Variety (May 1932)

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TucflJay* May 24, 199t VARIETY «9 formerly . Congress Jersey Skpre By Weil NoRe An epidemic of ftmateur shows. Candy shops selling sonp sheets, panclng fpllows the boxing sli&ws iV Keansburg. " pine Tree Inn, Eatontowrt, opens with a floor sho#." Jack Strong, forrtier Sells-Floto Iferker, at Red Bank. Mickey Walker's carbuncles .sent. "Wro to the Red feank hosp. , Jlminy . D©' Forest reopens his long Branch training canip, . "The Harry D.'Esta, Rhoads puppet ■«»ows playing the. schpolhpuses. Bus-Syl, mind feadei", a one-week liAiklng at the Strand, Red Bank) . The Gideons convene at Asbury Patk and leave Bibles in the hotels. , Stoxlng oiiens May 27 at Long Brdnch with Jerry Casale promot- )^^oward. Mallen, vaude, running for Leonardo. ... •i.-E'earl Mack, once of Zieg.feld phdws, lives alone in a Kair Havep btmgalow. ••' •• Kfttherlne Alexander .starting a euihmer stock. Company in the Red Bank Elks' Club,'; •^ ■ -Helen Bradley^ .Toroniy. Phelan'$ eec, takes part In-, ajnateur shows •whenever she xian..' .■>• Morris Jacks, former mainager .of tbe-Red Bank Paramount, now in the vending maehine /blZi -. Maurice Baker,! Patamount dis- trict manager here, • ma,rried June: Jensen, nonrijro, -fct Asbury' Park, Edith Crafts, former sobbie on Kv Y; sheets,' now book, reviewing for the 'Daily Record,* laong Branch. ■• ■Speakeasies - must - close up on Stindays in- ■ several of the towns afound here; .'Okay -the: other .six days.- ■,. Mik© Mllonas, Keansburg conces* sloiialre, - leases' the Riverside Grill, Bfed- Bank; lOpens- soon with a ?how. : -.-i- • • . • • Jimmy BlUc's lUneBs forces him a^id band out of Itoherty^s Tavern, Bed Bank. Harry Walker's combo /replaces. Films taken ' -on the Japanese baseball trip of Herbert Hunter, and his team of barnstorming leaguers, wlir be released. • The measure to legalize horse- racing In Jersey, which will be pre- sented at the next meeting of the Legislature, ' has the-' horsemen Sopped'up. AWeady" they're picking sites for the tracks. ^ • Phillip Fourmet how managing the Asbury Park Paramount, re- places Warren Walker, son of Bob Walker, N. J. • boxing . Inspector. Poormet formerly managed a PSir House in Young:sto;Wn; Q.' • C H A T T £ over and fell upon her feet, . in- juring her. She sued an Odd Fel- lows lodge, by whom she had been hired. The. five wise nieh of New Bed- ford, Mass., show business are brothers and they operate the State, New Bedford and Empire theatres. They are Barney, Fisher, Harry, Frank and Marton Zeitz.- They just observed their . 10th anniversary in theatricals by accluirlng. the Empire. Cora E. Fitzgerald, five years business manager of the Cape Play- house at Dennis, Mass., has joined the Surry (Me.) Playhouse staff. William Sauter Will, direct the first two Surry plays, and Lionel-Bevans will produce the rest; Lelghton Rollins plans nine weeks' reason, opening July 6. • Rochester By: Don: Record. tieir England Copy deskers and newshounds wondering about vacations. Now there's a minnle bowling al- ley^ Player can set up own pins. Benjamin P. Tell, conductor of a Jiew military band formed 6n Cape Cod. . • Horse thieves istole two ponies from a carnival in Bossy Gillis' home town, Newbury port, Mass^.- ' David H. Brand did a good turn by donating his Lyric, Athol, Mass., for unemployed benefit fund show. Politics so hot in Woonsocket, R. I., that politicians are addressing theatre audiences, urging the. need for registration.' Susan Glai^ell has offered a $50 reward for the return of her pet dog, missing from a friend's home In Provlncetown. Safe crackers nicked the Norwood (Mass.) theatre safe for $500, two days' receipts. Tlieatre 100 yards from police station. .Publlx closed, the Broadway, Springfield, Mass.,. for the summer. Was playing four acts and double features on split week, only stage ehow In city; •■ A vacation trip occasioned a honeymoon for William C. Stewart, lh.e., of the Southbrldge, Mass., News, and Bernadette Lavln. They were wed in Albany, N. Y. George