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Variety (Sep 1931)

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VARIETY /' i«Jcw yorlcV S6pt. 11. ; ^ , > Even ih^^^^ "ihiivutc lijtil. piu ti6 solo 1 n tfie.. inlfld le; Of a' jlnvMy tstaijc' slioiy.,. and hot AuffOr the cwh.-' • fiorr«P'^cps ''in'^ t)ic I.aT|?c . .pirtjorlty :-vV=.J)0 in'ay- bd slvortibri. tho; - conservatory,: technique : h\it wh') •' jinow -^whati UiO'y 'wunt,. .To t|ie mob i . ;tJiC //tSvbv- 'piahpf, s*'!" ■ Yij-scha;' 45iiy'(lc sounded dtfllcuVt to-pUiy and - that's about all.'- ItJtorljJdle .slo.\yOd- .. : <io\v.rt ~ a 'sprjRhtly ; show oi dance: ■ ji.ajjoantty iirid • ; ' ■ .nponln^^^.b •■ oyerfHre •pi:#(hi!6.tioHV'''.of ^'e^^ froin:; yiURQlettOVV-^^^ an arvo.stinR. - bit of ballet; art-sin^^rnoiit involvlh);: { ili9:;IJoxy,eites^ dresRod: in.' liowing if soan iy. robes and psixsh i rl nfifinl pu - •' latf^S;'' an /.enorinovirt iiwi;. doney 'i? . .slVlnint? ■•3ilvervf<!!..'i:.(h liiUl -s.alip. • ■ loosed at -tho start Ip - .roprefterit. iiii iTn|rtrrinfif\wa tjOrf aj 1';^^^^ ';. miin .wr'ho rieviUV \y.'is: bettor, ■ WlKife jiiimlrec rtttnlii'l'.ivoly.'baoK-Kro^ , by ihb subdued singling' bft staeo 'of ^^th'e/ch:oi^.v•;•.■ H, ■•\-'-;:-v ; ■ ■-: ■ "'J?ho 'yascha: .25a : concert nuni- fefrr' noxii'., player in ' evening'; dvciis,' ^ 'aitVne irhd6r .spo.t aV:tli.c,iBP'an,ci\ and ;.. liVlj;fcatc. pl.'iy -ot JitjjUK yn an.o.t i.V<;lr.r. .; ■ WrVso'vtidaqt stajn-f". Two^HuinlKTfi—. ■ ■c'Ctiriwvt.o'in fc-llitt^iT'iliiisjti.'aiuVl?pr.Hl .'■ liiiliio .J\fpfnM<Si x''.vQnv;,^/^^^ ■ -rtii.'.i t'^lhc. titles' in'ijijy. . ' ''. • ..'i '^T^odKfo- Ttjo,.; thro.Q^^^ ' Iriii; d.i'e'ss"' rto\ .mat^:lv ■ routihcs /.Of '■■ ..ovr^'ntnc; ja'///.-Rcareeh •' btit. Vm'. til.e api-on- ite' 1)0*111 it a;:)iew • Si^ttini?. -^for'.':{he;'. tlnnic,"■'.'-Momphis Bhiosi^,.procii<ibn :en.^em:i)i6 dressed ;; iii. Siiryer^ aniV rbliio'-' be.Core: a li).ii;ril{ ■'.•oy<'.loTaina for.,..'sh.'vdp\v' eff.oet. as':-^^^ \ J?ir lis .' dp tap I'pu tines;.' Si irigl.i tly in .y .tiilor; anil ..inptibh >s' always,, rliii.t. ■ TaKffcd ih' oxbciitipiy at' :thi.^. .ciiriy. ■?'rtday :ovc.nii'V)j' pQrfoijniiance, Staiid:- .' ai'd mirnt)p;r. fpV .rthis l«.niiKO, .:>vhiyh ..' rriakvj.s, a asset, of.' .>ts : . ;linO, dcyblppti'd Ibeyond a^^ .of 'tho/-:lcind 'ciscwhtsre;- •' ,;.:•.'■ •; ;. v. - ;.• 6p0i^tic dispii^ji,. tifiree jri n'rjitn- terc blended: ifi t<> 1 he.,b vortui'.e,.fOu nd /■■the,, staper .at'hts,;bcsti- .I'^Vur priner- . • pat .Sqoii.cs.f roni. the .w pydso^i ted with; iirst biafv.s pict^ . effect.. • .G'penirtff, a ■ masfiiye bit of •, Bta^inpi. is ■.'a icourt scehO ihyplvinf?. .' ^^:'wealth', ot.. ebstuhne anil jfroupiiipr . aplA<r^.b/-with; thb-drthco girls, usdd / for a .eapital; mlniiot as rtb tbo aria; f'&opranp tiolo behind . ■ .;<lim-sCrini for a;h ifitci-yal, Opntiribu^, tin^g . (ho 'Caro yj'IoiTid': ariav'. male i.choriis .in the. s.amfe' Sfcttinp; follows;: ; •'; and for the .filialc, thiOLiciuartet bo- ; rfbrb;'^a .'nice IbokiTig caistle .settinB';! ■ iAli -stan.iiard' opera;.imaVcrlali . adc-^ , ;4iiatcly; stitged- arid, enjpyably. siing. ;■■. ; i"'eat'u.i':b .■ lis ■ ■■■Jiforely '.Mary•' • Arih' ■ ,(lW.)x) ;ah^ attenddnce this .e'veni;nf; •.: .■■.pcrfo'rmiince- o.' oi» .b^itvi' . ..than ' fair ^ cOrisiderihgytho' hea:t of; Fr.iddy riightV ; :. liush:, \\ ; ;\ ^-rittsbiii-ph, Sept;-;!]^;;. ' '■■ Hay I np''slipped ove'r-a-.i1e\v s.n'm.-' . - jrioV 'h\Kh with '^'alV .GAllPway'-i} band, • //p.tatvlvy. prpbAhiy •liojioS .tP .dp'..a; r'c.v .•po.Tt;';. c.un-ertil.y- ;SvUh :' ,flte!, ':D,ulce' ■ KJIinKtp.ri billliti,TheyU'c stivro^^ \-.«'])u;l(Q.',wltiv a .cpntrfo. of' surbflro ....'soi.ji.'v ',a.(\t's,'nnd lt -rl<>.iy<.'! like'- a ei'ri<'l> ; f()r- ..thp wijplP'-.'Jhpw- to:. .Bond;.(his . -WR (Loluxor's stage;, .stoclc'soq^rihfi:; -r-Bjcy Jii)iir.^',• i''.' , " \ ■!. ' : ■;.'