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50 vArtetY Tiicsday, Soplcitaliici: ■ :Ri-oa(]l\vri.y/; ;:i^vs(t;;;:.:\vp(>It; ■ ■ i^t'-w .•sx>;i.<iit)ri/ ,].tvis Vc-i'-.pC XIio : ;Ji(*\v; tiI;i:y5<: ,',! ■ : .,v .C'oiji)i.f;i I.I)Iii' w.'.r^ hoArd" fin--Mi-6:vil:-. .^Tvfiy- Oi'p- rrii^'?^ .s'lJoni 'u n'u.siiUriy' si'^r !■ VoriA on tii-S ti.i^ii:;.(A>ri;i)M»^-'fI'fe lii"')—; ! (ti'ivM.i'o.n.s:..' TIuk 'j/iiiiiAalcirl .■ fiic't ■si.'O'in.s. ■'to-.'bo 'Ylta't' rilii'tf'. Iv^ii.vlror'iv :'ji't^, ival ■' i 'di'ii.ivfrt.tic; '.(ir'; o)Vli'^'ciy isVirci^'s.; d'ii<> ■ c^sa oUiuica?'; :f iiltrtl J^^i I tit i':.'b;V(l ly^ Mst/ . '.ifv.eolc aiyi}i,';;'wiiii." >t)Vci\s.: . • 7lV\vt)i; oC. Inst.- wiroft's - cyn tra tits' fared /so-:" bailly.. ati ot/ U.ic ipvcn'iKviro; ..iiiKh't ,; t'h{i,'t. th.o'y--wtf jyiitiuur. ; daS'.- ■'. .T,ViPS ::;V\'oi*o •'•TheV '.M^ ■ Stilts; ■ art.v-\aifr/riyro()U;lhr;iiij^^ ;'^nig))t -ipi-Qfi?': -at •.'the' .Plymouth' v.dld' ■;ti01..• ■be'l$'3.0.'..'.An.6tli'cr. ■'ot^• t!v«i ,.Tnre.el£;s: ci-qj) lUA-riot iicttor- ii.O.O.O irt-. .the.-.first'.'sc'Vcn -tinieg-.:-v w 'ITreb ifcir ' All' /roceivdd^a' pasting - frpth the.''roviowers. • . Its'. trtUi'ofj 'in: : ecVen'tinycs. at tlye -MaTiiiattaa- tfor-. ' .m.crry:. ilaT.ii(iiQrstcin.'3), ..Wcrc.'.aljou.t • $ib;QO.Or V.-'bi.it :■• tl.iq .^.t^ .iiippetMl of- livl'ns db^^^ ■'taiUes pi C*rcatio.n/:.C.ort/ did- v*ry. lltli<5,..;but. is, using:.^^^ a'daii 'Just tp.,.;R<M3.vinfV -;You. ' tabled to' ox-- '. cite, - : its-liL-st Av'cdk .a.t,''i$e.',6<)0 was'- .■.:nbt^.cncpurav!jjnff/.^^^^^^^^ ; ; :,■:.■■ ■;].■■ '■ 'VV^liile .tl'io -lca.d<ii'3. Jfcll easod'-^^^^ .a drop ipr ti).(S:' nc\y- '$3 ■tpp.;A'dnilie3l: \wa3<'jn'6t.;.a7).iic.i)Va,t^ ' Er.pk6t-s .'vverc. ; 3tuclt ^wi.ili bundles for .soni'e per.- . .formanco.s,,' .'Ha't'lnees ,...(oC/: whlcii 'thorp: arc- .'four, wb.ckly) Avcriii. pi'ln-.' : cipalfy :affC('tcdv; .Cross fp,r:-!th.6 Car- roll . show ^vd3 uboiit '• $55;M0/ drop ; '.qt $^JiOO.::■:<:■;: ■:. " ■;■■.:■/ ': W. ■-,:';. ..Next ^ve^>k'SKn'ew. .shows .as .r;ched.- uledvcai'ly tl'iis., ,\yppk:.',-,'lUM .0 diUi; .- ■•Tlte '. BreadAi'inhci^/ ; ^0Q'^ .^I'iid.v I • Say-:NOi'^v jiSth' '^fre(^t'; ^'f^inS: IH - Sinff -.Low?. Harris; 'If I W.>re:'yOuj; •'A-miia'ssa'dyV;;' .i"Payri>epi -I^.efcrrc.ii,;'', Sllllcr;:" /N:iUl;r;v Lo.n.? .'i^GOpjc pt ;'tii6-iIillK/'.-j;rin^xcMi -'■';'. ^' • : ;. A, ro'vivai: bf' '$lie' 'ChoGoiiit^ :di,cl'^ folio A's-'Tfi.c.:Mcii:ry^.'^^^ ■;EVli^ngPr"s;■'. u:pe\M)ectG/l,^^^ : ".'tour's:'',from '. the. ..48th■y^Str6cti■'''■a.l'id . •'t?rop'.o.cl>nl',< epcs . to." t'lip-, roa'd' f rpnv 0:Ule.^l3wau:;';''• v.- :^ ■■'■.■;■■.;■■'■''.■. '■'■••■:■' , ^Esti■rTi.ate5' f op . tas't-: Weelif •. '■. ■ :- ' (>Suihyohi :lir-H:eifuei. jil^-riiinfticat. ■[F-^fW'i-'e;. Vt^oper<f(la; :\ GapvcHic .. '.A(tcp Tpmorrbw,'''. John '■ Goldon . (4th ,\wp.6k> .. (Cb>'JC.0-.§3), : lOxpccte.d' . 'to ,oxlGtVd'ihr'ouijh Octphcr. and.■may . .iait lon.K^!r ; iiKOiicy,, buy'^ aii.''aid ; .■■■Ij'c'ltprvihati■ j'C>)*)'0.last wcMi. ■ ;■ -':. . /Barretta iof Wjmpole S.t.', Knipire (3;3d'Vycirk^..:HM>1..0!)y-^^l;S».)',.Kalu^^ day pcrf6i.uii;ii»(M?s iisjain •.■; looks sot ■fd.r c^tl^■h^^('ll .:i'iiri.;.'"woaU»LM- .;f..iVtor : .last .wc'o:k/hp'i,-. «4>t exij'oljc-ttt 'f.VH.'Oyo; > ■ 'Glbudy. /with 'Sho.webs,!' J^Iorosco" . (3d woiilb. -JJUod .w.i'ill ■cn'Pii^iv .iiutviiot-up ais c.