Variety (April 1932)

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Tuesday, April 19, 1932 PICT E S VARIETy 19 Production Week of April 18 (Pfctures now filming, or about to start, are listed below klpha^etleally by studios. ' Symbols are: . D—Director, A—Author, C—Cameraman, S—Star.) COIiVMBIA <Oib week) I>—Frank Capra. A—nobett ItlBkln C—Joseph.Wallser . ■ S—Woltep Huston Edwin Maxwell Burton ChurchlU Oliver Eckart . ■ Jean Forel Kay Johnson Oayin Gordon' Olive Cooper Pat O'Brien Constance Cuntflilngs . Jiobcrt Ellis . Arthur Hdyt^ . ;; v Edward'Martlndel An^lerson Lawler Sterllns HoUoway ■ Marie Wellfl EddlB Clayton : Budd Pino ... Bill Williams . ' BrUce Warrtn Bobert Emmett O'Ponnor - .. : 'Bom to'Trouble'' . V (let week) . : D—lambert HUlyer.: S—Buck Jones 'Hollywood Speak«'. . (starting) ' D—Eddie. Buzcell - A—Norman Krasna JoeSwerllns • VOX. . ■ 'Society Olrl> ■ (6th .week) . D—Sidney LianAeld : A^'John I^arkln', 'Jr> : ' Choa. Beahan C—George BamM •■ ^ . S—None James Dunn '. Peggy Shannon . Spencer Traoy Bert' HUnlon •Walter Byron . EuIa 'Guy ■ ■ . . 'The Klller» . (4th week) . D—David Howard • A—Al Cohn ' C—Joe' August S—<'eorge O'Brien- . Cecilia .Parker Porrester' Harvey Charles Stevens Charles MIddleton Noble Johnson ■Roy Stewart 'Wf«k ^nda Only* . . (2d week) Alan Croslahd A—Warner Fabian . ' Wrh. Conselman ' C-Hal Mohr • ' 6—Joan Bennett Ben Xyon John HoUlday HalUwell Hobbes ' .'Bebecca of Sunnybrook Farm' (2d. week) ■ - I>^AItred Santeir A—Kate' Dotiglas Wlggln - S. ^. Behrman . Sonya' Levlen .C—<:len MacWllllams S—Mnrlan. Nixon Salph' Bellamy Mae Marsh Xx>ul^e Closser Hale Harry Beresford . • Pamh Pnrtden Eula Guy Charlotte Henry Bohald Harris . . Claire'McDowell •runoy Free' ■ ■ (2d week) D—Al Wer'Aer S-rNone Adolphe Mtinjbu ' . Joan Mnrsh .' Minna Gombell Allen Dlnehart Herbert Mundin . . 'Burnt Offerlos' (starting) D—"Frank Lloyd A^Harry • Harvey :S—Ellss.a Landl Alexander KIrkland roown to Earth' (start about April 23) D—IJnvld Butler A—Homer Croy Edwin Burke C—Ernest Thomas S—Win Rogers Irene Rich Dorothy Jordan Mattic Kent Mary Carlisle Theodore Lodl Clarence Wllaon Brandon Hurst IjouIsc Macintosh INTEBNATIONAI. 'Dance Hall Kisses' (starting) '!>—Wm. Nigh (Burton King) A—Barry Berlnger F. McQrew Willis C—Edward KuU 'Gorilla Shy' (start next week) D—Frank Strayer (Like* 'Weeks) ' 'The Pony Express Rider* (start next week) l>-:-J. P. McGowan (Burton ■.• ■ King) ■ •.' ' ■ . ■■ A—F. McGrew "WllllB , , . Frank Clark . ' Gi-Edward Kull : . . . METRO ' ' /Strange Interlude'.' (12th week) l^^Robcrt Leonard A^Eugene O'Neill Bess Meredith C. Gardner Sullivan fl—Norma Shearer Clark Gable . May Robson .Ralph Morgan Alexander KIrkland Henry S. Walthall 'Prosperity'- (Sth ■week) D—Leo McCarey A—Wanda Tiichbck ^fliha Sears C-Norbert Brodlne Marie Dressier . , roily Mornn' ■ Anita Page Wallace Ford MONOCBASI 'Fata! Alarm' ^ (starting) • 1>—C?arl Brown (Chadwick-Monograih) A—Adele Bufflngton C—Faxon Dean . S—None Jolm Mack Brown •Rlchaprt Tucker Noel Francis George Cooper P.U'jsell Simpson Marjorle Bccbe' law of the North' (etartliig) D—Harry Fraser (Carr>M6nogram) CS-Arohle Stout S-BIU Cody. Andy Shuford Joe ttomlngue;' JameaMaircus Gordon McKee ■ ■ Untitled ' (start next ■week) . D—Robt. North Bradbury ' - '■ (Carr-Sonoart) A—Robt. North Bradbury. ' S'^Bob Steiel PABAM017NT . 'Hone Feathers* • (postponed In '6th week ac count , ot Chlco Marx's in- . Juries) D—Norman McLeod A—Bert Kalmar Harry Ruby ■ S. . J. Perelman C-rrRay Juiie ' S—Four Marx Bros. Florlne McKlnney Gulnn WllUaimtr David Landau Joseph Auers' Reginald Barlow Robert. Oreig , 'Merrily We Go to Hell' (2d weelc) D—Dorothy Arzner- A—Cleo Lucas Edwin Justus. Mayer C—David Abel , S-Nohe • Sylvia Sidney: Fredrlie. March Adrlanhe Allen' ' ' cnaude. King . •JLovr Me Tonight* (2d week) X>—Roubcn Maihoullan . A—Leopold Marchand .■ Paul Armont ■ TValdemar Toung : Samuel HoRensteln . Geo. Marlon, Jr. O^Vlctor Mllher ^ S^Maijirlce Chevalier Jeanctte MacDonald* Charles Ruggles Charles E.. Butter worth Myrna Loy Blanche Frederlc|l RADIO 'Boar of the bragOB* ■ (4th week) . P-^W.esley Ruggles A—Marian C. Cooper Howard Eatabr<K^k C—Edward CronJsger S—Richard Dlx GwtU Andre C. Henry Gordon Dudley 'DIgges . Edward Everett Horton ZaSu Pitts •Wm; Orlamond Arllne Judge Arthur Stone . Wolm 'Em JaU' ■ (Sd week) ' D—Norman Taurog A—Timothy Whelan . ' Lew Llpton Eddie Welcti C—Lynn Smith S—Bert Wheeler Robert Woolsey ' ■ -ll-<>r. • O. Pat Collins Betty Grabla 'Truth About Hollywood' (3d week) D—George Cukor ■' A—Adela Rogers St. John Hylan Robert Presnall S^-Constance Bennett Brooks Benedict Lowell Sherman Gregory Ratoff . Nell Hamilton 'IH My Face Bedt* (start next week) ]>—William Selter A—Ben- Markson . Allen Rivkln Casey Robinson a—None RIcardo Cbrtez Robert Armstrong Arllne Judge . Jill Bamond . Phyllis Clare TEC-ART 'A Man's Land' (2d week) D—Phil Rosen A—Adele Bufflngton C—Harry Neumann S—Hoot Gibson Marlon Shilling Robert Ellis Charles King Ethel Wales Al Bridge Hdl Berny UNITED ARTISTS. 'Movie Crazy' (0th week) D—<^yde Bruckman (Harold Lloyd' prod) C!—'Walter Lundln S—Harold Lloyd Constance Cummlngs^ . Kenneth "Thompson .. Spencer Charters. ■ Eddie Featheratone Sidney Jarvls Noah Young ■ " Cbhstantlne Romanoff Mary Dbran ■ Arthur Houaman Harold Goodwin l'NIVERS.\I. . 'Back Street* (Clh- week) D-John M. Stahl A—Snmmie Hurst . Gladys' I<ahman O—Karl Freurid- s—None Irene Dunn John Boles. George Meeker ' June Clyde 'tiood Aad Man* .Cstartlns)' D—Edward Laemmie Ar-Jack Cunningham. C—Dan Clark ■ ■S—Tom Mix ■ 1 ■ - 'Old Dark House* (starting) D-^aihea Whale A-^. p. Priestley ' • -Ben "W. Levy C—Arthur Edesbn S-^Borls Karloft Lillian Bond ■ ' Brfember Wills . . Melvin Douglas '- Gloria Stewart Raymond Massey Eva Moore Ernest The^lger . . WARNER-FN 'iit.X' ■ . . : (6th week) D—Michael Curtlz A—Howard' "W. Cbrastock Allen C; Miller . .'. Earl Baldwin ■ Robert TasKer C—Ray Ranahah (oolor) Richard Towers (b. & S—None , Lionel Atwlll ' Lee Tracy Fay Wray . ; . Preston. Foster Arthur. Edhiuiid <?arewe George Rosenec ■ Harry Beresford- . John Wray. Leils'Bennett • Bbbert "Warwick • ■Wlllard Robertson- ' .Thomas- Jackson - Harry Holmah . .• ' Tommy Dugan ' Mae BuBcb:- 'Jewel Bobbery* (6th week) D—William DIeterle A'r-Ludlslaus Fedor Erwln Gelsey • C—Robt. Kurrle S—Wm. Powell Kay Francis Hardle Albright Helen 'Vinson. . : . Henry Kolker Lee Kohlraar Robert Orelg Andre Luguet Spencer Charters • Charles Colem&.n Ruth Donnelly Clarence Wilson' . lyan Lliiew • 'Week-End Marriage' (6th ■week) D—Thornton Freeland .A—Faith Baldwin . Sheridan Gibney - C—Barney McGlU S—None Loretta Toung George Brent - Norman Foster . Glbrla Shea .' ■Vlvienne Osborne '. Aline MacMahon Louise Carter J. Farrell. MacDonald Grant Mitchell Allan Laine .. Sheila Terry Luis Albernl 'Competition* (4th week) D—Erie Kenton A—Carl Erlcksoii -. Harvey Thew C—Dev Jennings ' S—Chic Sale . Ann Dvorak David Manners Maude Eburne George Ernest Noah Beery Ly'sle Tnlbot Raymond Hatton John Larkin Ralf Harolde 'Now Ifork Town' (4th week) . D—Mervyn LeRoy A—Ward ■ Morehouso LllUe Hayward ' C—James "Van Trees S—Joan Blondell Eric Linden Inez Courtney Walter Catlett Jimmy Eagela Josephine Dunn Bvalyn Knapp Guy KIbbee Lysle Talbot Gloria Shea Jobyna. Howard Humphrey Bogart Grant Mitchell Thomas Jackson Ned 'Sparks 'The Mud Lark* (2d week) . D—Wm. A. Wellman JL—Arthur Stringer . Robert Lord Sr-Barbara Stanwyck George Brent Lysle Talbot Matt McHXigb Hardle Albright .'Leila Bennett.- David Landau Murrell KInnell ■ .Clarence'WII.<<on ■Victor Potel Dawn O'Day Snub Pollard Crauford Kont Lucille Ward The Crooner* (starling) D—Lloyd Bacon' Ar-Rlan James Charles Kenyon S—None David Manners Ann Dvorak 'BleHtted Erent' (rttort next week) D—Roy Del Ruth DISTRIBS HARDENED to EXHIBS' WAIUNGS .Theatre iosaes are being capital- ized, aocprdine' to the distributor a who claim that the 'srumbliner sea- son,' Immediately precedlner open-- ing of the sales period, always finds exhibitors adding color to the 'red' picture with the hope; of getting better bargains in rentals^ iProducers this, year ate hot lend- ing, an oyer^syihpathetlc ^jiar. In spme Instances proof . Is being, de- manded that the figures are . as claimed. Distributors also . arc unanimous in declaring that rentals hieiVe reached rock-hottom and that if anything will :have lb do a bit of soaring. V < Arthur Wants 20% Wage Guts in Pox-Poli Stands Sprlngfleld, Mass., April 18. The wage reductions asked of union empIoyeEt following the ac- quisition by Harry Arthur of. the Pox-Poll theatres here amounts to, ^0%. John F. Gatelee, . business agent of thfe qperiitor^' union, opined that, satisfactory . arrange- nients through cotnpromlse in terms would be effected. Union employes of all his. theatres In Massachusetts and Connecticut are co-operating in the oonsidera- tlon of Arthur's wage cut proposals. All contracts, in force in the Fox- Foli houfies were canceled when Arthur acquired the chain. Newark* "April 18. Stage hands, firiemen, and en- gineers have agreed to take a. 10% cut beginning May i. Asserted and denied that oper- ators ""have also done so. Not Even Week-Ends jacksonvlUe, Pla., April 18. The Florida, 2,000-seater, has gone dark after trylngv Saturday-Sunday operation for two months. This is a Sparks house. Fllntv prices will Vc reduced Wednesday (20) t<> their lowest here in 16 yeisirs. E. J. Sparks operates ail downtown houses for whites.. Remaining open are the Palace; Imperial and Empress. ,,V-'>>s Robert N. Lee hiaa been engaged by Charles R. Rogers to work , on script of '70,OQO "Witnesses,' foot- ball mystery. Picture will be the second Rogers' schedule. on 'Heroes of the West* serial ^-2?""=' (4th week) D—Ray Taylor A—Henry MacRae S—None Onslow Stevens Barbara Wells Noah Beery, Jr. 'Tom llrown at Culver' (4th wcclO D—Wm. Wyler A—Geo. Green E.' A. Patterson Tom nuck Ingham C—Charles Stumar S—Ton) Brown .Hlim Summcr\-llle ir. n. Warner Norman 4*hllllpS' Jr. Tyrone Powcr. Jr. Andy Dcvlne Russell Hopton Forrest Wlljson • Howard Oreon .3—Jaimes Cagney 'Tiger .Shark' (start ncxi week) „ D—Howard Hawks A—Howard'Howkji ^» ' S—Kdwnrd G. Robinson 'The .Cabin in thr Cotton' rslart about May J) ' A—Harrj- Harrison Kroll Paul Green S—Richard ■ Uarthelmess '.S..S. Atlantic' Cstart about May 1) ' D—Toy fiarnctt A—Jamc!) Ashmore Creelman ' Jtobt. Lord- s—Kay Kranols, '\Virr»n Jlymer' Frink .MeHugh Stock Market (Continued from page 7) . that new short selling had coinfe,Into the. issue. The present situation doesn't en- courage bear opei'atlons, one reason being that this, once premier invest- even with the upturn of Frlday-and Saturday, finished tlie week .net lower by about 3^,2 at 60. Metros U, Lose Ground Puzzling thing " about senior stocks was that there seemed to b» n6 buyers at near-by bids. Metro- ment issue ^Is^ already selling at » ^ which lately has l>roken vastly defiated _ price; and. the othebj'j^g old tradition of narrow m6ve- mehts on widely scattered sales, tsVthat the Exchange at the moment Isn't encouraging, short selling. Nevertheless' It looks still lower. Data on the slioH po&ltlpri sup* incorporahons NEW TOBK W •• . „ , Albany, April J». Ballyhoo Prodaotlons, Inc., Manhat- tan, theatrical. 100 shares no par. Sonthem Tier Shown Corp;, Elinira, amusements^ Indoors and out, iCO shares jxo par. Tyson CompaDy, Inc., Manhattan, tlrkcts for tlieatres, 100 shares no par. .. Frainax Amoseuient Corp., New Torlt, theatrical, 100 shares no pari Iris Amnweinent Corp., Manhattan, the- atrical, $10,000. Prbtex Pictures Corp.. Manhattan, pic- tures of all k!nds, 200 shares no par. The Sanford SUnMr Players, Inc., New York, theatrical, JS.OOO. CrONR Island Amnseoteilt Corp;, Queens, theatrical, 110,000. Qnlnral, Inc., Kings, theatrical, .11,000. Change of Namo From Musical Prodaets Dlstrlbnting Co., Inc., Manhattan, to Majestic, New York; Inc. piled to the Senate Banking and transactions Currency. Committee by President Whitney of the Exchange rather ef'; fectlVely disposed of the political argument that 'bear raids' had been breaking the market. The figures seerned to substantiate tlie: Wall Street point that it -vvas short cov- erings that waia acting as a .stablllz-r ihg Influence during the drastic die^ dines forced by actual selling of the past few weekSi ItYhltney y/ds bcr fore the Senate committee again yesterday (Mon.) whil«$. the law- makers made further excurslpnsinto specific;'bear raiders,^ but hot much was looked for by the financial com- munity which regarded the whole inquiry us a bit oif politics. Bonds Rally from Depths Political uncertainties continued to cloud the business. skies, and it was the broad view that they would continue to do so at least until the' June conventlbhs. Basic business showed no Improvemeiit,' and mean- time ihtereist was centered on. the bond market, where price trends; were mixed. Paramount bonds, sank to startling new lows and then ral- lied toward the end of the week. Probably the crash of Paramount stock, to 3% before the week-end rally was predicated upon the dump- ing- of that company's liens. The jiew issue of B%'a hit- the astonish- ing level of 27 before support came In and rallied the quotation to 35%. Sinlultaneously th6 older and more seasoned 6's slid on considerable volume to 33, followed. by a sharp rebound to. 41. Net change oh the week was a gain of about-a point in both cases. No explanation was forthcoming, leaving the presumption, that the dumping was due to embarrassed 'situations.' Except in the extent of the decline, the Paramount bond movement. 'was not uniqiiel Many descriptions of. bonds, not so long ago regarded as of inyostment rat- ing, have sunk to almost like levels. • There was a relatively; narrow, movement upward In this Loew bonds amounting to a net gain of 2 on the w<eek, while the situation. Ih the Warner loans remained clouded. This issue held slightly above its lost most of Its recent recoveries, declining to-18%; within a point of its bottom for the year, on • only Universal first preferred, whl<?.h had been advancing consistently for months gave way again, airectly^_ in the face of an earnings report that should have brought encouragement to holders. Compahy made net profit for the quarter endlhg Jan. 30 of $181,557,- which the concern points out represents a gain of 100% bver tiic same qiiarter of 1931, although the '31 report, due to a; different system of charging off amortization, showed net at $1,- 045,326. Kad the methods of the more, recent accounting been ih force for the 1931 quarter, that three months^. (1931) would have shown net at $90,433, of less than half the profit of the more receht period. ' " '. . This gain in. revenue, it is noted, covers a period for ■Which most of the major film coihpanied have re- ported deficits. Nevertheless,. ther© were Universal stockholders who disposed of stocky although, to be sure, transactions were on an . ex- tremely small scale, amounting to only. 60 shares: Pi'ices touched a new low for the' year .at 82 and rallied to 34, net oflE 2. ; Columbia Pictures hit , a new low since Its transfer to the Big Board, dropping a full point to 4%, which approximates its bottom during its career on the Curb. Stock appears to be paying the penalty; of a, ha- bitually thin market where bid and asked afe, far apart and urgent buying or stilling is penalized: Both the Consolidated Film Issues went Into hew low ground, the pre- ferred touching T fiat, at, which price its $2 dividend represents a yield of nearly 30%,. sufllcieht hint of the longs' uncertaiinty of its con- tinuance. General Theatre Accord? Gcrieral Theatre bonds made fur- ther fractional gains, moving up % to 4, compared to a recent bottom of 1. There are three cbmrtilttee groups at ,work oh reorganization plans, one bondholders' independent committee, a second representing the Chase Bank In.terest and a third seeking to. protect the prfeferfed stockholders. Three-fold rivalry has created fears that too. many cooks net advance of tO 18, liut the Im-l the cominlttee heads declared ^iSf* provement was not very convincing, week that the outlook was favor- Six per cent fixed income securities selling on a basis of 33%> yield left the gloomiest interpretation on the oiitlook. . performance of the several listed prior amusement stocks lent a cer- tain amount of color to the belief that prices, everywhere were de- clining principally on liquidation of long stock. Notably Loew's 6% % preferred plunged something like 7% points to a new bottom for the year at 56, a move so violent that it evoked comment in the street. Loew profits have always shown heavy per share available to the senior issue, one year reaching more than $90 and last year total- ing more than $56. Urgent liquidation of so well bol- stered a security could be explained on no other ground than urgent need of money or a.hysterical state' of mind on the part of holders tliat could be satisfied with nothing short of complete switching from CALIFORM.A , ' Sacramento. April IS. Charles R. Rogers -Talking Plc((ire<i Corp., County of Los Angeles. Capital stock I2&,000, none subscribed. Cliarlcs R. nogisrsn J. F. Kearn.<i, P;, B.. Morrell. - Hollywood Star Publishing Co.,'rountv- OC Los Angeles. Capital ' stock $2S.00d, none subscribed. Carl J. - Rroekhageh,' Samuel Ilaueer, .Frances Stelnhnuef, all of >San Francisco; T^trgo Theatre, Inc., County of -Loit Angeles. .(Settling an India bookt;ig war on the eastslde.) Ray M. Robbln>>. Ethel R6bblns, Norman, A. Obrand,, Jark, T. Berman, Jean Berman. Capital stuck 3.606 shares, none subscribed. able to an agreement upon a plan, details of which would be an- nounced soon. Nelthier the common stock at 2u cents, nor the preferred (Curb) at 37 cents showed any revival of hope that anything would remain to stockholders after the bonds had been satisfied. Bonds defaulted the April 1 Interest. For no reason that was apparent RICO took on a new lease 6f life. Perhaps, the publicity concerning the appointment of M. H. Ayles- worth to the presidency of the com- pany, succeeding Hiram S. Brown, attracted some attention. At any rate the new debentures did not come out; Last price was In. the low SO's and, last transaction was a month ago: It is possible that the listed stock may be getting a play oh the theorj' that it has a certain nuis- ance -value,since It la the only stock otitalde the voting trust holding nearly 75% of the new stock issued securltiea to caah. Loew preferred, (,with the debentures, ■Summary Judgments Fred, and Harr.v Boses; Falniionl Theatre ,f'6rp.; J2,iei.77. CroHby iiiilge; 0. H. Werner; J10„2'4ft.l0. Crosby Galge; T. .Mitchell; J4.162.n. Abralinm Tliallielmer; Marcus' I,ocw Rpnlty forp.; ilio.i'j. Charles It.. blUlngham; M. Da vies: 18,139,70. 'Brandt, Theatrical KnterprliieH, Inr., William T^rundt 'Windsor Amuneiiiouc :;ori)., 'William Brandt Flutbubh Theatre Corp.; .S. T.lhrMcot; |10J.4r,.' Frln'm National ASHOclntlon of »w York; Bcakes Dairy Co,;. }l,S2i.S:.' Satisfied Judgment Recording LAb. of Am., Inc., ami Philip M. Plant; I. Tannenbaum Son & Co.; »5,:05.93, Dec 23, 1D31, ' ' ' Vacated Judgment FerrlH Radio Supply, also l<n>>wn a.' Forrl.s Ita^llo Supply, Iu<*.; Mny Pi^tiih Corp.: JTHS.71, April 8, 1?!!!. for week ending Saturday, April tG: STOCK EXCHANGE Ifwue and rate. American ..fieul.. ..- ....,'.. Cunaol. - Kllm ; Conifol. Film pfd. (2>... . . Columbia I', vtc . . . Kastmo u Kodulc '('>)...... F.o.\-, . Class A i.. . Gen. Elec. O)..'........'.. Uen. Then. £;<|. n Keith pfd., LOBW . (3)..,.., ..■ Do prer..(0',4),.i......... Madiaon Sf|. 'Garden Met-G-M pref. (i;m)> Orpheum pfd.,,,...,...,.. Paramount .v........;... Paihc KxcliunKe.. .. Pathe, Class A.. Radio Corp ..;.'.< RKO .Shubert ;... Universal pret. (8).i....i AVarner P.roH..,........i Do pref ■AVe!)llnghou(»e (U.......... Jllsh. Low. 2H 7% fiy* 05-r* 2',i: lO'V* % 'A 00 10 '6% H SVt 5T4 • 4 ■ 3+ IS G'i 24>. 2% ■ 7 VA 07'A O '■'',m.-. : 20% CO 2%, 18'« '»% % i'/i 5 82 114 20% Net chg. Last. Tor wk; U4 bid 2% . 7%. .. 4% 07'A 21/s 10 % 15 bid 23% 60 2% 18» 7'/4 bid 4% - '-4 2'/, 0',4 - 8% .- : ',4 bid 84 i>i 014 23Vi + % - n -814 + .% + ;% + y.^ — -114 --2 . + '4 A- »i - H CUBS 1)0 l-'(,rest Ilad;i> V')X ThtatrPM (!en. .Thi'a, j; 'l'ftrhnl(-iilor . 'J'iDns I,U\.. + > BONDS TM. Over the Counter, N. V. , Itoxy, • I'liiH A ' ,.