Variety (Sep 1931)

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VARIETY FREE ■■ .>T;iM.i'.il .:<V).tiioily;-.'i)ro.s''n'-''«i nt IliK M i,n- .■■ Jra-ilciri.'- tjojii,.: H ' h'y Si-hw.Ii . nil 1'•Sl.'ii!';!.'! . Vo'ok V l'>-\ usi'_ar.Jlr»irtniei:sli')ri. ' -an-l ' iViiiVni'.'.vSi-.h'A)>;>.; vm'-ui.rtiv'liy' Jd'. li.'nil A: ..■■■WlVil.liiK;-. J.ii W. ■. ir«1oy,' I'i'.'ifgi'.vl; ^ linnili'.'r- ■''•>.V,',lWi'">'lH''i'f'iolii.- . ••■ ;■ ' . • Jl>.^>..llUlll>^v OriiMt:'; JV.<y.n!ir>.f,-. ,v ■ Aniia-.Atlou.', />■;■.' • Mii!l'i,ni'l ':J.lyrriiv.;'. i v< ■"■ Millisli!;a 'tn rfis/)V ;\, ,' AtVdy .■ ]tiuiltii(rU.. , ■ ■ J»afi ^rtiriiK'-.i-r.^ •;:.stcve-ruit(-1*,: jr,;. ;-- ■ J^Ittrto. Siniip.t.i .■. Itlsis .'Cilbl)>.. i ■. .;;.. : 'Or'. R;l,viiiiil>d Al.lPn.;' •. VorBll ■ M.urgiitjoyd.., ■ Airs,' l.iliv. jif.nps-. i'^v.', ■■ .r>^^:yyiiu!r, .>..i;-.r' .'^.' *.''.' t'o*>» •^•V* * * ■.. ■i't'rf'nop ■ C'.iti;i van I',. v ■ .Jijiv- -jiMii.^inv.^.; • iiUviJr '.• I'olUr.' Ky I e i-: ■ A , j'l<'Hi'Cl-V>:. ... v. vV,. .■• A-. Ni'u'.si'^c';;.'. .X.-;', .'-i-. . ■ . Prcsuiii.i ;i>».,'.i \ ,,.: -I'M'T I.uis ^iKiiwur.'l ■ Jbiili.-r.v. li.iviO 1 hn.Vliivii'n •;.'.TIik'l.iiiu ■ 'J'i'piioii ;. Vi'iM Miifsli ..■',;i'vl:or^Hi«K.lii« . ' '■' ;"..vTiii4i!iM- ,...:Uoii. Ti)tviki"'> .■> ^'i^iii'i'i.s ■til'tiiMy ,:;.;,JU.-k-.ii,;>ioy. ' V-... VJ.Ihan'. \)an:\ .■.:I)u)'<)lKv.'Knii\iii Il'lkiliji .I.rtril , .tMiniicH •Alllioff. i.i';J(;aiiiiOttd-/L'o(r ; , .SrOu Arhol 1 : (iluA ■ llowiirJ I'liii^ IvraiVrtrv ■■■.t Jul'" UlMldllU'^. . .i*ru .•C.niriTi> • llarry; ■SUiVi.mii(i .i.'cirit'e ;jo|i'i>!>tOi) f.'Diiriithea' Ja'i)res. ■{•Olive; l{3y\;g ' ;■ [JuUit .Chnnillor -. i>.-.,AV iDovS-nliiR' . ..Uiibi'idL avnrtiiU > .:>-. . .Ifao. IWwiVi iSaOlpiugli ii(i>vuVa..::Wu . . V. Eaufohce • SclVwal). V arid ..' Flx'b-iik ■ M^iridpl' Vccetitly. t.Qofe 'iro'Ss'ossrd.h;. iiii". : 'the:■^^a»ha-tta'n> .-tliQ .v rcnaniod.: ncyf. •. .pi;csoiUjitipn\vg'iye ';Fi;od. I'or '•■iV.ll., ,Aftor -111* tbssiriff- iirouml it {jijt •. the- ■'■-i'evievfOfs,'. f lxancei3 ' ;:ar9. ,' .'jiubious- ihaeid..'.: -SJiow ifjti^t, that biad. i^'irst a,ct^.amu.s.i'a& artd divert-. ■' itie. ' .with '. tiie .••pocQrid iisshiiding ' -off;" ■ die - 'ptobably:. to-, boolc .tr0Ubl.o and ,. mtiiu$\tix^ tAipefulness. p£ tlie. eat;iiei^: ■■-.chaRterv'>^- v-\'v/;\V ;: •.••';';v ■ ■ . • . 'J.'ree foe .All'..- i3 a;'muslcal:'.c6jn.cd5i^ .•w.ittibut h... c^oiiia., 'h'irst riig:ht«:s . • •apparently reseintcd. .ttte absence 6L corypjife^s,. nbt- that 'thofe. ave . h&i : ploasarit .iacp3 and foritisi' tnhpng ^hc. - •. gli'T iirlnc/ipilis?:-'' La^f;ispason- .a-: rriii-'^ .' .sicai 'Ot stmtlar.:type. v/aa ?Tvteet. -My ■ . Sister;' an op^r^etta -vvlthbut. chorus..' ; .mahaeed/.to eot''-^^^^ because;' it: (Dr!5erat4d .iat. hio'dest. mb.n ; ,Co.sfs.: i^ cbhsldej^bly .more to slVbw. 'i-'reje for •^..AIl/■ ■:r^;■;^V;:^.■•■■-:.:.-■■■^^■•■^^:^ , .% ■tJslnt; a. revolvins'stagev there .Js; tio .■atUmj)t';tQ.■ hiike - speed., records:. ,' fpr sbene chattifes',-' alth otigh. only-. . ' {.bhc^ -.^va^s. -ah;. e|ftc6re;;/efivoh. .betpre r thfti GUrtatri,. - The- prpduc recog- .Vni^ied ;'ae(ibnd^sibt. tro.dble^^ . of : .town /and-tried; h^^^ a. dpsfen 'pF jiirarc . .ycralbn's ■ and .Toutihes, .. ■ ' /.. . •.i?lp.t hatS to dp -vvith 9.. grbiip.-^ ot .." Pal.6 • ..Aito^ gra.ds: ' whpi.vtlilnk:'.-they. '. think cbmrhunism .is th'tfijiught idea,, ;J Tli§y -' .plan ; e;b'ih'gto- .J^iu'asia - ixhd :• . establishirig' a Cbrhmuhity,.;bUt ih- ■ ; stea!d attempt. .tP .-p'p.era,t(S a-vNeVada -copper' ml rvfe; /'r^l^'-'V-:-' '[■■.'■ ■■ One scchfe'jg .set'.'lh-ih.c ciiri.s.ui.tinBy : t b pni' P iE'. a; phy c h oaTi a I vtit' tih.d. .i t i!.''; '.fbhny : Jthd,;. rbueh....-vlt, brlnBS. .:bJi. :a?brbthy Kndpt).:. bhce- th^'-fairicd ■beaut, p£;.'Vahilies- .(and ''Ifibrctta;),. V :£>tttl 'a'.'B'r.etitlbG)^e'r' MisS' .'K.happ; :' v Obeiirt't..hxiiid \7Vjei>'tii^^ - .-. . .It's paft;^ pf; the. .''S •,te'st, '' . A1w ..... -in ''; this '.'Scene" ifii)l.i>ti;i).urtirhai're;.! • Jeanni^tlb • IjOfC^- .ffrom. iTb.llywybVi; 'Alsp^ ^i. - lb.ok;ar.. ''.JSoith^ -lias h^utifr -•''■?uf.lcV-^t}iaJt>. -.r..-'.^ ^ 'v' ^ V-;• .1 v;-,. i^hp ■.liWTthought&rs ^ .. tb . wod ' ; ihe .'jVioVe'T.op.fiii'-^^iiaebrt^, :'' .but .'as it is '-Navixdav' di.yb'rpc i5j.,«iisv .;. 'within: sixv 'weckii. . Atteir ' a ..£a^^ • :'-iipoal'ieriiiy: rftcchPt :'a^^^ ... up'-viitue the ■ is: at. N.QW :ljf.'af ';' ~eorncrsf.\vlicire;4l;V'b'roesvai;p" ha^^^^^^ :'- 'ai?bUnd and' the .Iterb: st'.t!j •. hlg -irbal. ". ilal'oy .is. ii-..funny.