Variety (Jan 1932)

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4a VARIETY Taeaday, January 12, 1932 NEXT WEEK (JAN. 16) THIS WEEK (JAN. 9) Numerals In eenneetlon with bill* below Ind.cata opening day •how, whether full or split week MEW YOBK CITS FaUoe 16) BoDb7'May Geo Olsen Orch Mllla Bros Al Sesal Lillian Shade (Three to till) (9) I>ee 2- Carlton Emmy Bloak & Sully BUI RoblnsoDi Royal Jst halt (16-19) Marie' Noatrum J & K Spanicler Frank Ilellno Co Nell Golden Oroh (One to fill) 2d halt (20-22) Nelaon Broa Kay Hamilton Greene & Forte ' TAKIN' THE SIN froni SYNCOPATION JACK POWELL Steered - Bacecmtnlly By LEDDY & SMITH Barto & Han'n Helen Gahasan I<eeter Allen Harry Green Buolc & Bubbles Colleano Fain . Cheater lat halt (l«-lt) Chevalier Bros Bellett Co Faber tc Lord Loff Cabin 4 Vic Oliver 4 Ortpns 2d halt (20-22) Hilton & Farron Benny Heroll .Bd (Others to nil) Id halt (13-11) 4 Sullya Frank Melino Powers ft Wallace Nell Kelly ■ Sylvia St Clements Un. HoWlllIams A' CoUseom iBt.halt (1«-1») Jack Gwynne Co Jordan '& 'Woods Blanche Calloway (One to All) 2d halt (20-22) B<)lle Baker (Three to fill) 2d halt (13-15) TyroU Co Stone & Lee BIchy Craig Jr Gerrardo & Nadlne Bill Teelack Co 2d half (13-lS) Mildred Maurice Co Greaham & Blake Fred Pisano Lob Cabin < HIckey Bros BBOOKLTN Albe« (16) Geo Tapps Co John Steele Harlemania Stewart tt Lash (One to fill) Denny White Co Hunter & Perclval Ann Qreenway : 4 Marx Bros Eloahlac 1st halt (16-19) Rita Royce Frances White RUhy Crale Jr Frank Richardson (One to fill) 2d halt (20-22) Jordan & Woods (Others to All) (9) George Tapps Co Bobby May John Steele Harlemania Stewart & Lash Kenmore 1st halt (16-19) Rnby Morton Rhapsody In Silk BIrnes & Kaye Karyle Norman Harry Burns BOHTON Keith's (le) Russian CIr Frainkle Plim Hugh Skelly J Randall Co Puck &• White (9) James Bvohs Paul Mall B &■ J Brown . Ben MeroK Bd BUFFALO Hippodrome (IS) Stanley Bros & A Mills & Robinson Ueldt Bd (9) KItayam'aa Furman Sh'k'y & L Harry Savoy Nayon Pearce & V Watson Sis CEDAR RAPIDS Keith's. 1st halt (16-19) Gilbert Bros Shermay & 'Vaye Bob Fisher Bemlvlcl Co 2d halt (20-22) Bobby & King Fulton & Parker G & M Bllne Gaston Palmer Blllle Oerber Co , - .<»> Joe Peanuts' Frank Salerno Talent & Merit Fulton & Parker O & M Bllne Gerber Co 2d halt (20-22) •Trover & Gray Ashley Page Dalton & Craig Rose's Midgets : 2d halt (13-16) Gilbert Bros : ' ' Shermay & Vaye Bob Fisher Bcrnlvlcl Co DETROIT Hollywood let halt (16-19) Donovan Girls & B Lytell & Font 2d halt (20-22) (To All), 2d halt (13-lS) Bob Dupont Bell Waters & S Keith's (16) Bernlce & Bmlly • Fred Sanborne^ Irene Rich Co Bddle Stanley Peplto ' (9) Llazeed Arabs • Gsraldlne & Joe Daphne Pollard Sid Marlon Lew Pollock Co FORT WATME Keith's 1st halt (16-19) PIplfax Bddle White Lander Bi'os Bnrlco X'dore & (One to All) NEWARK Keith's (M> 'Hot from Harlem* <»> 6 BIglns Frankie Finn