Variety (Sep 1931)

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RE VARIETY 45 Ho .y..<f.- ' ■ Eli^sa -tiauai •leavingrSept.;.20 Al<J^xHnder Es\i(*y, formeivdirector '■'■ ■:.tQi- V. r V,^^here xin: ;5PCC. ■ -Bert Wheeler :. spovtihff ;• itricK '; "flWeatcrs ■ He bought'at. Uarxriiijs. ■ \Lp\\ McDorrii&tt bperiect.a dvlvcr ' jn- Saridwich pa^^^^^ •-Tany'^ V of iJayai.-dV>;but bit ihc hospital iattep.dn autp'ismash. •.■ iieathfl^ T London' ,a;Gv. irciss;; here and, willing for piietiirosi •."' M • Who will Jiunt Sierrdwarjls instciad.' John liCi'py. Johnsdiv keeps a tux • in^ hiij office :f6r .'unexlpeptcd .cbriicivT: ^;^t6nc.-layings.' -.■ ' ^. y:'.- • Buddy :Ue Sylva Avbrlcing oil . the . flei'liJt 'H.earttrc^ Sw ii-ox kt his,; ■^Malibu.riarichb..l:; '.' .... OrCita Von ; Rue/': Iqmcr ■ Gcpman . ' picture s.ta!r,: isyi h., th6 iorelg-n' stdty- ;:dci)drtjncnt:(it'*'ox>; ■ '■ :..V-v.'' .■ "'-^ . . ChaHio '.WiUiamai . is.; vbetVeipn • 8tori,cs. .at ;,Fpx, so . isydashlhg;. off ■.wiiatvlie'.calls' a- novcU ■• -''.,.:- - .},': . ;■; l>?faiik JVIiyo; ,foriher fdm . s ; ndW ttperating the .Mayo, small h'abv • ~ bouisfe, in JOast.ilipng Bcachi. . .:' .,:. ■ -';. . NoiiV.-MlUciV .•who .'^returned ifrorii. ' ilawi,i|- with ,:, Ijorothy; MfLcliaili; . •• inadc. his vadio; debut.;qvp.r ICFI.- ;;. ^Soi>-i<jdh<e apprpfLchcd,. i''.ah.chon ;& ^ . Mai Gp tiC). dp x»hit a^ the lJIolly'T. . w;6()d BpWl. 13asiei'':&unri!5e/.Services;' . '■:> MitwFlchc Pcitrrch's daughter knoSvis . only Vohfe 'Knglish:, line; it ;^ ori ..all pccafe^^^ ^Y.pU.;'drive", nie thrazy.'-."-;,:'^'.^ ■ . ; '. .Mprp.alir-Am'oricahs caigt by Para.- .. .: .inQuntf far ^ ."jCouc'lidPwn.'-. • MorlcV . ;I)riiry,:,o'£ ~S; (J.i .and Jim Thorpo .;. .'iatcirt" added/.:-. •' v .;; ■ ; .'J . kowitz, hcretpit^orc the ;Pipnc>civ,PiCT. twes,, have Tnc6rporated as;Arig Prpduction^;'■■: .:•■. .-■''.■.•■',•.'■■■..'.■...■■"■.'. . Charlie : i'; Sari .'Bernardino' • -.(eal.) .city', mgr, for ;.l'''pjc-Wcst ■'CpastV.vprldijs,. hirtiseifv- pri IselnB". a .. ■ ■ Kriar-isirice' /OiS;';' ' .;'■. . .; I>bis Wiss, !?ecr of IhciiridiahapoUs i.PlIrn. .Bofird '.of "tra'dc,. h.crp .-for ',a . :' vifilt. .Wiii; remalii tillv.her Plilcc re-~: :v.-VOpcns'-.lh- JdhuUr.y..V. ■■■,-,.■'■.■•,• ' \ -.... Bert; Whcclevi told ihow iip. at . the. sfudlp.'.iri dark niake-,up fori a teist, came ;oh tlie- ^fet' in blackface .tt^gfljir'T^in .^cltcr. '' ■,•■•■"■'•....•' . ■-■: Dave. Epstein,- ithc p. a.,- IritP .thci '■;': CcdaviS' of tebandn: hdsp. after, fpin' ■ ■' bpcration.s.'.'on. his 'car,. to determln.e • .wh'e.tii:cr il's mastblditls,- .. ■ . r)r. Pi. .Mario. Marallpti,: imported Ijy .jyictrp;, for yidlce ;, its; ■ ;plfiyci:is, hpw. pSt the :'.contract, .listi , ..'lias gpnc. for >ri. esta.biishmcnt. of ;V-.'hls' Pwh.- - .-'s.' ■ " . ■. B Thom'as.vjfhiippicd out his ad- 'v .• ycrtising.arid- pijblit'ity for th.e:i>an■ . .. tagc.Sy.llolly^^^ • yit iiep aVjd iS' now Off bii-.a vacation ■ ,:lp S.-tn .IJiGgo .ai.nd iSan irrartciisco.' . '. ■": A ftni picture" for* Mickey • McOutre, with t.h.c: UHe ;>MioK'by;' is . ;jnlllinjg in .tho bean pK.^l. .ITei'^ , (prbdiicing '.Indcpcjidontly.. .at'' Bpjr- ; • liiqiir '.studio, • whferc. th.o kid 'cdiri'- •'v^:. iecllfii •■ai'e:^niado,-. / ■■..''' ■ : .Argumdit ptti'- '- tho. • Pavanipunt . . hihchrpo^ over what . to call Ilich.-' \ ard Wallace; ■Tbbcin.Vc^o mop pf hair. ^• Someone . -suggesitcd ; Bceth.-. .-oveh^ ^'Nbpp;V..)vetded ■ ja,ck: Oakie, :. . ^Bpethoven ■ -woh^t ; "fieU .; pictures ^ Make, it partiel Bbph riildegradp, - vTAM's ::allqgcd • llnU; was ■ actually ' discoveredby iV4hk- IlincSi.'oxrPalacci 'manaEcjr;.: ' •:. .■.