- man.':-Tjini'{.tb'd too .hiV!''h: by hiW lvbtJk; iliiivt-eve.ry hp .. . ish-'t At his .b.cs.t.' v.']'eame'(V wfth-i tlvt- .• tittracti'vcV ^Tci'a-.^ia plc.a's.o ^ . W.ith •fa^io.^a^^^^^ JX'ipr' and 'Not '•: •.•.'.T-hat .I. .Carfc.' .1 liol^h :g.n().d .'tnelbdies' • . ■,;and :bbtl». it't.onda.rvt. y»;illv.te .. ' Bcter ..ii! i'gKlhs : has: viiiob.. .(yi. ■ thbv.shDW; •jjis^.ext'ellont. ' Was , . .broufcht oiit in 'Sliiiivi^cr.'vahcl ' : ..;'Tb.j\ight,;:.. dup.tcd.: in. pd>\t '.\\'iLh; Ta^ ; .''■mara;-.'.7.rj'att'.«^^ "di'dh't.'/.havc; ;.iT»tiC'h . "c.hahcc' tb '>>.bT'bj.7bUt ^t^^^ .S'i.'a-S:- Cx ■ .•-peotod / of' ihRr;. ;. Dons.'' (.Tvoday^^^^ ;■ .' j c.h.ubby.. sbiiBrbttc'/te^nied'.wit^^^ . ■■ .:^Tpnipi<ins'; in-%v .brai?ft bi;, hiinib^'r'.si . their pri nbipai . con tiiOu'libiis;, beihx .' .diincets'.. Ijavc .-liutchesoVi'. 'a'lanky ' . -.second .rbriViP', .'iid best:. ji'Udirig INO- '-.Vadsi" MybniiRht,' .. tra:vc\siyhie; • tfi<-' .■^Id: type hfilhDd. -'lTh'a'^ ..nuih)>er.:hai;i '.-Gharfos Altiipff dbihi,' .a "hit,wi th hiU '•... fiddle;. .Otherwise.^le. M'cin tv..flighty :. ■•. patiuiit.cir, the ipysclibahalyiit,:..: '.' : ; iJui ■tTi\siWtC'ils. tu.hO.^. a'nrl.its pc'ii.^. V:'. ptb:'!J''rec (ou-AU'rappOiira tb : be up .■;;';ugaiii:st'it; -'.y.:':-::: .ibce^ lumio. UiV ',^^•.^^.rtuji^> pC' -siuil'me'r' .'tl\i<fitr'ysj'ilb\S-'ji;:t'u'.i)f»^ wai/■^^•■i^pd■^^ lM,s;ii'( ;bi; :>yoU bTC.',. -Np al^M.Tiiiniiiig- iit. lho,,."..nva( tor ,^ l»C-; pi'oduotiOrt;. ajixl, i'limi«)i ;:ii- ..iji'.-a.;f)uo.--.^et 'siiow,.. l.t- i,s:;Oist-^vbK>:-'iUterif'vr;: ■'Js\Kpie on tfiu; ■p.rhs'rain -potpt.. to a.-ifahfish .gal-,: ■;vVy.'U«t. ^v^r^'/'':.-.-' ■'. "i ■■■ ■ .'. ■ : ■ ;Cvliu1yscUnf?S'>h .i.t'!i'.i)lay .li.iil.Vi ly' Nyit.h. tlif' ;ti)rii.Q of ■wbhie:ft. ojv.' tJioiiv.i'iSvVr i.iv.;b:us|h6s!j.- {''-.Q^no/ia 'Kibyl. A' :.t 11.11 i;r'tyn i - a .• GIqyb.i' in'tci'i.or.. (1 oco7.. tori'•- 'T.h.p ' Otjibi:, Idoria,. ijayj:.-.!^ • a' :lilKh-'salaricd picturo'lactressv Ijotiv, Jir.o v''ritt'd • ,iii-'t.h'e -.niCin- tiiiiy- qhpsc; aivd -thcy, hi)C;;;Gat'nostl.y.ii)jr.i;i; tv foretjrb loy.c;/'. iJeiijifj.lairici^. ot'ci-e:-' .jitipii.:, they: rii-o .s.c>l£ .'ff hdv tlic nva.sciiliiio-;touch is•■'<')ut.^.xb.C,- ic .ha:i'dly \ybi'lc3' put ihnt- ii-ay.. ; '■■ . .^I Lss. yund'cirlyu. uses lio.c c\1V;i.rni" ;a.a.,.ah..'adj'urt In Av.poiii},' at-- bbuii tsj. .a oase-.p£ rnbhlcnt bein'K thb furhrshintf :.o'£ :a .nev^r ahf^ : exf!eh.<^ivb ;Bputhc!rn hotei,- : -lJut site-too iiBrhtiy , VCclioiisi.. truv ..v^lue. ' o£'; hb^•" ■niaha:kor,- Sahv.iTli^il^i^^an,.•<vho .w'ailcs; (j.u't'iU'tci^ =a•..^£ff^.;'.■An■.d a-ifihurehtijr^ too,;shc! is' u:i\a..\.v{frcitl';>>iini ^'i?h)rf's h'^r. ' ' • -I I(jr ii i'st,l.bVe,;a .■:£elUny. f rbnv Dix.v'i' eh port. nearl y: cbn leii'; ..bacK • i hto - lici? :irJ\V,.; iijvViiteur.ishly ■ h that. liL-i. •\v"ifb rcl,i).csn.'t ■ urjdcr-sjaniV -.hini ■■a.tid t.lvi>;t-.they,.ure thVbi.ryh wi'tli ■HQX-^it-.ji jU!}l;tlio.chiidi-on tUdt U'oi-.l)>hi. tbi'. g'clht'i;.AN'h.cii.'dis.coveriiiff: the: lios-. .Si'ryj;;.:jiWo:ti*s,;.ofC.njon;:-:T^oiJiv. cb.rtiosi :i... .crb i) 1 r \y \\ e.4v h b r Vv.i.iy y - lV;,i IrC.d. actbr.-.ftibiid fixlUs' .fbiv^ibyl.^s -stOHpff' w:ilh!.j\''hbnivho..ri^hs.^off. a^^ :Sli.e-.- Bpes;'.pri>\ tp!' bctfcr-..thing^^ .Jlhb- Vindoriyn' .b.stabU.shiivcMit: -pctS jaihhvcd • lip'bvbrVtKe- hotel cbiitract.-, SanviS/?h'i.^.<ed.'ajid;b.a'di>'.. .'.' ' . f.' ; .if i's- :an 'off agjyri-:bh.-agfiln .sJ^tfair' wheiV !r»avi'x eiills'af.tin-:tlU'Cv- nfbh'vlVs: llo'b'ull'iv'S'het-^ gctg-hi;? face .slap^^^ ■iiljjd • (?s ■ bii t. :-r.B.ui; he Jihtivysj'sibyl nccd^-him'Tiot: OTjly iu .buHihbss^^li'iat asv.a- hugbahd and-has hi*Avciy.^d^^ rbugh'libu's^ .methods, ■■■' ■'1 ^■. ''-'.[^A ..dhrystal He'rije is, £>ibyl, the: suc-< oessfUl. intcribr •dcqpratpi". ' .-There is a 'cr,rt4vlh' hianhip'r: dbbiit;^Iiy3'' Iterhe' th^vt:'rnaJk'es^ll^!.r:HOT^^ sbrnething.. hosi^ies ; wbmahly.. allure.• liordthy M|iclvay.o'..-£is'thb iEietlpe.<5.<!, did a-'lbt\to.; pei'lc. .t-l>ih'j;!i : u pv..". ■ MIgs: Hxirhe! ahd: 'Mis.s ■.^^ab|^.ttye make 'the .goitifi •.,dj- vbvtihg- in thbir ,:spvieval scbti'fes to-- ■jjcithelv V-' .-..■i'''-' \ Spri^i? Byingtbn/has b.hb appe.ti.Cr~ aijfte; :.with rather jittle. fp, U^)..',l'.hat'; '-Qe^^.' f bt Fi;A .M.o'hroe,': >ivhp is;, p.h . twice, • Ij^ed'sSte.wart-'a^^^^ a-ssjstdnt. in the. slibP.' drrV.'aften'-: • .tibn.; .%h(i... spnie ;5iniiiert;--';Said . to .be' his fii-Sit tiihV on .'wiUy. . Paula. Trv!.e.iriti:n xis,. the "typist, . a-. pviittling; mis's .'who've ultlnydlQ.' in. .;,iifb :V'd>; mai'pyl.iig •, .ii-.. te.sgier- -flcrbeh .ivldyeii;; Toll h.":-T5.,' :riitoI' Jrf tlifv he.