Variety (March 1932)

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Tqesday, March 29, 1032 TIMES SQ U 4 RE VARIETY 5*. Saranac Lake By Happy B«n%fvay Frank Garflel4 now- CI ana kiiows family. . /; "Write . to thoae you know In $aranac. : Annamae Powers Is ©"he year older and. wiser. IjUly Leonoi^a has four pet turtles, time killers. Sign In speak: .'No T. B, (Terrible Booze) here.' Edith Cohen received, orchids on her birthday. ^ . . ^ Dan Astella, .shot back to bed via the cold route. , . Bert Ford Is on unlimited exercise and nearly ok<»y. . . ^ George Harmon operated on. Suc- cessful, and he's oke. ^tent dampened the Pontlac with plck..up on week ends, , ■Jack Hlrsch sannlng It for week- end, feood oheer boyine. Thelma Meeker, newcomer, now .a aeasoned curer, up. for mild walks. jiYed Buck back from the Big street, added spats, cane arid iron '^Nellie Quealy still fighting oft a high temperature and. confined to Vaiiies 'Williams unlimited exerr else and all up. Wonderful. come- "back.. ■ ■ ' '- ■'_ .. :Chrls Ha,gedom and Frisco :De Vere presented Ford Raymond with it rad 1.0.-- Kay Thome left for Healthy street after a month of .Saranac . ozbhlng. • >. 1 . , Jack Lewis, who did the trick here, now big-streeting and 100% on the oke . side. • , James Torusslo got a senil-oke to resume work; going to night-club it up In thd Bronx. Tonl Temple still l^oldlng to bed, but showing improvement. An up okay expected soon. Jeanene LaFftun oke report on first month here. Holding to bed \irlth steady comeback. Eddie Voss now connected with Dr. Mayer's X-ray department. Ed- die learning fast and likes it. Alma Montague ah; all-up patient, limited ■ exercise, added . weight. About ready for that rehearsal. Jerry Vogel candled all the pa- tients again arid shot In a mess of records for the crying machines. Anglea Papulis known as the wit of the sanatorium. Account of her" dally sheet on bulletin board. Strictly abedJ Etjjel Clouds getting ready to es- cape from the bed thing. ,B6en there for four weeks with cold. Holding her own. Tommy Abbott, after six weeks of absolute bedding it, about ready for ^ walk around. Liooka like mild ex- ercise soon. . : Lillian Zeigler greatest comeback of sanatorium; Picture of health and holding it; 100% on reports. N. T. C. soon. Dolly Lewis with three meSls In downstairs dining room now at her best. Soon downtown talkers with mild exercise. Manager Spears of the local Tav- ern now featuring N. V. A. nights; specials for all showfolks. . Soup to nuts at a cut. Walter McGovern (eori-ln-law of Geo. Jinks of Jinks and Ann) here for the cure at a downtown cottage. A 100% comeback. Joseph Parker gets, the one meal downstairs, - with a talker once a ■^^ "week. First time out for Joe. All done In three months. Jeanene' LaFaun, formerly of the Ben Hamid troupe, is a new arrival . here at the lodge. Run down from overwork; Incipient case. Gladys Palmer showing up great with good reports from X-ray. That . gives her a little exercise with a downtown talker at times. . William Canton, a newcomer here.i a Warner Bros, studio boy who needs rest a:nd this kind of ozOne with the Mayer treatment, Fred Bachman still pulling good, deports. Starting to think about Visiting Capohevllle, He has shown up 100% and a. faithful curer. ,Blll Morris In town , and looked things over'; ordered ills summer coal, got that special haircut, then opeeded back to the big street. Danny Murphy was an ex-pug be- fore taking up Dutch comedy. KnoMng aU the trickR makes it easy Bolng for him here. Doing well. Tommy Vicks up after two months W cure, added poundage averaging three pounds a . week. Looks good and is expecting his family for visit. .*^bas. H. Bloomfleld a newcomer at the lodge; run down, needs rest ana overhauling; incipient fcase. Remember him with his 'Bloomfleld Ebonies,' Frank Smith (Waldron's Cislno, ^Bton) bed-siding his wife, who .l>ad slight setback. Grittiest little curer of the sanatorium Is Allle sagloy Smith. It's no trouble for the 'Variety'rep ^cre to iBupply anyone with Infor- iP"wn concerning the sick in Sara- information, in care Of the N. V. A. Sanatorium. „;,^ordon Wrighter, 928 Arlington Wo "!'