Variety (Aug 1932)

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VASIBTY P I C t il R E S Tuesday, August '2, 19si_ 2^000 IN HoliywooiJ, Aue. 1. In Hollywood's picture colony, 'Which has "ailmost 25,000 persons de- pending, on picture production for their existence, there are less than 650 people — executives, playerS, • writers and technicians—^who .have contracts aasut-ine: them of employ- ment for any real period of time. J Of th'ese BffO 'abdiit' 670' strife Tiri^fe^ ^dntracl to"majbi* studios,' the' oth-' er^- being- tied td' independent '•■pro-| ducers and studios. That leiBiVes' over 24,000i'Wbrking oh a -week-^tOT •\ve6K basis and, for-the iridst piaft,. gambling: tin their teturhs. it-'Af | • "Of th<6 • toissl number cohtr^'cte'd, •75% -are -never-further' away <roih option < tim<9-nhaii^v:jslx months; hold three : month; contracts, ' Vtailb the rcmainlnj ,.1.4%. ..have [tickets calling for, over aiy. months., , „ ; :Metr9>Ji|L Li^-. : _ . , . IiOnpe^t contif:fi<5t list is. at Metifq,! wheiie. tlieFe.fli'e". 13^ termers. pf"l;jj,e! ■tbtal jO^are execp, ji'are, eitare.j.j?) dir<Ctoj;s; :^42( ;,fe?itured , playf ra' • 48 wtters.'Kext.^in^umber^^ ^ftf"' amount'i^ w,^t]fi,^ iJ ^|xecs^ 13 ,stars,:'.M,' fe^ture.d'pfeyers;, ,27;'i(ir^fifC(r^ i^^^d! 3i5 ■writers; -■ • ..y ■ .^V'-.-^f,-; Fox iollo'vfs :^wlth ; 17 e^ecs*, 3j ■Bt^rs,'^',^4''f^tured 'pla,yeriB,'lB,^wr^^r1 ftnd^.16 .<?li:ector,[?,< a. 'iq^ll. "fit; SJi.'. WB-PN nay^,. 72 fj^ntracte'es;; pn. the| lfiurt>ahk iot.''^ .iei^ecij, JL?! ,sjajrj?j ISifeajtured '^iilay^ .^*Ffi9-: itora^and 19. wr^^ Badip, ',lB nes;t "witH! '66,' of^'vrhich 7 a,rei execs, ,80 are players, 10 writers and 13 direc-j tors. • Uiiiversars 'contracted people to-J Ital '36; ,'9 ;are' dxecs,' 2 . are' istats/^'S j featured - l^layers,' 7' dlrecto'rs 'arid''8 ■\tiii6rk. ■ eoiuttiliia;'libnpws ^th '24 —6', execs, 7 ■writers and 6 each "of Vtlayers And 'cllrectdrs, Roach has'; 231 i)<bppie uildei^ 'contract, Including '171 Jpiayersi^ 3'' directors and" 3' eiecs.'. .united Artlstfi'tails'the^li'at^^^^^^ players, l\direct9r, .l writer t^n'd 3 . execs dfvl'i^ed, jbet^i^een Sain '(^pi^wyn Meclbury -Thinkiilg- ■ Hollywood, Aug;. 1. Jobii P. M^dbury a year ago anticipated the arrival'of his wife's relatives for the Olym- pic events. Sc he purchased a chicken; ranch, 16 miles from here.. 'Wheh seven of them ar- rived by motor from St. Iiouls they were Immediately as- signed to' •quarters at the ranchi ■; . . Medbury and^ the . Mrs. .oc- cupy the Hollywood home un- disturbed, and not crowded. LANGDON. EDWARDS, SCHNOZ-M-G . ; •.- "•-Hollywood, Aug.'l.> Metro, whl.oh is.bringing. 'ykelele| lkeV:lCllff : "Edwards, back, for a| Haines feature. Is negotiating an extension of ihe contract. Desires to-team"Edwards and Harry I>ang- don. wlth>Jimmy Durante for several iCpm^^Iea:;^.!