Mills Kirk & If Nan Halperin Dovlto & Denny MEW ORLEANS Keith's (16) Ann Pritchard Art Henry C & Presaler Toto (9) ChrlBtensena Ray Hughes & P Bernard & Henrle Joe Laurie Co C ft J Frelsser Toto SAM FBAMCIBOO OsIdMi Gate (16) I Robinson & DeWltt | AdS: Brown Ferry Corwey Pop Cameroa (9) 3 Allison Sis Dick Henderson . Kramer ft Boyle RImac's Orch SCHENECTADY Keith's (16) Thurston 2d halt (13-16) 6 Shots Reynolds ft White Gloria Foy Pktnre Theatres AND PALS ^ A DOOOY IDEA. "Lot That Airedale Out" OAKLAND Keith's (16) 3 Allison Sis Dick Henderson Kramer ft Boyle RImac's Orch (9) Wallace Sis Dob Nelson Owen McOlvney Anger ft Fair SEATTLE Keith'* tl6) Tokl Japs 6 Honey Boys Wllhi ft Davis Marcella's Dancers (9) Vardell. Bros Torke ft Goldle B .Wells ft 4 Fays Bmll Boreo • JAGKSIDNEY iFeatared la X. A H. "Haahattan Idea"! I NEW YORK cat nuDooat (8) 'Variations' BIng Crosby Ruth St Denta Co MIchon Bros FYances Faye 'Reckless Age' Bo»T (8) Fred Waring Orch Stuart Churohlll Evelyn Nair Fritz Leiber Nick Lucas I Patricia Bowman 'Stepping Sis' BROOKLYN Paramooat (8)t Boswell Sis Rio Bros Rubs Columbo ' Adler ft Brsdtord 'Reckless -Age' ' CHICAGO) Chicago (16) I F Masters Bd Bddle Cantor George Jessel I Janet Reade Loop End (9) j Burke ft Bell Clark ft Smith Wylle ft Young B S Hall ft Go- Dress Rehearsal • BUFFALO Boffalo (0) 'Black ft White' Geo D Washington ■Mata Harl' DETROIT Itoher (•> Alice Joyce Tom Moore Rtti Bros May Usher Murand ft Qlrton 'False Madonna' Hlehlgan (9) Jans ft Whalen Brooke Johns Co. 'Forbidden' • MILWADKEE Hajestle (8) Frailer Bros • Meyers & Nolan Barbler Sims Co Seror Bros ft Sis DSBell ft Rut. (One to All) PHILADELPHIA Fojr'a (9) Rodrlgo ft Llla Royal Balalaika Or 'Women Go on For' Graad (9) MInnevltch Co 'West of Broadway' PROVIDENCB Fay's (6) Ben Blue Peggy O'Nell Windsor 3 Mary Lynn. Lahr, Frank ft M La Toure 3 Kaye Smith Chauocey Winston Edna :Russell 'Law of • the • Sea' Hay Joyce Co Jules Howard Co Flelda-Smlth ft F*i Chaney ft Fox Co PITTSBURGH Peas (16) Carlton & Ballew Ayera-Rene Co Kerns Sis Don Howard ROCHESTER Loew'a (16) Ross ft Edwards Rodlon Dancers SanamI ft MIchI KItaros ' ' SYRACUSE State (16) " Great Nicola MEW YORK Audnboa (IS) 'Hacienda' Sue Russell HInky ft Dinky Doyle ft Doiinolly ' Gems Adrlana Gordonlans ' BROOKLYN ' Fox (IS) Hot Java' N IKE ROSE'S MIDGETS BOOKED SOLID FOR RKO Dir., WH. DIAMOND JAMES PLUNKETT OFFICE OFFICIAIj DliNTIST.TO THE'N. Vi DR. JULIAN SIEGEL 1560 Broadway nia Woekt Jack Grosbj, Tlolet Baraey Gaorgle Stone. 