Variety (April 1932)

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Tuesday, AprH 26, 1932 PIC T « R E C R OSS E S VARlEtr loop Gets Happier on Pcf sonals; ^ B^' and Cooper $45,000; Crosby And lad^ Near $31,000, Oriental Chicago, April 25. Loop picture byslnesp la recover- ing from the red Ink puddle of the. ■ past weelc. Dynamite Is being aUpr plied at the deluxe and vaude spots by heavy na^es 6n the stage. At the Chicago the register Is taking tieart once more after having b^en In a terrific slump. Doing the trick is 'So Big' on the screen and the kid picture name; Jackie Cooper^ behind the footlights, ■. At the other . B.&K, deluxer, Orl- 'ental, Bing Crosby Is crooning to extra shekels with 'Misleading Xady' .as; the flloker. At the run houses the be^t.pace Js -being delivered by ' •Explorers «f the:. World' at the Boosevelt, .. 'Grand Hotel', arrived In town yesterday (24) at the legit Woods to bring Chicago Its first fl«60 film In more than a year. Advance sale is strong, and though not a com- t>lete sellout Is Indicated It never- theless is going to be a near-capa- city week. First week, because of Sunday night opening, will be only a iS-performance stretch. Estrmates for This Week Chicago (PubTIx-B.&K.). (4,000; M-75-85), 'So Big' (WB) and stage show. Barbara StaTiwyck now a ' consistent pull In this town; Jackie Cooper , on stage a big help; to- . gether they'll rriean a nifty $45,000, • best in weeks. Last week was sad Bt ?29,600 for . 'World aind Flesh' ■ (Par). McVickers (Publix-B.&K.) (2,200; BO-75-85),. 'Miracle . Man' (Par). Short and weak stay. First week meaningless at $23,300, and for final six days not likely to top poor $11;000. 'Wet.Parade* (M-G) com- ing in Wed. (27). Oriental (Publix-B.&K.) (3,200; BO-75-85), 'Misleading Lady* (Par) and stage show. Bing Crosby on ■ platform and accounting for steady afternoon tmde. Conibliiatloii has strong $31,000 chance. I^ast week Tough to Be Famous* (FN) and lEIarl HInes band Just fair,. $26,300. Palace. (RKO) (2,500; 60-75-85), •*Gareless Lady* (Fox) and vaude. Up to the vaude entirely currently. Bert liytell and Al Trahan may cart away good enough ^$23,000. :Last week was off badly to $18,30& on.'Play Girl' (FN) and non-draw vaude. Roosevelt (Publlx-B.&K.) (1,500; 60-75-f5), 'Explorers of World' (Raspin). One of many Indies re* cently at this spot due to scarcity of material. This one evidences a perk In business and likely to de- liver good $16,000. Last week'Des- try' (U) took fair $9,200. State-Lake (RKO) • (2,700; 50-75- 85), 'Young America' (Fox). House remains unhappy. Looks certain for vaude return within a month. Maybe $7,000, brutal. Last week 'Scandal for Sale* (U) no happier, $6,600. United Artists (Publlx-UA) 'Tar- kan* (M-Q. Three weeks for this one, 'This Is the Night' (Par) com- ing In Friday (29). Last weelc jun- gle film did good $16,100, Currently expected to bold pace due to school ■ holiday. Indicates fair $11,000. Woods (Johes) (1,200; 60-$1-1.60). 