Variety (Dec 1931)

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^'fuesday* December" 29^ 1931 VARIETY 175 By Hal Coh«n Don Bestor'a third Xmais In Fgh. • Bachelor dinner tor'Johnny Har- ris Jan. 10. ■ Jean Harlow and Marjorle White vlelng for platinum honors.. BEtrrls celebrating Its anniversary tliiB week with return of vaude. ^yalt Pramer has quit hla pub- licity Job with the I.K.S. Players. Joan Thompson and Johnny West, locals, trouplng with Teddy Joyce. Dick PowoU back from, a doer-', hvntlner trip with two' bUcks^Tcash< Bam Coslow used to peddle pa- .pers here. In front of the old 'Court House. Eddie Klelni flerures to spring bis pew nlte club, The Tavcrji, during holidays. ' ' Aldlne deal off, George JafCe to ^eep his burleycue shows ut the Academy. . Darren Martin, the radio ed, doesn't'touch the stuff but he's the life of every party. . Clyde Shafer ia the singing bar tender with Billy Bryant's, show boat troupe in Chi. A certain crick has his regular table at Joe Hlller's Show Boat every Saturday night. All Fred Kury, of the Tress,' has 'oh his new license,plates Is -FK.' A, favor from the guvnor. • ' Musicians' strike wasn't over five minutes before Dorothy Bushey and Bernle Armstrong -applied for the license. Don Bestor came back' to town this time with his oWn p. a., Oene Gaudette, an ex-newshound from Milwaukee.' ' ■ Albany/N.y. ' By Henry Reionda Albany theatre cut price from 26 to 15 cents. . Candy" boxes In Madlaon theatre rifled of m. > Chris Buckley has cat price ot Leland from 36 to 26 cents. Ritz has gone .on a spUt week, single feature, without change of price. Niela Goodelle, Ziegfeld Follies girl, in Albany over holidays with ' her parents, Dick Streue of RKO Pathe office made booker for Warner Kxchange . Ih place of Joe Schlelger, deceased. Returning from Hartford, Conn., Al Herman, Universal manager, skidded Into a tree with his car. No one hurt. Bob Tates, owner Lake theatre. Lake George, and Mrs. Tates and Mrs. J. C. Carpenter to Miami, Fla., for winter. Jack Lyons, Pathe salesman, sao- ceeds Roy Smith at RKO. Smith has been made branch manager. oC Warner Exchange. ' .Ben Kalmenson, former Warner XiXchange ' branch manager and transferred to Omaha, has now been transferred to Kansas City.. RKO Grand,, cktsed .for- month, reopened Chrlsbnas on former pol- icy of double bill second run pic- tures. Top price 2.6 cents. Qeorge Skouias' and Don Jacocks of Skouras chain touring iip-state and Albany arranging for purchase of string of theatres and also Fox chain. James Smith, orchestra leader, has started a 1340 action against Arthur V. Anderson of Pine Lodge Pavilion, Loon Lake, alleging breach of contract By M. W. Hall Harvey Joiner gave 32d Christ mas exhibit of his paintings. Ulck Hyland subs for Jay McGee as burleque director at Gayety. ■ Season of light opera may come to Memorial Auditorium In spring. Mrs. Robert Kelly (Eleanor Mer cein) has a huge dog sent from Ea. rope. Albert Edward Wlggaih and Nor- man Thomas lecture to local InteUl- gensla. . ■ .Jimmy Jdy back at Brown Hptel, succeeding Tommy Thomas and or- chestra, .Savoy brings In Martin's Merry Melodists to lighten up Its stage during holidays. _As death toll from automobiles Climbs, members of Lou. Auto Club volunteer for vigilante service. Seth Parker was added to for- nier Governor Sampson's staff along with William: IPox—colonels, of course. Newsboya soliciting funds on streets for Newsboys' Christmas party, but all papers repudiate such an affair. Helene and Vlrglola Lee, tease specialists, escape chiding from watchful wardens by use of diaph- anous veils. Loew's and VTlmea' and 'C-J* dis- tributed thousands of toys and hun- dreds of baskets of