86th St. 1st half (16-19) Nan Halperin Street Singer . (Three to All) 2d halt (20-22) Audrey Wyokott (Others to All) 2d halt (13-16) S Bracellos Sybllla Bowhan Lyons ft Snyder Ons Shy Co Gloom Chasers Porcelain Romanoe Fordham 1st halt (16-lt) Russian Revels Neal Sis Rath Bros Johnny Perkins 2d half (20-22) Rita Roycs Ann Greenway Sis of the Skillet (One to All) 2d halt (13-16) ' Chevalier Bros Chester Fredericks Street Singer Bob Hope Co FraakUa 1st half (16-19) GIfford, & Pearl Joe Termini In Wrong Richard B Keane Barl Sande (Two to All) 2d half (20-22) Daro ft Costa Co Street Singer (Two to All) (9) 4 Ortons Moss ft Frye Bin Telaak Dance Aristocrats Haaisoa 1st halt (16-19) Daro ft Costa Co M Montgomery 'Bill Telaak Kate Smith 2d halt (20-22) 4 Ortons Lamb Ballett Co Moes ft Frye Kate Smith (9) Kenny & Casey Hector ft Pals W ft O Ahern A ft M Havel 3 Aces AKRON Polaca let halt (16-19) Betty J Cooper Morton ft Parka Harry HerahAeld Foodies Hannaford 2d half (20-22) Wan Wan San Neville Fleeson Seller ft Wills Webb & Lane CHICAGO Palace (16) Nelson Fam Carl Freed Co Dorothy Stone Pat Rooney ft F Jr Harry Rose (6) Harrla 2 ft Loretto sum Tlmblln Co Lillian Roth Jerome ft Grey Olivette Co Kedsle 2d half (14-16) • Cheng Lee Olo Sweet ft Proctor Spanish Fantasy Geo Broadhiyat Mary Palmer Co CINCINNATI Albee (16) Maldle ft Ray Benny Ross Paul Whlteman (Two to All) (9) Nelaon Fam Carl Freed Co Dorothy Stone Pat Rooney ft Jr Harry Rose CLEVELAND PaUwe (16) Harris 2 ft Loretto Slim Tlmblln Lillian Roth Jerome ft Grey OUvette Co - . <» Bernlce ft Emily GRAND RAPIDS Keith's (16) Bal Accordion 6 Oracle Barrle Wllbert Co Geraldlne ft Joe W West ft McGlnty INDIANAPOLIS Keith's (16) A ft G Falls Carlena Diamond Bdler ft Reed Broe Olsen & Johnson (9) Billy Stenard McGarry ft D'n Sis Lytell ft Fant Irene Rich. Co Archer ft Jackson R Wllbert Co KANSAS CITY Keith's (16) Swan Lucille & C Laaaltor Broa Harrington Sis Herman Tlmberg • . (9) Aussie ft Czech Flo Lewis Bddle Garr Edward's Co . LINCOLN Lyrie (16) Madeline Patrice (Others to All)- (9) Sandy Oerson Co Jean Bedlnl Co LOS ANGELES HUlstnet (16) Wallace Sis Bob Nelson Owen McGlvney OMAHA Keith's (16) Klutlng's Eat't'ra Forum Boys Dodge 2 Sammy Cqhea (9^ Swan Lucille ft C Lasslter Bros Harrington 31s Herman Timbers PATEBSON Keith's 1st holt (16-19) Benny Meroft Bd 2d halt (20-22) Downey ft Clarldge 6 Hot Shots Frank Melino Co . •Bdwards Co Collins ft Peterson 2d halt (13-16) Jeanne LIntoh Rev Hilton & Garon Shade ft Slegal SIOUX CITY Keith's 1st half (16-19) Traver ft Gray Ashley Page Dalton <& Cr'alg Rose's Midgets SOUTH BEND Keith's Ist halt (16-19) May Usher Norman Thomas 6 Archer ft Jackson Harrlman Reeves 4 SPRINGF'LD, ILL. . Keith's 1st halt (16-19) Frances Kennedy Blackstone ST. LOUIS Keith's (16) Van Horn, ft I Hal Sherman Roe Samuels Dave ApoUon Loew MEW YORK CITY Boulevard 1st holt (16-19) Clinton ft Rooney Johnny Hymon Gordon ft Lane Vanessl Co (One to All) Gould CO' Roy ft Romero Rev MetropoUtaa (16) Jones Co' • Ford ft Whitey Russell Orch (Two to All) , HARRY SAVOY FANCY FOOUN' Dir.) LEDDY A SMITH R0BIN80M«(DeWITT •Well ittg«4 art. better Ikaa Mne ts-nlM bnMlnan."