Fawcett, veteran screen actor, assisted by his- wife and daughter, Margaret, who are living at Nantucket, Mass., directed a local cast in 'The Whole Town's Talking.' . Joe Hurl, long nianager of the State theatre arid Opera House, has bi^ Mllford, Mass., adieu to become affiliated with the producihg end of the show, business; Succeeded by Arthur Mabey, his assistants Nothing like bringing your own circus to your hometown as the first bigtop show of the year. That's yhat Jamts J. Heron, of Worcesiter. Mass., is doing, for he's principal owner of the Walter L. Main clrous; The. Provlncetown artists' colony Is goln' after business this summer by asking permission of town of- ficials to establish an outdoor mar- ket where painters and other crafts- .Wen could try to sell their products at popular prices. _Eleonora C. Olsen and Robert J. Wade will be mari'led early this summer before Mr. Wadb goes to Martha's Vineyard, Mass., to Join the Rice Players as technical, di rector and publicity man Hagenback-Wallace eirtus coming June' 1;- ■ ' "' : !. • • : RKO' Temple co-operates with 'Tlhi^fs-UHlon' In mat-ble contest. : Rattlesnake Pfete's museum ' t6 cfldse. Owner, nbw' 76; has -been ill for some time; ' "JftanJig^r Hafol(J- Halves of the Regent 'corigt'a;tulat'i6d on .the ar- rival; of an heir. '' .• •• ' ■ Bert' Caley, fdrhler inanager of the- J^iccadlllyi I's' to' manage Sea Breeie park-thl^-summer. Wj^rd W. Mitchell, "ex-golf pro at Xiike Placid .clul?; gives lessons at EdWar'ds Department Store; ■H^tVold; W.' iSariffefdi mi'-e. of the .'Dembcfat-Chronlcle,' Is president 'of tH'6 Unitarian Lfiynien's League. ' ,Coriimunity'Che'St.'oiit for $1,310,- 903, slightly under 'last year total. All charity -workers'taking a 10% cuV- ' ' '■ ■ '- t>i. C> E. Kenneth Me'es, head of Kodak research laboratory, taking Russian lessons from street railway employe. George S. Kaufman, co-author of 'Of Thee I- Sing,' married Rochester iglrl, Beatrice Bakro'w, and frequent- •'ly visits In city. 'Charles S; Edwards, 'D & C' copy desk,, quits after eiarly vacation. Art Reed returns as reporter'^ and Bill Lewis moves up to copy desk. Theodore O'Shea of M-(3-M Buf- falo office and George Zehrung of New , York, Y.M.C.A, film director, address annual meeting of Better. Films Council. .. Free distribution of Red Cross Jlbur -to—needy-Tia..<.a!,V34ng trouble Getting three months' supply at once, number of families said to be turning It Into cash. Dr. Rush Rhees,-U. R. president, back from Europe, now will decide what to do with $16,000,000 left by George Eastman, ^t to move'into Eastman mansion until fall. Union labor to have midnight benefit for unemployed at Loew's Rochester June 15. Managers Charles Raymond and Jay . Golden of the Palace co-operating on talent. Lillian Mendez chosen cherry queen of Loew's Rochester- unit making trip to Sodus cherry orchards week of Sodus cherry fes- tival. Others in the party were Emily Fabian, Inez Tremble,'Buddy Helnos, Vicky Billing and Margai-et Dickson. Pboenix By R. <|. .Rhodes Sti-and prices 2<)c any time. Marco soon to visit Phbeni^i. N'b more vaude at Rialto here. . Albert Stetson's new Reo swanky. ;Joyce Booth • (Penfold) driving Packard-8. Fox theatre Inaugurated . Satur- day riildnlghf shows. ' Paul E. Perklrtsbn, p.a. for Fox, back from visit to L. A. . Elimination' contests, for. Miss Phoenix of 1932 held, at Orpheum. Wesley Knorpp, publisher of local paper, back after short stay In N, Y. Delnias-LaWlIss Players out at the White's open air theatre not drawing. Art-Pickett; iPublix 'pubUolty--de- partment . here, quite a power In local Lions club. George D, Crissey, former man- ager of the U. P; burefeu here, writ- ing In Reno. • - • Will! Rogers slated td accompany Olympics Publicity Air Tour.' Party due,here.