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VARiETY •2*7.. ..'-. Saturday }(}^^ wUl, ,b<;o. tlic wln<3- iijt be. tiii(j{so£ts.on'a piayv'ih' tlio Mo- tion ri^tui-e .5aBCba,ii. ledgiiq;' ItlC^^^ \Warner and; • C^olurtvliia will. ■ Sitttf :'wi.th: i!3Ri'i.. it'i^ ■ ioV^'arnci" aut 0^ i.hp' (joubje ilicailcr;! and. Qoluimbia.;'!^ : iColumT' :, wi;H ■ cop. tlio: ,p.enn'a,n t;; ; t ■.. Sat'ljrnay- hJglit^ yiixi; Ijo.'. llto .ilmo ;irpi' a-c616bi.'atl<.m the athletes.and- tiwr. hlQ..na(;.cr3. > l^rpctor-a ■ 23(1- vStV ,thoi3iir6. iias .bee.hV.c.hgaBcd for. tho- ..nigiit vand!.' a, show wllj. .b6 ferivcii^ •• ji'ecd/.>viit^iollpw; ; v. '': -i^i: ' Columbia . ieada IH6:^ joafruQ at , :i)r^^i?iiit; witji iiKo ;ana>igK;pt ritriit '. behind; .;l''.oliow,|^ in. br.dcr . «bih6'WjinVb^^^ iiJatiQhai fl'hppi ^Tind- RCA Photbi)hone^ TKc ■latter. •te:iinv..has; ;lQst.'l:i.'?.eam^ • aifid ' yifba. itoni^^' .. ':. N/.V.'-''"-" --'. '.- ■ jjJVppvii.i.iPnta yton:\ Js • undcrti'a.y. ,Ji^'po .'oft color, film..:by .the yb.vini^. dl- .ypctpr-* '. ^^^UvoJal. .A;nos .' Fii-.st : eiiquciiieb; .by. his-,' .m<i.tho'd,^: cla •. (entirely nc\yi: is^ short '.atrip far frbtit r"o.i:X(;ct,. .ihp -ehlet ..doCc^t' b.fiirip ■a, cont1imou"slfli;cl5^or^^^ ,.;Vei)rddui"oa/Y istl^iulatcd Sovi^^ ijii color •■•Bhoojtihjri; :.,'V ' ■ J. ■ Yoiiiig -..ATiosiiJoh^^ .\vprlcV .Jng.;pn..hi|¥-color/ideas vW^^^ ■ rti)fir anylattcntion'in ,th*j. filjrii^triiist.s. •Ji^yittV t)ib .}irclp .6f' worth '■ .jot .eflp ipnio ivt hi? .sat at Koirib- .with . ;iii3 .cxperin.ientafV ' Dnly' iiiftcr'■'ICinfj , ;!6t,. .Jazj'/: di a- hcarijiff* iMis crude: biiuipmcnt .vi^s ijtspcct.c'd - fti^^d th'b. .means- prbvl.ded for 'Prt*^- cbodiiig bh a blgg:bir;scstlo^ :^ [.-:'■'. • Accordiiig - to hints, Anoshicnliots . it».i.Qthpd, Ihyolyes .i. rcyoryiiVjg,. disk and twb;c'plor .flUijrs;" .The'-p ..:raphy;'i$.'; tii.rbiigh" one-c^ One lo.hd .tinly;.. ;: Ifljccppt .fbr . sort^ . iSlnfjiplo •adiiltlpris^ ^:^a:ra;lus'.ls-)js0d,'' - f^- '■. - • Photp.-^ivniio . instltiitp ; hpfb.. also, i^xperimciitinp. :tw,b-VoJor. .coiiibination!:..' . PiJBUX COAST CHANISES : SrnllK -buo : .f6(* ■ antf •.y Pa.rtingtbn Probably;/ . :V.:-..' Foi- Soviet Director 'J v/':.'':./''--;.iyto6cW^^ • • MbsciPw -lllrh. jiist beguja.'Will fakb. , ;fe.t. . Icaat tw yoari; to ibnTplptc- and. -will: record ; the . d.o-. ..Btrubtion o.t the .. largest. church ! ln the.. S&Y i cf. rar>i tal,. /.Cath odrcil • bf th e- iledecifjcr, and. its' rcplibbmpnt • by . hugb Tcniplb; ot. Tiahpr, ■: lijilui; yviiM Ifavb .;ah; an I j -rol if?iou.s 'purtjose. v ■ ; ."Yourifr aii;o<;t(^v.: K :t;iUc, is 0^ ; ing p 1 ctur0 . a/h'.T. .is sVivc oj!.' job to^. : two,;hud..a:haif .yoa4-3^, ' ^ . ■; ■.. Citthcd'rai b.t;.ryodcvbmprr'wh'lci . last:.' TJ years •, dpiflinat'ed;,'. ]Vrosco'\v ■ fl.][cylinb^ niiissTvip .'•str'iiGtiirfr.' tpppedi ./•hy. huge .RoTci (ibnic.^Vas flopniQd'r .icciitl.'^ l)y.VW6..v'ict/^.i fe\v /wfcpkfi b .p:6. .afiliial;' 'deinpli.tioTi. 'began. ,Wi.iolb:'jMM)ypk>s 7)n(V .Blructipn/o'C laboT. tenrtple.'. will- he 'r.ecordiicT ..)>yr cahioras and . ■vvbrked . Vp.-, 11 hany . i 1 i10 ' .xTraiiialio . taTe•'.b.f' fSieiith: ]pf ol^'uistltiitlons a.nd.;hi^'tlT .'ipf ^^niew oncsiV - ;■;■'■'..'■ "'.;.■ ;; ;•:■ '•'' Aa . they avb. tivkeh ..pprtiofc .Avlli- !be ■r.cleasit'(l to .So.viet' puhlic as brdl-; • aiiry .ho\vsr:Gei.'