—Tawaa '^Imet." Week of Dee. 31, Portland, Ore. Robt B Keane Maurice CoUeaao Roger Boll pShladelpaia Kelth'a (16) Marlon Sunshine Harry J Conley Paul Mall Porcelain Romaaoe (9) N Amant Co (8) Maldle ft Ray Benny Boss Paul Whltemaa ST. PAUL Keith's (16) 4 Stars ' Charlea' Melaoa Murdook Co Lee Lee L ft !■ (9) AL BOASBERG New York Bill McCaffeiy 226 W. 47tti et LA. 4-976e Lit AaniM Biwi-OrMltl 8464 'assist BM. Cmtvie* 9714 CHRI8TENSEM BROS. Old CO. Tenrlsa RKO CInult Dlfwtiea—Reew Wuffel Awty EXCLUSIVELY DESIGNED GARMENTS FOR GENTLEMEN BEN ROCKE Belle Baker 2d halt (20-22) I.arry Rich Unit 2d halt (13-16) Monroe Adams Sis Kreems Rio ft K Chas Wilson Fine Feathers J C Fllppen Kate Smith Hippodrome (16) Great Johnson Stawe Leonard ft K Dave Harrla Co Florrle LaVere Frank Hunter ft P Alexander ft Santos Stupnagle ft B Les Danwills (9) Ebony Follies Dlzon ft Pol Dainty Marie Hill ft Hoffman Russian Revels Harry Langdon Bonhaire Tr Morg'rlts & Farnell JelTeraoD 1st half (16-19) Larry Rich Unit 2d half (20-22) Fine Feathers Crowell ft Allen Powers ft Wallace Bmbassy Rov Welst ft Stanton (»> Eddie Hanley Co (One to nil) • . 2d half (13-15) W'n H'rim'n ft R 4 Mills ft Robinson Bernlce Claire W West ft McQInty ALBANY Palace Ist half (16-19) Whitealdo A ft B Alt Latell Helen Kane Collins ft Peterson ' 2d halt (20-22) Cass Mack ft Owen Nell Golden Oroh (Two to All) (9) Thurston ATLANTA Keith's (16) Chrlstensens Roy Hughes ft P Bernord ft Henrle Joe Laurie Co (9) Monroe Bros Jerome Mann Hlbbltt ft Hartman Anntolo's Affairs BIRMINGHAM Keith's (16) Monroe Bros Jerome Mann Hlbbltt ft Hortmon Aiiatole's Affairs (9) Fred Sanborne Helen Kane Bddle Stanley Peplto lOtth St. (16) C!happelle ft Carlt'n' Krugle'ft Robles Prank LIbuse Ruiz ft Bonlta (9) ^ 3 OrantoB Morton ft Parks Don Zelaya Living Jewels COLUMBUS Keith's (16) 3 Ororitos Irvin O'Dunn Don Zelaya Living Jewels (9) V Rathbum Co . Bdlth Bow Dr Rockwell DALLAS Keith's (16) Don Valeric Will Aubrey Seed ft Austin Oraeella ft Tb'dore (9) Borl Jock ft Betty Fields ft Bell Roxy's Co Lewis ft Ames • DAVENPORT Keith's Ist half (16-19) Joe Peanuts. Frank Salerno Talent ft Merit Seller ft Wills Webb ft Lane 2d halt (20-22) Gilbert Bros Shermay ft Vaye Bob Fisher Bernlvlcl Co 2d half (13-16) . Forbes BrCs Frances Kennedy 'Blackstone DAYTON . Keith's (16) V Rathbum Co < Bdlth Bow Dr Rockwell (0) Mangcon Co Fred Keating Adelaide Hall Howard Fine ft H DES MOINKS Kelth'a let holt. (16-19) Bobby ft King . Coslon Palmer Anger ft Fair (9) LIta Wales Harry Delmar LOUISVILLE Kelth'a (16) Togo ft'C Blossom Annie Judy & Zeko Karren Co Lee Morse 3 Swifts (9) A ft G Falls Carlena Diamond Bdler ft Reed Bros Olaon ft. Johnson MADISON Relth's 1st halt (16-19) Trade 2 Arnaut Bros Joe Herbert Co 2d half (20-24) PIplfax Fred Craig Jr Summers • Hunt Bnrlco rdore ft N 2d halt (13-16) Karoll Bros George McLellan Bdgar Bergen Co Peter HIgglna Sidney Pogo Co MILWAUKEE Keith's (16) Bob Stickney 'Cole Bros Maker ft Redford Singer's Midgets (9) F'rt'n'llo ft CrIIIIno