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42 VASIETY TIMES SQJL4B1: Tuesday^ May 31, J932 News From the Dailies Thic department contains rewritten theatriieal news items as pub* iished during the week in tlie daily papers of New York, Clilcago» San Fraheiscbi Hollywood- and London. Variety takes no credit for these news items; each has been rewritten from a daily paper. East Betty Br'ohSOn, now Mrs. Ludwiff Lauerhausse, In AShevlUe, N, C, to ^iet up houseltbcpingr. RetiHng from screen. Alfred Hamilton, printer, suing Joseph Stanley, radio croOner, for $100,000 charging alienation of af- fection. Hamilton says he thinks his wife Is still his and can't under- BtanC how slfe can be Mrs. Stanley at the same time." .. , . Eleaiior Hutton Sturges suing Preston Sturges, playwright, for annulnlfent of their marriage. Spati class nlte Joint on West B6.th street, JJeW-York, raided. Pinched 11, but allowed BO giieats to blow, tnut they : had to pay their checks Jlrst. • ■; • ■ ' '. .■ •Flying, Colors' title, of Max Gor^ don's new I'evue. . Involuntary bankruptcy petish filed against Alice Foote MacDou- gal restaurants. Lee. Shubert lets go a blast at Equity for the association's ad- verse stand on Sunday shows for legit. ■■■■ ■ Ashley Dukes, English playwright, arrives in New York. Walter Hatnpdeii says he's not touring 'Ruy BlM' next season, as reported in the dallies, but, is going to do 'Cyrano*' again and then 'Cafibnsacchl.' Hampden ducked Br(&dway this season, but wlll . be «n the main alley next year. Bandits take $4,700 from Acad- emy of Music, 14th street. New York: Rex Fairbanks, a familiar flgure in Brpieidwa.y resorts until he went broke, a suicide by igas poisoning in Bropklyn. Body claimed by his wife, from whom he has. been sep- arated. Had squandered two for- tunes. ■ • .■ ■ ' : Tex Gulnan back from Paris aiid threatening to quit Nt Y. cold. Plans to open a club there maybe. Any- how it helped the ship news re- porters make copy. Marion Talley. back home from abroad, but no -phe making much newspaper fuss over the former sensation,, now she's a chicken farmer. 'Hot-Cha' announced for a sum- mer try when company takes a cut. Balcony $l-$3 with lower floor down oiie buck to $4.40. One of the two legit theatres with air coolers. Airplane i picks iip a television broadcast. ' Avon river overflows In England, Inundating Shakespeare Memorial theatre, . . ... . T. P.. U. No. 1. voteis to donate services of stagehand^ in giving- shows for Idle. , i . University Players, summer stock of several years' standing, switches label to Theatre Unit, Inc. Opens June 27 at West Falmouth, Mass., after 18 weeks in Baltimore. Central Savings Blank asks for foreclosure of a $6OO,O0O consoli- dated mortgage on Iceland, B2nd .street skating rink. Marriage last year of Helen Price, taxi dancer, to Robert S. Randolph, wealthy college student, leaks put. Bruno's Chateau on BSrd street, and the Surf Club, on the same street,. New .York, raided, BO em- ployees being arrested. Decorations claimed worth $140,000.stripped from both jolnis, /Rlan Goode, actor, injured when hit by a taxi. Harriet Lee, 1931 'Radio Queeii,' saves Thomas Ryan, 19, when he's caught in a motorcycle wreck. Belle Bennett in r. Harrlsburg, Pa., hospital. A. J. D. Blddle testifies that Acoustics Prod: Corp., pow in re celvershlp, didn't have the money to buy the 200 DeForest'r.adio shares ■ that the Irving. Trust Co. charges Blddle and Ave. other'officers of the Arm with taking personally instead of giving to the cohcern; Irving Trust Is suing Biddle filnii the five for $3,000,000. T Marie B. Swanton, formerly Mrs. Jack Curley, sues the promoter for $20,000 claiming he hasn't contrib- uted to the support of a daughter as was agreed when a divorce sep- arated'them 12 years ago. Ruvall Orchestra Corp.; former operators of the 'Villa Vallee night club, New York, suing Rudy "Vallee tor $200,000 on breach of contract, with NBC a cP defendant. Albert Spalding, conductor, home \<lrom Europe. Equity won't answer Lee Shubert's . charges on the Sunday show .Ques- tion, Equity council .consldedn,g the subject-closed on the strength of ah opposition petition; signed by '400 adtors when the topic was last d'ls- cussed. Thelma Campbell suing her hus- band, Jimmy GampbeH,v songwriter and musio publsher, for divorce Been separated a couple of years National Alliance of the theatre has drawn up a petition for union head?, actors, managers, .play- Wrights, publicists and theatre own- ers to sieh. It was sent to each meniber of Senate in protest of the proposed admissions tax. Arthur