-May 21. '• ; Ralph O. Brown, manager' of the A. P. here, back ifter attending fu- nerar for his father. The Old' Country Club, town's latest nightery. Milton Dendef conducting orchestra. ■ Cornelius Vanderbilt, Jr.; 'Stopped here oh return to east to coVer the state Dempcratlc eonvention. Mayor Fred J. Paddock, refcehtly elfected, butting city's- e*pe)(ised and plenty are how looking Idr new jobsi A spotlight on the tickiet''tkker at Rialtd is used to gOod -^ftect. - She was Miss Arizona in last • year's beauty contest. ' ;' . ; Bill Turnbow, author' of-.' "Under the' Capitol Dome,'- local political column, invited td banquet given by L,' A.-newspapiermeh. Fox theatre managers In Arizona met in Tucson last week, for busi- ness discussion, headed by Albert Stetson, division manager., • Fdx Leaders club only organlzar tlon here which officially recognized National" Boys Week; lO boys of club filled city offices for one ho"ur Saturday (7>. Minneapolis By Les Rees been wltli this Rice Players, for the in^t seven summers. ' The llhode Island .suprc^me court ha.s upheld a $2,000 verdict to Lil- lian James, oroliostra leader, who ■"^'as injured when a piano tipped Toledo By Dick McGeorge Joe Gelin a daddy. Theatre biz lagging. Ben Bernle a hit here. Happy Melrilngcr'a Packard. Unassuriilng fits Ray AlHson. i3db iFrench now minus tonsils. . Ken Benson hied off to Chicago. 'Blade' golf tourney being planned. Pals: Bernie Lustig and his big cigar. Parking rate fluctuates from iOc. to 20c. - The rialto Beau Brummelr Wally Caldwell. After hesitating, the Empire will not open. Plum 'Whipple vacationing with golf dubs. The man of many clothes: Happy Mclninger. Duke Adamschick sprouting a new spring coat. . Police department taking a rap- ping from 'Times.' Mitch Woodbury was a Ben Ber- nie contest editor.. ' , First of the Wdriapihg books on the Lindbergh case hits town. Roger Bresnahan defeated for democratic nominaion for sheriff. Osborne • Crafts another of the profession ran sixth for represejita- tive. Rumors that several other down- town liouses may follow the Para- mount in closing. n;ui ui-I Two hundred and fifty customer-s He has I sat quietly as firemen extinfruL-slird a flro In the .Pantheon theati-o ven lilator week. f Harry Winter back, managing thc- Kniplre, but hapn't planned a polio"- Some wag haft him dead last \v(^pk and one newspaper carrifd an obit. Twd new tab weeklies during past month. ■ ExcelsIor-aiHu.w»n6nt. park- ln.*jU swing np-\v. Gayety stock burlesque season ended Sunday. Normia,n Thomas here for ft series of free lectures. Abnormal heat and excessive rain hurting show biz.". Archie Zacherl switched from U. to U. A. sales staff. Joe Garrison back from Universal sales meeting In Chi. Fred .Berglund back in Minnesota booth after two months' absence due to illness. Pie a la mode or strawberry short cake for 5c. a portion at many good loop eateries. King theatre, Ida. Grove, la., near here, wrecked by mysterious oxplo slon and fire. Cold and rainy weather, ruining Sunday attendance, set back local ball club $60,000. . George Parrlsh,. Minnesota the atre orchestra arranger, has baby alligator fdr pet. Independent to open new Forks . theatre. Grand Forks, N. D., In op- position to Publlx. - Claire Rievman, Minnesota the atre secretary, still reducing, despite her oka,y slim figure. Floyd JackSon, former Shubert treasurer and more recently a Chi exhib, in for visit. Open air opera to be presented at Minnehaha park this summer at small admission fee. Yvette . Henriing, ex-Minnesota cashier, now married and riding around In a new Pierce-Arrow. : Minnesota theatre ball team, headed by Lou Breese and Harold Kaplan, playipg local high school clubs; City Council adopted condolence resolution for the Lindberghs, the Colonel being a Minnesotan by birth. . ' Publlx boosting nabe biz with Sam. Herman's inexpensive vaude vJlle shows.and auction nights once a week. Bing Crosby's personal app at Minnesota week of May 27 and Guy Lonibardo's Royal Canadians due In June. Johnny Willlanis. back for sum- mer affr .'jiiccessful. RKO • vaude- ville l((ur with Amelia Rogers as partno'r. Four Minneapolitans, Including Fornf Sf-huetlcr and Andrew Sis- ters, with I.^rry Rich act at KKO Orphoum. Art John.son again with RCA .'jalo.s' n)-canizatIon as district man- agpi- .after: brief stay with Ilolme.s' • I'rojoftor Co. ' . ! Maude Adams remained in prl- ! v-itp, rftr ;.nd refuped to grant any newspaper interviews daring one- day stand here.