Hope Vornon • Lander Bros Marty May Frledland's Co MINNEAPOLIS Keith's (16) F'rt'n'llo ft CIrlllIno Hope Vernon Marty May Frledland's Co (9) 4 Stars Charles Melson Teck Murdock Co Lee Lee L & L NASHVILLE Keith's (16) Paul Ramos Swanee ft Daly Meyers Lubow ft (9) T^o Prince Bdlth Karren Co Annie Judy & Zcke 3 Swifts Lewis ft Moot* Britt Wood Harrlaon ft Blmo PORTLAND Keith's (16) Chaa Carrer Foy Poy ft F Irene Vermlllloa Jack MoLallea (9) 3 Lordens Anita Case Brems Fltz ft M Co Ledova ROCHESTER Keith's (16) 6 Avalons Dove Mallen DeW'lf M'tc't ft T Hal Nelman Deno ft Rochella Ray Hullng Bddle NelaoB Royal Uyenos SYRACUSE Keith's (16) W ft O Aheam Healy ft Cross A ft U Havel Bboay Follies . (9) 6 .AValons Dave Mallen DeW'lt M'tc't ft Hal Nelman Donatella Broa Co Barry ft Whltledge TACOMA Keith's (16) Vardell Broa 2nd half (20-22) Rogan ft Trigger Olldea Co Mllo . . Bryant<^Ralns ft Y Capitol (8) 'Frolics of 1932*. Jimmy Save Joyce Coles Nlcholaa Daks •Gorlos Peterson PaSQuall Bros Hale Girls 'Mata Harl' Orpbeom let halt' ^(16-19) Roger Williams Bacon Co Olsen ft B'gham Co (Two to All) 2nd half (20-22) Hector Co Gallagher ft Shean Mies Patrlcola 4 Carlton Bros King Co Paradise (IS) J ft K Lee Pasquall Bros Daks-Cole ft P'a Slate (IS) TacopI Tr Sully, ft Thomaa Jean Harlow N T Granliind (Two to All) BROOKLYN Bay Ridge 1st halt (16-19) Maximo Sepia Neph Christy Co Wms ft Rogers . Rt (One to All) PltklB 1st half (16-19) Cannon ft Lee Holt ft Turl Gordon' Co 4 Carlton Bros Je'ne ft Lynton Rv 2nd halt (20-22) Vanderbllt Boys Bergman Co Gordon ft Lane N Arnaut ft Bros (One to All) Valeaela (18) Bert Frohmon Oalenos . Dugan ft Hadley Maureen Rio ASTORIA, L. I. Triboro 1st halt (16-19) Osaka Boys Petit tt, Douglaa Gallagher ft Shean Mary Haynes Co Btyant-Ralns ft T' 2nd half (20-22) Stetson Welch ft Hllle Vanessl Co (Two to All) BALTIMORE CealniT (IS) H'lywood Colleg'ns Ida ShIMey BOSTON Orpheum (16) Vox ft Waltere Joe Browning Friscoe Co (Two to All) CLEVELAND Stale (16). Billy House CARNEY * JEAN ZIPP1N ALONG For LEDDY • SMITH BLACKSTONE Booked Solid far RKO Dir.! W. DIasiead. iasw PIsslMtt OWee Torke ft Goldle B Wells ft 4 Fays Bmll Boreo (9) Chaa Carrer Foy Foy ft F Irene Vermlllloa Jack MoLallen TOLEDO • BlvoU (16) Mangean Co Fred Keating Milton Douglas Co Adelaide Hall Howard Fine ft H (9) Bob Stickeney Cole Bros Maker ft Redford Singer's Midgets TORONTO Hippodrome (16) KItayamas Furman Sh'k'y ft L Harry Savoy Donatella Bros Co Barry ft Whltledge (9) 6 Lelands IrvIn O'Dunn Chappelle ft Carlt'n Krugle & Robl^ Frank LIbuae Ruiz ft .Bonlta ROCKFORD, ILL Keith's 1st halt (16-U) Karoll Bros George Mcl,ellan Edgar Bergen Co Peter Higglns Sidney Page Co . SACRAMENTO PUza (16) • 3 Lordens Anita Case Brema Fltz ft M Co Ledova (9) Robinson ft .DeWltt 2nd halt (20-22) Ruble Sle Johnny Hymaa^ Rome ft Gaut V Bacon Co (One to All) 46th St. let half (16-19) Stoutenberg Co