Variety (Feb 1932)

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Toeflday, Febraary 2, 1932 VARIETY 95 Variety Bills NEXT WEEK (FEB. 6) THIS WEEK (JAN. 30) Numtrala In eonneetlon with bill* ImIow ind.cate opaning day of •hew. whether full or aptlt wMk ITEW YORK CITT Palace (3d week) Poi^claln Romance Bobby May Fin Doraay Ulllan Shade Co <teorffe Olsen Orcta Beatrice Ullle Slllton Berle Ullla BroB ' Chester let halt («-» XeaofC & Kenova Danclnir Divorcees Rusa Brown Co Billy Maples Co 2d half O-C) Maxlno Bobby Irving & Uiird Ralph Olsen Co Carl NiKon Co Carol & Stuart Petit' & Douglas Rythmaiila Royal 1st half (e-S) JACK POWELL OUTSHINING Othen la Bis Un* Daa to Pablle Preference Btlll Can of LEDDY & SMITH Began & Trigger B & ID Newell I aieradort Co Rubs Brown Co Bob Rlpa 2d halt (lOrll) J & J. Waltoa Small Co Olive Olsen Jarvis & Harrison Al Norman • Frnn'Ellns ' 2d halt (S-6) Jane Allyn Co Mung Long S Jack Major Chester. Fredericks Ijander Bros Royal Moorish Co Colisenm let halt («-») Taxi Talks (Three .to fill) 2d halt (10-1>) Chaney .A Fox Pat Rooncy tc Jt <Three to All) (30) Vangean Co Rose Perfect J & K Spangler Eddie Hanley J C' Fllppen Mr Wu Setta St. 1st half «-» Olive Olsen Manhatlnettos Joe Whitehead Carl Nixon .Co Rome tt Qaut 12 Racketeers 2d halt (10-11) De Luxe 6 Qreoiilee & Rogers Jimmy Lyons RenofI St Renova. Joe Phillips Co 2d half (3-6) Walters Roon'y & K Lewis Mach Co Hunter & Perclval Tracey & Hay Smith & Indians IIROOKI,TM Albee (6) Daphne Pollard (Others to fill) (30) Whiteside A A B Lyons & Snyder Hugh Skelly Chas Foy Co V Lopez Co Plashing 1st halt (6-9) Robert B Koane Qolden Blondes Belle Baker (Two to fill) ■ ' 2d half (10-12) Vaughti De Leath Eddie Hanley Bomlce & Emily LAFF LANDER HARRY SAVOY Care of LEDDY A SMITH WelBt & Stanton Dave Harris (Three to All) 2d half (10-12) . Golden Blondes Belle Baker (Others to fill) (30) lAtry Rich Co Ford ham lat halt («-«) Vaughn De Leath Eddie Hanley Chaney tt Fox (Two to nil) _ 2d half (10-lt) Dave Harris 3 Diamond Boys (Thres to All) (30) nllbert Bros Danny Small Robert B Keane Vanessl Belle Baker Ftankllir 1st halt («-•) t Lamours Happy Chappies Parker Weinberg . Joe Termini In Wrong Harry Savoy Co 2d halt. (10-12) Sadler & Bemlce D Bums Co Archer & Jackson (Two to All) (30) James Evans- Co Chamberlain & H Harry Kahne Sid Marlon Ous Edwards' Oo. Ken mere let halt (8-«) S Blglns Terrell A Fawcett Hilda ailder J C Fllppen Carol & Stuart Campus Frolics 2d halt (10-12) e Olrls ' Madeline Patrice OlBen & Johnson (Three to All) 2d halt (3-t) Cadet 6 » Dertllino Joe Phillips Bernlee Claire Al K Hall Lew l/ockett Cs Madison . lat halt (6-») « Olrls Madeline Patrice Olsen & Johnson . 