'KSrand Hotel' (M-Q). Opened last night (24). Has 13 shows for open- ing week. Advance building and close to capacity first week. House can hold around $22,000 on 15-per- formance basis. COLUMBUS FAIR LOUISVILLE TEPID 'Wet' Around $10,000—F-M Units Out of Rialto This Week 'Miracle'$18,000,9 Days; llan Wanted'$6,000, Good Indianapolis, April 25.. ' Biz lip a little on better pictures. *Wet Parade,* at Palace, and 'Mir- acle Man,' In for nine days at the Indiana, se6m to be leading the pack, , "Indlaha liulled 'Misleading Lady' early and opened 'Miracle Man' on Wednesday (20) instead of usual Friday. ' . - Estimates for This Week Apollo (Fourth Ave.) (1,100; 26- 35-50), 'Man Wanted' (WB). Seems to be on way to good $6,000. Last week 'Crowd Roars' (WB) reaped $7,000, plenty good. Circle (Skburas-Publlx) (2,600; 25-35-50), 'Tough to Be. Famous' (FN). May erid at nice $6,000. Last week 'Girl Crazy' (Rapllo) $5,000, Just fair. ^ . Indiana (Skouras-Ptiblix) (3,300; 25r33-50), . 'Miracle Man' ■ (Par). Nine-day stand should show around $.18,000, mediocre for this house. Last week 'Misleading Lady' (Par) failed to climb; $8,500 on short week. . ;l.yric (Fourth Ave.) . (2,000; 25- 3o-.u0), 'Steady Company' (.U) a,nd vautie. May continue on pr<>sent good journey for $10,000; ads tea wring'the vaude. Last week 'Care- 'World' $15,000 'and 'Miracle' $8,500 —'Destry $2,^ . . Columbus, April 25. ' Too much sun last few days, and that will hurt all siround. Last w;eek damaged because ' of Summer weather, too. Estimates for This Week . Palace (RKO) (^,074; 25-40)-^- 'Miracle Man' (Par);; Publicized to the sklies and raves from critics. Fair $8,500 .seems certain. Last week 'Shopworn' (Col) very light with $3,500. Ohio (Loew-UA) (3,000; 25-50)—. 'World and Flesh' (Par) and unit. George Sidney^ In person, and o"Q way to $15,000, okay. Last week 'Misleading Lady' (Par) closed to mild $12,300. Grand (Neth) (1,100; 15-35)— •Heart of New York' (WB). Only $2,€l00 In siglit. . Last Syeek 'Beauty and Boss' (WB) fair enough at $3 800 ■ Majestic (RKO) (1,100; ' 10-26) 'Destry' (U). No. exploitation re- garding, Mix's first -talker. Slightly. oft at $2,300. Last .week 'After To- mori'ow' (Fox) also none too hot, $2,500. " . • Pitt Fdins Tumble; PeBn and Stan Boih Look Under $20,000 Pittsburgh, April 26. Mix mid-summer .weather, day- light, saving and gieriera} conditions and the answer Is 'No.' This week looks like a: complete letdown all the way around. Current week's drop Is cltywide, extending to the small nabes. Big things were expected of the tab version of 'Good News' at the Stanley, where -it is showing with 'Millionaire,' but the town Isn't go- ing for the new idea despite a good show and a great campaign. Stan- ley will be lucky If it gets a poor $18,500, Penn has 'Night' Court' In on a big splurge of Metro Institutional advertising, and Stoopnagle and Bud, radio team. In person plus Buck and Bubbles. Looks : like strictly a night draw here If any and $20,000, which Is doubtful. Fulton likewise taking It with 'Wayward.' . Lone decent showing this week Is expected of 'Grand Hotel,' open Ing a $1.60 engagement today (Monday) at the Aldine. At abso- lute capacity house can do around $21,000 weekly. Advance sale Is big, unusual around here. Estimates for This Week Aldihe (Loew) (1,830; 50-75-$!- $1.50), 'Grand" Hotel' (M-G). Road show engagement opens today (25), following stage version at Aldine by one week; house closed for more than year; ^ood advance sale. Davis (WB) (1,750; 10-15-25-35 50), 'Beauty and Boss' (WB). Un- likely to better poor $2,600. Last week 'Explorers of World" (Ras- pin) a surprise, turning in swell $4,800; best here In months. Fulton (Shea-Hyde) (1,700; 10 15-25-35-50), 'Wayward' (Par)^ Cricks rapped and weak $5,600 in prospect. Last week 'Disorderly Conduct' (Fox) okay at $7,500. Harris (WB) (1,800; 10-15-25-35), 'Steady Company'. (U) and 'Sin's Holiday' (Indie), Will have tough time making poor $2,400. Last week 'Big Shot* (Radio) and 'Behind Stone Walls* (indie) around $2,600 Penh (Loew-UA) (3,300; 25-35^ 60-75), Night Court' (M-G) and stage show; Stoopnagle and Bud on stage arid may withstand a too se vere licking; possibly $20,000, not good .but an improvement, over pre vlous session, when 'Fiesh Is Weak' (M-G) and George Sidney on stage only. $15,000. Stanley (WB) (3,600; 25-35-60); Millionaire (Fox) and tab version 'Good News.' Mob simply Isn't go in^ for Idea despite good entertain ment value; expensive show and a weak $18,000, if that, will represent quite a dent. Last week 'Sky Dev lis' and Pola Negri In Dick Powell's farewell revue all right at $24,000 Warner (WB) (2,000; 25-35-60), 'Man- Wanted' (WB). Kay Francis not figured star b.o, material i"et; poor $7,000 in prospect. Last week 'Crowd Roars' (WB) fell after big opening; $11,000/ satisfactory- but short of expected holdover strength " Louisville, April 25. After weeks 'of effort to drag in enough money to make F. & M. pay at the Rialto, managenient will drop the shows with the ciirrent unit. This hiakes: twice F. & M. has hit Louisville only to recoil. Business looks just ordinary this week. Estimates for This Week . LoeW's (3,252; 25v35-50-60)^'Wet Parad6' (M-G). Around fair $10,000; Last week 'Scarface' (UA), $12,500,. Strand (Fourth Ave ) (1,765; 25- 35-50)-'Miracle Man' (Par). Weak $5,100. : Last week 'Crowd Roars' (WB), $3;800. Rialto (Fourth Ave.) (2,710; 35-60- 60)—'Misleading Lady* (Par) arid unit Oke on $9,600. Last week 'Man Hunted' (Par), $10,600. Brown (2,000; 20-30-40)—'Men oiE Chance* (FN),, and 'Secret Service' (Ra,, split. Near poor $2,300. Last \*^^eek 'Tough to Be Famous' (E*N), $1,900. . ; Alartio (Fourth Ave:): (i;000; 16- 26)—'Beauty and . Boss' (WB). Around $2,500. Last week 'Behind the Mask* (Col) fair .$2,400. less Lady'. (Fox) clicked for $11,000 Palace (Loew) (2,800; 25-35-50), 'Wet Parade' (M-G). Will get easy $10,000, good for this hou.<?e. Last week 'Flesh Is Weak' (M-G) a neat $3,000. TLESH'GOODAT$23,S0O IN WASHINGTON PALACE ■ Washington, April 25; , One house will ,stdnd out this week, the . Palace with Arthur Tracey (radio) oh the stage and 'Flesh Is Weak' (MrG) as the screen fare. ■■' , ■ . Keith's is back to straight pic- tures currently with 'Symphony , of Six Million' (Radio).. Estimates for This Week Columbia (Loew) (1,232; 35-50- 70), 'This Is the Night' (Par). - Not more than Indifferent $7,500. Last week, second for "Wet Parade' (M- G), about $10,000, Earle (Warner) (2,240; 25.35-40- 60-70), 'Man Wanted' (WB) and vaude. Maybe mediocre $12,000. Last week 'Crowd Roars' (WB) $18,000, oke. Fox (Fox) (3,434; .25-35-60), 'Young America' (Fox) and F-M unit. Slow and will wind up at no more than weak $14,600. Last week 'Devil's Lottery* (Fox) $19,200, oke Met (Warner) (1,263; 25-35-50), 'Heart of New Tork* (WB). Not much In the ofllng, $6,600^ Last week 'Hound of the Baskervilles* did $8,000. Palace (Loew) (2,363; 25-36-60 60-70), 'Flesh Is Weak' (M-G) and