. Xpt' a:'duil .mbmoriti.with ..itliirjgV. ■' triji ..Kondi.n'K'.tho cristoiii<^r.s ■ iivl o-^toii .: sppofi : fit: thc';-' biilsot- ■ ■Tlic-.i>ijkA-: is; ; • Jict.iiitt 'as .."sort- o.t .■ an-. im c;,- ;].:>!<'k ■.'. .IVi'\«Nti; rogrilar hi'?- c. tjy.ltiuj? a w.eoU •. offv -.Twi; • l)Mnd .nutnhora )oad;".'tp ; :'.tlit.' 'J'iVrob^ '<:ibl)f<,: .wlw . whirl, vbvor .:. with' nipM"! .t'o.-ePo.roi'- .Another, band '^niitrilior-ond.ih'on iVy'AndorHpn.... tlio : .i>iiki::|s':f<Mhiniiic bUiC'.^.slngon .\Vhori ..':. a:Mn^'i^VK:'•H,l^^iI■to.,c^tn:d'o f«)ur.stra . -jVii.tnl'.o.rSi.' «I>o'S;-ppt; tp ■ haiyj; .'sprnci '.' thflip; .■^■■■.'^i^:''^'^^:/'-.-.- '■., ;'■'■• ':.';;V.. Then it.'i.ilclilTo and '^^^^ . Iliiit 'h.'i.s; hi t - toi? ',s" blH'"K; i'vvfcf' ■ .boipi-p;. I't-adi'lirPo lirts 'a'\>u*\V .p■;.lr;t- ' .■ nc^r/hiii-dly- :;:?liiut;': tlVilt -niaRos: hb''.dirrprctico"rtor .. :ila(li-Iiff0atiir J.s tlic... .ac.t . 'JMie'y ';\.=b'bBiirod'Ptt^ ■ -d-" - /;-!.;^tter.«hifl;'.I3111ngtbn xeaify- B^ts •" Kpiri)r..atid his, Ibwr.dbw.ri 'Plf^^^ And' . •.j'T!'»tl -j'*ani.'>-sy/;;.<;ipwncd.;V'ni..^'^^'. '..i.'ioturp- ,'(:>aught';., I'la^terc.d'- -(KfiClio).-; niVd .Borinlb; Arm,strPiVg ■ bi'gnnir)>*,.u;n whf'tlv. Vio ..!ti'sp^,h;i6f?' ti,ip; ■ ' ii(?U(il e.bmniunity.'fjing. : .Cohere. ■ : ■ . . • ':.Vv 'v :Lclitf>ixpb, ''Se'p^^^^ V..audevil)e: :may' .t.ake a.'bldckcyc. ': wi fh a'~ ft^.\y Uala ha n ■;!.n(l--K>itz' expe.^i. ;;v<-i.-. ov<>!'Iy.''f i*f.cndly Io,. \t,- 'as a .rc-^ ';--'KVil|.':<)f thb" itllVs't.'ir at:'.tli!^^'Q V'.f al-'- I'iii,^ 'Av.pcU'.;; ''.ri'Af.'a^ ' ' •' -ffhcrw liiit,' riw .'(v vnJl.<'lo.\ illr^lilll,''p'')'pi''' .;': «tii(V I'i('.tvi-viii<'' s1bn'*(' h.'i^d.Iy- a)jMHl<'il- ; ' fiiid -firliV<'f'dj-'M) ;siipl.i<^ . liii'f.''. \vh:>'r • -^viil. pP.<«silj'lY ■ iu>.i.l'Yo hiaiii. ■.•^oi'k" 'w.iWl hy-xYiio siivvf(: .'- ,:':''.' . • ..- • ' '. ■■.'P(vat''.'< .as^iVniln'.i' tl'ie- )5prir'sf>\p,h(lt;-" '. b);ini;> for. itlicV'.'sccfmd . Jli•^.^i^•ni.'ipf•.Jl•• ,•.,: ti-i-iiiay--. Is/.- Inil.ii'.'il iyo,,' Sin-itii ; nml •.. l).h.!6;: AilKoii. .'^ljnn.l('.v.. .in'I; ijiii'-k- OH- . .' .• tf'M-iufiTir pl.iis l-ivii in'ii1(V.r turns; (lidj'i;t- '■; j.'-ll .ijs::aTv VfiJ^i'^iviMo. -V'; V ' ' .•,! ..•"• '^Tvjio ;'.rlYjit-' '{^nritlv--' -siDid 'v-llaW' : ..■f»»'iia<'.l(f.t1 ■' thV-ii;.. 'i-;.S.' .\t(i 'n'i-i:i'.' . -V-k I iV: A.ii(1 -M '.Stu nley iip b.ed 1 i<:i I ."a oartrlilgo or twp in the laigct coro, Hut - the show, iij,; toto, 'iiii;;lodv wlioozod a-nd .;'wpb.l.n«(l:.. .. lJ.enpi:l|hp h'jmsf'lf pi-prt^^ would at tiie :raVa('e, .NOW i'brfci OS,-- foriiiari y^iHi of "liitlb aid.. vThA ots pJ.i<\><triV boys'.'iii'id.^thc'i I}j>t' fi^iv rbWs- got tl'ic ■niajbrity of hi.s 'Aviitlcistn.'i. (•)#iteri»an ': ■yyas.' bx.V.'^'.in.ely' Wild ■ bri " tliiii-'ilCcQrid .sHoAir,.-. ili'. .fiang his .sP'ngs^ iri'. the. dcHcb; a' sii'bf.^'lJVat-'n p'lcktiie^' lip'.badly, af^ler;. a.'. eoTiYon- trPDTd . .hGad-bakmclnjf..- tiirii. ■ thb' Uiph'tbr ; Bro.s/ .'x>pen.o^l.- All' 'in'.'all', ■it wtts ''an . pf£;. pVrfo.rui.ano ' In .i'Ptual .^-pspiifrdirig.-S'volun.ici tlip, rintt^vila-Atlpn .pf -.t.hp.:slu)w; won th.p. .aiio'god ■:''pr.andfuth.Or-h(>ofcr;; b(... Audrey Wycitoff. •. AJet ''W'as a poppy.: HUerludb^V'.- ■ •'..-'': ■• .\7. : \V^.l:te^.. iDavidspn V tlic' ;,>iho'w. trotri ,,thp pit'- w,ithiSl2 .nien; i^alaGo,' riic,^.n>VhilCj.': wyLs.'.adv b\ . tl 10 .'•. d.aiii'cs'. .abput. its,' xicvf. .lir- proro: prbh6stra.- .A.vaudeville 'show? Av'CiOld .-.s.tiil .bo -a- frp.oii idea' tPr'.'tho'r; Wj'l.bjitar'fpict. thny.'li try ■ ojib spmo?, tirtii;;.: v Osli'i'inirin,- 'i<initli'-:a a■" .Wyi;ItofC:" mh vo<l In'::h0ro" fnjrn ' the ,\ Micili igah;; ~-1)0ti'oit; ^ K'lst- \s■eek;:■^./;^ •• :.: r ; [^^./: '.. -.-;L<!/n^J:,^.. (.'. '.■\.''v; ^■:•L6s:• Atij:ojfc?i,'.S^ .'v- V Biggost-lall!. of tjvo .'^hW^ is' on. the. Kf'i-ouh. ih- the>l'''rtx 'MpvletottQ Is'ows,; .Mf.Hh...T.t'mpjs "ijunnV^ntrbdubihg. For^'is" p\vii: (raVjy stars'. t<y'>Taybr^^'T'brte^r^^^^ L,.-' A. .'"i.'prtci' is'tlic .