-tn',Vn -.iiin.u--. onpc*. iih the. pel'fnrn^aric.o...:''. '■ ■ ■ i''b.i'hn its; pi ore fij n c ■ iiH 11 ha ve bc.^ n ;ivi-p.vii.l!vj.:.- .fh. •'■L^ilii'S'. t'rc'd'tioh..' l^'hOtt it'ij.eeds :'i£ is- to. •.gjin an'y>. where.,". ^. < Ibec:. : -Mioio.lthiua' In lli^"'V (iiv.ii':hl<! 1 -it .0<f :r.i'>.iiiahili;i'sl\ -htrvpi. T .by • i^i.m'- '} I '^y I (ari i.s: ■;yr.lJt"n liy- %o;-h payi-;'. .•i'lai;'i"J."l)v:. >r"l.vi1J ; iiurke:.-•••:.;:.■, ■.. ■• .■ ■'■ :.'i:nnn<'i:.:.: JltViDiii'' -..Miii^n. Ijiil'lj') SiiliTn.:;;; ,.J-'.lin - . .. '>'> r '..'...'. .\fi'.w. '.l''nJi;Mi . J .•; J.f'iKilo.-.:.;. JV--*. Riib:ns>.'; .:r.en-.iraUv.!iifd,, Ain ,Jmif?.'*: ;■. ;l:j'(liof. Illnslirs. iHibH;;.. Vlv^-Vn. ;- . 1 i!i vo .'M-)rvi.s..;. ■Ti.Vri ■•i"''>.--tli?;nn .. ■|-uriy.,'o..-.-,....':.. .na:ko; ;-.^. •N".i1'in. .M:u-k.,... :.:.'.'v;,.l..'.T;'>in .r*M.'n . .' I . i..' I.s I llpf .I !;l^p|ri . ;;(.':r.ii::iCl''ll.v.. . .•....'^ylv ra-.I''iiMil \;::\!r^:, pjiu a'K-i i--. i;... 1 'l>'J'h'>r...-.IC;wi(;_ .. .l'!;.11> Vi .-I'l' 'RoiVIlVli.!) I <i.j;i.v.?:.iiiu mil- ,i-Vi-y. .,),'."i^:o. I iI-11ia;ii • ...'. .(•.rniino'. (.lo.iyaiv: . T:,.-.. I l.n^rolil :.rii>r(iy ■ .vtl.lw>u"l'- M.- )t.>)blns .. ..OwiM)'. JJnvl.^; Jr-.- :.: .V; I li l^homrifi .;.-....'. I'V.Tnk .^^•bajrinoi\' . l-'t'aiik. ^Ti^D'inalil , .•:.l'hi^|;l^.■^.. KlOliaiyto ..... .■>--!tv (!|aH>ry: . ..... .ric.r.rY\ W>'>lv;hy '.. ■'. IM>.irl;>:j. .>'au6liton. into .".tiro- irtatVgliJa,^ . jSiit. that idn\ ;^ii./ ■:.\.-'-7;;- ■■.■■•\y:.,'-' Kdiiic Mrt.=ibn, .a' ybiihj*' .friend . bf: ;.rirtv.nucV«» -hints, it wboUt.'be: bcUtbr t'oiv JimhUc-not tb;.la.1to tlVcvii)HUo\ti> '. er«?a.; hbaihiuiiFtcf.ra., '..liut, :jinu'hio: :(;l(>es-. and- h.o ;ro.v.s '/prilico .altchtibii,! ,a.ft.e.r'-,.'.a. ■,strawht-j«libbtihB' dotcctivo l-oU.V- h'ihi':^it "11? .oa^fo l(>-'p.ay, thaii vilf?lit . rtLefahp. 'Uhd."indicates: the, pbr:' 1 Ice .'ar<j vlrljtally, ..'po.w'eVl^ss- ajjainsi- isui-h riwbia \viibsc-1)U :f>»rr • .• .•!f .,li.tpmi&;.h aiT..(>st-o(V:v:(..the^ iiiiin . igbi ti^hty. pVit-',(1 biVit - within-. lt)'ut.ei-.); aiid, ,iUf.i'. 11ighoiv'tip! is ^'.iiaIibf d.": • jinihjia-' i.« ;f()r .death--bytJ;'in'ff,;;F3dV .dib•i^c'bitip.HVib^^^ .fhetv, his : fric.hds rbaUsjo . tlie; kid' is ,in : .thb rapketi .;WhiTi;t ::with '.'his .«b.od. cipthes and ready Giisit. Two b£ the. Irahg havp:. tVaiTed icddlb : .and- '■■ iho- next; day ho is .'fbii nd^ ■ riddled' with •bijllet.s: Ph- -:a-. ".duniji^bbcausb.. ho tipped, b(£. a,. fribhd^to'Sebb^^^^^ ': ,.. .r ; i. inie'ri; iUp (tangr^rbis- .flhiihie, slVot thrbiiprh .tiro back iii -.lvi.s own pliice': aiid: whilo^ th©vcpii.3 are there/ The ki!lihg:'bccurs wlille : a'■Jiidp^ indl6ated\Gb,nHcctIbnsSytth th<> g^^^^ i9\-deiclibat.lhg;' .; scItppI ■ ac'rpss tlio. .B.trobt and. .the-;, nitirdefrpiis deed; ■jpohics' jus.t>.;;as-■ Ihb;• 'S.i;ir-i'{Spa'risIed'. IJtinncr? .ascends thje ild^^ipbio.''. It !«; thb play's mbst cabMU'c: -toucVv.:: - Ndt ni.ajiyshvilbS . l>o.rc;..- Bbst -t(^u(^^^: cbnves:, when coppers, IlstenhiK ib t li b; ph on cy, j ifr - star f .the- (let t y-s^ Ij.urg:. at4drbss,- • &l.ain .•liitj- ;.windbw.: ;shut,.".exbiajmihg'-i^ •' '■' - ;; ;'.;■: i yViiul 'ivell#is -'tive- Jibadstrppg; iiut" iVorvest .jinimie. .wi»p .io.*!b's. .the -lighf'; mobstel-.s;;' Sylvia - I'Meld- i.^ ;hi.!5::Knnic' fianbec.. Owen .Davis,: 3rlv ■'i.s. tho.."ill>.siarred -,Kddib' .tjikeru Air- a' 'i'ide;..lvl.s p.Tnir.ster p.-ils.'.'amX be %^uah^l.s but;;..Glad.y Ilurlbjit-jJid. very: we.ll, -as. .J.enrtie,- ia-- \laviiidyy wbi'keiv \VhPsb ^■^V:^''l.y ;:nu:raf>rbus cph4nv6nta lij?hted ;^t)>p , 'secbnd • act. ■ -PlaS-ihg gi^nevivliy. good.';•.:;.■•- ■. v". ■ '. Ip'; its b],(i ^ '.Tu.iit • to- Remind'; ifo'i'i' hris; .ti\b \san:ib ^ prpbleh'V • a.Ss\ .'iswe.ot I.jCind pi -Liberty,'^ as, hearty .rivprptest against. pi-ohibiUbrii .Vtracinc;'' a.;line frbrn.--bbb'tlogg.ers..' t'b; -- -p.olltacidtiiH.: Wppiispi'S. pf "tlie'lattpr shbw\slo.pp'ed .asidb''jind,,t: it: fall,, bij th b. girou lidss ij: .aiight be -vyet pr •..iTarrls.'.ih.tbnis tdkihg 'a fling;' 'y/llh tlvft. <», despitb" tlib .;£«<?£ . impost .b£;-;-th(e-.-.^evie.-vv'ers..iwad ligl'it' of-'it,;'; Ti»b iyerapb" citi'^bh,; while •oogniTiaht'bf racket."?,. tiXils tb ron'Hsie hp'vv seribtis ;t'hby. aVe.' ;V:'\ i . Ibee;, ...Ooitxedy-- Jri .th-rco arts'.' ■■'I'fxrc.^ £rp;prig,<i. WiilUi?!), t)5'-:-r/<lw.ln,- Li. IJark'qr and Ajl)ert iSarker.