Variety (April 1932)

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10 VARIETY Tuesday, April 26, 1932 40(l0t fet of Negative Now 175,i0; Labs and Dealers Feel It Hollywood, April 25* Curtailment of production and Improvoment of methods in the studios has hit the laboratories and raw stock companies' worse th.-jn any other branch, of the motion pic- ture industry. Currently, business of both the labs and stock com- panies is about 60% under the aver- ; age of two years agro. Major studios aro now using an average of about 175,000 feet of negative to each production. Previ- ously features used around 400,000 feet. Positive film used for the dally rushes corresponds with these fig- ures.' • Independent producers who at one time thought nothing of using 75,000 feet of negative and rush prints arc down to an average of 35,000 for both. 70 Prinis / Few major studios now ; niaUe more Pro Criticism , Hollywood, April 25. Kxcerptfrom tho. Federation of V.'omen's Clubs- review of Universal's 'Impitleht Maiden": '. . .secretary and the doc- tor • go their separate ways until; the appendix operation brlngis them 'together again. The action drags (perhaps due to faulty cutting).' Metro'S Soviet Special Looks First Under Wire Culver city, April 25. Soviet storjr on \yhith Metro has beeii working for over a year will be the next of the etudlo's specials. Picture will be ready to start in thrn"7Vrerei[srpriii^s of 'their l two mbntlis, still ah.ea.d of those at features. Formerly the figure was studios which, took .up the B'KLYN FAIR, WITH PAR AND TAB $46,500 Brooklyn, April 25.. Par fa fronting with jstrength credited to condensed version of 'Follow Thru.' Show, sold over pic r ture wllb possible $46,600 In view, good enough. Coney Island Board- wark tolled close to million people over week-end. Estimates for This Week Paramount (4,200; 25-36-50-7S-85) —•Sky IBrlde' (Par) alnd 'Follow Thru' on stage. May hit fair $46,600. ](jast wieek LiombiBU'do band brought $38,800 with feature, 'This Is the Night', (Par). . Fox (4.000; 25-35-50-65)—'Care- less Lady*. (Fox) and uiiit. A slow $20,00Q. 'Disorderly Conduct' (FN), faiir last week at' $21;000. Albee (3,700;. 25-35-50-76-85)— 'Cohens and Kellys' (U) and vaude. Fair at $18,000. Last we^k 'Love starved.' mild $16(600. Metropolitan (3,600; 25-35-50-65) 'Hell Divers'" (M-G) and vaude. May hit $28,000. Last week 'Tarzan' (M-G) $26,000. Strand (2,600; '23-35-50)—'Crowd Roars' (WB). Will hit a good $20,^ 000. Last week 'Tough to Be Fa- mous', disappointing, $12,300. around 150 prints. - Ihdie producers have cut from 80 to 60 printis. idea, after Metro. but. hoped to get under the wire ahead. Production Enmh;a:Uon- bf the third , and 1^^^^ fourth cameras on productions has ] bleen a saving in negative and posi- tive costs to the studios but has hiirt the labs and raw stock dis- tributors'. 000.. ■Difficulty of getting writers who knew the subject caused most of the other studios to abandon the idea. Only Universal is still mildly en- , ^ , I thuslastic. It has 'Moscow,' by .Biggest negative and prlnt^orders glynore Dolkart, who spent about a were always from Charles Chaplin, K^^^ modern Russia, and 'The who would average mpre than 1,- Tfirror,' by Allen Rivklii and P. 000,000 exposed feet on his features. j. Wolfson, Americans whbse knowl- He also holds the record for prints, g^ge of Russia, is synthetically ac- eending oiit 1,200 6n'City Lights.' quired. NO ST. L BLUES ; $19*0 Lab costs have dropped to -new lows lii the past year. Negative de- veloping is down to one cent pe- loot, one cent