2d halt (10-12) White & Manning Senator Murphy Blanche Calloway 2d half (3-6) TOILETRIES Are Avallahle at VANITBB MAKE-IT BBOP. leo West Mth St.. New York "T Bfy Foundation Cream, 7110 • Bert Mathews Paul TIaen Co (One to All) , „ (3-6) 8 French Misses Bddle Allen Co Him Moore Co D & B Barstow Prank Convllle Nell Golden Co Hippodrome (6) Jt John Bros , upham SIdare Co' Jones & Wilson ifBolle Pola Bill Teelaok Co Cardint Nell Golden Co Collins & Peterson Mary Palmer Bnnjy Durson £red PIsano Peplto , goo GIvot «cno(r & Renova 3 Diamonds KniKht Co , Jeffenoa'. Haas Bros Handy Durson Hurchlne ft Smith Archie Glenn . .r*' * Andres _ 2d half (10-12) Travera ft Gray 12 Racketeers ^«d Ardath Ce B & J Rooney Bayes ft Speck LIta O Chaplin RoBotte ft Iiuttman AKRON Palace . iBt halt (C-8) .Nelson Co Ellne Sis Dorothy Stone SantoB & Bxle 2d halt (10-13) Grey Co Le Paul Rae ft Harrison Helen Kane 2d. half (3-1) Lee Gall Co Webb ft Lane Lillian Roth Chas. 'Rllm' Timblln ALBANY Pnloce let halt (6-9) Danny White Co Frank Convllle James Hall Joe BeBAcr Co 2d half (10-12) LolB Torres Co Fin Dorsay (Two to fill) 2d holt (3-C) Holdt Co . ' ATLANTA Keith's («) Don 'Valerie Will Aubrey Seed * Austin Gracella ft Tb'dore (30) Earl Jack ft Betty Fields ft Bell Roxy'B C;o l^wlH ft Ames BIRMINOHAH Keith's (6) Earl Jack ft. Betty Fields ft Bell Roxy^s Co . Lewis ft Ames (30) Ann Pritchard Art Henry C ft J Frelsser Joto . BOSTON Keith's (6) McDonald 3 Mills & Robinson Horace Heldt Co (30) 4 Sullys Roy Smeck Harry Savoy Pollock Co Watson Sis UUFFAIO Hippodrome (6) 3 Aces ft Queen Sybllla Bowhan Oscar Lorraine Olivette Co Chas.'Slim' TImblla (30) Poodles' Hanneford Grade Barry J Norworth Co Eddie Stanley Thomas 6 CEDAR RAPIDS Keith's 1st half (e-t) Pipltax Gloason ft Allen Eddie White Enrico T'dore ft N Summers ft Hunt 2d halt. (10-12) Peter Hlgglns Sidney Pago Co DAinroN' - Keith's (6) < Avalons Hal Nelman Donatella Bros ft C Barry ft Whltlege (30) Cnapelle ft Carlton Krugel & Robles Frank LIbuse Ruiz ft Bonlta DBS MOINES Kieith's 1st half (C-9) Billy Stennard Masters ft Grace Irene-Rich, CA Milt Douglas Co 6 Sakuras 2d half (10-13T Florlo ft Lubow . Lytell ft Fant . Donovan Olrls' ft B Nelaon ft Knight West ft McGlnty ' (30) Plplfax Gleason ft Allen Eddie White Enrico T'dore ft N Summers ft Hunt DETROIT Downlotni: (6) ' Maldle ft Ray Benny Ross Paul Whileman (Two to fill) (30) Nelson Co Carl Freed' Dorothy Stone Pat Rooney ft Jr Harry Ross FORT TVATME Keith's iBt half (C-S) Swanee ft Daly Roy Cummmgs Dr Jtockwea Bleetrio 1 MINMEAPOLB 'Vernon Rathboia Edit Bow Doc RochweH Blectrle « Mangean Co Fred Keating Adelaide Hall Howard Fine ft H MASimLIX . Keith's (6) Costa ft Rich Bernard ft Haair Rose's Co (80) Zelda. Bros Bob Fisher Bemlvlcl Ce BOB CARNET and JBAN JUST JESTERS Can of IXDDT * SMITH Billy Stennard Masters ft Grace Irene Rich Co Milt Douglas Co 6 Sakuras 2d halt (3-6) The MoyakOs Bob Dupont Cole Bros Harrlman Reeves 4 Frank Co CBICAOO Pnlaee (6) Neal Sis Runaway 4 Gloria Foy Co Borah MInnevltch Johnny Perkins (30) Van Horn & Ihec Hal Sherman Rae Samuels Dave Apollon CINCINNATT Albee (0) Seller