Variety (Dec 1931)

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54 VAXIETY Taesday, December 22, 1931 CHICAGO Variety's Chicago Office WOODS THEATRE BUILDING-CENTRAL 6644-4401 Ned Miller now In charee of the local Donaldsoh, Douglas & Gumble ofBce. Charles Berkell is orgrahlzing: a dramatic stock company for In- dianapolis, Will opeihDec. 28, using former vaude stand, the old Keith's. Howard Barry, chorus vocalizer with Irving Aaronson's band. started on sustaining programs over CBS. Getting two. periods weekly. Herb Greenblatt comes from Mil waukee to handle short subjects de- partment for local Columbia eX' change. ' . . Fox Chicago ■ theatres, now ope rating oply the Sheridan, Terminal and Midwest, have moved their of- the Sheridan theatre. RKO UNIT (Continued from page 33).- which means Mrs. Rockwell has gone Into retirement. Her blond dancing partner remains, with a new girl the oiily change. He use'd to be Introduced by the Dr. as his brother-in-law, but no more. ' Rockwell Is a vaude vet who snatches an audience's fancy be- fore the pit leader has parked the bow upon finishing the Introduction. And he holds their attention all the way, building and getting strong chuckles constantly. He can make blue remarks without offending be cause they be<;ome humorous In the way he says them: Just under the vaudeyllle show at the Chester the 12rpiece pit or ' chestra under Dave Teltlebaum's. direction contributed a novel over ture that blicked In both a musical and' comedy- way. Following the leader's verbal explanations, the crew, attempted to show how a pop' ulac song and die In the day. Thia well-done overture came In haiidy and almost succeeded in making it a five-act. layout. Radio's 'Bad Company' the last halt feature. Friday night's business fair with help'from a theatre party. Bige. looney danclnjs and acrobatics tor a. fast finish. 'His 'Woman' (Par) on the sheet, with the usual organ solo, Pathe News and a too-long overture, fill out Kanfi 86TH STREET Good vaude In Yorkvllle this week, with every one of the four acts go Ing over nicely. Not much business Saturday, afternoon, but that Is practically tradition here by now. Maybe It'll be better for Saturday trade. after the New 'Y'ear,. with holldfiys, bad .weather and all the . other alibis on the shelf. 'Whiteside, Anita and Brower start the show with a beautifully mounted and fast dance and song flash. Only three names billed, but five people—two femme dancers, a male dancer, songstress and pianist who vocalizes.. All work at high pitch and eet a tough speed example for the rest of the bill. . Frahkie Finn, boy singer,. has a nice act of songs, handling all with ease. The radio Imitations of Crosby, Columbo and Downey are naturals and ought to close the.act Instead of being sandwiched In be tween numbers, with 'That's Why Darkies Are Born' to close. Al K. Hall and Al K., Jr., is the same rough-house act with bur lesque bits as this red-nosed comic has been doing for years. That son of AI's Is growing into quite a per former and will be getting by nicely on his own In short order. Barto' and Mann continue the rough-house comedy with their RKO STATE LAKE CHICAGO mCH-D'-RENO" with BERT WHEELER, ROBT. WOOLSEY and DOROTHY LEE F^^ F^ WEEKLY J ICM6SI DOWNTOWN, L. A. . Los Angeles, beic. 17. Current vaude. bill Is 8.trong on kids, the feature act being Jackie Merkel, four-year-old mentallst, and the closing act a flash with 16 youngsters, a five-piece girl band and a quartet of adult male hoof- ers. Other acta are Cal Nbrris and his