.■'^ 'r ^. ■ ^^i'itms'.JLostvG^kr^ vi'Vv;'- Oiv.3Bla(5k-B^a^;50 v';; ;\' //-;'v:.v ■;•.•'.■,;.• Moj«'&\vv S!ei>t;.,li';'' ■ '}', .Ttotlersea.. ph-h-iro 'a; M)nkeW: Credit' ci.ly.'h.aW •iu.st.;Uebn inailb by the."ebnvj);,riiy..y.ps'lo1cIfin6,: -wttiv j).()r.i's ^IZciUln: 'd"hVg,.'liib...itrenu.Ou vrctvk^-:^^--'jJ ■'J. Rom;i}Lis of. 1 he'de.aa,;c.11y of I-fir>r:- ^cpn.v'Mi^' \vivr(v.(T.I«c<>vi>ri<d. ^jOlrie .yofij-s ;ag6- inijli'V ■|li.e...TV1a'p,k -S^^ ahoij't .';20' .'hiile^s. frf/ju:;.StO.K'ifi^oiii)l,..'and clurin^' •'.the la'st; t'\v()'y.(:'ars', Smv te'i >,)i-r'l'iaepln-. ■feisls -l^iiye..)i«;?»n' woriyiiij- '/vivHtie sUei^ ••Q.'inK-r;r)M^ .Zi(iYliiV;,ph(>tcjWr^^^^ /tlir..; fil>i>t {.Av-lHihvii.'jiie ''Usuril ;<1^^ :fbpli,,;/ll>e/viu.^<hrin^^ .tfilcrn>jlivoetly .fn ..tby-.\v;i l i-i- vvfli li; :L..ruli'.V).'!M' ,('iiy(>r.(»(l ^;' ;:r.;Jm j>ic>rte4-^|6r' Roaty'^; -^V ■'^ri^■f■^•.(^^•.■l?r.l!s,sr^^tl•l;tn • *'o^ll4■Mis ' aiVIiVk.' i^ Wlj^rii ; hiV ;\\ iil- 'prfMln(;o 'liis ': linjivtV •:;^i.);.i,)c.v^i,,i :' ;l,:i;i,„nn'ir . V, •(:'Fie,ihis<lv . ^'fUj^'v'iV'flin- };i..};yi. .• .; ■; /■.^')'f;'.'I'Jilli-t /.Wiji-i .i:n.siyi:ro(U ihe . fiiinoiis;. 'i^ ^thv.^fii'iiKU ' V"-l>\; hj Tv.i'(..M;iii,..i;' nir'.' .> ccn irio kjiV- - ■ .Plied i.y'LrtjiV'Mil SWbll^..-7•■: :"'•-;■■ ■ ■, -"rhb liirglics-FiraiUiiiii .tikb;;0.vpr .of the i^aramouiit hd 'Tinitcid /Artists,-. .L..; :Aji- ■ bnly... rbniatni.np: ;l''ti'blic';' bp- ; b^ratibns- prv-the; coast, is/due to. be--' comb ■ c.fEbctl.yp. Tljur.^!day/^'(^^ that' .itlmP. . .«r/'....sh^^^^^ pub^ix/^xili',. cxb'biitb. ai. transfer .for. Ed-,'- Srtvith, ;fbrh\cV. .^iC^aqW ..'diylfjibn ' ■minag'cr,.'':-.:Wh sihfcb... JFo.jc-XVest Coast took iiip's.t'vpther^^^^ Coast- hbusbs, ha^': bbejii . L.. A^.-. ^ci'ty; man- i tijger;.-;'•;■'.::' '.-;■■• ;:'...■:.'.,;..::■.'.'•'■ V: : / ;g im 1 th. '\yi:li hie 'Spp ttxjd'lTi tii e; pild-.: dl.e<\'Vest/:-.;P^^^ f rom' '-vi' hi,ch ii b, yi as ■ t r ^ n sf hm" r p,d''. two ■yeavs.aijb;-. / ■■■.y'r ;■ /;' ;/':-'"/--v-y-'. / Saiiri i''rahk hrbfher^lh^law'., of' .Saju' iDern.b.pWjv Jr., 'is /repbrled deV ■siri:ng;-to ;-i-o.n.V^n /in- v^^^ nia'y li,ook.- uP:,with. pne. .Of .(.he. p.tihe'r: Clrcuits'thcrei-;.V-^-;/■; ;'■";'! i l ■ J'aoic Partington. ^y.iii-retiiiT^^ rbrlc, It .Is boUevbdv liQlclihg-'a.. bpnr^- ttact a;3-.'^t Pubi-ix 'stage p'rbduccr,;.-; ■ .- .■ 'Ilprton'/Kahn, ..T^.r'Av \l>4r'<i!nbuni' maiiager, ■ ~and-: ''Leon.. libyy,- .tJntt.ed, ;Arti.st' . house nianiig.cr,.:iand .Gbpc. Ppyt, 'dpiisf puUUe.i.ty-.ad.\'Gr.ti^hie :roctdr,. Will.■ .cithpr ; fotiq^y .Kntith -wiW're'..(le.spulchPd /or be /tiitliy.itj'ual.r Ik /transfeiTbiV'.:' / ■//i;'V; -■ ' • // ■ : ;/ T!,DS'/Angblb5/:Siept/:i4/-;,'' ■■ /'-Ftiic .West -"Coast .ahd/Para'mo.ti'rit. hi^yo icpmpl't'tod' nogptialignj^/Wivprc--- hy/FWjC! t.aWoVWb'r the Par.Jiouses in ' .Chbyenhc;; • /Wyo;, and/ Kbrtrv .Pia.tte. Total is-fhrcb/theatres;,*. / -Slo ■ ■ far ;".the" :.-rararii.?uht-Franidi^^^ dbal/ for./thb.' Pari It: is said, ,ia:not;yet clbsbd an^^ .^hat t'WC,.^ can v^^ve. .the jParambunt in t.::A;. asi. w.bll /as %bp wishing tinder ...certairt .cprtdiUOns./ ..V ;;. "I /■ '\-vI*^o^idenbb,.';Sttpt;:^4..:^^ Exh 1 l)itors,, jiri^ ■;■ gr'eatiy.., ■•;exerbis.ed' dyer a' demand, of Mayer-.Piiiniip. that Gby/ . Case. 