iii) ii.l. la'te! 'sp rl-n .g Nloypit fr'biii .MiK^ib^ .t'dciy drtys.dnwi'!'!'.';-;, y '■■■yl -!vi;i^(;od(^iir' .;Si!irtpil.Vl;iil^-'thi»';- [. Idgo oiul - wn.s-.'n io .the 'r.ijp.vi;; .ivhPro; it ;std^'o.d-^ll.Vra\l^^^v t^ suin-v jri.pr,' .7Vbt'.?n'uoli jivioj.i.o.y. iiiil got i»-y.-: ;c<)it>^)criiti>;;eiy.x;]- ;;■:'■>,;v:.y . : --y: 7'',-::' ^^^jVlikiifdoV^is.' b(:^-^iio''X|ihoe'rt..dhd; S.ilHl.'ira-n Osi'bason)-.:. -iv.tii.ii'h ''.-thb: . Civic' r;ii,ijli't .Opp'rd: pp«o'»-.'!".'''''-.'i'';id<>'d^-h^^^ Vpsr; • at.. JCi'.ianiV>|:i';-s.' .Tli»> Vtn-gd'ni/.a-' .tiWn -ti)ii.r« :-vy-lt.h'-.' d iU'p'rri:Vtlj.i.g..-In t!-S. -oppr.et.t.as.:.-,:..", for. a .DroadWviy.^-bpching^ •??..ih the. :Gaietyi'th'.P; Brl;4n$ 'bincc: has d -new'.iu'istomps. .i '.Xts li,i|bduc'pr. 'Ildrrs''. 2i'fbsfcS, ■ has•■ been-d«)ing hi^ wilii ..the'; ■ShuUert^'..throiiglir"ai-ajM^ thp; :Nafibnaii'^-j'. .' -r"-'- ■,•.^•':^"'.:■'•.','.'; -.. '..ikros.e>! is. crpdi'tPd'.with ;0.';v'nih'g -tlio. bulk -pf '.ti'ife-; Bfobk. ih .'itbtel'f .;al> thoti^rh . 'ircnnart'. .siuih'i.Un .is.'iglypu ■full pr.i)ducing'' credit ."in' thp - .pi'css matter;-.-;' ;>;..'^ ;'■■.;• 'y .-;,y'\,^ V ■ . ' ' .■-'.iitbsc.s' .is a .dbwiUbvyn ..iS''o\y Yprk .Ia\yyPr^'-\' ' y y. .. " 'X'i;'::' :''Am.pHran ;Ma.dni>.ss'' .is .; anotjipr. 'lllay;.;' wiuilprt. ',by.:- l^inKu'?'''A^^^ TcHv /didmuLic -pdi.lbr^bf .the illar- lem.'."it.bnib .N6.'\vh';'/ Story .deals Nv'iih tlie biiTii'h'oo. .fo.r.-'dn 'ohiihraiiet! .coii-: t^cstywih'iv6i'i • -i;S:;siiii.i.;^ siiniidr. -in tlienie to '"'The .Nldn .i'o'n,'! Si'lti/' •wiiich;. Acthiir . I Cbiyk-li has. in ■rchearsittl.'.;':':■■■:...■;-.;;'■';/ ■■ .j . ..T'p.l.I. pliLcp'd ..his -s'cr'pt./.some . six. months--':ago. with . his',, play-; agents', tiam, -II; Jldrris; iS; 'considering "f.bl' .tho.-.sta^Pi .and -6-nivy:csiii for.-.ai'Lpw; Aj'rcs.-talkcr. i o. y'^y erflian '.■ ■;••''' yy;i»fi!\vv;utJibp;sA!^ug^ ■ .Do.^tsr^'hp.r'.;'. Thej.it.eh' .A''ei'Pln'..->'hdf( ..g.iidra nteed ■wuilloich t 'fiiivds. to :iildl?o aiwtlipT. sba.spri.. -of'. tUn'nii'vri . p'liiys i\b*!Sibic.,dt'1)V('? .I-'dhst;...