• '. . liumprs iiQVv say-' iha.tvParii'ihouht will bylld:.flh» ,house;.Pii sii.c bi. ilig- JjcVs,old: department stdrb;v Gbi'dpn',. Gheriey; '^ax' .playifir in-.: Frank Mijjbr*.s band, inarVibs' JPaii- etta Giiccrtb'ugh,: CievclahdcJr..: ? .„; .IhatA:ilaU.o;n ..'bf . new liijht- nj?.' etiiiipmorit .At ilipp,.iVut. repbit of- x>6irti.hfr .HtaBC' JJOli.o'y t\enibd. . . ..■ Charles;,said; to-bq .tibbit-^ nij- Miiry • tiardon;:- j(nd -. others . in, serib.s of .concerts itt .StaMbr -hotel.- . ' St-atler and. .Wihtpri riiptols. 'h^'jrb;-: tlaling. 'fbr •; .dirttibr^hrtiip: . bands,' Mi.HU'lc.(a _Si)i'talriy . and jjpuise.. Ki.ei'v Si.ppl^oached..;;v\\^''''/ -.^-'.-v- - T^heatros havb.-stopped. scrceniiig: |n I'Hlm libw ^studibft; .'Tii.K. bf iior too mubh,": th>y'.si'ay; .-/JSbw. iee^^^^ "rig'em'Iri .pWYi.-ljoiiscs^ .J^ V.NcWiy appPintbd •theAfrc.marid.ger threwi'parfy fbr ncV-spapifewrion :arid his, now bhrid .master; 'startc.d game whe^n party/ looked likc./^ and then Won riibst ;pf the tribhey. By GlehnyX. Piilie'n .,. Milt,Brycr,.G.imcp's. now,'m "iQliio- will put .in brchetitra" ior ^^■. ^■wiiitcr. '. '':, \>; - ; Mac IIaybs?hostessjrig 'at liittlo : /.:Viil;vgb;.:- ■ ,■■'■:;•' ' T^."vvino- Cady'. laid, ujj- 'by. voice . ■/-trmilile;;:,. .. , \ ■.; \. • •.." iMiil -rsplznici'c.c-uts riitery .pibuvert to-hiick, ;";■•. .^-' (/.f:::. ..Kay Kj'ser-s .r .;. ■ Kelt n Kyabr...V,; '^v;■■ ■ ;■"■■:' .. V.. .^I,.dp,\vs reapbning.. S.Ul.imah ir) a ■■...■coirpia-.wcblik.- '■■'■ ■ ,"■■■.■'■.■'■.'"■ '■ .'■■''■''■■■■• • . lUah: ..;llbt(V'and . Vio:..Rpc.he ibriri ..'■\,*jr;ydip'tciini.''-.'; ':- . ■ • " •■;. .■ •:'.lTotty, 'F't-rtfto!"i . locar g:Atf " "! jbins ..:. MHii't-i ■ v.,nudc: act'.- .■. ."'i '- •;• •, ;.'^'bw little'theatre bailed r'icJUlll . 'Jy-jsuirfR-^Seiit.. Z9,il ^ /V';.v: : .■■Fi:ank.ib ;,B.U'rris ^gc'trinjg' his. •'Cl.u.h :.' '.riai:a':;ni;tery. -rtiarlY; ; '.■ Opcining ■ bC- 'jlighpfe's. new■".sljOrc! )b!g^r(^st;'sJlpw. of :\vw^ic.'''^'.^■^ v-..- -V ^A.^rigelrt' y.l.l.aib. gciitur-ioji'ncw^^^ ■"".,■,' .?*lbiv<ial.ra(.lip^ "•■. : ;. . ■.'Jimmy 'i^Valt roplaocd .bv, singing ... rrdnkjilb "VoU ,iri-- ]<Jm CJill'.s li.and^ ■ ■; rji:irle,y;.Tbnd; of -■ t,otg!3.'-..( iaril'cj'vs' . y^bii't ^virb a;p;,.a;'f.o"r.sonie rca.^bri.,. .'•.; My.rtlb;,>LIJeh-;.'.t.'ivk "■ '■: l'(";''y"^')Vl.)-tughr^s-lJiV. Kv\<t: y.oi^H -':." ■'''■V'."';'t''.Wirid;* . ■newc-.'t^bh'\wi.l)'-,' .■•'i.tK .;:;;M^^>tdv^:lelo^V,..fip(;hing^^^ -. \ .. l';ni('i>sf)n; (.rill'Ii.i|i'nlirg,- Soirif'ibpd : •', fi(ii)<t(i"d sfOry; -lie li'a.s' a wiftv h.nd 'tiv* k/idfv '; ^■. ' J-'■:-;''7\', ; ■ ' ': •'''/■;V'"->))"h- riiifiiiiiili,'' Ori^i^iilv-Iw^ .■■ . \tui'(-.r;...'i-.s . ii'i,i;Jng "(.(-(iui'iUvs ' .\Vicl .'•.■:.:Con!i,iri;bfHi!i-tV.. ■' ;.' .;-A(ri«lpy ;, .'AV)l4l:tx>.iid;ilf'ii>. ■ .ya^t-rtMiXn :'. - •.ovv-c. ; Hi's; i.l fnima- ()poo>)-r .K<-:p.t.'" .i! "yy.ijh ^toKiiVijiit^-'^c ■ .-^ " -.^V ..: AVIi;i t:U'x-,n:((ivry.. huvn;s. vw^^ .' ■di.-.<x|i-))f..(i . diy.ari'b . pj'obMMl.i-iitTK :-,s'jn''' .■: ^ho j^,l^;>v v.. /.^ ,; •• -. .,. . . J(fsi-ji]i "Vorj), ■:inr!i] .nvlii.t 11 U;.t.'':f;ll«! ;p>'('r.l;ii);ii:,^v^ iivo:ti;-olv if). ;si'(ii;l'' MiirC :.lng: !>\'i,(liU -f(i;»'llH'(.-s. By Joe • W«i9 n'er. All beich.'res'brt'a . bare..; ?' . ' ."l-' Vdude at Garltori -in jjiriiaiea/ ": .1 . doriccritrated.-becr raids in- QUbeh.^ ■Jessb iowcnthai's' .itand Imjproy-: Ing^-,:. •■ : ; ■'■■ '•'.\"-'.- / '^/^ -v^ Satb^^3 .'at IRockaway undei*. the h'amnifeh"■ •■ ■ -'-^ . /..'.'■:-' .what do-sill, tho guards: db-^iri:.Winter?• -.■•■■' ■^■'V Clvayes. .By .'Stel.h. ricW' brif leader at -ITbx. Ridgewobd;^-r ! ■ ; ' Aldcfnian Jbhriny; 'O.'Cbnnell has all thfe amusement. toJii rbbtihg for hiihv/'v.- .■..■;.'^ ^ .