'cg/ll .'a/.s jcciaV/spssidn pt tlip/.stat'b' legislature vib- enact- .litws. to. .tjtx ithbriti'Ps: as -a inbdium of! hc.ip.^. Irrg/the' uriemployed. ■ / ^ . :. ; lytaypr, .ijiinne^s. proiioSal; mbetiiis wldb&prGad. -a 'h;ih0.ii'ff..;busij^^ /rieiis ibadei-sy ■ urges/aidop.ticm a? shhil^r- - ti^-xatioh... bn/.Vam^ (ha.t' Was,- in. c.rebct during/ the ' War,: .Theatre- Q\ynbrs; .Ghamber bf; Cpnij. mPrce lvag--retained an electrical 'enr girieer •.rtiid .' statisiipiah '/to. -cbnipilc^ thpiitvo currpiif dati llgi tlie:.pr^anir: zatipn'^./nelit/-.asra.inkt th • juice - iSa'tc/.ln 'i>f(}\v. :.Yprlc ■•'statp; .. i^anie-.of, .the expert .1^ .being ■liept dark/ ,.•./.. '/■'.. //^'^/./v'': '' -.. 'Plb;h'Is to- lisevlh'fe'''specijxli.st as i siirpri-sc in: i petit ion f br: rb.duqtlOnii /the T'Q-e.d, wiii isiuhmit/.toi the'p iib' Soryieb; Cpmih Sls ^bbn vas?^ .Ihb.dala is-.bbilecfcd.. ;'. ' /: ■--! ..; /• : V BOOK ON blETRiGH ; Authofed/ in.,:Fr^nce;t-iNbt /Rbiig'i- ■ ■ .'and--Acc'uVate''.--■ : / ; .;; -;r- - v .^- -i. ■;/--;ririsr:Sppt...,-J'4;; T •■^Nbvel.; has; .heen, pubi'i«iibd. 'in Pari!^ -. au(,h(>i'b'd •■ by -'.Toan .i^aH.sei;rP aiVd. title.d -:'ija ViP -llriiiante do -.1^^^ -ien-p://iL)iG|rich' -'^^ Tifife:/bt .jNiarlenb^;-jVi'eiriol»')'r/: It'scbnw^(jbr-;• ■;vi:ily -fanViful,-.;"thbi[igh ..not'ndfjty/:'■';' ... ,; .One -.ace'ui'i.Ltb '' '^stateni'ent .;.iti ;.ll]b -book-is'- tli.at l-'rehftli ci.itiv;s,'\Witli :a fcw^.'ex'Pbptibns^/ are pitlvbr beggarsi or. p^hlibi.iy .tpUlSi.; , ■• ./' -^ //■ ■■■■':/-. Sues <>ppo$i^li/!^ y Radio Qvieif Pr^^ 'L; /.;.: ' •//; ■ I>rbyicjeiicp; €>ept. 14;,'~ ..'-Ciaiminjj: Vl{at. tli^^^^^^^^^^ ■an.i/Jiiiidib/l^lctures,.' ai'-c ;conspiring ^tp \cut-off hjs^-suiVpiy Cbnn, :^>yncr of ; Coiiii's - piylniT|;a; iih(i. sfbriti'y. petrel of/ thb locali'lib'r atrlcai. 'world, /hag entered- Suit In -SiipVrior./ C'b.urt'.. h-er'©i' -/rtibbkirig ^iJiOvooff./,.'':';-.;' ■■>//•/..■:;■.:■.- '/:.■ ''T-.;' :'/■•' .' Gpfinallpgcs..pVyh , of .the lipyal- havo- ..aii ./.agrcf^hjent. with'.;.- ItjidiO; ..wherbhy pit'ture/..-ai:e.'..n'r«'t. ; 5b,ld .4b the-. Rpyiil, v:thus: ,-buttihg; ;;Cire:-;-hJ!j (•liaticp of,:;k'f'ttin/;f VOxscent-.p A.YiiVn'.s' Oiyhipiai .and ■lp.(^'n,te(l wlthjh :a.\stonc!V' th'roW: b.f rmtih'..'' oUvcr- •ahd ''ijbih; are :.Hcc.ond -. rli'n' housi's.- \ ■■\} .v.- •;''-. i'.y-;;;. ' ■ -;I{6>;ar-: re/'bnify . rebiVeif6<i^. (niiier new. ma'u;i')iv'n>e.iit.-:wi.ih'^^'a^^^ vinvl lil'in: policy.-v. :'/:v •■/.;■./ •■.. '-y. -.. .T li f V11; Iv ■ la'rji'i i n -s t tii rVo-' • i.i li jo c i<hainH..in.'N;('\v'iU'i>V earh :\vitit .vii'ijilt'-^' iv^illeV 'iXyitraivr. 5.U'o>^- /wilt .r'^^pon. tl)e \ro,."<i|iu',;.c!b.s.cd/ as. a sCraiglitVplrCnrb tou^e'.-;/'• ■"■■/.:.'.■■•/.'~/0' '■''•. ■"'/' ■ '.'itf'hijhtin?'.Sept:..;. 'Oil lioiiM' ■will' 'k\i mo;. ^\: rilv,.' li'1 vo X la r.'^il\vh;ivc;ii iniv.iiv rt'iu:ihi lo.ti'j('r/th.'m^^^^ vvfiett,-aU ll>b»igh.'Oi^. r^jiuiur / I'lollf^^^^^ ;i)e, vv('.el\ly: (Ovriiuje,'. i! / . ::■ / ;//. /•'/. ■: ■': .' ?ii.b.'s<X" 0- ■ l!.n.''ft .■. hf'.en- cl ofjpol. .Wi n,ce, .I;uhf;/; M/tlie:t-:inib';tim^ •finvl .'tbrew. (tut/ «t;iXf'/'h!i<^\vH--./ 1^''.•■'■:■ tor "iiiid/bcbii :i;liti.ihg :i'iibUx .u.iiitci({ .■ . J^s. ^n&bles;' Sept;vl4.i; • Sb.yen b.f: iim iXi'iJfQX^ c.xi)loltaUpn,.?tiiir,. let oryaiVization «»V t'^''*'^^"^^^ ;in, otl.ibr'.'jobs. /;/ ,TUq ;;iriQ^; ih.;' other', bi-an c h e^ .-pf /F.