-^ ','>.' -"\ ' ■: \ ..ilif^vddkc.e V'dnd..- .-.'C,'h-ii;aig(>'.'- ■ goi.n-:.' p.diiip.s .:wil 1lip'-, aoPii ■ .'evi;i"J,'.: "tiliipr wi'ok,. .'alt-piwyati ng,. hp.r \\'eO.IV ^ I'itie^,. '- P.ei'for'nidnces..' .•-wi.i.l -, i'hb^t- nUcly ..lip...''gi.ypiv,/bjV Siidfkyv^-.hijjl'ifVt,' .T.jj^h.ci^orpi-isb as.np't to in.tcrrpi'c .■^.yith' 11 i Ivp.r bob k i iiRV, a t, IhP. ..ji bus'b.... ;.' '. .^iarg^irc.t 'IJ.ice.-obni'iriiyesvag nian-: aijiM-;'-;- '!: .^i ^'^ ■•V-;'•:'.V'• ■ m yr. ■ .-• .-•~'.^.•/.'.ChicaftOJ Aug';', ai.v ■-. - IT-ai-by-. Cld.rl.cc-s'V .t'lvlcagb-. . Giyi.e £llxal<esp(*di'if^an. l^.ftlvertory. -nv ill .foF-; sdkc'^ its intimdtc, pldyHou.^c' in. the Oiierd.,;biii'lditig .,fbr.''<i Shubbrti-.tiio-V atrp in-: tliP Jbpilvth'ls, yean . .IlCjUsp will prol')dhVy .be.tiyp Garribk, , ;' .,.'' ■ idea is, that;the'. 'cTtgagPinent' ..Ihis- .sbaapn :■ 18^; .for -.onty threP. weeks. 'i'lipi;b.aro.-.o?i:i:y 400 seats'i^ mate • Iheatrp - thoy't'c. bcph siipvyirig :i-ii lireviouslyv'-- '■;.. ''!. ?. ''■-'.; . ,: ' A'..-Gbideii .:.GindcKplldi"; starring. C, t:'ac:o 'G obi'ge/ ■\vil.i - -be -tho: las't. shb-sv o'i. tlie. Giipo. 'Cod playprsv b.ppniri^:' >V.c,ek aept,- /iili .- ;Ijikblii.i.Qb.d is. I'liat it will- toe - nl'bved..'frijtac.t i.rilp. 'thp iMiiyhbi'Kb,-,' XPiy'Vo.rk', ■; ds.l .Vyi'."-'*! j\;, 1 irady '>! flifsl p rod u't'.t i o n -1 ii is ^seti: t Mti.' '.■ '. ~ '; .. ^y^y^■■■f-y .'-.y :' IVnuiy is.^Siip.biH:i.srng;af C'a'po; Cbdj ;Wiiiv:pr<)(t\J<'tibn .li.y- Itity'm.brtd .Mooro a,iia;-;i5r«dK''■: :y ''^yy.Jy''yi .'y>: : .■ 7.(il.tiiv:^;hy Arthur',U'ih>ii(rty,v; ;;: ylbu.'^iy -lltlod. .''Lottie. .S'i> ' Mo'l^sV: ppivns.lBei)t.y2i:dt .tljo • • .fiOiy :;jh:i)iix.;. iVVjv: Gdriil'. adjsy'i; ;;-fi;.s^ V tiiiow. ..■ '-'^y ..■ y',' :.y. ■ ■ ■ :'W -■- : ."Golcl.en ;.eiiyyepeliai>^-;'i»j^. iia^^d' A^ -Dalch, opened, ■Mbiia.-iy, .■('I |.).-, '.i.ti^ - t;dpc; God rldyhbu^4P,.^10ennis;';iinti;K,i;' .Joh ■ !.(,• ..t'ryi)lit-.;fo.r V>'i Il iaYii'.' A^- i',r:uiy. -. r;i;.a('(v-.. / icbi'ge is" ' .s'taiTcd. - .i-P.