\:./.:' /vyilUain Ni.tsc'lUce. .can't e^e'n .rtf^ sis t 4- movie racipg:; scbnb^m U s t he that^iyy.':biood.--;" ■■■'.'."■■: ' ^"\'''. ' " The: .news ;;'hawks.-:bf:-: tlic JJoclta^^ ways liad". tlieir .imbnby in the de- funct libckaway ' ^'^aoh : .National' bank.^ '. '' :■:}■} • Arthyn Feihe.'fQr three y.ears cbri nected". with the. Biam^ Eriterprlisesi" been promo ted into the- .man i '■ ageriship ■ .of vBrahd.t'.s". Bovilevardi. .Tackspii.-IjAigh^s, the^phly house on• thb ■ Islarid; .Shpwiijgr" legity ijhpWs, a.ll week;"''•;■■'..•■■.. •. ; Tcmpbr.aturb;.104; '..; .' •. .' ,. - . .SU<Uc l''sli'r attendance pff. - .;|;Spci.TLtioh^-^b^^ •tcndaribe herc woris-f e.ver. ■ •■ ■ ■. ' ■idpglish-riijtde'. ?ShiRvlbclc Hblirics' to-i-eoperi Kr<p Sbveirtii St. -, ^. N,cwspapej\s':.',pUmiriati.n '; .r.ntlib,. dpp.e. .. Jiist .ba."i'6 p>i:0grams. n.o\y.. ■. "Moi'o than .40,0 youths ^^ JtKO Or.phcuni ::'.Whri't. ad . fwr ..onb UshbrJ-; V '.' .'■Fpotbalr.prajettcc^ se^^ y.. of; M.. ^Caiifbi'h.ia. bdg sori ■gdivio..'..■;■■•.' ■ ■• ■'■ • ■ '.. [y. . . .G<iri:cvieve jtrtA Jean'bftc. ..MjUciv twiji-'^riieces: of Riohai d l>JXi. off to irollywbbd' to;try;; ■ ..V ':■ ■ - ; ■■: -. Jflp^d. C; ibbbriH,;, ppiicc . iro.porter: herb fPr many , yefirs; stopped oJT bnirrtu'te tP.y.ollbS^'stb.nci. :■'• - . .•.KbrhV<^r-. fi?deK'tr .di:.y.'-. agprit. .hero .^ihot';to':dohth^-lylron ;he. foiight- off former pat tryiniif to hij.i'ck; him... '.■'^ (iiiiym, .ltK().'Oi-pheiim--.ex p^rtitor^^' gi»;l».iri.bobVli. at.State Fair .dl&tTibiitiAg aVH'ertihv; in'g,'.- ■ ■ J ■■ '.: "\Ve,«;l(>.y.' "rian-y - guest . played with- ,Bairi:hi:i.dge' (l.n^mntic;, stock. [\ Has, l)o.cri Dilayiftg. fihn' hbuse.s. tuiid 'riigjit cfM)Fi.-^:'] V:':-: . . . 'BilV.'RpusSi 3?airil)T.iclgc lr.ea.<<uror,. (■l'i;irii"i)l.Pr\.. .io.pdur.'ince .' .svviirim.''!': vX\va«i tli.i'ob jniie.s ac'i'o^.s. and ba<;.l> Ib<'fil;'l;(ke.' -^^ --■ .'■ ..■ jifixi ih;eb^"*. •Mln.ri.bsp3ta. 4ri-, b.' ai^d ibade)\ ■•iivtfpdu<'irig;,.iocaV ^ii-1.: J)<iv- .b'thy NcvVy,.^?in.gin,g.-.ovv,n ,p"(.imp(^^^^^^ .Ubn"'a.'f.'.bvbrHi'c :iVrb.<<}.: ; .; :'. .'ai '••lAittrihger back, s't,bcl<, at. alie^ V?yi)RTVillb.";/;V'V;...■-'; .v;. '';^.■v..:';. .:. :l.;itiVo.- signs.■lih Jniin;'^^^^^^^ of: add4Vis.,vay5lb.;.■-^.:";'v;..;; ': .;..•;" libnc' .:Robtllard.- bpehs-. Capital,: F;ill;-]ltiyffr;-Witiv'lilm / ■■ ''X"--^ ruiiiiG • danciiig . after'' ■..riiidiiig'iit'. bamn:0i.4n .GlQtu^istbr.;- ' r^V;-.- ''■. ,; .Sh<i\v .ind: gaLriiies elbscd by ■ pplfc'c at- carnival in: 'New. iJbdford.'-. -j v';iiV'i.ii)ib.'.pt'S;.'& Miv^^ •Vif'iircbi^ter, giave sone: rbcital: ovi'i;: :^i>Ab^ • "■ ;'-'.;^-'-;v - ; W rs.O.'-Keriri.cth.-, 'IJar.lari VisSrting pa.v,tnVsl ih- Sbmctville.' :i'n'pr,H-^if'.-.sep'dr.aXjoil.' ".: . ..-'" •'•; J.pivn: .Oharles .'JPhomas^; g^ kibk. but- of ;..hi^ nVw "D.OrfbPt:: cabiiv cruiser . ori-'.-Nbrth- Bhorb; .-. . - ' ". liotSp ^Sfbrriianipf: the .'W.hai'f Pkiy.^.' era at Pro vlnicbtb-w n,, iiuift - when; hev. aiito hit a.'trallic'lifijit pblc/c r • ., . .' ; .rW.illiam. '13..; Ilirtnett, ..iatss^t,-..litigi-.:: Par.ariiibunt. at. FrariVlnghani... Mass.; .tran.'ircV^ed to Nbcdham as m'giV. . State -thicatre'i ■Springrteld, 'M.-isB.; ibrriibc- bm-le.isciub ho.uS.b, .; .wired, Opon^ed • witlv ■ "double^i feiturb ' IMm ■bill;;';.,'" ■■; : .- . ■, v.: •; ,; Frederic. McKay/ . siirn'merer.' at i'rbittinoeto.wri,: Mass., - will coioduct a cbliinrfi iri. thb''Paris .'Jlcrald'' this ■wiritei:,. ■ ■ ■. '■: TW,eriiv-flve.:..yeai:$ .igp, lii; VfpT-. br;'. the'.. Paiapc chftpged - :ha rids and -hbw ■ iharia^eriicnt', prohibittHV sriWikirig,. '. ; , '" ijv ■ . ' •'" •--.; ' jc.initross Eugenie'-. Hat rage - called .VbMipri.sibIc for ^revival of ^■(.