-WC./are' - Heri-y Mprk gan, -aissisUintv.nianagbr ■hpu.se";-ln .Whitt'ier;'\^K^^^ tiib lAuriia^rik,hbuse', • and; .Jack ■..liailey to . !i:: n i ch e; J n- th.e. .Vpu-f ii ei-nCal if or ^. 'nia: diyJ^ibn/; / .' V.. ; ■- ■ ' .-^ •Ti>()y ;/;0.j'rV. and . two ...artists.-,, are bb.ihg>ilned up -'ior iijlaccs.;;out^ldc V'bx.;. ; Jtol.;ind/ J^^'^iVar^dsonj: aribtfter artist;-'is'.with .Warhpr'thbatrcSj-: / feadibyiPiiiggiiig^ 'it^^:; v ■/'■/G^0tJ^;Aid/G^ • .;irii line/ w'i th. an io.tbnsivb'. cam-^' pafgii ,-Cb bft car.ried .oh .this .^eii^oh by- ltad-io .to iid/salesiiirb'n.^h. scllihg- CO.Qpbra.Uyc'.adyertlsing between diiST: trih and ■ cxjliib, ;..seycrar. .t^ lettbis.. ;hays. ■ &bnb.,, fbrwird J to I^dio'3; p.ptbntl .cuatpmers dcfaily ;-i'h"g th.e/.ii'lani.'■-.■'•, '■■'' '/~.-'-" ■'■ ' All accbu,nts/,!6h , the. lists as. pba- slble buyers; pf?fhe .cboperatlye ad- . vertlsihgVwere. also se^ a,- ..set bf. 'proofs of' ^Traveling Jlushdnd.s' ads which - cbm prise tli©: first/Of/the co/- pperativb-caimpalghs'-tW •' ., Under..the- general -plan; "the dlsr trib b.ears .a porttbn 'bf .ad bampkign expbnsb /.witK- /l:hi9.; icxhlb': ifblr / per-- cenfage.. Cng'ageme.n.ta' witlii. .a-;:yie.w :to ■ building, /lip the gross. ;f or both, ^ehds. ;:• ■ -'.'/;. /:'■';'',:/--';'V;.; • '•./'-;:;./■; : MASSZ/EK^ ; . /iSprlrignerdi -Mass., .Sept; 'i4,.. . . .:•■Widespread. .'Influenza /bpidenUb ha'^: had .iiittle. or no.'; adveTse effect bhi" thbatrp it^endancb ;bere,: tiut;-in; Nbrtlianiptoh' ey.erybnb under ^iti>e' age pf ■iS. has/bce^^ frbrh'the- atres.;/and^ Other.i^jlibiic .'assembly. ;piaces.-^:r- • ^;/.-,/' i'--- -.■!-■ ■■■•■•:!;.''■'•;'. '/ //X.h .Monsbn/'?i/si.mil.ar rule was put irttb. effpet with, the/age 'limit, set .at .iC.,.; .SIpEingflcld Pidybr /-reciuest-ed manAteprs;.. to keep.;6yery/bhe ..'urtijer IC ..; bijt .pt,■ the • theatres • for.: two :^ocks;; but. the . managers' :dpei,iie(i " to mc.bt, before -ta,king ;a.ctip.iU;'.;- ■ ... ' / ■ -.'-i Schenectady,' 4jept;/l4.:^ Sitlrley, .prbs.idbnt Qf- ih\r.as.h • "l^heaiires of'thi^^^ -iiiipd'. tp'-hls/ hom:b- .result .Vf 'a .licXHrptis'. brcakdb.wh.-.'.; : /. - .' / .•Siih-ley/rpcbntiy. .disbbc-ybd m or(hM;s/'.l)y go.i.jigi^^ Ne^. --York td -.mcbtf li IS tamily- pn /;theJr .-rci urn frbni-iCui'bpe,. ^■■',,y^' ■ ,-,;-'. -.•■ •/.-/ '■ ; XC'pntHiliedJ.frbm/pa /■:../ '■: 'ri,u g..ti;ci.><t'>.ng --'• that; ...it.' 'iiad' •'tdiioh;/ 'no, great: boar. Vigbi?' ip Ur.hip on ;thc Idc^. •Gliiie;. -.which .; cVenti).ated->.riirlVt^ On the ;jiet^ls '-qt;a. h*»w/b.rr6rt'.f.r,pin.;th.c bull piiii'iy to ;st^ge;aniH.lfcr of. tlVoso;. .^Iri.ves ;aj;!.ti.b«tv .the -sjiort;.a-ccQunt.. ;fhb maneuVc'r was .o'jfi'oii.ted. at.fhc i''riday' o i)e:iting,. b li t-.v w eaiv bnbd 1)er ' fove-, tlve' end \ bt : the:.'lir/st. hotit/.an.d ■\v,as 'o.iviy .••lVn-|C-hl;\irUHl.ly :'pavri.bd oii. tHr.ough/that sessian.. - H waij.c'Oui- i> 1 etciy.:: (h>inoniiti-.dled ;-ihat' ;in -1 he .' ,ritrtfet,'s/pVi\scnt. frtrinb. pt'jnitui, tii.b niarkbt bati't be .Rtrbiijif: a^'h.ie.d: a-giiiiv Avith'bxi t some, kind ; pf ^ good'; hews, lb .give.-it ..aid; and-.,cdmi'brf. ■ i-hc. a't te'i'npt .^vas. ;ma.ilc-. .to.-sivpijiy .tli.i'S ■ ..dbijidbratumf in;/ rbports.: .oir- eulatpdi/ through • tlve •■ district' '.th.at: NVashi.iVgton'.was p.n ;th.b /<v^ a- pix^iiii.iUi (foment •siipjibrtjhg.,ht>Pt^^ a Vpjsibad ,law rb.v.ision,' but.