food to poor from Walter MacDowell's toy ad- mission show' on Christmas Eve. Clarke Otte, prosecutor, starts war on grafting city offlcials. Estl- niatcs $25,000 month dragged down from 1,000 speakcaslos. Regular rate for protection quoted at from $15 to $60 per month. Rochester By Don Record Regent gave canned goods mati- nee for charity. . Loew's Rochester staff donated one day's pay to. buy toys. Jack Wlnne back in town after two plays he was. In .flopped. . Capitol theatre vaude delayed to see what Eastman policy Is to be. Rumored, that city Is to be more liberal when new administration takes over Jan. 1. Arlo Hults substituting as RKO Palace organist during absence' of Tom Grlerson on trip to Guadalupe, Mexico., John HlUlard, advance man for Thurston's show, worked for 22 years on the old 'Post Express,' now merged with the 'Journal.' •Private Lives' canceled at the Ly- ceum because movie verson booked Into Loew's Rochester llie same day. Next scheduled at the Lyceum Is William Gillette in 'Sherlock Holmes,' Jan. 9. Speakeasy on wheels iiiabbed by feds. .. Cab Calloway a March Minnesota booking. . Publlx employees staged aniiual Christmas party. One loop flrst-^run house giving, away one permanent wave daily. Publlx giving free showings of 'Sooky' for poor and Institutional kiddies. Leading St. Paul newspaper, -PIO neer Press,' carrying display ads on front page. Albert Nathan, formerly with Fox and Loew's In New Tork, replaces Dick Gilbert, resigned. ..Book, '101 Best Stories of Minne- sota,' ' by. Merle. Potter, 'Journal' drama editor, in second edition. Frank Woskie, veteran film sales- man, quits Paramount staff to lease and operate Parkway theatre, local 'neigh.' Washburn-Crosby, until recently owner of local Columbia chain radio station WCC, now broadcasts over NBC's KSTP. Harry P. Wllbern, well-known lO' cal publicity man, appointed maU' ager of RKO Seventh Street the atre, reopening this week. Morgan Ames to move RKO di vision office to Omaha, more central location, as result of adding Denver and Kansas City to hla towna Don Koehler, formerly Juvenile with Bainbrldge dramatic stock company.. lands Job with Pauline FrejderlcK In forthcoming produc- tion. that two more houses, the Warner and -Majestic, are using musicians because of stage shows. Commission men say modern girls don't wait for niietletoe and there- fore.sales are nix on the stuff. But folks still buy. Xmas trees. Stench bomb thrown In White- house, non-union. Manager Otto Mclster found telephone wires cut when he tried to call police. Cmcinnati By Joe'^Kbliing . To.wn ga ga over yo yo. Harry Schreiber temporarily wife- less, Ramona out and in at WLW; union squabble. Famed Over-the-Rhlne of pre- Volfitcad days molding scarlet. Jules . Slen, who tapped in ama- teurs with Hal LeRoy, is now barl- moanlng on WFBE. ^Oscar F. Hild is new chief of mu- sicians' local. Carl Koppman con- tinues as secretary. Gene Laurie advanced, to-business agent xtt stage hands and. operators, succeeding Wm. C, Elliott, recently, made' president of I. A. T. S.^ E. Barber shops giving free nail pol ishes with haircuts. Tips net mani- curists more than under charge ar 'raiigement! and added flnger dec- orators working. Syracuse By 'Chester B,' Bahn William Haines closed his per sonat appearance tour at the State and back to Coast. Francis Brennan, former chief of service at Loe'w's State, now at Warners' -Strand in same capacity. Boar's Head of Syracuse TTni^ verslty will send an undergraduate cast barnstorming through Centi&l New Tork in 'Pomeroy's Hat" In February.' EHlzabeth Roblneau, Syracuse so- ciety girl turned dancer, at Keith's as one of the Dancing Adams. Kieith press bureau permitted