•'o'rse,t in-- .dii'.'i'try ■ ••iri'..\.CbAne'cticut, -providiiig ■.w<)'i;k fpi-.many.■Jbbicss;-'.• ■:''■■ -.; '.>'Bttirigei'j. of :^ H^^ giib.'it''at .(JbnteirvlHe, M:d3s., cjf i Mr aiuirMrs/ 'iJerbei't vf . Kalrii^Si. He-s .prbsidprtt of Tcchnicpibr. • '• - y^Hud^^^' tlibah'b inahagers sbrf?. at drain'at'i.c c'rilics'. Who :'get..interviews with. :fi,b.ts and'then pubjiijh th'e;stoVy ai'loi' 'the; acts hayb left tpwii.;" ■ ■ ' ;- /Albariy^s '■V"ar(ety' 'mugg,- Henry Rotpnida, arid his attrketive ex<»ss, .hofld.iycd:; .with: -'Va'rlefy's.*" N;'- E )j(uigg.^\ All 'muggs' welbbriie.' ;■.' ~ : ; 'Carl ;; Wi . ".iiricksbri, ,' Wbrcester ;iVlt>gra'ni' repprter,:: sbeks ;,nom'iria.-, tion • as membb.r. qf . the ' CoiriinpiT. <;bvi-ii.c;il. ; ilepubllbarii; bf^: course.. ;'•'.■: . William A. Ottylprd,;, -.Worbesl^jr, org;in ist, .• recoverin^,: from ; seribus ilinbss in Rbckport.". > -His .son, Cheifi.-. i*>r. ;\V;;( • is. .Chief' aririouricbr, fbr. Vy^TA(i:; ;. ■■, . •.. ■ ■.-'■;;.';;•: ■ ■ i-'-■■. l^.acReteering in the. Slot .rri',at'hin<> .bui^inbss ' has.v-invaded- the Whitp 'Wfiirytairis .of J l^b-w". :ii,Iam.p6fiii-b siibl) -dii;., cxtbht' riyais ■.arb'-,'iigrhting ;f<)r j<;oritrolv;:. ■ '.'-i^-v'iv •. J.oim .. J* -. Storey, '. manager. .' 'bf WTAG, . and . Piiul. W^ Mbrericy;^ niaiiagbr of .WTIC; named .to; cbmr .riiittbc to' arrange' annual nvbetirig: ;p'f .^Najtip.rial-:As.sbci.atipri of .Broad- ca.s.tPi;s in' Detroit pext mbrith. . .Ti A. -iJrady 'of^-lhe ' Clapb . (Cbd> PlayhpuSie will.', go to ,th.e:.Nh,t.ibrial I.egibh .cphyentibii, in Wbtroit .iri J 902 aUtbinpbifb., .;-.The ancient "vo-' liiele., .a , Sbhack,....ha3 higii,.vnarrow .Wheels, '. two-cyiiridct -motor,-, -il.-vb fbiV\yard .speedy,vprie rev'prse- arid- is ca-iKvljib-,of maximum;' speed ..of' 20~. hour. ■/.-■' :■ .'• -'■■■ : .-;; folks go, ;thbn 'riipre; to: c.piiie.. . HO's to^linjf-.ich\.iihi?<; ■ ■ v • -■: ■ vy-;-. .• Greater A t)iU>,Uc Gl.ulr; - promoting wresUing, btif kcd by ^Slipwinan vbri ilbrberg aud - bvUc'rs; l^ranchiriff oiit. with .•,eirciiit' - ilo ":.ii'byery. NortUW.bsf. \V4r :,gobs .on' -.air;fcin*!t bthor.. -wrcs-i'. ;iiJrig •^^yriiliOatb- .\v,l'v'ivli';is ivcaijed h'j 'Tba'Xhyo :rtf•■l■^brL^alVd;■-■.'.-■;;..'-\." ■. : By Hai Cohen • \: ■ J)enh.ariv-.<itoPk.-.'Pff....:t<V;a.fc^^ stn.rt ' -Bo'riu.s' loansViri .r-'blpVadp '$fi,.!>02,r :-3-^;';. ■■■ :•■■--■' ' .. :^ "■'•. .ComniiUbp .w.ants; iiaif;.l.i();Ui- park-. -fri;r iri.^i'e/i'd b-f- hour; • ;■ ■ ■ .•'. . ^ . -■' llighp.^-r-.M-uii.). i'iiad; in .w.'irld ^rpm plptotr.lit'i'b tP.,tiip-fif-Mt. TOynii.s. ', \ --jiaiv'Id' I^f'V-y.;;:)!;;. -lVM-ai:::.|riatriy:i{iiii .|;-ll!('d'.- in. ;tVit/i':.l'-r-1d.r.MU- - (.rri..V.77astv ■.sN)vrt;.t..:).:r'iri)bjiv.; i-p.iiil.s-;, ffi.'ijr (iPil'ls tn'' <.:iilb'rad.rt.:>-f'li'V(ij: .br.'pil'rifs:. : .'■fin'-l>i>! ■ «.nv/psj.-^'t' ti'viii -llic coiiKt'. .•TA/ /L;>Oi;h\V::'^v' l's -l?^'<^- J^t'-iijicMl: !Kriiib-.fb:\V days..:^ v.; ■;. ;.. ;■./.'....>.■.... .■ ;11 c■rn-.i r: ;<•!tirf--- ttT 1 ip ■ il-n': '-. ..<• f.. .H vp' traflli' s'iY(.is.'-iii':J :.vs.'" V.y <U-f: v,.;n; jjirl-. ■:t..;i,:;A/ ;''^n. • :■.:-; :;• . A'V'-A'. :|';i .i-i'i; . y;.!- .yos;!:)'^iil^tj'TJ^-it'. U-w'tr, ', Wii'jii;•. Ji.i<'''l;i) X^:ri-i.',. .i< rid^ .1 /(niii vjn'ir'. iiK.ri'fiiy '^;!"; h!.!^-:->^:'.'??'s-. '^"^ .; 'l'Uiv\ li'ii.Lj .l'r.ii; ■■■l,i'i'>' •■'AV; •;! '<fliirvvii'j/i ftiiiij^,. lii'it. Sn'rivrny 'M;.nv .h.fV;ii)i,.jo, ;(ii(.;]a',|:infj vyilii 'Jlivot.l.if-i'. fifi' ■:<'b!^iiMil'ii:i.\ liMrli'sifiVP; ■ -. :'. V ''-- 'rt ■■. -..'^'''vUi.inliifj'fe.'! SiiriPs .. or;'rh.ij,i'''':i "hl-i i:i < 1}-aS (.« f jfi ■ d i i\y n I if: ' AV1 |K ^ ■ .ti"<-j'.!i lili'if^.-jiiistv'Aiai^Ii.o'i.:- ;; " 'I'liMix; ..