ft Wills Gaston Palmer Galll-Rlnl ft Sis Ken Murray Co Mary Brian (30) Neal Sis Runaway 4 Gloria Foy Co Borah Minnsvltoh Johnny Perkins Rita Royce Co GRAND RAPIDS Kc4th's 1st half («-9) Paul Remos Raymond Balrd Fulton & Parker Lubow ft Rice' Fred Sanborn Co INDIANAPOUB Keith's (6) Wilson Kepple ft B Frank Salerno Shermay ft Vaye Jean Bedlnl Co Chas King Zelda BrOB (30) 'Victoria ft Lorenz Oordoh ft Dean - Lubow ft Rice Swanee ft Daly Don Santo ft Exie Otto Qray Cowboys KANSAS CITT Keith's («) Uta Wales Harry. Delmar (Two to All) (30) Lido Co ' Cosels ft 'Verdi Kitty Doner Billy Glason ■AM ANTONIO Keith's (•) Swao Lucille ft C Lasaltar Bros HatTlDgton 61s Morris ft Campbell (10) Anasle ft Cseoh Flo laSWls Eddie Oarr Gns Edwards' <^ BAM FRANCISCO CMdea Gate (6) 'Vardell Bros Torke ft Goldle Bmll Boreo Wells ft 4 Fays (30) Chas Carrer Leon Jannoy JACK SIDNEY BBADLINED TmV. m U. "Maahattaa Idea-* Dir., OASaUX and DOVSON NEWARK Keith's (6) Ann Greenway ',- Hunter ft Perclval (Two to All) (30) Howard Thurston NEW ORLBANS Keith's (e) Aussie ft Csecb Flo Lewis Eddie Garr Edwards' Co Irene 'Vermillion Jack McLallen SCHBNECtADT Keith's 1st' halt («-9) Stuart ft Lash (Two to All) Id half (10-12> Frank Convllle Joe Besser James Hall 2d half (8-6) DeToregos BLACKSTONE Ob'. Booked SoUd ter BEG Wsk Olaaead, jsbm Pisalutt' 0«m How' HTKE^'^ORK AL BOASBERG Cars WILLIAM MiCAFFREY Adilrea: 22« Wnt 47tli Street Phose tscliiw»s«a 4-975g CLEVELAND^ Palace (6) 'Van Horn ft Ines Hal Sherman Rae Samuels Dave Apollon (30) Maldle ft Rar Benny Robs Paul Whlteman lOBth St. (6) Meroft Co (30) nbony Co Healy ft Cross ■W '(f 'G Ahem A ft M Havel COi.VMBDS Keith's (6) Bbony Co Healy ft Cross W ft G Ahearn A ft M Havel Cheveller Bros (30) . 8. Avalons . Hal Nelman Donatella Bros Co Barry ft Whltlege Morris Brennen Co DALIAB Keith's «) Klutlng's Co Forum Co Dodge 2 Sammy Cohen UNCOLN Staart («) Joe Herbert Co (30) Bal Accordion 6 Travers ft Gray . LOB ANGELES Hlllstreet (6) 3 Lordens' Anita Cass Brsms F ft M Bros Ledova Robinson ft DoWItt Ada Brown Ferry Corwey Pop Cameron IXXHSVIM.E Keith's (6) Les Kllcks Trade 2 Gus Van (Three to AU) (30> Wllsoi) Kepple ft B Frank Salerno Jean Bedlnl Co Ohas King Roy Cummlngs Paul Remos Co . BfADIBON . Keith's lat half (6-9) Wm H Groh Dress Rehcareal Ray Hughes: ft P IKE ROSE'S MIDGETS BOOKED SOLID FOR RKO nir., WM. DIAMOND JA.VES I'LPNKETT OFFICE (30) Swan Lucille ft O Lassitcr BroB Harrlnston Sl4 Morris ft Campbell DAVENPORT Keith's Ist halt (6-9) The Meyakos ' Bob Dupont Cole Bros H Reeves 4 Art Frank Co 2d halt (10-12) Plplfax Oleason ft Allen Eddie White Bnrico T'dore ft N Summers ft Hunt - I (30) Knroir Bros ■ Geo McClellan .Bdgar Bergen Co Harris 2 ft Leretta (One to All) 2d half (10-12) Crystal 3 Raymond Balrd Rita Royce Co (Two to, fill) (30) Stearn ft Dean Carlena Diamond. George McKay Co Frank Radcllff CO Flochic Co MILWAUKEE Keith's («) 3 