-,-.:' -I'j'O'ilUct-'c}-- "n h'li -hXii-kciI ' - by? A rl liur- Hiipkln.^;..- ftctS. Ijy .. Ui-nry IJi-py^fuss.- .Opcrioii rfopt.; 0. ■at...;the. ■ IMyhioulh;. New: lYorK, *3- t,(,j}: ;-L^-.-i^.^;- ■ ■■.;■;'— .-'. i/^}'-: '. (...,; Jamc-s. -Ma-cDojijilil ,.y.,...:.a.'\r[h.n'l..K(>ri- ■;'.'.-.-.. . . i-;.-... Ji'iok -.T.v-Ji'K ;-. v..,vyiVlinni. -lAyiji-ii. ;..--;'. J;i tiicsi , 1 !n(i',> .. .VJraroltl ■ Wh.nuhl: .. .'.--iJ-laymond.. I?va'iiil(>y i.. . .'^VV^/.-il'rucp Jiuiii'ii.M '4';0a' llijino7iiaii.VV 1,'i: /. jH,inps.;j;.; Vora .;■,-..■,-;»..'.■-.-••nt-ipn nortec ,; .-^.,i'Ji"Iiji;n.",Ziib(?^lo' 4-:i, . . ...Hiirf'y Kiiapp .':irut)c;rt: C.timhilnB.* ji; ..-. .^vt^'irry :K.ripriro .'.vC-jOorBP- rojrllji'jii;-!' ..-..;.-',. llttrolrf ■ ICf.h noil y , /.';tia.i. ■ J*. t'ltonVpsiin r -.Vriiul' .IJii^ttc'r ..., -..Mail I llg'fiiM. ...t'liati; .,F.;- (vc.imnjvr. !.'..".;.'.'.-T.-.^M :i>oi'i;: ;. -.H<jli,-irl- C';iV';iii.'ini;li -'..-:.;-., .Mjub'l'ijio.' -l'tiu;; ..Mi'l'.Tyler .:.-;Kaiiini.-.t. HctiiioiilC-i- .;..;i;';.l:!C'!cn nu-llry ... .-»Klin«r-r;hr»oU ,-.. .. ..;-; .1 p.i'k .,1 in It I ote ,; .\l'l Ivuc.-Miii:l<i.wi\. filf li.nn J.''.moV.ii!)i ,. ^Kirk- 'Jlmw'n',- .16 >-;-;:...,-...-.O'won Toll i,;. ..J .17nH(;;il.' Oivviiil . .". .li'i'.ink -Layto.ii •Roilio: A'nhoun.cpr .,. .Untlfo'.- KliRin.ijifr. ; -TC.if.'it -I.'oi' , .'...'.■■; Sin'oiij.-O'prler .'.-'.' "J'liiril :.t*orli>r-. -.: ' li'oii'rUi' .ypr-lcr V,,. i -n-oo -D.i-y- -'iv;..'.,-., A .jfpiiboy •Ai.fSji './i'(lUsip jr. ■< .-; .- 1 'ollPp'i)iriiv:i)dy-l* .-^/i. ~tp.'>r>?ia -V;tn-.'«iv''. Ml-M. -Van Allpn-.;.-.;: ■ M a i'k':- \' (rt. -A 1 lo.n;',; .S<>n;it/it. ThrbpVlon ifoilfrc^- l.tim-k.'; 1 liifiia. RIIn'lllt)"!i.T•.. I Ipl-iu' 't'laJi'bPr .;.'.-.-.. .- 'j.v-J .si'.i)Siiiiuit -i;tiii|f,^irt'ij.xp. -^forTy(io(,|)i ,>iP .Splimiiltn-.',-, .>-'mih; -;i;iu>;K(:r ,\r-'(ii'iii;ni -riayiT.;.,'.-'., .\Tt'i Uiiirv-. V.;'...'. .. : ; PlU)t<bP STiiH:l.» .:': ,.;. . . .v.- •|-„..-lj'lMtin| J. obillfnyIp . . . Misn Tuiirn'M.' Nfr..; 'VV- lil.i p -.V'hi'pt. far.' mn.k «hi>pt',...; -Mr. VvUbw. .Shoot- .. ,v 'iri>ni';y'--.C'J.ilal).i<ji "i '. .. .iVlp.aPy ....'.. .'.-;..'.; -. /. ^)(>^■ccl^v^'. ;•.-.'..';.. M.iitiJih'i.r^.: y-Uiix: ■ . :..-..'/. -iiuiOun :i>"iy;..~.:.;,: :'Cij.r(\!-ly ,-111 • liiiri'i!. fiiil--—iir/v-i>n)i'ii .lit.' tlip^ C.ort K''pl. ...s: 'liiv--ll;ij;-|ii.>tx.l :.M')r-)i-i;';;V-i-iUi'ii 'by.'tilaijy nii;'»'',: iOl.irys'l31- '.alyiii,6.-,sUrl-c).',- -atji'Kftil-My'v-.(-M.'i)ryu. tfviij(iVi'.s, ' Mp..,-,J'/i.iil(fi;'. . i-.i-.-. i ;^ 'JVK.iiP-..\Vn.1o'i .Lf/lrii -1). -:a:i>;| ,-. .-.r-.:.;. i.^'.-liKv.^i.-it; Wor'n'i' -. ..1 1'. .'i'l-'iMiik'; Moivi'oi' :.-.■-;-. .'r. -. Jjin-iii'liy; -Mttt-k/iy.'- . .t'lilfhP'.S';. (..-iipilibrli |-;-.'.i;l.i irli-sl ")'j;owbr»l'(;:'' ■iV, \ i\:... -..S^i»ritii; Uy iHiil'ji.i. .. HaliV il;in'(ii'.j-in'.-; ■ ■ • iil by i;' Va'n'ilvil v :i; ■..Mr.,-.Vr.'<-1i'..'. .-vi'. ■■;-iOcira. U<i\- ",y:.;,; ; 'nfn''"' -tii'll-Cbiy,.; • :i >riii<'.'-,--.\Mi If I n=; 1 Im , VH,ioi>v>. \V.jH'.vi.i;j >.^'rpir .!?tt>Wii^-l- . V <./':Viii.I^V .Timi-mHii; 1 ; - 'A.': .iV:;;Ti'i;';^:';)?'ii-.>>.iy ■-.a'hjiti'.ihly' sf-^ ..f><.•|^ll.i.V^^■^^>■.'l!lH•yi'-•tli^■^■^ 'i-l.-j . ■'•P':.c:-'j»»''"<"ii'.'ifi.rb '-.rM'itiv'V . .•. lJi':'-''(tpt.*ti;.'-'^ -■sjuiliny;-- hihyovt'H-' -I/iTtg i>£. ihi' '•«'--| V>i;;i-; ;H:t- divl 'p LiM : /<rf- .'the' vlast.; . ivii-i-i'.i'i-:,'.;. i.i!'.-;i'ii;> v.--ii;)ib::iij.-')i<oj .uio; ■ aiyrv.'fi.,iv>^Wi-iistei:;'^ ■-' •-' '.:,';'ii^MlV'-v .<.yi':-^V^nii-.i:v;r b .ji-.' iv. . ;)^'%.u,]( I'.i-- •Jt;'i.b.r(> - bv A riiPlpdVatSid ': pC: r this' ;iaijfhdt'y' '.rd.clci.'t,:.: A i^i) ai-'P;..iro'iito-, x ragi.o stage.. bi;;thb'jji-iij W.hat t xypfe-'appeur tb h.pld;-iii..^>rb.Vy y()r.k-,;vKl- pT^^^ eilibs •rtnd^.th'Ur ei<tbi'tii>n; ..IJu^ li.iat it'cdiv' cbi?iihali:d 'ohbtJgh trade'. f*3r pr.tslit-: ablc^ .pttcb ' is, -.Q.ile.stiij.nal^lc. :■: Hja'dly a^plity for ci;isiij;li:a,iie; ;■ ' v-:;;.-::'v;.-:--- ': -ICai^'y.:tb /uh'dbi-.stiih(1 ' .wby.-.8,^111 HI. ,l,''riii'.\5vt.s fspld'^ on'ihi.s-; nii'w Owbn -Din^iii; -play,., -after •}(;'..tried-. cut i.-iJ. , f5kb.>veij})a.ii/thi*i • sutiiihcir^ topic Js ;fi;)rt--i)£ "tlip 'Aiii'!riV.;t't) '(^'v^ l.i.'x.s.^f'Mlow't^l ijv t'tiiN Avjijije bi' ■^•^lh(i pi^bliibiUop:';: liai-i-ls ,iS a dc-Vlefpus-' .■ihu.w-inaiV,: inc)iri'<vl.. toward; w)mi?dy; atllibuj^lv 4iiv..'pi'(j^iOHl,s 'ah..(vo.c'hsll).iial-. il\UK|i'!il,'- .;cvhd • Iv-'-v ■iiii's'..." 'in" s.i; i-iin-,--:-()-; 11: ■ di\:in i ;i 1 [I'v. .'.su.iy v..^ :.i.^vvi.s':w(/i-k-^ ii. ul;.k;-ii<.t iii.thb i-ight ■-ii'i,i;(:M:l.i<jip "'^■-;.''