monkeys, Frank and Kay Hart, hoofers, and Bobby Gilbert, cobilc. Kids are'-managing to. draw the Christmas shoppers and plenty, of juv trade. Business Thursday, open- ing day, wau9 above average.; Fea- ture, 'Under Eighteen' (FN). Norrls and bis monks open. Monks aren't-so hot but Norrls' chatter makes up for the deficiency. Animals stilt-walk, turn flips and dance. Norrls carries on a running bit with one of the animals, the monk chewing at his 16g throughout the act. Oke for kids. Frank and Kay Hart mode satisfactory deuce act. Both hop the buck In. military and ofC-rhythm tap routines. Miss Hart plays trumpet to Hart's eccentric slow motion dance for the finale. . Bobby Gilbert next Gilbert has played the Paramount and Warners Hollywood before the Downtown date. His chatter and fiddle-play- ing are unchanged. Opens with the pit band, later going to the stage. Chatter Is mainly an argument with the orchestra leader, who plays a good straight Jackie Merkel, mentallst (New Acts) next to closing. This four year-old Is a wizard in his line, With his father working in the audience, the youngster never missed a question and answered them all correctly. Burton Sisters Re^vue, with the Rose Kiddles, closed. Act Is. Christ, mas Hooray with the Rose aggrega tlon getting the lion's share of the results. Youngsters are from a local school and solo with taps, adagio, acrobatic, toe and Russian dancing. Burton Sisters five-piece' band Is behind the kids. Four male adult hoofers also. As a holiday show, the vaude pleased everyone but was particularly aimed at the minors, Universal news clips' and an E, M. Newman Travel-talk round out the bin. Call Harlan & Katbryne NBWABK Brantord (SB) '3 BlB Flgurea' I S Jan8le7B Hallne Francis Harold Stanton TjOU Barrlaon Muriel Gardner Sunklst Bna MEW HAVEN Paramomit (SO) Hacienda' I Sue Russell Hlnky 'ft Dinky Doyle & Donnelly Oeme 5 GoTdohlana Adrlaha KEW OBUBANS State <SS) 6 BaoCB' I Frank Jenks JImnty Hadreaa Adams Sla Kanazawa Japs Chlet Clearsky PUILADBLPHIA Tom (SB) 'T'morr"w'B Stars' I Bemie & Walker Mary Miles 'Wanda Allen Zelma Fern DAle Buddy £ Gretel Chlyo Kadoniatsu Helen Ireland - Dorothy Welch . Theal Nelson' Rudy Kaye SP'0'FI'U>, MASS. Fox PoU (SB) Mod'n Minstrels* ! Tyler Mason Bruce Jordan S Pase Boys Harry Von Fossen Mark Nelson Esther Campbell Sunklst Ens Mobs' Flasbing Houb6 B. S. Moss, opening :hl8 new the atre In Flushing. L. I., Dec. 24, reported dickering with Manhattan Playhouses circuit relo.tlve to tak Ing the house over for a vaudflim policy. ' The Flushing site was obtained by Moss from the Bank of U. S. was formerly a market. CHL_ HOTEJ A R E VC LATIOH IN HOTEL IIVIMG KNICKERBOCKER ^AWOININeMLMUVC eL»S(OPPOSITe ns MIAKE] ■ 6PECIAI, 9ATE§ TO THE PROFESSION BOOKtCT ON HOW TO MAKE UP * S TEIN MAKE UP s nut MAir A CCNTURY LETTERS Wheii Sendlnir for Hall 16 - - VAKIKTY Addms Mali Cleric POSTCARDS, ADTKBTISING or CIRCULAR LETTERS nilX NOT - DE ADVERTISED LETTERS ADVERTISED IN ONE IB6DE ONL¥ Allen C Altman Kay Bohlman Edylhe Davis F Ij Donovan Joseph Gadeh Ruth Gosling Dollle CHICAGO Brent John C Clayton bolores M Elliott Cecil J Flesher Frank Furman I>hll Griggs Enid r.eonard Fnt Louise Rita Turner Geo Valltia Walters MlUli-cd OFFICE Bogors Wilson Saunders Lccland Thomas Joe Walloii Mary Zakor Ray Bills Next Week . (Continued from ipage 34) BT. XOVIS Vox (SB) Greetings' I Dot Chain J A H QrUnth Murray A Moss Buster A Brown. Dorothy Thiema Collennette Ens TOLEDO PaMmaaat (SB) 'Gay Vienna' I D da Ksrekjarto Gaudsmlth Bros. Rena & Rathbnrn