- Loop'theatres derived little bene- fit froni Parerit-Teachers' n.ational convention -\vith its 5,000 out-of- town delegates. . Harold Kaplan, Minnesota man- ager, commuting from ;Lou Breese's summer lake home and complaining about cold there. As riesult of .six -weeks' ndtlcd to' musicians; - to\v.n- stirred by rumors tljat the. big ace ^Innesdta Is to close. Local Publix pflicials silent, RKO Orpheum has two weeks' no- tice posted. Joe Cody back in town agentlrig. Slot mac)vlnes are .disappearing arOund the Loop. Leo Spltalny blew td Cldvelahd on a business trip; ' " ' Bc'rn Bernard, expected irt this week from the Coast. Dick Bergen - tdncenti-atirig, .on Peojria-yavide situation. .'. ' John Balahan in for a. dlscus^idn on ^lew B. & K. policies. . ^ Jde Sherman back .aftei?. a long sojourn diown in CleVelan^. , Arthiir .'Mayer stopped ifpi-. a. B. & K./chat.on his way east Tom Carinody is still waiting - to see a good, fast cdniedy ^ketfih, ;,. Dave Dubin all s,et as.lpcal nliri Dubin Prdductldns, Irib. - Charlie PreyJn from^; .St. .Louis guest cdriductirig dt the Chicago, Still, talk that A. J- Balaban will be back. In, .show business this faU. Ray Verest and Mary Benson leaving the constructloiX dept. ■ at RKO. - • ■ Summer resorts around .here plugging downtown with • -parade floats. . LOule LIpstone got back on his feet long enough to go back to bed again. . Abe Cohn getting ready, for an- pther^try at exhibition with another theatre. • . , • ■ . -1 . Julius Tannen out .with .a cold for" two days leaving the College Inn .struggling Without him. JToe Lewis claims things are so tough In. the ghetto, they're using 'borscht' for blood transfusions. Ben! Serkdwlch pulled up here for t-vx'o da,ys on his way east, visiting the folks at Pedrla at-tlii'e"'same time. -Bill Young;-has spent so much time cld<;klng radio recording that he eats; walks-and-Biceps by stop watch. . Loop getting first constant view of the upper crust as the debs can- vass for signatures on their 'Beer Week' drive. That splffy fountain ..In G>^ant Park Is operated through motion picture film reels which produces the color, efltects. 'Breadline Frolics,' put, on by un- employed actors at the Majestic..a few wrecks ago, is npw playing die partment stores around town. While Wdody English, Cub short stop, was busy stealing bases, his car was stolen outside the ball park Woody is sore at that' steal, be- cause he wasn't looking. Ben Ehrlich, the bright legal light of this town, was suggested for the Otto Knigef part In 'Coun sellbr at Law,' and Ben was almost serious, saying he could play It bet- ter than a lot of actors he knew. Moral support to the $5,000,000, 000 prosperity loan plan being sponsored by William Randolph Hearst Is being lent by the Chi- cago Theatre. Managcr.s' Assn. or- ganization, headed by J. J. Gar- rlty, local Shubert rep, which, has Indor-sed the-loan to Congress; . New Haven By H. M. Bone Pete Loro taking up golf. Freddy Mack in for chlrifest. Abe PardoU not married yet. Whatever becaine oic Marty Dale ? Dayt Ssxltsman has scraen. ambi- tions. - Sal Splnelll took nosedive from a pit piano. Max Berman still had the. same 'ambition.' : ' Jack MarMe mistaken for a Shu^ bert usher. . . . , Ray McGrath making a rep 'as ia monologlst. , Barney Rapp becpming a regular fl.rst-nighleri . Rdsa Pohselle' oh mend after, op. in local hosp. Harry Cohen's wife sees nine (ilnis-a week.. " ' Midge Ffttely dariiagcd a paw on Par. stairway. - That Eddie: WetiverrRuss Spang 'sandbag' stunt;.' '. • Milton Shubert into Stony Creek , to .catcl\ tryout. - BdUbn'-^Clpiriand drch into Wllcbs's fpr sunVriier' lseaspn.' . . - '' ' "' ■ Harry Bbnman's symphony,a 5ell-^_ out'^nd a .knpckoi:|t. Locals .miiss ■ burleycue, which folded In ]3rldgepprt. Eugene O'lrfeill, Jr.; wins. Ndyes-. Cutter, prize, ^t Yal^. . • . , .Ganilng. wheel operators at Savin Rock. ^Q^e ;d.u't In test., : Mapsfieid Grove daric^ spot opens season of name. drchs. ... David I^ardoli on final. directing asslgnri\ent fdr 'season.