-'-' .^;.'-:-^;---.- ;■ -:'/-;";"..;";. ^;; ',;';u.s(--:i(j'. U(i';iiiihd;'.V.'u.V h,)if;iVt.'iiidv^^^ ■riyhK'i.ncn,-. hi) l- :it ,ts.--(».i:1it>iAv(*ii':.. : ;•' -AUieiv. i.s .ainnit ''.Vf) '■iu:(i-j'-V Pii.ris Siibin.- ■;-iK>;, p.iit ;hVH" Hiii.- i)!.trf:.v..l'AU-. iht'!') i^st;vblis1i.i'iiij.-.a-'., li^iht^^ .-(liVyi' '-It'h.?is; nij;t ; ijiMin (ijK'n 'a' vj^-v-R licrbriv-oivb 'A'ilfilinV,IOli<;.s ..Ju,sl-^h'";ri).r pi'irfi.'. iiTU);'.:suA^('>*t .'i'it'e j.i.liiiiiV'.slloi'ihl .ti:i>. -prijitOcreil-' -by 'Un.> ■ f ) :iy \ V ;$l'Oii);vi'-,ininil lii-:' : V:'-';- ; -.V;'i';y ;;■ '• • -. .Tihiii.H.ii- ■ i^a.i'i.-' hivt'tli.v--' . ijn;ii'4--:V'Mi'j yi: h y a U thv p it v. J tU-:' 11 i,.^s l v< 1) i-ii l 11< • . riI ■ k: u.;p;''- .-i;><';si>l n.^.'-.l'i'<i?. "a ti*. i.i '.'J i'J - sh.o/xtin'tr. v'll!j;iit(n-:;:.-.;itit| • -.s.pfaU'.i': iir.s uiiiril •■(i); the K!i-ivi?'.-iei-.--'-\ViiiMi. .V Tti'i;: -;);»or','.iih<)i;:in ",thb.-K-iir,i't;-^'i,Vi;'.lbi;il,;iir':i4'k^ air it isn't Vbnte.^vhe.iva' b/ijijh'lil'iyu-f; ■(')i;iV.vtie.,.'rru;nt-'iii;. ■tlii'.-:,i'.''i.j)' . '■ "i'UJ'.: (:^c-r' l);)n- is 11; 'st'll'i liiiif^.ihV;i;ff.r Vlt'i.'.t li'i' ;ih;^..!-■;i'i'!.' N-(^^^''fl'-.' -"iiiii>; -(inntc ;is..E(rji.hd ■.l\wll^'d^•i.w;:ly by.'tci'ii- l.ln-(j(.wii ;■ Artliii'f . - iropkin's. . brin,g.«i. his ■ 'Ntaii Oh! Stilis' -into' t-hc; i'jia- diill,. le-.;!! niarket.-rtithiHigh tbC; pliwt; t'bpks to be., b'tjilt ' fb'r'. mvjhi(!\'li^- adaptatit'irt' i-alhe.t- than ■atrai{4it.':iegit...' A.s; is the- .pldy ,' ib'pks. - tb;vbe... only-';b:. .bho'i'-i;-. tci'fn.i>iv-:) ;-;;X-.,--.--^'-'-■'.'■.•-■ I y^:./'' '.- .'I'hc 'the^ i),lay.'i>i., lb M^^'^'o: fu,ri j at' Xrerik .stiihts' ,airri'e4:.' lirinci- t).aM5'- for- p'iilrlib'ily; br..'..Oi.b.^ 'gai«. 'br, bfir.side i\\c;I<e.tebiV- prbmotei-s b£; the s.di)rT,e,ft-eak.s;--}Story; points, bf; it'.s,. title.;' by • suggesUhg. x->\Var'cl tjic ; pf-.'Uie-- play-'that ithc: hero is t iVed'.: b£ . •wdll?ing; ■■ bn'---.stilts''. dhjj .wfihts to; CPnie ;.clo'-w;!!'' t p b-^rtlv 'afjiii n a'.s -a 'j)ldiii;hr)bbiiy:.'!,wdM>iiig: bii- .siilts being pre-paribus ublbss " j ou .iiii'iW' :ha\v,.;' -.•>->''■;',.;;;,..■- --;V -' ;. ;'-'■■•' ■■ ';-: --■'; Anywfiy,; rth'b - hr?rb,;; fa.m.f Wbt^n .he's fraitipd- .V) • 'tri d -stearn 'rbiler-- 'adrbVa:^ ..the -bbu'i'itry -..fnSi'iv. lOri^st'h ;.t.b -is'oU' .■S^().inc .i:<>iv''ges:bh 1)1' t in^r a'-'hiinion; )ji|iby:ii:ii 'ftii- ^;i.i.Mn'^ .b(!o'b.s';')')y, 'Suilitcrilys. I'cv i'dU'ii^j i't''-.\v;i,5- .•r-il' -hbbeyl' lie '•.wdiiiiH.; i<,'-.;a.w:^o'.t lnvi>„'. nbi •• -£4-iiit'>, '^Sb- -1,11,1/- :..slVp,wihi; illih.g.<i■;lip riiy' a': ibv'os'ii'lt,; 11 rbi.n<-vnI-,t<i' lii^!-,';iK'I'jiy.e.d' -.awriiv'iM'ivVbf ; 1 hiv'dfr.:lii .bc<;i.).!hv!^■v.a. .,t'«Tair' hci'o -: 'Jliat'js i li'c I.tfii,-<hv-';;Ivy>iVVt>hihi,r;ri;'rii>rji'iiv''ji^ wds-.<.--,'-'\----o-;-;':-;-'-^---,;';: :'--.:.y '- '.:'■ 'i AhsejTt't'^o.f ■.;iiii.iV('h; irv..-'tl\b -piere;*: Wi-if lfpiij.'irt - .-.'ind. .;i^;,:•ldr^U-s,. .'jM^niaVuM.' :«ri'jft|i',; it :'Iras-:,'iiil' r'fJiijhilMiVtri' -.ji'r ■\Visei.'i:.fii:|<.>,; ;i)ni\ -wltl'v' ;j.(';i,.i-(\r'ly-'. .-i.h-.y -iiifj;rf>.'--l Iji.-^ /iv'tUiti; or .VrPa lly -stiri-Jn"; Ihip?,; -ihr'::na.>js; iwiiilil' .hyitVi-'r Irt-./i-ii I fiiv- f'n\ tjiiih;-)i- :p.:iiviC;i;a|)hs.. ;i"li,'i:,<; -is l-lii.' :tiini/siia'r- pfyraciii.vv.'of (fii.'O.L.i'i,'^ b'b ■■ fiici. :fli.'iuiy.- ti>.'-r;;i;ri;y..'.'iMi'(i''ri!iii.i -iriont: 'i;ii!tL's/;'bec:iiise-^; ijlb;.;j:;a;i.s iiwiflily^ni-it: iSb: ;!,)iiil(hi|) Jm ••.•i.pi iiin. i 1;!|ii;.s- ■ .di'i): prcijjx' U\i]L' h'{.. eW'ry ■ Vip ,poi;! 11 tlity,; t'li litcil '.ixl '.tho: a'iVI lib.t{H'y.-bf ;..'. !i»v '..VriU'i-M'.:!(V: ■pnii.l ic .f.iif .ri-p,lu.s .'.ihil i>honey Vp. ^ar;.ad.v£t.m''b.s.- ;Tli4s p'tir- pp.ib da tho: play vin.rplli intitna'tes -tb ; iricliidb bvci'ybody except 'At-- Jilntie .ili5>rs; -' It takes, i.ii the iiunvan il.ies, mdrdilioii .di'iiuierH,' and -fepher- >\}\y - litits-; bt. dll- .jiescrlptioitfl- - fr.6111. ij.'iirfiole. sitter,'}: to buhioh. d.erbylte.s..j Atl-OkbtlVet lbel<$ ilitrVed .'at^> suggcsti'ri prbhrlne;nt "nveiTvbet .bf ;t^ Vj J^i..(f Qve^rnin cnt,erb :presbiite'd : d«; ii ;Se.HatDi',,t)r. sbiu.(5lhing; "A hlustei'r ■ ing.'.ii\ili'vitlvjal.'wiib :ibokf^-:.lp-^-'d p,i>riit)i)di' - agM'randizemeht -- thvovigh: |u.s'.-f'i?oak-' ehat:Ke';.. -' ■-' -.{■■■■ ' - ■ Tl'ie .ulrd . i'l.s.olf,:: hbv\'ever: lobkih.g' iiii_ Sbhie p.oint.s,;-wbrtli,.y :pf ..i';bh' sjderatibii; :'Iiad the iviitltor.s .U=!t the Piece/unfbltJ ^V'ilh ..difaihixtic IhtcrbsL tbe jsei-brid. .'apt- could: hn\"e-.bcen piii- byij.r .'d.s;.; the •'plijtoli,:'.;; A'Ji it .ifi,i tlic tl.rst'-act.'ljbcs bver.