-Myahvst, this -thp rniu-Uet- 0110.30 ■ to- keep its Tittbrifion /iiicij /bh 'sUcli\artiialitics ad,-;th6" passing PC'iJTb diyidbnd- pit libck, Isliind and ethers' and..a .rib.w bd'tch, of .<io'ur rmancial -st-atbinpnts.-.' "". Re'cpnt' tbn'dehcy;' of v.the b.ond' socv tiba; tV) .fitnv.-uii.'ca'nie io "an ;'db'rupt end. .and' iitost ;ot the loans ithatl had; 'Itepri- -d.<.iiiTg.:\vcll. lap'so.d.^in the ■num'7' bbr being particularly -GenbraV thp-; atrbisj jand Parahio.tnit.:: A'mphg ■'•tliie- ap.t iv'e'. xt ocl.{.s.- Fdx gave a poor.. ;pbr^ fbrmanrb, sfipping.- back ' slb.wly; pn 'inodcrate.- -dealings., . to- -^villiin le^s tliii.n a point oiiits f brrner 'mlhimuih.- .near .w-li ich levbt.X i.i2.^;i.);'.'i.t;'nni.slicd .{hp; ~^Veek, a ^ighifibaht. hxpyofftcnt;- alnVbst. on tiio, eye of the .iiairpctors "meeting; ■ . --;; / / - .^y ■■ ■ '■ ^. ..■ •I..()eAy • pnep-" more '. was .^'thej -i>rl7.b a?btbr.- .. A\ i l s; low for. tiib' week, 4 5 %, :the; stock wt;s about It) ppints. dbbVb its. i£!3i'...lo Wi; '.and - even a. f ractibri better' thfvn'. the '45' icy'er'frOin-.'Wh ielv it began .il^s August: cl iirih to better than .'51/" iJuring this' list 'piiasp'-of .lhe/:iil.<3.mp, ■ lipew'jg ^has lost'.prily/ 6 points or . so. f rbm ilB. peak, and /at -timps : ■ Iboitbd' to. /be . .deliBprateiy pegged at 47.>... - ;.- ; • -. /';. .Kpt.. tlidt /peggings a, - .s tock In .such a mariiet attrabts any large n umber- of, bull suppbrters' to. .it,, for during the.'-; las't •r fiix .inprtths . tho tra.dihe fraternity; iias seen: .tod many pph- lident po.ol.<j come.ito;:griet tJiat. jvsty, aiid' the: clique tactics of .stubbbrh .^es^stahee^■ has lost force. / -Stocks like General JSlectric. th^t got that kind of d^'.fcnsb .d;urlng t^ip. sum^ mpr.i.-are-qiuying.^fQr. it now;. ,./.^ ' ' .'.'.S.eati'hjg'.Shpvys .Less ' '-.-/ ..'■-; c /It Is: the cbinhi:bnv,expoi"iehrc,of a: , bear n-*d.rket r that the..rorppratidns. wh ieh.:Jia.ve' good; news' to: giyb. .bijf AT'e'-the, first -to'' repb.rt':dn.dv.it is- les.^ :.-;:rpsy,- statements. that •.. cDine. later. Jipncb -.:^^t'he : iiobvy-'-and the; ' er)nsolidate(V deolaratibns. .j^rbliably >mdk.e, .. the- rbest.' .■sl.ib'wihg-;'a^ pthevs -tltat;nre .to-.borne, i-h ..the next fft\V: ^yeeks-■.--wlU. be lo'sa''Cheerful.-. In. all iikelihopd lOox/ will ,be one of ■ ■ihpsb^' '■"< :"' ■'.' / ■-: ■ ■;>^.V ■•-■'NE'W. .YO,Ri<:^-::.'/-:;'// -..'■.-'■'-■ ' ~ ~ "-. .■.•• ;' •'■ !'A)'|)any',-----!iio'n'l.'.-H,-'.;-: - .Drtyinfi' I'lu-k' ThAat^ro: Corp., -JlOc-'hcs- Inn;-. thpatvical businCHB;\:.2P0,':Bha.i;oa.'---n6 .i)«r;'-v'a;i.uer ■ ■ - -—.-. '.-■' ... ' nil on Operating;: .C<W'» • MAhiift^lirt.; t'bcatrlral -'t)ertorinan'cc»,.. tnot'lo'n: plc'lucc'v t>x'liJl)ltlon.$,.. --iiinu.Hciucnt'. -vltices.; ... '£00 ..slr.irc.H 116 :t)ai'.'va.li4ei ;:.'.-- : .. .-. Itarbcir^yviro: C<>.,. -New- York; the'-- Jtl'rlcal .busiiiOHs; 200 Hhnr6a-nQ';i>a:r.~valuo-. -,- Ciuhlo.M.'roiluctlong, .-Iric;, >1;^nl)'ati4/i;. th(»,alrlcal -oril'ei-jjrlses; 100. Khar.c?s. ho j>iic'' y/u'ii.e..-,. .-- ;■■ ■■' ;.': . '- . ..-'..•'J'ho'^'Now "Vork- .TIie:iiir9-'0t,oa';;u'Q^ .Jnc.;- -^tiiM'liiiti'a-T)';.. mo'iitjii. iHf. Cure —bu.viiicss i 'ioO ..s}i:vi-c.s. -tro .1)0r vitmci. - '. ..; .-'■ . IiiVtift..- J«tani1 -;SioHori; I'irture'-<'«'., Inc;;,-- ■C)ui>!'''iH:''~lhi.'ii.UI*;fil..tiuaiu»;.ss'; 4160.01^0; ,..