for sound, track de- veloping and threiB cents for prints: Price two years ago'was one-and- onerhalf, two.and four cents respec- tively. Studio Activity Starts Picking Up for Summer . St. Louis, April 25. Things are looking up around the box offices this week, partly because Metro's yarn is temporarily titled I of Intelligent exploitation and part Soviet'but will have the-word'Red' ly because o£ newspaper reviews in the final title. Wallace Beery s'"el°e the fllms' praises to the arid Clark Gable have already been skies Gock o' At,' aided by per- V,.*. t^-^.^^ ..o,.* 4o sonals. Bets the pace. State, with picked, but the femme part Is ad- ,3^,^^^. didn't conceal gangster mltted to be the choice role. element, but frankly played it up. Isaac Don Levine was on the story Patrons' response) will be' to the for a short time biit his high salary tune of a good $17,000, was against him and he was let go ' Only the Ambassador is off.^ big by Metro. Boris Ingster, on since ^H'"^. 'Miracle Man' having the beginning arid John Monk | ?^»«? ^ts i>urpose. Texas Gulnan Saunders are completing the much Frisco's 2 Tabs Musical Helping Fox > to $39,000, Legit Thriller Poor $8,500 at Orpheuni Mild Weather Means Mild N.H. Grosses; Par $13,500 New Haven, April 25. Mild weather beglnninjc; to ci'imp week ends. Local film field "expands temporarily. Shubert. brings In 'Mystery of Life,' twice iTally, as a fill-In foi^ a hectlq. legit: reason,, which found house trying every- thing from lectures . to Junlof League revue. Art Cinema goes Into third week as foreign film exhib, and indica- tions point to continuance. After sidetracking second notice' to crew, Roger Sherman continues stage shows on week:ito-week basis, shifting opening from Friday to Thursday.: .Estimates for This Week Paramount (2,353; 35-65) —IMls- leadlng Lady' (Par), unit, probably $13,500 fair. Last week'This Is the Night' and Mills Bros., $19,700, very nice. ■ Roger Sherman (2,200; 35-65)— 'Crowd Roars' and 'Dixie Black Birds' revue. Mild $7,000. Last week .'Beauty a.nd the Boss' and tab, 'Good News,' toppled after nlcd start to ordinary $8,000. . Fox-Peli (3,040; 35-50)—'Cohens and Kellys? and 'Careless Lady.' Only fair around $9,800. Last week 'Scarface* and ; 'Office Girl' made good at $11,800. Bijou (1,536; 35-50)—'Lena Rivers' aind 'Around tho World.' Moderate $3,800 tempo. Last week '"VlMser Sex' and 'Sim's Pay Day' got same figure. Shubert (1.700; 25-50-75)-^'My3- tery of Ll.f6' and 'Killing the Killer.' Sound film a new venture for ,this house, and experiment should bring in neighborhood of $6,000. altered script, rect. George Hill will di- Hollywood, April 25. Agents have been reporting a 26% dropoff in production talent with a proportionate , tough break for the freelance player particularly, but with Fox and Radio back on Photocolor's 6 and her hite club revue and Roscoe Arbuckle are hielping-the Fox. At the St. Louis, Olsen and Johnson are the builders. lEstimates for This Week Lpew'^ State (Lbew) (3,000; 25- 35-50)—'Scarface' (UA). Headed for good $17,000. Last week 'Flesh is Weaie (M-G) $11,000. Ambassador (t>ar) (3,000; 35-60 Toitkers, N. T., April 25. . six pictures are; scheduled, for I 66)—'Miracle Man' (Par) and stage , . , I. , J , , production at the studios of Photo- show. With Don Barclay on stag^, almost normal shooting schedule at Irvington, N, t., for 1932, not coming up to expectations at things are looking up. For a time ^^^.