\po(;f('.d; .botr... tor liiic tfiis..vvi'i'K'; o'als.e.d 'pl'f iti .U'arm. ' 'pbitiff ;'.a:b(jut;?'t;ooO.':<-■'v ■:' ■ ' ' :\ .'Ka6t.'ari'.d .'Fu'riduifV'Now^^ ..' (ikt \v6ck)/(;jV^l/l()0-j3).:Vl.^ri'SO^ .. iooU'pendoiitly';- '■ colorod^ /rp.vuo ■ ly,'-' .li'sjlu.s.'. hd.Usi; : lllllc. .lasod : to. -diH-ei . • .^'fyeiis/ta'nijirUt. ■ U ' ■■.:•• :'.;••• 'Free -for .All-/ -Manha'U'a'n;'■-.('2d - .:W'eok'), ( M .-■1'i'.^C.5 - $-1 .'jS ); ■ '-.'l l(>y'i i>w c >rri-; ■•paJvi.iod thi.S' one! ■'.sovorelyifo,itrxlfi'U| ';..bt.-:}!indii)i,'-;-: .'alxjut $lU,-OtJQ -in'- st-'yiin- •.■'-times;'---. .'.-''.>^-V .' ■ . : '. 'Follies,' . - 2ie^f.cl-d - - (iiilH w-oi>lc-).. ; - ('U-l,6;i-2-.-?r);:)V).). ' rinn bit b6hfi^ii:-'i.-ta.V: ■ .AVPok;. '^^Vi'iillii;r.:Van(l.. Jiiwi.-ili'- X.t'VV . •l'(>ai: (Friday-'and- feiU'urday>:-4t>Kle:, iViMny:' .' ■■ .: ^-■ ■■. r- \ ^o-y o-^ :.-.-.'Ffie,ridshi,-p/,'-.- F-ullon. f J^fd' ■ -ri-ook) v' (CU-OJH-^:;!;);- . %6oks'■'lik'?. .,$j'K()UU 'Vi; 'Vi'po.k' slv/\y.-; moro;. ■.un,ll.ri|i.''iicrl ..ju'i'l; .^Vyh.t(^-.^■^\:b;tllH•c • ..'ae.Lllc'j.. ;'it.- sji.iJirlrl .'^--(pliiiib.:-^' : '■■ ■■■■■ 'Grand Hb'tef/- :>rali.nnal.. .-Mfiih V V»^Ck)';;{'l).7l.-ll>':),T^-t..'W>;- ('nio'.of. I'ow .3.1.io''ws.,piay in« c.xu'a; ni liifi.icro •i.i>!>i;>! '■■ I'iW'. A^'hirh- ii'iSii'ljv'baUiivui^d dip lalt'i' ^.;:i>i;'\v^!pic;.:$:i^{i:0uir. '• ''■-■''■^^i^-v--'-^'-!;:- w'-J '.I ■L6v(b.An A'c'trcss,' Tim('s,-:'Kitii;i'rf .(^St' ■<v:ook-)' (:(^'-i;ii:V7^:$S'i.: ■'i:i^>.M^m :■] i'nxlo.iHOuVMitlly'\'(.Vhc.sU>r. ' .lOr-^lun):. .■ '-'duiilu'J cHM.'nH'Thui'isit . : '. .'Jy'st to- Remitid-Vbu';' .Itiii.-rillVtm^^^ ■. ..t2d ^yo:ki)') till M) ■ [ -.>)'■>}iy<!^ •.nV-yH-^iy .rtiiil ;i.f'l-('r;'.■|.)r(Oui.i'l'Vi•:. 1'.i \\r, n.r. ' {.i^.i-n^i - -iiii>ni'vv '- ^'uiv 'suVo.'. afUU' ''.th.'rs •■{■'iJlS'r |{);rf.n). • > P~re'so.n.tod -^hy- ..f.io'orpt'i: -VViJiijlo.-r. .oav.nVi)in> it)-^an';i)H».iit.^^^ Cor .re..-^, sliaping^'-. GpcUiiie. .'h;is .-'.iYi#ht. .'(H'x .(«'i:l')-.v.::.. \.:-: ■ ■; ',;^:.';:.';■;.■: ■ ■.■■"; > 'Shoot :: the^ Works/; t^ihaiV - .(9th, \%:x;'of<), (lir 1,3,60,r|Ji;.1 icat - tiurt; piido'r" $9,0GftV..' ...'; ■ ■ •Sihglr>:--;th6'' Blues/ ' ttiVirty . (1st ;\voft!<) ;:Vl>n;F,.2.a2>$;i.)';-;.. -I'rcsi^n'lod. by: Aiirfii'ts. -ahd. i'"roi^(ili*>.;. '(.:;oli)r.o.d .c.a'st- .shi)\\*;. 'draiiiar "ivitIt'/onSjoniblo; sitik'!? in>r:.-.iyp.ou3 ti>mi)Vr'o\\'~.niK'ht.- (i 15'i -■ .' fTThe.- Band '.Wagon,' .Vt*.\v .AinS't^r- il.Sin' (loi'h. ■w.o.okj... a^T•l.>^23>:^!)■'.:-.o).■ ('.la^^s. :,rc.yue 'fiXdod up. liicPly; -{jPod. *.i0',()'o6; , : ■ '■'-';'.' ■.'■■.<. •:-':-: ,'TKe; Constant'. Sipher/ Uov'rtlP ,'(ist wo:oi? y (.(;.n.--,r..U:i>!:$'3 . l»ros>'n (od ■ in'-" doppridptitiy;'.Av'rUti'.n aii.d ^.st-krrc^d iti- by'.Mae NV^'^sl| <)l)eW'f«d...ii ouday; (1..4y.,- . 'The .. Singing - ..Rabbi/-> po.twyp. .TAkph- - ''pre ;:S!it.urdfty;: Cstrii:tc'd7vlati>.. ia>st. weolt .(ip)V; yiddish-^piaypr^i,' .in lOnj^li.sH. vf^t-sipnioperellai - . ''.:;'"•. . -'.Third:. Little; Show,'. Musicr Bok . (1C t h week). (K -1 MO-Mt>oy. ft 1 Ipped' Curth'eir'.'Jast AVpck .'.Avith. 'estimated, pace 'abpiit .$i l,500r;: must • imprpye tp stay.mu'oh loppori.., .'•" ; -.v'. ^v/, v '.'Three: .Times the. .Hour;/' Avon. Taken: pXt .Saturday;. p'iaydd three. w-Seka.. ■ ::.'.-^'v'.-■-'■..' : 'U liiexpected ; .Hus.band/^' 48th St.: .(tCthiweek) ,(Ci.»G9-.i;3y, . liMPal w .