^ ,iT\\tsi(j{^i ba,9kgroun^^ For next season's ^program. ; ■.''Mean'£liri(^, ."^'Sw&rd w'ili'"WaT^ie; a 'featurifidi Lfert'TA. Ili'et's Go,' s^irTi'ijg! ' Wiiliam iS^Iines.' ilarry Pollard Willi dWeii,. ''y^,^!,:'.\'''\:r''' - '■' T^eh .Orsat'tl..nandled.:the..d^l. For M from Spain' HoUjrwood, Aug. 1. :and. '• Josepli ■JI. SctienckY' a .ibtal A I.. ; jS£Uii-i(3pldw9rti;.w^ li^.Af.'.thid 76 ^horud girls' In-the Bddie' Cahtoir picture; 'kid - 3Ypro Spain.' In a .prolog .,t9^ )]|e, sent on tour with th>i_-'flini! ■ ' ^iilne^bf ; feiris will, be augmei>,t<^d by vaiide adtis anci "iabetled' .'Qol'd- jwyip^s Glrls-V ■ FliBiiiies llir*^ Yairiis : For AlUsoii Skip^prtli Hollywood, Aug. 1. 'M.adame,Backeteer>' AUison Skiii- wbrth's ii'st ■ staifirlhg .picture fdr Paramount^- has-.the- studio, prepar- ing' three 'other'st'orles for iier. ' Lioyd ' director,- la^pre-! paring^ a-'^s£rn for- her, as; is-Mal- polm'' SBoyJan- iindHarvey "'Gat^s. Both stories ha've lier teamed yfifh Stuart'.^ErwlHk 'Claude Blnydii is aiBO\ working I pni^a story"- fpf liiiSs Sklpworth. iand'''Erwin. - >• •' < Studio Grains 8amuel;,CQlt, .Ethel's Son, in Col's Football Film ~ . Hollywood, Aug. i'. Keeping a 'record of' the num- ber of Olympic visitors turned down on requests 'to visit studios during the games. Hays bfllce. ree-^ ords^ show that 43,036 have BP'far drawn <1>lanks'.' Of this number, 40,317 were'In organized groups, here either di- rectly for the games or conventions spotted during the ev'ehts. ' , By-arrangement with the studios, all sufch requests go tp the'' "Pro- ducfins' orgaiilzation, tP avofd ;p6i'i slble adverse crljic'lsm' to the' iA- dividual companies. Band.Added to ; |i j • relic's 'Big BroadcastI ! = Hollywood, Aug, 1. ! ; Paramount has engaged .tiie Viri-' iceht Lopez band, for 'i'he' Big jBroad'c'ast.'- ■■ ■■ ,i j Footage on the Lopez combo wili ibe made in • the' east. ■ Guy LPm-i ibardo band was to have been in the picture, but clashed over bill Ing with Blng Crosby. Kerrigan on Air Joseph M. Kerrigan, legit and for mer Fox contract player, is trans ferring to the air to broadcast for NBC. Kerrigan, in New Tprk to arrange for a tie-up with the network, left Thursday (28) to return to the coast for about three weeks to.clear up personal matters there. WO FOE EEWIil Hollywood, Aug. 1. Paramount is having two orieiral IstoHes prepared by contract writers !for Stuart Erwln. .. Molcolm Stuai-t Boylan ana Har- vey.' Galtes' are working on one and Claude BInyon on the other. jLi;'. ANOTHER BARRYMORE Hollywood, Aug. 1. ; Another B^rymore has landed lA pictures. Samuel iBlythe Colt, son of Ethel Barrymore, Is'spotted In Columbia's "That's My Boy.' Young Colt goes In as a football player. Jajp Girl Signed . Hollywood, Aug. 1. No^'playlng a'tirriall 'pairt In 'Co- lumbia's 'Bitter' Tea of 'General Ten,' - Toshla ' Mori, 19-yetir-'pld Japanese girT,' '■ diaughter 'of a, lo'Sfl physiciani. draVird a,' terin'' cpiitra'ct from that "studio/ ^ Ihtentldn Is' %6 feature-her in'OMehtiil pictiiriBi. ' ' I Girl, bdm iri Jai/ari, has lived' here 10 years."