-.v.;:.-;; VA<\ ) -.l;''Ml;i('; ". ■\V;i.rj'i> r : !.!!:(•''■;: jaii'i .i:il;lt'.-r:i-^v Af-'.;; M -.V;:;;'.:'. 1',. ■ ;'(i; ■j- :'/.!■:!';■. \ .'.-'-V:,'By/Paye:-TreJi)p ;■■;■ '-^^^ ". W'Iny B'ur'ftctt to N.- Y. • .'. <• v'uintvVfairs are. begirinirig.-.'. . .. • " -.lac-k. 1,'aigb down ;$t. .Louis, way;' '.\ S;ifriiVm ; crop, thi.s -ybar very big.; " Ann ■ I.awrcricp with .FbXrW.bst G.oa.'=t- pu.lili<J'ly-..-- ■•..-^ ■ - . ...' .-•H'l 'i ty: ;ShiltonV bacV '■ it thb ."Fifth;' '.^.vp'.-. prgt'm'; .:-Broken ' f.bqt .pkb.-!:. - J.- 'WiItiam llbuck, O'rprib.ufri' nwi.ri.- .aKC'r,. lilf.<j ■.thb ,;a3v. 'bUdgb't arid thf ' Jj.b... ii'i;t;ik.6 shbWS it.'".' : ^..T())ri -J-iaLmrlbk t.o'show .all..i:^riltPd: "Ai'ii-'^t-s .-pictures; ..Also WIJ, ../soirin -;!•?>;;'ii.ii.d,- Col;-'.,, .v-'i ;;"\'.-.- •' ; 'r-jiiilPtoji •'■Rburidup,. tlie.'abp «:odt'.i> >>(;;.t'hp .-\\;'e.i<t,; J'ailbd--tb/.Jii)ld-:-u ,'t'p. ,;u^nui^'jui.f'ndanbb.;'''. ^V-; i: ;.'.; , ,.(1 <i<.-,--i V. 0 Id )f nb.w:: h brp-, arid f p.. 'Sr> o t', l(yiirb.''f-o.r. ' l^px'' Ppv.riiriif.; : -A.l.sp-. 'i^pb 'RpridP.r - tb "■Rpbi< . '.,.."'■ : ' ' ■-. ir!s(:rri;>i{;^c,rAvii •lit'ij-.s .■.i';Pi.ii!(-r,. .vfilbA, for bpr-r. -^^arlpr.s;- ;.f;T\-i.iiLr>; thp: ,w<it's :.a .majprily.-; • ^;.:.' .1.i'lli.-f! :'I!riffanp ; at .'fipiilt.'i.n.p""I'-ox; (ipf-!ri:.i,.:.'' "rri: bf-.-'c;.; ' .Cotiiiirg '' .'(.'ins^iiiiriijlit 'lY^\i<):.. 7K'i'b:/5!V'xf; ■ ■ •:■■ '■; • .■'l^''p.|.^);lis^•/^. l^^•"t^PH U(i iii;:.;.;'j|l i-,s-> Vvifb;' at- tlib ' riii.l.;''i.iif ..n'-w' l-'i.X;;.!hi.;itrV/:. PlJpiipd .Stri/^': 3.. / ' ■ ■■ ■ i.i'M'i-.iV -eblirS iir^'t 'i.n -.i'jui.-.ii--' ■i.nii. - ;i:y'rit(-j>t ' at- J^lIn/'Kl/ur'u'.^/ ..■|i.^;:'s■ , fn^iri (y,x\):}\\'y.;. a.ufii lrr'r rod'Vj. <•/■>!•'''i'. '\:jci;i-ir ■■ .M(vT..(.ii;g;( i)i;.;adv(;^^ Ur ..rc f..-i J1-; .-i t ''Avri-'stii.n ''liiiV'.. il' t.o—n ((ji'-ari---dinv- 1>i'; iv\\ \AMif' •ij-'-tl Ki-ii.^ \'iPtfiti/ii-l!i C ^ by'4:1 (v.;;; ■.iii.iMifi^ •.V-Nj/i'i.hi',. P. a, ■ I'o'iV. -Ui'i;-;'!:!; : ■ 1: f - it; r (■ V- ■■'.!', i>d'" ri f pyv ■. ■wU'h .'. \\-. i.C'}-: 1, .ti 11.'.."-^ ■'-■'^i'') \^7■KL M^V.'•.'l.\'l^l<.il^ ; .Vi.;:V - ■(.j.--,\t:t. j-'i-lli'i^'iit ■.■■iiK.O. (;l.-;i>1iVM'r;M; ;'.. ^:^.^i■(^li^•;;l^''!^ ' iri.-.- Ki.i>'g" p.cii.n.ii'v'^ii.n.W; •i'j^';-;.'. ^ M'-'-'i Vai 'Ti);.' th'!■'.,.I'V' t.p<' H^-'''-' ;Vi>"f fiVii (ica iy \yM lv.-Hi!^i>».i»iil'' arl /(.iiit.. ■V;,^.. (.';,-.uiij'.-s/.'v\-.ti:vr i^'-.riivmri- b-'-'ir ..):•.■. 'ifi,;: ■■] ■ ..;;;■.•':;:.; ■ ■■y''^ - ; -.. '..'( ;(i;:'.f'"(i'i-a ll- <" i; 'i.>i- .fI'l;• I..''-.-, if.;■ ti;: . >. i -i- >'■.-'' lirri":' v.'ifli-; ICf.jH'l ■ Uvrr.ryiiiiin ' ■-i^' .^'J'l-.f'M;'j;ilw.v)';vf!-i..|.i.; .Ji: ,1)1'. :.. .Aca'dbh'iy,' burlbscitib;: op^.iio.d'. <il.<^^ ■ '-i]-)()\v11tuwji'i- nltp- spots u'fiOi'r',co-vbr. liiitll. iifii;i-.;clA}i:tjbriV. " 'A - -. -l : Kbyib liViiy ■ «t.(il 'get that l>(^xi)lg. b.bmniissi.brie.rS)ii))^\-. •'Frbd -- l^Xir'y,. px-^:a.sstl - .'city;; o'ditbi^.. 'tybssi,' ..riX)^y. 'iVi.ian'C'i'ai .cdii'oi-. ..: •' .,-.M Ike G.iiil'p.n -.'stbiipbd.-into '^a: jrie.ssi ofM.nhor :ti'bu.blbs ,bi.?,' day>.. lI.arry.-^lTiiMigdon; jcei^ ' .{?Oing . 'last. Syebk. w jt h ii tViri pe.i;at ii re . of -l 03. .;. •^ViMows,'\Yri's::;!bnly.'. rp'adhpusb.- site,, opcii. all suiijriilbr-f blosod . t-iibpr Daiy..■■,'.'•:-.; ,■■';• ".' ^'■ :;■;■..:.;,■",;:■•';•■"■/ ";• ;.- Uiolc J.^'pw-o)! going' biiok. on. the air c.piri-merbjaily.-dgaiii'fbr ,crb'<iit -blolii.-. rng.ciii/ ";;"".-':;^ ■''.-;;, / ■■ ■.-Oborko.; SpH^pI; - 'Sivn-^T.blor .dirania critii'i• .iioiisivijig. 'up rb.vifcwihg lha- .pictiirbsi'' ,, ■■''.:'.:;^---;-.v^ . --.'^ ■: .jc; pbrge.; VoUngV:' iib\v. nig'iv <■ Alvin,. phi^rt pi" • imivmbci-.