- fairly : w'elr dhd holds liirenilsb; tprvbbtter-.things but. thcise are' no't r'eati^iicd;.:- '.The' secphd- dct Wobbles with ehdtier:.ahd nibi'c airhles-is .crael4s' and.:;thep winds up ii\ a happ.v.ending'.... ^ ■-;;-■;•■.,'-'.''..: ':' ^'-''.• . ,.Thts..;;corhe.^- :aftbl'.. the htrpv ,bby iierb HlP'iv.s'-thc; shoyy '.by ;a Vddii)'talk- denbuncing aU freak':stuivt,s a.nd lii^ gii-l friend- sudd.e)\T[y. ainiii tcai's db-^ .phi bs .tf 11 c ".1 o.ves-.hiin', fbl":: him.selC: aiul, hot- i'us fd'iiic.'alone: N;bt'-ybi-y -hetia-t' f ehdih'if ,'dhd- -a_p bln-io'.us'''tm' ;: ; ■ : .There ai'e f UniiT? di^rf< .J^t;i?iulib.-rth- ho.uihTi-'s. diid.rddib rad.y.ertisjiig: g eially .i\pt :t.p' men tiXih• ttn inc.ohgrii:'^; plis. takbbf£ on. d.--ciiiiplb of -. pictilrc :prbducers Witlvih'e-'old 1903 cfi.nbe'i*.-' .1 ipiV. 'V /^t'this pohvt the 'iilayi'-t.ryin't;..' tbtr' ha'nl' l:b.. be - fiiriiiy; 'lap^i-'d -.iiit-'H':' ,dulln^ss.'''-\frbni.Tvyliix'-h;-' "iL.-; .ju'-v'ijr ehierfifes;-.' :'•- ■-. ■..;>;-'.. '■•.-'^■''•.:-V-:-;';';■-: .-■:■ .:. Kpii'iance j'sV trryia't^'and';; thc.rb;'- is litjile' vii.hddl.iig. of: ,;tlie.v;s.y'nUnx^titii.i diigl.e. diVd',;ii.o; sex intpi'.es.t. ally vvhbi-A excel)t bjr' ttifere'rt'cb;:-. ;' -,-- -^ !;, '•.'• ■-.■- ,. ■ 11 bwbyei'iV'lhere is tlie .pdrddd'x b^, :Al^'. llbiilvihs iiiiiiselt;'ds. pt'bdijjCer ,^^b£; X-!ii«>^'i)unk.;.t'b..-kiil f.dU: bunk 'ivhch 'lib; rteyified,.-d; bit of.- .sty ■ .sl'<0whi;a.niihi.p. ^^hirriKolf ill.- p.resetvt.infir- ,-a: -!-sbeibly; d(?])uidill<?^'.in-'J>er;^i^^^^^ '^hdt-'^fbr;'!).■ d»' ^tufC and, so fir-,'.as' I^ilhiin.. .Jimbi'son -jiroVeS dt;iytlniTff.--i.h 'the .-.^hbWi,.: it .r'emdihs;' that. way.-.;■' --.-■..•'■-■' v;.: -; ■■.;-.' -:.-.; '.;;Tho^'IVIcGann. 'clihrdpter^^t rsr ,poi;.ter\typp,- ibbked-mPre, bf the cb.h-: :ception; o"£:a'\batricdl p. ;d. than a he'ivspdpei'..' idd;;; .Other, /cliard'cter •typea:.arb:bltay.-: ■-.' -.,•. -.:-.'.;.:....'■;.;» '.;■. -: IIar'i:jr, jRliei'IveV.aS'.'the ::£.a,riiibr :bf)y; frdine.d ;ihlb the, :fredk . stupt;. by a- repbrtef stew-;' satislibsv; dithiiugh he' lihig'ht I.Vjive."'..bijen' proffered :aS:. 'd- ..strong.e'r tivpe; libbeiH/Cum' ih^e tiirns ih ':a.„fi lie. pbi'f(irm.^,. dhcO' ,b£;d- l>iuste.ring..idiot; pf :.d poli-' •tii'idh';'''; '!■•■'••. ■■;',!;v • •..; :■;; :.. Kdd'iahre^^ wiis; tire Ibgicai :ppnt('ndei: for 'iiirst pldex;- ih ':thia caist wh loli.; cdri:ibs • abb \ip ' ;3-3' 'charactor ty i>.c.s hi.'idt^.vto appear' f^s I tki:>iy.'can-. ,didate,s f.t)v''an -dsyhjin :rbfug'b; -Kasy to -seC' .wh'ere .tho.~ sainc: aS' a 'niiiilpdl-.; bp'uld-' :be:. a' ..hp\yj. .- Mijsi? 'dreiho.mdim: by; her. e-ec'enfrio .:i)b'r- tprmaiVce; hpwbyef) ;6i:ight. £p lit Ih ;illihs.eaf>ily/':'-:. ■;-;- ";'■'.--•' 'Hajvih'jj 35 joij placbm<jritailh., hiiss. i fl.r.Ht,'bfCerihj*- mbah.r ^li\ ■ :Hpp^^^^^ can 'claibi Ihe distirictipn b'C'the big- :gest legit list go ifdr;. :That $hQul'ia ;get; hpnorablb 'J.:inbri Hp n':; frbrn :.-ithV •Hbbvelr- ejwi)royme-ht comhvit tee; .■.''. ■ •■■;:-.^;''-;S/*:att. ■,' TTHE SlNqiN^ ; '(iiM'i-pll.T. ill <3 -JiPlS- i')roJured ''-'by; irafry .Th.iiiriaslip^Hky-. ..-.staiTitiiir ^liorcs 'lifbniaHh-pr- - sky. a n(l.. fpa'ti.fiiiiK:.; l';pi(liia:;'//)'*ckprliprsi \V'rl|-|p.n liy Jiorp.s--Hnil:, J.Iarr-y- ThnmaHhpf--- : ->!k,v;i:.-.Mii;>rr,- by- I. U'li'm'shlnifky' ft.niI'.-1-larl-y •l-.iibin, •,J/j-'i l(''5i':by T; , WolTc <;l|b(-v;r... .<<f-t.-" b.v.-Oiv'SlPit'-Ka luprl. ;i)u'ricpfi lihil. -prii^'cnrlilos BlaRcd • hi- ..>'!(H-(!jn?. .'Am<'."f.. - -l/roOoctloiiV ::.>ij;(i,'pi), b>- .WMHani: V:.' M«I;i''Im.. : At tlio'tiPl- - Wivn.;tl.iOiitre; .Scpt.-rltX-Jn^ .loiv"-: ; ; ■:-.-' • - .;. ' rii'f'k.a'..,.;. ..:; ..; ;..'; .;■■.^;:•W^nH't^rp'(l WpX; (liriffjp.;i(n'.-i-.',, -. v. -.. I'lilb.T,' ;A n'-liPr-.t 'i7i.\vfiii d;; V:uikpk'.'^.-;.;, , -.Klorcny, 'Ampi>- :J:iciib;-.:;.-.. v;. c. .-.-;:;-.:.^..'i^.iviii :-jt:i(vitc- .'I'Jip., WiOuW .Shi'lnU.fl'. .'..-.Iloiiflnri. ZiipkprborK;- 'SDl.ilin,-!;. . . .-.;;-i ;rjiilj|i :i(y(|pr- Nacbi'in..;, u:,,:,. .-.;.,.,; v. 'z'; ,Sam • Af II. . . ^'^'^i•i^,: I.P|):rpli)n - -.-Ifprci 'rii'Oinaslipfaky .'a'lrirt ViilPnll Jli:>.i?ina VjUlhlln ratiiiin;'.:',,. lilp'PCa.v..-..-..-,'.. ]!!ii'0n. l>0(>h.....; . W^Vilaiiip: 'JJiiiU'cI '■: .llptlJe.'-.,..;-..';....: -.Tvan. :. Tbp' i.::';:tain. •Fii-Kt Miiti'...-. y-.-V ■ M\»H -V11.1V Ddi'i'M. .-M ta^ ' -. I'cyjii c.l--: , .FranpOi!.':i1iimn.