^''Shie had 6c(»sibnarij pla;^ed ejrtra'parish ■ ■ ■ I • I ' 4 I • k • I • : L-r < WILli MAHONEY i';-.*--:. ; • ••f,!',7h-T-f, in.- r;!,'-i- 7flow..At .Fp]^?B, .Qaklan4,.Callfpi;fiia.. : .Will B^gers In the r ifos Angeles' 'E3xaminer,': said,!. "Gr6, l^a^ a wpnderfui .prologue.. . jHe' has' Will iila,h6^ey,, jusf Kboiit the''elfeVe'restl iln'e • njan ' 'ficto'r, in''vkutifei'VUie ' aiidl thu^ical' cbniedy. " Mahb'iiey pl&ya the xylophone "'btftt'e'ri -with- his -feet thaiii' I have = ever v heard! 1^ 1 playedi \rlth hands. He was Btich « hit.- h<e^ jueti:, about, -knocked-1 .pld> 1 Holly^wood iMrtty^' • ii- ■ .' li^-' ; I '-.':,.. ,,,; --:Dire*itibif,. (-• RALPH ; a : FARNUM <! .'• ■ ■ r156b' -Bro'adWiiy. ■ ;■ 's'- i ' ' | . >."!•' '"i- -■ ■•• I.''I'll!'I"..' Voice Appeal: ; . Hollywood,: Aue. 1., ' > * Entertalijin^ ' ?.260 . fenrime Olympic entrants. Fox studio .execs received a surprise .when • John Bolts' '^<is accorded the ' biggest ovation''^f 'any ot'the .t iBtaj<s: 3>resented - ta.the girls -at r.;..^be ,lupcl?eon,;;.. , ,■ „;■ ..Tip oft pn the Bolea popu- '' 'iaritj^^iaiirhe \*^heii after <h6' In- 'troduction the girls demanded .that Boles sing 'Sylvia,', the number he has used^oij,,aU.. his broadcasts. ' , . . • : III' i;i '.i.i' AGENTS AGAOI'BARRED OFF WARNER-FN LOT, ',; ^ ■..•oi^yv.v ;;. ;.iHflllyi!R09a, Aug....l,,, - ., _^.ack; yT^f;^ri^i^. :\a.^ again barred; agents off the WarnerrFirst 7>ia-'j tional lot. Instructions Ismied Thursday (28), 'were that' oM agi^nts; m^sti traiisa«ct[ their turiinisk thrbiliiill the 'RUlWs! Le^aire,-.oflDce .<ca^tin^)>. None; will .'Se^.-^nennlifet«cl; ti. v^gitvftmces'qf, pro- ducers, r'rtriters or director^, nor can; they visit the actors whom they represent.'■<'<'i'jvv... i: , Los Angeles, Aug. 1. Bitter price war iB>; being istaged in Belve4ere Gar<^enSi suburb, with F-WC Iltfe^' iup against a couple of strongr Indie exblbs," and with the pa;7 ptistonierii .x<^ping the profits. Admission slashing Eitfi,rted , yrhen tri^ltetf - .Artists . ^F.rJWPJ! < put -m^ TD3,in flppr seats .to l^a, .vyith -bsilf ancp. fit-i26.p„.,- i;,',-i-,;:V i ;..-;'■..1' ix-.'f 'l^tjcaiid, Indle .hquse.;JUv..same zpn,- \rup, I cpvnterpd- -hy-.-^b'pQRting-.iestabT liBhe.d : prlc,e: .-friOn»-.'20c '■. tO;. 80c, .ibut selling around 95% of the-house at IGtci... \ , Boulevard,, -anpther/^/Jndle, tilted top' to'ibcVto-secure product bre^Bks, but. with moat'Seats-iat l-Oc. Strand oame back: by putting on sitage shows, including •■ fiVe^ acts of vaude and a ,band; sav^' k^vay free ice «ream'' and cahdy, land ■ not bniy showed' doublevfeatur^, butalso'put on so ma.ny shorts ><that the night showi . frequently' tran-- from - 6.30 until after 11.' , - . • ' - Ob|ett to >Kongo* ;,Hollywood,, Aug. 1. ■Wl,th -the- iHays.,organization ob- jecting, to ithp. title,.