Variety (Oct 1931)

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Tuesday* October 6, 1931 T IMES SIf A R t VARIETY 49 ^ Kansas Chy By Will R. Hughea. Edaie Neibauer's band at Hotel Muehlebach. Tom Orady here Indennltely. as eudltor for Metro.. FKty-flve divorces'grant<;d In the. circuit court one day. ' Ix)we71 lAwraniee Is doine amuse- ments for the 'Journal-Post.' Walter-Ciroft here conferrlne with the theatre manaeers on uiilbns. The deer hunting season In Mis- souri lasts only thre« days—Oct 22-24. ■ Tommle Flahlve another who has deserted hurlesque for a Job in the city hall. ' C. ' Morris succeeds Charles dllckauf, deceased,' as publicity' di- rector for M-G-M. Tommle Taffe Is through with- burlesque. Now. chief clerk in the city auditor's office. 'Plaza theati-e letting customers smoke in the balcony because femmes demanded It. 'Wanda Hawley mahins I^ersonal appearances in cosmetics dept. oi; one of the biff stores. ' : ' lidcal civic promoters are pullingr strings to get the National Demo- cratic convention next year. Town music lovers will get their fill this season. Ten different series, as well as numerous single events, announced. . Dr. John Brtnkley, defeated candidate for governor and former operator of KFKB. Mllford, Kansas, Has sued the 'Star* for $6,000,000; alleging libel: Dr. Brlnkley, whose license to practice medicine In Kan- sas was revoked, claims the 'Star* entered Into, a conspiracy with the American Medical Association to destroy his standlnig as a physician. By Don Record Bed Adams back from Europe. • Leta Bellamy, dancer, for BKO vaude. . Little theatre ups night price to half a buck. '■Sax' Smith, orchestra playing at the Sagamore. Capitol theatre advertises Hearst paper comlbs on Its screen. Carmle Fdrsace Is the only wom- an dancehall operator in the city. Enid Knapp Botsford, former Bn'stman ballet director, back from Hollywood. • Red Wings surprise friends by copping fourth straight pennant Meet St. Paul in LitUe World Series. Wilhelmlna. Johansen, formerly singer at Eastman theatre, wins scholarship in Lamson School of Music, Boston. England going 6ft the gold stand- ard bobbed up in theatres. Most refused Canadian money while some took It at 10% discount. Lionel AtwUl; here in 'SUeht "VTlt- ness,' made curtain speech warning ' elim audience road is dead unless shows get bigger audiences. Judith Anderson took the high rood to Toronto engagement, alr- planing . in rain against manager's orders, waiting for rest of 'As Tou Desire Me* company to arrive by train. Westchester Jnfantile paralysis on wane. Gypsies chased out of Yonkers. Little Theatre groups oiling ma- .chlnery for season's campaign.' Harry EInhom, Yonkers restaur- ant man,' sued for separation. Mrs.'Margaret Carter seeks sepa- ration from Robert A. Carter, au- thor, of Harrison. Mrs. Emily Elizabeth Kelly, 62, ■wife of John B, .Kelly, for years stage manager of the old Loew the- atre. New Rochelle, died in White Plains. A. D. .Roberds, 6G, for 20 years publisher of the Havana <Cuba) •Evening News,' died Sept 20. He vns the father of Mrs. Richard Reade, Larchmont. George 'V. Brooks, Leeds, Eng., engaged as director for Beechwood Players, ace amateur outfit: In Hudson valley. Peggy Conklln in- genue of 'Old Man Murphy,' gradu ate of this group. Cohnnbos By. Walt Harvest drphcum stock opens. Bin Bcntley back from his honey- moon. Henry Hoffman with the Wood- ward Players. American theatre to open Nqv. 1 with "Private Lives.' Frank McGrann whooping, things up lor Ethel Barrymore. Liberty burlesque gets under way with local girls in the chorus. AI Garesche now w.brking out of the 'WB St. Louis office here. Henry Nlemeyer, Jr.| recovering from broken arm. Happened in air- plane smaehup. Musician's' union planning own benefit performance at the Arena in connection with horse show. Fred Donaghey in from Chicago to. tell theatre patrons what the Dramatic L«ague will send this winter. Biz mounting as mere drops. Rusty Parker's gang drawing. Roller rinks open to nice biz Lyslc Talbot, stocker, proves A. M. Holah, M-G rep,, g-" younger. Emancipation Day proved fall to cab drivers. Filtz Iloweli concentrating ciirlesnvie reviewing. In ."^ film execs In town ,p i^^^ *o amateurs. sponsor 2,000 subscriptions to Players Guild seaflon. Mary K. Bell bangs up her al most new car almost dally. I, ""'SOU Bovim plays handball tlon championship Helen Robinson reports by M-g"*" »>a8 *>een biz. .-ves hit. growing wind on offer to condl back -.. to ligned St. Louis Buffalo By Sidney Burton Olsen' and Johnson raising hell around town this week. Charlie Hayman back at ILafay- ette after sojourning In Chicago. Only 2,100 soft drlhkeries: licensed here this year, as against 2,600 last Sam Morton, reminiscing at Shea's Hipp, says it's' his last time out ': Bee Ullle spending an aftiernoon watching Tallulah Bankhead's 'My Sin' a.t, the Buffalo, j Lenore Ulrlc and company wel- comed to town Sunday by city of- ficials with swell ballyhooi ■Work progressing on Shea's Court Street $60,000 Job to put the house In condition for pictures. M. Shea says he knew the 'dime a-dancers' In the old Canal street days when they were called some- thing else again. Film Board of Trade annual ball at Statler Nov. 27. Ten O'Shea In charge 'trith Sid Sampson, Harry Seed, Howard Brink and Harry Dickson. Frances, daughter of Irene Rich, picture star, and 1931 Vassar gradu- ate, to appear In. Guthrie McClln- tlc's stage production of 'Brief Moment.* Syracuse By Chester B. Bahn Josephine 'Valorio, radio sopr.ano, singing with Ken, Sparnon's RICO- Uans,. Gerald 'Jerry' Brandt soii of Joe Brandt president Columbia Pic- tures, a frosh at Syracuse U. Phil Goldman on the local stem while he awaits adjustment of Shu- bert labor dlfflbultles in Albany. Robert B. Niwcomb, Jr., editor of Smart Age,' quarterly society mag., married in Hooslck Falls to: Helen Dowling. More than a year after its release date, 'Eyes of the 'World,' comes to the Dewitt, Indie vaude fllmer, for. a first ni'n." Turnings Impresario, Edmund Va- deboncoeur, dramatic editor of the 'Sunday American,' will present Mai-y' . Garden in concert here, Oct. 12-. . New move launched to heal Syra-: cuse-Comell -football breach, of SO years. Committee on unemploy- ment relief wants post-season clash iOT charity. Ruth Abbott in private lite Mrs. Cleve Moore, returned to New York after several weeks here, and in Utlca. Underwent an operation in the latter town. Rev, . Arthur Breese Merrlman, who quit th.e picture game for the .Episcopal prlesthcodi installed as rector of the Church of the (Savior here by Bishop Charles Fiske. Rev, Merrlman formerly operated several local neighborhood houses. By Les Rees Hartford By M. H. Hammer Night clubs in full blast. Eugenie hats a dud among girls. Loew's gives three feature pic- tures every Friday. Max Ginsberg, publicity Parson's, sporting new auto. Outstanding lobby displays .are at the.^egal theatre. A knockout, for 'Winnie Llghtner's picture. Frank Moran back as manager of the Princess theatre, which reopens Saturday with double features. Hartford Baseball Club, Eastern League, closes with huge profits— probably the only club lii the league doing so. Harvey Cox, former manager Publlx Allyn, now in New Haven, visitor at his old stand offering suggestions to old associates. /Jack Sanson is recovering at the New Britain hospital from a strain sustained while assisting workmen at the Strand in New Britain. Theatres show best^retums In six months, result of exploitation by stores and newspapers for Hartford Day with free rides on buses and trolleys for suburbanites. Canton By Rex McConnell Free ice tea at local filling station. Bill Copeland, WHBC announcer, sports new light suit and new car. ■ H. W. Perry, manager. Moonlight ballroom, Meyers Lake Park, re- signs. Manager Buehrlg, new at Loew s„ rivals many of male screen stars he plays, for looks. • Old Grand Opera house may be leased by Felbor & Shea, who oper- ated In old days.- George Relster,- Warner Bros. Palace, has largest family of any Canton theatre manager. ' Gen© and Gleen, WTAM stars, here Oct 8 for Merchants' Thrm frolic at city auditorium, guaranteed ^2,000. Palais Royale, revamp^ed. and re- decorated, reopens as illghtery, wltli hot colored band and fioor show Saturday nights. . ^ Billy Sunday coming for five- week campaign. 'Won't build tabier- nacle, but will battle old m%n devil In city auditorium. . George Maylow, many years in vaudeville with contortion, turn, says he's getting too old for the twlslS. Promoting and hooking vaude. . Cleve Ad'am^ RKO western sales manager, here. Allen Abbott new leadiBr of the Minnesota U band. John McCormack in concert at Auditorium Oct 9. Roy O. Schmidt clarinetist of Minneapolis Symphony, dead. Zack Luckens, Staubert agent, do- ing nice Job for Bainbrldge stock. Roy A. Coole'y elected president of the Northwest Radio Trade Assn. Sporting editors cop nifty trip to Palo Alto, Cal., to cover Minnesota- Stanford game. Firs{ legit show this week, Ethel Barrymore. Town now three day in- stead of week stand.- Bert Titus, 'local checker shark, booked by Morgan-Ames^ RKO^for Omaha Orpheum lobby. Dave Mordecal of RKO music der partment looking over Orpheum orchestras in Twin Cities. Series between International and American Association pennant win- ners a financial flop in St Paul. Both Minnesota and RKO Or- pheum taking' pictures of Minne- sota grid games for own display. With price r^uCed to 25c and lots of stage show aiid dancing, annual Radio Show drew to Auditorium last week, hurting all loop show- houses. Only one Twin City sports edi- tor, I,oUls McKenna, of St. Paul 'Dispatch,' covering World Series. In other years every sheet had its own staff corr there. Akron By Rex . McConnell Orange juice joints dot' Main street. Sunimlt Beach Park closed for season far in. red. Ten cent dance admission Mon- days at all dance halls. Legit for^kron next month, sev- eral shows underlined at Colonial. Eagles dancehall goes in for films at Intermission,, stunt proving, draw. New contracts signed by unions, but no announcement of Loew stage policy. . Alien, oldest of downtown picture theatres, i^eopens late this month. Allen T, Simmons owner. E. - Z. Sandwich Shop, operated by Bill Keno, hangout for show- folks. In new location soon. Can The Surplus' dance nets 2,000 Jars of-fruit for poor at Blast Markefi Gardens, downtown dance spot •. LonisviKe By M. W. Hall Fourth Av. Amusement Co. grants no vacations. Three 'heatres giving free, park- ing privileges. - ■'Harry Martin .still looking for a house for road shows. Show business bad In heat and schools let out at noon. Wright Players did poorly In Lex- ington as in Louisville. Marvin Hart Kentucky's only holder of the heavyweight diadem, died. Dorothy Bush takes over Madrid Ballroom Oct 3. Has Johnnie Ashton's Band. The 'Herald-Post' will be taken over by the new management on Oct 9. Some changes. George A .Sine, - ad. mgr.^ 4th Av. Amusement Co., resigned, a tiff with D. H. Long, treasurer. Boyd Martin, 'C-J' .film review- er, back to Ills rcg'lar job, teaching drama .at U. of Louisville. Joe Green, reporter, sports the only watch of Its kind in city- made like speedometer with hour clicking in like miles. Brown management - argued two weeks over the color^of the Snm JJrowne belts' they wogld use with their u.shers' uniforms. 'The Times' scored another scoop and did another public service when it exposed $25,000 fraud in County flerk's office and blasted William. O. .Stlglltz, county clerk, out of of- fice in «lx hours. Candidate now for I'ulltzer aw.ird for meritorious service. Buffalo iSy Sidney Burton . . — ■■ -■■ Trianpii, Buffalo's latest ballroom, opened, flashiest set-up ever. - Downtown picture houses. price war getting bitter.. But grosses bet- ter all around. John Carr moved up to manage Hipp, where he gets long wanted break of associating with actors. M. Shea, reopening Court Street, former two-a-day, with first run, two changes a week at probably 25c. ' Fay Hancock, local Theatre Guild representative, back winding up the local Guild subscription list for the Erlahgers.' Ballyhoo of Professional Players at Shubert Teck silent since early summer. By Joe Kelling Malaria got Sam lYeed, Jr. Billy White . doubling belt and suspenders. . Tom Rlley'on ^ at WFBE as Bill Clark's helper. WFBB has. added material—a dozen or so new records. Heuck's Opera house, Cincy's old- est theatre, renamed the RlaItOA> Once poplar 'Holding my own' saying changed to tolling my own.' Paul Wessling, once assistant Ubson p. a., now city ed. of 'Ken-r tucky Post' Warren .Jones, former vaude booker in Chicago, manager at the RKO Capitol, Friday and Saturday night foot- ball games at local stadiums of St Xavler and U. of Cincinnati. Mabley '& Carew, dept. store, us- ing show methods, sponsoring, ama- teur radio talent contest on WKRC. More wandering minstrels from the late Al G. Field show, back in town and wondering about, hotel bills and Jobs. Jack Reynolds and Al Haft who bad wrestling to themselves for three years, going to the mat on cut rate war as rival promoters. One of the I.A.T.S.E. boys has a true sweetie. She walks arm in arm with him during his nightly bannering patrol of the Nordland Plaza. Allan Morltz, from Cleveland, re- places Maurice 'Wliite as mgr. of Columbia exchange here. White now manager of Strand theatre, Newport, Ky., of which he is part owner. By Bob Brown Pete Marzoni is writing a play. Another circus. Do^wnlc Brothers Oct. 16. Joe Ford back from Shrevcport Is here.for good. Fred O. Kllgore traveling ahead for Downle Brothers. They're, accusing the Rltz of pay- ing $16 for a thermometer.^ Gordon Kust'er, p.a. for Chamber of Commerce. Jack York out. Fried chicken dinner 16 cents, and the aeai-ch for the chicken is on. Folks haven't missed the-annual state fair, which has been called oft. D. li Chnmber.q, pres. Dobbs-Mer- ' rill -publishing faoose, south for a visit ■William Jennings O'Brien is the name of a p.a. ahead for Johnny J. . Jones. Farm gals are paying college tuitions with the cotton their dads raised. . Kell.V Grady still playing local lots with his camle. Reported doing pretty good considering. Arthur C. Bromberg'flew o*er for the Dixie series and had tRe hired help here chasing tickets. East Lake park being razed and city will likely be left Without an amusement piark next year. . Tallulah ■ Ba^hkhead's father In moving his law office to Jasper until Congress declares peace again. Amateur vaude starts at the Tem- ple. Just another, way of competing with these Friday night previews. Walling Keith, the boy who origi- nated that - after-midnight. feature on page one of the 'Age-Herald,' Is no^w.-in Montgomery on the 'Adver- tiser.' Detroit By Lee Elman New Orleans By O. 'M. Samuel jimmle Bryant touring. Whatever hecame of minstrelsy? Union troubles ended, as expected. Freddie Stritt' m. c. Suburban Gardens. SellB-Ploto first circus of year, Oct 10-11, Sachger .serving ice cream free 00 the mezzanine 3 to 6. Waring's Pennsylvanians follows Oedrge Olsen at Club Forest The Guinan girls booked In Club Forest Thanksgiving for a run. Esler, wife and daughter have settled In the Vieux Carre pcctor. Dave Genaro at Orph, brought memorliis- of Ray Bailey. What a looker she was! Hollywood doubles around. Boys and girls who look like and have doubled for .stars motored In and looking for an engagement. -Ought .to mean something to one of .the local night clubs. Who's' Who were on hand for huge benefit to Warrington House, Warrington, who malntaih.s the place,' once very wealthy himself, gave away his fortune to the needy. Character right out of a book. Press agents for the affair were Koark liradford, LyI .Sftxon.nnd M.elgs O. Fros, nationally famed novcllst.s. Art Schmidt Is about, to be a daddy on his own. Freddie Schader found someone to play contract already. Jlihmie. Gargano turned pansy for the week at the Michigan^ Nate Piatt feeling great . Actu-^< ally paid the, asked price the other^ day. • Dynamic Dave Davidson starts worrying when things are going swell. Probably feels so good when he Btop^, Ftank Smith, d. c. on the 'Mir- ror,' Is scared, of swell apartment hotels. The help asks embarrass- ing questions. Ollie Warner went to Canada, for his vacation and hasii't had to take any more of the bad medicine since he came bac^. Reg Brophy and George Morton ■ won't stay put Going to New York for a couple of weeks. Just returned from there two weeks ago. W. W. Motintjoy returned to the Aim critic desk of the Times'-after a summer In the woods. But says nothing abOu^ the great American novel.. . Eddie Heyman, lyrlclat In town for opening of. 'Here Goes the Bride,' of which.he wrote the lyrics. Heyman was a student at U. of Mich, and ■wrote the school iplay> lialnbow Trail,' ,in 1929. Long Island By Joe Wagner E. Luedeke Is H, McMahon's right-hand man. Jules Fields out this way manag- ing the Pox Jamaica. . The Gardens Players are at It again In Forest Hills. Charley Paul of 'Valencia pit is Jamaica's adopted son. Ben Mulvey managing new $100,- . 000 stadium in Freeport Long Beach already excited on promise that state legion convention may come in 1933. Where does Gene Buck get the time to write that splendid stuft for the 'North Shore Commuter' each week? Albert E. Israel Is going into in- dustrial promotion after managing Playland Park, Rockaway. for four years. . ' Only three official drownings chalked - against life' guards at Rockaways, while they effected 1,350. rescues. The 'Valencia has lost Martin Rosenberg, who was promoted Into the managership at the Boro Park In Brooklyn. ■ Portland, Me. By Hal Cram Lakewdod closed. Bicker Gardens Twin Ballrooms doing well. Slate ballroom opens with Nate Gold' orchestra. Formerly Recrea- tion hall. Fritz Krelsler opens concert series at City Hall Oct. 9. John McCor- mack, Nov. 6, and Rachmaninoff, Dec. 10. Portland,City Council getting the razzbcrry from local press after re- c(!nt statement that 'reporters should be kicked out' of sessions •Pross Herald-Express' had two weddings among employes week- ago, and three past week, with three or four more to come. Each couple gets $25 from boss.