.„®*- Petersburg, Fla., writes: W.'^^'" «^«"ing rid of that tired i-na i"^'., all ■ tanned , up and nearly tnorc managing end once ^''i'^cis Fuller, ex-liOofer. Kite or 2 "'"no <'a.sllp .act, now ]00%- on .'"c. ci)i-e. ;Poi-(,'liins it at 80 Main C H ATT E street. He. i.s rihafihg Ills curinR with Henry Hudson, a flrst-nighler (Brooklyn). ^ ' Raylirook S?inatbfium, Riiybrool:. N, Y., has many showfolks curlnK there: James' P.' Chambers, ex-cap- tain of the ROxy theatre; Freddy StOckmaUi burlcsqiier; Rita Nolan, late of 'Good Kews' CO. and the La Guinan troupe; Mai'ilyn Moran, cho- rister; Francis Evens, a front end nfian, left cured. ; By George Noble Cecil Hall forgets to eat. First mocking birds here. Pies now 5c a cut Instead of 10c. . Cliarlea Lutz takes a walk after Iiinch. ■Joseph Huckins; Jr., likes to keep graphs. Col. Zack Miller of '101 Ranch' reported ill. Cecil Hall has recovered from his rheumatism. Howard Savaise transferred as supervisor of Capitol. Roy Winters in St. Louis with Warner Bros, theatres. Bank robberies of daily occur- rence In OlcTahomia now. ' ; Eggs sold In Oklahoma City for .6 cents a dozen last week. Pat McGee admits he has hot read all the books in his library. Clyde A. Batten will go to any extreme to help pull a joke. ^Jlland ■ Holsteln often receives letters addressed 'Dear Madam.' May Brois.' new store .opened. Big crowds and souvenir cigars and flowers. Gov. Wm. H. Murray now on speaking; tour in Alabama and Florida. Dale McMulUn how chief usher for both Liberty theatre and Shrine auditorium; ■ Harry Sachs has been transferred as booker for Warner Broia. the- atres in Oklahoma City to Cleve- land. Kathryn Duffy's 'Ballyhoo Daze,' including 75 home talent girls, will be the attraction at Shrine audi- torium. - While the town of Bugscuffle disappears from the map of Okla- homa, there remains Koonkazachey ih Kiowa county. An Oklahoma City youngster, re- turned from a trip to Mexico, says it cost 60 pesos to be caught kiss- ing a girl on. streets of Juarez. ; A youthful, yeggman shoved a gun before the face of Loveta Bearce, cashier of the Rltz theatre, and demanded all the money in the till. He got $60. .: One of Oklahoma City^s oldest grocery stores has no listed tele- phohe. Information won't give you the number. The only phone they have is 'blind.' Say it preserves a cash and carry business. . The Griffltli Amusement Com- pany has taken over the Sugg and Rialto theatres at Chickasha and the Criterion ahd Arcadia at Enid, Okla., from the DUel Amusement Co. The houses were formerly ope- rated by Publix. Oakland By Wood ^oanes Three theatres reopening. The American opens on April 20. Pjncus & Rosener taking over Roxie for foreign films. The Roxie went into the second week with 'Two Hearts.' Colleen Moore . clicked with the natives in 'The Church Mouse' at the Fulton. ' ^ New little theatre group headed by Norman Nesbitt opening at downtown women's club. . . With these three theatres added to the list in Oakland, the managers seem to fear no depressioh. Roy Harrison Danfovth, Veteran music critic of 'Tribunei' on sick list. R. D. Scofleld handling Job. Charlie Carroll bowing out of Fox- Senator and reopening the Ameri- can, indie, with local financing. Nancy Barr Mavlty, local news-; paper woman, has disposed rights of book 'Sister Aimce' to Charles Hop- kins. Henry Duffy renting Fulton to break in 'Church Mouse,* .with Col- leen Moore preparatory to S. F. showing at Alcazar. WiUard Welch, for some time manager of the Orpheum here, i.s back in town again as manager of the T. fit D.,. second runs. Charlie Carroll, who resigned the Fox-West Coast managerial ranks after fivo years, resumes .control of the-American, where he started his career as an usher in 1917. Ho is planning $50,000 in Improvertiehts before opening with first run-s. Ian Keith of 'Grand Hotel' in S. F. and Fern Andra, with Perry Askam, attehded the opening of CoUccn Moore at -the Fulton. Thoy arc planning a joint appearance in a new John Coltim show thin aca."