-Metro is Seeking a new phe for 'Kongo.' . 1 Lupe Velez ahd Cohrad Nagel will be in support of Waiter Huston in this picture. lUH^Om WliAVE, Pt^RESriNEUR^ Hollywood, Aug. 1. ,.,Harry Hap.f<Metroi>'. producer; away from the studio as the- result q^i,a, ;|\e5vpus,,b;!|eakd<>?tfrh ,;tpr more thi^n, two, nppntiis^ Ijkis ,been; granted a, yeeir-s ieiayp,:Of ,-^)^nce ntlt^^ full H9-y by: ??lck.-Sichencfi,.OTesidpnt of I(9l^w'B»-r;; ,vV'.;,..- i.;,, ;■■ M .. - i^P.f, iupt ri^turnjed^ from the Cot^ t^pre, j^nitarijum,' a^.- I^nta- 9arba,r*i, will .||ro>bftbly go ,abric>ad, an4 remain PYjer j^pip the :Wclnter. .IJis.-.duties are being, ^Ivideidi .among thi^, :0ther pro-r d.^9ers,.Qii the lot. -. , ,•; ' > -'.1:' • ; ,.' .Ilapi^ has .been: ^Itth Metrp since t^,vls-)y(ayer. took 4924.; Kate Sinilt--Par AZERSON STILL AT FAE George ' Akerson remaihs with Paramount, malting his present headquarters at the company's home pfflce in -New York. "Whether he will return after phce joining President Hoover's campaign committee Is'hot known. This will probably occur around Aug. 15. Akerson's contract has nearly two years to go. SALLY O'mUt'S ftUICKIE .Sally O'Neill , had her appendix rcmovoii ln New York about lO .days ago. .Film actress went under .;the kijlfc at the Medical Arts hospital; She was discharged after eight days. Hollywood, Aug. 1. • Paramount is on the lookout for a story with a radio studio back-' ground for Kate Smith. ACASEHT . ADDS ^ .. - '. .; Hqljy'wood,. Aug. 1. First group of new; memberb en- rolled in the Academy's drive to pb ,tain-all cphtract. people involved In the .new Producers' agreement are all directors. .-List I comprises-. Howard HawkSi E.d.dlci ,Buz2^ell, WiHl^^™ . Wyler,. James AVhale, and. Edgar Selwyn, , T,ra(iemarkin9 Clau^.ia . , ,. .'Holiyw^ppd, Aug. -1. t;ia.udla D.eU..-will" pose.- for.. t)\e, trade mark to'be used on .3p_featur$,9. released by "World "Wide this season. ltdte. Proposed vPeriiKdii -i.-.v •.. ■' i:o'l' •■! 1'-. ■ . i< ■ ■ ■'•i"l.'I.i; i -T-k ^ w\ x ' ..:'>)H6ll#birtf.' Augri:^^' '■';'Eiithvlfeed"''AVer ".'tft^'' iili;e*5lew.'- :r'ff- ceptioh' tjif ■'^ 'Hdr'se''Fetitiiterii" VtCck- ittount •Isr'* nd^ ■ preparing' another story' for ^t<iite 'Marx' Brothers'-whitih 'Will probably go' into production within the next Ave-weeks. Foursome has dropped the idea of i going..! ieast s for piclure ^hoiisi pei-sohals. ' • , Court Orders Trial First -argument In tlie action < of Edwaird Shieldon and ./Margaret Ay^r, Barnes,. apthprs. Pf /Dishonored pady,'. ,,:whq- .....a}l!