unit. Will show good $23,600, aided by radio's 'Street .Singer.' Last week 'Wiser Sex' about $14,000^ Rialto (U) (1,900; 25-35-60-70), 'Menace' (Col) and vaude. Policy of one name act weekly, will do about $10,o6o this week with Vic McLaglan. Last week Dorothy MaftCaill iii person responsible for $16,000. Keith's (RKO) (1,845; 25-35-60), 'Symphony* (Radio). Fair at $9,000 Last week, final for vaude policy, with 'Hell's House,' about $8,000. SEATTIE SLUGGISH; 'DISORDERLY' $9,000 Seattle, April 25. Summer closings reported, with the Paramount darkening on Thurs day of this week for an Indef pe rlod. Biz slow all around, although the Liberty at the 25c. top scale has been battling out a consistently fair average. Estitnates for This Week Fift*h Ave. (Fox) (2,300; 35-60) 'Disorderly Conduct' (Fox) and FanohonrMarco unit Jules Buffano band opened oke, but $9,000 pace bad. 'Miracle Man' (Par) only fair, $10,200, Last week Orpheum (RKO) (2,700; 26-60)— 'Carnival Boat' (Patlie) and vaude, Despite heavy publicity for picture, $7,800 is bad. Last week 'Scandal for Sale' (U), brutal $5,300 _ shows that newspaper stories have had their day. Music Box (Hamrlck) (900; 25-35- 50)—'Crowd Roars' (WB) $3,000,.ofE. Last week 'Alias the Doctor' (FN) weir liked, but no click, $3,500. Liberty (Jensen-von Herberg). (2,- 000; 10-15-25)—TDeceiver' (Col) with Chic Sale short, "Hurried Call,' equally billed. Fair at $5,000. Last week 'Men of the Sky' (FN) slipped to $5,100 after strong .start. Paramount (Fox) (3,106; 25-35)— 'Sky Bride' (Par) and 'But the Flesh Is Weak* (M-G) holding up. to big $6,500. Last week 'Mislead- ing Lady' (Par) and 'Amateur Dad- dy' (Fox') also good at $6,300. House goes dark on Thursday. ..Blue Mouse (Hamrlck) (950; 25)— •Destry Rides Again' (U). Torii Mix's first all-talker was heavily ballyhooed; $2,0.00, fair. Last week 'Hearts of N. T.' (WB) slow at 1,800. Coliseum (Fox) (1,800; 25-35)— 'Prestige' (Rad). and 'Lady With Past' (Rad) split week. Two femme star.q In ieach well publicized, but $2)200 pace is slow. Last weel^ 'Tar- zan' (M-G) and 'Arrowsmlth' (UA) fiood at $2,700, 1,000, Starts Off Lawyer Melos with 6ai^; 'Daddy' at Roxy^ Others Are Off DENVERDIPS Everything Off—'Miracle Man' Best With Mild. $14,000 • Denver, April 26. Everything is off here this week. ■Miracle .Man' at ' the Deriyer, with $14,000 is best in town and that no wow. ■ ■ 'This Is the Night' at the Par with $7,000 is a s,harp contrast to last week's $12,900 for 'Tarzan' at the same house.. ^ ., Estimates for This Week Aladdin (Huffman) (1,500; 35-50- 75) 'The Careless Lady." (Fox).. Fair $5,000. Last week. 'Beauty and the Boss' (WB) ditto. . Denver (PUblix) (2,300; 25-40-65) 'the Miracle- Man' (Par) and F&M 'Art GiaUery' idea. Pretty fair at $14;000. Last week 'It's Tough to be Famous' (FN) a mild. $11,500. : Orpheum (iRKO) (2,600; 25-35-40- 65) 'Sky Devils' (UA) and RKO vaude. Not so good, $11,000. Last \Veck ' Men of . Chance' (Radio) dipped to a new low, $10,500. Pi(rambunt (Publix) (2,000; 26-35- 60) 'This Is the Night' (Par)..Bad at $7,00O. Last week 'Tarzan' (M- G) did. a good $12,900, high figure for the house for ,weeks and Den- ver's high that week. Rialto (Huffman) (900; 20-26-40- 50) 'A House Divided' (U) and Business and Pleasure' (Fox). Bad $2,250, Last week 'Michael and Mary' (U) and 