(Jut by j.dui^inK .«turvi;miir ';tp :»h6dost' iu6he"y.. "Did 1- f iiy hTP,' ^n6xt- Week. •'.Vanities/JSArl Carron t^tk week) (.R.-.2;5.00r?3).; .\Vea!^ at.. i.nat-i.hee3,,■-'c.'jpc'oii^.lly , - T'uesday (fpiir . 'afteynbons- .; 'vveolttyoi-;' heat Avorried Jsp'eQS-^'WhO'' Nvcrc . stuek. tor sopvb ; <W{;ht.<?; buslnc.iss hot greatly, down,, at . $55;b00,, blgcrest ■ groSS. 'ambner 'loKi'ts:' ■■■;-•.;'■'-.:.:'--;' .^' .^ :Othe"t -. At.t'rac.t'iQns ';■■.-.'• .V' VThe-i Merry: Widow/ ilirlanger's;' revival, d^id nicely; 'The Ghpcplate yoldier./jiext .w'eok.- ''■ .' .; .■: .-' ■ • - . 'Precedent/, Bijou; ieitcnded . date over-^Jaturilay;. ivext, attra^ dcl'rnite. ■' ': .■■'■■.'.;■ ■.-, ■','/ : ' : ■ , 'Old,; Man. Miirphy/ nud30,riV; re-: -peat;' '- early.:,-:.tjunvttVqr:,: bpmtidy rc^ ■ si'Cim.cd. Monday.; '..'• '- - -.:, ' : -',', .-' : Bonstelle -■'-' -J,t*.S9 ic -.:BQ n.st'oilc 11) - NoW York Jist ^W.ek.;ji.nin.j^:-up' pl!),y3 for -ncW reppr- latrc .'.sedi^on ..In. Jjctr<)it 'tiiay^^ agalti; play :'clWrii'cler - p.artjShi.: h.pr: .own s1ib\v3/'';j'\;';■•:;.'■ ■•...": •-.... --^.l: ^T,rb^pe -p pp'n'ii :th i.? 'iti on t h? du ring A ri-»orftan- ij'c'gion.:ai,!n'uri.f. c(jiVycn ti pVi .vyitU ^T. .■tibw. war.;:i)lay:: by.'' a -Detroit viiewspiaper^ niaii,-; .;;;;.■; '- ', ■ O.n'i >i'i:1i'. i:ib>)ir.t ■.vy.■■ -77--;-. ;-,:.. .,-;.':; . '-Lad.iea ...of: -■<?re.atjon,':. .COri' (.'^1' 'ivc;'.i.4: i-.:i I .'ii -fll'i..- -. v\VVi.-i'iIy ^-!.j'<!-.<.i!d '.'.•ili^rii!;. r'l.'v i^;jviM\s:'.:CVriit;)it;' lliiii' :' (iVu'/ \y\-M pvI.',1!0-•'•'.>l' 1 ijvl-twci^Uv,'- 'i.'Nrr;V: -'V li ,i'fl:-iL '.S'.'.Vl'.'ll- '.Llllloiv \::y , '■ :-. . .■.;-;.:- '- "• .:>: $tiiisi>.; T::iViiiiai'i> :'.(i'l' '.j'l' .1 ■ -'.■'.'(S^^Tn. -'bn-- ■ \V<'-- -i,j'l ' , ] iri-,i.i;'. I;,(!•' ..' jS.ii ■ir.l;i:',".-'i':v -:. .;$<;ri'<dals, !.>-. }:;.3:;,': : . ..I'rtiirtiMi '-.|^..\V-";Mt.i ;i1iv\V-4::;i);.; ',:,n' !) .-. ,-l'liiiiso''ilark. !: '^^ '^ , -Vi-.'.illo:X'Ut- wo,c\i;/ .(U't ■..'".: .'-Lb'.'?.'Anpel6.'5, .'.^ei)L ' Walker ^V'ifitC.sidb to,-.'-Til to,e:-IVien ■ and -i AVomat'i,'' K'ngr' lish. .jp^cb in , .wltich 'ho,- p'a;y-ed - on LliQ' oOaiit. for, ,i;it'>(\u'tiT.l^rl;.lntjorj 'aiVd appris. it at thb IMackstone;^t.'tiicaKOf Oct.;! 5 for w.iiat - it: will ■run'.Intends to 'the:n-"takb.lt .tp;'>vow,Vbrlo; .'^ ' '^i^ /■: AyiiitPside. M'li.s -W I'losmoPvl for .Uie part, •played: by - C};n'y,v Ba te's I'ostr'.bn .th'b',o6a.st-.'' 'l"Svatvkic'.:;H^^ t.akcs-,- llii>: l-'iiireuco.rt.bed -part; '; ''Irvvb^i-'EflUitji^ :-Gla^ : •: iicleh : fiilli^ijan, act.rpss,. iVTis'Vfired clai'ni at. 10(iu'it'y '.;iflrai.nst.':A-i-^h ';.S.e >vy-ii'.\ .spttlnij.:.lip "slip xya^r.briB/i-pTfrd hy.. (hb^'producei^ .'prv a. ruri.'oC the pt^i.y:': CO ntiJact ..Vfbiv.;;'^'rtyai:e T/i yes,'- In!C isti-1,:soiPpf it}',- ■.Cioe..s,"arbiti\'itipii. ,' A'riolhor • . ,c!i.se " for irirbi'lers ' -i.s lvani4-i;i.Y(!jV.rtre iti K(«'jiard iVbrii'.'i. .blaitn njiJijtv.stJ.. :M i (ndii^ \-]^ 'liji'alfl ; -with, ■ 'U'id- '-.arftor.'.^ 'SO-week ;.i i^t.'cen^pnt: Wit li.. the rtgerttV .-:AVd iib pay.■ bfC':aliojf('iK .. / I'Did I ;Say Nor ^HaiiitUbn V Prod.) 48th St :;.-.' V..'; - >fy H^V^p'ec t ed Husbands'- ; <Iiy>rndbnv :roniay;v48th , . . 'Two;:- Seconds': (Lahdo 4^' >;St^yeiirtJ'-;E3dl3oti , ttptcl.\ , • : "Social-Reaister^ (E^lanere^'9) ::-puItojT^ .-'>::■'>■'■'.•.'/•■.;/'■ I'Leah Jffarrwest* fMabGbwan' ;: &"\i?!l>cd)':;Forrest -V ■:;'.