Hector Co Rome ft Oaut Karavaeir Co' (One to All) 2nd halt (20-22) Osaka Boys Melson ft Claxtoa Gordon Co Joe Termini The Sheriff Catea Ave. 1st halt (16-19) Vanderbllt Boys Hall ft Essley Olyn Landick Lewis ft Moore Co (One to All) 2nd half (20-22) Cannon ft Lee Roger Williams. Stoutenberg Co 2 Jacks- Lea Penman Terry Green Tho Coppe Conrad Nagel Joan Marsh COLUMBUS Ohk> (16) Ted Claire Jerry Co Burns ft Klssen Phelps 2 J ft M Mason Alice Whlt« JERSEY CITY Loew's (16) W ft J Mandel Flo Mayo Lucky T 3 Mills ft Kover MONTREAL Loew's (16) B ft J Rooney - Kaye ft Sayre Wilson Co Karl Dane Co Kitchen Pirates NEWARK State (16) Falls-Reading ft JEROME "MXNN- Compltllsg RKO istsrt Rtute Wwk la*. 16. K.-A; eegrgia, AAaets, 60. Opes Bill Howir4 Time F<fe. m, RKO 8t. Lssli Thwtre, St Loull, Mo. Ada Brown Ferry Corwey Pop Comeron SALT LAKE CITY Flasa (16) Lido Lodles' Coscia ft Verdi Kitty Doner Billy Glason (9) Klutlng's Ent'l'rs Forum Boys Dodge 2 Sammy Cohen SAN ANTONIO Keith's (16) Borl Jock ft Betty Fields ft Bell . Roxy's Gong Lewis ft Ames (9) Ann Pritchard ■ Art Henry Nayon Pearoe ft V Watson Sla (9) Deteregoes Lubin Lowry ft A Use Morvenga York ft King Zelda Bros TROY Keith's 1st halt (16-19) 6 Shots Reynolds ft While Marg'rite ft Farnell Gloria Foy Co 2d halt Alt Latell Franhlo Richardson Whiteside A ft B (One to All) 2d halt (1.1-16) L«S Danwills Mnrdo ft Bennett James Hall Dove Harris Co VANCOUVER Keith's (16) AtloB LoMarr ft B Weaver Bros ft E (9) Tokl Japs Honey Boys Wills ft Davis Marcella's Dancers WASHINGTON Keith's (16) Cose Bros ft Marie Joe Marks Charles King Diamond' Co . Koran (9) Gloria Lee Co N'eal Sis Clyde Cook Belle Bennett Co Johnny Perkins WIMMFEO Capitol (16) Deno'ft RochoUe Ray Hullng . •Bddle Nelson Royal Uyenos (9) Van Cello ft Mary Billy Forrell Co Torke & Johnsoa Chos Ahesrn • YONKERS Keith's 1st halt (16-19) Nelson Bros Miss Juliet Fine Fealliers Frank Convllle Edwards Co 2d halt (20-22) Alendorf Log Cabin 4 J ft K Spongier (Two to All) 2d half (13-16) Lorry Rich Co YOUNGBTOWN Keith's 1st holt (16-19) Wan Wan Son Neville Fleeeon Co Bddle Hanley Co' (TWO to nil) 2d halt (30-32) Betty Cooper' Morton ft Parka • Horry Ilershfleld Poodles Hannnford 2d half (U-IS) Hciat Bd WASHINGTON I<oew's (16) Gordon-Reed ft K'a Fred Llghtner Co Jos' Blank Co YONKERS Loew's 1st half (16-16) Steuon ' Jerome ft Marsh Gould Co Corpentler Co 2nd holt (20-22) Maximo D'nie's. Sepia Neph Harlan Christy Co Mory Hoyneo Co Wms ft Rogers Rv Fanchon & Marco Josephine GotholotB Olga ft Lester Herculean 3 LoMarr Bros Mavia ft Ted Marian ft Kothryne DETROIT Fox (18) 'Greetings' Del Chain LambertI RHAPSODY IN SILK . ROUTED FOR FANCHOM ft MARCO Placed by LEDDY A SMITH Collgory Bros Armonda Chlrot. Noree . ' Samuels Bros Vincent Yerro SunklBt Ens ATLANTA Fox (10) 'Tomorrow's' Stars' Bernle ft Walker Mary Miles Wanda Allen Zelmo Fern' Dale Buddy ft Gretel Chlyo