Orantos Morion ft Parks Doh Zclsya Living Jewels (30) Luster Bros Vernon Rathbnra Edith Bow (80) Don Valerlo Will Aubrey Seed ft Axistla Gracella.ft Tb'dore OAKLAND Keith's «) Chas Carrer I.ieon Janney - Irene Vermlllloa J«ck McTjallen (30) 3 Ijoi*den8 . Anita Case Brems Fits A M Ledova OMAHA Keith's (•) Wallace 81s Bob Nelson Owen McOlmair Anger ft Fair (30) LIta Wales Harry Delmai'a Oe (Two to All) PATER80M Keith's 1st halt («-•)' Broadway Bound Nina Mae HcKlnn'y Dancing Divorcees Greenlee ft Rogers Jordan ft Woods. Clyde Cook BEATTLB Keith's («) Deao ft Rochelle Ray ft Huling Eddie Nelson Royal Uyenos (30) Tan Cello ft Mary Billy Farrell Co- Torke ft Johnson Chas Aheam SIUOX CITT Keith's lat halt (6-9) Nice li'lorlu ft I. Lytell ft Fant Donovan Girls & B' Nelson ft Knignt West ft HcOlnty SOUTH BEND Keith's 1st halt (6-9) Webb ft Lane Blaekstone SPOKANE Keith's (•) Prt'n'llo ft Cirlllino Hope Vernon Frtedland Co Marty May HECTOR" AMD PALS A DOGO¥ IDEA <a«t That Airedale Oof Chas Foy Oe Braxelloa 2d haK Happy Chapplsa Jos B Stanley Archer Glenn. (Two to All) 2d halt (l-S> Irene Glersdort Bobby Gillette- Bill Teelack Welst A StaalsB Singing Bam PHILADELPHIA Keith's (0) Hugh Skeliy Co Petit ft Douglas Penlto wnsoii Bros (30) Olsen ft Johnson (Three to All) PORTLAND Keith's (•) Athis LaHarr ft B Weaver Bros ft ■ Home Folks (30) Tokl Japs Hohsy Co Wills ft Davta Marcella's Co PROVIDENOB Keith's (6) Larry Rich Co (30) ■FBIKGFIELD Keith's 1st halt (6-9) Crystal I Bdgar Bergen Co Peter Hlgglns Sidney Page Co ST. LOCIS Keith's (S) Joe. Peanuts Kirk ft Martin Irene Franklin Allen ft Hoover Anatole's Aftalra Jerome Mann (29) BeHer ft Wills Gaston Palmer ' Gain Rini ft Sis Keii Mnmy Co Hair Brian ■T. PAUL Keith's (6) Mangean Co Fred Keating Adelaide Hall Howard, Fine ft H' (80) Boh Btlckney Maker ft Bedford Sing er's Co RYRACDBB Keith's (6>- Roeette ft Lnttman Bud Harris LIta a Chaplin ROBIMSOM«BDeWITi; "Enellest daarist ssiKit _prtss« tsnsssd- Isit."—8M FraselBS "Hias." . D-W'lfe Me'fe ft F Jos Wong KIrby ft Dnval Dave Harris Co Murray ft Allan Roger Ball Co ItOCHBSTEB Keith's (6) Lee ft Harris 1 Victor Oliver Nan Halperin Cass Mack ft Owen : (30) Dr.vlte A Denny (30) Use ft Harris I V.ctor Oliver Naa Halperin Caia, M«ek ft O TACOMA Keith's (6) Vaa Cello ft M ff fhi »•« Tr*ke ft Jnhns-m rn-arles Aheam (80) "THE IMTBBNATIONAL JESTERS" CLIFFORD And MARION Ws* Isa. 8*. Ftstitr, Delrsll Meroft Co BOCKFORD, ILL. Keith's 1st halt («-9) Steams ft Dsan Carlena Diamond George McKay Co Frank Radolifl Co FlochI Co SACRAMENTO . Plaia (•) Tokl Japs Honey■Co Wills ft Davia Marcolla Co (30) Vardell Bros Torke ft Goldie Bmlle Boreo Wells ft 4 Fays SALT LAKE CITX Plaza «) 9 Allison Sis Dick Henderson Kramer ft Boyle RImac's Co (30) ■ Wallace Sis Rob Nelson Owen' McGlvnsy Anger ft Fair Atlas. LaMarr ft B Waaver Bros ft E Hnm< Folics (One to All) TOLEDO HIvoU («) Coappeile ftCarlto'i Krugel ft Rcbles Frank LIbuse Hnir ft Bonlta Harrison ft Elljiio (30) 3 Orantos Morton & Parks Don Zelaya - Scooter Lowry Living Jewels TORONTG Elppodrome (d) Poodles Hanneford Grade 'Barry Jack Norworth Co' Eddie Stanley Nonnan Thomas I (30) Betty J Cooper Fred Sanbome Dillon ft Parker Jim McWilIlams Uaseed Arab* NEW YOBK CITY Panunoont <.