her to come Into town unheralded and unldentlfled; ' Detroit By Lee Eiman By Bob Brown Luther Patrick back after a rest Guy Hamilton Is featuring on the •Post". Jack Tork has been on the Gulf flshing. Christmas aMmei right by John Douglas. The Dixie Foiir offered a New Tork contract When Vernon Reaver Is away the hired help wlU play. Bankhead Hotel cut the cost of rooms and hot cakes. Bill Toung is from 'Vernon, Ala., and he doesn't , deny It Even the raincoat merchants are wanting the rain to cease. Charlie Ryan on the dog watch at the City Hall, and did' he yelp! Street car men say Xmas shop- pers either walked to town or didn't shop. The Dixie. Minstrels at the Tem- ple last week sullered from lack of publicity. Try and get a salesman out on the road In this rainy weather, or rather try and get them , out of the lobbies, .. Southern Radio News, gossip sheet of radioland, is being put out on the presses' of ' the old 'Inde pendent.' . . Hddie Loughton learning gags In Tlddlsh. Beer selling in some spots two for a quarter. ' Ted Nole played at the opening of a new dellcatesseh. Fox theatre boys gave a dance In the lobby last week. Sam Grlesman to Toledo to work for Columbia Pictures. Temple theati'e reopens. 'Happy' Melnlger back as manager. William Desmond now around town, but left his horse out west Freddie dchaders are. through -with apartments. L4'vlng in a house now.' ■ . Del DdlHidge goes In the Down town as .ihusical director trith' start of vaude: Fred AIle4 says ifothing happens with 'Three's a Crowd,' as they all work on percentage. Milwaiikee By Frank J. Miller Six-day bike race scheduled Jan. 8 to 12. . Salvation Army fed about 3,000 Xmas Eve. Whataman . Shires on bis way back to Milwaukee. A state law prohibiting flreworhs except for public purpcsea now be- ing sought Milwaukee's Xmas tree Idea in the Court of Honor has been a feature here for nlany years. Frances Rice divorced from Jack Clifford Rice on desertion' claim. Mrs. Rice awarded child.' John Drew, city treasurer, reports twice as much property tax money paid to date as same time last year. T. J. Pattlson of the state high- way commission, says tourists spent in excess of $150,000,000 In Wiscon- sin during 1931. Musicians happy over the fact Galr^oB By George A.. Seel Ted Florlto and gang at Tokio. Wesley Barry and orchestra bill at Grotto for holidays. Jack Schwarz opens M. and M. night dub, Houstoji. Arthur; Casey Players, stock, leaving for' Cincinnati. Roy: Leffingwelt, of Dallas, pro moting wrestling bouts. R. P. E. Wade, Tremont (Publlx), doing well with amateur niglits. Jack Glenn, travel cameraman, lately sports editor 'News' here, publishing book on experiences. Eloise' and 'Dutch' Kfahah have Joined 'Skeeter' Kell in tent stock at Houston'. Dr. Chas. A. I. Rochester giving talks on psychoanalysts, Hindu phi- losophy, astrology, or what have you ? Every time the Red Cross at Orange, Texas, needs food supplies Jimhile King gives a matinee at the Strand. Homer Le Tempt at Queen the- atre secured Chri.^tmas dinners for several hundred po.or with 'empty basket' matinee. Local theatres doing their bit for Clirlstmas. Maninl matinee got toys'for poor children; Queen to get Christmas dinners. Food for one day, lodging for one night—that's all transient unem- ployed can expect .here. All avail- able odd and other Jobs for locals only. Bull Montana here last week. Montana dropped a. wrestling match to Billy Edwards Of Kansas City, who had distinction of being knocked out by Jack Dempsey at Dallas 'laM year. Edwards, made a pass at Dempsey, who was referee- ing, and Jack cracked, him. Fort Wayne By Robert Baral Paramount reopens. Vaudeville three days at Emboyd. James