•':■.'■■' , J,?Go6c| - Companions^ itsiiiu-' , . 'lxort3--44th St'.--- ^'.■::'".: ■.'•'. y.' .. . :: 'Elfbsspm ■ .7rt4h«T (Shubcrts)':: -; t^acl) .'itpyaife.";.'■ -'■■-: .;.' /-';:-:•.■■..■. .■; ; 'Left. Bank' (Rice: & Blclccr- ..-tp.nV-'IilttI6^-V 4p-..-,-.:•.'.. r;.:'.:::.-.,-.^ • .'CauflKt ;Wet'; ■ • (6 o I d,e;n) . ;C|blde;iV". ■.-■.-'' " ':'■-,. ■ ' ■;',-'.'-':■ ; ' Wunder ■; B^r' ■/,,■ (Shubcrt3, .vi'padj .■'Ba:y,ea..C :;,^. ^ .,.; -."'V ;.:■■ .::;-^H©iaH8.. '.Tn'.;':..Rep?(rr'-- ■■;(Siiti-. ■ ■.berta'):-:MdjcstI'b.- .;■'._.-... ; / ''..•-v'; -'^ .\: 'Prlncpss vrcharming^'-■ ^ 'l?prt3/■■rQad:y::.Jbl3on.!.:!'^-:;;^-^ \^ '■\ 'Admirablb: (Ccichton' ( ':'rba:d> ■■Bbbth;'':^-'.^'::.^v'^ ' .•'-.;.'"- ; nf I VVere Ybg^; (Shubet-U) 'Atvibassadbr.' ■ .'' •-'^ '■-■■.; :/■..-::■:', -' :::: >^ast Wind' ifScHwab^ Marv-:- :,;del). iMahhatta.n and Craig. ; :;.'lVlbupnii>g fiiecomes Elekfra'. - (Guild) Giilld. • ■ :' '(Sat and Fiddle' (6oEdon & ■/■I3rIinB:ers)''(SlobiB. "': : ■ i'Glrl Craty* (Ratbff, road) - .:.',Aivliv''-" ;.':^'-- , '.■•' -:.'-'-':-; '' i^|>ijkaiip,'^f{i>p,t, 'i-i.'-. I-It lipr ,.Xt;ii'ryAvoVjp.7..ii-^"l>di's ;^ia- :,th^p 'i'.i'j;'ui ■:.-<>( o w.. .s'6^^^^^ 't.Wi):''P.(;r'rorin.'i.iiiT.s n I■ tbo"-1 'vst' Stt'OOt ■ iJ i,o>aI rPi'',;■ Cic- 1.; 8 -9i,li 11 li; j{lo^-icp /a^ iJm). !s;tnu\^iiiiujiiv,.,: '■;::v : ' - ;'):^):PkI^,^%T.4■■ni;lking.,^p .■^■(•li.i'd'ul'p ah'il :<<<'l'..*v/r^Mvyr*!' ^>l■.,tt■'!iv- l■;l!tli;'lpb^nl)a.lu«>^••: lvi.M-b 'iti; liy'p. ypar.s'; 1 ;iitrunjtjii-'; pi'm ! V.Vi''t!iEXUv:«(y:':r'ir''('iii;ly J'I'tiiKify; : ■ > -:'■ \■v;.'::-'^:(-'i^\r<^]atui;':S''i)4.^^^ : : - yi \%:' t*.i;i.tli-:'k :■ Sluirplfjis;' U:i iioit.lg ..Uv.i.!'.l!i7;.:-'iui!l : 'i'ortii^M'?- .',iyi<v\ru|>/^ i ipi'T i. ' -iiri'hu'^.i.ip". -«l;iii>;p.lisi'.,-. .'wi.ii^ :{r. i.'n ,1 pf 1^ ".,1 »I f vV nTi>' f •■■ i m i 'Iit,w .i v't) Sharpti^MS. ■()!': M.:i!.ii)'n ' i.i ).'i biij i.-si.-VKi- ,ti)ry >iVtnm<li>..'-.''■; :;- ■■■■ .-"-J \:': •^'I Jjitti^i'r 'wvii'' '. iiin.Avn ■', :;ii\ ;■ Slllji! :i.',:i;i;irc;v -in. :.p,i'"'.':''''' 'i;|f''.t''-i'. ,< 'jii-ii-'i.i': il:iy 1 ;init In-I.v'r ,'rip:pi-,il'','Vl:' .:ii-i'-„',v lU'iUv: -v.iMii riliii'irji;-! iiv : 'i.rt ,'-As'ii-li,-. -liiirtlidnVr . huw -i'l/wiii-r-. :o,r, :;t.lH':\ii:;v V i;|i-ii'n.^':iii WunijiL--. 'Di.vbi'W. yv'i'i.v' i!ih.-.-.u''d; hTothiii^.-Vbut among.. Ibc'al legits last week, 'On tli;c Spot' .at. the Belascb gbt ra lbw: :$7,800. artd .was ,3,tiU th'b town> tc.■>pbr.. •;' :-. r Tpa. rhuch oppbslttpn- firbm the Fiesta *ya» the nialii.alibf; Streets wqrb: cluttered with; Crcie paradcii.:: y. ''.'Vbngeahc'e'/ . Wow. -:.play;'. bC: .-eairly .California'. by ; Htigh Wcldpri- ahd. i)roduccd ;by Miabel Dotispy .attitp llpilywood. PalyhQU,ie, l;la;: the new ,sei4.sbn-3 .first dud.' . .Ijci33 th'ari.'iiJOO. bn: it's '-flrit - w'ebk. .v Roy.t D'Arcy 24- shbcte.d as'-thb 'stari -'...'-: Cb-bperatiVe: ^Nine' o'clock yRevub" cibSbd at -thb- RtuslC:.lJox-iftcr nine} iiypcks bf good\b'asine33i, • LASt, wock ^rbssed.-:$C(.4pOi. Show rnovres tp San F.r^ati.ciscp. for a 'pcnched.^fbur .weeks at',tho 'Curran;.,with a.-possibllity bC .'itaylrig lbii;ger;:. ::a- :weefc' ■ of ;ph9f iii^jht .stdndift wltl Be.-play.cd, between,' bore atid.. 'Frl'sebv : 'Precedent/ 'I,.: Si ({Qlden's Mponcy^casb piepc, op.eris at the M'.U3lc;''.Bo'x'''Sbpt ii^ '■; ' ■ 'Ada Beats the Drum/ El.