«9) Lllyan Tashman Blng Crosby Sid Silvers Marian Max 6 Steppers Uanny Qnre Co Tomorrow ft T' Boxy («») 'Shops o( N T' Clark ^ McC'.U'ugh Patricia Bowman ' Arntfut Bros Roxy Co Rainbow Trail' BROOKLYN ' Paramount (29) 'Cinderella Blues' Ruas ColumbD l^late Broa I.<owe Bernoft Wenaley David Bines Co ■Tomorrow & T" DETROIT Fisher (SO) 'Juat Fancy' Pictinre Theatres Clifford ft Marlon Rcems Rio ft K Kodlon 3 - Fast Sleppem Evans Co •Taxi" ailcblgan (M) Ted Lewis Eleanor Brooks Spowball 'Whittler Dixie 4 Lewis 6 'Hich Pressure* . PHILADELPHIA Fay's (30) 'Indian Revels* 'LiSftover Ladlea* ^ tirnnd (30) IPhll Cook 'Bon-Ilur' PROVIDF.NCE Foy's (20) Alta A Fay O'Connor Co Phylls Rae ' N*:ite BuBby 4 Nelsons 'Night Beat' Sybllla Bnwhaa Oscar Lorraine Olivette Co Jerry Co Burns ft Klssea Phelpa I John ft" M" Mason. WASHINGTON Loew's (•) Bert Frohman Six Galenas Maureen Rio Dugan ft Hadley Loew MEW YORK CITY Audbbon (S) All At Sea' I Ben. Bard Leater ft Garson June Worth Gregory ft Ramon Matt Brooks Sunklat Ens BROOKLYN ' Fox (1) M'd'n Minstrels* I Tyler. Mason Urupe Jordan 3 Page Boys ' - Harry. Van Fossen Mark Nelson Bather 'Campbell Sunklst Ens Boolevard 1st half (6-9) Freda ft Palace Adlor ft Bradford C (Two to ail). 2nd halt (10-12) Bobby Van Horn Vox ft Walters Leon ft Dawn Gruber's Oddities (Oris to fill) Capitol (B) Barte ft Arden Mulr'y-M'N'ece ft R La Vernes Paul Keast Shaw ft Les Gsorge Llddon Orpheam 1st half (6-9) Delivery Boya Harry Burns Co Coleby-Murray Rev (Two to All) 2nd halt (10-12) Henry Bergman Co Primrose Semon Co Sylvra-Clemence Co (One to fill) 2nd.halt (10-12) 3 KItiaros Allen ft Eddy Joe Marks Co Earl IJA Vera Co (One to All) Valencia (S) Bob Klurphy Johnny .Hyman . Samuela Bros Dave Tannen ASTORIA, L. I. Triboro ' 1st halt (6-9) Laing Bros Geo D'Ormonde Go Joe Marks Co 6 Hot Shots (One to fill) 2nd halt (10-12) Naomi Morton- Co Jack North KaravaeS Co OFFICIAL DENTIST TO THE N. T. A, DR.' JULIAN SIEGEL ISM Broadway This Weekt jed Doeleyi Sybil DeWlatera Geo Beatty Adler ft Bradford C (Two to fill) Paradise (8) Roy Sedley Darlene Waldera Wllls-Mordecal ft T Hector Co Bernoft ft Charlotte State (e) Roger Ball Co Log Cabin 4 Harry J Conley Co Grant Withers Co Harriet Hector Co BROOKLYN Bay Ridge 1st halt (6-9) 3 KItaroa 3 Ryana Joe Browning Tobias Co 2nd half (10-12) Holt ft Turi Pease ft Nelson Co Jed Dooley Co Jeanne ft Lynton R (One to All) .. 