^jordinB to Frank B. Nemee, pres- 120,000. Last week 'Allks the D<Jfe- hoth of these major studios had no 1^^^^^ . | tor^ (FN)_$24,4()0, oke, more than two pictures in work at one time. This was duje, at Radio, to the personnel realigning, and ditto at,Fox. The Indies have been of little help as necessarily, with conservative bankrolls, they shoot their stuff in 10 days adhering to a strict budget; However, with Fox and Radio each having four pictures in work, and others going ahead on '33 product, local. activity is on the mend. Work win commence on the first about June 6. Myron C. Fagah will I supervise the productions and his 1 play, 'Jimmy's Womehj' Is first on the list. Fox. (Fox) (6,000; 25-35-50)— 'Cock o* the AJr* and stage show (UA). Okay around $19,000, picture being relegated to background for Tes:as Guinan and Roscoe Arbuckle on the stage. Last week'She Want- ed a Millionaire' $12,600, down. Sti Louis (RKO) (4,000; 25-35-50) -^'The Office Girl' and Olsen and Attach Tec-Art Lot Pav *9 Qnn ■Pi.a**»iii*«c Io" stage maintaining fair cm ;p^,9yU irremiUmS drawing power at $15,000. Last week Xos Angeles. April 25. '^<S?**'^°'',Sale' <U)jl5.700. Pacific Indemnity Co. ^vhlch does U •ec-Arfa hnn,Hn^ hn«tn«=<. i,ao N*?ht (Par) and 'Lcve Af Sennett Drops Direction Of Charles Mack Feature Hollywood, April 25 Mack Sennett has withdrawn froni direction of the Charles Mack feature, which was a Moran and Mack picture until Moran dropped out oC the cast. He will engage a director and be content with super- vision. Production, which has been scheduled to get going dally- for Missouri (3,5<)0; 25-36-50)—'This Tec-Arfs bonding business, "h^s I ^''^^pSfi^wfL?u%^'^^^^^^^ slapped an attachment on the leas- for aT^%8?"oo LasTweek 'Mis- ing lot to cover. Its claim for $2,921 leading Lady' (Par) and 'Heart of premiums unpaid. . |New York (WB) $8,400 One premium was on a bond re- leasing the studio from attachment In another suit. Most of the amount claimed, however, is on workmen's compensation insurance. ,U. S. Distribs Resist British Sub-Billing . London, April 14. Russell Holman to Join k Caumont British tendency to T» A 1? -I A T» ^ Pieadllne With British pictures. With BotSlOrd at Pair on Goast M^«rlcan products being relegated Russell Holman, In charge of the ^' * Paramount editorial board in New It.Y"!:?! Vl^l^^''*'^ noticeable, is the past six months, may not start I York, will probably go to the Coast for at least four weeks because ofj in a month or six weeks to pier manently settle at the studio on scenario matters. If materializing. D. A. Doran would take, charge east on'move of Holman. story altci'ations. K. C. SEES ITSELF AS 3-DAY TOWN, BIZ SLOW Kansas City. April 25. Commencing to looik like , this is only a three-day town. Balance of the weeks are a nightmare to the managers. Present week bills offer all kinds of amusement and a list of:. the feajtured names, with the liquor iquestion getting attention at the Apollo showing 'Ten Nights' and Loew's Midland ■with 'Wet Parade.' 'Grand Hotel' opens at the Liberty May 6 at $1.50 twice dally. .Estimates for This Week Loew's Midland (Loew) (4,000; 25- 60)—'Wet Parade' (M-G). Extra newspaper space freely used; around $16,000, fair. Last week '"W^ay of AH Flesh' (M-G) a poor $13,000. Newman (Publix-Dublnsky) (1,- 890; 25-35-50)—'Miracle Man' (Par) Expected to build to about $8,000, mild. Last week- 'Crowd Roars' (WB) only $7,000. Mainstreet (RKO) (3,200; 25-35- 50)—'Young America' (Fox). Light at $12,000. Last week 'Scandal for Sale' (Radio) did not appeal. $11,000. Liberty (PubliX-Dubinsky ) (1,000; 26- 50)-ii'T6ugh to Be Famous* (FN). Mary Brian and Doug Fairbanks, Jr., well liked here and little house