-Capitan (2d': .'Tvceib (C-l,5'7i-$l'.5"0).. .: J ii.st getting, by:' ;at :$4(7di0; .with Irenc: I'laiiklin; sitarred.. Scheduled to inbvo to •'Frfscby SatUrday,- but hoU because hpu'sb ia-without a ^ollbwf ing;-dttraptioii.':. rOn . the: Spot/ .BclasCo (id, week): (D-^.iil03-$2,50). ,T)isappbihtm£nt at $7,S0:b^:biit; nbt In;the;rcdr^ : . V ' 'Nine o'clock" Risvue/ Music "Box (Qtlv.wbok) (U'r?a5^;$2)'. . .FbldcH t<). is, 4 ftO, / establishing : a: rccbrd: ,■ fbr: 'locally pfpduced co-opa; everybody ■■'^y''.; a..-^3Lla'ty/:-f:;.^..-',,•"-■ f-'''' ■- '.':. ■..:.-''^ 'Vengeance/. Hollywood /l^layltou-'ie (.2d week) (D-l.l52-$ 1 v50). Oivly.?«9() :fo.r'thft ::first;elghtr.day3. • ^ ,: : Artjliir Dr'0:w^»^(i:o Pair ■ .W'ith a: Yiddish, musical opch^;^ b^^ nroadwjay and Yiddish drarnatlc sh.b.w In rehearsal, Arthur 'itamriicr- .steiij ■ has. plans -f or another Yid -^ di.sh-. rxiiisiical. If .the' flrst two. elicit. ' TTamriierst'cin^ Idea ls tb mtjslcaU Ize.; 'The bybbuk', IIcb.t'e\v .fan tisy .wiiiph.-pldycd -at ■the.- PrQvin'cctPw-n l.'I.ayh'buse'.:-about- -seven'.' years. a.gb. If : he. gbifs • .through.. .with • it ' ho'fl ;iiayo Blgt*iun iniislc ' -andv 'wili- . ^try- '' to ; intero.st Li{Pjre.z ia Boricih -dpin'g -'.the 'lead,-. hc! j(j;iysv.}-'''■:':';■ :.';',:',.^-.';.::,■ ii'^:,.'.^ ■;:>■; .'■(i. rl:''Wee has.'set .Oct. 8'.for .oi)P,.n-■. inK-Vilig TP.ad -trpbp^^^ it^rlud.e/' '^Ta:b.fcl.■; Julientie.^} H :.<,''pjirt-ifcy .Wh'itbi Siilnby .I'lMptt, ISvV .(>A''U;. |'';brhp!i 'p,f<v' the/.players;. .M:iu.-^ ijMoo. ^Mcl^'ieyQf .thc. ;TbeaVr<? .tfui^ Vt^ipg;,-;'/[-■■/ (-yy^y;'] ■ y-yy'': y-\ idrs^t''stiitid•:thdc.f,';'i)uii ''Ox^t. .,miiiy :10' ~ai"o'.' in.'. '.Wilpvihg.tpi);.' j.DpK. Ib'Oti.'c.o,'Kaliimprp. r.Woe: Is- siioWititr, .ViVel,:'.l.eue(hy ,,6':i^clil di'ama -.at..:;;:' '$:; io\K\ y---r.-' '■>■':■• ;:'V.;/''--'.:-^■■■•'- •'!«•'■ ' ^'^•V,'..;/Riva|■■.S;t,.-Lbu^s ..Stb'ck^ ,' :Al;;u;:y Hart/ri^turna . tp 'tJiP vUlvf') '< JCpli.ihiiri IheaVre In St.. .I.>bi'ifK\S\*^^ r:|,'iU-k,'-'()poping' Ofet.'.-t ' .liivals -luAv :\).: 0.;AVoi'ydward. ('o-.-'wliieb ,\sl;n[-;'i. ' .l'l'ii>i:,nv'.iiitlL:.: ■■^;',/'' :'':. :•' -:'' ,! ,"'■•'■ TASTURES' AT $25,000 ,' ■ : ■ ■ ■-:: . - Chicago;.-;»epti .1-4;.-: ■ . Fbur-diiy heat; pii.llljind hoUdriy.s bp": olthbr. .etui put .alcaiMulhe crimp ; in le,uf.i:t .j^i:bs.ii\s,:pra!eCtcally ,.tU ;a'^ thp lliiosi for. the fl.rst alan/^a of,tinv soasibn'a, biik'fiai debOt , .strotch'' or p'vei", 90.. dbgree' i'eip'p frotti'.Wedrte>s- ^ilay .tiiroiilrfi'. rtfi-tut'day,,.even ;balke.il "(iTOon. . -Pastures^frpm ; :acVucving ab.sohi;tc'ic.ap,^(>UVrt alihotigiv rt^^ ^2r>,;0.0.0 , hefe \vas , far-frbni disaiii- -ppititing.. -, - -, ^-y . y .I'lixrdest hit .oC tli e -nv ii» tot of- dr.a-^' .i»m.ti<\^'on. tai)..waij•'SVut .\Va.Le ing^ aie.iip .ot ju-biitid ..'i Wi'AUd bh- ilJi .•^cVphd. lap.- .: 'IllgliV IIUt!'.bowed, out : .Sdtiird.ay . (12):- after 'a .l i.-week Curi- pvivn .rbini).tb. I«^'i5ij':thau. $.i;r)0(>;. wli,il.o Trdcy -prdlie 'iSfp.ppliig. SKster'i^':took i;t pp: the! dive..fo)r;a:.'sub.^r.-xPLfal ^ijiVf strand;; .-'A-ivr^)anrh:'Vir..tfitVV^^^ liad- aliin!;.'.:b.iiildlng iilvtMy.'and:• liofUmfr ■tb'p .. ps).siVQ'ri.':Vutuoi.ig: . (he part raters-, also -vsurrcred- a'^vird -sb.tb.ack fr.piti: liv!ft,.Vb.ea-t/ ,. ShUijcrt3,V kbc.i)iivff '(,1113: oim .g()itig.;,at: tit.p Gdr'-' i'li-k' rintil ihc-:h.rrival of 'Girl^Crazy,' ■Oct-1;,;--.