^s's-iia-' TJbnstolld O'lrcclred; - ■ .- 'V V;; v-;'. '^ ■ -^I'Vinpgar-'Tree/'' : ^yrodutpd;: ;lii>it.' ■s.p;i\spil, .starts',|a -.v.(>!yHl.-''V(rui' ■Si:i),'iv-:,l'-t; Jn.-:IU)si'oh;.0)wiglit--.SVi.rnd^ in-dUup^"..- -ituv. . 'aiary -'Bblivh'i.i- :S.tili.'-ii.uad.s.'.ai9'' ;c}>>!t..: :-''y^ i-..';■••".'::;:■..• -;.;'-^;'y.'■':>;:./'/ /f^Qihg;i.nV..thie.;:Bla(ia>'? ^.ONafons. ,!t . •''r.-epcllpj' .'^'.'blM.Opdtiiiisic • di;aiiiii. V bpi^ds vWppt/v'r.'-at: ijow-arki--icolulrf^■ lu . tli'p :i;ibt>rty, 'NlMv.. York.; Siyp.l- 3'«,.'. ;, • .AViCh • thiMi^yrVi-Ht^-nij^^ r4\'id.yin'g-l'oi^.>;yv-\y:'V^^^ im'.^. .\l.aii<ip.r.,lii'i'yo- -slai'tcd.;^^^^^^^^^^ . oiV'.'. iu'i Iu n ti n..^-'.'- d. ■:sc(rbh d ■ it\u.^^ii!fiY. l,»iei!e,;'tb'.'li'e--tiitlcd'.^'AV^^^^^^ goos^..' iiitb,...; jU>iitt('rsary.l.lii>^v;'-^^^ AVrii'ing.was .doup- h>y^^^^^^^ (isydr- iri'»i:iiyi->;<'i-^<an^.^^i^^ aii.d .yijLrn'vjritii . iyiditb('Vg.'-v-! ■■' -yy' :' '" ^y.--•-y'; v- '■ •■'<-' '■ ■' ."The-.Wa 1:1'^ BetW;e.6jn,!'vd. -i^ &n I'it :hy..'' Ild^Wi-c'iitp li... AVtvlliij^: wiir-'he/ liri^^ ddwod . -iiy. ■ Ahi"s'■ i'dgi'd. -a ..'i^ol ■ t;y:t'.ien,:<.bn)tlTt':V-^ir'^ ■ is'r'd lie' tor..- r.p'li.pJirsd'l \ f!ej}ti• 1 'i;••-'Aii v.-; thoi;Lsi'tv iVrorp-j^s^'n; at -lloiyoko t^oi-- .. iegp,;,'Xi:aSs':'',.-' ' yCyy "y'^. y y ,■' ■■::' ;'■'' .■'Spciind'-'play. of. lh.P'..-.st'a.a;Ofi-' for;.. AVthiu': ilb.ijkijTs'. will/'bb. ''Lit l.)oy:^ 'by.Albert l)vm,.-':; '•' '>:-?:'; - y ^yUopkins'-lirtit': phis; i''trho.:^ Sti!ts'-'.'..is'''no\V'ilv i\PIut(ir.sa] • ■ :';' ,'■:-. • ■y:"Sc^rida|G'us ..A^di■^;^ bj--' 1;:^ .liu-tii^- optio'n'cil'.Ji'y .-.'i-}i\)p3i; '■3S^iii-l)H"tf)i'i;'-' .■ v' ■ '-;-';Xtrtio'iyd'ii(i .ryv:ie.>i.'.\'viiii hba;d-:d- nr'iy.-'' show-,, "i i.'iijli'm: 3tuciu\t6c.i\s.'?., .si.MVt^^ . in.g/ rpl.urjirsals- tlVP. in'itldtp' of;. .^I'l-'p-' ; ' tpniijjer.;' 1 .t's '■. dji " -.iiidi e j .)i'r<')d tif I i.ig ■proiio.sitio'n.' .' ■'.'.•- " .:' ■ ' .■'-' ,'... y'. -'.I r . ';: ';.-:'*.H'pt:e': .G.bmes-.. 