■lii;^^.t;■pi:l■^i^(:n■^ o^■ :^ hi.s -.f^h'it mblr'biMii.lX xVIio. nj'adc-. thp f rbi\'t..piigo.s' when't .'as- o'ne, Of a :p«tj-ty: of-.dbailh'ead. ^ m.ay'()V>t(Uvrif=^ts . Jf.rranc'(v;\hb'. refused' to . let ' thb^J.lps that: to'uc:h'. Califpriiia .bra'njs.c.'; Hiyi iWd fydiK ;of :l''fancc,-' And ■srnil.';- l;i.i-ly;'when in tliis' hbkum.prcscrita.-: tlpn,: -wliiCh V hiiist J»avp :' :'tho- I'V)^. studio, b'unch' a liff^i Jjnnn. asks i'br'tcr if:'.'h.b'.'w.Ul ,drink to; if,; that .disti'riguishod ; ptT'i+bii-^gb ;' - :.stbut1y proclaims:;- ;ycs,; j;.ll .(trhvk :-riiy. .^;iVoritc 'i'OVei.'qgb. :C!.'ilifprhia- braf>"c ju;iij.o.'';; ;Ypu.:'.caa;t..tbR: that .for; loual .bbbstpry.".;-;■:"■ ■''./:.; :'-.j. '.;....,■' ;.6n sta:gb i!i;j;crtn I,,ebnidpf£'s nifty 'MoMtmiL'rtre':;unit hpidirig/a. Vai-ietV: be talent foi)p6d- by two .;sopk. acts,; Jbc Jaoksbh, fhp ^-i-i trains conjii", Jijrid li)olorcii; ;iDpuglas; iina.- .Iflddy, whb; -wharcimo.d with their, adagio.'. ; .Tanies; DcIjiiOa in tails,'''£i;pd' Cbri- stanco Rvajj."^,; whb:..iater cbn.t»;ibs .a!; ftlst kibkiPg, danGO,. bjicn tblng$ iip vocally .aa:;tlie '12 U.elcher-Xi^Valer'y girls: go ■ through thbir. v opening foripaliohsfi. . IjiiiVaV Si.stPi-s scr^^ dahGc;; iTi. fi'bntv' of. a' scenic: feel- of taris. while t^iie.'vpcal: .duo set .thp pao.e/with "a,song;ab6ut 'Mohtihartrfe" ..Waltz;' which permits; for. the. next set ' a, Moriniar t re exicrior,'wi th the ;iri'evii!tblb. .Mpulin • • Kuug'b ,' :ba;Ok^; ,i;.rbufi<ii-''-.'': ';■'■;■;.■•: r; y ■•■■\'^S..' ■["' } ■ , J)bn'-.. Juiiari .'and .:,.Marjoi'ic .In., /a Spanish, shawl dtthcp register. ' The ■J:ja.Val»\Aj&Xrt.r-;jtd\;.'Sfe Lbiiis RluKi^s,' arid ': ..then .Dolores, . iJougltis '. .a;rid .Kddy:'. TheyVovpart :of'; the Apacho; .;n^btJ^.'"•'■::.;^■■■'.■^■ ■■: ' ■ ■.■.• ; '• :'...'■■ '• . Kirssiiri nit^ lif'P in Tarl? isf' typl- .(ibd by a; chorus.. .11 u;mbc'r,;, with. thO: girls... in .:"masks-: 0 nd; David Itpbot hoa^tlihg, -it ..Avitlr.'fast 'Rlis;s(;; whfrl,"^ rsind ' liocksV.'. Jaick.spn'.' "next-, milkpd •om dbsplt,<; a tiirdy entrance aud.:a .'coiipJe of ■bthe'r minor, mishaps.;. . -'.. ■ '. i"Ootildoff!s' in :.;anipihg,-tjip Of llfb" tv^J At: Id^.-is; •rop;ibte^^ w^ .a'nd, will ..^akb; ,top;;h« sbpn^^-^^.^^^^ ■ spiiio '-.oi- tlVp. ti-icit VllKhting otfocfs ,.arb: cprftroilo'd.' 'riioy wci-e -still, ber- .sb i\k' w ii bh roy Ip \vc>d,' an airi t Ic i pa ted •(ii'sbbmfl tlirp fPr ail c.onctTncd- ''fepn >iidorr'ng ..that '.tiy.eV.fhrbo''days; at tiip; Arii.n(;h(ssto'rv,is :all; the broak-lh 'noiy ;irr()j"dod:.' 'lMib, ;.St!i.tb.'.;'Bti11 ;;rpma.ih*( tlip' 'wbrliV.'i' prohiiore' stand ipf - the ;,l'VAr'.tillits;'Tltc.: i{rat'.,(Kox)r-;bii ■.st'rob.n.': .^ibomod .Hp T)0 ' r0.icting ' fa- ;viinrhly :>vllh; ithc;.' Fiesta .rrb.wda ■db.Nvritpwn;.' ; ' •., ■ : " ;... ;■ -.''Alj.eT..'• ' y'"^ :': Detroit, ;Sept. 14. ' ,, SooPnd. .week: - of tlio ; foiir-.aot v;i iitie^.polic;?';)1ays a. hottor ■ show, tliaii .'thp;first .\v.eek;/ '.is'aTnb, act :tr\is. .Avcck;.is,jl-larry..-J/arisdpn and .a houd-■ I'lior,; Reserving.;'.the. -.'tillb. both in. 'audioncc. -reabU.On''']. a"iid- - lJO'x.<ifiibo Value. ;; :pusiivcss ■ 6p'bni.rig'.-.V)err.priiiV,^ '.anop,:"-'and by'., the i'e'opptioh'; given' 'IJajVgd.tiri ■ lip.'. was. ixs^pbnsi'VdOj. Was" '.^lOKn'didi.- i'iOtu£,p 'is '/t,as;t Fli'gitt'' X-l-^NK:'.. ).< ;;-v ■ . • ■. :;:.;' ■ v ' >;vv; :■•',; ; .^'Langdpn;; .wai;^; hbfoi'b;. ,ho' bpcpPd..,'-: ihb.uth.''■■Fpr.' the;'-;re.rtl: he ..giig-^fod. by. hiihsblf ■ '..witfti u • •iitQbgp-. in,.;-tlib" • orbi\PS.tra.' pit;. .• i-'iiir. 'Avere.;all for .laughs'.aiid: he,got tliont. IJsing lii'3 Autp hit. and' hi^ .ntidgbt. ;gi:;aud.; piano; /tict;'w.a.s-"spld; fpr ..fuU w.prtlf in :2,4. niihutbs. • ;:{Jhpuld havp:. bobn spotted last ph this bill,. a. fault, that - may bo' ;cb..rl-e,cted'; ■after' thb.-ppphing.;.show^;':^ '■ ■ .■■:r \ Pp.enlng arc the' Novelie 'Bro.s.,..;hi. lUpii'.'■f5tandaril;.:rp.ulln whifthi 'has; boon: ..rbfurbish'c.d. .., -Oiver ..cai).eciall>.'