-'-;:;::: 'yyy:yr: i, \ - -y:r.:y:-yy .< :'',N.o.thing 'cixrded ;'to "'utiCold' 'iiniil ■R.ept^': I'D, . whetr^ Krtiiiilies''•.•:unvpll3' at, .,:th,Q': .Apbllb. ,.siU)vv,. stays twb, .w.eeijs; - tb-.bc - fol-., .ib<ved ,,: by. 'i^iliy :Bowe's : lievu.b,'': chaiigbd'.from ■Oi-azy'. Ouilt' bbeausc of tli>: title 'conlliot; Nvith the; ^iat--. rick comer, -'t/'iipxpep.tcd .Hii.'sbahil' : Slips.-,, -ititp, the ':Ad,cVi)hf.\.^ept. y^i.- .'i'rib of. 01)011111;?."? arc -listed for Sept;- ;28; ..*rh6y-;a-i\e- :'ai.leu,t wyji,:.;• Vpu; Said: It;' Graiid', :and,:ap• • jintltl<i:.d,,'\\''ailv(?r Wliitosidb dV;iiha;,:at : tlvel .Blacksilbne;'-':': i.Cil.i;t.v,-|'po tph^r.^^^e^ ;trles alko,,fnc')Udc:"'l\r,Ivatc,;rjbvea!, for tltb Pi'idnljer ,pn the .IPiij'^ ■,'-.- :'.v.,,-;,.EstimatjS.s.:fpr'.^Last' .Weelj'. [ ,■:'■. > -.'A Mbdern.: Virgin/.'Gari-.ick .-■(■ith.' \vetik)V X(?-:l';ijDj'; .:$2V56>..' IlaiV: the; .fetprrio /trade',; coming strong :Until the h'bt: sp;eli, broke. ,,:'\yill likely re-: cpvPr, .gait' : WiilvVv.cPbl;. w.^ather! ;;We,ek's -take 'down to aro'iind' $.5,OpOi:, ' ; 'H fg h:: Hat,:.- Adeipill-: ■( i31Iv. ^^firial ^week) 'ic-\ ,b:lO; ?3)-.:. Nbt^ s<'> ;prbnt- able ati.approxlnia'tely. $3,'5'00,'o'h,-,'tl.i<>' n'ibveb'ut','-.Show goes to, Detroit and- '1"ibU3C went dark;' Vi ti til :hext;' Atbn- , day's, advent bf- ,'L'nc.xpoGt'ed'. Ilus> band:',;-^: •.;..'■;■.'. .;"'■■'.'.■ ^' 'v ' -/'.Green' Pastures,'.. Illinol'a. ' (l.st week) :(T),rl,365;';$:3).,. ']'Uirt)ed.,llicrn: awajr':: at . every '■pbr,fOf niaii'ce: excoijt Friday .rii'ght-'a,", wiiiding up with better.: tlia ti 'S2.5,000;'': IrtitT.a^^ ;bi;isin(;s3 . ih-stiffated: :thP hookihif on of .a'v-'SundaV'' evening. :p.erf!H"'^ Mail orders .ahd ; .advanbb .sialCH 'hPavy.:;'': ■'■■■;, v'->,':• :.> ■.■ - -•''.'-.'; '-^y:-' ■ .,'S,ia It"'W'ater/lriayh bVi.«!e;,(2d ^ ,fCr,'C03r'.$:3)>:: iirop, tb $4.op'o'.T.': ircat- I'oacftioh. ; Hope:, to^ jppcoybr - \vrith^ ■i'nprcury, i--lid(,\' '. ■■ .■,'■:- ',:: , ,,'Ste"ppin!3 ,, Sisters/ .' -Blaclcsloh'e .(.25th : , .Av^iek).'.; ,(u;i;QS'4r .$2,501. TUiivblcd , t;b afb'und.; • j4i0b.0;' by't -iiLill an, even jbro'ak fjii'VO -on .tlie. sbP.w's- ■,prnnpm:lcal " hpokup'.: Fi^urp.i: ■ to l)lovi/;>Scpt'..2^; .■":'.-:■■::'':•'.■•■■■•■■-■•. • Frisco Grosses .y' '• •.■..San:Frari.plseo;' ftept.--14'.. . Tvifb .hblJday'.s ia.st':w'oek hPlpc^d-- Janc G«mriii...'Oarnille''at(i%actpa. the Iargbs t h;p.... sel Hi 1 Jr' oil V' at',.rp at i tiees!. TI 1 e rAlcav..'^ r -.also i lad.. eapac it y; "ii) a t - inpcs ■ atid': surprised ' with: . "Ladies my;- :: yy---.:^yy^ ■•■■■-■-. VThird.': arid , >fipal'; .-week .of:: j...n'urd Ifppc Crew-s.'. pt'odubtihiii. ''As- :i:Iu.sV bands?:;^Op/::at -the-; C^alilthbiii,.' was; goadv a.s second ' AvPPk ahd ' a" strong .ITtiish.; .'■PotViftrit..( U) Miss;.(;r<iws -1-0, .v.iyps', 'Tli'e.. 8il\'er..Cord' :wU-h' .Kay Jphrison,:;:^.■■;■'■..■;. ■■: ■■"-:" ■ ' y.: "' Estirnates 'fbt:'Lait';Weo'(c;'.',-^':' ■ :; i't'adies Allj', Aica'-car'- (1st. week) (M-,1:.2C9;; 'fMiO);: ..; Sjurih-tHCd by clocking,$7;0P0:':F»o().d, e.Tpdrity m.nl3; ; 'As. Hysba.nds Go/ -C^olutpbia • (:itd ::and, : final .: wock) •: OC-T.,.700;'• $2..')0)'; l-'iriishcd .s'trbng, .^T.BiOp.;. even 'wilii ..see.bhii ..weok....:. ■':'-'-.l- .. ..'.'