-, bf ..thb ■ - BjLscban • ;\yri(,<»rs..Asshi'.^-,-;.'- ■ ■ ■ .:iibwa^d..' ']-/ii heV arbuind p.ianting '.i.b'cal-. i5'oy ^\ .■iki.'S.'. Gbbd!:' stuff for naA;<j Rubirioff;.' 1-Ve'i.ill>:pt' j\'oodles'-Fa^ ib iia'ng; ob t.' .arpuftd.'■hcrp,. .ritadc -iall.'. ■~bf tiiO: fi:on't;pageiSi: : '.'; ■ ' . ' ■■.' :' ;• .Polipe- ilrispebtoiv. Charlie .Fa\ijk. incr'.s. s.Pri is a .liandi If adcr; at. one .pf -the.local riitc spp'ts-i.;;- '- - . l^bg'lt: openings ■ jsbt.- ..-Ajviri .Sept., ^i;;;"l*hv'c^-Little Girl's*; Nixb^i \Vcek liuiciv .'SodiaJ -Register.' ■',... ;.•'.';; ... Starilby billing I>ulfe EilingtPn'itlt bvbr town "arid Jiist mcntiohihg'pib turbi' .^Gaught 'Piastbred.V ■•: -. . . .; .' Ghildsr.'lritbndis to: Jiavc a-vphpto gi-apnic,;liall pf. t'ame in '. their.- new ;;Spa'niBti--missjoh-. Lbea^h.ery.'■■ )■ .■,IJai; K€riiji) .'around,..wlth^^N ing* 'to get,a local, ether .putlbt; fbr thbJ'r pay--pla'y'r'or.T')nib't- bari.d' .leader.- '■. '\ .Ted :■ Claire :arid, the -Mrs. ;spend; tlibirspitrb ■■tjn-iabct.wceii;-.shows, bid-;, ing frvJ ^.pjiib.s ;bri .a^nb^tt'uhip .hand; B.biin y. Dr.o'b,, ■ Stanley's prbp, jria ri, ■l.ias.'a \<"caiih.of .backstage yarris a.'n.(i. .^!V^'j riiiinria fbr the locail; cblumriists; . J.,(3.u Kniufriian wais offered" ^SffO fp'r .Tiis.-''car the btiibr'dayi're.f the' ricxt: da'y sm< boiler to' .hit?u. • J •'■ ':- \,-'.':'' ■ ',7 ::■ :/.-.v''-'; '■'■"^ ' .l.tarvey -Guul ,. writes, drariia: .rc- vip'vv'-ij'vf o-r .'■ th e... 'Pa<it-G aiet also that. rag's, hiugic.• book.;ahd. ;'c'ircus:.critic;: ■; ": t -. • ■ -■.■•. ''■; .. 'Jim fjbarkby told his.fiVc-.yba daughter-. I'thpir.. I^ac1<ar'd -M'as' t-wp: ■ bid. "'lioW. bid. is. an 'Austin ".si)b- vv,aritcd; to kriP'W. ■'■■■.":.;•. 'y. Remciiibbri)-ig the SRO biz;shc did. lipiie 'last, year with- 'pagan ,Iya;dy)' Lehbre ;TJlrfc's. opening ^'Soblal'.Ilog^^^ istPi'' in .'sairie .t'o.-Wi^J ■•■;V.. ... ';,..-.- , Nbwiipapei'.: . 'ci-owd...' dubbed V«t^ ''- the 'High, anid; 'Bry Glu.b,''.:'jin'd'.' that'ff-.; tlip: -^nam'e'. riiadb 'air, the papers '.when- the jpiht - wa!?.;raild>Qd..--'.-.'' ^.• • '; /: " •:. Back ;in^'Irfitie Rbc.k; J ityiro y Mei'-'. tpnr-.'/thb'. .N.JJG .'-tbnor, : di^^^ .have .bribugh -..dpv;gh.' (b ist'u.dy .voiceV'tui-r. ti4rb, sb.he usbd .to prabticp oh Dick I'bwpli'..s' ibs'so'ii.s';' .■.;.lhil' -\yinlb,-'.;i 'ISarJby;,-- -'Suri-'i'i-lbg^^^ • iigKting t ool 11 • a n d ridi 1. on: la rid i rig their -stu ff with . a - ti'iic ..dptbctive. story ;.m/ig': ; \VH ite .'SKjid' tlI'ft ..I awarskl -M'ory;. Ea v- jpy: bp.'if;him tp ihe, aP-Wji-ite tbt')-k...;nb ;.pharicp^. and .'got, ,an;- order by.- phone Ifor.. tlVb !-Biiic: ..bba-ird' m.urdbrs'.: .■-, ." •;.. .. ■;. "- ' ■ J rhV.f^portey tdlki iig; 'N^ot i'.c. Dahib, '.. ' " GliaVlic llbg;xj^^^^ h'cw; Buick. . , '-."^ ' ■ : j.'-"^-;. -'; - .-Siiiri Thidl jvas ibecri ta'kirig ; his . tpfe to tiib docipv... . • :■.';' •"• . Phil .I'hilli'ns?. now;- knowu as ,Phil .. , StcM-art for K.VW. ' -v.v V':.'; ■ rjijiidie- ■ EpiTri.brpba-;^-'^ : ;bapU ;fr«vnr^pii;lifbfrnia;;' ;^;-:^'' ' • : jdne . Fwriiitiii auditioned for tho-,,.. ■A^Vribrioan.;.'rpbapjbb;;Go.^'^^ . ] "-f--:. ■ ■•-RiUpii yKoitc^i-iri{i'':s'tili'';^^^ sariie.",bi\an-d. .oi:-- l^ ' . ";..'.." .'sSam -:yepitiarit rtbsv'.iui^' his six acts , ■' of.v'<:audb; Iri- at. t.he:'H.ayriiar.k'e.t' ; ■v -. Lloyd' Lewis ..riiiuglirik--^^^^^^^ N'ew'".- .- ■BrigiamV -socibty-fP'r .-'ai'-.^^ ■ . j jliftvri. '■ G-pcdori'i,.. .bribb'. iri^ :.v<iude',.; ■ .iipiv'w'itli , blidbffphotpgrd'phcl:..' ■' -';Qn..toii of ivis jii.ilibr .warrie.'?,- .Green -'' Gniiy'Jiiibi<''Ot''o.jiu'i'gard hii^ hay..il0.vci\;-■, : '.^l'-:-- Nr.'