'the'.. -.B-ride,''.-.:J1i;.'?l; ' iciiowji ■flsy^i'libiiul;' t;b ^lipiip^v . In^icjp.^ /Ai'hb'S. ':-'d('l'«t'. in-odlietlbn.ygbp^.-i'iit ■: rbii'iVTirsal' after :.'i''''tsvb-we.plv ;di'l!it>-; / Gl'ark' -^di'id Mct-^ull'tAigh • will: 'lib-.. Vj.ai^'roii;!' O.ppr'gP,: >.i;iir'i>h.y; fft-.."><lv<-iot■; ihfe-^?\V(jr'ks/'':-'crigai5P ledd.--' 'MlJrphy;wUl, .coh'tinii'o' tb Ayork ! with .ji'il-ie'. Johns.'oil- ;dt -':Kl.' 'I'at(o,'. iiight .ciui)i;'---K- .>■'■.'■■'."•■■ :'''-"/-:\V ;. "Along, the Lift :|5ank,".-hy jEImep:; ■hi ce,-;' -\yilt. ..be.. CO - pirpdii.ced.. .by. thO -. :'aiiithbr .lahd.''jp'seph' .-•'Iji' i '.iiiekprtoni-," Jir, y I;attcr Is'-'d IftWycfi. w'tib; t^ d-n 'G'cco.'.ibnal.-ib'gk fling;..' );-■;■: -■'::..f': .-!. ' ;.dastlhg::iri .dboiit^d: -Week, Vy^y .' 2 Shows Aside ■ :.-Rlnibpi't3 /inu,sica'l,-"Cockiair :-Ii- pbstpohtVd'-ihdefy rppor ted li-;. with llie': rPdsbn. Jrtkp:';ShubP.rl's.,-dlssdtisfac«... ti'on- with .the. l)Obk>: ''Avm's and th?. Maid'': r.efip.ht.lyytrlpd but, Avlltije tli* rcpldccmorit:....; ;■. :'-;;'v.-'.."■■ -:'. '.■ -• ';.■; Anotii oii 1) lit - oft in ilii-it th-'JUiy'^ for, Janies^ l':il,ii)tt;;:wlth■:;i-i^)t;iyToiyf:^.'' instead, ii'iul. t'ii.sting; in a; week-., i'fo. ■I>pnnoliy;:liiis.thp;lp;i(t.'--'..^,-: -y. .-v y y; JUST PASSING yrHRU ; v';;'.:.' .;yW-; y-' ;. ) '"GhicitSof Aiigr ;31;i ■ -.Homahic.'.jS'immcnis,: .bC.tlvc i^hiihert; ' home oillp'by .iHr.t .;in/-;a:-d'^y lier.P. Idst' wpxik .holding- yoi'co' tui.(lili()iis: a•t..■th■p■ Grahd■■bpe^a,. ;hp,ijsc;. • l^irrpxisc ..w/t,s -tb' gbt ;a .Jinc; on. i<)('Vil,.tai-edt-~ayaiiT.; .liblb '.'.' fpr • ■■spbtling ; id. - bp.b.rpltas; ■crarded- tp , :ponie 'tiiVc). .C|iip.r>^ sodsbrt; '; ■;^-'v.:.;:-'y:,. - :;■ .■■;y - ...y ;-r ' -•:Shiib'"ert. ''castcV: \^;-('ht ,,b'h' to. - P'c. r!,'piiis, <\;iihbu'l'iidssiii^ -birr .■ih.'y.' pVin .-.'. /ii-acts-oi; piM)ini:ics,r- :' '-,;■■.: y'-,-..y- '.:,. y fca$t-'.^ftciryReyisio^^ y y:r y . -y .lios-v'tngplesy Aug/.S^^ y .Wllliaih Ahtlibriy. -MpGuir9yis-.tak.- ir>g ''Tlie'^Bad: I'en'nS'". P.