46 th SL 1st halt (6-9) (Two to fill) BALTIMORB Century (6) Joe Cook Joe May ft D Bryant-Rains ft Y BOSTON Orphenm «) Falls-Reading ft B Marcel D'Obert Maddex ft Mack Ross ft Edwards Louis BerkofC Co CLBTBLAMD State («) Gordon-Rced ft K Fred LIghtner Co Josef Blank Co COLUMBUS Ohio (0) Hollywood Coll'g'na Wayne Helen 'Wilson . JERSEY CITY Loew's («> iJean Harlow Cook ft Brown Pasqaali Bros Daks-Coles ft F YOMKl Loew's lat half (4-») Henry Bergman Oe Jack North Gruber's Oddltlea (Two to All) and halt (lO-m LaIng Bros Tom Fullmer Co Geo D'Ormonde Ca Harry Burns Co Lord-Tiny ft D Ca FanchoB & Marco Bernie ft Walker Wanda Allen Mary Miles . Zelma Fern Dale Buddy ft Oretal Chlyo Kadomutaa Helen Ireland Dorothy Welch Theal Mclson Rudy Kaye HARTFOBD ' Capitol (B) ' 'Black ft White' I Geo D Washington Clifton & Brent Dolly Kramer Rose Oleaby Mnrle LeFlobie BAYES A SPECK ADB DU YAL A CO. . MONROB BROS. BVBSIAN ABT OIBOCS PLACED BY LEDDY & SMITH for Panehort & Mareo ATLAMTA Fox (B> 'Circus Days' I Bee Starr Nelson's Co St Iieon Co Hooper ft Gatchet Sayton Co BILLIMQS Fox (•) "(^rmenesque* I O^Go'rman Broa Rose Valyda Ray Sax 8 Matadors 3 Madrlnaa Anita Lou Sunklst Ens BOSTON Ms«ropoUtaa (■) 'Nursery RhymeeT 1 Tom Patrleola Lucille Sis Sohichtrs Co Novelty Clinton Barbarlna Co Sunklst Ens BRIDGEPORT Fox PoU (B> 'Cozy Cornsr* I Ruth Roland A ft S Laments Rector ft Doreen 3 Jays Frank Rogers BUFFALO Baffalo (B) *La Plaza' I Marie ft Head Sunklst Ens HOLLYWOOD Fantoges (4-ie) 'Star Night' I Betty Compsoa Steve Savage Danny Beck Consuelo Gonaalse Roy Bradlsy Lillian Price Paul Jones Julian Hall B J ft B (Aerea Gloria Pleaaaata Dorothy June IMDIAMAPOLIt Indiana (S» Tintypes* I Bddls LambeK Aaron Sis Harry Moore' (>scar Taylor Marie Remlngtoa Su nkls t Ens JERSEY cm f Stanley (S> ■ 'About Town* I T ft A Waldna^ Max Co Benn Dova Paul Olsen ' Joe Pasco Sunklst Ens LOS ANOEm Loew's State (4-l«| "Cleanup* I Mills ft Shea CHRISTENSEN BROS. AND CO. "Ossetra Tlisl Are Dlferesl" DlratllM Retir MamI Amaet JEROME MANN Opeslii «i RKO Bill Hevard tiae. , , Week Feb. 6, «t Leoli Taatra, St Lssla. Dir., Bamacd Bstlie—Jack Coftle ones Lya ft Wolf H ft Dan Downing Vox ft Walters Whlteslde-A ft B 2nd halt (10-13) Cy Landry Tiny Town Ber (Three to fill) Gates Ave 1st halt (6-9) Tom Fulmer Co Naomi Morton Co Frank Mellno Co Lord-Tiny ft D (One to fill) 2nd half (10-12) Clyde Hager Co Freda ft Palace Whlteslde-A ft B (Two to All) MetropoUtaa (6) Soifthern Oaltlos Rose Perfect Co Harry Howard Co Billy House Co PItkIa let halt ..(6-9) Clyde Hager Co Peaae ft Nelson Co MONTREAL . Loew's («) Pelle ft Cole Eddie Miller ft H Ralph Rogers Co 20th Century Rev NEWARK State (•)' RIalto Bros Vanderbllt Boys Harry HershAeld Olsen-Blngham Co PITTSBUBOH Pena «> W ft J Mandel Flo Mayo , Lucky . 7-8 Mills A Kover Conrad Nagel Joan Marsh BOCIIESTEB Loew's (6). Carlton ft Ballew Charlotte A-R Co Kerna Bis Don Howard SYRACUSE State (•) Ted Claire RYAN and NOBLETTE '^ravelin' Along Singin' a Song" with F, A M. TROY Keith's Ist halt (C-9) . Greenlee ft Rogers Jordan & Woods Detnregos 2d half (10-12) Stuart ft I^aah (Two to All) 2d half (3-1) St. John Bros Leonard ft Kooppo Violet Carlson Harry Conley Co . VANt»UVBB Keith's (6) 4 Casllng Stars Chas Melson Teck Murdock Co Lee, Lee,. !