Beckhard, producer,' will not do his own show, 'Metronome.' It's on the.market. , . . ' Brdomstagers, formed by Murray Phillips, Robert Ober and Donald Gallagher, to produce plays with actoris, and stage hands as rhem- bers, of the production cprporatipn. Four, shows lined, up for next, sea- son. Abraham Hogewonlng, 'tulip king;' threatens legal a<itIon. against Wil- liam S: Hart, according to testi- mony in Mr^. Hogemoning's habeas corpus action against Hart depiand- ing the return of the couple's two children. Hart says he doesn't know where they are. ■ Actors' Fund gets $2,645 from special matinee of ^Of Thee I Sln«.': James B. Carson quits rehearsing in 'Christopher Comes. Across' be- cause he no like the changes made in his part. Butler Davenport again operat- ing his theatre, as a free house. Had to slap a small charge, oh to meet the depression, but it's off with one of his own plays showing. Prof. W. L. Dana told Friends of the Soviet all about the drama In Russia last Friday. Thinks chances there better than over here with ac tors given broa.der opportunities. Theatre Lea.gue announces it will continue its campaign for Sunday legit shows in N. Y. Players Club announces prize es- say contest for school pupils in con nectton with its production of 'Troi lus and Cresslda." Top prize a trip to Washington. .^;|telnald Werrenrath to conduct chorus at concerts of N. Y. orch at tli'e Geo. Washington Stadium. Because of recent rains Adlron dack state forests again open to tourists. French, scientist announces that all persons emanate radio waves. If they mate with antagonistic wave emitters,; it's the divorce court. Jos. Schildkraut married in "Vi enna Frldayy. (27);to Mary Mackey, of London;. Motorcycle racing planned for Hawthorne Field, Brooklyn. Has a four-lap track. Opened Sunday (29), with others to' follow .week-ends. Philip Sanchez found guilty of tossing a pop bottle at Mad. Sq. Garden, when he didn't like the ref- eree's decision in the Walker- Uzcuduh discussion. Identified as a bottle tosser at ball, games, too. Bernard L. M. Ernst re-elected pres of Parent Assembly of Soc. of Am. Magicians at the annual meet- ing last -week. Sixth terpi. Talbot Jennings,, who authored 'No More Frontier,' has done it again. Calls it 'This Side Idolatry,' Deals with the life of Shakespeare. Anna Case won't have to wash the dishes. Clarence Mackay cuts his house staff, but most Of them stick for board. jostling In a Broadway theatre. Police record shows numerous con- vlcfiohs for picking pockets up to 10 years ago. Police, bothered by false tips from perspns who like to hear, the alarm sent out over the radio. Stage 'Grand Hotel' ended Its tour in Brooklyn Sat, (28). Benefits. for Actors' Dinner Glub at Lyceum Sunday nights ended 29th. Getting too hot. Oldsmoblle' advertising talker film ;showing at local salesrooms. Estate of late Charles K:. Harris placed at $25,945, including rights to 164 sdiigs. Value of ?200 put on 33 scehai'los for pictures. Norman Whiteside, wealthy avia- tion, enthusiast, arrested at instance .of Ethel Jane Walker, musical com.- edy, ■who Is suing him for $60,000 breach of proniise. > Asserted she feared he would leave the ^tate. Out. on $3i000 baili . Chas. Lyons, radio . announcer, broadcast his trip in a racing car as one of the entrants in the Me- morial Day rac€ at Indianapolis made his qualifying trials. Unable to obtain a sponsor for a broadcast of the actual race, WJZ broadcast from the car during the trial spin Sat. (29). Radio Commissioner orders NBC to' desist experiments to synchronize WEAF and WTIC, and WJZ and WBAL. Former in. Hartford and latter In Balto. Listeners complain- ing that efforts create too much Inr terference oh other channels. . 'Animal' Kingdom' to give Actors' Fund benefit nelct Friday afternoon (3). :." . : , Jack Curley's marathon dancers in Washington Heights pinched last Friday and about -29 coUples grath- ered in. Curley was willing to quit, but the dancers, refused, so he left It up to the cops. Some held. Others back dancing. Few theatres announced mats for Memorial Day (Mon.). Most people out of town or at the shore. Luna Park opens. Its season \vith 'Go to Hell for 15 cents' its slogan. New attniction. Steeplechase also regularly opened. Has been doing weekends only. Elmer Rice, in Russia 24 hours, cables his wife to come on over, so she'll go and take the children. Equity to consider' Sunday drama plan at meeting today (Tues.). Fig- ures It might try experiment, for a year and see how It works. Saul R. Rogers chairman of M. P. section in Salvation Army driye for $1,000,000. Major