!on. AVlll be tried on the, -with .Vew y<j:-k in. prospor-t.. Seattle By Pave Treup .'^ItiOe Taylor , now in Chi. . .tUvib' dates scarce and ihaily clils- elcrs. Skouirts brothers here looking around the town. . Cutting down on the upheroft^S in saving drlveT^ Wondering /^'lien and what of Skouras-visit here. . Henry Francis Parks going oke at the Orpheum organ.' Pad.erewskl includes Seattle,: with Ladiies' Musical club sponsor. , Homer Gill calling on . managers about the Northwest division, .C. F. Jensfen and J. G. vein Her- berg botli in town.. C. F. up fr</m Portland. Louis Henirlbh here to i"eopeh his fanied brewery; anticipating con- gressional action. . Roy AIe.\ander says its east for him as soon as highways open for through, motor travel.. Hi Hat club operators pay small fine for gambling when 'comnibh gamblei'' charge fails. Fannie'^rice, Phil Baker and Ted Healey at Orpheum Saturday night laughing at Doc Rockwiell, Bob Bender takes boat foi*' Juneau, Alas.; to .become editor of 'The Alaska Empire' (daiiy)l Another $.4,600 gate at .Greater A., C. wrestling when Walter Champ Reynolds grappled with Peralll. FOx: theatre front loolced like an art gallery with plenty of eeml- nudes for 'Crazy Quilt,' but no strip, show inside. Alia Axiorii, mentallst, opens Marcli 20 at Capital,^ "yakima, and moi'e unless 'where is Llndy's baby?' stumps him. Six reels of Kodiak (Alaska) bears in their , native habitat, held by Superior Court .while dispute over ownership goes on; H. W. Bruen, who made a pot of jack operating. neighborhood houses, in Seattle . couple years ago, her-e from Beverly Hills on business. . Mayor-elect says he'll cut traffic tags to 50 cents,. from present $2 fine, for violations. As is, city not getting much, while at four-bits cash total should build. General Motors takingr over Civic Auditorium for its lig exhibition, same spot where the recent auto show ^ya8 held. Present show Is free; last one was four bits. Papers made quite a fuss recently when Betty Compson, Fannie Brice, Rpscpe Arbuckle were in the burg all at the same time; One feature was showing them all at dinner at Fan.nie's apartment. Canton By Rex lyicConnell School teachier's pay days uncer- tain. . ■ ' Circus agents.make their appear- ance. Rival stocks for Akron, boflT to open soon. Twer.ty-cent sheet music at five and dime stores. . Warner Palace balcony dark aft- ernoons, but open in evenings. George Rlester, Canton Warner maitager. Is an adept drummer. .. Mary Lou GIrard, Indianapolis redhead, joins Henry Busse's. or-, chestra as sololist. Canton musicians, playing in pit band at Grand for co-operative stock, made $13 apieae. Ed Clarke Lilly will head neW stock company at Colonial Akron, to open, sometime in April. Eastern Ohio and Western Pennsylvania park managers to convene in Canton April 4. Loews dolls up ushers with snappy new uiilforms, but as econr- omy moVe reduces their number. Eastern Ohio park men are ex- erting every effort to add attract tions that will help draw this sum- mer;. ■ ;■ , Lyric, Warner house in Ports- mouth, closed and Dick Cruisger shifted to Alliambra, Warner house in Canton. Ray Dean, "Repository' radio col- umnist, pans local station an- nouncer and prints, his comeback the following-night. Lcnton season hard-blow , to Ak- ron dance halls. East . ^Market largest downtown going in for dime three nights a week. Dick Cruisinger, new Warner Al- hambra manager, likes dance bands, and spends his spare.moments im- proving ills dahce teohniaue, llciiry Busse, in town with his band displays with pride miniature of his sftven-moitths-old son. Looks like dad except' the mustache. Co-operative stock comp.xny hold- ing on at Grand after 'six months' run and. may extend it into tlto spring. Scale, dime to half dollar. Warner Alhamfara, second ruh house and offering double feature programs seven days a week,, will beat Warner's $20,000 this year, re- port says. Little Twig, Indian, fornior • pro- fessional football player with -Jim Thorp'-'s (.'anton wVjild f'lianipion.s of several years back,. Is mOmber