-J|(a.inilloh -rrotlit'cUHMH. . Iric '-MaiiHat- ; |ii.Ti (-- -pj'Dihiicjj' l-lUi'afHcft^; ,rf.|i'ri?.sr;'ii4'dllo'rlS Df. ;rll.-.Ji'ni-(J? •..'10.'0::."<lia;rn.4.'n'i>' If.'ir vaUio. , yhlill'Hli 1-:ns'riiO)lo J.'l(i-y('i<H,:.Tnc..---Man^- i,.-iii':.-ii::'(i.ii.aiij.'iir."bi».«in-..ss:'*i:;oi;o. - .. . "iMrtrili<'-\\niiiMflir('pnt .•<.;W|r;,.;.--]Co' li.f:sl,('r; -.ill.-';:!:i i (.(■;al ./bii.siiicH.T;'. 500" uliafi-ia.': ho . p'ar- •:-.' - ■.;' .■:! : ■. .' -. '■ V.-;:-'"".; .Ghaii'g'e':. b.f. Namp./ ;. ■'■., ■■; ''..•. . j^Miri : ltr(Mi(hviiy' Tli.nitr.f'. Ifiirt.l^ .C*or0:',- '."f -iv. -V.ork, itii--iluJt-.iialjei: .T.fii-ali'ff 'l.'ar.y: ,.,--;'^:...- —v;;- v . '--^ : ■: ..Changis -of; Capital.. '■.■ .•.Mariln.;-:it«V^U .^'boatre- ^Nirpi,"VAf.i:rth r iji- •tiii-i-i'.'ii*i-<l-, frbii'i:: $iO,000 ..'to'-|a;''j;O0.((l ■;■;:'''•.'.'.■/ ^ t A nj^FoS i a/;^/ . ■ / /; • -■ ■' . ; -Kacrarncnt.o,' ,,Sf>nt. .lit, : . ,S|)cnvftr • :ifi':niiOtt-. ;-rro(lif<:l'iii*iH,. • Iiir.; ' ■i!-.iu.'.>'... "if. l;;i.M A ri({i».Ii':<t-'iiiilt.'il %i '>'().liftO, sub^i'niic'.d: --.$60, "NlcUnlaif •;i}:' );ru'rrf:i, .,S|!''i..<'tr- 'il.ifnrif.11; ill, .i;>.'- .M':C''if ii'af'i;', Jtn/ - Ji;cjiv-«-; :'(;(t6r({'>-K- iii-tiAn., "■ -■ ; JJ. -.-.I'"-. .:-Zoiiliiiuii- :i»poiilii'f;(ion'pf, 'l.tlli, of-; '(VoHi.vSnxR'.C!); (apllal..(jior-lc; \''.,M'J'i; -Mib--. V.priljC'l' :-'U. -I?,. ZoiiJirian'i- il.;'.7t:.. iJU- ..yjill.. r,.- r.-mlr,;:. ■ - -- :.. .' .',-' -' .-.'..'.' •: . rflm-. (•lly--..SooMil riiiji, -.('ti'i'Jn-f Vl'of.. I.'Vi '-■;\tiK-(?l'rf«; no '.ripii,-ir Bttirl*.- 'K.- 'IS. UaiUri<. i»; :c.-lloUbb,.:0,. 1*; Uruttii.''. -•. Amer.iv*..an':iSv\'i-.linp; al^^ whose-'business ■is 'baujljypiug. Ui.e:i- AvdV brit^.Witii'.a 'pbo,f;slatenu>nt •;.. y'osteraay'.-shdsving/pVirnheay losisos than-liist y.bafc. aobon.d..ii'\iur- tor dbi'lblc .AVaa ■$04;515 :boinpared fQ;^^^^ $rii,034--fo'r,-'the ,Trine..Quarter of .i.p.lrt, makitigrthe'.lialf'.year ;nct li^stf tl 90.-'. ■■■ ,74'6, a.^aiii'st $t'6r/394 :foV-.:the borr.o> ., - .ixjjonding; pei-idd:: 'bf. 1S30. -. {?tp.cIt,; ■ made', a' -new." lo.\v. f!at-urday. at' .'4, / jhrti: dppeai-lng the hrSit.,:timc. i'a; ; ■^s'eek's. on-.the' taiVp.. -. '■;': • ' .' -, 0- ^;^V^rners: ^pro^TtV ^ibmbthlpg of rt.; -:/ miid s>n£ifttion;for. thb second ;.wiee,lv...': Ofits ■.■'rbViyah:/pxc'cbdirtg.'..'al^ btheVs in ils-.gro.np ;in turhovcr'.amV v .' 'riiaking; progreifs tipwat'd ; hgr« ihst ;■ fa'iii'ng' .j>rii.'Gs -..diV :-dro\i,iidv..'.-/ypUii>-i'e :- fdr/thc. webk- 'waii, 'hibrc-lha^^^^^ b<)0 ish'drcK and'' it ; .came. to. the .; gatih'day '..close--wit^-: tite only imr./ -' pbjitdrtt :,p^Us. -' :sign,-'-iri': -the :'ent-ire:.' nmursomei.Vt cbterte^ e^'^en if thj? jihiH st^fh; ^^^d^^^'beforb '.thc-.fract'ibri,;..»^i.- On.- ' Fri'dayis rtiild 'rally /■V^'nrSibr jiithped . babici . to :i.O,--litlie'./below-.-.the' best' ;. pribe/ if^^ /lias n'pmm.anded .pn.' .il.s.'. lri\Ttvb.'..attcmiit - tV .cbme^ up frpm ;;bb- ■''. hi'rict;: ■-. ^■':'v^.■'//;.. ■ ■■■■ •:--:..: '---. '. ;\\'hb is/behind the bpei-.atioh is .a ' sepirct; from th'c street;' th'e/c:iih.v)iti«h\/.. being carried , bh with ' vinusual^ lack . bi: -bflilyhob •whtch is fdr/fiHirii: bbing.. in .it.<l.-di.sfaybr.^ :. TH.ii ..bonds,- while. ; ;ba.sinp:' vsiightly frorh''their rboent; .;. best, 'made a. miibii :better iih,pwihfT ;■ ■.thdn^the iivemge in. t^ loans,; ^'iwhich ..w'erp very', .weak' igb.ttr :: ' ernUy^. ■-'■'. : '. .