Woodland A Smoot Torney Ens 'lOBONTO Imperid (SB) Testerd'y's Stars' I Eva Tanguay Coclnne Hank Brown Bert Jordan HI Tom Ward Tom Kelly Rica A Cady Cho Cho Freddie Ward Harrison Co Alexand'r A Evelyn WASHINOTOir Fox (SB) 'Sketches' I Allen A Canlleld Franklyn D'Amore Llmb'rl'ga Edwards Duka Art Mildred Perlee Frank Hopklnson Sunklst Ens W'BC'ST'R, MASS. FBlacs (SB) 'About Town' 1 T A A Wnldman Max Co Ben Dova Paul Olsen Joe Pasco Sunklst Ens - - HOLLYWOOD ' and Lot Angeles '^arltt/*'' Offie*, 6282 Hollywood Blvd, at Vine St. (Taft Bidg.) Phona Hollywood 6141 Following tisslgnments were made at coast studios last week: Eddie Tamblyn, 'Girl Crazy,' Ra- dio. _ Jean Hersholt, 'Grand Hotel,' -Metro. Mary Doran, . Oilttle Cbiircb Mouse,' WB. ■ . - Ethel Clayton, '^otel Continental,' Tiffany. Irving Bacon, Alameda Fowler, •No One Man,' PAr. Fritz! Fern, George lA>lller, "Lost Squadron,' Radio. Dave Stafford to direct next Andy Clyde comedy, Sehnett Scott Darlliig 'wrltlnjg Jack Hosle westerns tor .'Phil Goldstone. George Davis, English and French versions, 'One Hour With ToU,' Par, Jack O'Donnel to work on writing staff handling . Moran and Mack feature. Sennett. ' Norman Foster, June Clyde, Zasu Pitts, Henry ArmetU, J. FarreU Macdonald, 'Cobblestones,' Univer- sal. . . ■ John Bright and Kubec Glasmon original for James Caghey after completing dialog on 'Union Depot, WB. Zelda Sears writing, LArry "Weln* garten to produce, 'Prosperity,' Ma^ rle Dressier and Polly Moran. Meto. , ^ Sheila Manners, Xiloyd Ingrahanv. Karry "Woods, Bob . Fleming, Keo; MaynArd's 'Texas Gun Fighter,' Tif-. fany. Gertrude Astor, Jacqueline 'Wells^ Del - Henderson, Fanny Cossar, Charles Chase comedy starting. Monday at Roach; 'Warren Doahe: directing, ' First for Ann Harding under th* Radio banner will be 'Westward. Passage,' by Margaret Ayer Barnes^ which will go Into work within 60. days. Next Allied picture Is "Vanltr Falr,^ with Mary Nolah as Becky- Sharp. Script being prepared by- Hugh. Herbert. Chester Franklin will direct, starting first week oC January at'.Tec-Art. Troy Orr has been * appointed publicity and .advertising man at the CarthayCircle, which lifts turned legit with 'Lyslstrata.' Shano Ryan, previous p. a. for the show,, is out. EUZABETR, N. J. Bits Ist halt (26-20) N C Haines Tucker Smith A S {Two to nil) - 2d halt (30-1)' WIrth CIrcua 2d halt (23-25) Diaz A Powers Bobby Barry Bobby Gillette °. Joe. Peniier Wilson Kepple A B ELMIRA, N. T. Keesey's (S6) Fields A Bell Senator Murphy (One to All) . (10) Murray A Morse Geo Beatty Russian Revela ERIE, PA. 'Warner - 1st halt (26-20) Biasby Co - > PIcard's Snycop'rs Senatur Murphy 2d halt (30-1) (To mi) 2d halt (23-20) Lionel Mike Ames T'gst'rs of T'et'rd'y HOBOKEN Fabian Ist halt (26-20) WIrth Circus 2d halt (30-1) Callgary Bros ^ Freda A Palace (Three to fill) 2d halt (23-25) Lavar Bros Edwards A Santord Taxle Talks HAD Downing Georgle Hayes JAMAICA, I» I. Alden (IB) Campus Frolics Brooks A Felton Taxle Talks Bobby Gillette .Joe Penner - JAM'STOWN, N. y. Palace (20) PIcard's Snyc'p'rs (10) Bvers A Greta (Two to (III) L'WB'NCE, MASS. Warner Ist half (26-20) M A A Clark Bobby PInkus DomnatI Harl'q'ns '2d half (30-1) r.ang A Haley Berkolls'' (One to nil) 2d halC (23-20) Daly Co Allyn Co (One to fill) MIDDLET'WN, CT. Capitol (20) Chas McNally Harry HInes (One to nil) MONTCLAIR. N.J. MoDtelaIr let halt (26-30) Wilson Kepple A B Harry HInes Hamilton Sis A F Gale A Carson Huber 2d halt (26-26) Dardertang's Small's Co Barbara Slmms Co Russ Brown Georgia Hayes Co NEWARK