.: With; this ;.ni(itiiioo xi'OWti '.Of .«ibstiy hvbtliors ; arid .kids,; : ^Spcoiid. ..iiic't-,' ^fti ary Ifayrie's. .'-with;' hp.r-. soiigs Driid. cjiatter.. A :.little /too. flip fpr Jthf* riiaiinob;vcro'>Vd ...butr , iivo.p vTTTf ^, Pv'oiiirigs....■ -Trilby'- arid: JL-late; olpsiii.g' in.^'tx dappe ;'act^.vy'ith. ■nicb. Spt amv ;i)rari6--'pla'ycr. -:' Narnp; .d^uo .opotls ;*.'<- One witli; a.' sphis.arid into f ull--.sti:igo' .fb'r -scoo.ntl':nurhbb'r. :,l>ping 15; ml,n- ■ ',;'.-;Sv.ivioh-- -would;' .have-; -/cduritod ■bot.tcr'.if spotted'-earlier. .^^ iri^^ :ai'b.vrrid'may -riot; ;(ii^^ /two apis nbPding;;;firtl -^ta^ ;:<; -':.■ ; :Ov.erture' - elC-ectK'e, '''Usin.'g -.. ii^n'ps /roiV:i;'Jii.)id ■VVugon';^.^\^■lh:^^b lisibg tliP T)i;' 'jl;.i.n;i;ing-iri:'Tthe Inirk.'. - Arsotic ^ic^al,'~a;t' the p.rtt'an, .aifip..-c.bhnect'ed.; .-:' '.■ .. .•;: Lee. '. PARAMiOUNT; N. Y. PARAMOUNT; L. A. ;.'■ .'' .' ' ': . I^.s- ■Arigclc.s. 'Hcpt,-11 -• . .S\voll rb.stram shbw .with 'J'or- s.(M).'ii. .VKaiiV ' (Par) " on scroori.- : ]<on jSlui-rgLy-'J:(*s. .^SbrffffH'* •> , li.ah.d-;.'. aro i:atod' ■ pictui'c- :tliis' Wuck.- ;. -. '\- • .■ ; Thi's iw h ro'pc,-at.f,p'r .M.urr:i:y,:.iiprb; .a,, f(>rtTiiplit, ago,. in 1 thp.iJgh,' -not .;;ro.- l).o;.Hih^;-' his' filn'ftV mf)i.>^o..' Ih'ari !)«7<- .and-. doing- It . f!p; W.Ml it... wpiildrilt Triatfoi;:- -"ANMiU ni'.'^■.}?t;;i:iT<ird ;."i'li'd Ills I.J»:iiiiswiolV:pVbhbsti.'a. f.'xt.'^; ^jii-;'^J:'.ri!ir;p jind- khpwn :up- aiVd .ilpwii, 'tho;boast.;;-;:.''■;■ ■•■:■ ■■i:; '\ ■• Wurrny -again . h.aa' ITolen . a-iid '.AIllton-.Charlostt.ri-,-: thp . l.attor's; - ec;-; ^(.'pntrlp ■.sto.bgb .gbttlng; -as' ,muclv aK' ■■^lurra'y-s ;«t.uft;; aUhbiigh- thp. .corii'odi.-in. ;ls not tlirowing the ..TOt-. a'q ■■rinlch; ..ib' ■<!;h.'^rlestb,n■■■-a^s';•:;h.b .Jlid w.hbn'i'At the .ItlvO ;,a' opupio '.pf mb;n'th.<j '.baok.'■ :. .It' w.-i-s thbn,: Jjl.ur-' .rr^.y's;: lntontipn;-;tP ,d.riii,at'>.\his' apt .tp ;tli'v: 'brptliprr.slsfor jo.-nn ii's-.-ATlirray, is.i')|'>un"ifi;iiicaliy. tp;t-lu';..ri.'i'ili() .tpt ifOr' •pipti.ire's; ^bi-pUdoWsil ptc-v lilliiig: i'ri- priiy;|i Iritorof'Iod;: -. . ...]\lL'urrrt.y:hds>.cvJvbd :hl.s. propl "toti.>; pll'onc fbr W.tho'. .al;ir'uri>s - whp'n- 'lip' ■fViilLs -Piie. ii: lilt .top: ily. -T^li'oy gf^t i.l iliiiok '(Vhd ;\'i!hen - he -piirpo.'.-i ly; ..'••JiiiP. liv T!i::v^oak 'nrivilib. pbsoi'v-es:;- A\'vll,' ihPy ...WiLn't ;lafC 'if.nii.ov'rb.'/cloani..'.-;A', 'jioiii-r ;sponp;-; .is.';nV. s!-.:;.:«:,.-- a.ithjni^^^^^ W(iul(l 'fsilfnop ' if. ,:tlip^;v-ki>'i{pr :-;'w;o»;'\ tini|-0 ".fU'llKV. "'^\ . -"'^ '.: -•. ■% •-. •; Mtir'i.-.ny'.s-' l>if» :'h'o.Tto'r'- i f ,glori.fii,-d fi.-i fi . sbpnio. .l->a<-kKi;pi]iid -for' ih<\ ■(ipctilng.-r hftrou-firt.e.' - ■ .■•.' . ■■.■.■- ''■ - -: f!'t',iffprd',«j -if^tuff ; prttNlbully up.:Nv(lh .Ciu'i;y,;'arid;;l.-irow.ii, oi^f*r-'TVi'rh'>- ■lj'f)yif(>r.<T, .KV;iinbi;"? ; lioxtf^r- ! 11 id". .^M'ar y •>I (.. fi 1 ; i,V y-•■. .<;p h 11 U'" 11 i m !■-':■ ill:"hciw'i^ow;■';:: >>"; '- ; .•'■-.. ' AhCl. ■] _ ^ ..^j-: ;,'—> '■:-.;Nevir; Tprli, ..Sopit/^liJ; ' ;Tho ghow^ .thig; wVek ; is . ori. th'e .stagb.:-; ''My-:, Sin"*.- .(.Par),.; starring' TiU ^"l<^Ji . B!mkii.Pad:.' ancl ; Krodprio; ril'arch,. is-;the' talkbrv'.: ' ; ^ •;■.. "..;. .. .... Kadlb has .its ;points and-;the' best po.lri.t'.'.fbr ;aft ls .,th;at'',it' pbr-. niits . c.bntiri'iied .'.'popularity ' during lorigthy absoripcs.'.'Ben. Bef nie's:^^.b l,s .lipro. this.-.iVeek aftPr abpii't Iwo; -yoars away from. Brbadw'ay. . 'It wasn't so lohg.:agb' that art, ;;attfa'c^^^ tjoil. that buried ,itself-; in ■.a\tovvn like. Chicago ,fbr tSyo ycafs cpuldji't; huss;. being. 0f gotten :ph;the/^ : A; spangled'ayblPr.'. hi.dcs.' the Bornip . b.'vnd, - aa th&: current Par prbscrita'tib.n:. opens.. . ^ThGi. c.ohd'uP-: tores'; -y.oice ' cofmes. 'oyer .;a.'';rniicr;or pjioini'p.. .ills annburibbiherlt' ig .gre.ct.