-V.st Immpcir-. .at-pli'; with 'albiOSt ''tiic bntirP; c'as.t. .In -. tiii't, . I'l.eadivl . by. I ibnricltd .'Cr.b^^ £i lid..' T•l^^rl:Py .. Grapffwlny ...;^.-; dopsii'-t ;gb tiPi'irV'iscb. jri;j>in-,hprev .but in ''bPldg T<>\vrftten^.'7oiv^an. ;outyb£'-' t,pwnvbi;bd;kyjn';n^;burid..N ; y TiuW-i'ar i^i^(^<';!d'iiiP hdjirbfcp'iv filijinP- i.ng ■ pvpyy'llling. ;l-i l.ni spl f- oil I li ei'CV .ai-. thbiig-h JLji'll'iyigViani aiid lUrldnicc'r's aro-^^b'oth-yiri 'for ■d'-tlikti:yeaclv:- '|^^^ tiyp'.adMior.-.' v.'.:'-^-^'■ •;••■; ■.. ■•^icGuit'P 4onips a.py' kribwlp.dge of; a $3.1 '.OCI'O :-cIditri'.'duP.. Itbbe.r't.'.yi ,'Kow-^' ,iUa;rv;dnd..'jiidteS:-,t?V.dt'':the:^ 3'tiiiiih'ii:>nt'..fbr ..$C,Opp ^ ('McClyiry?)-■-pndbrs'pd.' bii^ :i)'phdlf pE- ■Ncvi'-nidk ns TI if>'yf;, w pii'e i.ti dl 1 - fb 11 r. .c bii rt i d's t .ers on the. .IMltri'!.o'r(V^dt.'':tlip^ bponi'n ^I!dd-:Pb-ii.riy/' 'y: \':.-'''-^''v 'yy.'.:.:''•'..' ,.. ;T-)') h iV .']lit 1. !r, A'l li 11'l.. i i.mm i. >' - II ti m'(-'r- 'ariil jtiisii- Kriatiie', -.fo'r !V*i'.v,-is.i'iji,g' th>;'-, i.;ivv"-.('C!ai«c^f .' .; y,. ■;'-: ■ - '' ' •.:;: •...i'for 'JMvoiiiiv.'! and; 1 Titd.-.i;''(viitsiikidp riir ' ''^!iiiij...lilg!i',;:SiiVg,- bi^vl'' . (l''.Ji-iiy .hv-rti-Jii),,-.'■; '- ■. . ' ; '^''.'.y;'. ' :.';':•-■/ ■' ■ ':'A.lm'.t-Ia- 'A'i.w-<"il. .f.>r .-•iVC'.QivTuhi'ory :t;'n^v'y-f(ro|f)i>ii.:)-: ': y--..:';'; yy y: '^,-:, . irM ri'- v.'. i !.(Mlyii.i; :. ';-l'Ji.«!yii . i'';i.ra'iliy'. 'r\v'i;nu-i.y,. ■ ■ "r ■'....y -■' ' -y-- >.;;.'. '.■■: : • .Ji'n'gi'iip" l'i)\v(:rs',. ' ili-'' f f j.iiild >> ;, ;; - ' .Sl.iirli.jy i.lb.oili... .' I t.'c.rhy\i',t. -.'.A^^^ .rr.s'';(:'i'.b'.-;il!itvQ.ii;iVri|'';. .iV.Vl.lVnf.-'l.lo's's.: :'-liii-ji 'J 'ur\i i- i'lfMUidli-1 .\L;'i i 'Q ini rrie and iixyai ( V St'jiii; .v'rUiV i';ii(:iiVy:.\Vini.- Iii'' .ti^iy' Wallins>,>:.- ■..-;■;-,•;'-':• .V-ij"t(If. orle;,-; ' jif tor,; ■ 11 v(». -. y-PaVs .aw\n':y, j;(^t-ii'rjj;^,:;is. an^:^^^^ liUtle,' iiistPivs,'*- fprlihe;>ihiO'Pir'ts;yv^ ^^ yilbjlby'; (jiiit, tii'n.: i>taiif« tbr : nii^«:t I,(v\v.