will be moderate with. $3,500. Last week 'This Is the Is'Ight' (PaiO held up more consistently than anything on street for $4,300. Pantages (Ind.) (2.200; 20-25-40) —'Play GhT (FN) and stage show, Management giving stage e.qual bill- ing with picture; fair on $5,500 Last week 'The Menace' (Col). $6,000 . San Fraticlsco. April 25. The navy dropped anchor Satur^ day (23) and let loose 40,000 on a spendihg spree that's piling up a week of good business for some of the picture houses. Current week, has an innovation for the natives—tab versions Of a , musical and a legit. Fli^st time local houses' have tried this type of en- tertainment and Fox is cleaning up with 'Girl Crazy' while Orpheum finds thei going toiigli with legit thriller. .'Murdered Alive.' Fox ig apt to hit a very fine $39,000. Orph- eum will l^e around <tn extremely bad $8,500. ' '. A . big navy . staige show and Broken Wing' on screen is pulling the dough Into Warfleld. while War- ners tells a sad story with 'Beauty and Boss.'- ^ Estimates for. This Week Fox (5,t)00;, 36-65) 'Flesh Is Weax' (M-G) and tab. 'Girl Crazy' with Ginger Rogers. Fine $39,000 likely here. Last, week 'Devil's Lottery' (Fox) fair' $27,600. " Golden Gate (RKO) (2,844; 35-60) Impatient Maiden' (U) and Vaude. Lew Ayres quite popular and. $11,- 000 fair. Liast week 'Rue Morgue'' (U) drew fair $12,000. Orpheum (RKO) (2,270; 35-60) Cohens and Kellys' (U) and stage tab. 'Murdered Alive.'. Neither Item ■drawing and $8,600 very bad. Last week .'Shopworn'. (Col) got $9,000. Paramount (Fox) (2,700; 35-60) Miracle Man' (Par).' Lot of old- timers repeating on this one; $13,000 good enough. Second week 'Tarzan' (M-G) $11,000. United Artists (1,200; 25-40-60) Michael and Mary^ (U). Less than 117.000, but better than last week when 'Silvier Lining' (UA) got poor $6,000. Warfield (Fox) (2,672; 30-60) Broken Wirig' (Fox) and stage show. Sailors coming Jn here and 1118,000 satisfactory. Last stanza- Play Girl' (WB) hit under $17,000., Warners (1.366; 36-60-60) 'Beauty And 3oss' (WB). Pulled after five days, $2,600. 'Tough to Be Famous' (FN) got $8,500 last week. Nolan-Bonns' Findings Hollywood, April 26 John Nolan, western division sales manager for Fox, and Eddie. Bonns, home office representative, arie east bound to report on program findings at the Fox sales convention. Both have been two weeks on coast. Campana For De Valty Hollywood. April 55. Ettorc Campana, Italian opera singer who is here after touring Argentine and Mexico, has been en- gaged by Kendall De 'Vally and will, sing Mcthlstophles In 'Walpurgis Night,' opera short for Educational. Kendall-De Vally this week leased the Hollywood studios on Glcndale Boulevard for a yeai' and will re- name it 'Kc'ndal'l-De Vally Studios.' Company has two more opera shorts to mako on Its present contract with Educational. SUNSET PICTUEES FOLDS Los Angel'is, April 25; Bryan Foy, Lou Sellei'. Lew Goldcr. partners in Sunset Pic- tures, Ltd., have dissolved the com- pany. Outfit was form M to make a series of Edd'e Lambert shorts. becoming common. But Si is usually the second fea ture that saves the prosrani. . American renters Jn many in stances have given up trading with Gaumont Britisli unless the con- tract specifically stated their (the 4.merican films), shall be given head- line spotting as formerly. BOGEBS'LAIT TARN Jack Lait wrote the story, 'I Can't Go Home.' to order for Charles Rl Rogers, .who supplied the title. It's an inslde^on-HolIywood yarn which will be an Indie Rogers production for Par release. Lait will novelize and syndicate through bils