Ke^nan agahi heads hotel men. Burlesque back at Majestic with hew conipany, ■ , Bessie K. Roberts breaks Into syn- dicate fleld ^ylth column. Jane Ruby wins Opportunity con- test with Wanda Farnan sccondi ' Mary . Eggeman ' to lead Junior prom ait St. Mary's at Notre Dame. Ed Hackelt of Be'verly HIUs sent out a tabloid sheet for his greeting card.. Stage Door Studio had 12 winners in the RKO Opportunity' contest liere. : , Clyde Quimby regular. visitor at the RKO theatres here—he used to own them. Connectkiit Portland, Me. By' Hal 'Cram Rudy Vallee club being formed. Bill Bissctt's holiday party to blind a success. Jom Moore hustling around . for Elks Testimonial to Rudy. Poison pen letters have kept portr land theatre manager busy. Jean May, now back In New Tork, enjoyed her stay in Portland. Uhemploymeuit here about the same as last year at this time. . .'Student Prince,' now playlng-Bos- ton, booked for Jefferson: Jan. 4. Flour, sugar, potatoes and blankets given away, at-Colonial. 'Student Prince* -company from Boston booked for week at Jefferson Jan. 4. Portland the&tre Jumps from two acts of vaud Fridays and Saturdays to four acts. . • Mrs. Mary Bok gives funds to complete Improvements on oper^ house at Camden. Rathryn Miskyl leaves for Somer- 'viUe, Mass., for flrst Christmas with family In two years. ' Playhouse offlcials In New Tork seeking new leads for stock at Play bouse, opening Jan. 4. Managers of three Publlx th^ tres stage holiday party tor em- ployees following r^nilar sho'ws: Sweet Xmas card from Doc Rock well with real sugar on it, aJt least It tasted that way. Would go great for dunking. Capitol, Danbury, has reverted to gift nights. State, New Britain's newest Illm house, opened. . Palace, Tqrrlngton, how. operating only Friday and Saturday. The Rlvoll, Bantam, is now using four acts of vaudeville. last Kalf. Strand, . Waterbury, has cut vaudeville from foikr days to Sat- urday and Sunday,'. A phonograph :l)elner used be- tween - acts by stoefc company 'at Empress, Danbury. . I^trand, Waterbury, has-cut ad>- mission to 20 cents for matinee and a quarter at night. . Frank Rollins, police i°eporter on the Danbury 'News,'-, has gone to Daii^'ury 'Times' as city editor. Organ has replaced phonograph at Empress, Danbury stock house. 'William Bartlejr at the console. Ediia Walters, New York, and William Waller, Newai-k, have flled marriage Intentions at Greenwich. . Box office receipts at Empress Danbury, attached by girl cashier - to collect $60 claimed due as salary. Chester Herman,, actor, Brooklyn^ and Aline Kane, teacher, Brooklyn, filed marriage Intentions at Green- wich. ; Mae Lewis, actress, disappointed Ih love affair, attempts suiclde .by taking poison at Shelton. Will re- cover. Henry No'r.ell leaves Empress Playiers, Danbury, for New York dramatic engagement. Replaced by Robert Hicks. Ralph Moorehouse to Join company. . Rupert. LOBeUe . has wlthdra'wn from stock . company bearing his name at Empress, Danbury/ Com- pany continuing on a co-operative basis as Empress Players. By Dick McGeorga Happy New Year. . Pantheon biz picking up. Nabes having a hard time. Silver Slipper, nltery, folds. 