.,;,: ',.:,■'/,,. :;: 'GaniMie,;' .Ciiirran 'Xvii Wf^iek) ^(D-; 1 ,"i)|V;. -';$2.))0)/ :•! lest: . bij!. iit. vtowhV fbhinies'llorkibg. to ;nvaU.<'$.V.S.Oi)'o; : - :,.:'Greeks:Hiad ^ Wbrd for It,' (;.ea:ri '(2d-, W.ppIO. .-(/QrT.ftpO • $l50). (-rooiVAt :? I .'1,000, .two, Vri'aiid' ,itr)dcr first week; .' ,.':,'ftirpiiPapoliji-'-^S ■ ,. Thb iPjfit .'s'tyi.Mi'i.iV: g().t':()fC. to'..a slow. ;i ri wl):pti I !a iill)j-'iitgp ^f.utivpai,iy al-: .111'.'.' slj-iilMM't .!y n.ssp.(l:,-oivly ,.:u-'rtu.ptl .j3;i.i'j.p.': .>Vitl.i ■■ ^\VIJ:isp,i!i^Ln'g. -Ki;.iol)'ds.'' '^I''^x.i ri'iiir| ,..:)iP;it; :j-iiisb('l ,-!h;ivb'p' ■witlv ■pa n;o:tti);K'.p;' ;■< '(iiV) i");.(i>y.. a'li'd i>l;i'y s'yprp' liked... rj'bii-'i.s^iiifi dii|l|_tr, ';i,i* .'a'ia:inst'; Trii:"'l/i;s;t :^pa?<)jii; _ :('..;;:'' .'" :'• :.' h/--.^ '' -" :S I ;l 11^ -..li"; I i t^■^v.. •!•k ,;il:\yj'vy^ a (ij -i-i- t,i,l>', fur. I))ii.rpr,ii,ijp: I'Vpriv. Hiiul,' VP I tpm-> ;,piM;;i:t^tM;i?«s:: vvvfe! tiSn .^n^IcJV;-';^>i(irii'iUVil' <{irl.s':'..-:;i)t'.. :ar\]y.- abiiiit :. j 1:1)1)4'' lit '•'■ia5:b(y.- -■ ■" ■-" '■"'-■ ^ "' -"'^ ; f liy .Hh 111 )i^; t«.. ■■ \\ \\\' : 1, g. '^ Fi;i ^li ^^!'o^^.i■^^■:!v<^l:liIihK •■-l''ay'i:';i'=^^ ,w,iy: :riin)PH4jy vdftei: 'btic^i^ ■••riv'niiitt.:':^,■■'■ /■■■j.',:': '•■,/ ",'-■ yyx y-. ■■■ l VTu'la' 'Kjii>)r'- :^t:j.tr^^ :?.:i;vPi;Vh.illing ;ii:iitiiit'iPPrt^c^,; H.ii.'n'y.,('lurk -liivs'wi-it.- I'.^iV; tli.ivliWiij^ :l)y iia-Vry: ilVvel. ii^id oSijick^Cfijii-dbti.; ,. ■';' :.;. -.'^ ■■.';- '.■^^bI.I!td6lpllia;'Sdi)t:-■^^.■•<. ■ ' ; After.:,two.. wofrli3:,-of '.'ilnio.st ;iclv' ' :iheatr(.e:qlng wo.'vU'ieri' iniilly'a io^j,'t '. >teasoti. .i*:ot,,u>vd,erwiiy Salurilay wi i iv ' al)(Htt .the' h.i'gh'cst: • tpm jibraturb ("■ vpe,'' :r,,egi.s to red' ,thb. in id die, pf Sp p'te tivh'p rf :, „•,',The • il!-st, ■ siibwv'■'TWistiiwf. - tlio - .n^i;W,^.bowed':1n:at: tlre:^:'W matiiice iti p.i^^e^^;tb ialvP.;adv;iniagb.-:, pf tl>b ;Jcw:.isii hbliday,.- niai<nniv-h a,i- (lie. star/ Ilnri'y.;(Irci'^n-,' ..l;ii'b (if-v-ti'ii) ' ..flliiia, 1i:is' a ■' .st'rbhg Jpwl.sll .f.jlib.w- ' -' 'P'!?;> I(lpA. niiglU-;ha.vb:.SYt?i;kpd:-.K luod; hot. .bcpii' 'for sp.b'.r'i-liiiigi: hp^u, A^, it was; : h>,<?.M tliaii. half . a hbiijiibi ■.' and, ■AVIUi .-th'b perier'ar p.dnnip"^--.'ihi)'. slibw took,, not PViich bi?; i)i.iL^\ppi,*'j:c'ii; : :'::'Tpnlght- ':(MoiVdayO!' .: I^if ; .'-SV^vnn'^i ■ ■ :nc\v<. tniusical,.: ^'rhe-': I'.angh, .par.'nl.i.',' . poines' • into",the S.liubert ,'«■<"or ■ (hrivj ' wpel> sv . Ad v;anc.e: s;ilb;.„a'gaiti.1 )pc-a u.-iiV> (if the..lirat'i. ii? .ilhdcr 'exli)p(vfalioiis,.■ ,; ;' l^extM'biidayi,. (21.) ■. '-^^etor.j Flix^ii .'' il-t.iijhi' 'JLepnai,;d. CprH-hf,aii'3'> Prbd lie - ' tibn .oX M'yibiv .l.'\vgan's : oonieiiy; . op-bh.s::,at?:, the,. Broad.: atid,' ']Ov»>ryv: -; l/()dy'3': Welo.ome.' ;,"?4h'ubbrt .Mu'sit't'il/ :,: combs- tb.XWb:Forrest-. ■ ^:.; ■'. " ^: ■,:,: ■ ; />tajc-(ibr<lb.ii's:!(?;it\^^ - also iPu.sibVil, "h-.as .. hpbn'. pbs'tponpii uiVtil; T,iio.s.day,,at, the :Gai;t:ic;,k'.' atid On-.' Sa'tinid.'j.y' the'•I'-rlfihger'.' will ,re^.-.-, open . Iwitli- Job Cbp;k!'s : ',Fine ,'111(1. , i^andy/ '.:T..asli: l^(^usc^:lb,, lift.lVt lip '.ii». :: Llic" (.'hesCii u it ..- home, n f.; liie^. Pi-orp.s- ; ■ j?^biidl. 3'l.%y(M\«i.^'^ will'v, 'Tiic ' Jlbiiso;: :lJc;tUtifuf bn'''Q.ct; :5;: ■: -■;;;;■ ;-r ;:■ "■■ Tlic; \\-alnut .gcvts -'LbatiL iTarvost'' - ;(.M(>Gb\v:an ;..