^g.e, -.thiaj;, j.Metrp'fl fLetty .i^yntpn'r wa$ 1 pirated irpm .th^ play, wa3 heard .J:Udgpi, {Cipdjdard in ..the, ITederaL .Goiir.t, Ijtew;,-"Sr-prk, lai^i ■wepit. ..'SV;i^il!P t^n apj^llcflitlo^ ,for a-i temporary', .inj[uq^tjipn-J,tp Tostrali? eisjl^Ibittpn ; ,ipjf' \tl»e'';^ii,.^wa^, ,.npt; granted, the court' rilled that th^.' papers were su.fflciont .to, warrant immediate trial. . , Accordingly,-. Judge Gbddard br- dered tH^'case oh'Hh'^ Obtbber cal- enderv.iM. Lj^M^IeiViABky, of O'Brien, Malevinsky and • Drlscoll, appeared for the complainants,. ' . ',. - .■(: Eirtr* yfoiek Zye^ . , V Hollywoodi Aug. 1. . Number of working—days last week for extras upped less than 200 to 2,898, Friday being heaviest day, boasting 695 checks, Cecil B. De. Mille with his 'Sign of the Cross' at; Paramount, is the 'white hope of the mob, using 188 people Friday, i(29). Extra^ pinning all antlclpatioh On iiim.' , .Bani|i^|(t«r'^ -..L^git,., a Hftrry iBanpi^ter*:; Ann. .^arding.'s ex, left for^ Lpiidpn Sati^rday, (3.())| oii a caii from "Gilbert' Miller.. HiB'll: g'0 infc/'bn'e 'ot' BtlllftVs Ldrii''' d<^)ii'ielglt prbdlifefibHe';'- ' ;T"':'.^,' '.. . <..: -r. '■• <. ifi;, i. i,ChipagO, -Augi,, li.i-l jippn .,,HoobJer,i. of .^-Par#.i3a6uht's; stp'ry (jigpar.tment and _ obliged. 1 to rest ihpntl^ .ago. -beoause 0:f ill, .hec^lth, • has. ■ entirely 1 xecpv«iied anid. reports; for: duty. Jn -September.. Hoobler has been ,11'vlng with'his family in Blpbmlngton, 111., since February. He has guined 30 pounds. SAILINGS Aug. 10 (Plymouth to New York) Will Fyffe (Champlain).' ! A'u'g, 6' '(Montreal to' SoutKam'p- toh), 'ja,ine3 Whale, R. C^ Sliefrlrt (Empress of 'Etrltain). . Aug. "B (Ne>v "Sfork to tbridpil)" Harry CruU (Eurbpa). '■ July 30 (New York to Paris),' Harry Bannister, O. O. Mclntyre' (ll'e- die Fratnce): " '' ' '' - July 30' (NeTi^ York " to , Stock- holm) : Greta Garbo (Grlpsholm). ..j;uly. 28 ! (New Yortc to Paris) Deems-Taylor.-v(De Grasses. .1 . July -27. (New :"3rork,to Paris)-. B.: S,- :Mpss.' F. C. - CoppiQus,.,!G-eoi'ge Seldes (Bremen). Hollywood,'w^^iipii,;." Insurance -against temperamentiai film' stars is being ;taken' by l^BQf In''the .''shape of 'b Ht'dj^'/cPihiftatij^'' y^^hlch yrfjj understuiy plqiure'pla^ ers, who, ..spotted in the weeklyj^^ programs from Radio studio, might go' higiil*h4t' iit the last'minute. '> .. j;>ecls.Io:[;i under8tu0y trot^ fqllowed 'ia case iot- teDiineran-.s''nt^ by' CbridVaiiPid" Bennett, who' thrd«f a inonkej)r wrench Into ,the pla!!i£|| wriiich;. i?aAied... ifpr/,W major- .part'iof .,thja.. program .>,(22)i« IResult Of the biitblirst'was 'cuttini^ ■Ktir"'■ a'6i;'(iowiii,'wifth''dvlnotthcair 11.' ...V ... '.11! -i'.; .: ti.--• •■ r.;.'.!: - fpTq^d tpi a^,.^^,. aii,d, wljh an^- (Orchestra.,nuinber it^row.^^ -ijp tp.'iflWf out ..the^i.tiine.ii-'ii, .'iii.i::i:.'