-; cc]' ;Sv.itli: applause and the applause icpritiniics ;;tHr&\iBli: the barid's 'slg- nftt'urb'-Bbri.g-. ■ ■ ::'-'•■ : ;Thb. Bprrile apt.:iS' :thQ.hsuai B<^-r^^^ nlo b'arid. stuff " jjacei ; by'; tho ciistb- - rh.'ir.y.-; Bcrj:iic ^chatte'ji:..' 'His .;.cpmip' -.■ityip 'can .instke ariy band -riiuslc iri- -tbrbR.ting,..;arid'.' thi.s. outfl^^^^ isn-t bad,, , Tom lienhpdy^.^bes most of the .singing. . Thrbe ..other boys in.sei:f-;lVa'rmpny ;.ribw'-ari(i ;;theri- Bpr- .nib:.- dblivcrs :.~orip" ..lyrib ; ritimber. .through -the'. lbud.'.Rppakdi'. ■ Jri 'bev' tW'.Oc.n alt..sbntirs .hc talksi; Thp .hibn'-.' 'fvlpg-is'b.righ.f';ahd■ :it makes -.the i'act. • Baftd;-'. ,■ does ^.30 ;; rnJnhtbsi. : w.itir .•irbund .20 ;Gon5UIne;d. by 'Bbrrilo, ijndv Ills rften. An- A.lbprtlna;- lia.sch trbupe; ■of- l-p. :. girls,;, .prcvlpu.sly appearing, (luring tlio T>i,t• overture, ;return a; pbliCb -pobch prcciiiipri: routine in' -.front, of -th(>:-3tage bpya, - ;0.ther.^five. .mirfotojj "gboj?; Mnalb- ;\yith a.'pplPre'd' fjulnt'pt of string'players;, .shputor.s ;in'd'-;hp<)f<'Vp/l)i)]c(j;i)y.-^ fus. tlip": .S('i.i"v;irtzi)la. Bro's.viThey'rb hpt, - '.I'rVi'ng-^'alhpf'oppdirbtPd- ,tl^ ■■p.rohp.stra through 'a medley of hut- ' .torfj.yVthbmos to! the Ttasch gl.fls'; toe. ; '-.bri 'thb": st'age. -^..Or.bhestr.a'.s- irVt;rb(1u:cti^ori'^tpi ..t.hb'j;Rtage- p • Ife; ■ il l^a^yn. ,0111.- tpb- Ip-ng . yi-n d . slows.. iiv, (hings".- "I'iittlp "re^sbjrt ';fPr-.thb,-. pl.t. ; lil <• ri-IS ' Molds .. ii pd or' a ■ "'piirp 1 e,' -. spb t, ;wlien-:all ;o.t.^the. Berpie "stage music:, is.'tp^foiipw..;'^' :.' ■■■ -■;-..,;. .'"■ .■ ~: ...Tpsso -f'r.awfoir.d brgari.s An(l:..Liepn-'. ..l<;h lrprrann.rPtj;f lately sings, "Klf KU". .tills .-wpojc; .- The .pbmhfnatibh ■oi?p'an. .jVrid';.yoca^.:Uorii..i.aTided heaylly with .Srt-f.iir<l.T.y' -riidl inpc'.^ gnpd' slzod :.audiri-: .^f'Tifb.'; • The":; 'iliewlsh . holiday .MiAipV./! tho -IjIk.- .' ;■ : . . JJigc: ::;V:::'t-\-;MCHIGAN;-:-/f .-- V i;;;-'-■^■-■t^.firoih--Sppt.-W-..:^; ;; -jfrirst: b"f. the :h>c,aliy- built, jiro'diiti- tloris' to substitute • 'fctr. 'the I'UliliX' :«ri Its. 'This 'Week's l.s titled 'A G laffs ■Harden,!- :;'--■■'>■■-;,'v .'!.':. T.-': '-v • .-BwiuUfullyi. jirbduppdy ■.:^ - thp •,s>::pnirt-/end arid:: entoirtaining as .'t.p' '.t.-dpnt.' • >Stagp .shpW.s .foe. this-hbuse": \ -ftirnVoriy bti.ilt ;hf"Tb but opbri^. omy . .rpplabo'd rthVU' -. wjlh vf-^lii'jif Ko; ''T(riit.sV . -Th.i.s ' pro'shrit' -iihbW ;.bostfi-' ..'VVwi'ilt .J$!i,&6o,' a;;.,ngunP iii' kep'ptiig. yl Lh; tlie; c.o.s.t' of;;the.;.imp.pi-tecl li.riii S; 'IV((al;. ih.cJ.pdf.'.s • the .'-fi'ijst ,'bf; a ..;(:biii-7 i) 11 •! (' ■. pro<l u o t ib n. st H ir.'; .h nail - ■ h v .-lOtl^-i^:; ^yolsfbldt; ';:l':j'<-d:' ■:J^yans: aw '(liinco ;.-di;r<;ot<ir .;anil d'.stafl'. - '.i; ;.'.';-<>r.ipn,H >en , '«;■:: lji{b;<-lcv.''ovrr:ta ihv .AyiU-i. Vi.M.i-fili; :*i!-r'iiii- p;pon";i.rig'.;in'. t;hc■ .f^pn^er.;-• .r■^ ;fro'n.t 'Pt;'-"-spr'th^ is-.'ai'rjian/-wia-lv-iii h i 110 j'r W jli.o h - hft': 1 't* i: S!i 1 m s':;;d; t p ■ 1.)f •; l.-lywi'/ig.-;,,- As iip;:; hl'oNV's thp ■ .It-j.s 'iri';- l.hP,,:r<;tn);br-"op'pris irpvpaHii"g, "fiitl ;i ge • p't.'.-ln rp Wi't )V: si;l voi- ,'trOos. a ml' . jiUi.xs- lli.iwu-rfl. .-.'"rtiohly ../'iojori.'d'. i^nd' .iv.<•ir 1 jglitb.di: it:'brO.iit'fjt ', a ]i\;iy,i'i-<\\. ; ;I'i)ij'r '-<:'nr;o'rLs ■W'ijcVv.'-'otVwitii'^^^ (if; 24-giris all in .p;i>t'ol dpp^j.sofl-/ :lRir.i:ii<- ..'f L-.-i 1 ■• -b;vrri(-d .-.fiti t:-' t frl.i'ss "■ prror.-i' "VV^'ii-ifi t: .. f-!i.ii:-/;i.i09t ho; :di;.'-'i."i'llipdii's -:':/ : -- EMBASSY. ; . ;. .-:_.. -' .ViljiVAr- Kaikory:':i5ld^^^ In'Ji^aris ;'at A;mOrii.''(in -':.',pr(;),-'-^^-^^^ -.'J'iOn. taiyii\g.:.hl.'i.: siilli,/ a.iul. Maio.r.v';"pcio- littH''.s.:b.Or".iyal in'.Xow; Yorli;" On-., his (•px-'oi'd.v. ' b.rba:kVhg v■ ti^^n"s"bpri.tiilPriitaT, lli-gliI .are tiiC riiajby itonis iii both .Bro^d\\';iy..-.; ripw.srifol'. - hpii-ws;- . ihi^^ wofk. -.'-'-.-::'".'