of Canton police, departnieiit. P. C. Lohman, in charge of Henry iiusse's band oh tour of one niters, says his Castle Farms. Cincinnati night spot, padlocked about a year ago, will reopen about niiddle of April. . Grand, at Akron, many yOars a biu'lestiue house, . is being redec- orated and rcappbihted and name changed tO Akron : Civic Playhouse.. Stock Opens there early next month oh co-op basis.' Minneapolis By Lies Ree^ Zero weatlicr ushers in spring. Poll shows state 3 to 1 against prohibition. Betty Coinpson in person at Min- nesota, week April 15; Gordon Greene making progress at Pokegama sanitarium. Two weeks lopped from school year as economy measure. Kay Green still seeking- bookings f or hfe-^f ystics of Melody.' Clyde Strock, Publix personnel manager,:sick ab6d with fiu.. Fox exchange moving into hew and larger quarters April; 1. Evelyn Schwartz, popular Publix J»if6rmatiori girl, had birthday. " El Brehdel's stipend at Minnesota actually $4,000 for the: seven days. Le Roy Booran* veteran printer, always recalling early days in show biz. . Kiddie revues at Publix neighbor- hood houses during Easter, vacation week.; ■ Joe (Sarrison, Universal exchange manager, bereaved by mother's death. Inga Hill, home town singer, solo-; ii.:t with Minrieapblls Symphony or- chestra. WiUard Mapes trying to raise funds for local Olympic games con- testants; ■ Fawcetts corifsidering removal of publishing offices from here to Louisville. 'Crazy Quilt' newspaper and bill- board ads of unadorned beauties the acme of daring. Bootleggers complaining bitterly about poor business. No drop in prices yet, however. Eph Rosen, handling Columbia shorts, out of hospital. Hurt In automobile accident. American Legion opening movie house at Battle Lake, Minn., so town will-have erttertainjnehf. . 3tat.e supreme court ruling hiakei it necessary for police to obtain evi- dence of actual booze sale. , Ben Pollack came over f rOm Boulevardis of Paris night club to glimpse Ben Meroff act at Orpheum. Bounties for wolves and rewards for apprehension of horse thieves cost Minnesota taxpayers $75,000 last year., Half prices for kids and curtain .ringing up at 7: 30 p. m. three nights boosted Bainbrldge stock biz with 'Mrs. Wiggs.' Jack ICilmavtin, Minnesota- stage manager, set up nifty dining room adjoining leading loop cafe for Cab Calloway's band. Gene Hundredmark of Publix art department disposing of recently acquired library bought from high- pressure salesman. Ralph Branton, Publix New Eng- land divisional director,- here visit- ing mother and brother, John, of local Publix offices. Howard Gribble, Minnesota, stage hand, suffered concussion of brain when one of the lines fell on him while settirig show. • 'Buzz' Balnbrldgc's two son.s, 10 and 5 years old, appear along with his wife, Marie Gale,.in his produc- tion of'Mrs. Wigg.s.' Cab Calloway film moved, from Stat^ to Lyric, to show simulta- neously with band's personal ap- pearance at Minnesota. Two attractions in a row. 'Crazy Quilt' and 'Green Pastures,' and a third, 'Mourning Becoihes Electra,' to follow soon at Metropolitan. lius.s Scrheid, Minnesota engineer, in mourning because his pet gold flsh were accidentally electrocuted by trick device of own invention. Publix neighbbi'hood houses hold- ing 'Whirl-Lo' contests for kids. It's ne\y game imported from Pliilip- plhcs. .Sets klvcn away as prizes. H. E. Dalgler, Publix district manager, and .Harold Kaplan pro- ducing Minnesota's own anniversary week stage show in place, of usual F-M Unit. Hoihewood theatre, indie neigh- borhood, takes 'Two World.s' for first run here, advertising it a.s 'great talking picture in English dialog.' • . lllnda Wau.sau, strip burlesque dancer, back for third local engage- ment.' Tills time at Gayety (stock burlesqUf;) oni^e more aftor week at. acc Publi.N: df'Jnxe, Minnesota; Supremo. Court I'cverses $2,000 Jurv Vf'rdlfjt awanVid fan. strU'.