<\'inlbi':s'-/shyi\,ys: frir- Hvrxie. yi-jirs. ljp;j;h^n'.f'i^ee:1anfeil'..',^ y ; y ':[ .S'lj.uiHri'.t}i'''.-B.ldrt ..-'.■^^^').sicrs'■'^• ■(ibbiit- ><PlvW, ii;; -■.■;i ^y'-yy; ;{';'■ ' ■'; ■.y 'l yy^. :;l^aael^?yiVIi^iciai;^^ ', ''']'iM\\fs•'iroiiv:iiri'rir' wiH- iicUii'i: i li I o. d f' t h p - n;i\v\v )o'. ic:;. X;i 11 < rl (li i l (-oil • ■;i\'iiri' 'flio'JniiistP .frV ibP -Ayritli'-n. h.y '1 hir!'yyiijV\.('l-:a:iTi1 .Alack flynldon;-;' 'i ; y .,^i-;;ii'i '1 JiiiTi^ay' wiiifstiVgi* ,it;' ■. . • ■IbLr^^y''■■y^t!ll^lt^rl)'^•d'sy :".V'I"* .CireAt; ita:>^'^ dPci^pibdyby prcvduc'eri has bpon .hpi<I.--.ii'i) indcf;, ; The'^^play •'had iyboh; se-ty fb^ , iipdrsal. lliia'wPplf.''' • .'' :-'y.Stocii^f.E3cti!a^^ ■ V.-'.-',-'-,- '. J .livdidnapbUs;-.:Aug..--.3I. :, iMCO "yai!iito.-is; :butypf ■-tiio .l-;yi^ic^ and sidgc -.u nils . arc. n.b '.moro.yat . tl)6 indid'n.a;-.J^u1)li*y,..bAit- . '.tiio .';^ <?ase'y ystopk ..i.da-yor.iiy :dt-:l;:ngtlsh;sj,; - remain. tor.- foiir, b.'ttr.a Avpcks. Com-; paiiy.-pib.sp.d itiiycbntL'aritod^yiQ-.wcclC-. s:tayysatui:ddy: ciu )•■'■•' ^yyyy''-'': y.G-hylSdtPs rbst'\<:in:,iiaTO tU.P.IeJ>:*: ini'tho^jni-jit 'iof ■■thb;iiwldovpr; afiraf,?v tibns. i\>st will...sla'y a seGo'rwl .v\'cc.i{: ^ 'TW ii 1 lami 'A, ■ rddyV lidtj -taken';.Sanl::, W^ia>shawsky;&>:iyia.y,- "a. -Woid^^F^:'^''- De''stii)'y,v. .'foi\ New. Xoriv pi^ivhipt'^ ;rVl)oiat Jdhwyv- '-^Vlayy-Wiis -tried ,otit in ■I'lrbvincplown; ;MasR.',.- IfifStywcGk. . iV (iVai's wlthVd'.woma'n .who'bccbnrcs president oC .the 'i;nRed..KtdCo5; -,,.'..^;.. -■Miiry:You'rig- jivay. i^livy the ltfid::«^ : 'New:. Y'ori?. .y- : - -yy::. :..'r- ■;-:.■ ". :. .ilitry:!^grterniii<> 'iP.i'! >d";wti_^; .sUirtPd-' t'O' ':!i(if').W'.^;(;asi:ili'ijt'.Gyi'-'-if-V- ;il ■.tii^';.l-.yric,':>;oA\>;;V>dH?\. li.'si-I^Oii^ojl; •i^ut \\cht~ <)iit -iH.j;<>i-c>itK ;-\VJ1.ftry -Ji'iiri'i iii A ifi-i .I'm:!! VV;h "Jv- ".'^Tl.')lI^J- .t1i'.'iiii:i'' v,"h); I'liu.-iii-;..:-:' ' .'•;■,■ >ialS:oh' ^\--rit:ingyt!iivjui|;\'^ ': ; Is^bppelVllipVVyrU^,:.-' .' .^ .' , ■\: