Variety (Nov 1931)

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3S VARIETY TIM E $ SQUARE Tuesday,' November 24, 1931' Broadway Kapoleon museum floaed. Paul Stewart f)lm testing. Hubbard Nye a new Jcrseylte. Ray Cresset called off the Cali- fornia trip. Ray Goctz's 'Star Dust' will; In- clude 30 sets. Edmond Pauker back after a long erlppe battle. John Paine played football for Wcsleyan In '06. Julie Anhalt trouping with 'Fol- lies' as company manager. Arthur Kober expected to breeze back to the studios Pec. .6. . The Ed Sullivans won't call the baby Wlnchell, If It's a boy. Fred Herendeen for Phoenix, Ariz., recuperating from pneumonia. Karl Hoblltzelle Is stopping oft In. New York on his way back to Texas. Fran Madan, picture bosjs of In- dia, is on his annual tO' New York. Bob TapUnger- Is CBS's ace foot- ball picker. He has added plenty to his bankroll. ' Soph's son Bert's shoe store job, for which he renounced the stage, Is with I. Miller. Max Gordon has moved over to the Erlanger office, where It's'safer' to carry a cane.. Autograph pests, despite house managers getting Into hair of flrst-< night celebrities.' Warmest November In years Jias helped depress' the depression among the furriers., Al I)ubln received his Hungarian royalties last week—3,000,000 zlot- skys. In cash, $1.20. ' Horn & Hardart, automat restau- rant chain, made more money than during the '2^ boom. Josle Heather Is a late addition to 'Miss Gulliver's Travels,' opening at the Hudson 'Wednesday (25), Mike Redilng, RosofC's ofl the .arm expert, can cover-100 yards In 11 seconds flat. Or he. could. Most of .the people who are en- gaged In the cabaret field nowadays are paid off In rubber checks. Liupe 'Velez strolled around the New. York nite life somewhat alone '.«after leaving the boat'last week. Federation of Jewish Philanthropic Societies' annual $100-a-plate din- ner and show ^oes on Nov. 29 at the Plaza. . Those who saw 'em say Edmund Lowe and LUyan Tashman didn't look at all.estranged at the'Garden the. other night Harry Hershfield has gold teler phones all over his ' home. But Chinese gilt shutters cut off all view of the East River at his office. They say the name Gelst, ais pro- ducing 'Steel' was chosen because It means ghost with the gho&t John Wexley, the author, also producing. Gelst not a Wall Street person after all. Times Square Trust bank, which closed In 'one' recently with plenty of show biz scratch In the till, started paying oK 60% last week. Promises to make up the dlf event- °ually. Mike Scott, the veteran. Is In the hospital corps. He rose too quickly from a chair In his apartment and tell, Injuring his knee and head. The hurt Is responding to treatment, but Mike Is taking It. easy for a few days and staying abed until noon. Bepresh has been a pulmotor for ' the fly by night store renters. En- deavors of this type all. over town, with plenty In the bright light, acre- age. All that's needed Is a so- called stock of something or other and some red paint to announce the alleged bargains. NBC has Anally dug up a Prince for Itself. He Is Prince Serge De Samov, claimed by NBC to be a legit Russian blue blood. The Prince, as NBC Is now calling him was discovered last week by the press department, although he has been with NBC for two years as a studio engineer. If NBC doesn't get much of a'news, break with Its prince, it'll probably dig up a de posed king. C n ATT E celebrates his wedding, anniversary. Belle Bennett closes tour weeks RKO time and worries about weight . Fred Cully thought he had a Buf- falo orchestra job, U. S. Immigra- tion boys said no. Bob McStay passed tip an ad ageticy job to come back to his flrst love, the Star. . Depression hits this A- !>■ '(Cow- boy) Keans, ■n-ho ■were storked this week. They hoped for' twins. ' Beau6hamp has revived the 400 club. Bents Beardmore's home on St George St., now Fraternity Al- ley. ■ • ' ^ Trouble at Empire, Comieiron Mat- thews stock, where stagehands threaten strike if musicians are let .out. ■ The beouteous Phyllis Grant tlfts with Cameron Matthews, stock, and walks out. Now'doing an ether tiny tot Tiour. • . Lennox Robinson has brought his Abbey Players over. ■ from Dublin. Canada In 'Whiteheaded Boy' and John Ferguson. ' Frances Campbell has blossomed out- as a fencer. Copped 'Internar tlonal epee', prize in Paris, what- ever an .'epee! is. Papers ballyhooing Marie Dres- sier after, that best performance award. She's a home product For- merly Marie K^;oe^e^. Tom Daly .sr. named to manage Maple Leafs, International (Ball) League. Tom Daly Jr. trains Maple Leafs (Hockey) N. H. L. . ■ With Canadla-n dollars at discount of 13% m New. York, all acts play- ing RKO and Par-Publix here have to crois over to U.S.A. asaih before getting paid off. Shea's Hippodrome has the heavi- est backstage crew on earth. The foursome under Albert Marshall weighs 1,088 pounds. Pop, the doorman, is a shrimp at 216. Toronto VP Cheaper beer. First birth control clinic. Nabes holding their own. Sid Hlbbs ahootint;. sevens; Vcrn Byfleld worl<lng again. New arena sell-out for opening, Marie Fraser cookery expert now. Jim Londos, wrestler, doing par ties. Jack Pierce thought he could play bridge. Sandy Saunders wins a golf prize ',Aat last Cliff McCormlck to play the organ at Uptown. Larry McKecknle fell off his horse again. Andy Passmore back In the stock market and smiling. Rumor about return of .vaude to Lioew's again denied. The Varsity campus dally takes It's fllm reviews seriously. Frc.l (Irllfin oft to New York to write up comlo strip Creators. Five of six acts playing Shea's (RKO) travelling by motor car. Mary Plckford birthplace no long- er a stop for rubberneck wagons. Abe Orpen's spot raided and 93 boys gathered in. Gambling charge. ' Concert prices all $2.60 top now. Gain Curcl and Krelsler this week. Sam Cross (Healy and Cross) Pasama By Bea Drew Happy Draughton is back tend- ing bar at the RItz. Ike G. Rice, owner of Rice's restaurant died of heart trouble. News of the death of Florence Glosslp-Harrls in London received here.. Bobby Wahlmann, Betty Lee and Lorna Loy of 'Over the Top,' sailed for New York, New girls arriving from New York for Bllgray's were Ada Win- ston and Mildred Miller. Bobby Jacques, the Balboa girl, and Eleanor 'Vare, have opened a dancing school called the Van-Jac Studio. Plenty classy.. Tourist Club raided. Bab© Shu bert arrested for permitting gamo ling. Many Jumped out of the windows, but 12 were held. Lilly Malloy, ex-entertainer, now running a hotel on the Island of Taboga, gave a big dinner for her sister, who married an Army of- ficer. Young Harry Wills, the fighter, will be tried before a jury on a charge of involuntary manslaughter, Outcome of an automobile acci- dent. . ■ Metropole closed — entertainers had not been paid for four months. Clarlsse and Christian went to the Atlantic, Colon. Lopez Sisters to the Academy de Dance. Seven days or rain caused a slide In the Canal and on railroad with 58 ships tied up. All twelve of the sluice gates open for first time since Canal was built —' overflow terrific. Carlos RIazzo, property man with the Santa Cruz Theatrical Com- pany that went on the rocks In Colon, appealed to quarantine of flee for aid. Ho wishes to return to his home In Venezufela. •Governor of Panama absolved Johnny Stoffel of the Rlt? for al- lowing the game of 20 to be played Stoffel and McDevitt were both arrested and flned by the mayor. "The governor ordered the fine re- turned and all Is well.' New show at . the Atlantic: Al bertlna Plcklns, Parker Sisters, Bobby Nathls, Vivian Luce, Irnia, Dean, Mae Atwood, Deone Dor ralne, Margo Brieux, Billy Swift Las Coralitas and Clarlsse and Christian. Billy Moran is mgr. Ray Rogers gets a divorce from Edward Emery. Ray worked at the Metropole years ago and has been here ever since — named wife of Great Raymond and BilUe .De Vere of the Happyland as cause of hus band's downfall. . Awarded $100 month alimony. Runs the Cameo Beauty Shop In Panama. Chief of Police Nicolas Barletta of Colon goes on a tear and enters the dining room of Bllgray's diir ing dinner hour.' He asked patrons to identify themselves to his satis faction. When given, the razz he said, 'Do you Icnow who I am? I am the chief of police and If you don' like my company you can all go to hell.' Did Bllgray bum. Barletta Is only a kid who takes himself too seriously. He won't last Berlin Hanns Heinz Evers now 60-years old. Penate Mueller returns from Lon- don. There are 12 operettas- current here. Ronald Colnaan from here to VIt enna. ! _^ 1,11 Dagover expected here at Xmas. Richard Helnroth, restaurant owner, died.' Max Hansen, tor flye months, back in Berlin. Olivia Fried to Vienna to work for Paralmo'uht ilse Bots prolonged at the Kab- arett der Komlker. Helmuth Krueger's conferencler (m. c.) at the Scala. Elisabeth Bergner going to Hol- lywood In February. Charlotte Bara, dancer, will take her troup to the States. Leo MIttler, Paramount Paris di- rector, expected In town. Kate Dorsch and Max Fallen bug to Vienna for guest playing; Irma Welle-Barkany sang over the radio in eight languages. Max Hansen, will sing the lead in Zeller's 'Der- Vogelhaendler.' 'Parenna,' had a' turnover In Oor tober of more than $260,000. Press teas for stars fashionable. Georg Lorant.Started this vogue. ' Frledrlch Zelnlk Intends singing Asta Nielsen for his next picture. Yvette Gullbert gave: a guest play at the Kurfuerstendamm theater. Elga Brink, film actress, becomes the wife: of Fritz Freed, composer, Alexander Molssl. will play In a sound picture, The Living Corpse.' Pordes-Mllo, well-known libret- tist died of heart trouble. He was 60. Alexander Molssl will play In sound pictures. At present, busy in tests. Marie Jerltza will sing' Bruen- bllde In the next Bayreuth festival plays. Hetnrlch Ijert, conductor, goes to Hollywood with his wife, Vicky Baum. Conrad Veldt win play the lead In the Gottschalk picture 'Ras- putin.' Next staging at Metropoltheatre will be done by Robert Naestel- berger. Frledrlch Hollaender composing the music for K'uno Franck's "Nina." Hans Relnmar, baritone, success- ful at Stadtlsche Opera. In. Verdi's Macbeth.' Charles Boyer arrives In Holly- wood at Xmas time and stays there eight months. Max Retnhardt on invitation from Cochran will stage 'Beiautlful Hel ena' In London. Film actress, Wanda Treumann, opened a picture theatre here at the Elsasser Strassee.. Emmy Sturm makes her debut In sound' pictures in "Pechvog^l," di- rected by Erich Engel. Gitta Alpar, most celebrated star this season, will be In the operetta 'Die Puppe' (Th? Dolly). Otto Klemperer, German conduc tor, returned after five months guest-playing In South America. Ike Blumenthal here for first- nighter of Paramount-Jolnvllle pic-: ture TDas Konzert' ('The Concert'), Robert Klein, theatre manager, has to pay $100 a day for actors re- engaged by him but without actual work. . Hans Pfitzner has written a new musical drama 'Das Herz' ('The Heart',) Wllhelm Furtwaengler will conduct. E. A. Dupont here signing actors for his picture 'Peter Voss, der Miniondleb' (Peter Voss, Thief of Millions). Ernst Deutsch and Carola Toelle leads In Franz Kammerlohr's '"Tcm p-i ueber Hundert" (Speed above Hundred.) Paul Hartmann has dissolved his contract. with the Viennese State Theatre and intends return to Max ■Relnhardt Max Relnhardt 'has bought the English comedy, 'The Counsel's Opinion,' by Gilbert 'Wakefield, for staging here. Eugen d'Albert, pianist and com- poser of 'Tlefland/ who not long ago married his fourth wife, wants divorce again. Toni van Eyck In a sanatorium for some time for nervous break down, will appear at StoatUches Schauspielhau 'with Werner Kraus. Dorothea Albu, dancer, married count Clemens Bethusy-Huc. Dur Ing the winter season she will give a guest play at Covent Garden In London. The Austrian governmnet ap- proached Max Relnhardt, offering the rnanagement or lease of Burg- theatre. Relnhardt refused, being too busy with Ills Berlin stages. Ernst Busch, actor, Traiigott Mueller, stage architect; John Hartfleld, cameraman; Bela Balasz, author: Fritz Komtner, actor and director, will go to Russia to work there. • Gerhart Hauptmann's latest drama just finished is called 'yor Sonnen- untergang' ('Before Dawn'). Forty- two years ago he wrote his flrst play, called 'Vor Sonnenaufgang' ('Before Sunrise')'. Kuleshow, Russian director and teacher of Rlseiisteln and Pudowkln secures Erwin Kaiser, Lett ReuSs, Walter Jung, and' Carl Hannen^ann for the German version -of the Meshrabpom Picture, "Horlzone." The ticker' tape system, giving stock exchange quotations. Installed in Amsterdam. Rotterdam and .The Hague get 'novelty' next year. Hotels a,nd cafes have miniature petrol pumps to fill up gas-In-auto- matic lighters.' Scheme Is to com- bine It with.- advertisements. Mrs. de Boer van Ryk, 76, played fbr the 700th time, at Amsterdam the title role of 'Eva Bonheur.' The Russian conductor and com- poser, Alexander. Glazounoff, has been guest-conducting In the Am- sterdam Coricertgebou'w tw a week. Paris Grand Giiignol Company here with plays which-give you the creeps. Forei^ artists here Include Dlmltrl Smirnoff and his. 'wife, Lydia Smirnoff, from Scala, Milan; Paul Loyonnet French pianist, and violinist Erica Morlnl, acconipan- led by Geza Frld. The Hague By M. W. iEtty Leal Montreal Eddie English out on Maroons. George Wright out of hospital. Tom Ha'wklns back from honey- moon. Tommy Conway still figuring on burleycue.' Win Phillips Miandarln going On air. Eaton's grab CKAC for Santa Cilaus parade. Joe Flhschler anhouncing both languages CKAC, Geof Hewelcke nails Floyd for snappy Interview. Cabarets getting one good night a week—Saturday. ' B. M. Garfleld on stand In $10,000 suit against union. . Three nights a week hockey being felt by flickers.' Fernand Dufresne, police chief, given marching orders. Jim Flanagan still ' getting fan mall on receiit oration. Seasonal epidemic of amateur theatricals In full swing, Clarrle Foran acted like a sports- man at Ottawa, Is consensus. Jack Purcell turning In weekly Badminton article In 'Gazette.' Four habe houses bringing In three acts of vaude and rest dick- ering. Royal Montreal closed golf course Sunday -(22), three weeks later than usual. Shuberts cancel 'House Beautiful' at His Majesty's, subbing 'Chauve Sourls.* Confederated Theatres opening ChateaUi second run 1,800-seater, Dec. 16. United Amusement Corporation statement out. Profits year to. Au- gust 31, $366,239, against $429,786 previous year. . Proflts equal $2.76 on common, against $4. towjij'' ant Corinne Griffith finally off to Lon- don. Jimmy Shields leading a qntet Etta Lee one of oiir sttartest models. Jcianne Helbllng at the Potroanat In Nice. ■ . ■ ~ Pierre Batcheff the idol of femmii on Riviera; . Owen Fargo around some of tii<; ' Paris joints. ■ Ted .Lawrence back to •work aftes long vacation. Beulah Livingston guiding soma buyers around. - '< . Pearl .White moving to closing chateau, Eddie Bouchard quitting t£^' Boeuf sur le Tolt Roger Capellanl doing an operet* " ta for the flrst time. Helen MeinardI going literary- with Brunb Lesslng.- Sydney ChapUh avoiding public* Ity and hurrying back to Riviera. ■ The ex-Mrs. Richard Tauber db< Ing. a NIcerMentone-Cannes circuit' Lilian Harvey says she's - never had more than two days at one: time in Paris. American girls buying lots of ' French sailors' sweaters , and caps^ with red poms. ' Georgette. Cohan In the Caniiei- waters on "Graham White,' her"- stepfather's yacht. Marseilles Is still not a safe placd for Americans.with thousand-frano: note^and no passports. Charlie Chaplin's kids here with ■ grandmother, and : saying fatber Is not as funny as Mickey Mouse. ' - Legit and screen stars going backward'and forward between .tbfe Lido and the Palm Beach (Solt.. Pierre Frondale dining at Caba« non one day aihd visiting Bacbel Berendt In her pigalle dressiog'' room the next n Dorothy. Farnum and Helen Meln-'- ardi ■ visiting the President '0^" France's palace, and both sitting lA' the 'Chair he uses to preside over r cabinet meetings. Chair was mad*- for Napoleon I, -a . i Rochester By Don Record Dance business better.. - Hotel Seneca reopens Saturday Nite Club with Wes Thomas band. Musicians', benefit cOrtcert post- poned to Jan. 16, and Loew's Rochester-added to Palace. Ken Whltmer, new conductor of the Loew's Rochester orchestra, plays most of the Instruments him self. After stressing films—only for months, RKO Palace hopped on Weaver . Brothers and Elviry unit for biggest advertising campaign. . .An old Rochester custom: Magar zlnes slamming fair city disiappear from newsstands. Try to get a copy Of 'Nation' with the Y. M, C. A. article. Fenyvessy Brothers have bought the Thurston, nelghb. . Improve- ments underway for reopening Thanksgiving. Edward R. Wood to manage. Robert Hicks, new manager of the Century, comes from Steuben- ■vlUe, O. Former city editor of Fort Worth, Texas, morning sheet and with Publlx four years. Tom Grierson, . RKO Palace orr ganlst, to dedicate new organ In the Basilica of Guadalupe, near Mexico City, with four concerts Dec. .12 to 17. '. Event ..marks the 400tlt anni- versary of the Virgin of Guada- lupe. Paris Jimmie Lowe back. Bill Carney on the left bank, Ronald Colman on the Riviera, i Christine off to China via India, Alice Terxy-now technical assist " Lonidon Fred Niblo here. ,. .,. .• Sonny Miller on the 18-hour work diet, Jimmy Glover estate around $1,000. Eros returning to Piccadilly .la December. - ^ '^ June threatens return to We* . End stage. i Violet-ray sunburn the craze-o^v, the dames, . ..• > Terrific slump In apartment price* ■ in this. town. : -i Ping-pong Is the rage of the ritir Pall Mall clubs, ^ Frank Dltcham recuperating froia lost appendix, Madeleine Carroll and husband leaders in social set ■. John Longden says he's quitUn* j.uveniles for character. Gilbert Frankaii's wife telling the judge about dress allowances. Some of the brightest gigs Im town now have their ears dyed. Jack Willis, the Poseidon hero^ has left the Navy. Neurasthenia. . The Groucho Marx gag about the Carroll 'Vanities' all over town. ■ Edna Best and Herbert MarshaH call each other "darling'' in puWia Adrian Brunei now almost a talker critic. Used to, make them. Gillie Potter says he does more shows tor charity than anyOilng else. Trade so bad even the gigs af» cutting a: course out of the break- fast Bin Marshall, Margaret's fathejV cracked a wrist in Northcun^ House'. FranTi Tllley says there's no worry around.Dean Street about tn» Pathe merger^ ■■' -Comyns Carr. the man Who PWje-. cuted Bottomley, making an entry. Into show business. ,„ Tallulah's fans among the BO^V makers all trouped along to B«, Carlton talker opening. _ Claude Allister signed his Eng- lish publicity agent by cable from Hollywood, CDirls Mann. Nat Gubblns, latest word In Eng-- lish coluninists, Is married to DaW Mirror' fashion editress. .^^ Jack Raynor, once one of tnis town's brightest gosslpers, no'VKar ture make-up man of the l»uy Herald.' ■ John Maxwell taking playful rt^ at Jeffrey Bernerd. With Jef"; Bernerd taking playful raps at Jonn Maxwell. i -,ar- Madelelne Corroll, who got m". rled recently, reputed to nave glass bed. There's a motto aoou throwing stones somjewhere. - One of the South African footoaii Side here, average weight pounds, trots around the Museum In glasses and mullier- British