*./■ •...',. ;•.'- ' ;■-;".!■ '•;• -: .-AVilllcoli''Vi.s: gptti'iig Toul' 'appihusb at ".tho- ;i';:mbassV7 >• Hl-s- - b.ohiriionts about : itlie: ;t.'lpar; 'Oyps -.bpi-prp; liioi, vvith .tljp; dcciafiUioi.i. tha.t -the -same. Plarlt'y "m.igh't'.f.iPt .1)0. thprP- -it. 'tiib bpy.'x. wcrp.. on; tho .. .ot ho.r si'dPf of-."tlib, w.'i.tpi*, gPt:riO;it. only, a'han'il .Irp.ivi tho'im ..lX'g.ibn.nalr(:\«;, .audhinood' in t lie "robord 1 rig, Uut,;i gi.>nuirip pphp- frori'i ili'b - ^ein'reutvnow.sreol-: p.ayop^ Of '■. al 1-. of i hp ;'l\i ay(Vr;s. voi bal darts (he, .onp;"hb :fhro.>y.s ^ lu.-rthis 'clfii ;iS tlib-.''"'.-■■^snappiest ", -ari.d '.;:.;;rriost-.-. (;bn- .cbptratod' o■ver^lVoar(l;iii'a:';np\ys (i'li irii 0 t's 'gcodt; gcfit- li;.» s spiiip. Of 'the -.inain "• pvciits ~ .high-'. ;irghted.,;; Bllly .^Burko'- prbv-ldes;. ajj- otlior, ctip-;iri: flip .piviiipz/ehiss '-\^-ilh; a ..ij'abbr I)a"y . pjch.i.bitip.ri.'--j'A. ^S(Il'^'ad; of bpllogfe' .b.oyK' .go.ttiiig. 'fh'bir ilv bV .iiblloehi;an. pjlpbrs J11 'Naw..- York ;.' ppp.s: ;iii. M.b.xibo '.;|d<)jng-. •liibtorbycle. sttint.s a'rid ..lads Ttt: .(he H.a:ine bblin-.^ ti!y--.:'f)B;i-i>g--i .'■ cbriir'ibu Ip f. t.b\var.d- Ui.p: strong, arfe -part. Of the p.rograrti;; ■ Party' Ibadbr.'? bC .li;rigland':■ ha.vo bbeii"irtclij'dPd-in:;a.h.hbsty<.'vory ,pi"'o.-. 'gr'oin at the-WrtibassK^'/ i.ateS- UM^ time, : -ho'w.everv-/ ti:!!.; slfilivoi^-.ri.' mbs--. sagp, . w-ilh' M.acO(Vria;id oallihif at'-*', tpritloiii tp. .flip fall b.f the-. .CVprfnafi. . mark a i'id;'-n i ng-.1^riglaiid; th'h t thp' pblind" :..).ikc'Wisb i'.if .aolfori wore; .nbt-;takbrii ;:';;.;- .' ]■} ':.:'::'r^i '■ . -Vibws .of' :thp : Jlarhi^'ivp'rth- riif'b and. a..,lbng\ shpt pf J)pn'>> .•iplll .irp irioljided.'in the-i'V^-li<^/irst'b;bve of, the. ;Detrbli;; rdpe.;- ,l'3niha,ssy lri~: ■ piudbd ':-.cxciu':dv,bv.: iibst.Ti'iiteryiews .with' each' and;: their explanation of beating the' starting gu ri; arid dis:-: qualifyin;g, :-as- thp -. rbsult>..; for 'the; cbn'testV. ..;..:;:--;.; ;-'..". .;;;;.•... . California; 'la .getting -puhlibJty;;pn thb; ..Capitol; steps-- 111 " ti. clip in- which Polly .'^fprari^^J^^ sturt .tpr;-ViceVPreisident; Cui^tls with the" ;tT,.;:S, ^Maririp; b.arid. - apcbmpdnying. Glcveland air rnPet i.s. served piece-. mea.i;^ All 'of thb' su'b'je'cts; are: .en- tert.'iinirig '.ahd; -a:: fOiv: provide..; a-.' : tlirlli'- 'espbcialiy vwhbn - they.; £'0 -1" fpr-;: f 0 u V - til i i b - (ri.i u u 10 da.slio.s.,-- arid: .stiin-t.-fly-irig.'.- -.'.: :,' ' '.-' /.' . ■.;t.)'Uibr-y.«.u:l>jPC"t3 . inol-tido •lli'^i opd 'Jiroil li', . ti;i ly-.' -ftVr. 11 (s-'slYjiur;; a iirL . th'e' ;or>"is()ilp: .."ill i't-hb' ;-oui^.rerit' A.fagio' 'Carpet:iier.ips. iSi'^Uird'S ibf 'lhi? .s.';\/ .' ",;-•; -;.v. ' ■.■^.^..^ ;; -;.; . )Vut//. ;■ r . .'-*-■: ;- TRANSLUX; ;-<:.";\-.. . .. .'..WoJUrb.viltdv'd: lirojjraVp -. \vith--'i.i;^.' cvo:u;iJle':bf;;tJn'ill's -a . .of ifiugiis.;-'^;;.-;:■--;.-;'..;.;■ '-■■■, ■ .\--:-;'•'.■.•:;..- • ■IViTunipiint :(!id ' a; .si'iooial cauvora- ■ioii on- tlvb;r-j)bn-\\r(ui(l.' btiaf ';r!U'b, • 1^1 viiig. the'-.a'vidieneb. - tirb -;inlprb.ssi«.ftv--. of sitting;;,on ;tlie- boNfc. pf AVbb.d-.S'-; 'i?I).cbdstO'r..' .orib . ■-sooo'ml.::' Tiii'd. ' thP'ri ;; .Patoliirig,..:ah>'<'St "\hi\an"'pK tho ; Splll';. of l)on;s li'tiut." '. '. •;■' '". : ' : .-';;.. ..-;; "May'iii: .Walkor failed to get; dp-; p1a.Vi;si<:-ii'e'iHi.^f;oi*' )iis;.Pa.i'i -.o.Vi\|c'k at.', -prohiliiii'(iii,.-;'" i-uit-. tl.ioire -■\Ypre..- so: lii.hny- . othpr.s tlidt.. by -.the : tlnip-; rtiti /\VallVovv olTp was; rpdclipd tho -Si'it;-, ,ard;iy-.i.ri.:i:t i n;bc. a.ii.iUerirt'i^ ^5:.•£& ■ KiI-goniiv ■ hii't.!?'.-in-: liai-10ni ifl n\ I-: in., illVor:M>p(ip-HsVof the <!i'ty; wlk-ro tlio htda.os' .'oiiilie up .jr.o»;n;a-oeil-'ir':ty lu'lso,. .. arp. '!.(■ .vi'lt,. ■ .t-till: f.rMin'io.r,'::-lici\\'.ov<'r, V i.<5..- 'l^hl••odbro;;;llpi;cris ; rpcit.:U;ip.n';,pf ■ :lip.\v'". Ja.