■ ft L (30) Done & Rnchelle Ray Huling Eddie Nelson Royal Uyenos wasiiin(;ton Keith's (8) ■ The Chrlntensrnns Reynolds ft White Cheater Fredericks Al Abbott Kate Smith (30) Bernlee ft Emily Cardial Daphne Pollard Bob Hope ft Antics YOMKEB8 Keith's 1st halt (6-9) Jose ft Jules Walton Danny Burns Co Archer ft Jackson Jarvis. ft HarrlBon Koran 2d half (10-12) Lohse ft Sterling Barr ft Davis Brltt Wood Broadway ' Boond Koran 3d halt (3-6) Basil Lewis Co Hutchlns ft Smith Parker Weinberg Rome ft GauL Herbert Bolt 8 youngstown Keith's let halt (6-9) Grey Co I.e Paul Itae ft Harrison Helen Kane 2d halt (10-13) Nelson Co . U ft M Ellne Dorothy .Stone Santos ft Exis 2d halt (3-6) 3 Aces .ft A « Les Gellls Brancel Ce Chlqulia Skeeter ft Ray Nelly Fernandez . Luclnda ft Rlcardo Eduardo Delgado Agustin Palatox EBtellta Spanish Ens BUTTB Fox (4-T) 'Carmenesque' I CGorman Broa Rose Valyda 3 Matadors 3 Madrlnas Anita Lou Suakist Ens CHICAGO Chicago (B) 'Manhattan' I Jack Sidney Swor ft Goode Bruno Welse 8 Jack Lester Lucille Sunklst Ens PaiUlse (B> 'Isle o' Smiles* I Charlie Chass Ryan ft Noblette Briants. Al Gordon Co KIkuta Japs Gaylene ft DuR'ne Kumiker Dancers Rhythmettes Alex Callam - . Verna Sylvia A B Sunklat Ens HILWAUKBB . WIscoosIa (B) Arthur Lake Ce Arthur Petly Nash ft Fatler Lllwnatl 8 Ganther Co MINMEAPOU8 Mlnnesoto (S) *Slavlque* I Sam Hearn 4 Glovers Brock ft Thompeoa Pallenberg Co Patsy Marr Laurell ft Ted La Vonne Sweet Sunklst Ens MOBILE, ALA. Saenger 1st half (7-9) "Vacation Days* t itelda Sahtley 3 Jacks ft Queen Wllmot ft Peters Kirk ft Lawrenoa Kathleen Kay Sunklst Ens MBWABX Braalord (B) "Hot Java* I Callgary Bros Armanda Chirot EXCLUSIVELY DESIGNED GARMENTS FOR GENTLEMEN BEN ROCKE BBOADWAY AT BOTH STBKET TlvoU (8) 'Fine Feathers' I Ross Wyse Jr Novello Bros Edna Covey. ' .. Emille ft Romaibe Rose Wallace Sunklst Ens UptowB (B) 'Carnival' 1 Raynor Lehr Cropley ft Violet The Andreaens Teddy the Bear. Torney Girls DALLAS Palace (B) ■3 Big Figures' I C Janaleys Foley ft Lature Harold Stanton Lou Darrlaon Muriel Gardner Sunklst Ens DETUOIT Fox (S) 'Co-Eds' I Grlmth ft Weston Busao & Case Dyer Co. : Bobbins '3 Jack Frost Accordion 6. FORT WORTH Worth , 2d halt (T-9) Tomorr'wfl Stars' I Nores 3 Samuels Broa Vincent Terre Sunklst Ens NEW HAYXN Pararaooat (S) "St'rs ot Y'st'rd'y' I- Eva Tanguay Corlnne . Hank Browa Bert Jordan HI Tom War4 Tom Kelly Rice & Caddy Cho Cho 'Vv. Freddie Ford Harrison Co Alezana*r S Bvelya MEW ORLRAMB State (4) 'On. Parade' t Natacha Nattova 4 Flushers ' Paul Sydolt Jose Rose Sunklst Ens OAKLAND Parkmonnt (I^ 'ReAectlons* 1 A' Robins Marietta Grauman Hess A T Don Neeee Sunklst Ens PHILADELPBIA Fox (B) 'Hacienda' I (Continued-en page 36>