>! '.... -.:.-. A'ldlj.iii J/ynni* ,.;> i. vf idrirbVjp - MuflKP .'I-Do'nmi ^VaU'ttbll.T- .;. Ito.lipi t-,; lUio-li's. ,,-.. 1.1 iipr.i;-I'Mp.r.Kfin' i-.n.tiufPir.'J h>rv,py '.. i'v-. .,-.;.;.Hfttti; -Kpyp^- . J;tc('i(i.>Jjn<> AWcrniah I v\yi\ niKr.u.ssj<>n.-.---Jl'.;' i:t;r.v :tlt';);uUtublit- ;f'i.-.b))l- ti'tH.' (ft '>i;ta.);in^;; tiy -'(lidr- " iJbres.' ThpindslVefiiky. has. Ijebn -diTa'ni.i,nvf : .;u)d. dltviirr,itihg' in: :o)i'('; ,wiiy, orVanotbc'r'to .er.ash. l-'i-ijadw.-iy forV: aeVei-a;! ; :;'aecades;. Thtirsili'iy liight,:; aftbr.;- tiie.-' :&poninff .bf^ ><h).gtiig. ItabbJ,' he' n'viist hdve; v>al- .izfV(l.'.tbdf.hb liticl fai.ierl.d{,'ajn'.v''^>hb ;.Ald-y:;. p|iL-iiS.:(iuirih'g .'the' week- thv; ...(Ti' ;.lii)lj.ddy.s- -afa'rt,' which iniiy Viu(.%n>i ;a J >vp.. pi^ t.)ii-ee:•\vee'ir*dn (liul. .i)ii.>;.sUv)y ... a. .a-oi:tirii- of. ■ pi'pUiKvtibn. ;nii)nb>-';-.': ': .: ;..;:,■•;.;'.,•'' •v ' -■. .A'.s ;;l.!i-(i..<idwa:y. -VfdrV^i: tlib- .'pl;iy'-'" jfi '■hai-()l.\', vi:oi:.lh vi'oii (liseu.s.slim'.-.-^lf -d " <l,i)'ir''iii '.OS -iniiftif- if)....a<-tilt}. - loil; : i''.irS?^: ditt^-'lH • d- ti>liii - •ibss:;-iiii I if lh■.^^' .^aVt--iisv','i,U.t<!.s', ^xs^lu-j); v-it: luv-., - .ivlfifj- 11> 'i-wiriMiv; Ai^ii;:.- S(>ci'di(i iu-l'. ;:is 'in>i:)elr."-ss ;.ii;ii^ni>;libta' .i/inl iliii-il. .';n<l : bi-'h)>V!v-;i'. d'uil' il.'i'-n('n'j,(>iiu''ni :i.h;;i vrii v |)'i't>ily "fitvt-; :'tti.iicl)'' -Sieuei^'" iba'n - 'ilic: ■lirMt'two,, '■:•. ;'_. ;-"- ■ ■ ;.\VOi-ii;,■■(jp't.M^'Hid'^^ di')(<v-ti-'t -reaih-'- fu' l)lft. pl:ty.-:;;i.tHVii?)lg.h :(iaVd;:tr):-;(lt;-i}vi;ij')t.- an.v.; ;6'liit!t;. 'Cyay;..; .^>o ;nriybp i.iW ; i i,i-i id I t.rei-.s^' ,\V,iH:i f .ri i,'h t;. i tr jii-lieli ng j il . (1 i;i t,. Vi h;'i s .'ii'h; -I'm v^^^^^ .■iv\'(.'.ry .i!i'i;l"' of -S!:'i;ilinieiii;:iVlty:':iM,i>i-- ...S'lilif.; tl.'iro.wir in "'(i).iil„.in(>kny ■•sift tV^ lipY>;lv (^tr(vii(t'..V^..;t:l.^jl'WV^^ /^bllisky'. 0.1.1(1:. ]:l;iO^(^::;-lv.iiViiii;'::A ;iiilii:^ "■i';l,Hai iiiiVsit;: in..thb-,OIifil•b •J^t.•,l>i;.^.>.. .\\^il.,i\'', f i,ilhi>rl did. .'^-'' ver'y ■p■!;l••vl;l^^il^ll^ - -qivfi i'lt-, '-T.^•^^l■:^ "wriiini^;: ,w .1 .iterl'..- 'Ivn I -"firirv - ,y)«!•• .''oI'tlV: -toiii ■■■'■^' ■■ '-l ■■'r5osi-Pn;:Sppt.---t2 .- .-.A .niMMival conip.ijy in,-tvvo'-.iip.i., un.r l-*--- fl(•p^e^^^ ■ pro.liiro;! - hy: J.';; Aii.ii-.r>v.:. ^yl,'l,.i:.'■.' •boiijt itnil. lyrli-H.Miy.'.ItoInn' TrPvur; .Tiiu,i:L,.'r,;* . t.p.w nnly:-juim;b(;r,5 .T|Cui'p.r |,y.- ,T,,lfri- I.;, ■ ■^'• .DT. MflivrvV n<:e;,:. i..:iJ.iprlnK.'.Sip.i.:it ,:) 1 )c. -.La-yc,..... . v.. , . ,^..i'!i,li-7<irt-^'^. Kaj:i ..SDnv.Ci .i^'ti-niiini'ff..: llan«ly..-,.;... .-,;■; ;'•.', i'u.'iti.n 'tni.-iypr; nciririro,-J?irc!i';iit;.''..'. -Ija.l - 'Hlprni'U'O .KPlib.IWf.. -pippi-e;-;..-"i 13'riBlH.Cer;iii.'.,,., J'-if.'.-Hpilju'l-t •■- ;.-.,:...]Vl.. -.Itlr.bimlir. .-<-.:,.i.-.-r,f\n,- .Saxiiitv " .. .;JanrpB..»,; .('arsoo.* .•I-ilw.rpnp'(S. X.npichV.qv-- .. ;-! .- ;..:.-.l.Vptl- Ar<I.l1Iv■'^ .iJPirnIs - A..- Giirnp'r " . .) ;«.lMiroti Slcpiipii-iif' . A- pt-c-tty - h opeltxss;;-inirsio'at .'affdir- • "' .Opening -riight •N'vds ' terri))le;'- Tii>i, --^ .Ht"dhx blrd^r.called-to.vthoir mates in' ' tho.,.'b.nU'pny,.. p«'»rtn;ie?i ' jihglq^ii; priio."'- -tbS- stiigp afi n tribute -to iinidtbur'- - :jsin,., a-njt' the.' deadly. rhytl'Hh'ic ' api;'^^^ pliiuse: at,; d.ull -intervals . suggest'etti' '; tiesl If,**?; inbbii AVhrn'^' sidUunsV ' cliiich,.'.. ;.■:;■'... - ;TI"vb'sib't\\-.den'l.s wKlV; hvbdeiiri .radii) in/d' sdih-ic.(il 'V'diii; .-iiioludidiT' a-tt't'i ys^sLv;' c/ii .-ivlONaiueb aiidMhe- hij^Uv". i)'rpsKUr^*- (;i,etlc,s.'.i:ii selUiig .pvbgi:aiii:< ' •tP ni.'i;mif.'iclur,ei\s. ;• lt.,()iM^ iip wiu'v- - ii'.rii'luriistic - tp.<i,ch' -thb.-t;;r hppbsi ■. :i?ui! db'oiit... livb,',r!ii'nii't<^s>' but .frbniv ■ thei-i' piV: tt^..U.S:in'ipbK',sibl.b.'''.' '.;• ;' '- , - , - i)(\ir is'd'v'cin.y 'a'pil. 'l?^^^^^^ .li'dd ' -bei>n .exiiecte.tV ' to bavr.y . (hb ", shiw, :i).u.t:,tu'e; -W'ais .'too gj'ea-t.'-. ' l,-!y.-.,tlib;v»dror'tl'i(>-Sveblc-ibi'rlaj'.- wa>f ' ■ on- t'.he.v-.vevge' '.bC 'Ja\''iii;i?-.,^^^^ ().| ■the:.ji.l l.ei's,:;d-h(l Atfes ••l.,)iihcdn Vii;? - - ■nb.t'-ip.u<-1i -l);'e.fto:b--bffV ' - ■ ■ ':■. '•. ■.--• -: ■ : - 'P.herb; • ai-e- -i^:';;~t?.ifis'; :a'n'.d/;.;ei£nit.-'' ;<Oio.r'ii.s;n.SiMi,'fal.i^ epstviiiv^^^^^ niji'i.s.ib.:dnd di^f^^aturbd;(tuartet wttli gbp.d; ■v'oi.t-o.s- but as ■ deVtild -pf - floijciy;^ 'b'illty.,.'as; foiir': ■\'rb'ii'f)jds,:.,.. tibriiijfj-' - ■ Sii-iitlV is-the .only other iiieinber :b'C' • the., idi-gio ('•;-'«''rib ■ stdnd?'