-k in faco by, foul liall at local baseball I)ark, Holds urifiplo who .sit Tif-;ir .foul lin'» bf-liind tlilid base sliou/il roulixe hazard. Pittsburgh By Hal Cohen . Arnilda Wardell baby of th# Stanley chorus, Mrs. George Tyson and-her apn pendix have parted. '■ Mrs. Johnny Harris gOes for gun< drops in a big way. Hugh Sinclair came to town witii a pooch on the leash; Pat Haley doesn't shoot pOol verj» often, but when lie.does! Local hotels replacing those Iwoi bit-in-a-slbt radios for aill daj^;' rentals.;. Hai-ry Harris gets plenty of news- paper friends, screwy with his fake" 'phone, calls. , Billy Wash inisrton Burkfc, old clown, and vaude performer, stopped oif to say heUb. : : It'll be either a Lincoln or i Packard when Dick Powell finally : makes up his; mind. Dave Rubinoft's home town pre«i paring \velcbme for. him when he. comes.tb the Stanley. . . .Theatrical and newspaper mob plotting a big sehd-<)rf for Don Bestbr at Pirate Hall. Low Joseph and Lou Gittleson were dickering fbi' the Show Boat but decided to let it drop. A theatrloai cielebrlty who Vused to tip the bell-hops a bUck no\r getting by Svith 30 cents.- . rassiph; Play called oft five per-. last week wheii Josef Meier, the Christus, fell ill; Raoul Whitfield, a reporter her« on the. old 'Post,' has landed a writ- ing contract with Paramount. Sammy Cohen advertised the food ■ at a certain local .eatery and then put on the feed bag elsewhere. Edgar Runkle, here earlier with 'Reunion In Vienna,' back company^ managing 'Too True to Be Good/I Dewey Bergman,, former band leader at. Webster Hall and Show Boat, with Buddy. Rogers' muslck- ers; Two sets of sisters In tite Stanley chorus, the Bushes, jeanie and Dorothy, and the Strangs, Babe, and Madelyh.. Bievorldge Webster, . exrPltta- burgher. but in P.T,ris for five .year% ■ being acclaimed abrdad as a piano sensation. Benny Drbb, the prop man, ivrota Benny Rubin in Yiddish to tell hin» he had rbuhded up all the neces- sary props. / Marion Fall, recently a' Tech drama student, lands her first Broadway role, second lead In 'A Few Wild Oats.' . : Red Purcell and Janet Smlth^ both Of the 'Press' staff, have been married since last August, they've •jqst let it be known; Cherry Blossom and June have ii coUple of brothers who, they ex- pected, will boost Tulane'a football fortunes In the next couple of years^ Regis Toomey has promised th« Pitt Cap and Gown club, where ho got his first taste of the stagie/ that Jie'll be oh from the coast, for 'Th« Silver Domino's' opening April lib San Francisco Skourases finally here. The Mel Hertzes divorced. Foreclosure facing swank Clift Hotel. . • Cliff Work and Bern Bernard U again. Wayne Hahey, dance band musU clan, die<l. NBC's fifth anniversary in th« AVest is April 5. Ramon .Noyarro up on one of hi* occasional jatuits. In from Hollywood: Jack >Arche» and Lucky Wllber. Charlie Carter doubling from KFRC to the Warflcld. . Heavy advance sale for two wecki Of Jolsoh at the Currr^i. Ted Key, Atwatcr Kent audition \vlnner,rchanting on KPO. Jimmy Joy's orchestra gets good opphing at the Bal Tabarih. Joan Bennett and Gene Markey; honeymooning at Del Monte. Hap and Jack, KYA song teanoii victims of a rifled apartment. -. Young Chiheee producing an opora for Shanghai relief fund. Fred Dixon new. shbi^ts booker at Metro, succeeding Bill Strickland. Jack CJros.s' dad, who'« froin Mis- Kourii back to the show-me state. Davjd Wayne Kennedy, NBO technician, marries Marianne Louisa Sinclair. ■ . tranMcbntlncntai broadcasts making Coon Sanders' work populaf out here. Colleen Moore's new hubby, Al Scott, still in Noo Ya\vk, and the' bride's pettmg lonesome.' Bun MUllgan, in hospital, ■witli pneumonia, blood transfusion from Ray Nelson and Al Hixon. • ■.. 'Horses' theme «ong for NBC. IToward Milliolland, Eva Garcia and Lluyd Yoder latest to buy .natrs. A. J. iSclirader, Columbia Phonos graph local manager, to IlonOiuln for six weeks to establish a branch. It's a daughter at the home of Jerry Kllgore, NBC announrier. Ans* tin MosHcr, baritone: for the net* work, also a pappy. Kence Chcmet, symphony violin- and Ann-K'iwards, accompanist, failed for Japan and a string of rO'* i:itals. On .same boat wr-'re Or-orgij .Saf):ctt,. writer, and .S. 1'amanaka^ J«j)an(.'.se actor. .,