Kodomatsu Helen Ireland Dorothy Welch Theol Nelson Rudy Kaye BILLINGS Fox (19) A Lake ft Hol'ood Relations' A Petley ft Co I^ash ft Fately LIbonatI Trio Goutler ft Co BOS'TON MetropoUtaa (16) 'Store of Y't'y' ■ Byo Tanguay Corlnne Brown ft Jordan Word .ft Kelly Rice ft Caddy Cho Cho Freddie Word J ft H Grlfllth Buster ft Brown Dorothy Thieme Collenette Ens FORT WORTH Worth (17-19) < 'R'paody In R'thm'. Betty Froeer Anthony ft Rogers Johnny Bryant Crawford ft Coskey Siinklst Bns HARTFORD Capitol (15) ■Modern MlnstreleT Tyler Mason Bruce Jordan 3 Page Boys Harry Yon Fossen Mark Nelson Bather Campbell Sunklat Bns HOLLYWOOD Pontages (14-20) ' 'ReAectlone' Marietta . . Claudle Coleman G'man, Hess, Valle Don Noece Sunklst Bns INDIANAPOLIS Indlaaa (10) 'Montmartre* Joe Jackson. . Doloros, D'las ft B' Julian ft Marjorle Dave Rebel James DeLucca . "THE II«TEBNATI0NAL JESTERS'^ CLIFFORD and MARION Wtek Jos. 16. Anbanader. Bt Losli Harrlaon Co • Alexander ft Bvo'yn . BRIDGEPORT Fox Poll (10) About Town' T ft A Waldman Mox Co Ben Dova Paul Olseo Joe Pasco Sunklat Ens BUFFALO Boffalo (10) Gay Vienna' Duel de Karekjarto Gaudsmlth Bros Rena ft Rathbum Woodlond ft Smoot Torney Bns BUTTE Fox (14-17) 'A Loke ft Hol'ood Relations' A Petley ft Co Nosh ft Fately LIbonotI Trio Ooutler ft Co CHICAGO - Oriental (10) 'Fine Feathers' Novelle Bros Bdna Covey Ross Wyse Bmllle ft Romalne Sunklst Ens Chicago (16) 'Pine Feathers' DeVolery Bns JERSEY CITY Staoley (10) 'Dream House' O'Donnell-BlaIr Ca Masters ft OauthteT Peg Leg Batea Louise Glenn Sunklst Bns LOS ANGELES Loew's State (13-20) 'Mimics- Betty CompBon Anna Chang Danny Beck Steve Savage Jullen Hall Gloria Pleasant MILWAUKEE Wls«onsb> (16) 'Aloha' Ryan ft Noblette Briants Gordon's Dogs 4 Kadex Qaylene ft DyR'ne MINNEAPOLIS Minnesota (10) 'Carnival' Raynor Lehr Teddy The Bear Andresona Cropley ft Violet Torney Ens TOI LETRIES Are AvalUble at VANITEB MAKE-CV SHOP. 160 West 46tb St., Mew York . Try My 4)nlBce Lotion, f 1.00 Novelle Bros . Edna Covey Bmlle ft Romalne Arthut- LaFleur Sunklst Ens Paradise (10) ■Tintypes' Bddle Lambert Aaron Sis Harry Moore Oscar Taylor Marie Remington Sunklst Bns TlvoU (16) 'Parasols' I Sheldon ft Frayne Capt Mauss MIgnone Doyce Combe Ray Angwln Sunklet Ens Uptown (IS) 'Stage Door' Bob Hall Webster ft Marino Constance^ Evans . Harney ft. Connors Vina Zolle Sunklst Ens DALLAS Palace (10) 'Art Gnllery' FelovlB Bddle Cole Dob, Andy ft T' . MOBILE Saenger 1st half (17-19) '3 Big Figures' 6 Janaleys Foley ft LaTure Harold Stanton Lou Barrlaon Muriel Gardner SunklBt Bns NEWARK Branford (16) 'CIrous Days' Beo Starr Nelson's Co St Loon Co Hooper & Gatchett Sayton Co MEW HAVEM Pahue (16) ■All. at Sea' Ben 3ard Lester ft Garson June Worth Gregory ft Boymon Mott Brooks Sunklat Bns NEW ORLEANS State (14) 'Sketches' Allan ft CsndpUl Fronklyn D'Amor* LImberlegs EOWds Duke Art Mildred Forlce (Continued on page 62)