- iip.;'i,n■ ,-t -. Iphs:,-;. AiiM.. part.;-., .Xt; i's^:.'doiibtrul. atf. - ' .an.v sVraiffh t; .man hn'tj ■; i'bi e, 'cbnT-- ,. 'tafalhg-so .many- Ava'st'cd' nvoi^O's.: ; ■' V '■.I-' '-^J'^^^r i ■ - r -' - W»ila<ic(!p'h'i;4-i^oipti i■': ;'. . • -■rhilly'a ;'lcgit-.sbtison'-;;'gpt- oTC^ ^ -: sbhibtliing.' .t'h.uh -^ 'ii- 'cri)()k'bd :•, .'•tart with Cr'bslvy. 0'aig.p.:s i)i-6,(iuf!- .;'■ tipiij "rwistin'g'.'tth'o.-. X4w%' -ivliif h ; ppcnbd.'.dt t'^e. Walhiit'.-. 'It's :'bne,-.(V£v. tlipse S'hb\\''s;.thd't Jelicit.s tlie' pld,.pi(i''.. query,-^'VVhy:?-'.Oi'dy. in.'tiii.'^c vvondbi'iheiU is just .a;:.littlc inoi~-b ':■ P'i'ofouiid'.tiidii .iia.udl. •■..' ;V ' -. • ' -■ '■ - •; Tlic ..Spewac.ks: .'CKblla.- diid. SddiJ ;. ,lvayb.. had: two ..plays • dbhc by the ■ ;i.lcage.'rbw.', epr'npd'ri.y' ..'(arl-Veixbrlbry, •'. group')-;.at..Rbsb.Vdll(■'y;^^ ■' l.jotli . of ■ whk-li .wcra-'itiiivi.eii.sardbly ; . >iiipe.rivr':tb .yi\Svistihfr tiip'.ijdW;' v ' .'^ .'. The. p.ijly; pp.Ssiblb';b. vO. ■-d'ijRle-bri-:. 'tlib Chewy-Odigo; off ering- is ;jTa('r.y. Ci:eon; slage:a-ivd .sbretiiv slur, of iSb.inb prothlhehce fbr d year b.l' so; <rr.cieii; is '^iibt -strikliVt? ..iii: this ,«la.ijE« : ;• ahbw;;:bi,it .^stiil a. lot'-bct'ier, iluui '. hiii ' I :wiiatcrial;,.;-,...,'■,';-;';.'■■-'" ;/;".•' i'/.;- .-; -ilbUb he- hds-tlib "rolb;bf.a-.:lik'abl'» ■ I shystbl'--hvwyeri.: Kfd'rtiit iVlose.s,- aii. .'• .'dn-v1.)«ldncp ...chd'jieiv- pitiTjucd;- '.b.v. .'; ^predltprs-.d^id, :>yi.Uvbijt .liiJivbr-Oi*^'. h.js i - 'disti'ngiiiislvetl.;.'proressibn.: ' l\Tar.tin -i.s ; ■: :i.n;..fl.oVjC ./ift'ith his., pref t.'*'. ;Si'i:'rei;i.ry,. 'V vylib.^'.hv'iye-yeiV- lid's .;be.j- 'Ii(?!,ai-t- set -oii, .a hahVlspmb 'ypuhj?; briiic^ The l-'it- :- .ter .^r'bts;;eihbrolfe(l- in ,d iidsiy'scairT' y.ivl;-^yi^ic.h ;.inyblvcs pint: .oi'dy -.sipleii: ^lipiid.v'^but also (Vf- liiur-- -. tier,'; £^i>d':MbSe•s'undel"tdl.^se Miiii ,;; fiVn'sb; ..I.n;the: last' abt; -a b'.iirtrbiuii ' speiib',' thp '.shyster .:goi>i'..-hls;\<'lii.-ii.t. \ aciiuitted,'; fi nd; .then '.'as a /rehiiiiei.a^.; ; ^'y gesftu'rc tiirnfe' .hihi ovbV' tp liib' ghvi;.-' v.;X • ''■■:v-:\'; . -.'J'.li.e. fnrst- art ;i.s ;iai(l: in-; th.e ding.V: \ law 'gitices' of vliJ!oses; ,• tUe isbco.ii^. iii . - ;^;' .. ■;.' (pnnlinued'"on .page -SS;'^ --■ ilervr't •C',i:irj,:f|.eli,! '*<i',16 > .' cJirint^e, dild;tbat'hiilii-.. V : . .'t; .- ', ; .:-Ktartfiig; .iit a',,sh.iali' lpsv.ii''in iV-^v ianil-,--,tlvp;.ip.hty - w-d.n.tlers' dc,rb«s ;'t.h,b ;- ybe(lVi;•',io,-',^^^;v^^ ■^'<,!^'lc-. -' A--wldbxy'--is .'■ visited ..i^pr the' 'titidish; holidiiy.s bV ' her. f,bur 'sons, a .-.thbatrical- .iiiia^nfi I'b';''- froi;n;._Is'bvy Xbr.'^> Vd •coni'p,p:seiv fnirn .I'di"la,'- a: teiior.''fi'biri' .-MbsilM.ivv ;ni-)(I.r'Ji. .'- :rabl')i■ -fivbm;- JC;\Tikbw;r: viVaTn^l ro.-';: tUilo.n;;w|th nil the. ;ia(ls .n^odbri.V'ex -,.. bept the rabblv. v ;New- I'orkt^v . iJ^'-, yites ■ thb, -.wb iile.: fiiijjv". 40' rl li.-. f c>' .- A'hierib.a ;th.ey dcbbiitv Sci'yd'i'itH '■ ;et'-ii-i;.-iiiintidbjlw r'fJcp'biitl; djt;t^; hii;^:. (h<>in: .oil' bba'rd- --.ship .%<'ilh" liu;': -j;)'?: fii.shloneil ral)bl;s daughter- falli.i.ig; .- in••loy(; .'AV'lt-h';d'.Chi--isi^^ p.'tssengiMv \vlYb'< t.tirVis .(.>'iit\ l('). bp' the, i'lf.-a'. i^h.J;«ii''i.u - gt'^n.tri'ii;! '..-^\v;lio' -'h'd. 'it. liias;--; :s!\('j-(' iiriiie 'glieil b'wlTei.i. th;('y- wei;e! ; ":i .i r c hi rl r p n; .'t i i it . k il l ed - ' tjl I'p',' .w i rp.'. o.p;;.. ; tiip.'iul)bl-"'dn(l jiiivthbr- (if - thi^ gii-l'-:;-■: yjiv tiie-:third;.v!:ipt ■■lbey:^rt<V:'d!r;^^^ slalD-'ii . i:iT ,th,p. -N(\w' Xfjiik' iin.itie add; i t--is ; IvViiiilie'^i'; ■ y'iihli'sfi; I'vciliiiay'/ • Id,:,-' ^(l.iinips -1 lie".^ li-ivpr - fPi'!-.'d "fi bdl J't;'i''-a fl'i'j; tur'lidoWn .f/y. 1 li.e ^'ihi)Jbr;:.,:TJ.ii'h.; Iio ' ■ini'-ii.s '.;h(.\rt^lr^-.'!ijV'd.;-.\'rav-sy^^^ b<*':'' ri'iiliy-; wdivl.c'ii ''•i.ti ';'is!iy -w.-ivi..'' 'fiii-'iyi --\ '!.^';P-.''".-bf>.('a.usp ':'hp .';db(isp?t', :^\'d,n}. .' I''.' . V.(!, iti .l l^P:.w^l.'.v^ (>£.;(ill'''r-'p'dl l.o.vp-.iH.', ll)'(! gii-t ;aiiil' .Napliiiih; V ; Astinil.'-.ii -^.. iiiiMit- .ait aro' bpchibs'i-' KaclniiD-'.i unb bf t'li(v-''';.s.i) < vip.. gp's .' 'i-- . rdiibi ii t'iti'T .tii -'all' a'dd .^i-, Ory. -l-hid ^ )ie'■ has; a..; •p'^)iif('sj<i>.vn. ''k •nVaUPi .Tlie. );rrl:r,i\s';.ntH'"-i;pdl)y ! .(.faii.glvter," -lint' >'aJi i ^ddiiptt'd- ''i-h,"'.''-: : ■.\yillV''-' cvbi-yiititly^^ ■'^.;b^p:li.cili^;; .■-■in'^> ! •'. -'■^--!y!(t:Vi);utuuv.i'bir paii';V ;