\V:bbvv^^d'ibsn;t T(Wi;k^,:::bu!t:^ ,; ink ;boy ■ SL-jli-fs-'at' 'iv.btrc D'ariie.'.thls . ywy.v. -l^:'"-- t . - '■' "■■ '.-v ~Jtpic. ;MaU'piri.- -lidd j-'hls. home 'rifr- (lea- by!.''a '' ila'ff'lbs -ifor' .'thb 'second,. ; l.iril'b. : • ■•; ,'-;'■; ..''''■ ■'■'■■■ v'^ ' v' ■■?'; " •;-Iiarry •-P. : vMuriiys' '.-'fbur^^ .child, ■ horn: last week..^gbii the oUicial tag: - bf J-uriibr^:;.,'■ ^ ":...-'.'■;■ -' ...;;:.-;; •-.'", li'rdnvi.'s iscnucd^y: ■inivkiiig ■andthbt' pbrjbdic'v roiurh'•■.tb.:- yaudc ;..via^.- .the.' .10riglow-pb<ii; ■•'• '■■' ■-■ '•■; Bill USU.'A) .: Sitehi" gpt;i3abb "in tiinp - to-. .aUci^- £1)6. :.i\uul - -S^^^^ ! .Miralago /opbliingV . ■ . ' . • i.rig.l)b:rp\ys'.-..riri.d' acs'thbtbs ;■ w^nt.' • ; iivto. pai'uxyshis ybVcr: .'Grpcn..Paaf;.; turcs/ .j{,bal.'art.'a..-.b9ei.v--.scah ■ Albort' ..Zugshiitii. ■ airiibst; set ' lcav'e-;:Tbd.W.bbtiis foi^ .Paul.-WiUte:-.',. m.dli-JCdgevi'atbr.;b.b.ap.h.'pulrt^ ; ■ . Johji ■ SPJi:i'rnJ)'ei"'g,'".•M'a-vlisbn ■ bus ■ .rics.s - b(.ib.sti ng : RJivO pri'zb ■ grabber, ■■ . Iptcd - 'at llbtol; Biisnnirck by -IHll' Kisori.'; - ----■'■:-'■...; .V- ^ - l':. .-ivr. r,lup.i<.smari .-^and .^itiltoii !■' ;.St-fi.\y:il.-Zw;ili.f -', .t<>>v';ri -■ .tb;,'gbt. thb - •' hp..w ji.; .nvpU.-in Llib fTL'aJucb .pit w.ork-..! ' Jng^.lrirbpPriy..^:-.'.- • ; ':.,'■■-■;' ;■ Art; Jurycit .is .trying to'di.spVi.'^b of bis17 ■ ''.cpriiiiiprdal^.prograiu--^'.- to '' '-.\V13-i)M so; be < aii. join; Earl ^H'rirt-. . n.etf in S.t. Paiil.; ■ ['■' ;--..-..:'y '' . ■. .JIriiftry. Cook- dbnips .:.he"s. obnriihfi:.'; upi -Qh; J")si>erdn to in. spi tb of - the. le'vl.^", .:> dence of . the., imiyersdl;. .languagor bpoics^ ori' his .desk. , -.- .-: ■ ' , liill l:ronaridbr; to .ai)ie;nt-^ & ;IC, p; dojva rlineijt,for:fpur; or'flvd ~ "wcekS/ ■ while;.hp-;hd^5 ' cbrifer.cricea-: ^■ Wiih:'ea.sierh' onieials..:',' ■.- -.-'-,. ' ;'■ / - Flock ..of RICO bxcps here ; bS^br ; . I^iilbor, d.ay,:; .^Iriciuded .E. 'M." Gljieitg- .: mah, ..;Nate. -.Biumhbrg,^^^ ,Sc;h.w.artz%vji"jd and .Bbri:;Serkpw . ; R.ppcp. :-'VpCcb ' around . over -tho.. hplidiiy ' .'ibng '■ p.ri.o.ugh . :'tb. '• see"'. hj.a. motlier: and move ^ his-Tamlly babk ; tb New' Yp.rki.; -Wdltor' Dph'aldVori • did.:thb .•jpots With-'hirii.;; .' ..' ,\ D.aVc-' lilptbn's, iiybrutpn tb; placing , fait.iv.-iri -.horses' ".'iSclionKssibs. '^ vPnted 'him ' ■ frorii:; following • hla,-- hurich on Oh'T^ave at J^incolh. Fields'. - last week, arid the plug bainb' .in to ■pai" ,$n. ;.: ;.-..; •; ■;"-;■./.' ,' y By Jo n RaHspn ■ -.r (';h,MriiP ;-lT;i.4t;i,ri"gs .oh vabitiop. ... l'^)Or.. b.iirl.f\»iriuy.--sh(iW.s."bpeninfe. .' Mf.4 I'd j (J fafr-.po.x t. we'ck. at Gonby.-■ ;; .-.^'arri"- -M-aurib-b. '■ new riniandger .at' l'\)XO-; .. s ;; '■^.■ ■■■ l].--: '.. :; IjP^-.kaiiirrijari giving.up bi,<i:ai)ar-t- rm-pnt:- ..^.; ...'.. V-:'..:;-;■; ;;;■■■■.;.-'..; ■;.':■'■.; .,\'fj^: ;]irightr-)n .^''cio.scs 'Bcason rioxt 'woplf..-;-;•,■■-.■ ;•;■■'.;■■■;.;. ;';'■ ' -.. ;'''^;.:, ;-.-'';'- '. Kra,j.-ik;:.Vdllari .chief anripuricerrat .."\\:i-'()>:; ■ ;.^''; -; ;-r.;'.7 .;■-;■;;.;,/■ . ',''j'(>Avn":..i.s 'yt(i-:\^. riiaid.' .;l»jiiiipr)'ihbr .■[iHK'iinTbi ;./:;•; •;'':."."■'';-, • ■•^'- v ' S .'.■■ t'xK/k's;-;J,i-ke. 'Dod'A'br.K;-- W.fjri"t. Win: ^l><-ij.tiitnt.; 'v,v'. '•■:;;:":..^ "r;.;--;^ ■ V.--'. ■l'-^" :' '^- : Maiiir.tbf.'';B^rj4>i'iiui iall dl.'-.ri.b',' wir'* Ifiii .(-friHiO-A.;; •-. ■.,".; ;": • ■;.;-;, ■ ".f-^-O-.lisl'b .}^t(-.ypns; h.■i^5■ niovbd- Trbfii ■ANU7i-ji->tV);':'\^A n(;, •;•;:.." .■:,■: :■■;.;',.;•'' ■ -;-.\l(ii l;i!i;j\jiiy;i(vi- i.woi-kjhg <jjr ' Fox's .!;ljir'd'.'a;»);t;y'-);iva.f'>,V; ; : •'.. , ..\'.V, '•.'^?i.i'ii" ,Jd!'i? • ■ !<■'» tlCi'ijai.v .ij-''iX"-■;.'