1a Tabernllla, roader, opens. Barry Sbedd- has clicked here. Great pneumonia weather here. Ace Mason doing tricks around town. Madison Gardens .hard put to keep In black. Add - Q. Thocher,- mayOr-dect, former- stage hand! Ken Benijon and Jack O'Consell haven't lieen around. June BCacCtoy and new hnbby home for the holidays. . John Qulnlan now ass't mgr. at the RlvoU-won't-forget his intro- duction to Toledo. Simon Dreissen,- Baltimore, in town to help Sam Mlcals open the Empire tor burieycue. Street car company offetlng A-ari ous cheap passes to induce Toledo- ans to ride Instead of 'walk. ' Harry MoUer, HoUajid theatre, Bellefontaine, transferred to Piqua. Succeeded by Al De Shetler, Piqua. AI Amato and Clay Thomas^ both of the same orchestra, have young- sters. Al's la a boy 'While Clay's la .a girl. Bill Usllton is one press agent who can be seen. at 8 a.m. In the morning, but that may be Just be- fore . going to bed. W, A. Finney, divisional manager for Loew's, in town, conferring with Wally Caldwell, Valentine manager, on remodeling of theatre. OkbhoiBaCity By George Noble Pony riding and arrow shooting popular. Alamo hotel, landmark, being torn down., Mrs.. W. H. Matthews nianaglng Fain theatre, Livingston, Tex, Cops failing to limit the number of hijackers in Oklahoma City, Albert McRiU is the new city manager, and the fourth in a year. ; Opportunity may knock at your door, but in Oklahoma the prohibi- tion officers bust right In. Lester GIbba, salesman tor Na- tional Elcreen Service, was held up -between Muskogee and Wagoner, Oklo., beaten and robbed. The in- jured man was brought to hMpltal at Oklahoma City. His condition Is satisfactory. Long Island Beer war on north shore. Pro football teams did nicely. ; Big gambling drive on In Jamaica. Ray.Fuller can play a banjo and does. • : Central Queens pic houses not do- ing so 'wdl. Erhest Kremer Is writing dramatic reviews for 'Star.' The soldiers at Fort Totteu' have gone in tor drama. Haynes Trebor also doing the new books.on 'Journal.' Clos^ a' bar right on city-owned Cleerview golf course. Seaside 'at Rockaway' destroyed- by Are will be rebuilt. Adolph Caruso is the manager at the Granada In Coronal Violet Carlson has moved, but It's another bouse, in: Great Neck. Thomas Craven' speaks' on his book, 'Man of Art,' at Great Neck prep. , Blwood Bostwlck's next, 'Second Honeynuion,' postponed until Feb* ruary. Loii O'Neill, sports head of 'Jour- nal,' Is becoming the local Dan JParker. John De Buerls ahd Joseph Strack 'wrote that new waltz for Gloria Swanson. ^ Jerry Norrls visiting with Jack StlUman since dosing of 'Third Lit- tle Show.' Bert Green likes MUnsey Park. Frank Cra'ven In retirement work- In* on new play. ^ Work on^e new bathing pavllon has htSen started by the city at Rlls Park. Rockaways.^ Mrs. Bert Oirtelyou spending holidays with her sister, Mrs. Ken- neth Alexander (Molly King) In Palm Beach. Reno Belle Uvlngston still looking for angel to open night club. New York Club, featuring girls In review, grabbing most of night club trade. Reno has white .Christmas with snow on ground and plenty of it In nearby hills.. ' Governor Balzar spends two days hunting and two weeks in bed re- covering from severe cold contract- ed on trip. Mayor ' Roberts says Culbertson- Lehz bridge battle Is pain in the neck for hlrri arid that he'd rather shoot ducks or crapsi Max Schlhclllng may .stci|> here in February. for exhibition boiit for. 65% of gate. Negotiating with Frankle Ncale, local promoter. J. M. Pnvas, dress de.signer, who puts 'Monsieur' before -his name, Is Reno-vating, seeking decree from Frances Stone Palais Of Boston. Nealy Vanderbllt Jr., disclaims ' nny connection *wlth diide ranch that broke Into spot light In Andre trial. ' Says, he 'was., publicity man oply. Jokereno, new- gambling place with swAnky setting, opened with bang.. - Mayor Roberts takes flrst card. It's a keno place with em- bellishments. Dudley FleM Malone here for day to file action to recover $260,000 worth orhonds for Mrs. Noire de Forest - from . Alfred J. Ford, New. Totk capitalist Jack 'ISempsey and manager, Leonard Sacks, back fi>om barn- storming trip to spend Christmas here. .DemiMi^y plannln!; trip- to L. A. to see Cstelle taylor.