...n .; .';-:'-i . - i.'i ' Intention is to rehearse the stftcS companyi in lali dramatic".hits.. «ni skits-intended! f or jthp; ivloturp jpj^y^ ers ih the new plcturerr-a^ip .S/er4eik so that despite a last minute mah«> ifestation of temperament, the shoV . can still' gd-i on« ■.'.' ■. > \ v ■- , ..' >,-'f MnfO^lAUfiH TRIO .. Hollywood, Ajug., 1..- • Reunitii]|g. Alb.ert A, .Vaughn, kl^ Guard.and^Al .,Cppke as. a ,twp, ireel comedy,,trip; for its first produox tipn, .Acme has .been.,pM ganisjed ijby/j,.'ii.- 6ass, A,,,iEI«.iM dj^rsjon and;; iT..- .-F. M4.}l.i^an. j Is to. produce six action feat.m'esy six westerns and 12 two reel comer* dleSi--!,..- ..r- . .... 1 M-'j-i. - I; ,. .), i - .- First two reeler starts in :-<.tw<4 weeks with Howard Bretherton dti reccing;, v Spript George Jeskct and-; CV .i^.' ^pberts^. . ..^v: '. J^j^cqufis,.- Japcaiid -.has. b.eep;.,.'e(H'^. gageia. tp 41rect .thp. Wiesterjis. P^'O-'* ductlpn..wUl ,be ^>.t Wpst^rn ^o.ui»<l Sfcudlps. J.,.«•:!.. ... .;.>(-..! 1,1:: -:r. S!iil.l^^;]fey^9i{':';,; Hollywood, Aug. 1. Sol Lesser has .l,lM a<ires . pf} land in the^ San - Fernando- vall^ 16 minutes frpi^ here, that he flg-i!- ures to get rid of . at bargain rates. He bought 200 houses that arc now: being used at the Olympic Villagei by the visiting athletes,, and uponi conclusion of-thp eVents will md^e* them' to hi^ subdiylalon,- And 'Ofiteif one acre of "ground: with- htfUs'e 'lilW? ready built for $1,500. •' '' ' ' ' ^ ^l'': ' Houses, iwhich ^liiave 2 small rbor/iHl and kitchen, are of collapdible t'yp6f^ They alsp -have dKovfet bath;, toilet and plumbing facilities. 'Will 66^ LfeB36r'^14t> 'ieiach moved 'aiid' set li0 Likely 'that Lesseir may thrOW fuifSf rilshiWfi's into the bargain aB^' W. extra "indticeme'rit: ' ' - '■''-•"'■• .:'-v.-..-- .. J - - . , ■• hj3 | -.-i-- .'.r'. •;>• •■,.,'.•. ■.■ >>.-.: I- IbfC ;;^»fitestoii^:as.;^^ I ■: .■■Hollywood,-Aug. :i;i«J'. ;. i.Pesplt^ la, previous Hays Organlxr :^t>pn ban..U:nlted Artists Is -readyK! ;ing ;.'Siiangha4 Gesture.' -, • ' ....gitpry,,,. repently .^revamped;.. WHH probably be directed by Lewli^ Milestone. . • Berkeley's Legal Woe Hollywood, Aug,'1. '' Runaround Busby Berkeley id said to have glven^ all,his attorneys when they sought their fees has resulted in. filing 'of;>i $5,000. .Sh- perlpr .cour|;..s\rit by 'Ma^ctlii.' ciia^njSiri third .unpf Id .barrister engaged ..byit the dance .director,. . . ., ' . , - . , ,vor>' Gang handled Berkeley's legal affairs after Milton Cohen and Lqeij^-. ■Walker & Lo^eb. His claim includes' fees owed the first t\Vo In Berkeley's ;bankruptcy fechedule; - Gang > -aleo .handled;step routiner's- niaritalidif-^ flculties. : M-.'r' I.-, ;■ . 'When the attorney demaijdedii payment of-fees outstandirlgi Berk-, feley notlfled him- that he had a -newi,. lawyer. Suit followedr