Edward Bowes aiid A. J. McCpsker of WOR his asso- ciates. Mary Martin, who works in a Coney Island show, was fined $10 for nude bathing. Went in . early Sat. morning -with another woman and a man. Might have gotten away with it but the lightning be- trayed her, and cop made a pinch but lost the others. Jim Tully takes the steamer back to Calif, and says he's done with trains for life. IVA the air or the water. George Rubin, Jewish actor, died Sat. (28) in Mt. Sinai hospital after falling 10 feet from a fire escape. Not killed In the fall but it strained his heart. Actors' Dinner Club opens Its new rooms in the basement of the LoeW State bulldlngr tomorrow (Wed). Dinner in two shifts opening day to accomodate all who desire to attend the premiere. - Three persons and most E'way box ofllce^ overcome by iieat last Fi-iday. Cha.s. Burns, former owner of Fern Club, nitery, given 30 days for •Americana' revue all set but the casting;". Tom Powers planning to bring His 'Handy Man' into N. Y. in the fall. Was on the road lately. - Pow- ers meanwhile •will play in 'Private Live6' at Newport with Eugenie LeontOvitch. Guest starring. Sale of Memorial Day popples a frost this year, average contribu- tion falling below a nIckeL Last year's average was double. ; Partly depression and partly growing belief it's a racket. Larry Fay In a jam with the rev- enue office over his 1929 income tax. Warrant Issued. Cantor Josef Rosenblatt instructs his lawyer to announce his disap- proval of a concert supposedly to be given in his honor. First set for Mad. Sq. Garden, then switched to the Met for June 7. the rights, in the face of many offers. . Sid Skolsky gave the N. T. censor cuts In 'Scarface' in his Sunday col umn in thie 'News.' Deletions most ly . removed sympathy from the chafacter. Harvey Hays, 52, radio entertain cr, collapsed in the Chicago studios of NBC Saturday afternoon a few minutes before he was due-to go on the air. Removed to the hospital, where trouble. \vas diagnosed as gallstones. Estimated tKa.t 760,000 went out of town for. the holiday. The rest patronized Coney Island.. •Show Boat' success encourages Arthur Hammersteln to dig out 'Rose Marie,' premiered in 1924. May revive it, having refused to sell Open-air performance of ?Alda' at Washington June ,6 wiil use BOO supers for. background. To be re- cruited from unemployed. Creafore will, conduct. Cast Includes many noted Stars. Julio Olvera, who does a head slide down a wire • on the Barnum- Blngllng show, fell from the wire during the show in Philadelphia Sat. (28), laindlng on the hipipodrome track.: Physicians describe .his con- dition as serious. ' About 82,000 driving licensed Is- sued to N. Y. City auto owners. State totals ai'e 632,719 private drlv? ers and 218,288 chauffeurs. Higher than last year. . 'Times' . reports that, a ticket broker on the Square is making book cn the- showi^ announced for summer :productI6h. Offers an. av- erage of B'-l that the show will not come'in as announced. Ju:St a side line 'witht regular customers. E. E. CHve, Boston producer, plans to Invade the B'way sector neixt sea- son with some mystei*y plays. Coast . Olive Hatch, story agent and '\vife of Hubert Yoight, is being- sought by the cops. Didn't show up after a speeding ticket. . Doreen Reed, dancer, jailed by Los Angeles police for kidnapping Evelyn Stone, four-year-old San Francisco child. Case may have a happy ending, as Fred Stone (not the stage comedian), the child's father' is talking of marrying the dancer and dropping the charges. ' Marilyn Miller in Hollywood hos- pital with an Infected tooth. Kallah pasha, B4-year-old wres- tler, found insane and committed to the Mendocino hospitaL Gary Cooper»sued for $700, two months' rent, for. a house it is al- leged he agreed to take and then changed his mind. Vivlenne Sehgler, actfess and niu- slclani lost her $100,000 slander suit against Mrs. John Francis Dillon, wife of the director, and had to pay court costs. Miss Sengler formerly lost a 100-grand suit against Mau- rice Costello for breach of promise. Damage suit for $160,000 by Edith Higglns, Scenario writer,' against Warner Bros., has been settled out of court- Breach of promise suit for $125,- 000 against Leslie Fenton has been dropped by Julie Carter. Maxlne Drum, dancer, will be married July 2 to iRobert L. Wick- ersham, artist Maie Yorke, San Francisco dancing teacher, shot and critically wounded by a jealous suitor, Joseph Gillian. ' Helen Sfarr Brock, actress, suing her former husband, Louis Brock, Radio shorts producer, for $726 per n)onth to support their seven-year- old daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Erwin (June Collyer) expect the. stork in Sep-: tember. John Breeden, his wife and daughter, golngr^to Honolulu. Mrs. Frank Borzage named in a $1,500 suit In Honolulu by. a private detective. Wants the money for finding'her jewels lost on Walkikl beach. Lee Mills, dancer, has asked for a divorce from Edward F. Mills. Jack Chertok, head of Metro's music department, ' filed divorce complaint against Pearl White ■Chertok, actress. Wirt Bowman has . resigned as president and member of the board of directors of the Agua Callentp Co. Joseph Schenck, James Crof- ton and Baron Long have gained control of the resort by buying stock held by Gen. Abelardo Rodriguez. - Lease pf Joseph M. gihoot, who is to build a Los Angeles' race track, calls for an annual rental of' $37,- 600 to Anita M. Baldwin, owner of' the 207 acres In Arcadia oh which track will stand. He also must pav 5?'e Of the gross. Improvement will cost $800,000 and must start by Sebt 16 and be finished by June l, 1933^ Because a hot 'water bottle burned her heel while In the Bellevue hos- pital, Ethel Godlnez, singer and dancer, received $1,600 cash and her $300 doctor bill paid. Her suit was for $60,600. Reports in Hollywood are that Shrl Meher Baba,' Indian mystic who hasn't spoken In seven years, Avlll try to crash, talkers. ; Raymond Paige, musical director of KHJ, .and Catherine Hoffman, hpn-pro, have, filed, intentions to V'ed. - : Lillian Rothi actress, was granted a divorce in Mexico City from "VVll- 11am M. Scott of Atlanta. Couple were! married In April, 1931. She charged incompatibility. Joan Crawford suffered an injured ankle in a fall at Catallna Island, where she Is on location for 'Rain.' Emmet J. Flynn, director, was sent to the county jail for three days because he got . several grand behind in his $50 weekly alimony payments. Marjorie Sohneborn, actress, was awarded $125 jper nionth alimony from Stephen Goosson, art director. They were separated 33 days after tlieir marriage. Helen' Lee Worthing, once of the 't'ollies,' Was granted a divorce from her Negro physician husband. Dr. Eugene C. Nelson. She. gets $300 per month alimony fpr four years. Jack Dempsey denies any attach^ ment between Lina Basquette and himself, or that .he had stolen her from Teddy HayeSi his former trainer with whom he bad spilt. Dempsey said he had just broken off wlA one actress, EsteUe Taylor, so why pick another? Hayes and Miss Basquette have been friends for some time. Henry Cllve, artist, and Helehe Clive, actress, are reconciled after a two-yeixr separation, A $1,000 watch 'which Howard Hughes lost aboard his yacht six weeks ago was found in possession of a Los Angeles jeweler. Alleging that she tripped on. a faulty platform in a San Francisco theatre^n 1929, Marie Mack, dancer, is suing Fox-West Coast: for $21,396. Marian Young Read, who sued Claire Windsor for $100,000 for alienating the affections of her bus* band, Alfred C. Read, Jr., has be* come reconciled to him. Saying he was western reipresen* tatlve for the '1820 Evacuation Treasure Syndicate,' being formed at Pittsburgh, Pa., to recover burled treasure, Harriss J. Nelson collect- ed $4,000 from Gretchen Tremalne of. Hollywood. Result—Nelson has been arrested for grand theft and violating the corporate securities act. Ivy Livingston, actress and sister of Margaret, was granted a divorce from James Battersby, oil man. Ann Freshman, New York actress, filed suit in Reno for divorce from F. B. Goldsborough. Grace De Rue, stage player, has been granted a divorce from Joseph J. Winterhalt. Hector J. Chiarlgli- one, film technician and Miss De- RUe!s former husband, has a $100,000 heart balm action pending Against Winterhalt. Wiilllam S. Hart denies he is hid- ing the two children of his niece. Mrs. Beatrice. Hogewonlhg, - as charged by her husband.- - id-West Charging desertion, Vivian K. Burney, cabaret entertainer, got herself a divorce In Chicago. She married Frank J. Burney in 1931 while employed in a cafe at Scran- ton, Pa. It only lasted two months. Taxi dancehail spots, driven out of Chicago, are now moving to the outskirts. Police are investigating, believing that a syndicate is behind them. Club Ambassadeui*, Chi, swanky gold coast spot, raided by govern- mant men. IJan Boroni, manager, arrested and released on $2,000 bonds along with three employees. Hearing May 31. Uptown Theatre building, St LcUls, went under the hammer to satisfy a $75,000 Hen against it. Franci.s X. Schlbsscr. reprosentin? tha Ml.«.«ouvl State Life InsuranceJ* (Continued on page 60)