'She Wanted a Mil- lionaire' (Fox) poor at $2,700. Tabor (Huffman) (2,000; 25-35- 50-60) 'Cohens and Kellys in Hol- lywood' (U). Poor $7,600. Last week 'Sliopworn* (Col) same. TAB UPS CENTURY TO I $25,000 M BALTIMORE Baltimore, April 25. Baltimore has Its first roadshow picture of the season in 'Grand Hotel'. at the Auditorium. House has been given over to regular first runs at a 50-cent top lately. En gagement Is being heavily adver tlsed as, only local showing of the film here this season. The Century Is debuting In tab musicals tills week, and doing It In a big way. "Girl Crazy,' on the stage. Is copping three-fourths of the theatre's newspaper ads. This follows the Hippodrome's one-week booking 'Follow Thru' iseveral weisks back. . Metropolitan Opera in town three nights last week undoubtedly cut into grosses of the better film houses and opening of the racing season at Havre de Grace also slowed up the riiats. Current week Is big at the Stanley and okay at the Valen- cia and Parkway, which are day-. and-datlng> 'Arsene Lupin.' Estimates for This Week Auditorium (Schanberger) (1,600; 50-$1.50) — 'Grand Hotel' (M-G). First road show in long while. Big advance of about $4,000. Monday (25) opening with house scaled for $22,000. Last week 'Stranger In Love' (Par) at 50-cent top, $4,000. Century (Loew, UA) (3,200; 25- 60)—'Feller Needs a Friend' (M-G) and 'Girl Crazy' tab. Looks like big week,, stage end being main draw. Big $25,000. Last week, ■ 'Flesh Is Weak' (M-G), plus Jimmy Durante in person and a big newspaper tie- up, a good $22,000. Hipp (Rappaport) (2,500; 25-50) —'Woman Conimands' (Par) niid vaude. Pola Negri doubling on the screen and in person; Prospects of pretty good $12,000. Last week ,'Girl Crazy* (Radio). Satisfactory :at $11,500. ^ Keith's (Schanberger) (2,500; 25- 50)—'Love. Affair' (Col.) and vaude. Dorothy MackalU on stage and screen and $16,000 expected, ,oko. Last week 'Impatient Maiden' (Un) about. $11,000. New (Mechanic) (1,800; 25-50)— 'Cheaters, at Play' (Fox). Compe- tition keen and won't cross pretty fair $6,500. Last week 'Young America' (Fox) rather low $5,000. Parkway (Loew-UA) (1,000; 25- 3.1)—'Arsene Lupin* (M-G). Will be close to $5,200, good. LaSjt week 'One Hour' (Par), $4,900. . Stanley (Loew-Stanley-Craridall) (3,600; 25-60)—'World arfd Fiesh* (Par;.,. Stiff oppoKition will hold here $18,500. Last week .'Wet Parade' (M-G) hardly a fair $17,500. Valencia (Loew-UA) (1,200; 25- 35)—'Arsonc Llipln!. (M-G). Pay and datrng with -uptown Parkwhy. Do- ing pretty well, $3,000. Last week 'One Iloui** (Par)'^2,900. Socked hard last week, largely by the spring weather, prospects for the Broadway houses aren't much brighter for the cyrrent seven-day stretch, Of the deluxe operations, it again looks like the Capitol will be under'." the heap. Its stride presages only $35,000 with 'Are You Listening?' very low. Paramount is aliso down as 'Sky /^rides' Indicates but $46,000; The Roxy , Is exhibiting better strength than of late. 'Amateur Daddy' is holding up and has a chance of hurdling $50,000i but that's not good. Winter Gai'deh headlrig for $38,000 on first week of 'The Mouthpiece'^ is the true street leader. ,. Publlx's duo, Rivoli with 'Miracle Man,' . and Rialto. displaying 'Wet Parade,' are not showing anything special for first week or runs. '. - ■ Expecting a hole in bookings, 'Case of Clara Dean' (Pa^), origi- nally for Paramount, Is going Into Rialto May 12 or before. 