>;i., ■ '1 ;!'jiiMi: rriftii-Avn-aOini;^..; ;; ^ ' ■ ;X '■ -. ::\A--J.ii(!nva.>v .-/^Pi'iiiX*!' "? Sif'i.t.'pv '<''^.i|'i.v-i.-i.i -. ition: ;i:li 'ii!^:^ . f--;f;i.l« il.; l !/!' ■.1:<,;<,'.'!ui(li,'. ■-• - .1 ti.'rn .1 aiin;-.^; .■.-(•;:ij;'ii;- ;<.j-.:iii.i."iiiri-vi.-, i'- ."I >i-b;.)'!;-;.iov'f- ■l-W-ii^tJ.lnif-.lvj'i;^' (.o-v'VVai;/ ;h^h:j.;'.;:;;.;r - :7.;...':; ' : ■;-;;.'■; . v'" L'':^it'■ <rba.<ji>n;^>rp/--p;, .'.-.Xrii \<si-W ii'i* By; Rudy boriiat I'.'i liVr-. Vp.v.irnvrt;i| t>V" ■i.'''V^-;!irr'-'yj ij-'Jiil; ": 'h:U,-M;i-.;(:';,i;if-.:'' ''.y:} ;■ /■ l-Jii-:- :|....; i;-'<.)i. -.VVll/wt.,- . .I-'d'v 'Tvl 111'' <...; i.'i'; -Ul. ;;.-|-'ifir:rfi'jiyJf<4t:-^;:j ;|--p-!.i''')!-.;: i-,'if;i;. ' " •v^■"-. ...>•■;..:. ; .Job Miilbjt'-^cttin^ itchtfaiiitcd.:- V ;: :'.. ''VV'.P.r.s:t' Sept.;'Jiedt ■iydve;in/yiear.<j. ■;: • .: ^:Mar,slirib. 'Mppre;s iibbljy,'' cdnfcr-r; phccsi^■■..' '■;■': ;.;. ■;;■);;■;;•;■'.■ ,'-'■■'•;■■'.'. '■ ^ ;■ .;irijdckers ':■]' maiiitairiihg. :.'. high •: .grosses. .. y ;•'.'■'..;'.■;■-,.■■; v---.'':' ". ' If.ehry ,Soi;eriabn et familia tripped' .Eb.-CpaKt;.■•'. ■■1'''.-. ■ : ^-^ . JPhri FrleVli;' back.v frlprii one; .'bf ;thif)Kb.P-I' tripKi.:''.-'^.;,--•;.;■;..::■ V". y ;••;.■;;. Al , Wolf' ha.s.; add.Pd.'-ari.6t-hPr; liliij ; -o"Xf:iyangb;(indicy..-.--- -; . ;L(nv,fl',ray,. U.'.s. ace -ibookpr, -pajjd'to a/n-pw dau'ghtcr.- -. : .■ ';' ■'- V. '■ -. - IiM;nin:7<Jiirrirniris .'Hdrid; at .Baker for-thii'd-hpldbyer.. -.-;•' - ; . , : ■ ;• 1-dibot l.'c.'i.r.sori .-back;: from- -.six ■wbbKfl ■iri:;EngIaiid.V'. . .. .'■ \.' • ■ .T.cddirig; "(topt;- stofcs ' .cxpfe.i';lriierit- ^ ing. wit# f.'polpd .air. ■> ■> '■ V ;v- . .-- , Grape 'Th*'imaf5, soprdnrji' .addbd- to:- ■WlOFAi .i.Jrni^; ip. vaiidc.'C --';;- . ' ■;. ; lidy 'T^T all gotta .lot .at f pntlpri. ft-bm the fdg-s for-iiirf s'pibl '/bctbrbVth'e'ad.- ipagu.c.';;;'••.•;-. •■.; ; ■-■■;.;■••; ;,- ;;"";■:■■.'■';■ v...>U.ii.J'bpr-|s-, jiiivis bfir.fting.s; b.brij , for. 'Sl;u.dc>iit. Pririco' .•iri'.l ■'J5.1()K.Som--Tim(;';'.-/-':-■ ■ ; '■. • ' ' '..'; ;'J''owri".s h>.^t;n.i.pkl«bdp.()ri slrip.p' tlib-.-; '•.var.'. lAVri**.. .(iirijid ..Cbuld.nU'njioicl :'tii&:- diri'.ib toplriiiriu's -d tdi')'.'-'' ■ . .- .>. ■;^V; ■l-:.-;Batfeftt,'\Viir Gd'scy .and'-B.; n, f;.u,ewarti- .of;; -i-'wi.'.-a ■.TioA'ton - s-tuff,',-^' t-arijie.d'r7rr()ut.h';(m ;,a;-■J'px.'.isf'tbur. ... .'' .T"()HtV■■-.J<;(lS-Puri<fldy''.'..^ ■hdvj.Hg-"tr(jlit.lf': \v:ith. r;id'U^ .bp(;a!i^'p'j[)(\ -b/OiJi V^'i'Vii- tUe'iiijike:; : ■-I;v\dri ..I;)iri/'prprE wjft- ihv Jbp.-ti; p'rV)^ :' •d.m-i.ipn- /.bf.'' '( 'aj-m'j'n'.' -''wlntei'i-- '-U-j-isV^faii - ■::U^ai•^(]^•,r :vn(^ij-tt;irig 'J voiibd ' .lii-ns•;;;;.- .•■■:, ■■-••. ■;■ ' ;. •;.■•■■■■ , • v^.f'l'^' f'''hri)c ;rd(i;i.o-^iriij('r;jU.vjsC9 :ni '.V.,;ii,i).-.l>rit, .giri.t'!i--iik<'.. 'VSbrt(i ' ;.S'Hiarc. .rikp...witli, :^^t^.t^.;:..s:■.f>.ri:'al^- f'bur - ■.ri'i'-};.' ';»•.■'/ ■■;'■•■■/'..■ ■■■ ;^■ ■ --,■*.-'■ y^-' y:/'' ■i'[<'i\]':\ ■ anrliiMmlK ; jij^rriuVtHi'H .try^^ ■ i;t.:r. ilt.iut l.i'(-.^i';.;r)iii.,i/b'i'(Vi- ■i-.-^','- -liJi Ne--: .:>;-i<l>- ■"S^iilairo;'- :A|imissi''i'tr'do'i:v^ •.!;o'h( (111 r)-(jp\rii!'ht:'j.- ;;,; ;■'■ ■ . -' ■ - ,. ■■ht;jY. ■Iir</nri;;-Ul<-(j;fi '.'di'ytsit'rjii^^ , i-'J'i.:; .Ynvk -./i.hrv; .i(.T.-,^ii:-,■ it'pMi.i). . -Onq.: ,bn'HIVMV-'St;i-ri,-'l..''-.r'; .a t." f >ii:ui ha",- a rid .P'( lipr.- Fred, 'Fb-V--cily ' riiri:.-!'or■'(";.l•4>(^^^ i;;tj-'; Vk;i5';; • ;,' ; ." ■ - -IV^Vii l»fi.s.'!iM.otlMu'' iiiiddiriff pliiy- .Syi-ivfif. ; JI;i\y,VvfoK t l,i'H^-(^ ^^^.l^•••l^<, ; r.dU:c-.s; «;ornP - pfiij)'' .thi.-(iu;rh ^Jn d.l.^i; •-l,(y ripi(' a nd:'.^S;I vcid ;(^^^^^ v'/j:-;.:,. -^:';;';d;. rMn^liy;;iiy:'Iv- t.'/B. ; - "'u