Hosqae (S6) 3 Aces A Queen Bob Albright Lewls-Nolte Rev 3 Sailors 2 White Flashes N'W BRITAIN, OT. Strand (86) Walter Walters Bobby PInkus (One to All) . (10) , HIckey . Bros Marie A Ann Clark Boyle A Delia NEW HAVEN Bhennna (86). Ruble Sis Jerome A Ryan Emmy Co Baby Rosemarie Teddy Joyce Co Joe Marks Co Van Horn A I NEW LONDON Oorde 1st half (26-20) Chas McNally Lang A Haley Berkoffs 2d halt (30-1) Mary A Ann Clark Melino A Martha (One to All) 2d halt (23-20) Danny Small Co Lamb A Bellett Bobby Henshaw T Monahan Co BEADING Astor (26) 3 French Misses 3 Gobs Taxle Talks Bobby Rollins Green A Forte Verna Hayworth SHARON, PA. ColombU (20-26) Nate Busby Co PIcard's Sync'p'tors 2d halt (22-24) Loomis & Senna Webb A Lane Gruber's Co WASHINGTON Earle (86) Kitchen Pirates Roxy Ens Joe Penner MIchon Bros (10) Marlon Wllklns Loma Worth Bobby Plnkua. Trixle FrIgnnzQ WATERBVRY Strand (86) Walter Walters Berkoffs Mellho A Martha (Three to All) (lO) Diaz A Powers Mardo A-Bennett Bison City 4 Teddy Joyce Co M'cus A C'lton Co WHEELING Cnpllol (26) Nate Busby (Three to All) (10) Ldhso A Sterling Audrey Wyckoft Happy Lawsons Crowell A Allen EDINBUBOH Empire Altred'o Rlstorls Harold Wolden C'sgrovo A W'slw'd Ernie Dillon Sandy Rowan. 'Vera Rudd Whaley — Hiwaw'h LEEDS Emplro Miller A Wilson London Week Dec. 21 INSTtTVTtON INTERN A TICK ALB ; *^ SHOW ^hoes fir the S^^gf St^^^f FOLK'S $H0C;SH0P-1SS2 BROAD\[rA.Y< ASTORIA Brixton Bill Cotton's Bd Flnsbury Park 8 BInck Streaks Les Sllvas 2 Singing Boys Old Kent Rnnd Dorrlo Dene CARDIFl'' Capitol Paul Gray Helene Penard Boys MANCHESTKR Pomniounl l.ove Boat NEWCASTLE Pnramonnt 'Pajamaland' Paramount Olrls J Lawson 4 VICTOR! .\ Pnlare Scott & Whalpii Freddie Forbes Joso Collins 6 Sherry Bros Carr Lynn Howard Rog( r.'< Bu A Bu r.lngton Sis Arthur Prinvr Mayerl A Lotlnga Kafka Stanley A M Chester's Dogs Odall Careno Vamey A Butt Chas' HIgglns ' Rego 2 NOmNQHAM Empire Chetaiko . . M A H NeSbItt Ellis A Low . Page A Parkes ZIgAeld Girls Cabaret Bi IfiSW TOEK CITY - Dmdx Arts Louise De Lara Beaux Arts E Central P'rk Casino .Morton Downey Velos A Tolanda Eddie Duchin Oreb Connie's Inn Fats Waller Bd Louise Cook . Cora Green Mae Alex Boby Cox Glennle Cheeschan Paul Heerea Snakehipe Tucker Lois Deppe Hal Bokay 3 Sepia Songbirds 3 Rhythm Kings Cotton Cint> Cab Calloway Leitha Hill Alda Ward <:ora La Redd Henri Weesel Swan A Lee Anise Beyer Roy Atkins Wells M'rd'cal A T Bailey A Wilson Bernlce Short Elmer Turner Jimmy Baakette ■ Bobby Sawyer Norman Astwood El Chlco Manuel Gomez Bd Carmenclta Salazar Spavento Trio Crillos Brito Br'vo C'nsino H'llyW'd Reslaar>nt Maria Gambcrclll Rerl Frank Hnzord Dolores Ray 3 Speeds Caesar A MIml Al Kntz Orch Janasen Hofbran Nat. Nazarro Sr . Karee Mooney A N Ramo A Ruth Wynne Ralph - Marty Beck Orch Little CInb - Jack Osterman Danny Tales Orch Nat Clob LaBelle Rose Nutsy Fagan Eton Boys Jean Goodner -- Ai Parker . Radio Romeos Murray Waxmon Arthur Wilson Enoch Light Orcb Oaltland'a Terrace -Buddy Kennedy Parker A Babb Ala Winston. Frances Mlldren Made Owens prch Paranunnt drill Geo GIvot Bernard A Rich Addle Seamen Jimmy Ray Robert Dawson Gold A Raye Club Plaza Josephine Earl Ray Hart Patsy Shaw ' Diana Deerlng Volmer Sis n Ruth KIdd Ray Sis Alvin Sis Iris Bryncs Eddie Ashman Or Rpsslan Arts MIsha Marhoft . Sascha Leonort Gypsy Markoft Paul Haakon Balalaika Bd Village Darn Arthur Rogers Riley A Comfort Formnn Sis Barney Grant Pa A Ma Grant Hollywood Horse Josh Medders Warren Homier Dave Abrams Orch - Village Hill . Ev'l'n NesbU Thaw Ernie Goldman