•':,'-';:'.. ■''■ ■: ■ ■ '',--■ ■„, -- rNet-'-; Losses' Smair.'.--''■; ■■:."•;•"'.■;- , ,Study .'bt tiie aggregate/decline - In.; -, the. klricily ainusement list ;shows/--'^ .thft-.'sfartllh'g:iot:al-p'f.bnIy'.8% T'dinVs....''; :iost -iCor.:'mbrc than. a.-dozen st'bcks'/ - H)e/ ;bxIrbnie ■ :decjinb ;b,eihir - \ ;id.' '! t^aramo.nht; - The; -thr^e bth'p.r.stobk.M ; iri. the Variety."tdblei,.-which arc; ;as- .: ■soclatcd-.with^ thp; picture. i.s.subs. tor:";; ■ one -TC.dsbn: br . anbther,- .-;shbw'.\di:T ./•. ;ag-ffre(?atb -net- decline of nearly 20. , "poin.ta-r-rEa.'itman: Koddk.. do,wn8;'-/ ■Gcncrdl Elpctrib off 3%.;,dhd ,Wefji- : : inghpuse./dbwn 8. •. in the; bijso- of .: • WesflHghoqse, the break Ayds- al-; hTbst. .scn.s.atlbna'l; the., issue . going .; :int'b;- new vibw. Brpuhd fbr the. bear /marltet: '/iindcr. enormous . 'yolbmb.'. ; Market assum;fe3 tha;t its $4 dividend •is .ih -jeoiiardy. Action on the pay-- / m'c'nt-'is'due in a te-iy days. . .' ■ Best thdt ebuld' .bo . said .of -, the :!bond -. section ■ .was- that/ trading /turned: dull: pn."the:- decUnei. ■w'ith , turnbyer sharply off for the: week,';. ex'cbpf: in; the ease;, of, Warner Rros.v ' • Ayhich. galne^.'.'Vt -on sdlbs .of; $254,-^ .. ftOp/; :Prpn,t; taking: in' PatlVe .bpnd.s': : ; was/ui'pent;. but rtodlirip steall. iJ<»t '• /loss; herb::anio;unfed ;to' 6. it' D.O'/,Tho : bid ;i< el th. .'borids dlab? suffered 'a rb-; • :iaj;)so;.pr 5- points to-lt.'». p.ld Ibyesi. pf: /65, yith. dealin Ppth the . Pardinount/.l.ban.<5 •rt'ero;; nhder.V.;^ ixres.stirb.i. dlthough /.still. the rh.inimuin of ;a c^ou.pic' of' nnbntlui': -agcit/.'-;'-'-.:'/.:■-.. /. . ■^.^'•;.,-/';--::/';/',: ''■■;■'■ ;SuiTrrnary for Week ehd'/hg /S 'I "' ' "';.■' /■;, STbC.k EXCH ANGE / -1113 ififtU. - •; ' . -ir,' •; ■: ■iK*i .-.■ 1H.-|% . ■'^w^d:./'. ; i;*^/' ■ ■ --r.:i'/4-':', ■ IW ■ : :, ■ I!4"''. IT ':■ ■ 7^'■•■'.■ - .TiDVt -. . L"-; ': , K?H ; •-,' .-WK ■ ': :;li-;. ..- "■!»^i;:,:' -• .'m.W- •'»-%'■-. •.H)'A ... . .'11'.4-'. .•)'-• ' 'i>->w--' J4> ;T.sii-. .!l!t.-»i' . (HI -, ,117 ■ V': T I '4, ■-'.'« '. 1I.S . :'ii:'i4v; "--.a^.i^.; --. - ...71) ■.. m V, : i.-. - ;i '■ : .1U^'' ; . L' l 10%: -,. 7'-i - ■■■2'Vv ..- :<-i<i.' -:.'-l- - -1-S. -'-:r(- ATT.:. ■T'\ , Salci. - - '; Isjitip-'an'rt. rat.c. . ' . .<,'0O-: -Aini-rirari fio'iiL... .> .',-.'i '. i'>. . : 2.r,o6. <;<')n.soU ..a'-'llm-.:. . ..;.,:. ..'. ; .-. : 'i.it\o- .Oofifioi. 'Kiith' i>fd. .(;;)... ,'.-.. . .'iT.fiim ;• jojisiiftiih 7<<)iiaif (ay. '■ .;. . :l7.ino..'J'^o-T.-'CliisM A. M)., lW):,-00 .(Jen. Vjlo;.. '.ri.(iO)-.....;.'.,".. 1.1,800 c;(!n.v 'J'bpav Km., n .-.-. , - ........ Kr.it.h prcf. 17) i.; .-, -. /: mWW: V'fW/ (rfV....-'..,...-..,,....... ''. im' : .T>i> prt-r.- - (O'/i);' -s. ■ {.'-'■• ■ ■ ^. . 3((e...-Sl(iiIlson. -,Sn.; (iiinii'n-. frjoi .,. 300 : Miit.-c;.iii '.'prcf. . (i.-sri) . .",. .riO -. Orpli J - prof. -W) .. .'..-i '.-V....'. - 41.700. l\ir,an1oiin'i . (^-..'lO . .sUt)-..; ..'. -y.;.j,son:. j'iUiio.'-KfriiaiiK'-:. y. ... ..: S,.Sf|0 I'nlhP, . .f>l!>.sB • A..-........vV. .2t7,fiO(J ■ limljo- . Cori).-.. .; aC;. 100 JI J\ () '.'...;.; .\- . ;'., . . .400. .sluiliOi-t -.;.. -. . . . . , lO.v'-iiiirvf r.sal- prof, -(SI. . V. i , 10.7.000, 'Wdi-hPr . HrVi!*, , .-.';..•; - .'.