^f.t -"-vyi'ok - hp Navbd whjid'rbn: ih''"Briiii1Uyn - froiiii ,iV r.una3Vji-y--:hPi;j5b.; .'/Tlits ' -ljpy.;;d<);b(i":a . mvlidral-IT<>lt«;; ;; ,; '■■- ■ ■ :•'-"-. -.-:";- . :; .-->.^cw-sr.oor-t;hba-t.rcT.s ;.«^^^^ tiik-''. -liig-; tjiM-s .;ih, .pJi,bt'o;.!ii:;n,plving^ jii.vo\;parts.. of ..ti.ic ' libld.4.'. j'j'hi.s.- 't iin P--: 'r'ra'n.■^l.u x .lias.;.-i f;s';--1 urri 'v\' i.tli - ^;'•;.■,\^■;•lV• Cia^phaii''sl^^^^^ and'OiXPlainj'n.t.- ^ .' - Oni' plip tuO.kod iii. .at.; the end bC . th'b". pro'griiii.i - that:.will - p."rohab.lj<.S'b|l:.^ nibrp'■ .t-ip'ke|s,;;-etiFrc:iTM-y; -tha-rt,-.. any ' ntl-i'or;i^s-' pri'p .IL^nivpriifil -pt'fprs: bn thcviYi";'il{lng;pt wine b.iJibk.s: ;.;N Y.Oi-y-'.;px-(';iUn.ff. or .'put'.-pf :th,c.;waj'-^' .fust .thb'-:idO;i.- '.Kigivi:; J tlrahabi'. 'lyjc-Nain'bp - ■dpos'-.'rL.;.'pari'i<iy-; ;bii::'.JiO .Kigiifsl .with 9,- c a;spp.'i.k.. . -.':. ■-,-'.-. ';-.-."- ■"-" ilpih.- hp'Usps- .foH'bW.; Ui-> o.n^ f.opt-:^; ':ball;..ti)is- S'\'cck .'t;u'rrii-ng aiteirijon to" .N.-'Y. .17. : ■;.' v;.;-: --^;' v .. .'GthP'r clilDS Mivcliido Spiihle Ttick'i br'^s;'rpiurri;, alj:i;.largo.t for gp.nsi.-and special •', gpvbrnmcrit- ."lerial "•ii.ght-lrig .systehi;- Caiiforri'ia l> li•j:h't:" Dooiit- :tle; drid Oviimet;'rMiila"delphia..'tenr^l3-; -;riiat'b.hes; Cleveland' air r.npes; Gbn-^' Piial ilai'bbard .talking pn bbriU.s 15^^ ments; Los A'ngblbs. pageantr saiibi:. boat rices ■ in N'. -.Yv. harhor- '-:' . - :.;; ■' "; ; C-. A'■ '■■ 'Wd^V' . .- HIPPODROME • (Continued from page 40) -iobks pharriiing.;an(l Is a .dahdyh^ .irpr;,the;'mdn hokpsto'r,"..■; '. . ', '-; , ■ 'Ileaiy .and Crpss auccebdiad • .in purichiri'g over a.:faJr-si?bd hit-.wiilph ooUld.- be blown . up ' by soparat-lrig., tlvorii firOrt; two : meq- .^ingcra. -right on ahead.. .llpal y. .and;haye rieyc'r dpviafbd:: frbni- tlibir .Rure -flro fprniu.larxvHich: Is the same- ^ls used for years by iliia.riy suc"ces.sful; t-wb;-*- .rrieh. piano singing turns., :■. Thp: Kim.acs. ;;\yltH ■ 'their ! .Cuban ;b.'trid . are; good ^vaudp / biebausp " bf thpir'-.;ti:m.blincs.<5-with- the, .preserit (»f the Ambribari ih.batirb piibr he for B"humbas'.arid! things Ciib.a ■tf'he :Jtlmab .whp.^ijiirif5S-- i3, woefully: .sharp. The drtiicing- lad frbtri the hand \% ; Spppd Itsblf.;' - Apt ;.liad no ti'Oublp-riiaking thp grade herb.' .. :.- . Al G.ordbn's: Gom.o.dy Ca,nirie.s are; differ.ent. ; - Laughs .' prtjiipmiri.ate; ;lh rough thp natii ralripfjs of the; d pgs .Who; porforrn .In lazy ..rinanri.or,.-'.'riip lutrirtaljlp nriivSh is d nafunil.-:-- Pedchy' apt for children.. ■ ;'; ■: ;; ■ ; Loii Ka;y p.; .assistbd l iy t wo stooges - antj ari 'unbiiipd blbndp-("fbod 1.'; m'iri'-: ,i<tc.s ;:bf-. whioh .orily thre.p -:cari bp- eallbd ;';real, : 'meat..; -;,'" Kayo ■ ;st>ills ;thrbiigh:: so'me.- -go'gs. vwith.''thb\ giirl -'arid.:, brings on , the - two stooges :for , ihp .I\nish..o:nd-: thi^' is ;his .so.blt'.'',. Thb; .stoogb's s|hg,-'drid.vhpw! Kayc is'.jd hfipfcr -podchirig en;-.boTricdlan.'is tci:- ritPry." -. ■ -:-.;. '.";'' '.. ■ . ■'' - ''■'.' ; \ M ii r airi d.. - an d: Gl r t o n:; o pen ed. w i tl v. .'lorobaties and. ^ bike . riding. . V Did nicely.: Three Lohlens clo.scd with thptr trdipiiol ino bar act. They stall 'top. long;pri■'thp'.nn'is-h.triojf,' : ..}..v . . Businpss ,'^ood up arid dowrii:., . ' : ■•:•'.";; \ ',:.;.;. -,„;' :;; -> : EarJ.y . RKO, L. A; ; ■. \ /y[\<. Ivpis Arif^fdps.- .Sept. ;JQ.. ; ; 'Currp'rit unit he.aded^ iAri.ri 60V (Too is^..5(j-5,0..iri .(•nibrtaiririiPht,^ w .AI'is.4 .Cpdep and'the IjCC tWiris,' . thb .f pIo,s;in'g. the: ;bl 11'. a ri d-. th c, 1 at- -li.'r' ppo.rilng, '.supplytrig ahbut/p.VoVyr:: ; f l,i;,-; Bbtw.pbri': i.s. .Jaoif Norj h... in 111 f .• - d o nop 'spot ;ari d Ann! e,: -J u d y' and, .Xokrv -tliird.;;: ;:■ . ; '. " ."':; ';':-.i;>p:.t\vjn-.s. .havb- fu.-oliiMs.t a'-^t ), ,:(i?rl.s''are;.Ipok.fTs.-urid 'g/fod d'/i nrfin-.' .