'Thunder Below' (Par) also likely to. nose Into Rivoli ahead of May 19, its tenta- tive date. : Astor continues to capacity on $2 ' run of 'Grand Hotel,' but demand, in legit ticket agencies has eased. 'Symphony' did a fair $8,000 at the Gaiety on Its first full week. Estimate for This Week • Astor (1,102; $l-$2) 'Grand Hotel' (M-G) (2nd week). Still capacity but legit agency demand has de- creased. House finally got up and lighted Itis electric sign. Capitol (6,400; 25-85-$1.50) 'Are You Listening?'. (M-G) and stage show. T.n a slough of despond, no more t. i,n poor $35)000 appears In . sight. LEist week a new low of $?9,- 600 with 'Flesh Is Weak' (M-G). Gaiety (808; $i-$2) 'Symphony' (Radio) (2nd week).- Did $8,000 on first full weak, fair In view of $1,50 top. .' Paramount (3,664; 40-i55-85) 'Sky Brides' (Par) and stage show. Slow trot for around $45,000. Previous booking, 'This Is the Night* (Par) held up to nice $59,300 with colored revue on stage. •Rialto (2,000; 45-65-85), 'Wet Pa- rade* (M-G). First seven days won't dig up more than $16,500; first from Metro for any of the local Publlx houses except revivals; very disalppointlng first week. Last seven days 'One Hour' (Par) brought $16,600. Mayfalr (2,200; 35-65-85.$l), 'CoTiens and Kellys' (U)r Feebly grabbing for $10,000, exceedingly poor. Last week 'Love Starved' (Radio) also a new low, $7,200; this film known as 'Young Bride' out o£ town. Rivoli (2,200; 40-65-85-$!), 'Mir- acle Man' (M-G). Initial week will show fair $25,000. Final seven days. 'One Hour* (Par) $14,200. ' Roxy (6,200; 60-75-$1.50), 'Ama- teur Daddy* (Fox) and stage show, Striving to top $50,000, a possibility; better, but not good. Previous week 'Careless Lady' (Fox) $44,000. Strand (2,900; 35-50-75-$l), 'Fer- guson Case' (FN), Chance for $15,- 000, Indifferent. Last week 'Man Wanted' (WB) $16,800. Winter Garden (1,418; 35-05-85- $1), 'Mouthpiece' (WB), Street's outstantjer at $38,000 on nr.<it week; first fllrii of new lawyer cycle. FAIR P'LAND GROSSES, 'WORLD' AFTER $10,000 Portland, Ore., April 25. 'Carnival Boat' is doing fairly at the Orpheum this week, but the. house has' slipped fi-om its previous biz level due to the fun. of pro- gram ^product. Local b. o. feeling Is that Inferior product not only damages present business, but hurts future weeks, sending the fans elsewhere without ever ilrst thinking of the theatre. All local houses have reduced exploita- tiori considerably, figuring that over- selling is likely to hurt future biz more than it can help at present. . Estimates for This Week Paramount (Fox-Porlland) (3,000; 25-60)—'World and Flesh' (Par) and unit. Fair for $10,000. I.ia3t week 'Arrowsmlth' (UA) closed a big week to $15,000, . : Orpheum (RKO) (2,000; 25-60)— 'Carnival Boat' (Patlie) aDfVV.iude; Not bad at $6,000. Last week 'Scan- dal for Sale' (Rarlio) despito ex- ploitation only $3,300. United Artists (Fox-Portland) (3,000; 25-35)—'Arrow-smith' (UA). Poorly m second week, afcer Para- mount, to $3,500. Last week 'Tar- zan' (M-G), SCOond week, got $4,500, Music Box (Hamrlck) (2,000; 25- 35)-^'Crowd Roars' (WB); Pretty good at $4,0000. Last wecli 'iSeauty and Boss' (WBj $5,000. .