Lou Springer CHICAGO . Ambossadeurs. Edna Mae Morrle Vaughn' Sis Effle Burton Freddie Vllllania Al Handler Orch Blackhawk Doris Robblne Merble Kny Orch Cafe de Alex Maria Alvarez Pnco Paratan Sllvano R Ramos Morrelll Sis Marti Castllllan Or ClDb Aiabom Gypsy. Lenore Al Wagner Billy Myers Elmer Schobcl Mary Thorne Phil Vlllane Germalne tnPlcrrc Anton Lada Orch College Inn Blanche A Elliot vivlon Janis fPat Kennedy Ben Bernld Orch Coloslmos Henrique & PogKy Herble Vogel Elvira Morton Chlckle Stanley Mary Stone .11m my Mco Orch Congress Hotel Lo T'va' A Beauv'le Virginia Cooiier Carolyn La' Rue Paul -Specht Orch Frolics Jack Waldron Vercelle Sis Myrtle Gordon LaFayette A LaV Dto.tty Gulmnn Doris Lenlhan . Ted Cook Orch PnrnmonnI' Club Harry Olyn Blllle Jean Brliton Connie Cclla , Mae Baxter '' 4 Horsemen Orch Planet Mars Texas Gulman Lauretto Adams Babe Fentnn Cheric A Toinnslln Irvine Scwltt Orrh Bubalyat Johnny Loc Dottle Dale nernlce St John Harry Linden Eddie South Orch Terrace tiardrn Darry A De Albn Al Russell 3 Buddies Radio Reports (Continued' from page 50) over a second chorus told .Franl^ 'Westphal's boys, 'It's a wonder you guys couldn't fake a few bars If you can't read.' Following up this l(n»' of jocular comment they aded that, 'According to Ben Bernle, the only musicians in town that can read music work for Paul Whlteman/ Continuing atlll further, 'Remind me to cut your salary!' Singing Is the principal ingredient In the program, but the formula is the same as Is sometimes- still called a 'st'udlo jamboree.' ^hls is one. ot. the oldest and most venerable inatu tutlons of radio. AH of the studio regulars are supposed to participate and. the outside world Is merely, eavesdropping at a gay gathering of the stock company. Occurring at 2 p.m. the title 'Early Risers Cltib' refers to the Saturday night whooi>ee dei'x>tees who are just then ungummtng. their eyes and feeling their foreheads solicitously. Land. 'RAISING JUNIOR' Continuous Sketch COMMERCIAU KECA, Los Angeles . Theme of this ether-dazed 13« minute period emanating from the NBC studios in San Francisco, and paid for by the Wheatena company. Is: 'Have a baby and feed it IVheat- ena.' So tragically obvious and bald-faced Is this propaganda that the program becomes almost a bur* lesque on radio advertising. Reading their lines so painstak- ingly that an Ideal sound effect would have been the crackling of paper, the two girls and man who played this chapter are three rea- sons why people some day will re- turn to the stage theatres. Starting with a discourse on how terrible they felt when Junior was ill and how important is the baby's diet, the man and wife then sepa- rately advise a girl friend of the family who is about to be married that the. only method of obtaining domestic happiness Is to have a baby. She says okay, and the an- nouncer asks everybody to send for Wheatena's free booklet, 'Feeding The Baby From Crib to College.' After she's through college who will feed her from college to crib? Bang. Don Pedro. Orch Vanity Fnir Sammy Walsh Dolly Sterling Estclle Fratus Nelle Nelson 4 Abbott GUIs Leo Wolf Orch Winter Garden J A E Torrence Rome A Dunn Nan Btackstone Allison A Fields Irving Aaronson O Tilt Leadlna Md Lsreen ACCORDION FACTORY In the Unl(>4 SIstM The o'nlr Ftctory IMI oioke» any let of Rccdr -made tv bnod. Guerrini & Co. 277-270 Colambui Ave. Baa Franelin. Cal. Fcer CaUlolUtt DOROTHEA ANTEL 316 W. 72d St., New York City The Sanshine Shoppe Mew Asmrtmrnt of CHRISTMAS CARDS READY 10 Cards in Box—Sl.OO Postpaid