*l:liv-lr- >).l.jie pf -. Kijc- ;'.iiirlK '. K"-t - :aW;iy ■ friirii; ifi iipintr with :itri .tinUf^u'ai .riHtd ■' ;'f:i-rii"slic balle.t' ahd--tn.lV.r jr il.-i.-i.Mic^u';; :rr')!itino.::,.; :'J"\<;'iris'.', t liM^ri!-'oly:b-<^'..; d-.i'i. I hrf-p . rou.ifih'os,:'>Un, jri-robatl^; - aiiil -rlii-yifiMl It/at liii;.. :- :'' ;.•■ />',\';; - ■ if|.tok .~'j<:ortlv.l'(.>lh .triro'-.H'oi;; ,li.anjp'.f/-n.ri.' ■•rf'Pijr', ivvw 1 i.tiVv '.ti-!.-i t';* .Khpwt.r.i'g.a.i.ri'.. -.Xfi'dyrixiw. ^i^\C- 'tt-riai. I'dro'Iy; -litodjov.s; urp frinii \Vol;»;r ■a;ri(;r l/'lold.«; - ': :- - .- . - A il hi",; '.Tud.y.- ,an'd; 'Zv^^ko-, ;ri'f-'xt-to'r; ( lo.slrigi arc hybrid. ; • AVi-i 0. /jl, ;not fC:UUtjniiP(l o.ii-i.Ji.SP 56; , .- :Jav^,uM be a; ; A'Tiiibun', (^d ai; hill blllipp,/: tlicy; gigglp and: :;smiclt. . through id - riilnutps; -. T.hrep Vpcdl ;riuml)pr,s: fell lower. than Shdrkey hit tjbhmelling. . '-<. ■■■ ■ Ann Cbdce; clb.s©<l with^.hbr usyal J^ari'sidri : acbprit .; .dnd ; I'^rarik. .Oi-tb,; ■A.ri uribilledt .«itbog'(5-;.c.\mb.;07t; for'..a' vboal chorus.: Miss '..Cpdpbi; a .-plarfs pertorineiv waij handiciippcd liy. :tho ■ two' preceding ao,ts b.ut^managod .to pull thp :biir up. pnbugh;.,to:.,se ' Woll. ■ Ilalf a^^. dozen picturp 'agont.4 ■\yorp;jri: thp:^i]Udiert;be aiid.-it-must Ijb :.'A!iifis:.'Codeb.' '', ' ■ '.-■ ";;:■.■■■. . • .:Businp.<5s' ple'iity'.pff at the..sc9ond shbv/ 'rhur.^iday.; vi'he. H.Ui.i:iro;u,n.d'; i;i{a.dib)-, with; a flb':k'. of; riarii'o^ in' :'thp; ;pdst,;; t-hc featiji'b;/ ■ ^ ' :r.'\ ■ ; ■. Local -. cbridition.g -'w..arrant. nior'b : attpnlion .'to! y-.a.udo;,;Tlii.ij.';hbuso; at- prpscri.t i.s.;'aybrd.gihg .'it-bu'ridi $-P<i;0.0O.. Vs-pokiy and .flh'buld - bp upVvards • of $17,000. •- ' :: - "' . j'athp ncw.s clips and Floyd Gib- bpri.s'first .short; (■WbpdroW Wi^ ; raiiri.d.ii.'d oiit ;the.- pii'tirrP ..o.nlprt.'ijnL- i nioi)f.';. (ji:f.,bbn's.;:iijibrt drew. .pTbhty.: Of .app;ldyf>e.''-; .V :; ' :- . " C^ctlf.',-; Pararnpuii^, Newark y\ : ..Nev^ark, Sept. .11.': " ; Jiidging' :by fh'e 'attbndance drid cprro.sjioridirig i-e.spOilsp .to vaiiile. hprc. during .thb-flrst wecit of- rubliit. yaude, after being closed for "several months,, va'ude means -plerify 'in this city/;. -;. -.;■.':-;--■■;'■ ■-• ■-•'.;' : '' ;' '-'V ' plays four sho\Vs daily, with the last shovv ' oni at 10:45/ Muite late./." With .Par's 'Daughter of - the;Dragon.' on the ■ s'crec'h,:; houSb h<='.ld ripat..'par)dcity,. dosTiitc thp heat and laptt pf bppling appdratiiiSv:' -: /Aclsi;' Mbrri.?>bObl{ed; drfe lilaypd '' up . hig; In.v thp .16bl.'y. Klboki, tho" .riaagiPian., is t'op.-featurp]^.:.". Opcnfei: Is, Ihp Vfrjix; cracker .iaoks»- flvp col-- prcd -bpy.s ,'i:nd a.:igjri;'-.'. Bo.ys ai-p'tho: apt: '.-■.;:.'::.'':.,';; :.; -;-^;:.-;"/;;;.;.-.;..::;. ..;;^/•'.:, ■ l<6ss;rihd. Co.stpJlb.;.supp]ibd avUttlP ei-o.ssfire; h;umor\.ih;it: this i lib;us6 liked; M^ri .doof) :lhp, low - cptnedy, wUli .:thf> -girl foiling and febdirig;; Lattor ifi a .good-looking brunet,- be-";- l-'iniih^ly' , drp.sacd.'. .C^imfcdy Soriga i arid ..s'Pnib .",..afi"hbugh tiirh;i.s' jrri.aiiily .pf the gdb. yi'-dJig';/-. :' ■'.' "/ ■ -T:\y^).-.;p.'iins " ot/t-wiri.s; .Angds and ' ■Kr-ji i-'(v; -jn . a ;• jiprriedy ;"'.skit; ahii-tif nri-xi:*!, <;.p,uril<;t!;i..oj.i .-Pullni;iri, well - -!.'tj<.|Wl, / '/V.o'\vjywd--b''li^^^^ arid -a'-vet- ;<;inh) :..lii!Vir:.:jijix:." busi'ia'ndji"arid -wives f >.n"i h«-^,'i?ul i.t'pan.-.;, i'-'C. : .;. :..,-' Hri.iiirii. Kt'ro'.tj^* iiixit -Lep; are-.ribxt^ A.viih 'iw/t.ra.vo^ny; dll garbed .i;i-bur^. '. :li.-siri}>.'' hii.-k . oullits.'. - .If^yp. a-'jlttlo'. ■'r.r.tpw.dy.'... liJjaiipT,'. . lt»s'truh~ioh'ta.tibn, iiriil- K<.mo;hutii(rt\ftii.s';, - .of..trip:-nul:ri:;'gbts tt .lau;;h- hbre ajfid' ■jJiN-i\ liy; glv».ing a; helib Vto a- sup-' I'o-^0(H.v'/.hif-k friend out front. ;. .-: - if0Id. fpljo'wij to vi r)s<»: wTth. • h 1?> n;rv--|f;il... mf)rivont>(,-.-' eori.-^iiiiilng .' '21 "i.i-'i.ii'fs-.- 'Jl'v hiis llKv^ypv". Pot that V^n(l:!j:;ii..sulf.-'(ids!|y tb;«(»yUi>latib^^^