regular Hearst afSlia .U Sues Davidge Los .Angeles, Api'il 26. Universal, is suing Roy Davidge tions as a preliminary ballyhoo for Film Laboratory for $5,189 . back I the picture royalties and service charges on a Dutch Strike Threat The Hague, April 14. A new cinema conflict Is threat ening the tOVin of Leyden, where the town council proposes a higher tax on amusements; Object is to raise tax 25%. Managers of cinema, legit and other business Interests, affected by the tax, threaten to stop all enter talnments if the law is passed. That would mean tiiat the town would not only miss the $5,000 ex tra, but also the $20,000 yearly un der the old tax rate. Hunter-Pierce Developing Machine, and asks an accounting to deter- mine further royalties for the past year. Roy Davidge, John Jasper, iand L. C. Davidge are mentioned as partners in the laboratory. PUTNAM'S THIBp U Universal City, April 25. Univers;il has bought a third original story from Nina WIIco.n Putnam. Newest Is 'Auto Camp' for Slim .<SunimerviUe-and ZaSu Pitts. NEW 'IGLOO' DIALOG Hollywood, April. 25 Synchronized dialog for 'Igloo, the Edward Small Eskimo story, Is being entirely rewritten, with the narrative switched around ; com pletely. . Small is dickering with'First Jsa tional for release, not being satis fied with deals offered by Fox and Paramount. Ewing Scott, Who wiote and directed 'Igloo,' has been offered the., ejcpedition for Metro' 'Iceberg,' which W.. S. Van Dyke is to direct. trowf $14,000; Newark; 2 CaDoways as Opposish Newark, April 25. Good attractions and with a weather break grosses should mount. '50 Million Frenchmen' of- fering &ome competition, but will have to sprint for $12,000 at the Shubert. Cab Calloway and Jean CJalloway, playing against each other, looks a queer booking. i. Estimates for This Week Branford (WB) (2,966; 20-35-50) —'Crowd Roars' (WB). Dropping of stage units won't hurt as much as it will help with any sort of at- tractions. Should take nice $14,000^ Last week 'Shopworn' (Col), with unit, .$12,000. Capitol (WB) (1,200; 15-25-33)— 'Arsehe Lupin' (M-G). and 'After Tomorrow' (5'ox). Bargains and location certainly a draw. Near $5,- 000. Last week 'Alias the Doctor' (FN) and 'Devil's Lottery' (Fox) fine at $5,200. Little (Clriema) (299; 50)—'Das Lied is Aus' (Associated Cinema). In. for two weeks and should take $1,400 the first. Last week 'Road to Life' (Amkino) badly hurt by Pass- over, but okay at .$1,700. Loew's State (2,780; 30-50)—. 'Beast of City' (M-G) f.nd vaude. Cab. Calloway expected to keep gross up to $16,000. Last week 'Tarzan' (M-G) nearly $17,500. Newark (Adams-Par) (2,248; 15- 25-50-60)—'Misleading Lady' (Par) and vaude. Lucky to get $13,500. Jean Calloway not counted on to cut in on Cab at Loew's. Last -week/ second of 'One Hour' (Par), okay at $14,200. Proctor's (RKO) (2,300; 25-40-o0-. 60)—'Carnival Boat' (Pathe) and vapde. Mitzi Green expected to p-..ll up gross on five. shows to $20,000. Last week 'Love Starved' (Pathe) over $16,000. Terminal (Skouras) (1,900; 15-25) —'Play Girl' (FN) and 'Behind Stone. Walls' (Syndicate), with 'Dancers In the Dark' (Par) and 'The Reckoning* (Hollywood) on split, maybe $3,200: Last, week only house helped by Passover. 'Lost Squadron' (Radio) and 'High Speed' (Col), with 'Millionaire' (Fox) and •Monster Walks' (Action), on split, nearly $3,800. Vai Lewton's 2d for Radio? Radio is interested in Val LeW- ton's second novel, 'Yealrly L<?ase,' to i>e published by Vanguard in late sumiliei*. Lewton's first, 'No Bed of Her OAvn,' may be bought by Par which has a 30-day option.