- . Molar extractions left Freddy Sco- vlUe. tWo. pounds lighter.: Film Row. presented Reglna Mor- gan with wardrobe trunk. ' .Looks.llke Bill Barry has lease on: College .and. Crowji. corner.., • Red Early claims he f;at3 -regu- larly now-he'^. living hpme; - Elm City . • Players folded with. 'Thfee Live Ghosts' May 23. Bing Crosby, has a nifty- drawing of himself by Buss Columbo< Jaick McBrlde steps from hoofing into a .legit rple temporarily. . -Asi George Bronfin's . voloe gets thicker his hair gets thinner. Ralph MacGowan due from Coast soon to join Arthur Corp. locally. William Yale, newspaper and ad- vertising man, died here May 12; -R. Halford: Forster staged Parish Players' Shubert . tryout In Branford. - - Joe Candullo, conductor So\'en Gables'Inn band, breaks put as m.c. Jack Sanson In froni New Britain to assuriie Roger Sherman worries.- LShhy' Hayton and Eddie Lang, want to enter Olynipics'broadjump- Ing. '.■■-. .■■■• ■• , '■' ■ Arthur Lake has some swell plCr tures of Dixie Lee among hie sou- ■venlrs. They're runQj^nfi mt.-cllnmblhg trips to summit' of'Dick "X^fasfrS dome. Bernle Hynes i:eslgns froni Arthur organization to go RKO with Hel> schel Stuart. ; ; ' Freddy Johnson collects auto- graphed photos foi* his prdspectlve. ball-and-chaln. Mrs. Blng Crosby In audience at 'Hclgh-Ho 'Everybody,' . -which slammed radio racket. Tom Brown hops to New London Garde to dish Out, entertainment for summer to the mlHldnalres, Reno Max Baer-King scpap looms as possibility here about July 25. crowd here pretty'thin so far with little money or class In evidence... Sam (Sar'rett twirling ropes at club meetings starting ballyhoo for rodeO herb in July. Restaurants, cutting prices and wages despite loud walls of local cooks and waiters union. Reno 'rrap ciub opens new traps and claims have best layout on ?aciflc Coast for busting blue rocks. ; Lake Tahoe rcsor.ts commencing to open and hope to get somewheres with lower prices and more bally- hob, - . Looks like Bill Kync is going to pa,s.s. up holding race horse meet^ ing In Reno thin year. Cost him plenty last year. Local contractors gpt .slap In neck when California contractors flock to Reno and underbid 'cm on .street p.iving and highway construction work. Automobile i-a-nips, equipped with hot . and cold water ahd clean sheet.M. ,-ire putting crimp in Rohrj hotel buslnes.i. Mor<; than 20 auto camps now op«r.'illn-g hi?o. Newark By C. R. Austin Bcrinie FInklestcIn qualifies as WB's Blng Crosby. Ben Weshncr won a necktie for an 'honest' rental Inquiry. Marlon Roberts and Jlmniy Faughn have decided to do it. Ai:Zimballst working on Zlegfejd tc get one of his tabs.for local WB. houses. „ Elliott Kabison chairman of. the membership committee of the War- ner Club. ■ Ray Perkins at Proctor's last week dropped from number. 4 to number 2. Gerry Vorman is authority that Ida Krinzman has eyes as attrac- tive as a 2-4-sheet. L. T.. Russell^ -owner of the 'Ledger,' starting for , a mojith's vacation In Californlai. : . John Lyons Pf' Bloontfield npw managing Florence Case, the Allce- Bliie-^iGown girl of WOB. Cameraman Lutz pf Universal Is over here once a week. Last week he took Babe Ruth at the Stadium for an Orphans' benefit- Nat Mutnik of the Castle, Irving- ton, promoted $2,000 worth of furni- ture and biggest business house hais ever known oh a Monday. Squabble between Eddie Snider- man and Russell Porter, executive editor of the 'Ijedger,' has been set- tled, without letting blood. Frank Costa won the last weekly prize, a radio. In the Kalmlne con- test. He is also leading for extra credits in the grand contest. For the opening of Warners' new house In RIdgewood, Louis Brager has one local paper tied up -\vith a Warner hostess contest and the other with a slogan contest. One-hour parking law i.s being strictly enforced and impo.ssible to kill a ticket. Even ICddlc Snlder- mdn can't «ct .away with It any more .^nd his car is garaged, flr.'-t time it has .ever been under a roof.