&; -IVpe(iy:-2S-; - IJr.oad; Ivaa' .' ■Hrrvate':i,ilve.s' oh jC)(^t. r>,.a!id bn. tiifv ',■ laltPr-.(l.atc'.",-'A-!^ lIir.sbaDds (Jo' bpena..: ■at' (.laiTk'k,': 'Prin'e;.e.ss"-'-C'lvaiM at Sl)itl)eri,.a;nd 'Meet My-Sijfl.Pr' :at,tli9: .: ■ForVost.:; :;"- •'.:■'./- y ..''■'';-.' 6 Shows C)ut : A- 'half .:-■(l()7rt'>.Iy^cliJ.sin'gf^^^.o^^^ Brba'd-.-.' - way::at - this -t'i.i'iie .of:''tlie::seas<u^^^ i.^ u.nti'stial/;"::•-■■ :■ '■"'::.- ■■:■;-.;:•■■.:•: ': ?'i';bi;pe..Time.s::t.h:p. Htiiir','' i')r.i'';4f'i;>;tp,'l ■ ■ :by.li->i:bok.r(^nibef'tbnj ,a.to))pcd ,t-b*":: A'ybh :'S,aiurda:y. (12).'', Three sypc^UHi. -- ■■' •'Tlie .'Man.'bh ,- S.,till,s/-;i)i-c.^oii.tP(l by . ArShur llopkinsj, "taken .off at, tl'ir*': l'lyhtou.th:':S.at.u.rda,y after, fbiir, ildys'; • : v 'Tlio ..-Sihgii.ig, - -Ita^ibi,'.. i)r(i\spjVle(l. ;hy' 'Bprl's^ ■;Tl.ibma!^he'fsky.' -X^ .p'l;itys.;^|n JviTgli.sh) -..\«as' 'taken -off. uti . the' ■siu.hc '(late Ci2)'.-^^'P Willi, 'lirst'.•na''iiie.(i ::sliow3- p.-vniied.' by: ; :rb'vie\\''e,i'^_^: \vjtlM)ut;ex.r.pt)ti6ri;;'': .■ "'.' ''■ 'Uilc-X pec led: :11 u-^ bii tul,'. p i-Pko ti Led • by Itibhard'. Upi:h(i()n;..; leaves'- tlis;..: ■i Sih -Sl*eot; .this wo.pjc- irii(1; an d gtxea. -• to.:' Ch'icago,i, Pl.ayi^d .10:- weeks', lb:,;; piodbrate :iivbii(\y>,tlirbiigl'v the -sunv- nxp'r;-,:-; ,' ";:-. :'." -■ •::'■ •■• -•':'-'." :.-:-.■■ ':. '.. ' ^^I^-f^ipp^h'ptv v;pxt(:ti.dcd 'afiicr-;. hitvA' :nbijneed :clb.'fing, (tepar.t.s fi-of1\s ll.i'V ' -Bij(ni .-this week' Cpr :ilic: rbad;.;-'''phb: . :Mprry/ \y.i(lbvC^.: .ends., 'it;?! sf luHkile':! '■ - Ivyo .'w^fi'.ks at.-.iirla'n.ge'r.V, .;,'';'; . lyler Oses Kx^^^^^^ .. :.-.ClKirlc\^ ■ -Hai'iipd,im-,:, and, .I''a'y Baintcr'; :Co;":-ih:.'.- 'Tho :\Adih.lrabl^j;^ :t.rit;fitp.!i'; :st.aft ph. .-.Unir. .la.i«'' /.tbi-V n u) I lib op a: I'.ou.t e', so t; for -1 (»- wop.k* VtiCli':;Qlhet:, 'tiiiic , Uk'(>ly/, : :-;^^^ .- The Ge.cirgc .Tj'.ier -b'nVqc,: is: ."iend-',- ing the' ';sii\n% tlu;!oug^ jLhe-ino'ttb o.ti '' A .series Of ::()ti(>VM|ghlet's pfv Ibb ;^iiti <;;s aiie '-'i y.. i n u:. y tbii^i ij;p>i.: ,;^':,Tyler 'ci,ls()'^yi(;ti(lf)' .'VV'illianV'i !.ili'.vty>, btt; liib-'i'(>itil-'-laii-i' in-: live fall; -: - ^\-:-- '^Harris. ■vGets'.i^Going'i-y-. ■ : ilbii .h tie - (i.vpeti b":a ri d:;(J r (>vi iry-1V- >'; f ' i>rf - \\'ill -'head : the ..('ast.' pt ':U':ond.''.r ■ 0()y.;^,;T'p(i IT.ari'i.'i', ,i^;nVd 1ik'o\'h(|'l.l .cot 'pi^oi1(R.'U.oti:biv,.tii'is ei,)ip i.vi.v ^st.art.iMli-:after-,'i'inii-^ iPiivp'i.s ',bn- .bl-l.Tt^r ,i)Ia:y:^,-'Vhi-s --iip.'i'sl'i'ti... ^ '-'\y()n(l(<r.;l!py,-, w-as w.riltp'tV: hy -Ai;-": tluir. Barum /and - l^i-'ldio- <;'hi>d(vi'(?lC f,<>r.niirr, .. p;.a:^sAvitli': C!o|.ilm l)i;i; ■■;I-'*''" v- iuro^;;:';inil -bas' to mIcV ^yiUi .pi'i'l)lii-'it .: tiiaking'in ■H(t;ily wo(y(i',;;.:-;!;'//- .>; :■■ [ ,SCREEN WRITER'S. PLAY . ;'- :?■ .Hbllwobd, .Sc'itt;'.! I,. 'iilnaihitxtY;; :sin«<<'. pl.-l.y. 1 i.V_.:('Il:> (■' ■ KpoXV],i'>).)ftiSIt'lV,': -kf''rpp't 1 . ivv i(.i'-;i'('!( lij*pn -splil 'for, Nt^vv- .York prodiif ' i ■l-iyi.i^bi) ■Myir'riiip.ii/;:.-,:.'^ " ' ■'.-,'.! ' .: )'».- . ; . 'Dr^acuia' '.Folds.' ':' . ■: 'Dnii'iila'. foii'I.s: it-) -j)f -Vj );ty 'd t'-'- :t()liF :ya'Vvii'dby;: rf !V> iJ<',!'N'i^>"^''iVky. 10. AVi'e.'.wii.s :()jSvsi>iil.-(ni;- it.: ' '.' :,-:^ • ->?li()w :'('buiiip't ■''-y; >.''''"''":'■ tUtlu-r, \ .'-;■-■--.■ ■;;,.; „-';.-':",.' ' --' , I;. ■)■:■-