•OO,.. -Do prof. (3:35j.! . . ,'.. -3;t(ijo(jT ,'WfisriD-filio.uHe, -'..; v-;. -.'■-; ••.;-. -■'/■■ ■:'V'/'':-',■ •"ClJ-iRB;//x'i.. .. • ';iOO:- Chluinlila-^i'rris/' (lih:, ::-, ■ ■.■ v.oa : Dii V. t .c. (I % -l'-) i...... •. ft.TOO . Do KorCHt.,;Uanio. ' . if'BM'i . ..:;,' -'- •!. ■ '■ ;..'..' -m - ... ■ ::n>.i: .V . ■ ...' ••■■:■' i-'^-. '. ! -:. lAVi. .;~ .n2'/j: ; :-■/;%' . , .-'-l.T, ;v an. .-. - r.i/i , iHV, .,M4'/i.' -/ ■■:i i. '42 . i';' '-:li»:-.-; 1?^ '■ ■. .r.7.w 8% ■■; :'- Nr-t rUs.-. .iiovr'.. ; fiastr for-wl.-. ' :,.v 4. ~; '■ :■: i ': ;--.vi-' r.x:; . ' nVd ' . 4- !*■ . rj% ' -': n- . V ■ I'-'n-'A J u(i-Vi-. .-:« \ ■ vi\\ i'iYir'." -X. . " ar..V4 . ./ -flri% ■ -. -r"-n . ..■ ;.. To bw.: ■ ; ■. 4il'^i'- '--'i<- V W}/k -.. uvt . .-114- . •,-'^n%^ V :'iJ^«'-;.- !!-■>- -,"> . ■; ■ .-.Vi . -^-M ■. J.'i.'4' :i!i.w - -.:iYi -;. JH' .;- i l^i; '. - ■ Aya -..'ly., : iiri ,' .'IT -. ■■■ iv&.: -y-v*, \ '7- % . .Ui'i . V- VI .. ■•i-l - - :4^! ' ; :: •■ - ; : K% .-/-. !)%'.: " -:2:{. -'. ;.25 .;. > '■ ■jy% :. '4d;/. . '-u -. -.I.IHK) „-J'''iiJt ..'J'ftoo.troa;' :r.-, \ .:. t:\..: ...... - ;3',«(Hk -Con.; .tlWMiv Kq.' p^'.-. i i'.-. ; ,'•'•■; ■ >.'- ' 4 ' . .r,'0--.HdUf. ■ Plot''.-.. ;-,'...-. .1.'....',... i. .'/i' ,-!(<•>■:.. 2;ft(iO .G.OPO Tochn|(;rtlor'. ■BGND'S. iHf.non-. fiorr. .TliPli; Kfi;.. '40..:. - l.'i.dOo licu'h ,()'.Si-in.-- 4l,'ooo .i;ofiw (»*«.. Ml..-.".;:. ■;. W,;000.-- l:*aUif> - 7%. ; :. - ,ri,n.00 Ifa'r-^l';ym-;r,iiH)(y -O'i,-, ' 2«.-000 -Par^i'-ul) :r.'/i,-s,:. <Jd; i.; . 2,()>)0,.■ KbiibCrt /i'ij, -',42;,...'.'. I'iH.OfJO; ■Vll'artici'- iirqs. n% It.-.', 4% 22Vt.. .'l!7.- . ■1)7^ -.II.7I.4'. ' HIV . :7'7.'--- .- -.I*--. ,13!)?.^/ J;;-l. 'li' . I';"--). : l i'-i ' -a.,; !rq.>). o'js,, .;:.;... .• ' ': yissu:E,s;; iisi; OTHLp^-.;iyiARKtT^s,/: .' ';-' /.'-/Air Quptcdf ^fbF,.^S^tu>da/^^ ••• V-.Oyisi* ;tho"C6'.u ntetv;':N;oV;--..- -.'/;:.':• • .'...-;'. 'ii'iKy'; C"ia.^!). 'A '-(3.^b);..-./.- v'..; ^y. :-,.;.-'; .-triTi't. -dn-,J.'^,■.■.■.%;.;;:.,.-. „.,'-',-',,. ;' .'»: ■. '. ■.,;.,>'. ' po,.l''or''^:it. 'l>-l.ior)0. , j;'.,.;-.. ■;7% - 30.' :-.;4'-v. 20 . " 'v.iHi-;;.... ', 81)-V,"' :' Ki!^4 - ., !)!^-' . ' Ki^i '. ■.•..'«»4- ,- iv -2.y»--. -.-3V4: 31!:; sv. -.20 :. .ivi :: .; ;..!f7.'-i * 'iK)'^ ;' : :«!>.^'-; . 7i'. ;;'ll'-V '■ :':'--ii'' ■- ■■- % - 'H : ^4 ' , , - -.Ti-.llll^tiH .-Tiil.' $o&t6ri' .fi;.; ■4'-v' MYSTERY: EXPLOSION Rjp5 Lbbhy bf:;E;-: Ni.■ /Ld(:w' H busb- ;: Mdybc. Spv^re.r ,Gas:.' ,//; //:/-/ -:.:./::.;-Wvrf7;.':t<^^^^ H:''iiy\ \\. - ' '; A-;niy; l^'.^-ioii'H;.'c.)rp'ii:<."ion i'.ii;iit<'il >i-p \')iiri:u(, iJi<v.florir' pt-/iliv/ -|.)hli'y:.r)'r. \h<-: (Jlytiipi'V;,.Jli.n'ifr^-.o'ivl.v ,I:;i i^^ htot'hi'i';' /; .I' l.v.'vd-':"^^ ^did. tifr ^id.^rC b(.7:VJ'.C.''d. i" 'tiib'/l»a.Hbm'btit-,^ah<l . -ji);b.s'siii;iy.. wds'y.f-u.s.t-d.b.y'..Mnvi:-'r;[{:;iH,;'^^ . Oi>;iir'pia:.'-.ls b.jjeiytUd -by - 1-^.';^'/-; .lKibw;/t>.f/-:l.iij.-'i(pt.ii w.ho-: has/ a cliuin •of t))|!;,'U i t\-5/ia:?<'.o'sy' l!irig.Ian(i.' ,-:Ii0evV' ; .1 i;.is. (II'l pi'ty.i •il ;;ii0li-iinlith' .'niO.n- .sinod -. i.i'()iil-,,r«^. -wiw'.'ii bl'gan'. .|^b.vcral.' yoitrii-; .^igu^ 'ijv//pa<vi.ii(lie^ /'I,' -'LpcuijW.: 1 rrtii/Kf's.;ri.'.iye: IVocn ;thp target .OC/6fii5f^ )ib;fi:bs. /.latest ;;i)elng/ .th^j- ^^'apit()i;^ j'ii:i(>V:i<r('M<'(';..;it;;;f;,;. Ayji '.;Ijpe\y ^rvV-: cXM(t/ly ^ab^tiiirod f ror»v..li;. m: l^ay^- .;^;